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Information to Users INFORMATION TO USERS This manuapt has beerr repmduced from the rnkdilrn master. UMI films the text dimcZly fFom the ociginal or ooqy submitted. Thut, some thesis and dissertation copies are in typsnrriter face, while dhm may be from any type of mmputer printer. The quality of this mproduction b dependent upon the quality of th copy submitted. 6mkm or irrdistkrd print, aokrsd or poor quality illwtmtjom and photographs, print bbedthrwgh, substandard margins, and irnpmper alignment can adver'sdy affect reproduction- In the unlikely event that the author did not send UMI a complefe manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if unauthorized copyright material had to be removed, a now will indicate ttre deletion. 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Contact UMI diredty to order. 8811 & Howell lnfonnation and Learning 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 481OS1346 USA 806521- THE NUJLISUL ISLAMIL A'LA INDO,l?lESL,1 (MIAI): ITS SOCIO-RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL ACTIVITIES (1937-1943) .A thesis submitted to the Facuity of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Art Institute of Islamic Studies McGill University Montreal July 1998 National Library BibliotMque nationale of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographic Services services bibliographiques 395 Weliinglon Street 395. nre WeHiiOII OnawaON KIA ON4 Ottawa ON K1AW Canada Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accorde me licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive pernettant a la National Library of Canada to Bibliotheque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or sell reproduire, prster, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cene these sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format electronique . The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriete du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protege cette these. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la these ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent &e imprimes reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. ABSTRACT ---------------------------------------------------------*------------------------------------------------------- Author : ~VizanSya'roni Ti tls : The -Majlisul Islarnil A'la Indonesia (THE LMMI).Its Socio-religious and Political Activities. 1937- 1943. Depmment : Institute of Islamic Studies Degree : lMaster of .Art This thesis investigates the activities of the Majlisul Islamil A'la Indonesia (MUI). an Islamic federative orsanization of pre-independent Indonesia- elaborating in particular on the federation's socio-reli,oious and politicai stance. Operating for only six years ( 1937- 1943 ). the MWI represented Muslim groups. as a counterpart to the "secularists." Lvithin the nationalist movement during both the final years of Dutch rule and the early stages of the Japanese occupation. The .LILA1 was established for the specific purpose of unifying the Islamic organizations -- political and non-political. traditionalist and modernist alike -- tvhile at the same time reviving ,CIusIim political and socio-religious strength after the decline of the Sarekat Islam. which had for almost fifteen years dominated the nationalist scene. The mission of the MLAI ~vasseen by 41usIirns as a response to the threat posed b>* extemd forces. It reacted in particular against Dutch policies considered discriminatory by !duslims concerning matters in~'o1vingIslamic belief and practice. such as marriage and education. The federation also took a strong stand regarding Christian polemic aimed at Islam and took part in Indonesian ~luslimresponse. That the establishment of the MLAI nvas favored by most Islamic organizations attested to the stron? sentiment among Indonesian Muslims for a common front. regardless of their differences on socio-religious and political issues. Together with the GAP1 (Gabungan Partai Politik Indonesia or the Federation of Indonesian Political Parties) and the PVPN (Persatuan Vakbonden Pegawai Negeri, or the Association of Government Employees). the ,MIA1 took part in demanding political reform on behalf of Muslim groups. Indeed. notwithstanding its short life span. the MLAI was a pioneer for national unity in general and Indonesian Muslim unity in particular. Ce memoire explore les activitts du -Majlisul Islamil A'la Indonesia (MIX).une orsmisation islamique fkderarivr dr I'lndontsie pre-independante. tout en