cz m SIMILKAMEEN STAR. Devoted to the Interests of Princeton and the Similkameen Country.


A Million Dollar Loss. THE NEWS IN LONDON Ashland, Wis., Aug. 6.—A round mil­ PRINCETON'S PROSPERITY ESTABLISHED. lion dollar's worth of property was de­ stroyed by fire in the lumber district of this city today. The flames were checked A More Cheery Feeling Pre­ after three hours' struggle, and before they reached the valuable sawmills and Princeton- Road to be Built at Once—Survey of the dominant. ore-docks along the waterfront. • • Hope-Princeton Road Ordered—More to Follow Terrible Gas Explosion. Word at Washington—Anxiety at the Scran ton, Pa., Aug. 6.—By an explo­ When Estimates Pass the House. Capitol-Another Message to Pe­ sion of gas this evening, two buildings king. on Lackawana avenne, in the heart of the business district, were completely demolished, and 21 persons were in­ The futureH of Princeto n is now firmly are finally voted it will be found that jured by being ceught in the wreckage, London, Aug. 9.-4 p. m.—Beyond the established. Mr. Denis Murphy, M. P. Princeton will receive a number of im­ or struck by flying debris. The loss is official news given out yesterday, the P. for West Yale, has loyally redeemed portant public works. over $150,000. morning papers contain no direct infor­ the pledges he made to the Similkameen The Hon. W. C." Wells, Chief Com­ mation of importance from China. War Loan Heavily Subscribed to. people previous to his election as repre­ missioner of Lands and Works is fully Thanks to the dispatches of Sir Claude sentative. Almost all the money voted alive to the importance of the Similka­ New York, Aug. 7.—So great was the MacDonald and Rear-Admiral Bruce, fj r the riding will be used in Princeton meen mining section and will lose no demand for the new British war loan there is a general disposition to take a and district. $10,000 will be voted for time in calling for tenders for the con­ that before 11 o'clock this morning more hopeful view of the situation. The that portion of the Princeton-Keremeos struction of the Princeton-Keremeos road. one of the United States agents an­ report of the appointment of Field-Mar­ road between Princeton and 20-Mile It is the intention of the government to nounced that the subscriptions already shal Count von Waldersee, as Command­ creek, while East Yale receives a sum let this work bj^contract so the road can received would no doubt call for half of er-in-Chief of the International Forces, amply sufficient to complete the road. be completed early ihis_fall. -Mr. Wells the entire $10,000,000. Another of the meets with general approval. Mr. James Hisldp.-P. L. S., has re­ is a capable bnsiness man, who by dint banking houses named in yesterday's of hard work and a thorough study of The Rome correspondent of the "Daily ceived instructions to survey the Hope- Bank of England circular, announced his department has already succeeded in Mail" announces the receipt there of Princeton wagon road at nnre, and leaves itself ready to take all the bonds, if there arranging for the carrying on of import­ official despatches from the Italian min­ for Victoria via the Hope trail tomorrow was any likelihood of such a proposition ant public works throughout the pro­ ister in Peking, Marques Salvago Raggi, to make final arrangements for the work. being entertained abroad. Today's sub­ vince. He has made arrangements to Fifteen hundred dollars will be voted for asserting that he left Peking on Jnly 31st. scriptions came from insurance com­ visit Princeton and the Similkameen the survey, and next session a provincial presumably for Tien Tsin. This, how­ panies, corporations and private holders, country al Hie-close of present session in appropriation will be made for the •con­ ever, is so utterly at variance with the anxious to exchange United States gov­ order to familiarize himself with the struction of the road. actions and intentions of the other Min­ ernment bonds for the new issue, on a needs of the district. Mr. Denis Murphy isters heard from, that it seems almost basis which would yield double the rate Messrs. Jackson and Anderson returned has also arranged a trip to Princeton via incredible. If true, it opens up an inter­ of interest which their present holdings from Victoria last night, bringing a most the Hope trail as soon as the session is esting field of speculation, concerning satisfactory account of the progress made over. The Star will publish a full report a the fate of the Italian representative. by the delegates representing Princeton of the estimates in its next issue, when "Washington, Aug. 8—The Chinese sit­ PURELY PERSONAL. at the capital. The estimates have al­ it will be found that the future of the uation is considered very grave by the ready passed the government. caucus and metropolis of the Similkameen country authorities in Washington. The receipt Lucky Baldwin isn't in it with lucky are now before the house. When they is definitely assured. of the message from Minister Conger Richter. last night, which indicated a continua­ Charlie Bonnivier was in town this to be driven on each claim. The bond­ tion of the firing upon the legationers, week outfitting. and the Chinese government's insistence ing of these important properties to re­ C. W. Johnson is putting up a neat cot­ RICH GOLD STRIKE that the ministers should leave Peking, liable mining men, means renewed ac­ tage on his ranch near town. which Mr. Conger considered would tivity on Copper mountain. The bonds mean certain death, brought matters to E. Voigt, from Copper mountain, was Princeton Happenings in have been arranged in such a way that an acute stage. All day the cabinet offi­ doing bnsiness in town yesterday. Personal and Mining work must be started at once and prose­ cers who were in town have been con­ Dr. Whillans is havinghis house mov­ Way. cuted vigorously to complete it in •'the sulting with each other, and the Presi­ ed from its present nosition on Bridge time specified. It is rumored that an­ dent has been communicated with by street to his lot olr^Cenley avenue. >f? other group will be added to the holdings The richest strike that has yet beer of the investors. If this is done, Copper telegraph and over the Umg^listant tele­ Mr. Locke and wife, of the Royalty made in this phone. Secretary Root peld two confer­ group, Friday creek, arrived in town this mountain wills* 1 the s Whipsaw creek, adjacem ences with Attorney-General Griggs and week and put up at the Hotel Jackson. tion as Red mountain, Rossland, 1 several with Acting Secretary of State trail. The strike was m ' by th*

