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04 Letters Cultivating church planting in your 06 territory 05 Editorial Peter Roennfeldt 26 Revival & Reformation The author describes seven ways that church plants Resources flourish. 28 29 Dateline

Seventh-day Adventists and health: 30 Ministry Matters 10 Celebrating 150 years of the message Theodore N. Levterov Ministry® International Editors International Journal for Pastors Chinese-Robert Wong How did Seventh-day Adventists develop the largest 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, Indonesian-Edwin T. Pandjaitan Protestant health system in the world? MD 20904-6600 U.S.A. Japanese-Yukio Ebihara Korean-Sung Sun Hong [email protected] Portuguese (South America)-Zinaldo Santos Editor Abundant and abiding fruit bearing Russian-Michael Kaminsky Derek J. Morris 12 Melak Alemayehu Spanish (South America)-Marcos Blanco Associate Editor Spanish (Inter-America)-Pablo Perla Willie E. Hucks II What is Jesus saying to us about bearing abundant and International abiding fruit and why is it important? Consultants to Editor Advisors John Fowler, Clifford Goldstein, Myrna Tetz Mario Brito, Michael Kaminsky, Janos Kovacs-Biro, L. Chansanga Colney, Armando Editorial Specialist Miranda, Rudatinya M. Mwangachuchu, Sheryl Beck The seven heads of the beast in Daniel Opoku-Boateng, Jongimpi Papu, Revelation 17 Finance and Bruno Raso, Ángel M. Rodríguez, Hector 16 Technology Manager Sanchez, Houtman Sinaga, David Tasker, Ranko Stefanovic John Feezer IV Ivan L. Williams, Ted N. C. Wilson Join the author in a closer look at Revelation 17 in an effort to discover the meaning that God intended for this Advertising Subscriptions enigmatic passage. Melynie Tooley 12 issues: United States US$32.99; [email protected] Canada and overseas US$47.00. To order: +1 301-787-2790 send name, address, and payment to Does God believe in restoration? Part 3 Subscriptions/ Ministry® Subscriptions, 12501 Old David Solomon renewals/address Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904- 20 changes 6600 U.S.A. Read the 11 guidelines for a pastor’s restoration. [email protected] +1 301-680-6511 To Writers +1 301-680-6502 (fax) We welcome unsolicited manuscripts. Growing in grace: The transforming Cover Before submitting, review the writers’ 316 Creative guidelines at 24 power of Sabbath School Layout Please send manuscripts via email to Ted Hamilton 316 Creative [email protected]. Dynamic, growing Sabbath School classes provide

instruction, inclusion, investment, and inspiration. Read Co-hosts Anthony Kent and Derek Morris how this can happen.

Regarding “Of Nails and Donkeys” by Kenley D. Hall in the October 2013 of Ministry, Ministry® has been published Printer Pacific Press® Pub. Assn., monthly since 1928 by the Ministerial 1350 N. Kings Rd., Nampa, ID 83687 three citations were inadvertently left out. Please see the corrected article on our Association, General Conference of Web Site at Seventh-day Adventists.® Ministry is a Standard mail postage paid at Nampa, Idaho. peer-reviewed journal. (ISSN 0026-5314) SECRETARY Jerry N. Page Member of Associated Church Press. Associate Secretaries Jonas Arrais, Robert Costa, Adventist®, Seventh-day Adventist®, and Willie E. Hucks II, Anthony Kent, Ministry® are the registered trademarks Bible credits Scriptures quoted from NKJV are from The New King James Version, copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers. Scripture taken Derek Morris, Janet Page from The New American Standard Bible®, copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture of the General Conference Corporation of Ministerial Resource taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All Seventh-day Adventists®. rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Center Coordinator Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved. Cathy Payne Vol. 85 Number 12 © 2013 888-771-0738, +1 301-680-6508 PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. LETTERS

“ ‘We need good heart religion that on your own responsibility. You will have means, if you sell your farm, to bring you here” (31). we shall not only reprove, rebuke, As we seek to restore fallen min- isters to the Lord and His service (as volunteers), we need to take to heart exhort with all long-suffering and this important counsel. “We need good heart religion that we shall not only reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long- doctrine, but we shall take the suffering and doctrine, but we shall take the erring in our arms of faith and bear them to the cross of Christ. We erring in our arms of faith and bear must bring them in contact with the sin-pardoning Saviour” (29). * Ellen G. White, Manuscript Release 449: “Dealing With Ministers and Workers Who Have Violated the Seventh Commandment,” Ellen G. them to the cross of Christ.’ ” White Estate,

Dan Serns, Richardson, Texas, United States

Restoration for fallen and/or to volunteer ministry for the Lord write with a resounding Yes! in answer ministers? and His church? It varies by the situation; Ito the question “Does God Believe n David Solomon’s article “Does there is no hard and fast rule (5a). in Restoration? Part 1” (August 2013), IGod Believe in Restoration? Part 2” Finally, restored credentials and even before the continuation with part (October 2013), the author seems to church employment as a gospel 2 in a later edition. Perhaps the real imply that if the church would “begin minister paid from the tithe? No. For question is, Does the Adventist Church practicing the grace that we preach” example, “in no case entrust to them leadership believe in restoration? and move forward that [it] would begin the guardianship of souls” (2). “I was History recounts that there was to reemploy and recredential pastors very reluctant to say a word to dis- one, a cofounder of the Seventh-day who have had a moral fall. courage you. . . . I thought when your Adventist Church, who, Spirit-led The article refers to Ellen White’s credentials were not renewed you by God, ministered to a Brother V, a Manuscript Release 449, “Dealing would quietly settle down and be will- repentant minister who had broken the With Ministers and Workers Who Have ing to be retired” (5c). “If you can save seventh commandment. Rather than Violated the Seventh Commandment.”* your own soul by a humble penitent advocate that he be fired, Ellen White However, the message of the article life, that is the greatest work you can graciously ministered God’s under- seems to [be] contrary to Ellen White’s do” (13). “These debasing sins have not standing and compassion to this fallen counsel in that manuscript. It is a col- been handled with firmness and deci- brother with these words: “[R]edeem- lection of various counsels given to sion” (22). “[I]t would not be possible ing the past errors of your life, God ministers who had moral falls. Here to give you credentials as a shepherd, will accept you. . . . God is merciful; He is a summary of Ellen White’s counsel recommending you to the confidence pities our weakness; He forgives our answering the question “Can ministers of the people, because knowing your transgressions; and, if we will only live be restored?” course of action, if you should in any humble and penitent, if we will cease First, restored to a right relation- way be overcome, the Lord would from evil and do well, the Lord will ship with God, the joy of salvation, a make the conference guilty of the sin approve. May He teach you and work right spirit, and the hope of eternal of which you are guilty” (23). “If the for you.”† Graciously reflecting the life in Jesus? Yes, if there is genuine man is willing and desirous of coming character of her Savior, in the same repentance. to Europe on his own responsibility, letter she then suggests that Brother V Second, restored to their families perhaps that would be wisdom” (27). and marriage, to church membership, “Come here to Australia. . . . Come here Continued on page 9

Ministry® DECEMBER 2013 editorial Derek J. Morris

Seedtime and harvest

recently learned some important level in his article titled “Abundant Jesus shared some important insights lessons about farming. In the past, I and Abiding Fruit Bearing.” He gleans about seedtime and harvest at Jacob’s Ihave spent most of my time thinking important lessons from the teaching of well on the outskirts of Sychar: “ ‘Do you about what I want to grow—or more Jesus about the Vine and the branches. not say, “There are still four months and specifically, what I want to eat once He reminds each one of us that we can then comes the harvest”? Behold, I say to harvesttime arrives. A skilled farmer experience a bountiful harvest in our you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, has a different perspective. First, the own lives through a living connection for they are already white for harvest! soil is tested. Then vital questions are with Jesus. And he who reaps receives wages, and asked: Do I plant something that will We have received a significant gathers fruit for eternal life, that both . . . grow well in this soil, or do I take the amount of feedback regarding the series may rejoice together. For in this the saying time to develop the soil in order to grow “Does God Believe in Restoration?” The is true: “One sows and another reaps” ’ ” a different crop? author, writing under the pseudonym (John 4:35–37, NKJV). Whether you are I hope the application to ministry is of David Solomon, challenges us to currently involved in sowing or reaping, clear. How often have I tried to plant a reevaluate our response to moral failure may the articles in this month’s issue church in a community without paying by a Christian leader. Some critics are be used by God to bless you spiritually, any attention to the condition of the quick to proclaim, “You reap what you intellectually, and professionally. soil? When was the last time I asked sow! You have experienced a moral We wish you God’s richest bless- what type of church would grow well in failure. You’re out of the ministry!” But ings during this Advent season. As you this particular soil, rather than insisting does an opportunity for a new begin- reflect upon the outpouring of God’s on the type of church I wanted to plant? ning ever exist? Can a field still yield a love to our broken planet, may your life Peter Roennfeldt has devoted a good crop after a dismal crop failure? be blessed beyond measure. lifetime of ministry to the vital work of church planting. His lead article in this Left to right: issue of Ministry challenges us to go Melynie Tooley, back to our roots as a church-planting Derek J. Morris, movement. Our primary mission, John Feezer IV, as pastors, should not be to babysit Willie E. Hucks II, churches that already exist but rather to Sheryl Beck disciple lay leaders to care for existing churches while we train and support other lay leaders in the process of planting new churches. One of the best ways to grow a Photo credit: vibrant church is through small groups. Brandan Roberts Ted Hamilton has taught a dynamic small-group Bible study for many years. In his article titled “Growing in Grace: PS: Don’t forget the launch of our digital version of Ministry in January 2014. Anyone The Transforming Power of Sabbath with a regular subscription is eligible to receive a complimentary electronic version. Just School,” he explores the essential look for the digital version button on our Web site (, enter components of a life-changing small your subscription number, your name, and complete address from the shipping label on group. Apply the principles outlined in your hard copy of the journal, and you will begin receiving a complimentary e-version. this article, and you will also witness Once you have signed up for the e-version, take the time to download a free copy remarkable growth and an abundant of Powerful Biblical Preaching. You can choose the eBook or PDF format. Learn some harvest in your small-group ministry. practical pointers from master preachers that will move your preaching ministry to the Melak Alemayehu brings the theme next level of effectiveness. More than 1,500 individuals have already taken advantage of seedtime and harvest to a personal of this offer. Get your copy today.

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DECEMBER 2013 Ministry® Lead Article Peter Roennfeldt

Peter Roennfeldt, retired pastor and evangelist, lives in Caroline Springs, Victoria, Australia.

