
Locality Profile 2016

North Locality Profile

Chapters   

Map of the locality

Demographics and Public Health Data


Local Plan

Transport and Employment

Patient Services used, CQC Physical attributes and features of the area Community assets, The Local Area is the largest of the Local Areas in the Locality. It is just under 100 square miles in size (around 250 square kilometres) and  Pharmacies  Dentists comprises 36 which are home to 26,488 people, just under half of  Opticians whom live in the town of Buckingham itself. Most of the parishes are made up  Learning Disability Centre’s  Children Centres of one or two small villages or hamlets, although there are a couple of larger  Social Care villages, most notably Steeple with a population of over 2000. Most Voluntary sector services parishes (but not all) have a church, a and a village / hall. Very few have shops and fewer still, a post office. There is a mobile shop / post office that Access to Health Services travels around some of the parishes, often joining forces with local parish coffee Prisons, Universities, colleges, mornings / afternoons as a place for people to meet and do any post office Private hospitals, Schools etc. business that they have. Care Homes


Locality Profile 2016

Who’s who?

Dr Rodger Dickson Locality Clinical Lead & GP Partner at Norden House Surgery, Winslow Shelly Wagstaff Locality Lead Nurse & Practice Nurse at the Swan Practice, Buckingham

Locality GP Practices  Ashcroft Surgery  and Surgeries  The Swan Practice  Norden House Surgery  Wing Surgery  Whitchurch Surgery

Demographics and Public Health Data

 The Vale North locality’s population size is 58,328 people – around 11% of the total population.

 18.7% of the population is aged 65+, 7.5% is aged 75+ and 2.1% is aged 85+, which are similar to the CCG averages of 17.4%, 7.6% and 2.2% respectively and the Buckinghamshire averages of 17.9%, 8.2% and 2.4% respectively. 15% of the population however are aged 25-39, lower than Aylesbury Vale CCG average and Buckinghamshire average of 18%.

 The locality is less deprived compared to Aylesbury Vale CCG and Buckinghamshire as a whole, with one area in the ward of in the most deprived population quintile in Buckinghamshire.

 The locality is less ethnically diverse compared to Aylesbury Vale CCG and Buckinghamshire as a whole.

 There is a difference of over 3 years in life expectancy between males and females in Aylesbury Vale North locality, compared to a difference in just under 3 years in Buckinghamshire.

The population of Aylesbury Vale North locality generally experiences similar health and similar life expectancy, compared to the Buckinghamshire population. Emergency admission rates to hospital are statistically lower than the Buckinghamshire and Aylesbury Vale CCG average. Early death rates are similar compared to Buckinghamshire, which itself has some of the lowest death rates in the country.


Locality Profile 2016

Demography - Population

•Locality size (2016): There are 6 GP practices in the North locality with a total registered population of 58,328 which is 28% of the total Aylesbury CCG registered population. •GP Practices (2016): The Swan Practice, Whitchurch Surgery, Norden House Surgery, Ashcroft Surgery, the Surgery Wing and Edlesborough Surgery. •Age profile: Compared to the Aylesbury Vale CCG average, the North locality has a higher proportion of males and females aged 15-19 (7.0% compared to 5.9%) and 55-69 (20.2% compared to 17.8%). There is a lower proportion however of those aged 0-4 (4.8% compared to 6.0%) and 25-39 (14.9% compared to 18.3%) compared to the Aylesbury Vale CCG average. Around 1 in 10 (10.6%) are aged 0-9 years with 18.7% aged 65 years and over. •Population changes: There has been an increase in all the older population groups since 2014 with a rise of 6.4% in those aged 65 and over; 7.3% aged 65-74; 5.3% aged 75-84 and 5.0% in those aged 85 and over. Those aged 95 and over have risen by more than a third (36.1%) compared to 25.1% Buckinghamshire average increase, although these are small numbers in the eldest age bands. NB: Since the 2014 profiles, Edlesborough Surgery has moved locality from Central to North, but this has been accounted for in the population change calculations. •Population Projection 2016-2026: The population for Aylesbury Vale District is predicted to increase by 12% (23,700 people). The district population is forecast to fall by 11% (1,080 people) in those aged 20-24 (compared to a fall of an average of 9% in Buckinghamshire) and 33% increase (10,620 people) in those aged 65 and over (compared to an average of 24% increase in Buckinghamshire). This includes a 52% increase (2,150 people) in those aged 85 and over (compared to an average increase of 47% in Buckinghamshire). •Ethnicity (2011): A low proportion of people are from a black and minority ethnic group (4.8%) compared to 9.8% in Aylesbury Vale CCG, 13.6% in Buckinghamshire and 14.7% in . [Census 2011]. •Deprivation (2015): The Index of Multiple Deprivation (2015) based on LSOAs shows an average deprivation score of 8.9 in Aylesbury Vale North locality compared to 10.8 in Aylesbury Vale CCG (Range 8.0-13.5). (Higher the score, more the deprivation). Housing in Poor Condition: This indicator from the Census 2011 indicates when a household has at least one bedroom too few for the number and composition of people living in the household and is considered overcrowded by the bedroom standard. In Aylesbury Vale North locality, 2.0% of the population are living in households which are considered as overcrowded by this indicator which is below the average for Aylesbury Vale CCG of 4%.


Locality Profile 2016

Births, low birth weight and infant mortality

• Births: There were 592 live births in the North locality, compared to 6,089 in all Buckinghamshire localities in 2015 (9.7% of all births in Buckinghamshire CCGs). The birth rate in the North locality was statistically significantly lower at 10.1, compared to the Buckinghamshire CCG rate of 11.8 in 2015, and the England rate of 12.2 (live births per 1,000 population, in 2014). The general fertility rate (per 1,000 female population aged 15- 44) in the locality was 57.8 (which is statistically significantly lower) compared to 64.8 in all Buckinghamshire localities, and 62.2 in England (2014).

• Low birth weight (LBW): 2013-15 records (from ONS) show that 7.0% of babies born to mothers in the North locality had a low birth weight (<2,500g), compared to 7.4% of babies in all Buckinghamshire localities (and 7.4% of babies in England in 2014, latest data). This is not statistically different to the combined Buckinghamshire localities data.

• Infant deaths: The infant mortality (deaths at ages under 1 year) rate for Aylesbury Vale North locality in 2013- 15 was 1.7, which is lower (but not statistically different) than the combined Buckinghamshire localities rate of 3.8 (England rate, in 2014, was 4.0 per 1,000 live births).



• Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP): In Aylesbury Vale North, 77.9% of pupils attending Buckinghamshire maintained schools and academies, achieved a Good Level of Development in 2016. This is higher than the average of 70.5% for all pupils attending Buckinghamshire schools/settings, and the highest of the Buckinghamshire localities.

• Looked After Children: The rate of Looked after Children in Aylesbury Vale North locality is 2.8 per 1,000 which is lower (but not statistically different) than the combined Buckinghamshire localities rate of 3.3 (as at 31st March 2016).


Locality Profile 2016

Life Expectancy and Mortality

 Life expectancy: The male life expectancy in the Aylesbury Vale North population in 2013-15 was 82.5 years, which is not statistically different to the Bucks average of 82.3 years (England average = 79.5 in 2012-14). Female life expectancy was 85.7 in Aylesbury Vale North compared to 85.1 in Bucks, which is not statistically different (England average = 83.2 in 2012-14).

 Mortality in under 75s: The chart below shows the contribution of each condition to the ‘gap’ in mortality between the locality and the Buckinghamshire mortality rate.

The mortality profile in the under 75 population in Aylesbury Vale North locality shows no statistically significant difference in the overall premature death rate than the combined Buckinghamshire localities (235.9 vs 240.6 per 100,000), with the major causes of premature deaths being Cancer, Circulatory disease and Respiratory disease.

Under 75s, cause specific mortality profile (2013-15 combined) North Locality


250 11.3 13.2 15.9 11.7 Other causes 200 5.5 10.6 Infectious & parasitic diseases 7.4 13.4 External causes 19.3 18.8 Genitourinary system diseases Nervous system diseases 150 Mental and behavioral disorders Digestive diseases Respiratory diseases 128.3

standardised rates per 100,000 population 100,000 per rates standardised 112.4 - 100 Cancers Circulatory diseases

Directly age Directly 50

43.6 50.2

0 North Locality Bucks CCGs Other causes 13.2 11.3 Infectious & parasitic diseases 1.1 2.4 External causes 11.7 15.9 Genitourinary system diseases 1.8 1.4 Nervous system diseases 5.5 10.6 Mental and behavioral disorders 2.1 4.3 Digestive diseases 7.4 13.4 Respiratory diseases 19.3 18.8 Cancers 128.3 112.4 Circulatory diseases 43.6 50.2

 Mortality in over 75s: The mortality profile in the over 75 population in Aylesbury Vale North locality also shows no statistically significant difference in the overall death rate than the combined Buckinghamshire localities (6,502 vs 6,577 per 100,000), with the major causes of deaths in older ages being Circulatory disease, Cancer and Respiratory disease.


Locality Profile 2016

Over 75s, cause specific mortality profile (2013-15 combined) North Locality


7,000 236.5 307.6 120.3 171.6 6,000 400.9 419.7 Other causes

865.1 Infectious & parasitic diseases 861.9 5,000 External causes 309.8 272.9 Genitourinary system diseases Nervous system diseases 4,000 1,118.8 1080.2 Mental and behavioral disorders Digestive diseases

3,000 Respiratory diseases standardised rates per 100,000 population 100,000 per rates standardised - 1,493.3 1481.4 Cancers Circulatory diseases

2,000 Directly age Directly

1,000 1,917.5 1884.5

0 North Locality Bucks CCGs Other causes 236.5 307.6 Infectious & parasitic diseases 40.5 72.9 External causes 120.3 171.6 Genitourinary system diseases 182.2 159.6 Nervous system diseases 400.9 419.7 Mental and behavioral disorders 865.1 861.9 Digestive diseases 309.8 272.9 Respiratory diseases 1,118.8 1080.2 Cancers 1,493.3 1481.4 Circulatory diseases 1,917.5 1884.5


Locality Profile 2016


• Smoking: Based on the Annual Population Survey (APS), 11.0% of adults are estimated to be smokers in Buckinghamshire compared to 16.9% in England (2015). This equates to around 5,067 current smokers in Aylesbury Vale North locality.

• Physical Activity: Based on the Active People Survey (APS) from Sport England, 22.0% of adults in Buckinghamshire are estimated to be physically inactive (less than 30 minutes activity a week), which is better than the England figure of 28.7%. This equates to around 10,490 adults in Aylesbury Vale North locality.

• Excess weight in Adults (Obese and overweight): Based on the Active People Survey (APS) from Sport England, 63% of adults in Buckinghamshire are estimated to be obese or overweight, which is similar to the England figure of 65%. This equates to around 29,801 adults in Aylesbury Vale North locality.

• Alcohol consumption: Based on the 2011 Topography of Drinking Behaviours in England, 7.6% of drinkers in Buckinghamshire are estimated to be higher risk (harmful) drinkers (men who regularly drink over 8 units per day or over 50 units per week and women who regularly drink over 6 units per day and over 35 units per week), compared to 7.1% in England. This equates to around 3,602 in Aylesbury Vale North locality.

In treatment for substance misuse o The rate of adult clients in significant contact with Buckinghamshire’s substance misuse treatment system (structured and non-structured) during 2013/14 to 2015/16 was 179.6 (per 100,000) in Aylesbury Vale North, which is statistically significantly lower than in Buckinghamshire localities (combined rate of 274.2). o The rate of adult clients in significant contact with Buckinghamshire’s substance misuse treatment system for alcohol only use (structured and non-structured) during 2013/14 to 2015/16 was 88.3 (per 100,000) in Aylesbury Vale North, which is not statistically different to the Buckinghamshire localities (combined rate of 109.6). o The rate of adult clients in significant contact with Buckinghamshire’s substance misuse treatment system for drug use (structured and non-structured) during 2013/14 to 2015/16 was 91.3 (per 100,000) in Aylesbury Vale North, which is statistically significantly lower than in Buckinghamshire localities (combined rate of 164.6).

Screening, immunisation and NHS Health checks

 Cancer screening: o Cervical Cancer: 81.0% of eligible women were screened for cervical cancer in Aylesbury Vale North locality compared to 77.3% in Aylesbury Vale CCG (NHS Cancer Screening Programme 2014/15). o Breast Cancer: 71.5% of eligible women were screened for breast cancer within 6 months of invitation in Aylesbury Vale North locality compared to 74.8% in Aylesbury Vale CCG (NHS Cancer Screening Programme 2014/15). o Bowel Cancer: 60.9% of eligible people were screened for bowel cancer within 6 months of invitation in Aylesbury Vale North locality compared to 59% in Aylesbury Vale CCG (NHS Cancer Screening Programme 2014/15).


