US Central Command for FY2005 – FY2007

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US Central Command for FY2005 – FY2007 Description of document: FOIA CASE LOGS for: United States Central Command, MacDill Air Force Base, FL for FY2005 – FY2007 Released date: 23-August-2007 Posted date: 07-December-2007 Title of Document 2005, 2006, 2007 Log Redacted Date/date range of document: 03-February-2004 – 29-June-2007 Source of document: United States Central Command CCJ6-RDF (FOIA) 7115 South Boundary Boulevard MacDill Air Force Base, Florida 33621-5101 Email: [email protected] Voice 813-827-1810 Fax 813-827-1241 Notes: Poor image quality in original file; therefore OCR accuracy limited. The web site (“the site”) is noncommercial and free to the public. The site and materials made available on the site, such as this file, are for reference only. The web site and its principals have made every effort to make this information as complete and as accurate as possible, however, there may be mistakes and omissions, both typographical and in content. The web site and its principals shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information provided on the web site or in this file UNITED STATES CENTRAL COMMAND OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF STAFF 7115 SOUTH BOUNDARY BOULEVARD MACDI LL AIR FORCE BASE, FLORIDA 33621-510 I 23 August 2007 This is a final response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for an electronic copy of the FOIA Case Logs for U.S. Central Command for FY2005, FY2006 and FY2007 to date (2 July 2007). After a thorough review of the responsive documents for FYs 2005, 2006, and 2007, I have determined that certain portions are exempt from release. The blacked out (redacted) portions contain personally identifying information concerning members of the armed forces or DOD employees assigned to an overseas unit, a sensitive unit, or routinely deployable units. The additional redacted information protects personal information, when release to the public would be an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. As such, this information is withheld pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552 (b) (3) as it relates to 10 U.S.C. 130b, and (b) (6), and DOD 5400.7-R, paragraphs C3.2.1.3. and C3.2.1.6. Accordingly, in my capacity as the Initial Denial Authority, by withholding the redacted portions of the information, I am partially denying your request. In addition, all fees are waived for this request. You may appeal this decision within 60 calendar days of the date above to the Office of the Freedom of Information, 1155 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-1155. If you have any questions regarding this FOIA request, please contact my FOIA Requester Service Center at (813)827-1810 and refer to USCENTCOM FOIA #2007­ 0181, when inquiring. THOMAS L. MOORE, JR. MajGen, USMC Enclosures: 1. 2005 FOIA Log 2. 2006 FOIA Log 3. 2007 FOIA Log ."" Hidl HI ',. .. 21 Dec: 2110' Req....tIng cOP" of .lIrecom 05.oez O3'eb 2005 Wiegand ISteve The SlIcramento 11·816,321,1071, Bee, 2100 Q 5t. __vm concerning I'8pom of ••xual mleconducl In the C.ntral Command .... of 85852~ ~"- Op.ratlon through moet I'8cent date .... .. .vallabl•. 05-083, Closed was 03 Feb 2005 McChesney John National Public 30 D.c 2004 Requesting .Ulnv.stlgatlve 1'8pCKb, :anawerod by SOCOM Radio san •• transcrlpte of military legal plOC:..dlnge, Franclaco llur8llu I. wall a. 1'811tac1 documenll. lHIlalls, lrlnacrlpt. of radio Ind telephone communlcatlona Invovllng Navy Seal Group. 5 Ind 7 from S.ptember 1, 2003 to the prea.nt. , 0500II4, Cloaed per 03 Feb 2005 Grimaldi Jamae The Waehlngton (202) 334-4451 07 Jan 200i RequeaUng 1IIInIormItIon I'8Jatacl to IMSgt A. DUPLICATE Poat -.rf.mJr_ I~!!I~~:_~~~ ~~~"~ a duplk;ated 1- ....._- ... _ .• _. ____ 1 '05-085 03 Feb 2005 Kid< Russ Freelan.ceAvfalJOn _ 27 Jan 200! 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