C5ii5iui4i Today Southwest Winds I VOL LXXNO to YORK 1 Ay EV TUESDAY Novkmlilih 1002 Orvrfoh Loo the Iii L Ii No Nil Iuuimno a Wtah H PRICK TWO CENTS

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C5ii5iui4i Today Southwest Winds I VOL LXXNO to YORK 1 Ay EV TUESDAY Novkmlilih 1002 Orvrfoh Loo the Iii L Ii No Nil Iuuimno a Wtah H PRICK TWO CENTS i A I ii 41 1 p-Jot T i r c h J v i i 4 rr V r rui p bJMTq Ittu i u i 7 mau TrrEsruT XoTEMnrn 4 JWB I Fair light west to ID e c5ii5iUI4i today southwest winds I VOL LXXNO to YORK 1 Ay EV TUESDAY NOVKMliliH 1002 OrvrfoH loo The iii l ii no nil IuUiMno A wtaH H PRICK TWO CENTS I n BETTING ENDS UNDER 2 TO 1- fVU HltOOKIYS IHOIIIKCIIUi- i HUH It M = STATE SAFE REPUBLICANS SAY lilltl ItltiIIHHS L ELK1NS ESCAPES TO COILKHIl- CROKER BUYS Kirn Money on Oiler by IYIMIO ivunil W DEATH IlfI IRISH ESTATES FJTnrt > Mu- rivi Art Said In He tor NinpHtli > rusT Sn > It Hill lie Short nr I3MMI olm nannmnhrr MIII llte a Seis Kite lACOn FirLlt FISHES Cn on flan flee iiiItsee nil llnlldlnn tn InMltiitlnn- IT StS8tO There wan nnicli nctlvlty I H TO till I TO nl TUt riMM Mtocr- FIIKKIIOUI N I Nov 3 1LT O COMm time respective headquarters ill Ijiura lllsgir nr TIIK FMI PilILAUFUlllA Nov 3 In onlr to in it i srnr i of the rival KIIII riit inirmr- I ivw MOMIOI the former act noss and t Iii chief legato vifr 1111 broaden t Is work of Itethnny > > political armies in llrooklyn and liofoii scope of Kocii m ins CKSTOIIS closing of t hut tat hoary M Dennett accompanlHl- College now at Twentysecond and Pith nii Hut In the Crnnit at the llnrTmin Talk up chop for tlm night the con- ¬ Sa > t hy her counsel Saiiiicl KrinkonMoin of ut- tending managers Indulged The Hill ii tilt tin Viili In the- Down liy on a ilrlph- stnits till vacant lot of ground on tlm Hill rMatilMi a Hat Plrntlrr Ttinn IleU for a in tim same New York 1 Struck tlrlirli llill lie siml Inrni Tlirrn lonn roroato Coiinlry riot arrive hero at ocloli this west side of Hrond ntiwl lietwoen Catharine predictions with which they re- ¬ hit iOmeInl Miilriurnt- HTon and Hill Halve > In- Time Moil Hols I afternoon The party found rllf- lStreetllrrrlck lirilnn troll IMCII lliii rs lit ll ci he at 2 tn 1Tam cently 4Ml Dputy Sh nnd Christian streets huts purchaNd- Imp boon encouraging fol ¬ llrmaln for OdcllfoldI- tholr HyrtN In lleam Hay KUhl I No many Mot UnoKliiB Mnrphyi Flciiro lowers In cplto tr the charge of SlierlfTs office iitr mil Inlls on which will H cnctol n largo well riiKUnd Meiiiliin nr Any Ilin- of tlm roltoratod declara- ¬ llnoilnl Ilipnhlleani n I I jima 9I- i whom Frankenstein slid Sheriff I Stories Mr Klkln Injurlrn SIlRtit- eiuipped building for tho lust It ill Iit > Tlm tn < tvo rp the Home nt HantflEP- heC A tistiiil on th eve of olectlon day tim tions of Democratic chieftains that an I u11n Its of eminence la have brought Miss Iliggar to surrender- ground was iKinnlit the coilgo by Hoffman 1Iou last night was tho storm overwhelming Coler tidal wa wns im tifilil believed t for night herMlf IllltADKtrMlA Nov 3 The collapse of n ox- PpftM Cal tltipatth la TlIK Sex 3555 ting f that iov Odell is to bo reflected John Wanamaker who will defray the ientrn for betting It doesnt matter supporters tho Democratic derrick nnd tlm consequent fn II shortly KONIMIK Nov 3 Itichard re- ¬ his today I iscoj and more tint The deputy wa taken by MirprNo ansi I in jHnset of tho new building- taker whether th llepubllcans or Democrats candidate could In Induced plurality i Ulre l lot to back first rofuscvl to receive tho woman IllS nfter oclock this nftornnon of nn iron cently ac an estate hi Ireland to nro confident lilin at loss tlmn that every vote was needed The Governor into Iktliany CollHge which is an mljunct of- Ii over tho result the Hoffman prevailing odds of- It a finally girder weighing several tons at I lie annex which ho will soon ship the stalliona Dob- ¬ t I l