Throughout this conflict every once in a while Ukrainian government officials have come clean about the Russian invasion of . To the chagrin of the #Obama Administration and #NATO , Russia has not invaded. This latest admission came twice this week. Once by inference and the other a direct admission from Ukrainian Armed Forces Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Victor Muzhenko. During a briefing with General Muzenko he announced that: “WE ARE NOT FIGHTING WITH THE REGULAR RUSSIAN ARMY. We have enough forces and means in order to inflict a final defeat even with illegal armed formation present.” If that wasn’t embarrassing enough for the #Poroshenko regime which has consistently stated Russia had invaded and that Ukraine is fighting the Russian Army, it was Petro Poroshenko’s own TV station Channel 5 news that broke the story! Possibly the worst purveyor of this Cold War-style propaganda has been the New York Times, which has given its readers a steady diet of biased reporting and analysis, including now accusing the Russians for a resurgence in the fighting.

2 3 Ever wonder what makes up highly popular #fastfood such as #McDonalds #chicken nuggets or #frenchfries ? If the fast food giants recently launched ‘transparency campaign’ tells us anything, it’s that the public is increasingly demanding #truth and change. But what McDonald’s ‘truth campaign’ isn’t telling us is that much of its food is lathered in questionable, health-compromising ingredients. And people without any understanding of #food are just buying their words without question and actually defending them. In the most recent transparency video from McDonald’s, Grant Imahara explains that there are 19 ingredients in America’s favorite fries, one of which is polydimethylsiloxane, which is used in the production of silly putty. This seemingly ‘essential’ french fry- Silly Putty ingredient has been making headlines, and I can tell you that it won’t be the last headline you see. During his ‘investigation,’ he found that dimethylpolysiloxane is used in the making of McDonald’s fries along with a petrol-based chemical called tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ). While anyone might immediately suspect that these ingredients may pose a hazard (and you wouldn’t be wrong), Grant reassures viewers that these are both safe additives used for perfectly good reasons. You can view the video to see McDoanld’s segment on how its french fries are made, taking a tour through a McDonald’s factory. Dimethylpolysiloxane is added for safety reasons to prevent cooking oil from foaming, while tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) is applied as a food preservative. Can’t have fries that don’t last a few years, right? Of course finding such ingredients in the fast food giant’s french fries isn’t so surprising – much of McDonald’s’ food is tainted in more than one way. For example, containing over 70 ingredients, the McDonald’s sought after McRib is full of surprises — including ‘restructured meat’ technology that includes traditionally-discarded animal parts brought together to create a rib-like substance. It also contains a little-known flour-bleaching agent known as azodicarbonamide. There are pesticides, additives, and harmful food-like substances that are NOT okay.

4 5 On 1/25 the leader of #Greek #Syriza party, Alexis Tsipras, promised to end five years of #austerity “humiliation and suffering” imposed by international banksters on the Greek people. “Greece leaves behinds catastrophic austerity, it leaves behind fear and authoritarianism, it leaves behind five years of humiliation and anguish,” Tsipras, who was sworn in as prime minister on Monday, told supporters. The Greek coalition party now has an absolute, 151-seat majority in parliament. Tsipras and Syriza demand a renegotiation of Greece’s £179 billion bailout and a revisitation of the clauses that make the Greek government’s implementation of devastating austerity measures mandatory. Additionally, Syriza is calling for cancellation of over 50 percent of Greek debt owed to ECB banksters and Eurozone states. The victory of Syriza has emboldened the anti- austerity movement in #Britain and on the #European continent. The #bankers are very scared for the first time. The dark agenda to enslave us all is coming apart. Liberation is near...

6 7 The Transportation Security Agency is already well known for conducting evasive searches at #American airports, but new measures may soon see the social media accounts of potential passengers being screened by TSA. Travelers who wish to bypass TSA’s oft contentious security screenings are currently afforded the opportunity to do so by enrolling in the federal agency’s #PreCheck program, an “intelligence-driven, risk-based initiative,” according to #TSA which aims to expedite security checks for frequent travelers and members of the military, among others. But now in an effort to make that preliminary screening process even easier, TSA may soon let private companies suck up “commercial data” pertaining to passengers, the likes of which may be taken from public social media profiles, personal blogs,and other online material, according to newly filed documents. “Commercial data,” the document continues, includes “public record data, such as criminal history and real estate records produced by federal, state and local governments; other publicly available information, such as directories, press reports, location data and information that individuals post on blogs and social media sites; and wide ranging data such as purchase information, customer lists from registration websites and self-reported information provided by consumers that is obtained by commercial data sources such as data broker.” Beware what you post on social media while you are enrolled in PreCheck – it is fair game, according to the TSA’s request for proposals.

8 9 On July 22, 1946, a group of self declared “Atheist Jewish Revolutionaries” (not Jewish- just terrorists) from the Irgun — commanded and led by Menachem Begin who would later become the Prime Minister of Israel — disguised themselves as Arabs and bombed the King David Hotel in # which was serving as the headquarters for the #British Military and Administrative Command at the time. The information clearing house states: “The King David Hotel explosion of July 22, 1946 (Palestine), which resulted in the deaths of 92 Britons, Arabs and , and in the wounding of 58, was not just an act of “Jewish extremists,” but a premeditated massacre conducted by the Irgun in agreement with the highest (so called) Jewish political authorities in #Palestine — the Jewish Agency and its head David-Ben-Gurion. According to Yitshaq Ben-Ami, a Palestinian Jew who spent 30 years in exile after the establishment of Israel investigating the crimes of the “ruthless clique heading the internal #Zionist movement,” the #Irgun had conceived a plan for the King David attack early in July. According to Dr. Sneh, the operation was personally approved by Ben-Gurion, from his self-exile in Europe. … The Terror Agency’s motive was to destroy all evidence the British had gathered proving that the terrorist crime waves in Palestine were not merely the actions of “fringe” groups such as the Irgun and Stern Gang, but were committed in collusion with the and Palmach groups and under the direction of the highest political body of the Zionist establishment itself, namely the (so called) Jewish Agency.” The #BBC produced and aired a documentary featuring a play-by-play re-enactment of the King David Hotel bombing in which Izahk Zadok, a self declared “Atheist Jewish Revolutionary” Irgunist who took part in the bombing, is showing the camera crew how he carried the bomb into the hotel hidden in a milk crate. Grinning at the camera, Zadok proudly confessed: “I wasn’t dressed as a civilian or a soldier. I was dressed as an Arab with a gilaba and a keffiyeh with that ring on your head like. . . Arafat.” Fact: Israel was founded by terrorists.

10 11 On 6 November, 1944, Lord Moyne, the #British Minister resident in #Egypt was assassinated by members of the “Atheistic Jewish Revolutionaries” Stern Gang, who later took over Israel. On Sept. 17, 1948, so-called Jewish terrorists of the Lehi group assassinated Swedish diplomat and nobleman Count Folke Bernadotte, the U.N.’s mediator in Palestine. In 1954, in what has been dubbed the “Lavon Affair,” a group of Egyptian Atheist Revolutionary “Jews” (not of #Judaism at all) recruited by the Israeli AMAN (military intelligence) disguised themselves as #Muslims and fire-bombed #American and British installations in Egypt in a false- flag attack. In 1954, the Israeli secret service set up a spy ring in Egypt, with the purpose of blowing up US and British targets. The operation was code-named “Susannah.” The terrorist hits were to be blamed on the regime of Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser, with the purpose of alienating the US and Britain from Egypt and Nasser and somehow preventing Egyptian nationalization of the #Suez canal. The ringwas discovered. The group was activated in July of 1954. The first bombs were placed in post offices on July 15, followed by the USIA libraries in #Cairo and Alexandria on July 14. On July 23, more bombs were exploded in two Cairo cinemas, in the railway terminal and central post office. The entire ring was soon rounded up, either because of information divulged under interrogation or because it had been betrayed. For five decades the arrogant, eternally deceitful “Atheist Jewish Revolutionaries” refused to admit responsibility for the attack, claiming it was just an “anti-Semitic #conspiracy theory.” In 2005, however, the Israeli government not only admitted responsibility, but held a ceremony honoring the terrorists who took part in the operation with medals of appreciation for their “service” to the “Jewish state”. Neoconservatism and are NOT Judaism. The so-called leaders of Israel today were brought to power by atheistic revolutionary terrorists who killed anyone in their way including innocent Jews. This fact is missing from majority’s understanding of the nightmare over the Jewish people and over the world.

12 13 Albert #Einstein wrote in a letter to #American Friends of the Fighters for the #Freedom of #Israel shortly after the 1948 Deir Yassin massacre and referred to the Irgun, led by Menachem Begin later a Prime Minister of Israel, and the Stern Gang, where Yitzhak Shamir also a future Prime Minister of #Israel was a member, as terrorist organizations and refused to support these “misled and criminal people.” Albert Einstein, Sidney Hook, Hannah Arendt and twenty-five other prominent #Jews in a letter to The New York Times (December 4, 1948), condemned Menachem Begin’s and Yitzhak Shamir’s #Likud party as “fascist” and espousing “an admixture of ultra-nationalism, religious mysticism and racial superiority.” In 1950 Einstein published the following statement on the question of Zionism: “Apart from the practical considerations, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power no matter how modest. I am afraid of the inner damage #Judaism will sustain – especially from the development of a narrow nationalism within our own ranks, against which we have already had to fight without a #Jewish state.“ Today Einstein is a revered as a political and scientific icon. However, many unfortunately forget his wise words on the issue of #Palestine and its conflict with political #Zionism which are very relevant today in the wicked #Netanyahu “War on Terror” which is used falsely to destroy and kill. Killing is wrong. Racism is wrong. Jews & Arabs are brothers and sisters under Abraham, under the same covenant as #God is YHVH ALLAH as they are the one and same.

14 15 An #alkaline plant based diet of #longevity is the strongest #nutrition for #healing and day to day #immunity along with knowledge of herbal medicinal spices & roots which can enhance immunity seven fold. Majority of civilized #spiritual centers in the old days were mainly #vegetarian or #vegan and only few nomadic tribes seeking to survive not thrive ate dead flesh and blood. The ancient high priest pharaohs of #Egypt were mainly vegetarians, so were early #Jewish and #Christian priesthoods. The reason, because the blood is the life force and fear is in the blood of those slaughtered which negatively effects the body and mind. Purity and ritual cleansing was integral to a spiritual life in negative systems. You are what you eat so consuming dead flesh was looked at as illegally taking life force from innocent vegetarian animals who depended on humans. The protein myth of “required meat” is a modern ideology which only in recent times has been established through corporate fast food diets. In old times it was expensive to have animals let alone many to eat as is in today’s fast food slaughtering factories. People have a large misconception as society has been deliberately led astray in many ways. Eating simple rice & beans gives one more than enough #protein and full amino acids. Spices such as turmeric, garlic, ginger, nutmeg, cumin, & others help to #detox illness, and restore negative ionic immunity, as is also done with #earthing meaning having ones feet on the earth which is of the same frequency as the body. It clears out free radicals from pollution and heavy metals which cause cancers. If the mind is not right it doesn’t matter what you eat. Take steps to clean out bad oils like canola, processed foods with bad ingredients and start implementing new healthy meals. Take time to breathe and connect to your higher soul self.

16 17 The American “Super Bowl” is a religious holiday to many citizens totally stuck in lower desire mind of illusory glamour and brainless “entertainment”. Across the work offices, worker bees make the event more important than anything else, and are willing to spend time & money on it. Have someone stand up and talk about #truth and few will listen, but put someone on a field with a ball or a stage with an instrument and millions flock like animals. Meanwhile the world is on the brink of WORLD WAR, America is collapsing unlike ever before, and people push it all aside to live the illusion. This year, #SuperBowl fans are expected to break previous records in consuming over 1 billion pounds of GMO-laden snack foods — with the vast majority of these individuals still completely in the dark over what they’re truly consuming in their #food (even beyond GMOs). Over 1,600 orders per hour are expected to roll into #PizzaHut alone. 1.2 billion #chicken wing servings (enough to circle the Grand Canyon 120 times according to the National Chicken Council) filled with hormones and cruel slaughterings are to be eaten. 11.2 million pounds of gmo potato chips (high-fructose corn syrup, rebranded as Fructose, found to contain mercury and proven to be more toxic than even regular table sugar) are already bought. 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips (around 88% of gmo corn or more is genetically modified) 48 million take out and fast food meals filled with toxic dyes, additives, and pesticides; 11 million slices of #pizza specifically from Domino’s alone are being served to unknowing citizens as food. To put these numbers into perspective, it would take 222,792 football fields of farmland just to grow the corn, potatoes, chicken necessary to fuel this single Super Bowl snack day. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying some snack foods — the true travesty is that these mega food corporations are loading your favorite foods with mercury-laden high-fructose corn syrup, #GMO , artificial flavors, and a whole list of other #toxic additives.

18 19 In a world of competitive sports and “might is right” wrongful policies, perhaps its time to take a moment to think of togetherness. Imagine what people could do if they took their focus and energy away from “competitions” and did something truly positive with their actions together. There’s always enough time for the important things in life. Don’t fall in the illusions of the world. Change can only occur with you. Be the change you wish to see. Think with your mind and live by your heart.

20 21 So most of us know that competing with cheap labor has cost us millions of #jobs – in fact some experts say our true #unemployment rate (in the US) is in the order of 15%-20%... When you consider that most of the stuff we buy is Made in #China …this is no surprise. Can we truly blame our government, or globalization or the monolithic, faceless multi-nationals that only care about profit and increasingly short-term profit at that? Or have we been in part blinded by the #propaganda of the world’s largest oppressive regime who are luring our companies over with illegal tax subsidies and cheap (as well as slave) labor… They’re then stealing our “know how” once we move our factories over, thereby further destroying the wealth and #future jobs of our nation. The dictatorship that has taken over and corrupted the nations of our forefathers and grandparents are miserable for millions. Wouldn’t it be in our own interests to be dealing with a government that wasn’t ‘Communist’ or allowed #freedom of press and expression so we actually know what’s really happening inside China? See the eye-opening film called “Free China” which is just about to premiere TOMORROW Tuesday, Feb 3rd online (from 2pm New York time). This film is a MUST SEE if you care about your freedom and certainly your children’s Freedoms. Check out our campaign video and where you can watch the film:

22 23 24 25 26 27 A #Senate hearing opened 1/29/15 with Code Pink protesters trying to arrest former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger for “#warcrimes .” The protesters, bearing signs reading “Kissinger War Criminal” and “#Cambodia ,” rushed up behind the 91-year-old diplomat at the witness table of the Senate Armed Services Committee, which was holding a hearing on global challenges and the U.S. national security strategy. Also testifying were 94-year-old former Secretary of State George P. #Shultz and 77-year-old former Secretary of State Madeleine #Albright . Chairman John McCain said he would call recess until Capitol Police removed #CodePink from the room. “I’ve been a member of this committee for many years, and I have never seen anything as disgraceful and outrageous and despicable as the last demonstration that just took place,” McCain said, which led to shout- backs from the protesters. “You know, you’re going to have to shut up, or I’m going to have you arrested. If we can’t get the #Capital Hill Police in here immediately… Get out of here, you low-life scum,” #McCain added. “So Henry, I hope you will — Dr. Kissinger, I hope on behalf of all of the members of this committee on both sides of the aisle — in fact, from all of my colleagues, I’d like to apologize for allowing such disgraceful behavior towards a man who served his country with the greatest distinction. I apologize profusely.” Later, when Kissinger began his opening statement, more protesters popped up in the room, screaming about Vietnam and rattling off his “war crimes.” “Vietnam! From 1969 to 1973, Kissinger, working for Richard #Nixon oversaw the slaughter in #Vietnam #Cambodia & #Laos that led to the deaths of millions — millions of people. Many thousands more died from the effects of massive doses of agent orange and from unexploded bombs that covered the countryside!” a protester shouted. “Chile! Henry Kissinger was one of the principle architects of the coup in #Chile on September 11th, 1973…” Shultz then stood up to verbally battle the protesters, saying, “I salute Henry #Kissinger for his many contributions to peace and security.” That led to a standing ovation from congress.

28 29 2nd of February, 2015. Kiev, Ukraine. The Ukrainian “Aidar” battalion is attacking the Ukrainian Defense Ministry building. The reason is that the Kiev authorities issued an order to formally disband “Aidar”. Dozens of picketers stopped a passenger trolleybus, using it to block the official entrance. They then piled up tires outside and began to beat army drums, demanding an audience from ministry officials. When the request was ignored, demonstrators set fire to the tires, before taking down the Ukrainian flag mounted on the entrance. This is the second violent protest in three days. The protest is still going on. Yesterday, 1st February, activists of the organization “Voice of ” held rally in memory of the victims of the tragedy May 2, 2014, which killed dozens of residents. At 2nd February will be nine months from the date of arson House of Trade Unions. Participants of the rally in memory of the victims of the tragedy in Odessa also noted that no one of the suspects in the arson of the House of Trade Unions hasn’t yet been arrested, and the police of Ukraine hasn’t yet completed the investigation about the deaths. Protesters holding a sign “I am #Odessa “ and black balloons, they sang songs and recited poems about the Civil War and murderous #fascism . They demanded an immediate investigation into the tragedy.

30 31 Source: NY Times, Feb. 2, 2015 NATO’s military commander, Gen. Breedlove, supports providing defensive weapons and equipment to Kiev’s forces, and an array of military officials appear to be edging toward that position, American officials said 2/1/15. President #Obama has made no decisions on providing lethal assistance but after a series of striking reversals that Ukraine’s forces have suffered in recent weeks, the Obama administration is taking a fresh look at the question of military aid. Secretary of State John Kerry, who plans to visit Kiev on Thursday, is open to new discussions about providing lethal assistance, as is Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, officials said. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, who is leaving his post soon, backs sending defensive weapons to the Ukrainian forces. The took part in the February 2014 coup in #Ukraine which installed pro- Western authorities, US President Obama admitted to #CNN 2/1/15. Yanukovych’s decision not to sign an agreement with the EU in late 2013 triggered a mass wave of #protests across Ukraine, which culminated in the February coup. Following the February events and the rise of aggressive #nationalism in the country, #Crimea seceded from Ukraine and joined #Russia in March 2014, following a referendum, in which 96 percent of voters were in favour of reunifying with Russia. #American soldiers from the 173rd Airborne Brigade at Camp Ederle in Vicenza, , are soon to head to Ukraine to help train soldiers for their fight against Russia, Il Giornale Italian newspaper reports.The operation will be part of a project outlined by Lt. Gen. Gen. Ben Hodges, the head of U.S. Army Europe. The same newspaper earlier this week said that American soldiers may already be on the ground in Ukraine. We are on a direct path to #WW3 . The mission is part of a State Department plan to “assist Ukraine in strengthening its law enforcement capabilities, conduct internal defense, and maintain rule of law” Pentagon spokeswoman Lt. Col. Vanessa Hillman said. Already, the United States has $19 million earmarked to help Ukraine set up its National Guard.

32 33 The White House will be seeking $534 billion from Congress to run the Pentagon in 2016 – its largest budget ever, and the budget is actually more attune to $1 Trillion dollars according to members of Congress. The amount of money spent on the Pentagon budget is a historical abnormality. Before the Bush Administration, there would be a war and Congress would have to agree to emergency funds because wars tend not to happen on Congress’ budget window. Since 9/11 and the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, drone attacks in Yemen and Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, funding the Gaza bombings, the government have wanted to hide the costs, so they created these off-the-books mechanisms to move the money. Henry #Kissinger who recently was yelled at in the Senate by #codepink protestors who called him a #war #criminal said the war budget needs to be even larger to combat all the wars America faces. Why is that guy still floating around unelected in the US congress? Imagine what billions can do for the nation. One thousand million = 1 billion. Imagine.

34 35 NY Times: 1/25/15- Glendale, Arizona paid $300 million for the Superbowl stadium. The city’s debt is now 4 times the national median, 40% solely for sports complexes. Glendale’s budget crisis is so dire half of the city’s teachers, firefighters, and police were threatened with layoffs--but were saved by a permanent 10% sales tax on residents. This is the #Superbowl scandal you didn’t hear about. Spread the word. Being a team player means falling in line behind the N.F.L., the state authority that runs the stadium and the #Arizona #Cardinals its main tenant. It also means spending millions of dollars to police Glendale during the week. “I’m not anti-Super Bowl or anti-N.F.L.; I just want to make sure my citizens are not suffering” the mayor said. The NFL made over $10.5 billion dollars this past year in gross revenue. Many fans are surprised, and even angry, to hear that the NFL is technically a tax-exempt, non-profit organization. The NFL is comprised of 32 separate organizations and it is the NFL League Office headquarters in examination. The NFL League Office isn’t the only professional sports league to have non-profit status either. No major professional sports teams deserves to have a tax exemption. The NFL has not paid taxes since 1966. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s $44.2 million salary is more than the chief executives of Wal-Mart, Coca- Cola, AT&T and several large banks make. For those supporting such open corruption and disgusting quality of life, nothing else needs to be said. The nonprofit #NFL raked in more than $326 million from April 2012 to March 2013, and this is “tax deductible”.

36 37 “Mr. Mayor, you are almost the mayor of everyone in #Israel because there are two cities for every Israeli. One is the Old City (of #Jerusalem ), and the other one is New York,” #Rivlin told de Blasio. July 14, 2014# deBlasio said “I consider it my responsibility to stand up for the state of Israel.” Did the Israeli president just tell #NYC #mayor that he is accountable to the state of Israel? Let us remind you, Mr. Mayor: You are accountable to New Yorkers and to the justice-based values for which you were elected -- NOT to an apartheid state!

38 39 You are what you eat or at least it’s starting to look like your brain is more deeply affected by the foods you put into your body than you might expect. Your entire behavior, mood, and even capacity of thought is greatly effected by what you eat. You’d think that may be important for anyone with a brain who calls themselves human. Majority are in a blurred state running mostly on “lower mind desires” and impulse “feeling” without any real contemplation of thought or connection to “higher self” known as “soul”. We all know how HFCS, canola oil, unrefined sugars, food additives like “natural flavors” including food dyes like blue 1,2 red 3,40 yellow 5,6 etc, and preservatives are super toxic to the body and mind. Majority consume these “food-like” products without any clue of what they are doing. They don’t question anything and just accept these things as real food. Big Corporations see people as animals which are disposable pieces of shit in their minds. This conditioning happens over time in response to eating — repeatedly— what is out there in the toxic food environment. So if you’ve been on a junk food bender recently, don’t worry — you haven’t permanently wired your brain for the bad stuff. With some healthier choices — and a little self control — you can change it back. It’s even likely healthy foods will become the more appealing option over time. Its really all about growing WILL FORCE & havinga “desire” to change to begin with. Aggressive behavior grows when meat is consumed. Eating a large steak dripping with blood can stir feelings aggression as the San Bernardino County #California prison experiment found out when they changed inmate diets to #vegetarian and #vegan which reduced violence to ZERO. All school shooting killers had toxic blood high in sugar & chemicals- thats a fact. instead of checking our children for guns and explosives we should be checking their blood for elevated levels of toxic chemicals. What we eat is directly related to how we behave. Brain changes are able to #heal and #detox in part due to lifestyle changes and #holistic nutritional #healing which can even defeat #cancer if done properly.

40 41 In an astonishing article- Time Magazine tells the truth & gives prevention help!! Truly amazing... Sticking with a plant-based diet is a good way to avoid #cancer according to scientists at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, which just released six dietary guidelines for cancer prevention, published in the Journal of the American College of #Nutrition . More fruits and vegetables, and less alcohol, dairy and processed meats, could lower the risk of cancers in the mouth, lung, breast and colon. Ready for a cancer-fighting diet? It is evident that a #plantbased #diet is crucial for #health and cancer prevention (Time: June 10, 2014) 1. Limit or #avoid dairy products to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. 2. Limit or #avoid alcohol to reduce the risk of cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, colon, rectum, and breast. 3. #Avoid red and processed meats to reduce the risk of cancers of the colon and rectum. 4. #Avoid grilled, fried, and broiled meats to reduce the risk of cancers of the colon, rectum, breast, prostate, kidney, and pancreas. 5. Consume soy products to reduce risk of breast cancer and to reduce the risk of recurrence and mortality for #women previously treated for breast cancer. 6. Emphasize (moderate) #fruits and #vegetables to reduce risk of several common forms of cancer. diet-guidelines-for-preventing-cancer/ I can not stress how vital these tips are and am frankly shocked its in mainstream reporting backed by major scientific journals. Now you know the major cancer creators are dead flesh meat, dairy, and alcohol. #vegetarian and #vegan diets not only protect innocent animals from being killed, but also your own body down the road of time. Nutritional healing can open the mind and spirit and truly elevate your energy. Take steps to continue your education on longevity nutrition. Learn what schools refuse to teach you. Colleges are keeping quiet because its their stated agenda to obey international councils made up of corporate powers who don’t want you educated, healthy, & free.

