JANUARY 1947 - WINTER 1986





Authority in Education (A.C. Harwood) The Schools Abroad (A.C. Harwood) Homer, The Beginning of Greek History (R. Lissau) A New Approach to Gymnastics (Olive Whicher) Gymnastics for Young Children (Roy Wilkinson) “A Midsummer Night 's Dream" at the New School (J. Compton-Burnett) Geometry in Relation to Infinity (A.R. Sheen) The Teaching of Grammar in the Younger Classes (E.G. Wilson) Nine Year's Old (A.C. Harwood) The First Week of a New Class (W.O. Field) First Lessons In Chemistry (A.R. Sheen) A Visit to a Nursery Class (E.G. Wilson) The Youngest Servants (B. Mansfield) Preparing Children for the Knowledge of Their Na­ tive Land (Roy Wilkinson) Children’s Questions (A.C. Harwood) First Lessons in Physiology (M. Sargeant) The Teaching of Natural Science (A.R. Sheen) First Lessons About Plants (E.G. Wilson) Address to the Children at the Opening of a New Term (A.W. Kaufman) The Teaching of Writing () Creatively Onward (Rex Raab) Charcoal Drawing (A.W. Kaufman) The Imaginative Treatment of Geometry in Education c (A.R. Sheen) The Training of the Will in Childhood () Education in Hostel Life (Helen Fox) A German Fairy Tale Play for Children about 10) Years Old (Bronja Huettner) Discipline in a Rudolf Steiner School (Eileen Hutchins) Preparing Children for a Knowledge of Their Native Land (Theodora Veenhof) History in the Eighth Class (G.H. Sargeant) The Little Child at Home and at School (E.G. Wil son) The Education of the Will: A Sketch (L.F. Edmunds) Science Teaching in a Rudolf Steiner School. The Task and the Method ()

The Rudolf Steiner Education and Present Education­ al Thought (R. Lissau) A Midsummer Play for the Younger Children (Bronja Huettner) On Learning How to Tell Stories (M.B.A. Laffree) The Age of Puberty (A. W. Kaufmann) Children in a Scientific World (A. R. Sheen) - 2 ;-

Literature with the Upper School (L.F. Edmunds)

The Early Teaching of Arithmetic (O.W. Field) Children in the Twelfth Year (A.C. Harwood) Woodwork (A.W. Kaufman) Mechanical Influences on Children Today (A.R. Sheen) On Words and Names (A.C. Harwood) The Geometry of the Pentagram (A. R. Sheen) The History of Art as a Necessary Subject in the Curriculum of the Child at Puberty (A.W. Kaufman) Play of Lohengrin (J. Darrel) Epic, Dramatic and Lyric Poetry () Modelling (A.W. Kaufman) First Lessons in Algebra (A.R. Sheen) Questions and Answers (A.C. Harwood and H. Gebert) The Training of Thought and Imagination in the Classroom (F.R. Woolls) The Child and the Alphabet (Henry H. Barnes) Rudolf Steiner's Educational Work in England (E.G. Wilson and H. Fox) How 'General' is the General Certificate of Educa­ tion (Alan Howard) The Nine Year Old Child (A. McAllen) Practical Activities in Class III (Roy Wilkinson) The Twelve Year Old Child (Eileen Hutchins) Architectural Form as an Influence in Education (A.H. Roe) The Teaching of Woodwork (G.L. Rowe) Independent Schools and State Aid (Roy Wilkinson) New Lamps for Old (Editor) Science at the Age of Fourteen (K.M. Jones) The Wise Men's Well (P.S. Moffat) Questions and Answers Eighteen - The School Leaving Age (L.F. Edmunds) Questions and Answers "Mapping Out" a Geography Period (Alan Howard) History in the Twelfth Class (R. Lissau) The Gymnastics Lesson (Knut Clinies-Ross) Questions and Answers "By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them" (Editor) The Teaching of Mathematics (Hans Gebert)

Questions and Answers A Painting Lesson (J. G. Smith) History in Class V (Roy Wilkinson) Exchange with Heidenheim (J. Compton-Burnett) Questions and Answers The First King (R. Lissau) The Music Lesson in the First Three Classes (Marjorie Watson) No News Is Good News (Editor) - 3 -

