What Does My QA Model Know? Devising Controlled Probes using Expert Knowledge

Kyle Richardson and Ashish Sabharwal

Allen Institute for AI, Seattle, WA, USA {kyler,ashishs}@allenai.org

Abstract Benchmark Tasks 1.OpenBook QA (OBQA) (Mihaylov et al., 2018) Open-domain question answering (QA) in- Question: Which of following is [specific type of] learned behavior? A. thinking B. cooking C. hearing D. breathing volves many knowledge and reasoning chal- 2. ARC Challenge (Clark et al., 2018) lenges, but are successful QA models actu- Question: What is a worldwide increase in temperature called [definition]? ally learning such knowledge when trained A. greenhouse effect B. global warming C. ozone depletion D. solar heating

on benchmark QA tasks? investigate Train this via several new diagnostic tasks probing Question-Answering Model

whether multiple-choice QA models know Evaluate Continue Training definitions and taxonomic reasoning—two Dataset Probes

skills widespread in existing benchmarks Question : In ‘the toddler could Question : In ‘the toddler could and fundamental to more complex reason- count’, count is best defined as count to 100’, count is a type of ing. We introduce a methodology for auto- A. name or recite the numbers... A. recite event B.... C.... matically building probe datasets from ex- Generate: GEN(τ) pert knowledge sources, allowing for sys- Expert Knowledge (Triples T ) (type-of,count.v.03,recite.v.02) tematic control and a comprehensive eval- (ex,count.v.02, count, ’the toddler could count’) uation. We include ways to carefully (defined-as,count.v.02, ’name or recite the numbers...’ ) (defined-as, recite.v.02, ’read aloud from memory.’ ) control for artifacts that may arise dur- ing this process. Our evaluation confirms Figure 1: An illustration of our experimental setup and that transformer-based multiple-choice QA probing methodology. The gray box at the top shows models are already predisposed to recognize questions from existing open-domain QA benchmarks, certain types of structural linguistic knowl- requiring background knowledge. The yellow box edge. However, it also reveals a more nu- shows simple examples of multiple-choice questions in anced picture: their performance notably our proposed Definition and ISA probes. degrades even with a slight increase in the number of “hops” in the underlying taxo- Recent success in QA has been driven largely nomic hierarchy, and with more challeng- by new benchmarks (Zellers et al., 2018; Tal- ing distractor candidates. Further, existing models are far from perfect when assessed mor et al., 2019b; Bhagavatula et al., 2020; Khot at the level of clusters of semantically con- et al., 2020, etc.) and advances in model pre- nected probes, such as all hypernym ques- training (Radford et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2019). tions about a single concept. This raises a natural question: Do state-of-the-art multiple-choice QA (MCQA) models that excel at arXiv:1912.13337v2 [cs.CL] 1 Sep 2020 standard benchmarks truly possess basic knowl- 1 Introduction edge and reasoning skills expected in these tasks? Automatically answering questions, especially in Answering this question is challenging due to the open-domain setting where minimal or no con- limited understanding of heavily pre-trained com- textual knowledge is explicitly provided, requires plex models and the way existing MCQA datasets considerable background knowledge and reason- are constructed. We focus on the second aspect, ing abilities. For example, answering the two which has two limitations: Large-scale crowd- questions in the top gray box in Figure1 requires sourcing leaves little systematic control over ques- identifying a specific ISA relation (that ‘cooking’ tion semantics or requisite background knowl- is a type of ‘learned behavior’) as well as recall- edge (Welbl et al., 2017), while questions from ing a concept definition (that ‘global warming’ is real exams tend to mix multiple challenges in defined as a ‘worldwide increase in temperature’). a single dataset, often even in a single ques- tion (Clark et al., 2018; Boratko et al., 2018). probes measure competence in various settings To address this challenge, we propose system- including hypernymy, hyponymy, and synonymy atically constructing model competence probes by detection, as well as word sense disambiguation. exploiting structured information contained in ex- Our exploration is closely related to the recent pert knowledge sources such as knowledge graphs work of Talmor et al.(2019a). However, a key dif- and lexical taxonomies. Importantly, these probes ference is that they study language models (LMs), are diagnostic tasks, designed not to impart new for which there is no clear a priori expectation of knowledge but to assess what models trained on specific knowledge or reasoning skills. In contrast, standard QA benchmarks already know; as such, we focus on models heavily trained for benchmark they serve as proxies for the types of questions QA tasks, where such tasks are known to require that a model might encounter in its original task, certain types of knowledge and reasoning skills. but involve a single category of knowledge under We probe whether such skills are actually learned various controlled conditions and perturbations. by QA models, either during LM pre-training or Figure1 illustrates our methodology. We start when training for the QA tasks. with a set of standard MCQA benchmark tasks D Recognizing the need for suitable controls in and a set of models M trained on D. Our goal is to any synthetic probing methodology (Hewitt and assess how competent these models are relative to Liang, 2019; Talmor et al., 2019a), we introduce a particular knowledge or reasoning skill S (.g., two controls: (a) the probe must challenging definitions) that is generally deemed important for for any model that lacks contextual embeddings, performing well on D. To this end, we systemati- and (b) strong models must have a low inoculation cally and automatically generate a set of dataset cost, .e., when fine-tuned on a few probing ex- probes PS from information available in expert amples, the model should mostly retain its perfor- knowledge sources. Each probe is an MCQA ren- mance on its original task.2 This ensures that the dering of the target information (see examples in probe performance of a model, even when lightly Figure1, yellow box). We then use these probes inoculated on probing data, reflects its knowledge PS to ask two empirical questions: (1) How well as originally trained for the benchmark task, which do models in M already trained on D perform is precisely what we aim to uncover. on probing tasks PS? (2) With additional nudg- Constructing a wide range of systematic tests ing, can models be re-trained, using only a modest is critical for having definitive empirical evidence amount of additional data, to perform well on each of model competence on any given phenomenon. probing task PS with minimal performance loss Such tests should cover a broad set of concepts and on their original tasks D (thus giving evidence of question variations (i.e., systematic adjustments to prior model competence on S)? how the questions are constructed). When assess- While our methodology is general, our exper- ing ISA reasoning, not only is it important to rec- iments focus on probing state-of-the-art MCQA ognize in the question in Figure1 that cooking is a models in the domain of grade-school level sci- learned behavior, but also that cooking is a general ence, which is considered particularly challenging type of behavior or, through a few more inferential with respect to background knowledge and infer- steps, a type of human activity. Our automatic use ence (Clark, 2015; Clark et al., 2019; Khot et al., of expert knowledge sources allows constructing 2020). In addition, existing science benchmarks such high-coverage probes, circumventing pitfalls are known to involve widespread use of defini- of solicitation bias and reporting bias. tion and taxonomic knowledge (see detailed anal- Our results confirm that transformer-based QA ysis by Clark et al.