Born September 27th, 1945 in Cairo (Egypt)

French nationality

Married, one child

Home : 24 rue du Renard, 75004 , Tel : +33 (0)1 42 78 22 24 Fax : +33 (0)1 42 78 75 45

Office : Paris School of Economics, Université Paris I Centre d’économie de la (CES), Maison des Sciences Economiques 106-112 bd de l'Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France 75647 Paris Cedex 13, France

Tel : +33 (0)1 55 43 42 45 / 48 (sec.) Fax : +33 (0)1 55 43 42 47

E-mail [email protected]

Web :

Current positions

Distinguished University Professor at the University Paris I (Pantheon Sorbonne)

Member of the Applied Microeconomics and Econometrics group in the Centre d’économie de la Sorbonne (CES, UMR CNRS 8314)

Elected member of the Board of the Université de Paris 1, 2008-

Director of the new Master Program « Economics and Psychology » co-certified by Pantheon- and Descartes University, opening in 2010

Associate fellow at CIRANO (Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche et d’Analyse des Organisations), Montreal (Canada) since 2000

Associate Editor of the Journal of Economic Psychology

President-elect of SABE (Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics)

Founder and coordinator of the Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, since 1984

1 Appointed member of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Committee of CNRS “Cognition, Language, Information Treatment, Natural and Artificial Systems” (CID 44), 2009-

Elected member of Economics Department’s Board within Paris 1 University, 2006-

Member of the Scientific Council of the Observatory of Student Life (OVE) since 1994

Co-organizer of seminar « Economics and Psychology » at the Maison des Sciences Economiques, I since 2005

Other activities

Chairman of Association pour la Recherche en Microéconomie Appliquée - ARMA since 1989

Elected member of the Executive Board of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) since 2000

Receiver of many grants: In the last seven years, European Programme TSER (network of 6 European research teams): « Schooling, Training, and Transitions », 1997-2002 ; Programme Cognitique (Ministère de la Recherche): « Raisonnement, apprentissage et inconscience dans les décisions individuelles et dans les jeux », 2000-2002 ; Programme Toxicomanies (MILDT/INSERM) : « Les usages de psychotropes par les adolescents : Interactions sociales et Conduites à risque», 2001-2004; ACI Education (Ministère de la Recherche) « Contextes sociaux, contextes institutionnels et rendements des systèmes éducatifs », 2004-2008 ; Programme Pluri Formations « Economie comportementale et Psychologie économique », 2006-2009 ; Programme « Economie, Psychologie, Neurosciences », 2007-2008.

Appointed member of several grant-delivering research committees: French Commissariat Général du Plan (on the efficiency of public expenditure) 1997-1999, Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique (Issues of the social state) 1999, Research chairs of Canada 2000-, Austrian Fund, European Science Foundation, etc.

Member of the Board of Editors for Higher Education Policy (since 1996), Raisons Educatives (since 1998), Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines (since 1989), Comprendre (since 1999), Journal of Socio-Economics (since 2006).

Evaluator of the Linnaeus Program appointed by the Swedish research Council, April 2008

Referee for several French and international journals: Revue Economique, Revue d'Economie Politique, Economie et Prévision, Recherches Economiques de Louvain, Nouvelle Revue de Psychologie Sociale, Journal of Public Economics, European Economic Review, Economics of Education Review, Journal of Population Economics, Review of Economics of the Household, European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Cultural Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Theory and Decision, Quarterly, Journal of Socio-Economics, Journal of Economic Psychology, etc...