Locality Profile 2016

 Flu vaccination: In 2015/16, 70% of population aged 65 and over in Aylesbury Vale North locality received the influenza vaccination compared to the Buckinghamshire average of 71%; slightly lower than the recommended level of uptake at 75%. Uptake among the pregnant group was 50% in Aylesbury Vale North locality, higher than the Buckinghamshire average of 43%. Uptake among children aged 2, 3 and 4 was 38%, similar to the Buckinghamshire average of 39% and among children aged 5 and 6 was 53%, higher than the Buckinghamshire average of 44%.

 NHS Health Checks: In 2015/16, local data shows 7.1% of the eligible population in Aylesbury Vale North locality received an NHS Health Check compared to the Aylesbury Vale CCG average of 6.6% and Buckinghamshire average of 7.2%


Locality Profile 2016

Long term conditions – Detection and management

The General Practice disease registers provide a count of individuals on registers such as Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), Hypertension, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) register. These are detected prevalence rates and may not be true prevalence rates. Nationally, Public Health England have also developed models to estimate the prevalence of long term conditions in the local population using models that help estimate prevalence of conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, COPD, Dementia and CHD. These estimates help local healthcare organisations understand the undetected prevalence and actual disease burden. Modelled prevalence estimates draw on national surveys and local relevant data such as age, sex and deprivation. These modelled estimates are then compared against GP recorded data to identify the proportion of cases that may as yet be undiagnosed. It is important to note that these estimates have limitations but can be used to understand the ratio of detected to estimated prevalence of conditions like diabetes or hypertension. Confidence intervals are usually too wide to statistically compare the estimates locally and have not been published.

 Expected prevalence: o Hypertension: Hypertension prevalence model estimates that the prevalence of hypertension in Aylesbury Vale North locality is around 24% compared to the detected prevalence of 14.3% which means there could be around 5,600 individuals with undiagnosed hypertension.

o Diabetes: The diabetes prevalence model developed by Public Health England estimates the prevalence of diabetes in Aylesbury Vale CCG as 8% compared to the detected prevalence of 6%; which means there could be around 2,700 individuals with undetected diabetes in Aylesbury Vale with around 1,000 undiagnosed in the Aylesbury Vale North Locality. (Note, these are modelled estimates and further analysis using practice population can be done to get approximate number of undetected cases in the practice population).

The NHS Health Checks programme in Buckinghamshire is expected to identify undiagnosed cases of hypertension and diabetes among those aged 40-75.

o Dementia: The Dementia modelled prevalence (Primary Care Web Tool, March 2015 data) shows a dementia diagnosis gap in Aylesbury Vale North, with an estimated prevalence of 1.22% compared to a detected prevalence of 0.71%, which means there could be around 36 undiagnosed dementia cases in the locality. This compares to an estimated prevalence rate of 1.18% vs. 0.70% detected in Aylesbury Vale CCG (1043 people), and 1.24% vs. 0.68% in Bucks CCGs combined (3195) people.

 Detected prevalence: (Source: 2015/16 CQRS provisional figures. Since these figures are not published by HSCIC, regional and national comparator values are not yet available.) o Hypertension: 14.3% in Aylesbury Vale North locality with 8,348 individuals on hypertension register, compared to 13.4% in Buckinghamshire CCGs (combined). o Diabetes: 5.5% in Aylesbury Vale North locality with 2,533 individuals on the diabetes register, compared to 5.9% in Buckinghamshire CCGs (combined). o Coronary heart disease (CHD): 3.0% in Aylesbury Vale North locality with 1,735 individuals on the CHD register, compared to Buckinghamshire CCGs (combined) average of 2.9%. 9

Locality Profile 2016

o Heart failure (HF): 0.66% in Aylesbury Vale North locality with 386 individuals on the HF register, compared to 0.60% in Buckinghamshire CCGs (combined). o Stroke and Transient Ischaemic Attack (STIA): 1.44% in Aylesbury Vale North locality with 840 individuals on the STIA register, compared to 1.62% in Buckinghamshire CCGs (combined). o Atrial Fibrillation (AF): 2.0% in Aylesbury Vale North locality with 1,149 individuals on the AF register, compared to 1.9% in Buckinghamshire CCGs (combined). o Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): 3.1% in Aylesbury Vale North locality with 1,393 individuals on the CKD register, compared to 3.3% in Buckinghamshire CCGs (combined). o COPD: 1.40% in Aylesbury Vale North locality with 818 individuals on the COPD register, compared to Buckinghamshire CCGs (combined) average of 1.36%. o Asthma: 6.1% in Aylesbury Vale North locality with 3,541 individuals on the Asthma register, compared to 6.0% in Buckinghamshire CCGs (combined). o Depression: 8.4% in Aylesbury Vale North locality with 3,835 individuals on the Depression register, compared to 7.9% in Buckinghamshire CCGs (combined). o Dementia: 0.72% in Aylesbury Vale North locality with 421 individuals on the Dementia register, compared to 0.73% in Buckinghamshire CCGs (combined). o Severe mental illness (SMI): 0.53% in Aylesbury Vale North locality with 307 individuals on the SMI register, compared to 0.72% in Buckinghamshire CCGs (combined). o Cancer: 2.8% in Aylesbury Vale North locality with 1,661 individuals on the Cancer register, compared to 2.7% in Buckinghamshire CCGs (combined).


Locality Profile 2016

Healthcare use (hospitals) – Secondary Uses Services

 Emergency admission rates (Directly standardised rate per 100,000 population, 2015/16. Note: actual admission rates available in summary table) o All causes: The rate is significantly lower than the combined Buckinghamshire localities average. . Between 2008/09 and 2015/16 the rate of admissions in Aylesbury Vale North locality have increased by 21%

o All causes, 65+: The rate is lower than the combined Buckinghamshire localities but with no significant difference. o All causes, 75+: The rate is lower than the combined Buckinghamshire localities but with no significant difference. . Between 2008/09 and 2015/16 the rate of admissions in Aylesbury Vale North locality have increased by 13%.


Locality Profile 2016

All Emergency Admissions (excluding admissions to MH Trusts), Ages 75+, FY 08/09 to FY 15/16, by locality within Aylesbury Vale CCG






10,000 DASR per 100,000 population100,000 per DASR


0 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 Year

Aylesbury Vale Central Aylesbury Vale North Aylesbury Vale CCGs (Combined) Aylesbury Vale CCG Chiltern CCG

o All circulatory: The rate is higher than the combined Buckinghamshire localities but with no significant difference. o Coronary Heart Disease (CHD): The rate is higher than the combined Buckinghamshire localities but with no significant difference. o Stroke: The rate is lower than the combined Buckinghamshire localities but with no significant difference. o HF: The rate is lower than the combined Buckinghamshire localities but with no significant difference. o Diabetes: The rate is lower than the combined Buckinghamshire localities but with no significant difference. o All respiratory: The rate is higher than the combined Buckinghamshire localities but with no significant difference. o COPD: The rate is higher than the combined Buckinghamshire localities but with no significant difference. o All cancers: The rate is higher than the combined Buckinghamshire localities but with no significant difference. o Falls (65+): The rate is lower than the combined Buckinghamshire localities but with no significant difference.

