
SCOP Norse Myth Version 3.0 For the purpose of these sheets, myth systems are belief systems that are no longer widely practiced. Important terms are marked in b old; a bolded term is worth researching online for more information.

Deities Name Other Name(s) Details The A ll-Father and leader of the Æsir. Father of T hor. Hung himself on Y ggdrasil for nine Wotann days to gain , and t raded an eye to gain wisdom by drinking from Mimir's well. Woden Destined to be killed by F enrir at R agnarök. Owns the ravens H ugin and M unin; the Oðinn , and a ring that replicates itself, called D raupnir. of thunder. Son of O din and husband of S if. Owns the short-handled M jölnir. Has Donar a long-standing feud with J örmungandr, who he will kill at R agnarök only to take nine steps and die. Rides a chariot pulled by goats named "Tooth-Grinder" and "Tooth-Gnasher." Trickster. Tricked Hodr into killing B aldr; is punished by being tied beneath a that drips venom onto him, causing earthquakes. His release will trigger R agnarök, during which he will lead an army against the Æsir. Father of J örmungandr, F enrir, and H el with A ngerboða. of S leipnir, an eight-legged horse. Sometimes considered a J otunn or half-Jotunn. of , sex, and beauty. Sister of F reyr. Takes half of the warriors killed in battle to Freya her hall, F ólkvangr. Rides a chariot pulled by c ats. Owns the necklace (tocque) B risingamen. Guardian of B ifröst. Nicknamed the W hite God. The son of n ine . Son of F rigg, who made everything in the promise not to hurt . She forgot to get a Baldr promise from m istletoe. L oki tricked Baldr's blind brother, H odr, into throwing a spear made of mistletoe at Baldr, killing him. He owned the boat H ringhorni and his consort was N anna.

Non- Beings Name Other Name(s) Details An enormous , one of the three monstrous children of L oki with the J otunn woman Fenris Wolf Angrboða. Bit off the hand of T yr, the . Destined to eat O din during R agnarök. An enormous snake that lives in the ocean and encircles the world of . One of the three Jörmungandr Serpent monstrous children of L oki with the J otunn woman A ngrboða. Will kill and be killed by T hor at R agnarök. Highly skilled crafters. Some of them, the S ons of Ivaldi, created 's ship S kiðblaðnir, Dwarves Odin's spear G ungnir, and a golden wig for after Loki cut off her . One of them, , mis-cast Thor's hammer M jölnir, with a short handle when Loki, disguised as a fly, bit his eye. Jötunn Frost Frequent opponents of the Æsir. Inhabit Jötunheim. Ex: A ngerboða, Loki's consort. Transport warriors slain in battle to V alhalla and F ólkvangr. Ex: B runnhilde.

Places, Objects, and Events Name Other Name(s) Details The destined destruction and rebirth of the world, beginning when L oki l eads the J ötnar Ragnarök (Jötunns) against the Æsir. Called Götterdammerung, or "Twilight of the Gods" in German. The "World Tree," a ash tree that connects the nine , including M idgard, the realm of humans, and A sgard, the realm of the gods. Odin's -hall in A sgard. Bifröst The rainbow-bridge between A sgard and M idgard. Guarded by H eimdall.

Scholastic Community Outreach Program 2019