
The Story — Chapter 14 A Kingdom Torn In Two FIND THE BINGO

Directions: Find the answer to each clue on page 2, then locate it on the BINGO board below. Circle the answer. Keep answering questions in any order until you have five circled answers in a line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Maakah Adoniram Ben-Hadad Shiloh

Asa Baal Abishalom Abijah

Omri Elijah Jezabel Nadab

Baasha Ahijah Nebat Elah



1. The son of who became king of the tribe of .

2. The King of Israel whose hand shriveled up.

3. The mother of Abijah.

4. The who told Jeroboam that he would become king.

5. The son of Abijah, who succeeded him as king and reigned for 41 years.

6. The father of Jeroboam.

7. The son of Reoboam who became King of Judah.

8. Asa’s son who succeeded him as king.

9. Jeroboam’s son, who “did evil in the eyes of the Lord.”

10. Asa made a treaty with this man, the King of Aram.

11. This king ruled for only 7 days before burning himself to death.

12. Ahab’s wife, who was the daughter of a pagan foreign king.

13. This king was killed by Zimri, who then took over the throne.

14. This city was made the capital of the northern kingdom by .

15. This king took over the throne after Zimri, and he was the father-in-law of .



Maakah Adoniram Ben-Hadad Shiloh Samaria #3 #10 #14

Asa Baal Abishalom Abijah Bethel #5 #7

Omri Elijah Jezabel David Nadab #15 #12 #9

Baasha Ahijah Ahab Nebat Elah #4 #6 #13

Zimri Josiah Jeroboam Jehoshaphat Rehoboam #11 #2 #8 #1

Each clue number is shown with its respective answer in the array above.

The Bingo is made from clues 4, 7, 11, 12, and 14 and goes diagonally from bottom left to top right.