Teaching in a Rudolf Steiner School (L.F. Edmunds) "The Most Exciting Thing" (L.F. Edmunds) Questions and Answers A Matter for National Concern (R. Lissau) From Sowing to Baking (A.H. Roe) Rudolf Steiner Schools (Editor) Examinations Examined (H.L.Hetherington) Notes and Comments "Unto Everyone Which Hath Shall Be Given" (Editor) Science in the Middle School (Lawrence Edwards) Examinations Examined (A.C. Harwood) Text Books for the Teacher of German (R. Lissau) Science in the Upper School (Hans Gebert) The Adolescent's Approach to Literature (H.L. Hetherington) In a Nutshell... (R. Lissau) Notes and Comments Notes and Comments Speech Tracing in Germany (W. Glas) What Have Parents Got to Do with It? (Alan Howard) A Note of Despair (R. Lissau) Education and Automation (Alan Howard) Ideas Are Important (Editor) A Background Nature Study in Class Four (Theo Gumbel) Swedish Waldorf School Music in Teaching (Roland Everett) Sound and Silence in the Classroom (W. Glas) The Musical Element in the Teaching of English During the Class teacher Period (Eileen Hutchins) The Shortest Way Home (Roland Everett) Teaching Science Humanely (Hans Gebert) View of Comprehensive Schooling (H.L. Hetherington) A Theory of Man as a Starting Point for Educating the Child View of Comprehensive Schooling (R. Lissau) The Comprehensive Curriculum with Special Reference to the Teaching of Language The School in Society (G.L. Rowe) New York's Steiner School (L.F. Edmunds) What Are the Fundamentals? Questions and Answers First Visit (Ruth Crandell) Sun and Moon (Roland Everett) Apprentices to Culture (Alan Howard) Steiner and Piaget (R. Lissau) Emerson College (L.F. Edmunds) in Canada (John Kettle) Steiner and Public Education (Rudi Lissau) The Stimulus of Literature (Eileen Goodwin) Stimulating the Will and Imagination (D.J. Patterson) - 4 -

Johannesburg's Waldorf School A Non-Denomenational Approach (J. Darrel) Primacy of Speech (R. Lissau) The Pros and Cons of Steiner Schools (David Stedman) Answers to Questions Canada Calling the Future (Alan Howard) Toronto School Opens (Alan Howard) Finding Truth in Art, Beauty in Science (Eileen Hutchins) Steiner Pupils Excel in Creativity Tests (Frank Newell) Tackling the 'System' (Margaret Heitler) Steiner Education's Jubilee (R. Lissau) Creativity Comes Into Its Own (Frank Newell) What the Steiner School Old Scholars Like? (David Stedman) Are Steiner School Old Scholars Alienated Metamorphosis into Leadership (Editor) A Developing Pupil-Teacher Relationship (Hugh Hetherington) Schools Without a Headmaster (R. Lissau) A New Impulse in French Nursery Schools (Colette Courtais) True Comprehensiveness (Editor) All-Age Cricket (Eileen Goodwin) Under One Roof (Margaret Heitler) Britain's Oldest Comprehensive (Hugh Hetherington) Nature of Waldorf Education (Alan Howard) Education for Life (Drummond Hunter) Steiner School Pupils Excel in Creativity (F.M. Newell) What Is a Comprehensive School Foundation Year at Emerson College () Man-Centred Curriculum (Editor) Teacher Training at Emerson College () A Curriculum in Search of a Culture (James Hemming) Some Essential Overtones in Teacher Training (R. Lissau) German A-Level Course at a Steiner School (Sybylle Alexander) Reading the Imagery of 7-14 Year Olds (Daniel Bittleston) Class Six -The Experience in the Classroom (John Brett) Editorial Thoughts Arising Out of Experience of Teacher Training in the USA (Werner Glas) Sources of Imagination (Eileen Hutchins) Image and Morality (Rudolf Lissau) Dominance (Audrey E. McAllen) The Right Age for the 3 R's (Earl Ogletree) The Rudolf Steiner School in Vienna (Eleonora Zimmermann) Class Seven (Peter Bark) The Vancouver Waldorf School Steps Out (Noel and Diana Bell) Words and Rhythms (Daniel Bittleston) Preparing to Become a Teacher (Ron Jarman) The Introduction of a Course on Steiner Education in a State Institution of Higher Education (David Mollet) Further Considerations on the Roll of the Free School (David Mollet) Editorial (D. B.) The Spectre of Teacheasy Inc. (John Davy) Waldorf Schools Around the World, North America (Francis Edmunds) Building Play (Jon Godber and Peter Davies) The Future of Education (Alan Howard) Vancouver Waldorf School Steps Out (Alan Howard) The Growth of Waldorf Schools At Home and Abroad (Ron Jarman) Comment (Rudolf Lissau) Geography of Europe with 12 Year Olds (Margaret Shillan) South Africa (Willy Woldyk) Waldorf Education in Latin America (Francis Edmunds) "Speaking of the Waldorf Curriculum ... " (Alan Howard) Children's Questions (A.C. Harwood) A Penetrating Glance at Education in West Germany (Christoph Lindenberg) Leaders of the Plough (R. Brien Masters) Geometric Form Drawing (Earl Ogletree) Botany Alive (Frances Woolls) The Alphabet and Writing (Audrey McAllen) How to Make Them Talk (Sibylle Alexander) The Miracle of Michael House (Arie Blom) New Life for Education (D. B. -Editor) Waldorf Education in the South (Australia, New Zealand, South Africa) (Francis Edmunds) A Class Poem Is Born (Roland Everett) Agriculture Course for Waldorf Pupils (Herbert H. Koepf) A Birthday in the Nursery Class (Margaret Meyerkort) What Do We Mean By an Artistic Education? (Siegfried Rudel) Alternative Technology in Waldorf Schools (Peter Clemm) Waldorf Schools Are News in the Netherlands (Christopher Clouder) A Lesson in the Dark (Norman Davidson) - 6 -

