20/1/2009 23/1/2009 ୼Ր㔅⎄Ƚ䍘ࣗ਀いࣗ㓺Ѵࣔ ―ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼Ր਀―ᐔѣݹ㚊ਾՐ〱ӚݹᇫᒼޮᦆⅴҾᐔ᭵ᓒ 1967 ᒪᡶᗍい⌋Ԛҁɋいࣗࡇ㖐Ɍ䇨ᓝՐ PCCC and Persatuan Teong Guan Pulau Pinang handover the PCCC Economics, Finance & Taxation Committee organized Chap Goh Mei sponsorship to State Government the seminar on “Tax Penalties & Offences Under Income Tax Act 1967”

8/4/2009 10/4/2009 ᵢՐ䍺䇥ᐛ㢰㓺ф YGL Convergence (M) Sdn Bhd 㚊ࣔ 唇嗏⊕ⴷӰ≇᭵ᓒ㦻䇵୼Ր “ᓊሯ䠇㷃伄ᳪⲺߨ࠱ι൞ք▤ѣཱྀ䘑”⹊䇞Ր Courtesy Visit by Delegation of Heilongjiang Provincial PCCC Information Technology Committee and People’s Government, China YGL Convergence (M) Sdn Bhd jointly organized seminar on “Surviving the Shock – and Thriving”

10/3/2009 ୼⮂俌ᔶݾׁ䇴䶈୼ഘṳฯ᧛⨣Ӱ― Establishment of PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section 目录

2009 年度槟州中华总商会常年会员大会议案 A1

2009 年董事会/ 执行董事会/ 信理员 1

工作组名表 2

特别小组名表/ 青商团名表 3

出席董事会议次数记录/ 执行董事会议次数记录 4

受封勋衔和受委赐之董事及会员 / 会员名额 5

出任公共机构代表 6

各项会议召开次数、出国 / 国内访问代表团、活动列项、莅访之代表团 / 嘉宾 8

常年会务及活动报告 10


Minutes of Annual General Meeting for 2009 B1

2009 General Committee / Executive Committee / Trustees 18

Working Committees 19

Ad-Hoc Committees / Young Entrepreneur Section 20

Attendance Record of General Committee Meetings / Executive Committee Meetings 21

List of Members Conferred with Meritorial Awards / Membership Composition 22

Chamber’s Representatives on Public Bodies 23

Number of Meetings, Chamber’s Missions Abroad / PCCC Delegation at Home, List of Activities 24

Visit of Foreign Trade Delegations / Representatives to the Chamber 25

Events and Activities in 2009 26

2009 ᒪᓜ―ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼ՐᑮᒪՐ઎ཝՐ䇤Ṿ

ᰛᵕ φ2009 ᒪ 6 ᴾ 19 ᰛδ᱕ᵕӊε

ᰬ䰪 φсॾ 5 ᰬ↙

൦⛯ φ―ค᷍䘔ⲱ䐥θ丟⊕ᆜ䲘ཐ⭞䙊߭≊⽲ุ

࠰ᑣ φ䈭৸䰻䱺Ԭ 1 ਭ

䇦ᖋ φ㗷ѳႭȽᶄ䠇ᷓȽ唄ᗭᮅȽᶄ֟᱕

ѱᑣ φ䱾ളᒩ

ཝ Ր 㔅 䗽

1. ཝՐѱᑣ㠪䈃

ཝՐѱᑣѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩ൞ᑮᒪՐ઎ཝՐр㠪䈃ᰬ㺞⽰θ308 ᭵⋱⎭ம੄θᡇԢԃ ❬༺൞жѠ਎䶟Ⲻᰬԙ Ⱦ୼Րᱥ঄୼Ⲻᴶ儎亼ሲᵰᶺ θഖ↚ᇼ࠽ީ⌞᭵ᓒྸ֋൞ь ⮂㔅⎄ধᵰㅲ㖟сθᑜ亼Ӱ≇䎦࠰䱪ᖧȾ

Ԍҕ䪾ሯᮦ亯≇⭕ཝ䰤从㺞䗴୼ՐⲺ㄁൰ૂ᝵Ქ Ⱦㅢж亯ᴶѰ䠃㾷Ⲻᱥ φѣཤ᭵ᓒ ф―ᐔ᭵ᓒⲺӈࣞީ㌱ θഖѰਠᴿњ㘻䰪ᣑᔶ᭵⋱ᡆ㿷 θѰӰ≇Ⲻ࡟ⴀ㙂ᩰᢁਾ֒ ᢃ㜳䗴㠪ਂ䎘Ⲻቶ䶘θੜࡏ―คሼഖ䍺䠇Ⲻ㕰҅㙂ᥥ㗻䳴伔Ⱦ

ㅢӂ亯䠃㾷Ⲻ䇤从ᱥᑂᵑ≇㚊ᐔ᭵ᓒ䠃㿼ᖉсⲺ⋱⨼ૂሯᵠᶛ ਇኋⲺㆌࡈ θу㾷㘷 ഔᵑ䗽ৱθᴪу䴶㾷фࢃᵓ᭵ᓒ䳊グீ䈓Ⱦ

ㅢп亯䠃㾷ⲺӁ亯ᱥф᯻⑮ѐ⴮ީⲺ θ䛙ቧᱥ―คӡᴿ “Ӑ⍨㗄伕ཟุ”Ⲻ㗄䂿θ䘏 〃⢯㢨൞ޞь⮂ҕᱥ㔓ᰖӻᴿⲺȾ

Ԍ᤽࠰θቅ䍟㺂ѐжѠу㜳ഔ䚵Ⲻཝ䰤从ᱥড⭕ⲺᶗԬૂ䇴༽Ⲻу䏩 Ⱦഖ↚Ԍᔰ䇤 ᭵ᓒ࡬ᇐ㇗࡬ᯯṾθԛ⺤ؓ“Ӑ⍨㗄伕ཟุ”уᱥ⎠ᗍ㲐੃Ⱦ

Ԍᑂᵑ൞᷍ߖ㤧亼ሲсⲺ―ᐔ᭵ᓒ㜳▾ᓋⲺ᭯਎ࢃᵓ䚍⮏сᶛⲺ“ᴿ㿺ࡈ⋗㩳ᇔ”Ⲻ䍛 ㅊθ࣑࣠ᢉ䙖―คᡆѰжѠ੃ࢥެᇔⲺള䱻ཝ䜳ᐸθѰӰ≇䙖⿅Ⱦ

ᴿީ䇨䈃ޞᮽθ䈭৸䰻䱺Ԭ 2 ਭȾ

2. 㾼߼ 2008 ᒪ 5 ᴾ 31 ᰛࢃᵕՐ઎ཝՐ䇤Ṿ

2008 ᒪ 5 ᴾ 31 ᰛࢃᵕՐ઎ཝՐ䇤Ṿ൞哺ᵞ⋩ᨆ䇤θ䴭㔫ਿ䱺䇤сθཝՐж㠪䙐䗽⺤ 䇚㾼߼Ⱦ

3. ᧛㓩 2008 ᒪᓜᑮᒪᣛ઀Ҝ

2008 ᒪᓜᑮᒪᣛ઀Ҝθ൞ᤵ⶙䉘䈍ඐᨆ䇤 θ䱾ṇ䄫䱺䇤θՍᰖᔸ䇤сθཝՐж㠪䙐 䗽᧛㓩Ⱦ

4. ᧛㓩 2008 ᒪᓜ㔅びḛҁޞᒪ䍜ⴤᣛ઀

2008 ᒪᓜ㔅びḛҁ䍜ⴤᣛ઀ θ൞Սᰖᔸ䇤сθ⭧ᤵ⶙੪Ᲊᴿᨆ䇤θ⑟≮ᮽ䱺䇤θ㧭 ᗍՐՍж㠪䙐䗽Ҿԛ᧛㓩Ⱦ


5. 䇞䇰Ր઎ᨆṾ

ཝՐж㠪䙐䗽᧛㓩⭧Ր઎ᨆ੾ҁ 12 亯ᨆṾྸсφ

(1) ཝՐ਷䈭―ᐔ᭵ᓒ਀൦ᯯ᭵ᓒ᭴ᇳ᢯߼ぁᓅ θᒬᔰ䇤൦ᯯ᭵ᓒжㄏᕅഴ⎁᢯߼ѣ ᗹ᭴ᇳ⴮ީᶗׁԛࣖ䙕᢯߼ぁᓅȾ

(2) ཝՐ਷䈭―ᐔ᭵ᓒᣀᵠ୤࠰Ⲻൕ㪍ૂѣքԭঋփ㠠ࣞᔶ᭴ҾޢՍӰ༡䇚䍣 θᒬ ᭯ᡌ᫚⎾䲆࡬ᙝ/⾷࡬᧠᯳Ⱦؤ

(3) ཝՐ਷䈭ᐔ᭵ᓒ〥ᶷ᧞ࣞ θ䇟―คᡆѰ"ㅢӂᇬണ"䇗ࡈⲺ俌䘿൦⛯ θഖѰ䘏ሼ ׹䘑ᵢ൦ӝѐ亼ต਀᮪։㔅⎄Ⲻᡆ䮵Ⱦ

(4) ཝՐ਷䈭ᐔ᭵ᓒ䟽਌᧠᯳θ঩ᰬᕰ࡬㧭ᗍ᭵ᓒਾ㓜Ⲻޢਮ䳽㚎ᵢ൦ᐛӰȾ

(5) ཝՐ਷䈭ᐔ᭵ᓒࣖᕰ᧞ᒵᐔ޻᯻⑮ѐ θᒬԛ໔ࣖᡌࣖᕰ⧦ᴿ᯻⑮Ქ⛯ૂะᵢᔰ 䇴Ѱ䮵ᵕ໔ࣖ᯻ᇘⲺㆌ⮛Ⱦ

ཝՐ਷䈭ᐔ᭵ᓒሼҊ⋱ᐸᢉ䙖ᡆѰжѠሂᴿ⢯㢨伄 ݿⲺуདྷคᐸԛ੮ᕋᴪཐ⑮ (6) ᇘᶛ―ᐔθഖѰ䘏уӻሼਥ䎐਌ཌ≽ૂ⍱㔒Ҋ⋱ᐸⲺ୼ᵰ θੂᰬҕਥ䀙ߩഖᐸ ޻⇁ᰝ䚍൶ӝ⢟ᡶᕋ䎭Ⲻ⽴Ր䰤从Ⱦ

(7) ཝՐ਷䈭ѣཤ᭵ᓒ↙㿼―ค䓡Ѱޞളい᭬ㅢӂཐⲺᐔኔ θপਠ㧭ᗍѣཤ᭵ᓒᤞ ളㅢӂቇⲺу⴮〦∊ׁȾޞⅴᮦⴤѰ

ᵃⴤࢃⲺ䠇㷃ধᵰȾށཝՐ׹䈭਺㓝᭵ᓒѱࣞȽ〥ᶷȽᘡ䙕Ⲻ䟽਌ᓊሯࣔ⌋θ (8)

ཝՐલ਷᭵ᓒ⶙׹ള޻䠇㷃ᵰᶺㆶौ਀ࣖ䙕᢯߼਺亯䍭ⅴҁ⭩䈭 θੂᰬࣖ㍝ሯ (9) Ԏ䶔⌋䍭ⅴ⍱ࣞȾ

ཝڵਮ θԛ䀙ߩ䗽䐥䍯уᯣр⏞਀᭵ᓒ䴶㾷᤿ਾ㓜䎊ޢલ਷᭵ᓒ᭬䍣঍्ཝ䚉 (10) 䚉ޢਮⲺ䰤从Ⱦ

(11) ཝՐલ਷ᐔ᭵ᓒታᰟᤕᇐਚ䘯㇗⨼ ཝ 㬓ഴθᒬ࡬ᇐㅜਾᵢൕള᛻ф㔅⎄᭾ⴀⲺ ਚ䘯ᔰㆇ᤽঍ૂᶗ㿺θԛ⺤ؓᐔ޻Ⲻਇኋ਀㔅⎄⍱ࣞу਍ᖧଃȾ

ཝՐ׹䈭ᐔ޻ቅ䍟ᨆॽ⧥ູড⭕ૂ⧥ؓᝅ䇼 θ⺤ؓ⭕ᝅ㔅㩛䲚Ҽ䉁⭕ҁཌ θҕ (12) ࠰䍗⥤ȾڐਥԛѰ⧥ؓᐛ֒

р䘦 12 亯ᨆṾ䈜᛻θ䈭৸䰻䱺Ԭ 3 ਭȾ

ཝՐ㠩сॾ 6 ᰬᇙ઀㔉ᶕȾ


A2 䱺Ԭ 1 ਭ

―ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼Ր 2009 ᒪᓜᑮᒪՐ઎ཝՐ࠰ᑣ㘻੃㺞  δ࠰ᑣ㘻ާ 110 ੃ε    ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩȽ঍ዑ࡬㺙ᴿ䲆ޢਮ - ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩȽ঄㗄ᔰㆇᐛぁᴿ䲆ޢਮᤵ ⶙傼㛨᱄Ƚᤵ⶙傼㛨᱄Ƚᶄ⪒―Ƚ䱾ᱴ㼋Ƚ᷍䍫ุȽ␱ਇުᐛѐᴿ䲆ޢਮ ᷍䍫ุȽ䴭㔫 ≯ਮ ᤵ⶙ᶄ≮ݿȽᤵ⶙ᶄޢਮ 䴭㔫ਿȽ哺⛄ਇȽᚈ䇦ᴿ䲆ޢਿȽ䮵⊕⑮㡯᯻⑮ᴿ䲆 ਮ 䱾ṇ䇖ޢਮ ᒺ৛ᡆ Ƚᒺ৛ᡆ Ƚ䱾ṇ䇖঍ȽѦ࡟䳻ᐛѐᴿ䲆ޢݿȽ⧁㦙ᱛ Ƚᒺ≅ᴿ䲆 ঍Ƚᤵ⶙᷍ѣ䘑ȽA.A ᆿཐቲ㛗⾞㔅㓠୼ ᤵ⶙᷍ѣ䘑Ƚ哺ᵞ⋩Ƚ亰伄δ―คεᴿ䲆ޢਮ 䴭ᗭ㤸Ƚᤵ⶙哺䭜ૂȽᤵ⶙䉘䈍ඐঐ༡Ƚѣളᡆ㦥㦥䞈ѣᗹ ―ค ᴿ䲆ޢਮᤵ⶙䉘䈍 ඐঐ༡Ƚᤵ⶙੪ᲉᴿȽᤵ⶙ቚ⪔ᒼȽEwein Bhd.ᤵ⶙ቚ⪔ᒼȽ傼⌳ᐓȽᐓՕӊ䠇୼ᴿ䲆 ޢਮ傼⌳ᐓȽ੪⿅⎭ȽLead Rating Sdn. Bhd.ᤵ⶙哺㔝ᵞặȽක㦙Էѐ䘆䗉ᴿ䲆ޢਮ ⊕කᡆȽ⊕කᡆȽ᷍䮵≿ȽEpigenic Corporation Sdn. Bhd.᷍䮵≿Ƚක㦙Էѐ䘆䗉ᴿ䲆ޢ ਮ⊕කᡆȽ⊕කᡆȽ⑟≮ᮽȽMBM Industries Sdn. Bhd.ઞचⴀȽ঍Ӑ䭶䭂䬆┼䫙ޢਮ 哺ᵞзȽ―ᐔᇬޭੂѐ୼Ր㖍ⓆⴑȽ䱾ᇬ⨔Ƚ―ᐔᔰㆇ᳞ᶆᯏ୼ޢՐ 䠇䭽⽴ 䱾ᇬ ⨔Ƚ―ਿ⧱䞧ണੂѐޢՐặᲥ䖿ȽặᲥ䖿Ƚ्傢঄୼⍁䍝ᐹ⯁ޢՐ᷍ᇍ䙮Ƚђ⍁࡬䙖 সᴿ䲆ޢਮ᷍ᇍ䙮Ƚ―ค䘑࠰ਙ୼ޢՐঘḩ㤸Ƚ―ᐔӊ䠇ᵰỦ୼ޢՐ᷍ጱᗭȽ࣑ 䗴δ्⎭εᵰỦӊ䠇ᴿ䲆ޢਮ᷍ጱᗭȽᤵ⶙⾓ਁᡆȽᤵ⶙䜣䳻≇Ƚѣ㗄⭫ಞᴿ䲆ޢਮ ᤵ⶙䜣䳻≇Ƚ―့ᰖ㓵⭫୼ޢՐᤵ⶙䜣䳻≇Ƚ⾓␻කᇔѐᴿ䲆ޢਮᤵ⶙⾓ਁᡆȽᤵ⶙ 䉘ളฯȽ䗴ѐӊ䠇ᴿ䲆ޢਮᤵ⶙䉘ളฯȽ့঄㺂Էѐδ傢εᴿ䲆ޢਮ⧁ᥥ⾛Ƚ䴭Ⓠૂ ᴿ䲆ޢਮ䱾Հ㗄Ƚ哺ᇅ༤Ƚᤵ⶙᷍ి≪Ƚൽ䇦㥬㺂ૌ஗㊿স᷍ᖟ঵Ƚ䙐⭞⭫㝇δ傢ε ᴿ䲆ޢਮ᷍ᖟ঵Ƚ㚊䗴ਇኋᴿ䲆ޢਮᆏ䈍䍚Ƚᤵ≶䛘ᱛ㧨Ƚ঄㗄᧝㛗ᴿ䲆ޢਮᤵ ≶䛘ᱛ㧨Ƚ傼㛨ሂȽⓆ㗄ਾ䇦ᇔѐᴿ䲆ޢਮ傼㛨ሂȽ傼㛨ᡆȽⓆ㗄ਾ䇦ᴿ䲆ޢਮ傼㛨 ᡆȽᶄ䭜⌘Ƚ呵᱂ᇔѐᴿ䲆ޢਮᶄ␻␻Ƚൽ䇦伕૷ᐛѐᴿ䲆ޢਮᶄ␻␻Ƚ㗄ⵕ俏ᴿ䲆 ՐޢਮՃᘍݿȽ―คቅ䍟୼ѐޢਮᤵ⶙䱾ᾐ䖟Ƚᤵ⶙䱾ᾐ䖟ȽѦӝ䙕߱伕૷ᴿ䲆ޢ ਮঘỉᡆȽؓ᷍ᗍȽᤵ⶙䛉ޢਮঘỉᡆȽᡆਇ㺂ᴿ䲆ޢᶞᲰ᜖Ƚ᷍ђ㤧Ƚ㤸᱂㺂ᴿ䲆 ളᖢȽ⧁ᙓࣽȽᤵ⶙㭗䬞ᘖȽᒵড়ᴿ䲆ޢਮᤵ⶙㭗䬞ᘖȽZeon ComputersδMεSdn. Bhd. ᶄ✊㢥ȽSim Educare & Learning Sdn. Bhd.ᶞ♐䎻Ƚ䜇≮ᆿȽളӇᴿ䲆ޢਮ ⧁ㅏ Ƚ┞䛙༡۝ਮ嗐Ҝޢ䗴ȽKBH䍺ᵢᇬᴿ䲆؀䗴Ƚ傼؀ਮ傼ޢ݋ȽՕѐᵃࣗ㇗⨼ᴿ䲆 ᧝㛗ᴿ䲆ޢਮ੪ᱛᶛȽ䠇ުӊ䠇ᴿ䲆ޢਮ᷍⿅ᶛȽ᷍㠠䠇ȽᕖьඐȽ࡟ӷᐛ㢰ᇬޭ ᓊѣᗹ哺⦿⨃ȽSeng & Leng Marketingבਮ哺⦿⨃Ƚള䊠⭫㝇ޢᕖьඐȽᶄ≮ݿ䍮᱉ ᶄᮅ⧨Ƚᶄള䊠Ƚᶄᮅ⧨Ƚ䱾ᥥⓆȽ䱾ളᆿȽ䱾ฯᡆȽ㤅ѿᶴȽ঍ዑদࣗᴿ䲆ޢਮ䱾 ളᆿȽ䱾ളሂȽ䱾ᲰࣽȽḥ⋩ԨȾ

䱺Ԭ 2 ਭ ―ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼Ր 2009 ᒪᓜᑮᒪՐ઎ཝՐ Ր䮵ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩ╊䇨䈃 19-6-2009

Ԁཟᱥ 308 ᭵⋱⎭ம੄Ⲻжᒪ৾пѠᴾθᡇԢԃ❬༺൞жѠ਎䶟ⲺᰬԙȾ䘏Ѡ਎䶟ᱥӰ≇ᕰ⛾䴶㾷Ⲻθ ҕᱥᵓ䠄᭵ސᗻ亱䶘ሯⲺ⧦ᇔȾ୼ՐᘓѰ঄୼Ⲻᴶ儎亼ሲᵰᶺᡶᇼ࠽ީ⌞Ⲻᱥ᭵ᓒྸ֋൞ь⮂㔅⎄ধ ᵰㅲ㖟сθᑜ亼Ӱ≇䎦࠰䱪ᖧȾഖ↚θᡇԀཟ㾷䪾ሯᮦ亯≇⭕ཝ䰤从㺞䗴୼ՐⲺ㄁൰ૂ᝵ᲥȾ

ㅢж亯ᴶѰ䠃㾷Ⲻᱥφѣཤ᭵ᓒф―ᐔ᭵ᓒⲺӈࣞީ㌱θ䘏ᱥᡇԢуᗍу↙㿼Ⲻཝ䈴从θഖѰਠᴿњ 㘻䰪ᣑᔶ᭵⋱ᡆ㿷θѰӰ≇Ⲻ࡟ⴀ㙂ᩰᢁਾ֒ᢃ㜳䗴㠪ਂ䎘Ⲻቶ䶘θੜࡏ―คሼഖ䍺䠇Ⲻ㕰҅㙂ᥥ㗻 䳴伔Ⱦ

ᒪ੄θ∅ᒪ䎻䗽 10 ӵݹθ 2006 ޛ൞䘏ᯯ䶘θᡇԢ⌞ᝅࡦ㚊䛜᭵ᓒሯ―ᐔ᭵ᓒⲺਇኋૂ䘆㩛ᤞⅴ㲳❬䘑 ൞ 2008 ᒪ䗴ࡦ 14 ӵ֏ݹȾռ൞䘏жᒪѣθ―ᐔᐛ୼ѐঋփ਀ѠӰ㕪㓩ѣཤⲺᡶᗍい儎䗴 30 ӵݹθ θ䘏〃ཧ䈹Ⲻ᭬᭴ᱥԚӰ䚍៴ⲺȾك᭵ᓒᤞⅴ儎࠰њ∍

ᣇᴿ䘑㘻θ㚊䛜᭵ᓒ൞ৱᒪѣሯㅢ 9 ཝ傢䇗ࡈ䘑㺂ѣᵕỶ䇞ᰬθ৾ሼ৕ᵢ 5 ᒪ޻ᤞਇⲺ 61 ӵݹਇኋ 䐥਀―ዑᆕݿ≪ඓᢟᔰⲺཝ䇗ࡈθֵࡦ―ค䶘ሯะޢ⧥䠇ࠅ㠩 14 ӵݹθ਌⎾Ҽঋ䖞䖱ᘡ䫷Ƚ―ዑཌ ᔰᐛぁሮ↛䳴〱Ⱦ䘏ሯࡐࡐᢝ᭵жᒪᴿ֏Ⲻ≇㚊᭵ᓒᱴ❬ᱥ᥿㾕㿷㛎ⲺȾ

ᵢՐⲺ㄁൰ᰘㆶঋ৾᱄⺤φᡇԢуਃሯ਌⎾ުᔰঋ䖞䖱ᘡ䫷਀―ዑཌ⧥ޢ䐥Ⲻᔰ䙖θռᕰ⛾᭥ᤷ᯦俌 ⴮㓩ਿᴿᝅᚘགྷᆕݿ≪ඓᢟᔰᐛぁȾф↚ੂᰬθ㚊䛜᭵ᓒᗻ亱䠃㿼―ዑ֒ѰжѠ⍱࣑ཝ䜳ᐸᱥ䴶㾷⭞ Ⲻ䈓ᶛ䈪φ“৾㾷؍ਜཌⲺ䇗ࡈᶛ਌ԙ㙂уᱥԱ⭧ᆹ൞⋗ᴿ᭯਎с৾㾷㔝㔣㕪㓩儎仓Ⲻᡶᗍいθ⭞䙐 傢ݵླθ৾㾷傢ݵуਹ㥿”θ䛙ᱥуਾ᛻⨼ҕᱥуㅜ䙱䗇ⲺȾ

ᡇԢᔰ䇤θ㚊䛜᭵ᓒф―ᐔ᭵ᓒ㚊ਾ⿷ӰԷѐ䘑㺂пᯯ䶘Ⲻਾ֒θ৸➝ཌളݾ䘑ളᇬሯዑኵӚ䙐Ⲻ᯦ ᕅ㿺ࡈθݻ࠼࡟⭞ዑኵ഑ઞⲺ⋵⎭൦ᑜުᔰ儎ᷬẛૂཝ䚉θԛ㕉䀙ዑ޻Ⲻᤛᥚу๠Ⲻ䖜䖼Ⱦ↙ྸުᔰ ᰛ㩳⍔ཝ䚉жṭθਥԛਜཌՎݾ䇴䇗Ԅ᯦ީԊ䀈ࡦዽ䜳зᇒѹ㠩⴪㩳ᐪᐭⲺ⋵⎭ཝ䚉θ߃䙐䗽ཝ䚉サ ᐓ⧦ᴿⲺዑ޻ޢ䐥θሯ䀙ߩӚ䙐Ⲻ䱱ດ㛥ᇐ᭬㄁ㄵ㿷ᖧҁ᭾ȾެԌⲺ䐥⇫Ⲻ᭯஺ҕਥԛ↚㊱᧞Ⱦ⭧ӄ ᰬ䰪㍝䘡ૂᓊሯㅢӂཝẛ൞ 2011 ᒪⲺᇂᐛθᡇԢу㜳߃܅ᰛ㩳⍔ཝ䚉䛙ṭθ䴶⭞ 10 ཐᒪⲺᰬ䰪ᢃ㜳 䙐䖜Ⱦ

