G~a World's Leading · Auto ~ssory Stores We are now the largest organization of its kind in the world, with 30 big stores conveniently located to give you quicker. and better service. · I want to take this opportunity of personally thanking our millions of customers everywhere for their generous patronage which has made it possible for us to grow from a small one man store into the largest organization of its kind in the world. An average of one out of every five owners in the entire United States is now getting their tires and supplies from Western Auto stores. Automobile mvners everywhere are now realizing that they can always depend upon the World's Old· est and Largest Exclusive Auto Accessory Stores for. the Highest Quality, Lowest Prices, and Quickest Service and an Absolute Guarantee, Satisfaction or Money Back 18 Years of Service For Il'ltlre than 18 years we have been handling Tires and Auto Accessories exclusively and devoting our entire time to the study of the individual car owners needs. Our big chain of 30 stores keeps us in close daily contact with o~ customers and their requirements, and enables us to serve them far better than if .ve were just a mail order house, that car· ried auto supplies merely as a side-line or one of many other departments. One of our big stores is located near you with large and complete stocks, insuring you quicker service and a saving in transportation charges. If you reside in, or visit, any of the following cities, we cordially invite you to visit our big retail stores where you will find everything shown in this catalog attractively dis­ played ready for your personal selection with experienced and courteous salesmen always ready to serve you. 30 Big Stores Located in tbe PoDowing Cities :Atlanta Kansas City (4 stores) Chicago · Philadelphia (2 storu) "llirmingham St. Louis St. Paul (2 stores) Cincinnati . Memphis Tulsa Minneapolis Columbus . ew Orleans Oklahoma City Des Moines Dallas 'fj.:ittle Rock Wichita -cleveland Ft. Worth l-ouisville Topeka Dayton San Antonio t .. · OUR POLICY Houston When we receive your money for any article in our catalog, we don't consider that the money belongs to us, but is still yours and subject to be ret.u'rned to you until after you · have received your purchase and found it exactly as illustrated and described. We employ a large force of competent people in p,ll departments, who give your orders careful and prompt attention, but if for any reason an error should be made, we want you to write us fully and give us an opportunity to make it right. We assure you that we . are a~ways at your service, and' that you will be treated just as we should like to be if we were m your place. Western Auto Supply Co. Copyrighted ib2i By WestNn Auto Supply Co. ([/"'-•~a'~ · . President . · · can we build them They must be worthy of their name. B e tter Tlres at LoWer Price5 They must be so good that we may conscientiously recom· Never before have we been able to offer our customers mend them to our customers. more outstanding tire values. Our new low prices are the Tested Quat•atv lowest in our many years of business-yes, much lower # than "before the war." Yet, modem methods of pro- Only high grade materials are used in the construction of duction enable us to build even better tires-tires that Wear-well Cords. The tread is scientifically designed to reduce the cost per mile to a minimum. · give you maximum wear and sure-footed traction. Every step in the process of manufacture is carefully surervised Fully Guaranteed and closely inspected. With the result, that every tire is first Each tire is guaranteed against defects in material and quality-bears the manufacturer's serial number, has our workmanship on a 10,000 mile basis (standard sizes 8,000 stamp of approval and carries a definite mileage guarantee. miles). Each tire must fully measure up to our superior Shipped C. 0 D Without One Cent Deposit standards of quality and more ilnportant, it must fully • • me!IBure up to your expectations. you must be satisfied. We invite you to take this opportunity now to compare And back of this guarantee stands the millions of dollars. Wear-well Cords with any other tires that you have ever of resources of the Western Auto Supply Company-the used. Mostotherhousesrequirethatyousendyourmoney largest concern of its kind in the world and with a reputa· in advance before they .,;u make shipment. So certain tion for 18 years of square, honest, dealing with car owners. are we that Wear-well Cords are superior to other tires selling at prices 11!5 to $20 higher and, knowing that fllil' Wear•weU Cords are Favorites prices offer you such an exceptional value no matter where Thousands upon thousands of motorists--driving all you live, we are willing to ship you as many Wear-well makes of passenger -are riding on Wear-well Cords. Cords as you need and without asking one cent of deposit. In fact, so popular have Wear-well and other "Western When the tires arrive, examine the big, 8turdy construction, Auto" tires become, so well are they known 8B "mileage feel tho tough, thick, wear-resisting tread, examine the ptoducers," that we are enjoying the biP",gest tire business heayy, strong side walls and note the improved and 1n our history. This increased sales volume enables us to attractive scientific non.,kid tread design, weigh them, make big savings in our factory costs and consistent with and make every possible comparison with any other tire our policy of "More For Your Money," these savings on the market, regardless of name or price, and, if you do are passed on to you. not pronounce them to be, most exceptional tire value that you ever saw, or if, for any reason, you are not satis­ Fu~ OY~e ~I ~~al'\1 Welpt lied, instruct the express agent to return them to us at our There~ no ~kimpmg m the bmldmg of .We-well Cords. expense. If shipment is made by Parcel Post., which does Our spemfi~atlons are fo,Uowed. to the letteroy t!'e large, ~ot carry the privilege of examination before acceptance, well establish<;d and reliable t1re. manufacture~ m whose JUSt return the tires to us, unused. and we will cheerfully plants these tlres !'re made. It 18 not a questlon of how rl'fund every cent you have paid, including all transports• 1 ohi2WisTColiiicistiiViiu0jiiRED ·pun Oversize Standard Size Guaranteed...ao,ooo Miles Guaranteed s,ooo Miles Size Bead Ship. Wt. New Price Si1.e Shin. Wt. New Priee

111bs. 30x3! Clin. 141bs. $6.65 30x3 Cl. $ 5.65 30x3! Sj:r. Side 141bs. 7.65 30x3! Cl. 121bs. 5.95 31x4 Str. Side 17 lbs. 9.65 We recommend 30x372 STAND- 32x4 Str. Side 191bs. 10.15 ARD SIZEtiresonly when you wish to buy one tire tooClSe along side of a fab- 33x4 Str. Side 20 lbs. 10.85 rio tire or another standard size cord. When changing two or more tirPB we 32x4! Str. Side t51bs. 14.85 recommend OVERSIZE tires. They cost 33x4! Str. Side 261bs. 15.65 a trifle more but aremuchmoreeconom- ' ical to use, besides giving better riding 34x4! Str. Side 271bs. 16.35 qualities to the car and greater resist- ance to punctures and stone bruises. . We will repair or replace any defect1ve Wear-well casing on a basis of 8,000 miles on standard sizes an·d tO,OOO miles on Oversize, charging only for the mileage received. Standard Over Size, Standard Weight AT NEW REDUCED PRICES .' In all our 18 years experience we have never offered a more out­ standing tire value than these >Vea•-well Full Balloons at our new reduced prices. Yet modern methods of production and the low price of rubber together with our tremendous volume of business, and direct-from-factory-to-car-owner system of distribution enable us to build even better tires-tires that stand the hardest of all tests-actual satisfactory use on thousands of cars everywhere. TESTED QUALITY Wear-well Balloons are built of selected, high grade materials. The tread rubber is extra tough and long wearing. The cords are full size and are thoroughly impregnated and insulated with highest quality friction gum. The sidewalls are strong yet pliant. Master Extra Plies, Added Strengtb Shipped C. 0. D. Without Deposit tire builders, working in modern factories under the most up-to--~ We are so sure y;::\u will pronounce these Western Giants date scientific methods of tire construction, build Wear-well cords Built to Carry the Overloaded Truck nnd Bus the greatest truck tire value you ever saw, that we will ship up to our own carefully supervised specifications, with the result Bus owners,, co~nrr1ercial companies, truck drivers, you as many as you need, C. 0. D. without one cent de-­ that every ·wear-well Balloon is first quality, bearing tho manu­ and all whose time 1s money and are always in a hurry J:!OSit. When th~y come examine their rugged col1btruc­ facturers serial number. ~nd have no time to "nurse" thin tires, are using West.. twn, feel the th1ck, tough tread, the extra strong rein­ GUARANTEED 8,000 MILES ·ern Giant truck tires. fo.rced ahol!lders i weigh them, con:pare them in al!Y way . · Western Gi'!-nt truck tires embody all of the qualities of Wlth any tire you ever saw, and 1f you are not satisfied Gi>Qd value and long mileage are built right into every Wear-well ·pur Western Gmnt Cords-all of the knowledge gained in that they are an exceptional tire value instruct the express :Baiioon and every one bears our guarantee against defeota in work­ agent to return thern to us at our expense. manship or materials for 8,000 miles. And back of this guarantee thirteen years of experience with tires. They were built fill t.he long felt need in coll!mercial motor tralll!porta­ stands the millions of dollars of resources of the Western Auto t? lJ). Supply Company, the largest concern of its kiud in the world and tion-hres that would reduce tue costa and eliminate the Size Bead Plies Wt., Lbs. Price with a reputation for 18 years of honest dealing. costly stops for roadside repairs. That Western Giant ~ruck tires fill this need is borne out by their great popular­ Shipped C. 0. D. Without One Cent Deposit Ity among tire buyers who have studied their tire problems 6-ply 18 9.85 ' We are so sure that you will pr01wunce Wear-well Balloons an and who use that accurate measuring stick-mileage and 6-ply 25 7.85 extraordine,ry balloon tire value that no matter where you live we dependability-to gauge the value of tires, ------· are willing to ship you as many as you need C. 0. D., without one cent deposit. When they come examine the thick, tough, wear­ 1\e•ialorced Throughout 8-ply 35 24.95 3.85 resisting, non-skid treads, feel the strong, yet fieAible, side walls, Knowing that it is often necessary to overload truck!!, we 8-ply 4.95 3.95 weigh thmn, measure them, compare them in every way v..ith any have brought the shoulder bars of the tread down over the 38 tires you have ever used. If then you are not satisfied of their out­ &de-walls, giving added strength at a rathersensitive point 26.35 4.35 standing value, instruct the express agent to return them to us at of wear. Extra plies oflong-staplecordsandextrapounds 41 our expense. If shipment was made by Parcel Post, which does of tough rubber are built into the body of Western Giant not' carry the privilege of examination before acceptance, just ret~ Truck Ures, to meet the exacting requirements of mod­ 61 43.95 5.95 the tires to us, unused, and we will cheerfully refund every ern, ·commercial motor transportation. cent you have raid, including transportation cost. Could x4lnnertube you ask any thin6 fairer than this? . 30 • 3 1-a SOLID CUSHION TRUCK ." Solid rubber, with e!l'ective non-sk•~ tr~, !'nd scientifically designed air spaces that cushion road shocks. Tire te on a metal Hayes rtm so you can JUSt slip 1t onto your present wheels. Practically no "Wear-out" to 37lbs.....•...... 29x4.40 .... _.. _.J_:_5_lb__:._· ....:..t--~:..:...::..=.- 30x4.75 J 8 lb., ------1------~ 30x4.9S J 8 lb •. 31x5.2S lb •. 30x5.77 TIRES MOUNTED FREE AT OUI\ STORES Cord Tires Jupek~Ouality Co.?dS/

. ~ ...... - ...... ·. You have been looking for lower prices. Here they are. The recent reduction in rubber prices, Sbipped c. o. D. Witbout\.. together with our enormous buying power for One Cent Deposit all our chain of stores, enables us to offer still We want you to take this opportunity now to lower tjre prices. Never, during the 18 years compare Western Giant Cords with any other that we have been handling tires have we seen tires that you have ever used. Most other houses :'Juire that you send your money in advance tire prices so low and, regardless of t!hese ex­ be ore they will make shipment. So certain are we tremely low prices, the quality of w;estern Giant that Western Giant Cords are superior to any Cords has been consistently ana constantly other tire made and, knowing that our prices offer fiou such an exceptional value no matter where you improved with the improved, scientific methods ve, we are willing to ship you as many Western of tire construction. Giant Cords as you need and without aski~ one We challenge any tire on the market, regardless of price cent of deposit. When the tires arrive, examine or make, for greater service or greater value. Our reputa­ the big, sturd)• construction, feel the tough, thick tion of 18 years standing for square, honest, deali~, to­ wear-resisting tread, examine the heayy, strong gether with millions of dollars of resources, stands back of side walls and note the improved and attractive every Western Giant Tire. Hundreds of thousands of scientific non-skid tread design, weigh them, and Western Giant Cords have been sold by us since they were make every possible comparison with any other introduced more than four years ago. Automobile owners tire on the market, regardless of name or price, and, everywhere are now convinced that they Clln absolutely if you do not pronounce them to be the most ex- depend on the uniform and extraordinary qualitr of our ceptional tire value that you ever saw, or if, for any tires. If Western Giant Cords were not extra quality, with reason you are not satisfied, instruct the express extra mileage built right into them, we could not continue agent to return them to us at our expense and you to offer them to you on a basis of a 12,000 mile guarantee, are not out a penny, Could you ask for anything when, as you know, most tires are now offered without fairer than this? any definite mileage guarantee whatever. DIRECT I'ROM FACTORY DIRECT TO YOU New Reduced Prices It costs just as much to build a Western Giant Cord as New it does to build any other high p;rade tire on the market, Size Bead Ship. Wt. Prices but our cost of getting the tires from the factory onto your car has been reduced to the minimum. All in-between cost, *30x3i Clincher 15lbs 7.65 such as elaborate and expensive advertising methods oobber's and warehouse expenses, traveling salesmen, have *30x3i s.s. 16lbs 8.85 been practically eliminated. This, together with our 32x3i 18lbs 10.95 enormous bUying power, quick turnover, and cash system s.s. of distribution, enables us to offer these big, sturdy Western Giant 12.000 mile cords for less than the prices that are 31x4 s.s. 20lbs 12.85 U"Jally asked for the most ordinary tires being offered 32x4 s.s. 2Jlbs 13.35 today. Moat of our tires are shipped direct from the factory to our stores in carload lots. This constitutes a 33x4 s.s. 22lbs 13.85 big saving in transportation costs and is just another of tlie many reasons why we are able to offer you these 34x4 s.s. 23lbs 14.35 exceptional tire values. Do not blame your local dealer for asking high prices. 32x4i s.s. 25lbs 17.85 Considering his small buying power and customary J¥thods, and with his limited volume, he is obliged to get 33x4i s.s. 26lbs 18.35 hiirher prices. · 34x4! s.s. 27lbs 19.65 · '::With our big chain of stores and enormous volume of eaJes. we are able to turn our stock very rapidly, thus 33x5 s.s. 38lbs 24.95 always insuring our customers new, fresh stock. 35x5 s.s. 41lbs 26.35 SAVE ON TRANSPORTATION For Truck Tires, See Page 5 CIIABGES •Our 30x3!1 is extra oversize and requires a Our stores are located near you, insuring quicker delivery 30x3!1 oversize inner tube (see pages 10 and 11.) and less transportation charges. If you will compare these Every tire on this page can now be shipped llny• charges with other houses, you will be surprised at the where by Parcel Post. difference. For instance, if you live withm 150 miles of one of our stores, you can have a 30x3~ Western Giant GUARANTEED 12,000 MILES Tire delivered to you by parcel post for only 22c and We guarantee Western Giant Cord Tires against usually "ithin a few hours time; whereas, if you should defects in materials or workmanship on a basis of Order from a firm located as much as 300 miles away, the 12,000 miles' service. We will repair or reblaoe traiLI!portatlon charge would amount to almost double any DEFECTIVE casing on the above asia that. amount and renuire a correspondingly longer time charging only for the mileage received from the tire. for your shipment to reach you. Guaranteed 12000 Miles Western Giant Ballo o.n S New Wear-~sisti!le"" ~~~~.g;~~~~ !~~~ . M Balloons, without question, one . of the Gae (:eat Deposit greatest balloon tire values ever offered. 'they · .. We invite you to take this opportunity to are the very latest deve(opment for tire eOinfort compare Western Giant Balloons with any other and ecanoroy. No expense has· been spared to t' · th k t It· · d make, Western. Giant BallOon Cords.. one. of the u:e on e mar e . . lS not necessary to sen y<~ur remittance with your order. We are so most eomfortable, longest wearing. and. most certain you will pronounce Western Giant economical tires ever built. Balloons the greatest tire value you have ever Save SS to $20 0a Ever,. Tire seen that we are willing to ship C: o. D., as We buy direct from the factory and ship to many tires as you need. Wheri they come our stores in curload lots. We sell direct to you examine them thoroughly, weigh them, make through tlris catalog adding only our one small every possible comparison with any tire you profit to our eost, saving you fr