into the tunnel on the Storm, next to the Noonday. There is a nice showing on Mining News the Prank P., an adjoining claim. The Galena Farm is shortly to have a BOUNDARY MINES. concentrator. It has very large bodies of concentrating ore, embracing zinc, New General Most of the skilled labor has been en­ galena and other values. gaged for the Granby smelter, which is The crosscut tunnel on the Ajax has expected to be blown in within a few tapped the lead at a distance of 400 feet. There are 18 inches of ore in sight and Store Ma] land, drifting on the vein will be commenced immediately. We carry a well assorted stock of Clothing, Gents' Furnish­ The Vancouver has let the contract for ings, Blankets, Boots and Shoes, Stationery, Tinware, etc. a 700-foot crosscut tunnel, the longest on We sell none but the Purest and Best ne Star and Washington ore, just the lake shore. It will be the main ar­ >s the line, on the Colville Indian tery of the property. There are zinc GROCERIES Ration, is being taken to the Granby lues in the mine, and the idea of this j wer tunnel is to strike galena below the Try Our "HONDI CEYLON" and RAM LAL'S INDIAN TEAS by wagon from the pbr iragin the North Fork, to the: Silv mountain, above the California. 1 have several good showings of ore and The Pioneer is Just Received the ledge exposed for several hundred Winnipeg that shipn feet on the surface. Ore is showing her Consignment of Boots and Shoes, Shirts and Underwear. the face of all their tunnels. CALL AND SEE THEM. ipr Bridge St. have shipped ten cars of ore for the pre- Rennie & Bell ceding week, making a total of 60 cars the rich gi sent to the Trail smelter. It is just two months since the first shipments were made from this mine. ^feven weeks!ig o there was a mineral Rumors of the purchaseo f the Mother ver Cup hill known the C. P. R. have been current, bu t'lac tion. The same thing ap plies to the al- PRINCETON LUflBER, leged purchase of the B C. 1nin e by the Standard Oil people. SHINQLE and PLANING MILLS The Morrison Mining Co.'s office has been removed from G nine Forks to A. E. HOWSE, Prop. Greenwood. At a specia last week, A. M. Whitesi ..H. Sperry and Duncan Ross were e ectet .The officers are A. H. Sperr y president; mil and Office F. H. Oliver, vice-preside nt a nd general Bridge Street, manager. PRINCETON. B. C. Up to date, the B. C. 1 from re- ha shipped 23°' be 1 thus far by this mine, on ac­ count of a shortage of ore cars. For the j ON YOUR last two weeks the B. C. has been ship­ ping an average of four cars daily. WAY TO would soon take its PRINCETON The London & Canada Syndicate, front row. The time to begin which furnishes the capital to develop now.—Lardeau Eagle. -the property of the Boundary Creek Min­ You will find a Comfortable ing and Milling Co., near Greenwood, Resting Place has decided to plat a townsite of 540 acres adjoining Greenwood, and use the M. proceeds to develop its claims. The Hotel Driard Gold Bug is one of them, and has done NICOLA LAKE. & some shipping. JOHN CLARK, Propr. 1-5 1*11 LE SLOCAN MINES. Headquarters for Mining Men and Pros HOUSE. The Boston, at New Denver, shipped pectors. 140I ms of o a Jui The les of Kootenay - An Ideal Summer Resort. for June was worth {900,000. "Bradshaws" Dining Room Service Unsurpassed. Only the The Payne will divide $78,000 amongst Choicest Brands of Liquors at the Bar. its stockholders on the 15th. Well Stocked Bar and Excellent The St. Lawrence, near the Wakefield, JOB RICHARDS, Manager Dining Room. Headquarters will be worked this summer. for Twenty Mile Miniug Camp. During May 80 tons of galena shipped from the Boston gave returns of $4,608. The Young Bear, near the Bondholder, I Want 2±J8ft~* Stabling in Connection. is being ground sluiced to find the lead. 1 UUl We can save you In one week the Whitewater shipped 134 tons. The mill grinds a carload ofj tesdai REPAIRING ?rade has been Repairing touched in the Iron Horse, ar the En- Princeton Meat Market terprise, Ten-Mile. A full line of Watches and the In June the Ruth shipped 152 tons; Latest Styles of Jewelery always WARDLE & THOMAS Payne, 550; Last Chance, 260; Slocan on hand. Star, 480; American Boy, 20; Argenta, 20; Queen Bess, 402. W. J. KERR, Orders for Mining Camps promptly attended to Prom 4 to x8 inches of ore has come -K^Kamloops, B. C. and delivered. n a^ THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR,