Cultivating church planting in your territory

fter three years in ministry, four fields, each with a highly secular by members and pastors to reach new I was called to be a district postmodern society where the Seventh- people with the message of . leader and evangelist in day Adventist Church has experienced “We have learned the value of con- APort Moresby, Papua New decline but church planting is opening sistent union leader support,” says Guinea. The city had three churches and new vistas: the -Luxembourg Rudy Dingjan, NUC church planting a small group at the leper facility on a Conference (BLC), in the early stages; coordinator for ten years. To address harbor island. With the young pastors the Western Australian Conference concerns about church planting, the and members, we devised a plan of (WA), seven to nine years along this NUC also published Growing Pains, a regular public evangelism around the path; the South England Conference newsletter sent to all members with the city—in marketplaces, schools, squatter (SEC), with over 60 new plants in eight Sabbath School quarterlies, in which settlements, church buildings, and years; and the Union Dingjan and the presidents responded on university campuses. At the end of Conference (NUC), now ten to twelve to questions and criticisms. Leaders four years, the plan resulted in 14 new years into planting churches. play an important role in reminding churches. members and pastors that Adventism While such an approach is rarely An environment of began as a church-planting movement. effective in Western territories today, encouragement and research shows that new churches innovative mission Be highly intentional, reach new people, and only those con- Leaders play a key role in church but low key ferences planting new churches grow.1 planting, providing an environment Church planting starts with prayer, Secular postmodern societies pose new of affirmation, encouragement, and revitalization, discipleship, and the challenges, but there is growing interest movement thinking. WA president affirmation of members and pastors by district and regional pastors and Glenn Townend, who has planted who experiment with fresh approaches conference and union leaders in culti- Adventist churches during his ministry, to sharing faith with friends and vating and multiplying new churches has positioned planting as mainstream communities—not with high-profile in their territories or countries. Having Adventism in his conference. “Along strategic plans and numeric goal set- assisted in developing a division-wide with personal ministries, prayer min- ting. While the process is intentional, church-planting strategy as well as istry, our school system, age care, a wide number of people need to be multiple conference and union plans, youth activities, etc., church planting involved in conversations to shape the some questions need to be raised: What is what we do to renew Adventism as journey. processes have been followed? What a movement in Western Australia,” Pastors know their districts, are lessons have we learned? What are Townend says. The past and current working to involve members in mission, some of the traps and keys to a process? NUC presidents participate in the and must be involved in the dialogue annual evangelism festival, affirming about a developing church-growth Beginning a process in church planting is “what we do,” and or church-planting process. In the postmodern societies teaching seminars and workshops to BLC, Reinder Bruinsma, the interim To illustrate the principles in this encourage and equip new planting president, and his fellow administra- article, I draw on the experiences of teams. They affirm diverse initiatives tors involved all pastors in discussing

Ministry® DECEMBER 2013 their concerns, fears, and hopes. Then and offices, and some who are frus- • Involving lay members as planters. the leaders, together with an experi- trated and/or are in conflict with their They know and are connected to enced facilitator of church-planting churches whose passion for mission their target communities and have teams, visited pastors with key local in their communities was reignited by a deep passion to share their faith church leaders in their local areas. This the growing vision of church growth with their friends. Young adults involved hours of visitation, listening, and planting across their countries. plant to reach their friends and are and exploring mission initiatives and BLC leaders with district pastors visited integral to most church plants. potential plants. Pastors who were each for two to three hours, answer- • Pastors serve as coaches of the found to be experimenting were invited ing questions and concerns, building church-planting teams, not control- to share their experiences with fellow bridges of reconciliation and trust, fan- ling, but resourcing, equipping, and pastors. ning each spark of mission interest, and encouraging. They are equipped Elders and personal ministries developing a plan of further equipping and affirmed in their new role of leaders from the whole conference, and support for these potential plants. fostering the ministry of their mem- together with their pastors, spent a bers, rather than doing the ministry full Sabbath with their BLC leaders and Some essentials in the solo. In the NUC, each plant has a guest speakers from similar cultural process district pastor as their coach, and regions, discussing the possibilities Major objections need to be pastors are involved in training. of church planting for mission. Case addressed. Dingjan identified three Some now care for two or three

Church planting starts with prayer, revitalization, discipleship, and the affirmation of members and pastors who experiment with fresh approaches to sharing faith with friends and communities.

studies provided inspiration and ideas; objections to church planting when this established churches as well as questions and concerns were aired was first introduced in the Netherlands: coach two or three church plants. and addressed. Meanwhile, all local (1) it cannot be done in Europe, (2) it will This new paradigm takes pressure churches received video and written cost too much, and (3) it will burn out off overburdened pastors. materials on the developing vision. already overburdened pastors. These Potential planters and plants began were addressed by the following: Mission is the reason for planting, to surface through further visitation not alternate worship services. The of pastors and churches. Pastors and • Church-planting study tours to visit variety of people planting together members in the BLC, along with leaders, church plants in similar cultures, with the many communities and people began identifying potential planting observing that it can be done, groups being reached will result in a projects—families reaching their com- and that secular postmoderns are wide variety of styles of worship gather- munities, ethnic and language groups, coming to the faith. Conference ings, but church planting is not a group young adults, older people relating to and union leaders, pastors, and of members starting a different worship the kids next door, business people laypeople (including many young service. Jesus commissioned disciples initiating ministries from factories people) participated. to make disciples, and this is where

DECEMBER 2013 Ministry® Lead Article Peter Roennfeldt

church planting starts (Matt. 28:18–20). differently, their communities are different approaches, this person works Potential teams need equipping in the diverse, and the Holy Spirit leads. Some closely with conference and union discipleship process Jesus used and to plants develop strategically, while leadership—planning summits, study learn how to lead people to Jesus in our others are more spontaneous. Like tours, coordinating the role of coaches, postmodern context. most existing churches in the global providing resources, networking, and Church planting is a spiritual jour- north, some will reflect modernity while encouraging. ney. Every potential planting team is others will represent the multicultural- Coaching and visits. Regular coach- encouraged to read the book of Acts ism and diversity of post-Christendom ing visits and an annual visit to each systematically, praying through each forms. Some may use classic models plant by the coordinator and a confer- chapter and identifying lessons for of outreach, such as public evangelism ence or union leader are extremely their plant. This book contains the and seminars, while most will use more helpful. During these visits, questions primary manual for all church planters. relational approaches to engage their are answered and planters are affirmed In this context, the teams learn to pray communities. There will be a variety as team members in mission. Through in a variety of ways and depend upon of types of church plants, all under the such close contact, conference and the Holy Spirit’s leading. Teams are umbrella of Adventism: community, union personnel can also address any also encouraged to become involved café, simple, satellite, traditional, kids independent or congregational tenden- in missional activities immediately— churches, and house church plants. cies usually arising through frustration not to wait until they have finished Some will be structured; others, not so or a lack of communication. Every training, and begin working through a structured. “This church plant is prov- couple of years, the SEC and NUC have church-planting manual or conversa- ing very effective in engaging families also involved an experienced church tion guide.2 in its local community,” says Aristotle planter and consultant to visit 15–20 Keep it simple and low cost. Most Vontzalidis. “They have also started a plants a week with their coordinator church planting in the Western world very successful community Heart Café and president, focusing the planting is now kept simple and low budget. evening every couple of months.” teams on their mission and addressing Members are planting churches. specific issues on which they seek Conferences and unions spend funds Support systems are help. This is an intense but appreciated on equipping but to visit, develop needed process. friendships, or disciple people in their Church plants flourish with good Visits to existing churches. During homes does not cost money. Aristotle support systems, such as the following: these visits, the president, church- Vontzalidis, SEC church growth and Annual exchange summits. Those planting coordinator, and guest planting coordinator, says the SEC has interested in learning about church consultant can also visit with the lead- shifted the focus from pastor-planted planting are invited to attend a training ership or board of established churches. churches to lay members planting. summit, bringing at least four people Together with their pastors, they can be In the SEC, they have fostered simple for each potential team. Prayer times encouraged to become hubs of church churches. Based upon teams of mem- (usually one and a half hours daily), planting, fostering a network of plants bers, this is small and inexpensive but worships, plenary sessions, and work- in their district. very effective. Because it is member shops and seminars are used to equip News and resources. The stories of based, they reduce the activities and and inspire. Much of the teaching is plants are shared through blogs, regu- complexity to what full-time profession- done through case studies. All teams lar email newsletters, and conference als, workers, or business people can who have started planting are invited and union papers, providing outreach handle. As people become disciples, to share their stories as part of the and ministry ideas for planters. But, they gather in homes, low-cost com- equipping of other teams. This also watch the language. To say, “It is easier munity facilities, cafés, or school or provides an environment for assessing to give birth (to a new church) than to university lecture rooms. If community their journeys. Each team receives raise the dead (an established church)” programs are needed, the wider com- encouragement to equip and bring is judgmental and offensive to faithful munity is invited to fund the initiatives. another team of church planters the members in existing churches. Church A basic principle is that the harvesters next year. planters can offend in their enthusiasm. and the funds for church plants are in Conference or union planting Twinning. Some church plants in the harvest! coordinator. This point person should the NUC and SEC have twinned by sup- recognize the importance of being porting each other, sharing weekend Variety is expected involved in church planting, not sim- retreats, visiting, and sharing in mis- Planting churches might be easier ply a departmental person with the sion. This voluntary arrangement has to manage if all church plants looked added responsibility of church planting. proven to be very supportive. the same as existing churches. However, Passionate about evangelism and dis- Mini-exchanges or summits. In that will not be the case. Planters think cipleship, and able and willing to foster addition to an annual church-planting

Ministry® DECEMBER 2013 Years summit, the WA has initiated minisum- conservative, and develop the plan plant, and what is expected for them to mits in some regional centers. Three to together. be accepted as a sister church.3 five teams are equipped in each region, • Do not set numeric goals, such as and members of established churches the number of new churches, within Conclusion benefit from discipleship training and a ten years. Such do not motivate Adventism began as a church- better understanding of new churches the pastors or planters in Western planting movement in the West.4 We in their districts. environments. cannot extrapolate directly from the Without intentional equipping, • Do not prescribe the methods that early years, but for each year in the support, and multiplying systems, will be used. Allow the Holy Spirit 1870s, one new Adventist church was significant church planting does not to lead members and pastors to use planted for every two ordained pastors; happen. Even once ten to twenty new what God has placed in their hands, in the 1880s, one new church each year churches have been planted, the ener- and be surprised. for every five or six ordained pastors; gies in a conference or union may be • Do not ask planters to present and in the 1890s, one church each year easily diverted to maintenance. These definitive plans before they can for every four ordained pastors. At the support systems need to be fostered start. These plans will evolve. They 1870s rate of planting, the BLC with 10 and refreshed year after year. cannot determine the direction of ordained pastors would be planting 5 their mission before they start. churches each year; the NUC, 13; the Allow a conference and/ WA with 35 ordained pastors in their or union church-planting It is a process. This does not mean territory, 17 or 18; and the SEC with process to develop no plan exists. Each conference or 83 pastors, about 40 new churches A conference and/or union vision union needs simple guidelines that are each year. The leaders of the BLC, NUC, document develops from dialogue. affirmed before a group is recognized WA, and SEC are committed to seeing Begin with simple broad strokes, a as a church-planting project, including Adventism as a movement in their fields commitment to prayer, and renewing a clear mission focus, a cooperative again. Adventism as a movement. Foster an spirit, a developing plan (developed ongoing prayer focus that continues by the team working through a church- 1 These Western territories are North America, Europe, Australia, year after year, not just a day, week, planting manual or conversation and New Zealand. 2 Peter Roennfeldt, Planting Churches That Multiply: Conversation month, or even a year of prayer. Affirm guide), team leaders or a group Guide, New Church Life, accessed October 15, 2013, http://www innovative approaches to mission, and affirmed by the planting coordinator encourage participation in mission in and president, an assigned coach, a -that-Multiply-20111.pdf and Peter Roennfeldt, Church Planting: other fields. financial plan (including the return of New Churches for New People, New Church Life, accessed October To see church planting multiply tithe to the conference or union), and 15, 2013, across a territory, do the following: a safe-places plan for children and /New-Churches-for-New-People-07.pdf. 3 In most Western fields, the status of church company does not fit vulnerable people. Each conference a church plant, for it is not an isolated group of believers and, very • Do not present a completed strate- or union needs a clear process of early, it has trained leaders. gic plan to pastors and churches to affirming projects and informing them 4 See Russell Burrill, Rekindling a Lost Passion: Recreating a Church launch the process. Start low key, when they are recognized as a group, a Planting Movement (Fallbrook, CA: Hart Research Center, 1999).