For Cord, J!ahric and BaBoon Tires- No ma~ter ho~ good you~ tires may be, you cannot expect llatit For Cord, Fabric and Balloon Tires-, factory tue '!erviCe unle8S_you use g~od ~nner tubes. One Jum!m We.'3tern Standard Tubes m·e made exclusively for ua Do~Jblc Serv1ce Extra Th1ck Tube will g1ve you longer and mor.1 of the best selected materials and by the latest scien· satisfactory service than two ordinary tubes. -,,, tific ~aminated method of construction, which has The very best matc'rials are used throughout, and they are madd practically overcome trouble from slow leaks. Rein­ by the la!est most imJ!fOVed. scientific laminated. proceflfl of forced at Hplicc and :1round the valve stem and fitted conl!truct10n. _Full mze w1th extra. stJ'(>ng sphce doubig with the highest quality standard valves. s1,rength at the \·alve stem, and fitted with highest' qunlity · Western Standard Tubes are not tho standard valves. Jumbo Double Service Extra Thick Tubes thin under-sized heavily compounded tubes are almost. 50% thic:J::er and heayier th~ the average that are sometimes offered at about our tube. Th1s extra weight and th1ckness Insures· greater prices. but are full standard size and weight strength, lonR;cr l.ife l!nd bctt~r llervice. · · and every tube bears our name and guar­ Every Jumbo Dou1le Service Tube is thoroughl:i antee a_gai[\St defect.'l in workmanship or tested _:md inspected before leaving the factory" ana' material. Every tube is thoroughly inspected is ~aranteed by ?5 for .two years and·tested before leaving the factory. Full agamst any defects m workmamJhip or' size and strictly new fresh stock. m:J,tcri:J.l. · The following new re-­ Th~e new reduced prluea duced prices are the low­ make it pc'"'ible for you to est that we have ever buy these e~tra quality ,_ex­ tra thick tllb... .-which are o~ered. Why pay high guaranteed fort:wo Yl\!U'IIfor; prwes or take chances on no mor~ than .-the pnce ,.,..; unlly asked for tubeo o( unknown brands from un- {>rdinru-y 'Ycigh t and gt\o.lie ~,nd currymg ·11o guarard.Jl(j canreliable gethighgradeguaran- sources when you ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wh.,tever. teed tubes at these Iow prices? NEW REDUCED MONEY•SAVING. PRICES .Jumbo Dauble Service Gray Tube Jumbo Double Service Red Inner T11bes LOOK AT THESE REDUCED PRICES For Higl1 P.....,su,., Tirea For High Preuurn 'firili O. S. tube•; JJxJJ.~ o.s. talco JJd tube; J/d o.s, talce .JZ%4Y. tak. 12 'juJJStandard· Size and We~ o:::~1:-NLY 30X3%.REX CORD . Rex Cords are dp,signed and offered_to meet a growing d~mand for a cheap.30x3~.Clincht;r tire for owners of old cars whose reqmrements call for serVIce for a short period of time, :11> 18 often the case where owners expect to dispose of old cars in a short time or where a cheap spare is required for emergencies. · -. .. · Rex Cords are built full standard size and weight with 4 plies of good cord fabric, careful workmanship and have a very ~ttr:wtive as well as ~ffective tread design, .but are built en~irely of "reclaimed rubber." For th18 reason, toJ!:ether w1th our enormous buymg power and direct­ from-factory-to-car-owner method of distribution we are able 'to offer these 30x3Yz Rex Clincher COrd tires for the ridiculously low price of $4.49, or about the price that i.s usually asked for a second or rebuilt tire of the same size. Rex Cords used under ordinary conditions should render satisfactory service for several thousand miles; and are guaranteed against defects in workmanship or material for a period of 90 days from date of sale, but no definite mileage guarantee is offered on these tires. We recommend our Western Giant and Wear-well guarantendling, in an auto cMing into the tire above the It pumps a tire up very qwckl'{ because the large size (fulll 7Ji"x22") will soon become break. When placed about makes the "Big Chief" deliver a great volume o air with each stroke. The piston rod a large sand blister, unleBB one inch apart will make a is full %"in diameterandts bound to the handle by a steel band so that it ca;,not become sealed immediately. Sand permanent repair. ,\]j fur­ loosened. The handle is strong and fits the hand snugly. The folding base requires less blisters p<>rmit water to ther wear from the rim space in the tool box than the ordinary base. Our pump comes equipped "'ith 2ft. of 4 reach the fabric, caus­ comes on the metal hooks ply rubber bose having a screw-on connection which makes ing the cords to work instead of on the tire. The ~ quick, sure, leakproof connection to the inner tube valve. loo•e and rot, making a Rim-Cut Hook is aiao the .. Notice in.the small illustration of tlwplunger that it is so blow-out certain. A small amount of Tire Cut Filler ap­ beet prenntative ofrim · .cpnstructed that the pump is always kept oiled insuring plied to the cut as soon a& it is discovered, will preven~ trouble. If you find a tire juatetarting to rim-cut, pu~ a few e.<~sy "l?"ration, y~t oil cannot leak or be sucked by the blow-outs and greatly lengthen the life of your casings. It hooks in place and eave futuretroublefrom blow-outs, Afwr PlBton .mto your mner tubes. . The 2 steel discs and felt sets quickly, becomes a part of the tire. Does not deter­ clinching the ciawe or prongs into the tire it is wellto ce­ pad make such a strong backing for the washer that it can iorate and is put up in a handy tube always ready for use. menta strip of fabric or rubber over the points to prevent n.e:ver turn back. The pump hB!! no working parts to wear Full directions on every tube. Our Reduced Price the tube from being injured. f or get out of order. E6328-Cut Filler (Shipping weight, 8 oz.). . • ...... 36 Every motorist having clincher tires should carry a ffiW We recommend the "Big Chief" pump because it is u of these hooks in hie tool box and be ready for an emu­ good a P\liDP as money can buy. yet offered to you a.t a very gency. Shippingweight, perd0.1en,6oz.; per 100, 2lbs.' reasonable price.. Ship. wt., '* !be. E6366--Perdosen .. : .39 -Per 100... 2.915. 1::6515-Western "Big Chief;,. Pump.,...... 1 40 ..6514-W:est<>rn "Big Chief'.' Pump, special for ' Tire punctur~, if ne­ New Improved Plunger Ballocn~. Tires. Develops_prCBBure from 20 to glected, grow larger. Endless Tube Protector Flaps 501bs. very quickly. Hasf%;"barrcl, 17"long... 1.55 Water and dirt get into F'or 30x3Yz Cl., 31x4, 31x4.40 Rims the holes causing blisters and rotten fabric. Then Protects the tnbe from rotting~chafing Standard Tire Pump Genuine "Rose" Tire Pumps and blowout due to water and rust on · the tire is ruined. You A Good Pump at a Low Price The "Rose" pump is one of the can stop this by insert- on the rim. Flap has just enough elas­ best known tire pumps on the . ing a repair plug in each ticity to stretch over the clincher, and You will receive more actual service market. It will fill your tires puncture hole. Made to fit snugly against the rim, so that it from this pump than from pumps cost­ easily and quickly. A patent of rubber, and are in­ cannot wrinkle and pinch. Made of ing over a dollar elsewhere. It has a valve, consisting of a ball and serted in the puncture finest quality tire fabric and pure gum full 0~ -inch barrel, 20 inches long socket built right in the piston hole as shown, by means p made of heavy gauge steel and finished rod, eliminates friction and in­ . of special inserting tool. LUG BEING INSERTED rubber. Will outwear several sets of in baked on enamel. The handle is 6 !4 tires. Ship. wt., 8 oz. sures long life to the pump. Very easy to install. Cannot come loose-make a perma­ inches long; shaped to fit the hand and Guaranteed 5 years. nent repair. Will not chafe inner tube. Outfit consists o! E6310-Endless Flap ...... ,39 is permanently attached to piston rod The barrel is of 18 gauge steel . inserting tool, 8 plugs of various sizes and 18 sq. in. of cold E6336-Endless Flap, exactly as described above, except by riveting. The base is 2x5 inches. which will resist blows and rough patch rubber with tube of cement, all in a compact box. made entirely of rubl:er...... 29 Plunger at the end· of the heavy piston handling. The base is folding D6279-casing Repair Outfit. (Ship. wt., lib.) ...... •85 rod is standard type and well msde. and the handle is quickly detach­ 06293-Extra Plugs, each Be. eight for ...... ,60 Tire Flaps In all respects this IS a good low priced able so that the whole pump PUif\P and one that will give satisfactory requires very little room in you!' Should be used In serVIce. tool box. Has screw-on con­ Our Extra Quality Tire Covers tire. Prevents E6521-8tandard Tire Pump nection to tire Yahre. the tube from rubbina (Ship. wt., .21bs.)...... -64 Two sizes, length 2H£ inches. Make Spare Tires Last A spare tire will deterior- on the rough rim and Longer and Look Better a~ unless co:vered ~?<>cause permits it to lay against ESSOC-8ize IX\ in., (Ship. ratn and sunltght ukill" the wt., 3!4 lbs...... 1.95 rubber, causing it to crack the smooth surface of and chip. Nothing adds the flap. Made of new E&Soe-:-Size l}i in., (Ship. wt., 3%; lbs.) ...... 2.35 more to the appearanc.e of rubber and good fabric E6507-Connection from pump to hose at bas~ of spare tires than durable, "ith edges turned. WiU pump (will fit most standard pumps) (Ship. neat, well-fitting covers. save their cost on every wt., 2 oz.) ...... 12 Made of black imitation tube. Ship. wt., 1 lb. patent leather with a beauti­ E6541A-For any ES505-Complete with connectiou that screws ou valve. . .20 ful gloss fir.ish. This gives tire, either cord or E6507-8crew connection at base of pump (not inc1uded Rubber Mallets High quality them a very attractive ap­ loor1 ...•••..••.•.. with hoee in E6505) for most wtandard pumps (Wt.llb.) 12 . rubber mallets Soft and dur­ J7697-HoseCiamp% inch,each3c;setof6 .... :14 for general U8ll thewhole J7698-Hose Clamp /winch, each 3c; set of 6.... -15 around the car. tire, hiding J7699-Hose Clamp Y. inch, each 4c; set of 6.... .16 Especially val· tire carrier, us e for use in putting on or taking off tires. Noiseless and give rem· end of the cannotI injure articles hit with it. Head made of medium a finished appearance. Pump Washers hard rubber of best quality. Our Reduced Price · High grade I eather washers to put on or take off. A5232-Length across face 2", Ship wt., lib...... 45 iDSlde edge has an for I , 2 and 3 cy Iinder pumps. elastic band. This is J7881-J1i·inoh...... 2c A5230-Length across face 2%", Ship. wt., 1~ lb.. .68 stretched over the tire and J7683-1!4-inch...... 3c when released holds the J7684-172-inch...... ~c cover smooth and tight. Acorn Pump Connection J7686-2-inob ...... (Average Ship. wt.,3lb•.) ~~~~~.'.'_-~~.:::·.:: 4: Slips over the valve Drum tire covers fit ..7687-WMher for 1!4-inch Rose Pump 6c J7688-For I V.-inch Rose Pump ...... : : : :: : : :: 7c stsm; rubber wash­ either high pressure or er grips and holdo balloon tires in sizes it ""cure. Fits any shown. Prevent tube and flar> Pump Tubing valve; is air tight. F6785A-Drum Tire Cover for all 29-inch tires .... 1 ,~8 fron1 rotting and rim f1om Extra heavy, extra quality rnbber Washer will last for tubing for hand and power pumps. t F6787A-Drum Tire Cover for all 30-indl tires .... 1. 8 rusting. Keep water, sand, Tubing made especially for heavy months. Our Reduced Price F6788A-Drum Tire Cover for all 31-inch tire; .•.• 1. 5 and road-oil out of tires. J7660-Acorn Pump Connel)tlon, (Ship. wt., 4 oz.} F6789A-Drmn TiJ·e Cover for al! 32-inch tires .••• J..30 Prevent spreader from cut­ pressure. Shipping weight, 1 lb. to .14 F6790A-Drum Tire Cover for all 33-inch tires •••• 1.38 ting the tube. Made nf 5 feet. Our Reduced Price, per Foot. J7661-Rubber Washer Only...... 4o molded rubber so that the £6526-3-16" Hole, 3 ply. . . . Be Tire Covers-Not Drum Type flat part rests on the inner £6521'-!4" Hole, 5 ply..... ·1 0 tube while the eonical part . · Tire Valve Tool Several makes of ,,ars, notably , have the tail 1 Threads inside and outside of }a_-rnp in the center of the spare tire, n1aking it impractical fits snugly in the valve ~· ....·. lSc to use a drum tire cover. For these cars we offer the follow­ stem hole in the rim. Will •. · Screw·O. n PumpPump oonnectiOD Connection threaded valve stem; also has key e:mm::!:~ save their coet many timf'>a ~. :-.:~ for removing inside core. ing tire covers that cover only the tire and button on. inside to fit all Schrader Should. be in every tool F&7sO-For aOxaM tires ...... •is bv saving your inner tubes. "'·;;;;:;;.· .•~~~ · valve stems. Well made and box. Ship. Wj;., 2 o•. F6768-For 29x4.4Q. ~res...... · . · . · · 1 • 8 Will fit any tire. ·• · ·' . ":ill out.l"!lt the pump, Ship- F6770-For 31x5.2o tires...... 1 , E630G-Set of 5 (Ship. wt .. llb.)...... 1. :A~ . pmg weiglit, 4 011.. · OUr Reduoed PPice · J7716--Screw-on Pwnpconnootlon. eaeh .12 J7714-Tire Valve Toot, each ...... ,.; ....• c .. 18 Auto· SupplY' Co.- A GOOD JACK IS A "FRIEND IN NEED" 19 Double Screw Jack WESTERN GIANT TIRE CIIAIMS SPECIAL FOR BALLOON TIRES AIJ (rood ·As Money Can Buy Here ia the jack that everv balloon Weatem Giant Chaine ar.e unquestionably one of ihe best o.hains we hAve tire owner needs. Tele9oope;, 8{) that ever offered, Chain. has 18 hc"vy, over•i•e, case-hardenoid eroiJs links, jack i.e only 7 inches tall when much b~:than cl'068links Ul!ed on ordin .. ry chains, braes plated to pre• shortened, but extends to the full vent rust. 'theoo insure long •ervice and 1>owerful grippmr; ability on height of la].) inches. As strong and elippery pavements and roads and in deep mnd. Unka are designed ao as B'!bstantial as a solid bar of oteel. to prevent excessive cutting of tires and undue main on •the lengthwiiKl Ltfts a ~ M e!ISily D.fl you lift side-chains. Bide-chaine are extra. heavy. A new improved . fastener thia book. Cavacity 4,000 lbs. makes W ostlrrwGiant chains one of the easiest to put on or take off, yet holdw Worb on them Becurel:l' On your tires. ball bear· ings, never For High PreMure Tlrea, Either Cord or .Fabrlo gets out of X8800. ,30J;~ .. ,16lba ... 2.95 X8806 .• 32d~ .. ,l8lba... i.10 order or re­ X8801 .• 32ila~., .17 !be ..• 3.25 X8807 •• 331.4~ ••. 19 lbs... .20 quires X8802 •• 3lx4,,,, .18lba... X8808, .34d~, •• 20 lbs... ,4§ greasing. X8803 .. 32::.:'l ..... 19lba ••.•,.,5 5 X8809 .. 35x4~ ••• 21 !bs. ..•6 HM collaps. X8804 .• 33:a-i ..... 20 lba ••• , 5 X8810 .• 33xiL .. ,21lba... 4.9 ible handle X8805 .. 34¥4 ..... 21lbe... , 0 X8811 .. 35x4 ..... 2llb•... 4.95 (sa illus· trated) 47 For Full S.lloon Tl,.. inches long. ,27::.:4.40 .. 15lbs.. No need .. 16lbs.• crawling .. 17lbe.. Atlas Giant Jack under car, .11ilbe.; A very strong, easy-working jack. you can set the jack .18lbs;, Can be operated quickly. Suitable for J782a-Double Screw 18lbs.. any car or truck wei.,:l,;ng up to 3000 lba. Adjustment 8 to lo>Ji inchos. Made HEAVY DUTY TRUCK CHAINS of hil(h-grade malleable; very durable. Complete with strt.ng wnod handle. An inexpensive j P.ck suitable fot Much heavier and stronger than any li~>;ht car weighing up to about ordinary chain~. Make the moat efficient 11 Shipping weight, about 6 lbs. 20001bs.; adjuotnu·nt 10 to 16inches; c-hardeMd {J Have extra strong gal­ traction and anti-skid device for truck Our Reduced Price strong and durable, one-piee~. no parts vnnized ateel eide chairis use. l'rke shown Ia for pair complete .J7818-Giant Jack ...... l.l.::;~:!!~i!~g to gf>t lost; no s prinu~ in l~reak; f:lelf ... with heavy b,....s plated for rear wheels of One Ton Truck. locking quickly adjuoted. Thrf it, and will stand up· under Heavy Duty All-Steel Jack well eh&ina will give you tirPs, pr ... , ....•...... • 5,95 'i hardest usc yPar after yea.r. Capacity, good service for ordinary X88w. wt., 8 oz.) ...... working parts enclosed. Size of Th~ ~hort handlo-stNke and p()IVerful X8S89---30xa~ Oripwell b"l.S{', it}~" X 3~{". Height leve.rage of its 36-inch telescoping Chains, Ship. "t., 14 oioscd, 7 inehc£; fuli heigh\., 17 m<,t>li handle makoo oo..y lifting. lbs., per p:Ur... 2.45 inches. :Folding' handle l\1e(•hanisrn v<'rytf'pie, just one X8890-3h4 Grlpwell Tire Chain Fastener of >tee! tubing,' eialloontiresfrora 5.77 up, Cr.ains, (Wt.. 17 lbs l tire bruises and gouging. Prevents H7352-H. D. Balloon Fully guaranteed. Wt., 12 lbs. per pair ...... 3, 45 chain~ from striking body nnd fenders, Tire Jack (Ship. wt., J7827-Hcavy Duty J:wk, with Will i;ave their cOI!t many times. lllade lllbs.)., .•...4.85 handle ...... 2.35 X8892-33x4Gripwell Chains, (Wt. 18lhs.)perpair3,80 of oil tempered ateel wire, ruBt-proof ~8893-29x4.40 Gripwell (Ship. wt. 15lbs.) per pr. 2.65 black finish. Ship. wt., 11 b. &me Slt4 Chains Fll Both Cord and Fabric Tluo. 06183-For all High PNIISUre and Balloon tires, per pair, . • ·38 "Quick'' Snap-On Emergency Chains · These chains will ~et your car out Emergency Mud Hooks of mires: and allow you to croso mud Have a pair of these Mud IIooka lb hole3 safely. Quickly put on or taken your car and you can Jose all feat' of off. Chains usually are required only getting stuck. If you get mired, i'ul¢ in exceptional)y bad places (like river put one on ea traction. fit the tire) and a strong, weathlure and 4.40" SAVE $S.oo t:o 8as.oo ON EVIi.BY TIRE 4.96", 5.25", &lid ,5.30" Bai!oon,Tires, each .... , ,32 (Depending on the Size) ~=m=i~r..: H.r.:t::~· ~~c'h~d.!~~~h ~~b~~oh .;,;d •35 See pages 2 to 12 for lllustra.tlo~, d-lptlon anll ~trong !or 4~".1;", o.nd '1.10" to 5.25" tires, each .46 Lowest Tire Pri4les We Have Ever~ 20 Save Transportation Costs-One of Our Stores is Near You Wheels Rims and Rim Parts FoR POPULAR Carefully made of beet aecond CARS growth hickory. Finished black. Var- • niehed. Exact duplioate of regular " lift WZ Ford wheels. Ship. weight, of wheels, * each, about 27lbe. . J7912 W8409-30 X 3).2 Rep1ar Clinch- ~ t';l er, each ...... 