(2018); Boratko et al.(2018)), models3 have a remarkable ability to recognize the which is also fundamental to deeper reasoning. types of knowledge captured in our probes—even Accordingly, we employ the most widely used lex- without additional fine-tuning (i.e., in a zero-shot ical ontology WordNet (Miller, 1995) and publicly setting). Such models can even outperform strong available dictionaries as sources of expert knowl- 2Standard inoculation (Liu et al., 2019a) is known to drop edge to construct our probes, WordNetQA (Sec- performance on the original task. We use a modified objec- 1 tion 3.1) and DictionaryQA (Section 3.2) . These tive (Richardson et al., 2020) to alleviate this issue. 3Different from Talmor et al.(2019a), we find BERT and 1All data and code are available at https://github. RoBERTa based QA models to be qualitatively similar, per- com/allenai/semantic_fragments forming within 5% of each other on nearly all probes. task-specific non-transformer models trained di- (2019), and other variants thereof, which are all rectly on our probing tasks (e.g., +26% compared based on the transformer architecture of Vaswani to a task-specific LSTM). We also show that the et al.(2017). There have been recent stud- same models can be effectively re-fine-tuned on ies into the types of relational knowledge con- small samples (even 100 examples) of probe data, tained in large-scale knowledge models (Schick and that high performance on the probes tends to and Schütze, 2020; Petroni et al., 2019; Jiang correlate with a smaller drop in the model’s per- et al., 2019), which also probe models using struc- formance on the original QA task. tured knowledge sources. These studies, how- Our comprehensive assessment also reveals im- ever, primarily focus on unearthing the knowl- portant nuances to the positive trend. For example, edge contained in the underlying language mod- we find that the best models still perform 2-10% els as is without further training, using simple (absolute) below conservative estimates of human (single token) cloze-style probing tasks and tem- performance (Section 3.1.3) on these tasks. Fur- plates. Most of these results only provide a lower- ther, the accuracy of even the best QA model - bound estimate of model performance, since the grades substantially on our hyponym probes (by probing templates being employed potentially de- 8-15%) when going from 1-hop hyponym links to viate from what the model has observed during 2-hops. The accuracy on the WordNetQA probe pre-training. In contrast, we focus on understand- drops by 14-44% under our cluster-level analysis ing the knowledge contained in language models (Section 3.1.1), which assesses whether a model after they have been trained for a QA end-task us- knows several facts about each individual concept, ing benchmark datasets in which such knowledge rather than only answering correctly isolated ques- is expected to be widespread. Further, our evalua- tions. This shows that state-of-the-art QA models tion is done before and after these models are fine- have much room to improve even in some funda- tuned on our small samples of target data. This has mental building blocks (definitions and taxonomic the advantage of allowing each model to become hierarchies) of more complex forms of reasoning. informed about the format of each probe. We also explore a more complex set of probing templates. 2 Related Work The use of lexical resources such as WordNet We follow recent work on constructing challenge to construct datasets has a long history, and has re- datasets for probing neural models, which has pri- cently appeared in work on adversarial attacks (Jia marily focused on the task of natural language and Liang, 2017) and general task construction inference (NLI) (Glockner et al., 2018; McCoy (Pilehvar and Camacho-Collados, 2019). In the et al., 2019; Rozen et al., 2019; Warstadt et al., area of MCQA, there is related work on construct- 2019). Most of this work looks at construct- ing questions from tuples (Jauhar et al., 2016; Tal- ing data through adversarial generation methods, mor et al., 2019b), both of which involve standard which have also been found useful for creating crowd annotation to elicit question-answer pairs stronger models (Kang et al., 2018). There has (see also Seyler et al.(2017); Reddy et al.(2017)). also been work on using synthetic data of the type In contrast to this work, we focus on generating we consider in this paper (Poliak et al., 2018a; data in an entirely automatic and silver-standard Geiger et al., 2019; Yanaka et al., 2020; Clark fashion (i.e., in a way that potentially introduces a et al., 2020). We closely follow the methodol- little noise), which obviates the need for expensive ogy of Richardson et al.(2020), who use hand- annotation and gives us the flexibility to construct constructed linguistic fragments to probe NLI much larger datasets that control a rich set of se- models and study model re-training using a variant mantic aspects of the target questions. Following of the inoculation by fine-tuning strategy of Liu standard practices in MCQA dataset creation (e.g., et al.(2019a). In contrast, we focus on probing Khot et al., 2020), however, we perform crowd- open-domain MCQA models (see Si et al.(2019) sourcing to obtain conservative (in the sense of for a study on reading comprehension) as well Nangia and Bowman(2019)) estimates of human as constructing data from much larger sources of performance on our main evaluation sets, to com- structured knowledge. pare against model performance. Our main study focuses on probing the BERT While our probing methodology is amenable to model and fine-tuning approach of Devlin et al. any domain, we focus on probing open-domain Set WordNet (WN) GCIDE utter.v.01 R {isa↑,isa↓, {def, ex, lemma} ISA↑ ISA↑ def, ex, lemma} C {WN synsets}{entry ids} D {synset glosses}{unique defs} parrot.v.02 recite.v.02 S {synset sentences}{entry examples} ISA↑ ISA↑ W {synset lemmas}{all words} Atomic Triple Types Definition spell.v.01 count.v.03 Concept Senses and Definitions Td ⊆ {def} × C × D ↑ ↑ Concepts with Example Sentences ⊆ {ext} × C × S ISA ISA Concepts with Words Tl ⊆ {lemma} × C × W ↑ ↓ mispell.v.01 ISA Relations (WN only) Ti ⊆ {isa ,isa } × C × C count-down.v.01

