All the News Without Fear or Favor The Cambodia daily Volume 63 Issue 54 Tuesday, January 26, 2016 2,000 riel/50 cents Police Arrest, Free Woman In Latest Facebook Case By Khuon nArim the cambodIa daIly A woman was arrested by police from the Interior Ministry’s inter- nal security department yesterday for allegedly posting an im age to Facebook that claimed Prime Min- ister Hun Sen died after being cursed in 2014. Police said she was released hours later, however, after they de- termined her account had been hacked. Det Mengkheang, 30, was ar- rested in Phnom Penh’s Mean - chey district at around 8:30 a.m., said Meng Hengtith, chief of the municipal police’s internal security department. Reuters “She was sent for questioning at US Secretary of State John Kerry, right, and US Ambassador to Cambodia William Heidt pose for a photograph the Ministry of Interior’s internal with a passer-by on the riverside in Phnom Penh yesterday evening. (Story ) security department,” Mr. Heng - tith said, explaining that police identified Ms. Mengkheang as the owner of the “Kim Bopha” Face- Thousands of Dead Chickens Dumped Into Canal book account that had posted the By Khy Sovuthy The chicken farm in Stung Sen “A chicken farmer said that fake death notification. the cambodIa daIly City is owned by local business- there were a total of 12,000 chick- According to a screenshot dis- A farm in Kompong Thom prov - man Siet Sim and managed by CP. ens at the chicken farm, and that tributed online, the january 17 post ince that supplies Thai agro-industry It was home to 12,000 chickens be- 11,500 chickens died and 500 was titled “Death Notice” and read: giant Charoen Pokphand (CP) fore all but 500 were discarded into chickens remained,” Mr. Meng - “The corpse of Hun Sen died at a dumped the carcasses of 11,500 the canal, which is used to irrigate chhang said. “I think that by taking hospital in Singapore by being diseased chickens into an irrigation rice farms during the rainy season the dead chickens to throw into cursed by the Khmer people in ca nal on Sunday, poisoning the wa- and serves as a source of drinking the canal, they are spreading the 2014.” Below the words is an im - terway and endangering local live- water for livestock year round. disease to other birds, animals and age of Mr. Hun Sen lying in what stock, according to officials. Tann Mengchhang, director of the people in that area.” appears to be a casket. Company officials yesterday de- the Agriculture Ministry’s animal “This morning, I and other offi- Saran Komsath, a spokesman for nied responsibility for the incident, health office in Stung Sen City, said cials went down to the chicken farm the National Police, said Ms. Meng - while local officials disagreed about locals reported that Mr. Sim himself and we asked a farmer to kill the kheang was released at about 4 p.m. whom to blame. threw the chickens into the canal. Continued on page 6 Continued on page 2 S Korea Offers Rehab for Internet-Addicted Teens By AnnA FiField of despair. “I thought, ‘My future is an analog life. the WashIngton Post pitch-black,’” he said over a lunch “The government has been pro- Muju, South Korea - Since he ar- of spaghetti Bolognese and kimchi moting [information technology] rived at the camp, Yoon Yong-won on a recent day. “I’m so frustrated. and these kinds of devices, so the had experienced recurrent night- I feel like I’m being held captive.” government helped cre ate this mares. He was playing a game on South Korea is the most wired problem,” said Shim Yong-chool, his phone, and the image of the coun try on the planet, a coun try the director of the National Center phone in his hands was so vivid. where it’s entirely unremarkable for Youth Internet Addiction Treat- But then he woke up with a fright for ele mentary school students to ment camp at a con verted school and stared at his hands: empty. carry smartphones, where the mo- near Muju, in the center of the coun- Hun Sen Laments Foreign Yoon was in day six of a 27-day bile network is so good that people try. “Now, the government’s trying Competition in Rice Sector camp aimed at teenagers like him: live stream TV on the subway. The to help solve it.” Page 5 state-certified Internet addicts. flip side: South Korea is grappling Surveys have suggested that The first day he arrived and had with a growing number of digital about 10 percent of South Korean to turn over his devices was a day natives who don’t know how to live Continued on page 2

មានដំណឹងបែែសមែួលជាភាសាខ្មែរនៅខាងក្នុង The Daily Newspaper of Record Since 1993 2 The Cambodia daily tuesday, januaRy 26, 2016 ANd AlSo NEWSMAKERS Islanders Age Rum on Sea Floor n TEL AVIV - Israeli elder statesman Shimon pereS was hospitalized asahI shImbun the island’s diving shop, hit upon Sunday night for the second time in as many weeks after complaining On the south side of Hahajima, in the idea with friends. They had of chest pains, his doctor said. Peres, who was released from the hos- the Ogasawara island chain nearly heard about the high quality of pital last week after suffering a mild heart attack on january 14, was 1,000 km south of Tokyo, rest 1,200 wine aged on the sea floor, which conscious and the hospitalization was a precautionary measure, Peres’ bottles of rum on the sea floor in an apparently results when placed in personal physician, Rafi Walden, told reporters. Walden, who is also inlet lapped by gentle waves. the right water temperature and Peres’ son-in-law, said Peres wanted to return home immediately, but The cache is not part of an an- stirred by gentle waves. that doctors at Tel Hashomer hospital in Tel Aviv decided to keep the cient shipwreck, but a local effort to They are aging Kaitei jukusei 92-year-old former president and prime minister in for observation, at least overnight. Polish-born Peres is credited with setting up Israel’s age rum for 10 months at the bot- Rum, a local liquor made from su - nuclear capabilities, and won the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the tom of the sea at the unesco World garcane on Hahajima. The 470 or 1993 interim peace deal with the Palestinians. He has served twice as Heritage site. so islanders hope it will become a prime minister and was president from 2007 to 2014. (Reuters) Takaaki Shimojo, 32, a guide at new local specialty.

