Department of Politics Office: 0044 141 330 7746 University of Glasgow Mobile: 0044 743 600 0816 Adam Smith Building, Office 1206 E-mail:
[email protected] G12 8RT Glasgow, United Kingdom
[email protected] Listă de publicații Monografii: Sergiu Gherghina, Party Organization and Electoral Volatility in Central and Eastern Europe: Enhancing Voter Loyalty, London: Routledge, 2014. Sergiu Gherghina and George Jiglau, De la entuziasm la criza. Pașii României dupa aderarea la UE (From Enthusiasm to Crisis. Romania’s Steps after the EU Accession), Cluj-Napoca: CA Publishing, 2010. Sergiu Gherghina and George Jiglau Ce cauta România in UE? (What is Romania Doing in the EU?), Timisoara: Bastion, 2008. Flore Pop, Sergiu Gherghina, and George Jiglau, Drept, mecanisme si institutii comunitare. Curs introductiv (Law, Mechanisms, and European Institutions. Introductory Course), Cluj-Napoca: Argonaut, 2007. Sergiu Gherghina, Institutional Design and Party Development in Post-Communist States. The Key- Role of National Parliaments, Iasi: Lumen, 2007. Editor de ediții specializate în jurnale (special issues): Sergiu Gherghina, Caroline Close and Petr Kopecky, special issue on intra-party democracy in Europe, Party Politics, forthcoming 2019. Sergiu Gherghina, Joakim Ekman and Olena Podolian, special issue on democratic innovations in Eastern Europe, Contemporary Politics, 2018. Sergiu Gherghina, special issue on political parties and direct democracy, East European Politics and Societies, 2018. Caroline Close and Sergiu Gherghina, special issue on parliamentary unity in Europe, Parliamentary Affairs, 2018. Sergiu Gherghina and Petr Kopecky, special issue on appointed political elites in Europe, Acta Politica, 2016. Sergiu Gherghina and Joakim Ekman, special issue on political participation and civic engagement in Eastern Europe, East European Politics, 2016.