Overview of Microgrid R&D in

Prof.Chengshan Wang

Tianjin University , China [email protected]

2009 Symposium on Microgrids, Sept.17 2009 Outline:Outline:

„„ OverviewOverview ofof RenewableRenewable EnergyEnergy DevelopmentDevelopment PolicyPolicy inin ChinaChina

„„ R&DR&D ProjectsProjects SupportedSupported byby ChineseChinese GovernmentGovernment

„„ SomeSome TestbedsTestbeds forfor MicrogridsMicrogrids

„„ ConclusionConclusion Outline:Outline:

„„ OverviewOverview ofof RenewableRenewable EnergyEnergy DevelopmentDevelopment PolicyPolicy inin ChinaChina

„„ R&DR&D ProjectsProjects SupportedSupported byby ChineseChinese GovernmentGovernment

„„ SomeSome TestbedsTestbeds forfor MicrogridsMicrogrids

„„ ConclusionConclusion NationalNational RenewableRenewable EnergyEnergy PowerPower GenerationGeneration PlanPlan

Target Year 2010 2020 2030 2050

Installed Capacity 10 30(50) 100(xx) 400(xx) (GW) Wind Power Power Generation 210 1150 2300 9200 (TWh) Installed Capacity 5.5 30 50 100 Biomass (GW) Power Power Generation 212 1250 2250 5000 (TWh) Installed Capacity 0.3 1.8(20) 10(XX) 100(XX) (GW) Solar Power Power Generation 4.2 23.4 140 1500 (TWh) Wind Power Installed Capacity

At the end of 2008, wind power installed capcity in China had reached 10GW, which was the goal of 2010 14000

12153 12000

101% 10000


133% 6040 6000 106% 4000 65% 2597

2000 1260.5 667.2 764 344.3 399.3 473 56.6 166.6 223.5 267.9 0 Solar Power Installed Capacity

160 140 140

120 100 100 80 80 70 65 60 45 40 19 20


„ The National Energy Administration has decided to expand China's solar power installed capacity to 2 GW by 2011, with a subsidized price for solar power of 1.09 yuan per kWh in some areas. SSomeome PoliciesPolicies toto SupportSupport RenewableRenewable EnergyEnergy DevelopmentDevelopment

„Regulation and Management Measure of RE power (by NDRC) „ Regulation on Renewable Power Pricing and Cost Sharing (by NDRC) „ Guided Catalog of RE industry development(by NDRC) „ Some national standards (Standard for solar building, Geothermal heat pump by Ministry of Construction, Standard for Solar PV power and wind turbines etc by Standardization Administration of China.) „ Fund earmarked for RE (by Ministry of Finance) „…… Wind Power Price Policy (July, 2009 by NDRC)

Standard Resource wind power Area Grade price Area (Yuan/kWh)

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region except Chifeng, Tongliao, Grade I 0.51 Xingan, Hulunbeier;Urumqi, Ili, Changji, Karamay, of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

Zhangjiakou, Chengde of Hebei Province;Chifeng, Tongliao, Grade II 0.54 Xingan, Hulunbeier of Autonomous Region; Zhangye, Jiayuguan, Jiuquan of Gansu Province

Baicheng, Songyuan of Jilin Province;, , Qitaihe, , Yichun, Daxinganling of Province;Gansu Province except Zhangye, Jiayuguan, Grade III 0.58 Jiuquan; Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region except Urumqi, Ili, Changji, Karamay, Shihezi;Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Solar Power Stimulus Policy

„ Solar Energy Roof Plan (March, 2009) (1)Emphases on building integrated photovoltaic demo projects (2)Subsidies 20 Yuan/W of the BIPV system. „ Golden Sun Pilot Program (July, 2009) (1)Subsidies more than 500 MWp in the next three years. (2)Offer 50-70 percent of investments for solar power projects. „ Some Policy by local Government Biomass Power Policy

„ Price for biomass power: feed-in-tariff In the first 15 years, adopt the subsidy Price: Coal fired plant :0.25Yuan/kWh, biomass power : 0.50-0.72 Yuan/kWh „ Others Provide a long-term policy and ensure the fixed price etc. Outline:Outline:

„„ OverviewOverview ofof RenewableRenewable EnergyEnergy DevelopmentDevelopment PolicyPolicy inin ChinaChina

„„ R&DR&D ProjectsProjects SupportedSupported byby ChineseChinese GovernmentGovernment

„„ SomeSome TestbedsTestbeds forfor MicrogridsMicrogrids

„„ ConclusionConclusion R&DR&D ProjectsProjects SupportedSupported byby ChineseChinese GovernmentGovernment

