F!W»L Your Neighbor's L(Itchen

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F!W»L Your Neighbor's L(Itchen f!w»L Your Neighbor's l(itchen As PubUshed In The I 6TH EDITION - 1965 I flaurfyrntrr furniug il;:rralh MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Blenders Portable Portable ~wd Stationary Drink Mixers Food Mixers Bowl Mixers Electric Hair Dryers Shoe Polishers Electric Cordless Can Openers Elec. Knives THE IONA MANU~AC:TURING COMPANY, INC:. M ANCHESTER , CO N NECTICUT From Your Neighbor's l(itchen by Doris Belding COOK BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS BY SYLVIAN OFIARA PHOTOGRAPHS BY SYLVIAN OFIARA, JOSEPH SATERNIS AND REGINALD PINTO OF THE HERALD as published in the Bishop Williams' Receipt for Johnny Cake A forgetful old Bishop All broken to pieces, Neglected to dish up For one of his nieces. A receipt for "Corn Pone," The best ever known; So he hastens to repair his sin of omission And hopes that, in view of his shattered condition, His suit for forgiveness he humbly may urge So here's the receipt, and it comes from Lake George. Take a cup of corn meal, (and the meal should be yellow). Add a cup of wheat flour for to m ake the corn mellow; Of sugar a cup, white or brown ,- at your pleasur0, {The color is nothing, the point is the measure), And now comes a troublesome thing to indict, For the rhyme and the reason it troubles me quite. For after the sugar, the flour and the meal, Comes a cup of sour cream, but unless you should steal From your neighbor; I fear you w ill never be able This item to put upon your cook's table; For "sure and indeed" in all towns I remember, Sour cream is as scarce as June bugs in December. So here's an alternative, nicely contrived, Is suggested, your mind to relieve. And showing you how, without stealing at all, The ground that seem ed lost m ay retrieve. Inst ead of sour cream, t ak e one cup of milk, "Sweet Milk," what a sweet phrase to utter! And to mak e it like cream, put into the cup Just three tablespoonfuls of butter; Cream of tartar, one t easpoonful, Rules Dietetic, (How n early I wrote it down, Tartar emetic!) But no, cream of tartar it is without doubt, And so the alternative mak es itself out Of soda, the half of a t easpoonful add, Or else your poor corncake will go to the bad. Two eggs must be broken without being beat, Then of salt a t easpoonful, your work will complete. Twenty minutes of making are needful to bring To the point of perfection this "awful good t hing." To eat at the best, t his remarkable cak e, You should fish all day long on the royal named lake With the bright water glancing in glorious light, And beauties unnumber ed bewildering your sight. On mountain and lake, in water and sky, And then, when the shadows fall down from on high, Seek "Sabbath Day P oint," as the light fades away, And end with t his feast, the anglers long day. Then, then you find, without any question, Tha t an appetite honest, awaits on digestion. PREFACE Dear Readers: "To be a good cook," according to John Ruskin, English art critic and social prophet of the early 1800s, "means the knowledge of all fruits, herbs, balms and spices and of all that is healing and sweet in fields and groves and savory in meats. It means carefulness, inventiveness, watch­ fulness, willingness