42 43 France is pledging tanks and armored vehicles to bolster #NATO forces in Poland, where leaders are increasingly uneasy about Russia.The French military equipment is expected to remain in #Poland for two months. In a joint statement 1/30/15 after a meeting between #French President Francois Hollande and Polish Prime Minister Eva Kopacz, the two governments also called for a cease-fire in eastern Ukraine, where fighting has intensified between Ukrainian separatists and #Kiev government troops. NATO has no permanent presence in Eastern Europe but since last April members have been cycling forces and military equipment through the region in response to Russia’s actions in Ukraine and building commando team units across Europe. Despite the economic crisis, despite the financial problems they are facing, Russia now is still giving priority to defense spending, knowing they have been targeted by the #Neocon #PNAC clan, whom openly stated they want total regime change. NATO’s eastward expansion since the disintegration of the Union in 1990-91 is a broader campaign to contain Russia and to disrupt Eurasian integration. NATO has stopped all cooperation with Russia after April 1st 2014. NATO has led directly to a full wartime mobilization against Russia. This is the beginning of a new Cold War and possibly World War. West German Foreign Minister Genscher to Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze, Feb. 10, 1990: “One thing is certain: NATO will not expand to the east.”

44 45 During an appearance on Fox News, General Thomas McInerney acknowledged that the United States “helped build ISIS” as a result of the group obtaining weapons from the Benghazi consulate in Libya which was attacked by jihadists in September 2012. Asked what he thought of the idea of arming so-called “moderate” Syrian rebels after #FSA militants kidnapped UN peacekeepers in the Golan Heights, McInerney said the policy had been a failure. “We backed I believe in some cases, some of the wrong people and not in the right part of the Free #Syrian Army and that’s a little confusing to people, so I’ve always maintained….that we were backing the wrong types.” The #truth behind Benghazi was linked to an illicit arms smuggling program that saw weapons being trafficked to terrorists in Syria as part of the United States’ proxy war against the Assad regime. The CIA had been subjecting its operatives to monthly polygraph tests in an effort to keep a lid on details of the arms smuggling operation being leaked. CNN subsequently reported that dozens of #CIA agents were on the ground in Benghazi during the attack and that the polygraph tests were mandated in order to prevent operatives from talking to Congress or the media about a program that revolved around “secretly helping to move surface-to-air missiles out of #Libya through Turkey, and into the hands of Syrian rebels.” Key Syrian rebel leaders later defected to join ISIS. In addition to ISIS obtaining weapons from #Benghazi many members of the group were also trained by the United States at a secret base in #Jordan in 2012. Aaron Klein was told by Jordanian officials that, “dozens of future #ISIS members were trained at the time as part of covert aid to the insurgents targeting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in #Syria .” As we have previously documented, many of the United States’ biggest allies in the region, including #Saudi Arabia, #Kuwait #Turkey and #Qatar have all bankrolled and armed ISIS militants.

46 47 During the winter seasons its usual for many with low immunity and not the greatest nutrition to get sick or allow viruses and colds to slip in their systems. One of the best things is vitamin C, but that does not mean drink crappy orange juices or even oranges for that matter. There are dozens of other fruits and vegetables which provide much higher levels of vitamin C. A simple yellow bell pepper for one is over 390% more than an orange! Vitamin C mega doses are advocated for heart health by people such as cardiologist Thomas Levy, who also believes that people with diseases and illnesses ranging from cancer to AIDS to the common cold might also benefit from vitamin C mega doses. Vitamins and minerals are essential molecules for your health, growth and development. Vitamins are organic substances, made by animals and plants, while minerals are inorganic elements, absorbed by plants from the soil and water. Only a few foods contain all three -- vitamin E, vitamin C and zinc. The best way to get enough vitamins and minerals is to eat a complete and balanced diet, with a variety of foods. In plants, the concentration of vitamin C varies according to factors such as soil quality and planting environment. Good sources of vitamin C include red, green & yellow pepper, guava juice, kiwi, grapefruit, broccoli and kale, Strawberries, papaya, & hot chili peppers. Smaller quantities are found in tomato and spinach as well. Learn about food and nutritional healing. Its the natural way to be and be healthy. If you don’t eat anything to have an immune system than of course you will probably get sick. Being sick is not normal and majority suffer due to lack of knowledge. Spread awakening and educate all.

48 49 Most Americans have forgotten about former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright who defended Bill Clinton’s sanctions against Iraq on a 60 Minutes segment. When the show’s host, Lesley Stahl, asked her “We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean that’s more children than died in Hiroshima … is the price worth it?” Albright replied, “we think the price is worth it.” “We,” she says, as if it truly included “us.” So speak the moralizing madmen and madwomen—sociopaths and psychopaths—who pontificate from their positions of high office, telling the rest of us what we must believe and who should be killed next. The #American Sniper is a model American. And the American model is immorality. George W. #Bush Colin #Powell Donald #Rumsfeld Paul #Wolfowitz Condaleeza Rice, Susan Rice, Samantha #Powers … the list of perpetrators goes on. And so does the list of their crimes: slaughtering millions by waging wars based of false information, overthrowing sovereign governments based on lies, killing innocents and “suspects in drone strikes” without regard to international law and with no personal regret for their roles in fostering the mass murders. Like #AmericanSniper Chris Kyle, each of them speak proudly of their actions and express not a hint of sorrow. Former Vice President Dick #Cheney in his response to the recently released report on CIA torture, said he was proud of his role in creating the gruesome interrogation program that included water boarding and rectal feeding. Did he have any regrets for what he ordered? “No … absolutely not … and I’d do it again in a minute,” Cheney said. “American Sniper has the look of a bona fide cultural phenomenon!” said Brandon Griggs of CNN. And as Michelle #Obama contends, “… for all those folks in America who don’t have these kinds of opportunities [to meet veterans and military families personally] films and TV are often the best way to share those stories.” The votes are in and the decision is overwhelmingly clear. Chris Kyle—the #Navy #SEAL portrayed in the blockbuster movie purported killer of some 200 Iraqis during four tours of duty—is the people’s choice.

50 51 Greenhouse gas emissions are on the rise. The number one cause is factory farming. The single best action you can take to protect your health and to help stop the progressively degrading environment is to eat a plant-based diet and cut consumption of animals.

52 53 1. Food, Inc. When this documentary debuted in 2009, it shocked viewers. Filmmaker Robert Kenner exposes the practices of global food production that is wrapped up in multinational corporate control, thus, placing profit over all else. We see the reality of large-scale food business, like poor health and safety conditions for animals and workers. This title is available for instant streaming on Netflix.

54 55 2. Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times called this doc “ a film that can save your life,” and Dr. Oz said everyone needs to see it. The film examines the claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods. This title is available for instant streaming on Netflix.

56 57 3. This documentary follows three meat-and-dairy-loving New Yorkers as they try to stick to a vegan diet for six weeks. After watching the film, try taking the “Vegucated” challenge yourself to better apply the documentary’s findings to your own healthy life. This title is available for instant streaming on Netflix.

58 59 4. Food Matters This film makes the claim that the over-industrialization of food production is making the nation sicker and sicker, and looks at the proliferation of chemicals added to food touted as “healthy.” The film looks at the relationship between the lack of nutrients that Americans consume and our rising health care costs. Providing a thorough argument, the film gives solutions as well for the problems it presents. This title is available for instant streaming on Netflix.

60 61 5. Supersize Me A well-known documentary by Morgan Spurlock, the film makes a simple argument that fast food makes us fat and unhealthy. To prove it, he takes a 30-day challenge where he can only eat food on the McDonalds menu, and he travels around the country to interview experts and regular Americans. If you’re looking for a kick to stop eating fast food, this doc is fantastic medicine.

62 63 6. Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days Holistic medical doctor Dr. Gabriel Cousens challenges six Americans suffering from diabetes to give up meat, dairy, sugar, alcohol, and other items and adopt an entirely organic, raw, vegan diet. The end goal is to cure their disease using raw plant foods. The documentary takes viewers on these peoples’ journeys and captures their medical, physical, and emotional changes on the diet plan. At the end, you’ll have realized the true impact that healthy eating can have on our bodies, not just for our appearance, but also to heal our ailments from the inside out.

64 65 7. Ingredients Similar to Food, Inc., this documentary argues that food production needs to change. Filmmaker Robert Bates documents the rise of the local food movement, interviewing farmers and chefs who are passionate about producing local, fresh, healthy, and seasonal food. This film weighs industrial versus local food production, showing that local is the best option.

66 67 8. The Future of Food This acclaimed documentary has spurred anti-GMO grassroots movements. This must-see film has been screened and talked about around the globe. It details how genetically engineered practices, seed patenting and food corporatization, like that of Monsanto, is scarily changing our food while Americans have no idea.

68 69 9. Hungry for Change This documentary looks at commercial food production and gives little-known truths about food and nutrition that are missing from the mainstream food discourse. The film also de-bunks diet and weight loss myths, as well as explains ways to stop bad habits and get healthy.

70 71 10. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead This inspiring documentary chronicles Joe Cross’s mission to regain his health. Starting at 100 pounds overweight with an autoimmune disease and a body full of steroids, Cross vows to only eat fruit and vegetable juices for 30 days. He interviews more than 500 Americans about food, then meets a 429-pound truck driver with the same medical condition. The two connect and the end result of a beautiful film that will inspire you to make changes in your own life.

72 73 The latest political developments in Yemen — which culminated in the sudden resignation of Prime Minister Khaled Bahah, his Cabinet and President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi on Jan. 22 — have left even the most politically consummate Yemenis struggling to put the pieces together. The roots of the current crisis date back more than a decade before last week’s events. In June 2004 then-President Ali Abdullah Saleh dispatched government forces to arrest Hussein al-Houthi, a former member of parliament. Saleh felt increasingly threatened by Houthi’s soaring popularity, due in large part to his sharp critiques of the Yemeni government’s alliance with the United States. During Yemen’s Arab Spring–inspired uprising in 2011, the Houthis took advantage of the power vacuum and expanded their control over Saada. Events came came to a head on Jan. 17 after (Iranian-backed Shiite) Houthi gunmen kidnapped presidential chief of staff Ahmed Awadh bin Mubarak while the government was preparing to announce the completion of a newly drafted constitution. After days of violence and tension in the capital and unsuccessful negotiations came the slew of resignations, asthe prime minister and president decided, apparently, that the situation was unsustainable. The Houthis released bin Mubarak on Jan. 27 after tribal mediation, but there remain no concrete signs that the crisis is nearing anything resembling a workable conclusion. Regardless of who ends up ruling the country, the primary challenge for Yemen’s next leaders is putting the country together again. International actors, including the U.S., the European Union, the Gulf Cooperation Council and the United Nations, are engaged in a fraught process of damage control, furiously attempting to broker a new deal and to get key players to adhere to the conditions they accepted in September.

74 75 Six out of every 1,000 kids has autism, and nobody knows exactly why. But guest Robert F. Kennedy Jr., said in an interview on the ‘Scarborough Country’ program on 6/21/2005 that part of the blame needs to fall on the government. It has to do with a drug called Thimerosal. RFK Jr: “Thimerosal is a preservative that was put in vaccines back in the 1930s. Almost immediately after it was put in, autism cases began to appear. #Autism had never been known before. It was unknown to science. Then the #vaccines were increased in 1989 by the #CDC and by a couple of other government agencies. What happened was the vaccine schedule was increased. We went up from receiving about 10 vaccines in our generation to these kids receive 24 vaccines. And they all had this Thimerosal in them, this mercury. And nobody bothered to do an analysis of what the cumulative impact of all that mercury was doing to kids. As it turns out, we are injecting our #children with 400 times the amount of mercury that #FDA or #EPA considers safe. A #child on his first day that he is born is injected with a Hepatitis B shot. Under EPA guidelines, he would have to be 275 pounds to safely absorb that shot. What happened was that, in 1988, one in every 2,500 American children had autism. Today, one in every 166 children has autism. And, plus, one in six have other kinds of learning disorders, other kinds of neurological disorders, speech delay, language disorders, ADD, hyperactivity, that all seem to be connected, that are all connected, the science shows are all connected to autism — to #Thimerosal. The science is out there today for anybody who bothers to read it. And I have read it. Actually, on my Web site this week,, I am publishing an article that goes through all of the science. There’s no way we can ever deny this. I am not going to give this to my children, but now let’s hide this from the American people. And it’s that clear. Watch the video & read the transcript here: http:// cause-autism/

76 77 If you were told to ingest a biologically synthetic chemical whose presence on this planet did not predate 1976, and whose structure is only a few atoms away from the deadly pesticide DDT, and you knew that not only were there no long term human safety studies performed on it, but that it had been already proven in tests to have following adverse health effects …would you still consume it? Of course not! And yet, millions of Americans (including our precious children!) are doing exactly that by consuming #Splenda . So, what is sucralose, chemically speaking? Like “Splenda,” the term “sucralose” is a cute little marketing ploy. The true name of this ugly little chemical is actually too long for the human tongue to comfortably pronounce (which is usually an excellent indication that it is not safe to ingest!) Go ahead and see if you can wrap your vocal chords around this phonetic monstrosity: 1,6-dichloro-1,6-dideoxy-BETA-D-fructofuranosyl- 4-chloro-4-deoxy-alpha-D-galactopyranoside. Once absorbed, some portion of this chlorocarbon accumulates in the body (between 1.6% to 12.2%). Chlorocarbons damage the hepatocytes, the liver’s metabolic cells, and destroy them. In test animals Splenda produced swollen livers, as do all chlorocarbon poisons, and also calcified the kidneys of test animals in toxicity studies. FDA approval does not in any way guarantee safety… sadly enough, in many cases, it guarantees the exact opposite. Take aspartame for instance. #Aspartame (Equal/NutraSweet) contains 10% methanol, which is broken down in our body into two extremely toxic substances: formaldehyde and formic acid. Thankfully Nature provides us with a veritable cornucopia of healthy sweeteners: honey, stevia, maple syrup, & monk fruit, all of which are available at your local health food store. Next time that sweet tooth calls, remember not to succumb to advertising hype which would convert poisonous chemicals into “magical” no-calorie sweeteners. Use both common sense and a sense of moderation, and your body will thank you.

78 79 Recent reports of #measles outbreaks in #Disneyland #California reported that 9 children contracted the measles. 6 were unvaccinated, but 3 WERE vaccinated. Did the live vaccine injections just recently administered to the 3 children of the live viruses shed to others?The actual shedding of the live viruses is exactly what is responsible for these ‘outbreaks’. Blaming the unvaccinated has no value and is an uneducated response. If the #vaccine worked than those vaccinated would not be sick would they? Measles may be unpleasant, but it is NOT deadly. In 2014, there have been 585 cases of the measles with no death, in 2013 there were 189 cases of the measles reported with no death. In 2012 there were 54 cases of measles reported and in 2011 there were 22 cases of the measles reported all with ZERO reports of death. This disease is portrayed to be very scary and harmful just like the FLU “epidemics” every winter & every other scare tactic big pharma uses every year. This disease is continuously blamed on the unvaccinated, when in reality those who get the vaccine actually spread the disease unknowingly. The interesting thing about this latest measles outbreak is that the media is parading it around as evidence that not getting vaccinated triggers disease outbreaks, even though the original source of the disease is unknown. This is classic #propaganda and people are eating it up without question as usual. Some emotional commenters of lower mind have attacked others with such hatred devoid of all wisdom and compassion like humankind is their enemy and truth is evil. Its pretty shocking but we know how majority get controlled through impulse emotions without thought or care. Remember no vaccine is 100% effective but #nutrition #healing can absolutely lead to incredibly strong #immunity prevention #healthcare stopping even the worst diseases and viruses from even entering the body. Remember to sleep well, hydrate, take detoxing baths to flush toxins, have licorice tea and other tcm herbal remedies to fortify immunity, and eat full plant based nutritional diets with healing spices for prevention. Be well. Spread awareness. Educate all.

80 81 Goldman Sachs Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, has announced that he will pump €1.1tn at a rate of €60bn a month into financial markets until September 2016, in an attempt to prevent the fragile eurozone economy from grinding to a halt. Just making money out of thin air, totally devaluing the European currency. In a keenly anticipated announcement at the ECB’s headquarters in Frankfurt, Draghi said the operation would continue, “until we see a sustained adjustment in the path of inflation”. In a concession to the Germans, Draghi promised that national central banks would bear most of the risk of their governments defaulting, with just 20% of the new bond-purchases subject to “risk- sharing”. By buying eurozone governments’ bonds using electronically created money – so-called quantitative easing– the ECB hopes to shore up confidence, boost inflation, and drive down the value of the euro on foreign exchanges, helping to boost exports and kickstart growth. The €60bn a month figure includes the purchases of private sector assets that the ECB had already begun to try to unlock credit markets. Draghi said the decision on the ECB’s governing council was made with “so large a majority that no vote was necessary”.

82 83 There is a sculpture sphere of the “Flower of Life” outside Grand Palace in Bangkok, #Thailand , just another of many depictions found around the world of the blueprint of life geometry still missing from classrooms of majority, totally unknowing what this place is all about. Most of the ancient knowledge was literally erased with the burning down of the Great Alexandria Library in #Egypt , but few aspects were still carried on by the eastern #Magi and monks who hid the universal knowledge in caves and codified it in spiritual texts which were later adapted into many “religious” books including the holy Bible itself. Few must have actually read their own books because no one seems to know what’s written in their own books. For those with “spiritual” eyes, which is very different than “religious” eyes, the #truth is right in front of everyone’s face. Only few will be allowed to even access it, and of those few, even less, the capacity to absorb and understand. Unfortunately our great “golden age” academies were destroyed along with “golden age” society as a whole, totally eradicating the knowledge of the lower and higher worlds known as the dimensional spheres of the physical dense plane, liquid magnetic astral desire plane or “feelings plane”, the electric fire of mind plane, and the higher soul self. The truth is known to those who know

84 85 Senior researcher, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, from #MIT suspects that Roundup pesticide glyphosate toxicity from the overuse of Monsanto’s pesticide Roundup on our food supply will result in half of the children population having autism by the year 2050. The amount of glyphosate in the previously listed foods may not be large, but the cumulative effect (especially since most Americans now consume 70% of their diet from processed sources) could be devastating. Many studies are now showing the dangerous link between human health and chemical fertilizers, genetically modified foods, and pesticides on the food supply. For example, a recent study shows that pregnant women living near farms where pesticides are applied have a 60% increased risk of children having an autism spectrum disorder. If you’re not aware of #Monsanto and their dirty dealings by now, it’s time to catch up. Not only is the big-agricultural company responsible for putting small farmers out of business and selling sterile seeds, but its introduction of GMO franken-foods into the #food chain (and over-use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides) is the number one suspect for the #bee colony collapse. Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has spent the last three decades researching #biology and technology and has published over 170 peer-reviewed articles on her findings. The past few years, however, her concentration has shifted to focus instead on the relationship between #nutrition and #health specifically the topics of #Alzheimers , #autism , and cardiovascular diseases, and also the correlation between #nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health. Early December, Seneff spoke out at a conference to a panel discussing GMOs, shocking audience members when she stated, “At today’s rate, by 2025, one in two #children will be autistic.” Dr. Seneff noted that the side effects of autism closely mimic those of #glyphosate toxicity, and presented data showing a remarkably consistent correlation between the use of #Roundup on crops (as well as the creation of Roundup-ready #GMO crop seeds) with the rising rates of autism.

86 87 This year marks the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta…, a historic charter issued by the King John of #England to protect basic human rights. As Martin Luther King, Jr. once said so eloquently: “Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere” Over the course of the next 800 years, the idea of #MagnaCarta gathered momentum and assumed a greater authority in respect of the central key clauses concerning #liberty and #justice . These central clauses, usually referred to as 38 and 39, have not only stood the test of time, but have a potency of their own which has seen off hundreds of attempts at annulment, repeal, modification and suspension by successive monarchs and governments. Magna Carta was not the first time that a monarch had agreed in writing to safeguard the rights, privileges and liberties of the clergy and the nobles – to place limits on the power of the crown. Henry the 1st set a precedent on his accession to the throne in 1100, thirty-four years after the Norman Conquest yet it was conveniently forgotten and ignored by four Kings, and almost one Queen, over the course of the next century. It was only after Archbishop of #Canterbury Stephen Langton dusted off the 113 year old proclamation to be reborn anew. In celebration of 800 years of liberty, freedom is still not a real thing around the world. Freedom specifically for over 1.3 Billion people in #China who do not have the Freedoms we cherish. But they’re not alone...Our news is clamped. Our systems are overthrown by corporate kings. Heck even today #America wages #war and passes law without consent from democratic congresses. Democracy has become a Corporatacy or fascism. In today’s interconnected world, quite simply, … our own Freedoms are at stake globally. Year after year the battle grows in our brave new world. Protests, even revolutions have rocked nations seeking justice, liberty, and freedom, but to little or no avail. If we do not work together helping one another in solidarity for the “WILL TO DO GOOD” than the corrupt totally devoid of wisdom and compassion will continue their plague of corruption and deceit and openly as few have time to even read.

88 89 America’s hegemonic project in the post 9/11 era is the “Globalization of War” whereby the U.S.-NATO military machine –coupled with covert intelligence operations, economic sanctions and the thrust of “regime change”— is deployed in all major regions of the world. The threat of pre- emptive nuclear war is also used to black-mail countries into submission. This “Long War against Humanity” is carried out at the height of the most serious economic crisis in modern history. It is intimately related to a process of global financial restructuring, which has resulted in the collapse of national economies and the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population. The ultimate objective is World conquest under the cloak of “human rights” and “Western democracy”. Under a global military agenda, the actions undertaken by the Western military alliance (U.S.-NATO-Israel) in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, Ukraine, Syria and Iraq are coordinated at the highest levels of the military hierarchy. We are not dealing with piecemeal military and intelligence operations. The July-August 2014 attack on Gaza by Israeli forces was undertaken in close consultation with the United States and NATO. The actions in Ukraine and their timing coincided with the onslaught of the attack on Gaza. The “globalization of war” is a hegemonic project. Major military and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and the Far East. The U.S. military agenda combines both major theater operations as well as covert actions geared towards destabilizing sovereign states. The United States and its allies have launched a military adventure which threatens the future of humanity.