Dawson City Co. for which he received /5.867. He also sold the company a A BIG MINING FRAUD one-tenth share in a passenger steamship agency carried on by him for £1,000. The James Robertson Co. Ltd. His capital in the concern w«s ftfilrinn. The company lost the $5,000. In the The Klondike & Columbian course ot the evidence it was developed VANCOUVER, B. C. that Catton gave 50 shares of the deferred Gold Fields, Limited. stock to the Hon. T. H. Turner. 50 to the Hon. O. U. Fooley, Q. C., and 200 to M Manufacturers of Lead, Pipe, Shot Traps, White J. Boscowitz. These three gentlem LEAD PAINTS, AND Etc- Recent Inquiry Into this Company formed the colQnj»f >w«rfl gf At venture Jobbers in Wrought, Cast or Steel Pipes and Fittings, Metals and Steam The disclosure of these facts will u Shows Bogus Financial Standing- Fittings. Write for Quotations. Colonial Board of Directors. doubtedly lead to still further timidity on the part of British investors toward: Canadian mining investments. But the lesson will have its good Jesuits as well if MJS&TWB. THE JAMES ROBERTSON CO., LTD, The timidity of the British public it checks such frauds as the one just di Branches Toronto, St. John, Winnipeg and VANCOUVER. '- ' r- investing in Canadian mining enterprises closed.—Montreal Gazette. is once more explained by the inquiry recently held in London by Mr. Regi trar Hood in the Bankruptcy Court buil SUBSCRIBE FOR THE STAR ings, into the Klondike & Columbit For the Best Gold Fields, Limited. The company w And secure Reliable Information in regard to the Mining registered on Augnst 3th, 1897, with Developments in the Famous Similkameen country. nominal capital of ^100,000-divided in Table 95,000 ordinary, and 5,000 deferred shares of £1 each, and was formed for the pur­ pose of operating in mining and other Board properties in the Klondike and British In Princeton try Columbia. A compulsory wind-up ordc r was made last February, when a state­ MBS. WM. HAEGEBMAN'S ment of affairs was filed diSclosingunse- cured liabilities of /s,737. The ^assets, valued at ,£2,808. are subject to claims on debenture bonds for ,£4,279, and the total deficiency as regards both creditors and shareholders is returned at .£45,855. The amount subscribed by th,e_public to­ wards this company was /"^s.oco.. and the enquiry was held to discover where HOTEL all this money bad gone. The evidence disclosed that a clerk in the ,war office. John Morris Catton, ' the er, though the name of Charles Fred­ eric^. Flocks a.clerk in his employ at £1 per week, \ used. Catton, when JONH NEIL. nth the red tape of the war office, Proprietor. tt>. amused himself by promoting companies. Stables in Connection. SIMILKAMEEN He plays a smaller game than Hooley, but he plays it pretty often, for he has already promoted eiehteen companies, BUTCHERING QOn many of which he admitted were in M. liquidation. The prospectus of the Klon­ This hotel is Situated at WHOLESALE and RETAIL dike & Columbian Gold Fields Company brought in .£27,166. Then the newly the Gateway to the Dealers in Heats. formed company went into the company Similkameen valley, jt Orders Filled for any Point in the Similkameen Valley. promoting business itself, and launched Well Furnished Rooms. the New Golden Twins [Ontario] [Limit­ Bar and Dining Room ed] to take over a property in Canada. Service First-Class. Cm Summers, The public only subscribed ,£2,000 to PRINCETON BRANCH. manager. the New Golden Twins, a sum insufficient to pay the advertising expenses. The result was that the Klondike & Colum­ w. bian Company was left with a large block of shares on its hands, for which We Cater Specially to there was no market. Attempts were Mining Men made to find one without success. Fin­ The Nearest Point to the 10 Mile ally, a third company, also organized by and Prospectors. Creek Mines. Catton, the JJawson City LKlondike] and Stage Line Dominion Trading Corporation [Limited'1 came to the rescue and "purchased'! S Woodward's FAIRVIEW 5,500 shares of the New Golden Twins\ from the Klondike & Columbian Gold AND Fields Company. Wjth the .£2,750 thus obtained a dividend (of 2b-~per cent, was ...HOTEL KEREflEOS declared on the stock °f the Klondike & Columbian Gold Fields Company. The W. Hine & Co., are now running a hope was that a market might be secured LOWER NICOLA. Tri-weekly stage from Fairview to for the stock. The public refused to Keremeos, connecting with the purchase, and consequently there was Greenwood and Camp McKinney nothing more to come, but the crash. The shortest route by 10 Miles to stage at the Sandhills. The Dawson City Company has also gone Princeton from Spences Bridge is into bankruptcy. Of the three the only Camp McKinney to I one left is the New Golden Twins. The Via Lower Nicola. majority of the stock in that is held by The table is supplied with pro­ Keremeos in one day the shareholders of the two defunct com- duce from our own gardens. Stages Leave Fairview Monday Wednesday and Friday, returning 4 The enquiry showed that Catton. re- COMFORTABLE ROOMS. from Keremeos Tuesday, Thursday reivedjn all f^T.^an^nT thp- tympany' s and Saturday. fundsT A small proportion of this was Headquarters for Smith's Stage j paid out for expenses. He received 3,054 Connecting with the Princeton of the deferred shares of the company. and Pack Train. He sold the Klondike Co. shares in the THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR.

