Model Dockyard Catalogue August 2005 Edition This page is intentionally blank Model We believe we have many distinct advantages over the more traditional model shop. For instance; because we only stock items that are of direct relevance to you, we are able to concentrate on offering the broad and very extensive range of specialist items, you need. Secondly, because we only supply by mail, our only priority is your order. This means that we are able to dedicate more time to answering your questions and ensuring that your order is dispatched with all possi- ble speed. We consider all items in this catalogue as nor- mal stock and we endeavour to hold all those listed. However, there may be times when an item is either temporarily out of stock or una- vailable at the time of your order; if this is the case we will tell you so, giving you a truth- ful appraisal, based on suppliers’ informa- tion, of when you can expect delivery. Modellers with access to the Internet can now place their orders online from our se- cure server website at www.model- The website also has full details of new products as well as any spe- Dockyard cial offers running at the time. An online version of this catalogue in Adobe Acrobat format can also be download from our 17 Tremorvah Barton, website. Tregolls Road, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 1NN, England Mail order only. Sorry no callers Tel: +44 (0)1872-261755 Fax: +44 (0)1872 260073
[email protected] Open: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm 24 hour Answerphone Model Contents Overseas Orders 5 Lime Wood Sheet 57 To U.K.