Table 1: A description of the different resources used Graph Triples Question/Answers to construct the probes, represented as abstract triples. Question+Answer about Hypernymy/ISA↑ (isa↑, . In the sentence The toddler could count.v.03 count, the word count is a type of: a. QA models in the domain on grade-school level ,recite.v.02) recite event... Sister Family Distractors science using a standard suite of benchmark QA ↓ 0 (isa , a1. spell event, defined as ... (1-hop 0 datasets (see Table6). Our choice of this domain recite.v.02 sister distractor); a2 mispell event, is based on the following considerations: it is well- ,spell.v.01) defined as... (2-hop sister). studied qualitatively (Davis, 2016), making it rel- Figure 2: A portion of the WordNet ISA graph (top) atively easy to know the types of probes and di- and an example distractor function DISTR(τ) (bottom) 0 0 agnostic tests to construct using existing expert used to generate distractor choices {a1, a2} for a ques- knowledge. For example, the manual analysis of tion q based on information in the graph. Mihaylov et al.(2018) found that explicit defini- tional and ISA knowledge occurred in around 20% For convenience, we will describe each source and 18%, respectively, of the questions sampled in of expert knowledge as a directed, edge-labeled one benchmark task. Clark et al.(2013) and Bo- graph G. The nodes of this graph are V = C ∪ ratko et al.(2018) provide similar results involving W ∪ S ∪ D, where C is a set of atomic concepts, other benchmarks used in our study. W a set of words, S a set of sentences, and D a set We also examined MCQA models trained on of definitions (see Table1 for details for WordNet closely-related datasets tailored to commonsense and GCIDE). Each edge of G is directed from an and situational reasoning (Zellers et al., 2018; Tal- atomic concept in C to another node in V , and is mor et al., 2019b; Bhagavatula et al., 2020; Sap labeled with a relation, such as hypernym or isa↑, et al., 2019). However, there has been a limited from a set of relations R (see Table1). study of the kinds of knowledge needed in this When defining our probe question templates, domain, as well as expert knowledge sources for it will be useful to view G as a set of (relation, creating corresponding probes. MCQA models source, target) triples T ⊆ R×C×V. Due to their trained in this domain exhibit lower performance origin in an expert knowledge source, such triples on our definition and ISA probes. preserve semantic consistency. For instance, when 3 Dataset Probes and Construction the relation in a triple is def, the corresponding edge maps a concept in C to a definition in D. Our probing methodology starts by constructing We rely on two heuristic functions, defined be- challenge datasets (Figure1, yellow box) from a low for each individual probe: GENQ(τ), which target set of knowledge resources. Each prob- generates gold question-answer pairs (q, a) from ing dataset consists of multiple-choice questions a set of triples τ ⊆ T and question templates that include a question q and a set of answer Q, and DISTR(τ 0), which generates distractor an- choices or candidates {a , ...a }. This section de- 0 0 1 N swers choices {a1, ...aN−1} based on another set scribes in detail the 5 datasets we build (grouped of triples τ 0 (where usually τ ⊂ τ 0). For brevity, into WordNetQA and DictionaryQA), drawn we will use GEN(τ) to denote GENQ(τ). from two publicly-available resources: WordNet In generating our dataset probes, our general (Miller, 1995) and the GNU Collaborative Inter- strategy is to build automatic silver-standard train- 4 national Dictionary of English (GCIDE). ing and developments sets, in the latter case at 4see https://wordnet.princeton.edu/ and a large scale to facilitate detailed and controlled http://gcide.gnu.org.ua/ analysis of model performance. As discussed be- Probe Type Triple Input τ Generation Templates from Q Example Questions and Answers (q, a) Definitions: (def, ci, d) q. In the sentence [s], the word q. In the sentence The baby nestled her head, the Defining words (ex, ci, s) [w] is best defined as: a. [d] word nestled is best defined as: a. position com- in context. (word, ci, w) fortably Hypernymy: (def, ci0 , d) q. In [s], the word or concept [w] q. In The thief eluded the police, the word or ↑ ↑ ISA reason- (isa , ci, ci0 ) is best described as a type of a. concept eluded is best described as a type of a. 0 ing in context (ex, ci, s) [w ] defined as [d] escape event defined as to run away from.. (symbolically (word, ci, w) 0 ci=>ci0 ). (word, ci0 , w ) Hyponymy: (def, ci0 , d) q. Given the context [s], which of q. Given the context they awaited her arrival, ↓ ↓ ISA reasoning (isa , ci, ci0 ) the following word or concept is which of the following word or concept is a spe- 0 given context. (ex, ci, s) a specific type of [w] a. [w ] de- cific type of arrival? a. crash landing, defined (symbolically (word, ci, w) fined as [d] as an emergency landing under circumstances 0 ci<=ci0 ) (word, ci, w ) where....’ Synonymy: Re- (def, ci, d) q. Which words best correspond q. Which set of words best corresponds to the lated words. (word, ci, w1) to [d]? a. [{w1, w2, ...}] definition a grammatical category in inflected (word, ci, w2) languages governing agreement ....? a. gender,...