work together with one common do a great deal r it has J. CHARLES McINTOSH, THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR purpose in view, sinking all petty done towards nting these peo- -k for BARRISTER, SOLICITOR s, who AND iody said Dewdney t be induced by any ordin­ NOTARY PUBLIC al "pull" with the ary considerations to join in a boy­ : local government, cott of Oriental labor. But we Phese alarmists are ourselves are as much to blame as 1 every community. the federal authorities, although it PRINCETON, B. C. 5 wise as they look. is always a consolation to have "the government" to abuse on the head W. J. WATERHAN, M. E. of it.—Revejstoke Herald. c^jme great seal of the British Em­ P. 0. S. M. A, I, n. E., Etc. pire is worn out, and a new one has been ordered at a cost of $5,000: Examination, Development and Man­ The new one will be the fourth of agement of Prospects, Claims the reign of Queen Victoria, and and Mines Undertaken. the old one, that is to say the one that has been worn out by twenty years of continuous service, will be­ P. O. Address, PRINCETON, B. C come the perquisite of the Earl of the lord chancellor he great sea PRINCETON" British sovereignty ASSAY OFFICE. mpress in wax C. B. HARRIS for licensees to furnish securities for Dunsmuir government regarding is attached to every royal charter, the payment of fines, etc.; the fee the immediate construction of neces­ warrant or official document, bear­ for a hotel license in rural districts sary public works at this point, and ing the sign manuel of the sover­ Assayer is to be $60, and "Hhf'Ff^1


Copper Galore. the government of Italy will go on with- Mr. Thorwald Hartman, of Rossland, it a break. says the Miner of a late date, has returned ROME, July 30.—King Humbert's body from a prospecting trip through the will be brought to Rome and laid to rest Similkameen and Nicola sections. While in the Pantheon. It is stated that the there he staked five claims, two in -Nicola name of the assassin does not appear in and three in the Similkameen. They the list of dangerous Anarchists known t are*all copper claims, and I have show­ to the police. A few morning papers ings which vary from two to five feet in publish short tributes to tne noble quali­ width. In speaking about the country, ties of King Humbert, declaring that it MP.Gordon, Mr. was due to his love for the working classes that he fell a victim to an assas­ MANUFACTURERS OF AND intrj sination. If the absence of the new King DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF I copp world. I cannot imagine that there :ould is prolonged beyond forty-eight hours, a be found any better showing than are tc brief regency willbe established in ac­ FURNITURE, CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, WIN­ be found on Copper mountain, on Ken­ cordance with the constitution. nedy mountain and in the Nicola dis­ DOW SHADES, CURTAINS, CAMP BEDS, trict. I was in the Nicola and Similka­ CORNICE POLES, PICTURE FRAMING. ^^ meen section for the past three and a half months, and visited most all of the be SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ESTIMATES FOR HOTEL, OFFICE known properties on Copper mountai The Sunset, Lost Horse, Helen Gardner AND ALL OTHER FURNITURE I- and Copper Farm are all great properties FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. and all are situated on the same big mineral belt. The Similkameen Coppei Similkameen Mines, ] of Spokane, has a fine show- Gopher and The Kamloops, B.C. t

has generally a wonderful showing. Th<

sulphide of copper and the ledge is 1

soil Belle, owned by Mr. Kennedy. Mr DavicTMorgan, of the Clarendtfnfdf 'tHii 5 the of 1 Copper n