2.80 J711t J7911 J7936 ~---__ ·- e W8410-30x3, each ...... 2.80 _ W8401 - -Demountable wheel ~heat quality replo,ce- J7935 '1\_'ithout rim or hubi will fit any ment rim parts. Guaran• J7113 rim used as stanaard equip.Jtee d to ~t. Ship. wt., each 2 01. nient on .Ford care, also fits JlS17912 -Bolt for Ford .....•..•• , So Chevrolet 490, and ; size 1-Lug for Ford as illustrated'··' 30x3~. black finish, each .. , ...... 2.75 J7910-Lugfor Ford with nutasill..;.;t;~ied' · • • • · · · · So W8396--29x4.40 "heel only, without rim or hnb (for JJ~9935--13-~ut for Ford, using rim with 1ugs atta~h~ · • 1 2 Ford care with balloon tiree), ...... 2.75 Nut for Ford used with J7911 ~ W8403-30x5 wheel only, without hub or rim, for J~936-8pare r!m muder clamp for 1ii:i0:.2is' F;,~ds Ford Ton Trucks ...... , ...... 5.25 J 938-Bpare nm camer clamp, 1926-27 Fords 109: P2825-Huh Bolt and Nut, Shipping wt., 2 os..••. , 3c J7925G-Bolt for Chev., 3 i.n. long overall... :::.. • So J7912-Bolt for Chev., 2U m. long overall 5 J7926D--Nut for Chev. '22-25 " · • · · • • 0 Spoke Shims J7927E-Wedge for Ch~v.....Ri ...· · _.· ...... · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · 12So When your wheels getlooee in the spok~.s, just put in some of X8963-:-Cheyrolet, ~Ox3~1i <3 :!!~ d~~r"!{fa,;;~~bs.) these little shims around the dow­ 1ets With chnchertue.s. el gulnr rim wrench fits the nuts. Set consists of 3 bolts with all nuts and bushings complete. ~~!:::a:::~:rf::.~::. X8955-Ford Ton Truck, 32x4Yz '(J;{g,j att 'i~ri~,y~·~o Chevrolet, Overland, Maxwell, X8956-Ford Ton Truck, 32x4f (lugs notatt: to rim) 2""EtEtJJ!I ~~~ h~~~rh~~~-- ~!:n~t~~~ J7924-Set of 3 for Ford, Chevrolet, Overland, Star, using X8959--Ford Ton Truck 30x5 . ,.30• ····· •··· .... ,,...... boltnutsfrom striking brake shoe and other light care, --, • · · ' · ·· · bolt. Ship. wt. 8 01, rims with lug~~ attached. (Ship. wt., 1~ lbs.) X8951-Hupmobile 1920.24 · · · · · · • · · • · · · · · · ' · · .45 •72 0 (Ship. wt., 8 01.) dozen 1 8 1<8046-Hub and Axle Shim, each...... 6c X8963--0verland 4, 1922-23 ·' · · '· • ·' · • · · · • · · · · '. .35 K8006-Shim only, for , Olderu~bile, X8952--0verland 4 Hl23-24 .. · · · .... " " .... · · · • 1 8 Dodge, (wood felloe} dolen.... • 2 0 X8963-8ta t !OZ3, ...... 2.45 1<8007-Shim only ,for Dodge (steelfelloe,) x89s2-sta:.· ul24~2a: .-. ::: : : : · · · • · • · .. • • · · · · • · · 1·11 ESBex.f Studebaker, Ford ton truck, dozen . . 2~ · Rim Lugs, Bolts,· ;;.·.;Ci Nuts .. " 2 • 1<8008-Ball:bearingI s~oke jack (Ship. wt., 3 I b.) .. 1".3 K8009-Settmg dnft (Ship. wt., 8 01.}. • • • • • • • • • . • 1 make model of your for any car .. any car ..... Screw Type Heavy-Duty Rim Tool car...... •....•.... For all Split Rims car .. ideal tool .19 iii ll!~~~e~~- , remo\ingThe split rimsfor from a tire. Takes the hardship out of re­ Hub Caps for Popular Cars pairing tires and makes It easy, so you WeJI made of best material. Guaranteed can make your own to fit. Ship. wt., each 4 oz. repairs and eave ._,. An extra long, extra strong and powerful drop ferged tool siderable money. Jlist o,... Reduced Price place the hooks on for taking off and putting on tires. Very stiff, wont bend un• fit. Easy and quick aotion · AS150-Regular Cap for Fords, der even extreme use. Has knurled handl~. Nicelv finish­ the edge of the rim nickel plated, each ...... , . -9c ed. Length,17inches:shippingweight2lbs. · .,_,. an~ turn the c~n~_:.the rim is contracted to any size you J7880-Rim Wrench, %-n;. with Hlr111t>--HIUD Cap Wrench, Ford ·(Ship wt;, 1 lb.} .1 0 ~es1re. No adjusting, no sudden jerks, no damage to the 39 A5166-For ChBvrolet, all models, 1923-27, each... 1 6 H7178- "Hi-Power" Tire Iron, each ...... , .28 !-'III!· When. you have repaired the tire just put the rim J7WH~ru~~n;n:dli:'·~-i~: o~ni;,g· (io'r·i

I.ock Steering Wheel Special License Plate Bolts FOR FORD AND CHEVROLET These little nickeled bolts "ith special lock When lock­ \AoT"f'l.=:::!:l:r....JU:!:.U-.-~ washer, plain W8Sher, and oo the steering wing nut allow you to put wheel spins on your new license plates quickly and easily freely without so that they will not rattle or come lo01

There is nothing will add so much to the value and ap-o ries the weight of the glass preventing the curtain pearance of your car ae one of our Better Quality Long from sagging or becoming torn. The glass ie ful16":d8'' · back curtain with 6"lf18" heavy celluloid light, and all nee-' Grain Top Recovers. You can quickly and easily put it on with a strong metal frame which bolts into the back cur­ If your top has '?""ome tom ~r shabby II\ appea.ranee, 0J t., , and tacks reAdy to elip right on your car: Cal'&" yourself at about one-half the ordinary coot of a new top. tain and the reinforcement. It is far superior to celluloid leaky, you can qmc~ly a~d east!Y restore 1ts effie~enc~an ~~ilYm..J::' and guaranteed to fit perfectly on the old bows. The strong heavy material stretches smoothly over the because it allows you a clear view behind the car and does appearance, yoursBh, by mstalhng one of our t!d: Fui'nlshed in two styles-with plain back curtain shown bows and fits perfectly, leaving no wrinkles. not beoome yellow and brittle• ~adyd . Made of extra heavy durable long grain leatheroid-the Recqvering out,fits. Just remove tJ:leh oldb covermg. an. t~ll in the small ilt\letration •>r with gypsy style back curtaiD, same material that is used in the tops of high priced cars. Furnished complete with roof, rear curtain, and all nece&o the new one m ltB pl~~:ce. Anyon~ Wlt a ammer _can '{:"a shown in the large illustration. - e:.e of our Re•,overs m a short t1me. dAdds gyea~ly tot e lf.. It is only by big volume on these top Recovers and our. They wHUook bet.ter, fit better, wear longer, and retain sary tape and tacks, ready to slip right into place. Guaran• pearance and comfort of the ~ar an greatlY mcreases direct-from-factory-to-car-owner methed of distributioD; their neat appearance lon.,er than recovers made of lighter teed to fit perfectly. and cheaper materials. The rPcovers which h~tve glo88lights Furnished in two popular styles back curtains. The gypsy yaJue. b a2- d d rt black rubber- that we are able to offer this hid> quality Recover at such' Made of eavy oz. st.an ar qua' Y • f 1 I " are made of drab back leatheroid and are equipped with a style shown in the large illustratiOn, or the plain style, i zed top material. Outfit comes complete, includ1lll! roo • a ow pr ce. <• ~pecial reinforcement which tacks to the rear bow and car- shown in the small illustration. FOR FORD TOURING FOR F?RD ROADSTER In ordering be sure to give year and model of your car. It will prevent mistakes. Shipping weight 10 lb&. Shlppmg weight 6~ lbs, , FDR FORD CARS F6628-19H to 22, Plain back ourtai.n. • • • • • • • • • ~·~~ F6622-1915 to 22, Plain curtain ...... •••••• • • 3,25 . FOR FORI? TO•ercniru Used speC1a 1_rem orcement w lC _tac • to rear ow _and prevents X8657-Any make roadster, Gypsy style. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ., o:95 Length, 4~ in••hes; wid~h _lY. inches. Set cons•ets Ol nr11er.103, 11v all larger open cars, per yd.. . . . • • • • • . , 78 ~he Weight of the glas~ tearmg the rear curtam or causing X8633-Any 5-passenger car not shown ...... 1 2 95 two Mmplete protectors. Shlp. wt., 12 oz. 68 63 INOI CLOSED CAR TOP MATERIAL · 1t to sag. Shipped direct from factory. Ship. wt. 17lbs. X8634-Any 7-passenger car not shown ...... 13• 95 .1 7735-Extra Quality Protect me, drab, set of 2 .. · · - Extra heavy, flexiblelo;lg grained toatheroid. Best qual•, F6624-Extra quali.ty top pads, drab, for any roadster, per pair, (Ship. wt., 4 lbs.)...... 1 :65 .17732-Extra Quality Protectors, black. set of 2. · - ·• 68 X8636-Ex!ra qual!tY top pat!s, drab, for any 5-passen~ds, drab, for any 7-r>assenger tnurino:, ner pair (Shio. wt., 6 lbs.)...... 2:66 Regular Weight Top Protectors F~e~~~~ ~~-t:~~~~ .~~ ·i·~·. ~~-~:. ~~~Hl'.' -~~: ~:~ ~·~: j . 2~ These top prot.ectors do the same EXTRA QUALITY TOP RECOVERS JiOR CLOSED CARS work ae :K o. J7735 but the} have no Top Webbing for All Cars For Ford, C!1evrolet, Hudson, Essex reinforcement to rest on. the cross--­ A strip of tbie materia I stretched If the top of your coupe, coach, or sedan is tom bow and instead uf elastic bands and from front to back bow on each and leaks replace it with one of our One-Piece, button snaps they atta9h to the bo'i& eide of your top will prevent your Closed Car Recovers. Save yourself discomfort, by tacks. Length, 41mches;WH!th, top cover from sagging, and keel? protect your health, and prevent the upho!.Etery cf ~i;iliJii~iiji 1M inches. Ship. wt., 8 oz. it looking snug and. neat. Be£t , your car becoming discolored and rotten. You P .1773S-Regular Weight Pro• nuality webbing. Wll1 not stretch. -. . . can quickly and easily put it on yourself (it is a teeters, set of 2 .3 5 Webbing 2" wide standard for Ford~. :-:Jnp. wt., yd., 4 oz. sC\ort, interesting job) and save yourself from M.OO F6758--Top Webbing, 1\4 "wide, black, per yard ...•1 0 to $10.0'l, besides havin~ a top of excellent appear - Top Quarter-Pads for Fo:rd Cars F6759-Top Webbing,1V.. •wide, drab, per yard.·, ·1~ a nee and durability; and securely and neatly put on f"6754--Top Webb~ng, 2': wide, blank,, per yard.. . . .1 be::-ause you have done it yourself. F6798-Top Webbmg,3•0 °Wlde,blacK, rer yard.' 0 .2 0'." Closed Car Top RecoYers are made of extra F6799-Top Webbing, 3 Y:i • Wlde, drab, per yard· · · .20 quality, heavy, long-grainffi. leatheroid, far su·--cnor to ordinary ton materials. arc au in one piece, and ready to the old cover or to replace it no seams or jdnts to leak. neC'essary binding and to.rks. up ~ ~ annoyance of a leaky top and pay an exorbitant price to repair it. Order one of our recovers today. FS6 ~1-For Ford and Chevrolet Coupe, 1919-27. size 57Y,·-57 inches. (Ship. wt., Sibs.) ...... 2 45 F 7 4-For Tudor Sedans, 1915-27, size 83x57 inches. (Ship. wt., 10 lbs.) ...... 3'35 FG672Z~A'I.-For F0rd Ford0r Sedan and Chevrolet Cnach, size 85x57 inches ...... •...... 3' 45 __7 -For all model Chevrolet Sedans 4.1 5 1'"6621-For Essex and Hudson Coach (Ship. wt., 10 !be.) 4:1 5 One Day Service - Satisfaction or Money Back 31 30 western Auto Supply Co. Curtam L1gnrs tor I< oro Lars Lift Dot Type Curtain Fasteners Glass Rear Curtain Lights "Gypsy" Rear Curtains for Fords FOR POPULAR CARS ofLi~ut~~~~btfe t~~rta\~ndt:~e!~~~ used by leaning automobile manu· A high-grade back Replace torn ' facturers. The-y snap togPther and eurtain with "Gypsy" 1 lock securely on their three side extensions, as wom-out oeUu· Tb111 "'F.,1qlf.• s}des bl_lt,release easilyby used on the 1923-27 Joid ourtaiD A stmply hftmg on the lower Ford and practically lights with these smart alaBB 7 side, theaiqewith the "Dot." all large cars. Has 'h U 'fl, q Put on like any other cur­ one 6xl8-inch glass lights. Prowci f 1 3 curtain light W 1 th from weather as tain fastener in a few minutes. frame. Extra well well ae adding Prices of fasteners do not in- made from heavy greatly to the A broKen v.indowliguttsvc:ry 'F&7qs cludeeyeletthatclamps on curtain cun. in which is listed separately, F6795. Ship. wt., ea., 2 ozs. rubber cloth that wilJ appearance of quite a ta•k to cut celluloid aud sew in the match the regular your car. Add . . • with special fasteners furnished can b<' put on F6791-clinch type, each ...... •...... , . 3c Ford top. . . safety to drivina,aatheygiveyoua clear.errearV1ew. '\YIIl minutes. Ship. wt. 4 oz. outwl!&r celluloid several times. ot t.J--,~us 10 ' ,,.._ h.n ..b .. t 16l~"xJGIL" 1 58 waterproof ghJe. ior po.tch­ B5470--Extra Large Cus 1on, a ou /:J · 72 • furnishes an excellent foot ing canvas or faurio goods, hold, it will not curl up and wood, crockery, or in fact rot, is not affected by water, ''Comfy" Seat Cushion anything arouud the house and its jet blarkness rrakes a much bette': linoleum. Our metal strip or garage except rubber. appe~rance tha~ A well·made, inexpene!ve seat (mouldinl() is hi!!hly polished aluminum. and IS furmeh~d only m 6 foot lengths, eushion that can be used m many Outfit consists of )4 -pint X8757-LinoJeum, 12 inches wide, per !meal fo?t. (Ship. wt., ft., 1 lb.) Per foot...... 15 ways to make driving and campi'\!': can of glue andstripoftreat.. X8760-Biack Ribbed Rubber 13 inches wide, per lineal foot. (Sh1p. wt., ft., 1lb.) Per foot...... 22 snd boating more com!ortio.. .as G7097-Glue Outfit ~omnlete, 32: western Auto SupplY' Co. More Comfort lor the Closed Car Replacement Seat Cushions CUSIDON UPHOLSTERING ASSEMBLY for Ford Cars • FORD TOURING CARS AND ROADSTERS ~~!e~?~!i~~~~~c~~~ !?!p~!~:n~~a~~~~ior ~ to the "Silk" commonly used for auto curtains. ¥iill not iade, rot or tear, is cleaned by use of soap and water. Curt&.ins have pull tabs and metalgulderodsinstead of flimsy cords at sides to hold curtains in phtce. Roll up like regular window shades. Protect from aun and add to the comfort and appearance cf the interior of the car. Ship. wt., 3 lbs. Prices shown are for complete curtain, rollerandgulde. 1)6143-Curtain 33Ji" wide by 24' long. For side windows of Ford Tudor Coach. Also fits side window of Buick, Cleveland, Chandler, Dodge, •rhe3c ~nshions are an cYact replacernent in size ~J?d shape Jewett, Maxwell, Nash, Oakland, Oldsmobile, D6140-curtain 13 %" wide by 24" long for side fur your old cushions, but for comfor:, durabihty,, and Studebaker and Velie Coaches; and rear window window Ford Coupe,1916-26 also fits side window pleasing appearance they are far supenor. After r1d ng of Durant, Maxwell, Studebaker and Velie of Dodge and ,Jewett Coupes; and Studebaker .,n one you w·n be surprised at the added. comfort there Coaches; and Hupmobile Coupes, each •..•..••• 1-65 Country Club, Willys-Knight, Page, and Stude- ia in these cuBhions. baker Broughams, each ...... 1 .20 The frame is extra heavy, with strong cross brae~~ of 06142-curtaln 30~'· wide by 24" long. Fits side D6141-cu!'bin 26~" Ylide by 24" long. For Rear ete.ll. The coiled springs are extra strong al!d res1h~nt windows of Chevrolet, Essex, Hudson, and window all Ford Coupes, FoNI Sedans and Ford and are seeurely held by a net work of steel Wires, wln~h Overland Coaches; and rear windows of Tudor Coach. Also fits side windows of Dodge also serves as an extra support for the well padded, hmr­ Buick 2-door Coupe, Jewett Coupe, Essex, and Moon Sedan; and rear window of Bui<·k filled Jeatherette top. Sagless and practically indestruct­ Hudson and Nash Coaches; Ajax, Hupmobile 1!125-26 Coupe; o,-erland Coach, Overland and ible. Ship. wt., about 18 lbs. Club, Packard, and Jewett SedaM, each .••••••• 1-65 Willys-Knight Sedans, each ....•..•...... 1.55 TWO-PIECE CUSHIONS X9042-Curtain for any car IlGlt listed above, either Fabrikoid or Poplin. (Give mo.kc, year and model of car) 2.85 Any of the above curtains can be furnished in "Silk" Poplin if so desired at the same price (Ship. from factory) For :front seats. Make the gas-tank under the fro1~t eeat more accessible. D1'·iver does not have to leave hid seat to fill the tank. Can be sent by mail. Closed Car Whisk Brooms W8348-Complete (2 halves), !.909-21 open Ford FOR CLOSED CARS A very handy little whisk cars ...... · ... 4,98 - - - Made of brass, nickel broom about 7 inches long and W8353--Complete (2 halvea), 1922-25 open Ford ~ > - ~ plated, with rubber cap on 5 inches wide. Made of the best ears ••.•...... •...•...... •••.••.••.••• · •.• 4,98 ':" J::t. .,_'"' end that seta against glass broom straw and shaped so as ,., ,.. window. A knurled head t.o make cleaning of corners and REGULAR ONE-PIECE CUSHIONS screw makes it easy to joints around cushions more easy. Same size and shape aa your old cushions. Cannot be tighten. The bracket Handle and broom 9.re sewed with eent by mail. screws to side of window. steel wire. This makes it a very W8347-For Front, 1909-21 Ford open cars .••• , •. 4,85 When screw is set prevents sturdy broom that will last a long time. W8349-For Reo.r, 1909-21 Ford open cars .••••••• 4.85 rattling, vibration and G6866-Whisk Broom (Ship. wt., 10 oz.}...... • . .35 W8352-For Front, 1922-25 Ford open cars ••••••. 4.65 broken windows in closed W8354-F•Jr Ree.r, 1922-25 Ford open cars .••• • ••• 4.85 model care, Loop-Style All-Purpose Brush This is a dandy little brush to have in the car, to brush Cushion Re-Upholstering off your clothes; to bru3h the upholstery, or for anything FOR FORD CARS You can stop those rattling where a sturdy, stiff-bristle If the fra,n"mis The tops of our vasc.'3 are rounded mak­ ing thern splash proof. The brackets A great comfort for driver or rattling. Often grease, paint, or ,)i) nwrkt~ will mar passenger. Aln1ost indis]Jensable Easily practiool!y are strong and heavily nkkcl plated to the appearance of othcrwieo pcrfcetly good pre·nmt rust. Can be removed from. on long trips. Handsomely up­ •:Jomplete all neceas~ry fittings screws attachN upholstery. cushions, or dothing. Our holstered in substantia 1 imitation ing. Shipping weight, 7 lbs. In ordering, give year and bra<·ket.s. Ship. wt., 1 lb. Cleaner will quickly rtOHiOve the.~e n1arks. 85268·-American Beautv Vase leather, with thick-piledhighgradE< etyle of car. without harming the fu.bricl n theka.st~ so that filler. .Black enameled brack~ta the fnbric looks new and fre,<:.h again. with flowers ...... : ...... • 78 X8539--Ail-Metal Vioor, for any ear except Ford open A5~65·-Crystal Vase, finL,hed in- about 4incheslong. Can be put models prior to 1923.. • ., -...... • • • . • .. • _1.98 G6834--J-1-piut can (Ship. wL, 1~ c~.) .42 . -. side s_o that it appears to be on in a n1inut.e. Ship wt., 2lbs.