90 91 Everyone knows they should eat their veggies and eating them in burger-form is a delicious way to do it. But before you eat just any veggie burger, make sure you know what’s in it. Many veggie burgers, especially processed ones, have tons of sodium, bad oil, preservatives, and processed ingredients. If you read the labels, some burgers have over twenty ingredients. Some even contain harmful toxins such as hexane. That can undo the healthy choice you’re trying to make. While there are a few packaged veggie burgers that have healthy ingredients, the best bet is to make your own. When you make your own burgers, you get to choose the ingredients including how much sodium, fat and fiber is in them. You can make your veggie burgers as light or hearty as you want and you get to choose the flavor profile. Nothing is as good as the healthy, homemade veggie burger. Here are my tips and tricks to making them clean, hearty and delicious. 1. Use Beans and Legumes: Beans and legumes are some of the most amazing foods we can eat. They are healthy, filling and a hearty addition to many dishes. #Beans and legumes are economical and a great value for your money, especially if you buy dried beans. They are convenient, easy to cook and easy to store. 2. Use Lots of Veggies: You can make burgers out of almost any vegetable. 3. Add Whole Grains: The next time you make #burgers skip the breadcrumbs and add brown rice, quinoa, barley or oats. If your recipe requires flour, use whole-grain flour like whole wheat or keep it gluten-free with #chickpea flouror #quinoa flour. 4. Go Nuts: Adding chopped nuts and seeds to a burger can add texture but they also raise the amount of #protein and healthy fat making your burger even healthier. 5. Bake Them: While it’s faster to pan-fry your veggies burgers, baking them is a healthier option. There’s no point in making a healthy burger just to put it on a bun filled with refined flours, sugar and other unhealthy ingredients. If you want your burger on bread, choose whole-grain breads and buns. For more read: burger-tips-and-tricks-to-keep-it-clean-and-hearty/

92 93 Obama has decided to go to war with Russia. Every day new steps in his war plan are revealed. He declares openly that he’s thinking of pulling Ukraine openly into NATO and arming Kiev for war against Russia. He has put U.S. arms and military personnel into six other countries on Russia’s border under NATO article 5 which requires the U.S defend those countries as if itself. He proudly announces on CNN that he is the author of the Ukrainian coup which now serves as a major flashpoint for confrontation. The drumbeat for world war echoes through all of the City of London/ Wall Street controlled media –The Washington Post, the New York Times, London’s Economist. It is given color by Washington influentials assembled in the Brookings Institute and the Atlantic Council. Wall Street and the City of London are bankrupt. The BRICS group of nations and the new Greek government pose an exciting human alternative to the killer monetarist regime which has recently ruled the world. Can World War be averted? After hundreds of thousands stood globally against invading Syria in 2013, in 2014 the invasion began regardless. It will take more than protesting. It will take large efforts in the heads of government to make the right decisions to do good and end the wars on terror, which have escalated globally. This is a very important year. For those with the authority and position to make the right choices- the time is running out.

94 95 Two days before Christmas, a “thug” launched an “unprovoked attack” on a female #MTA employee on a #Bronx subway platform, “attacking her” and causing injuries, according to the Daily News. The “hulking brute” then fled the scene, “grinning as he made his may through the turnstile.” The newspaper’s description conjures images of a fanatical psychopath, aggressively assaulting an innocent victim and showing a twisted pleasure in his deranged actions while escaping. Several days later the perpetrator was located, but he was not arrested. On 1/30/15, more than a month later, #police announced he will face only misdemeanor charges. The perpetrator was allegedly discovered when he saw video of himself on the news and turned himself in, police said. Incidentally the man, 37-year-old Mirjan Lolja, is himself an #NYPD policeman! Having a law enforcement officer stand accused of criminal actions is obviously a stain on the force itself. As the ads on subways and buses clearly state, assaulting an MTA employee is a #felony punishable by up to seven years in prison. Someone who stands accused of such a serious charge may likely be sent to #Rikers Island without bail. Yet nearly an entire month passed before it was announced that Lolja will face charges resulting from the incident. And the charges were not for felony assault but a misdemeanor charge of third degree assault. Innumerable lives are disrupted and often ruined because of their treatment by the criminal justice system without as much as being tried for a crime and the NYPD can attack innocent public MTA workers and get away with it. Justice? There are obviously two sets of rules. Common civilians are seen as inherently criminal and are treated as such. Members of law enforcement are seen as above the law, and are exempt from such treatment. The police were not created to protect and serve the population. They were not created to stop crime, at least not as most people understand it. And they were certainly not created to promote justice. They were created to protect the new form of wage-labor #capitalism that emerged in the late 1800’s from the threat posed by that system’s offspring- the working class.

96 97 In the human world, a battle of this proportion would likely be broken up by the cops. Jumping on the scene, these chicken cops give the rabbits a stern talking and a few seconds to cool off. Once the chickens feel the rabbits have truly learned their lesson, they leave them be.

98 99 The Obama Administration, the house, the Senate, all the overthrown Governmental Regulatory Agencies, the Supreme Court, the Halls of Justice have made zero prosecutions of bank CEOs who were implicated by Senator Carl Levin’s Committee, and by the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Justice, and by other federal investigations, into the cause of the 2008 economic collapse and the resulting soaring Federal Government (i.e., taxpayer) indebtedness (bailouts) in order to recover from this collapse, which was clearly caused by an explosion in mortgage- backed-securities frauds, though none of the implicated CEOs —the people who were in command and who were making billions from these MBS frauds — was prosecuted for it. The World understands Mr. Obama. Look at what any great leader has done. -Remarkable acts upon which truly create evolution of the “Will to Do Good”, fulfilling the evolutionary plan of the “MOST HIGH” consciousness in thy Righteousness. Does anyone know who is staring back at you in the background painting behind President Obama swearing an oath to Do Good on the Holy Bible for his inauguration January 21, 2013?

100 101 After a two-year-long overhaul, thousands of researchers are getting ready to restart the $10 billion Large Hadron Collider — and this time, they’re going to turn the world’s most powerful particle-smasher up to the max. “It’s a new machine,” Fermilab physicist Don Lincoln, a member of the science team behind the LHC’s Compact Muon Solenoid detector, told NBC News. The LHC’s fresh start comes after a years-long campaign that led to the discovery of the long-sought Higgs boson (a.k.a. “God Particle”) in 2012. That find capped a 40-year quest to fill in the last big gap in the Standard Model of particle physics, one of the most successful theories of the scientific world. The schedule for “Run 2” calls for proton beams to start circulating through the LHC once more at low energies next month, with science observations resuming in May. The dials are due to be turned up to 13 TeV by the end of this year. The schedule for “Run 2” calls for proton beams to start circulating through the LHC once more at low energies next month, with science observations resuming in May. The dials are due to be turned up to 13 TeV by the end of this year. Before the initial startup, CERN’s scientists had to address a string of doomsday worries — including claims that the collider would create globe-gobbling black holes or cosmos-wrecking strangelets. A legal challenge that sought to stop the LHC wound its way through federal courts for more than two years. Even though the claims have been countered repeatedly, Lincoln acknowledged that the doomsday questions could resurface as the machine ramps up again.

102 103 Egypt- 1/25/15- Police sealed off the city’s main squares, including #Tahrir — birthplace of the 2011 uprising. The Health Ministry announced 18 deaths on the fourth anniversary of the #January 25 revolution 2015, 16 of which occurred in clashes between protesters and police in Matareya, #Haram and Alexandria. 52 were injured nationwide, including five police officers. #Matariya in Cairo became center stage of protest in Egypt with calls for General President #Sisi to go & US funding to stop. The protests and stepped-up security in Cairo and elsewhere came as activists mourned the death of a female protester shot January 24th in downtown Cairo while taking part in a gathering commemorating protesters killed in the 2011 revolt. Activists blame police for the death of Shaimaa el- Sabagh, a 32-year-old mother of one from Alexandria. The government says it is investigating the incident. An Interior Ministry spokesperson told the state-owned Middle East News Agency that 150 protesters were arrested across the country. The ministry claimed many were supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to the state-owned Al-Ahram newspaper, despite majority being young students and people who are very mad that old dictator President #Mubarak was freed and his two sons who were responsible for murdering civilians in gulags, especially the young Khaled Saeed in Alexandria whose death ignited the 2011 Egyptian Revolution. He was kidnapped for posting POLICE CORRUPTION on the nations internet and social media spread it widely. It was one of the first instances of viral revolution, which sparked international protests, occupy groups, anonymous internet freedom rogues, continuing each year with more and more velocity, as all nations under under the thumbs of a small elite epically manipulating and suppressing people worldwide interconnected now under financial rule, worse than just sovereign kingships. On 11 February 2011, these protests resulted in the resignation of Hosni Mubarak after 30 years in power in Egypt- nearly 900 protesters were killed in the revolt- and now he is freed.

104 105 Saeed was killed on 6 June 2010, after being kidnapped in a cyber cafe by Egyptian police. Multiple witnesses testified that Saeed was beaten to death by the police, who reportedly hit him and smashed him against objects as he was led outside to their police car. The owner of the internet cafe in which Saeed was arrested stated that he witnessed Saeed being beaten to death in the doorway of the building across the street after the detectives took him out of the cafe at the owner’s request. “They continued to beat him even when he was dead.” Photos of his disfigured corpse spread throughout online communities and incited outrage over allegations that he was beaten to death by #Egyptian security forces. A prominent Facebook group, “We are all Khaled Said”, moderated by Wael Ghonim, brought attention to his death and contributed to growing discontent in the weeks leading up to the #Egyptian #Revolution of 2011. Protests over Saeed’s death also occurred in Cairo’s Tahrir Square and in front of the Egyptian Embassy in London. #Police brutality and torturing realities are problems many nations face. Brazil’s police have killed homeless natives defending their own homes, which were demolished to make a #FIFA World Cup parking lot. #Turkey arrested Bloggers and doctors who healed young women and men during the Gezi Occupy Protest in 2013, whom police were shooting at. Saudi Arabia beheads people on the side of the road outside Mecca, thinking that is somehow related to holy spirituality under #Allah #God #YHVH . The world is all messed up. America was overthrown following the September 11th “Patriot Acts”.

106 107 The Egyptian January 25th 2015 Fourth Anniversary saw another young woman shot and killed by police the night before during a vigil for the 900 who died in 2011 by police and military rule. Videos posted online show el-Sabagh, a member of the leftist Popular Alliance party, with other protesters carrying placards and chanting “bread, freedom and social justice” — the chief slogan of the 2011 uprising. She and others carried wreaths of flowers they intended to place at nearby Tahrir Square in memory of the fallen protesters. In the videos, two masked, black- clad police officers point their rifles in her direction before gunshots ring out. The next frame has her on the ground. She is later shown carried by a male protester as blood seeped out of her mouth. The videos are consistent with AP reporting on the shooting. Chanting “down, down with military rule!” hundreds attended her funeral in Alexandria on Sunday without incident. A white banner bearing her image was hoisted by the mourners. El-Sissi’s government has shown zero tolerance for street protests since a law adopted in 2013 banned all demonstrations without prior permission. Dozens of activists have been convicted and jailed for violating the law. A parallel crackdown is targeting Morsi supporters, with thousands from his Muslim Brotherhood group imprisoned or facing trial. “You can only deal with terrorism when you have free people, not slaves,” Elhami el-Mirghani, a senior official in el-Sabagh’s political party, told a news conference Sunday. “And this regime is the biggest creator of terrorism.”

108 109 “I was an unknown singer who was moved like so many other Egyptians to come to defend the still unsure revolution on January 30, 2011, from my hometown of Mansoura. After listening to the street chants fora day, I wrote “Irhal” (Leave!) in a fit of inspiration and began playing it for increasingly large crowds. Within a few days, it had spread across Tahrir, Egypt, and the world thanks to a video uploaded to YouTube. By the time Hosni Mubarak was forced from power, I had been transformed into a symbol of the revolutionary youth who toppled “The Pharaoh”.” “Something changed, however, during the rule of Mohamed Morsi. Politics started to feel like it had under Mubarak. Revolutionaries were pushed from the political stage, and it became harder for me to practise my art, or spread a revolutionary message. After the Ittihadiyya protests of late 2012, when the Muslim Brotherhood actually fought alongside security and military forces against pro-democracy protesters, it was clear the revolution would have to rise up against Morsi. But what the millions of people who marched against Morsi didn’t understand was that the military was not our friend.” “Perhaps because I had felt the full force of the military’s brutality when they tortured me in March 2011, and seeing so many of my friends and revolutionaries beaten, imprisoned, tortured and killed by the government, I never could trust the military to bring Egypt closer to democracy. And I knew that my job as an artist was to constantly remind my fellow Egyptians of this fact.” --Ramy Essam is an Egyptian singer

110 111 “That is why I couldn’t simply support the Tamarrod (a pro-military youth) movement when they led the massive protests against Morsi. I could see Tahrir Square changing as the protests grew. It was no longer the Tahrir I knew. People didn’t know the songs of the revolution, and they were supporting the military, and even the police - the group against whom the revolution started. As I feared, once Morsi was removed on July 3, Tahrir and Egypt became a very different place. It was not a revolutionary space - although I know it will be again. The victory of the counter- revolution was confirmed when 1,000 Egyptians were massacred by the government, with hardly any protest from Egyptians.” “By the summer of 2013, Journalists, bloggers, civil society activists - everyone was being targeted, and when their families would protest their illegal detention and mistreatment, the best they could hope for was for themselves to be arrested and held for trial too. This disaster was epitomised by the imprisonment of blogger and activist Alaa Abdel Fattah, and then his younger sister Sanaa Seif, during which time their father, the human rights pioneer Ahmed Seif, died.” “Democracy is about dialogue. It is not about shutting down ideas or artistic expressions which may be in opposition to the majority or the ruling system. Due to restrictions and censorship, this dialogue is not possible in Egypt now. Nothing is more evident of this than the ongoing arrests and long-term imprisonment of young Egyptian activists, such as the 23 who were sentenced to three years in jail less than two weeks ago.” --Ramy Essam is an Egyptian singer

112 113 Let’s just eat plastic. Who needs organic- who cares if it’s synthetic- lets just destroy ourselves just enough to always be sick. Be a good slave and be a worker bee. Don’t mind the shadows behind the curtains. Who needs knowledge anyway? There’s people out there who actually will defend eating pesticides (which are in all GMO), poison in light doses but toxic poison especially for newborns & children growing. It’s no joke but who am I to open your eyes? Only a true seeker oh higher wisdom can obtain strong Will only through desire of its kind. No one can see they sell food other no regulars or nutrition & heal in hospitals with no regard for food. The whole Ponzi scheme obliterating its fascist distorted nature like black soot & swirls of gasoline pouring down the neck into the veins of little ones. No care, no caution, no compassion for you or me. That’s what this is all about. America is the only nation in the entire world whose currency says “IN GOD WE TRUST” as the sin is GREED, self illusioned false egoic pride devoid of love and wisdom. What’s a few thousand dead over time- just animals given a number- just pushed around. The kings of Wall Street have overthrown Democracy & the very idea of Freedom & Peace through Understanding. The Universal Law is “THE WILL TO DO GOOD”. And we got wild cats out there “in the name of the Most High” killing each other- totally consumed in lower mind desire impulse feeling- not even a capacity to listen let alone understand to grow by the evolutionary plan set in motion upon all kingdoms. You are a human being. Your body in the physical dense world is but a form or a shell holding energy. Vital energy animates the form. The higher mind & lower self two ethereal matter, light in its denser form. Your heart is a magnet- intuition is guidance in contemplative thinkers who 24/7 live the universal law. Don’t let lower mind thoughts bind you in sex, beer, work, sleep etc. higher mind rests amongst thy soul- the power within is greater than any one know. You must use your inner eye to understand. What you eat effects you electrically & if wrong can fog thy mind. Anyone claiming spirituality do not eat meat.

114 115 Speaking on “The Early Show” 2008 on CBS, #KatieCouric said she sensed pressure from “the corporations who own where we work and from the government itself to really squash any kind of dissent or any kind of questioning of it.” At the time, Ms. #Couric was a host of “Today” on NBC. Another broadcast journalist also weighed in. Jessica #Yellin who worked for MSNBC in 2003 and now reports for CNN, said on Wednesday that journalists had been “under enormous pressure from corporate executives, frankly, to make sure that this was a war presented in a way that was consistent with the patriotic fever in the nation.” February 2015 NBC host Brian Williams said he made a mistake- he misspoke- no he misled- he lied people into the #Iraq #War (based on totally lies). Williams goes on to say he “bungled” his attempt at reselling his war story, where he was shot down in a helicopter, when in fact was 1 hour behind a helicopter that went down. This line was repeated over 12 years by NBC mass media host #BrianWilliams knowing full well it was a lie. He’s a lying bastard who should be fired. ‘I would not have chosen to make this mistake,’ Brian Williams told Stars and Stripes. ‘I don’t know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another.’ Really??? Must be the same answer for misleading the public to War- which is ongoing- growing worldwide. Presstitute #propaganda has led to disastrous global effects. Who destabilized the mist stable nation in north Africa? #Libya Look at Libya’s humanitarian mission by US & NATO. Its a failure- totally destroyed. Over 30,000 dead. These are the same people selling us war over & over. They’ve no courage, no self respect & no humanity. “Low Life Scum” Mr. Brian Williams, who was an anchor on MSNBC at the time, in 2008 emphasized the climate of “post-9/11 America.” In the early days of the war, he said, he would hear from the Pentagon “the minute they heard us report something they didn’t like.”

116 117 John McCain thinks its okay to call American citizens who stand up during Henry Kissinger’s War Council meeting before the Senate, “low life scum.” Beyond the #warcrimes of Henry #Kissinger whose list is long and international from #Laos #Vietnam #Cambodia to the Sept 11th overthrow of #Chile in the late 70’s- millions have died- millions of innocent people. Insane McCain, who since the last electoral votes, has conquered the branch of government which funds military operations. The war meeting with Kissinger was delayed due to protests by #Codepink anti-war activists. “Get out of here you low life scum.”

118 119 Let us take a moment to breathe. We have to think in all our diversities, there is #peace through understanding. We all are aware that #America has been plundered in mankind’s greatest heist- making a system in the hands of just a few. Only 5 major corporate media moguls exist giving the “thoughts” to millions. Just five. #Monsanto practically is the FDA. The cable companies own the FCC. Congress with “Citizen’s United” is bought & paid by the makers of war, the billionaire oil kings causing destruction & polluting us all despite modern innovations which already exist to free us & continue evolution collectively. The dark future of “Re- Segregation” is starting in schools amongst the “haves & have nots”. This wealth gap is historical never maybe ever before seen in the global age. We must understand America is in decline, its under condemnation. It once stood for something real, something good, something pure. The torch bearers of light were the ones who sparked divine innovation which electrified the world & interconnected you & me. When we reduce the “Will to do Good” there is no good left at all. Suffering are people coast to coast, towns totally ghost of life. Only two weeks after 9/11 China was introduced into the WTO. Most people don’t know that because of all 9/11 was going on. Bush began “the New American Century” written up by international corporate neoconservative warhawks and their puppet helpers. Knowing full well the system is totally gone bad on self destruct- we are going to accept nothing forced by this negative system. If a child is vaccinated than you’ve nothing to worry about your child. It should hypothetically be immune with its vaccination. However, lacking entirely from public education- “Nutritional Healing 101” which the food industry doesn’t abide, & the healthcare system doesn’t know. Nutritionist’s come out of doctorates without ever been taught actual nutrition! That’s the truth. Could it be that we are being lied to like everything else from the Iraq War to Weapons of Mass Destruction? Let’s force everyone to get cables inserted in the back of their heads- lets just directly let the most corrupt have total control. How about no

120 121 Just like Prophet ELIJAH was a forerunner before PROPHET #ELISHA “The Man Of God”, similar information is clearly mentioned in the #Gospel of Luke about the spirit of #ELIJAH incarnating as “John the Baptist” before the incarnation of the spirit of “SON OF GOD” to be incarnated as #Lord Jesus Christ, as written in this following verse of #Holy #Bible “The angel said to him, “Do not be afraid Zacharias, for your petition has been heard and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will give him the name John. And it is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the Fathers back to the children, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord’ [Luke 1.13,17]. #Jesus Christ clearly stated in the Holy Bible, about John the Baptist, stating “For all the prophets and the Law prophesied until John, and if you care to accept it, he himself is ELIJAH, who was to come. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” [Matthew 11.13,14,15]. Jesus again clarified about ELIJAH’s #reincarnation in the following verses “And his disciples asked Him, saying, Why then do the scribes say that ELIJAH must come first? And He answered and said ELIJAH is coming and will restore all things, but I say to you that Elijah already came, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also the “Son of Man” is going to suffer at their hands. Then the disciples understood that He had spoken to them about John the Baptist” [Matthew 17.10,11,12,13].

122 123 The Great King Solomon, “Son of God” just as much later “Jesus Christ” is titled also, as mentioned in 1 Chronicles 17.13 of the Holy Bible. Solomon was Preacher of Wisdom in the chapter of Ecclesiastes 1.1 of the Holy Bible, before his great monuments were Erased from the Material History of this world by the most corrupt. The Great Preacher King Solomon clearly stated “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with its income. This too is vanity”. There is a grievous evil which I have seen under the sun: riches being hoarded by their owner to his hurt. As he had come naked from his mother’s womb, so will he return as he came. He will take nothing from the fruit of his labor that he can carry in his hand. And this also is a grievous evil– exactly as a man is born, thus will he die. So what is the advantage to him who toils for the wind? [Preacher King Solomon – Ecclesiastes 5.10,13,15,16 - Holy Bible]. The Holy Bible refers “Is it not written in the Book of Nathan?” But there is no book of Prophet Nathan, because it was taken out long ago- totally changing what was openly taught of spirit in Judaism after 586 BC. The Second Temple Jewish revisionists the Maccabees- who changed the holy Menorah from its 7 Branched mounts of light, to 8, have attacked King Solomon and reverted spiritual Judaism into something else entirely. The Great Preacher King Solomon clearly stated “It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting because that is the end of every man and the living takes it to heart. It is better to listen to the rebuke of a wise man than for one to listen to the song of fools. For wisdom is protection just as money is protection, but the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the lives of its possessors”. [Preacher King Solomon – Ecclesiastes 7.2,5,12 - Holy Bible].

124 125 The Great Prophets Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Solomon, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, and many others including Son of God Jesus Christ talked about the ‘’ONENESS’’ of the ‘’SUPREME BEING’’ . Prophet Mohammad the founder of Muslim Faith openly declared ‘’There is Only One God’’, a fact which has been repeatedly enhanced by the later Nabiyis [Sufi Saints, Auliyas and Darveshs], the foremost of them all being Ali, the son in Law of Prophet Mohammad, and Shiekh Muniyuddin Chisti of Ajmer and Baba Farid. The founder of Sikh religion Guru Nanak recited the first verse in ‘’JAP JI SHAIB’’ as ‘’’EK OMKAR’’ thus defining ‘’ONENESS’’ of the ‘’SUPREME BEING’’. The Great Avatar of last Century ‘’Shrdi Sai’’ in India said the same thing by openly saying “”Sabka Malik Ek’’meaning that ‘’’There is Only One Creator Lord of All’’’ and thus defined the ‘’ONENESS’’ of the ‘’SUPREME BEING’’. It is very Unfortunate that in this modern world of ‘’Science and Technology’’, the so called educated people with degrees from famous Universities are not yet able to comprehend what all the Great Masters Prophets, Seers and Sages since ancient times have tried to convey about the Unknowable “”Creator - Observer’’ Supreme Being - known as the ‘’MOST HIGH’’ , who is the’’ONE AND ONLY’’ foremost Entity of the Huge Universe, and they instead follow those so called religious leaders who have not themselves fathomed the wisdom of the ancient ones and thus engage themselves to fight each other in the name of their individualized faiths and beliefs.

126 127 New York, London and Hong Kong lead the top ten cities that the super rich buy in, followed by Los Angeles and San Francisco. The US, UK and Switzerland (where the central banks are located) are the top three countries for ultra wealthy home buyers. The total value of these homes grew 8% in 2014. There are 211,275 ultra-high net worth individuals, those with $30 million or more in assets — around the world, but they’re nothing compared to true commanding financiers. The Indian super rich also flock to London and Singapore, which also attracts home buyers from Indonesia and China. Chinese buyers also favor Hong Kong and . In Washington, Dallas and Mumbai the demand is predominantly domestic. Its the same thing worldwide. Corruption via unquenchable desire & the sin of greed. People are asking for justice, end of war, health prevention, nutritional safe foods, while billionaires ignorantly and selfishly continue suffering systems whose time died in 2008- only ongoing by fake illusory money just digitized into being- no backing- no value- just made up and given out in “BAILOUTS” to wealthy banks around the world, the very people who wrongly crashed the system- keeping over 50 million without a way out of poverty. They suffer for what- a few objects and “good times” for a few? These are human beings you do this to. What you support has tremendous outcomes on what comes your way in life. Be mindful of what you choose to accept and support. Think and take time to contemplate. We live in a “BAILED IN” world of unpayable debt- foreign financiers have boughten up via “CITIZENS UNITED” the last good government lock stock & barrel. The origin began after 1963. Hundreds of people connected to the assassination of John F. Kennedy died- including dozens of high level journalists who were about to report the “truth”. The internal “military industrial complex” took over in a coup aftermath, very similar to post-9/11 Neocon America with its ever changing of US democracy & corrupted supreme justice law, now under command by the richest foreign leaders not the righteous for Will To Do Good for all mankind by Truth, Freedom, & Liberation.