䖜䖼ૂᗭ༡ҕՐᲤ਀θቧуᗻ䶖ঋ䖞⚡䖜֒Ѱ䖻ࣟᙝⲺӚ䙐ᐛޭθ∋ㄕᡇާޢжᰜᴿҼӚ䙐ཝ㬓ഴθ ཧҼȾڵԢҕ᣻ᗹঋ䖞⚡䖜㤛ᵠ䘸ᖉ㿺ࡈ㙂ᡆѰⲳ䊗ᐛぁθ䛙ቧᗍу

ഖ↚ᵢՐ਷䈭᯦俌⴮ᤵ⶙ᯥ䠂㓩ਿ␧ޛф䇚ⵕ൦অࣟ―คⲺਇኋȾжᰜ―คᗍ࡟ӄ㚊䛜Ⲻ䖻ࣟθҕՐ ഖᐛ୼ѐⲺުᰰֵࡦ㚊䛜ᴿᴪཐⲺい᭬ૂഔ᭬Ⱦ

ㅢӂ亯䠃㾷Ⲻ䇤从ᱥ䪾ሯ―ᐔ᭵ᓒ㙂ਇⲺ θᡇԢᑂᵑ≇㚊ᐔ᭵ᓒ䠃㿼ᖉсⲺ⋱⨼ૂሯᵠᶛਇኋⲺㆌ ࡈθу㾷㘷ഔᵑ䗽ৱθᴪу䴶㾷фࢃᵓ᭵ᓒ䳊グீ䈓θுுуՇȾᰘ❬Ӱ≇ᐨ֒࠰Ҽ䘿᤟θቧᱥ㾷ᴿ ᡶ᭯਎θ᭯਎ᱥੇࢃⵁ㙂уᱥੇ੄䖢θ―ᐔ᭵ᓒਥ䉉Ա䠃䚉䘒Ⱦ

ሯ↚ᡇԢ⌞ᝅࡦ―ᐔⴤࢃᤛᴿⲺ㔓ሯՎࣵᱥ―คҊ⋱ᐸެѣжѠ൦⇫ᐨ㻡㚊ਾള䢪ᇐѰ“ь⮂ᮽौ䚍 Ⲻ࣑࣠᧞ࣞૂ㔪ᣚȾṯᦤ䍺ᯏᱴ⽰θ―คⲺཌള⑮كӝ”॰Ⱦ䘏ᱥжѠᰖᖘⲺ㔅⎄ӝѐȽᗻ亱㾷⭞ਂ ᇘ൞ৱᒪޛ䚍੄ᐨ伔䏹ᡆ䮵θ㤛ԛৱᒪ儎䗴 630 н⑮ᇘӰ⅗ᶛⵁθԀᒪਥᵑ䗴ࡦжॹн⑮ᇘӰ⅗Ⲻシ

1 ҕᱥ人ᯏѣӁȾѰ↚ᡇ᝵ᝅ߃⅗਷䈭―ᐔ᭵ᓒθ৸➝ᡇԢৱᒪᨆ੾Ⲻك䚍ࢃⲺཐжޛ∍⹪ᙝᮦᆍθ䘒 ❭㜒Ⱦᖉޛ䚍॰θֵҁᴪࣖᕋӰޛᘎᖋф⿷Ӱ⮂ਾ࣑䇴㄁ᮽौ䚍ӝะ䠇㓺㓽θࣞ⭞ᡶ䴶Ⲻᤞⅴ㗄ौ༽ ᡇԢҕᑂᵑ㚊䛜᭵ᓒ໔ࣖᤞⅴؓᣚਚ䘯θ㔓ሯуݷ䇮㻡ᢉഔ৕ᖘθ䘏ሯ䶖᯻⑮ѐѰѱⲺ―ค㔅⎄ሼᱥ 㠪ળⲺᢉ࠱Ⱦ

ㅢп亯䠃㾷ⲺӁ亯ᱥф᯻⑮ѐ⴮ީⲺθ䛙ቧᱥ―คӡᴿ“Ӑ⍨㗄伕ཟุ”Ⲻ㗄䂿,൞ 2004 ᒪ㧭ᗍᰬԙઞ ь⮂ҕᱥ㔓ᰖӻᴿⲺȾṯᦤᡇԢᤛᴿⲺ䶔↙ᕅޞࡀӐ⍨⡾〦―คѰ“Ӑ⍨ᴶ֩㺍ཪቅ伕”θ䘏〃⢯㢨൞ 䍺ᯏᱴ⽰θ―คᴿ⢂➝Ⲻ⟕伕ቅ䍟䙴нԛрθ㙂ᵠᤛᴿᢝ➝ᡌቐ൞⭩䈭ᢝ➝Ⲻቅ䍟㓜ӂн֏Ѡθᙱ䇗 䎭ᶛঋঋԄӁ⟕伕Ⲻቅ䍟Ӱᮦ䎻䗽Ҽ 3 н੃θྸ᷒ࣖр䶔伕⢟Ⲻቅ䍟θᮦⴤᴪࣖᓔཝθਾ䎭ᶛҕуՐ ቇ䗽ӊнӰȾ᤿➝жѠᇬᓣᡆ઎഑Ӱᶛ䇗㇍θࡏᴿ 20 нⲺӰਙᱥ䶖᪀փ㔅㩛Ѱ⭕Ⲻθࠖখ―ᐔӰਙ Ⲻ 15%Ⱦ䘏ቧᱥ䈪θ䘏жཝ㗚ⲺӰਙ൞ᖾཝぁᓜрᱥ䴶㾷ᴪཐⲺ⑮ᇘⲺࡦᶛθԛ׵⭕ᝅުᰰȾྸ᷒㕰 ቇҼ⑮ᇘθ੄᷒ҕᱥуᮘᜩ䊗ⲺȾ䘏ҕᱥѰӶѾ―คᤛᴿޞ傢ᴶքⲺཧѐ⦽θਠখ 2.2%ᐜ਩θഖѰ ―ቅ䍟䉁⭕θужᇐ㾷ѰӰᢉᐛȾ⭧↚ਥ㿷θቅ䍟㺂ѐሯڐᔶᐛ֒ውփᡌсውⲺӰ䜳ਥԛ㠠ᐧᔶẙ⿱ ᐔⲺ㔅⎄ᱥॷ࠼䠃㾷Ⲻθਃ䗽ᶛҕഖቅ䍟Ⲻ⢯㢨੮ᕋҼᶛ㠠഑䶘ޡᯯⲺ⑮ᇘȾ

у䗽θу䇰ᡇԢྸ֋ⵁᖻቅ䍟㺂ѐθжѠу㜳ഔ䚵Ⲻཝ䰤从ᱥড⭕ⲺᶗԬૂ䇴༽Ⲻу䏩Ⱦཐቇᒪԛᶛθ ൞≪⋕у㜳䙐⭻θቧᱥ࢟֏و⊗⋯൞㺍䗯ᡌૌ஗ᓍᡌቅ䍟ᐸ൰᩼ঌⲺθᙱᱥ䶘ሯуড⭕Ⲻദᢦθуᱥ ൞䐥᯷ᵠ㻡༺⨼ᒨ߶Ⱦ䘏ѱ㾷ᱥжੇԛᶛᵠᴿ㢥ླⲺ㿺ࡈфᆿ㖤θҕ㺃و൞≪⋕䙖ᡆ䱱ດᡌو⢟Ⲻ伕 ⭕ҼӚ䙐䱱ດⲺ䰤从Ⱦ

㤛ᱥ᭵ᓒᵠ㜳ᴿжྍ㇗࡬ⲺᯯṾθуӻᴿ⻃ᐸᇯθҕՐഖ䇴᯳у䏩ᖧଃ⭕ᝅȾഖ↚ᡇԢᔰ䇤ሯ⧦ᴿⲺ ݻ䏩Ⲻ≪Ⓠૂ⭫⍷θᴪ㾷∅ཟ⌞ᝅ⋕⑖Ⲻ䙐⭻θ਀ᰬ␻⨼⊗ෘ਀ב䶘Ⲻ᭯஺θऻᤢᨆޞቅ䍟᪀ẙ䘑㺂 ඹ൴θੜࡏ᛻߫ሼՐᴪѰᚬौȾ

ᓭθᡇԢ׹䈭᭵ᓒχቚެᱥᐸ᭵ቶሯ⴮ީⲺ㺍䗯ቅ䍟ૂቅ䍟ቅᗹ䘑㺂ỶḛڛѰҼѐ㘻Ⲻ࡟ⴀૂӰ≇Ⲻ ૂ㔏Ҿᗻ㾷Ⲻ᤽ሲχྸᴿᗻ㾷θᆿ亵ԌԢ൞䘸ᖉⲺ൰ᡶ᩼ঌȾ

ਠᴿቅ䍟Ⲻ䞃ਾ਀ᐸ᭵ᢝ⌋Ӱ઎Ⲻⴇ⶙ᢃ㜳᭬ࡦ㢥ླ᭾᷒θԛ⺤ؓ“Ӑ⍨㗄伕ཟุ”уᱥ⎠ᗍ㲐੃Ⱦᦘ ਛ䈓䈪θ᭵ᓒᗻ亱㾷䟽਌ѱࣞᶛ䀙ߩཐᒪᶛⲺദᢦθу㜳߃㿼㙂у㿷ҼȾ

൞䘏ᯯ䶘θᡇԢ਷䈭ᐸ᭵ቶуᗻ㡃䘇≸䘒θࡦ㾵ᯯളᇬⲺคᐸ਌㔅θਠ㾷⍴࠰ऻᤢᴿቅ䍟㓺㓽ԙ㺞൞ ޻Ⲻ㘹ሕഘࡦਾ㢴䇵䰤θቧਥԛҼ䀙ᆹྸ֋ԄжѠ“ඹ൴คᐸ”䖢਎ᡆԀᰛⲺ␻⌷᯻⑮คᐸȾྸ᷒―ค 㾷࡭᯦ᐸᇯθᡇԢᓊ䈛ੇਾ㢴ⵁ喆Ⱦ

ⲺᢉᤲθӰ≇у㜳᧞ম䘏ᱥ᭵ᓒⲺ䍙Աф≇ޞᖉ❬θ⍍␻“ඹ൴คᐸ”Ⲻ⊗੃ᱥ㾷䶖᭵ᓒⲺԛ䓡֒ࡏૂ ᐧᰖީȾ୥ᴿਂ㇗喆сθᢃ㜳䘎৕“ђᯯ㣧ണ”Ⲻ㗄䂿Ⱦ

ᇔ᯦ࣖ඗䍺᭵ᶄݿ㘶ሯ―คⲺ䇺䈣ᱥѣ㛥фᇘ㿸ⲺȾ൞䗽ৱᔵᒪᶛθ―คⲺਇኋᱥॷ࠼㕉មⲺθҕެ ⋗ᴿཝ᭯਎ਥ䀶θ䳴ރᦾӰԛ᷺Ⱦᡇᑂᵑ൞᷍ߖ㤧亼ሲсⲺ―ᐔ᭵ᓒ㜳▾ᓋⲺ᭯਎ࢃᵓ䚍⮏сᶛⲺ“ᴿ 㿺ࡈ⋗㩳ᇔ”Ⲻ䍛ㅊθ࣑࣠ᢉ䙖―คᡆѰжѠ੃ࢥެᇔⲺള䱻ཝ䜳ᐸθѰӰ≇䙖⿅Ⱦ

㠩ӄެԌӁ亯ҕ൞ᡇԢԀᒪ 4 ᴾㅢӂᓜᨆ੾㔏―ᐔ᭵ᓒⲺ༽ᘎᖋѣᐨ䈜ࣖ䈪᱄θቧу߃䎎䘦ҼȾ


2 䱺Ԭ 3 ਭ/ Annex 3

2009 ᒪᓜՐ઎ཝՐᨆṾ Motions For PCCC 2009 Annual General Meeting

1κཝՐ਷䈭―ᐔ᭵ᓒ਀൦ᯯ᭵ᓒ᭴ᇳ᢯߼ぁᓅ θᒬᔰ䇤൦ᯯ᭵ᓒжㄏᕅഴ⎁᢯߼ѣᗹ᭴ᇳ ⴮ީᶗׁԛࣖ䙕᢯߼ぁᓅȾ

Ṿ⭧: ᐔૂ൦ᯯ᭵ᓒ൞ᵢ൦ӝѐᐸ൰Ⲻᡆ䮵ᢤ╊⵶䠃㾷Ⲻ䀈㢨Ⱦഖ↚θ൦ᯯ᭵ᓒжㄏᕅഴ ⎁᢯߼ѣᗹȽ―ዑᐸ᭵ቶૂ့ⴷᐸ᭵ቶⲺᇎ઎ᴿ䴶ᨆ儎᭾⦽ԛࣖ䙕ഴ⎁Ⲻ᢯߼ Ⱦ൦ ᯯᖉቶ㔅ᑮԛсࡍ⨼⭧ྸуㅜਾᶗ㿺 Ƚ䍺ᯏу喆ޞȽ䛱ቻਃሯ਀ެԌᢶᵥ䰤从ᶛ傩 ഔਇኋ⭩䈭Ⱦᴿ䢪ӄ↚θᡇԢᔰ䇤൦ᯯ᭵ᓒ᭴ᇳḆӑᶗׁྸᴿᶗԬ᢯߼ൕ൦䖢ᦘૂ ᒩ䶘ഴ⎁(ྸ 3 Ѡᴾ޻)ԛࣖ䙕᢯߼ぁᓅȾⴤࢃжㄏᕅഴ⎁᢯߼ѣᗹ䴶䍯ᰬ 6 Ѡᴾᶛ ᢯߼䖹уགྷᵸⲺ䇗ࡈχᴿ㘻ࡏ䴶䍯ᰬ䎻䗽 1 ᒪθㄥ㿼ᴿީഔ侾Ƚᢶᵥ䰤从ૂᐛぁⲺ གྷᵸᙝ㙂ᇐȾ


1. To urge the Penang State and Local Governments to relax approval procedures and to propose that MPPP/MPSP One Stop Centre should relax the relevant rules to accelerate approval process.

Rationale: The role played by the state and local governments is crucial in the growth of the local property market. Hence, the efficiency of One Stop Centre, as well as MPPP and MPSP staff needs to be improved to effect faster plan approval. Often, local authorities make use of excuses such as non-compliance, incomplete information, neighbours’ objection and other technicalities to reject development proposals. In view of this, we recommend local authorities to relax certain regulations to accelerate the approval process including allowing conditional approvals of land conversion and layout plans (e.g. within 3 months). Now, it usually takes 6 months for One Stop Centre to approve less complex projects and some take more than a year depend on feedback, technical issues and the complexity of the projects.

(Submitted by Housing & Construction Committee)

᭯ᡌ᫚ؤՍӰ༡䇚䍣θᒬޢ2κཝՐ਷䈭―ᐔ᭵ᓒᣀᵠ୤࠰Ⲻൕ㪍ૂѣքԭঋփ 㠠ࣞᔶ᭴Ҿ ⎾䲆࡬ᙝ/⾷࡬᧠᯳Ⱦ

Ṿ⭧: 㠠Ԅৱᒪㅢ 2 ᆙᔶခθሯ―ᐔᡵӝⲺ䴶≸↙уᯣс䐂θᖧଃҼ䈛㺂ѐⲺᡆ䮵Ⱦ㲳❬ Ⲻ 2.6αθቧѐ⦽খ 7.8αδṯᦤ 2008 ᒪㅢ 2 ᆙⲺ㔕ٲᔰㆇѐਠখ―คള޻⭕ӝᙱ 㻻ૂآ䇗ᮦᦤεθ᜕ެ䘔ᑜ㺂ѐྸ䫘䫷 Ƚ⍁⚦Ƚ⬭⹌Ƚ⎪ᇚരᇐ㻻㖤਀䞃Ԭ Ƚᇬ 䞃Ƚᇬᓣ⭞૷Ƚ⭐㠩ᱥ䴬୤θᵃࣗૂ䠇㷃Ⲽሯ―ᐔ㔅⎄ᡆ䮵ᑜᶛ䍗⥤Ⱦഖ↚θԛр Ⲻᔰ䇤ਥԛᨆ儎―ᐔᡵኁⲺ䬶୤䠅θ ᒬࠅքᡵኁ└୤䰤从θੂᰬᴪ㜳ᑜࣞᔰㆇઞ䗯 㺂ѐθؓᤷ―ᐔⲺ୼ѐ⍱࣑਀⎾䍯㜳࣑Ⱦ


2. To urge the Penang State Government to lift the ban on unsold Bumiputra and low- medium cost units by allowing automatic sale to the public, as well as amending or removing restrictive/prohibitive measures.

Rationale: Since the second quarter of last year, the demand for Penang properties is gradually dipping, affecting the growth of the sector. Though the construction sector consists only 2.6% of Penang’s GDP, with an employment rate that hovers around 7.8% (according to second quarter statistics, 2008), its spill-over effects are considerable, carrying into sectors such as steel, cement, bricks, bathroom fixtures and accessories, furniture and fittings, household goods, as well as into retail, service and finance, contributing growth to the Penang economy. The above proposal will help to increase transactions of houses in Penang and reduce unmarketable problem. It will also stimulate peripheral fields of the construction industry and maintain the business vitality and consumption power of Penang.

(Submitted by Housing & Construction Committee)

3κཝՐ਷䈭ᐔ᭵ᓒ〥ᶷ᧞ࣞθ䇟―คᡆѰ"ㅢӂᇬണ"䇗ࡈⲺ俌䘿൦⛯θഖѰ䘏ሼ׹䘑ᵢ൦ ӝѐ亼ต਀᮪։㔅⎄Ⲻᡆ䮵Ⱦ

Ṿ⭧: Ԅ 2002 ᒪ㠩 2007 ᒪθ〱≇঻ӻਇ࠰ 9 ॹ 5 Ⲵᕖ"ㅢӂᇬണ"䇗ࡈⲺ䮵ᵕㆴ䇷Ⱦ䘏 Ѡ亼ต␧ޭᡆ䮵▒㜳θṯᦤ The Expat ᵸᘍᡶ䘑㺂Ⲻ䈹ḛᱴ⽰θ83% "ㅢӂᇬണ"䇗 RM890,000 ⲺӝѐȾ↚ཌθ∅ж੃"ㅢӂᇬണ"䇗ࡈ৸ф㘻 ٲࡈ৸ф㘻ᤛᴿᒩൽԭ ᒩൽ∅ᴾᔶ䬶ᱥ RM9,800θ঩∅ᒪᙱᒩൽ RM118,000Ⱦ䘏ӑᮦᦤᓊ䏩ԛ䇟ᐔ᭵ᓒ ؗᵃθҿ਌ѱࣞ᧞ኋ⎭ཌᐗഔ׹䬶⍱ࣞ θ᧞ԁ―คᡆѰӐ⍨⨼ᜩⲺ "ㅢӂᇬണ"൦ ⛯Ⱦ

фӐ⍨ެԌคᐸ⴮∊䖹 θҊ⋱ᐸ (―ค)Ⲻ㺞⧦Վᔸ θ⭕⍱≪߼ҁ儎੃ࡍӐ⍨ㅢ ॷθ∊ 2002/2003 ᒪᓜⲺㅢ 12 ᧈ੃ᴿᡶᨆॽȾ൞ 2006/2007 ᒪᓜⲺ䈹ḛѣθ―ค Ⲻᧈ㺂ῒᱥㅢ 74θ൞ 254 Ѡള䱻คᐸѣθ੃ࡍᴶ֩ 100 ੃޻Ⱦ⨹ޞ൞

ф↚ੂᰬθᐔ᭵ᓒҕਥԛ㘹㲇䠃⛯䘿ᇐжӑ൦⛯ᒬሼᆹᢉ䙖ᡆѰཌളӰ䳼ѣօᆻ ॰ྸᰛᵢᶇθ丟ളᶇθ ᯦ࣖ඗ᶇ਀ỿަᶇθ ੂᰬҕ൞ઞപ䇴㄁ԌԢⲺ但侼θᆜṗ ਀ၧ҆൰ᡶㅿȾ↚Ѵᴪਥੂᰬ䗴ࡦ੮ᕋᴪཐӰ䘿᤟―ᐔᡆѰㅢӂᇬണ θੂᰬᒬࣖ ᕰ―ᐔⲺ᯻⑮੮ᕋ࣑θਥ䉉жѴњᗍȾ


3. To urge the State Government to aggressively promote Penang as the preferred “ My Second Home” (MM2H) destination.

Rationale: The Immigration Department issued only 9,500 MM2H visas during the 2002- 2007 period. This sector indeed has potential to grow, evident from the survey conducted by The Expat magazine: 83% of MM2H participants own properties with an average value of RM890, 000. In addition, each MM2H participant spends an average RM9, 800 in monthly expenses, with an average total of RM118, 000 per year. These figures alone should convince the state government to take the initiative to promote Penang as the ideal MM2H destination in Asia, through overseas road shows and promotional activities.

Georgetown (Penang) has performed well against other Asian cities, being ranked as having the 10th highest living standard in Asia. This is an improvement over the 12th place ranking it received in 2002/2003, and with its global ranking of 74th place, Penang still makes it into the top 100 out of the 254 international locations covered in the 2006/2007 survey.

Meanwhile, the State Government could consider clustering certain areas/properties with majority foreign occupants with a theme such as Japanese Village, Korean Village, Singaporean Village and Medanese Village. These areas will also be surrounded by their restaurants, schools and places of entertainment. Besides attracting more people to choose Penang as their second home, such move will also enhance the attractiveness of Penang tourism.

(Submitted by Tourism Industry & Business Mission Committee)


Ṿ⭧: ṯᦤᐔ᭵ᓒⲺ㔕䇗ᮦᦤθᵢ൦࡬䙖亼ตᱥ―ᐔ㔅⎄Ⲻㅢӂཝ䍗⥤㘻θާ䳽֙ᐔ޻ᙱ ࣩ࣑ࣞⲺ 34.7%Ⱦ2009 ᒪ㚊ਾളᐛѐਇኋ㓺㓽(UNIDO)ᣀ―คࡍѰь⮂ॷཝᴶޭᴿ ⍱࣑Ⲻᐛѐѣᗹҁжθᱴ⽰ެ࡬䙖㜳࣑ਥშ㗄ᐨਇኋ㔅⎄։Ⱦ❬㙂θ঩ֵݻ┗⍱࣑ Ⲻ―ᐔᐛѐ亼ตҕᵠ㜳䘹䗽ޞ⨹㔅⎄ধᵰⲺ㻣࠱θ䇮ཐᵢ൦ᐛӰᐨ㻡䀙䳽Ⱦ

ഖ↚θᡇԢᔰ䇤ᐔ᭵ᓒ䟽਌᧠᯳঩ᰬᕰ࡬㧭ᗍ᭵ᓒਾ㓜Ⲻޢਮ䳽㚎ᵢ൦ᐛӰ Ⱦ঩ ਮ㚎䈭ᵢ൦ᐛӰሼ໔ࣖᔶ䬶 θᐔ᭵ᓒҕᓊ䈛䴭ি伄㺂㙂у ᱥੇু࣑ޢ਍ᖧଃⲺֵ քཪȾ䘏亯᧠᯳ҕㅜਾ㚊䛜᭵ᓒ㾷൞њᒪ޻ᣀള޻ⲺཌࣩӰᮦ⭧ 2 Ⲵ 20 нӰࠅ㠩 νⲴ 80 нӰⲺᝅ᝵Ⱦ


4. To urge the State Government to introduce the measure of mandatory hiring of local workers for companies awarded with state government contracts.

Rationale: According to state government statistics, the local manufacturing sector is the second biggest contributor to Penang’s economy, employing 34.7% of the total state work force. The 2009 United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) Industrial Development Report has rated Penang as one of the 10 most dynamic industrial cluster locations in the world, demonstrating its manufacturing capabilities amongst the development economies. However, even Penang’s vibrant industrial sector is not spared by the global economic crisis, with many local workers retrenched from their jobs.

Thus, we recommend the state government to introduce the measure of mandatory hiring of local workers for companies awarded with state government contracts, with immediate effect. The state government must not bow down to pressure and enforce this measure strictly, even if it means that affected companies will need to incur overheads by hiring locals. The move is also in line with the

federal government’s intention to reduce the number of foreign workers in the country from 2.2 million to 1.8 million in two years time.

(Submitted by Housing & Construction Committee)

5κཝՐ਷䈭ᐔ᭵ᓒࣖᕰ᧞ᒵᐔ޻᯻⑮ѐ θᒬԛ໔ࣖᡌࣖᕰ⧦ᴿ᯻⑮Ქ⛯ ૂะᵢᔰ䇴Ѱ䮵ᵕ ໔ࣖ᯻ᇘⲺㆌ⮛Ⱦ

Ⲻ 56.9%θᡆ䮵⦽ҕ∊খٲṾ⭧: ᯻⑮ѐᱥ―ᐔ㔅⎄Ⲻㅢӂ᭥ḧ θуӻখҼᐔ޻⭕ӝᙱ 39.5%Ⲻ࡬䙖ѐᴪ儎 Ⱦ䘏Ӂᇔᱴ⽰᯻⑮ѐᱥ―ᐔᴶީ䭤Ⲻ㔅⎄ᶛⓆ θެ䰪ᡶ⎿਀ Ⲻ㺂ѐ⏫ᤢҼ䞈ᓍѐ Ƚ侤伕ѐȽ䴬୤ѐȽӚ䙐਀ެԌㅿȾṯᦤᮦᦤᱴ⽰θঋᱥ― ᐔ䞈ᓍѐৱᒪቧ᧛ᖻཐ䗴 630 н੃᯻ᇘδ䘏օᇵ⦽䘎уऻᤢެԌঋᰛ⑮㘻Ƚ⑮㡽 ᯻ᇘԛ਀≇ᆻεθ∊ 2007 ᒪⲺ 570 н੃᯻ᇘখᴪཐᮦȾ⴮ؗ䈛໔䮵⦽ф―คӄ 2008 ᒪ 7 ᴾ 7 ᰛᰬ㻡ࡍѰ UNESCO ь⮂ᮽौ䚍ӝ੄, ―คⲺ⸛੃ᓜ㻡ᨆॽᴿީȾ 㲳❬―ค⑮ᇘ䠅໔ࣖⲺ᛻߫ԚӰ◶䎅 θռ൞ള޻ᴶཐ᯻ᇘࡦ䇵ᐔኔѣਠᧈ㺂ㅢ ഑θքӄਿ䲼඗ȽᖣӞδӇ京εૂ⋏ᐪȾ

㔅⎄伄ᳪૂ A(H1N1)ශ⍷᝕׫㻣Ⲻ᛻߫сθ⑮ᇘ⦽Ⲻࠅቇૂք⎾䍯ᰖ⯇ሼሯ⨹ޞ ―ᐔⲺ᯻⑮ѐ䙖ᡆᐞཝᖧଃ ȾѰ↚θᐔ᭵ᓒᓊ䈛࡟⭞਀ਇኋ⧦ ᴿⲺ᯻⑮䍺ӝ θ ↚δྸᮽौȽཟ❬⧥ູ਀ॱ⯍᯻⑮ εᒬф⿷Ӱᵰᶺਾ֒ԛާࡑᴪཐⲺ୼ѐᵰՐ Ⱦ ཌθᐔ᭵ᓒᓊ஺⭞ᴴ㔅㧭ᗍⲺྌ䎅੃䂿ᶛࣖԛᇙՖ―ค᯻⑮ѐθྸӄ 2008 ᒪ㧭ᗍ 㓳㓜⌦Ლᵸᘍ䘿࠰ⲺӐ⍨᯻⑮Շ䰨ᴶ֩ዑኵ “2009 ᒪь⮂ᴶ֩᯻⑮ྌ”θԛੇള䱻 ᧞ᒵ―คⲺ᯻⑮Ქ⛯Ⱦ


5. To urge the State Government to intensify its effort in promoting Penang tourism and increase the tourist attractions or strengthen the existing tourist attractions together with enhanced infrastructure as the long-term strategies to increase tourist arrivals.