ponant une attention particulikre i ses positions socio-religieuses st politiques. Durant les six annks dc son existence (1937-1943). le iMhI a reprtscntg des groupes musulmans. en [ant qu'altemative aux "stcularistes." au sein du mouvement nationalistc dcpuis les demihs annees du pouvoir hollandnis jusqu'aun premiers stades de l'occupation japonaise. Suite au dCclin du Sarekat Islam qui. pendant prks de quinze ons. a dominC la sdne nationalists. Ic MIA1 fut Ctabli avec I'objsctif spkcifique d'unifier lss organisations islamiques -- rant politique en plus des groupes traditionalistes st rnodernistrs -- tout en faisant revivre la force politique et socio-religiruse. La mission du MLAI fut peque par les musulrnans cornme une reponse j. la menace des forces estCrisures. L'organisation a pmiculi~remsnt r2agi contre les politiques nierlandaises considirkes comrne discriminatoires puisqu"clles impliquaient la foi er les pratiques islamiques tcls que le mariage et l'education. La fidiration a aussi pris une position ferme concernant la polemiquc chrktienne visant l*Islam et elle a pris pait 6 la reaction musulrnane indontsienne. L'ttablissement du MIA1 fut favorisC par la plupart des organisntions musulmanes indonksicnnrs timoigne bien dss musulrnans pour un front commun et ce. au-dela des differences d'opinions concernant les questions socio- religieuses et politiques. Avec le GAP1 (Gabungan Partai Politik Indonesia ou Fidiration des partis politiques indonisiens) et le PVPN (Persatuan Vakbonden Pegawai Negeri ou Association des employ& du gouvernernent). 11 MLAI a pris part. au nom des groupes musulmans. oux demandes prdes dfonncs pditiques. Ainsi. mal@ sa come existence. le LMLAI a fair figure de pionnier pour l'unid nationals en gCntral et pour I'uni tt musulmane indonksienne en particulier. In this thesis. the system of Arabic transliteration follows that of thc Inst it utc of fslamic Studies. McGill University. Indonesian tcnns are writtcn according to the Ejaan Baru Bahasa Indonesia (1 972). but personal names and t hc tit Ics of books and articles arc rendered according to t hc original spellings. Short vowcls: C J - = a. fat ha. -. = i. kasra. - = u. Qamma Long vowcls: 3 = ii. waw The ti'rnarb$a is trdnsliterated as "ah" in pause form and "at" in conjunctional form: cxarnplcs: bid'ah and Said a/-Taraw& In t hc case of tas/dd the icttcr is doubled: cnamplc: mjyah. Alif or harnzah is translitcratcd as an elevated comma in all posit ions exept when it occurs at the beginning of a word: example: i/ihid Having finally completed this thesis. I would Iike to express my indebtedness to a number of people. without whom the realization of this project would have been impossible. First and foremost. I would like to acknowledge the help of my thesis advisor. Professor A. herTurgay. Throughout the entire course of my research. I have relied on him for advice. guidance and all around assistance. both personal and academic. I have been fortunate to have benefited from his kindness and patience. I am also grateful to Professor Howard M. Fedenpiel and Mrs. Wendy Allen. respectively the former and the present Director of the McGill-Indonesia LNX Development Project. as well as all the officials of this project both in Jakarta and Montreal. who helped me in the course of my studies. Special thanks are due to Professor Federspiel, for having had the kindness to read the draft of this thesis. Thanks are also due to the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) for awarding me a scholarship to study at 3lcGill University. -My deep gratitude is aIso due to Dr. Tarmizi Taher. Dr. >I. Quraisy Syihab and Dr. Abdul SIalik Fajar. who have successively served as Minister of Religious Affairs during my two years of study at McGill University. They provided me with the opportunity to pursue my studies at this institution. 1My gratitude is also extended to the late Professor H. Achmad Ludjito and to Dr. Zam&syari Dhotier. the former and present Rector of the State Institute of Islamic Studies (LUX) Walisongo. Semarang, for granting me permission to leave my duties as junior lecturer for two years. Thanks are also due to the staff of the McGill Indonesian Project and the Institute of Islamic Studies for the assistance they have given to me that has greatly facilitated the completion of this work. I would especially likeCto thank- Susi Ricciardelli, Joanna Gacek, Lori Novak, Anne YaxIey and Dawn Richard, for their administrative and moral support. My thanks also to the helpful naff of the
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