128 129 Laid off and unpaid, the workers of Bosnia’s privatized factories decided to take matters into their own hands and rise up against their government. The multi-ethnic, industrial town of #Tuzla in #Bosnia and #Herzegovina counts on a long tradition of workers’ struggle: at the entrance of the city a huge monument representing a miner holding a gun in place of a pick celebrates the miners’ armed rebellion of 1920 against industrial #slavery , known as Husinska buna. After the #soviet nationalization of its factories under the socialist system of Tito’s #Yugoslavia in the last decades the industrial apparatus underwent a process of privatization which resulted in their bankruptcy and consequent job loss for most of the workers- stopped paying pension funds and health insurance to the workers. Following the closure of their firm, in December 2012 the workers of DITA started pickets night and day outside the factory. The Bosnian Spring- February 5, 2014, workers, together with their laid off peers of the recently privatized factories of the town, took to the streets to claim their healthcare and pension payments, and to get their 50 months’ back pay. The protests, led by the local trade unions, saw the workers at the forefront, joined by students and citizens of Tuzla. Pushed back violently by the police, protesters started to hurl eggs and stones against the building’s wall, while the riot police, intending to secure the entrances of the cantonal building, target of the demonstrators, reacted with teargas and rubber bullets. Government and court buildings were set on fire. Since the workers did not give up, two more days of unrest followed. Within days, rallies in solidarity with Tuzla’s workers were organized across Bosnia-Herzegovina. Like in a domino effect, the rage mounted across the country and the government buildings of Mostar, #Sarajevo and #Zenica were all torched. The increasing discontent among the social groups bearing the brunt of government policies, mainly the workers hit by the #privatization process of the factories, but also students, pensioners and other affected people, led tens of thousands to join the urban guerrilla. [cont. pt2]

130 131 After the violent turn in February 2014, the people of #Bosnia and #Herzegovina channeled their collective rage, finally unleashed, into a constructive experiment: the direct democratic assemblies called plenums, set up in around 20 #Bosnian towns. Following the model adopted by #students #occupying the universities of Zagreb and Belgrade in 2009, but also in #Tuzla the same year, and in part recalling the Yugoslav experience in self-management, people around the country gathered in a leaderless, consensus-based decision-making form of assembly where #everybody has the right to one vote and nobody represents anyone else. The workers, active and present in particular in the plenum of Tuzla, participate as individuals, and not as representatives of their trade unions or factories. Together with the plenum, they decided to stage a protest on the First of May to remind the country that their struggle is not over. While politicians are trying to hide the worsening economic conditions of the country by playing the ethnic card, the workers of Tuzla triggered a countrywide movement, shouting that rage and hunger do not recognize ethnic differences. The demonstrations turned dark. Buildings and roads burned. People and police officers were hurt. The archives in Bosnian institutions were in flames. The whole administrative system was about to collapse. In a highly bureaucratic country like Bosnia, the loss of documents means total collapse. People protest because they are hungry — they don’t have jobs. Officially, about 40 percent of Bosnians are unemployed. Many people over 30 years have never had even one day of official employment. Additionally, many unemployed people demand that the government create jobs for them, ensure all graduates employment, impose a one-person/one-job limit, provide universal health care, and generally create a better tomorrow. The way for underdeveloped nations to become richer is not through material aid. Prosperity is not simply a matter of capital investment. It is a spiritual, intellectual, and ideological matter.

132 133 BOSNIA NEW LAW CHANGES FREEDOM OF SPEECH 2015 ::: National Assembly of Bosnian entity Republika Srpska (RS) has passed a new controversial Law of public security and an order that limits freedom of speech on the internet. The Law defines internet as public space, therefore, allowing the authorities to fine people who post offensive content on social networks. After heavy public pressure, lawmakers have deleted parts of the new law stating that a person could be fined for criticizing government and state institutions and the part which proposes jail sentence. However, anything that the court interprets as an insult to a politician can be subjected to fine and law is ambiguous on defining what exactly would be disturbing the public order – leaving much space for suppression of freedom of speech. Opposition lawmakers have left the session of National Assembly in protests, and the law was passed by 46-0 vote. Their argument is that any amendment to this law would be futile as the entire law is non-democratic and limits freedom of speech. Protests in most cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina were held 2/7/15 commemorating the first anniversary of the largest post-war protests in the country, nicknamed by some “Bosnian Spring”, when thousands walked on the streets asking for more efficient government, justice and an end of corruption. Although not much has changed in Bosnian system during the last year, people started believing that they hold the power, which is a reason enough for cherishing memory of 7th of February 2014. Protesters held banners “Politicians, if you don’t respect laws of this world, at least respect 10 commandments of God”, “We don’t have anything to lose” and “Justice for victims of privatization”. Protestors held banners “Will this become public property and subjected to censorship?”, alluding to the recently passed law in RS that defines internet and social networks as public space.

134 135 Police’s excessive use of force has caused a great many problems in #Turkey especially during #Occupy #Gezi protests. During the Gezi Park protests, police’s intervention to any peaceful anti-governmental protest had drawn attention from all around the world, and had left over a dozen dead and thousands severely wounded. During the interventions, #police was criticized for avoiding any regulation that protected citizens’ rights. The actions of the police -if carried out by a #soldier during times of war- would have been a #violation of international #law and the ones to give such immoral orders would have to answer to International Criminal Court. An academic -Dr. Ahmet Erkan Koca- from the police academy in #Turkey has published a book after he conducted surveys and interviewed the police who served during Occupy Gezi. The answers he received are quite explanatory as to the police’s behaviour. According to the police officers, the activists of Gezi Park were “morally challenged, extra terrestrial, arrogant and alien”. The police officer is quoted “I see that these are the people who have no concerns about future, the ones who don’t have kids and all. These things have problems with national values. They truly are wanderers. They like traveling around, listening to music and dancing. Their world consists of fun and games. They are not from here, they are not one of us!”

136 137 In an attempt to mend his broken relationship with the #NYPD Mayor Bill #DeBlasio is allocating 7.3 million dollars to buy 13,000 hi-tech combat vests which will cost about $700 a piece. Besides the ridiculous waste of money going into this unnecessary ass kissing of the biggest armed gang in the United States, the vests will come with a shotgun resistant plate in the front that dons the emblem of #Christian crusaders – people who were sent by the #Catholic #Church and European #monarchies to murder Jews, Muslims, and other non believers (including Christians who refused to #obey Rome). The vests are made by a company called Paraclete (which means advocate or helper, usually in reference to the ‘Holy Spirit’), who proudly display their crusader logo on their website. The #mayor was called out on Twitter, and someone promptly edited the press conference video on the mayor’s YouTube channel, but not before local activists took screenshots. Clearly, De Blasio’s office feel like they have something to hide, otherwise why would they have edited out the plates from their press conference video? Unbelievable. As for the company making the vests- They’ve been in the business of selling protective gear to cops, militaries, and mercenaries for almost 2 decades, and their last CEO was investigated for fraud when the company filed for bankruptcy in 2010. Maybe a good slogan for “Point Blank Industries” would be “made by oppressors, for oppressors!”

138 139 What kind of cure gives you over 20 new side-effects? Its not even hidden- it openly is written your liver may be damaged, you may get urinary infections, chest pains, headaches, dizzy, and even death... But people without questioning, without reading, eat it up and even defend consuming vaccines & drugs with little to no testing, despite major warnings of possible death upon injection, like the young girl who recently died from a flushot. The conversation is not an “anti-vaccine” or “pro-vaccine” point of view- rather a simple question about safety not just for the self- but everyone. This is all. If we know things are so toxic, and there is data showing death tolls from it- why behave like its the only way? After the CDC & NIH both exposed this years flu shot as ineffective, whistleblowers at the CDC exposing fraud, and many waking up to the harsher reality if depending on drugs big pharma is in media propaganda mode to recover. A recent CNN headline read: “The money behind the anti-vax movement”. This headline, which was featured on #CNN during host Carol Costello’s time slot, is absolute insanity as dangerous vaccines are now literally pushed onto the populace by big #pharma and the CDC in a full-on #propaganda campaign war, directed against the general public’s free will and right to medical autonomy. In fact the headline should rather have read quite the opposite. Something to the effect of: “The money behind big pharma’s push to vaccinate the general public”. #Costello further shilled-out for the establishment as part of her paid job raising a question to a so-called doctor. “Isn’t the only way to counter this [the anti-vaxxer] movement to make it illegal not to vaccinate you children?”, Costillo asked. The National Vaccine Information Center in Vienna, Virginia, has noted a strong association between the #MMR #vaccine and #autistic features. Even the #FDA formally released this info (little to late) in 1999. Its no secret. Autism has grown at an annual rate of 10 to 17 percent since the late 80’s. The pesticides in foods don’t help. People should be changing our entire healthcare system not blindly obeying big pharma. They lie. A lot.

140 141 The Russian #revolution was in February 1917 was engineered by the #Bolshevik #Red #Revolutionaries whom majority were self declared “Atheistic-Jewish-Revolutionary Anarchists”. Coming from old #Judaism households, denouncing the “Most High” openly, while retaining “Jewish Heritage & culture”. that fact is very important on its own. This is the group which later through terrorist operations seized power. Professional revolutionaries from America, Europe, & Switzerland financiers carried out the Bolshevik Revolution and the attack on the with Atheistic self declared Jewish Revolutionaries- not Jewish at all- buta disgrace. It was in fact a coup d’état carried out to defeat the people and nascent democracy. They then fought a major war to get control of the rest of the empire. “Communists and capitalists were enemies, utterly at odds weren’t they? Wrong it seems. I joined the British Army for the wrong reasons - Queen and Country. Ditto for the men in Iraq and Afghanistan but they are fighting for Israel. It is the oil too -of course.” Wall Street was happy to finance the #Bolshevik #Revolution as a road to controlling #Russia . They wanted a captive market. Over 30 million died over the overthrow. They don’t speak about that “oops” in US / British history books. Later in #Ukraine the #holodomor killed millions more by systematic infrastructure collapse and man made starvation. #Kiev has suffered for a long time. On 8 November 1918, the proclamation of a Soviet Republic in Bavaria was aired in Strasbourg, the capital city of Alsace. The next day, on November 9, thousands of demonstrators rallied at the local bakers square in Strasbourg, to acclaim the first soldiers returning home from northern Germany. The same day, Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated and Philipp Scheidemann declared Germany a republic in a speech from the Reichstag. The departure of the Emperor left an even larger vacuum of power. The top US Intelligence officers posted in Russia in the years 1917-1924 reported in detail how the # were supported and funded by their cousins in #WallStreet who thought that they were thereby ruining #Russia and annihilating its power.

142 143 Being a political activist is not necessarily being evil but the Bolsheviks and their successors succeeded in killing between 85 and 100 million people worldwide. They made the Nazi efforts look quite modest. More and better details are in The Black Book of Communism. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn confirms Mr Wilton’s case. Wikipedia, a propaganda source gives us nothing. It censored him totally. Gee-I wonder why? The Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks were the same party. The world would have been a better place without #Trotsky and #Lenin . “They” killed, tortured, raped, robbed and destroyed in Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba, South America, Africa, Eastern Europe and anywhere else they gained an entree. Its not about Democracy, nor Communism, nor Orthodox view points- it is simply people doing wrong, willfully knowing full well they are hurting people, devoid of any compassion... Its people not thinking, not caring, lost in illusory glamours and false egoic pride, totally distorted consciousness- harming many. That is the problem. The #Bolshevik #Revolution probably caused the rise of the Nazi Party, the Second World War, decolonization and definitely caused the Cold War. These huge events make it worth understanding how and why it happened. It happened because of subversion by radical intellectuals. This is a part of the truth. It also was funded into creation by Wall Street & London. The Cold War was a central part of life for many years after the Second World War. At all events that is what we think. Defence establishments were raised on that basis. Capitalist swine had no compunction when it came to selling things like weapon systems to the Russians. Major bankers were financing the Bolsheviks. Important men in the West helped #Trotsky a known revolutionary get back to Russia to grow an extremist murdering Red Army of death killing any in the way. Perhaps the right way to look at the world & politics was never #Capitalism versus #Communism or West versus East. It is more like #Liberty versus Oppression. When the #American government has secret prisons like Abu Ghraib and #torture it is not clear that it is any better than the #Soviet gulags.

144 145 This image was drawn by cartoonist Robert Minor in 1911 for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Minor was a talented artist and writer who doubled as a #Bolshevik revolutionary, got himself arrested in #Russia in 1915 for alleged subversion, and was later bank-rolled by prominent Wall Street financiers. Minor’s cartoon portrays a bearded, beaming Karl Marx standing in #WallStreet with #Socialism tucked under his arm and accepting the congratulations of financial luminaries J.P. Morgan, Morgan partner George W. Perkins, a smug John D. #Rockefeller , John D. Ryan of National City Bank, and Teddy Roosevelt — prominently identified by his famous teeth — in the background. Wall Street is decorated by Red flags. The cheering crowd and the airborne hats suggest that #KarlMarx must have been a fairly popular sort of fellow in the New York financial district. Was Robert Minor dreaming? On the contrary, Minor was on firm ground in depicting an enthusiastic alliance of Wall Street and Marxist socialism. The characters in Minor’s cartoon — Karl Marx (symbolizing the future revolutionaries Lenin and Trotsky), J. P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller — and indeed Robert Minor himself, are also prominent characters in the rise of The Bolshevik Russian 1917 Revolution. The national socialist (for example, the fascist) and the international socialist (for example, the Communist) both recommend totalitarian politico-economic systems based on naked, unfettered political power and individual coercion. Both systems require monopoly control of society. While monopoly control of industries was once the objective of J. P. Morgan and J. D. Rockefeller, by the late nineteenth century the inner sanctums of Wall Street understood that the most efficient way to gain an unchallenged monopoly was to “go political” and make society go to work for the monopolists — under the name of the public good and the public interest. This strategy was detailed by Frederic C Howe in The confessions of a monopolist. Howe, by the way, is also a figure in the story of the Bolshevik Revolution. There has been a continuing, concealed, alliance between international political capitalists and international revolutionists.

146 147 Pinhas Rutenberg 1879-1942, was a prominent engineer and a businessman, a Russian socialist and a Zionist leader. He played an active role in two Russian revolutions, in 1905 and 1917. During , he was among the founders of the and of the . Later, in the British Mandate of Palestine, he had obtained an exclusive concession for production and distribution of electric power and founded the Palestine Electric Company, currently the Israel Electric Corporation. Rutenberg also participated in establishing the Hagana, a nucleus of the future Israel Defense Forces, and served as a President of the . In 1905 Rutenberg fled #Russia being welcomed in Europe both by prominent Russian emigrants Georgy Plekhanov, Vladimir #Lenin , Pyotr Kropotkin, and French socialist leaders Jean Jaurès and . Before the end of 1905, Rutenberg returned to #Russia . After World War I broke out, the Zionist movement mainly supported the Entente Powers. Rutenberg set the goal to create a Jewish armed force to fight for the . He visited European capitals, met prominent politicians and Zionist leaders, and finally joined the efforts of Jabotinsky and Trumpeldor to set up the Jewish Legion. In May 1915, on Jabotinsky’s approval, Rutenberg travelled to the United States to promote this idea among the Americans. Rutenberg greeted the Russian February #Revolution of 1917, and in July 1917 he returned to Petrograd, welcomed by the prime minister of the Russian Provisional Government, , named Rutenberg the vice-president of #Petrograd municipality. However Leon #Trotsky became an alternative power in the capital, hostile. It was clear that Trotsky Red #Soviets were planning to overthrow the government again. The agenda was changed. In 1919, #Rutenberg appeared in #Paris and joined other Zionist leaders, preparing propositions for the . Promoting the electrification plan, he received financial support from Baron Edmond James de #Rothschild and his son James A. de Rothschild and, finally, settled in the Land of Israel to realize it.

148 149 This was an important address made to the #Ukrainian Parliament by Deputy Oleg Tsarov on November 20, 2013, just one day prior to the deadliest day of the protests held in Kiev’s Maidan (“Independence”) Square, which culminated in a massacre of 50 people, causing Ukraine’s President, Viktor Yanukovych to flee the country. It never made the “News” in the Criminal Mainstream Media. New video evidence has been added to the already-conclusive video evidence which shows that the U.S. Government was the controlling power behind the extremely violent and illegal 18-27 February 2014 #Ukrainian coup, which overthrew the democratically elected and never legally removed-from-power Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. This new evidence proves, even more than before (if that were even possible to do), that the current regime in Ukraine is definitely illegal — but that’s not all. Even after fake ‘democratic’ elections, it’s the same illegal regime in Ukraine that the U.S. imposed at its February 2014 coup, because no nationwide vote has occurred in Ukraine throughout that country’s expanse after the American coup; it’s still just a rump-Ukrainian Government, not one representing the residents either in Crimea or in Ukraine’s far east (neither of which regions participated in Ukrainian elections after the coup). This was a violent takeover of the Ukrainian Government, by profoundly racist anti-Russian nationalist Ukrainians, who were in the pay of the U.S. Government. And, it sparked such terror into the hearts of Russians and of Ukraine’s minorities (who were especially large a proportion of the Crimean population), so that, first, Crimea broke away and declared its no longer being a part of Ukraine (it would return to Russia, of which it had been a part from 1783-1954, almost its entire modern existence); and, then, starting on May 9th of 2014, a Ukrainian civil war broke out when the U.S.-installed Government of Ukraine actually invaded the regions (other than Crimea) that rejected it; and the United States oversaw and sent even more mercenaries to this extremely bloody ethnic cleansing campaign to get rid of the residents in the specific region called “Donbass ”.

150 151 All these firebombings that Obama’s forces are doing to the residents in #Donbass are against international law. Obama uses these people; he found this extermination of pro-Russians in #Ukraine to be necessary; so as to get rid of the voters whose votes had made Yanukovych President. In Donbass, 90% of the voters had voted for Yanukovych; so, this was the prime area to be ethnically cleansed (and sometimes they’re driven at night to the countryside and shot at the edge of a ditch). If those voters were ever again allowed to vote in Ukraine, then a pro-Russian government could again be elected in Ukraine. The United States Government today is ideologically, by its nazi actions, at war against the democratic United States that, by its democratic actions, had fought and shed blood to defeat Hitler’s Spying Torturing Nazis in World War II for the GOOD of all. It simply was not so. Furthermore, Iran is also allied with Russia, and American policy there too might partly be a reflection. A global coalition is attacking across the world in total war unlike ever this century in magnitude and growing each passing year- on the “War on Terror” 14 year war- Americas longest- not meant to end ever. This is the World War. You are living it. Millions are dead. Nations are totally in revolt & collapsing. Even nature is falling apart. Post 9/11 opened the “attack first” defense policy which was a #PNAC #NEOCON agenda. America has been hijacked. The international billionaires are looting its goods. This is a global pandemic. Corruption is global. Imf, brics, and the world bank don’t have the answers- but they have the stolen money. What’s the big deal. Its just paper? Its a small amount to allow for Righteousness to thrive sustainable futures for all mankind with health prevention & wisdom & real knowledge. .

152 153 Parliament Oleg Tsarev, on 20 November 2013: (before protest) “In my role as a representative of the Ukrainian people, activists from the Volya Public Organization turned to me, providing clear evidence that within our country, with support and direct participation of the US Embassy in Kiev, a “TechCamp” project is under way in which preparations are being made for a civil war in Ukraine. The “TechCamp” project prepares specialists for information warfare and for the discrediting of state institutions [the Government] using modern media — potential revolutionaries for organizing protests and the toppling of the Government. This project is overseen by and currently under the responsibility of the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey R. Pyatt. After the conversation with the Volya Organization, I learned that they actually succeeded to access facilities in the “TechCamp” project [they had hacked into it] disguised as a team of IT specialists. American instructors explained there how social networks and Internet technologies can be used for targeted manipulation of public opinion as well as to activate potential protest to provoke violent unrest on the territory of Ukraine — radicalization of the population, and triggering of infighting. American instructors show examples of successful use of social networks to organize protests in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. “Tech Camp” representatives currently hold conferences throughout Ukraine. A total of five events have been held so far. About 300 people have been trained as operatives, who are now active throughout #Ukraine . The last conference took place on 14 and 14 November 2013, in the heart of #Kiev inside the US Embassy! You tell me which country in the world would allow an NGO to operate out of the US Embassy? This is disrespectful to the Ukrainian Government, and against the Ukrainian people! I thus appeal to the constitutional authorities of Ukraine with the following question: Is it conceivable that representatives of the US Embassy who organize the “TechCamp” conferences misuse their diplomatic immunity? [Someone tries to interrupt him.] A UN Resolution of 21 December 1965 regulates inadmissibility...”

154 155 Acupuncture having roots in #Chinese #medicine going back over 5000 years. Yet, in the 21st century, it appears that the United States is only beginning to dive into the layers of possibility concerning deployment of acupuncture in many different areas. All too often, Western medicine’s view of acupuncture is that of a complementary treatment holding an inferior position next to chemical drugs and pharmaceutical treatments. Yet, what most licensed acupuncturists can attest to instead of being a second string bench warmer, is that their craft is often the star player. Chronic pain is the number one cause of adult disability in the United States affecting an estimated 100 million people. This statistic is dwarfed by the recent report of 22 suicides per day among veterans and active duty soldiers. The options are out there waiting to be utilized. We can do better. At the very least, every prescription for a pharmaceutical drug written to a PTSD-diagnosed military #veteran should also include rounds of acupuncture treatment. Monetary issues aside, this is a real no-brainer since it’s proven effective and the side effects of acupuncture are a minuscule fraction when compared to that of pharmaceutical medications pushed by mainstream/military medical doctors.

156 157 Be mindful who you put your life into the hands of, as not everyone has good Will interest and can hurt you. Be mindful of your body and understand nutritional healing. It’s been working for thousands of years, has international mind blowing studies & proven effects personally and for millions others. Only you can liberate yourself. To be anything of spirit you must first cleanse the body and than the mind. The physical dense form is not our true selves- as upon death it is not the form shell which disappears it is thy spirit. The lower mind of desires & “feelings” can quickly be used to control those low in Higher mind intellect, reason, & contemplation using “fire of mind” to question thoughts as thoughts are living energies living elemental forces. Not every thought is yours. Beware of thought impulse. Be aware of your higher self.

158 159 Illusory glamour is 24/7 in man made illusions with false egoic “stars” on 24/7 TV programming, like a pipeline of “THOUGHTS & BEHAVIORS” distorting consciousness like a room of distorted light. Education has failed. No health prevention nor cheap nutritional healing even mentioned let alone the true essence of what this place is all about really. Like poisonous drugs of hate injected to our little ones eyes and brains, coating the heart all black in its soot and deceitful hood. Light which is within has no way through vices of unquenchable greed, lust, jealousy- corrupted thought in false egoic pride, under lower mind control at any whim. Thought is everything. The illusions are brightly lit with grandiose “feelings” and forms to appeal, but beware none of it is real. Nothing here goes with you beyond death and there is a death and there is a journey afterwards. Know yourself. Know your higher self. It is what you do, how you do it, with what intent- it is your heart & mind- within there is a soul. Those with capacity and life experiences have already been shown. It takes time. Signs will appear and things will change but if you fall and walk wickedly you shall hurt yourself as per the Universal Law “Will to Do Good”. It takes a lot more to climb up but is very easy to fall and loose everything. You are spirit. There is more to life than Video Games, TV, Sex & Beer- and #evolution is on you. Be the change. Be the transformation. Be the Renaissance.