 Admission rates for Mental Health (specialties or diagnosis): The rate is significantly lower than the combined Buckinghamshire localities average. 12

Locality Profile 2016

 Emergency admissions as a % of patients on the respective disease register (2015/16) o Heart failure: 16% in Aylesbury Vale North locality compared to 19% in Buckinghamshire CCGs (from SCWCSU Urgent Care Dashboard). o COPD: 10% in Aylesbury Vale North locality compared to 11% in Buckinghamshire CCGs (from SCWCSU Urgent Care Dashboard).

 Top causes of admissions (all) in people aged 65 and over, 2013/14-2015/16 (combined) Aylesbury Vale North 3838 1 Cataract 818 21.3% 2 Cancer 613 16.0% 3 Osteoartritis lower limb 372 9.7% 4 Pneumonia 345 9.0% 5 Urinary tract infection 263 6.9% 6 Coronary heart disease 248 6.5% 7 Blood in urine 198 5.2% Diverticular disease of large intestine 8 173 4.5% without perforation or abscess 9 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 166 4.3% 10 Atrial fibrillation and flutter 139 3.6% 11 Disorders of iron metabolism 128 3.3% 12 Fracture of neck of femur 126 3.3% 13 Chest pain, unspecified 125 3.3% 14 Gastroenteritis 124 3.2%

 Bed days, 2015/16 o Emergency admission: In 2015/16 the registered population of Aylesbury Vale North had a total of 11,495 bed days for emergency admissions. 65.6%, or 7,538 bed days, were in the 65+ population and 49.1%, or 5,646 bed days, were in the 75+ population.

o All admissions: In 2015/16 the registered population of Aylesbury Vale North had a total of 21,534 bed days for all admissions. 50.4%, or 10,851 bed days, were in the 65+ population and 36.3%, or 7,810 bed days, were in the 75+ population.

o Emergency admissions 65+: 53.4% of in-year bed days, for the registered population of Aylesbury Vale North, are for emergency admissions, with 69.5% of in-year bed days, for the registered population aged 65+ of Aylesbury Vale North, are for emergency admissions.


Locality Profile 2016

 Repeat admissions, 2015/16 o All ages: In the Aylesbury Vale North locality, there were 4,398 emergency admissions to 3,173 people; 2,354 people had a single admission, 533 people had two admissions, 146 people had three admissions and 140 people had four or more emergency admissions in the year. In Aylesbury Vale North locality the maximum number of repeat admissions was 16 within the year. Across the Buckinghamshire localities, of the 33,267 people admitted as an emergency in 2015/16, 2,743 were previously admitted as an emergency in 2014/15 and 1,657 of them were also previously admitted as an emergency in 2013/14.

o Ages 65+: In the Aylesbury Vale North locality, there were 1,867 emergency admissions to 1,267 people; 864 people had a single admission, 263 people had two admissions, 72 people had three admissions and 68 people had four or more emergency admissions in the year. In Aylesbury Vale North locality the maximum number of repeat admissions was 16 within the year. Across the Buckinghamshire localities, of the 12,891 people age 65 and over admitted as an emergency in 2015/16, 1,492 were previously admitted as an emergency in 2014/15 and 925 of them were also previously admitted as an emergency in 2013/14.

o Ages 75+: In the Aylesbury Vale North locality, there were 1,276 emergency admissions to 824 people; 541 people had a single admission, 182 people had two admissions, 51 people had three admissions and 50 people had four or more emergency admissions in the year. In Aylesbury Vale North locality the maximum number of repeat admissions was 11 within the year. Across the Buckinghamshire localities, of the 9,045 people age 75 and over admitted as an emergency in 2015/16, 1,128 were previously admitted as an emergency in 2014/15 and 652 of them were also previously admitted as an emergency in 2013/14.

 Diabetes repeat admissions o Person admissions: The 25 emergency admissions for diabetes in 2015/16 were to 22 different people o Repeat admissions: In the Aylesbury Vale North locality, 19 people had one admission and 3 person had two emergency admissions for diabetes. Across the Buckinghamshire localities, of the 222 people admitted as an emergency in 2015/16, 11 were previously admitted as an emergency in 2014/15 and nine of them were also previously admitted as an emergency in 2013/14 for diabetes.

 Cancer admissions o All admissions: In 2015/16 in Aylesbury Vale North locality, there were almost 1,400 admissions for cancer (primary diagnosis). The rate is significantly lower than the combined Buckinghamshire localities average. o Emergency: Of these, 27.3% (380 admissions) were an emergency. This is higher than the Buckinghamshire average of 26.2%.


Locality Profile 2016

 Children’s admissions (Directly standardised rate per 100000 population, 2015/16)

o All emergency admissions, under 5s: The rate is lower to that of the combined Buckinghamshire localities but with no significant difference. . Between 2008/09 and 2015/16 the rate of admissions in Aylesbury Vale North locality has increased by almost 90%.

All Emergency Admissions, Under 5s FY 08/09 to FY 15/16, by locality within Aylesbury Vale CCG








6,000 DASR per 100,000 population100,000 per DASR 4,000


0 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 Year

Aylesbury Vale Central Aylesbury Vale North Aylesbury Vale South Bucks CCGs (Combined) Aylesbury Vale CCG Chiltern CCG

o All emergency admissions, under 15s: The rate is significantly lower than the combined Buckinghamshire localities. o All emergency admissions, under 20s: The rate is significantly lower than the combined Buckinghamshire localities average. o Respiratory admissions (Lower Respiratory Tract Infections), under 20s: The rate is higher than that of the combined Buckinghamshire localities but with no significant difference. o Accidental and deliberate injuries, under 15s: The rate is lower than the combined Buckinghamshire localities, but with no significant difference. o Accidental and deliberate injuries, 15-24s: The rate is lower than the combined Buckinghamshire localities, but with no significant difference. . Between 2008/09 and 2015/16 the rate of admissions in Aylesbury Vale North locality has remained similar.