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LETTERS Continued from page 4 relocate to England where, “We want hank you for the series “Does God At times, I wonder if that is in God’s missionaries whom God can work with TBelieve in Restoration?” I experienced will for me, but regardless, I was blessed and bless.” a moral fall after serving as a pastor for with reconciliation and restoration of Can we do anything other than 30 years. When I read the article, I felt [my] relationship with Him. In my heart, follow this example of true Christian like I was reading my own story, except I know His sovereign grace and will for compassion? for the conclusion. I lost everything four me is very good. Truly, I miss being a † Ellen G. White, Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce years ago and have not yet experienced pastor, but what I needed to learn was (Silver Spring, MD: Ellen G. White Estate, 1989), 203. restoration. I am so happy that the author far more important. Steve Cinzio, Logan Village, Queensland, Australia got a second chance. Stuart S., Washington State, United States

DECEMBER 2013 Ministry® Theodore N. Levterov

Theodore N. Levterov is director of the Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office at Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, United States.

Seventh-day Adventists and health: Celebrating 150 years of the Adventist health message

he year 2013 marks 150 years expectancy was about midthirties. to share their faith with others.4 When since the beginning of the Little or nothing was known about some believers, for instance, began Seventh-day Adventist health nutrition as “fruits and vegetables were to ask if eating pork was not healthy, Tmessage. On June 6, 1863, in largely avoided.” Much was also to be James White replied that dealing with Otsego, Michigan, God revealed through desired about hygiene. Some reports such health issues “will only distract Ellen G. White that Adventists should claim that the average American at that the flock of God, and lead the minds begin to pay attention to their health time seldom or never took a bath during of the brethren from the importance and lifestyle. This first major vision on their entire lifetime.2 of the present work of God among the health transformed the Seventh-day In this context, health reformers remnant.”5 Ellen White supported her Adventist Church to become a leading began to appear and appeal for new husband. She wrote in 1858, nearly five entity in health and health science ways of healthful living. Sylvester years before she received the health around the world. Graham, for example, came up vision of 1863: with his new Graham diet, teaching Health in nineteenth- people new eating habits. Dr. James I saw that your views concern- century America C. Jackson established a water-cure ing swine’s flesh would prove no Health practices at the beginning of institution near Dansville, New York, to injury if you have them to your- the nineteenth century in America were heal patients through water and other selves; but in your judgment and deplorable and far from what we con- natural methods.3 opinion you have made this ques- sider normal today. Rennie Schoepflin tion a test, and your actions have notes, “In the early nineteenth century, Initial Sabbatarian plainly shown your faith in this American patients and physicians attitudes toward health matter. If God requires His people to shared a common understanding of in the 1850s abstain from swine’s flesh, He will health and sickness that contrasts The majority of Sabbatarian convict them on the matter. . . . If it sharply with that of most Americans Adventists and their leaders in the is the duty of the church to abstain today.”1 Doctors and nurses had little 1850s, however, were not interested from swine’s flesh, God will discover or no education. Tobacco and other in health since they were busy preach- it to more than two or three. He will deadly drugs were used for medicine, ing the “present truth.” By 1851, the teach His church their duty.6 and patients were bled to death. One Sabbatarians gave priority to certain in six infants died before reaching theological doctrines that defined But Adventists were forced into the their first birthday. The average life who they were, and they were excited health discussion because of practical

Ministry® DECEMBER 2013 Years concerns. While they were preaching my story is this: In less than five healthful living. As a result, Seventh-day the present truth, they were suffering years I was utterly prostrated. My Adventists would build their first medi- and dying from unhealthy lifestyle voice was destroyed, I supposed cal institution—the Western Health habits. In fact, Adventism faced the permanently; my eyesight was Reform Institute—in 1866. Later, it threat of possible collapse because its considerably injured; I could not became the renowned Battle Creek spiritual leaders did not pay attention rest by day, and I could not sleep Sanitarium. The same year, they also to their health. well at night.”8 began their first health periodical—the By the 1860s, for example, James Health Reformer. Young Adventists, White’s health was failing as he was J. N. Loughborough, the first histo- including John H. Kellogg, were also suffering physically, mentally, and rian of the movement, also described encouraged to get medical education. emotionally. Ellen White noted how he part of his diet. “I was a great lover of ani- Later, in 1905, through the visionary dwelt upon “unpleasant memories” mal flesh as food,” he wrote. “I wanted leadership of Ellen White and the help from the past that caused him deep fat pork fried for breakfast, boiled meat of John A. Burden, Adventists bought emotional distress. He was also upset for dinner, cold slices of ham or beef for the property for what would become with those working for him, was easily supper. One of my sweetest morsels Loma Linda Sanitarium in Loma Linda, angered, and had an unforgiving spirit. was bread well soaked in pork gravy.”9 California.11 In 1906, they also started A lot of her 1863 vision on health, there- Obviously, Seventh-day Adventism and the Loma Linda College of Medical fore, was directed toward James White its leaders needed a turning point. Evangelists (Loma Linda University). and his lifestyle.7 By 1865, he suffered Today, Seventh-day Adventists his first paralytic stroke because of 1863 and onwards have the largest Protestant health overwork and exhaustion. It was in this context that God system in the world, with more than 500 J. N. Andrews, who became the first reminded the Adventists of the impor- institutions in 65 countries. Notably, official missionary of the Seventh-day tance of health through a vision that their holistic approach to health has Adventist Church, also reflected on his Ellen White received in June 1863. Ellen made Adventist contributions to health health habits at that time: White wrote, science and health education unique in the twenty-first century. But everything “I was kept from the use of I saw that now we should take started with the simple message from tobacco, and from even tasting special care of the health God has God 150 years ago: health is impor- strong drink; but I learned almost given us, for our work was not yet tant. Today, Adventism continues to nothing of the evils of unwholesome done. . . . The work God requires of proclaim the same simple message, food. . . . I supposed old cheese was us will not shut us away from caring helping people live better and healthier good to aid digestion! Do not smile for our health. The more perfect lives around the world. at my folly; unless my memory is our health, the more perfect will at fault, I had learned this out of be our labor. . . . I saw that it was a 1 Rennie B. Schoepflin, “Health and Health Care,” in The World of Ellen G. White, ed. Gary Land (Hagerstown, MD: Review and ‘standard medical works.’ As to sacred duty to attend to our health, Herald Pub. Assn., 1987), 143. mince-pie and sausage, I had no and arouse others to their duty. . . . 2 George R. Knight, Ellen White’s World: A Fascinating Look at the thought that these were unwhole- We have a duty to speak, to come Times in Which She Lived (Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1998), 29–41. some, unless too highly seasoned, out against intemperance of every 3 Ibid., 34–36. or, as it was termed, ‘made too kind—intemperance in working, 4 The list included the doctrines of the Second Coming, the rich.’ Hot biscuit and butter, dough- in eating, in drinking, and in drug- Sabbath, the sanctuary, the state of the dead, and spiritual gifts. nuts, pork in every form, pickles, ging—and then to point them to 5 James White, “Swine’s Flesh,” Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, May 23, 1854, 140. preserves, tea, coffee, etc., were God’s great medicine, pure, soft 6 Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church (Mountain View, CA: all in common use. Of ventilation water—for diseases, for health, for Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1948), 1:206, 207; emphasis in original. I understood almost nothing. . . . cleanliness, and for a luxury.10 7 Ellen G. White, “Testimony Regarding James and Ellen White,” Manuscript 1, 1863. “When I entered the Christian 8 J. N. Andrews, quoted in Ellen G. White and James White, Christian ministry, at the age of twenty-one, The message from God was simple: Temperance and Bible Hygiene (Battle Creek, MI: Good Health Pub. I did not enjoy firm health. . . . health is important and Seventh-day Co., 1890), 262, 263. 9 J. N. Loughborough, “Waymarks in the History of the Health “. . . Had I understood the laws Adventists must begin to pay attention Reform Movement,” Gospel of Health, October 1899, 175. of life in the right use of food, and in to it. 10 Ellen G. White, “Testimony Regarding James and Ellen White,” the principles of hygiene generally, This simple idea would turn Manuscript 1, 1863. 11 John A. Burden was a Seventh-day Adventist minister who was I could have gone longer than I did Adventism around and transform instrumental in negotiating and buying the property for Loma in the exhausting labor which I the movement in gradually becom- Linda University. He also acted as the general administrator of the attempted to sustain. But, in short, ing a leading promoter of health and Loma Linda Sanitarium from 1905 to 1915.

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DECEMBER 2013 Ministry® Melak Alemayehu Years Melak Alemayehu is currently pursuing his PhD in biblical studies, with an emphasis in Old Testament, Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines.

Abundant and abiding fruit bearing

n His upper-room discourse (John fruit for the salvation of men. The Vine and Him alone. Failing to recognize this 15), Jesus uses the image of a vine and the Branch are equally under the leads to disappointment. In fact, could to teach the secrets of fruit bear- unchangeable law of fruitbearing as it be because we fail to give glory to God Iing. He talks about the possibility the one reason of their being. Christ and for the results in our evangelistic efforts of bearing abundant (v. 5) and abid- the believer, the Heavenly Vine and the that our fruits are not as abundant and ing fruit (v. 16), in which the former Branch, have equally their place in the abiding as they should be? Do we often pinpoints the quantity of fruit and the world exclusively for one purpose, to scrutinize our motives as we engage in latter its quality. carry God’s saving love to men.”3 the work of saving others? In this discourse, what is Jesus say- Hence, this work of sharing God’s Leonard Ravenhill, in his classic ing to us about bearing abundant and saving love should not be relegated work Why Revival Tarries, identified abiding fruit, and why is it important? to just pastors or renowned evange- stealing the glory that belongs to God lists. As ministers, we need to refocus as one of the reasons why revival tar- Essential, but not and redirect our efforts to impress ries. “Away with all fleshly backslapping optional our members with the importance of and platform flattery! Away with this Fruit bearing has to do primarily this truth. Though fruitlessness may exalting of ‘My radio program,’ ‘My with fulfilling the mission of Christ not be an offense that requires being church,’ ‘My books!’ Oh, the sickening through carrying out His work of removed from the church books, it will parade of flesh in our pulpits: ‘We are redemption in our words and deeds. certainly lead to losing the salvation of greatly privileged, etc.’ Speakers (who Bruce Milne cautions us on “the danger our souls. “The branch can maintain its are there really by grace alone) accept of detaching” this fascinating imagery connection with the living vine only on all this, nay—even expect it! The fact is of a fruit-bearing Vine from its larger condition that it bear fruit.”4 that when we have listened to most of context and our tendency to interpret it Here is the first truth: fruit bearing these men, we would not have known by concentrating “solely on our inward is essential, not optional. Only when they were great if they had not been relationship with the Lord.” However, we all understand how crucial it is that announced so!”5 “[i]ts real thrust is the renewal of the we carry out God’s purpose of reaching However, when we fix our eyes on mission of Israel through Jesus the the lost world will we start bearing the the glory of God and share the spirit Messiah and the disciple community.”1 requisite fruit. of Jesus, who says, “ ‘I do not accept Fruit bearing is essential, not praise from men,’ ” we will put ourselves optional. This can be seen throughout Focusing on the glory in the right position to experience a life this passage in Jesus’ emphasis on fruit of God of abundant and abiding fruit bearing bearing (vv. 2, 4, 5, 8, 16). Furthermore, Glorifying God comprises the (John 5:41). Jesus depicts the fatality of fruitless- ultimate goal of fruit bearing. Jesus ness when He warns, “ ‘He [the Father] declares, “ ‘This is to my Father’s glory, Abiding in Jesus cuts off every branch in me that bears that you bear much fruit’ ” (v. 8). Here Fruit bearing is an outgrowth of no fruit’ ” (v. 2).2 As Andrew Murray suc- is the second vital truth: fruit bear- abiding in Jesus. This is the third key cinctly puts it, “Just as entirely as Christ ing is not about us but about God, truth from this teaching of Jesus about became the True Vine with the one His mission, and His glory. It is not the Vine and the branches. The word object, you have been made a Branch our invention but His mission, and its abide, as it refers to our relationship too, with the one object of bearing completion should bring glory to Him with the True Vine, Jesus, is mentioned