Waldorf in India (Leslie Anne Dougherty) Science Reveals Secrets of Life (Lawrence Edwards) Learning to Read from the Book of Nature (Brien Masters) A Deep Communal Impulse (John Adler) First Experience of Science (Roland Everett) Laying the Foundation Stone in the New Wing at Elmfield (Eileen Hutchins) Where a Teacher's Road Can Lead (Ronald A. Jarman) Comment (R. Lissau) Movement in Education (D.J. B., Editor) Comment (R. Lissau) What Makes Us Move (Rudolf Marcus) Space is Human (Paul Matthews) Steiner Education Speaks Out (Hetti Brice) Comm e nt (R. Lissau) Gates of Hell... Keys of the Kingdom (Brien Masters) Remedial Education Today (Stanley Price) A Look at the Causes of Maladjustment (Joan Rudel) Two 'Dons' of Alberta Make Waldorf History (Don Howard) The Most Human Art (Ted Roberts) Art Through the Heart (Margarert Shillon) The Spirits of Music, Dance and Drama (Norman Davidson) Moses and the Calf of God (Jon Godber) Child-Centred Teaching in a Rudolf Steiner School (Roland Everett) Waldorf Education and Problems of Youth in Japan (Christoph Jaffke) Accompanying the Young Child (Margaret Meyerkort) Wholeness in Living and Learning (M.C. Richards) The True Waldorf Impulse (John Adler) The Most Precious Gift of All (Sibylle Alexander) Comment (A.S. Crosby) Language Teaching in a Waldorf School (Roland Everett) From Imagination to Sense Experience (Eileen Hutchins) A Creative Approach to Foreign Languages for Waldorf Teachers (Rene M. Querido) The Industrial Revolution (Jesse Darrell) A Visit to a Steel plant (Alan Hall) Editorial (B. M.) Computers (Matthias Klimm) Education - for Life (Tom Rowling) Technical Drawing (Basil Titford) Temptations of the Ego (Tony Brown) The Watch-Tower, Garden and Tear—Away (Roland Everett) Comment (Alan Howard) Projects Coming of Age (D. Jungblut) Inner Vision of the Individuality (Graham Kennish) - 7 -

A Balanced Education (Jock Petrash) Interview of Jeff Clemm (Daniel Bittleston) Stepping Out Into Life (Moana Bowron) Crossing the Rubicon Into the 10th Year (Christine Crawley) Education for Capability (Norman Davidson) Comment (Alan Howard) Preparing Pupils to Enter an Unwelcome Future (Eileen Hutchins) The Island (Ruth Pusch) The Place of Current Affairs in Waldorf Education (Andreas Schubert) Into Work (Ian Twist) 'Lets Play the Game' (Dennis Demanett) Himgiri (Karin Kochhar) Free Play (Joan Marcus) A Trip Down Goatchurch (Kate Topp) Archery as Part of the Class 3 Curriculum (Graham Whiting) What Are Schools For? (Warren Ashe, Roland Everett, Alan Hall, Brien Masters, Chris Marshall) The Fountain School - Pretoria (Huibert Franken) Waldorf Education in State Schools (William Jordan) Waldorf Schools in North America (Rene M. Ouerido) A Computer Conference in America (Hans Gebert) Rudolf Steiner or Waldorf Schools in South America (Ron Jarrnan) The Computer Is the Driver? (Paul Law) Editorial Introduction (B. M.) Criterion for When (David Sharman) On the Wings of Pegasus (Margaret Shil lan)