160 161 A #Church of #England Bishop vicar who shared an article on Facebook which questioned Israel in the 9/11 terror attacks, specifically the 5 Mossad agents caught and arrested for “filming & celebrating” the destruction of the #WTC in #Weehawken #NJ which later was followed in the Jerusalem Post of which the court stated the men didn’t do anything wrong besides their behavior which they themselves photographed “high-fiving” with the burning towers in the background- has been banned from social media after being accused of extremist propaganda of “anti-Semitism”. Reverend Dr Stephen #Sizer has been ordered by the church not to write, blog, tweet, email, preach or teach about the situation in the Middle East. He has also agreed to stop using social media entirely, including his blog, for six months. There is no guarantee he will be allowed to use social media after this period. Sizer, who is vicar of a parish in #Surrey has agreed to offer his resignation to the Diocese of Guildford in the event he breaches the conditions of his ban. This is a MAJOR important event if you take a look at it. Sizer posted a link to an article titled “9/11 – Israel did it” on his Facebook page. He added the comment: “Is this anti-Semitic? If so, no doubt I’ll be asked to remove it. It raises so many questions.” When contacted by the Israeli News, Sizer appeared to defend the post, asking them to provide evidence Israel was not involved in #911. “I would welcome articles you can recommend refuting the allegations,” he reportedly told the newspaper. Notice how he is questioning Israel, not Jews, as the media tries to demonize questioning important questions. The Board of Deputies of British Zionists complained to the Church of # England about the #sept11 Facebook post, saying it promoted an article which was “unquestionably anti-Semitic.” Maybe not in reality as those arrested were not Jews but agents of the Mossad caught filming in a pre- knowledge operation. Even CBS news did a segment mixed between all the #sept11 chaos. Few even know about it. Referring to guidelines by the Council of Christians & Jews, criticism of Israel is not itself anti-Semitic, but that of legitimacy.

162 163 If the news told the truth...

164 165 High School art titled “The corruption of politics”

166 167 Corporations like #Chevron and #Exxon are #secretly spending #billions to push policies and candidates that help big business and #hurt the rest of us. We all know that dark #money is strangling our #democracy with mega corporations like the Koch Bros. secretly spending billions to buy elections. #Obama just called for reform, and Harvard law professors have hatched a plan so the administration can end secret political spending with a pen stroke. The obscure government agency that regulates public companies -- the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) -- can act on its own to force corporations to disclose political spending. The SEC doesn’t need a mandate from Congress, and the new rule would be constitutionally bullet-proof. Until now SEC Chairwoman Jo White has bowed to big money blackmail and blocked the proposed rule. But she doesn’t want the SEC budget slashed -- so she’s vulnerable to pressure from the White House and Democrats on key spending committees in Congress. Big Oil, Big Pharma, and Big Banks secretly spend staggering amounts buying political power to push policies and candidates that help big business and hurt the rest of us. White has looked at the political landscape and calculated that it’s too risky for her to take them on. When we stand together, we change the game. Obama claims he supports campaign finance reform to reign in political corruption, and the leading Democrats on Congressional finance committees keep saying big money shouldn’t buy elections, but so far it’s all been talk. Now they need to walk the walk.

168 169 Steven Gordon, the attorney for the five #Israeli detainees, acknowledged that his clients’ actions on #Sept11 was due to ‘immature conduct’. Caught on photos, smiling & celebrating the collapse of the #WTC these detainees are disgusting. The five Israelis were held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in #Brooklyn ostensibly for overstaying their tourist visas and working in the United States illegally. Two weeks after their arrest, an immigration judge ordered them to be deported. But sources told #ABCNEWS that FBI and CIA officials in Washington put a hold on the case.The five men were held in detention for more than two months. Some of them were placed in solitary confinement for 40 days, and some of them were given as many as seven lie-detector tests. The Forward, a respected Jewish newspaper in New York, reported the FBI concluded that two of the men were Israeli #intelligence operatives. Vince Cannistraro, a former chief of operations for counterterrorism with the CIA who is now a consultant for ABCNEWS, said federal authorities’ interest in the case was heightened when some of the men’s names were found in a search of a national intelligence database. Several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an Israeli talk show after their return home stating “Our purpose was to document the event.” [ABCNEWS’ Chris Isham, John Miller, Glenn Silber and Chris Vlasto contributed to this report.]

170 171 The Jerusalem Post’s article about the 5 Mossad Agents US Trial for their 9/11/01 arrest while filming the #WTC attacks in #NY from Weehawken/ Edgewater, NJ, with photographic evidence of the men high fiving and laughing with the towers burning in the background, should give you chills. The driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers, “We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.” The other passengers were his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari. The men were discovered by the FBI to be high level Intelligence operatives of Israel. After the five men were arrested, the FBI got a warrant and searched Urban Moving’s Weehawken, N.J., offices, but when they got there the entire company left in a hurry with ‘day old sandwiches and phone equipment still on the desk’s’. THIS IS A PUBLIC FACT- its in the court records itself! This happened 100%. Why were they FILMING & most of all CELEBRATING the 9/11 attacks? This group is NOT Jewish, nothing to do of holy Judaism’s spiritual teachings- openly “atheistic” politicians and military war hawks. The network which during the Bush administration nearly totally controlled America’s Defense Dept. of Foreign Policy. Post 9/11 this group re-wrote America. The USA now attacks pre-emptive when they changed the law. The president doesn’t even ask Congress for things- he just signs them now. America has changed greatly since 2001. We respect & give prayer to all whom died on 9/11 and all around the world dying and suffering without end in a dark era of wars everywhere. Be light, remember light, and do good.

172 173 Illusions come in all shapes & sizes- no matter what your skin color when there is no mind. Thought is awareness by reason and contemplation 24/7 is Higher Mind consciousness expansion. Paint the eyes of hollow doll faces and put them in fancy dressed up laces. Programmed behaviors poured in late at night shows, real higher mind thought is bound to lower desire mind and animalistic thinking. Beware of “emotions & feelings” and know yourself- know what you feel- but do not ever let it consume you or frighten you or sway your way. Focus and understand the illusion materialistic veil is nothing to the spirit & true nature of the universal evolutionary plan. Always enjoy 1/3 of the day but use 2/3 to study and expand thought. Freedom is liberation. Erase the painted faces and covered soul in false egoic pride and low level lust & many drunks. The world is what you make it my friends. Make it a good one.

174 175 MOSSAD CAUGHT ATTEMPTING TO BLOW UP THE MEXICAN CONGRESS 2001 ::: Little known due to the 9/11 aftermath, #Israel got caught attempting to bomb the #Mexican Congress one month after 911,to blame 9/11 on #Iran and get the U.S. to attack Iran. Any doubts? How about the official Mexican government release of the incident: http:// MOSSAD IDF Colonel Salvador Guersson Smecke and Saur Ben Zvi were caught with bombs materials. The Israeli Embassy at Sierra Madre immediately closed it doors to any press. This is a very grave incident with many serious international implications. Many have questioned who may be really behind many of the more recent terrorist acts around the world including the ones against the #WTC and the Pentagon. The Mexican public and congress had been against the #PNAC plan ‘War on Terror.’ If one looks at the foreign policies and the Neoconservative PNAC/CLEAN BREAK ACT group, one may begin to see just who desires #war and revolution in the world...It’s written out openly, as anyone can ready this policy agenda publicly.

176 177 Prior to 9/11, the FBI had discovered the presence of a massive 200 person spy ring inside the United States run by the government of Israel. Fox News of all groups ran a report showing that hard evidence existed linking the events of 9/11 not to Arab Muslims, but to some of the #Israeli spies arrested both before and after 9/11, but that this evidence had been CLASSIFIED. You can still view this video archive. Rabbi Saul J. #Kassin was later arrested in a giant #NJ ‘Israeli spy ring’ and over 40 of their co-conspirators, many being firmly established as politicians and holding offices of public power. In January, 2001, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Office of Security Programs (IS), began to receive reports of Israeli ‘art students’ attempting to penetrate several DEA Field Offices in the continental United States. In 2009 44 Israelis were charged by U.S. in a New Jersey Corruption sweep spanning from criminal actives, illegal sales of body parts, banking fraud, political corruption. The mayors of #Hoboken #Secaucus and #Ridgefield were among those arrested, along with Solomon #Dwek connected to the ‘Urban Moving System’ spy ring. A member of Gov. Jon S. Corzine’s (the #MFGlobal Thief who stole billions) administration was forced to resign after federal agents raided his home. Nothing to look at though there. Everything is obviously fine. Massive problems with Israeli spying and corruption in NJ & NYC. Don’t even check out the Israeli “art students”, especially the ones who broke into the #WTC and published a “book” on their “art project”.

178 179 Be good to yourself friends.

180 181 This how much #Israel is controlled. This is the year 2015. Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu declared that he will not decide on participating in a pre-election debate with other candidates until after he returns from his trip to the U.S. [where over 90% of his election fund raising comes via #Christian & #Jewish Zionist organizations- connected with #neocon mostly #Republican but #WallSt bankers stretching back to #London -King & Queens of finance, which is fine to aid a land upon good spiritual belief- but killing & war crimes is not the “Good Way” of chosen people- the Children of Israel under the “Most High”- remember that]. Earlier yesterday One of the #Palestinian candidates was barred from running in the upcoming election. Hanin #Zoabi was barred for doing what she was mandated to do in the last election by the “Supreme Court” providing a voice for the voiceless in Israel. Israel’s attorney general declares there is no reason to disqualify MK Haneen Zoabi from running for Knesset (congress) of Israel. The move to ban her came after a petition was submitted to the Central Election Committee by #fascist candidate Baruch Marzel. By mid afternoon, he too was barred from running. Both sides of the House, the Right and the ‘Left’ expressed support for the decisions, both fearing that votes would be ‘stolen’ by Zoabi’s candidacy as well as that of Marzel’s. In the previous election Zoabi was also barred from running but the decision was reversed by the Attorney General and the Supreme Court. Zionist Union leaders Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni have decided, ultimately, to support the bid to disqualify Balad MK Haneen Zoabi’s candidacy for the 2015 March elections. Their decision was made despite Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein’s statement against the disqualification bid. As #Palestine was gaining support for statehood, from European nations, once #France agreed to send aid & help rebuild #Gaza along with a UN vote for Palestinian statehood- terror attacks took place the next day. Then despite the President of France’s request not to appear in a march with leaders of the world who formed a GLOBAL COALITION OF WAR, Netanyahu came anyway. Imagine that.

182 183 One month into the new year and it’s not a pretty picture. On the financial side, the numbers add up to misery for most. Here in the states, from Wall Street to Washington, the hype throughout 2014 was that the US economy had hit “escape velocity.” Instead, with the Gross Domestic Product growing at only a 2.6 percent annual rate, it “escaped” velocity. Despite all the hype about robust Christmas retail sales, consumer spending in December recorded its biggest decline since late 2009 … in part reflecting workers’ average hourly earnings, which fell by 0.2 percent during the same month. Orders for durable goods fell 3.4 percent in December and, for January, the Institute for Supply Management said its national factory activity index fell to 53.5 from 55.1 in December. Around the world many nations are trending between depression, recession and stagnation. As currencies crash, desperate governments are taking desperate measures by dramatically lowering interest rates in hopes their devalued currencies will boost exports, or dramatically raising rates to stop their currencies’ dramatic slide. On the geopolitical front, fear and hysteria has hit new highs. False flag or real, a mad gunman or two, a lone wolf in waiting or a jihadist-in-the-making has put the Western world on high-terror alert. France, Belgium, Canada, Italy, United Kingdom, Australia, Spain, Venezuela, Mexico, New Zealand - one after another, following in the footsteps of Uncle Sam’s post 9/11 assault on civil liberties – are seeing governments that are raping their citizens of their human rights with the sales pitch that freeing them of freedom will make them safer. Or is their robbery of rights preparations to put in place militarized forces to put down social unrest bubbling up among citizens? One of our Top Trends for 2014, “Populism,” is now playing out on the world stage. In Greece, Italy, Spain, UK, Germany, etc., new parties are springing up, grabbing power from the entrenched established ones. However, we forecast that those in power will not relinquish it with grace, despite election results.

184 185 Elsewhere, the Mid East turmoil will boil over and civil wars, including the one in Ukraine, will spread beyond their borders. From Africa to Asia, Europe to South America, as nations suffer economic decline, internal unrest and gun battles for power will intensify. If we continue on the path set by the United States, NATO and the Arab League leaders, the future, as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts forecasts in his article, “The Grand Manipulation,” is predictable. Or, if we choose to follow the trend lines I draw in my Keynote, “Defeating Fear,” and if you do your part to support Occupy Peace, I believe with all my heart, my soul and my mind that we can rise to new heights and advance civilization far beyond current levels. The future is yours. Occupy politics and be the leaders of tomorrow removing dark money from our new age of peace through understanding in a new century of progress & #evolution for all mankind as a single human family. It can be done.

186 187 The decision has hit McDonald’s so hard that its own CEO has even stepped down following the news of continued decline in the company’s most recent briefing. The world’s largest restaurant chain is frantically replacing its foundation in an attempt to recover, from removing its CFO and CEO to launching a new ‘trendy’ advertising campaign that premiered at the Super Bowl. All the new financial and marketing moves in the world, though, cannot change the fact that many people simply will never eat at McDonald’s again thanks to their GMO-laden fast food ingredients — which have been extensively documented by both health organizations and mainstream media alike. With many items containing over 19 different ingredients that are virtually impossible to pronounce and are also used in the production of silly putty and yoga mats, it’s no wonder consumers are saying ‘no thanks’ to Ronald McDonald. And let’s be clear, it would be one thing if McDonald’s offered a variety of items that didn’t contain these problematic substances. And it would be one thing if they, following the outspoken warnings of experts and health groups around the globe, actually removed them and sourced non-GMO alternatives for their food products and added real food instead. They just be lying to everyone with a great big plastic synthetic smile. Those aren’t working on us. Time to wake up and start doing GOOD. Imagine a world higher in quality, without all this lifeless isolated lowered down underground rebelliousness from earth to the skies- all these hearts that become souls are tidal waves.

188 189 The #Koch Brothers are billionaire bad-guys, finally gaining notoriety for their wicked ways. They mercilessly squeeze processes and procedures all over the world with their #wealth and influence. Politicians are apparently no match for them, so consumers might as well take them on with every nickel and dime. Don’t support or buy these products, which fund their power-purchasing agenda. That’s the difference between being “awake” and “plugged in”. Be a human being. Get past lower mind desires & focus in will force to do good & expand thought. Companies to Avoid :::::: -#American Greetings (source) Koch shareholder -Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue (source) owned by Koch Industries -#Brawny (source) owned by Koch Industries -#Chevron (source) Koch Industry gasoline -Comforel (source) COMFOREL produced by Koch Industries -#Dixie (source) owned by Koch Industries -Flint Hills Resources #Canada LP (source) owned by Koch Industries, Inc. -#Georgia Pacific LLC (source) owned by Koch Industries -Guardian Industries Corp (source) 44% owned by Koch brothers -INVISTA, Inc. (source) owned by Koch Industries -Iris Power, LP (source) part of Koch Chemical Technology Group, LLC. -Koch Agriculture Company (source) owned by Koch Industries -Koch Chemical Technology Group, LLC (source) owned by Koch Industries, Inc. -Koch Industries (source) Chemicals, #OIl #Coal - operates pipelines and #Fracking refineries causing environmental and social issues. -Koch Pipeline Company, LP (source) owned by Koch Industries, Inc. -Mardi Gras (source) owned by Koch Industries -Matador Cattle Company (source) owned by Koch Industries -Molex (source) owned by Koch Industries -Quilted Northern (source) owned by Koch Industries -Rei Coolmax Ecomade Low Socks, Gray (source) CoolMax produced by Koch Industries -Sparkle (source) owned by Koch Industries -Stainmaster (source) owned by Koch Industries -#VanityFair (source) owned by Koch Industries -Zee Napkins (source) owned by Koch Industries

190 191 In the wake of announcing a $5 billion loss for 2013, the U.S. Postal Service continues to do deals with private industry that will lighten its operating expense load. November 2013 Staples opened Post Offices—or contract postal units. Staples, the first retailer to enlist in a USPS pilot program called the Retail Partner Expansion Program. Staples purchased Quill an online retailer in 2000. February 4th Staples buys Office Depot whom last 2013 dissolved Office Max. Soon there will be just one to rule them all. At this rate- yes exactly. The greatest wealth gap ever is unprecedented in global human history. Don’t Buy School Supplies at #Staples - It’s Easy! Visit for more information and to get involved. Staples and the U.S. Postal Service have cut a deal that jeopardizes thousands of living-wage jobs – as well as your mail service. Staples and the USPS plan to expand the program to Staples’ 1,500 locations nationwide. The sweetheart deal is replacing highly-trained, uniformed postal workers – who have taken an oath to safeguard the privacy and security of your mail and who earn a living wage – with Staples’ retail employees, who earn about $8.55 an hour. If it is allowed to continue, the Staples deal will replace public post offices with private, for-profit companies whose decisions will be motivated solely by the bottom line. And it will replace good, stable jobs our communities need with low-pay, high-turnover, part-time positions that hurt our economy. That would be bad news for workers, consumers and the American people. So when you shop for supplies – for your classroom or your home – don’t shop at Staples. Endorsers of the Don’t Buy Staples campaign include the American Postal Workers Union, the AFL-CIO, the National Postal Mailhandlers Union, the National Association of Letter Carriers, the SEIU, the American Federation of Teachers, the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, and National Nurses United, among others.

192 193 1,834 people have been killed in preventable factory fires and building collapses in the #Bangladesh #garment industry since 2005. The collapse of the garment factory in #Rana Plaza alone took the lives of over 1,100 workers in April 2013, and is only one of many cases of gross labor #violations in the industry. In response to these catastrophes, #activists and #unions #worldwide have come together to demand accountability from apparel companies, and created the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh. This unprecedented, legally binding agreement will require independent inspections by trained fire safety experts, mandatory repairs and renovations financed by the brands, and a central role for workers and their unions. 43 brands and retailers, including #H&M #PVH, and #Abercrombie & Fitch, have signed on to the program to date. However, numerous companies are holding out on signing the agreement. #Gap and #Walmart are just two of the many large corporations which have failed to ensure the safety of workers in its supply chain, stating that the agreement poses a large financial risk to those companies within the US legal system. US legal scholars have since disproved these claims, yet companies continue to skirt the issue. The issues brought forth in the Bangladesh agreement are of utmost importance, and should be a major concern of any organization defending labor rights both in the US and abroad. We are all connected. Treat each other in kindness and do good for all.

194 195 With a war chest of almost $900 billion ready for the 2016 election, Charles and David #Koch have single-handedly raised as much money as either the #Democrat or #Republican parties. Although the Koch brothers have traditionally supported conservative Republican candidates, it is entirely feasible that they will now follow in the footsteps of #Texas #billionaire Ross Perot, and create an entirely new party out of thin air. The Koch brothers’ Americans for #Prosperity organization has already been called the nation’s “third-largest party,” because it has a staff approaching the size of the Republican party. Now, it has an equivalent amount of #money too. There’s no doubt that the Koch brothers and their associates – just a handful of extremely wealthy individuals – could reshape the political landscape. If only they respected human life... With their disgusting takeover of the #EPA their chemical plants, the most polluted in the USA, stream waste directly into cities causing rising cancer rates. The Koch Bros. are battling schools nationwide to “re-segregate” giving education to the wealthy and cutting from the poor. Koch Bros. have directly funded many #neocons to power, written laws thanks to #ALEC & #CITIZENSUNITED and are actively disassembling AMERICA. Its no surprise their billions come from their daddy’s #oil contracts directly with mass murder #Bolshevik #Stalin of Soviet Russia. The real Third Party in politics has to form the “PEOPLE PARTY” and #occupy elections. Votes brings authority to make real change. That’s where #occupy failed to bloom, but in has succeeded in #India with recent elections.

196 197 India Prime Minister #Modi has conceded defeat in #Delhi state elections after vote counting showed anti-corruption campaigner Arvind Kejriwal’s party heading for a landslide victory. In an unprecedented vote of more than 95% votes- a group of unemployed, poor people, united with little to no money and went door to door. Thriving in the post-Occupy anti- corruption global wave of protest- they formed a “People Party” in India. The support for the party started a few years ago based on the anti-corruption movement. On the back of that they won a minority government in Delhi but stepped down after 49 days because they could not pass anti-corruption legislation due to higher corruption. Kejriwal cut water & electric bills in 1/2 last time. The party is vowing to give free electricity, water & wifi as many nations are doing from Germany to Peru. Let this be a lesson for many around the world who lead with strong will and heart. The world desperately needs you. Change is possible. Change starts with you. Be the change.

198 199 Jeb #Bush worked in finance and backed the Wall Street bailout. Both #republican & #Democrat are advocates of tax cuts that benefit the wealthy and big business. The Bush family operates as a family fundraising operation. Jeb recently running for US President, has said he wants to privatize schools re-segregate and cut the poor, while spreading more of that great “democracy” all over the world. Look at Libya. Look at Iraq. Failure after failure- millions dead. The Project for a New American Century is exactly what occurred after 9/11/01. No one looks at 9/12 - and the Undemocratic, unconstitutional, illegal TAKEOVER kick starting international wars, total hijacking of the Banks, CITIZEN UNITED opening doors for unlimited campaigning or buying your supreme judge. Wars are everywhere now. The world is worse off from it. Libertys light is smothered and pat down with eyes snooping like old nazis on everything you do. Totally illegal behaving like their kings with golden crowns, more like brass bulls sacrificed by bloodshed like the “little people” seen like cattle used for greater games. But it’s not a game. They failed horribly and now everything is all stirred up, brink of world war going on, financial security falling in steep decline. Madness. Where are the real political leaders? Those who do good for the people- as one?

200 201 The HEART ORGAN of the Human Form, in the EYES OF THE MOST HIGH, is the Venerated Seat of SPIRITUAL ‘’SOLAR’’ CONSCIOUSNESS, and No Matter How Beautiful, Strong, Rich and Religiously or Politically Effective a Person Might Be in His Outer Appearance, if His #Heart is Darkened and thus Maligned with ‘Material Greed’ and Filled with Lower Mind ‘Animal Desire Ambitions’ of the 3 Dense Material Plane Worlds then That Person is Totally UNFIT to receive Spirituality, which is FREELY AVAILABLE to all Human Beings of this World if they so chose to see.

202 203 In this Modern world of Technological Advances, in which the Indwelling PERSONALITY SPIRIT embodied in the Human Form, which is Just a Very Tiny Insignificant Ethereal Conscious Energy Part of the ‘’HIGHER SELF’’, which since very ancient times of this PLANET EARTH HISTORY has been termed by the ‘SEERS AND SAGES’ as the ‘’SOUL’’ or the ‘’SOLAR SPIRIT CONSCIOUSNESS’’, In reality is a Tiny Conscious Part of ‘’Great Significance’’, which has been willfully sent by the ‘’HIGHER SELF’’ on the SPIRALING EVOLUTIONARY ENERGY WAVES provided in this Universe by the ‘’MOST HIGH’’, to Experience SPIRITUALITY IN THE 3 DENSE PLANE WORLD’S, which are known as the 3 Dimensional Worlds 1-physical 2-vital energy 3- desire emotions astral plane 4- is fire of mind reason contemplation the 3 lower or the SEPHIROTS [LOKAS IN SANSKRIT] OF ‘’ASSIAH, YETZIRAH, AND BRIAH’’, which has been willfully DERAILED with the WRONGFUL AND CORRUPT UNDERTAKINGS OF THESE ‘’SO CALLED GODS AND GODDESSES’’, which are TOTALLY CONTRADICTORY TO ALL THE ‘’SPIRITUAL’’ HOLY SCRIPTURES of the World, which in their Holy Texts PORTRAY THE DESIRE MIND THOUGHT FORMS OF THE CREATOR LORD GOD OF THIS UNIVERSE, DETAILING HIS EVOLUTIONARY PLAN AND PURPOSE, and thus over the passing of time, the Evolving Human Societies of Differentiated Human Race has Gradually fallen to New Lows of the dense Material Plane Mind Instincts, and even with Such Technological advances, they still exists ‘’Materially Polarized’’ in their form bodies upon the Physical Plane [ASSIAH], just like any other Lower Mind Animal Species of this Planet.