Member of the French Economic Association (AFSE), European Economic Association (EEA), American Economic Association (AEA), Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE), International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP), Economic Science Association (ESA)

Previous experience


Head of TEAM’s group on “Behavioral Economics”

President of the 2007-2008 jury of the ‘premier concours d’agrégation de sciences économiques’ (a national jury recruiting full University Professors of economics in France), October 2007- February 2008

Principal organizer (with Christine Roland-Lévy) of the joint international IAREP/SABE (International Association for Research in Economic Psychology/Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics) Conference, Paris (Universities of Paris I and Paris V), 5-8 July 2006

Editor of a Symposium on Bounded Rationality for the Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, 2003-2004

On temporary leave from the University at the CNRS in 2001-2003

Organizer of an international seminar on “the economic analysis of individual behavior toward drugs”, Paris (France), april 2000

Member of the Economics recruitment Committee of the Université de Paris II, 1998-2000

Vice-President of the Economics recruitment Committee at the Université de Paris I, 1998-2000

Appointed member of the Scientific Council of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Sociology of the National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA), 1998-2002

Elected member of the Executive Board of the European Public Choice Society, 1996-1999

Appointed member of the Council of the Department for Human and Social Sciences, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), 1995-2000

Economics Expert for the Division of Research at the Ministry of Education, 1998-2002

First Head of the Ecole Doctorale d'Analyse Economique Appliquée (grouping 4 doctoral programs in applied economic analysis), Université de Paris I, 1991-1995

Distinguished university Professor (1st grade) at Paris I University, October 1991-august 1993

Head of the DEA (Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies) de Microéconomie Appliquée (Doctoral program in Applied Microeconomics), Université de Paris I, 1990-2000

Member of the Board of the Université de Paris I, 1989-1993

Member of the Council and Executive Board of the Department of Economics at University of Paris I, 1990-2002

Director of the CNRS Laboratoire de Microéconomie Appliquée - LAMIA , 1986-1991

Chairman of the Scientific Council of the IREDU (Institut de Recherche en Economie de l'Education), CNRS laboratory at the Université de Dijon (France)

3 First class Professor at the Université de Paris I, 1981-1991

Director of the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) Research team "Economie sociologique", 1977-1985

Professor at the Université de Paris-Nord, 1976-1981

Maître de conférences (Assistant Professor) at the Université de Brest, 1974-1976

Research associate, then Senior research associate at CREDOC (Centre de Recherche pour l'Etude et l'Observation des Conditions de Vie), Paris, 1969-1988

University degrees

Engineering degree from the Ecole Polytechnique, Paris (1967)

Graduated from the Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Economique, 1st division (1969)

Docteur d'Etat en Sciences Economiques from the Université de Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne (1972)

Agrégé des Universités en Sciences Economiques (1973)

Awards and Distinctions

Thesis was awarded the 1973 Prize of the French Economic Association

Knight of the "Ordre National du Mérite", 1995

Recent teaching activities (since 1988)

Professor at the Université de Paris I - Microeconomics (3d level) - Economics of Human Resources (Master) - Risk and Decision (Master 1) (2005-) - The psycho-sociology of behavior (Master 1) (2005-) -Advanced courses (DEA, or Master 2) on: The Application of Microeconomics to public policies and social institutions (1988- 1990) Decision theory (1990-1998) Economics of Uncertainty and Information (1999-2005) Behavioral Economics (1999-) Experimental Economics for Human Resources (2005-) 4 -Lectures on human capital theory at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, 2000-2002

Invited Professor at the Université de Montréal and /or CIRANO (October 1988, September- October 1989, February and October 1990, November-December 1991, October 1992-February 1993, November 1993, November 1994, November 1995, April 1997, November 1997, January 1999, September 1999, February 2000, February 2001, November 2001, February 2002, November 2002, January 2003, October-November 2003, February and November 2004, June 2005, November 2006, January-February 2008, November-December 2008)

Invited Professor at Madras University and Indian Institute of Technology - I.I.T. (India), January 1995, August 2007

Invited Professor at Humboldt University in Berlin (Germany), January 1995

Invited Professor at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (Italy), June 1995

Invited Professor at the University of Las Palmas (Gran Canarias, Spain), April 2002

Invited Professor at Warsaw University (Poland), October 2006, January 2009

Invited Researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Economics of Jena (Germany), December 2006

Invited Professor at Madras University, the Indian Institute of Technomogy-IIT and the Indian Institute of Planning and Management-IIPM (India), August 2007

Recent lectures and conferences (since 1990)

1990, annual meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Meersburg(Germany), April