Locality Profile 2016

Emergency Admissions for unintentional and deliberate injuries, ages 15-24 FY 08/09 to FY 15/16, by locality within Aylesbury Vale CCG








600 DASR per 100,000 population100,000 per DASR 400


0 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 15/16 Year

Aylesbury Vale Central Aylesbury Vale North Aylesbury Vale South Bucks CCGs (Combined) Aylesbury Vale CCG Chiltern CCG


Locality Profile 2016

Patient experience – GP

The graph below presents the percentage patient satisfaction score by practice in Aylesbury Vale CCG.

Patient Satisfaction Score for Aylesbury Vale CCG Practices, Published July 2016 AVCCG average = 84.7% Bucks CCGs average = 85.5% England average = 85.2% % Good % Good Aylesbury Vale CCG % Good Bucks CCGs 100.0% 96.3% 95.6% 95.9% 95.0% 91.5% 91.8% 91.8% 90.7% 90.0% 88.2% 88.7% 87.4% 87.9% 86.6% 86.5% 86.5% 85.3% 85.0% 81.4% 80.0% 79.3%

75.8% 75.0%

% Satisfaction score Satisfaction % 70.0%

65.0% 61.4% 60.0%


50.0% K82019 K82040 K82073 K82038 Y01964 K82018 K82014 K82043 K82069 K82061 K82007 K82079 K82070 K82042 K82028 K82021 K82034 K82068 K82047 Central North South Aylesbury Vale CCG Practices


Locality Profile 2016

Local Plan


Locality Profile 2016

Transport and Employment

Buckingham Local Area

Public Transport

The following is the list of Bus services that exist in the Buckingham Local Area. For detailed timetables and stops visit http://www.transportforbucks.net/Buses-and-trains/Bus-timetables.aspx

Bus No Area 16 Aylesbury - - (-)

18 Aylesbury/Buckingham - Steeple Claydon -

32 Buckingham - - - 37 Bicester - Frinford - Hethe - Mixbury - Tingewick

54A/B/C The Winslow Connection

60 Aylesbury - Winslow - Buckingham -

68 Winslow - - Centre via , , Nash and Whaddon

131/132 Buckingham - Tingewick - Includes the Buckingham Town Service For all buses to Western Avenue, Overn Avenue, Page Hill, Linden Village Badgers Way and Bourtonville http://www.buckscc.gov.uk/transport 133 - Tingewick - - Buckingham

134 Westbury to Buckingham Tuesdays only

135 Buckingham Villages, Saturday Market Bus

151 Akeley - Buckingham - Thornborough - Buckingham

X5 Cambridge - - Milton Keynes - Buckingham - Valid from 1st September 2013

There are no mainline train stations within the locality, however depending on whether the parish is to the east of west of Buckingham there are two stations just outside of the locality, Bicester North and Milton Keynes Central both of which have regular trains to and . Those in the south of the local area may also use Haddenham & Parkway, Aylesbury Parkway or Aylesbury stations.


Locality Profile 2016

Community Transport

The Winslow Community Bus provides an excellent service in the villages around Winslow and Buckingham. It has 17 volunteer drivers and one part-time coordinator. The service provides routes into Buckingham and Aylesbury on market days and can pick people up from their door. There is a charge for journeys but the service is supported by Buckinghamshire Council and Winslow Town Council which ensures that it is excellent value for the end user. It is also available for hire by groups for trips and excursions.

Users of Winslow Community Bus describe it as not just a valuable service to get people around but also a social experience in itself as regular users are able to catch up with each other during the journeys.

There are at least 3 community transport schemes in the Buckingham Local Area. The Community Care North Bucks Hospital Car Service provides transport for anyone registered at a surgery in Buckingham or Winslow to and from hospital. The service is booked through the surgery and Community Care North Bucks provide around 100 lifts to hospitals per month (1000+ per year). The drivers are volunteers but there is a small charge to help cover expenses. The drivers provide more than just a taxi service. They are able to accompany patients to their appointments if they wish and this can be valuable, particularly if the appointment results in treatment or unwelcome news. As volunteers use their own cars it is not always possible to transport patients who need to stay in their wheelchair. However the South Central Ambulance Service does run a non-emergency patient transport service and more info can be found at http://www.southcentralambulance.nhs.uk/our-ervices/commercial1/patienttransportservice.ashx

Other known community transport services in the local area include the Maids Moreton Friends at Hand Scheme, which is a good neighbour scheme that includes transport and the Doctors Car Service. It is quite possible that there are more unofficial car schemes available and as the asset mapping is an ongoing exercise, these should be discovered in the coming weeks and months. However, Community Transport remains a key priority for the CLO and the District Council in the locality.

As a result of the issues and ideas discussed at the Ageing Well workshops in July 2013, there is now a working group to take forward some ideas for community transport. This will continue to develop with the support of local residents, the town and district councils and local voluntary sector organisations.

Winslow & District Local Area

Physical attributes and features of the area The Winslow & District Local Area is much smaller than the Buckingham Local Areas. It is approximately 43 square miles in size (around 112 square kilometres) and comprises 15 parishes which are home to 12,024 people, just under half of whom live in the town of Winslow. The area is very similar to the Buckingham Local Area, as once again, most of the parishes are made up of one or two small villages or hamlets.

Most parishes (but not all) have a church, a pub and a village / parish hall. Very few have shops and fewer still, a post office. The mobile shop / post office mentioned in the Buckingham Local Area also appears in some of the parishes in the Winslow & District Local Area.


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Public Transport The following is the list of Bus services that exist in the Winslow & district local area.

Bus No Area 32 Buckingham - Milton Keynes - Bletchley - Newton Longville 50 The Horwoods - Winslow - Bletchley - Milton Keynes 54A/B/C The Winslow Connection 60 Aylesbury - Winslow - Buckingham - Maids Moreton 67 Great Horwood - - Aylesbury via Little Horwood, Mursley and Dunton 68 Winslow - Great Horwood - Westcroft Centre via Little Horwood, Mursley, Nash and Whaddon 153/154 Newton Longville (154 only) - - - Weedon - Aylesbury

Great Brickhill & Wing Local Area

Physical attributes and features of the area

The & Wing Local Area is similar in size to the Winslow & District Local Area (although it would be significantly larger if it included the parishes in the area that fall into the AV Central locality. It is approximately 43 square miles in size again (around 111 square kilometres) and comprises 10 parishes which are home to 10,218 people. The area is very similar again to the other local areas in the locality with most of the parishes are made up of one or two small villages or hamlets. Wing is the largest parish in the local area (2,745) followed by Stewkley (1,840).