it as Rossland.'1 Liked Nicola District Best A. McClellan returned Thursday from a prospecting tour through British Col­ The umbia. He was over the Keremeos country, Twenty-Mile creek, Princeton ate I intend I to apply to the and Nicola. Of all the countries he r of Lands and Works fo- lase 240 acres of land, as fol - thinks the Nicola country the best. It is n a post planted on the soutl about 60 miles from Princeton by wagon road and about half that distance by trail. It is an easy country to travel over but hard to prospect in because cover. The ledges are worth hunting for, however. The ore is copper and gold and very jiigh grade. It is better NOTICB. Hotel rock than is found in most any of the Certificate of Improvrment. other copper districts of British Colum­ VIRGINIA, ALABAMA AND NOONDAY Mil eral Claims, situete in the Similkameen Mil bia. It is comparatively a new country, ing- Division of Yale District. having been very little prospected so-far. TAKE NOTICE that X,,John D. Aadersoi Mr. McClellan says that it is essentially P. L. S. of Trail, B. C, Free Miner's Certified No. B39356, for myself and as agent for John ! G. W. ALDOUS, Proprietor. a poor man's country.—Palmer Moun- Clute. FreefMiner's;Certiflcate No. 3&?m, (Troi tees) intend, sixty-days from the date hereof, I apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates < Improvements, for the purpose of obtainin KING HUMBEBT SHOT. His Majesty the Victim of an In­ famous Assassination. Monza, Italy,~fu!y 30.—King Humbert PRINCETON, B. C. has been assassinated. Hewasshot here NOTICE. last evening by a man named Angelo Certicate of Improvements. Bressi, and died in a few minutes. The EKING AND KIMBERLEY FR King had been attending a distribute

competition. He had just en carriage with his aide-de-camp, mid the cheers of the crowd, when he v s struck by ihree revolver shots fired quick succession. One pierced the heart of , of such certificate of imvymSOISSiSJiJ, ^, His Majesty, who fell back and expired Dated this 21st day of July, 1900. 17-26 R. H. PARKINSON. in a few minutes. The assassin was im­ mediately arrested and with some diffi­ Prospector's Supply Store NOTICB. culty saved from the fury of the people. Certificate of Improvement. He gave his name as Angelo Bressi, de­ ffRISCd MINERAL CLAIM, situate in the Simi C. E. THOriAS. 2., kameen Mining Division of Yale Distric scribing himself as Prato, in Tuscany. WHERE LOCATED:—On Copper mountain. He is an anarchist. After being taken •'TAKE NOTICE that I, J. D. Anderson, P. L.i A new line of Gent's Furnishings of Trail, B. C, acting as agent for David A. Stev into custody he said: "Tell them I came art, Free Miner's Certificate No. J7433, Georg, Garduier,'Wee Miners Certificate No. B279205 Just Received. See Our Special­ from America on purpose to kill Hum­ John W. Nelson, Free Miner's Certificate "- bert. I have only just arrived from Am­ 19740A, and Reuben R. Shuttleworth. Free er's Certificate No. B7446, intend, sixty days from ties in shirts. erica and know no one. I spent a day at date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of Bologna and then came on to Milan. obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, undei The heir to the throne, the Prince of ' be commenced before the issu Naples, is an exceedingly able man, and -tificate 1 BRIDGE ST. Princeton, BX. it is the general belief that in his hands JNO. D- THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR.

PRINCE ALFRED DEAD. NOTICE Sake of Saxe-Coburg, the Queen's Sixty days after date I intend to apply to Second Son, Panes Away. Chief/Commissioner of Lands and Work! ___ lows': Starting from a post planted on the soi th Coburg. July 31.—Prince Alfred Ernest bank of the , join ing the wes* Albert, Duke of Saxe-Coburg, died at 10 doundary line of Indian reserve, and followinj o'clock lest evening, at Rosena castle, thence a» chains east to the west boundary lini Hotel Princeton 'of Indian reserve; thence 20 chains north t< from paralysis of the heart. Recently at point of commencement, and containing 241 ' a consultation of specialists in Vienna it JAMES WALLACE, Proprietor. was discovered that there was a cancer­ ous growth at the root of his tongue. By his sudden death he escaped a painful, lingering death. PRINCETONS PIONEER During the minority of his heir, the Duke of Albany, the governor of the 1 Pioneer HIP^ %? duchy, will be conducted by the heredit­ diHIiHIil <& <£ HOTEL *& a* ary .Prince of Hohcnlohe Langeberg, the 1 r IU11CCI jrjnitayGife guardian of the young duke. J5HSHSI1KI1I31] U«.l U^l ISlGTlGimumil LONDON. July 31.—The news of the The Resort death of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg Go- For Prospectors and Mining Men. tha, second son of Queen Victoria, has created a sensation. There were many callers at the Clarence and Marlborough HUGH COWAN, Prop. Houses and Lord Chamberlain's office. Hrsi Class Dining Room and Bar. Flags w ere half-masted. The Queen was t Barber Shop Estat deeply affected. It is stated that the Similkameen. body of the late duke will be embalmed No trouble to talk to guests. Political and brought to England for interment, matters laid over for the present. The and that it will lie in state at Windsor. Chinese Question the Important topic of Numerous public and semi - public the day. functions have been abandoned and the ebbing season will be brought to a sud­ Opposite Post Offic< Princeton, B. C den close, as the court and society will Mongolian Sympathisers Excluded. immediately be ordered into mourning.