“863” “973” National Key National National High Other National Technology Natural Basic Technology founding Research and R&D Science Research agencies Development Program Foundation Program Program 4 Programs 24 Programs 21 Programs Programs Industry

Advanced Energy Technology R&D Program Institutes of Higher Energy

DG Sy Education & MicroGrid PV Power Fuel Cell Biomss Research CHP

Storage Institutes stems

International Partners Advanced Energy Technology R&D Development NationalNational 973973 Project,Project, 44 ProgramsPrograms

Program PI Institution Research on MG system C. S. Tianjin Wang University Research on new battery & Institute F. Wu related energy materials of Technology Research on high efficiency Institute H. M. redox flow cell energy storage of Chemical & Zhang technology Physics Institute of Research on multi-energy CHP H.G. Engineering system Jing Thermophysics NationalNational 863863 Project,Project, 2424 ProgramsPrograms Program PI Institution The key technology and demonstration Southern Power Grid, C. S. Wang project of grid-connected CHP MicroGrid Tianjin University

Microgrid control and protection technology Y. L. Li Tianjin University DG system planning, operation and protection B. H. Zhang Xian Jiaotong University Multi-energy Microgrid control and energy University of M. Ding management technology Technology Institute of Electrical DG system & MicroGrid L. Kong Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences Microgrid protection control technology Huazhong University of X. N. Lin based on distributed intelligence Science and Technology Distributed biomass system based on CCHP technology J. F. Li Shandong University High efficiency gas CCHP system integration technology L. Fu Tsinghua University …… …… …… NationalNational NaturalNatural ScienceScience Foundation,Foundation, 2121 ProgramsPrograms

Program PI Institution Simulaiton and control of distributed generation system C. S. Wang Tianjin University DG system based on the hybrid excitation University of synchronous machine - matrix converter B. Zhou Aeronautics and combination Astronautics Multi-agent intelligent control of Distributed power systems S. X. Wang Tianjin University Basic research of wpm distribution system Zhejiang University of communication for DG coordination and Y. B. Zhang Technology control Institute of Electrical DG impacts with high penetration and Engineering , Chinese inverter-type DG on distribution network L. Kong Academy of Sciences Control of DG system based on expection theroy S. Gao Southeast University Control and stability study of power inverters Hefei University of in MicroGrid J. H. Su Technology

…… …… …… OtherOther ProjectsProjects

Program PI Project Institution

Key Scientific and The key technology and theory C. S. Technical Innovation Tianjin research on distributed energy system Wang Project,Ministry of University Education of China The Key Research Hefei University of Research of distributed generation Program of Education M. Ding Technology system with green energy Ministry The Key Research Hefei University of Control system of photovoltaic power Program of Education J. H. Su Technology and water purification Ministry Demo of 20kW grid-connected PV J. H. Su National “Tenth Five” Hefei University of power station construction Technology Project Technology Research of grid-connected PV roof J. H. Su National “Ninth Five” Hefei University of powr system and 5kW dual inverter Technology Project Technology National “Ninth Five” Hefei University of 3kW GC/SA dual inverter J. H. Su Technology Project Technology

…… …… …… …… ResearchResearch onon thethe KeyKey IssuesIssues ofof DistributedDistributed GenerationGeneration SystemSystem (MG)(MG) (973 Program)

„ Research Team

• 7 Universities • China Southern Power Grid

„ Funding: ¥ 30,000,000 (4,400,000$) „ Duration: 2009 – 2013 „ PI: Prof.Chengshan WANG TheThe KeyKey IssuesIssues toto BeBe Solved:Solved:


1. 2. Microgrid

3. Target – To supply a theoretical and technological support for the scientific development and secure & high-efficiency operation of MGs and distribution systems

„ Mechanism Exploration – To reveal the law of energy exchange inside the MG and its interaction with the distribution system under normal and faulted conditions; „ Theoretical Innovation – To develop the theories on modeling, analysis, simulation, protection and control of MG; to develop novel planning theory for MG integrated distribution system; „ Technological Breakthrough – To develop up-to-date EMS with the function of simulation, analysis and computer aided decision-making support for MGs integrated distribution system; to design integrative control devices for MGs and MG integrated distribution system; „ Validation & Demonstration – To construct the advanced simulation-experiment platform; to apply some results to demonstration projects. Technique Route Outline:Outline:

„„ OverviewOverview ofof RenewableRenewable EnergyEnergy DevelopmentDevelopment PolicyPolicy inin ChinaChina

„„ R&DR&D ProjectsProjects SupportedSupported byby ChineseChinese GovernmentGovernment