Ministry® DECEMBER 2013 seven times in John 15:1–16.6 This fruit to abound. Ellen White observes, will pour out “his love into our hearts by affirms the fact that abiding is the “Many misunderstand the object for the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 5:5). In defining watchword capping all the secrets for which they were created. They do not this love, Ellen White writes, “Love is not successful fruit bearing. “ ‘I am the vine, realize that they were placed here to simply an impulse, a transitory emo- you are the branches. He who abides in bless humanity and glorify God, rather tion, dependent upon circumstances; Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for than to enjoy and glorify self. God is it is a living principle, a permanent without Me you can do nothing’ ” (v. 5, constantly pruning his people, cutting power. The soul is fed by the streams NKJV). Thus, one may have either a life off profuse, spreading branches, that of pure love that flow from the heart of much fruit or no fruit at all. And the they may bear fruit to his glory, and not of Christ, as a wellspring that never distinguishing factor between the two produce leaves only.”8 fails.”9 Love is the ultimate fulfillment is the abiding. So, what is this abiding? Its maintenance. “ ‘If you keep My of all God’s commandments, including To get a clearer understanding of this commandments, you will abide in My the mission He has given us. When this crucial concept, let us investigate its love, just as I have kept My Father’s love is demonstrated in the lives of the foundation, enhancement, mainte- commandments and abide in His love’ ” believers, abundant and abiding fruit nance, evidence, and privilege. (v. 10, NKJV). A spirit of disobedience will surface and the world will know Its foundation. The imagery of the creates discord, and ultimately destroys that they are the disciples of Jesus Vine that portrays a close connection with its branch depicts the believer’s relationship with Jesus. In particular, when we note how Jesus paralleled abiding in Him with abiding in His love Fruit bearing has to do primarily (v. 10), we realize that divine love is the foundation and the essence of this with fulfilling the mission of abiding. Jesus declares, “ ‘As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you’ ” Christ through carrying out (v. 9). Ellen White comments on this verse: “He keeps us in connection with His work of redemption in our him as he is in connection with the Father. What possibilities, what strength, words and deeds. there are in that promise! Why do we not believe it? If there are hindrances in our way, and if we meet with difficulties, let us not give up in despair, but keep fast hold of the promises.”7 Moreover, He is any relationship. Thus, though God is (John 13:35). Thus, “Love to man is the the Initiator of this relationship, for He the Initiator and Enhancer of this abid- earthward manifestation of the love of says, “ ‘You did not choose me, but I ing in Jesus, its maintenance requires God. It was to implant this love, to make chose you’ ” (v. 16). And the greatness of a life of obedience motivated by love. us children of one family, that the King His love was revealed through the offer Early Christians manifested this obedi- of glory became one with us. . . . When He made, laying down His life, giving it ence and proclaimed boldly, “Who shall we love the world as He has loved it, out to be possessed by His friends (vv. separate us from the love of Christ? then for us His mission is accomplished. 13–15). This is what abiding is all about; Shall trouble or hardship or persecution We are fitted for heaven; for we have abiding is responding to His love. or famine or nakedness or danger or heaven in our hearts.”10 Its enhancement. Like other rela- sword?” (Rom. 8:35). “For Christ’s love Its privilege. “ ‘If you abide in Me, tionships, abiding in Jesus also has compels us. . . . Those who live should and My words abide in you, you will ask room for growing deeper. Jesus says, no longer live for themselves but for what you desire, and it shall be done for “ ‘[E]very branch that does bear fruit him who died for them and was raised you’ ” (John 15:7, NKJV). Abiding has this he prunes so that it will be even more again” (2 Cor. 5:14, 15). tremendous privilege of giving access to fruitful’ ” (v. 2). Notice also that God’s Its evidence. Abiding in Christ, which the heavenly storehouse and securing primary means of pruning is His Word is equated with abiding in His love, whatever is needed for fruit bearing. (v. 3). As we keep on listening to His manifests itself in loving one another Notice that the promise is posed with a words, we will receive illumination with the same love He demonstrated. prior condition. The promise is binding and direction on how to avoid any Jesus plainly states, “ ‘My command only if we abide in Him. And the reason distractions, even if they are for good is this: Love each other as I have loved why the branch abides in the Vine is to causes. Consequently, we will deepen you’ ” (John 15:12). When we abide in bear fruit. Therefore, this privilege of our abiding, which in turn causes Christ as a branch abides in the vine, He asking and getting from heaven should

DECEMBER 2013 Ministry® Melak Alemayehu Years be understood in the context of fulfilling the message “clearly” (Col. 4:3, 4), the mission of our Lord Jesus Christ. “fearlessly” (Eph. 6:19), and “rapidly” 1 Bruce Milne, The Message of John: Here Is Your King! The Bible With this clear understanding of the (2 Thess. 3:1). Thus, abundant and abid- Speaks Today (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1993), 220. 2 All Scripture passages, unless otherwise stated, are from the New promise, believers should be encour- ing fruit bearing is unattainable without International Version. aged to engage in earnest intercessory prevailing in a persistent intercessory 3 Andrew Murray, The Mystery of the True Vine (London: James prayer, and this prayer should be done prayer. “In the work of mission, the Nisbet & Co., 1898), 32. with a loving heart for perishing souls. church advances on its knees.”12 4 Ellen G. White, “The True Vine,” Review and Herald, September 20, In explaining the connection between 1881. the love that we need to have for the Conclusion 5 Leonard Ravenhill, Why Revival Tarries (Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House, 1959), 60, 61; emphasis in original. lost and the claiming of this promise, Bearing abundant and abiding fruit 6 Abide occurs two times in vv. 4 and 10 and once in vv. 5–7. Murray writes, “[W]e cannot appropri- is not wishful thinking but a possibility 7 White, The Paulson Collection of Ellen G. White Letters (Payson, AZ: ate the promise without a life given up because the Vine, Jesus Christ, and the Leaves-of-Autumn Books, 1985), 316. for men. Many try to take the promise, Gardener, His Father, have provided 8 White, “Christ the True Vine,” Sign of the Times, March 10, 1887. and then look round for what they can everything. A true disciple of Jesus is 9 White, Ye Shall Receive Power (Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1995), 181. ask. This is not the way; but the very only a branch who can do nothing apart 10 White, The Desire of Ages (Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Pub. opposite. Get the heart burdened with from Him. Hence, as a branch rests on Assn., 1940), 641. the need of souls, and the command to the vine before it bears any fruit, we also 11 Murray, The Mystery of the True Vine, 90. save them, and the power will come to need to rest on our all-sufficient Lord. 12 Milne, The Message of John, 222. claim the promise.”11 Scripture says that we should recognize the necessity of praying to Starting with the January issue, God to send more workers to carry if you’re a subscriber, you can receive out the mission of saving souls (Matt. 9:35–38). We can also learn from Paul’s a free digital copy of the magazine. prayer requests that we need to pray to be given words so that we proclaim

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Ministry® DECEMBER 2013 January 8-18, 2014 Ranko Stefanovic

Ranko Stefanovic, PhD, is professor of New Testament studies, Andrews University Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.

The seven heads of the beast in Revelation 17

n past months, the resignation of Where have such ideas come from? The prostitute riding the Pope Benedict XVI and the elec- Unfortunately, they have not been beast tion of his successor, Pope Francis, derived from careful study of the bib- Revelation 17 is delineated into Ipreoccupied the news media and lical text, but rather from past and two parts: (1) the vision (17:1–6a), in Internet. The news sparked a renewed current news headlines that have been which John the revelator observes a interest in the enigmatic prophecy of twisted into fictitious and sensational woman who is depicted as a prostitute Revelation 17:9–11 among students biblical predictions. Historical facts riding the beast; and (2) the audition of Bible prophecy, resulting in some and biblical texts were creatively inter- (17:6b–18), in which the interpreting creative interpretive proposals. twined in order to fit an established angel explains to John the meaning Revelation 17 vividly describes interpretation, which is unfortunately of the vision of the prostitute and the a beast with seven heads (v. 3). not supported by textual evidence. beast that carries her. Subsequently, an interpreting angel In reality, the view that the healing In the vision, John is invited to explains to John the revelator that of the papal deadly wound occurred in witness the judgment of the great these heads represent seven consecu- 1929 is only an assumption rather than prostitute who sits on many waters, tive kings: five have fallen, the sixth is, a historical fact. The act of granting seductively deceiving the inhabitants and the seventh king is yet to come (v. the papacy a small, independently of the earth (vv. 1, 2). This woman is 10). When he comes, he will remain sovereign state can hardly be viewed as subsequently identified as “ ‘Babylon only for a short time. Along with an the fulfillment of this prophecy, whose the great, the mother of harlots’ ” (v. 5).1 eighth king, the whole beast will go to scope is worldwide, as described in In the Hebrew Scriptures, a prostitute destruction (v. 11). Revelation 13:11–18. While the year symbolically refers to God’s people in During the last several decades, 1929 may have marked the beginning their apostasy (Isa. 1:21; Jer. 3:1; Ezek. some Adventist interpreters have of the healing of the deadly wound, the 16; 23; Hosea 3; 4). The portrayal of the associated these seven heads/kings fact that 84 years have passed since the prostitute in Revelation 17 shows that with the seven successive popes since Lateran Treaty contradicts any evidence she represents an entity that was once 1929—the year in which the Lateran that supports the view that the papal faithful to God before aligning herself Treaty recognized Vatican City as an deadly wound has been healed. with the end-time opponent of God independent sovereign state. For some Furthermore, the application of the and His faithful remnant. Babylon is time, John Paul II, pontiff from 1978 to “ ‘short time’ ” of the rule of the seventh thus a corporate name for an end-time 2005, had been regarded as the last king to the eight-year rule of Benedict apostate entity. pope. However, his death prompted a XVI ignores the even shorter pontificate Note that the prostitute is first reinterpretation of this prophecy. The of John Paul I, who ruled for only 34 referenced to as sitting on “ ‘many fact that Benedict XVI is the seventh days before he died in 1978 (Rev. 17:10, waters’ ” (v. 1); however, when John elected pope since 1929 and his pon- NKJV). Many other such inconsistencies actually sees her, she is seen as sitting tificate lasted for only a relatively short render this adaptation of the biblical on a scarlet beast (v. 3). This should not period of time (some eight years), has prophecy as spurious and inconclusive. come as a surprise due to such a literary led some to associate him with the Therefore, I invite you to join me in feature occurring regularly in the book seventh king; thus, the newly elected a closer look at Revelation 17:9–11 in an (see Rev. 5:5, 6). Therefore, the waters Pope Francis is viewed as the last pope effort to discover the meaning that God and the beast are two symbols that in the office before the end comes. intended for this enigmatic passage. represent the same reality. According to