Rationale: Tourism is Penang's second growth engine, contributing 56.9% of Penang’s overall GDP, above the 39.5% contribution from the manufacturing sector. This shows that tourism is a crucial component of Penang's economy that includes the hotel, F&B, retailing, transportation and other sectors. According to statistics, the various hotels in Penang received 6.3mil in tourist arrivals last year (excluding day trip visitors, cruise liner passengers, and visitors in non-commercial accommodation), compared to 5.7mil in 2007. The increase may be attributed to George Town's status as a World Heritage Site, presented by UNESCO recently on July 7 2008. However, Penang rank only at number 4 in terms of tourism arrivals, below Kuala Lumpur, Pahang (Genting Highlands) and Sabah.

The global economic crisis and the outbreak of A(H1N1) flu will affect greatly Penang's tourism sector, due to the reduction in tourist arrivals and lower rate of spending by tourists. Thus, the state government should utilise and develop the available tourism assets (culture, natural environment and medical tourism) with the private sectors in creating more business opportunities. Furthermore, the state government should take advantage of the various accolades presented to Penang, such as being a receiver of the “2008 World's Best Award” as one of the top Asian island in Travel + Leisure, and as one of the “Best Places to Go in 2009” chosen by New York Times, as leverage to promote Penang as an international tourism destination.

(Submitted by Tourism Industry & Business Mission Committee)

―6κཝՐ਷䈭ᐔ᭵ᓒሼҊ⋱ᐸᢉ䙖ᡆѰжѠሂᴿ⢯㢨伄ݿⲺуདྷคᐸԛ੮ᕋᴪཐ⑮ᇘᶛ ᐔθഖѰ䘏уӻሼਥ䎐਌ཌ≽ૂ⍱㔒Ҋ⋱ᐸⲺ୼ᵰ θੂᰬҕਥ䀙ߩഖᐸ޻⇁ᰝ䚍൶ӝ⢟ ᡶᕋ䎭Ⲻ⽴Ր䰤从Ⱦ

Ṿ⭧: ⴤࢃθҊ⋱ᐸ䘎⋗ᴿ⣯ྸਦ⒴༡᷍དྷᐸȽড়䰞ѣኧ䐥Ƚᴲ䉭儎ኧ䐥ᡌ傢ޣ⭨ᮽौ㺍 Ⲻདྷᐸ㺍ᡌ୼ѐՇ䰨॰ ȾᡇԢ⴮ؗжѠሂᴿ⢯㢨伄ݿⲺདྷᐸ㺍ሼᡆѰ⑮ᇘᶛ―Ⲻ ੮ᕋ࣑θ䘏уӻሼਥ䎐਌ཌ≽ૂ⍱㔒Ҋ⋱ᐸⲺ୼ᵰ θੂᰬҕਥ䀙ߩഖᐸ޻⇁ᰝ䚍 ൶ӝ⢟ᡶᕋ䎭Ⲻ⽴Ր䰤从 Ⱦഖ↚θᐔ᭵ᓒᓊ䈛ሯ↚ᔰ䇤֒࠰㘹㲇਀ᔶခ⢟㢨ਾ䘸 ൦⛯ԛ䇴㄁䈛㷃ਾҼՇ䰨 Ƚᵢ൦ᮽौૂ୼ѐ⢯㢨Ⲻདྷᐸ㺍 ȾᡇԢҕᔰ䇤᯦㺍 Ƚ⊋ ཪ㺍Ƚ⢑ᒨߢȽᵢཪޢᐭ Ƚᢉ⸩㺍ૂཝ䬩ᐭ㻡㘹㲇Ѱདྷᐸ㺍 ૂ୼ѐՇ 䰨॰Ⲻ൦ ⛯Ⱦ

↚ཌθᐔ᭵ᓒҕਥ᭾Եਦ⒴ᶷ࣑᧞ᒵ―ᐔ㪍੃Ⲻൕӝྸ䉼㭱 θ ␗⊬侲θ 傢䑺䞛 ㅿθᒬᔶᤉൕӝ㺍ԛ׵ᴪᴿ᭾Ⲻ䠃⛯ᇙՖ਀ऻ㻻―ᐔൕӝȾ


6. To urge the State Government to develop George Town as a vibrant and unique night bazaar in effort to attract tourists and earning foreign currency exchange, revitalising George Town's businesses as well as solving the various social problems caused by dilapidated heritage properties within the inner city.

Rationale: George Town does not possess a night bazaar and commercial walk street similar to the likes of Taiwan's Shilin Night Market, Xiamen's Zhongsan Road, Bangkok's Khaosan Road or Malacca's Jonker Street. We believe that a vibrant and unique night bazaar in George Town will act as a magnet in attracting tourists, while at the same time earning foreign currency exchange, revitalising George Town's businesses and solving the various social problems caused by dilapidated heritage properties within the inner city. Thus, the state government should consider the proposal and start designating the right location in setting up this unique night bazaar for tourists that acts as a melting pot of leisure, local cultures and businesses. We suggest a network of Campbell Street, Kimberly Street, Chulia Street, Armenian Street, Acheen Street and Cannon Street as the location of the night bazaar and commercial walk street.

In addition, the State Government may imitate Taiwan to strongly promote its local native products such as Nutmeg, Biscuit Tambun, Biscuit Beh Teh So, and to develop a street focusing on native products to effectively promote Penang native products.

(Submitted by Tourism Industry & Business Mission Committee)

7κཝՐ਷䈭ѣཤ᭵ᓒ↙㿼―ค䓡Ѱޞളい᭬ㅢӂཐⲺᐔኔ θপਠ㧭ᗍѣཤ᭵ᓒᤞⅴᮦⴤѰ ളㅢӂቇⲺу⴮〦∊ׁȾޞ

Ṿ⭧: 㲳❬―คᱥޞളい᭬ㅢӂཐⲺᐔኔθ᜕ᗍࡦⲺ㚊䛜ᤞⅴ⴮ሯⲺᱥޞളㅢӂቇȾ

―ค㓩いӰ൞ 2001-2007 ᒪҁ䰪ާ㕪い 156.19 ӵԚਿȾ䗽ৱ 8 ᒪθ㚊䛜᭵ᓒ਺ࡡ ᤞ࠰ 89.65 ӵԚਿਇኋะ䠇ૂ 7 ӵԚਿᤞⅴҾ―ᐔ᭵ᓒȾ

൞ 2001-2007 ᒪҁ䰪θ㚊䛜᭵ᓒԄ―คᡶ呖᭬ࡦⲺᡶᗍいާ 156.19 ӵԚਿθᖉѣ ऻᤢޢਮᡌԷѐい᭬ 85.85 ӵԚਿȽѠӰᡶᗍい 48.63 ӵԚਿԛ਀ެԌい᭬ 21.7 ӵԚਿȾ

Ԅ 2001 ᒪᡠ㠩ৱᒪθ―ค㓩いӰᮦуᯣ໔ࣖθޢਮᡌԷѐᡶᗍいԄ 27077 ໔ࣖ㠩 38286θѠӰᡶᗍいԄ 365176 ໔ࣖ㠩 467187θެԌѰ 13410 ໔ࣖ㠩 18732Ⱦ

൞ㅢғཝ傢䇗ࡈѣθ―ᐔ৕ݾᡶ㧭ᗍ 61.52 ӵԚਿᤞⅴᡌ⴮ㅿӄᙱᤞⅴ仓 2000 ӵ ԚਿⲺ 3.1%Ⱦռᱥ൞ㅢғཝ傢䇗ࡈѣᵕỶ䇞ѣ θ―ᐔᤞⅴ㻡ࢀࠅ㠩 14.52 ӵԚ ਿθਠখᙱᤞⅴ仓 2300 ӵԚਿⲺ 0.6%Ⱦ

⴮ሯӄ㚊䛜᭵ᓒ㔏Ҿ―ᐔⲺਇኋૂ䘆㩛ᤞⅴ θ―ᐔሯい᭬ᡶ֒࠰Ⲻ䍗⥤ࠖ҄ᱥ㚊 ᒩⲺ Ⱦഖ↚θ㚊䛜᭵ᓒ䴶㾷⺤ؓ―ᐔਥ㧭ޢθ䘏ሯӄ―ᐔᆆ≇ᱥуك䛜ᤞⅴⲺњ ᗍ䏩ཕᤞⅴθԛᤷ㔣᧞ࣞᐔ޻ਇኋθᒬ᜖਀ളᇬȾ


7. To urge the Federal Government to take cognizance of the fact that Penang is the second highest contributor in national tax collection while the allocation received is the second lowest in the nation, which is not commensurate with the tax collected from Penang.

Rationale: Although Penang is the second highest contributor in national taxation, the allocation received from the federal government is the second lowest in the country compare to other states.

Penangites have contributed RM15.619 billion in taxes between 2001 and 2007. The federal government had set aside RM8.965 billion for development funds and some RM700 million in grants to the state government over the last eight years.

Between 2001 and 2007, some RM15.619 billion tax revenue had been collected from Penang, comprising RM8.585 billion in company or corporate tax, RM4.863 in personal tax and RM2.17 billion in other forms of taxes.

Between 2001 and last year, number of Penang tax-payers has increased considerably from 27,077 to 38,286 for company or corporate tax, 365,176 to 467,187 for personnel tax and 13,410 to 18,732 for others.

Penang's original allocation under the 9MP was RM6.152 billion or 3.1 % of the total RM200 billion budget. But after the review, its share was slashed to RM1.452 billion, constituting only 0.6 % of the increased total allocation of RM230 billion.

The Penang economy has contributed almost twice as much in taxes compared to the federal funds allocated for the state’s development and operation. Such is not rational, and unfair to the citizens of Penang. Therefore, the federal government needs to ensure that the impact felt by the state can be lessen with further allocation for state development, so that Penang can continue to contribute to the nation’s coffers in increasing measure.

(Submitted by Economics, Finance & Taxation Committee)

ᵃⴤࢃⲺ䠇㷃ধᵰȾށཝՐ׹䈭਺㓝᭵ᓒѱࣞȽ〥ᶷȽᘡ䙕Ⲻ䟽਌ᓊሯࣔ⌋θ .8

Ṿ⭧: ށᵃ䠇㷃ধᵰу㜳ཕঋ䶖жњѠ㔅⎄ᥥ ުᯯṾθ㙂ᱥ䴶㾷䘔㔣ᙝⲺㆌ⮛ૂ᧠᯳ θ ⢯ࡡᱥ㾷ഖᓊቶࣵⲺ╊਎ Ⱦੂᰬθ᭵ᓒҕ㾷ћṲⲺⴇ⶙ᇎ઎Ⲻᢝ㺂 θ䞃ਾぁᓜ ㅿθ㔓ሯуᇯᇩ㗚ҁ傢Ⱦ

↚ཌθᡇԢҕ䇚Ѱⴤࢃᰬࡱθᓊ䈛ԛਇኋ㔅⎄Ѱ俌㾷Աࣗ θ਺〃᭵⋱ҿㄥᓊ䈛ࠅ ࡦᴶք⛯Ⱦ൞ᵓ൞䠄ᓊ䈛ᓊ䈛ੂ㡕ާ⎄θާੂཝᤲ㔅⎄Ⱦ


8. To urge the governments at all level would adopt the most proactive, aggressive and rapid measures in overcoming the economic crisis.

Rationale: The economic crisis could not be overcome by one or two stimulus plans, but needs continuous strategies and facilities, especially tailor-made to the changing situation. At the same time, the government needs to supervise its officers to ensure strict implementation and collaboration. No bad apple is allowed.

Besides, we opine that at this very moment, the most essential task is to develop the economy, and minimise the political dispute. The ruling party and opposition should work hand in hand to ensure the smooth economic development.

(Submitted by SME & Human Resource Development Committee)

9κཝՐલ਷᭵ᓒ⶙׹ള޻䠇㷃ᵰᶺㆶौ਀ࣖ䙕᢯߼਺亯䍭ⅴҁ⭩䈭 θੂᰬࣖ㍝ሯԎ䶔⌋䍭 ⅴ⍱ࣞȾ

Ṿ⭧: ള޻䶔⌋䍭ⅴ⍱ࣞ࠰⧦⥌⣸⧦䊗 θެѣжѠ䠃㾷৕ഖᱥѣቅශԷѐ䳴ӄ㧭ᗍ䠇㷃 ᵰᶺⲺ䍭ⅴȾԌԢ㻡䙲䖢ੇ儎࡟䍭ሱ≸ઞ䖢 θռᱥθপഖѰ࡟ᚥྸ┐䴠⨹㡢䏀┐ ᭯⌋Ԛθћࣖؤ䏀ཝθሲ㠪ٰਦ儎ㆇθᒬ䚣਍့㛷ૂ⇪ᢉȾ൞䘏ᯯ䶘θ᭵ᓒᓊ䈛 ᜟ༺䶔⌋ٕ䍭Ԅѐ㘻Ⱦ


9. To urge the government to supervise the financial institutions to simplify and speed up the procedure on loan application; meanwhile, also control the illegal loan activities strictly.

Rationale: The local illegal loan activities are getting furious, one of the main factors is the SMIs and SMEs are not getting loans due to stringent lending conditions from financial institutions. Hence, they are forced to seek help from the loan sharks, as a

result, the interest snow balled and they could not afford to pay back which lead to threat and assaults. In this aspect, the government should amend the regulations to punish the illegal loan sharks severely.

(Submitted by SME & Human Resource Development Committee)

ਮⲺޢཝ䚉ڵਮ θԛ䀙ߩ䗽䐥䍯уᯣр⏞਀᭵ᓒ䴶㾷᤿ਾ㓜䎊ޢલ਷᭵ᓒ᭬䍣঍्ཝ䚉 .10 䰤从Ⱦ

Ṿ⭧: ཝ䚉⿷㩛ौਾ㓜ᆎᴿཐ亯уਾ⨼ᶗᮽ θ䘓㜂ޢՍ࡟ⴀθᕋ䎭ҿ䇤Ⱦཝ䚉ޢਮѱᵹ ᖈ䘎᭵ᓒᱥㅜਾӰ≇ᝅ᝵Ⱦ


10. To urge the government to buy over the North-South Expressway to solve the perennial problem of toll increment and compensation paid by government purportedly made according to the privatisation agreement.

Rationale: The privatisation contract of expressway contained unfair clauses which compromised public interest and thus very controversial. It is the people’s wish that the expressway be nationalised.

(Submitted by SME & Human Resource Development Committee)

11.ཝՐલ਷ᐔ᭵ᓒታᰟᤕᇐਚ䘯㇗⨼ ཝ 㬓ഴθᒬ࡬ᇐㅜਾᵢൕള᛻ф㔅⎄᭾ⴀⲺਚ䘯ᔰㆇ ᤽঍ૂᶗ㿺θԛ⺤ؓᐔ޻Ⲻਇኋ਀㔅⎄⍱ࣞу਍ᖧଃȾ

Ṿ⭧φ䪾ሯҊ⋱ᐸӄৱᒪ 7 ᴾ 7 ᰛ㧭㚊ਾളᮽᮏ〇㓺㓽亷ਇь⮂ᮽौ䚍ӝ൦փ੄θਚ䘯 Ṯᗹ॰Ⲻ儎ᾲਇኋ䇗ࡈ䴶䚫ᆾ㚊ਾളᮽᮏ〇㓺㓽ᡶᇐсⲺᔰㆇᶗ㿺 θ঩ᔰㆇ⢟Ⲻ 儎ᓜᗻ亱у䎻䗽 18 ޢተθԚᐸ॰ਇኋᑜᶛ䈮ཐ䲆࡬ȾᡇԢ䇚Ѱ㚊ਾളᮽᮏ〇㓺㓽 ᦤ㾵ᯯӰ㿸⛯㙂ᤕᇐ θᒬуㅜਾᵢד൞䇴ᇐь䚍ਚ䘯ؓᣚ᤽঍ૂᶗ㿺ᯯ䶘 θѹᱥ ൕള᛻χᴿީᔰㆇ⢟Ⲻ儎ᓜᗻ亱у䎻䗽 18 ޢተⲺᢝ㺂ሼᖧଃ॰޻ਇኋ਀㔅⎄⍱ ࣞȾ

ᣚᐔ޻ਚ䘯ᔰㆇⲺᑮᒪ㔅䍯ᮦⴤᓔཝ θ㙂ᡶᑜᶛⲺ㔅⎄᭾ⴀᒬу⴮ؤਜжᯯ䶘θ ㅜਾȾഖ↚θᐔ᭵ᓒᗻ亱ታᰟᤕᇐжྍㅜਾᵢൕള᛻Ⲻਚ䘯㇗⨼ཝ㬓ഴ θԛ᱄⺤ 䢪ᇐᐔ᭵ᓒྸ֋ᇔ᯳ؓᣚਚ䘯Ⲻᐛ֒ᒬԄᴿީ“㦙㺊”ѣ਍ⴀȾ


11. To urge the State Government to draft the Heritage Management Structure Plan, and set guidelines and by-laws which conform with local conditions and economically viable so as to ensure that the state development and economic activities are not affected.

Rationale: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) accorded George Town World Heritage Sites on July, 7th last year. The high-rise building plan in the heritage core must comply with the UNESCO guidelines, i.e. a maximum height of 18m; which would bring restriction to the development of town area. We opine that the UNESCO guideline are based on the Westerners point of views, and is not consonant with local conditions. The strict execution of maximum height of 18m on new buildings will affect the development and economic activities

in town. On the other hand, preserving heritage buildings in the state requires large amount of fund, and it is not compatible with the economic viability. Hence, the State Government must set a Heritage Management Plan which conforms with the local conditions in order that the preservation of Heritage could bring in real benefits.

(Submitted by Infrastructure and Public Facilities Committee)

⧥ཝՐ׹䈭ᐔ޻ቅ䍟ᨆॽ⧥ູড⭕ૂ⧥ؓᝅ䇼 θ⺤ؓ⭕ᝅ㔅㩛䲚Ҽ䉁⭕ҁཌ θҕਥԛѰ.12 ࠰䍗⥤Ⱦڐᐛ֒ؓ

Ṿ⭧: 䮵ѻԛᶛθ―คᐔⲺ⧥ູড⭕䜳ᱥ༺ӄ䶔ᑮᐤࣙ൦↛ θ㲳❬᭵ᓒቓ䈋᭯஺θռᱥ ᛻߫䘎ᱥᐤᕰӰᝅȾ൞䘏ᯯ䶘θ୼Ր䇚Ѱᐔ޻ࡦ༺᷍㄁Ⲻቅ୼䍟ᓊ䈛ᨆॽᵢ䓡Ⲻ ড⭕ૂ⧥ؓᝅ䇼 θঅࣟ᭵ᓒ θާੂ࣑࣠ θѰᐔ޻Ⲻ␻⌷ড⭕ૂ⧥ؓ ⥤࠰жԳ࣠ ࣑Ⱦ


12. To urge the hawkers in Penang to enhance their awareness of the importance of cleanliness and green environment so that besides making an earning from their daily business, they could also help to contribute to preserve the environment.

Rationale: The cleanliness condition in Penang has been subject to much criticism in the past. Despite efforts by the government, the situation remains unchanged. In this regard, the Chamber opines that hawkers all over the Penang State should enhance their awareness of the importance of cleanliness and green environment. They should play a role in helping the government to clean-up Penang and also to preserve the environment.

(Submitted by Tourism Industry & Business Mission Committee)


Date : 19 June 2009 (Friday)

Time : 5:00 p.m.

Venue : Multipurpose Hall, Han Chiang College Lim Lean Teng Road, 11600 Penang

Present : Please refer to Annex 1

In Attendance : Eng Lay Theng, Lee Kim Kee, Loy Ter Min, Lee Peh Seng & Record by

Chairman : Tan Kok Ping



The Chairman Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping in his address mentioned that since the March 8 political tsunami we were still at a time of change. As the leading representative of Chinese businesses, the Chamber of Commerce had been closely monitoring the Governments’ attempts to lead the people out of the shadows of this world economic crisis.

He also expressed the Chamber’s opinion and position on a number of major issues that affected the peoples’ livelihood. The first and most important ongoing issue was the relationship between the Federal Government and the State Government of Penang. Unless both parties were able to set aside their political prejudices, come together, be bipartisan, prioritise the people’s interest and produce an outcome that was beneficial to all parties, Penang would continue to be lacking in funds and therefore stalling any growth potentials.

The second important issue was that we hoped the Penang State Government would place its emphasis on current government issues and the planning of future development rather than looking back at the past, or playing the blame game with the former State Government.

The third important issue that was related to tourism i.e. Penang’s reputation of being the “Asia Food Paradise”, which was unique and world-renown.

He pointed out that hawker industry had always faced the problem of unsafe and unhygienic conditions as well as inadequate equipment used. Hence, he proposed that the government should formulate control measures to ensure that the “Asia Food Paradise” was a well deserved reputation.

He hoped that under the leadership of Lim Guan Eng, the Penang State Government could detract from the previous State Government’s method of drawing up policies without action and to lead Penang into a truly international city for the benefit of the people.

Please refer to Annex 2 for full text of the Chairman’s address.


The minutes of last Annual General Meeting held on 31 May 2008 was confirmed and accepted without any objection, as proposed by Mr. Ng Bak Hoo and seconded by Mr. Looi Bean Keat.


The meeting confirmed and accepted the annual report for year 2008 unanimously without any objection, as proposed by Dato’ Dr. Cheah See Kian and seconded by Mr. Tan Soo Nam.


The audited account for the year 2008 was confirmed and accepted unanimously without any objection, as proposed by Dato’ Goh Heow Ewe and seconded by Mr. Oon Weng Boon.


The meeting adopted the 12 motions submitted by members as follows:

1) To urge the Penang State and Local Governments to relax approval procedures and to propose that MPPP/MPSP One Stop Centre should relax the relevant rules to accelerate approval process.

2) To urge the Penang State Government to lift the ban on unsold Bumiputra and low-medium cost units by allowing automatic sale to the public, as well as amending or removing restrictive/prohibitive measures.

3) To urge the State Government to aggressively promote Penang as the preferred “Malaysia My Second Home” (MM2H) destination.

4) To urge the State Government to introduce the measure of mandatory hiring of local workers for companies awarded with state government contracts.

5) To urge the State Government to intensify its effort in promoting Penang tourism and increase the tourist attractions or strengthen the existing tourist attractions together with enhanced infrastructure as the long-term strategies to increase tourist arrivals.

6) To urge the State Government to develop George Town as a vibrant and unique night bazaar in effort to attract tourists and earning foreign currency exchange, revitalising George Town's businesses as well as solving the various social problems caused by dilapidated heritage properties within the inner city.

7) To urge the Federal Government to take cognizance of the fact that Penang is the second highest contributor in national tax collection while the allocation received is the second lowest in the nation, which is not commensurate with the tax collected from Penang.

8) To urge the governments at all level would adopt the most proactive, aggressive and rapid measures in overcoming the economic crisis.

9) To urge the government to supervise the financial institutions to simplify and speed up the procedure on loan application; meanwhile, also control the illegal loan activities strictly.

10) To urge the government to buy over the North-South Expressway to solve the perennial problem of toll increment and compensation paid by government purportedly made according to the privatisation agreement.

11) To urge the State Government to draft the Heritage Management Structure Plan, and set guidelines and by-laws which conform with local conditions and economically viable so as to ensure that the state development and economic activities are not affected.

12) To urge the hawkers in Penang to enhance their awareness of the importance of cleanliness and green environment so that besides making an earning from their daily business, they could also help to contribute to preserve the environment.

For details of the 12 motions, please refer to Annex 3.

The meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

…………………………… Chairman 2 Annex 1


Total Attendance: 110

Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping, South Island Garment Sdn. Bhd. – Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping, Dato’ Ooi Gan @ Loh Gan, Wabina Construction & Engineering Sdn. Bhd. – Dato’ Ooi Gan @ Loh Gan, Lee Joo Ping, Tan Hiang Joo, T. H. Hin Home Tech Sdn. Bhd. – Lim Kooi Ting, Lim Kooi Ting, Looi Bean Keat, Yangtze Cruise & Tour Sdn. Bhd. – Looi Bean Keat, Wong Yim Fatt, Dato’ Lee Wing Kong, Hung Kee Sdn. Bhd. – Dato’ Lee Wing Kong, Ong Eng Choon, Choong Khuat Seng, Choong Sdn. Bhd.– Choong Khuat Seng, Tan Soo Nam, Fulijaya Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. – Tan Soo Nam, Dato’ Lim Tiong Chin, A.A Anthony Securities Sdn. Bhd. – Dato’ Lim Tiong Chin, Ng Bak Hoo, Zephyr (Penang) Sdn. Bhd. – Looi Tik Miow, Dato’ Wong Kem Woh, Chinese Patent Medicines & Medicated Liquors Centre (Pg) Sdn. Bhd. – Dato’ Dr. Cheah See Kian, Dato’ Dr. Cheah See Kian, Dato’ Goh Heow Ewe, Dato’ Ewe Swee Kheng, Ewein Bhd.– Dato’ Ewe Swee Kheng, Loh Kong Hooi, Chuan Wooi Hardware Sdn. Bhd. – Loh Kong Hooi, Goh Hock Hai, Lead Rating Sdn. Bhd. – Dato’ Ooi Kee Liang, Lim Chiang Hang, Epigenic Corporation Sdn. Bhd. – Lim Chiang Hang, Tawakar Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. – Kang Khoon Seng, Kang Khoon Seng, Oon Weng Boon, MBM Industries Sdn. Bhd. – Chew Khoon Aik, Astino (M) Colour Steel Sheet Sdn. Bhd. – Ng Back Teng, Penang Furniture Manufactuters & Dealers Association. – Lor Lean Sen, Penang Master Builders & Building Materials Dealers Association – Tan Kia Lock, Tan Kia Lock, Leong Keng Fei, Soya Sauce Trade Association Penang, Kedah & Perlis – Leong Keng Fei, Oriental Garments Sdn. Bhd. – Lim Chong Aik, The North Malayan Chinese Textiles & General Merchants Association. – Lim Chong Aik, Penang Importers & Exporters Association. – Loh Liew Mao, Penang Hardware & Machinery Merchants Association – Lim Choon Teik, Litat (B’worth) Machinery Hardware Sdn. Bhd. – Lim Choon Teik, Dato’ Koay Ah Meng, Radio Traders Association of Penang & P. W. – Dato’ Koay Ah Meng, Kedai Radio Tonmooi Sdn. Bhd. – Dato’ Koay Ah Meng, Datuk Choot Ewe Seng, Choot Ching Khoon Realty Sdn. Bhd. – Datuk Choot Ewe Seng, Dato’ Siah Kok Poay, Tatt Giap Hardware Sdn. Bhd. – Dato’ Siah Kok Poay, Ong Chin Siang. –Wivahang Enterprise (M) S/B, Looi Guan Hoe Sdn. Bhd. – Chin Ee Mee, Dato’ Lim Cheah Chooi, Ng Kweng Chan, Kun Kee Tea & Coffe Powder Factory – Lim Choy Heng, General Computers (M) Sdn. Bhd. – Lim Choy Heng, Lean Tat Development Co. Sdn. Bhd.– Soon Soo Hean, Datin Heng Soon , Wabina Holdings Sdn. Bhd.– Datin Heng Soon Lin, Loh Geok Hoo, Guan Bee Hup Kee Realty Sdn. Bhd. – Loh Geok Hoo, Loh Geok Seng, Guan Bee Hup Kee Sdn. Bhd. – Loh Geok Seng, Lee Kim Poh, Kun Kee Food Industries Sdn. Bhd. – Lee Ching Ching, Hoong Chang Holdings Sdn. Bhd. – Lee Ching Ching, Dato’ Tan Choo Hin , Bee Chin Heong Sdn. Bhd. – Dato’ Tan Choo Hin , Hong San Frozen Food Sdn. Bhd. – Ng Chee Kong, Penang Hawkers Association – Yeoh Siak Kok, Lam Tong Ying, Mao Cheang Hang Sdn. Bhd. – Loo Choo Seng, Seng Huat Hang Sdn. Bhd. – Loo Choo Seng, Lim Poh Tek, Dato’ Tean Kok Pin, Ong Soo Yong, Dato’ Chuah Chuan Teong, Perumahan Menara Sdn. Bhd. – Dato’ Chuah Chuan Teong, Zeon Computers (M) Sdn. Bhd. – Lee Toong Leon, Sim Educare & Learning Sdn. Bhd. – Yeoh Hong Chow, JMR Construction Sdn. Bhd. – Dr. Goh Yong Chee, Teh Eng Aun, PLB–KH Bina Sdn. Bhd. – Ong Seng Chye, Loh Chun Tatt, Vigorous Management & Service Sdn. Bhd. – Loh Chun Tatt, KBH Capital Sdn. Bhd. – Keng Soo Peng, Penas Holdings Sdn. Bhd.– Goh Choon Lye, Lim Tsi Kim, Kim Hing Hardware Sdn. Bhd. – Lim Hock Lye, Thio Si Kiang, Regent Furnishing & Interior Deco. – Thio Si Kiang, Wing Kong Trading Co. – Wong Yoke Chan, K. H. Trading – Wong Yoke Chan, Seng & Leng Marketing – Lee Mun Leng, Lee Mun Leng, Lee Kok Hoe, Tan Chin Guan, Tan Kok Aun, Tan Poay Seng, South Island Development Co. Sdn. Bhd. – Saw Nghee Seong, South Island Packaging (Pg) Sdn. Bhd. – Tan Kok Aun, South Island Building Sdn. Bhd. – Tan Kok Pooh, Lowe Motors Sdn. Bhd. – Tan Tee Yong, Quah Hoe Chong.

Annex 2

PENANG CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2009 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 19-6-2009 Speech by Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping President

It is now one year and three months since the March 8 political tsunami and we are still at a time of change. This change that I speak of is what the people strongly need, and both the ruling and opposition parties should recognise. As the leading representative of Chinese businesses, the Chamber of Commerce has been closely monitoring the Governments’ attempts to lead the people out of the shadows of this world economic crisis. Today, I would therefore like to express the Chamber’s opinion and position on a number of major issues that affect the peoples’ livelihood.

The first and most important ongoing issue is the relationship between the Federal Government and the State Government of Penang. Unless both parties are able to set aside their political prejudices, come together, be bipartisan, prioritise the people’s interest and produce an outcome that is beneficial to all parties, Penang will continue to be lacking in funds and therefore stalling any growth potentials.

In this regard, we would like to highlight the allocation of funds for state development and operations from the Federal to the State Government of Penang. Since 2006, the amount allocated to Penang has been in excess of RM 1 billion, and peaking at RM 1.4 billion in 2008. This year alone however, the contribution from Penang’s businesses and individual income taxes are around RM 3 billion, which is twice the amount allocated by the Federal government and this imbalance is a much regrettable sight.

Furthermore, during the interim review of the 9th Malaysia Plan last year, the Federal Government’s 5 years original plan of allocating RM 6.1 billion of development funds was slashed to RM 1.4 billion, abolishing lucrative projects such as the monorail, Penang Outer Ring Road and the expansion of the Mengkuang Dam Penang, resultantly causing Penang to face a stalemate in new infrastructure projects. This leaves the one year Pakatan Rakyat state government highly exposed and in a difficult position.

The Chamber’s position is simple and clear: We do not oppose the abolition of the construction of the monorail and Penang Outer Ring Road, but we do support the new Prime Minister’s intention to resume the expansion of the Mengkuang Dam. At the same time, the Federal Government must pay its attention to transform Penang into a vibrant metropolis, rather than merely deriving high amounts of income tax without implementing any social-developmental changes. To put it simply, one cannot expect a horse to run without feeding it. Such a relationship is therefore unconscionable and illogical.

We recommend, therefore, that the Federal Government and the Penang State Government to carry out a joint-venture with the private sector in three areas.

The first point is with regards to traffic. By making comparisons to the island’s new traffic plan with those of developed foreign countries, we can take full advantage of the coastal zone surrounding the island and to construct overpasses and roads in order to ease the island’s overcrowded traffic.

Similar to the construction of Jelutong Expressway, we can prioritise the construction of a coastal road from Gurney Drive to Batu Ferringhi and to Teluk Bahang, and then to connect it to the existing highway in the island. This could certainly solve the problem of traffic congestion in an instant. Improvement in other sections should also be carried out. Due to lack of time and the promise of the

1 completion of the second bridge’s in 2011, we can’t afford to spend more than 10 years to construct new roads, as was seen from the construction of the Jelutong Expressway.

Once there is a master traffic blueprint, the convenience of public transportation and taxis will rise in popularity, and we are therefore not required to rely on a single-tracked train (monorail) as a complementary means of transport. Furthermore, without proper planning, we are worried that the monorail will be labelled as a white elephant project, which is of course undesired.

As such, the chamber requests the new Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to be cooperative and seriously aid the development of Penang. Once Penang has received the support of the Federal Government, the Federal Government would also profit in terms of tax revenue and recover its initial output as a result of business and economic growth.

The second important issue is to be directed to the attention of the Penang state government. We hope that the government would place its emphasis on current government issues and the planning of future development rather than looking back at the past, or playing the blame game with the former state government. Since the people have made a choice for change, it is important to note that change is forward looking and not backwards. There is therefore still a long journey to go for the Penang State Government.

Furthermore, we are aware that Penang has a unique advantage in that Georgetown has been accorded a World Heritage Site by the United Nations. The economic, trade and industrial benefits associated with this are still understated, as such, we must double our efforts to promote and maintain this status. According to statistics, the influx of foreign tourists to Penang last year has leapt to 6.3 million while a record number of 10 million tourists are expected to visit this year.

To this, I would like to once again call upon the Government of Penang, with respect to the memorandum we presented last year, to collaborate with the private sector and set up a heritage committee, and use the funds needed to beautify and maintain the sites and make them more attractive. Certainly, we also hope that the federal government will increase funding to maintain sites, and not allow the buildings to go back to its originally ruined state for if not, Penang’s economy which is tourism dependent, will be badly affected.

The third important issue that is also related to tourism is Penang has been known as Asia Food Paradise. In 2004, Penang was awarded a title of the “Best Street Food” in Asia (selected by TIME Asia magazine in November 2004), which is unique and world-renowned. According to unofficial statistics, so far more than 10,000 hawker food licenses have been issued, while there are still around 20,000 in application, thus drastically increasing the number of hawkers to 30,000 at one given time. If we were to include Hawkers that are not in the food industry, the figures are even more significant, totalling up to around 50,000. If each hawker’s family is a number of four, there would be 200,000 dependent, which is 15% of the state’s population. Such a high number of people, as such, require a large inflow of tourists in order for their businesses to prosper, for without the high number of tourist arrivals, one could not imagine the dire consequences. This is why throughout all of Malaysia, Penang has the lowest unemployment rate of around 2.2 per cent as those who have been laid off or left their jobs can conform to hawking as a means of living, and not necessarily going on a wage. This shows that Penang’s hawker industry is an important factor in the economy, which in turn, attracts tourists from all over.

2 However, regardless of how we view the hawker industry, one can not avoid the deploring health and safety conditions and inadequate equipment used. For many years, this off-street, coffee shop or hawker bazaar hawking has always faced the problem of unsafe and unhygienic conditions. If it is not dumping dirty and polluted water into open drains, it is clogging drains with left-over food or throwing them on the road for someone else to clean. These are not effective and efficient practice and policies, and are also a prime cause of traffic congestion.

If the Government fails to implement a detailed policy, it would serve only as an obstacle to the city’s growth as businesses are affected by the lack of adequate facilities. We therefore propose that the existing hawkers should conduct comprehensive improvements, including the provision of adequate water and current, daily attention towards open drains and timely clean-ups of dirt and rubbish, so not to worsen the situation.

As for the industry’s interests and the peoples’ health, we urge the Government, in particular, the relevant municipal councils and hawkers to conduct careful inspections and to relate the necessary guidance to those in need and if necessary, to facilitate them with a proper place to conduct business.

Only through the cooperation of hawkers and the supervision of the municipal law enforcement officers, positive results can be achieved to ensure that the “Asia Food Paradise” is a well deserved reputation. In other words, the Government must take the initiative to solve these problems soon and can no longer turn a blind eye.

In this regard, we would like to point out to the Municipal Council that there is no need to venture to Western Countries to learn from experience, but instead send a delegation, including representatives of hawkers, across the border to Hat Yai to understand how one can turn a “garbage city” into a clean city. If we are to cleanse this city’s image, there is much to learn from our neighbour.

Nonetheless, to clear our notoriousness as a “garbage city” requires the government to set an example and the cooperation of its citizens. Also, citizens must not shirk their social responsibility and expect the government to do it all. This is a two-pronged approach in order to restore our city as “The Pearl of the Orient”.

In fact, Singapore’s Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew’s recent comments on the Penang are fair and objective. In the past twenty years, the development of Penang has been very slow and no major structural changes visible, which is inevitably, a laughing matter to others. I hope that under the leadership of Lim Guan Eng, the Penang Government can clearly detract from the previous state government’s method of drawing up policies without action, and to create Penang into a truly international city for the benefit of the people.

As for other matters, we have, in April this year, again submitted an elaborate memorandum to the Penang State Government. Therefore, I do not repeat here.

Finally, I would like to wish everyone good health and good luck. Thank you.

3 2009 ᒪ㪙ӁՐ 2009 ᒪᢝ㺂㪙ӁՐ

ᢝ㺂亴䰤 φ ᤵ⶙⾓ਁᡆ⺋༡ Ր䮵 φ ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩቶ㓻 Ր䮵 φ ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩቶ㓻 㖨⨼Ր䮵 φ ᤵ⶙傼㛨᱄ 㖨⨼Ր䮵 φ ᤵ⶙傼㛨᱄ ࢥՐ䮵 φ ᤵ⶙䉘ളฯ ࢥՐ䮵 φ ᤵ⶙䉘ളฯ ᤵ⶙⧁⌟亰ঐ༡ቇṗ ᤵ⶙⧁⌟亰ঐ༡ቇṗ ᶄ⪒― ᶄ⪒― ѿࣗ『Ҝ φ 䱾ᱴ㼋ᗁᐾ ѿࣗ『Ҝ φ 䱾ᱴ㼋ᗁᐾ ѿࣗ䍘᭵ φ ᷍䍫ุ ѿࣗ䍘᭵ φ ᷍䍫ุ ޢާ㚊㔒 φ 䴭㔫ਿ ޢާ㚊㔒 φ 䴭㔫ਿ ᢝ㺂㪙Ӂ φ 哺⛄ਇ ѿࣗḛ䍜 φ ᤵ⶙᷍ѣ䘑 ᤵ⶙ᶄ≮ݿ ᢝ㺂㪙Ӂ φ 哺⛄ਇ 哺ᇅ༤ ᤵ⶙ᶄ≮ݿ ⧁㦙ᱛ 哺ᇅ༤ ᒺ৛ᡆ ⧁㦙ᱛ 䱾ṇ䄫 ᒺ৛ᡆ ਍䚶 φ ᤵ⶙⾓ਁᡆ⺋༡ 䱾ṇ䄫 ᤵ⶙䉘䈍ඐঐ༡ 㪙Ӂ : ᶄ≮嗏⺋༡ ᤵ⶙䇮ᔭᘖ ⑟≮ᮽ(᯲ 3 ᴾ਍䚶) ᤵ⶙㭗䬞ᘖ ੋ੥⌦ ؗ⨼઎ 䉘ᗭӷ ᤵ ⶙ ᯥ 䠂 ⾓ ␻ ක ቶ 㓻 ᤵ⶙᷍ి≪ ᤵ ⶙ 傼 ь 㗄 哺ᵞ⋩ ᤵ ⶙ 䱾 ⍱ ᵹ ቶ 㓻 ᶄ≮嗏⺋༡ ᤵ ⶙ 傼 㔅 ᇍ ቶ 㓻 䴭ᗭ㤸δ亰伄[―ค]ᴿ䲆ޢਮε ѯ ᯥ 䠂 ᤵ ⶙ 䱾 ള ᒩ ቶ 㓻 ᤵ⶙䱾ᾐ䖟 ᤵ ⶙ ࡎ ⿅ ᒩ ⺋ ༡ ᤵ⶙哺䭜ૂ ᤵ ⶙ ᶄ 䳻 ૂ ቶ 㓻 ᤵ⶙ਬ䗴ᶦঐ༡ѣṗ ᤵ ⶙ 㭗 䬞 ᘖ ᤵ⶙ぁ䫷䈐ঐ༡ ᤵ ⶙ ⾓ ਁ ᡆ ⺋ ༡ ᤵ⶙䉘䈍ඐঐ༡


ᤵ⶙ቚ⪔ᒼ 傼⌳ᐓ ੪⿅⎭ ᷍䮵≿ ⊕කᡆδක㦙Էѐ䘆䗉ᴿ䲆ޢਮε ੪ૅ≊ঐ༡δᰛ傢䚉䐥ᔰ䇴ᴿ䲆ޢਮε ᷍≿≪ ⑟≮ᮽ ᤵ⶙੪␻ਇδ㦙䗴䫘䫷ᴿ䲆ޢਮε ᤵ⶙哺㔝⁇δLead Rating Sdn. Bhd.ε ઞचⴀ(MBM Industries Sdn. Bhd.) 哺ᵞз(঍Ӑ䭶䭂䬆┼䫙ޢਮ) ᤵ⶙ᶄᘍ➂δ⻷୼ޢՐε 䱾ᇬ⨔δ―ᐔᔰㆇ᳞ᶆᯏ୼ޢՐ䠇䭽⽴ε ᶞ䍱ݹδ―ᐔᇬޭੂѐ୼Րεᶞੑ᯲ 4 ᴾ੾ 䗔θ䈛Ր䙸ਜည㖍ⓆⴑѰԙ㺞 ᤵ⶙䜣䳻≇δ―့ᰖ㓵⭫୼ޢՐε ặᲥ䖿δ―ਿ⧱䞧ണੂѐޢՐε ᷍ᇍ䙮δ्傢঄୼⍁䍝ᐹ⯁ޢՐε ᷍ጱᗭδ―ᐔӊ䠇ᵰỦ୼ޢՐε ঘḩ㤸δ―ค䘑࠰ਙ୼ޢՐε 䇮ਂ௒δ傢ᶛ㾵Ӑງ㜬স୼ޢՐ्傢࠼Րε

ᒪ ᐛ ֒ 㓺 ੃ 㺞 2009

傢ѣ ୼ѐਇኋ㓺 ኁѐ਀ᔰㆇ㓺 ѣቅශԷѐ਀Ӱ࣑䍺Ⓠਇኋ㓺 ѱԱ φ ᤵ⶙ᶄ≮ݿ ѱԱ φ ᤵ⶙傼㛨᱄ ѱԱ φ 䱾ṇ 䀶঍ ࢥѱԱ φ ᤵ⶙ᶄᘍ➂ ࢥѱԱ φ ᤵ⶙䱾ਁݿঐ༡ ࢥѱԱ φ ᷍䍫ุ ⴀ ည઎ φ 䇮ਂ௒؀ည઎ φ ᷍㠠䠇 ည઎ φ ੪ 儎᱄঄ 傼㦙Օᗁᐾ ᤵ⶙哺䭜ૂ ⧁Ԩኧ 䱾ᘖᒼ ᒺᆜचঐ༡ ⧁ު࡟ 䇮⾛Ӱ 䇮ᴿ࡟ ᷍ᇍ䙮 ⑟≮ᮽ ᕖ↙⎭ ᶄ⾛ਿ ᷍ള⋱ 哺ᵞ⋩ ঘḩ 㤸 哺␻ᢃ ᶄ✊㢥 䱾㦙㘶 ᷍䚉ᇅ ᕖьඐ 䗑ള⾛ ᶞ㦙㼋

㔅⎄ Ƚ䍘ࣗ਀いࣗ㓺 䍺䇥ᐛ㢰㓺 Ӛ䙐 Ƚ⢟⍷਀ީい㓺 ѱԱ φ ⧁㦙ᱛ ѱԱ φ ᶄ≮嗏⺋༡ ѱԱ φ 哺⛄ਇ ࢥѱԱ φ 䱾嗏㞴 ࢥѱԱ φ ᶄߖ䥟 ࢥѱԱ φ ઞ᱄呵 ည઎ φ ⧁㦙㼋 ည઎ φ 㜗ᒼⴑ ည઎ φ 傼呵ะ 䜣␱⿅ 㜗⿅ⴑ ઞचⴀ ḥ᯦㲄 ᷍䚉ᇅ 㬓ѣ⿅ ᶄ⾌ᮅ ᶄ䭜⌘ ᷍≮ݿ

୼Րӝѐ㇗⨼㓺 ᯻⑮ ਀୼ѐ㘹ሕ 㓺 Ր䇥࠰⡾㓺 ѱԱ φ ᒺ৛ᡆ ѱԱ φ 哺ᇅ༤ ѱԱ φ ᤵ⶙䉘䈍ඐ ঐ༡ ࢥѱԱ φ ᤵ⶙哺㔝 ᵞặ ࢥѱԱ φ ᷍䍫ุ ࢥѱԱ φ ᷍᱄঄⺋༡ ည઎ φ 䜇≮ᆿ ည઎ φ 㭗ളᮽ ည઎ φ ᶄՐᱛ ᤵ⶙੪Ᲊᴿ ᤵ⶙哺䭜ૂ ᕖឝ㘶 哺⪔ᵹ 䱾ṇ 䀶঍ ћᮽ䲼⺋༡ зකᗭ ⊕කᡆ 㗷ᮜᕰᗁᐾ 䴭㔫ਿ ᶞളᓭ ᷍ള⋱

ะᵢᔰ䇴਀ޢާ䇴᯳㓺 ѱԱ φ ᤵ⶙⧁⌟亰ঐ༡ ቇṗ ࢥѱԱ φ 䱾ᇬ⨔ ည઎ φ ੪ૅ≊ঐ༡ נㅏ⧀ ᶞьᕰ

2009 ᒪ⢯ࡡቅ㓺/䶈୼ഘ੃㺞

Ỷ䇞ㄖぁቅ㓺 㓠ᗁቅ㓺 ―ᐔ㔅⎄ਇኋ⹊ガቅ㓺 ѱԱ φ 䱾ᱴ㼋ᗁᐾ ѱԱ φ ᤵ⶙䉘ളฯ ѱԱ φ ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩቶ㓻 ࢥѱԱ φ 哺⛄ਇ ࢥѱԱ φ ᤵ⶙㭗䬞ᘖ ࢥѱԱ φ ᤵ⶙⾓ਁᡆ⺋༡   ࡎႭ⧨ᗁᐾ ည઎ φ ᤵ⶙⧁⌟亰ঐ༡ቇṗ ည઎ φ ᤵ⶙䉘ളฯ ည઎ φ ᤵ⶙㭗䬞ᘖ   ᶄ⪒―   ᤵ⶙ᒺਁ᱄   ᤵ⶙ᶄ䳻ૂቶ㓻   䱾ᱴ㼋ᗁᐾ   䱾ᱴ㼋ᗁᐾ   ᤵ⶙䛉ളᖢ   䉘ᙓᮽ   ᤵ⶙䉘䈍ඐঐ༡   ᶄ⦿哈ᗁᐾ      


亴䰤 φ ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩቶ㓻 ഘ䮵 φ ⑟≮ᮽ ࢥഘ䮵 φ ᶄ✊㢥 『Ҝ φ 傼㦙Օᗁᐾ ࢥ『Ҝ φ ᷍䚉ᇅ 䍘᭵ φ ⧁ㅏ݋ ḛ䍜 φ ⧁ᙓࣽ ည઎ φ ᷍⎟♐ 䗴؀傼 䗑ള⾛ 䱾ࠂ僅 哺ᮢ䬞 ⍠㩼㣟 ặ⿶⦿ ᷍᰽ਿ 㤅ᮽᶦ 䉘ᥥᯂ 哺ి⿴

2009 ᒪ㪙ӁՐ䇤 ࠰ᑣ⅗ᮦ䇦ᖋ

ٽ㕌ਭ 㪙 Ӂ ဉ ੃ ࠰ᑣ ઀ ٽ㕌ਭ 㪙 Ӂ ဉ ੃ ࠰ᑣ ઀ 1 ᤵ⶙⾓ਁᡆ⺋༡ 2 4 27 ᤵ⶙ਬ䗴ᶦঐ༡ѣṗ 5 1 2 ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩቶ㓻 5 1 28 ᤵ⶙ぁ䫷䈐ঐ༡ 2 4 3 ᤵ⶙傼㛨᱄ 6 0 29 ᤵ⶙ 䉘䈍ඐ ঐ༡ 6 0 4 ᤵ⶙䉘ളฯ 4 2 30 ᤵ⶙ ੪Ᲊᴿ 5 1 5 ᤵ⶙⧁⌟亰ঐ༡ 2 4 31 ᤵ⶙ ቚ⪔ᒼ 5 1 6 ᶄ⪒― 6 0 32 傼⌳ᐓ 3 3 7 䱾ᱴ㼋ᗁᐾ 5 1 33 ੪⿅⎭ 0 6 8 ᷍䍫ุ 6 0 34 ᷍䮵≿ 3 3 9 䴭㔫ਿ 5 1 35 ⊕කᡆ 4 2 10 哺⛄ਇ 6 0 36 ੪ૅ≊ঐ༡ 1 5 ᤵ⶙ᶄ≮ݿ 4 2 37 ᷍≿≪ 1 5 11 12 哺ᇅ༤ 5 1 38 ⑟≮ᮽ 6 0 13 ⧁㦙ᱛ 3 3 39 ᤵ⶙੪␻ਇ 0 6 14 ᒺ৛ᡆ 6 0 40 ᤵ⶙哺㔝⁇ 3 3 15 䱾ṇ䀶঍ 4 2 41 ઞचⴀ 5 1 16 ᤵ⶙᷍ѣ䘑 4 2 42 哺ᵞз 5 1 17 ᤵ⶙䇮ᔭᘖ 2 4 43 ᤵ⶙ᶄᘍ➂ 2 4 18 ᤵ⶙ 㭗䬞ᘖ 5 1 44 䱾ᇬ⨔ 3 3 ੥⌦ 0 6 45 ᶞ䍱ݹ δ᯲ 4 ᴾ੾䗔 ε 0 1ੋ 19 20 䉘ᗭӷ 3 3 46 ᤵ⶙䜣䳻≇ 3 3 21 ᤵ⶙᷍ి≪ 6 0 47 ặᲥ䖿 3 3 22 哺ᵞ⋩ 5 1 48 ᷍ᇍ䙮 4 2 23 ᶄ≮嗏⺋༡ 3 3 49 ᷍ጱᗭ 5 1 24 䴭ᗭ㤸 3 3 50 ঘḩ㤸 5 1 25 ᤵ⶙䱾ᾐ䖟 4 2 51 䇮ਂ௒ 2 4 ᤵ⶙ 哺䭜ૂ 5 1 52 㖍Ⓠⴑ਌ԙᶞ䍱ݹᡶ䚍グ㕰 1 4 26

2009 ᒪᢝ㺂㪙ӁՐ䇤࠰ᑣ⅗ᮦ㓠ᖋ

ٽ㕌ਭ 㪙 Ӂ ဉ ੃ ࠰ᑣ ઀ ٽ㕌ਭ 㪙 Ӂ ဉ ੃ ࠰ᑣ ઀

1 ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩ 11 2 11 哺ᇅ༤ 10 3

2 ᤵ⶙傼㛨᱄ 11 2 12 ⧁㦙ᱛ 7 6

3 ᤵ⶙䉘ളฯ 10 3 13 ᒺ৛ᡆ 12 1

4 ᤵ⶙⧁⌟亰ঐ༡ 2 11 14 䱾ṇ䄫 10 3

5 ᶄ⪒― 11 2

6 䱾ᱴ㼋ᗁᐾ 12 1 ਍䚶࠰ᑣ

7 ᷍䍫ุ 9 4 15 ᤵ⶙⾓ਁᡆ⺋༡ 7 6

8 䴭㔫ਿ 13 0 16 ᤵ⶙ 䉘䈍ඐঐ༡ 1 12

9 哺⛄ਇ 11 2 17 ᶄ≮嗏⺋༡ 7 6

ᤵ⶙ᶄ≮ݿ 11 2 18 ⑟≮ᮽ (᯲ 3 ᴾ਍䚶 ) 11 0 10 2009 ᒪ਍ሷँ㺊ҁ㪙Ӂ਀Ր઎  ᐔݹ俌䰷сᮜᤵ⶙ᯥ䠂䱵䜳᣿ᴲ䱵ᐪᯥ 71 ኷঄䈔ሷ䎆―  DSPN ᤵ⶙ँ㺊 φᯯቀ䍚