Table 2: Details of the GEN(τ) function used to construct gold question-answer pairs (q, a) from a triple graph G. low, we also provide estimates of human perfor- WordNet is the most authoritative and widely- mance on our test sets, and in some cases intro- used knowledge resource in NLP, it also has the duce smaller gold-standard test sets to allow for a advantage of having mappings into other knowl- direct comparison with model performance. edge resources (Niles and Pease, 2001; Navigli and Ponzetto, 2010; Tandon et al., 2017), which 3.1 WordNetQA allows for easily extending our probes to other do- WordNet is a publicly-available English lexical mains and phenomena. database consisting of around 117k concepts, Example Generation GEN(τ). We build 4 indi- which are organized into groups of synsets that vidual datasets based on semantic relations native each contain a gloss (i.e., a definition), a set of rep- to WordNet: hypernymy (i.e., generalization or resentative English words (called lemmas), and, in ISA reasoning up a taxonomy, ISA↑), hyponymy around 33k synsets, example sentences. In addi- (ISA↓), synonymy, and definitions. To tion, many synsets have ISA links to other synsets generate a set of questions in each case, we - that express complex taxonomic relations. Fig- ploy a number of rule templates Q that operate ure2 shows an example and Table1 summarizes over tuples. A subset of such templates is shown how we formulate WordNet as a set of triples T in Table2 and were designed to mimic naturalis- of various types. These triples together represent tic (i.e., human authored) questions we observed a directed, edge-labeled graph G. in our science benchmarks. Our main motivation for using WordNet, as op- For example, suppose we wish to create a ques- posed to a resource such as ConceptNet (Havasi tion q about the definition of a target concept et al., 2007), is the availability of glosses (D) and c ∈ C. We first select a question template from example sentences (S), which allows us to con- Q that first introduces the concept c and its lemma struct natural language questions that contextual- l ∈ W in context using the example sentence con- ize the types of concepts we want to probe. For ex- text s ∈ S, and then asks to identify the corre- ample, when probing whether a model has knowl- sponding WordNet gloss d ∈ D, which serves as edge of a concept such as bank (a financial institu- the gold answer a. The same is done for ISA rea- tion), we provide an example sentence he cashed soning; each question about a hypernym/hyponym a check at the bank, to help disambiguate the par- relation between two concepts c →↑/↓ c0 ∈ T ticular sense of bank we are probing. Sentential i (e.g., dog →↑/↓ animal/terrier) first intro- contexts also provide additional hints to models duces a context for c and then asks for an answer in cases of rare or infrequent concepts.5 Since that identifies c0 (which is also provided with a 5Given the open-domain nature of WordNet, not all gloss so as to contain all available context). probed concepts may have explicitly been observed during r 0 In the latter case, the rules (isa , c, c ) ∈ Ti QA training. Nevertheless, unlike prior probing studies in Table2 cover only direct ISA links from c in (Petroni et al., 2019), we did not see a substantial perfor- mance disparity between observed and unobserved concepts direction r ∈ {↑, ↓}. In practice, for each c and r, across our models, perhaps owing to the provided contexts. we construct tests that cover the set HOPS(c, r) Target Concept Example Question Inferences (target answers in symbolic form) trouser.n.01, gloss: a gar- q. In he had a sharp crease in his trousers, the trouser.n.01 => consumer_goods.n.01 ment extending from the word/phrase trousers is best defined as a type of trouser.n.01 => garment.n.01 waist to the knee or ankle trouser.n.01 => commodity.n.01 covering each leg.. trouser.n.01 => clothing.n.01 oppose.v.06, gloss: be re- q. In the sentence or expression The board op- oppose.v.06 <= protest.v.02 sistant to posed his motion, the following is a more specific oppose.v.06 <= veto.v.01 type of opposed [or opposition] oppose.v.06 <= demonstrate.v.04 poet_laureate.n.01, gloss: q. Given the fragment he is the poet laureate of poet_laureate.n.01=>poet.n.01 a poet who is ... holding an Arkansas, poet laureate ... is best described as a poet_laureate.n.01=>communicator.n.01 honorary position... type of poet_laureate.n.01=>writer.n.01