____, 7th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, UQAM, Montréal (Canada), May

____, annual meeting of the European Economic Association, Lisbon (Portugal), September

____, research seminar at FUCAM, Mons (Belgium), October

1991, Conference on"Technical change in agriculture related industries", Lille (France), March

____, annual meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Beaune (France), April

____, 8th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Caen (France), May

____, annual meeting of the Geneva Association on the economics of risk and insurance, Mons (Belgium), September

____, research seminar at the Université de Montréal and at the (Canada), December


1992, research seminar at the Université de Dijon, March

____, annual meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Torino (Italy), April

____, 9th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Strasbourg (France), June

____, 6th International Conference on the foundations and applications of utility, risk and decision theory, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (France), June

____, Augustin Cournot research seminar at the Université de Paris I, June

1992, annual meeting of the Geneva Association on the economics of risk and insurance, London, September

____, research seminar at the UQAM, Montréal (Canada), December

1993, CEPR Workshop on "Human Capital and Post-war European Economic Growth", Dublin (Ireland), March

____, Journées de l'Association Française de Science Economique on "The Economics of Human Resources", Dijon (France), May

____, 10th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Sfax (Tunisia), June

____, Econometric Society European Meeting, Uppsala (Sweden), August

____, Annual Meeting of the European Economic Association, Helsinki (Finland), August

____, Conference on Post-Graduate Research Training, Amsterdam (Holland), October

____, "Rationality in the Social Sciences" seminar at the University of Chicago (U.S.A.), October

____, research seminar at Université Laval, Québec (Canada), November

1994, Conference on the "contributions of the economics of education to the assessment of educational systems", Nationales Forschungsprogramm "Wirksamkeit unserer Bildungssysteme", Bern (Switzerland), February

____, annual meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Valencia (Spain), April

____, 11th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Marseille (France), June

____, research seminar at Université de Montréal (Canada), November

6 1995, "Dr.A.M.Nalla Gounden Endowment Lecture for the year 1994-95", University of Madras (India), January

____, lecture series on "Choice, Learning, and Rationality in the Social Sciences", Humboldt University at Berlin (Germany), January

____, Seminar on Doctoral Studies in Europe, Epinal (France), March

____, Conference on "Cognitive dimensions of sociological theory", University of Paris I- Panthéon Sorbonne, May

____, 2nd Journée du METIS "Structures et coordinations économiques", University of Paris I- Panthéon Sorbonne, May

____, Conference on "Comparative approaches in Cultural Economics", University of Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne, May

____, 12th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Clermont-Ferrand, June

1995, French and Spanish joint seminar on the "Production and use of knowledge", CNRS, , September

____ DEP-IREDU seminar on "Education and Training; Research and educational Policies", Dijon, October

____, Research seminar at Université de Montréal and CIRANO, Montreal (Canada), November

____, Invited lecture at the Conference on the Economics of Education, Brussels (Belgium), December

____, Research seminar "Risk, Uncertainty and Decision", University of Paris - Pierre et , December

1996, annual meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Bar-Ilan and Tiberias (Israel), March

____, 13th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Liège (Belgium), June

____, Invited Conference on "Higher Education Finance" at the Summer University Meeting for the New Economics, Aix-en-Provence, September

____, annual meeting of the European Association of Labour Economics (EALE), Chania (Greece), September

1997, annual meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Prague (Czech Republic), April

____, 14th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Marrakech (Morocco), May


____, FURVIII Conference on Risk, Uncertainty and Decision Theory, Mons (Belgium), July

____, Research Seminar on Decision Sciences at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Paris (France), October

____, Research Seminars at the University of Montreal and CIRANO, Montreal, November

____, World Bank Seminar, Washington, November

1998, Meeting of the European Group (TSER) on "Schooling, Training, and Transitions", Malaga (Spain), January

____, Seminar "Les midis d'Economie et Philosophie", Université de Paris -Dauphine, February

____, Annual meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Göteborg (Sweden), April-May

____, 15th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe), June

____, 8th Villa Colombella Seminar on "Political Extremism", Vichy (France), June

____, Meeting of the European Group (TSER) on "Schooling, Training, and Transitions", Amsterdam (Netherlands), September

1999, Annual meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Lisbon (Portugal), April