wan elected in It McKinley Presidential custody aKcertalmdhowover tho Bit liill Church tins for House with P Caddagnu head I nn 0 oIl on these Presbyterian > John al tho terms thoro was a local warrant was In tho that is being added to the skyscraper of bins and America It Is his Intention t it little in year by II1121 plurality hands of tho last eight years INIII affording froo V han lieen for moro than a doen yours inonoy slcltt Tlicru woie many llm Ijtnd Title nnd Trust Company to establish an extensive stud McKinley in IHm unit In tho State 2V 32 Const ible Hiillck of A iury Park which null instruction to workingmen women nnd farm Letting ring When Iho Democrat In tho small both OVIT thn probable Coler plurality ing at llroad and Ransom MrcetK Jill is ed- plurality flu i v txOS was issiiol nt tho tiiiia of tlietsensntional cslato nt Itallliigarry County In thi ut tit lot Ciovernor In I children In till useful arts and sciences Stilt were in power and when Tammany county Iii lea as lying oven1 William I 1 hIt htm tlio Bin magnate Mmerick According to a friend of Mr- got ITixj plurality development In the caso at tong Bra tact s lrnet Sessions are nlghlM ouch week 4- was tim of Now York county tho money that it would not oxccod capitalist laId four Crokor it Is ono tim ICtil ry mTter 7nm Tho DiMnocrats li l t Augi t That oflioor was telephonod and nail caused the death of of niot beaut spot g thai I kpufl it lea n Campaign have loved that they and I Iii work of the institution hat pro Hoffman llouso was tho spot to t a bet Committee ho with John NMiiall a workman whoso hosts was in Ireland Imiad wore to capture Krlo county In Krle for arrived tho warrant nt grossed so Miccossfully that moro than ed on the night before election This was before leaving lullS t ers last night all in Chicago City Tnastirer J Hampton Sentimental Interest attaches to thin county a year ago Krastus C Knight- five S lie case I when had a talk overt he xituat Ion I Wiifci II ¬ hundred students ate enrolled te- in Harrison boat Clove nndpronouncid- Miss ItiRgar In suies hii Moore Cloorg r F Whit- vinci for Mr Croker it having belonged llopiihllnin was nominated fur M nyor tho lit was taken With I hi now building land Mr Hill was nt thn hotel that night tho cliims of t Ito Democratic managers man who worn with Mr Inc und many the erection of It IH Niid to isis ancestors It was llil and sonw i if the Iepuhllcan l ion that Mr- to the county and assigned quarters In it IH ial ha was roolootid Oovornor anti Cleveland absurd i flu vmtgnnt Mr Woodruff Jai jMdeMrlans narrow escapes Intended to so extend the work of place Mr Croker In I I He- hospital Slio hud that had mind when ali Kniglit would i itt Sl mid certain the lruo hersalf wit t UN t was defeated for tit Presidency MM that plurality Mould nil not only Tho accident wns duo to some defect the college afford instruction in tho ho first came abroad but publicans tiHik the stump for Herbort I outward coniio ure during tho ordeal of higher circumstances There wn a throng nt the Hoff- ¬ fhort of isurt lust that it disappear in tho hooin A gnng of Inborern- branches tim new Ml net tIn will then proventod hint reM illicit Illssell Mr Knights Yut surrender lint cloMj observers detiw t I dnick from nc tilrlng It man HOIICO night and for a long tlmn- Altogether Mr Color spent n opponent Mr Hofbling also include n power plant for instruction lat coiiuli of oral uh I omployid by the Company lilt illfTicutties wero removed and a few Knight WHS eli ot oil by Oono plurality The- eitskI Htippre excitomont Sho Ion In alt heal there wn a good deal of talk and no cider hours yestordav nt Donmcrrttle wen holding a huge nit eel wolgiing- dl neil line irnol mechanic days ago tlm negotiations HepnlillcAiH claimed Krlo was dro H il in a Incoming gown of black wero completed Color money wn One tars in conference vlth Chairman I county list scant