DJN ँ㺊 φ᷍↜⚵



PKT ँ㺊 φ㤅ᮽᶦ

PJK ँ㺊 φᶄߖ䥟


ᖣӞᐔ㤅ѯ䱵ᵡ⋏⇵с 78 ኷঄䈔ሷ䎆  DIMP ᤵ⶙ँ㺊 φᯯቀ䍚 Ր઎੃仓 

䚫➝р䇿ᓣ࡚ߩҁ੄ (2009 ᒪ 10 ᴾ 21 ᰛ) ≮ѻ/Ფ䙐Ր઎ Ր઎〃㊱ ᙱᮦ ≮ѻՐ઎ Ფ䙐Ր઎ ѠӰ 814 92 906 ୼ਭ/ޢਮ 1166 172 1338 ୼ഘ 43 7 50 ᙱᮦ 2023 271 2294  ୼ՐՐ઎ᡠ㠩 2009 ᒪ 12 ᴾ 31 ᰛсॾ 5 ⛯ (ᢝ㺂 12 ᴾ 2 ᰛ୼Ր⢯ࡡՐ઎ཝՐ䇤Ṿ) ≮ѻ/Ფ䙐Ր઎ Ր઎〃㊱ ᙱᮦ ≮ѻՐ઎ Ფ䙐Ր઎ ѠӰ 288 97 385 ୼ਭ/ޢਮ 465 176 641 ୼ഘ 38 7 45 ᙱᮦ 791 280 1071

2009 ᒪᓜ―ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼Ր࠰Աޢާᵰᶺԙ㺞    ᤵ⶙⾓ਁᡆ⺋༡   傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾ੃䂿亴䰤  傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐ䍘ࣗㆌࡈ㓺亴䰤  傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐߒѐ਀৕ӝѐ㓺亴䰤   ѯᯥ䠂 ᤵ⶙ 䱾ളᒩ   দ傢⌦㔅⎄ᡆ䮵п䀈⍨㚊ਾ୼ѐ⨼ӁՐည઎ 傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐㅢ 63 ኀࢥᙱՐ䮵 ―ᐔ਺୼Ր㚊ਾՐѱᑣ ―ᐔ൦ᯯ᭵ᓒ૞䈘⨼ӁՐည઎ ―ᐔ䍮᱉਀୼ѐည઎Րည઎ 傢ᶛ㾵Ӑᓿ⌷⹊ガ䲘㪙Ӂ  ᤵ⶙ 傼㛨᱄   ―ᐔ਺୼Ր㚊ਾՐည઎ 傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐᔰㆇ਀൦ӝ㓺㓺઎  ᤵ⶙ 䉘ളฯ   ―ᐔ਺୼Ր㚊ਾՐည઎ 傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐള䱻䍮᱉਀ᐛѐ㓺㓺઎ 傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐђⴕӁࣗ㓺㓺઎  ᤵ⶙⧁⌟亰ঐ༡ ቇṗ   ―ᐔ਺୼Ր㚊ਾՐည઎   ᶄ⪒―  ―ᐔ਺୼Ր㚊ਾՐည઎   䱾ᱴ㼋   ―ᐔ਺୼Ր㚊ਾՐ『Ҝ  ᷍䍫ุ   傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐ䍘ࣗㆌࡈ㓺㓺઎  傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐѣቅԷѐ਀Ӱ࣑䍺Ⓠਇኋ㓺㓺઎    䴭㔫ਿ   ―ᐔ䚉䐥ᆿޞည઎Րည઎  傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐޢާ㚊㔒㓺㓺઎   哺⛄ਇ   傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐㅢ 63 ኀѣཤ⨼Ӂ 傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐӚ䙐ਇኋ㓺ѱԱ 傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐ⽴Ր㔅⎄⹊ガ㓺㓺઎ ୼㚊Րളᇬ㔅⎄᭵ㆌфਇኋ䇗ࡈ⢯ࡡᐛ֒ည઎Ր㓺઎ ⲽᇬީいቶޞള૞䈘ည઎Րည઎ ―ค⑥ਙ૞䈘ည઎Ր↙ԙ㺞 ―คީい㚊㔒ည઎Րည઎ ᐔ׹䘑्ђⴕ䍮᱉ည઎Րည઎―   ―ᐔ׹䘑्ђⴕ䍮᱉ည઎Րည઎  ᤵ⶙ᶄ≮ݿ  ᒺ৛ᡆ   ―ዑᐸ䇤઎ ―ᐔ䍮᱉਀୼ѐည઎Րည઎ ᐔ׹䘑्ђⴕ䍮᱉ည઎Րည઎―  䱾ṇ 䀶঍  傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐѣቅශԷѐ਀Ӱ࣑䍺Ⓠਇኋ㓺㓺઎  ᐔ׹䘑्ђⴕ䍮᱉ည઎Րည઎―  ᒺᆜचঐ༡   傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ ୼㚊ਾՐ୼ࣗ㓺㓺઎   ᶄ≮嗏⺋༡   傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐ䍺䇥਀䙐䇥ᐛ㢰㓺㓺઎   ᐔਇኋቶ⭫ᆆ㔅⎄ᐛ֒ည઎Րည઎―  ᤵ⶙䉘䈍ඐঐ༡   ―คਚ䘯ည઎Ր亴䰤ഘᡆ઎  傼⌳ᐓ   傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐђⴕӁࣗ㓺㓺઎   ᐔ׹䘑्ђⴕ䍮᱉ည઎Րည઎―  ੪ૅ≊ঐ༡   傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐ ะᔰ਀⿷㩛ौ㓺㓺઎   䱾ᇬ⨔   傢ᶛ㾵Ӑѣ঄ᐛ୼㚊ਾՐ ะᔰ਀⿷㩛ौ㓺㓺઎   ࡎႭ⧨   ့ⴷᐸ䇤઎  


1. ᑮᒪՐ઎ཝՐ 1 ⅗ 2. ⢯ࡡՐ઎ཝՐ 1 ⅗ 3. 㪙ӁՐ䇤 6 ⅗ 4. ᢝ㺂㪙ӁՐ䇤 12 ⅗ 5. ⢯ࡡᢝ㺂㪙ӁՐ䇤 1 ⅗ 6. 㓠ᗁቅ㓺 1 ⅗ 7. 傢ѣ୼ѐਇኋ㓺Ր䇤 2 ⅗ 8. ѣቅශԷѐ਀Ӱ࣑䍺Ⓠਇኋ㓺Ր䇤 3 ⅗ 9. 䍺䇥ᐛ㢰㓺Ր䇤 1 ⅗ 10. Ӛ䙐Ƚ⢟⍷਀ީい㓺Ր䇤 2 ⅗ 11. ኁѐ਀ᔰㆇ㓺Ր䇤 4 ⅗ 12. ୼Րӝѐ㇗⨼㓺Ր䇤 6 ⅗ 13. ะᵢᔰ䇴਀ޢާ䇴᯳㓺Ր䇤 1 ⅗ 14. 䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘ 9 ⅗

࠰ള䇵䰤䍮᱉ԙ㺞ഘ /ള޻䇵䰤ԙ㺞ഘ

1 .―ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼Ր䎪Ḣชሞ㘹ሕ ഘ δ2009 ᒪ 4 ᴾ 7 ᰛε 2 .ㅢ 105 ኀѣള䘑࠰ਙ୼૷Ӛ᱉ՐδᱛᆙᒵӚՐεԙ㺞ഘ δ2 009 ᒪ 4 ᴾ 15 ᰛε 3.―ᐔ਺୼Ր㚊ਾՐ⽲䋂ᤒ䇵―ᐔ俌ᑣ䜞䮵᷍ߖ㤧 δ2 009 ᒪ 4 ᴾ 26 ᰛε 4 .ㅢ 106 ኀѣള䘑࠰ਙ୼૷Ӛ᱉Րδ、ᆙᒵӚՐεԙ㺞ഘ δ20 09 ᒪ 10 ᴾ 15 ᰛ ε

⍱ࣞࡍ亯 φ䇨ᓝՐ /⹊䇞 Ր/ฯ䇣㩛

1. ᵢՐ㔅⎄ Ƚ䍘ࣗ਀いࣗ㓺ӄ 2009 ᒪ 1 ᴾ 20 ᰛθ рॾ 9 ᰬ㠩 1 1 ᰬ 3 0 ࠼൞୼ ՐՐ䇤ᇚ Ѵࣔ 1967 ᒪ ᡶᗍい⌋Ԛ ҁɋ いࣗࡇ㖐 Ɍ䇨ᓝՐ Ⱦ

2. ᵢՐ䍺䇥ᐛ㢰㓺ф Y G L C on ve r ge n c e (M ) Sd n Bh d ӄ 20 09 ᒪ 4 ᴾ 8 ᰛθрॾ 9 ᰬ㠩 с ॾ 1 ᰬ൞୼ՐՐ䇤ᇚѴ ࣔ“ᓊሯ䠇㷃伄ᳪⲺߨ࠱ ι൞ք▤ѣཱྀ䘑 ”⹊䇞 ՐȾ

3. ᵢՐ 䶈ᒪ㔅 ୼ഘ ӄ 20 09 ᒪ 7 ᴾ 10 ᰛ θсॾ 2 ᰬ 30 ࠼㠩Აр 6 ᰬ൞ਾᛞ 䞈ᓍ Ѵࣔ “㔅⎄ኋᵑфᥥު䞃ྍ ”䇨ᓝՐ Ⱦ

⎭ค्―ٽ A s tro фᵢՐ 䶈ᒪ㔅 ୼ ഘӄ 2009 ᒪ 8 ᴾ 2 ᰛ δઞᰛ ε сॾ 3 ᰬθ .4 ਂ့ిᒪ঄Ր䇤ѣᗹ 㚊 ࣔɅ䘼ູࡑѐ ԷࣞӰ⭕ Ɇᓝ䈾 ՐȾ

5. ᵢՐ 䶈ᒪ㔅 ୼ഘ ӄ 20 09 ᒪ 8 ᴾ 14 ᰛ θсॾ 2 ᰬ 30 ࠼㠩 5 ᰬ൞୼ՐՐ䇤ᇚѴ ࣔ“ࡑ䙖ѐ㔟ཽ䘯 ” 䇨ᓝՐ Ⱦ

6. ᵢՐ 䍺䇥ᐛ㢰㓺ф 䶈ᒪ㔅 ୼ഘ ӄ 200 9 ᒪ 9 ᴾ 1 8 ᰛθ сॾ 2 ᰬ 30 ࠼㠩 5 ᰬ൞ ୼ՐՐ䇤ᇚѴࣔ “ᢶᵥࡑѐф୼ѐᲰ㜳㌱㔕 ”䍺䇥ᐛ㢰䇨ᓝ Ⱦ

7. ᵢՐ㔅⎄ Ƚ䍘ࣗ਀いࣗ㓺ӄ 2009 ᒪ 10 ᴾ 23 ᰛ θсॾ 4 ᰬ൞୼ՐՐ䇤ᇚ 㿸ⵁ 䍘᭵䜞䮵ޢᐹളᇬ䍘᭵人㇍ṾⲺ⧦൰⴪᫣ θ 䗽੄䪾ሯ 人㇍Ṿᨆ࠰䇞䇰 ૂਇ㺞୼ Րᝅ㿷 Ⱦ

8. ᵢՐѣቅශԷѐ਀Ӱ࣑䍺Ⓠਇኋ㓺ӄ 2009 ᒪ 1 0 ᴾ 31 ᰛθ рॾ 10 ᰬ൞୼Ր Ր䇤ᇚѴࣔ “ሼᛞⲺԷѐ⢯䇮㔅㩛ौ ”䇨ᓝՐ Ⱦ

ᵢՐ 䶈ᒪ㔅 ୼ഘ фളᇬؗᢎะ䠇਀㚊᱂䬬㺂 ӄ 2009 ᒪ 1 1 ᴾ 3 ᰛ θсॾ 3 ᰬ .9 㠩 6 ᰬθ൞嗏ค䞈ᓍ 㚊ࣔ “䍘᭵人㇍ф㔅⎄䇺䘦 ”䇨ᓝՐ Ⱦ

1 0. ᵢ ՐӚ䙐 Ƚ⢟⍷਀ީい㓺࣑䚶с θ R an k A lph a T e c h n o lo gie s ӄ 201 0 ᒪ 12 ᴾ 1 5 ᰛ൞୼ՐՐ䇤ᇚ Ѱެޢਮᣛީ䖥Ԭ ć Ca r go D e c la re Su i te V 7 ĈѴࣔ᧞ԁ ⽲Ⱦ

1 1. ᵢՐ 䶈ᒪ㔅 ୼ഘ ૂ᯻⑮ ਀୼ѐ㘹ሕ㓺 ӄ 20 09 ᒪ 12 ᴾ 31 ᰛθсॾ 7 ᰬ㠩ࠂᲞ ᮦ⍱ࣞ ”,Ფཟާᒼ Ⱦوᰬ θ൞ਾᛞᒵ൰Ѵࣔ “ 20 10 ᒪ᯦ᒪ 1

㦻䇵ᵢՐҁԙ㺞ഘ /ిᇴ

1. 唇嗏⊕ⴷӰ≇᭵ᓒ ԙ㺞 ഘ δ2 009 ᒪ 4 ᴾ 10 ᰛε

2. ⌦ള㪙䠂ᓒԙ㺞ഘ δ2009 ᒪ 5 ᴾ 6 ᰛε

3. ᯦ࣖ඗傱傢щ઎㖨ࢥᴶ儎щ઎ δ2 009 ᒪ 5 ᴾ 21 ᰛε

4. ਿ䲼඗᳞䴠ަ㧠ѣ঄ ᐛ ୼ᙱՐԙ㺞 δ2 009 ᒪ 7 ᴾ 13 ᰛε

5. ᯥ䠂ަগᴶ儎щ઎ԙ㺞 δ2009 ᒪ 8 ᴾ 6 ᰛε

6. ⌦ള ⋏亵ᓒ ԙ㺞ഘ δ2 009 ᒪ 9 ᴾ 28 ᰛε

7. ᆕࣖ᣿傱傢ᴶ儎щ઎ ԙ㺞 δ2 009 ᒪ 10 ᴾ 9 ᰛε

8. ⌦ളᣋ䍺ᵰᶺԙ㺞ഘ δ2 009 ᒪ 11 ᴾ 4 ᰛε

2009 ᒪᓜՐࣗ਀⍱ࣞᣛ઀

1967 ᒪᡶᗍい⌋Ԛҁɋいࣗࡇ㖐Ɍ䇨ᓝՐ  ᵢՐ㔅⎄Ƚ䍘ࣗ਀いࣗ㓺ф޻䱼いࣗቶӄ 2009 ᒪ 1 ᴾ 20 ᰛθрॾ 9 ᰬ㠩 11 ᰬ 30 ࠼൞ᵢՐՐ䇤ᇚ㚊ਾ Ѵࣔ 1967 ᒪᡶᗍい⌋Ԛҁɋいࣗࡇ㖐Ɍ䇨ᓝՐȾᱥ亯䇨ᓝՐᱥ⭧޻䱼い᭬ቶᇎ઎ᴯᗭ⛄ѱ䇨Ⱦ

↚䇨ᓝՐᴶѱ㾷ⲺⴤⲺᱥ䇟࠰ᑣ㘻㜳ཕᴪҼ䀙ф᱄ⲳ൞ 1967 ᒪᡶᗍい⌋ԚсⲺ਺〃いࣗࡇ㖐ф䀜⌋Ⱦ ⭧ӄሯᡶᗍい⌋ԚⲺᰖ⸛θᖾཐӰഖ↚䶘ሯいࣗⲺࡇ⌋θሲ㠪䶘ሯ㖐ⅴȾ


ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼Ր਀―ᐔѣݹ㚊ਾՐӄ 2009 ᒪ 1 ᴾ 23 ᰛрॾ〱Ӛݹᇫ㢸ᒼޮ䎔ࣟ䍯Ҿᐔ᭵ᓒθ⭧䍕䍙㔕― ㆯ 2009 ᒪݹᇫ㢸ᒼޮⲺ―ᐔ᯻⑮ਇኋည઎Րѱᑣ㖍ުᕰ᧛亼θ俌䮵᷍ߖ㤧㿷䇷Ⱦ

ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼Ր਀―ᐔѣݹ㚊ਾՐ࠼ࡡᦆ⥤ 1 н 5000 Ԛਿ਀ 1 нԚਿҾᐔ᭵ᓒ㺂᭵䇤઎Ⱦ―


ᵢՐᢝ㺂㪙Ӂᒺ৛ᡆ਀୼ՐỶ䇞ㄖぁቅ㓺ࢥѱԱࡎႭ⧨ӄ 2009 ᒪ 3 ᴾ 1 ᰛ࠼ࡡ߃⅗਍ည࠰Ա―ዑ਀့ ⴷᐸ䇤઎θԙ㺞୼Ր൞ᐸ䇤Րਇ䀶਀Ѱ―ᐔਇኋ⥤࣑Ⱦ


ᵢՐӄ 2009 ᒪ 3 ᴾ 10 ᰛ↙ᕅᡆ㄁䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘθ⅘䘄ᒪ喺ԁӄ 21 ኷㠩 45 ኷ҁ䰪θ൞―ᐔԱ㚂ᡌ㔅୼Ⲻ 䶈ᒪ⭭ྩࣖޛᡆѰഘ઎Ⱦ  ᵢՐՐ䮵ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩ൞䇦㘻Րр㺞⽰θᵢՐᡆ㄁䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘᇍᰞ൞ӄ੮ᕋᒪ䖱жԙࣖޛθᒬฯ㛨 ᡆѰᵢՐՐ઎਀᧛⨣Ӱθԛࣖᕰ਀༤ཝᵢՐ㓺㓽θᴪ䘑ж↛൦ᴿ᭾ᇔ⧦ᵢՐⲺᰘᇐⴤḽȾуӻྸ↚θ䶈 ᒪ㔅୼ഘҕᰞ൞ฯ㛨਀ᨆॽ䶈ᒪ঄୼Ⲻࡑѐ⸛䇼਀㔅୼Ჰឝθԛᓊ਎⽴Ր㔅⎄䖢ශфᨆॽ⭕ӝ࣑Ⱦ

―ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼ՐḢชሞԙ㺞ഘ  ―ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼Ր൞ᵢՐՐ䮵ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩ⦽亼жѠ⭧ᵢՐ㪙Ӂ㓺ᡆҁԙ㺞ഘӄ 2009 ᒪ 4 ᴾ 7 ᰛ㠩 11 ᰛ䎪Ḣชሞ䠇䗯਀ᳯ㋈њ൦ф䈛ള᭵ᓒ䜞䰞ૂ୼⮂Ӱ༡䘑㺂Ӛ⍷ θԛ᧘䇞䈛ളⲺᣋ䍺୼ᵰ਀୼ѐ⧥ ູфࢃᲥȾ↚ཌθԙ㺞ഘҕ䎪੪ଛフㅿ᯻⑮㜒൦⑮㿾Ⱦ

ԙ㺞ഘⲺᡆ઎ᴿՐ䮵ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩθ㖨⨼Ր䮵ᤵ⶙傼㛨᱄ȽࢥՐ䮵ᤵ⶙䉘ളฯȽᢝ㺂㪙Ӂᒺ৛ᡆȽ 㪙Ӂᤵ⶙᷍ѣ䘑Ƚ䉘ᗭӷȽᤵ⶙䱾ᾐ䖟Ƚᤵ⶙哺㔝⁇ Ƚ㪙Ӂ᳞䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘഘ䮵⑟≮ᮽ фᵢՐՐ઎зක ᗭȾ


ᵢՐ䍺䇥ᐛ㢰㓺ф YGL Convergence (M) Sdn Bhd ൞ 2009 ᒪ 4 ᴾ 8 ᰛрॾ㚊ࣔ“ᓊሯ䠇㷃伄ᳪⲺߨ࠱ι ൞ք▤ѣཱྀ䘑” ⹊䇞Րθԛঅࣟ୼ᇬᘡ䙕Ҽ䀙ᇘᡭⲺ䴶≸Ⱦ

൞⹊䇞Րр᷍ᾖѰ࠰ᑣ㘻䇨䀙ྸ֋ᘡ䙕ଃᓊᇘᡭ䴶≸фྸ֋ᴿ᭾ࣖᕰԷѐ㋴㓼ौ㇗⨼θ㙂֋Օ䬞Ѱ࠰ᑣ 㘻䇨䀙ྸ֋ᴿ᭾࡟⭞ᮦᦤᑤࣟߩㆌфྸ֋ᔰ㄁儎᭾Ⲻะ⹶䖥Ԭᒩਦԛ㧭ᗍᴶ֩Ⲻᣋ䍺ഔᣛȾ


ѣള唇嗏⊕ⴷӰ≇᭵ᓒԙ㺞ഘࢥ『Ҝᶞ⡧↜ӄ 2009 ᒪ 4 ᴾ 10 ᰛ⦽亼ж㺂 5 ӰⲺ᭵ᓒԙ㺞ᇎ઎㦻䇵ᵢՐ 䘑㺂Ӛ⍷θᒬ㧭ᗍᵢՐࢥՐ䮵ᶄ⪒―Ƚᢝ㺂㪙Ӂ哺⛄ਇȽᢝ㺂㪙Ӂ᳞傢ѣ୼ѐਇኋ㓺ѱԱᤵ⶙ᶄ≮ݿȽ ᢝ㺂㪙Ӂ䱾ṇ䄫Ƚ㪙Ӂᶄ≮嗏⺋༡䘄᧛Ⱦ

Ӛ⍷Րрθਂᯯ䜳ᖾ〥ᶷᨆ࠰䰤从ф䪾ሯᴿީ൞―ᐔф唇嗏⊕ⴷҁ䰪Ⲻᣋ䍺୼ᵰ਀୼ѐ⧥ູфࢃᲥ䘑㺂 Ӛ⍷Ⱦ

2009 ᒪㅢ 105 ኀѣള䘑࠰ਙ୼૷Ӛ᱉ՐδᱛᆙᒵӚՐε

⭧ᵢՐ傢ѣ୼ѐਇኋ㓺ㆯࣔⲺ 2009 ᒪᓜѣള䘑࠰ਙ୼૷ᱛᆙᒵӚՐԙ㺞ഘж㺂 30 Ӱθṯᦤኋ࠰ҁ୼૷ ㊱ࡡ਀୼૷ࡈ࠼ᡆ A 㓺ǃ B 㓺਀ C 㓺੥ぁDŽA 㓺ǃ B 㓺਀ C 㓺࠼ࡡӄ 2009 ᒪ 4 ᴾ 14 ᰛȽ4 ᴾ 24 ᰛ਀ 5 ᴾ 2 ᰛҎᩣ঍ᯯ㡠ᵰ࠰ਇ㠩ᒵᐔȾ


―ᐔ਺୼Ր㚊ਾՐѱᑣѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩӄ 2009 ᒪ 4 ᴾ 26 ᰛ䘔ੂ―ᐔ਺୼Ր㚊ਾՐ 10 փՐ઎ᤒ䇵ᐔ ᭵ᓒθ䲚Ҽੇᐔ᭵ᓒᨆ੾Ʌᣫᗗޞ⨹㔅⎄ধᵰགྷ㤅―ᐔ㔅⎄Ɇҁ༽ᘎᖋҁཌθᴪឭឞ䀙ഀᦆ࠰ 20 нԚ ਿ֒Ѱ―ᐔ᭵ᓒ⎾⚣䎚䍡ะ䠇Ⱦ


⌦ള㪙䠂ᓒԙ㺞ഘӄ 2009 ᒪ 5 ᴾ 6 ᰛ⽲䋂ᤒ䇵ᵢՐȾ⌦ള㪙䠂ᓒࢥѱᑣ㤅᣿඗㺞⽰θ䈛ഘ 20 փԙ㺞ࢃ ᶛᵢՐⲺѱ㾷ⴤⲺᱥѰҼࣖᕰᖲ↚䰪Ⲻ㚊㌱θੂᰬੇᵢՐԁ㔃⌦ള㪙䠂ᓒⲺ⧦⣬Ⱦ

࠰ᑣ᧛ᖻԙ㺞ഘ㘻ऻᤢφᵢՐᢝ㺂亴䰤ᤵ⶙⾓ਁᡆȽ㖨⨼Ր䮵ᤵ⶙傼㛨᱄ȽࢥՐ䮵ᶄ⪒―Ƚѿࣗ『Ҝ䱾 㚊㔒䴭㔫ਿȽᢝ㺂㪙Ӂ哺⛄ਇȽᤵ⶙ᶄ≮ݿȽᒺ৛ᡆȽ䱾ṇ䄫Ƚ㪙Ӂᶄ≮嗏Ƚ⑟≮ᮽȽ㖍Ⓠާޢᱴ㼋Ƚ ⴑȽ―ᐔᇬޭੂѐ୼ՐㅢӂࢥՐ䮵᷍ṇᇓфѿࣗ『Ҝ嗐ՕᶦȾ

䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘ 2009 ᒪᑮᒪഘ઎ཝՐ

丟⊕ཐݹ⭞䙊߭≊⽲ุਢᔶ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘ 2009 ᒪᑮᒪഘ઎ཝՐٽᵢՐ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘӄ 2009 ᒪ 5 ᴾ 16 ᰛθ ਀ 2009/2010 ᒪᢝညՐ䘿ѴȾ

ᵢՐՐ䮵ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩቶ㓻൞ᔶᒋ㠪䈃ѣ㺞⽰ᵢՐ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘⲺᴶ䠃㾷ᇍᰞᱥѰҼ੮ᕋᴪཐᒪ䖱ж ԙⲺ঄㼊ࣖޛθᒬฯ㛨ᡆѰѣ঄ᙱ୼Ր∃ՐⲺ᧛⨣Ӱθԛࣖᕰ਀༤ཝ∃ՐⲺ㓺㓽Ⱦ