­ beauhfuJ silver nlatr-. ')l) • • 1 8 • J- E6597--Arm rest ...... ,59 35 '34 SAVE 20o/o TO &0% ON STANDARD HIGH QUALITY SUPPLIES western Auto· Supply Co. Bevel Edge Mirror Frosted Edge Mirror The best mirror we Made of good clear crystal Western Giant Motor-Driven Horn have seen at anywhere about f&-ineh thick, free from This is undoubtedly the best horn value we have ever near this price. Hea""Y flaws and with a non-peeJ offered. It is made for us by one of the oldest mannfao­ pressed st~el brackets silvering. The edge is frosted turers of warning signals. Workmanship and material are 'l':ith baked black enamel to preYcnt optical illusions. of the very beat, and every horn is carefully made and ,.,. ·. finish. Sturdy joint, with The bracket is of strong assembled nnder expert supervision. ::;.:> ·. quick, easy, positive ad- stamped steel· and is adjust­ Attractive in design, and has a.loud,clear, "road-getting" .:·:> . , justment at any angle-- able to suit the user. . ~t sound that is audible for a great distance. The sound is : .: ,· >; no vibrn tion. Glass is holds firmly in the position produced by the rotation of an electric motor against the .,.;::~;:.:;.;;·.;.;.;;g. high grade plate. The set to and not rattl~. Ha~ ~ very go~d appearance. horn diaphragm, so that the quality of the tone can be silvering on thi<:) mirror is guaranteed. :not to c~ip or peel A5145-Frosted Edge J\l!Tror (i:ih1p. wt., llu.)...... 47 varied by a simple adjustment. and Hhoultl not. be confused with murors which do not Nicely finished in durable black enamel. Comes equipped with bracket, either for monnting on dash or on engine /{r~~8~-~~-~~1•~~!.]rJ~~~~e\Iirror (Ship. wt .• 1 lb.) .. · · · · · .68 head bolt. Shipping weight, 6 !be. 85431- 6-volt, with dash-mounting bracket .•• 3.65 Two-Way Dual Mirror 85439- 6-volt, with motor-mounting bracket .• 3,65 PLAIN AND NO-GLARE STYLES 85432-12-volt, with mdtor-mounting bracket .. 3.65 S3~ For Any Car The very latest in Commander Motor Driven Hom Genuine KLAXON Horn mirrors. Consists of A motor-driven KLAXON two adjust­ horn, with true able mirrors motor-horn warn­ each 4~"x ing tone. A well­ 2)1 attach to the car same bracket. known standard ; $3.35 The mirrors can be set in depen• . of each other motor horn, sold to any angle 'desired. Made of ' p!ate glass under our own and the silvering is guaranteed not t~ chip or peel. brand. B5433and Bracket extra strong to prevent rattling or VJbra­ B 5438 operate Genuine Klaxon quality throughout. High frequency ti"n. Hhip. wt., 3 lba. ,rom 6-8-volt storage battery or four to six cells, B5434 A5153--Regular Two-Way Mirror...... dr:y vibrator type, giving a smooth, stinging note of remarkable .98 operates from 12-volt storage battery.. Furrushed m b.lack volume and penetrating power. Finished in baked-on No-Glare Mirrors enamel, with torpedo type_ tapered proJector, Substantially black enamel. Length 11 )1 inches. Furnished with Just like A515:J except on.e rrirror is plain, for use made of high-grade matenal and will not easily get out of bracket for mounting on motor. Ship. wt., 3~ lbs. during the day; the other IS darkened, for use at order. Complete with bracket. Positively cannot jar 85430-Kiaxon Horn for 6-volt only...... 3.35 night, to prevent the J;>lindi~ glare of headlamps ''Play Safe" Outside Mirror loose. Length over all, about 12 inches. Satisfaction guar­ behind your car. Ad;usted mstantly. At last! A practical outside min~r for closed anteed. Shipping weight, 5 lbs. A:5164-"'o-Glare Dual Mirror...... 98 cars. Even tho you have a. mirror imn~~· ym~: need 85433-6-volt, with motor-mounting braeket; Deep-Tone Horn A5173-Supreme quality No-Glar~ Dual Mirror, this outside 1nirror to give a cleill" Vtswn 01 ca.:rs fits all cars except those with overhead valves. 2.45 Gives size of each mirror 27!) x6". Made of gen.. shout to pass you. Atta1'hes to 85438-6-volt, with dash-mounting bracket ... 2.45 that low uin~::~ French nlate, :xi" thick ...... 1.95 most cars by mea.IJI:'! of a f>pl'\rhl 85434-12-volt, with motor-muunting bracket .. 2.45 mellow hinge pin on tbP upper door hin~e. honking on other C'an; '' ith a note that special braeket hrr­ Electric Vibrator Hom does not nishcd. Very ea~y· to Same horn as is now used frighten install. About 4!,~" as regular equipment en yet is so diameter, extra •1ttal• Ford cars with starter. commanding. It is new and the most effective ever ity plate glaos with Gives loud warning signal. devised. Warning is persuasive and definite but can be Cannot get out of adjust­ plainly heard for a long distanee. Tone can be adjUBted. stout m~tal frauw and Adds a new delight to your car. Beautiful in design and backing. Hra•::ket is - ment. Requires no oiling or other attention. Will finish-high lUBtre enamel. Simple and sturdy in con­ very strong. Finh,hed _ -·------last for life of car. Comes complete with struction-made of the best materials-built so it will last. in chony wit!1 ni('kel trinnning. bracket for attaching to motor m regu!ar No complicated parta to get out of order. Designed and A5138--"Play '!ale" l\Tirmr. (Rhin. wt., i lh.). . .1.45 place. Well finished in black enamel. Ship. made by one of the largest horn mannfacturers in the world. I.ength 15 inches. Ship. wt., 7 lbs. ''Alert'' Steerin~ Post Horn Button: wt., 3 lbs. 85443-6-volt with Motor-mounting bracket.... . Moto Explosion Whistle 85437-Eiectric Vibrator Horn, 6-volt .. · · · · · · · · · · 1 • 38 85444--12-volt with Motor-mounting bracket... . Installed in nlace of a priming No matter "hat part of the top of cup in mot.ors whic~ h_av:e thi'5 button :'-'(,u strikP, ynur horn Horn Push Button primin~ euns. Other;nsc 1t"!~ sounds. H•,nla~·ps the 1mt that holds Used with e!Mu.·io horns of all Universal Push Button connected to a spcmal adap­ the steerh!J! \i ' 1et>-l, n·aking it very kinde. Clamps to spoke of steer• Top is movable, so that the con­ ter or ::!')ark plug exte•tsion. hau(ly. Tl1{' trjo iR of Rpedal rust-prnof ing wheel or c ..n be attached to any tact IS made when it is compressed Utilizes .fhe cxplo'3ion pressure . . compnsitio:-;, ~l!~d the:: \'.hole b11tton is surface by removin11 clamp. at any point. Finished in beautiful Bat black enamel. Ship. wt. , 4 oz. and m::tkcs a. ver.v loud, sharp_ sound. ~tIS fJr~cll­ well huilt ar~d €-xtrr~ q1.wlity. Com.. Shioping weight, 4 01. cally inJ.cJtructible and wt.ll last 1ndcfimtel.Y plete ''··it.h w1res. C5742-Each ...... 32 C5792-Universal Push Button ...... • 24 with r:o expense for operatiC!n·.. Th~ Yn1ye IS 85436-"J\krt" Horn Button (Ship. wt., 10 oz.). .39 made nf cast. brce.zo and bowl of ·y. lu~tlc lS pohshcu . cast nJulllinum. Ev~.?ry part JS htgh grade n1atenal a.nd nirely finish·.;d. ~ . •J Steering Post Hom Button 85451-Whistle nnly, as shown (<'hlp wt.1 - lbs.) 1 .28 For Ford~ Dodge, Essex and Chevrolet Car2i: , fl5448-Whi,tle with 11" adapter (Ford s1ze).... 1.48 85450-Whistle with adantcr for 'YH" plu~...... 1 .48 Replace" the nut that hoids t~e. cteering whcPl a~rl puts your horu, Mocking Bird Exhaust Whistle button right in the cent~r. Com~~ ~5J.O J Warns bnt does not offend. with ~r1ougb-,viretoa.ttaC'h i~oregul~ ~ J !1 /~/J Soft and distind tone .. It screwE Pqu.iprnent. Anyone t.'~:D ~ust.alltt ~ ' ~·... into the cz.haust mamfold and inn few minut,'!.-;. Beautlful~y ntek¢'1'"j' - evtends ·upward. T~ valve is p~~·ttr~d. well-made. Shippjngweig~t, ~. ~~ntrolled hy a cord. A slight SGL ' ~ pull ~vf's a low soft~ warniuf!. ~ while a sh~ryJ jerk on the cor~ wiH C5740-For For·d· and Dodge cars...... ,2(2.: ~ n1akcvou JUmpoutofyourhldP. C5741-For Alll\fodel Chevrolet...... 28 .2_. -·-=4_ J By varying ~he pull o? t,he cord C573'T---For E··" < ...... • ·...... ~ 5 you get c:ight _;liffercnt tmyes nJ!d ~:!th a little practwe you cau almost ''moC'K thf' mot:kmg-htra. H;;;;iutton and Throttle Extension · B5452-~1ockinf<-llinl Whistle. (Ship. wt., 2 !be.) .75 Universal Horn Bracket Fits pradically aH care. Fastens on ~ cylinder head bolt. Strong and heavy. Bhin. wt .. 4 os. E15435-Univ':~al.. ~~~. ~r:".e~~~ 22 Save Transportation Costs •• One of Our Stores is Near You. 37 36 western Auto Supply Co. SUPERIOR MOTOR TESTING VALVE Aluminum Step Plates ElectHc Lighter The Superior is the new, iinproved "box" type motor testing A great convenience for valve. Notice that the tongue fits into the square '·'box" part of 90c the m an who smoke~. the valve making a very close fit and cutting out all exhaust AND UP Ha.s nearly 5 ft. of cord gases-throwing them down and back under the car. on a strong automatic ree 1· Eliminates back pressure on the motor. Thie lessens over<& lighter out of way Whf'n not n USP. heating and carbun deposits, aiJ.d i.acrease.s power. Enables you H-as handy bat~on S";:itch in tip. to test. your rnotor easily and to find any "miss" that otherwise . . \Veil built of strong rustproof material::::; would be overlooked. When opened the Superior gives a loud, nothing to get out of order. Tip can be clear, hollow roar-when closed is silent, and the passage to the 0 eRsily replaced if burner! out. Held firmly to dash by two muffler is as free as before. : 85351-59 . waahers and nuts. Ha.a a very neat appearance. Full i~­ 8534~-45 strnctions furnished. Well made of good. strong castings and will last and give good These pl~: tc:3 r'.rc very popular for pz;~tecting t!te fid~h CS707-For 6 volt Battery (Ship. wt., 1 !b) .. , , ... 1 ,38 service as long as the car. Accurately machined to fit exhaust ,,n running bo~~rlis and rm;n~r~g boa~d :-;n:;.:;lde, bes1des a. pipe. The tongue is large and strong-the vent is ample t_o h C5708-Extra- Tip for l.ighter, G~Volt, sind<> contact . • tng greatlv to the utua.•.'ilVl'HC~f? of the car. Have h1_g 42 easily exhaUBt all gases. The spring is the long coiled posi­ Prj C5709-Extra Tip for Lighter, 6-Volt, dc•uble contact .• nuality riZl~ed black rubber mat. In ('E'?ter to pr_event ~hp­ 42 C5690-CigRr Li.~hter Cord, per ft ... , ...... , 5c tive closing type--very strong and powerful to keep the V1!.lve 85468-Size 1)~", Ford size...... 90 ping. 1\T .. :!~~ of st.:-on_g c_ast. almm!l~m, pohshed to a closed and prevent leaking. 85462-Size 1~4" ...... ,.,,. 98 •ni:rnr f_lnish. j, verag_(~ sb1ppmg Wel.gdt eacr_I, 281~~· Clamp-On Lighter Easy to instalL .lust saw out a Bmall section of the exh~ust 85<163-Size 2 "...... 1:1 0 05351-~t('l) plate, w1th sc:raper, SJZC 9H- x7~ pipe and clamp on the two halves of the valve. Instructtons 85464-Size 2).:l"...... 1 35 {for Hu.::, ·:'lTid nider yordsf, each ...... • 98 A very similar lighter to C5707 furnished with each valve. Outfit conaists of valve, cable, pulley 85465-Size 2>'2"••••.•..... , ...... 1 :45 85342~~tf'p rbte w1th ktck plate and scraper, shown above except n.at it and foot pedaL For dash control see below. Ship. wt., 3 lbs. 85466-Speeial for Chevrolet ..... , 1 .25 size H''xlO" (rb;ht size for. Hl2G-27 Ford~? as elampR on to the da~h by tn o \Hc1l 'l" Pl·u•v other cars~-not Illust;-ated), earh. . . ..98 special set screws mstrad of 85351~St~e~) A·vhte (same design as B5a59), size being inotalled through a hole 1 ?1/g'':x'-..! -.;" each ...... 1.45 b~red in the dash. Li~hts by .f3si44~£"la~ ~;bte lesR 8craper, 8%"xll", each...... 98 prP~eing a bntt~m in th~ tip. A 05345-l\:iek nbte, 4;-,l"xll", each ...... • 68 satiefaetory lighter 1 n every For St~p plates with 1'!-rnps see page SO. way. Ship, wt., 1 lb. Rubber Runnil~~~;.Bciard M.at A5049--Ciamp on Lighter fror 6-Volt Br.ttery. . . 1 .28 Removee rnoi~ture, mud and -lid_. IT~~§~ ---Acon;.-Shape Ash Trays irom the ao1es of your B;:.oes, uhJO N . ~ _. An ay (like illustra- Smithkit Ci~arette and Ash Tray tion eAt;ept it bas regular scrc'.V brac;..:.,~t ~n;.:;tead _ . · By moving the lever on the bot~ of darr1 p-on) ...... · · · · · · ~ · · · · · · · tom, thcSmithkit automat1ca}Jy G6987-Clamp-un Aeorn Ar;h Tmy (ilkslr"ted). ,433 ' PJ ects u. cigarettq. Does a"\\:ay ~th fumbling for a cigarette while dny­ Handy Auto Ash Tray , , ing. Hasmat~h box and ash tray1n A \'>."rll-m2-de, attn:tdrve cornbina.twn froiJt and cigarette container at back ash trav, match hex rmd cig3.rette ,,·J-:ich ho1Js 20ci~arettes .. ABh tr.ay holder ,;,-hich can be fastened at any r-asily remw.: ed for cleaning. Fm­ convenient place i.n the car. Bright -i~.,hcd in fro;?. ted black enamel. meta] finish. Ash receptacle can be ;trnngly made of best materialR easily removed for cl~aning. Complete N nthing to V,!3t out o.f order. A with screws for attaclung. ~1r~autiful fl!'.c-1 usPful ::H·ee.~"~~ory for your ear. _Shlp. wt., llh. ~hin. v;t., 1 lh. 0620€-~~m~thkit, eacb. . . · · · 1 .65 G7011-,Complete om.ftt as shown. 85 ~,) Gear Shift Extensions \... Automatic Cigarette Lighter For uoe only with Crystal or Oynx Gear Shift Balls " Holds 15 dg1.rPttes. \Vhen (dhown below) For all Cars you want to STn(lkC a cigarette, c Thia .--:dprosion attachl'S to just preBA the hntton and o11r I 1 :10 tnp ,)f ~rpar-nhift lever and automatic d;.:art:tt.c lighter iights I 45 ~~-' C' [cr,,JH up :'JJ(,i el!ghlly to tpe it for you, }'tlf1'e it to get it goil.g I ~ f"~;-. nhcuu~ t11e knob hande good, ·and deli \'era it rrad;y' ft)i" ,~ J/t'1 ..._...... J u:-,• w ttJo· n;.-·ht plaee. \lade you to smoke. I '/7 nf best n• ltP.rt~l~. bt3 l utdtdly tmisl10d 1n Nv more fumbHng fnr n.~lt::hC'~ hcav v. ndi;;huJ ""'' It·"" bta~s .. Th1s ex- or being wit1.1out them. wl:ilc Gi t.t:Jlslon· .. ". n,!..!.tlc fo.. r.. o.· e1thcr driving. The a"'Jtomatie lishter '1/ tlH' "H!·~1uty B,-t11'' ur·u:s~ ()'JYX nly~wlth halls slw1vn is al\\·avs on the job. * 'fj below. (Bfdp. wt.f 8 oz.--1.) FastCns on t.he dash "\"ith 4 Ill. Bl'rews. ~: ... ':. Give m,...,k~, year ~nd model of car. Well mnde and niu•ly finishcd·-·-an. ornament !o any f"/ KS20S--Lf'nf-':t.h, 1~j inchcci, f~Jr fd1Y car .. 45 car. \Vm·ks hy sudion fr11!ll the vacll•Wl intn1ce manifold. Full r!ire<:tic,Hs v:i~h "Beauty Bail'' Gear Shift Balls • fQf; M.L CA!'!S 05~~lfu':.-)~t.~r.i~~:i~. ~j~~t-~r.. ~ ~·'~c~l:: -'~.l~i_r:~~i~f~.~\-.C.l~~1·t·, 2 ~ 6 ~ ;;;:;; bt·•·.iifni 0 )'~~1\;~;~,.I:~Elt~tr:I~~~~1~ /;?§_~~~ Cut-out Pedals. '." sltift on ,vuur C'ar. Ow~ of -- Pulleys and Cable ! t.i:w~c refi:u;m!'nrs t-hat ndcl 80 Extra atbchments for cut-outs ft, 1 mue!t to yunr deli;:~tlt iu your \~a.r. ln and exhaust horHs. B5J~H is the \)} ~-o:dC'J-ing be su1·e to give the rogular plain locking pedeL Rhown 1'~. ~J inake, ye~~r and model of care at left in iltust~·u1ion. Bb095 is :~~ ~ (~!lip. wt ., ~or..) the improved C!)oper pPfial No.~=-~ U 85287-Ge:tr Shift B:l11 ...... 48 4, shown at right., v:•hich ~rivPs better levera!lf'l, ia nea.tf'> rrnd l•iOl'C Onyx Gear Shift Balls eaaily install~d andwiil lf"..ut TO FIT ANY CAR longer. Ship. wt., 1 lb. 1Iad~~ fi-'o1n ldglw;;;t quality genuine -onyx. Very·bi~hly polished. Adds beauty 85394-Plain locking pedal...... ··,·· · ·,,, · ·, · ·, .34 and distinction to any car. Ship. wt., B5'39S--Cooper No. 4locking pedal.···········.·.· .85 8 oz, K820(}---0<>c'X Gear Shift Balls. 85396-Cut-out pulley (Sh!p. "t., 4 oz.}.·····,. , , ae. 4 4C each (give year and modelofcar). 1.28 P5397-He3vy cutiout ca::.le, per foot. • • • • • • • • • • • 39

REBOUND ABSOaBEllS Weguaranteethata completesetofStar Rebound r-=-:---=-~:-1 Absorbers on your car willimprovei tsriding qualities 30-Day Trial so n;uc!' that you would not be without them. You Order a set don t nsk a dollar--we guarantee absolute sa tis- for your car in factiol_lor mone~ back .. A new principle in rebound regular way. absorbers, together" 1th our big buymg power and direct-from- Try them and factory-to-car-owner-system of distribution enable us to offer them test them 30 GUARANTEED to you at a very low price. days. If then We Will Gladly Replace Abso­ They do not interfere in any way with the flexibility of the spring you are not sat­ lutely FREE A<>y Western Giant but. prevent the sudden ex~reme recoil; the pitching, bobbing, and i sfied, return , or Part, \\'hich May rolling of the car after striking a bump or when traveling rough them to us and Becomtt Damaged Even Through ro~. They are like a giant hand that smooths the road as you go. we will refund Collision or Aeciclent. Fr1et10n (caused by a floating band on a drum and a tension spring) is your money. the thing that absorbs the shocks. Bars are rr 1arle of spring stPel, your car without mad1~ne "ork. You can install the Sudden recoil is the cause for broken springs, "o Star Rebound Absorbers not only you perfect riding comfort. but also prevent broken springs. .. . _. . . rJrc~ia1ly treat2d and temp('red. bumper you!seJ~. Pnt e includes bar3, flfillS and fitiings Have Jaghly puhshed wekel plated f1nish, the nickel plate com~1lete, Wlth 1nstrucuons fur installing. In ordering, to install-no holes to drill. Easy to adjust. All fittings and iru~tructions furnish­ being pv.t on over a co~1t of Cadmium whi('h is the b~'-'st rust specify make, year and llld to fit at any of onr stores for$] .00 E"'\tra. plan-try a set on your car. Ship. wt., set of two, 15lbs.; set of four, 25lbs. W84B0-1 1 1,,Bar3forirC~ntorrearof Fo!"d, Chevrolet, Overland, StarorWh;pp-s:t, complete. \ 31t.,30 lbs. 7 .. 45 W8304--Complete set (one front and one rear) for 1926-27 Ford Touring and Sedan,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,.,, .. 5.95 W8305--Complete set (one front and one rear )for all other model Ford cars , ...... , .....• , , , .. , , •.... W8481-1 }4- Bars for front or rear of any other car, comp:ete. Srtip. wt., 40 ~~:.s...... 9~95 5 95 W8308-Pa!r for front of Chevrolet, Dodge, Overland, Nash or any other car except Ford. , , , .... , , , , , ...... 5:95 W8309--PaU' for rear of C'Ievrolet, Dodge, Overland, Nash or any other car excent Ford ...... , , , , , , , , ... 5 95 Junior Spring Steel Bumper 3-BAR Spring Steel Bumper When ordering be sure to give MAKE, YEAR and MODEL of the car. • c:::::=.r- "\:: -=.,.. Spring Control Shock Absorbers These Spring Action Cushioners are the latest development iJ? shock absorber and reboun~ a~sorber construction. They con.. ~ s1st of a strong yoke "nd a fnctwn bar; and 2 steel springs held A parallel bar burnpe:r of the popular Dodge type. firmly by 2 nuts with lock washers. lteinfllrceci by a heavy back bar on e~tch end which gives The resiliency of automobile springs is gained from the leaves strength whe-re the f!l'l~Ltt.est numb<:r of Llows are received. This 3-b::tr bumpC'r hus hecome very popular. Consists· of the spring lengthening and shortening on top of each Built of the be8t tt'mpered spring-steel, handsomely of 3spring sLd'J bars, eacit J .