would now begin the search for Ms. Mengkheang was the latest ing him a death threat on Facebook. Facebook... those who had done the hacking. target of a campaign announced on On Friday, the prime minister’s “This is according to her an- December 28 by Mr. Hun Sen eldest son, Hun Manet, who heads Continued From pAge 1 swers. The authorities will continue against his tormentors on the social the Defense Ministry’s counterter- after a day of questioning in which to search for the real culprits,” the media network, on which his page rorism department, also announced she convinced investigators she was spokesman said. “When we have surpassed the 2 million “likes” mark that he was suing Chham Chhany, not in fact the one who made the post. not found any new evidence, we last night. who used Facebook to accuse him “She was allowed to return have to listen to her answers.” “If I want to take action against and his mother of having links to the home already,” Lieutenant Gen- Earlier in the day, Lt. Gen. Kom- you, we will get [you] within seven illicit luxury timber trade. eral Komsath said in a WhatsApp sath explained by telephone that hours,” Mr. Hun Sen warned Face - In another case, the Interior Min- message in the evening. “Her Ms. Mengkheang had crossed the book users who insult him or his istry last week asked Interpol to help name [on Facebook] was hacked line of acceptable discourse on so- family online. ar rest a “Cambodian living abroad” by somebody and used.” cial media. Since then, he has stuck to his whom the government believes Asked how police established “This was not constructive criti- word, with police earlier this month pho toshopped an image of Mr. Hun that the account had been hacked, cism,” he explained. “It was an in- ar resting a farmer from a staunchly Sen’s wife, Bun Rany, standing up- Lt. Gen. Komsath said they simply sult to the head of the government CPP family in Kompong Thom prov - right to make it seem as if her legs ac cepted the woman’s defense and that was voted in by the people.” ince for allegedly insulting and send- were spread apart.

interacting with people offline. not. They applied to send him to ward for it,” said Yoon Suk-ho, a Rehab... Many also become withdrawn or the camp during his winter break. 14-year-old middle school student feel lonely, or they show aggres- On day six of the camp, one from Daegu. He acknowledged, Continued From pAge 1 siveness and impulsiveness. group of boys—and this intake however, that he might need teens are Internet addicts, and the “We consider Internet addic- was all boys, there are separate help. government has tried to counter tion the same as other material camps for girls—was coloring pic- “I was actually kind of thinking this through measures such as the addictions like alcohol,” Shim said tures of animals that were meant that I might have a problem with “Cin derella law,” which denies ac- in the common space of the cen- to represent their family members. my smartphone,” he said, adding cess after midnight to gamers ter. A strong smell of liniment Yoon, wearing a blond curly wig that he played games on it non- younger than 16, although many hung in the air, olfactory evidence reminiscent of Christina Aguilera, stop. “When I came here and they have figured out ways to get around of young muscles not used to ate a lollipop and talked to his made me hand it in, I was think- it. physical activity. friends about online gaming strate- ing, ‘How am I going to live with- Then there are camps such as Going cold turkey isn’t easy. gies the entire time. out it?’” this one, offering three- or four- Some teenagers have been busted “Families not only cause you But somehow, they were sur- week courses of stress-reduction for having a secret phone in their stress, but they can help you deal viving. During breaks, the boys classes and wholesome activities belongings, while others have at- with stress, too,” said Kim Tae- went out to play in the snow or sat that include hiking, rock climbing tempted to break out of the camp, joon, the instructor, as the boys on the warm floor playing board and learning to play guitar. trying to walk or hitch-hike to the characterized their parents as scor- games such as Rummikub or card Almost 5,000 teenagers came nearest town, 5 km away, in search pions, gorillas or snakes. games—without a screen in sight. through the camp last year, the first of an Internet cafe. Down the hall, another group On the shelves were box sets of full year it was open. All were sent Yoon, an 18-year-old high school was trying to build towers with dry Harry Potter books and comic here by their parents or their teach- student from Pocheon, north of spaghetti and marshmallows. “use books on old-fashioned paper. ers and were assessed for Internet Seoul, ended up at this camp dur- your heads,” said the teacher, Sun On their last day of the course, addiction before arriving. Check - ing his winter break because of jin-sook, as peppy Korean pop the campers will be assessed for lists include statements such as “I what he did during his summer music played—ironically through addiction again. After that, they lie about the number of hours I holidays: He played computer her laptop computer. “Even will receive periodic visits from spend online” and “I find it more games for at least 14 hours a day. though it takes time, don’t give up.” school counselors to check up on fun to be on my phone than to be Even during the semester, he was Some of the boys worked on them. with family and friends.” spending more than 12 hours a their towers, while others just ate Numbers on recidivism are hard Most of the teenagers here day playing games or using chat- the marshmallows. to come by—because the camp is measure in the “danger zone,” ting apps. On the walls of the classrooms too new, said Shim, the director. where they are obsessive about He thought it was fine. “I wasn’t were forms the boys had filled out At least while they’re here, using the Internet, often cutting getting headaches or anything,” on their first day. “Programmer” some boys found that they could class as a result, and have trouble he said. His parents, however, did was often listed as their desired live without technology. “It’s bet- profession, and many answered ter than I thought it would be,” Correction:The headline for the article “Belgian Pedophile Who Abused the question of why they were here said Kim Sung-min, a 14-year-old. Cambodian Children Missing” (january 23- 24) incorrectly identified with variations of “I was forced.” “At home, I just used to play Dutch national Pieter Ceulen as Belgian. He was convicted of making “My mom told me to come games. But here, we talk to each child in . here, and I don’t even get any re- other.”