ᵢՐ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘഘ䮵⑟≮ᮽ ൞䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘᡆ㄁ཝՐр㠪䈃ᰬ㺞⽰ θ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘѰҼഘ઎ᇔ⧦ᒵ䱊ⲺỜ ᜩθՐѴࣔ਺㊱ཐቸ⅗ȽཐݹौȽཐṭौⲺ⍱ࣞθ䇟ഘ઎Ԣ৸фȾެѣⲺ⍱ࣞऻᤢᴿީྸ֋㧭਌᭵ᓒᨆ ⲺྌࣧфᨪࣟⲺ䇨ᓝȾԛсᱥ―ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼Ր䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘ 2009/2010 ᒪᢝညՐ੃ঋφב   亴䰤φ ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩ

ഘ䮵φ ⑟≮ᮽ

ࢥഘ䮵φ ᶄ✊㢥

『Ҝφ 傼㦙Օᗁᐾ

ࢥ『Ҝφ ᷍䚉ᇅ

䍘᭵φ ⧁ㅏ݋

ḛ䍜φ ⧁ᙓࣽ

ည઎φ ᷍⎟㘦






᯦ࣖ඗傱傢щ઎㖨ࢥᴶ儎щ઎⸩᱄ݿૂㅢж『Ҝ䉘ᴿӷӄ 2009 ᒪ 5 ᴾ 21 ᰛ㦻䇵ᵢՐ䘑㺂Ӛ⍷θᒬ㧭ᗍ Ր䮵ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩቶ㓻Ƚ㖨⨼Ր䮵ᤵ⶙傼㛨᱄ૂѿࣗ『Ҝ䱾ᱴ㼋ᗁᐾ᧛ᖻȾ

Ӛ⍷Րрθਂᯯ䇞䇰―ᐔ൞᯦᭵ᓒᑜ亼੄Ⲻ਺ᯯ䶘ਇኋθެѣऻᤢ᭵ㆌȽᐛѐȽ㔅⎄Ƚᮏ㛨ф⽴Րㅿ䈴 从Ⱦ

―ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼Ր 2009 ᒪᑮᒪՐ઎ཝՐ  丟⊕ཐݹ⭞䙊߭≊⽲ุਢᔶ 2009 ᒪᑮᒪՐ઎ཝՐȾᱥᰛՐ઎ཝՐ⭧Ր䮵ٽᵢՐӄ 2009 ᒪ 6 ᴾ 19 ᰛθ ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩѱᤷθᙱާᴿ 110 ੃Ր઎࠰ᑣȾཝՐж㠪䙐䗽㾼߼ 2008 ᒪ 5 ᴾ 31 ᰛࢃՐ઎ཝՐ䇤 ṾȽ᧛㓩 2008 ᒪᓜᑮᒪᣛ઀Ҝ਀ 2008 ᒪᓜ㔅びḛҁ䍜ⴤᣛ઀θҕ䙐䗽 12 亯ᨆṾྸсφ

ཝՐ਷䈭―ᐔ᭵ᓒ਀൦ᯯ᭵ᓒ᭴ᇳ᢯߼ぁᓅθᒬᔰ䇤൦ᯯ᭵ᓒжㄏᕅഴ⎁᢯߼ѣᗹ᭴ᇳ⴮ީᶗׁԛ (1) ࣖ䙕᢯߼ぁᓅȾ

/ ᭯ᡌ᫚⎾䲆࡬ᙝؤՍӰ༡䇚䍣 θᒬޢཝՐ਷䈭―ᐔ᭵ᓒᣀᵠ୤࠰Ⲻൕ㪍ૂ ѣքԭঋփ㠠ࣞᔶ᭴Ҿ (2) ⾷࡬᧠᯳Ⱦ

ཝՐ਷䈭ᐔ᭵ᓒ〥ᶷ᧞ࣞθ䇟―คᡆѰ"ㅢӂᇬണ"䇗ࡈⲺ俌䘿൦⛯θഖѰ䘏ሼ׹䘑ᵢ൦ӝѐ亼ต਀ (3) ᮪։㔅⎄Ⲻᡆ䮵Ⱦ

(4) ཝՐ਷䈭ᐔ᭵ᓒ䟽਌᧠᯳θ঩ᰬᕰ࡬㧭ᗍ᭵ᓒਾ㓜Ⲻޢਮ䳽㚎ᵢ൦ᐛӰȾ

(5) ཝՐ਷䈭ᐔ᭵ᓒࣖᕰ᧞ᒵᐔ޻᯻⑮ѐθᒬԛ໔ࣖᡌࣖᕰ⧦ᴿ᯻⑮Ქ⛯ૂะᵢᔰ䇴Ѱ䮵ᵕ໔ࣖ᯻ᇘⲺ ㆌ⮛Ⱦ

ཝՐ਷䈭ᐔ᭵ᓒሼҊ⋱ᐸᢉ䙖ᡆѰжѠሂᴿ⢯㢨伄ݿⲺуདྷคᐸԛ੮ᕋᴪཐ⑮ᇘᶛ―ᐔθഖѰ䘏у (6) ӻሼਥ䎐਌ཌ≽ૂ⍱㔒Ҋ⋱ᐸⲺ୼ᵰθੂᰬҕਥ䀙ߩഖᐸ޻⇁ᰝ䚍൶ӝ⢟ᡶᕋ䎭Ⲻ⽴Ր䰤从Ⱦ

(7) ཝՐ਷䈭ѣཤ᭵ᓒ↙㿼―ค䓡Ѱޞളい᭬ㅢӂཐⲺᐔኔθপਠ㧭ᗍѣཤ᭵ᓒᤞⅴᮦⴤѰޞളㅢӂቇ Ⲻу⴮〦∊ׁȾ

ᵃⴤࢃⲺ䠇㷃ধᵰȾށཝՐ׹䈭਺㓝᭵ᓒѱࣞȽ〥ᶷȽᘡ䙕Ⲻ䟽਌ᓊሯࣔ⌋θ (8)

ཝՐલ਷᭵ᓒ⶙׹ള޻䠇㷃ᵰᶺㆶौ਀ࣖ䙕᢯߼਺亯䍭ⅴҁ⭩䈭θੂᰬࣖ㍝ሯԎ䶔⌋䍭ⅴ⍱ࣞȾ (9)

ਮⲺ䰤从Ⱦޢཝ䚉ڵਮθԛ䀙ߩ䗽䐥䍯уᯣр⏞਀᭵ᓒ䴶㾷᤿ਾ㓜䎊ޢલ਷᭵ᓒ᭬䍣঍्ཝ䚉 (10)

(11) ཝՐલ਷ᐔ᭵ᓒታᰟᤕᇐਚ䘯㇗⨼ཝ㬓ഴ θᒬ࡬ᇐㅜਾᵢൕള᛻ф㔅⎄᭾ⴀⲺਚ䘯ᔰ ㆇ᤽঍ૂᶗ 㿺θԛ⺤ؓᐔ޻Ⲻਇኋ਀㔅⎄⍱ࣞу਍ᖧଃȾ

ڐ֒ ཝՐ׹䈭ᐔ޻ቅ䍟ᨆॽ⧥ູড⭕ૂ⧥ؓᝅ䇼 θ⺤ؓ⭕ᝅ㔅㩛䲚Ҽ䉁⭕ҁཌ θҕਥԛѰ⧥ؓᐛ (12) ࠰䍗⥤Ⱦ  “㔅⎄ኋᵑфᥥު䞃ྍ”䇨ᓝՐ

ᵢՐ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘфުѐ䬬㺂ӄ 2009 ᒪ 7 ᴾ 10 ᰛθсॾ 2 ᰬ 30 ࠼㠩 6 ᰬ൞ਾᛞ䞈ᓍ㚊ࣔ“㔅⎄ኋᵑфᥥ ު䞃ྍ”䇨ᓝՐȾ

ㅢжփѱ䇨Ѱ㔅⎄࠼᷆щѐӰ༡ⲳᮽᱛѰ࠰ᑣ㘻ਇ㺞ᴿީć㔅⎄਀ᐸ൰ኋᵑĈщ从╊䇨θ䇨䀙傢ᶛ㾵Ӑ ૂь⮂㔅⎄Ⲻኋᵑθቚެᱥ傢ᶛ㾵Ӑૂ㛗ᐸȾਜж੃ѱ䇨㘻Ѱުѐ䬬㺂୼ѐӝ૷㇗⨼㓺ࣟ⨼ࢥᙱ㻷䉘ᆿ ঄θѱ䇨ćԷѐ᣻ؓ䞃ྍĈθѰ࠰ᑣ㘻ਇ㺞ᴿީᡇള᭵ᓒᡶ᧞࠰Ⲻ㔅⎄䞃ྍԛ਀ᴿީԛք࡟⦽ᣫᣲᡌᰖ Ҿᵢ൦୼ᇬⲺ㷃䍺䖻ࣟȾב䴶ᣫᣲᨆ


ᇅݾ⭕ӄ 2009 ᒪ 7 ᴾ 13 ᰛсॾ 3؀ਿ䲼඗᳞䴠ަ㧠ѣ঄ᐛ୼ᙱՐԙ㺞ࢥՐ䮵ᤵ⶙㭗ള⋱фᢝ㺂『Ҝঘ ᰬࡦ䇵ᵢՐθѱᰞѰ 2009 ᒪ 12 ᴾ 2 ᰛ㠩 6 ᰛѴ㺂Ⲻć⡧傢ᶛ㾵Ӑኋ䬶Ր-ㅢޡኀ傢ᶛ㾵Ӑള䱻୼૷ኋ䬶 ՐĈ֒࠰≽ᣛᒬфᵢՐԙ㺞䘑㺂Ӛ⍷Ⱦ

࠰ᑣ᧛ᖻ㘻ऻᤢᵢՐࢥՐ䮵ᶄ⪒―Ƚѿࣗ『Ҝ䱾ᱴ㼋Ƚޢާ㚊㔒䴭㔫ਿȽᢝ㺂㪙Ӂ哺⛄ਇȽ䱾ṇ䄫Ƚ㪙 Ӂ哺ᵞ⋩Ƚᶄ≮嗏Ƚ哺ᵞзȽ᷍ᇍ䙮ф㪙Ӂ᳞䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘഘ䮵⑟≮ᮽȾ

Ʌ䘼ູࡑѐ • ԷࣞӰ⭕Ɇᓝ䈾Ր

ค्⎭ Sunway Carnival―ٽᵢՐ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘф Astro AEC ӄ 2009 ᒪ 8 ᴾ 2 ᰛδઞᰛεсॾ 3 ᰬθ Convention Centre 㚊ࣔɅ䘼ູࡑѐ • ԷࣞӰ⭕Ɇᓝ䈾ՐȾ

ѱᤷӰ哺䳳ᯂᕋ亼пփᶛ㠠уੂ㺂ѐ㜂ᲥⲺࡑѐӰθ঩ Cari.com ࡑࣔӰ޲ᑮࣗ㪙ӁḩṇਿȽㅲⲺՖӰࡑ ࣔӰ޲ᢝ㺂ᙱ㻷ࡎԨᚈȽᓭᆷ㦥ࡸࡑࣔӰҁж޲㪙Ӂ䮵⍠ක᷍θф࠰ᑣ㘻࠼ӡ䘼ູࡑѐⲺᗹ䐥়ぁȾ ᯥ䠂ަগ傱傢ᴶ儎щ઎ԙ㺞㦻䇵ᵢՐ

ᯥ䠂ަগ傱傢ᴶ儎щ઎୼ࣗ䜞䮵 Mr . D W Jinadasa ӄ 2009 ᒪ 8 ᴾ 6 ᰛᤒ䇵ᵢՐȾMr. D W Jinadasa ↚⅗ Ⲻᤒ䇵ᇍᰞᱥѰҼ㾷ࣖᕰњളਂ䗯䍮᱉ީ㌱਀䙐䗽䈪᱄啉ࣧᴪཐ―ᐔ୼ᇬ᧘㍘ᯥ䠂ަগ㔉ᶕ޻ᡎ੄ᡶ࠰ ⧦Ⲻᣋ䍺୼ᵰȾ

࠰ᑣ᧛ᖻ㘻ऻᤢᵢՐ㖨⨼Ր䮵ᤵ⶙傼㛨᱄Ƚޢާ㚊㔒䴭㔫ਿȽѿࣗḛ䍜ᤵ⶙᷍ѣ䘑Ƚ㪙Ӂ哺ᵞ⋩Ƚᶄ≮ 嗏⺋༡Ƚᤵ⶙䜣䳻≇ૂ㪙Ӂ᳞䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘഘ䮵⑟≮ᮽૂࢥ『Ҝ᷍䚉ᇅȾ


ᵢՐ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘф PSS щѐ䬶୤ᆜ䲘ӄ 2009 ᒪ 8 ᴾ 14 ᰛсॾ 3 ᰬ 30 ࠼㠩сॾ 6 ᰬӄᵢՐՐ䇤ᇚ㚊ਾ Ѵࣔ“ࡑ䙖ѐ㔟ཽ䘯”䇨ᓝՐȾ

ᶛ㠠ਿ䲼඗Ⲻ PSS щѐ䬶୤ᆜ䲘䲘䮵⊾༡㘊䇨ᐾθѰ࠰ᑣ㘻䇨䀙ྸ֋ށᵃ⧦ԀԷѐ䶘Ѫćѐ㔟с䐂ĈⲺ ദູȽᨣᔶć䬶୤઎ᑮ⣥Ⲻ䭏䈥Ĉθྸ֋⴪᧛ᖧଃćԷѐⲺ࡟ⴀĈᇼ⸷਀ྸ֋ᔰ㄁ćݻ┗ᡎᯍ࣑ĈⲺ䬶 ୤䱕Ճᶛށᵃ㔅⎄уᲥ≊ㅿ䈴从Ⱦ

2009 ᒪ―୼Ր᝾஺ะ䠇ྌ䍭ᆜ䠇亷ྌޮ⽲

丟⊕ཐ⭞䙊⽲ุθ亷ਇ 4 н 7 ॹݹྌᆜٽᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼Ր᝾஺ะ䠇߃⅗䙖⿅␻ለᆜ⭕θ2009 ᒪ 9 ᴾ 5 ᰛ― 䠇Ҿ 47 ੃ਾṲ㘻фਇ࠰ 2 н 3 ॹݹ䍭ᆜ䠇Ҿ 5 ੃ਾṲ㘻Ⱦ

࠰ᑣ 2009 ᒪ―୼Ր᝾஺ะ䠇ྌ䍭ᆜ䠇亷ྌޮ⽲Ⲻిᇴऻᤢ᝾஺ะ䠇ည઎Րѱᑣᤵ⶙䉘䈍ඐঐ༡Ƚㄖ⪑ ളՐ䇤઎ȽᵢՐᢝ㺂亴䰤ᤵ⶙⾓ਁᡆȽՐ䮵ѯᯥ䠂ᤵ⶙䱾ളᒩȽ㖨⨼Ր䮵ᤵ⶙傼㛨᱄ȽࢥՐ䮵ᤵ⶙䉘ള ฯȽᶄ⪒―Ƚѿࣗ『Ҝ䱾ᱴ㼋Ƚޢާ㚊㔒䴭㔫ਿȽ㪙Ӂ哺ᵞ⋩Ƚᤵ⶙੪ᲉᴿȽᤵ⶙䜣䳻≇ㅿȾ


―ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼Ր䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘ਀䍺䇥ᐛ㢰㓺θ―ᐔ䖥Ԭ㚊ⴕф YGL Convergence (M) Sdn Bhd ӄ 2009 ᒪ 9 ᴾ 18 ᰛсॾ 3 ᰬ㠩 6 ᰬθ൞―ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼ՐՐ䇤ᇚ㚊ਾѴࣔ “ᢶᵥࡑѐф୼ѐᲰ㜳㌱㔕”䇨ᓝȾ

ᮦᦤⲺԷѐ㋴㓼ौ㇗⨼㌱㔕ᶛבѱ䇨Ӱ᷍ᾖѰ࠰ᑣ㘻䇨䀙ྸ֋ᔰ㄁жѠ㜳ཕᘡ䙕ਃᓊᐸ൰䴶≸਎ौ਀ᨆ ᑤᘏߩㆌȾਜжփѱ䇨Ӱ᷍䚉ᇅࡏѰ࠰ᑣ㘻࠼ӡᢶᵥࡑѐⲺ⛯ᆆфྸ֋⭩䈭ཐ჈։䎻㓝䎦ᔀޢਮ਀㧭਌ ⲺྌࣧфᨪࣟȾב᭵ᓒᨆ


⌦ള⋏亵ᓒԙ㺞ഘж㺂 23 Ӱ൞⋏ᮜᓒᐸ䮵㤅ᇼ亼ሲсӄ 2009 ᒪ 9 ᴾ 28 ᰛрॾ 9 ᰬ 30 ࠼㦻䇵ᵢՐȾ↚ ԙ㺞ഘѱ㾷ⴤⲺᱥѰҼࣖᕰᖲ↚䰪Ⲻ㚊㌱θੂᰬੇᵢՐԁ㔃⋏亵ᓒⲺ୼ѐфᣋ䍺ᵰՐȾ

ԙ㺞ഘ㧭ᗍᵢՐࢥՐ䮵ᤵ⶙䉘ളฯȽѿࣗ䍘᭵᷍䍫ุȽޢާ㚊㔒䴭㔫ਿȽᢝ㺂㪙Ӂ哺⛄ਇфᒺ৛ᡆȽ㪙 䗴Ƚ⍠㩼዇Ƚ哺ి⿴ф㤅ᮽᶦ✣᛻ᤑᖻȾ؀Ӂ哺ᵞ⋩Ƚᶄ≮嗏Ƚ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘࢥഘ䮵ᶄ✊㢥Ƚᢝည傼


ᆕࣖ᣿傱傢᯦Աᴶ儎щ઎ His Excellency Mr. A. K. M. Atiqur Rahman ਀ެ୼ࣗ『Ҝ Dr. Md. Rezaul Bashar Siddique ൞ᆕࣖ᣿傱―亼Ӂ Shaik Ismail Allaudin ⦽亼сӄ 2009 ᒪ 10 ᴾ 9 ᰛрॾ 11 ᰬ 30 ࠼㦻䇵ᵢՐθ ѱ㾷ⴤⲺᱥᇙՖӄ 2010 ᒪ 1 ᴾ 8 ᰛ㠩 10 ᰛ൞ਿ䲼඗ь⮂䍮᱉ѣᗹѱࣔⲺᆕࣖ᣿ኋ䬶Ր਀୼䇞ᴿީ䍮᱉ 亼ตрⲺਾ֒Ⱦ


2009 ᒪㅢ 106 ኀѣള䘑࠰ਙ୼૷Ӛ᱉Րδ、ᆙᒵӚՐε

⭧ᵢՐ傢ѣ୼ѐਇኋ㓺ㆯࣔ 2009 ᒪᓜѣള䘑࠰ਙ୼૷、ᆙᒵӚՐԙ㺞ഘж㺂 30 Ӱθṯᦤѣള࠰ਙ୼૷ Ӛ᱉ՐㅢжᵕȽㅢӂᵕ਀ㅢпᵕኋ࠰ҁ୼૷㊱ࡡ਀୼૷ࡈ࠼᛻ᖘ࠼ A 㓺ǃ B 㓺਀ C 㓺ˈ࠼ࡡӄ 2009 ᒪ 10 ᴾ 14 ᰛȽ10 ᴾ 24 ᰛ਀ 10 ᴾ 31 ᰛҎᩣ঍ᯯ㡠グ࠰ਇ㠩ᒵᐔȾ  “ሼᛞⲺԷѐ⢯䇮㔅㩛ौ”䇨ᓝՐ

ਮӄ 2009 ᒪ 10 ᴾ 31ޢᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼ՐѣቅශԷѐ਀Ӱ࣑䍺Ⓠਇኋᐛ֒㓺㚊ਾ傢ᶛ㾵Ӑ⢯䇮㔅㩛ᵹ૞䈘― ᰛᰟр 9 ᰬ㠩сॾ 1 ᰬӄ―ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼ՐՐ䇤ᇚ㚊ࣔ“ሼ֖ⲺԷѐ⢯䇮㔅㩛ौ”䇨ᓝՐȾ

൞䇨ᓝՐрθ ѱ䇨㘻䱵㣢䘠ݾ⭕θ傢ᶛ㾵Ӑㅢжփޭᴿ㗄ള⢯䇮㔅㩛অՐᦾҾⲺ⌞߂⢯䇮㔅㩛㇗⨼ᇬ ਀傢ᶛ㾵Ӑ⢯䇮㔅㩛亴䰤俌ᑣᢝ㺂઎Ѱ࠰ᑣ㘻䇨䀙⧦ԀⲺ୼ѐཝ⧥ູθ䙐䗽⢯䇮㔅㩛ⲺՎࣵθ൞уᗻ㙍 䍯ᓔཝ䍺䠇сθ䗻䙕ᢟኋ䎦ੇള䱻θ㙂Էѐ਀୼ᇬᴪਥ䙐䗽᭬਌⢯䇮㔅㩛Ⲻࣖⴕ䍯θགྷ࡬ᵢ䓡Ⲻ䍘ሂȾ

᭬㿼਀䇺զ 2010 ᒪᓜളᇬ䍘᭵人㇍Ṿ

ᵢՐ㔅⎄Ƚ䍘ࣗ਀い᭬㓺ӄ 2009 ᒪ 10 ᴾ 23 ᰛ᭬ⵁ俌⴮޲䍘᭵䜞䮵ᤵ⶙ᯥ䠂㓩ਿޢᐹ 2010 ᒪⲺ䍘᭵人 ࠰䇺զθ䳼ਾᝅ㿷੄߃㥿ᤕᮽ઀࠼ਇ㔏਺ᣛ侼ࡀⲱȾڐ㇍Ṿ੄θ঩䪾ሯ޻ᇯ䘑㺂ࢌ᷆਀  ᵢՐ䇚Ѱθะᵢр 2010 ᒪⲺ䍘᭵人㇍Ṿᱥ൞৕ᴿⲺṼᷬрᤕᇐθҕቧᱥ⋗ᴿӶѾᝅཌᡌᱥᜀ௒ȾᵢՐ ⅘䘄䍘᭵人㇍ṾⲺпཝㆌ⮛φ  1ε ᨆॽᡇള䎦ੇ儎㔅⎄᭬ޛ亼ตχ 䶘਀ᤷ㔣Ⲻਇኋχޞؓ⺤ 2ε 3ε ⌞䠃Ӱ≇⿅⽿  ռᱥθᵢՐਇ⧦ࡦ䘏Ѡ人㇍Ṿপ⋗ᴿ䪾ሯᨆ儎ᡇള䎦ੇ儎㔅⎄᭬ޛ亼ตᨆ࠰䈜㓼Ⲻㆌ⮛ᯯṾȾ⭧ӄ᭵ᓒ ↙䇗ࡈ㔅⎄䖢ශθഖ↚ᤕᇐ᯦Ⲻ㔅⎄⁗ᕅᱥᗻ㾷Ⲻθ❬㙂θᵢՐਇ⧦ࡦᖉቶপ⋗ᴿ㔏ҾжѠ᱄⺤Ⲻ᤽঍ ૂᯯ䪾Ⱦ  Ⱦ∋ㄕ䘏ᱥж亯᯦Ⲻいࣗθ⢫⎿ቸ⌊ڐሯӄ᭵ᓒੂᝅሼ୼૷фᵃࣗい䘑ж↛⹊ガ੄ᢃᢝ㺂θҕᱥ↙⺤Ⲻ 䶘ᖾᒵθуᇒ䖱⦽᯳㺂Ⱦ  ሯӄ᭵ᓒࠅքѠӰᡶᗍいθԄ 27%ࠅቇࡦ 26%θੂᰬҕᨆ儎ѠӰいࣗഔᢙθԄⴤࢃⲺ 8 ॹԚਿᨆ儎ࡦ 9 ॹԚਿⲺ᧠᯳ᱥ୼⮂ੂӷ␧᝕⅘䘄ⲺȾ䘏ሼֵࡦ㓩いӰᴿཐжӑ֏䫧⎾䍯θᰖᖘѣਥԛ׹䘑⎾䍯ᐸ൰θ  ᵢՐ⅘䘄䍘᭵人㇍Ṿѣᴿᨆࡦᖉቶ⌞䠃᯻⑮ѐૂ䇗ࡈ൞―คᔰ䇴 4 ѠӚ䙐ᷘ㓳ѣᗹθ䘏ᱥሯ―คⲺжѠ ླ⎾ᚥȾռᑂᵑ᭵ᓒ㜳ޢᐹ䈜᛻θᒬታᘡ㩳ᇔ䘏ӑᔰ䇴Ⱦ  䍘᭵人㇍Ṿф㔅⎄䇺䘦㔅⹊䇞Ր

ᵢՐ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘфളᇬؗᢎะ䠇(ASNB)਀㚊᱂ᣋ䍺䬬㺂(CIMB Bank)ӄ 2009 ᒪ 11 ᴾ 3 ᰛсॾ 3 ᰬ㠩 6 ᰬ൞―ᐔ嗏ค䞈ᓍ㚊ࣔ“䍘᭵人㇍Ṿф㔅⎄䇺䘦⹊䇞Ր”Ⱦ

䇨ᓝՐѱ䇨Ӱᱥ㚊᱂䬬㺂俌ᑣ㔅⎄ᆜᇬᶄު㼋ݾ⭕θԌф࠰ᑣ㘻࠼ӡ 2010 ᒪᓜ人㇍ṾⲺ਺亯᧠᯳Ⱦ

ਜжփ䇨ᐾ Izmir Mohammad ݾ⭕θѰ࠰ᑣ㘻䇨䀙ᴿީᰟࢃ⭧ᡇള俌⴮ᤵ⶙ᯥ䠂㓩ਿᇙվθള≇ᣋ䍺ᴿ 傢ּ㾵Ӑ”ؗᢎะ䠇Ⲻᣋ䍺ࢃᲥȾفӵԚਿⲺ“ж 100 ٲᔶਇ୤ᙱޢਮԄ 2009 ᒪ 7 ᴾ 31 ᰛ䎭ޢ䲆


⌦ളᣋ䍺ည઎ՐδBOIεθӄ 2009 ᒪ 11 ᴾ 4 ᰛрॾ 10 ᰬ൞ᵢՐՐ䇤ᇚѴࣔ“⌦ളᣋ䍺㢥ᵰ”䇰එȾ 䘏Ѡ 䇰එⲺⴤⲺᱥѰҼࣖᕰ傢ᶛ㾵Ӑૂ⌦ളҁ䰪Ⲻ䍮᱉ᵰՐ਀㔅⎄ީ㌱Ⱦ

