cz m SIMILKAMEEN STAR. Devoted to the Interests of Princeton and the Similkameen Country. PRINCETON, B. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST nth, 1900. $2.00 PER YEA A Million Dollar Loss. THE NEWS IN LONDON Ashland, Wis., Aug. 6.—A round mil­ PRINCETON'S PROSPERITY ESTABLISHED. lion dollar's worth of property was de­ stroyed by fire in the lumber district of this city today. The flames were checked A More Cheery Feeling Pre­ after three hours' struggle, and before they reached the valuable sawmills and Princeton-Keremeos Road to be Built at Once—Survey of the dominant. ore-docks along the waterfront. • • Hope-Princeton Road Ordered—More to Follow Terrible Gas Explosion. Word at Washington—Anxiety at the Scran ton, Pa., Aug. 6.—By an explo­ When Estimates Pass the House. Capitol-Another Message to Pe­ sion of gas this evening, two buildings king. on Lackawana avenne, in the heart of the business district, were completely demolished, and 21 persons were in­ The futureH of Princeto n is now firmly are finally voted it will be found that jured by being ceught in the wreckage, London, Aug. 9.-4 p. m.—Beyond the established. Mr. Denis Murphy, M. P. Princeton will receive a number of im­ or struck by flying debris. The loss is official news given out yesterday, the P. for West Yale, has loyally redeemed portant public works. over $150,000. morning papers contain no direct infor­ the pledges he made to the Similkameen The Hon. W. C." Wells, Chief Com­ mation of importance from China. War Loan Heavily Subscribed to. people previous to his election as repre­ missioner of Lands and Works is fully Thanks to the dispatches of Sir Claude sentative. Almost all the money voted alive to the importance of the Similka­ New York, Aug. 7.—So great was the MacDonald and Rear-Admiral Bruce, f jr the riding will be used in Princeton meen mining section and will lose no demand for the new British war loan there is a general disposition to take a and district. $10,000 will be voted for time in calling for tenders for the con­ that before 11 o'clock this morning more hopeful view of the situation. The that portion of the Princeton-Keremeos struction of the Princeton-Keremeos road. one of the United States agents an­ report of the appointment of Field-Mar­ road between Princeton and 20-Mile It is the intention of the government to nounced that the subscriptions already shal Count von Waldersee, as Command­ creek, while East Yale receives a sum let this work bj^contract so the road can received would no doubt call for half of er-in-Chief of the International Forces, amply sufficient to complete the road. be completed early ihis_fall. -Mr. Wells the entire $10,000,000. Another of the meets with general approval. Mr. James Hisldp.-P. L. S., has re­ is a capable bnsiness man, who by dint banking houses named in yesterday's of hard work and a thorough study of The Rome correspondent of the "Daily ceived instructions to survey the Hope- Bank of England circular, announced his department has already succeeded in Mail" announces the receipt there of Princeton wagon road at nnre, and leaves itself ready to take all the bonds, if there arranging for the carrying on of import­ official despatches from the Italian min­ for Victoria via the Hope trail tomorrow was any likelihood of such a proposition ant public works throughout the pro­ ister in Peking, Marques Salvago Raggi, to make final arrangements for the work. being entertained abroad. Today's sub­ vince. He has made arrangements to Fifteen hundred dollars will be voted for asserting that he left Peking on Jnly 31st. scriptions came from insurance com­ visit Princeton and the Similkameen the survey, and next session a provincial presumably for Tien Tsin. This, how­ panies, corporations and private holders, country al Hie-close of present session in appropriation will be made for the •con­ ever, is so utterly at variance with the anxious to exchange United States gov­ order to familiarize himself with the struction of the road. actions and intentions of the other Min­ ernment bonds for the new issue, on a needs of the district. Mr. Denis Murphy isters heard from, that it seems almost basis which would yield double the rate Messrs. Jackson and Anderson returned has also arranged a trip to Princeton via incredible. If true, it opens up an inter­ of interest which their present holdings from Victoria last night, bringing a most the Hope trail as soon as the session is esting field of speculation, concerning satisfactory account of the progress made over. The Star will publish a full report a the fate of the Italian representative. by the delegates representing Princeton of the estimates in its next