Two Hen Killed at the Le Roi. While four men were shovelling out the ore brought down by a blast in the stope above the seventh level of the Le Prospectors Roi mine, oh Wednesday last, a great Riveted Steel Pipe. mass of rock fell on them, killing two rely inju, othe ....STOPl\ o dead n Tils and Daniel Colvile, who are horribly crushed, and If you want to Outfit cheaply the injured one is August Bress. The latter escaped through being among the and quickly, do so at the ARMSTRONG & MORRISON, timbers close to the hanging wall, and these warded off the rock from him. He has a severe scalp wound on the back of ..KEREMEOS STORE. his head, was struck by a rock between the shoulders and had an abrasion on the WH. HINE & Co., left leg. The fourth man escaped en­ You can save time and tirely through being close to the hanging make money by buying your outfit at the point The Dominion Elections. ycu start prospecting. A meeting of the executive of the On­ tario Reform Association, with Sir Rich­ COOK & CO. ard Gartwright present, was held on the Mining Supplies of Every] 4th inst. at Toronto. It is understood DESORIPriOM KET IB STOCK. that, as a result of its deliberations, the general elections are to take place on or about Tuesday, October 16th. Princeton's Two hundred and fifty thousand dol­ lars spent on wagon roads and trails in the'mining districts within a year will do more to advertise the advantages of Brit- Granite sh Columbia as a minirg ecpntiy Than Pioneer Store. twice that sum spent in mining comm s- sions and fitting up luxurious quarters' Greek.. for worn-out politicians in London.—Nel- mm m Hotel STORES AT- Recent despatches show that the Rus­ sian soldier is too frequently proving as cruel a ruffian as the Chinese Boxer and PRINCETON equally merciless to women and child- MRS. JAMES, Proprietor. dren. 'There is some consolation in the thought that many of these Muscovites will get their deserts in Manchuria, ere This Hotel has always been a struggle ends, which may easily half Famous For the Excellence < of its table. bankrupt Russia as a state. This would prove by no means to the disadvantage The nearest point to the i S. A. HARTMAN of the world at large. richest Silver Lead mines j ROSSLAND, B. C. In the case of the Massey-Harris peo in B. C, 'Summit City.' pie, of Toronto, against four strikers, There is more gold in MINING AND MINES Chief Justice Meredith has refused to Granite Creek than has j PROMOTER OF STOCK COMPANIES. commit the men for non-observance of an yet been taken out. injunction restraining the strikers from We have first class connections and can find the necessary capital to interfering with non-unionists. The work and develop meritorious copper propositions in the Similkameen learned judge held that a man on strike Stopping Point for country. If you have a good claim with a fine showing we will find you a buyer. We cordially invite your correspondence. has a perfect right to expostulate, but not Princeton stages. intimidate, any persons about to take Respectfully, their places. OFFICE: 43 COLUMBIA AVK. . S. A. HARTMAN. _ . THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR.

The shipments from the Le Roi for the week ending July 4th were the largest JOHN LOVE & €0. ever sent from that mine, reaching 5,730 Palace Livery tons, or 66 tons more than for the previ­ DRUGGISTS AND ous week. Of this, 4,890 tons went to Northport, and the remainder of 840 tons <& STABLES .* to Trail. July was the banner month for STATIONERS. the Le Roi, the total output being 18,508 F.iIRVIEW and CAMP McKINNEY. tons in 27 working days, there having been interruptions due to Dominion Day KEREMEOS, B. C. and Fourth of July festivities. D.J.INNIS,Pfop.

"We'll either have to get vgirlc Presriptions ^Carefully j* Compounded. a new iceman, George." "Let it be a new iceman, then. What's Orders by mail or stage promptly the trouble?" Travellers from the Boundary "This iceman is so good looking that District can secure horses he makes Maggie nervous. Yesterday through to Princeton. morning she got so mixed up that she of Trail, i! tried to get him to put the ice in the John W.' Run in Connection with Keremeos Hotel CLAIMS STAGE