㚊㔒䴭㔫ਿȽᢝ㺂㪙Ӂ哺⛄ਇфᤵ⶙ᶄ≮ݿȽ㪙Ӂᤵ⶙ਬ䗴ᶦঐ༡Ƚᵢާޢᖉཟ࠰ᑣ↚亯䇰එ㘻ᴿᵢՐ ՐՐ઎Ƚ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘഘ઎਀―ᐔ⑥ࣗቶѱᑣ䱾␻߿ㅿȾ


ᵢՐᡶ࠰⡾Ⲻ“୼Ր䳼䭜”䲆䠅⡾㋴㻻ᵢθᐨӄ 2009 ᒪ 11 ᴾ 20 ᰛ↙ᕅ〱Ӛθ⭧ᵢՐӝѐ㇗⨼㓺ѱԱᒺ ৛ᡆԄ࠰⡾୼ᢁ䠂᧛亼Ⱦ

“୼Ր䳼䭜”ж߂ާ᭬ᖋ䙴 251 Ԭ㓠ᘫ૷θ〃㊱㓭㑷ঐᵸθޣѠㇽㄖ㋴㠪੾⧦θ᮪։ᶺᙓѱ㾷㺞䗴―ᐔѣ ঄ᙱ୼Րሯ䎖㘻Ԣᜰᜰ⴮ᜒθԛ਀シᱴᴿީ䎖૷ሯᵢՐⲺ␧䘒⏫ᝅȾ


ᐔ丟⊕ᆜ䲘ཐ⭞䙊⽲ุਢᔶ⢯ࡡՐ઎ཝՐȾᵢՐਢ―ٽᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼Րӄ 2009 ᒪ 12 ᴾ 2 ᰛрॾ 11 ᰬ― ᔶ⢯ࡡՐ઎ཝՐ䙐䗽ҼсࡍᨆṾφ

1ε ཝՐ䠃⭩ф⺤䇚൞ᵢՐㄖぁ⴮ީᶗᮽᓋсθᡶᴿՐ઎䜳ᗻ亱㕪Ӛᑮᒪ『Ҝ༺䍯 χ

2ε ᴿ䢪ӄ൞ 2000 ᒪ 6 ᴾ 11 ᰛ⭧ᐨ᭻哺⛄ݿѱᤷⲺ⢯ࡡՐ઎ཝՐᡶ䙐䗽Ⲻ䇤Ṿθ঩φ ᰖ䇰ᢝ㺂ည઎Ր਀/ᡌ㪙ӁՐ਀/ᡌ䘿Ѵည઎Ր֒࠰֋〃ߩᇐθ䛙ӑഖ਍―ᐔ୼Ր㾷≸ԃᵠ㕪␻『Ҝ“ ༺䍯㙂㻡㓾↘≮䘒Ր઎㊃ҁ≮䘒Ր઎ሼᰖѿࣗ㕪Ӛр䘦ᡶ᤽ᤌ⅖Ⲻ『Ҝ༺䍯ᒬ䉞↚ᚘགྷެ৕ᴿⲺ≮ 䘒Ր઎㊃”Ⲻ޻ᇯᐨ㔅䙖ᡆᵢՐᆎᴿḽ߼ужⲺՐ઎㊃Ⱦ

ѰҼж㿼ੂӷૂޢᒩⲺሯᖻᡶᴿՐ઎਀ѰҼ⎾ᕣሯㄖぁ䀙䠀ᕋ䎭Ա֋Ⲻҿ䇤θഖ↚р䘦Ⲻ䇤ߩṾᓊ Ҿ֒ᓕ χ

3ε൞уᖧଃࡦр䘦њ亯ᨆṾсθᵢཝՐ⢯ࡡݷ߼䘎ᵠ㕪Ԏ 2009 ᑮᒪ『Ҝ༺䍯 (RM120) Ⲻ≮ѻՐ઎൞ 31/12/2009 сॾӊ⛯ࢃ㕪␻『Ҝ༺䍯ȾཝՐᦾᵹ㪙ӁՐ࠼ࡡ൞жᇬᵢ൦঄ᮽᣛૂ㤧ᮽᣛࡀⲱ᭬䍯䙐 ⸛Ҝθ䙴ᵕᵠ㕪Ӛ『Ҝ༺䍯㘻ሼ㻡ᖉ⵶㠠᝵䘶Րθ㙂㓾↘ެՐ઎㊃Ⱦ

࠰ᑣㅢ 2 ኀޞളѣ঄ᐛ୼ᙱՐ䶈ᒪഘӚ⍷Ր

ਿ䲼඗᳞䴠ަ㧠ѣ঄ᐛ୼ᙱՐӄ 2009 ᒪ 12 ᴾ 4 ᰛ൞傢ᶛ㾵Ӑ㔵䠄ള䱻ՐኋѣᗹѴࣔҼ“ㅢ 2 ኀޞളѣ ঄ᐛ୼ᙱՐ䶈ᒪഘӚ⍷Ր”Ⱦ

ᵢՐ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘᢝည൞ഘ䮵⑟≮ᮽ⦽亼сҕ࠰ᑣҼ↚亯Ӛ⍷ՐθᒬфެᆹᐔኔⲺ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘᡆ઎Ӛ⍷ф ࣖᕰ㚊㌱θ׹䘑୼䉀Ⱦ

Ƚ哺ᮢ䬞Ƚ؀䗴Ƚ䱾ࠂ؀࠰ᑣ↚亯Ӛ⍷ՐⲺ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘᢝညቐᴿᶄ✊㢥Ƚ傼㦙ՕȽ᷍䚉ᇅȽ⧁ᙓࣽȽ傼 ᷍᰽ਿȽ䉘ᥥᯂф哺ి⿴Ⱦ

“Cargo Declare Suite V7” ᣛީ䖥Ԭ᧞ԁ⽲  ൞ᵢՐӚ䙐Ƚ⢟⍷਀ީい㓺࣑䚶сθRank Alpha Technologies ӄ 2009 ᒪ 12 ᴾ 15 ᰛсॾ 2 ᰬ㠩сॾ 5 ᰬ 30 ࠼൞―ᐔѣ঄ᙱ୼ՐՐ䇤ᇚ Ѱެޢਮᣛީ䖥Ԭ“Cargo Declare Suite V7 Ѵࣔ᧞ԁ⽲θᒬ൞⧦൰Ѱ ࠰ᑣ㘻⽰㤹ެ䖥ԬⲺᬃ֒ᯯᕅфࣕ㜳Ⱦ

Cargo Declare Suite V7 ᱥ䘸⭞ӄ⢟⍷Ƚީいㅿ⴮ީ㌱㔕⭫ᆆᮦᦤӚᦘᯯṾⲺ䖥ԬȾ↚䖥ԬᾸᤢҼ K1 K2 K3 K8 K9 ф EFT ᬃ֒ㆶঋщѐᇯ᱉㔪ᤷθֵࡦѐࣗᐛ֒᭾⦽⥑໔θ䇟ѐ㘻㜳ཕᴪᘡ᦭Ⲻ༺⨼ᣛ ީӁ亯Ⱦ

ᮦ⍱ࣞوᒪ᯦ᒪ 2010

ᮦੂوᵢՐ䶈ᒪ㔅୼ഘф᯻⑮਀୼ѐ㘹ሕ㓺ӄ 2009 ᒪ 12 ᴾ 31 ᰛ൞―ᐔਾᛞᒵ൰㚊ਾѴࣔ“2010 ᒪ⅘ᒼ ⅘ާᒼ”Ⱦ

⍱ࣞⲺެѣжѠ亯ⴤᱥ⭧―ᐔ᭵ᓒ᧞ԁć2010 㠩 2012 ᒪ―ค᯻⑮ᒪĈȾ↚亯⍱ࣞᰞ൞ሼ―ᐔⲺཐݹ↚ ᮽौ⢯㢨ਇᢢݿཝθᢉ䙖ᡆжѠ੮ᕋ⑮ᇘⲺⴤⲺ൦Ⱦ↚亯⍱ࣞ⭧―ᐔ᭵ᓒѱۢθᒬ㧭ᗍ᱄䇥Ƚᡆࣕ䳼ഘ ф、䈐䠇侦⨖ᇓᴿ䲆ޢਮ啄࣑䎔ࣟȾެԌⲺ䎔ࣟঋփऻᤢ⢯᱉䍣Ƚ㤹㢨ନȽEwein 䳼ഘȽ䗴ѐ䳼ഘȽ䳻 ҆㗄ᇬਇኋᴿ䲆ޢਮȽ㜒ਾ㛗Գᴿ䲆ޢਮф䠇Ֆ䭁ᴿ䲆ޢਮȾ⧦൰ੂᰬҕѰ―คՀ⭮⇁䳒ѣᗹㆯⅴȾ

26/4/2009 6/5/2009 ―ᐔ਺୼Ր㚊ਾՐ੾Ӛ༽ᘎᖋҾ―ᐔ᭵ᓒ਀ᦆ࠰ 20 нԚਿ ⌦ള㪙䠂ᓒԙ㺞ഘ⽲䋂ᤒ䇵 Ѱ―ᐔ᭵ᓒ⎾⚣䎚䍡ะ䠇 Courtesy Visit by Delegation of Trang Province, Thailand֒ Penang Joint Chambers of Commerce (PJCC) handover the Memorandum to Penang State Government and donate RM 200,000 to Penang State Government as “Partners Against Poverty Programme Fund”

16/5/2009 21/5/2009 䶈୼ഘᡆ㄁ޮ⽲ ᯦ࣖ඗傱傢щ઎㖨ࢥᴶ儎щ઎㦻䇵୼Ր PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section (YES) Courtesy Visit by Deputy High Commissioner of the Republic of Inaugural General Meeting Singapore in Malaysia

10/7/2009 2/8/2009 ᵢՐ䶈୼ഘѴࣔ“㔅⎄ኋᵑфᥥު䞃ྍ”䇨ᓝՐ ᵢՐ䶈୼ഘфAstro AEC 㚊ࣔɅ䘼ູࡑѐ•ԷࣞӰ⭕Ɇᓝ䈾Ր PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section (YES) organized seminar on PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section (YES) and Astro AEC jointly “Economy Outlook and Stimulus Package” organized the seminar on “Entrepreneurship in Turbulent Times”

6/8/2009 14/8/2009 ᯥ䠂ަগᴶ儎щ઎ԙ㺞㦻䇵୼Ր ᵢՐ䶈୼ഘф PSS щѐ䬶୤ᆜ䲘 Ѵࣔ“ࡑ䙖ѐ㔟ཽ䘯”䇨ᓝՐ Courtesy Visit by High Commission of Sri Lanka in Malaysia Young Entrepreneur Section (YES) and PSS Professional Sales Academy jointly organized the seminar on “Achieving Sales Miracle During Crisis”

5/9/2009 18/9/2009 2009 ᒪ―୼Ր᝾஺ะ䠇ྌ䍭ᆜ䠇亷ྌޮ⽲ ᵢՐ䍺䇥ᐛ㢰㓺θ䶈୼ഘθ―ᐔ䖥Ԭ㚊ⴕф YGL PCCC Charity Fund Committee Scholarship and Study Loan Convergence (M) Sdn Bhd 㚊ࣔ Presentation Ceremony 2009 “ᢶᵥࡑѐф୼ѐᲰ㜳㌱㔕”䍺䇥ᐛ㢰䇨ᓝ PCCC Information Technology Committee and Young Entrepreneur Section (YES),Software Consortium of Penang (SCoPe) and YGL Convergence (M) Sdn Bhd jointly organized seminar on “Technopreneurship & Business Intelligence System”

28/9/2009 9/10/2009 ⌦ള⋏亵ᓒԙ㺞ഘ㦻䇵୼Ր ᆕࣖ᣿傱傢ᴶ儎щ઎ԙ㺞㦻䇵୼Ր Courtesy Visit by Delegation of Satun Province, Thailand Courtesy Visit by Bangladesh High Commissioner in Malaysia 2009 GENERAL COMMITTEE 2009 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

φ Executive Advisor φDatuk Choot Ewe Seng President Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping φ President φTan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping Deputy President Dato’ Loh Geok Beng Deputy President φDato’ Ooi Gan @ Loh Gan Vice-Presidents φDato’ Siah Kok Poay Vice-Presidents φDato’ Siah Kok Poay Dato’ Dr. Rickson Ong Seng Soon Lee Joo Ping Dato’ Dr. Rickson Ong Seng Soon φTan Hiang Joo Lee Joo Ping Honorary Secretary Honorary Secretary φTan Hiang Joo Honorary Treasurer φLim Kooi Ting Honorary Treasurer φLim Kooi Ting Public Officer φLooi Bean Keat Public Officer φLooi Bean Keat Executive Committee Membersφ φ Honorary Auditor Dato’ Lim Tiong Chin Wong Yim Fatt Executive Committee Members : Dato’ Lee Wing Kong Wong Yim Fatt Frederick Ng Kweng Chan Dato’ Lee Wing Kong Ong Eng Choon Frederick Ng Kweng Chan Finn Choong Khuat Seng φ Ong Eng Choon By Invitation Datuk Choot Ewe Seng Finn Choong Khuat Seng Dato’ Dr. Cheah See Kian Kenny Tan Soo Nam Lee Eng Leong Oon Weng Boon (invited on March)

General Committee Members :

Dato’ Khor Teng Tong TRUSTEES Dato’ Chua Chuan Teong Dato’ Seri Choot Ching Khoon Loo Khay Thye Dato’ Loy Say Bee Cheah Teik Jin Dato’ Chan Woot Khoon Dato’ Lim Cheah Chooi Ng Bak Hoo Dato’ Loh Keng Chong Lee Eng Leong Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping Looi Tik Miow (M/s. Zephyr (Penang) Sdn. Bhd.) Dato’ Low Hock Peng Dato’ Tan Choo Hin Dato’ Lee Ah Hoe Dato’ Freddy Wong Kem Woh Dato’ Chua Chuan Teong Dato’ Dr. Donald Yap Tatt Keat Dato’ Choot Ewe Seng Dato’ Dr. Michael Tiah Thee Seng Dato’ Dr. Cheah See Kian Dato’ Goh Heow Ewe Dato’ Ewe Swee Kheng Loh Kong Hooi Jeffrey Goh Hock Hai Lim Chiang Hang Kang Khoon Seng (M/s. Tawakar Enterprise Sdn. Bhd.) Ir. Dr. Goh Yong Chee (M/s. JMR Construction Sdn. Bhd.) Lim Hun Swee Oon Weng Boon Dato’ Goh Cheng Huat (M/s. Leader Steel Sdn. Bhd.) Dato’ Alex Ooi Kee Liang (M/s. Lead Rating Sdn. Bhd.) Chew Khoon Aik (M/s. MBM Industries Sdn. Bhd.) Ng Back Teng (M/s. Astino (M) Colour Steel Sheet Sdn. Bhd.) Dato’ Lee Chee Wong (M/s. Porcelain Traders Association) Tan Kia Lock (M/s. Penang Master Builders & Building Material Dealers Association) Yeoh Ee Wen (M/s. Penang Furniture Manufacturers & Dealers Association) Resigned on April. The Association appointed Lor Lean Sean as representative. Dato’ Koay Ah Meng (M/s. Radio Traders Association in Penang & P.W.) Leong Keng Fei (M/s. Soya Sauce Trade Association Penang, Kedah & Perlis) Lim Chong Aik (M/s. The North Malayan Chinese Textiles & General) Lim Choon Teik (M/s. Penang Hardware and Machinery Merchants Association) Loh Liew Mao (M/s. Penang Importers & Exporters Association) Khaw Siang Hee (M/s. Malaysian Plastic Manufactures Association Northern Branch)


Malaysia-China Business Development Committee SME & Human Resource Development Committee Convenor Dato’ Lee Wing Kong Convenor Kenny Tan Soo Nam Deputy Convenor Dato' Lee Chee Wong Deputy Convenor Lim Kooi Ting

Members Lim Tsi Kim Members Khaw Siang Hee Koe Meng Wah Dato' Freddy Wong Kem Woh Ong Teong Sun Dr. Ch'ng Huk Khoon Ong Heng Lee Khaw You Yee Lim Chong Aik Teoh Cha Hai Lee Sooi Thee Lim Kok Tee Ng Bak Hoo Loh Liew Mao Ooi Cheng Chye Lee Toong Leon Victor Tan Eng Yew Jeffery Lim Tau Hoong Thio Si Kiang @ Teoh Si Kiang Sin Kok Siang Yeoh Eng Joo

Economics, Finance & Taxation Committee Information Technology Committee Convenor Ong Eng Choon Convenor Lee Eng Leong Deputy Convenor Tan Leong Theng Deputy Convenor Lee Khong Sheong

Members Ong Eng Loo Members Foo Kheng Sin Koay Theam Hock Foo Fook Sin Quah Sin Hor Lim Tau Hoong

PCCC Property Management Committee Tourism Industry & Business Mission Committee Convenor Finn Choong Khuat Seng Convenor Frederick Ng Kweng Chan Deputy Convenor Dato' Alex Ooi Kee Liang Deputy Convenor Lim Kooi Ting

Members Teh Eng Aun Members Chuah Kok Boon Dato’ Goh Heow Ewe Dato’ Freddy Wong Kem Woh Ir. Ooi Swee Chuah Kenny Tan Soo Nam Teng Khoon Teik Kang Khoon Seng Lim Kok Tee Looi Boon Keat Transportation, Logistics & Customs Committee Convenor Wong Yim Fatt Deputy Convenor Chew Beng Hong Infrastructure & Public Facilities Committee Convenor Dato' Dr. Rickson Ong Seng Soon Members Loh Hong Kee Deputy Convenor Tan Kia Lock Chew Khoon Aik Nah Tiong Hock Members Dr. Goh Yong Chee Lee Chor Min Vincent Ong Seng Chye Lee Kim Poh Yeoh Shir Kheong Tevin Lim Eng Kwong

Housing & Construction Committee PCCC Newsletter Publication Committee Convenor Dato’ Ooi Gan @ Loh Gan Convenor Dato' Dr. Cheah See Kian Deputy Convenor Dato' Dr. Tan Ewe Kwang Deputy Convenor Lim Beng Wah

Members Goh Choon Aik Members Lee Hoay Choon Loh Eng Wee Chang Huay Yeow Tan Chong Kheng David Yim Boon Leong Khor Siang Gin Ong Tun Heang Oon Weng Boon Yeoh Kok Khung


Rules & Constitution Committee Young Entrepreneur Section

Convenor Tan Hiang Joo Advisor Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping Deputy Wong Yim Fatt Chairman Oon Weng Boon Convenor Vice Chairman Lee Toong Leon Assistant Secretary Jeffery Lim Tau Hoong Members Dato’ Chua Chuan Teong Treasurer Vincent Ong Seng Chye Dato’ Lee Ah Hoe Auditor Ong Soo Yong Dato’ Tean Kok Pin Members Lim How Hun Lee Yoke Khay Loh Chun Tatt Sin Kok Siang Tan Leng Choon Disciplinary Committee Wong Kim Chun Ang Poh Keim Convenor Dato’ Siah Kok Poay Leong Siew Geok Deputy Dato’ Chua Chuan Teong Lim Seng Keat Convenor Saw Boon Keat Siah Chin Pin Members Dato’ Dr. Rickson Ong Seng Soon Wong Kah Hoe Lee Joo Ping Tan Hiang Joo Cheah Soo Boon

Penang Economic Development Research Committee

Convenor Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping Deputy Datuk Choot Ewe Seng Convenor

Members Dato’ Siah Kok Poay Dato’ Eddy Chong Ewe Beng Tan Hiang Joo Dato’ Dr. Cheah See Kian


No Name P L No Name P L 1 Datuk Choot Ewe Seng 2 4 27 Dato’ Dr. Donald Yap Tatt Keat 5 1 2 Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping 5 1 28 Dato’ Dr. Michael Tiah Thee Seng 2 4 3 Dato’ Ooi Gan @ Loh Gan 6 0 29 Dato’ Dr. Cheah See Kian 6 0 4 Dato’ Siah Kok Poay 4 2 30 Dato’ Goh Heow Ewe 5 1 5 Dato’ Dr. Rickson Ong Seng Soon 2 4 31 Dato’ Ewe Swee Kheng 5 1 6 Lee Joo Ping 6 0 32 Loh Kong Hooi 3 3 7 Tan Hiang Joo 5 1 33 Jeffrey Goh Hock Hai 0 6 8 Lim Kooi Ting 6 0 34 Lim Chiang Hang 3 3 9 Looi Boon Keat 5 1 35 Kang Khoon Seng 4 2 10 Wong Yim Fatt 6 0 36 Ir. Dr. Goh Yong Chee 1 5 11 Dato’ Lee Wing Kong 4 2 37 Lim Hun Swee 1 5 12 Frederick Ng Kweng Chan 5 1 38 Oon Weng Boon 6 0 13 Ong Eng Choon 3 3 39 Dato’ Goh Cheng Huat 0 6 14 Finn Choong Khuat Seng 6 0 40 Dato’ Alex Ooi Kee Liang 3 3 15 Kenny Tan Soo Nam 4 2 41 Chew Khoon Aik 5 1 16 Dato’ Lim Tiong Chin 4 2 42 Ng Bak Teng 5 1 17 Dato’ Khor Teng Tong 2 4 43 Dato’ Lee Chee Wong 2 4 18 Dato’ Chua Chuan Teong 5 1 44 Tan Kia Lock 3 3 19 Loo Khay Thye 0 6 45 Yeoh Ee Wen (Resigned in April) 0 1 20 Cheah Teik Jin 3 3 46 Dato’ Koay Ah Meng 3 3 21 Dato’ Lim Cheah Chooi 6 0 47 Leong Keng Fei 3 3 22 Ng Bak Hoo 5 1 48 Lim Chong Aik 4 2 23 Lee Eng Leong 3 3 49 Lim Choon Teik 5 1 24 Looi Tik Miow 3 3 50 Loh Liew Mao 5 1 25 Dato’ Tan Choo Hin 4 2 51 Khaw Siang Hee 2 4 26 Dato’ Freddy Wong Kam Woh 5 1 52 Lor Lean Sean (Replaced Yeoh Ee Wen) 1 4


No Name P L No Name P L 1 Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping 11 2 11 Frederick Ng Kweng Chan 10 3 2 Dato’ Ooi Gan @ Loh Gan 11 2 12 Ong Eng Choon 7 6 3 Dato’ Siah Kok Poay 10 3 13 Finn Choong Khuat Seng 12 1 4 Dato’ Dr. Rickson Ong Seng Soon 2 11 14 Kenny Tan Soo Nam 10 3 5 Lee Joo Ping 11 2 6 Tan Hiang Joo 12 1 By Invitation 7 Lim Kooi Ting 9 4 15 Datuk Choot Ewe Seng 7 6 8 Looi Boon Keat 13 0 16 Dato’ Dr. Cheah See Kian 1 12 9 Wong Yim Fatt 11 2 17 Lee Eng Leong 7 6 10 Dato’ Lee Wing Kong 11 2 18 Oon Weng Boon (Invited on March) 11 0


Hari Keputeraan Yang ke-71 Yang Di-Pertua Negeri Pulau Pinang TYT Tun Dato’ Seri Haji Abdul Rahman Bin Haji Abbas

DSPN : H’ng Chun Hsiang Ng Chai Eng

DJN : Lim Boo Chang Ang Ah Bah Khoo Hun Poh

PKT : Saw Boon Keat

PJK : Lee Kong Sheong

Hari Keputeraan Yang ke-78 Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Pahang

DIMP : H’ng Chun Hsiang


In accordance with court of appeal’s decision (21 October 2009) Membership Type Membership Category Total Life Ordinary Individual 814 92 907 Commercial Firm 1166 172 1338 Commercial Association 43 7 50 Total 2023 271 2294

As at 5.00pm 31/12/2010 (after implementing resolution of SGM on 2/12/2010) Membership Type Membership Category Total Life Ordinary Individual 288 97 385 Commercial Firm 465 176 641 Commercial Association 38 7 45 Total 791 280 1071


Datuk Choot Ewe Seng Honorary Adviser of ACCCIM Advisor of ACCCIM Finance and Planning Committee Advisor of ACCCIM Agriculture & Primary Industries Committee T an Sri Dato’ Dr. Tan Kok Ping Committee Member of IMT-GT Joint Business Council Vice President of ACCCIM 63rd National Council Chairman of Penang Joint Chambers of Commerce Member of Penang Local Government Consultative Forum Member of Penang State Committee for Trade & Commerce Director of Institute Integriti Negeri Pulau Pinang D ato’ Ooi Gan @ Loh Gan M ember of Penang Joint Chambers of Commerce Member of ACCCIM Construction and Property Committee D ato’ Siah Kok Poay M ember of Penang Joint Chambers of Commerce Member of ACCCIM International Trade & Industry Committee Member of ACCCIM ASEAN Affairs Committee Dato’ Dr. Rickson Ong Seng Soon Member of Penang Joint Chambers of Commerce L ee Joo Ping M ember of Penang Joint Chambers of Commerce T an Hiang Joo S ecretary of Penang Joint Chambers of Commerce L im Kooi Ting M ember of ACCCIM Finance and Planning Committee Member of ACCCIM SMEs and Human Resource Development Committee L ooi Bean Keat M ember of Penang Road Safety Committee Member of ACCCIM Public Relations Committee W ong Yim Fatt C ouncil Member of ACCCIM 63rd National Council Chairman of ACCCIM Transport Development Committee Member of ACCCIM Socio-Economic Research Committee Member of ACCCIM-Special Task Force on Economic Policies and Development Plans Member of Royal Customs Department / Private Sector Consultative Panel Substantive Member of PPC Consultative Committee Member of Penang Customs Liaison Committee Member of Trade Promotion Within North Asean Region Committee D ato’ Lee Wing Kong M ember of Trade Promotion Within North Asean Region Committee F inn Choong Khuat Seng P enang Island Municipal Councilor Member of Penang State Committee for Trade and Commerce Member of Trade Promotion Within North Asean Region Committee K enny Tan Soo Nam M ember of ACCCIM SMEs and Human Resource Development Committee Member of Trade Promotion Within North Asean Region Committee D r. Ch’ng Huk Khoon M ember of ACCCIM SMEs and Human Resource Development Committee L ee Eng Leong M ember of ACCCIM Information and Communication Technology Committee Member of e-Economy Working Group of Penang K-ICT Council D ato’ Dr. Cheah See Kian M ember of Advisory Panel of Penang Heritage Steering Committee

L oh Kong Hooi M ember of ACCCIM ASEAN Affairs Committee Member of Trade Promotion Within North Asean Region Committee I r. Dr. Goh Yong Chee M ember of ACCCIM Infrastructure and Privatisation Committee T an Kia Lock M ember of ACCCIM Infrastructure and Privatisation Committee L iu Ting Ling P rovince Wellesley Municipal Councilor


1. Annual General Meeting 1 2. Special General Meeting 1 3. General Committee Meeting 6 4. Executive Committee Meeting 12 5. Special Executive Committee Meeting 1 6. Disciplinary Committee Meeting 1 7. Malaysia-China Business Development Committee Meeting 2 8. SME & Human Resource Development Meeting 3 9. Information Technology Committee Meeting 1 10. Transport, Logistics & Customs Committee Meeting 2 11. Housing and Construction Committee Meeting 4 12. PCCC Property Management Committee Meeting 6 13. Infrastructure & Public Facilities Committee Meeting 1 14. Young Entrepreneur Section (YES) Meeting 9


1. PCCC Cambodia Delegation 7 April 2009

2. PCCC Delegation to the 105th China Import & Export Fair (Spring 2009) 15 April 2009

3. PJCC Courtesy Call on Penang Chief Minister, Y.A.B. Tuan Lim Guan Eng 26 April 2009

3. PCCC Delegation to the 106th China Import and Export Fair (Autumn 2009) 15 October 2009



1. 20 January 2009 Seminar on “Tax Penalties & Offences Under Income Tax Act, 1967”

2. 8 April 2009 Seminar on “Surviving the Shock – and Thriving”

3. 10 July 2009 Seminar on “Economic Outlook and Stimulus Package”

4. 2 August 2009 Seminar on “Entrepreneurship in Turbulent Times”

5. 14 August 2009 Seminar on “Achieving Sales Miracle During Crisis”

6. 18 September 2009 Seminar on “Technopreneurship & Business Intelligence System”

7. 23 October 2009 Live Telecast Viewing of 2010 Budget Speech

8. 31 October 2009 Seminar on “Franchise Your Business”

9. 3 November 2009 Seminar on “Post Budget and Economic Outlook”

10. 31 December 2009 2010 New Year Eve Countdown Event



Courtesy Visit by Delegation of Heilongjiang Provincial People Government, 10 April 2009 1. China

2. 6 May 2009 Courtesy Visit by Delegation of Trang Province, Thailand

Courtesy Visit by High Commissioner of the Republic of Singapore in 21 May 2009 3. Malaysia

Courtesy Visit by Representatives of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce & 13 July 2009 4. Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor

5. 6 August 2009 Courtesy Visit by High Commission of Sri Lanka in Malaysia

6. 28 September 2009 Courtesy Visit by Delegation of Satun Province, Thailand

7. 9 October 2009 Courtesy Visit by Bangladesh High Commissioner in Malaysia

8. 3 November 2009 Courtesy Visit by Delegation of Board of Investment, Thailand.