Most parishes (but not all) have a church, a pub and a village / parish hall. Very few have shops and fewer still, a post office. The mobile shop / post office mentioned in the other local areas also appears in some of the parishes in the Great Brickhill & Wing Local Area.

Public Transport

Bus No Area 32 Buckingham - Milton Keynes - Bletchley - Newton Longville 50 The Horwoods - Winslow - Bletchley - Milton Keynes 70 Milton Keynes - Leighton Buzzard - Dunstable - - Luton Airport 151 Akeley - Buckingham - Thornborough - Buckingham 153/154 Newton Longville (154 only) - Stewkley - Aston Abbotts - Weedon - Aylesbury 162 Bletchley - Leighton Buzzard - Edlesborough 164 Aylesbury - - - - Leighton Buzzard 165 Hospital - Mandeville Estate - Aylesbury - Leighton Buzzard 167 Ivinghoe - Cheddington - - Leighton Buzzard There are no mainline train stations within the locality; however, the nearest stations to the Great Brickhill and Wing Local Area would be Leighton Buzzard and Milton Keynes Central both of which have regular trains to London and Birmingham. Those in the south of the local area may find it easier to use Tring, Aylesbury Parkway or Aylesbury stations.


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Community Transport

There is at least 1 community transport schemes in the Great Brickhill & Wing Local Area. Stewkley has a volunteer driver scheme. As with the other local areas, it is likely that there are more unofficial car schemes available and as the asset mapping is an ongoing exercise, these should be discovered in the coming weeks and months.


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Community Assets


NAME ADDRESS TOWN POSTCODE TEL FAX Boots the Chemist 11 Market Hill Buckingham MK18 1JX 01280 813263 01280 823894 Edlesborough Pharmacy 11 Cow Lane Edlesborough LU6 2HT 01525 223181 01525 222961 Jardines Pharmacy The Bullring, Market Hill Buckingham MK18 1JX 01280 822558 01280 822558 Jardines Pharmacy 18 High Street Wing LU7 0NR 01296 682543 01296 682014 Lloyds Pharmacy 10-12 Meadow Walk Buckingham MK18 1RR 01280 813262 01280 813262 Lloyds Pharmacy 82 High Street Winslow MK18 3DQ 01296 712061 01296 714465 Tesco Pharmacy London Road Buckingham MK18 1AB 01280 403647 01280 747317


NAME ADDRESS TOWN POSTCODE TEL Contract Winslow Dental 4a High Street Winslow MK18 3HF 01296 712548 Full NHS Practice Buckingham Dental 7 High Street Buckingham MK18 1NT 01280 821927 Full NHS Practice Bank Chambers Dental 11 Market Square Buckingham MK18 1NS 01280 822210 Full NHS Practice Meadow Walk Dental 1b Meadow Walk, off High Buckingham MK18 1RS 01280 812701 Child / Practice Street exempts only The White House 34a The High Street Winslow MK18 3HB 01296 712264 Child / Dental Practice exempts only


None in this locality, nearest orthodontist is in Aylesbury or Milton Keynes


NAME ADDRESS TOWN POSTCODE TEL Boots Opticians 13 Market Square Buckingham MK18 1NW 01280 812166 Brian Clark Opticians Ltd 42 High Street Winslow MK18 3HB 01296 712043 S.H. Harrold (1937) Limited 3 Bridge Street Buckingham MK18 1EL 01895 237799 Vision Express 7 Meadow Walk Buckingham MK18 1RS 01280 822204 Buckingham House Dental & 7 High Street Buckingham MK18 1NT 01280 821927 Eyecare


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Day Centre’s

NAME ADDRESS TOWN POSTCODE TEL Buckingham Day Care Day Centre, Verney Close Buckingham MK18 1JP 01296 382131

Children Centre’s

NAME ADDRESS TOWN POSTCODE TEL Buckingham Children’s Centre Grenville Combined Buckingham MK18 1AP 01280821467 School, Chandos Road, Steeple Claydon Children’s School, Meadoway Steeple Claydon, MK18 2PA 01296 738510 Centre Waddesdon & Whitchurch Waddesdon Football Waddesdon, HP18 0LX 01296 655218 Children’s Centre Pavilion, Frederick Street Wing Children’s Centre Overstone School, Wing, Leighton LU7 0NY 01296 681163 Church Street, , Buzzard


Locality Profile 2016

Voluntary Sector Services

Prevention Matters Priorities The Community Links Officer (CLO) has identified a number of key Prevention Matters priorities for the locality that will form the focus of the work over the next few months. These priorities also help to determine the sort of services and projects where Prevention Matters grants can be targeted. The priorities have been identified using the data provided by the Community Practice Workers (CPW) in terms of successful referrals and unmet demand (gaps where there are no appropriate services available), consultation with district council officers, town and parish councils, other statutory and voluntary sector organisations and also through the in depth knowledge of the cohort and the locality that the CLO has gained. The CLO has also worked with the other CLOs across the county to identify some key countywide priorities which affect all localities. Countywide Priorities Befriending Community Transport Aylesbury Vale North Priorities Affordable Day Activities Gentle Exercise Low Cost Gardening Services Dementia Services Social Gardening Men in Sheds Outreach for Carers Background data Physical Area The Aylesbury Vale North locality (AV North) is just less than 200 square miles in terms of land area (500 square kilometres). It is a very rural locality in the north of Buckinghamshire. There are officially 63 civil parishes covering the area (approximately a third of the parishes in Bucks). There are 2 small market towns, Buckingham and Winslow, and approximately 70 villages or hamlets (as some of the parishes cover more than one village).

Population The total population of the Aylesbury Vale North locality (AV North) is 49,974 based on the populations of the 63 civil parishes from the 2011 Census statistics. The official Clinical Commissioning Group statistics for AV North do not include the area to the east of Little Horwood and the north of Stewkley and Wing e.g. Newton Longville, Great Brickhill etc. This is because they are not officially part of the AV North Clinical Commissioning Group Locality, however, it was decided that, as they are still part of Buckinghamshire, the Community Links Officer (CLO) Service should cover this area.

Buckingham is the largest town and has a population of around 12000. Winslow is much smaller with a population of 4500. The villages range in size from Wing, which has a population of around 2700, to , which has a population of 22. Local Area Forums There are 3 main Local Area Forums (LAF) within the locality, Buckingham Local Area (36 parishes), Winslow & District Local Area (15 Parishes) and Great Brickhill, Wing & Ivinghoe Local Area (GBWI), which is shared with


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Aylesbury Vale Central Locality (10 of the GBWI parishes are in AV North). There are two other parishes in the locality from different local areas, Marsh Gibbon (Waddesdon LAF) and Weedon (Greater Aylesbury LAF).