"She's a strong advocate of the temper­ LINE ance cause, isn't she ?" Leaves Kamloops for Quilchena and "Yes, indeed. She never even enter- of such Certificate of Improve Special Stage Nicola Lake every Monday. tiins a doubt, because doubts are so often JNO. I Dated this 18th day of May,. dissipated."—Philadelphia Bulletin. I^eaves Nicola Lake for Kamloop, A Special Stage will leave Customer—I say, waiter, this steak is every Friday at 6 a. m. terribly burned. Hotel Driard Spences Bridge for Prince­ Waiter—That's true, sir; I'm only glad ton and way points every PRINCETON ROUTE. it ain't no wuss. There's a gent over NICOLA LAKE- Monday morning at 6 a. m. t lere as 'as got one simply broiled to a Leaves Spences Bridge for Nicolas JOHN CLARK, Propr. arriving at Princeton Wed­ Coutlees, Nicola Lake, Granite nesday at noon. Creek and Princeton every For a cold, mixed drink go tc the Returning: Leaves Prince­ Headquarters for Mining Men and Pro: Thursday at 6 a. m. Hotel Jackson. ton Friday morning at 6 Princeton merchants all carry a. m., arriving at Spences Leaves Princeton for Spences Bridge Ribbon Extracts. An Ideal Summer Resort. Bridge on Sunday. and intermediate points every Blue Ribbon Extract of Vanilla i best on the market. Sunday at 7 a. m. Blue Ribbon Extract of Lemon is : a the 1 fruit JOB RICHARDS, JAS. SMITH, Propr Carry flail and Express.

me Sunset Copper Mining Co., LM. Owning and Operating The SUNSET Mine.

On Copper Mountain, Similkameen Mining District.

Everyone who has seen the property renders a unanimous verdict* The Biggest and Best Mine in *

Now is the TIME to BUY Stock in this Wonderful f fline. It is an investment I No Speculation I Ore enough in sight to return ioo per cent, on amount invested. BUY TODAY before advance in price. Sunset Shares Will Make You Rich. APPLY TO R.A.BROWN, President and Gen'l Manager PRINCETON or Grand EorHs. THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR.


China's "open door" PLUHBERS semblance to the open 1jusl GUNSniTHS now.—Montreal Herah ...PIMP DRIVING DONE.. When the British army gets at the Boxers it will be largely a case of a Bull Our Camp Stove is the Boss for in a China shop.—Vancouver World. Prospectors. When the wars are over Aguinaldo, Repair work of Every Descrip­ Prince Tuan and Oom Paul might get tion. together and organize. — Washington

May be Divided on the Questions of the Day, but the People of Princeton are and 28th. His H inor Lieut. GRAND PACIFIC Sir Henri Joly has >een invited UNITED in their Opinion as to the the exhibition. HOTEL.... BEST PEACE to do their TRADING. A Walla Walla fa rmer sold h ranch two months e go ancUvcn KAMLOOPS, B. C. The results obtained by buyers to win a fortune. He/now The nearest hotel to the Rail­ over the entire Similkameen coun­ Walla Walla winni HJ/M7 a mo way Station. Headquarters for try have made people open their ranch hand. And •etheisonl eyes to the possibilities of increased out of some 20,000.--Republic I all people coming from Nicola and the Similkameen. savings by buying at A. E. Howse's News has reached Republic fr Good Rooms. Good Table Forks to the effect that Rube Big Store Good Liquors, Good Sta- investigate ! JP bling in Connection. JP P. A. BARNHAPJ, Prop. Some there are still guide by the old ruts and false ideas. To these we say earnestly. Investigate I SMOKE Tsucketts 4» Em Howse, TOBACCOS, CIGARS and GENERAL MERCHANT. f makes it a condi- CIGARETTES. PRINCETON AND NICOEA. cept together.

*T*hey are the Purest

J^ certainly the Dest in the market. DEBARRO & THYNNE. -4k.: PROPRIETORS. il found a fine flow of v Otter Flat Hotel hat section, beats oil Geo.LTuckelf&sonco. HAMILTON, ONT. FISHING AND HUNTING RESORT. BO*TS KEPT >r two years a member of CANADIAN BO.TSKEPT FINE BOATING ON OTTER LAKE. a speech. Th moral is that it is better to keep his mouth shut, look wise and PACIFIC Nearest Stopping Place and Supply Point for Boulder Creek, Kelly Creek, Slat y's patience and get kick- Creek, and Summit Mining Camps Mining Men and Prospectors can outfit, exasperated electorate.— "Imperial Store in connection with hotel.

mrage the patronage of ies in that city, in order Limited" Headquarters for all stage lines. low boys out by lack of DAILY TOURIST CARS attempt will fail, as it :er the almond-eyed fel- 5T. PAUL foothold. The Phoenix • They were discouraged TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. Hotel Jackson TORONTO J. H. JACKSON, Sole Proprietor.