Table 3: Semantic clusters for three target concepts, involving ISA reasoning. of all direct as well as derived ISA relations of c: 2) the types of distractors (or distractor perturba- tions) that are employed. We call such sets seman- n r 0 0 HOPS(c, r):= (isa , c, c ) ∈ Ti ∪ HOPS(c , r) tic clusters. Table3 shows three examples, capturing ISA This allows us to evaluate the extent to which mod- reasoning about the following target concepts: els are able to handle complex forms of reasoning trousers, opposing, and poet laureate. Such clus- 6 that require several inferential steps or hops. ters enable new types of evaluation of the compre- Distractor Generation: DISTR(τ 0). Figure2 hensiveness and consistency of a model’s knowl- shows an example of how distractors are gener- edge of target concepts. ated, relying on similar principles as above. For 3.1.2 Summary of Probe Datasets each concept c, we choose 4 distractor answers Details of the individual datasets, including aver- that are close in the WordNet semantic space. For age cluster sizes, are summarized in Table4. example, when constructing hypernymy tests for c from the set HOPS(c, ↑), we draw distractors from Probe # Questions Cluster Size # Synsets HOPS(c, ↓), as well as from the `-deep sister fam- (Unique / w Perturb.) (Avg.) (or concepts) Hypernymy 19,705 / 35,094 5 7,849 ily of c, defined as follows. The 1-deep sister fam- Hyponymy 6,697 / 35,243 11 3,452 ily is simply c’s siblings or sisters, i.e., the other Synonymy 28,254 / 91,069 6 15,632 0 Definitions 31,380 / 148,662 10 15,159 children c˜ 6= c of the parent node c of c. For WordSense ∼7,000 / – 1 ∼7,000 ` > 1, the `-deep sister family also includes all descendants of each c˜ up to ` − 1 levels deep, de- Table 4: Details of our dataset probes, including both the number of unique (q, a) pairs (for WordNetQA) noted HOPS (˜c, ↓). Formally: `−1 and the number of all questions including distractor n choice perturbations (w Perturb.). SISTER`(c) := x ∈ HOPS`−1(˜c, ↓) | ↑ 0 From these sets, we follow Richardson et al. (isa , c, c ) ∈ Ti, (2020) in allocating a maximum of 3k examples ↑ 0 o (isa , c,˜ c ) ∈ Ti, c˜ 6= c for inoculating the models in the manner described in the next section (i.e., for continuing to train QA For definitions and synonyms, we build distrac- models and introduce them to the format of our tors from all of these sets (with a similar depth probes), and reserve the rest for development and limit for SISTER distractors), enabling a system- testing. In particular, we build large development atic investigation via a wide range of distractors. sets, which are important for performing detailed 3.1.1 Perturbations and Semantic Clusters analysis and cluster-based evaluation. For each concept c (an atomic WordNet synset) 3.1.3 Human Performance and probe type (definitions, hypernymy, etc.), we We report human scores on the individual test sets have a wide variety of questions related to c that in WordNetQA (see bottom of Table7). This is manipulate 1) the complexity of reasoning that is done in two ways. involved (e.g., the number of inferential hops) and First, for our test sets generated for definitions 6In practice, most WordNet synsets have no more than 5 and synonyms that cover a large set of discon- hops. We use this as a default limit when building datasets. nected concepts in the WordNet graph and where it is infeasible to annotate individual instances of To buildQA examples, we use the same gener- concepts, we estimate human performance by hav- ation templates for definitions exemplified in Ta- ing crowd-workers on Amazon Mechanical Turk ble2 for WordNetQA. To construct distractors, we answer a random sample of 500 test questions. simply take alternative definitions for the target Scores are computed by taking the majority vote words that represent a different word sense (e.g., for each question among 5 annotators. This fol- the alternative definitions of gift in Table5), and lows exactly the evaluation protocol employed by randomly chosen definitions if needed to create a Nangia and Bowman(2019) and is a conservative 5-way multiple choice question. As above, we re- estimate in that crowd annotators received virtu- serve a maximum of 3k examples for training, and ally no training and no qualification exam before use the same amount for development. participating in the task. Our initial attempts at building this dataset Second, for our hypernymy and hyponymy test via standard random splitting resulted in certain sets, which cover a smaller number of densely- systematic biases, revealed by high performance connected concepts, we annotated smaller gold- of the choice-only model we used as a control. standard test sets that include a sample of around Among other factors, we found the use of defini- 2,000 random questions that cover a large propor- tions from entries without example sentences as tion of the concepts being probed and that have distractors (see again Table5) to have a surprising high human performance. To do this, we fol- correlation with such biases. Filtering such dis- low the annotation strategy described above, and tractors helped improve the quality of this probe. greedily apply filtering to remove questions in- For assessing human performance, we anno- correctly answered by human annotators, which tated a smaller gold-standard test set consisting of follows prior work on building evaluation sets around 1,100 questions using the crowd-sourcing for MCQA (Mihaylov et al., 2018; Talmor et al., elicitation setup described in Section 3.1. 2019b; Khot et al., 2020). 4 Probing Methodology and Modeling 3.2 DictionaryQA Given the probes above, we now can start to an- The DictionaryQA dataset is created from the - swer the empirical questions posed at the begin- glish dictionary GCIDE built largely from the ning. Our main focus is on looking at transformer- Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary (Web- based MCQA models trained on science bench- ster, 1913), which has previously been used in marks in Table6. We start with our target MCQA other NLP studies due to its large size and public models, as well as several control baselines. availability (Hill et al., 2016). Each dictionary en- try consists of a word, its part-of-speech, its defini- 4.1 Task Definition and Modeling tion, and an optional example sentence, as shown (d) (d) |D| Given a dataset D = {(q(d), {a , ..., a })} for an example in Table5. 1 N d consisting of pairs of questions stems q and an- GCIDE Dictionary Entries swer choices ai, the goal is to find the correct an- word: gift, pos: n., definition: Anything given; anything swer ai∗ that correctly answers each q. Through- voluntarily transferred by one person to another without out this paper, we look at 5-way multiple-choice compensation; a present; entry example: None. word: gift, pos: n., definition: A bribe; anything given to problems (i.e., where each N = 5). corrupt. entry example: None. word: gift, pos: n., definition: Some exception inborn qual- Question+Answer Encoder. Our investigation ity or characteristic; a striking or special talent or aptitude;.. centers around the use of the transformer-based entry example: the gift of wit; a gift for speaking. BERT encoder and fine-tuning approach of Devlin Table 5: Example dictionary entries for the word gift. et al.(2019) (see also Radford et al.(2018)). For (j) each question and individual answer pair qai , we Overall, 33k entries (out of a total of 155k) con- assume the following rendering of this input: tain example sentences/usages. As with the Word- Net probes, we focus on this subset so as to con- (j) [CLS] q(j) [SEP] a(j) [SEP] qai := i textualize each word being probed. Since GCIDE does not have ISA relations or explicit synsets, we This is run through the pre-trained BERT encoder (j) take each unique entry to be a distinct sense. Our to generate a representation for qai using the hid- probe centers around word-sense disambiguation. den state representation for CLS (i.e., the classifier (j) (j) H token): ci = BERT(qai ) ∈ R . The prob- A slight variant of this model, the Choice-to- (j) choice model, tries to single out a given answer ability of a given answer pi is then standardly computed using an additional classification layer choice relative to other choices by scoring all (j) (j) (j) TT over cj, which is optimized (along with the full choice pairs αi,i0 = A (rci , rci0 ) ∈ R using a transformer network) by taking the final loss of the learned attention mechanism ATT and finding the probability of each correct answer pi∗ over all an- choice with the minimal similarity to other options P (d) (for full details, see their original paper). In using swer choices, i.e., L = d∈|D| − log pi∗ . We specifically use BERT-large uncased with these partial-input baselines, which we train di- whole-word masking, as well as the RoBERTa- rectly on each target probe, we can check whether large model from Liu et al.(2019b), which is systematic biases related to answer choices were a more robustly trained version of the original introduced into the data creation process. BERT model. Our system uses the implementa- A Question-to-choice model, in contrast, uses tions provided in AllenNLP (Gardner et al., 2018) the contextual representations for each question and Huggingface (Wolf et al., 2019). and individual choice and an attention model ATT (j) (j) (j) model to get a score αq,i = ATT(rq , rci ) ∈ R Baselines and Sanity Checks. When creating as above. Here we also experiment with using synthetic datasets, it is important to ensure that ESIM (Chen et al., 2017) to generate the con- systematic biases, or annotation artifacts (Guru- textual representations for q, ci (which includes rangan et al., 2018), are not introduced into the re- token-wise attention), as well as a VecSimilar- sulting probes and that the target datasets are suf- ity model that measures the average (cosine) vec- ficiently challenging (or good, in the sense of He- tor similarity between question and answer to- witt and Liang(2019)). To test for this, we use (j) (j) kens: α = SIM(EMBED(q(j)), EMBED(c )). several of the MCQA baseline models first intro- q,i i These sets of baselines, which have been shown duced in Mihaylov et al.(2018), which take in- to be weak on other benchmark MCQA tasks, are spiration from the LSTM-based models used in primarily used not as competitive models but to Conneau et al.(2017) for NLI and various partial- check for artifacts between questions and answers input baselines based on these models. that are not captured in the partial-input baselines. Following Mihaylov et al.(2018)’s notation, for This helps ensure that the overall MCQA probing (j) (j) (j) any sequence s of tokens in {q , a1 , ..., aN } ∈ tasks are sufficiently difficult. D, an encoding of s is given as the following:

(j) |s|×2h 4.2 Inoculation and Pre-training hs = BiLSTM(EMBED(s)) ∈ R , Using the various models introduced above, we where h is the dimension of the hidden state in train these models on benchmark tasks in the sci- each directional network, and EMBED(·) assigns ence domain and look at model performance on a token-level embeddings to each token in s7.A our probes with and without additional training on contextual representation for each s is then built samples of probe data, building on the idea of in- by applying an element-wise max operation over oculation from Liu et al.(2019a). Model inocu- h as follows: s lation is the idea of continuing to train models on (j) (j) 2h new challenge tasks (in our cases, separately for rs = max(hs ) ∈ R each probe) using only a small amount of exam- With these contextual representations, different ples. Unlike in ordinary fine-tuning, the goal is not baseline models can be constructed. For exam- to learn an entirely re-purposed model, but to im- ple, a Choice-Only model, a variant of the well- prove on (or vaccinate against) particular phenom- known hypothesis-only baseline used in NLI (Po- ena (e.g., our synthetic probes) that potentially de- liak et al., 2018b), scores each choice ci in the fol- viate from a model’s original training distribution. (j) T (j) T 2h lowing way: αi = W rci ∈ R for W ∈ R Following a variant proposed by Richardson independently of the question and assigns a prob- et al.(2020), for each pre-trained (science) model (j) α(j) ability to each answer pi ∝ e i . and architecture Ma we continue training the model on k new probe examples (with a maximum 7As in Mihaylov et al.(2018), we experiment with us- ing both GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014) and ELMo (Peters of k = 3000) under a set of hyper-parameter con- et al., 2018) pre-trained embeddings for EMBED. figurations {1, ..., J} and identify, for each k, the a,k model M∗ with the best aggregate performance add-some inoculation, which involves balancing S on the original (orig) and new task: the inoculation training sets with naturalistic sci- ence questions. We reserve the MCQL dataset in   a,k Table6 for this purpose, and experiment with bal- M∗ = arg max AVG Snew(M),Sorig(M) a,k a,k ancing each probe example with one science ex- M∈{M1 ,...,MJ } ample (x1 matching) and adding twice as many As in Richardson et al.(2020), we performed com- science questions (x2 matching, up to 3k) for each prehensive hyper-parameter searches that target new example. especially learning rates and # training iterations. Using this methodology, we can see how much 4.3 Evaluating Model Competence exposure to new data it takes for a given model We use instance-level accuracy, the standard to master a new task, and whether there are phe- overall accuracy of correct answer prediction (as nomena that stress particular models (e.g., lead to in Table7). In addition, we also propose to mea- catastrophic forgetting of the original task). Given sure a model’s cluster-level (or strict cluster) ac- the restrictions on the number of fine-tuning exam- curacy, which requires correctly answering all ples, our assumption is that when models are able questions in a semantic cluster (cf. Section 3.1.1). to maintain good performance on their original Our cluster-based analysis is motivated by the task during inoculation, the quickness with which idea that if a model truly knows the meaning of a they are able to learn the inoculated task provides given concept then it should be able to answer ar- evidence of prior competence, which is precisely bitrary questions about this concept without sensi- what we aim to probe. To measure past perfor- tivity to varied distractors. While our strict cluster mance, we define a model’s inoculation cost as metric is simplistic, it takes inspiration from work the difference in the performance of this model on visual QA (Shah et al., 2019), and allows us on its original task before and after inoculation, to evaluate a model’s consistency and robustness which serves as a control on the target QA model. across our different probes, and to get insight into We pre-train on an aggregated training set of all whether errors are concentrated on a small set of 8 benchmark science exams in Table6. concepts or widespread across different clusters. Science Datasets #Questions N The ability of a model to answer several ques- OpenBookQA Mihaylov et al. 2018 4,957 4 tions about a single concept can be thought of as SciQ Welbl et al. 2017 11,675 4 a type of certificate (i.e., further justification and TextBookQA Kembhavi et al. 2017 7,611 4/5 demonstration) of general understanding of that ARC Dataset++ Clark et al. 2018 4,035 4/5 concept in the sense of Ranta(2017). MCQL Liang et al. 2018 6,318 4 Science Collection (total) 34,596 5 5 Results and Findings Table 6: The MCQA training datasets used. #Question denotes the number of training samples in our version We begin with an assessment to ensure that our of each dataset, N the number of choices. probes are sufficiently difficult to provide mean- ingful insights into strong models (Section 5.1), In line with our goal of obtaining insights into then assess the strength of pre-trained QA mod- the strongest QA models, we first pre-trained our els (Section 5.2) and whether they can be effec- RoBERTa-large model on the RACE dataset (Lai tively inoculated (Section 5.3), and finally present et al., 2017), a recipe used by several leading mod- a cluster-based consistency analysis (Section 5.4). els on science benchmarks. and created an aggre- gate development set of ∼4k science questions for 5.1 Are our probes sufficiently challenging? evaluating overall science performance and inocu- Partial-input baseline models, Choice-Only and lation cost. To handle a varying number of answer Choice-to-Choice, generally performed poorly on choices in these sets, we made all sets 5-way by our probes (cf. Table7, group 1), indicating lim- adding empty answers as needed. We also experi- ited biases in distractor generation. Initial versions mented with a slight variant of inoculation, called of DictionaryQA had unforeseen biases partly re- lated to distractors sampled from entries without 8To save space, we do not report scores for each individual science dataset, but we did verify that our best models achieve example sentences (cf. Section 3.2), which re- results comparable to the state of the art for each dataset. sulted in high (56%) Choice-Only-GloVe scores WordNetQA DictionaryQA Definitions Synonymy Hypernymy Hyponymy Word sense Model (Dev/Test) (Dev/Test) (Dev/Test) (Dev/Test) (Dev/Test) Group 1: Baselines (direct training on 3k probes) Random 19.9 / 20.0 19.8 / 19.8 19.9 / 20.0 20.2 / 21.0 20.0 / 19.0 Choice-Only-GloVe 26.6 / 26.1 36.9 / 36.1 42.5 / 46.0 34.3 / 34.4 35.0 / 32.1 Choice-Only-BERT 22.9 / 23.2 41.1 / 39.4 63.8 / 54.4 35.7 / 35.1 36.6 / 31.7 Choice-Only-RoBERTa 26.8 / 28.6 40.9 / 40.1 62.3 / 57.3 37.8 / 37.5 38.0 / 31.7 Choice-to-Choice-GloVe 26.4 / 28.1 40.1 / 35.0 47.0 / 35.5 35.4 / 36.1 37.3 / 33.3 Question-to-Choice-VecSimilarity 33.4 / 32.1 31.7 / 30.7 28.9 / 33.0 26.2 / 28.8 29.5 / 33.1 Group 2: Task-Specific (non-transformer) Models Question-to-Choice-GloVe 53.6 / 51.8 57.3 / 55.3 50.4 / 47.0 61.6 / 64.2 53.2 / 53.5 Question-to-Choice-ELMO 42.3 / 41.6 58.6 / 56.0 56.0 / 51.5 54.8 / 56.3 51.6 / 52.1 Group 3: Science Models (no fine-tuning or direct training on probes) ESIM-GloVe 27.5 / 28.3 25.1 / 26.1 27.0 / 33.0 23.6 / 24.8 31.9 / 32.5 ESIM-ELMO 23.1 / 24.0 21.1 / 21.5 27.1 / 32.7 18.0 / 18.5 28.3 / 31.5 BERT 54.1 / 55.7 58.8 / 60.9 43.2 / 51.0 24.0 / 27.0 43.0 / 42.9 RoBERTa 74.1 / 77.1 61.1 / 64.2 53.2 / 71.0 48.5 / 58.6 53.0 / 55.1 Group 4: Science Models (best aggregate model M∗ fine-tuned on probes; inoculation cost is shown in parenthesis) ESIM-GloVe 46.2 / 42.4 (-6.27) 50.4 / 47.3 (-6.84) 56.6 / 52.9 (-5.69) 59.1 / 61.1 (-5.10) 50.0 / 55.3 (-7.09) BERT 84.0 / 84.1 (-1.15) 79.6 / 79.7 (-0.44) 73.8 / 82.7 (-0.49) 79.8 / 88.0 (-0.92) 75.6 / 79.1 (-2.84) RoBERTa 89.0 / 89.3 (-1.33) 81.2 / 81.3 (-1.31) 77.7 / 87.7 (-0.74) 81.2 / 89.4 (-1.64) 80.0 / 85.9 (-2.23) Human Performance (estimates) – / 91.2% – / 87.4% – / 96%† – / 95.5%† – / 95.6%†