Ministry® DECEMBER 2013 Revelation 17:5, the waters upon which The “was” phase of the beast refers church, was a religious-political power, the prostitute was seen symbolize the to its activities during the prophetic the scarlet beast is exclusively a politi- civil, secular, and political powers of period of 1,260 days or years (Rev. 13:5). cal power. These two are distinct at the the world. Jeremiah 51:13 shows that The year a.d. 538 marked the beginning end of time. “many waters” refers to the Euphrates of this prophetic period when the River. Just as the ancient Babylon church of western Europe, led by the The seven heads of the depended on the Euphrates River for its Roman papacy, established itself as beast existence, so will the end-time Babylon an ecclesiastical power and dominated This brings us to our key passage depend on the civil, secular, and politi- the Western world throughout the of Revelation 17:9–11: “ ‘Here is the cal powers of the world to enforce its Middle Ages. In our time characterized mind which has wisdom. The seven plans and purposes. by religious tolerance, such statements heads are seven mountains on which Furthermore, the beast stands as a can be regarded as harsh and unfair; the woman sits, and they are seven symbol of a political power or system. but the present reality cannot erase the kings; five have fallen, one is, the other That the prostitute Babylon sits (or historical facts. has not yet come; and when he comes, rides) on the beast shows that this Furthermore, the beast came into he must remain a little while. The beast religious system will have control over its “is not” phase of existence in 1798 which was and is not, is himself also an these worldwide political powers at the when, as a result of the events of the eighth and is one of the seven, and he end of time. Thus, the prophecy shows French Revolution, it sustained its goes to destruction.’ ” us that at the end of time, there will deadly wound (Rev. 13:3). This brought The text opens with a call for be a religious-political union when the an end to the church’s oppressive “wisdom” as a prerequisite to under- political powers of the earth will unite political power. The beast disappeared standing the meaning of the heads with the end-time apostate religious for some time from the world’s scene, of the beast. The wisdom that John system named Babylon. yet it survived. calls for here is the same wisdom that Third, with the healing of the was spoken of in connection with the The three phases of the deadly wound, the beast will resur- number of the beast (Rev. 13:18). This beast rect to life in full satanic rage against wisdom refers to spiritual discern- In the second part of the chapter, God’s faithful people. The prophecy ment that can only be imparted by John is described as greatly aston- thus shows that the religious-political the Holy Spirit, rather than through ished when he sees the prostitute. He oppressive system that dominated brilliant mental and intellectual ability recognizes in her the woman that had the world during the Middle Ages will (James 1:5). Only through this divinely fled into the wilderness in order to be revived at the time of the end and imparted wisdom will the faithful be escape the persecution of the dragon will dominate the world as it did in the able to discern the true character of during the prophetic 1,260-day period past. This revival of the beast will fill this end-time satanic power. of the Middle Ages (Rev. 12:13, 14). In the inhabitants of the world with awe Moving forward, we may see that response to John’s astonishment, the and admiration (Rev. 13:8; 17:8b). the beast has seven heads like the red interpreting angel promises to disclose Therefore, Revelation 17 clearly dragon (or Satan) of Revelation 12:3. the “ ‘mystery’ ” of the prostitute and describes the sea beast of Revelation The existence of the beast remains of the scarlet beast that carries her as 13 at the time when its deadly wound inseparable from its heads. Throughout well as their function at the time of the has been healed. Upon this resur- history, the beast has solely ruled and end (Rev. 17:7). rected beast, John sees the end-time been active through the agency of its John describes the beast as the one prostitute Babylon sitting. Thus, the heads. When one of the heads receives that “ ‘was, and is not, and is about to end-time religious system that will a deadly blow, the whole beast dies (cf. come up out of the abyss’ ” (v. 8). This play a key role in the final conflict is a Rev. 13:12–14). This brings us to a need identification of the beast brings to continuation of the religious-political for a closer look as to what these heads mind the divine title “ ‘who was and power that harmed and oppressed represent. who is and who is to come’ ” (Rev. 4:8). God’s people during the prophetic “ ‘The seven heads are seven Thus, this title identifies the beast as a 1,260-day period of the Middle Ages. mountains on which the woman sits’ ” parody of God. However, this tripartite Revelation thus tells us that reli- (Rev. 17:9). We see a new symbol added formula also shows that the beast has gion will once again dominate and here. At first, we were told that the passed through three phases of exis- control politics as it did in the past, woman sat on “ ‘many waters’ ” (v. tence. This, in turn, links the scarlet albeit for a short time. However, there 1), and then, on the scarlet beast (v. beast of Revelation 17 with the sea beast is a noticeable difference between 3); now, the angel explains that she of Revelation 13 (cf. Rev. 13:1 with 17:3).2 its power during the medieval period actually sits on seven mountains. The First, the beast “was.” In other and the time of the end. While the waters, the beast, and the mountains words, this beast existed in the past. sea beast, representing the medieval are different symbols for the civic,

DECEMBER 2013 Ministry® Ranko Stefanovic

secular, and political powers (cf. v. five of these kingdoms have fallen, beast carries the prostitute Babylon. 15) that will provide popular support one is, and the seventh one would We now live in the era of the seventh to Babylon as the end-time apostate appear sometime in the future. As head, for the eighth head has not religious system. We must keep in mind previously explained, this cryptic text yet gained its power. However, it will that Revelation does not deal with has generated numerous speculative appear on the world scene at the time individual personalities, whether past interpretations, primarily due to the of the end and will impose its rule on or present, but rather with systems interpreters’ failure to note that the the inhabitants of the earth. and world powers—whether political meaning of these successive kingdoms or religious. was explained to John in the context “He must remain a short The Greek word oros means “moun- of his own time—not ours. Nowhere in time” tain,” not “hill,” as some translators the text does it indicate that John was Current misinterpretations of this suggest in order to show that the city transported to another time; the angel phrase have construed the phrase of Rome, situated on seven hills, is in simply explains to him what he had to mean that the seventh pope will view here. However, since the seven already seen previously in the vision. rule for a short amount of time. The mountains in Revelation 17 are suc- Therefore, the key to decoding the Greek adjectival word for the temporal cessive, they cannot be interpreted in meaning of these seven heads lies in phrase “a short time” used here is a literal manner. In the Old Testament, the sixth kingdom, which is described oligon, which means “a short time” or mountains often represent world pow- as “is.” This “is” refers to John’s time. “a little while.” This word is different ers or empires (Jer. 51:25; Ezek. 35:2–5; John lived in the time of the sixth from micron, used in Revelation to Dan. 2:35). For instance, the kingdom head—the Roman Empire. The five that indicate shortness of time (see Rev. of Judah in the Old Testament is often had fallen were thus the empires that 6:11; 20:3). In contrast, oligon does referred to as Mount Zion (Ps. 48:1–3; ruled the world and caused harm to not indicate a length of time but is Isa. 29:8). God’s people prior to the time of John: rather used in a qualitative sense. For The angel clearly does not refer to (1) Egypt was the world power that instance, Revelation 12:12 states that literal mountains since he immediately enslaved and oppressed Israel, seeking having been cast out of heaven, Satan explains to John that these seven to destroy her; (2) Assyria destroyed realizes that he has only “ ‘a short time mountains actually represent “seven and scattered the ten tribes of Israel; [oligon kairon].’ ” This “short time” does kings” (Rev. 17:10). However, these can- (3) Babylon destroyed Jerusalem and not refer to a length of time for it has not be interpreted as individual kings, exiled Judah; (4) Persia almost annihi- been thousands of years since Satan’s for at least three reasons. First of all, lated the Jews at the time of Esther; (5) expulsion from heaven—another way we have established that Revelation Greece oppressed and tried to destroy of saying that Satan’s time is limited, does not deal with individual per- the Jews through Antiochus Epiphanes. just as a person sentenced to death sonalities but systems. Second, these The seventh kingdom that “has not yet realizes that he or she only has “a short seven kings are equated with the seven come” refers to the medieval papacy time” despite the fact that the execu- mountains—a symbol of kingdoms or that, from John’s time perspective, tion may take place many years later. empires. Third, in the Old Testament, would be manifested in the future This same meaning for the Greek “kings” is another expression for king- from John’s time—after the fall of the word oligon is also found in Revelation doms or empires (Dan. 2:37–39; 7:17). Roman Empire. 17:10. That the seventh power must The angel further explained that remain for a short time does not point The seven heads as the scarlet beast itself is a part of the to the length of time—a short period successive empires phase of the eighth head, the world of existence; rather, it is a different Based on biblical evidence, the power that is to come at the time of way of stating that the existence of interpretation that makes the most the end. Yet, it is one of the previ- this power is determined by God (“it sense is that the seven mountains, ously noted seven heads. Although must remain”) and that it will come upon which the prostitute Babylon this eighth head is one of the previous to its end, as is in the case of Satan in sits, stand for the seven successive seven, it is considered a new power. Revelation 12:12. The seventh power empires that dominated the world Which of the seven? Most likely the will receive a deadly wound: an event throughout history and through which seventh head, which previously expe- that took place with the events of the Satan worked to oppose God.3 These rienced the deadly wound but comes French Revolution in 1798. empires possessed common traits of back to life after its wound has healed. religious-political governance and This seventh power will reappear Conclusion coercion, which they used to cause as the eighth head at the end of time This brief analysis shows that the harm and persecute God’s people. and will exercise the same authority seven successive heads of the beast As the angel further explains to as it did during the Middle Ages. During of Revelation 17 represent the seven John from his time’s perspective, the time of the eighth head, the scarlet kingdoms or empires that existed in

Ministry® DECEMBER 2013 Years history rather than individual kings: consequences—eternal loss. To those based on headline news or current five were in existence prior to the time who add to the prophetic words of events for the purpose of date setting of John, the sixth was Rome (according the book, God will add to them the and popular excitement is speculative to John’s time), and the seventh was plagues described in the book. This and subjective. Such interpretations the medieval papacy that was to come warning does not refer to a tampering never result in the strengthening of in the future from John’s perspective. with the actual words of Revelation—as our faith in prophecy; in actuality, they Such an understanding is based on if some concept of verbal inspiration weaken our confidence in it. When careful textual analysis, founded upon was at stake. Adding to the words of understood properly, the prophecies of the principles of biblical hermeneutics. Revelation’s prophecies has to do with Revelation have practical purposes: to The idea that the seven heads refer distorting and misinterpreting the teach us how to live today and prepare to individual kings, which are to rep- prophecies of Revelation to suit one’s us for the future. A right understanding resent the seven popes since 1929, is own purposes. This also has to do with of prophecy will also inspire and motiv- not in agreement with the text. Such enforcing speculative ideas and views ate us to try to reach others with the an interpretation is speculative and not warranted by the text. We must gospel message. superimposed upon the biblical text. stay with what John clearly states in Revelation itself gives a warning the text and shun any speculations not 1 Unless otherwise noted, scripture references are from the NASB. against adding or removing from the warranted by the text. 2 For a different view, see Ekkehardt Mueller, “The Beast of Revelation 17: A Suggestion (Part I),” Journal of Asia Adventist words of the prophecy of the book In dealing with the prophecies of Seminary 10, no.1 (2007): 38–40. (Rev. 22:18, 19). The book of Revelation Revelation, we must let the Bible inter- 3 William Johnsson, “The Saints’ End-Time Victory Over the Forces of is the word of God given by Christ pret itself. We must be careful not to Evil,” in Symposium on Revelation—Book 2, Daniel and Revelation (Rev. 1:2). Tampering with the prophe- speculate beyond what the prophecy Committee Series 7 (Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute, cies of Revelation carries far-reaching has revealed to us. Any interpretation 1992), 17.