The Story of Kasper Hauser (Margaret Bennell) Phi 1osophy-The End of Greek History (Rudi Lissau) Childhood, Manhood and Old Age The Human Limb System (A.C. Harwood) Children's Talents Selective Education and Social Community (Hildegart Gerbert) Geography of the Earth (G.H. Sargeant) William Corbett on Early Education The Change of Teeth (A. Renwick Sheen) Growth of Body and Growth of Mind (Gertrude Sargea-nt-)— The Nursery Class as a Foundation for Later Life (G.L. Rowe) What Do We Do in the Nursery Class (M. Rowe) A Playhour Afternoon (M. Rowe) Nursery Class Conversations (Gertrude H. Sargeant) Children in a Garden (Wanaka Wells) Thinking and Imagination in Childhood (A. 6, Harwood) - 8 -

The Death of Baldur and the Festival of Resurrec­ tion (L.F. Edmunds) How Does Artistic Work Prepare for Life? (Gerda Hillman) The Child is Father of the Man (H.L. Hetherington) Man Between Heredity and Freedom () Has Europe No More to Say? (H.L. Hetherington) On the Threshold of Life (M. Bennell) Science and Technology (H. Heitler) The Recovery of the Word (H.L. Hetherington) "We Are the Hollow Men" (Editor) Play and School as the Necessary Preparation for Working in the World of Present-Day Technology (Fritz Koegel) Drawing Level (Editor) The Dynamo and the Virgin (A.C. Harwood) Are Films Harmful to the Young? (Heinz Muller) The Wholeness of Imagination (A.C. Harwood) Three Stages of Development (E. Frommer) "And the Child Grew" (Alan Howard) The Proper Education of Mankind (Alan Howard) Creativity Is an Attitude (Char1es Kovacs) Progress at Emerson College (Francis L. Edmunds) Color in Art and Science (Roland Everett) The Psychedelic Revolution (Friedrich Hiebel) Mums Changing Role (Margaret Heitler) Growing Toward Freedom (Eileen Hutchins) Steiner in America (Earl Ogletree) Three Neglected Polarities (Eileen Hutchins) Innocence in a Fallen World Michael's Sword of Iron (David Lanning) Rediscovering the Phases of Human Life (Christopher Schaefer) Why Beauty in Education? () Birth 1980 (Richard Aldred) 'I Am ... I Can ...' (Trudi Brechbuehl) I'm Boss (Christine Brobby) Flowforms (John Wilkes) Playing to the Gods of Adolescence (R. Lissau)


Fellowship Is Life (Alan Howard) The Financing of Free Schools (Thomas Smith-Frank)


Conscience in Child Nutrition (Pauline Anderson) Cooking for School Children (Mary Haydon) Nutrition, Some Thoughts (H.R.) - 3 -

What Really Happens in Digestion and Nutrition (L.F. C.)


Mathematics as a Discipline for Training Inner Perception (J. Van Wattum) From Beauty to Truth in Mathematics (R.A. Jarman) Astronomy at the Crossroads (John Meeks)


What Makes a Good Scientist? (H. Heitler) Automation, A Second Industrial Revolution? (B.C.J. Lievegoed) Technology Faces Education with a Problem (A.C. Henny) Education in the Technical Age (Hans Rudolf Niederhauser) Child and Machine (Editor) The Machine as Teacher (Sylvia Eckersley) Maps, Clocks and the Roots of Alienation (John Davy) Hugh St. Victor (Martyn Rawson) Where Do You Have Breakfast? (Alan Hall) No-One There (Andrew Wolpert)


Weleda (S. Walters) Waldorf and Curative Education Work Together (Hans Gebert, Werner Glas, Ralph Marinelli) Health and Movement (Sibylle Alexander) Healing without Drugs (Martin Vyner) A Healthy Partnership (Brenda Hammond) Art, Nature and the Personal Relationship (Siegfried Rudel) The Second Mile (A. Weihs) An Interview with Coleg Elidyr (Birthe Hougaard)


Christmas, the Crown of the Year (Henry Barnes) Rhythms in the Life of Children and the Christmas Festival Plays (Caroline von Heydebrand) Midsummer (H.L. Hetherington) - 1 0 -