Seminar on “Tax Penalties & Offences” Under Income Tax Act 1967

PCCC Economics, Finance & Taxation Committee and Inland Revenue Board Malaysia jointly organized the Seminar on “Tax Penalties & Offences” Under Income Tax Act 1967 on 20 January 2010 from 9.00am to 11.30am at PCCC Conference Room. The speaker for the seminar was Mr. Sow Teik Jean, officer from Inland Revenue Board Malaysia.

The objective of the seminar was to enable participants to be aware and understand the types of penalties & offences under the Income Tax Act 1967. Ignorant of law was no excuse and it would result in additional cost of doing business.

PCCC and Persatuan Teong Guan Pulau Pinang handover the Chap Goh Mei sponsorship to Penang State Government

PCCC and Persatuan Teong Guan Pulau Pinang handover the Chap Goh Mei sponsorship to Penang State Government on 23 January 2010. The sponsorship was received by Y.B. Tuan Law Heng Kiang, Penang State EXCO for Tourism Development and Culture and witnessed by Penang Chief Minister, Y.A.B. Tuan Lim Guan Eng.

PCCC and Persatuan Teong Guan Pulau Pinang had sponsored RM 15, 000 and RM 10,000 respectively to State Government.

PCCC Representatives Re-Appointed as MPPP and MPSP Councilors

PCCC Executive Committee Member Finn Choong Khuat Seng and PCCC Rules and Constitution Revision Committee Deputy Convenor Liu Ting Ling were re-appointed as councilors of Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP) and Seberang Perai Municipal Council (MPSP) respectively on 1 March 2009.

PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section (YES) Establishment

PCCC announced the establishment of Young Entrepreneur Section (YES) during the press conference on 10 March 2009. Entrepreneurs and professionals aged between 21 - 45 are welcomed to join as members of Young Entrepreneur Section.

During the Press Conference, President Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping in his address expressed that the newly established YES aimed at sharing business knowledge with young businessmen and professionals. He added that the section would be a platform to motivate young entrepreneurs and professionals to be the future leaders of the chamber.

PCCC Delegation to Cambodia

The delegation was led by the Chamber’s President, Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping on 7 – 11 March 2009. The itinerary of the delegation was visiting Phnom Penh and Siam Reap as well as meeting with Cambodia Government Officer and local business people in order to obtain the latest information of business prospect, trade and investment opportunities in Cambodia.

There was a group of around 10 members from the Chamber and the delegates were Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping, Dato’ Ooi Gan @ Log Gan, Dato’ Siah Kok Poay, Finn Choong Khuat Seng, Dato’ Lim Tiong Chin, Cheah Teik Jin, Dato’ Tan Choo Hin, Oon Weng Boon, Dato’ Alex Ooi Kee Liang and Teng Khoon Teik.

“Surviving the Shock – and Thriving” Seminar

PCCC Information Technology Committee and YGL Convergence (M) Sdn. Bhd. jointly organized the “Surviving the Shock – and Thriving” seminar on 8 April 2009 at PCCC Conference Room.

In the seminar, two speakers from YGL Convergence, Mr. Neil Lim and Mr. Ho Wai Chun had analyzed and elaborated the tactics to proactively respond to customers’ needs faster through strengthening and improving lean management, making decisions based on hard facts/data as well as building an efficient foundation using integrated software to best position for the rebound.

Courtesy Visit by the Delegation of Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Development

Delegation of Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Development led by Deputy General Secretary, Mr. Yang AiWu visited PCCC on 10 April 2009. They were welcomed by the PCCC’s Vice President Lee Joo Ping, Executive Committee Members Wong Yim Fatt, Kenny Tan Soo Nam, Lee Wing Kong and General Committee Member Lee Eng Leong on arrival.

During the interaction, both parties exchanged views on topics related to trading and investment opportunities in Penang and Heilongjiang.

The 105th China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair Spring 2009)

The 30-member PCCC Delegation to the 105th China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair Spring 2009) organized by PCCC Malaysia China Business Development Committee was divided into Group A, Group B and Group C. The groups departed to Guangzhou via Southern Airlines on 14 April, 24 April, and 2 May 2009 respectively.

PJCC Courtesy Call on Penang Chief Minister, YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng

Penang Joint Chambers of Commerce (PJCC) Constituent Members led by PJCC President, Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping paid a courtesy call on YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng, Chief Minister of Penang on 26 April 2009 at Chief Minister’s office.

During the visit, PJCC Constituent Members submitted a memorandum on ‘Combating Global Financial Crisis: Proposals to Revive Penang’s Economy”. Besides, PJCC Constituent Members also presented a cheque amounting RM 200,000 to Partners Against Poverty (PAP) Programme.

Courtesy Visit by Delegation of Trang Province, Thailand

Delegation of Trang Province, Thailand led by Mr. Surapol Wichaidit, Vice Governor of Trang Province paid a courtesy visit to PCCC on 6 May 2009 with the aim to strengthen the mutual relationship between both parties and to give a briefing on the current status of Trang Province.

They were welcomed by PCCC’s Executive Advisor Datuk Choot Ewe Seng, Deputy President Dato’ Ooi Gan @ Loh Gan, Vice President Lee Joo Ping, Honorary Secretary Tan Hiang Joo, Public Officer Looi Boon Keat, Executive Committee Members Wong Yim Fatt, Dato’ Lee Wing Kong, Finn Choong Khuat Seng, Kenny Tan Soo Nam, General Committee Members Lee Eng Leong, Oon Weng Boon, Lor Lean Sean, Penang Furniture Manufacturers and Dealers Association’s 2nd Vice President Lim Soo Por and Honorary Secretary Hendry Kong on arrival.

PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section (YES)’s 2009 Inaugural General Meeting

PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section (YES) Inaugural General Meeting and the 2009/2010 Committee Members Election was held on 16 May 2009 at Han Chiang College Multi-Purpose Hall.

PCCC President Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping in his address expressed that the Young Entrepreneur Section would be a platform to motivate young entrepreneurs and professionals to become future leaders of PCCC.

Young Entrepreneur Section newly appointed Chairman Oon Weng Boon announced that they would hold regular talks to share business experience and knowledge with the members. He pointed out that the talks would also include a topic on how to obtain government grants which were available for young businessmen and professionals. Below was the 2009/2010 Committee Members List:

Advisor : Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping Chairman : Oon Weng Boon Deputy Chairman : Lee Toong Leon Secretary : Loh Eng Wee Assistant Secretary : Lim Tau Hoong Treasurer : Ong Seng Chye Auditor : Ong Soo Yong Committee Member : Lim How Hun Loh ChunTatt Sin Kok Siang Tan Leng Choon Wong Kim Chun

Courtesy Visit by Deputy High Commissioner of the Republic of Singapore in Malaysia

Deputy High Commissioner Mr. Kevin Cheok and First Secretary Mr. Walter Chia of High Commission of the Republic Singapore in Malaysia paid a courtesy visit to PCCC on 21 May 2009. They were welcomed by PCCC President Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping, Deputy President Dato’ Ooi Gan @ Loh Gan and Honorary Secretary Tan Hiang Joo on arrival.

During the interaction, both parties discussed about the development of Penang under the rules of the new State Government in terms of policy, industry economy, education, social and the like.

PCCC 2009 Annual General Meeting

The PCCC 2009 Annual General Meeting was held on 19 Jun 2009 at Han Chiang College Multi-purpose Hall. The AGM was chaired by President Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping and 110 members were present during the day. The meeting confirmed the minutes of AGM held on 31 May 2008 and adopted the 2008 Annual Report and Audited Statement of Accounts for the year 2008 unanimously. Meanwhile, the meeting also approved 12 motions submitted by members as follows:

1) To urge the Penang State and Local Governments to relax approval procedures and to propose that MPPP/MPSP One Stop Centre should relax the relevant rules to accelerate approval process.

2) To urge the Penang State Government to lift the ban on unsold Bumiputra and low-medium cost units by allowing automatic sale to the public, as well as amending or removing restrictive/prohibitive measures.

3) To urge the State Government to aggressively promote Penang as the preferred “Malaysia My Second Home” (MM2H) destination.

4) To urge the State Government to introduce the measure of mandatory hiring of local workers for companies awarded with state government contracts.

5) To urge the State Government to intensify its effort in promoting Penang tourism and increase the tourist attractions or strengthen the existing tourist attractions together with enhanced infrastructure as the long-term strategies to increase tourist arrivals.

6) To urge the State Government to develop George Town as a vibrant and unique night bazaar in effort to attract tourists and earning foreign currency exchange, revitalising George Town's businesses as well as solving the various social problems caused by dilapidated heritage properties within the inner city.

7) To urge the Federal Government to take cognizance of the fact that Penang is the second highest contributor in national tax collection while the allocation received is the second lowest in the nation, which does not commensurate with total tax collected from Penang.

8) To urge the governments at all level would adopt the most proactive, aggressive and rapid measures in overcoming the economic crisis.

9) To urge the government to supervise the financial institutions to simplify and speed up the procedure on loan application; meanwhile, also control the illegal loan activities strictly.

10) To urge the government to buy over the North-South Expressway to solve the perennial problem of toll increment and compensation paid by government purportedly made according to the privatization agreement.

11) To urge the State Government to draft the Heritage Management Structure Plan, and set guidelines and by- laws which conform with local conditions and economically viable so as to ensure that the state development and economic activities are not affected.

12) To urge the hawkers in Penang to enhance their awareness of the importance of cleanliness and green environment so that besides making an earning from their daily business, they could also help to contribute to preserve the environment.

Seminar on “Economy Outlook and Stimulus Package”

PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section (YES) and RHB Bank jointly organized the seminar on “Economy Outlook and Stimulus Package” on 19 July 2009 from 2.30pm to 6.00pm at Gurney Hotel.

The first speaker Mr. Peck Boon Soon talked about the overall economy outlook in Malaysia and the world economy, especially the Malaysia and international share market. While the second speaker Mr. Chey Oon Wah talked about the stimulus package that was launched by the government to provide financing facilities to our local businessmen with minimum or even without-collateral.

Courtesy Visit by Representatives of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor

The Representatives of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor led by Deputy President Dato’ David Chua and Executive Secretary Mr. Peter Loo paid a courtesy call on PCCC on 13 July 2009, at 3.00pm to promote and brief on the “EXPO Cintai Malaysia - The 8th Malaysia International Trade & Consumer Fair” that would be held from 2 to 6 December 2009 as well as to exchange view with PCCC General Committee members.

They were welcomed by PCCC’s Vice President Lee Joo Ping, Honorary Secretary Tan Hiang Joo, Public Officer Looi Bean Keat, Executive Committee Members Wong Yim Fatt, Kenny Tan Soo Nam, General Committee Members Ng Bak Hoo, Lee Eng Leong, Ng Back Teng, Lim Chong Aik and General Committee Member cum General Committee Member cum Young Entrepreneur Section Chairman Oon Weng Boon on arrival.

Seminar on “Entrepreneurship in Turbulent Times”

Astro AEC in collaboration with PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section (YES) jointly organized a seminar “Entrepreneurship in Turbulent Times” on 2 August 2010 3.00pm at Sunway Carnival Convention Centre, Seberang Perai, Penang.

In the seminar, the 3 speakers from various industries: Mr. Liew Chew Keat, co-founder cum managing director of CARI.com, The chief executive officer cum founder of Dragon-I, Mr. Henry Yip and the managing director cum co-founder of Caring Pharmacy Mr. K. L. Ang shared with the audience their career story during turbulent times.

Courtesy Visit by High Commission of Sri Lanka in Malaysia

Minister (Commercial) of High Commissioner of Sri Lanka in Malaysia Mr. D W Jinadasa paid a courtesy visit to PCCC on 6 August 2009 to foster bilateral trade relationship and also to encourage more Penang companies to further explore investment opportunities in Sri Lanka after the end of the civil war.

He was welcomed by PCCC’s Deputy President Dato’ Ooi Gan @ Loh Gan, Public Officer Looi Bean Keat, Honorary Auditor Dato’ Lim Tiong Chin, General Committee Members Ng Bak Hoo, Lee Eng Leong, Dato’ Koay Ah Meng, General Committee Member cum Young Entrepreneur Section Chairman Oon Weng Boon, and Assistant Secretary Lim Tau Hoong on arrival.

Seminar on “Achieving Sales Miracle During Crisis”

PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section and PSS Professional Sales Academy jointly organized a seminar on “Achieving Sales Miracle During Crisis” on 14 August 2009, from 3.30pm to 6.00pm at PCCC Conference Room.

During the seminar, the speaker Mr. Frankie Sim Jin Peng from PSS Professional Sales Academy talked about “how to break the deadlock for declining sales”, “unveil the common mistakes of salesperson”, “code on direct influence on the corporate profit” and “how to form an effective and aggressive sales team to overcome the economic downturn”.

Charity Fund Committee Scholarship and Study Loan Presentation Ceremony 2009

PCCC Charity Fund Committee held the Scholarship and Study Loan Presentation Ceremony 2009 on 5 September 2009 at Han Chiang College Multi-purpose Hall. For Scholarship, there were 47 approved recipients awarded with RM 1,000 each. For Study Loan, there were 4 approved applicants and the total loan granted was RM 23,000.

Those present at the Scholarship and Study Loan Presentation Ceremony 2009 were PCCC Charity Fund Committee Chairman Dato’ Dr. Cheah See Kean, Member of Parliament Puan Chong Eng, PCCC’s Executive Advisor Datuk Choot Ewe Seng, President Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Kok Ping, Deputy President Dato’ Ooi Gan @ Loh Gan, Vice President Dato’ Siah Kok Poay, Lee Joo Ping, Honorary Secretary Tan Hiang Joo, Public Officer Looi Bean Keat, General Committee Members Ng Bak Hoo, Dato’ Goh Heow Ewe and Dato’ Koay Ah Meng.

Seminar on “Technopreneurship & Business Intelligence System”

PCCC Information Technology Committee and PCCC Young Entrepreneur SectionˈSoftware Consortium of Penang (SCoPe) in collaboration with YGL Convergence (M) Sdn Bhd jointly organized the Seminar on “Technopreneurship & Business Intelligence System” on 18 September 2009, from 3.00pm to 6.00pm at PCCC Conference Room.

During the seminar, speaker Mr. Neil Lim talked about how to build a business intelligence system that could facilitate decision making process and response promptly to market changes. Another speaker Mr. Jeffrey Lim shared the idea on Technopreneurship, how to apply for MSC Status Company and how to apply for government grants.

Courtesy Visit by Delegation of Satun Province, Thailand

A 23-member Delegation of Satun Province, Thailand led by Mr. Sumeth Chailertvanitkul, Governor of Satun Province paid a courtesy visit to PCCC on 28 September 2009 at 9.30am. The visit was to strengthen the relationship between both parties and promote the trade and investment opportunities in Satun Province.

They were welcomed by PCCC’s Vice President Dato’ Siah Kok Poay, Honorary Treasurer Lim Kooi Ting, Public Officer Looi Bean Keat, Executive Committee Members Wong Yim Fatt and Finn Choong Khuat Seng, General Committee Members Ng Bak Hoo, Lee Eng Leong, Young Entrepreneur Section’s Vice Chairman Lee Toong Leon, Committee Members Loh Chun Tatt, Ang Poh Keim, Wong Kah Hoe and Saw Boon Keat on arrival.

Courtesy Visit by Bangladesh High Commissioner in Malaysia

His Excellency Mr. A.K.M. Antiqur Rahman, the new High Commissioner of Bangladesh in Malaysia, and his First Secretary (Commercial) Dr. Md. Rezaul Bashar Siddique led by Bangladesh Consul in Penang Mr. Shaik Ismail Allaudin paid a courtesy visit to PCCC on 9 September 2009 at 11.30am with an objective to promote the Bangladesh Showcase 2010 that was scheduled to be held from 8 to 10 January 2010 at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) and discuss on possible areas of cooperation in trade and investment.

They were welcomed by PCCC’s President Tan Sri Tan Kok Ping and Executive Committee Member Wong Yim Fatt on arrival.

The 106th China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair Autumn 2009)

The 30-member PCCC Delegation to the 106th China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair Autumn 2009) organized by PCCC Malaysia China Business Development Committee was divided into Group A, Group B and Group C. They departed on 14 October, 24 October and 31 October 2009 respectively to Guangzhou by Southern Airlines.

Seminar on “Franchise Your Business”

PCCC SME and Human Resource Development Committee in collaboration with Francorp Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. jointly organized the “Franchise Your Business” seminar on 31 October 2009, from 9.00am to 1.00pm at PCCC Conference Room.

In the seminar, the Speaker, Mr. Affandy Faiz, Certified Franchise Executive (CFE) / CEO Francorp Malaysia gave a talk about structures of franchised business, franchising advantage, and the rapid business expansion in a globalized world without capital escalation. Enterprises and businessmen may charge franchise fee by capitalizing franchising structure and system to further duplicate their wealth.

Live Telecast Viewing of National Budget 2010

PCCC Economics, Finance & Taxation Committee held a live telecast viewing of 2010 national budget speech by the Prime Minister cum Finance Minister at the Chamber’s Conference Room on 23 October 2009. The committee made a few commentaries after evaluating and analyzing the budget.

Essentially, the 2010 Budget was based on the existing framework and the Chamber did not see anything new or breakthrough in the government’s policy. The Chamber welcomed the 3 strategies as outlined in the Budget:

1) Driving the country towards a high-income economy 2) Ensuring holistic and sustainable development 3) Focusing on the well-being of the people

The Chamber recognized the efforts of the government to turn around our economy into new economic model, with the ultimate aim of driving the economy towards the high-income economy but we discovered that this Budget does not outline the details as to how the government was to put Malaysia on the road to high-income society status. Government should draw up detailed plans and put into implementation immediately.

The Chamber also welcomed the government’s stand to conduct more thorough study before imposing the Goods and Service Tax (GST). This was the right approach as GST would have wide repercussion and government should be more cautious before implementing this new tax structure.

Regarding the budget proposal to reduce the income tax rate from 27% to 26% and also increasing the personal relief from RM8000 to RM9000, we believed this would be most welcomed by the business community. This policy would definitely provide more disposable income to the tax payers and would encourage them to spend more.

In any event, Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce welcomed government’s move to emphasize on the importance of the tourism industry and also its proposal to build 4 new transportation hubs in Penang. We urged the government to finalise the projects and to get them implemented as soon as possible. In the past, there had been very much unduly delay in the various projects promised to be carried out in Penang.

Seminar on “2010 Post Budget and Economic Outlook”

PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section, Amanah Saham National Berhad and CIMB Investment Bank jointly organized the “2010 Post Budget and Economic Outlook” seminar on 3 November 2010 from 3.00pm to 6.00pm at Penang Cititel Hotel.

During the seminar, the first speaker Mr. Lee Heng Guie, Head of Economics of CIMB Economics Research, shared his analysis and review based on Malaysia 2010 Budget. In his presentation, he revealed what to expect in 2010, explain how our country could ensure a strong recovery, highlight the challenges and strategies that would transform Malaysia into a high income growth track and analyse on whether the 2010 Budget has set its priorities and expectations right for the year to come.

Another speaker, Mr. Izmir Mohammad explained about the prospects of 1 Malaysia Amanah Saham which was launched by the Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib Razak. Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) had offered RM 10 billion Amanag Saham 1 Malaysia fund for subscription since 31 July 2009.

Forum on “Investment Opportunities in Thailand”

Board of Investment (BOI), Thailand held the “Investment Opportunities in Thailand” forum at PCCC Conference Room on 4 November 2009 at 10.00am. The objectives of the forum were to enhance the opportunity for businessmen of both countries and also strengthen the economic ties between Malaysia and Thailand.

The guest that attended the forum were PCCC’s Public Officer Looi Bean Keat, Executive Committee Members Wong Yim Fatt, Dato’ Lee Wing Kong, Kenny Tan Soo Nam, General Committee Member Dato’ Dr. Donald Yap Tatt Keat, PCCC Members and PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section Members and Penang Port Commission Chairman Puan Tan Cheng Liang.

PCCC “Treasures of The Chamber” Handover Ceremony

PCCC had published the limited edition coffee table book, titled “The Treasures of The Chamber” and the handover ceremony had been held on 20 November 2009 where PCCC Property Management Convenor Finn Choong Khuat Seng received the “The Treasures of The Chamber” from the publisher.

“The Treasures of The Chamber” was the collection of 251 pieces of diverse souvenirs arranged in six divisions. This tome sought to convey the appreciation of the Chamber to our partners, of the deep and meaningful partnerships those souvenirs come to represent.

PCCC 2009 Special General Meeting

PCCC had convened a Special General Meeting on 2 December 2009ˈ11.00am at Multipurpose Hall, Han Jiang College, Penang.

The following resolutions were duly passed:

1) This SGM re-affirms that the annual secretariat fee is a mandatory payment for all categories of members under the Rules and Constitution of PCCC;

2) In order to ensure equal treatment to all members of PCCC, the following resolution passed at the SGM held on 11/6/2000 be annulled and of no effect forthwith:-

“that notwithstanding any decision of the Executive Committee and / or General Committee and/or the Election Steering Committee, that those Life Members, whose life membership had been terminated as a consequence of the nonpayment of a secretariat fee demanded by PCCC shall not be obligated to pay the alleged arrears of secretariat fee and in consequence thereof be and are hereby reinstated to their former status as Life Members”;

3) Without prejudice to the above 2 resolutions, this SGM resolves to allow all life members to settle the annual secretariat fee of RM120-00 for the year of 2009 by 5.00pm on the 31.12.2009. The General Committee is authorized to publish a Notice of Payment once in one Chinese and one English newspaper, in default of such payment, the defaulting life members shall be treated as resigning from the PCCC voluntarily and thereafter shall cease to be a member of PCCC.

The 2nd National Youths Conference

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Kuala Lumpur & Selangor had organized “The 2nd National Youths Conference” on 4 December 2009 at Malaysia International Exhibition & Convention Centre (MIECC).

PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section Committee Members led by Chairman Oon Weng Boon attended the event and interact with other states’ Young Entrepreneur Section members of committee.

PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section Committee Members who attended the event were Oon Weng Boon, Lee Toong Leon, Loh Eng Wee, and Lim Tau Hoong. Ong Soo Yong, Loh Chun Tatt, Tan Leng Choon, Wong Kim Chun. Lim Seng Keat, Siah Chin Pin and Wong Kah Hoe.

Launching Ceremony of “Cargo Declare Suite V7” Customs Preparation Software

At the invitation of PCCC Transport, Logistics and Customs Committee, Rank Alpha Technologies launched the of “Cargo Declare Suite V7” Customs Preparation Software on 15 December 2009 from 2.00pm to 5.00pm at PCCC Conference Room.

In the launching ceremony, the company conducted presentation and demo for participants. Cargo Declare Suite V7 was a software application for the electronic preparation and transmission of customs forms (K1, K2, K3, K8, and K9) and Electronic Funds Transfer.

2010 New Year Eve Countdown Event

PCCC Young Entrepreneur Section in collaboration with PCCC Tourism Industry and Business Mission Committee jointly organized the “2010 New Year Eve Countdown Event” on 31 December 2009 at Penang Gurney Plaza.

The aforesaid event was held officially in conjunction with the launching ceremony of “Visit Penang Year 2010- 2012” by Penang State Government. The event aimed to promote the culture diversities of Penang and attract more tourists to Penang. The event was endorsed by Penang State Government and the major sponsors of the event were Maxis Communications Berhad, Berjaya Group Berhad and Chew Seng Goldsmith Sdn. Bhd. Other sponsors included Alor Vista Sdn. Bhd., Tesco Stores (M) Sdn. Bhd., Ewein Berhad, Versace, Tatt Giap Group, SH Synergy Corporate Sdn. Bhd. and Zenmax Sdn. Bhd.

The event also held donation campaign for Eden Handicap Service Centre.