Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae Personal datas Name Koós Daniella Place of Birth Budapest Date of Birth 1981 május 18. Address 1089 Budapest, Villám utca 18. E-mail Mobile +36 70 296 2272 Qualification 2007 Product designer, packaging designer field of study University of West Hungary, Faculty of Wood Sciences, Institute of Applied Arts (D. Nr.: PTJ 013491 15/2006) 2006 Product designer, furniture designer field of study University of West Hungary, Faculty of Wood Sciences, Institute of Applied Arts (D. Nr.: PTJ 013491 15/2006) 2001 Goldsmith (OKJ 52 18 12 10) - Budai Art School, High School of Arts (C. Nr.: PT G 059486) 1999 High school graduation - Teleki Blanka High School, art faculty (C. Nr.: PTD 006707) Exhibitions 2012 Blickfang, Wien, Austria 2012 FISE30, Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest 2012 Tent London, London, UK 2012 Clerkenwell Design Week, London, UK 2012 Lakástrend „madeinhugary” Exhibition, Millenáris, Budapest 2011 100% Design, London, UK 2011 HUBA, Design Week, London, UK 2011 FISE Polyhedron - The Versatile Hungarian Design, Hungarian Cultural, Scientific and Information Centre, Moscow, Russia 2011 Lakástrend „madeinhugary” Exhibition, Kunsthalle, Budapest 2010 Design Passage, Budapest 2010 FISE group exhibition, O3One Galéria, Belgrád, Szerbia 2010 FISE group exhibition, Vajdasági Kortárs Művészeti Múzeum, Novi Sad, Szerbia 2010 Lakástrend „madeinhugary” Exhibition, Kunsthalle, Budapest 2009 Arts & Craft Exhibition, Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest 2009 László Moholy-Nagy Design Grant Exhibition, Museum of Applied
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