„„ SomeSome TestbedsTestbeds forfor MicrogridsMicrogrids

„„ ConclusionConclusion MicroGrid Testbed in HFUT, China

„ The Distributed Generation lab in Hefei University of Technology built in 2006 . „ The lab consists of conventional power units, hydro power units, PV system, wind power, fuel cell and energy storage system of 20kW Co-generation of PV and wind power battery and capacitors. „ DG control system based on profibus technology

Fuel cell and Battery control system DG control system based on profibus technology System Structure of the Testbed in HFUT

Protection device

ES Controller

ES Controller

gateway Monitor & control unit Electrical line

Adjustable impedance Communication line Central Controller Energy storage unit MicroGrid lab in Shandong, China

Shandong Power Institution PV, Battery and wind generation MicroGrid Lab • 15 kWp PV array • 15kW wind generator • 30kW DIFG dynamic simulation system • 43kW Smart load system • Battery, measure and control system • Simulation analysis system (DigSilent, PSASP, BPA) System Structure of The MG in Shandong Power Institution

• Research on DG and MicroGrid connecting with the Grid • Dynamic and steady state simulation of wind farm system • Dynamic and steady state simulation of PV system • Research on Smart load system • Research on Energy management system of Microgrid PV, Battery and wind generation MicroGrid Lab Demonstration project of CHP MicroGrid

Effluent Absorption 电负荷 Chiller 350

MT#1 Influent 300 ~ 250 Microgrid 1 Fuel control ~ 200 Foshan kW 150 substation ~ 710 LM1 100 Chandiao Jia T1 Testing Building Line 601 1DL Electrical Cooling Load 50 condition of Fresh air of M1 Dispatching Dispatching 0 0 12 0 12 0 12 0 12 0 12 0 12 0 12 0 Building Building t Part power load of 冷负 荷 dispatching Building Backup 180 automatic Incoming Emergency 160 switch Line 1 C1 lighting, Fire lift 140 etc. loads Incoming C2 120 Line 2 100 kW Shiwan M2 LM2 80 substation 60 734 T2 Loads Chandiao 2DL 40 Bing Line Cooling Load 602 Effluent of Office LM3 Electrical Building 20 0 12 0 12 0 12 0 12 0 12 0 12 0 12 0 condition of t Office Building Influent

Office Building Cooling and electrical load forecasting in some week T3 Scheme of supplying power and cooling A new energy optimization and management model „ Generation plan for MT „ The cooperation of CHP and electric air conditioning „ The influence of price of electricity from public grid, price of fuel and price of the electricity sold to grid Energy management system of Microgrid MicroGrid lab in Tianjin University, China

Lighting Load Air conditioning Single- phase load: Three phase AC PV DC


LS1LS2 C1 C2 C3 C4 Distribution C5 Line QS 1 BP3 BP2 BP1 Cabinet BP1 QS2 Simulation BP2 QS3 BP3 Q Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 5 Adjustable AL101

ine 1 Impedance 1-11 2- 11 3-12 4- 12 Q5-13

L Q Q Q Q K7 K1 Line 11 Line 12 Line 13 K8 K4 K V K Line 21 Line 22 6 K 2 9 K5

K3 Line 31 Line 32 800/400

11 12 13 21 11 12 13 21 22 31 11 12 13 22 11 12 13 21 22 32

Q6-ij Q7-ij Q8-ij Q9-ij

380/400V 400/800V Q6 Q7 Q8 Distribution Q9 AL115

Line 2 Cabinet BP1 BP2 BP3 400/800V G C6 C7 C8 C9 5kVA U8 U 400/800V DC AC DC AC Fuel AC AC 9 G Capacitor Grid AC DC U6 AC DC U7 cell DC DC 7.5kVA MT Flywheel simulation 400/800V 30 kW ES G

7.5kVA Motor load 400/800V M 2kW G 800/400V 15kVA M Motor load 2kW Dynamic 800/ 400V M Motor load 2kW Simulation 800/400V Lab M Motor load 2kW 800/400V Resistance load 800/400V Solar Decathlon Europe 2010, Tianjin University Participation The Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 came about from a commitment by the Government of Spain together with the Government of the United States to organize the competition in Europe for universities to design and build a self-sufficient house using solar power as the only source of energy. We are aiming at achieving the maximum level of sustainability in a Solar-powered, energy self- sufficient, user- and environmental- friendly house. Solar Decathlon Europe 2010, Microgrid Design

Microgrid Electrical Structure Outline:Outline:

„„ OverviewOverview ofof RenewableRenewable EnergyEnergy DevelopmentDevelopment PolicyPolicy inin ChinaChina

„„ R&DR&D ProjectsProjects SupportedSupported byby ChineseChinese GovernmentGovernment

„„ SomeSome TestbedsTestbeds forfor MicrogridsMicrogrids

„„ ConclusionConclusion Questions?