~ J'' \\ idf:, ltf'~~lr_,arallr-1 bv~turdy other, These 0ushioners are clamped around the spring and drawn and durably finished "'1.-vith triple r:.if'kel plate. Arms and spacers. lt aiiordB a gu::ut~r dPu;n.:l' ,.j ilrotectiml and is to the correct tightness so that, by friction on the spring, they fittin;.:s fit. the car '"-hlwut dterution or machine wnrk­ beautiful o~ the front of tLe <:ar. -~\~adc nf t],~ same eusltion and slow down any excessive down-throw or rebound. finished in blaf'k enamel. Tllc ch<"apPflt and best collision high 1 fUO.li;.y 8tC'cl anJ finished '\\i~.h L;,c 83-L e (.~u{wium Made of spring steel and cold rolled steel so there is practically insurance you can Lan_', as wc11 n3 aclding to the avpcar­ nick0l as cur \\'estern Cian!. bun~pct Flwv;n abo\r(', Price no wear-out to them. You can install a set on your car in 20 n.ncc of yo(1r C':-1r arHl inrreasing ite v~lue. include.;; bars, arn1s awl fittings cnlL!Jlete. Ship. wt., minut.,s. Ship. wt., Ford set of four, 4Y. lhs. In cr•--:ering give rH~keJ.year and model of car. complete 0-l lba. J776~-Set of 4 for all model Ford ears. (Ship. wt.,4Y.lhs.) 2.95 WS475~Fnr fro>Jt r_.t ftnY model Ford, Chevrolet, In ordel"ing give mz.kc, year, and model of car. J7753-Set of 4 for Chevrolet, 1925-26; Chrysler 4-50, ~Uc~, or O,~e··bnd -1: ('ill'S (SJ-:l!). W1 fFord, Chf'v- • (not !l!ut:::: ruted), to nu~tch 3 bar Lump(;r for auy '23-26; Essex; 6-40; Hupmobile '23-25; Jewett; '22-26 rokt, Star or Ovcr:uml4 co,t'o (c;bir'. wt. 52lbs.) 11 .65 car, give make, year and modeL ...... 1 0-95 ~!k~;~~)~;~-24; ~ash (Soec. 6) '25-26; Oakland, '24-26; Stude- . - - Shm. wt. 5Y.lbs...... 3.55 FENDER GUARDS "TWIN STEEL" FENDER GUARDS WX Shock Absorbers For Popw!ar Cz:.:o!; For All Model Ford Can Rebound Check Springs The shock absorhers with FOR ALL POPULAR CARS the famous "scissor, ac­ tion. Add 100% to the Control the excessive spring action when fle.cibi'ity of the springs. car is traveling ove~ rough roads, save The Coil springs effectively sprmgs, and add great­ absorb all road shocks yet ly to the car's ridin' the way the shock absorbers qua!i ties. These cheek are built stops all side sway and pre­ springs are of the highest .. vents the regular springs striking the quality; made ofthe best VI< 11! not squeak or rattle. Built of the best materials with features steel throu~hout and practically unbreakable. that mak~ them easy to Built of sprin~ st.ePJ, fln'h;hetl in a hei:mtiful P:drP" heavy Quickly o.nd easily put on. install,! ong wearing and Dif'~<'l 1'1'l>P. ·fhcy have strong rigid arms of angle steel A5214--Com.plete set of 4 (Ship. wt., 10 lbs.) ..... 3.85 practically break proof• which b:Jlt to the frame of thf' (;ar ami extend back holding .Fur ~e uu the rear of large ec.2::,, \ .. b.:re tLe til..._. c.uriel the_ F~:.--,n' !c>r Gug,rds ti-nn and rigid in position. This is interferes with bumper, Jes.viug fenders v; thout protection. Sprin~ Saver and Rebound Check Set consists of clamps, further n.i:nforeed by a brace. spnngs, a n d 'heavy 1Iade of finest spring £t~ci. l1eaYi:y r.icke plated. Ilav8 For Front of Any Model Ford straps, complete ready Very e~tsily in""b.llerl-unyone cac. put them on in an Besides being one of the most long, graceful cun?, year, and , , W84~2~ntirely rust-proof. For use on all F6686- Felt-covered Rubber Chauuel, (not illustrateil,) to prevent rattling and breakage. F6726-Tee Rubber, 1 )i" automatic wipers with round wiper arms. per foot. , , , , • , , , .•.•• , , . • ...... Sc J77 44-Per foot (Ship. wt., 2 c•.). 3•' wide, 42" I ength, each.. • 4 0 A5136-Wipin~; Arm Adj.uster (Ship. wt., 2 oz.), •• , , 0 15 42' 43 SAVE INCREASE Duplex Improved Carburetor for Fords 30% to 50% SPEED, POWER GASOLINE MiJe... Maker Vaporizers The New,Simplified,Super-PowerCarhuretor, with built-in r---~------. AND PICK-UP heatmg un1t, for t-cr d ( ars and l-ord Trucks. 3J OA Y TRIJ\L Big buying pov.cr· e:::mlJJt:s us tc otieryou thiRnew Order a HDuo1ex'' FOR FORD AND CHEVROLET CARS AND TRUCKS improved carburetor at lef'l8- timl!' you would have carburP-tor for yoUr ~ar Save money in gasoline and oil. Have a cleaner cooler to pay elsewhe-re for an ordinary carburetor. in the regular way. ln- ~moot~er, rn~re J?,OWerft;I nw~or that is easier to start, b.Y It will save you 20% of the gasoline you are now stall it and make e-vcrv Installing a MILE-MAKER Vaporizer. using and enable y,_,ur C'ar to cljmo hills in high p os s i h le teat for 30 that you now have to take in low gear. lt \"\·ill days. Then if you are , All new Ford cars are now being equipped at the factory make your car start 12a:o:Jly. It will allow you to not eatisfied, return it w1th a vaponzer, showmg that Ford himself agrees that accelerate your car smoothly. and we will return your e,~ery Ford car needs one to get the greatest power, speed, In actual teats a Du!)!cx·equipped Ford car got money. pep and economy, Our MILE-MAKER Vaporizers are more than 20% grenter mileage than the same car 1------.! the best we have ever seen. got when equipped with a reguLu carburetor. We guarantee that a "MILE-MAKER" will increase The Duplex is Bimple in construdion and requires :i!O more adjusting than the reguJar your gasoline mileage from 30% ~o 50% depending on carburetor. Smaller passageway insures proper mixture. A special automatic Air control the age of your car; will cornpletely vaporize even the saves gas at s1ow speeds; Adju~ting need1e C'ontrols flow of the mexture of gas and a!r cheapest gasoline, leaving no carbon; will noticeably in· instead of just the ~as. This is the gr-eatest improveorr-ent ever made in carbu.retion crease speed, power, smoothness, and pick-up· will for Ford cars. A built-in electrica1heating unit makes starting in cold weather much casic~. eliminate fouled spark plugs; will prevent oil dil;,ticn MndP of the be~t materials throue:hout. Yerv casv to install. Comes complete with s1mple and cut down your oil bill; and will make your engine instructions for instailation on all Ford cars and Ford trucks. start easier and run cooler. Tbe ''Duplex" should pay for itself in 90 days in the saving of gas alone. It wil1 ray you to thrc>Y your present cn.rburetor away and instal} a ' 1 Duplex" fnr it is costing you real money every 30 DAY TRIAI.-SATISFAC:TJON OR MONEY BACK day you drive with the regular carbun:;tor on ycur car. Take advantage of our 30 clay trial offer, order nne for yotu The amazing economy in gasvline and oil saved and car tor~ay. Our Special Reduced Price the bigimprovernent in power, speed and smoothness D6024-Dnplex C':lrburetor for 1P09-'21J Fnrcl <''""onr BuiC'k '23, Es.scx, Hudson '23-2Gs Ilup 4 (Ship, wt., 22 lbs.) ...... , , . , ... , , , , , ...... , , ... , , .. , , , .. , .. , .. , , , 9.85 F'or F'ord Cars With Holley Vaporizers to '24 ...... ,65 Save ovcrh~uling, save repairs, prevent K8231-Fnr f:'l~:r:,·slf'r ~:3:3, Franklin '2·1-2G, Overland G, dust grinding :1.\Yayr:.t}Ji~llythepi~tons,ring;~, '"" \VillJ-•s-l\nig!lt '2.J-2() ...... •45 Sure Feed Air Pressure Cap Mile-Maker Tablets pins ar::.J cylinder walls, add f __ K8232-For Buick !2-l-~7, Chevrolet AA, Chry,:;lc>r Much of the gasoline year9 to t}•e life of your car.~~:;;- "50," ('JevcJpnd '24-ZG, Dodr:e '27~ FHnt 40, Kasch It often happens that you F'OR FORD CARS ••run out of gas" on a hill or· today is very low grade Try one 30 days, see the amount C ~ \?j '2G-27, OHPrnobile '27, Pontia~, Bbtr. (.1'\6 bushing and. consequently de­ of grit it has kept out of your J\ reql.lired-simply replaces regnlar eap) ...... • 35 incline when you really have a ~ n10tor and thE'n if your don't KOOd supply in your tank, This posits too much car-• want it rduTn it to us and we 18 caused by the level of gas in bon. Mile-Maker Tab­ Gasoline Filter the tank being lower than the lets used in this same will refund yuur money -....: gasoline will show a 06013-Air Ckam'r for Holley F'or 1926-27 Fords and AI! Other carburetor, Our Sure-Feed Cap Cars With Vacuum Tanks prevents this. A regular tire marked increase in \'avori. speed. Ptn~ithely L<..rmless. will not injure motor or mterfere the market is of low qus.lity, and with lubrication, but really assist by removing carbon. contains so much other matter than v~ry valuable for cleaning out a stopped-uo flow line. Carburetor GIVes your car a pressure feed system when ·you need it. Also makes your car easier to start. You atelosing•evetal gasoline that every C'ar E::hould be times the cost of Mile-Maker Tablet. on every 100 gallons Choker Spring equip peri with our (.!asoline strainer. A5137-Bure Feed Cap (Ship, wt., 6 oz.)., .. , • • .. .. .48 ')f gas you now use, not to mention carbon trouble. An efficient. easily installP'J f'.pdng Fits ri~ht under the yacuum tank Sati•fartion absolutely 11uaranteed or your money back, to hold the ca.rburetcr (·hnker in out of the way. Easily removed for Rox of 100 tablets, enough to treat 100 !!aJlons ot ga•oline, proper position when the regular clPaning. Nothing to get out of Extra Quality Copper Tubing with full direct;ons. Ship. wt., 8 os, Our Reduced Price spring is b-:-ok~n. Has the proper nrJ.er. (Sl!ip. wt., 2lbs ) For All Purposes G6943-Box 100 Mile-Maker Tablets.,,,,,,,,,,. .39 tension anJ \'-'ill last indefinit·~lv. D6027-FiHcr, for JG2!}-27 Fnrcb and all cam wi·J1 -High quality seamless copper Can be in~lalJed in less than-a \':1ClJlun t.nnks. . . . • 99. minute, w\tbnnt UFP nf toolH. Can tubing, /r J4, h and ;IIi inch in not work loose. Ship. wt.l 4 oz. diameter. Shippin11 weight, 8os. per No-Tear Curtain Rod Thimb!es Foot. Price, per foot FORD CARS E6302-Clw~<:0T 8nring for D607D---/r inch outside, • , , • 7c n:~~u:a:r C<1.lHl7f'tvr.... Sc ".·.'.:_: ..~.~.--·".-,'·,·.!~~':'·' CJamr~ through the curtain (one-haJi D6067-J4 mch outside, ••• , , 8c KINGSTON CARBURETOR PARTS E6303-Clid:.\'l" Snri.ng for IIolicy Vap>.HiJ,!'!'...... Be , ! J OD. cutsitle, the other lt:::tlf on iusidr, D6066-,\ inch outside.,.,.,,. 9c D6038 Float assembly, 1921-26., •• ,, ••••• ,,., ••• , .34 '[~..... :J,t!·f~ right over the top nf the CU!"\:1in r,,(' D6068-% inch outside,,,, .1 0 D6040 Floatassembly, 1917-20, .. ,., .. .,., .. .,.,, .52 ~ 1!''~ti· J o:c. dtJqr 0!Jenillg rurtains. 1\cPn~ rot' D6069-12-foot length % in. copper D6042 Float with lever, 1915-16 .. ,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,., .65 Carburetor Adjuster a~d Choker frc.m }nJrH"hing throu~.h curtain. Sa.vt:~ curtains~ prevent/ tubing, ner piece, , , , , 1 • 05 06044 Gasoline valve, 1917-20, , ., , , , , , , , .30 iw·urn euif'nce. (Dhip. WL! 1 oz.) D6039 Gasoline valve, 1921-26 ...... , , • , , , , , , • . 30 ....-~ FOR 1909-25 F'ORD CARS E6329--Curtain Ho ,· D6054 Spray Needle Assembly, 1926-27, •••• , , , • , • ;J device yon ean perform both durabie•n;st. proof, 1.i.~,.h-polish ~-.- -~~ f~wn are inside diameters. Shipping weight, about 1)-i • 15 Ci --::::::::=:.~ of the o:1er2.tions frum tLe drivers' seat. nickel-plated; about 5 inclw~ ~- ~';< ·per foot, D6051 Gasoline inlet needle, 1914-26,,0,.,,.,., .20 \ · Thus ~·ou :1re able to ke::>p your carbure· len g. An ideal handle for in- CARBURETOR ATTACHMENTS tor adjusted for different 1,onditions. Comes s1 allntion on the r<'ar dPck lid __ .. \ - Inside Outside Per Inside Outside Per P4129A Car b. adjUBting rod,.,,,,,, .. , .... , .10 .... Diam. Diam. Foot Diam, Diam, Foot complete. Easy to att~wh, full instructions. of ('oupes and roadsters makin~"1: - - · 060 P4130 Carb. flange bolt l>nd nut,, .. ,,,,,, 5e For 1909-25 Ford cars with <;owl bo:lrd. 1iftin~ ..... -u" 1 n" .19 D60631J4" 1-.'." -24 P4134 Carb. flange gasket,,,, ... ,,,,,., .. ,,, 5o the lid easy. Also makes a fino handle for insidD D6o611'f. 1 Is'' 21 A. Fhin. wt., 1 Jb. Our Reduced Price the door of ear. (Rhip. -.,;t., 8 ozs.) D6064 1 Y." 1 tt" .32 P4431 Carb. priming rod,, .. o .. , ... , , , , ,,.,. •• 6o D6187-Comb, Adjust.-randChoker. .68 85251-Handle, each ... ,,, .. ,,,, ...... ,,,,,,,,,·, .48 06062 lJi" 1 h" :22 .06065.1K" 1 tt" .45 P4582 Carb. Hot Air Stove .... ,. .. , .... , .... , , -20 44 westem·Auto SupptyCo. Save Transportation Costs One of Our Stores Is Near You 45 ' KIRSTIN" GASOLINE GAUGE FOR '%6·%7 FORDS ':J:S·%7 CHEVROLETS Genuine Alemite Lubricating Systems and Parts Accurate, dependable and beautiful. Absolutely Fool-proof. Guaranteed for 3 Years You can install a complete Alemite system on your car from the "arte~ we offer 0 r replao e any worn or I oat part. We take real pleasure in off.,ring you this good Kirstin gauge. It is X9000-Compressor Gun, 6%"x2", holds Y.-lb. not only the only gnuge 'vc have ever seen that combines accuracy, grease (Sh1p. wt., 2 lbs.)...... 3 og safety, convenience, eerviccv,biHty, and easy installation, but its 'il~~~~~::.:_.t;J X9003-14" Compression Hose (Ship: wt.; l.lb.. ).".". ·.2:0 wateh-Hke f.ini:sh and t::ompact lle[I.Ul!::';"S make it a plea8ing ornament·~ . • .Straight.Wpples on the dash. The shtpp,mg ~ht on N1pples is 1 oa., each. You cannot realize1 until you ha1"8 one on your car, the security 0f mind and the conveLience this g~Hld, accurate, gauge gives you, to ~==n, u::.,ad • • • • • · · · · · · ...... • , 3 say nothing of the ecrtainty of knowing that you get the amount ...... -19 of gas you pay for, a.Ed the troublt: and expense it will save by pre­ Elbow Nipples venting yuu being stall0d for lack ot fHel. Practically all cars except X9013-.J.-8" thread Alemite Jr. Fords now come equj}"')pcd with g<·W~;es--·motor cnr manufactur~CI::_:"":.....------...... -26 realize the absolute need for them. 1 ake advantage of our trial 1~ X9014-}4" thread Compressor offer and learn at our risk the plea5ure and serviC'c the I\irstin ...... 36 Has speciai nozzle. Rt"­ gauge will give vou. OrJer a. E_irstin 65-Degree Nipples quirea no hur;e. HvlJs 3 oz. 0 1crated by ~the weight of the gasoline in the tank-no danger gauge for your 1 X9019-78" thread of grease. Ship. wt. lib. of leakage-no mechanical parts in the tank to get mJ.t. of order, car. Trvit:30days. . 30 rattle, and break. Does not have to be removed wben filling If you 3.re not sat­ · · · · · ·o·.;~i ·e:;;P8· X9001-Jr. Compress<>r tank. The gau~e head is fixed under the instrument panel on the isfied ineveryway X9016-Bayonet Dust ...... 2.25 dash where it is in plain sight and read at a glanee. Finishetl in return it tous::md c .. p ...... 5c nickel and black enamel 'vhich, with its small size and solidity we w i 11 refund makes it a beautiful instrument. You can install y~"mrs in 10 your money. minutes-nothing but. a serew drivPr needed, instructions furnished. h..--.,.-...,.,..,--,..-..J Differential Cleaner and Filler G6993-Kirstin Gauge for 1920-_2? [~m~s, except F:·rdor Sedans. (fihip. wt., 2lbs.) ...... ••.•..•.••. 2.95 'Replacements Parts for Zerk System G69£2-l\lrstm Gauge for 1925-26-21 Chevrolet (<:co page 117). (Slup wt., 3lbs.) ...... 3,95 Alemite-Zerk S~'Btems are standard enuipment on Dodge, Chrysler, anrl other popular cars. We offer re­ Gasoline Gauge Visible Gasoline Gauge placement parte as follows: Is irrsblled to the right of the c"""""''"""""' X9046--Compressor, for use with Zerk system (Ship. wt., For Ford and 1926 Chevrolet Cars 1 ~ !be.)...... • . • . Remove present fiHer cn.p, insert this dash, bt:'ing held securely by one 4 00 dash boH and one door strap bolt. X9047-Straight 1\ipple, for Zerk system. · · · • • "12 gauge, and screw it down tight. Con­ X9048-Elbow Nipple, for Zerk system ... .".":."."." structed of steel. A float fitted to a A black ball makes reading easy. ;18 spiral upright turns indicator on dial, "',.hen properly installed (in­ as the gasoline is raised or lowered in structions are furnished) it is a Outfit consists of combined force and suction pump with tank. 'rhe simplicity and strong con­ m.ost accurate gauge. A sma!l a curved metal spout. By inserting the spout in the struction means that it will always eopper tube f'.onnects the gauge to Genuine Alemite (Zerk Type) differential and pulling out the plunger you can draw the work perfectly and last as long as the the tank so that the level in both Lubricating System for Ford Cars old, worn, grease out. Use outfit as a gun to fm <'e kerosene car. Ship. wt., l.\1lbs. - is exactly the same. Direct, or gasoline to every part of the differential, tborouphly simple, positive. Nicely finished cl~aning it and then as a suction pump to draw the dirty G6977-1909-1920 Round Tank. ,78 in nickel anrl black enamel and ~ltcrt~deat mJxture out. Then ll8C as a gun to fill the differential G6978-1921-26 Oval Tank ..... ,78 easily installed in a few minutes. "~th grease. Enables you to do thoroughly, and quickly G6979-For Square Tank .••..•• H7348-Visible Gauge for wtthout a lot of muss and dirty clothes, a job that is other­ ,78 Fords, except G6980-1926, except 4 door Sedan, 78 wise very dirty. Very substantially made-will last and (Ship. work well as long as you own cars. .. . . t4~~a.·~--'" E6299-Differential. Cleaner (Ship. wt. 4 lbs.) 1.:38 • An ill! proved Alemite force-feed lubrication system, which Alemite Lubricant !" hand1er than the old style and lets you grea..e your car A pure solidified oil, recommended for use 1D half .the t•Il!e-not necessary to bother with a screw with Alemite lubricating system. 5-lb. size c~nnectwn. SI.mply press nozzle of gun against special has the specia I patented top ·for quick and mpple on bearm~:-leak-proof contact is instantly mad~ easy fiiling without soiling hands, or wast· and grease shot mto beanng at high pressure. No hose ing lubricant. needed. X9038-Alemite Lubricant, lib...... , 4 0 Outfit consists of compressor and 16 special uipples for X9039-Alemite Lubricant, Ill be ....•. 1 . 