Easter (H.L. Hetherington) The Midsummer Festival of St. John (J. Darrell) The Michaelmas Festival (J. Darrell) Build Upon a Rock (Editor) The Third King (R. Lissau) Festivals and Seasons - Paths to Religious Experience (David Lanning) Archangels and Dragons Here and Now (Frances Brown) Seasonal Festivals in the Curriculum (Dennis Demanett)


Religion in a State Primary School (Peter Heathlield) What on Earth Is Religion? (Alan Howard) Religion with Adolescents (Eileen Hutchins) Has Religion Any Place in Education (Alan Howard)


Architecture for Education (Denis Devaris) New Schoo1 Bui1ding (David Austin)


What Is Doing in School (Mary Watson) Struggling with Chaos (Janet Williamson) The New Art (Inge Schwarz) Eurythmy in Japan (Willy Woldyk)


The High Wire of Art (Anne Stockton) Art and the Adolescent (Ted Roberts)


The Appreciation of Poetry (A.C. Harwood)


Goethe, the Perceiver () The Goethean Approach to Science (Michael Wilson) - 1 1 -

Goethe's Colour Theory Applied (Mary Nash- Wortham) A New Way of Knowing (David Lanning)


The Study of Man (A.C. Harwood)

Dr. Steiner in an Arithmetic Lesson (Beilina Mellinger) Dr. Steiner in the Waldorf School (Wilhelm Ruhtenberg) The Origin of Rudolf Steiner's Art of Education (Hans Maendl) The Art of Knowing (Editor)


Are Fairy Stories True (A.C. Harwood) Fairy Tales (M.B.A. Laffree) A German Fairy Tale Play for Chi1dren About 10 Years Old (Bronja Huettner) Questions and Answers (Hugh Hetherington) The Norse Myths (Benedict Wood)


The Awakening of Thought in Children Extract Aug. Sept, 1919 from The Study of Man Mother and Child

“My Dear Children, Boys and Girls ..."


Christmas Toys (D. Darrell) Children and the Cinema (A.C. Harwood) “As a Man Thinketh in His Heart So Is He (H.L. Hetherington) The Teacher Taught (Alan Howard) Questions and Answers Books as Rich Gifts (G.H. Sargeant) ‘Alma Mater' (H.L. H.) Utopias (H.L. Hetherington) A Rigid Calendar - Examinations Examined III (Hans Gebert) You Too Would Confess (Alan Howard) Is Television Harmful to Your Health (H.P. Schone) - 12-

Education and Government (R. Lissau) Choosing Those Christmas Toys (Josephine Spence) The Right to Play (Josephine Spence) Incarnating Individuality (Daniel Bittleston) State Education (A.C. Harwood) Creatively Meeting Withdrawal (Frank Newell) Creativity and the Mind of Tomorrow (Earl Ogletree) Teenagers and Tolkien (Margaret Heitler) Religion and Food (Joan Rudel) Youth, Age and the Two Cultures (John Davy) Examination Syllabuses and Student Power (R. Lissau) Dyslexia and the Reading-Writing Process (Carol Coates) How to Murder Your Teacher (Alan Howard) Rebels with Cause (Eileen Hutchins) A Practical Comparison in Styles of Education (Peter Bensley) Parenthood's Changing Face (Alan Howard) Leadership for the Future (J.J. ten Siethoff) Time Out of School (David Stedman) Q. and F. (Rudi Lissau) Happiness Is Not a Meal Ticket (Derek Marrell) Teacher Training As She Is (Geoffrey Wansell) A Community School (Christopher East) Examinations Examined (H.L. Hetherington) Comment (Rudi Lissau) Its the Same Old Story (Siegfried Rudel) Comment: New Involvement for Parents (Rudi Lissau) Science, A Question of Life and Death (Editor) Comment: Responsible School Government. Respon­ sible Sex Education Television and Child Development (Martin Large and Faith Hall) Education as Transformation (P e t e r Abbs) Violence in School (Alan Howard) Movement or Television (Audrey McAllen) Comment (Alan Howard) Teaching the Gifted (Alan Howard) The Interview (Richard Aldred) Love, Rhythm, Security (Peter Ogilvie) Why Britons Are Lousy Linguists (Peter Wilby) Non-Violence Training (Peter Bodenstein) Comment (Alan Howard) The Pursuit of Challenge (Rainbow Rosenbloom) Shire Training Workshops (Barny Houghton) Computer Games (Alan Hall)


Adler, John A Deep Communal Impulse