204 205 Many of the World Leaders of the Materially advanced Modern world, listening to the Voices of their Masses, who although incarnated in an HUMAN FORM, are still having the Lower Type of ANIMAL MIND DESIRES, and then to please them, they by creating favorable Laws, Mandates, Rules and Regulations, have thus Gone ASTRAY from the ‘HOLY TEXTS’, which in a Codified Way define the EVOLUTIONARY PLAN and Purpose of the MOST HIGH, which is ‘Much Needed’ For their Spiritual Advancement, and which was recorded by the Holy Scribes, Seers and Sages, who Visualizing the ‘’Thought Forms’’ provided to them by the Ineffable GRACE OF THE UNKNOWABLE ‘MOST HIGH’.

206 207 HSBC bank has just been caught red-handed helping some of the world’s mega-rich dodge taxes! We’d go to prison for this, but governments are treating these powerful people like they’re too big to jail. Let’s show them they’re not. Our governments are losing $3 trillion a year to tax dodging -- enough to end extreme world poverty many times over! This leak is the biggest in banking history -- if we don’t seize it now to get prosecutions, we may never get a chance like this again. UK finance minister George Osborne faces an imminent election, while Obama’s new nominee for US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, has yet to be confirmed in her new job. They’re both very sensitive to the public right now, so our million-strong call, delivered via ads and with legislators, could get them to investigate, prosecute, and send the tax-dodging elite a powerful signal: no one is too big to jail! The UK is HSBC’s home country, and the UK and US have jurisdiction over thousands of the tax-dodgers. If we get them to prosecute first, it could trigger a worldwide wave of accountability. Many companies are making headquarters in the Cayman Islands, Switzerland & other remote locations. America must take care of America. No corporations can be allowed to to this. If they want to do business, they should reopen the factories, make American jobs for millions in need, and pay their taxes. The mega-rich often cause damaging financial crises with wild speculation, get bailed out by taxpayers, then argue that public spending on schools and hospitals should be slashed to meet the resulting deficits -- all while many of them fail to pay their legal share of taxes! This austerity-spiral is driving a rapid worldwide increase in inequality. Just 85 billionaires have as much wealth as the poorest half of our planet -- wealth they too often use to buy politicians and capture our democracies to keep the whole system going in their favour. It’s time to stop this damaging downward spiral, and making the richest pay their taxes would be a massive step. Create the “American People Party”. The only way to make change is to get elected and make the change.

208 209 MORE INFORMATION HSBC could yet be prosecuted over tax-dodging scheme, warns Loretta Lynch (The Guardian) http://www.theguardian. com/news/2015/feb/10/hsbc-tax-files-loretta-lynch-prosecution HSBC bank ‘helped clients dodge millions in tax’ (BBC) news/business-31248913 Banking Giant HSBC Sheltered Murky Cash Linked to Dictators and Arms Dealers (ICIJ) swiss-leaks/banking-giant-hsbc-sheltered-murky-cash-linked-dictators- and-arms-dealers HSBC files show how Swiss bank helped clients dodge taxes and hide millions (The Guardian) business/2015/feb/08/hsbc-files-expose-swiss-bank-clients-dodge- taxes-hide-millions Tax-havens: Super-rich ‘hiding’ at least $21tn (BBC) Illicit Financial Flows from Africa: track it, stop it, get it (Africa Renewal) africarenewal/magazine/december-2013/illicit-financial-flows-africa- track-it-stop-it-get-it

210 211 US funded and supported key opposition fascist figures Antonio Ledezma, Maria Corina Machado and Leopoldo Lopez released a joint February 11 communique a day before the foiled coup. Titled “A Call on Venezuelans for a National Accord for the Transition,” it promoted regime change. Called for Venezuela to be handed back to monied interests. Washington, Britain and Canada hatched the latest plot to return Venezuela to its bad old days. TeleSUR reported new details. “Fresh evidence” showing their involvement, saying: “Many of the individuals being charged, included a military general – whom has confessed to participating in the plans – and a retired lieutenant colonel – have indicated you (fascist Justice Party president Julio Borges) as being a key participant in meetings, which resulted in the decision to carry out a series of bombing attacks as a part of the coup, targeting the Presidential Palace, the National Assembly,” key ministries, TeleSUR’s offices, and other Caracas sites. Venezuelan authorities identified US embassy personnel involved. So were a Royal Canadian Mounted Police official and UK diplomatic core member, according to National Assembly President Diosdado Cabello. Computers seized had detailed coup plans, including maps showing targets to be bombed. A video showed military officials announcing Maduro’s government no longer was recognized. It was scheduled to be aired after planned bombings were launched. Either by a Venezuelan or Miami TV station. On 2/15, President Maduro addressed Venezuelans a second time on national television. Following up on his Thursday coup plot revelations. “I’m not saying all of them were actively involved,” Maduro said. “But it was a rumor circulating amongst them, that something was about to happen. Figures arrested confessed to the plot, Maduro explained. They provided more evidence of Washington’s scheme. It involved enlisting Venezuelan political and military officials. Bribing them with large cash payments. America’s Caracas embassy was coup plot headquarters. Maduro called on Obama to stop interfering in Venezuelan affairs, saying: “In your name, they are organizing coup plots against Venezuela

212 213 The Great and Wisest King #Solomon the ‘Chosen Son of GOD’, as mentioned in the ‘1 Chronicles 17. 13’ of the Holy #Bible inHis Instructional #Wisdom Writings to the ‘Children of #Israel ’ also raised the Sentiments of Prophet #SAMUEL by clearly explaining to ‘Children of Israel’, that when they GO to the House of #GOD they should LISTEN TO THE VOICE OF LORD, which are written as HIS Commands in their HOLY TEXTS, rather than to Offer Sacrifices, regarding which the Holy Bible States: ‘Guard YOUR Steps, AS YOU GO TO THE HOUSE OF GOD, and DRAW near to LISTEN, rather than to OFFER the SACRIFICE of FOOLS; for THEY DO NOT KNOW, they are DOING EVIL.’ [Ecclesiastes 5. 1.] In this Regard Prophet #ISAIAH also shared His Divine VISION, to the ‘Children of Israel’ concerning JUDAH and #JERUSALEM which He SAW, when it was provided to Him by the Grace of LORD – GOD, during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, Kings of JUDAH, regarding which the Holy Bible States: ‘’’What are your Multiplied Sacrifices to ME?’’ Says the LORD. ‘’I’’ have ‘’’’’ENOUGH’’’’’ of Burnt Offerings of Rams, and the fat of Fed Cattle. And ‘’I’’ take ‘NO PLEASURE’ in the Blood of Bulls, Lambs, or Goats. When You Come to Appear before ME, WHO Requires of YOU this TRAMPLING of MY Courts? BRING YOUR ‘WORTHLESS OFFERINGS’ ‘’’’’NO LONGER’’’’’, THEIR INCENSE IS AN ‘ABOMINATION’ TO ME. So when YOU spread out YOUR Hands in PRAYER, ‘’I’’ will HIDE ME EYES from YOU, Yes, Even though YOU Multiply PRAYERS, ‘’I’’ will NOT LISTEN. YOUR Hands are ‘FULL OF BLOODSHED’. WASH YOURSELF, MAKE YOURSELVES ‘CLEAN’; Remove the ‘EVIL’ of YOUR DEEDS from MY SIGHT. CEASE TO DO ‘EVIL’, LEARN TO DO GOOD; SEEK JUSTICE, REPROVE THE ‘RUTHLESS’; DEFEND THE ‘ORPHAN’, PLEAD FOR THE ‘WIDOW’. [Isaiah 1. Verses 11 to 17.] The holy Bible which founded #Jewish #Christian and #Muslim #religion clearly states there to be no “sacrificing of innocent animals”, yet this was totally overlooked over a thousand years. Did nobody actually read their own books?

214 215 Perhaps you remember a time not too far in our collective grocery- shopping past when regular grocery stores chains and places like Walmart had no idea what organic food was. Organic milk? Bread? Produce? They didn’t carry it. You had to find an obscure health food store or a farmer’s market if you didn’t live near a Whole Foods to find non-#GMO healthful food that wasn’t full of pesticides. But thankfully, consumers are demanding different products now. Demand for organic food has busted through its glass ceiling. You can attribute this change in market demand to education. You can attribute it to the mass awakening happening around the planet. But either way, you can’t argue with the numbers. Eating organic is no longer ‘fringe’ or something done solely by health-nuts and athletes, hippies, and paranoids. In fact, consumer demand for organic food is seeing double digit growth year over year, and it doesn’t show signs of stopping. We’re eating better in every category of food, too, not just organic apple and oranges. People are boycotting toxic food-producing companies faster than you can say ‘lawsuit’ as they realize we’ve been lied to. People now know that something made in vats with chemical additives or spliced and diced with GMOs is anything but ‘natural.’ We are turning away from companies like Kellogg’s and Pepsi-Co, Coca-Cola, and Kraft to companies that we can actually trust – companies that don’t sell us non-food and call it food. Or how about putting harmful additives used to make yoga mats in bread, as Subway once did before individuals pressured them to remove azodicarbonamide from their food? We just won’t sit silent anymore. Even beer companies are feeling the pressure to not only disclose toxic ingredients, but to change their ways, and stop using them. We’ve come a long way since the organic food movement’s beginnings. Yes, our grandparents and great-grandparents just grew… food. They didn’t even call it organic, though they often didn’t use pesticides or herbicides, and certainly not petroleum-based or chemical fertilizers. Our wallets are truly determining the future food landscape.

216 217 Adding another genetically modified food to the growing list of biotech creations, the USDA has now approved the first GMO apple for commercial planting inside the United States. Slated for your dinner table, the new GMO apple is reportedly ‘resistant to turning brown when sliced or bruised.’ Coming just months after the #USDA approved the first genetically modified potato, the news reminds us of the USDA’s declaration to give Monsanto and other #biotech organizations ‘speedy approval’ when it comes to approving genetically modified foods. In other words, less testing and more rubber stamping. You may actually be able to identify these GMO apples by their sale name ‘Arctic’ — or perhaps an FDA-approved label that they are considered ‘non-browning’. An indicator that we have not yet seem with genetically modified foods — and for good reason. After all, no one would actually purchase GMO foods (including the new GMO apple) if they carried an appropriate label. Why do you think over 96% of #Monsanto shareholders are against #GMO labeling?

218 219 WASHINGTON, DC––Net neutrality activists who support strong free speech protections through Title II reclassification crashed a press conference organized by Republican FCC Commissioner––and former Verizon lawyer––Ajit Pai this morning when they attempted to unfurl a large banner reading “85% of Republican Voters Support Net Neutrality,” a reference to a University of Delaware poll from November, reported in the Washington Post. FCC security violently attacked the demonstrators, knocking them to the ground. As they were dragged from the room, internet activists Dr. Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese of the group said,“Commissioner Pai, don’t you see Republicans love net neutrality? Stop being a mouthpiece for the Telecoms–your job is to represent the public interest. Title II now! The Internet should be a level playing field for all not one rigged for Comcast and Verizon. No crony capitalism for Comcast and Verizon. Equal access for all.” After the activists left the building, FCC security continued to harass them, threatening them with arrest for standing on a public sidewalk offering an interview to a camera crew. The action was organized by grassroots activists from the group with support from the digital rights group Fight for the Future. These two groups previously coordinated on the Occupy the FCC encampment last year that helped put Title II reclassification on the table at the FCC. Fight for the Future were also lead organizers of the September 10th Internet Slowdown protest along with Demand Progress, and the coalition website they helped build, was responsible for more than 1/4 of all the comments the FCC received about net neutrality last year. has also organized a series of protests and direct actions on this issue, including a civil disobedience action where they blockaded FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s driveway. Evan Greer, campaign director of Fight for the Future, said, “Net neutrality is not a partisan issue, but corrupt politicians in Washington DC whose campaigns are funded by the Telecom industry are desperate to make it one.”

220 221 While the action unfolded in Washington, DC today, the battle for the net continued to rage online. Fight for the Future, Demand Progress, Free Press and other groups are organizing a sustained effort called the Internet Countdown, keeping up a constant barrage of online protest between now and the FCC’s vote on February 26th. More than 2,500 sites have joined the effort so far including Bluehost, BoingBoing, Thunderclap, and Daily Kos. Major sites like Tumblr and Mozilla are participating with custom landing pages encouraging their users to take action in support of real net neutrality protections through Title II reclassification. More than 6,400 people have signed up to join the countdown by automatically tweeting every day between now and the February 26th vote.

222 223 The ECB plays an important role in the infamous Troika, responsible for harsh cuts, growing unemployment, and even the breakdown of healthcare in Greece and other EU countries. Along with the EU Commission and the EU Council, the ECB has promoted austerity, privatization, and precarity. They have even had no hesitation in blackmailing elected governments in order to enforce their attacks on the social rights of the people. As the crisis has unfolded the EU has became more and more of an authoritarian regime with an obvious lack of democratic participation. Blockupy – On March 18th 2015 the European Central Bank (ECB) wants to open its new headquarters in #Frankfurt #Germany. A dizzying 1.3 billion euros was spent on a 185-meter-high fortress-like twin tower building, surrounded by a fence and castle moat. This intimidating architecture of power is a perfect symbol of the distance between the political and financial elites and the people. The staff and the offices have already started to move there. But the grand opening gala – with several European state leaders and the European finance oligarchy present – has now been announced for Wednesday March 18th. There is nothing to celebrate in austerity and impoverishment. Thousands of angry people and determined activists from all over Europe will therefore block the roads around the ECB and interrupt this celebration of power and capital, fittingly on the 144th anniversary of the Paris Commune. It has long since become clear that the policies implemented during the crisis were not meant to be temporary – they have been safely embedded into the state and EU institutions. This has paved the way for a new phase, a model of society of precarity and very limited social rights.

224 225 Germany is one of the main driving forces behind this austerity policy. In a way it’s the heart of the beast of the European crisis regime and the relatively quiet eye of the storm at the same time. But limitation of social rights, growing precarity, and poverty also exist in Germany. There a many reasons for the people living in Germany to stand up for a decent living, for equal rights, and for real democracy for everybody regardless of their descent, gender, or nationality. The actions against the European Central Bank’s opening gala in Frankfurt will be the perfect occasion to send a clear signal of solidarity alongside with all the activists from other countries. For all these reasons strong international participation in the actions on March 18th in Frankfurt on growing. There will not only be a disobedient mass action on March 18th itself, but also a diversity of demonstrations, blockades and other forms of direct actions around it. The Blockupy Days of 2012 and 2013 were only the beginning. The protest and the resistance will come back to Frankfurt – stronger in numbers and in determination than ever before. Vote for peace. Get involved in the politics. That’s where the real power is.

226 227 The UK’s biggest department store, #Selfridges has provoked outrage after it installed “disgusting” anti-homeless spikes outside its #Manchester branch. “Anti-homeless” metal spikes placed outside the Manchester department store make it impossible for #homeless #people to sleep there. Residents in the area have confirmed homeless people “used to sleep” in the exact same place where the spikes are now situated. This isn’t the first time these “inhumane” spikes have sparked controversy in the UK. Last June, the metal spikes caused a stir on social media when they were placed outside luxury apartments in London. Following public outrage, #London Mayor Boris Johnson ordered the “ugly, self- defeating and stupid” fixtures be removed from the buildings. This is a global trend by corporations across the world. The corruption today is global and interconnected- all races- all faiths are doing wrong by a small group funneling negative systems. The new US Trillion dollar budget of “devalued no backing money” is 1,000 Billion dollars which only 1 billion is enough to help, create positive educated healthy systems and return manufacturing and jobs to America. Globalization has failed the people- but the Gloval Awakening has taught is beyond all the plastic crap and fancy shoes & dresses, we are the same- human beings. It is the “Most High” which guides intuition of the heart. It is us who choose how we behave and do. The use of the spikes has caused international uproar, but anti-homeless measures, employed mostly by city and local governments, are nothing new, but people are evolving- end corruption- end self greed. In the past few years, a new trend has sprung up: cities have begun to ban the feeding of homeless people in parks. Most notably, #Philadelphia instituted this ban in 2012, with Mayor Michael Nutter ludicrously saying that it was actually a plan to care for the poor more broadly. The ban was eventually declared unconstitutional, but as many as 50 other cities still ban public feedings. Former New York Mayor Michael #Bloomberg in 2012 banned individual #food donations to the homeless, saying that the city had “no way to regulate the food’s salt & fat.”

228 229 Egypt’s Air Force has hit Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) positions in Derna, Libya, after the execution of 21 Christian Egyptians by the terrorist group. Libyan forces loyal to the authorities have also targeted the IS in the country, a commander said. Up to 50 militants have been killed in the airstrikes on Libya, Egyptian state TV reported. Egypt’s military has issued a televised statement, confirming the dawn strikes and stating that the attacks targeted IS camps, training sites and weapons storage locations in Libya, Reuters reported. In a televised address, President Abdel Fattah Sisi said Egypt “reserves the right to respond in a suitable way and time.” He also declared seven days of national mourning. The Egyptian Foreign Ministry has issued a statement, calling “for the international coalition against the Da’esh terrorist organization [Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL] ... to take the necessary measures to confront the terrorist Da’esh organization and other similar terrorist organizations on Libyan territories.” The five-minute video released on Sunday demonstrated the #Coptic #Christians being walked in orange jumpsuits, with the terrorists forcing them to kneel and then behead them. The caption on the video read,”The people of the cross, followers of the hostile Egyptian Church.” This is the first airstrike carried out on the IS positions by #Egypt – at least the government previously denied any involvement. It joins its Middle East and North African allies #Jordan #Morocco #Bahrain, #SaudiArabia #UnitedArabEmirates and #Qatar . So far, apart from the #US which leads the Western military drive against the IS, the #UK #Canada #Australia #France #Germany #Belgium #Denmark #Italy #Norway #Portugal #Spain and the #Netherlands have participated in the operation. #Iran and #Turkey have also intervened with their troops on the ground over the past year. Syrian and Iraqi Kurds are taking part in the operation, mainly with the help of Turkish and Iranian forces.

230 231 There are many delicious forms of plant-based protein (and it’s not all tofu!) that can be used in limitless ways to get enough amino acids. Many of these #foods are higher in protein per ounce than animal sources and include fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. These foods support the body’s muscular system and promote an alkaline environment, while animal-based foods promote inflammation and lead to an acidic body. #Protein is a vital macro-nutrient as most everyone knows. Amino acids from different foods pair together to form protein in your cells. These essentially fuel your muscles, keep your bones strong, and even influence neurotransmitter function in the brain. Without enough protein, a loss of energy, hair, muscle loss, and even mental focus can all be seen rather quickly. However, the good news is, getting enough protein is possible without meat, dairy, eggs, poultry, fish, or anything else derived from an animal. Since animals get their protein from the earth, so can we. You don’t need a lot of protein to obtain the amino acids your body needs to form complete proteins. One pound of protein per pound of body weight is more than twice the amount that most people need daily. If you’re active or into bodybuilding, you may need more, but generally, 0.5- 1 grams of protein per pound of body weight is more than enough. Sources of plant-based protein include: black beans chickpeas edamame lentils green peas barley almonds pumpkin seeds spirulina chia seeds hemp seeds oats teff quinoa kale spinach peanut butter kidney beans navy beans adzuki beans black and wild rice whole food-based, plant-based protein powders

232 233 In the Most Dense Plane, which is known as the Dimensional Sphere of ASSIAH of this Planet Earth, or for the evolving Human Beings as the Plane of their Short Lived ‘’Incarnated Life Existence’’, the Great Most High through HIS Desire Mind Impulse Actions, Created the 3 Main Energy Motions known to the Enlightened ‘’Seers and Sages’’ asthe ‘’Spiral, Cyclic and Spherical’’ Energy motions of the ‘’Ethereal Vitality’’, which thus introduced in the ‘’Cosmic Ethereal Space’ ’created the 3 Main Tonal Color Vibration Frequencies, which through their Joint Interactions thus performed between themselves, Created the ‘’‘’LIGHT’’’’ to appear in HIS Subjective and Objective Manifestations, which since the Start of His Great Conscious Expansion Experiment in the Very Ancient Past, Provides the ‘’Sense of Differentiation’’ to the Evolving #Consciousness of all ‘’Visible and Invisible’’ Dimensional Plane existences, which are commonly termed as the evolving ‘’Entities and Beings’’ of the Universe. These #3 Main Tonal Color Frequencies upon this dense Physical Plane of this Planet #Earth which are perceived by Various Creatures and the Evolving Human Beings, as well as their Counterpart Invisible Entities and Beings are the Tonal Colors of [1] ‘’RED’’, [2] ‘’GREEN’’, and [3] ‘’Blue’’, which are in FACT the 3 basic Tonal Ingredients of ‘’LIGHT’’. The ‘’RED’’ Color, which is the COLOR of ‘’BLOOD’’, is related to the Metal ‘’IRON’’, which the Wise King Solomon Associated with the ‘’Planet MARS’’ in our Solar Universe [Iron + Oxygen creates the Red color], which provides the needed ‘’VITALITY’’ to the Physical Bodies of #Human Beings, as well as to the Bodies of Various Incarnated Members of the Most Species, who are evolving in the ‘’Animal Kingdom’’. In the Red Blood, there is a #Protein named HEMOGLOBIN Which carries OXYGEN to provide the Vital ‘’’SPIRIT’’’ Force to the Incarnated Body, which is required for its Animation, and for this Codified Reason, the Great Lord Commanded #MOSES , to Inform the ‘Children of #Israel ’ NEVER to #EAT the ‘’BLOOD’’ of Animals, regarding which the Holy #Bible States [Leviticus 17. 13, 14.]

234 235 In the Red Blood, there is a Protein named HEMOGLOBIN Which carries OXYGEN to provide the Vital ‘’’SPIRIT’’’ Force to the Incarnated Body, which is required for its Animation, and for this Codified Reason, the Great Lord Commanded MOSES, to Inform the ‘Children of Israel’ NEVER to EAT the ‘’BLOOD’’ of Animals, regarding which the Holy Bible States: ‘’So when any Man, from the ‘Sons of Israel’, or from the Aliens, who Sojourn among them, in Catches a BEAST or a BIRD, which may be EATEN, He should POUR OUT its BLOOD, and cover it with Earth. For as for the LIFE OF ALL FLESH, its BLOOD is IDENTIFIED with its LIFE. Therefore ‘’’I’’’ Said to the ‘Sons of Israel’, ‘’’YOU ARE NOT TO EAT THE BLOOD OF ANY FLESH’’’, FOR THE LIFE OF ALL FLESH IS ITS ‘BLOOD’; WHOEVER EATS IT, SHALL BE CUT OFF.’’’ ‘’ [Leviticus 17. 13, 14.]

236 237 The Koch Brothers, David & Charles are trying to get rid of the United States Government by purchasing politics... and openly stamping out the poor people. Fred Koch, their father, was an oil man of the 1930’s who made his fortunes with his good friend, the Soviet dictator Stalin of #Bolshevik hijacked Russia. Together they created oil refineries before he came back to America establishing Koch Engineering, which stands for PROFIT beyond anything else. Koch Industries worth over $100 Billion deals with oil, gas, consumer goods, plastics, and politics. Their oil refinery has had over 300 oil spills, over $100 million in fines, stole oil from Native American lands, and are the largest polluters in America alone. Koch money has been openly given to Joe Barton $7,500, Gov. Rick Perry $76,000, Senator Paul Republican $9k, the Legal Foundation $10k, Fred Upton Chariman of house energy & commerce committee $20k [$311K for the actual committee], National Republican Senatorial Committee $45k, Senator Ted Cruz $20K, Ron Johson $10K, John #Boehner speaker of the house $35K, Jim Inhofe $23K, Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell $20K. $250K for political propaganda alone... $1 Million to Republican governors association in 2010, $1 Million to ALEC since 1993 [corporations writing laws], $40 Million in the 2010 Election on Ads, $57 Million to privatize colleges and universities, $2 Million for the Institute of Justice, $1 Million Heritage Foundation, $2.4 Million lobbying, $5.7 Million on political campaigns, $5.8 Million Americans for Prosperity, $2 Million political election 2014, $2 Million reason foundation, $1.3 Million to House and Senate Candidates 2010, $7.9 Million Citizens for a sound economy, $9 Million Mercatus Center, $14.3 Million Cato institute, $400 Million in 2012 Elections, and thats just a few to give you a scope at how much they control.