issue, when "Washington, Aug. 8—The Chinese sit­ PURELY PERSONAL. at the capital. The estimates have al­ it will be found that the future of the uation is considered very grave by the ready passed the government. caucus and metropolis of the Similkameen country authorities in Washington. The receipt Lucky Baldwin isn't in it with lucky are now before the house. When they is definitely assured. of the message from Minister Conger Richter. last night, which indicated a continua­ Charlie Bonnivier was in town this to be driven on each claim. The bond­ tion of the firing upon the legationers, week outfitting. and the Chinese government's insistence ing of these important properties to re­ C. W. Johnson is putting up a neat cot­ RICH GOLD STRIKE that the ministers should leave Peking, liable mining men, means renewed ac­ tage on his ranch near town. which Mr. Conger considered would tivity on Copper mountain. The bonds mean certain death, brought matters to E. Voigt, from Copper mountain, was Princeton Happenings in have been arranged in such a way that an acute stage. All day the cabinet offi­ doing bnsiness in town yesterday. Personal and Mining work must be started at once and prose­ cers who were in town have been con­ Dr. Whillans is havinghis house mov­ Way. cuted vigorously to complete it in •'the sulting with each other, and the Presi­ ed from its present nosition on Bridge time specified. It is rumored that an­ dent has been communicated with by street to his lot olr^Cenley avenue. >f? other group will be added to the holdings The richest strike that has yet beer of the investors. If this is done, Copper telegraph and over the Umg^listant tele­ Mr. Locke and wife, of the Royalty made in this phone. Secretary Root peld two confer­ group, Friday creek, arrived in town this mountain wills* 1 the s Whipsaw creek, adjacem ences with Attorney-General Griggs and week and put up at the Hotel Jackson. tion as Red mountain, Rossland, 1 several with Acting Secretary of State trail. The strike was m ' by th*<G'ut- pied in the busy days of the early history Mr. L. Gibson aud family and Mr. Adee, and their views werd communicat­ tridge party and is said several of the camp, when every promising Boulter and wife returned to town yester­ ed to the President. As a/result of these hundred dollars in gold . The claim was thoroughly prospected day after an absence of several weeks on consultations it was announced officially size of the ledge is not yet determined, and developed. Speaking of the Sunset Mr. Gibson's ranch. mine, the eastern mining men who visit­ at the close of the day, that a message to but it is expected it will be large. This Mr. J. D. Adams started work yesterday strike is a very important one, as it will ed it lately, said : "The Sunset proves the Imperiajgoyerrfment at Peking had conclusively the existence of one of the on what will be a very handsome cottage make the building of the Hope road in been delivered to Tg^flflf"! W", for most wonderful deposits of copper ever for Messrs. Chas. Ritcher and C. Sum­ the near future an almost certain thing. transmission to' his government. The found. There is no question as to its text of the message was prepared by mers, at the rear of their business block, If this new discovery turns out as ex­ perinanance, the showings found all over Acting Secretary of State Adee and Sec­ on Bridge streek. pected, it means a big thing for Prince- Copper mountain being proof of the ex­ retary Root, and in its final form was Mr. S. Spencer, manager of the Royalty tent and richness of the ore. We believe made known to the President. ~ It was group, Friday creek, accompanied by The deals made by Messrs. Crawford, that future development will prove that decided not to make public the text of Mrs. Spencer, have movedintotown, and Everett and Wells for the Copper Bluff, Copper mountain is literally a mountain this communication till Minister Wu has taken up their residence in their new Copper Cliff and Hold Fast claims has of ore which can be mined and smelted at a handsome profit. When the British had opportunity to forward it to his gov- cottage on Fenchnrch avenue. now been consummated. Messrs. Jack­ Columbia government realize the im­ son, Mills and Aldous, who own the two Messrs. Day, Fielding and Barber re­ portance of your section and give ade­ turned the fore part of the week from a former properties, and Mr. D. M. French, quate communication by means of roads, Jim Corbett and Kid McCoy are trip to the Skagit, bringing with them a who owns the Hold Fast, have signed trails, bridges and railways, the entire matched to fight a 25-round bout at the bonds.
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