Age Demographics In terms of age demographics, AV North is fairly representative of the wider Aylesbury Vale District and of Buckinghamshire County. Again official CCG statistics put the number of over 65s at 15.3%, lower than the Buckinghamshire average of 16.1%. However, including the additional parishes to the north-east of the patch and using the 2011 census statistics, this number rises to 16.3%, slightly higher than the Buckinghamshire average. Moreover projections indicate that the number of over 65s in Buckinghamshire will increase by approximately 40% over the next 10-15 years but in Aylesbury Vale as a whole the number is expected to rise by around 57%. This clearly has implications for Health and Social Care Services going forward. Another important point to note is that the overall population of Aylesbury Vale will rise by around 9% during that same time period compared to the Buckinghamshire projected rise of 5%.

Ethnic Diversity AV North is one of the least ethnically diverse localities in Buckinghamshire. Overall, the ethnicity of the locality is approximately 97.5% White British (2.5% Black and Minority Ethnic). This is much less diverse than the Aylesbury Vale District average of 89.6% White British (10.4% Black and Minority Ethnic) and lower still than the Bucks average of 86.4% White British (13.6% Black and Minority Ethnic). Within the locality ethnic diversity can be broken down further into the three main local areas:

l, Wing and Ivinghoe Local Area.

Deprivation 0% of the population of the AV North Locality are in the 30% most deprived areas in terms of, Overall Deprivation, Income, Employment, Adult Qualifications, Health & Disability and Crime (although 5% of Children’s Education in the Buckingham Local Area is in the 30% most deprived areas). Average household incomes are comparable to the wider district and County averages.

Health The population of the AV North locality experiences similar or better health than the Buckinghamshire population:

similar to Bucks which itself has some of the lowest death rates in the country.

Some specific issues that have been identified in the AV North Locality are: - emergency admissions statistically higher than Bucks oss the locality (including dementia, depression and social isolation). A higher proportion of older people are estimated to have difficulty with one or more activities of daily living. - cardiovascular conditions in particular, but also those with multiple conditions and co-existing mental health problems.


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As a result of this, three priorities were proposed for AV North at the locality’s first Public and Patient Engagement Workshop. These were:  Cardiovascular disease  Falls in older people  Older people’s health and wellbeing

Key Groups or Networks Older People’s Action Groups There are currently no Older People’s Action Groups (OPAGs) as such running in the locality although there is a ‘virtual’ OPAG in Buckingham which, by choice, only meets occasionally to discuss specific pressing issues as they arise and information is disseminated by the leader of the group.

Buckingham & Winslow Network Lunches The Buckingham Network lunches take place once a month in the lounges at Chandos Court in Buckingham and Swan Court in Winslow. There are around 30 groups who attend on a semi regular basis, although not usually at the same time as many of the groups prefer to drop in on alternate months or once every few months. It is a good meeting place to discuss issues and for groups to be introduced to one another and find out how they can work together. Leadership of the group is shared between the CLO and the District Council.

Access for All Buckingham The Access for All Group in Buckingham aims to improve accessibility for vulnerable adults and those with disabilities. It works with local businesses and services.

Community Care North Bucks Community Care North Bucks support carers in the north of Aylesbury Vale with support / social groups for adult carers, former carers and young carers. They also run the North Bucks Hospital Car Service which has around 70 volunteers and does over 1000 journeys a year giving older people and other vulnerable adults’ lifts to hospital appointments.

Care Agencies There are a number of Care Agencies who provide quality home help services in the locality. The three which have engaged most with Prevention Matters are Home Instead, Buckingham Home Care and Extra Help.

Churches There are a number of active churches in Aylesbury Vale North who provide Prevention Matters related assets. The Parish Church in Buckingham (St Peter & St Paul) is very active providing coffee mornings, lunches and transport via the church -bus. The 3 B’s Methodist Circuit have a pastoral worker who supports older people and vulnerable adults in Buckingham and a number of the surrounding villages including Thornborough, Steeple Claydon and Gawcott. They are also part of the Steeple Claydon.


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Churches Together Group along with St Michaels who are in turn part of the Swan and Claydons Benefice. They have recently provided training for volunteers to provide a Home Visiting Service for socially isolated people and are thinking of starting a community car scheme across the Claydons.

Winslow Big Society - Winslow The Winslow Big Society is a local voluntary group who work with others to identify gaps in local community provision of services of all types to all Winslow residents, regardless of age and situation. They then set up projects to meet the need. They are currently supporting the CAB in Winslow and Buckingham with their marketing, providing monthly lunches for people who are socially isolated, leading a simply walk for people who are not able to walk regularly, and developing an Easy Guide to Winslow and a community transport project for people in rural areas.

Swan Community Hub - Buckingham The Swan Community Hub is a movement of local people committed to serving the local community. It works in partnership with a number of other organisations in Buckingham including the Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) and the two main churches. Among its projects are the job club and the credit union. The CLO is currently working with the Swan Community Hub and the District Council on a potential ‘Men in Sheds’ Buckingham project and has discussed an idea for a mobile advice and training facility for older people and other vulnerable adults using existing assets e.g. the mobile library service or the youth service / children’s services bus.

Publications Many of the towns and parishes have local newsletters or parish magazines which are very useful for finding out about local assets but also in communicating with local residents. The main newspaper in the north of the locality (Winslow upwards) is the Buckingham and Winslow Advertiser while villages in the southern part of the locality are covered by the .

Local Area Forums The CLO attends all three of the main local area forums in the locality and works closely with the two locality managers covering the patch. To date there haven’t been too many opportunities for joint working although there have been some discussions about starting Men in Sheds in Buckingham and about Community Car Schemes. However, the locality managers are a fantastic resource to the Community Links Officers in terms of their knowledge of local areas and contacts with Parish, District and County Councillors.

Volunteering Organisations and locality The locality has a large number of very active and committed volunteers. A good example of this is the Carers support group in Buckingham that meet three times a month and is run by volunteers and supported by Carers Bucks. Throughout the villages in the locality there are many great Friendship and Good Neighbour Clubs as well as lots of lunch clubs. These volunteers work so hard to support others in the community. One concern however is the number of groups who rely on volunteers who themselves are getting older, which must call into question their long-term sustainability. One of the challenges and priorities of Prevention Matters should be to re-vitalise some of these groups with a crop of younger volunteers.


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Many of the groups are also inspired by the faith communities around the locality. Some of the bigger groups and movements like Community Care North Bucks, The Swan Community Hub and The Winslow Big Society group have strong links to the churches although they welcome volunteers and members of all faiths and non-faith.