WEDNESDAY PRINCETON Montreal and Boston. DINING ROOM UNDER PERSONAE SUPERVISION. ONLY THE FINEST BRANDS OF EIQUORS AND •. Denis Murphy, Trains-pass Spences Bridge as follows: rtion of money for CIGARS AT THE BAR FIRST-CEASS STABLE IN 5:5* IMPERIAL LIMITED 20:16 entire district from CONNECTION. will be remember- 10:45 KAMLOOPS LOCAL 17:4 Mr. Murphy best Pamphlet furnished free. vill represent not E. J. COYLE, W. MAXWELL, 2 of the district.— THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR. THE MINISTERS SAFE !G.L ALLAN I Direct News From the Minis- WHOLESALE istcrs at Peking. DEALERS IN KEREMEOS The Welcome News Received on All Sides With Great Rejoicing—Chi Boots and nese Laying Mines. ** SHOES *&

London, July 30.—In the house of The Centre of the Lower s to-day, William St. John Brod- erick, parlii secretary of the | VANCOUVER, B. C. 3 Similkameen Valley, 45 miles foreign office, nd the despatch from the British con tying \ \ that the foreign ministers at Peking from Princeton. A Mining t Try Our Own Mining Boot. J safe on July 22nd. Mr. Broderick all read a despatch in which the statemei t It is just right. $ and Agricultural Centre. & *£ was made that a strong body of troop composed almost entirely of Hwang Su was around the legations and that the Chinese were forced to block the Biacksmithing with sunken craft with a breach c and left bank in order to flood the the eastward. Mr. Broderick added th LOTS NOW ON... the council of admirals decided that 1 Horseshoeing July 16th that the railroad between Taku and 1 should ed "Shop on Harold Avenue. managed by the Russians. London, July 31.—Sir Claude Mac PRINCETON, B. C ...THE MARKET Donald's welcome despatch, dated. Pe king, July 20th, and received in cipher is accepted on all sides as dispelling anj BUSINESS STREETS. doubts that may still have existed re Q. flurdoch garding the genuiness of the despatches. THIRD AVE., 100 Feet Wide, Lots 30x120. Owing t the message fails to show the number of | CORNER LOTS $150; Inside Lots $100. wounded. The message fails to menti< the other legations and other matters* of Quick Returns distressing importance, but it should OTHER STREETS. borne in mind that the British mini may not be aware that all his previ CORNER LOTS $100.00. INSIDE $75.00. despatches have been suppressed, may be under the impression that the government is fully posted regarding all recent occurrences. TERMS: London, Aug. 5.—Last night's des­ MALLERY'S patches add nothing to the general formation concerning the progress of Terms: One-Third Cash; Balance Three and Six events in China. Although the agents Months Time. of the cable companies at Tien-Tsin July 30th, asserted that the censorship of Drug Store press despatches had been abolished, it FOR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO is evident that correspondents are not allowed to cable any account of the ad • R. H. PARKINSON, Fairview, vance in the direction of Peking. Ac­ 1 cording to a despatch from Shanghai, We carry a full stock of Drugs. jp-jp-jp-jpjiR. BULLOCK WEBSTER, Keremeos. dated August 3rd, the principal opposi­ Proprietory Medicines, Toilet Pre­ tion will be met 20 miles west of Tien- parations, etc. In fact everything Tsin, where it is stated that the Chinese that an Up-to-date Drug Store have obstructions. Mines are said BEALEY INVESTMENT & TRUST CO. have been located under the railway, the LIMITED. line apparently being left intact. General Agent* GreCOWOOd, B. C. Porcupine Gold Fields in Canada. The work of delimiting the provisiona Local Agents: boundary in the disputed Alaskan-Can adian territory having been completed ir that part crossing the Dalton trail and The Princeton Real Estate, touching the Porcupine district, the A: ericans in the district find that nearly one-half of the Porcupine gold mine! Mining and Assaying Office. in British territory. It had been the general opinion for a long time that the mines and in fact the entire Porcupi district were on the American side. Much WM. BEAVIS, of the Dalton toll road leading to Porcu GENERAL BLACKSMITH pine city also lies within Canadian ter ritory, according to the survey. The Expert Horse-shoer. Wagons and Agri­ American miners in the Porcupine have cultural Implements Carefully Repaired. addressed a protest to President McKin- ley. The commission will be in the vi- v cinity of Skagway a month delimiting AIX WORK GUARANTEED. JEHEMEOS. the provisional line on White Pass and Chilkoot Pass. The Porcupine plat mines, it is estimated, will yield #250,( Opposite Keremeos Hotel. this year. KEREMEOS, B. C. THE SIMILKAMEEN STAR. THE VERMILION FORKS MINING AND DEVELOPMENT COm, Ltd.


BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED at the Forks of the Similka­ meen and Tulameen Rivers* The business centre for the following mining camps:- Copper Mt, Kennedy Mi, Fri­ day, Boulder, Granite and 20 Mile Creeks, Summit, Roche River, Upper Tulameen and Aspen Grove. Splendid Climate and Pure water Enormous Agricultural Area to Draw From

Government Headquarters for Similkameen District.

=*=-••••'•••••"• ••..,•, '.—Present Prices of Lots*" —^^^^^^^ From $2.0010 $10. per front loot.

<£ «£ <£ Size of Lots 50x 100 Feet and 33x 100 Feet. & & &

Send for map to W. J. WATERMAN, Resident Manager V. F. M. & D. Co.