Table 7: Instance-level accuracy (%) of all baselines (group 1), task-specific non-transformer QA models (group 2), pre-trained MCQA models (zero-shot, group 3), and MCQA models after fine-tuning on our probes (group 4). Human scores marked with † represent scores on gold-standard annotated test sets. before such distractors were filtered out. dom chance. In sharp contrast, the transformer One exception is our hypernymy probe models have mixed results, the most striking be- where, despite several attempts at filtering data ing RoBERTa QA models on the definitions, and de-duplicating splits (w.r.t. correct answer synonymy and hypernymy test probes (achiev- and distractor types), the Choice-to-Choice- ing 77%, 64%, and 71% resp.), which substan- BERT/RoBERTa models achieve over 60% tially outperform even task-specific LSTM models accuracy. The nature of the biases here remains trained directly on the probes. Throughout all of unclear, highlighting the importance of hav- these results, however, model performance is sig- ing rigorous baselines as unintended biases in nificantly behind human performance. expert knowledge can carry over to resulting At first glance, these zero-shot results suggest datasets. We also note the large gap between RoBERTa’s high competence on these phenom- the BERT/RoBERTa versus GloVe choice-only ena. A closer scrutiny enabled by our controlled models, emphasizing the need for using the best probes, however, provides a more subtle picture. available models even in partial-input baselines. Each heat map in Figure3 breaks down the perfor- A more conventional set of Task-Specific mance of an ESIM or RoBERTa QA model based QA models (i.e., the LSTM-based Question-to- on the difficulty of the probe dataset (rows) and Choice models trained directly on the probes) the nature of the distractors (columns). is not particularly strong on any of the datasets Across all datasets and number of hops in the (cf. Table7, group 2), suggesting our probes question (i.e., all rows), zero-shot model perfor- are indeed sufficiently challenging and largely mance for RoBERTa (bottom-left heat map) is immune from overt artifacts. The poor per- consistently highest among examples with random formance of the VecSimilarity (which uses pre- distractors (the first column) and lowest when dis- trained Word2Vec embeddings without additional tractors are closest in WordNet space (e.g., sis- training) provides additional evidence of the insuf- ter and ISA, or up/down, distractors at distance ficiency of elementary lexical matching strategies. k0 = 1). For example, RoBERTa’s zero-shot score drops from 88% to 64% when going from random 5.2 How strong are pre-trained QA models? distractors to up/down distractors at k0 = 1. Non-transformer science models, such as ESIM Further, model performance also clearly de- with GloVe or ELMo, struggle with all probes grades for hypernymy and hyponymy as k, the (cf. Table7, group 3), often scoring near ran- number of hops in the question, increases (see ESIM+GloVe-Science (no-training) ESIM+GloVe-Science (100 ex.) ESIM+GloVe-Science (3000 ex.)

RoBERTa-Science (no-training) RoBERTa-Science (100 ex.) RoBERTa-Science (3000 ex.)

Figure 3: Combined model accuracies on the different WordNetQA datasets (divided by 4 bold lines) broken down (where possible) into number of hops k (rows) and types of distractor sets and hops k0 (rows) across the different stages of inoculation (# ex.). The 4 dashed lines show some trends related to multi-hop inference. red dashed boxes). For example, the accuracy on served earlier for NLI (Richardson et al., 2020). questions involving hyponym reasoning with sis- Figure4 shows the corresponding learning ter distractors of k0 = 1 (column 2) degrades from curves. Transformer QA models learn most tasks 47% to only 15% as k increases from 1 to 4. This quickly while maintaining constant scores on their general tendency persists despite additional fine- original tasks (flat dashed lines, plots 1-4), provid- tuning, providing evidence of the limited ability ing evidence of high competence. For BERT and of these models to perform multi-hop inference. RoBERTa, add-some inoculation (a) improves scores on the probing tasks (solid black and blue 5.3 Can models be effectively inoculated? lines, plot 1) and (b) minimizes loss on the original How well do probe generation templates align task (dashed blue and black lines, plots 2-4). with the science training distribution (which we ESIM behaves quite the opposite (plots 5-6), know little about) can significantly impact zero- generally unable to learn individual probes with- shot performance (Petroni et al., 2019). Zero-shot out degrading on its original task. More science results above thus provide a lower bound on model data during inoculation confuses it on both tasks. competence on the probed phenomena. We next As the middle-bottom plot of Figure3 shows, consider a probe-specific fine-tuning or inocula- RoBERTa’s performance improves significantly tion step, allowing models to learn target templates (e.g., from 59% to 77% on 2-hop hyponymy with and couple this with knowledge acquired during random distractors) even after inoculation with a pre-training and science training. mere 100 examples, providing strong evidence of Accuracy after inoculation on 3K probe in- prior competence. After 3k examples, it performs stances is shown (with inoculation cost in paren- well on virtually all probes. However, results still thesis) in group 4 of Table7, for the model with notably degrade with the number of hops and dis- the highest aggregate score on the original task tractor complexity, as discussed earlier, and we and new probe. Transformer-based models again still find its performance to be between 2%-10% outperform non-transformer ones, and better mod- behind human performance. els correlate with lower inoculation costs. E.g., on synonymy, ESIM’s inoculation cost is 7%, but 5.4 Are models consistent across clusters? only ∼1% for BERT and RoBERTa. This empha- Table8 shows mixed results for cluster-level ac- sizes the high capacity of transformer QA models curacy across the different WordNetQA probes. to absorb new phenomena at minimal cost, as ob- Our best model is rather robust on the definitions Definitions Synonymy Hypernymy Hyponymy Model Strict Cluster Accuracy (∆) Choice-Only 14.7 (-12.0) 18.5 (-22.3) 34.6 (-27.6) 4.1 (-33.7) ESIM 30.2 (-15.9) 23.3 (-26.9) 29.2 (-27.3) 15.2 (-43.8) BERT 68.5 (-15.5) 58.1 (-21.5) 49.0 (-24.8) 34.0 (-45.4) RoBERTa 75.0 (-13.9) 61.7 (-19.4) 54.0 (-23.2) 36.7 (-44.4)