50 rea~ axles, dnve shaft, ~iversal joint, steering gear. and spnng shackles. Old oll and grease cupa are easily rt"­ ~oved and replaced with these nipples in a few minutes' Ford Special Oil and Grease Gun t!me. In use on 5,000.000 cars to-day. Will add to the The best grcrt:7~e retainer ever An extra large heavy fP.lt waGher for rear a::.:le) w hi~~; life. of your rar and oave you many dollars in repair bills. rn~~e for a Ford. Easy to put on (Sh1p wt., 5 lbs.) without getting, f:•ll covered with will prevent grease from working out. About 3-incb grease ar', I "-\ ith(:ut having to pull out tJ1e bearings. Re· diameter by %inches thick. When compressed to go int< · X9045-Alemite-Zerk System for Ford .. : ...... 8.50 -o •=-ati!IMOQ 37c ta.iner n ;dat cs t!:e dust cap and felt Wt:.~h~r right next to a>le housing they hug the axle shaft very tight sa nc hub. I-1 :1s un asbestos p& ..:king ring that fits around th~ grease can get by. To install these waehere the outer End of gun is made eo as to fit in Ford differential. The a:de shatt, "i.th a beveled steel washer and spring that roller beari:ug ia slipped out, washers pu6hed in and bcarin~, Rose Self-Loading Grease Gun cylinder is constructed from extra. heavy steel and brasB keeps ti·e asbestos ring ti:;ht, no matter how badly the replaced. One, tv7o or tl:ree 'W"ashers r.an be used 011 eacb plated tube one and one-quarter inch diameter, nine inches rollC'r bearings are worn. long. Plunger is specially selected cork. These features Nothing to wear out, €~cept the aabes .. oR packing ring, aide. It jg best to get a f"GU eet of six. Ship. wt., each, 2 cz. make this gun practically indestructible. Extra nozzle for which will bst for months and can then l:e easily replaced J7"r60-Each. • . . . . 6c Set of 6...... 29: $1.08 oil. Regular $1.00 value. Shipping weight, 1 lb. at small cvst. Full instructions furnished. Sailsf.action guaranteed. Shipping weight, lib. G7036-Fo•d Specia I Grea•e Gun ...... •37 J7756-Complet.e retainer, for Ford cars, each.... • 8 5 J7757-Extra packing rings, for 13'ord, each...... • 2 0 Grease Retainer For Fords .The ouly •.elf loading grease gun at a medium price. Little Lightning Combination J7750-Special retainer f 1)r Ford Ton Truck compleve, Abso•'uteh Fills by suctwn, and i• so constructed that it w•ll draw m Grease and Oil Gun similar 10 ,Ji756, (not illustrated), eacJL...... • 8 5 pre' ~nt'f reasonably hard grease easily. Made of heavy seamless grease being st~l, very serneeable, and conveuient to URe. Shinping Square Wire Greuse Retainer Fca~~rd stHL. thrown out of Well(ht, 1\11 h•. Our Reiuced Price !:.t1t:1.~ rear axle. Re· G7033-Rose Grease Gun, 1}4x12J,i" over all ...• 1.08 Consists of places the reg"' ~~ld!JI)tNJ;jMSSi!=;;;;.:'ll u spiral of hea\:f square tempered ular f e I t epdng steel wire. ASriBTos washer in the Float for Stewart Vacuum Tank wASr.£R •r ear ax I e ~ JJ"""i;iiM. ___., Does not re- An accurately l!lade float tHat replaces r he -.A\\ Jl.I\N~ ltslipsoverthere2r regular Stewart model on vacuum feed svs- 8 V '\~ ~~ ~ "'~1\N\JJ \ axles, so that with every revolution of quire drawing thems. Guaranteed to fit perfectly and give p:un is well made. out the roller t e best of service. Ship. wt., 12 oz. ~;ThisHighly polished excep~o~:!brass, double leather cup the axle the grease is brushed back toward the differential. bearings. Hae 0 Absolutely automatic. A fiber washt"r prevents the 6074-Vacuum Floar,each...... 35 type plunger, reinforced with heavy steel washers, pre­ grease from escaping when the car is not in motion. a spring in::drle tbe metal shell to keep asbestos washm 06073-Set of 2 Cork Gaskets for old vents any possibility of grease or oil passing to back of Our square wire retainer is many times rnore efficient tight .against the axle at all times. Strong and well m~.cio 0~!;vle vacuum tank . .. • • . • • ...... g 0 ~ the gun. than the round type. Easily installed and will 13st Noth1ng to wear out except the asbestos washer which ""7 2-1 Cork Gasket for new style Can be used as either screw down type gun, for greases· indefinitelY. Ship. wt., 1 lb. can be renewed at smal1 cost. Ship. wt., 8 oz. :p:cuum tank ...... ,...... 5c or e. quick acting oil gun. Comes with two spouts, ono C5858-Square Wire Retainers, pair.·· • · • • . • • . • • • J7758-Grease Retainer, , , ...... , ....•.. , . . . . .35 cj kote--If your vacuum tank requires 2 for grease and one for oil. Capacity, 9 os. .45 · as eta it is old style. G7029-Little Lightning Gun. (Ship. wt., l)>i !be.) 1.1 8 46 Long-Run Long-Run Gear Oil Gear Grease A high quality scmi-flui,_l There have been a number of grease, especially compounded "gear compou!ldsn on the mar­ for use in

1 Stop that "Shimmie" yo~nh:Veh~';;dm;,.~~e~f ~~"'s"iJ. FOR ALL MODEL FORD burned out bearings and , Step that "•lh;n,~;"" Consists of two other troubles and big B do away with the danger springs made ofhea vy repair bills. Have this ; and etnbarrassmcnt it causes tempered steel wire, g3uge and be on the by installing a set of "Little finished in black en· safe side. Gauge mounts k.z:JL Giants". Clamponasshown amel. One end of each on dash-no need to in the illustration and are spring slips into the crawl under the car to guaranteed to give absolute clevis at end of spin­ read it. It is always satisfaction or money back. dle connecting rod, accurate. No floats, moving parts, or e""t:· Che!\per and better than the other end being · posed glass to break. Works from oil pres­ rebushing your spindles. sprung into place in the channel at rear of front axle, thue sure. Consists of gauge, a hollow wire, and Order a set today and try keeping the steering gear under tension even when the connection from bottom crank case pet-cock, them ont, (Ship. wt., 1 lb.) wheels are cramped for turning around. and instructions for installing. V uy easy Well-made and durable. Nothing to rattle or get out of to install- will last as long as the car. order. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ship. wt., lib. G6892-Dnsh Oil wt.,1Jb.) 85272-Set of two, complete . • • • • • • • • .. • • . • ...... 39 Oils the transmissiOn b:mds (preventing grabbi?g and 1. chattering) and the clutch collar; filters the. ml; and carries pure oil to the front of the engme. 01l thrown Oil Gauge with Petcock up bv the fly-wheel is caught in the filter and made Keeps you from having too much or too pur.o ·and clear from sediment by centrif~gal force, by little oil in the crank case by telhng at a. straining and by settling. Some of the ml1s thrown over glance just how high the oil stands. No need the transmission bands and the clutch collar, kec~­ of crav,rling under the ca:r. Ship. ""Vt., 8 oz. ing these in a constant bath of oil. The b'o'lk of the o:l G6985-0il Gouge made of strong cast p~sscs down the extra large external flow PI!Je ~":here It brassj elbow is part of casting, practi... io cooled) to tk front of the motor wh~re 1t JOillS the cally unbreakable n~1d leakproof. regular oil flow thereby increasing the C!Il supply to the Comes complete wif..h Epecial petcock. cormC'oting- rods, espe<>ially when pulhng hills. P.re­ each ...... 45 fake the looseness and play out of the steering arm veu s bufned out bearings, saves oil, keeps en~ne clevis. Eliminate rattles in the steering gear and "shimtnie•• eoolcr. Guaranteed satisfaction or money back. Easy in the front wheels. Make steering much easier and safer. to in~tal1-directions furnished. "Jumbo" Oil Gauge Made of strong, special analysis, spring steel, and every C5599-For all m0del :Fords. (Ship. wt., 5lbs.) One of the heaviest and most substantial set is fully tested before leaving the factory. Easy to gauges made. Has heavy cast brass body, install-yoQ can put them on your car in 10 minutes. thoroughly protecting the .glass. A notch Order a set today, put them on your car and test them. indicates proper level for mi. Extra heavy then if you are not entirely satisfied with their performanc-e '------~~''Engine Cooler'' Transmission Cover glass tube protected by strong case. T~e send them back and we will refund your money. Ilepl.i:·.,;s tl1e regular transHI.i:;:;aion cover pet-cock you remove from motor goes 1n · Ship. wt., per·set, 1 lb. and is proYided ...~·dth a breath~r ~rrange­ bottom of gauge. A good reliable oil gauge 85258-Set of 2 Shimmie Stoppers...... • . .42 Dlent no ; he heat in the tra.nsnu~s1un may is an absolute necessity. Will pay font• es1:[-!.1 a~, but tl(l made that no oil can get out self many times over. Shipping weight, ()r d1!i'J.t g:t-t in. ~ othing to break or get 8 os. Our Reduced Price "Red Disc" Spring Shimmie Stopper nut. of onlcr. Actual tests huv9 proven ih::tL 1dtb an Engine Cooler ~~Ford car G6986-Jumbo Oil G~u,.e. .48 ·For Ford Cars will Jifll overht:'at cn~n thougn the Consists of a steel wo.tcr 8"tlJ)ply io a1mn8t exhausted and Pet-Cock Wrench fl disc that is held rigidly that the l·~nghw Cooler 'vill make an onto the steering arm 1 (1\ s~;·.iag au h!~h us SO%. \Vc abso­ bolt (as shown) and h:. .;.~ly gnaranh~c t] utt. you will ~b=--=====\) two e t r o n g steel liO?k1 ef-ymn· oillJ;;l or we '':HI springs that extend ff'htn\l vtmr morH:'Y· Eas1ly For use in opening !Jf~t c:~;ek to find oil level, without along the steering arm and are clamped to it. Fri<·tion on ir:.stdled. :Ship. Y,'t , I lb. having to reach or crn.,,l under car. Very convenient. the diso takes away all the "shimmie" from the front G6994-Engine Cooler, also to open the radiator drain cock which is quite hard to wheels. Well made and fully guaranteed. Quickly and for "II model Fonla.. , 78 reach. 20 inches long. Enameied blaek. Ship. wt., 8 01. easily installed-directions furni•hed. (Ship. wt., 12 ozs.) H7183-Petcock Wrench...... 1 0 85273-Shimmie Stonner ...... ,85 F-B Oil Saver Crank Case Drain Valve Replaces regular cap on oil filling FOR FORD CARS pipe. Keeps all dirt. dust and moisture Supports the steering column l\IJ.kes it easy to drain your erank out of oil, which means improved lub­ and prevent& the base of the col­ caoe without getting dirty and rication and fewer tmubles. Absolute­ umn loosening at the dash. It also greasy. Consists of a hollow plug ly prevents oil leaks through gaskets, prevents excessive vibration and with dndn valve. Replaces regular around spark plugs, etc. Stops oil­ rattle of the steering wheel and drain p1 ug at bottom of crank case. pumping past pistons, reduees carbon, makes it solid. An absolute ne­ A half-turn of the little handle opens cessity on every Ford car. Fits valve. Oil and sediment drain out keeps spark plugs from fouling. Ha• all models. quif oil alone, Ship. wt. 12o•. 85243- Steering Column Brace. A5159--Drain Valve for aU model Fords.·· · ...... •.•42 E6304-F·B Oil Saver. each ...... • ·.. .. ,85 (Shipping weight, lib.) ..... 48 Western Auto-suoob'CO. ------~~~~~~~ Stop and Tail Light For 1925-27 Fords Spare Bulb Kits FORALLCARr Just the kit ~~~~~~~~~ An at tractive, high motor car owners 1 grade stop-light that have been want­ can be put on without ing, to carry spare drilling holes in car or bulbs safely and fender. Simply clamps conveniently. firmly around the Stoutly made of present tail lamp. metal, to with­ Regular retainer zings stand knol:king hold it securPiy in about in tool box placo. , Finished in or door pocket, black enamel with and has neat, dur­ nickel rim and. lace. 4 able lithographed Automatic • Stop" signa) . finish. Bulb holders are soft, so as not to injure bulbs, on your brake. Comes rAJmplete necessary bulbs, and are arranged to hold 2 headlamp and 1 taillamp wiring and switch. Easily installed. bulb. Bulbs furnished are Genuine Edison Mazdas. These bulbs are standard quality and correot voltaa:e. Carefully paaJSily in­ single contact head!amp, and one G-8 volt, 3 E6577 ..•. 6-8 ...... 2 .... Single .....• •j2 ... ''li stalled by clamping aronnd C. P. single contact taillamp bulbs, complete.. .87 E6578 .... 6-8 ..••..• 2 .... Double •..••• 2 ... 1. E6577-Dashlamp Bulb, 6-volt, 2 C.P.,S.C ..• 12 1-18 E6579 .... 6-8 .•••.•• 4 .... Single ...... 6 ... 1. E6585-Headlamp Bulb, Daylight Blue, 6-volt tail light as illustrated. C5906G-Metal Kit, with set of bulbs for 1925 Stop signal automatically E6580 ..•. 6-8 ...... 4 .... Double ...... 6 ... 1.4 4-21 C.P. Double Filament...... a5 3.28 and later, Buick, Chrysler, Studebaker, etc., £6581 .... 12-16 ..... 2 .... Single ...... For Fords without Starters or Battery flashes on when you step contains two 6-8 volt, 21-21 C. P. headlamp 16 ... 1-49 on the brake. Back-up E6582 ... 12-"1 ..... 2 .... Double ...... 16 .. 1.49 ::657o-Hesdlamp Bulb, Regular, and one 6-8 volt 3 C. P. single contact taillamp 9-volt, 18 C.P•. D.C...... 24 2-29 light operates from dash bulbs, complete...... 97 switch furnished. Throws unaylight" Blue Bulbs E6572-Headlamp B nibs Extra Bright, bright clear light in all Throw a clear white light with greatl,v 9-volt,27C.P. D.C.•...... •. .26 2-a9 directions. · Warns the Electric Tail Lamps reduced glare. You get the best poss1• £6586-Taillamp Bulb, 18-24-volt, 2 C.P.. ·19 1-78 driver behind you, makes it easier to back down the FOR ALL CARS ble driving light, yet conform with the E6574-SpotLightBulb.18-24-volt, 27 C.P• . a9 a.78 drive or inio the garage-prevents a"Ccidents. Cornea These are standard size 3" black enamel requirements of non-glare laws. A trial complete with switches and necessary fittin-also lamps with red glass in rear and clear light will surprise you. full instructions. Easily and quickly installed by anyone. on side to show on license. Complete with No, Volt C. P. Contact Each Extra Bright Head- and Spotlight C5860-Back-Up Light and Stop Signal (Ship. wt., bulb and connector. Wt., 2 lbs. E6567 .. 6-8 ... 21 .. Double.. .29 4lbs.) ...... 1.95 C5833-For'15 to '24Fords, 6-YoltD.C .• a8 E6568 .. 6-8 ... 32 .. Double ...40 Bulbs for All Cars C5834-For 'lli to '24, Fords, 6-volt S.C. £6583 .. 6-8 ... 21 .. Single., .29 Each Bo:r of 10 Security Stop Light bulb...... •38 E6584 .. 6-8 ... 32 .. Single.. ,40 E6575-Headlamp, 6-8-volt, 50 C.P., S.C.,. .46 4-a8 FOR TAIL LIGHT C5831-For 1915 to 1924 Fords with 18-24 volt £6596 .. 12-16. . 32 .. Single . . .47 E6573-8potlight, 6-8-volt, 50 C.P., D.C....• 46 4.a8 OR FENDER b·IIb for magneto use...... 46 For Dayli~ht Blne bnlbs for Fords E6576--Headlamp, 12-16-volt, 50 C.P., S.C ..49 4-68 A well-made, attractive stop C5830-l'or large cars. Has 2 bolts in back of lamp look under Bulbs for Ford Cars. E6571-8potlight, 12-16-volt, 50 C.P., D.C .•.49 4.68 for attaching. Bolt centers adjustable from H-2 signal, furnished with two ~ta ~--- of brackets, oo it can be mounted to 2 in. apart. 6-volt, single contact...... 42 on the tail-light as shown in C5829-3 in. Red Glass Tail Lamp I.ens, 6 oz., each .1 2 illustration, or mounted on rear C5886--Red Tail Lamn Lens. Celluloid-3:V."--easily fender like ordinary signal. cut down, if nel"'essary, to fit any size tail1atnp.. 9c Genuine Edison Mazda Bulbs ComeR complete with substan­ C5887-"lcctric Tail Lamp Retainer Pin". ~". . . . . 5o Edison Mazda bulbs are the world's standard, embodying the latest scientific tial switch, and all necessary improvements in bulb construction. The filament is of drawn Tungsten wire, closely wire and fittings, as wellasfull Tail Lamp with License Bracket coiled to permit a better focus, and is surrounded by nitrogen gas under pressure to instructions. Ship. wt., 31 be. FOR ALL 1925-27 FORD CARS resist disintegration. They bum at an average of ~watt per candle power, and give an intense white light. C5845-Seeuri ty 8 t o p-light, This is like the new tail complete (will not fitl924-1925 lamp and bracket on the latest Experiments show that Edison Ma1da bulbs will give you twice as much light on Ford) ...... the same current, as well as being stronger and standing bett•r an overload of voltage 1.08 Ford cars. Has red lens. than the ordinary type of bulb. It pays to use the best bulbs you can get. FOR ALL Body and bracket finished Edison Mazda bulbs will be sent anywhere prepaid at the prices shown below. CARS in baked-on black enamel. Comes complete with 6 volt These new step bulb. Ship. wt., 3lbs. TAIL, DASH AND SIDE LIGHT BULBS plates have t w o .t--o. Volts Contact Each Box of 10 C5835--Tail Lamp with License Bracket ...... •.. .49 beautiful I a m p s C5682 .... U-8 ...... 21 .... Single ...... built ri~;ht into the C5836-Tail Lamp including shell, ghss dome, ,red lens, a5 ... 2-45 No. Volts C.P. Contact Each BoxoflO and retainer ring but without brack~t (W t. 11 o.) .. 23 C5681 .... G-8 ...... 21 .... Double .....as ... 2.45 kick plate-a red C5685 .... 6-8...... 32 .... Single ...... 50. .. a. 50 lamp for one side, a C5907 .... 6-8 ...... 32 .... Double .....50 ... a.50 C5693 .... 3-4 .••••..• 2 ..... Single ...... 20 ... 1.40 green one for the Stoplight Switch ~s: ~~~ C5911 .... 6-8...... 21-21 .. Double .....•40 ... 2.80 C5692 .... il-4 ...... • 2 ..... Double .. .. .20.. . 1 .40 other. N othin~ you Well made, of good materials with -~ (ThisisthenewbulbNo.1110usedon1925 Buirk, Cadi!- C5689 .... 6-8 ...... 3 ..... Single ...... ·17 ... 1.19 can put on ~rour car only one moVIng part. There is noth­ lac, Chrysler, Reo, Studebaker, and Willys-Knight.) C5912 .•.. 6-8 ...... 3 ..... Double .. , ..• 17 ... 1-19 will have as pleas­ ing to get out of o~der or ~~ar out. ,_; C5910 ... 12-16 ..... 2l. ... Single ...... 40 ... 2.80 C5913 .... 6-8 ...... 6 ..... Single ...... 22 ... 1.54 ing an effect as Simple in const~ctwn, J?OSibve act­ C5684 .... 12-16 ..... 21 .... Double ....•40 ... 2.80 C5914 .... 6-8 ...... 6 ..... Double ...... 22 ... 1.54 these step plates. ing, and easy. to Install, 1t never re­ C5919 .... 12-16 ..... 32 ...-. "ingle ...... 60 ... 4.20 C5915 .... 12-16 ..... 3 ..... Single ...... 22 ... 1 .54 They have a very quires sttentwn. C5918 .... 12-16 ..... 32 .... Double .....60 ... 4.20 C5688 .... 12-16 ..... 3 ..... Double ..... ·22 ... 1.54 decided useful value 06227-Stopli,.ht switch each ..