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DECEMBER 2013 Ministry® David Solomon

David Solomon is a pseudonym.

Does God believe in restoration? Part 3

concluded part 2 of this series 4. The person should have some- the case and with restoration on restoration by affirming that one to whom he or she becomes procedures should evaluate each the entire church needs to begin accountable. circumstance and situation. Policies Ipracticing the grace that we preach. 5. In some situations, where the sin is have been developed by the Pacific Restoration must be possible. We must not public and will not become pub- Union Conference, Southeastern not automatically cut off those pastors lic, one might be able to continue to California Conference, and the who have experienced a moral lapse. serve in ministry. Alberta Conference, as well as other Am I suggesting that every pastor in 6. Rebaptism may be in order for Protestant churches, that could every situation be restored? No. Several some. inform us as a whole as we seek a factors might disallow a clergyperson 7. Where temptation or addiction more balanced approach to help- from restoration to pastoral ministry. to is the issue, it ing pastors who have significant If a law of the land has been violated, would be helpful for a pastor to be temptations or failure. such as the laws against child abuse or involved with an addiction recovery , this would place a group and certainly to obtain a porn Practical helps person’s chance of restoration in jeop- blocker for his or her computer. It Focus. Lack of focus in ministry ardy. If the offense has been such that would be helpful for him or her to is often the hazard that brings about restoration of trust is almost impos- have the spouse and someone else discouragement or burnout. In one of sible, that would preclude a return to as accountability partners. the conferences where I served, it was ministry. People cannot lead unless 8. A pastor must have the respect of my privilege to attend a seminar that they have the confidence of those to those whom he or she is going to helped me understand how my gifts, whom they minister. The following pastor. life experiences, and God-given vision guidelines might be followed for a 9. Where a pastor’s ministry is well and dreams fit together so that I could possible return to active ministry. known, it may be difficult for his become who God has designed me or her ministry to ever be effective to be and accomplish what He called 1. There needs to be evidence of genu- again. Here again, the question me to do. Such a program needs to ine repentance. is not whether he or she can be be implemented in every union and 2. Sufficient time for healing and forgiven but whether the pastor conference. recovery is essential. can be trusted by the parishioners. Every pastor needs a coach. Life 3. A restoration process should be 10. Moving a pastor to another area coaching has become a contemporary designed that fits the particular may make it possible to minister phenomenon. Florida and other con- person’s needs and situation. If again in some cases, but there ferences are catching the vision of how the person is married, counseling are significant risks, particularly if a coach can help a pastor reach his or should be provided for both the his or her moral lapse is likely to her potential. How is coaching differ- pastor and the spouse. It should be discovered or is unresolved in ent? Instead of a top-down approach be a given that when a minister has the church where he or she served to pastoring, a coach helps a pastor violated a parishioner’s trust, the when it occurred. understand more fully what God is conference should provide counsel- 11. Finally, individuals who have calling him or her to be through skillful ing for that family as well. wisdom and are acquainted with questions. Rather than someone in an

Ministry® DECEMBER 2013 office directing a person’s ministry, ministries. At present, we have the discussions of sex were taboo for the which may often be inappropriate for possibility of contacting the Ministry church. We need to get out of the dark his or her particular skills or position, Care Line at Kettering Health Network ages; this is the age of the Internet and a coach meets regularly with a person if our employing entity is a member, . Perhaps the by phone and holds the pastor to the and this is a start; but more difficult church could explore the possibility of personal goals that the pastor has set challenges need ongoing support or developing a pastoral for himself or herself. counseling. Because schools ben- recovery program. Some organiza- Professional coaching may cost efit from counselors and ongoing tions send pastors and their spouses around 1,000 dollars a year or more, professional support, so would unions, to a retreat center for personal or but conferences could train their more conferences, and pastors. spiritual growth. These centers offer an experienced pastors to be coaches. The Pastoral satisfaction survey. Many extended weekend, or even a week of tyranny of the urgent tends to destroy pastors are in distress; the dropout extensive programming and counsel- many leaders, so the benefits of being rate in ministry is high. An anonymous ing. I believe that such a center needs coached are worth the investment of pastoral satisfaction survey could help to have qualified personnel gifted in the pastor or conference for personal church leadership identify what is dealing with sexual intimacy issues. or corporate health and growth. happening in ministry on the front lines. The Adventist Church should Confidants. At present, most con- In addition, such an instrument could invest in such a center. A short list of ferences do not have a “safe” person help a pastor see his or her potential some other denominational centers

It would be helpful for each union and conference to have a person who serves as the pastor’s pastor.

for a struggling pastor to confide in. vulnerability to sexual addiction or a is provided in the resource section. Without this kind of person, and with moral fall. If things are not going well In addition, it would be helpful for 70 percent of pastors feeling as if they in the bedroom, or if a pastor feels each union and conference to have do not have a close friend in minis- distress in the district, he or she may be a person who serves as the pastor’s try, problems tend to be repressed.1 more vulnerable. A survey could reveal pastor rather than as the evangelism Currently, many ministerial secretaries a troubled marriage or a sexual addic- coordinator. This person should be either are evangelism coordinators tion. It could also uncover a greater skilled in knowing how to help pastors or are directly involved in the hiring self-awareness that could lead a person with marital issues. Furthermore, process. In either case, many pastors to seek help early on. If the problem lies the glaring problem of keeping mar- do not feel comfortable opening their hidden, escape is less likely. riages sexually healthy needs to be lives to someone who is perceived Resources. With 46 percent of freely discussed and more completely either to be their boss or who has a pastors reporting sexual difficulty addressed in workers’ meetings and personal agenda for baptisms. Unless in marriage, the church must do a men’s and women’s ministry settings. this situation is remedied on a con- better job of providing resource mate- The Adventist Church spends millions ference level, wounded pastors will rials and professional counsel.2 If the of dollars in lawsuits arising from pas- rarely seek help. They will continue to marriage is failing in the bedroom, tors who are hurting and who let their medicate themselves with their addic- the temptation toward pornography hurt destroy their own lives and those tion, all of which will weaken their or an affair increases. In the past, of their families and parishioners.

DECEMBER 2013 Ministry® David Solomon

What if the church were to invest these Resources Schaumburg, Harry W. False Intimacy: dollars in processes to identify and The following resources are avail- Understanding the Struggle of remedy the problem? able for those who want to be informed Sexual Addiction. Colorado Springs, Great lovers. In the research men- about this vital topic or for those who CO: NavPress, 1997. A book about tioned earlier, busyness in ministry silently struggle alone with their pain love and intimacy issues. was listed as a problem for 80 percent and shame. White, Ellen G. Manuscript Release of pastors.3 When we come to the end 449: “Dealing With Ministers and of our lives, most of us will not regret Books: Workers Who Have Violated the that we did not spend enough time Seventh Commandment.” Ellen G. ministering to others. Most will say Anderson, Bernie. Breaking the Silence: White Estate. Accessed August 19, they wished they had spent more time A Pastor Goes Public About His Battle 2013. with the family. The busyness often With Pornography. Pittsburgh, PA: /read.php?id=16324. leads to “absent though present” when Autumn House, 2007. This is the story White, Ellen G. Manuscript Release with our spouses. It is easy to be in the of an Adventist minister who strug- 448: “The Spirit of Prophecy and house but not at home. gled with a . Adultery, Divorce, Remarriage, Finally, the apostle Paul implored Benyei, Candace R. Understanding Clergy and Church Membership.” Ellen G. couples to take care of one another’s Misconduct in Religious Systems: White Estate. Accessed August 19, sexual needs (1 Cor. 7:1–5). He says Scapegoating, Family Secrets, and 2013. that this is a marital duty. Research the Abuse of Power. Binghamton, NY: /files/3971.pdf. indicates that healthy sexual relations Haworth Pastoral Press, 1998. tend to lengthen life and increase Bissell, David. “Restoring Fallen A few videos, Web sites, happiness. The marriage bed is sacred Pastors.” DMin diss., Andrews marriage seminars, and (undefiled), and one needs to make University, Seventh-day Adventist retreat centers: sure that the “sacred” is happening Theological Seminary, 2005. This (Heb. 13:4). If marital intimacy and is promoted on the North American Gary Smalley’s Freedom Begins Here is an great sex are not happening in the pas- Division Ministerial Web site at encouraging video dealing with por- tor’s home, they are likely to happen nography addiction. Bernie Anderson somewhere else. Do not let the need to docs/Ministerial Director Files/ is a featured guest. This video is an be intimate lie festering while you seek webinars/Ministerial Directors excellent documentary to show to to pleasure yourself on the Internet or Webinars/Doctoral Diss - Restoring men in the church or to give to cou- with someone in the church. Having an Fallen Pastors.pdf ples who may be struggling with one affair with a church member is sexual Gungor, Mark. Laugh Your Way to a partner having a pornography or sex- abuse, plain and simple, and courts Better Marriage. New York: Simon ual addiction. It can be purchased at will likely award large sums to the & Schuster, 2008. or freedombeginshere victim. If there are unmet needs in the Hayford, Jack W. Restoring Fallen .org/collections/dvds-books. bedroom, pastors need to stop hiding Leaders. Ventura, CA: Regal Books, Gary Smalley Ministries: Seminars, books, and denying their own intimacy issues, 1988. A small book on restoring videos, etc., at seek professional help, even a sex fallen pastors. Mark Gungor’s Laugh Your Way to a therapist, if needed. Often, because Kendrick, Stephen, and Alex Kendrick. Better Marriage videos, mar- pastors have nowhere to turn, they The Love Dare. Nashville, TN: B & H riage materials, and seminars to tend to let marital difficulties fester Publishing, 2008. The first section is strengthen marriage are available until it is too late. Taking care of this great for couples whose marriages at These issue is a must for avoiding sexual are strained. Read in connection materials help with pornography impurity. If health issues are part of with the movie Fireproof. and sexual addiction. the problem or if obesity is an issue, Kennedy, Eugene. The Unhealed Wound. Marriage Fitness: A free eHelp recom- seek help. If there are wounds too New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2001. mended by many counselors and deep to deal with alone, find a skilled Laaser, Mark R., and Ralph H. Earle Jr. marriage therapists. Visit www counselor. Do not let it go. The Pornography Trap: A Resource The numbers speak for them- for Ministry Leaders. 2nd ed. Kansas Pastor Retreat Centers: This Web site selves; but we are not dealing with City: Beacon Hill Press, 2012. This provides a list of centers around numbers here—we are dealing with fel- offers help for pornography addicts. the country. See low human beings, fellow Seventh-day McDonald, Gordon. When Men Think .com/pastor-retreat-centers.html Adventist ministers who are hurting Private Thoughts. Nashville, TN: for more information. and need help. As a church, we must Thomas Nelson, 1997. A book on Weekend to Remember: A marriage sup- be willing to provide the help. lust and sexual issues. port seminar that comes to many