____, 16th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, , June

------, Invited Lecture at the Biennial Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics, San Diego (USA), June

2000, Annual meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Sienna (Italy), April

____, International seminar on “Individual Drug Behavior”, Paris (France), April

____, Invited Conference on “School and Society: the paradoxes of democracy”, Paris, May

____, Invited Conference on “The efficiency of schooling and training systems”, Marseilles (France), May

___ , 17th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Québec City (Canada), June

____, Inaugural Lecture of the Spanish Association for the Economics of Education meeting, Jaen (Spain), September

2001, 18th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Nancy (France), June

8 -----, Biennial Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics, Washington D.C. (USA), June

____, World Bank seminar, Washington, June

2002, Conference on the Economics of Giving, Reciprocity, and Altruism, Marseilles (IDEP), January

------, Seminar at the University of Las Palmas (Gran Canarias, Spain), March

____, Meeting of the European Group on “Schooling, Training, and Transitions”, Warwick (England), April

------, 19th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, -Saint Malo (France), June

2003, Research Seminar at the « Maison des Sciences Economiques Workshop », University Paris I, March

____, European Public Choice Society Meeting, Aarhus (Danemark), April

____, 20th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, (France), June

____, Conference of the « Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics », Lake Tahoe (USA), July

2004, Research Seminar « Les Midis de l’économie », Ecole Normale Supérieure, January

____, 21èmes Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Lille, May.

____, FUR (Foundations of Utility and Risk) Conference, ENSTP (Cachan), June

____, SABE-IAREP Conference on Economics and Psychology, Drexel University at Philadelphia (USA), July

____, 27th Arne Ryde Symposium on Drug Use, Lund (Suède), August

____, GATE’s research seminar, Lyon, October

____, Research seminar at the University of Fribourg (Suisse), December

2005, LEN’s research seminar, Nantes, January

____, Invited Conference MILDT-INSERM about Drug use of adolescents: Social interactions and Risky behavior, Ministry of Research, February

____, 22èmes Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Hamamet (Tunisie), May.

9 ____, Journées d’Economie Expérimentale, Rennes I, June

____, Meeting of the Economic Science Association, Montreal (Canada), June

____, Conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP), Prague, September

____, General discussion of session “Economic analysis of individual preferences”, Journée Consommation of INRA, October

____, CREM research seminar, Rennes, October

____, “Conventions” research seminar, University of Paris 10-Nanterre, December

2006, 23th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Nantes, May

____, International Conference on the Economie of education, IREDU, Dijon, June

____, (main organizer of) IAREP-SABE Conference on « Behavioral Economics and Economic Psychology », Paris 1 and Paris 5, July

____, Conference on Public Economic Theory, Hanoï (Vietnam), August

____, Seminar at Warsaw University, October

____, Seminar at the Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena (Germany), December

2007, SABE Conference on Behavioral Economics, City University of New York, May

____, Journées de l’Association Française de Sciences Economiques on « Experimental and Behavioral Economics », , May

____, 24th Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, University of Fribourg (Switzerland), May- June

____, Conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP), Ljubljana (Slovenia), September

2008, Seminar at the Catholic (LEM-IESEG), April

____, Journées d’économie expérimentale, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Dijon, May

____, 25èmes Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Saint Denis de La Réunion, May

____, Invited Conference at the Summer University in Economic , , and the History of Economic Thought on «the theories of individual decision-making: history and methods», Cité universitaire internationale, Paris, September

_____, IAREP-SABE Conference on Behavioral Economics and Economic Psychology, Lluiss University, Rome, September


_____, ESA European Meeting, Université Lyon 2, September

2009, Seminar at Warsaw University, January

____, Seminar at the University of Luxembourg, March

____, Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Dijon, June

____, IAREP-SABE meeting on Behavioral Economics and Economic Psychology, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax (Nova Scotia, Canada), July

August 3, 2009