• 1 9 in addition. They light the running board for entering Genuine Edison Mazda Bulbs for Ford Cars or leaving the car and make excellent parking and side Ford Special Stoplight Switch For F'ords with Starters Bo:r For Fords without Starter or Battery Box safety lamps. This is the surest, most positive, Each of 10 Each of 1tJ Built throughout of the highest quality molded alwni- most solid and trouble free Stop- C5906-Headlamp, 6-volt. 21-2 C.P., D. C.,. .as 2.66 C568S-Headlamp. 9-volt, 21 C.P., D.C...•• as num. Sold only in pairs. · 2.45 :::===~light switch for Fords that we have C5909-Headlamp, Extra Bright,32-6 C. P., D. C. 60 4 20 C5680-Headlamp, 9-volt, 27 C.P., D.C.,., .40 2.80 B5350-Pair with lamps and 6 ft. of lamp cord, ( ever seen. The iron bar screws onto C5689-Taillamp, 6-volt, 3 C.P., S.C ...... :17 1:19 C5691-Taillamp, 18-24-volt, 3 C.P., D.C... aQ 2-10 size about 12:V."x 9:V."(Ship. wt., 6lbs.) Per pair 4.95 the transmission cover and holds C5689-Dashlamp, 6-volt, 3 C.P., S.C...... 17 1 .19 C5683-Headlamp, 18-24-volt, 27 C P., D.C .. GO 4-20 B5351-Step plate less lamps to maich, Bl!350 the switch so the movement of the (Ship. wt. ._4lbs.) pair ...... 2 76 brake pedal operates the switch. If you do not know the size and style bulb your car uses, send In your order, giving year and model of your B5356-For J!'ords,with lamp and 6ft. of lamp cord, • '~~~~"iliil.3ii1111lilji~ Well made, easy to install. Ship. ear. and we will send you the proper contact, voltage, and candle power for your car. You can save money size 9h"x9'' (Ship wt. 51 be.) per ps.ir . • • • • • .. . 3-86 wt., lib. · by :-u::rlng Bulbs In full package• of 10 and be sure of always having Bulbs when needed•. B6359....:.Step plate without lampe, to match Bl!3116 ---.---.,;._.__ , (Shipwt. 4lbs.)perpair...... 1·85 C5857-Stop-light Switch, Ford.,. , •••••• , • , • , •••••48 ~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lllllllll You need a spotlight on Y~= The new, popular style headlamp so many of the new 1!)27 model cars fQD SAFETY car, for finding directions, to 1 including Dodge, Chevrolet, Chrysler, etc., are now corning equipped with. They ~ 1'- ~HAVE A use as an emergency headlight are, without doubt, the most beautifully shaped headlamps ever designed, which A'fETY for finding addresses, for use a; accounts for their wide popularity. The body of the lamp is of stamped steel fQ R... NVfNIENCE !ft. a trouble lamp, and many other Gnished in flint-hard baked on black enamel, with a polished nickel rim. Co S uses. Our "Safety" fills these The regectors are parabola shapf:d, silver plated and highly polished so these needs more perfectly than any headlamps give a bright, strong, straigbt beam of light. 1he lens are the well­ To SAVE TIME SponiGHT ot-her spotlight at anywhers knov.;n Ridged type that is standard,ec;ui_pment on most cars. Focus. adj~sting nel!r the price. The reflector screw is easily accessible at the rear of lan:p. All lamps come complete \Vlth 21 111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIUI shell is <·xtra strong and is c. p. bulb, legal lens, and brackets fer attaching lo ca.r. Sold only in pairs. finished in lustrous, baked on, black enamel. Theswitch is in Give make, year and model of car. the handle and is amply large and easy to operate. Reflector is C5365--Pair complete for ail cars except Dod~;e (Ship. wt., 14 lbs.) ...... • 7.95 silverplated. Lens is 43--~" diameter, is clear and of the convex C53650-Pair complete for any model Dodge (Ship. wt., 14 lbs.) ...... 8 95 1 type. The rim is nickel plated. Light can be turned in any direc- Bullet Headlamps for FORD, CHEVROLET and other LIGHT CARS 1 ti on and focused to any desired beam. The bracket is stamped Exactly like stands.rd lamps on 19~7 Chevrolcts." 1 steel, very strong, and will fit on any do•ed or open car. Light CF-<166-Pair conrplete for all Forc.s except early HJ26 with headlamps on m.ay be detached from bracket for use as a trouble light. Complete fe,1ders (:Ohip. wt., 11 lbs.) ...... With 6-v.2lc.p bulb~nd ample wire f~rattaching.Ship.wt.,l Y,lbs. 1926 Fords with h('adlarnps on C5812-Safety Spotlight, complete, wtth 6 volt bulb•.•.... 1 .32 for C With 12 or 18 volt bulb...... •...• 1 ·" 8 C5790-Lens for any 4\-f-inch spotlight (Wt., 8 oz.) ...... • 25 Anderson Auto Reelite and Trouble Lamp Our Low Priced Spotlight Standard rcrHac,ennerrt Standard replacement head­ THE ONLY SPOTLIGHT WITH A REEL Exactly tLe same in lamp pans for Dodge, The new model. Real­ A GOOD LIGHT FOR A LOW PRICE and quality as the C586~D-l}ullet shaped Head­ ly three lighta in one-a equipment. lumps, s:1me as 192()~27 fac­ beautiful spot light, a con­ C5846-Hccrdlamp fer 1923-25 (ao il- Don't risk night driving with­ tory equipment. Wr.H lb5. pair :venient trouble lamp, out a sr.otlight when this 95o lu~t:-atcd), complete, with silvered C58650X-Each ...... 4.75 'and a very handy port­ reflector, 21 e.p. bulb, and legal lPns light will prevent the danger. C58650-Pair ...... 8.95 able lamp. A reel en­ Gives you a clear (:Ohip. wt., ~ lbs.) ...... each 2.95 C5895--Headlamp Reilcctor, all elosed in the lamp carries Pmr (Siup. wt., 10 lbs.) 5.45 bright light far a­ models t.o '2(). 12 feet of extension wire. head of you. Can C590C·-Tiim, 1023-25, nickel finish with (Ship. wt., lib.), each. 1.45 This allows you to de~ch inluy ([:)hip. wt., 1 lb.) ...... ·...... 1 be turned to any ,55 C5899-l-leadb.mp l~im, all mod­ and carry the lamp where desired angle. Adds C(,902-Hirn for 192tl ~.Iodcl V (Wt., 1 lb.), each. 1 .35 els to '2() (Ship. wt., 1 lb.), each...... 1 .45 you need it. When you C5897-Heflector for 19U-2G; ribbed, fiat-light to the beauty of C5924-Hc·a.dlanm Lens, all mod~Is to '2G, desire it the reel automat­ your car. style (Hhip. wt., 1 lb.), each ...... 1 .28 8%", l\IcKee (Ship. wt., 1}~ lb.). c~eh...... ,45 ically pulls the cord back C5903-Heflector for 1927 Model AA (Wt., 1 lb.), Pair (bi!i]). wt., 3 lbs.) ,8$ into the lamp. Always e:u·h ...... 1.28 C5888--Reflector Cord, ali models, per ft...... 4c 'ready ior use. Throws a Full si•e 4~ in. white polished rustproof reflector; rust CC891-Lcns, plain glass for late '23, all '24, and 1D25 long powerful ber.m •of light. proof switch convenient in handle. Lamp and bracket Sut>erior and l\lodel K (Ship. wt., llb.), each.. . .14 light is black enamel with nickel finished in durable black enamel. All other metal includ• C5890--Lens, for '21) 1\Iodel V (Wt., 1 lb.), each. , 14 Head Lamp Visors For All Cars ·triminings and silvered reflector. Has ing rim nickel plated. Focus can be easily changed if de- C5888-1leftector Cord, all modc•lf', rwr ft. 4c Concen-trate the light on convenient switch in handle. Comes complete tor attacn• sired. Bracket is extra stron~t and rattle proof. Special McK.ee Spreadli~ht Lens the road. Give better driv~ ing to any open or closed car. Ship. wt., 4 lbs. fitting makes light tit any make or model car. Cornea 6 40 An unnsually fine l~Sn.s of ing lig:ht. Prevent your C5852·-Auto Reelite with 6 volt, 21 C.P. Bulb .. 5,95 complete with volt bulb and in. ofweatherproofwire­ clear crys.tal with ridges u:o llcadlights blinding thu~e C5853-Extra Lens for Auto Reelite, 5 J.4" dia .....• ,28 ready to attach to your car. and dn\Yn on its surface to you mt;et. Add to appc:H· C5854--Extra Lens for Auto Reelite, 4;!-0 • dia.. _ ... 28 . . eliidnate glare, but ::::o made ancc of any car. ?-.lacle uf C5856-6 in. Spotlight Lens ...... •..•...... :28 C5783-Bpotlight complete (Ship. wt., 12 oz.). • • • • .95 metal \\.'ith highly pc.lislwJ that (he light from your \ FOR DRIVING SAFELY AT NIGHT YOUR CAR NEEDS A hcadlamps is strong:, brit.!;ht finish. Easily put on h~' anJ clear. Guaranteed to ins0rting the flange of tl1.(- meet the legal req ulre­ riii~~~r. Comt~ Only pert which ehowa is the pluRger. Works on either A5008-Ph!nney-Walker 8-day Clock ...... -11.95 switch in stem. Comes wit~wiring comnlete with bulb, and switch metal or wood supports, up to ~" thick. A5003-Phmney-Walker Clock, 30-hour movement ready to i!lstall. Ship. wt. 8 oz. fastens above windshield like A5008, but has ready to install. Ship. wt., 1 lb. C5729---<:oncealed Type Switch, (Ship. wt., 6 oa.).. .17 only four jewels and no minute-hand (not illua­ C5b03 -Dash lamp, I U26-27 Ford, less bulb...... 36 csso~t-·w;,,h 6-volt bulb ...•78 E6577-6 Volt, 2 c. p. s. c. bulb fnr lamp, each , . . . • 1 2 Toggle Switch trated)...... 6.95 Regular Dash Lamp, 1926-27 Ford 3 Jewel Parkin~ Lamp Thia llwiteh has a lever, which ia pwhed up Electric Auto CJock Has a fine black enamel caRe with clear or down to turn lights on or off. When the An ex:1ct duplicate of the dash Your Battery keeps i twound Iensinfror: t,rubylens in rea: and green leveria up, the lighta are on; when the lever Movement Co!lBists of a regular lamp furnished on 192G-27 Fords. lens on side, th11s giving complete park­ l1 down, the lights aL off. Finished in black Ivr any people wish another dash high-grade clock and an electro­ ing protection. I•'its snugly against fend­ enamel. Can not short-circuit. magnet which automatically winds lamp in ~ddition to l he one fur­ er and gives the appearance of hf'ing (Ship. wt., 6 o•.) nished and this one 1d!l match the the main spring every 30 seconds. partofthecar. Lampis2ittches high, C5758-1 gang To~gle Switch ...... • 1 9 Consumes less current than the one now on vonr f'ar. Black finish. length over all2% inches. Come with 6 ... Switch in slPm. tluf~i( lent wire fur-~==-~ smallest lamp bulb. Will keep ac· volt bulb. Ship. wt., 8 oz. Clamp-On Dash Switch curate time year in and year out. nished. Our rrirc tlnf>R not inch~_d(' bulb. Ship. wt., 6 oz. C5817-Eaeh ..... , ...... • 78 C5800--D:lsh }aD!'D, ~,-vithout bulb ...... , ...... 39 FOR ALL CARS Not affected by vibration or jars. Can be set and regulated like any E6577-G W)lt, 2 '~-n. f'. e. bulb for lamp, ea~h... fit 12 l!lBtead of having to bore Bullet Shaped Side Lamps a hole in the dash just slip other . clock. Beautifully nickel Clamp~on Designed to match the this new clamp-on switch plated with etched aluminum dial. Dash Lamp Luminous dial and hand8. Very FOR.'09-25 FORO CARS bullet hf'ad lamps so many on the bottom edge and !\1eets the objections to 1927 ra:rs nre equippe-d with. tighten the thumb screw. Designed especially to be installed above the windips, pair ...... 1 .95 occ1,1pant of the car can see it. throw t~:a.~xtiiul raJ.',:; of colored light thru Exceptionally well made and nicely the int.erior of the ca.r. The eye never finished. Comes with luminous dial tires of th~ (lelh:a-Lc hues, yet a s1rong Ediswan Capped and necessary fixtures. white lirc"!1t illwninates the dash. Dra';YS Used generally with capped plug exclamat.ions of pleasure whenever C5740-47. Used where you desire seen. l\lacl'3 of hea.vy cast metal with to break connections. without inter­ Tail Lamp Plug jewels firr.-dy imbedded. Easily installed on any standard fering with wiring. Screw terminals. · Made of hard rubber with screw dash larHp and holds permanently in place. Ship. wt., 8 oz. hard rubber cap. Wt., 2 oz. -~i.· Contact points are wellsoldered. A handsome, well made ~'clock• C5827-.le•:el Dash Larr:p Cap, each ...... • 58 C5750-Two-point contact ...... _ ...... • • • 11 C57 lp. 'Wt., 2 oz. watch" which fits flush on any dash of C5751--Gne-point contact...... • 1 1 C5753--52-Single contact. any t.hirkness. One day movement.­ Double contact. provided with effective vibration ab­ - l:'Jt• Fancy Dash Lamp Cap sorber and guaranteed for a year. f/.1/ A specially designed nickel plated Single to Double Plug Easy to wind and regulate. Nickel• ~~ cap, perforated in attractive design so If you have s single-contaCt Lamp Socket plated case. Ship. wt., 1 lb. · that while there is still a white light on dash lamp or socket, and wish to eo~ade with strong Ediswan spring A5045-Minute Meter pl. dial1.95 I!JI'' the dash, red, blue and green pyralin use a double-contact troubb lamP C67neqtions. Screw terminals. A5046-Luxlite Minute Meter, with inserts color the light to your ey~. Will fit any or spotlight, use this Sin~Je-tO"' contact. Each. (SI;>ip. wt., 2 oz.) • • • 12 luminous dial for showing time in standard dash lamp. ~ Double plug, Ship. wt., 2 oz. . -~ouble C5816-Fancy Dash Lamp Cap (Ship. wt., 4 Ill.)·- .38 C6758-Single to Double Plug .•••••.... _ .... _.... .18 · IIlgle contaot. Each. (Ship. wt•• 2 oz.) • • • .12 dark••• ''.'' ••••.• t' ••• t t" • • 2.65 <;:hampion Spark Plugs have the latest and most improved features of spark plug construction. They are used by practlca11y all the best known raC'mg dnvers because of the1r ~reat strength and durab!hty, and because they dehver a hot spark under aH conditions. All Champion spark plu~s uow are of the improved 2-picce construction, with heavy bodies, and are equipped with the new, improved, Sillimanite cores. Order Ef. full set for your car today. You will save money by getting more power, better pick-up, and greater fuel economy. WHY PAY MORE THAN OUR PRICE? Champion Spark Plug, for any car listed below, each (Ship. wt., 5 oz.) ...... ·64 Champion Spark Plugs, for any car listed below, Set of 4, (Ship. wt., lib.)...... 2·39 Champion Spark Plugs, for any car listed below, Set of 6 (Ship. wt. lYz lbs.) --···················· 3·57 Ajax ...... No.3 F"!int ...... No.2 Marmon (from '26). No.1 Pontiac...... No.3 Auburn ...... No.1 Gardner...... No.1 Marmon (to '26) .... No. 3 Reo ...... No.7 10~.-C~t~~'!.D_~wmb<~r;<>urCatalog Number Buick ...... No. 6 Gray ...•...... No. 6 Moon ...... No. 4 Rieken backer...... No.6 D5981 D5978 Cadilbc ...... No.2 Haynzs ...... No.1 Nash ...... No.6 Star...... No.3 Chandler (from '23).No. 3 Hudson (from '21) .. No.9 Oakland (to '24) .... No.6 Stephens ...... No.3 Spark Plug for any car listed below, each (Ship. wL 6 oz.) heavy Chandler (to '23) ... No.4 Hupmobile 4 and 8 No.2 Oakland (from '24). No.3 Studebaker...... No.1 ...•••.... 05977 Essex ....•..... D5983 Nash ....•..•.. 05982 construction per­ Chevrolet ...... No.3 Hupmobi!e 6 ...... No.3 Oldsmobile ...... No.6 Stutz 6 ...... No.3 ....••... 05977 Flint ...... 05971 Oakland ...... 05981 mi ts easy clean­ Chrysler ...... No.2 Jewett ...... No.2 Overland 4 ...... No.7 Willys-Knight 4 ...... No.4 Aooe11'Son ..•... 05979 Franklin .••• , .. 05981 Oldsmobile4&6D5981 ing. Firing points Cleveland ...... No.3 Jordan ...•....•... No.4 Overland 6 ...... No. 2 Willys-Knight, Light 6 ... No.1 ...•••.. 05977 Gardner ...... 05972 Oldsmobile 8 ... 05977 do not foul. Car­ Durant 4 ..••...... No.6 Lexington .•••..... No. 1 Packard ...... No. 2 Willys-Knight, Great 6 ... No. 2 ...... 05978 Gray ...... 05981 Overland 4 ...•. 05971 bon proof points Durant 6 .•.••..... No.1 Lincoln ...... No.2 Paige ...... No.2 Wills-St. Claire ...... No.9 ...... 05917 Haynes (to '21). 05979 Overland 6 ..•.. 05977 insure less trou­ Dodge ...... •..... No.3 Loco mobile ...... No. 1 Peerless ...... No. 4 Most Stationary Engines.No. 7 Case ...... 05977 Hudson (to '21).05977 Packard ...••.. 05977 ble. Ship.wt., 5 oz. Essex ...... •..... No.9 Maxwell .•.....•... No.4 Pierce-Arrow •••.... No.2 Most Marin:. Engines ••• No.7 Chalmers...... 05977 H'ds'n (after'21) 05983 Paige...•...... 05977 05974-For Ford cars & trucks .41 06152-Extra Core for D6147, D6148, each...... •34 Chandler ...... 05972 Hupmobile .... 05977 Reo...... 05971 05993-Extra 061 53-Extra Core for Dol45, D6146. D6149, D6150, D6151, each .34 Chevrolet ...... 05978 Jewett ...... 05971 Saxon ...... 05981 Genuine Cleveland ...... 05977 Jordan ...... 05977 Scripps-Booth405978 ·······25 Cole...... 05977 Kissel- Kar..... 05978 Star ...... 05977 Western Giant Spark Plugs Dodge ...... 05973 Lexington ..... 05979 Stephens ...... 05978 Champion X Dort ...... 05977 Marmon (to '26)05979 Stearns ...... 05979 30 Day for Fords Durant 4 ...... 05981 Maxwell ...... 05977 Studebaker.... 05979 DurantS ...... 05979 Mitchell ...... 05978 Stutz ...... 05979 Spark Plugs Trial Elgin . , .... 05977 Moon ...... 05977 Velie ...... 05977 Order a For set of \Vest­ Fords ern Giant Spark Plugs today. Try theminyour 49e 49e car for 30 Each days. Then in lots of 4 if you are SP DORF not satis­ fied that they are the 52e Zc best spark Each plugs you for less have ever than 4 used, return them to us Heavy. Used as and we wi11 two piece standard refund your body, new factory 2!!'2r:e.Y_· __ style long Equip- You wil1 be p)ea.sed at the smoothness of running. the quicker pick skirt,gen- ment on up, the added po\ver, ami the l!asoline ec,onomv that tliis set of ¥Vestern Special for Fords Giant Spark Plugs will givt; your ear. ThPy fii-e every 1imewith a hotJ< 3T uine Eiill- F'ord cars fat, spark and will soon pay for them::.elves in gasoline saved. imanite and Ford Western Giant Spark Plugs are aimost twice as big and heavy Equipped with strong, Core. Trucks. as ordinary plugs. Th":v emborly the two-piece constru~tion genuine '"775" cores which which permits easy e¥~aning, makPs them leak proof, and in3ures will not break from heat or hot, fat, sparks for the Hie of your car. vibration. Insulation is Knife Edge Firing Point is so contructed that it burns off ai•:r _of ":rapped asbestos pack­ Our Reduced Price carbon that might collect there. tng lll8tead of an ordinary 05975-For Ford Cars and Ford p G~nuine Splitdorf with genuine heat-proof, vibration- gasket. Body is strong and The Core is the i'"amous "775" Break-proof Gray Stone, the roo , "775" cores, screwed in electrodes and wrapped Trucks. (Rhip. wL 5 oz.) each.. .52 beat ~or~ materbl knmYn and is so strnn~!; and hca\~V tbnt it will never heavy and is of 2-pieee con­ s,,t oi? (Ship. wt. lib.) ...... 1 .95 &a~eatos packing insulation; for all cars listed below. struction, making it easy to break down even under th1.; most iuteDsc heat .::.nJ vibration. F Alace with Splitdorfs-save one-third. 05975-Extra Cnre,for extension 4•c clean. New style long skirt. Western Giant Spark Plugs embody evc:ry good principle known a:lcknyCarShown Below(Ship. wt.,6 oz.) Each Ail Ship. wt., each, 5 oz. tyoe plug, each (wt. 2 oz.)...... 