Chinese Conversations Project Introductory Materials
Chinese Conversations Project Introductory Materials This document includes excerpts from: The Guomindang in Europe: A Sourcebook of Documents by Marilyn Levine and Chen San-ching. (Berkeley: University of Calif. Institute of East Asian Studies, 2000) The Found Generation: Chinese Communists in Europe During the Twenties by Marilyn Levine (Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1993) Includes: 1. Abbreviations 2. A historical introduction 3. Introduction to nine archives in Europe and Asia 4. Comparative chronology 5. Brief group and biographical summaries 6. A biographical glossary of over 1,100 names 7. A selected bibliography Abbreviations AAE Archives du Ministrere des affaires etrangeres, Paris AAUFC Archives Association Universitaire France-Chinoise, Lyons AN Archives Nationales, Paris AOM Archives Nationales Section d'Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence BIC Banque industxielle de Chine CCP Chinese Communist Party CFC Comite franco-chinoise de patronage des jeunes Chinois en France CLC Chinese Labor Corps ECCO EuropeanBranches of the Chinese CommunistOrganizations ECCP EuropeanBranch of the Chinese CommunistParty ECYC European Branch of the Chinese Communist Youth Corps EGMD EuropeanBranch of the Chinese Guomindang EHESS Ecoies des hautes etudes en sciences sociales, centre de recherches et de documentation sur la Chine contemporaine, Paris EGMD French Branch ofthe Chinese Guomindang GMD ChineseNationalist Party, (Guomindang) GYS The Surplus Society (Gongyushe) PCF French Communist Party (Parti Communiste Fran^ais) VI PRO Public Record
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