asked John and wore a black picture lint nearly eight tout from tho ground to tho- In reply to TIIK SINH request that ho tot Inn Shea Ita riley York tlm i I night hy itKNi plurality They did not awl veil Situ of n Roit Color Minn- and other it rId unllnlhed clglith Mory of the new build- HKKIXd FIHt IOIIX MVIV- verify tlm foregoing Mr Crolier mailed loatltvs all of whom sits list a I Color as ov IMHOVO that any change In t Iii politicill- carried a small leather grip Then is much Mr Colors friends offer I to I In nall- g Ing Tin nMcont wns nearly completed the following IncoiUo note ernor That what i did four complexion of limo county would the iiMonlshment over her surrender No In- ¬ Mllllimalrr Shoe in Falls Into the Water nnumnts If you an > confident of Colors ago In t turn when lisa gave way In an Instant I nm thinking hnvbig he case of Judge Augustus Vats county over to tho Democrats dictment it yet on flu against liar although derrick frrnm a Ilimt at Narrannmetr- of my stud In election why dont you do better Tho Wvok- tlm heavy girder chains and wooden Ireland HICIIAKD the Cirand Jury If x pact ts I to ono H I 3 ClInKER i Viler man replied Mr Color wax elated Then till Democrats have circulated return InovitiKvcE Nov Joist Hanan over tin next week beams fell pun out look antI smilingly ¬ Mories to the effect Monroo the wealthy manufacturer of New We aro poor tho Democrats am pnor received the con- that county Tho gI ruler n wooden arching > gratulation La > Frankenstein in struck Ill FOII o have nothing to I would Kivo only 2V l plurality for Odell iyur explanation of York had a oscapn from drowning FIELDS spy have Iiiiii tnt of power slnco 191 unit I covering tho sidewalk on Hrond street iciisntoi h roniarkid t I uI hon am confident The at htiuisl heist > State headquarters action said thiK morning Mr Harmn had Iwcn at uiw o dicioe- that I shall lie dif with terrific smashed through the Report That Anirrlcan Are Con- elected Mr Color wall Wo undcrstnnd that in- ¬ fore ole Seeking > last night ii ns to the olToot Monroe then was an NarmgaiiMtt Pier a few days nnd tinas noiHtn
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    Abilene Christian University Digital Commons @ ACU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Electronic Theses and Dissertations Spring 5-2018 You Are What You Wear: Clothing and American Authors of the Early 20th Century Alyssa Q. Johnson Abilene Christian University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/etd Part of the Literature in English, North America Commons Recommended Citation Johnson, Alyssa Q., "You Are What You Wear: Clothing and American Authors of the Early 20th Century" (2018). Digital Commons @ ACU, Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Paper 77. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Electronic Theses and Dissertations at Digital Commons @ ACU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electronic Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ ACU. ABSTRACT Though clothes are often said to “make the man,” they are not frequently said to build a character. This thesis explores the ways in which clothing was a performative tool for those who wore it during the 1920s in America as well as for authors who wrote about this world in which they lived. This study’s theoretical framework is inspired by Judith Butler’s concept of the performative; it is also influenced by historical research into the clothing of the 1920s. Primary texts explored include F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby and Tender Is the Night, Nella Larsen’s Quicksand, and Jessie Redmon Fauset’s Plum Bun: A Novel without a Moral. In each of these works, clothing is used symbolically as a way to emphasize thematic elements, but it is also used as a tool through which the author builds characters.
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