and readiness in appliance. rt means the economy of your great-grandmothers and the science of modern ch emists. It means much tasting and no wasting. It means English thoroughness, French art and Arabian hospitality. It means in fine that you are to be perfectly and always ladies (loaf givers), and you ar e to see that everybody has somethings nice to eat ." May I extend my h eartiest thanks to t he score of "loaf-giving m odern chemists" in the Manchester ar ea that made it possible to compile our sixth edition of The Herald cookbook. · As my contribution I h ave included "Bishop Williams' R eceipt for Johnny Cake," t ak en from a very ancient cook book. Merry Christmas and a Bright New Year! Doris Belding GOOD DINNER COMPANIONS- Our H armonizing CHINA, SILVER and CRYSTAL Make Michaels your h eadquar­ ters for tableware. You will find a complete selection from the patterns of such renowned manufacturers as Gorham, Towle, R eed and Barton, Kirk, Lunt, Stieff, Lenox, Doulton, Wor cester, vVedgewood, R osen­ thal, Wa terford, Stuart, and many others . and you may enjoy them now on Michaels Club Plan . JEWELERS- SILVERSMITHS 958 MAIN STREET-643-2741 IN'DEX ALASKAN KING CRAB B AKE . 35 ALMOND POPPY SEED NOODLES . 60 ASPARAG US ASPIC SALAD WITH DRESSING . 50 BACON BOILED DRESSING . 48 BAKLAVA WITH SYRU P ... ...... .. ... .. 20 BEEF AND RICE CASSER OLE . 4 7 BEEF BU R GUNDY (Boeuf Bourgone) . .... .... 33 BREAD, WHITE AND ROLL S . 2 BROWNED BEEF STEW . 53 CANDIED FRU IT GEMS . 5 CARROT CANDY (Merin ) . 64 CARROT P U DDING (Tzimmes) .. .... .. 44 CHEESE CA KE . 4 CHEESE-MUSH ROOM CANAPE SPREAD ........ 59 CHERRY DESSERT CAKE . 10 CHERRY MER INGUE DESSERT ........ ... 16 CHERRY TARTS ....................... ........ 22 CHICKEN MARINATE .. .. .......... ..... ... 26 CHICKEN MUSH ROOM CA SSEROLE . 37 CHICKEN PIE . 41 CHICKEN WITH W INE . 27 CHINESE WALNUT CHICKEN . 30 CHOCOLATE CAKE . ........ ...... .. ............ 12 CHUN GURN (E gg R oll) . ......... .... ... 61 COQU ILLES ST. JACQU ES . ...... .. .. .. ...... 38 CORNED BEEF TEMPTERS . 57 CORN-OYSTER PIE .......... .. ..... .. 43 CRABMEAT CASSEROL E .. ............ ........ 43 CRANBERRY CAKE . 12 CRANBERRY SALAD . 49 CREAMED CHICKEN BAKE . 42 CURRIED EGGS IN SHRIMP SAU CE . ..... 46 DARK FRUIT CA KE . 7 DU CK WITH ORANGE SAU CE (Can a r d a l'Orange) 31 EGGS LE BRET . 32 EGG-TU NA A MANDINE .......... ............. 44 ENGLISH TRIFLE . 19 EVE'S P U DDING ..... .. ...... ..... ..... ... 18 F ATAYER (A rabic m eat -filled tria ng les) . ..... 59 FLOU NDER FILLET ROLL-U PS . 3'7 FRENCH BREAD . 1 F U DGE TORTE ....... .. ......... .. ... 14 GAZPACHO . 66 GINGER COOKIES . 6 GRAHAM CRACKER LOG . 15 INSTANT Is the magic word in modern meal planning. INSTANT EARNINGS Are the magic words in saving at Manchester's oldest financial institution. DIVIDENDS PAID FROM DAY OF DEPOSIT Annual Dividend Paid Quarterly OPEN 9 A.M. T·O 4 P.M. Monday 'throu9h Friday Extra hours Thursday Evening 6 to 8 P.M. • INSURED SAVINGS • SAVE-BY-MAIL • CHRI STMAS CLUBS • ALL-PURPOSE SAVINGS CLUBS • SAVINGS BONDS • HOME LOANS • HOME 11\'IPROVEMENT LOANS • PASSBOOK LOANS • MONEY ORD ERS • TRAVELERS CHEQUES ""()~ uWaiA J'Pieee, neat,~ ~ BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE 31, COVEN TRY GRASSHOPPER P IE CRU ST AND FILLING 24 GREEN TOMATO DILL, KOSHER ......... .... 