Opportunities There are lots of opportunities for people to volunteer in many different ways. Volunteers are always needed for Simply Walks, Community Transport Schemes, Lunch Clubs, Befriending and Visiting. It seems to be harder to recruit volunteers for more specialist support groups like the Buckingham Stroke Support Group. The input and support of the Prevention Matters Volunteer Hub will be welcomed by groups like these as well as those with less specialised volunteering opportunities.

Recruitment Now that the Volunteer Hub is up and running the CLO for the AV North Locality will be working closely with them and the District Council to develop a plan for recruiting more volunteers into Prevention Matters related activities. Already there have been some innovative ideas for ways in which people could be encouraged to volunteer such as parking rewards for people who provide others with essential lifts. The Time Banking Model that is to be introduced as part of the Volunteer Hub will provide another interesting and innovative angle to this. Another important part of the volunteer recruitment process will be the Asset Based Community Development work (ABCD) that the CLO has begun in partnership with the District Council. This will promote resident led action and aims to target people who are new to volunteering rather than just expecting the ‘same old people’ to do the volunteering all of the time.


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Access to Health Services

NAME ADDRESS POSTCODE TEL FAX Web Swan Practice North End, High MK18 1NU 01280 01280 www.theswanpractice.co.uk Street, Buckingham 818600 818618 E; [email protected] Whitchurch 49 Oving Road, HP22 4JF 01296 01296 www.whitchurchsurgery.co.uk Surgery Whitchurch 641203 640021 Norden House Avenue Road, MK18 3DW 01296 01296 www.nordenhousesurgery.co.uk Surgery Winslow 713434 715439 Ashcroft Surgery Stewkley Road, LU7 0NE 01296 www.ashcroft-surgery.co.uk Wing 688201 Verney Close Verney Close MK18 1JP 01280 01280 www.verneysurgery.co.uk Surgery 822777 823541 Wing Surgery 46 Stewkley Road, LU7 0NE 01296 www.wingsurgery.co.uk/ Wing 688949 Edlesborough 11 Cow Lane, LU6 2HT 01525 www.edlesboroughsurgery.co.uk Surgery Edlesborough 221630

There are also a number of hospitals that patients in the AV North locality can access

Hospital ADDRESS POSTCODE TEL Web Buckingham Hospital High Street, Buckingham, MK18 1NU 01280 813243 www.buckshealthcare.nhs.uk Stoke Mandeville Mandeville Road HP21 8AL. 01296 315000 www.buckshealthcare.nhs.uk Hospital Aylesbury

Wycombe Hospital Queen Alexandra Road HP11 2TT 01494 526161 www.buckshealthcare.nhs.uk / Milton Keynes Standing Way MK6 5LD 01908 660033 www.mkhospital.nhs.uk/cont Hospital NHS Eaglestone act-us Foundation Trust Milton Keynes


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Buckingham community Hospital Buckingham Community Hospital provides care for patients following treatment or surgery at an acute hospital. The hospital acts as a bridge between hospital and home, particularly for elderly patients who may need rehabilitation before being able to look after themselves at home, with the support of our community nursing team

Milton Keynes University Hospital Trust

Milton Keynes Hospital is medium sized district general hospital, serving Milton Keynes and surrounding areas. The hospital has approximately 400 inpatient beds, and provides a broad range of general medical and surgical services. They have a busy A&E Department that manages all medical, surgical and child health emergency admissions. As the local population grows, they continue to develop our facilities. In addition to providing general acute services, Milton Keynes Hospital increasingly provides more specialist services, including cancer care, cardiology and oral surgery.

They have responsibility for treating premature babies born locally. Some of the babies treated are born as early as 24 weeks old (16 weeks early), and weigh as little as 500 grams.

Stoke Mandeville Hospital Outpatient care: Outpatients, diagnostics, therapies, older people’s day hospital Planned and inpatient care: Day case surgery, consultant-led women and children’s centre, neonatal intensive care, rehabilitation, chemotherapy Emergency care: Accident & emergency, critical care, emergency and trauma surgery, acute medical care, acute obstetrics and gynaecology Specialist care: National Spinal Injuries Centre, burns and plastic surgery unit, Opthalmology Clinical support services: Radiology, MRI and CT, pharmacy, pathology, infection control

Wycombe Hospital Outpatient care: Outpatients, diagnostics, therapies, older people’s day hospital Planned and inpatient care: Day case surgery, elective treatment centre, rehabilitation, midwife-led birth centre, children’s ambulatory care centre, chemotherapy Minor injuries and illness care: GP-led Minor Injuries and Illness Unit (MIIU) Specialist care: Specialist cardiology, respiratory services, haematology and inpatient stroke care

Prisons, Universities, Colleges & Private Hospitals, etc.

HM Prison Grendon, , Buckinghamshire, HP18 0TL tel; 01296 445000

HM Prison Spring Hill, Grendon Underwood, Buckinghamshire, HP18 0TL tel; 01296 445000


University Address Contact Number Web; Buckingham Hunter Street, MK18 1EG 01280814080 www.buckingham.ac.uk


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There are no colleges in the north locality, the nearest in Aylesbury or Milton Keynes

Adult Learning

Centre Address Contact Number Buckingham Adult Verney Close, MK18 1JP 0845 0454040 Learning Centre Winslow Adult Park Road, Winslow, MK18 3DL 0845 0454040 Centre Libraries

Library Address Contact Number Buckingham Library Verney Close, MK18 1JP 0845 0454040 Wing Library Leighton Road, Wing 0845 0454040 Winslow Library Park Road, Winslow 0845 0454040


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Care Homes

Care Home Address Town Postcode Contact Number OP D PD LDA MH SI YA AD

Old Barn Close 4 Old Barn Close Gawcott, MK18 4JH 01280 821006 x Buckingham Carey Lodge Church Street Wing LU7 0NY 01296 689870 x x Chiltern View Oving Road Whitchurch HP22 4ER 01296 641146 x x Lime Tree Court Church Street, Buckingham Mk18 4EX 01296 730556 x x Twyford Old Barn Close 5 Old Barn Close, Buckingham MK18 4JH 01442 292300 x Gawcott Shaftesbury Court High Street Winslow MK18 3HA 01296 714858 x Swan House High Street Winslow MK18 3DR 01296 711400 x x x x

Service User Bands

OP Older people (65+) D Dementia PD Physical disability LDA Learning disability, autism

MH Mental health SI Sensory impairment YA Younger adults AD People who misuse alcohol and drug.


Locality Profile 2016