238 239 CITIZENS UNITED opened the doors to topple America from the inside out. It gave more power to the corrupt financiers of London & Wall Street to spend as much money as they can to essentially buy Supreme Court Judges and Senators, easier than before. “The Supreme Court decision has reversed a law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests.”- President Obama even remarked! Supreme Justice Clarence Thomas and Antonio Scalia both had closed door private meetings with the Koch brothers, who are the unelected, writing the laws of America. The Keystone Pipeline XL or the Tar Sands “dirty energy” in Canada to America has been protested by over 300,000 in NYC’s Climate March and 10,000 people at the White House where 230 were arrested. Obama delayed the descion until 2015 where the Senate has already passed it. The Koch Brothers are the ones set to transport and build pipelines across the nation, which would damage health, wildlife, and the environment. Georgia Pacific Koch Industries have polluted Rivers, and literally killed communities under toxic chemical steaming black water, with cancer. Why has there been no change? Well the under staffed and under payed EPA is also under their thumb and they won’t even send someone to investigate! Millions of waste water is dumped into streams across towns every day. The EPA lets them do it! Meanwhile Koch Bros. gave $500 Million to “Cancer Research” and had a building in Mass. named after him. It’s disgusting and the Koch brothers are widely exposed. Don’t let them buy up America and take it all away. Once it falls totally there is no “New World” to escape to.

240 241 The Koch Bros. want to eliminate MINIMUM WAGE, saying “It creates a Culture of Dependency”. $67 Billion were spent on attacking minimum wage. The Koch Bros. make $9.5 Million a day! They want to get rid of a wage which helps people get by and provide for their families. Do you think corporations really care about you and your well being? The Koch Bros. have been doing wrong with the greatest sin of Greed. The ALEC initiative “now legal” sets corporations and politicians together to WRITE LAWS. Despite not being elected, they are taking over actively and legally in this corrupt system in need of major change. ALEC alone has control over 1,454 Senators who are just as greedy in their hearts and bought cheap. The “American for Prosperity” company under Koch, spent $122 Million on anti-union nationwide, removing safety regulation and no negotiations for wages. They passed 12 bills with 76 pending. The Koch Bros spent 2.6 Trillion to dismantle Social Security. They want to destroy by raising the retirement age to 70 and privatize “personal retirement accounts” to invest it on Wall Street. Wake County Public School System in North Carolina fought a battle to stop the Koch Brothers push for RE- SEGREGATION, making no equality of schools, no large public school system, no education for all- PRIVATIZATION, meaning education for the rich, while the already suffering poor, are totally cut! Koch co. ‘Americans for Prosperity’ donated $5 Million and took over the state government in 2012. The Brothers & company have changed teaching curriculum and omitted important classes for real education as well.

242 243 Prof Alan Robock of Rutgers University was approached by the CIA about geoengineering 3 years ago. Professor Alan Robock is wary that US government agencies are interested in funding climate change research to see if new technologies could help to turn the weather into potential weapons. The use of the weather as a weapon is banned under the Environmental Modification Convention, which came into force in October 1978. However, certain world leaders have accused the US of breaking this protocol in the past. The US’s High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) has also been criticized for playing a role in climate alteration. In 2010, the then president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said the facility was responsible for devastating floods in Pakistan. He gave this pronouncement from the rostrum at the UN General Assembly. The same year the now-deceased Venezuelan leader Huge Chavez claimed that experiments at the HAARP facility triggered the powerful Haiti earthquake, which happened when the Caribbean and North American tectonic plates shifted alongside a previously unmapped fault. The US armed forces have altered the weather before to help them militarily. During the 1960s, an operation named Project Storm Fury saw researchers apply various particles to a thunderstorm to try and make it less destructive. Similar technologies were used during the Vietnam War, when particles were added to clouds along the Ho Chi Minh trail in a bid to increase rainfall along this section and make it difficult for Vietnamese forces to move weapons and troops, due to the paths becoming too muddy, spending $21 million on the project, the New York Times reports.

244 245 Ryan Hirsch, an #Occupy Wall Street protester, hands President Barack Obama a note as he greets audience members in Manchester, N.H., on Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011—seven days after the eviction of Zuccotti. The note read: “Mr. President: Over 4,000 peaceful protesters have been arrested. While bankers continue to destroy the economy with impunity. You must stop the assault on our 1st amendment rights. Your silence sends a message that police brutality is acceptable. #Banks got bailed out. We got sold out.” #Obama remained silent. The end of protest is a new beginning. Occupy the votes and make the change from the top down- its the only way and it is happening from Greece to India to American local politics. Its time to vote for true leaders without fear, without self greed- pure. People representing the people- with compassion and wisdom to do good.

246 247 The objectives of the US military presence in Africa are well documented: counter Chinese influence and control strategic locations and natural resources including oil reserves. This was confirmed more than 8 years ago by the US State Department: In 2007, US State Department advisor Dr. J. Peter Pham commented on AFRICOM’s strategic objectives. At the beginning of February, AFRICOM’s “head General David Rodriguez called for a large-scale US-led ‘counterinsurgency’ campaign against groups in West Africa during remarks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC: In similar remarks at a the US Army West Point academy last week, US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) chief General Joseph Votel said that US commando teams must prepare for new deployments against Boko Haram and the Islamic State. ” Now more troops from Benin, Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria and Chad are being sent to fight against Boko Haram. Now more troops from Benin, Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria and Chad are being sent to fight against Boko Haram. This new war on yet another shadowy terrorist entity in Africa is reminiscent of the failed Kony 2012 propaganda campaign cloaked in humanitarian ideals. It is used as a smoke screen to avoid addressing the issue of the victims of the war on terror, the real causes of terrorism and to justify another military invasion. It is true that Boko Haram makes victims, however the goal of Western intervention in Africa is not to come to their rescue. The deadliest conflict in the world since the Second World War and still raging is happening in Congo and the Western elite and its media couldn’t care less. That alone shows that military interventions are not intended to save lives.

248 249 The Greenwhite Coalition report on Boko Haram reveals a three stage plan of the National Intelligence Council of the United States to “Pakistanize” Nigeria, internationalize the crisis and divide the country under aUN mandate and occupying force. The plan “predicts” Nigeria’s disintegration for 2015. It is worth quoting at length: The whole [National Intelligence Council] report actually is a coded statement of intentions on how [by] using destabilization plots the US plans to eventually dismember Nigeria […] Stage 1: Pakistanizing Nigeria With the scourge of Boko Haram as an existential reality, in the coming months the spate of bombings and attacks on public buildings are likely to escalate. The goal is to exacerbate tension and mutual suspicion among adherents of the two faiths in Nigeria and leading to sectarian violence [...] Stage 2: Internationalizing the Crisis There will be calls from the United States, European Union and United Nations for a halt to the violence. [...] For effect, there will be carpet bombing coverage by the International media on the Nigerian crisis with so-called experts discussing all the ramifications who will strive to create the impression that only benevolent foreign intervention could resolve the crisis. Stage 3: The Great Carve out under UN Mandate There will be proposals first for an international #peace keeping force to intervene and separate the warring groups and or for a UN mandate for various parts of Nigeria to come under mandated occupying powers. Of course behind the scenes the US and its allies would have secretly worked out which areas of #Nigeria to occupy guided as it were by naked economic interests […] (Ibid., emphasis added) The Nigerian Tribune has reported that Boko Haram receives funding from different groups from Saudi Arabia and the UK, specifically from the Al-Muntada Trust Fund, headquartered in the United Kingdom and #Saudi Arabia’s Islamic World Society.

250 251 It remains highly documented that members of Al-Qaeda (AQIM) and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) who fought among the Libyan rebels directly received arms and logistical support from NATO bloc countries during the Libyan conflict in 2011[...] As covertly supporting terrorist organizations to achieve foreign policy aims appears tobe the commanding prerequisite of foreign policy operations under the Obama Administration, Boko Haram exists as a separate arm of the US destabilization apparatus, aimed at shattering Africa’s most populous nation and biggest potential market. Post-revolutionary Libya, the collapse of Mali, the rise of Boko Haram in Nigeria, the #coup in the Central African Republic, and violence in Africa’s Great Lakes region are evidence that the so-called #war on terror has increased terrorism. US-led interventions since the beginning of the century have killed hundreds of thousands, if not over a million innocent people. It’s hard to tell because #NATO does not really want to know how many civilians it kills. In February 2014 the Guardian reported, “at least 21,000 civilians [were] estimated to have died violent deaths as a result of the war” in #Afghanistan according to Cost of War. As for #Iraq by May 2014 “at least 133,000 civilians [were] killed by direct violence since the invasion.” As for #Libya the mainstream media first lied about the fact that Gaddafi initiated the violence by attacking peaceful protesters, a false narrative intended to demonize #Gaddafi and galvanize public opinion in favour of yet another military intervention. As the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs reported, “violence was actually initiated by the protesters.” What the Guardian fails to mention is that all these groups, including Boko Haram and the Islamic State, have been, in one way or another, armed, trained and financed by the US-NATO alliance and their allies in the Middle East.

252 253 Thanks to the covert support of Western countries, arms dealers and bankers profiting from killing and destruction, the war on terror is alive and well. The West advocates for endless military interventions, pretending to ignore the real causes of terrorism and the reason why it expands, hiding its role in it and thereby clearly showing its real intent: fuelling terrorism to destabilize and destroy nations, thus justifying military invasion and achieving their conquest of the #African continent’s richest lands under the pretext of saving the world from terror. Boko Haram is based in northeast #Nigeria the most populated country and largest economy in #Africa . Nigeria is the largest #oil producer of the continent with 3.4% of the World’s reserves of crude oil. In May 2014, African Renaissance News published an in-depth report on Boko Haram, wondering whether it could be another CIA covert operation to take control of Nigeria: “The greatest prize for #AFRICOM and its goal to plant a PAX AMERICANA in Africa would be when it succeeds in the most strategic African country NIGERIA. This is where the raging issue of #BOKOHARAM and the widely reported prediction by the United States Intelligence Council on the disintegration of Nigeria by 2015 comes into perspective... The Western powers, first and foremost the US, are obviously not willing to let Africans have a multinational army in which they have no leading role. ACRI, which later became Africom, was formed in 2000 to contain Nigeria’s influence and counter ECOMOG, thus avoiding the emergence ofan African military force led by Africans. An investigation into Boko Haram by the Greenwhite Coalition revealed that the “Boko Haram campaign is a covert operation organized by the American Central Intelligence Agency, CIA and coordinated by the American Embassy in Nigeria.” The U.S has used its embassy for covert operations before. The one in Benghazi was proven to be a base for a covert gun-running operation to arm the mercenaries fighting against Assad in Syria. As for the embassy in Ukraine, a video from November 2013 emerged recently showing a Ukrainian parliamentarian exposing it as US operation.

254 255 President Barack Obama has initiated a series of US bombing raids in Iraq allegedly directed towards the rebel army of the Islamic State (IS). The Islamic State terrorists are portrayed as an enemy of America and the Western world. Amply documented, the Islamic State is a creation of Western intelligence, supported by the CIA and Israel’s Mossad and financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. We are dealing with a diabolical military agenda whereby the United States is targeting a rebel army which is directly funded by the US and its allies. The incursion into Iraq of the Islamic State rebels in late June was part of a carefully planned intelligence operation. The rebels of the Islamic state, formerly known as the ISIS, were covertly supported by US-NATO-Israel to wage a terrorist insurgency against the Syrian government of Bashar Al Assad. The atrocities committed in Iraq are similar to those committed in #Syria . The bombing raids ordered by #Obama are not intended to eliminate the terrorists. Quite the opposite, the US is targeting the civilian population as well as the Iraqi resistance movement. The endgame is to destabilize Iraq as a nation state and trigger its partition into three separate entities. The conflict is casually described as “sectarian warfare” between Radical #Sunni and #Shia without addressing “who is behind the various factions”. What is at stake is a carefully staged US military-intelligence agenda. Known and documented, Al Qaeda affiliated entities have been used by US-NATO in numerous conflicts as “intelligence assets” since the heyday of the Soviet-#Afghan war. In Syria, the Al Nusrah and #ISIS rebels are the foot-soldiers of the Western military alliance, which oversees and controls the recruitment and training of paramilitary forces. US-NATO support to ISIS is channeled covertly through America’s staunchest allies: Qatar and Saudi Arabia. According to London’s Daily Express “They had money and arms supplied by #Qatar and #Saudi Arabia.” The break up of #Iraq along sectarian lines is a longstanding policy of the US and its allies including the #PNAC #Neocon public agenda of 1996- followed near exact since 9/11. But who cares?

256 257 We’ve been hearing for years about all the plastic that is going into our oceans, creating enormous gyres, washing up on beaches, threatening marine life and marine ecosystems in ways we don’t even know yet. Tracking all of that plastic, which ranges from plastic bags and bottles to tiny microbeads of plastic broken down from larger sources, has been an ongoing challenge for scientists. With each new study, we get a little closer to figuring out just how much there might be out there—and it’s worse than we thought. A new study, Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean, published in the journal Science last week, estimated that plastic debris washing into the ocean from 192 coastal countries reached somewhere between 4.8 and 12.7 million metric tons in 2010. That’s enough to cover every foot of coastline in the world. Previous studies had suggested the amount could be around a quarter million tons but this study found that it was likely many times more. More than half of the plastic waste that flows into the oceans comes from just five countries: #China #Indonesia #Philippines #Vietnam and Sri Lanka. Without waste management infrastructure improvements, the cumulative quantity of plastic waste available to enter the ocean from land is predicted to increase by an order of magnitude by 2025.

258 259 We’ve all heard the term pH balance before, but do you know what it actually means? The #pH scale is one that measures the acidity or alkalinity of something. In the case of #alkaline #foods we are concerned with the pH of your body. Eating certain foods may affect this measurement, which can lead to several potentially negative health effects. Ph levels are measured on a scale of 0 to 14. 7.0 is considered neutral; 0 is completely acidic, and 14 is completely alkaline. Your blood needs to be slightly alkaline, with a pH somewhere between 7.35 and 7.45. Generally, your body adjusts its pH levels automatically, keeping your blood right within that target area. However, many of today’s processed and unhealthy foods are acid-forming and throw off that natural balance. Too much acid, and your body begins to experience some negative health effects including: fatigue, dental issues, compromised immune function, pain and inflammatory conditions, and even premature aging. By eating foods that are alkaline-producing, you are not depending on your body to balance the acidity, and therefore can avoid some of these health problems. Lemons are possibly the most alkaline foods around, plus, they offer many health benefits. Starting your day with a glass of lemon water is a good way to work towards balancing your pH levels first thing. While lemons are initially acidic, the end result is alkaline. Leafy Greens, like many other alkalizing foods, have a wealth of health benefits. Things like spinach, kale, chard, and collards are rich in folate and vitamin K. They are also great helpers for the digestive system. Apples have a pH level of about 8.0. They are also rich in fiber, which makes them great for digestion. Not all vegetables and fruit are alkaline-producing. Some are actually acidifying. Things like corn, lentils, olives, winter squash, blueberries, and cranberries are considered acid-forming. However, these foods also have amazing benefits. Generally, if you eliminate the acid-forming processed foods, you can still enjoy these acid-forming fruit and vegetables on a regular basis.

260 261 Most People of this dense Physical Plane World of ASSIAH, who during their ‘Short Lived Incarnated Lives’ are ‘Very Religious’, and thus ‘Reverently and Faithfully’ stick to their ‘Personal Belief’s’, but do not clearly understand the Hidden ‘’Spiritual Wisdom’’, which is Embedded in their ‘Religious Texts’, can thus Innocently Pass Away their Short Lived lives stuck in the Material World Glamour, which makes them ‘SPIRITUALLY VERY POOR’, as they, having ‘No Concept’ of the SPIRIT [Solar Consciousness], thus during their Incarnated Lives, do not consciously connect with their ‘Higher Selves’, which is commonly known as their ‘SOULS’, which exist in the Higher Dimensional world of ‘BRIAH’, commonly known as the ‘’HEAVENLY WORLD’’, and in such cases during their ‘Short Lived Incarnated Lives’, their ‘’Spiritual Consciousness’ expansion does not take place, and their Incarnated Lives which they mostly spend in accumulating ‘’Material World Objects’, which are Desired by them due to their Lower Minds Polarized in ‘’Feelings and Emotions’, they at the Time of Passing Away from this Dense Dimensional World, then LEAVE ALL SUCH MATERIAL THINGS ‘’BEHIND’’ Including their ‘’MUCH CHERISHED PHYSICAL FORM’’, when their ‘Silver Cord’ of animating Vitality gets Broken.

262 263 On 2/15/15, international news outlets the Guardian and Le Monde, working with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), published articles based on their analysis of leaked files showing that the Swiss private banking arm of HSBC, Europe’s largest bank, functioned for years as a tax evasion and money laundering firm. The company ran a branch that gave out “bricks” of hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash in foreign denominations and provided its wealthy clientele with advice on how to commit tax fraud, according to the reports. These facts have for years been been in the possession of international financial regulators and governments throughout the world—including those of Britain, France and the United States—which systematically covered them up. Neither the bank, nor its executives, nor any of the clients that utilized its tax dodging services have been criminally prosecuted. No one should believe that HSBC is an aberration; there is no doubt that similar practices are carried out by all major international financial institutions. The HSBC files have unearthed a cesspool of corruption, criminality, bribery and collusion that pervades the entire capitalist system and the governments that defend it.

264 265 Obama admitted US “broker(ing) a deal to transition power in Ukraine.” In December 2013, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland told Washington-based National Press Club members: “Since Ukraine’s independence in 1991, the United States.. invested over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in needs and other goals.” She was Obama’s point person involved in stoking last year’s Maidan violence. Caught red-handed urging regime change on tape. Her conversation with US Ukraine ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt was recorded. The new Ukrainian Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko is not a Ukrainian, but a US State Dept ex employee who was made a citizen overnight- just like that. It’s not hard to see whats going on. If you can not see globally you will not understand politics. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov commented on Obama’s rhetoric. Saying it provided clear proof of US direct involvement in last February’s coup. It “demonstrates Washington’s intention to continue every kind of support to the Kiev government, which apparently intends to end the conflict through violence,” said Lavrov. Launching a world war is necessary for the Americans in order to preserve their hegemony in the world through strengthening control over Europe by imposing the Trans-Atlantic free trade agreement; establishing control over Russia and Middle East, thus expanding their competitive advantage in the battle for leadership with the Asian countries. America challenging #Russia politically, economically and militarily risks WW III.

266 267 Stars and Stripes reports that NATO’s Allied Land Command is using techniques used against the Taliban in #Afghanistan to prepare its ground forces for a #war with #Russia in Europe. Stars and Stripes says the alliance is enacting “improvements to readiness and responsiveness” and dispatching combat evaluators. “The political guidance has lined up. The military structure is lined up, and the focus and energy is all lined up,” Lt. Gen. John W. Nicholson, commander Allied Land Command, told the newspaper. #Germany is unable to stop arms shipments to #Ukraine including from the US and Canada, Karl-Georg Wellmann, a member of the Christian Democratic Union stated in Bundestag, Pravda.Ru reports with reference to Bloomberg. The legislator said that the United States Air Force was intended to send ten military aircraft to Europe. It goes about the A-10 attack aircraft, aka “tank busters.” According to Pentagon officials, this is being done to “increase rotational presence in Europe to reassure our allies and partner nations that our commitment to European security is a priority.” Russian President Vladimir Putin, who said that the war would never end, if #Kiev continues to believe that the military solution is the only way out of the crisis. According to the German lawmaker, the conflict in Ukraine may evolve into a full-scale war, Pravda.Ru reports. Tensions with Russia could blow up into all-out conflict, posing “an existential threat to our whole being”, Britain’s top General Bradshaw, deputy commander of #Nato forces in Europe stated in the Telegraph this week.

268 269 Both before and after #Crimea left #Ukraine and joined #Russia in a public referendum on 16 March 2014, the Gallup Organization polled Crimeans on behalf of the U.S. Government, and found them to be extremely pro- Russian and anti-American, and also anti-Ukrainian. (Neither poll was subsequently publicized, because the results of each were the opposite of what the sponsor had wished.) Both polls were done on behalf of the U.S. Government, in order to find Crimeans’ attitudes toward the United States and toward Russia, and also toward Ukraine, not only before but also after the planned U.S. coup in Ukraine, which occurred in February 2014 but was actually kicked off on 20 November 2013, the day before Ukraine’s democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych publicly announced that Ukraine had received a better economic offer from Russia’s Eurasian Economic Community than from America’s European Union. (The EEC subsequently became the Eurasian Economic Union, now that it was clear that Ukraine was going with the EU.) During the 16 March 2014 public referendum in Crimea, 96% voted to rejoin Russia. One question on the post-referendum, April 2014, U.S.-sponsored Gallup poll in Crimea, was headlined, “Perceived Legitimacy of March 16 Crimean Referendum” (on page 28 of the poll-report), and 82.8% of Crimeans agreed with the statement, “The results of the referendum on Crimea’s status likely reflect the views of most people here.” The #Neocons overthrew Ukraine’s Government and replaced it with one run by racist- fascist haters of Russia, who were setting up to yank the remaining years on Russia’s lease of its crucial Black Sea Naval Base in Crimea, and the Crimeans were imminently fearing a Ukrainian invasion. Russia’s using its troops, who were permanently stationed in Crimea already and didn’t need to ‘invade’ anything in order to protect the residents in Crimea so that they could hold their referendum in peace, is what blocked the seizure of Crimea by the newly installed Ukrainian regime.

270 271 Forced to work under the desert’s scorching sun, denied food, drinking water, and barred from escaping home, thousands of men in #Qatar are modern day slaves. And we can help free them. Last year, one person died every other day building a billion dollar mega-project for Qatar’s #2022 World Cup. A major part of the project is managed by an American company CH2M Hill with a CEO who lives in a quiet part of Colorado. If more than 1 million of us stand together for freedom, we can confront her with our voices every time she leaves her house to go to work, or to ski, until she takes action. Qatar’s “guest worker” program is at the root of the problem. It lures people from #Nepal and #SriLanka with promises of good jobs, but when they arrive their employers confiscate their passports and force them to work long hours in 50 degree heat with no chance of escape. #CH2MHill has a responsibility to help stop this modern day slavery. #CH2M Hill is the public face of #WorldCup construction. Their CEO can and must take a lead role in ensuring we don’t see seven more years of worker deaths. One big global outcry at the right time can save thousands of lives. When #Hilton Hotels wasn’t doing enough to protect women and girls from sex trafficking at their hotels, #Avaaz staff brought our call to the CEO’s front door and the policy was changed in days.