64 HAMBU RG CU RRY AND SAUCE . .. ......... ... 32 HE MAN SALAD . 49 HOT BARBECU E D SAUSAGES ................ 59 ICE CREAM SALAD . 48 IRISH COFFEE ...... ... .. .... ... ...... ... 63 IRISH F ARLS (Soda Scones) . 8 ITALIAN CAKE . 3 KNUSPER HAEU SCHEN (German Candy House) .. 65 KOENIGSBU RGER KLOPS . 39 LEEK AND POTATO SOUP . 52 LOR BOC GO (Turnip Patty) . 56 MAINE LOBSTER STEW . 51 MARGUERITES ...... ... .... ... .. .... .. .. 21 MIDNIGHT CHOCOLATE CAKE . ... ....... .. 10 MOCHA PECAN PARFAIT . 15 MUSHROOM AND ONION STUFFED EGGS . 60 NASI GORENG . ........ .. ... .. .. ... ... ...... 39 OATMEAL CAKE ...... ........ .. ... .. ...... 5 OLD-FASHIONED QU ICK LOAF CAKE . 8 ORIENTAL RICE ... .. ....... .. ........... .. .. 54 PAELLA .................... .......... ... .... .... 45 PICKLED EGGPLANT . 55 POTATO PIROSHKI DOUGH AND FILLING .. ... 60 RICE PILAF ...... .. .. .. .. .. , . 54 SALMON LOAF . 40 SCALLOPS REMICK AND SAU CE . 34 SESAME CIDCKEN CASSEROLE . 4 7 SHELLFISH SORRENTO . 34 SHOESTRING EGGPLANT . 55 SHRIMP AND MU SHROOM CURRY . 36 SLOSHBURGERS . 64 SMOKED HADDOCK AU GRATIN . ........ .. .. 37 SPICED HAM IN BARBECUE SAUCE ..... ..... 28 STUFFED CABBAGE LEAVES . 58 STUFFED JUMBO SHRIMP ..... .. ..... ..... ... 33 STRAWBERRY-RHUBARB PIE . 22 SWEET BEET PRESERVE (Eingermach ) ....... 63 TAIWANESE SPECIAL .. ......... ........ ... 40 TEA-SIZED CHERRY TARTS .. .. ... .... .... .. 23 TUNA CURRY ..... .. .. .. ..... .. .... .. .. 35 VENISON MEATBALLS WITH CIDER .......... 27 VENISON MEATBALLS DANISH STYLE . ..... 29 VENISON MINCEMEAT . 27 YAM AND APPLE CASSEROLE . 56 Bread and Rolls Mrs. John 0. Bailey of 17M Garden Dr. makes French Bread from an old recipe given to her by her mother-in-law. Mrs. Bailey is a graduate of St. Francis School of Nursing, Hartford, a nd occasionally does private duty nursing. She is a member of the L adies of St. James. * French Bread 1 package active dry yeast. 1 tablespoon soft 11/2 cups very warm water. shortening. 1 tablespoon sugar. 4 cups all-purpose flour, 11/2 teaspoons salt. sifted. melted butter. Sprinkle yeast into one-half cup warm water and stir until dissolved. Dissolve sugar and salt in remaining water in a large bowl. Add shortening and yeast mixture and mix well. Add flour and mix well. Once every 10 minutes, for five consecutive times, work through dough with a spoon. Turn dough out on lightly flour­ ed surface and divide in half. Shape into two ballB and let stand 10 minutes. Roll out each ball firmly into a 12 x 9-inch rectangle, a<; if making a jelly roll. Seal edges, starting with the long side of the roll and place on sheet. Score top diagnally six times. Cover with towel and let rise 1112 hours. Bake in 400-degree oven for 30 to 35 minutes. Brush with melted butter while loaves are still warm. 1 Mrs. Cha rles N. Gilbert, 42 Wellington Rd., believes that bread making is a n art that should be revived and treats h er family to fresh brea d at least once .a week. She is a member of the First Church of Christ Scientist, Bennet Junior High School PTSO, Buckley School PTA, Connecticut Opera Guild a nd Times Interna tiona l Travel Club. White Bread* and Rolls (Easy Method) 112 cup soft margarine.
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