Ministry® DECEMBER 2013 Years

U.S. cities. Visit Dr. David Bissell presented a Webinar Recovery Connection: Another resource /WEEKEND for more information. on May 15, 2012, for ministerial that is often available at large churches. Worldwide Marriage Encounter: The secretaries and pastors on the See www.recoveryconnection Marriage Encounter seminar week- subject of helping pastors who .org/sex-addiction. ends have been around for a long struggle with moral purity. The Sexaholics Anonymous: A 12-step pro- time. See Webinar can be accessed under gram for those who are sexually “Min Directors,” then “Ministerial addicted; it is offered in most large Programs or Web Sites Director’s Best Practices Webinar,” cities. Visit specifically for those who at Sex Addicts Anonymous: A 12-step pro- struggle with sexual addiction: Celebrate Recovery: This is a broad gram for sexual addicts, available in addiction recovery program. A kit large cities. See http://saa-recovery Adventist Recovery Ministries: A general for the church can be purchased .org. recovery program for many types of from This Web site has a great addictions. This program is helpful Free porn blockers: First, use your own deal of information about overcom- for those with addictions that are wireless router; second, the Google ing an addiction to pornography. It less stigmatized. Sexual addicts toolbar; third, use an Internet includes information about Internet may be uncomfortable attending search engine to look for the phrase porn blockers that can help you block such a group; therefore, in a large “porn blockers.” or monitor questionable sites. church, it may be easier to have Mark Gungor resources: These help in those who are sexually addicted finding freedom from pornography 1 “Surveys of Pastors—Shocking Stats,” Smoldering Wick, accessed August 19, 2013, to meet in a separate group for a and sexual addition; visit www /surveys-of-pastors-shocking-stats/. portion of the program. Visit www 2 Ibid. /sexual-addiction. 3 Ibid.

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DECEMBER 2013 Ministry® Ted Hamilton

Ted Hamilton, MD, is vice president for medical mission, Adventist Health System, Altamonte Springs, Florida, United States.

Growing in grace: The transforming power of Sabbath School

hen we think of the experience? What three wishes do you soaking this up like a sponge . . . to feel apostle Peter, the first have for Sabbath School class?” so welcomed to come, listen, and learn occupation that comes They told me their stories. Each is really wonderful.” Wto mind is not likely to story is real, although the names have Sabbath School is school. It is be teacher, but in the closing words been changed. Each story differs; each about conveying information, transfer- of his second epistle, Peter succinctly experience retains its own character ring knowledge, providing context, provides some of the best and most and flavor. But when considered in broadening experience, and deepening practical counsel in Scripture for teach- the whole, the responses present a understanding. Sabbath School is about ers of God’s Word. remarkable consistency. Four distinc- history and geography, culture and Peter writes, “[B]eloved, . . . be on tive elements take definitive shape and context, time lines and genealogies, your guard so that you are not carried rise to the top as major contributing fac- personalities and politics. If we want to away by the error of unprincipled men tors to a rich and meaningful Bible study make sense of Scripture, we are com- and fall from your own steadfastness, experience. Dynamic, growing Sabbath pelled to convey the historical record, to but grow in the grace and knowledge of School classes provide, in substantial teach the facts, to get the story straight. our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. measure, all four of these elements— But the primary goal of Sabbath 3:17, 18, NASB). instruction, inclusion, investment, and School is not acquiring knowledge The fundamental purpose of these inspiration. merely for the sake of knowledge. The classes is to fulfill Peter’s admonition to Bible is God’s Word. Scripture turns avoid error and help people grow into Instruction mere history into a revelation story; bare spiritual maturity. And our privilege “Good teaching,” Lawton explained, geography into a landscape illuminated and responsibility as pastors, teachers, “expanded my outlook on the times by the handiwork and fingerprints of the and leaders is to facilitate a process that that Christ lived, the terrain, customs, Creator; culture and context into a stage affords compelling engagement with and culture, and how it all plays a part upon which the great controversy plays the living Word of God. How can we in interpreting Christ’s parables and out through the lives of real people know if we are accomplishing our goal? understanding the ‘Man’ Christ while in all their faith and frailty. The goal I asked those who attend my Bible continuing to worship the ‘God’ Christ.”1 of Sabbath School is to tell the basic study week after week to relate their Margaret agrees, “We seek to under- story as clearly, reliably, and honestly stories and share what Bible study stand what was happening historically, as it can be told, and then—enabled, means to them. “Tell me a story,” I including the cultures and lifestyles enlightened, and empowered by the asked my Bible study class, “about an of the cities to which Paul wrote. This Holy Spirit—to tell the revelation story outstanding Sabbath School experience has helped me understand the stories of God’s sovereignty, providence, power, that made you want to keep coming more clearly.” Esther relates, “Beyond and grace. The Spirit-anointed task back. Can you identify specific influ- the very basic Bible stories, I really of the teacher of Scripture is to bring ences that contributed to this special have no in-depth background. . . . I am souls into a true and living encounter

Ministry® DECEMBER 2013 with spiritual reality through a vibrant, There is an undeniable social ele- we all went our separate ways, would living faith. ment to the attraction of the Bible study anyone care? What difference are we This dual responsibility of reliable class. From its roots, Christianity was not making in the lives of those around instruction and faithful revelation a solitary pastime. Jesus said, “Follow us? Are we investing our time, money, requires diligent preparation on the Me” at least a dozen times in forming His talents, and resources in a manner that part of the Bible study leader. I have closest group of followers. Way back at contributes to the good of others, our found the following processes helpful. the very beginning of it all, He created us friends, our communities, our world? as social creatures, acknowledging, “ ‘It Mary Beth has experienced this 1. Pray for the guidance of the Holy is not good for the man to be alone,’ ” kind of investment in her own life. She Spirit at the outset; pray for clear and it was His creative initiative that was unemployed and struggling. She thinking, enlightened understand- remedied humanity’s lonely state (Gen. says that “prayer and support from my ing, freedom of expression, and 2:18, NASB). Sabbath School class enabled me to sensitivity and grace in preparation. Sabbath School is a place to become keep my faith.” Just when her financial 2. Study the Scripture. Read the acquainted, appreciate differences, and well went completely dry, the class assigned passage until it becomes practice community. Lindsay wrote, collected an offering “that meant more familiar and conversant. Read the “I absolutely love the racial, cultural, than anyone could imagine. God truly preceding and following verses. spiritual, and political diversity of our uses angels among us,” she said. “It is a Read corresponding passages from class . . . it offers so much perspective blessing to be able to be part of a small other parts of Scripture. A valu- outside my own.” Varying viewpoints group in such a large church that gives able and efficient resource is www and opinions provide a healthy balanc- a sense of belonging and family.”, a free, online ing element to Bible study. Testing Following a heartbreaking family concordance. one’s biases in the forum of a kind and tragedy, Frank said, “We found a class 3. Access ancillary resources: Bible vigorous debate has a way of smoothing that quietly, compassionately, and lov- commentaries, dictionaries, atlases, rough ideological edges, and generating ingly drew us into their friendship and and histories. mutual respect and appreciation. fellowship as we healed. We’ve never 4. Organize your thoughts. Write them Participation is the Sabbath School left that class.” down. Begin with the scriptural “coin of the realm.” Discussion, dialogue, A recent article in the Harvard passage, establish the framework and debate stimulate new insights and Business Review reports on research, and context, identify the moral spiritual growth. Knowledge can be concluding that “Strong social support and/or spiritual issue, follow with a acquired passively, by reading and lis- correlates with an astonishing number compelling question, be prepared tening, but wisdom and insight require of desirable outcomes.” One study to guide the discussion, and finish active engagement with others, getting found that “social support was the with a practical spiritual application acquainted, respecting others, and greatest predictor of happiness during designed to engage hearts. observing boundaries. “At our class,” periods of high stress.” The author con- 5. Pray for the presence of the Holy Sheila said, “you are accepted just as you tinues that the benefits of social support Spirit in presentation that the truth are; people are allowed to speak freely derive not only from support received, may be told about God, Jesus may and express opinions without being but “even more important to sustained be uplifted, and love and grace may crushed. You are welcomed and loved.” happiness and engagement was the be nurtured among the participants. As we assemble in the presence of amount of social support provided.” 2 Jesus and come to know the Father “Our class is open, dynamic, and Inclusion through the power of the Spirit, we practical, but what really sets it apart “I have appreciated the fellowship,” become friends with each other. Just is the Harley Hat.” Mike explains, “It wrote Cynthia, a single person, “casual before walking out of the upper room started one Sabbath when one of our invitations to lunch, the potlucks, and toward the Garden of Gethsemane, group suggested we take up an offering the get-acquainted routines at the Jesus told the 11 remaining disciples, “ ‘I to assist someone in need. A guy who beginning of class; there is a welcoming no longer call you servants, because a rides his Harley to class literally passed tone of friendliness and appreciation for servant does not know his master’s busi- the hat and the Harley Hat idea was each person as individuals. I no longer ness. Instead I have called you friends, born. It’s been amazing! Over the years, envy others who seem to have a circle of for everything that I have learned from clothing has been purchased, medical friends for now, I, too, feel I have it all.” my Father, I have made known to you’ ” bills paid, appliances installed, and Jonathan agrees, “The Sabbath School (John 15:15, NIV). at least one automobile purchased. group has been very friendly and invit- Overall it’s the best Sabbath School ing and made us feel welcome.” Lindsay Investment experience I’ve ever had.” added, “I didn’t feel I had roots in our If our Sabbath School class went One of Lindsay’s “three wishes” church until attending Sabbath School.” away, if we just closed the doors, and is that “our class takes on a quarterly