Table 8: Cluster-level accuracies (%) on the Word- NetQA dev. sets for inoculated models and best Choice-only model. ∆ show the absolute difference in percentage points with instance-level accuracies.

graphs and taxonomies. We introduced several new silver-standard datasets for systematically probing state-of-the-art open-domain QA models. While our focus was on probing definitions and ISA reasoning, the methodology is amendable to any target knowledge resource or QA domain. We see synthetic datasets and our general methodol- ogy as an inexpensive supplement to recent large- scale investment in naturalistic QA dataset con- Figure 4: Inoculation plots with accuracy on challenge struction (Zellers et al., 2018; Sakaguchi et al., tasks (red/circle solid lines) and original tasks (red/cir- 2020) to help better understand today’s models. cle dashed lines) using the best aggregate model M a,k ∗ We found transformer-based QA models to have at each k challenge examples (x axis). The effect of us- ing add-some inoculation is shown in the blue/square a remarkable ability to reason with complex forms (x1 match) and black/triangle (x2 match) lines. of relational knowledge, both with and without exposure to our new tasks. In the latter case (zero-shot), a newer RoBERTa QA model trained probe. RoBERTa QA’s cluster accuracy is 75%, only on benchmark data outperforms several task- meaning it can answer all questions correctly for specific LSTM-based models trained directly on 75% of the target concepts, and that errors are our probes. When inoculated using small samples concentrated on a small minority (25%) of con- (e.g., 100 examples) of probing data, RoBERTa cepts. On synonymy and hypernymy, both BERT masters many aspects of our probes with virtu- and RoBERTa are less strong but appear robust on ally no performance loss on its original QA task— a majority of concepts. In contrast, our best model which we use as a control on the probing quality. on hyponymy has an accuracy of only 36%, indi- Since these models seem to already contain con- cating that the RoBERTa QA models knows only siderable amounts of relational knowledge, our partially about a vast majority of concepts, leaving simple inoculation strategy, which nudges mod- substantial room for further improvement. els to bring out this knowledge explicitly while re- We emphasize that these results only provide a taining performance on their original task (hence crude look into model consistency and robustness. allowing a fairer probe of its knowledge by giv- Recalling dataset details in Table4, probes differ ing the model the opportunity to learn the probe in terms of the average size of clusters. For ex- format), could serve as a simpler alternative to de- ample, hyponymy, in virtue of having many more signing new model architectures explicitly encod- questions per cluster, might simply be a much ing such knowledge (Peters et al., 2019). more difficult dataset for our cluster-based eval- Regarding our focus on preserving a model per- uation. In addition, such a strict evaluation does formance on its original task, one might expect not take into account potentially erroneous ques- that re-training on relevant knowledge should im- tions within clusters, which is an important issue prove performance. Following other work in this that we leave for future work. area (Richardson et al., 2020; Yanaka et al., 2020), 6 Discussion we found that maintaining performance after ad- ditional fine-tuning on specialized datasets is al- We presented a new methodology for automati- ready a tall order given that models are suscep- cally building challenge datasets from knowledge tible to over-specialization; indeed, similar issues have been noticed in recent work on large-scale rect manner. Our assumption, similar to Clark transfer learning (Raffel et al., 2019). We believe et al.(2020), is that the ability of a model to that using inoculation for the sole purpose of im- mimic the input-output behavior of data generated proving model performance, which is beyond the using expert knowledge gives some evidence of scope of this paper, would likely require a more correctness in virtue of such data being correct sophisticated inoculation protocol. Devising more by construction (see discussion by Ranta(2017)). complex loss functions extending our inoculation We emphasize, however, that there are limits to strategy to help balance old and new information how much we can learn through this type of be- could help in this endeavor. havioral testing, given that models are suscepti- The main appeal of automatically generated ble to exploiting systematic biases in synthetic probes is the ability to systematically manipulate data and the general difficulty of disentangling a probe complexity, which in turn enables more con- model’s knowledge acquired during pre-training trolled experimentation as well as new forms of versus fine-tuning (Talmor et al., 2019a). We evaluation. It allowed us to study in detail the - therefore see efforts to combine behavioral testing fect of different types of distractors and the com- with various other analysis methods (Belinkov and plexity of required reasoning. This study showed Glass, 2019) that aim to uncover correlations and that even the best QA models, despite additional causal patterns between internal model represen- fine-tuning, struggle with harder categories of dis- tations and discrete structures (Chrupała and Al- tractors and with multi-hop inferences. For some ishahi, 2019; Vig et al., 2020; Geiger et al., 2020) probes, our cluster-based analysis revealed that - as a promising direction for future work. This, in rors are widespread across concept clusters, sug- combination with extending our probing strategy gesting that models are not always consistent and to other forms of expert knowledge, could prove robust. These results, taken together with our find- to be an effective way to engage others working ings about the vulnerability of synthetic datasets on linguistics and other areas of AI in state-of-the- to systematic biases and comparison with human art NLP research. scores, suggest that there is much room for im- Acknowledgments provement and that the positive results should be taken with a grain of salt. Developing better ways We thank the Action Editor and the three anony- to evaluate semantic clusters and model robustness mous reviewers for their thoughtful comments and would be a step in this direction. feedback. Thanks also to our colleagues at AI2, We emphasize that using synthetic versus natu- in particular Peter Clark, Daniel Khashabi, Tushar ralistic QA data comes with important trade-offs. 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