ThE MagazinE Of ThE MaSTER BuildERS’ aSSOCiaTiOn Of wESTERn PEnnSylvania SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2014 ENERGY UPDATE: MADE IN AMERICA AGAIN Operating Engineers Green Training Center Passive Science for Commercial Projects America’s Shaky Power Grid What if health insurance was smart enough to help save lives? Now it is. People expect their health insurance companies to pay for their care. They don’t expect them to improve their care. To lower the cost. And to make it easier. But that is exactly what Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield is doing. We’re bringing doctors, hospitals and specialists together to reduce life-threatening infections and medication errors. That’s why for better care, you’re Better with Blue. Our Quality Blue Hospital Program is working with hospitals to achieve the highest safety standards, reduce infections, and save lives. Better with Blue. Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Subject to the terms of your benefit plan. Quality Blue Hospital Infection Prevention Results (2007-2013). UNRIVALED TALENT. UNMATCHED RESULTS. With a passion for everything that makes our city so special, our rm is the unrivaled leader in commercial real estate services in Pittsburgh. Strategic, forward-thinking and results-driven, our professionals are committed to delivering the best of Pittsburgh to our clients and the community we serve. For more information on how CBRE can assist you with your real estate needs in Pittsburgh please contact: Jeffrey Ackerman +1 412 394 9800 CBRE Ad_Pittsburgh_Market_Leadership_0914.indd 1 8/22/2014 8:44:57 AM Contents 2014 Publisher tall timber group Operating Engineers editor Training Center jeff Burd 412-366-1857 Photo by
[email protected] Massery Photography Production Carson Publishing, inc.