DECEMBER 2013 Ministry® Ted Hamilton Years mission in our community.” She has making allowance for each other’s faults Him. Such a secure, connected feeling agreed to lead that initiative and has because of your love” (Eph. 4:2, NLT). in those few moments!” offered a variety of suggestions, such Our job does not include changing each as the Second Harvest Food Bank, other, but to love, forgive, and encour- Conclusion Operation Christmas Child, and age each other. God’s Holy Spirit is the Things happen in the safety of a Salvation Army. all-powerful and totally reliable Agent small group of trusting friends that So Sabbath School is an effective for growth and change in our lives. are unlikely to happen when sitting vehicle for teaching and learning, social- Sabbath School affords opportunities alone in a pew, engaged in the one-way ization, and service, for both each other for sharing stories of God’s providence, conversation of a formal sermon. When and our community. But more than mercy, and love. Brenda was particularly we learn together, share together, work that, Sabbath School, at its best, is life touched by one teacher’s willingness to together, and pray together, things— changing. be open and transparent. “She told her relational, life-changing things—happen story,” Brenda recalls. “She was honest, that are not as likely to in other settings. Inspiration insightful, and vulnerable. She wept as Instruction is invigorating, enlightening In addition to learning and fellow- she shared her story; so did many of us. headwork; inclusion is open, embracing ship, Connie’s three wishes for Sabbath It was hopeful to know her struggle, and arms; investment is hands gifted in School include “personal spiritual to see God’s hand at work. I loved to get service; inspiration is lives changed into growth.” Mary Beth acknowledges “the a glimpse into her heart, and hear how the likeness of our Creator and hearts willingness of the class to reach out and God’s grace had gotten through.” growing in loving friendship with God. trust God’s prompting to help change Sometimes a grace-filled moment We bring our heads, arms, hands, my life and be a part of a renewed faith takes us by surprise. For Emily, it came and hearts—ourselves—to the sanctu- to depend totally on God.” at the end of class, with only a few ary of Sabbath School week after week Change and growth do not hap- people remaining. “As we closed,” that we might together “grow in the pen overnight. The process may seem Emily said, “we stood for prayer. We grace and knowledge of our Lord and almost imperceptibly slow. There are gathered in close, with arms around Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, often growing pains, as new insights each other, each of us prayed, one after both now and in the day of eternity. call us to new challenges in life, and the other. Each of us was quite open in Amen” (2 Pet. 3:18, NASB). new obstacles emerge. The apostle our thoughts with God and expressed 1 The names used have been changed. Paul calls us to “[a]lways be humble our desires to be the hands, the feet, 2 Shawn Achor, “Positive Intelligence,” Harvard Business Review, and gentle. Be patient with each other, the eyes, the vessel, to bring others to January/February 2012, 100–102.

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A traveling man

Revival is a powerful thing. It Whitefield eventually came to Historians give many reasons for changes lives. It can even change the New World to preach. The more the American Revolution of only nations. In spite of what we read formal churches often refused him a generation later. However, the about the first religious settlements access to their pulpits, so he took essential morality of the colonies in North America, by the early to the open air. Thousands came to can be identified as resulting from 1700s, daily life had become not just hear him preach a message of their the Great Awakening. “No king but secular but a difficult challenge for need of Christ and duty to dedicate God” was not just motivation for civil many. Enter George Whitefield—an all to the Lord. He traveled all over disobedience to wicked laws from English preacher whose own life had the colonies until an overwhelming England, but the seed for a continuing been turned around by a powerful majority had heard him preach. A concept of religious freedom as a religious conversion. At Oxford great revival of primitive godliness cherished right because God’s claims University, he joined the Holy Club broke out, and this became known as upon man are transcendent. together with John and Charles the Great Awakening. By 1740, the Wesley, the founders of Methodism. religious life of an entire society had —Lincoln E. Steed serves as editor of Whitefield began to preach revival. changed. Liberty magazine.

Ministry® DECEMBER 2013


Beyond Blessings edited by Nikolaus Satelmajer, Nampa, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 2013.

eyond Blessings contains a col- The chapter titled “Guaranteed Blection of winning stewardship Returns” looks at Malachi 3, James 1, essays as a result from a stewardship Luke 6, and Mark 10. The description contest held in the North American also contains a lengthy story from Division. The authors are 12 people the author’s life, and includes a great from backgrounds as diverse as a illustration of God providing in difficult PhD candidate, church pastors, and times. conference stewardship and trust In another chapter, Elijah’s story in services directors. Each essay focuses Scripture is evaluated. “Trusting God” on a specific passage of Scripture. reviews 1 Kings 17, finding that Elijah’s Readers will notice sections of exegesis early years as a prophet were spent or a fleshing out of the Bible’s verses, building his trust in God’s providing for application to today’s life, stories him at Kerith and Zarephath. This story from current life, and references to encapsulates a fascinating study of how contemporary authors. God leads and grows people of faith.

You will find Beyond Blessings

useful for sermon ideas. Each

chapter could form the beginning of a sermon or

provide great stories and quotes for a sermon

but can also serve as a devotional book.

The chapter titled “Where Your The collection fills a nice niche book. The chapters are short, and the Heart Belongs” includes interesting on the bookshelf of the pastor. You reading easy. The entire book could be explanations of moths and rust and will find Beyond Blessings useful for read in an afternoon, but the lessons thieves, but this chapter also draws sermon ideas. Each chapter could form can be applied in many ways. distinctions between heaven and the beginning of a sermon or provide earth and an outline for a sermon on great stories and quotes for a sermon —Reviewed by Kermit Netteburg, senior pastor, Beltsville Seventh- Matthew 6:19–21. but can also serve as a devotional day Adventist Church, Beltsville, Maryland, United States.


Female pastors in ministry in Papua New Guinea

apua New Guinea Union Mission P(PNGUM) and Pacific Adventist University (PAU) hosted the first Women in Pastoral Ministry Conference in Papua New Guinea, September 13–16, 2013. Papua New Guinea (PNG) has the largest number of women in pastoral ministry at any time in its history. The conference provided an opportunity for the female pastors and female dormitory deans from various second- ary schools and tertiary institutions throughout the country to share and explore the joys and frustrations of Presenters Robyn Stanley (Australia) and Rebekah Liu (China) with two national attendees. pastoral ministry and design a network system to provide ongoing support. 1989. Robyn Stanley, who currently family can enhance the role of women PNGUM invited a few speakers works as an assistant pastor at Lilydale in pastoral ministry. Leigh and Barbara to share their insights and wisdom. Seventh-day Adventist Church in Rice, another pastoral team, shared the Rebecca Liu shared her life story as Melbourne, Australia, shared insights keys to effective ministry and how to she struggled to go from a communist on the call to ministry and how to connect and share with people. Nancy and evolutionist background to how reclaim inactive church members. Enopa, a minister in PNG, shared on the she became a full-time Seventh-day Peter and Ruth Oli, a pastoral team, transition from being a single pastor to Adventist pastor in Chengdu, Sichuan shared insights from an administra- a married pastor and how to be effec- Province, southwestern China, since tive point of view on how the church tive in each role. Leeroy Elisha, currently a lecturer at PAU, provided the keys to growing a personal spirituality. David Thiele, dean of the School of Theology at PAU, provided an academic discourse on the ordination of women from a theological and biblical perspective. Dr. Thiele was excited to meet with the female pastors as he taught all of them at either Sonoma Adventist College or Pacific Adventist University. His wife, Jillian Thiele, rejoiced in the success of the former students. “The church is in good hands with these incredibly gifted pastors,” Jillian said. The theme, “To Be a Spirit-Filled Church, Always Growing, and Leading and Excelling in All Areas of Our Ministry,” was certainly fulfilled at the Attendees pray for the presenters Robyn Stanley (Australia) and Rebekah Liu (China) conference. [Jillian Thiele]

DECEMBER 2013 Ministry® Ministry Matters Miroslav Pujic

Miroslav Pujic, DMin, is the Ministry to Postmoderns director for the Trans-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists, Hertsfordshire, England. Meaning makers for postmoderns

n his book Cat’s Cradle, author Kurt So, we now need to take on the But Jesus does not respond to Vonnegut relates a different Creation role of meaning makers. Accepting this this. He tells Nicodemus very directly Istory than the one we are used to. challenge requires us to be honest in he has to be reborn. Jesus is not afraid Man is made out of the mud and asks our approach, recognizing we cannot to confront the deeper question very God the question, “What is the purpose appeal to authorities, but connect directly. In his search for meaning, of all this?” through stories and images, particularly Nicodemus has to recognize his need “Everything must have a purpose?” from popular culture. We also need to and that no philosophical concepts are God supposedly replies. start from scratch rather than assuming going to answer his fundamental ques- “Certainly,” says man. any set of givens and not suggest we tions. Nicodemus tries to argue, taking So God says, “Then I leave it to you have all the answers, but ask good the idea literally. But Jesus shows He to think of one for all this.” Then God questions to develop common ground. wants to engage at the most important goes away.1 We can help share our ideas of and spiritually personal level. In the This portrays a vivid image of our meaning and purpose in life by end, He says, “ ‘For God loved the world postmodern time. However, while post- demonstration rather than declara- so much that he gave his one and only moderns may not so readily agree with tion, seeking to become a friend and Son, so that everyone who believes in previously accepted ideas regarding life influence others through the way we him will not perish but have eternal life. and existence, they still are looking for ourselves live. This personal authen- God sent his Son into the world not to meaning and purpose. Their question- ticity is fundamental; if it all comes judge the world, but to save the world ing of previous explanations is part of across as propaganda, then whatever through him’ ” (John 3:16, 17, NLT). the notion that truth is far more open message we are trying to convey will This brings the meaning of life into and subjective. This means that some certainly fail. sharpest focus. We are given meaning declaration that begins, “As we all For these reasons, we find it helpful and purpose, and as we understand know,” or “Nobody questions” will be to point to the experiential ideas that this, we can show others their shared rejected or ignored. Jesus so often spoke. He said that He value in the eyes of each other and of Consequently, when seeking to came to give people life to the full (John God. connect with postmoderns, we need 10:10). He spoke of setting people free As we understand we are meaning to change the way we approach such (John 8:31, 32; Acts 13:38, 39). He told makers, we share with God in helping ideas as the meaning of life and our people not to worry about the material others see their vital meaning and purpose in this world. It is not enough things of life (Matt. 5). He explained purpose in this world. But as Jesus has to repeat ideas we have grown up with. that eternal life was not in books but in shown us, the focus of meaning is on In a sense, this is both a challenge and Himself (John 5:39). When the disciples God. “In the beginning, God.” In the an opportunity, because it also gives wanted to see God the Father, He said, end, God. us the chance to think outside the box “ ‘Anyone who has seen me has seen the and realize that answers can be given Father’ ” (John 14:9, NIV). Question: Can you identify with on many levels. Tell your own personal experience becoming a meaning maker in your Jean-Paul Sartre comments, “Life of God—how He lives actively in your community? has no meaning a priori. . . . It is up to own life, what He means to you, and you to give it a meaning, and value how knowing Him gives you meaning Ancient wisdom: “ ‘This is the way is nothing but the meaning that you and purpose. Link this to the story of to have eternal life—to know you, the choose.”2 While we may want to argue Nicodemus. This educated man came only true God, and Jesus Christ’ ” (John at one level, we do give meaning to to Jesus at night looking for mean- 17:3, NLT). life. We discover our life’s meaning and ing in his own life. Nicodemus tells purpose and, by our actions, create Jesus how much he thinks of Him while 1 Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle (New York: Rosetta Books, 2010), eBook edition, 265. meaning in our lives and in the lives acknowledging that Jesus was a great 2 “Jean-Paul Sartre,” Wikiquote, accessed October 16, 2013, http:// of others. spiritual Teacher.

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