272 273 he Walk Free Foundation, an Australian-based human rights group, estimated in its inaugural #slavery index 2014 that 35.8 million people were born into servitude, trafficked for sex work, trapped in debt bondage or exploited for forced labour. For the second year, the index of 167 countries found India had by far the greatest number of slaves. Up to 14.3 million people in its population of 1.25 billion were victims of slavery, ranging from prostitution to bonded labour. Mauritania was again the country where slavery was most prevalent by head of population while Qatar, host of the 2022 World Cup, rose up the rank from 96th place to be listed as the fourth worst country by percentage of the population. “From children denied an education by being forced to work or marry early, to men unable to leave their work because of crushing debts they owe to recruitment agents, to women and girls exploited as unpaid, abused domestic workers, modern slavery has many faces,” the report said. “It still exists today, in every country – modern slavery affects us all.” The index defines slavery as the control or possession of people in such a way as to deprive them of their freedom with the intention of exploiting them for profit or sex, usually through violence, coercion or deception. Hereditary slavery is deeply entrenched in the West African country of Mauritania, where four percent of the population of 3.9 million is estimated to be enslaved, the report said. After Mauritania, slavery was most prevalent in Uzbekistan, where citizens are forced to pick cotton every year to meet state-imposed cotton quotas, and Haiti, where the practice of sending poor children to stay with richer acquaintances or relatives routinely leads to abuse and forced labour, it said. SOURCES: Death toll among Qatar’s 2022 World Cup workers revealed (The Guardian) http://www.theguardian. com/world/2014/dec/23/qatar-nepal-workers-world-cup-2022-death- toll-doha Building a Better World Cup (Human Rights Watch) http:// At a Qatar Project Overseen by Americans, Workers Die Almost Daily (Bloomberg)

274 275 A force of 600 Turkish troops entered northern Syria 2/21/15 in the first- ever incursion by Turkey since the Syrian civil war began in 2011. The convoy of nearly 200 military vehicles, including 39 tanks and 57 armored cars, evacuated 40 Turkish soldiers guarding the tomb of Suleyman Shah, an ancestor of the Ottoman dynasty that ruled Turkey for 500 years. The remains of Suleyman Shah were transported to a new location in Syria, just across the border from Turkey, which will be occupied by Turkish troops from now on. Instead of a group of 40 soldiers serving as semi-hostages deep in Syrian territory, the Turkish military now has a bridgehead on the border with Aleppo province, one of the key battlegrounds in the Syrian civil war. The Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad said it was informed of the Turkish incursion ahead of time but did not give its consent. A spokesman for Damascus, which no longer controls the area where the tomb was located, denounced Turkey’s “flagrant aggression” on Syrian territory. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which had surrounded the site of Suleyman’s tomb, made no effort to resist or attack the withdrawal convoy, Turkish officials said. The Turkish incursion was made possible by the victory of US-backed Kurdish forces who retook the border city of Kobane earlier this month, after months of air strikes by the US, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf sheikdoms that reportedly killed several thousand ISIS fighters. After removing every artifact from the tomb, located on the Euphrates River, the Turkish troops blew up the building, leaving only rubble behind. On their return to the Turkish-Syrian border, in what one news report called “a hugely symbolic move,” Turkish troops raised the Turkish flag over a portion of the Syrian border district of Eshme chosen as the tomb’s new location.

276 277 Should it start now, by all Presidential candidates being asked their view of TTIP? Would that perhaps defeat Obama — and Hillary Clinton, and Jeb Bush, and … all the boosters of American Empire? Would that defeat the international aristocracy, and their political agents (such as those) for the very first time, and so start our world back on the road toward democracy, and away from the very dangerous imperial path it’s now on? TTIP is a secretly negotiated trade deal between the U.S. and the EU, and all indications are that it will replace each nation’s drug-safety, product- safety, food-safety, environmental, and worker-protection, regulations and laws, placing them into the hands of panels composed of appointees of large international corporations, no longer in the hands of publicly elected officials, no longer in the hands of elected politicians, who need to face voters periodically in order to stay in power. Basically: U.S. President Barack Obama is demanding that European nations weaken their regulations, but has been encountering stiff resistance from some, which has dragged out negotiations. If it’s not receiving the public attention in your country, that it deserves, then what does this fact itself say about the meaning of ‘democracy,’ as being applied to your country? Are huge international corporations, and their leading stockholders, replacing nation-states and their citizens, so as to turn those citizens into no longer citizens but mere subjects of a huge new international aristocracy, the U.S. aristocracy and its affiliated and dependent subordinate aristocracies in all U.S.-allied nations — a return of feudalism, but on an international scale, via a modern form of feudalism: internationalized fascism, America’s Empire?

278 279 Are the meals no longer as happy for McDonald’s customers as they used to be? The fast food giant definitely seems worried. In a series of headlines that would pass as virtually unbelievable several years ago, mainstream economists are sounding the alarm over the financial decline of both fast food giant McDonald’s and biotech juggernaut Monsanto. CNN asks, ‘Is McDonald’s doomed?’ Business Insider declares that ‘McDonald’s Is Losing America’ as the company fires its own CEO. What’s happening? As it turns out, the world is starting to ask what they’re truly eating in their food — and the new conglomerate of natural grocers and restaurants are trailblazing the way into an entirely new economic environment. In other words: people are simply tired of shoveling garbage into their bodies, and they’re not going to put up with it anymore. Nations around the world are already rejecting the ensemble of artificial ingredients included in many staple McDonald’s meal options. Back in 2013, their attempts to expand operations in Bolivia were completely shut down by the reality that the Bolivian citizens were not willing to purchase their fast food creations. As the Associated Press article ‘Monsanto Loses $156 Million in Fiscal Fourth Quarter’ explains, the multinational corporation has entered a very unique loss period that spells out a lot about the future of its GMO technology. The news comes as Monsanto continues to spend millions in attempts to stop GMO labeling campaigns around the nation, funding opposition groups and ensuring that you don’t know what’s in your food. Will they change in order to meet the new economic shift?

280 281 The greed has had a huge impact on Nature. Biologists Dr Phillip Levin and Dr Donald Levin (2002): “The numbers are grim: Some 2,000 species of Pacific Island birds (about 15 percent of the world total) have gone extinct since human colonization. Roughly 20 of the 297 known mussel and clam species and 40 of about 950 fishes have perished in North #America in the past century. On average, one #extinction happens somewhere on #earth every 20 minutes. Ecologists estimate that half of all living bird and mammal species will be gone within 200 or 300 years. Although crude and occasionally controversial, such statistics illustrate the extent of the current upheaval, which spans the globe and affects a broad array of plants and animals… The current losses are, however, exceptional. Rates of extinction appear now to be 100 to 1,000 times greater than background levels, qualifying the present as an era of “mass extinction”. Thus, for example, huge forest ecosystems and fisheries are now moving towards the poles. Indeed the international consensus basis of the latest IPCC Summary for Policymakers (2014) has resulted in a report that softens the present acute seriousness of unaddressed man-made pollutants and geo-engineering the weather. Civilized people respect beauty and irreplaceable complexity. They are appalled when works of art are stolen, damaged or destroyed. However, while modern technology means that drawings, paintings and even large sculptures are essentially replaceable, the remorseless exigencies of economic growth are destroying things that we cannot reproduce, unique species and the complex ecosystems in which they live. This mass destruction of ecocsystems has greatly destroyed many lands and seas just in the last 100 years. Once its all destroyed and polluted there is nothing coming back. Be mindful of your small actions and be wise who you support with your dollar. Conscience and style come with a price.

282 283 In periods of utter confusion, the most corrupt beings acting as the Well Wisher relatives, Guardian angels and in some instances as the Almighty Gods, through deceitful methods, try to convince as “TRUE FRIENDS” by offering unquenched desire needs of Sex, Drinks and Food, flavors, Money Greed and Name and Fame etc. Once you are trapped by them, your evolving consciousness immediately gets magnetically bound in their corrupted energy chain web... from which deliverance becomes totally impossible, as they themselves become part of the DECEITFUL AND ILLEGAL AGENDAS following wrongful orders, which is totally contrary to the EVOLUTIONARY PLAN AND PURPOSE OF THE CREATOR LOGOS based upon one and only ineffable universal law of “WILL TO DO GOOD”. Remember there are 4 lower bodies. The physical dense you know.. the body.. the shell The desire mind or astral plane, works in liquid magnetics, emotions, feelings, desires etc The Vital body is the animating electric current which creates animation of the form. It is known as Ka in Egypt. The most important is the mind intellect- electric fire or flame of mind and reason... awareness is 24/7 mindfulness in 24/7 contemplation of thought... Higher frequencies consume lower frequencies. Remember that always.

284 285 Depression is awareness of something terribly wrong. If you really look at the world... if you see with a “Spiritual Eye” you can see a lot more than you may put to thought. Thoughts are live elemental forces of energy. They can be measured. They have a vital “Life Force”. The “Fire of Mind” is the light-bulb of “electricity” or the “Higher Mind” known collectively as “Consciousness” and “Personality Consciousness”, reside in the “MENTAL PLANE” of the “incarnated” human form. Human Beings differ from the other incarnated beings of the ANIMAL KINGDOM, as they have REASON of THOUGHT. One who contemplates and observes ones thoughts, questioning, will always be guided and aligned to their HIGHER SELF or SOUL. “FEELINGS” are not always what they seem, as not everything we “FEEL” is due to physical reactions, but rather actions and re-actions in the unseen world of “EMOTIONS”, which behave as LIQUID MAGNETIC waves which can quickly sway a person on “feeling” alone. The “DESIRE PLANE” is used in advertising upon the mass population to coerce them into accepting and “buying into” the painted illusion, often sacrificing health for worldly affair fashions and ways of life. Nature is always the correct way, as the greatest and strongest magnetic force in the human body, being the heart, will always guide with intuition and compassion when fully aligned. Those lost to greed or depression in mind fail to understand and “harden their hearts” becoming totally devoid of love and wisdom. Impulse Thought, mostly in “Lower Mind” animalistic desire, controls many at the drop of a hat. Instantaneous impulse... loss of thought. As the Greeks called it, the “Loss of Forgetfulness”. According to the ancient Greco “Mythology” explaining the universal knowledge codified, as all major “religions” of the world share in common; all those who “drank” from it experienced complete forgetfulness. The “River of the Dead” is a globally stated and symbolized depiction for the “LIQUID MAGNETIC” “DESIRE PLANE” of unquenchable desires & greed, which illusions of the greatest kind, quickly and “EMOTIONALLY” “RE-ACT” “WITHOUT THOUGHT”.

286 287 Without a SPIRITUAL EYE how can one SEE SPIRIT? If we speak of only what we can SEE, than how can we describe what we FEEL? What we THINK? Consciousness is to be conscious, to be aware, to be an OBSERVER OF THOUGHT, QUESTIONING and DISCERNING the RIGHTEOUS from the WRONG. For what is #LOVE without a deep COMPASSION in strong WILL FORCE for GOOD? #Beauty is not defined by shape or any visible color, only through ALIGNMENT of #TRINITY [MIND, BODY, SPIRIT]. The question is, what is SPIRIT? Lower mind animalistic desires and unquenchable cravings, often by carnivorus, destructive force, is polarized from Higher mind intellect rational of thought and observation of self, which is connected to the “Fire of Mind” which Creates All. We are a part of it, but it is not a part of us. For it is unknowable yet profound, still outside of us and beyond. As above so below as within.

288 289 Many People of this Illusory World, who Look at Holy Verses with just their Physical Eyes or Religious Minds rather than looking at them with their ‘Spiritual Eyes’ or being consciously connected with their ‘Higher Minds’, fail to understand. So it is very important for the Evolving Humanity of this Planet Earth, to ‘Spiritually Understand’ before it is Too Late this FACT, that for the ‘VITAL PRESERVATION OF THEIR EVOLVING PERSONALITY CONSCIOUSNESS’ after their Physical Death, which is Embodied in their Incarnated Human Form during their Incarnated Lives, they should ‘’Look and Listen very carefully’’, examining all Physical Plane ‘’ILLUSORY PROPAGANDA’S’ with their Spiritual Eyes fully OPEN, instead of willfully following the CORRUPT AGENDAS of their Visible Leaders, and their dark consciousness whose Selfish Mind Personalities of this Physical Plane World, who acting as the So called GODS and GODDESSES in Various Cultures are themselves DOOMED from any SPIRITUAL PROGRESS, and they are Illegally keeping the Innocent Evolving Humanity of this Planet, indulged in ‘’MATERIAL WORLD GLAMOUR’’ during their short lived Incarnated Lives, and who in the name of Material Human Progress just since the Last few Centuries, have been illegally Promoting ‘’MATERIALISM’’ with FULL SPEED, including the Popular ’’One Life Concept’’ of Evolving Consciousness in Human Beings, which is TOTALLY UNTRUE.

290 291 Patiently and Compassionately keeping his PROMISE with His Chosen People, the Children of #Israel whom HE Chose to be Beacons of LIGHT for all other Evolving Human Races, who were Stuck in the Illusory Glamour of this Dense World due to Polarization of their ‘’Evolving Personalities Desire Mind’’ in Lower Material Mind ‘’Animal Passions’’, and Again and Again Sent Among them HIS Chosen PROPHETS, to Clearly Show their Deluded Mind’s, the Proper Evolutionary Path, which they were supposed to ‘Tread Upon’ during their Short Lived Incarnated Human Lives, which could be beneficial to their evolving ’’Solar Conscious SPIRIT’’. But over the Passing of Time, their descendant Generations became so #CORRUPT that all the people including the OFFICIALS of the PRIESTHOOD followed ABOMINATIONS of those NATIONS, whose Human Beings having Human Forms had more or less ‘Animal Desire Minds’, and thus acted with Strong ‘Animal Passions’ rather than utilizing their ‘Higher Minds’ in their daily lives. The Children of Israel Unfortunately MOCKED their PROPHETS, and DESPISED their SPIRITUAL WORDS, thus making their Most Benevolent LORD – GOD Angry, regarding which the Holy Bible States: ‘Furthermore, all the Officials of the Priests, and the People were Very Unfaithful following all the Abominations of the Nations; and they DEFILED the House of the LORD, which HE had SANCTIFIED in JERUSALEM. And the LORD, the GOD of their Fathers, Sent WORD to them Again and Again by HIS MESSENGERS, because HE had COMPASSION on HIS PEOPLE, and on HIS DWELLING PLACE; but they Continually MOCKED ‘THE MESSENGERS OF GOD’, DESPISED HIS WORDS, AND SCOFFED AT HIS ‘PROPHETS’, until the WRATH of the LORD AROSE against HIS People, until there was ‘NO REMEDY’. [2 Chronicles 36. Verses 14 to 23.].

292 293 According to the holy #Bible during the Time of Exodus, When the ‘MOST HIGH’ for the First Time made a WRITTEN ‘Holy Covenant’ with the Children of Israel, they were engraved Upon Two Stone Tablets which were composed of the material of His Holy Mountain, and received by His Humble Servant #MOSES on Behalf of Children of #Israel which were then taken down by MOSES as the Written down Guiding Commands of the LORD, from His Holy Mountain ‘’HOREB – SINAI’’ to Properly Guide the Children of Israel and their future descendants, as how to live the life of #Chosen Human Beings, so they can become EXAMPLES for the rest of Evolving Humanity, whose evolving minds were being Wrongfully Polarized in the Illusory Glamour of the Dense Material Planes of this Plant Earth, which were illegally Controlled by the So called GODS and GODDESSES, who themselves became CORRUPT, and supported those Left Hand Practitioners, whose Selfish Mind Personalities embodied through Various EVIL Practices, Overpowered their own RUACH [Astral] Bodies, and thus Forcefully cut themselves off from the Vital Conscious Connections of their Evolving ‘’Higher Self’s’’ Collective Conscious, the ‘CHAYAH BODY’ and the ‘YECHIDAH BODY’, which utilize the ‘Electric Ethereal Matter’ of the 1st and 2nd Higher Sub Planes of the Dimensional Sphere BRIAH [Mental Plane], and thus due to this very reason by becoming a ‘LOST SOUL’, and totally cut from the Evolutionary Vital Force Impulse of the ‘’MOST HIGH’’, they Illegally and Deceitfully Propagated those ‘ILLEGAL DIVINATION PRACTICES’ in the evolving Human Races, which were Totally Contrary to the LORD’S Original Evolutionary Plan, and were thus Truly DEMONIC in Nature, which caused the DOOM and GLOOM of the ‘’SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION’’ of the Evolving Humanity of this Planet Earth.

294 295 In a startling report from the Guardian, details have been revealed about Chicago police detaining American citizens at “black sites.” These sites are similar to those used by the CIA around the world to interrogate/ torture alleged terrorists. The stunning revelation of the Chicago Police Department operating what amounts to an off-the-books interrogation facility is threatening, to say the least. The facility apparently operates outside the bounds of the U.S. Constitution, and its discovery exposes the very real and present danger of the threat posed by the police state to #American #freedom and liberty. Housed in a warehouse on Chicago’s west side, Homan Square has long been the home to secretive police work. Attorneys as well as protesters, tell a tale of being systematically being denied their constitutional rights. Alleged police practices at Homan Square, according to those familiar with the facility who spoke out to the #Guardian after its investigation into Chicago police abuse, include: • Keeping arrestees out of official booking databases. • Beating by police, resulting in head wounds. • Shackling for prolonged periods. • Denying attorneys access to the “secure” facility. • Holding people without legal counsel for between 12 and 24 hours, including people as young as 15. At least one man was found unresponsive in a Homan Square “interview room” and later pronounced #dead “It’s sort of an open #secret among attorneys that regularly make police station visits, this place – if you can’t find a client in the system, odds are they’re there,” said Chicago lawyer Julia Bartmes. We are clearly teetering on the brink of total despotism and violations of the #Constitution . This egregious practice must be investigated and prosecuted by the Department of #Justice if they hope to keep the social fabric from unraveling. The real danger in allowing practices like #Guantánamo or Abu Ghraib is the fact that they always creep into other aspects. They creep into domestic #law enforcement, either with weaponry like with the militarization of #police or interrogation practices. That’s how we ended up with a black site in #Chicago .

296 297 Poland’s largest #farmer #uprising ever has occurred as convoys of tractors took to the roads recently in #protest of #GMO infiltration and land grabs by #biotech and Big Ag corporations. More than 150 farmers blocked roadways and held numerous demonstrations in order to bring attention to the important issue of food sovereignty in Poland. Their focus is a ban on #GMOs and a restoration of small farmer’s rights after decades of oppressive health and safety regulations which take rights away from small farms and give them to mono-cropping, poisoning Big Ag mega-companies. The #farmers have been refusing to call off their demonstrations until their demands are met. Rallies and demonstrations have littered the country – in over 50 locations. Hundreds are picketing government offices in addition to the road blockades. In the largest organized farmer’s protest the country has likely ever seen, the farmers are demanding that legislators protect the small farmer from exploitation by monopolizing companies and refuse the sell off of their country’s land to these behemoths. As the farmers point out, once the land is sold, the Big Ag model can’t be stopped, and the land is forever lost. Poland is one of the last places in Europe where ‘peasant’ farmers still use traditional agricultural methods, without the use of chemicals and very low mechanization, so the soil is healthier, and so are the plants grown there #Polish farmers are joined with millions of others who have been protesting against Monsanto, #Cargill and other biotech and Big Ag interests who have little concern for the quality of our food supply. Over 50 countries have marched against #Monsanto so the thousands marching in #Poland are not alone.

298 299 Like other activists against #biotech around the world, the Hawaiian people made a dramatic statement meant for their legislators’ ears on January 21st in front of the capitol building in #Honolulu . Their message? Stop poisoning paradise! In true #Hawaiian fashion, local people made a peaceful if not vocal demonstration against the biotech companies who want to continue polluting the Islands. Charter schools protested with dance and chanting, gregarious speakers raised their voices against money and unsustainable farming practices. Musicians played Hawaiian and protest music, and a call for people to recognize ‘aloha-aina’ was made. (Aina means ‘land.’) Hawaii is a unique place – not only because of its cultural and agricultural diversity, but because the politicians sometimes actually listen to the demands of the people. This is why the mayor of the Big Island Hawaii, Billy Kenoi, previously acted against Big Biotech and their corporate takeover of Hawaiian lands with genetically modified crops. Babes Against Biotech called attention to the #Maui County democrat who was deemed a “Monsanto plant,” and groups were successfully able to ban #GMOs on the Big Island of #Hawaii which targeted #Syngenta #Monsanto #Pioneer #Dow, and #BASF who have long been experimenting with GMO crops and seeds in Hawaii. Maui county and the island of #Kauai did the same, but biotech companies have interfered. In their heyday, big biotech companies have rivaled some Big Pharma companies in market capitalization. Monsanto stock is down as of this writing, but the company is worth billions, too – so we’re talking big money here. It is going to take some very loud protesting all over the globe to stop these bulging wallets from permanently ruining the ecosystem and our food supply.

300 301 If you are worried about #GMO sugar beets, corn, or soy, you should think again when it comes to steeping your favorite cup of tea. Herbs like spearmint or peppermint are allowed 100 times higher the levels of glyphosate than some GM foods, and the first time pesticides are washed off of these herbs is often in your cup. According to Peter Goggi, a spokesman for The Tea Association of the USA, the amount of commercial pesticide in your cup is “a very low amount,” but recent research into some samples taken of various tea brands says that is far from true. For example, dangerously high levels of pesticides were recently found in #CelestialSeasonings tea, and the company has refused to release a report about the pesticides they use to grow their teas. (Can you say boycott!?) In 49 Indian tea samples tested, nearly 60 percent contained at least one pesticide above the safety limits set by the European Union. China’s teas weren’t any better with nearly 67 percent of samples (18 total) containing pesticides. One of the most well-known tea brands in the world, Lipton was at the top of the list for pesticide-containing tea. Wang Jing, #Greenpeace food and agriculture campaigner said: “As the world’s best-selling tea brand, #Lipton is taking advantage of China’s loose pesticide control measures at the expense of its Chinese customers.” It might be time to consider switching to organic for tea-time. shows a comprehensive list of organic teas to replace your pesticide in a cup.

302 303 If you have to HIDE it, you KNOW ITS WRONG. Torture... Isn’t that what VILLAINS do? This is the state of “civilized society”. Massive globally protested companies of Biotech food makers and pesticide lovers, control not only the FDA board, but Supreme Court Judges. The criminals & thieves have lied, deceived, and done wickedly in your names around the world. This is not just a single nation issue- it’s #GLOBAL and it’s only getting worse and worse. In case you missed it- 2011 sparked revolt and revolutions, protests & assemblies... All around the world. Starting out with the huge Tsunami earthquake fires & tornadoes, and still ONGOING radioactive leak into the oceans waters, which is unstoppable currently 4 years ago. Libya was invaded on a “peaceful mission”, it’s leader cruelly murdered to which Mrs. Clinton laughed on live tv, lays in chaos- another “MISSION not ACCOMPLISHED” another “FAILED STATE” in the Middle East wars, igniting the NEOCON DREAM of unending WAR for machines & money. 9/11 was allowed to happen. This is clear and well known. How and what is a matter of speculation and “conspiracy”, but “FACTS” like the international warnings, mock tests of the exact event”, and personal warning to avoid public airlines in September 2001 to State Dept. Rice, a Major, and a Californian Mayor. The P.N.A.C. a publicly open agenda: PROJECT for a NEW AMERICAN CENTURY has since followed to a T it’s cyberwar plans- check; it’s war on terror “strike first” defensive laws- check; Africom wars- check; expansion to east Asia- check; invade 7 nations and creating false revolution coups as stated by NATO GENERAL WESELY CLARK live on Democracy Now! Radio. Before the “Bush administration” left, they set up the BAILOUT as Hank Paulson- head of the treasury- Goldman Sachs CEO- THREATENED CONGRESS with MARTIAL LAW... Which has been used across the nation for many first times against FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY in very MILITARISTIC VIOLENT FORCE with excessive weapons as seen in the FERGUSON UPRISING. The NSA has interconnected its EYE as virtual FREEDOM is at stake in the GREAT INTERNET WARS. 2015

304 305 It was 7AM when the portuguese Judicial Police entered 24 homes, looking for alleged Anonymous members. They found 21 of the people they were looking for and took them in for questioning, but not before seizing all their electronics and ransacking their homes. Such was the situation described by Sara Didelet, in declarations to, after she got a rude awakening this morning at her family home and had her computer, her boyfriend’s and mother’s along with 4 external hard drives seized and her room turned upside down. According to the Judicial Police, the operation designated #C4R3T05 (yes, really) or #Caretos (a type of mask used in traditional celebrations) aims to combat hacktivism and used 70 “highly specialized” employees to track down the Anonymous group members suspected of DDOS, defacing, hacking and leaking of sensitive sites such as the Prosecutor’s Ministry (producing a leaked list of 2.000 magistrate’s personal numbers and passwords), Public Security Police and Republican National Guard (the urban and rural police forces, of which they leaked the plates of undercover cars used in traffic operations), Patriarchy of Lisbon, the Popular Party, among others. The operation was one year in the making and already is of dubious results since, according to Sara #Didelet and the testimonies of those who know her, she has no computer skills beyond the basics necessary to use a computer and the Internet but has been accused of cyber crimes. Her connection to Anonymous is limited to managing two Anonymous Facebook pages, using an Anonymous mask once during a #protest and liking the ideals of the group. The operation was one year in the making and already is of dubious results since, according to Sara #Didelet and the testimonies of those who know her, she has no computer skills beyond the basics necessary to use a computer and the Internet but has been accused of cyber crimes. Her connection to Anonymous is limited to managing two Anonymous Facebook pages, using an Anonymous mask once during a #protest and liking the ideals of the group.

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