23 in spark plug con1'ltructiun. Tiley '"ill give y0u satisiaetory service Ch ...... No.7 Nash ...... No.7 05970-Extra C~;re for old type year after year. They arc sold to you backed by our ur1ccndi .. Cl ev'jolet.....•.....• No.8 Oakland ...... ••.... No.7 05962-For Ford plug 'dthout cxt~usion (not shuv.-n) tiona I g uar-antce of free replacement in case of trouble frorn any c:ve and ...... No. 4 Olds., 4 and 6 ..•..... No. 7 cars and trucks, ,,ach (wt. 2 Oll.) ••••••••••••••• 2.3 cause. "-'hy put up \"rithspn.rk plug tronhlf's anylung:erWlH~n $1.05 ~sler ....•..•....• No.4 Olds., 8 ...... •..... No.4 each ...... ••37 Set of 4 ...... Extra Gaskc-ts fow- Champion Plugs will give you guaranteed spark plug Rervice as long as your car lastfj, bu..:•· · · · • ...... No.8 Overland 4 ...••...... No. 1 1.35 05988--lJppt)r Gasket, set of 4 ...... 9c 'rake advantage of the new reduced price and 30-da.y trial offer. bll•a~: :· · • ..•..•.... No. 7 Pontiac.....•.....•.. No.8 05966-Extra core 05989-I.ov.rer Gasket, set of 4 .... 9c 06033-Complete Set of 4 Western Giant Spark Plugs for F'ord cars. Rud .. · ...... No. 5 Reo ...... No. 1 (Ship. wt., 2 o•.). .28 With one extra "E:mcrgency Core", (Ship. wt., 1}11 lb.) , • , . 1.95 t.iQaen ...... No.9 Studebaker LightS... No. 8 · · · • · ...... No 9 Stutz., , • , • , , , ...... No. 8 68 Western Auto SUPPlY Co. Save 20% to 50%-Satisfactlon or Money Back 59 ••sure-Shot" Spark Amplifiers Fire Cups Genuine K. W. Coil Points "Western Giant" Coil Points G;,.., a hc:.tterspark zsc F"OR POPULAR CARS K. W. Coil Points have long A NEW IMPROVED COIL POINT -more power--easy Will positively prevent fouf,. been recognized as one of tl1e FOR FORD CARS st~rting-eliminate lng of plugs in oil-pumping bestonthemurket. Theplates carbor' --save gas. cylinders. Fire Cups serve aa a are strong and the materials Stop oil pumping. If special firing chamber for tha are the very beet. Will wear your n~c!~or pumps oil, f.ipark plugs so that oil, will··h much longer an.ri:Jonjzes badly! aoon foul youi plugs without Fire These we are offe1ing are the the chaw;ea are you need Cups, cannot rpach them when peW improved bridge woe with a hotter spark. "Sure• Fire Cups are u3ed. which Ford cars are now com­ Shots, bpark Ampli­ ~ave you troHble -and gasoline, ing equipped from the factory. Order a sE:t of l' ire Cups for your Sold only in pairs. Ship. wt., 2 os. fier give a hotter spark and ivill r(>mcdy fhese troubles. Per Pair Tbcv- c~" size (For usmg these cml pom~ with perfect satisfaction. of Spark Plug. (Ship. wt., 2 oz.) Fords) ...... •. .28 Bridge Type Coil Points the be!!t n;tatenals, \Hth genuine Tungsten contac~ points 05999-"Sure-Shot" Anmlifiers, each ...... ···· Set of 4...... 96 and. will give a folOod hot spark at any engine speed. D6076-Ys" size ...... -29 FOR FORD CARS F1t nght on m pl:>ce o.f the regular points; no changes to make. Sold only m pa1rs. Phip. wt., 2 oz. Spark Plug lntensitiers Set of 4 ...... sa Ford cars are now being I Ma!tes old like new. eq_uipped wlth tue bndge type C5705--" Wester!! Giant" Coil Points, per pair. . . . .1 5 An ingenious not coil pomts. Our bndge type FulJ set of 4 na1rs ...... 50 keeps carbonized plugs cod points have the eame FOR FORo CARs but enables you Tungston contact points and Replacement Coil Poin1 s P.t a ghnce to Keeps the exhaust pipe pack nut, the same steel vibrator as are Re~lar standar-d renl11cerr·ent coil points, with know which cyl­ which on many cars con1es loose used in other type "Western n co11tact points. Well ruade of good inder is miRsing frequently, from unscrewing and Giant" coil points. The only mate;ial and verr. durable, will not fit causing ra.ttlest~ondfumesin the car on br1d1tin any wa~;. l\Iade cf 1 -EleculClan's Tool h1t. (Ship. wt., 8 oz.) ..• 89 A5009-Universal Key for Chevrolet 1920-:W, each 9c is a D1illul \".-n~nch and not strong cast malleable which ·will not thl) easily brnkcn stamp~ break oif like cheap sheet metal OLD STYLE SWITCH KEY ing sonwtirnPs offered. Ship­ deflecbr.. (Ship. wt., 8 oz.) Instruction Book for Ford Cars For Fords with switch on coil box. 06019-Exhaust DPfiectnr fnr HL?l-~6 Fn~·ds.. .42; ping weigbC 8 oz. LATEST EDITION J7663-Each...... 5c H7E82--0pening~~ ~~ and 13\, f!ts Champion X Plugs .30 H7CE:1-0penir~g.;; Hand l}y, tits Western c;iants ...•30 Exhaust Extension and Deflector Tells you in plain language and by plates. diagran1s and pictures of the construction, Leather Key Holder For 192t~25 Fords operation end repair of the Ford Car. Tells , Spark Plug Brush Has 6 hooks. Eaeh hook holds two · Very c,Of!.7Pnient f•)r cleaning~~ Fasten8 f;ccure.. the how and why of everything-things 1v to th!-' muf.der every Ford owner should know. Contains keys and has S\Vivel joint where hook plugs. Sh1p wt. 4 oz. · - -~ j oins the case to prevent keys tangl­ D5993-f'park Pl11g Rrush .13 ~-nd ca.rri C"3 e:t" 410 pages, 155 illustrations and plates. baust g a a e e Covers the Ford car, Fordson Tractor. ing with one another. Glove fastener. Made of genuine leather. Size fold, ca'!'shaft and roller. TLat is why the "Okeh" has the lowest which n2cd to be replaced often. Raves ad- return it to us and we resiStance and gn·es the hottest spark of any timer on the market justlng and replacing of coils and coil will refund your IT!onev. and is always perfectly timed. points. Prevents delay, saves time, in- ~ Wipe Contact Rotor-Requires No 011 convenience and bbor. "''ill p::ty for itself in a sl1ort thne. i Superior to ar~y ignition system we have ever Eeen. Bolts to motor' The "Okeh': Timer uses. a ~ipe contact rotor, whose brush where timer comes o.ff,-rigid, perm_ancnt, noth~n~ to rattle or work Is held firn.l.Y In contact "Ith u,e race\\ ay by a steel spring and loo_se. E~tirely. hand controlleq. G!'::trs are t:.l ._eyially hank·ncL! and oan n11t sk•P· Instead of being lubricated with oil, the "Oke!." twice a8 b1g as 1n most systems n~sunng longPr hte aiHl qujE't.er opera... brus.h 1~ made of c~pper gauze with enough graphite in it for tion. Comes to you already tirned ready to put on and run-­ lubncatlon and requores no oil. guaranteed 1.00 per cent accurate-no timing, no meshing of One-Piece Construction-Built to Last gears, no dellcz::te adjt..:st:ng~ On and reaJ.y to run in 15 minutes The. "Ok~h" .Timer has a one-piece construction. The white Directiong for installation included \Vith ertch system. ' b~B ehe~llS die:-cast .uiH.~er grea~ pressure arounu tne solidly con­ W~l~ ~uilt of.~he veryb~stmaterials and nicely finished. \Villcu; !;1st yo;1r car. Contes complete with all neccssarywir~s atrUble fer moisture to get it. No cracks to open our snecinl C-30:39 Coil, shown below. e . . : ap or p1ece_s to slu~ke loose-the "Okeh" Timer is built for ac­ C5613-Westcrn Giant Ignition bystem for any Ford car or truek. (Ship. wt., 61bs.) ...... :. 7.95' _llllPte, lastmg serviCe. Full Metal Track-Practically Wear Proof Ignition Coil for All Cars The eight copper segments in ~he raceway come so close together Four brackets furnish~antee C5595-"0keh" Timer, comnlete (Ship. wt. lib) 2' ern Giant, Bosch or '] bmnns Ignition E very Okeh 1!merlS carefully tested and mspcttcd nd c:;s;&--Extra gauze brush (Wt .• 'z oz.) .... : ... .'.: systmn your ignition will be perfeCt. C5639-Lniversal Coil with 4 '•All-Pep' Timer Milwaukee Timer BraekeL:1 to make it fit any 6- An old or worn timer • volt oystcm. (Ship. wt., 5lbs.) .. 3.65 Ia Ji source of enchesa The Milwaukee timer C5636-Condenser only, will fit and work perfectly trouble and annoyance. requires no introduc­ or1 any6 voit ignition system. (Ship. wt.., 8 oz.).. .65 Our "All-Pep'' is a high tion-millions now in quality timer with daily use are gh·ing pressed stee I case, gooJ universal satisfaction. Master Rotor sro.de of fioer aud roller. lt is huilt with a For Ford Cars, Trucks and Forc!s<.>n Tractors Shipping W~1;;ht, 12 o~;. roller, ttBing the sarr e Can be used in any regular timer CSS30-"All-Pep" Timer principle as the l'on! shell, eY(m after the fiber is brodly Complete...... 39 timer that came on worn. Brush is :;.nade of a. scientific your car. compound of eopper and graphite, The Timer case is which C0!1 •_hm1 rol1ing and ma~erial~. and pmrrmteed to give 1\Iade of bronze. Fully v;ipin.~ contact insnres positive good '"wnlce. (:o!!•l.';:; C'-'TPVlec.c v.ith rull-instructioilS re:1dY guaranteed in every contaCt at all ti;J;a;-evcn in old, to install. ~hort Proof Timer respect. T.iie nan1e worn timer shel!R. Runs in cup C5607-Thl)0'aS Jg:ni:ion Pystem, for Ford car . More than just a "Mil~auk~" i~ your assurance of highest quality. gn•:Jse, no botl1 er'51)U1C oiling. Pre­ using hattery curreut. (~Lip.'' t., li lbs.) ..... titner. Cuusi:sts of Ship. wt., 1 lb. Yents new ca:·f's from '\\'Caring on• .of the higi;est C5582-Milwa,kee Oil-less Timer, for all Ford rough. Greatly i!lcreu.ses life of Quahty "wipe con­ cars and truck.; .... , ...... 2.49 timer. Satisfaction or Money Clean-Easy 1\h~neto Plug tact" timers, with 81-k. Ship. wt .. 8 oz. For All Medel Ford Cars and Ford son Tractors 8 1! armoured tirr:er­ Cf.602-Rush p,_,]lpr, ... Onceinstalled,is as easily removed for \Vireloom builtinto Wipe-Contact Roller Type Brush. Type lnspect.;on or clcani11g asasparkplug. Brl,a the shel!,o tl:at tl:e threaded washer which is b.stenBd in place 'IVhole assemblv is Timer Brushes with the regular three magneto l:~.mtact Protected from This timer has four hardened A new bru"h will C5S08 screws; then the plug screws down into Wear, oil, dirt, and conlactpoints (see illustratiun) ~':',C::;. this, with copper n.sbestos gasket to pre­ ~ater, and is shcrt- often renew fi tim.er. set in a fibre race, and a hard· vent! f'akage. "\\<~ben screwed down against yr~!· . With a "2- Holler tyne brush is ·, 1\1111 ened brush instead of a roller. like regular Ford the field coil, the tiber shoulder cumeo down tn-~ timer you can A c0iled sprinl! holds the brush . "'. and covers up the contact point, keeping e1'-tz_rely forget your Brush. BruRh type .,_, agninst the contact points in­ tends to keep race­ the point dean, giving a better contact, and tinungsy~tem. Yery e~ring a hot fat spark eve1 y way always smooth, maklng the engine start easier and hit ~ !~. to mstall. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ship. wt., time. Cannot short circuit or giving exceptionally better. Made of best quality mate.1ials. mi"8. Will g1ve gocd sen;ce in­ good contact and long life. SrJp. wt., 4 oz. Easily installed by any one; full instruc­ ··,c~S569-Short Proof Timer ...... 2.38 deftnitely. Ship. wt., 1 lb. C5608-Roller type Brush, complete ..•.•... , , , , • • 16 tions furnished. Shipping weight,4 oz• C5568-Brush type Brush, complete .•...... , , .-., .28 85316--For 1909-27 Fords, complete , .. , • . •...... 68 C5561-Wipe-Contact Timer • 78 63 Western·Auto SUt1PlY Co. Improved Geherator Cutout Generator (.utout for Ford Cars For Ford Cars Don't neglect your generator cut­ Braid Covered Timer Wiring \\-~ill carry 10 amperes more cur­ out, for when it is out of order the rent without sticking, than ordinary &torage battery can discharge itself cutouts. through the generator, even when You should have a reliable gen­ the current is cut off. This cutout erator cutout, for if the cutout gets fits directly on generator-no addi· c;;;::z;;:: ::;;;) out of ord€'r your battery V\ ill dis­ tional wiring necessary. Acc\tr­ --- FOR FORDS ~ 4c ft. charge itself through the cutout, ately made to st,and jolts, vibra­ These wirin& outfits are the same style and quality as even if the current is shut off. This tion, wear and tear. Heavy steel those used as regular equipment on Ford cars_. . They are is both expensive and ruinous to cover makes it water-proof and well made and eaualin every respect to the ongmal outfit. dust-prooi. Shipping weight; 1 lb. Our ReduC9d Price 6c ft. DPW improved cutout is built so that it C5606-Generator C'utout for Ford (Shin. wt., 12 oz.) .65 is almost impossible for it to get out of order. C5625-For 1909 to 1922CI8ra (5 wire)...... ,33 Price per F't, FOR II11ANY C562&-For 1919-22 cars with starters ( wire) . • • • It simply repla~es the old cutout and requires no special Generator Cutout CARS 6 .40 3c drilling or cuttmg. Comes complete ready to put on. C5627-For 1923·25 cars with starter (7 wire) • • • • ,56 4c Chevrolet, Chrysler, Hudson, C5628-For 1926-27 cars (4 wire)...... ,26 6o CS&04-Generator C'utout (f'hin. wt., 12 oz.). . . . • 78 Hupnwhile, Oakland, Pontiac, btar, K813&-For Fordson Tractor.. • • . • . • • • . • • • • • • • .39 Studebaker, Whippet, Willys­ Lamp Spark Lever Staner Switch Knight. The safety of your battery F'vR FCkD CARS depends on your cutout. This one "Short-Proof" Timer Wire Assembly Quality Cord is highest quality, dust, oil and Timer wires are al­ Ship. wt. tlb. to 10ft. Two-strand, twisted, braid covered. --.!Jo.:~i'!t'!EN..__-.... Not only a great convenience but waterproof, rugged construc­ ways exposed to oil and C5660-Green and yellow eovere4, per foot ..•• · •• . • • 3c a preventath-e a!-minst the engine tion-solid silver contact points. water, so that the insu­ C5661-Biack covered. per foot •. ', •...... • •·•·•·•· 3o back firing a~ainst the starter and Fits and operates perfectly on lation soon rots through breakingi t, asi.s c·ften the rase. Con­ the above cars. bhip. wt., 1 lb. and you get a ushort.'' Rubber Covered Ignition Cable sists of a specially designed switch C5605-Generator Cutout .85 causing the motor to I TO that bolts to the starting miss, or back-fire. JJiiiL_ Hi&h tension or sec· ~ATTER~motor and an arm that Starter lJnve for l<'ord The "Short - Proof" (l!!!!l!il ondary cable, wi tb clamps to the spark rod. · thick rubber insul• If your starter drive is bent Wire avoids this trouble Pushing the spark lever up, rP­ or broken you can replaC'e it by enclosing timer wiree ation, especially . constructed to withetan~ heat and pre­ tard.ing the spark, causes the arnl yourself. Ours is a standard in a fiexible metal cable, vent short circwtina. Used aue~~:ular eqwpment on man7 to press the S\\-itch down com· replacement starter drive with ending in a fiber disc sealed in a metal case that alipa cars. Shipping wei&ht, per foot, 8 oa. , • pleting the circuit and starting spring. round the timer shell. Delivera 100 per cent of your C5659-Rubber-covered Cl&ble (about 5·16 diam.), the motor. This new switch does per foot...... • . • . • 5o ---....l----"...L---'-' away with the foot switch, which P5018-Starter Drive complete (ship. wt., 2 lbs.) .. 3.45 e~urrent to your spark-plugs; makes motor run P5022-Starter Drive Spring only Ishin. wt., S oz.). , 1 9 amoother and start easier; saves a:as and oil. Elim­ Armored Lighting Cable is sometimes, espeoiaiJy in C'nld weather when thf' Inates 75 per cent of ignition trouble, and prevents broken feet are coH. harO to operate. Ea!'lily installed and nothinl' Generator & Starter Parts for Fords to break or get out of order. Full illBtructions furnished. arms and starter springs from "kicking back." Easily P5099-£tarting Motor installed; full in•tructions furnished. Money back In 30 A5201-'lpa•k-L•,·•r f'+A•+er !'!witch (f':hip.wt .. 8 o•.) ,42 (15 lbs.)...... 11 -25 days if not satisfied. Ship. wt., 2 I bs. 85497-btarter Brush, C6584-.A.ssembly for regular Ford style timen.. • 1.28 ".1\..lasp-Tite" Trouble Lamp (4 to carl each...... 12 Pnmary or Jightin& cable, well insulated, t_hen.wrapped P5056-ll-lotorn,ourtmg witb half round galvanized steel armor, m_aking 1t almotl Handiest trouble light yet~ devised. Mounted on a ,.... gasket...... 2... Overhead Cable Timer Wire Sets wear-proof and indestructible, yet v~ry fleDble. Excellent P5062-Motormounting for lighting purposes on any car. Sh1p. wt., per foot, 8 o•. awivel joint attached to t" o - ~· - long spring-t~teel, rubber- - ~ _, - srorf'W ...... 2c C5657-Single Strand Armored Cable, perfoot.... 4o f5039-Starter drive ••• - C5658-Double Strand Armored Cable, per foot padded jaws, which c-an b· ~~-~·"""o'llfrho,. ;,~~w~'~iA'jre~s~a;re;;e;n~c~loaed~=i;n;fl~e~x~i:b~le~m~"~e~taaL.:;;";_;:'== ....!.• clasped almost anyw~ere cover screw ...... 1c Has rust-proof reflector P5119-Generator (15 ( tubing, and are made the proper Copper lbs.) ...... • 11-25 length to run along the radiator which intenaifies the li~bt, Ga•'"!- while keeping it from shininQ: ~- ?5120-Generat,.r J!rmature (wt. 3lbs.)... .•• .. 3,65 . brace rod above the engine and directly down to_.-- " Terminals "5121-Uenerator Bearing i:imall (Rear)...... • . .90 timer. This keeps the wires out of the oil, prevents) in your eyes. l\Iakes an ideal lamp for camp and tourin" Made so they can be use. Well-made, hand~omely tmished. Comes complet.­ P5122-Generator Bearing Large (Front) ...... 1 .OS 1hort circuiting and makes the wires last indefi­ easily and permanently . 85498-Generator Brush, Large, (2 to car) each • . . 9c nitely. Furnished complete with clips for holding with 10 feet of cord and plug for attachins in dash light o, attached to wire cable without solder. tail light socket. Ship. wt., 2 lbs. 85499-Generator Brush, Small (1 to car) each. . . . 9c cable in place. Ship. wt., lib. Shipping weight, dozen 4 oa. . . Price Per Doz. 5132C-Generator Brush Holder (wt., 1 lb.) ...... ,36 C5621-Set, with •park plug wires, 1909-25 1 C5698-"Kiasp-Tite" Lamp, 1:i. C. plu~...... ,89 C5641-Terminals for Primary or Lightmg Cable. . , 1 4 C5699-"Kiaop-Tite" Trouble Lamp. D. C...... ,89 ~137-Generator Drive Pinion (wt., 8 oz.) ...... • Z2 Fords ...... 68 C5640-Terminals for High-Tension Cable...... 16 P5057-Generat.or hearl l!'asket ...... • • ;;>c C5620-Set, without spark plug wires, H7428-Generator Wrench (see page 114) (Wt., 8 oz.) , 1 0 1909-25 Fords ...... Western Quality Friction Tape Handy Trouble Lamp P5012-lgnitlon Switch on Inst. Board, 191\1-25 ...65 C5622-Set, without spark plug wires, 19213-27 Fords oso 1 4-~t-rter Switc'1 0n Flr>nr Roarrl. 191 fl-:'f.; .4 An extra quality frietion or You can use this handy 5 "tire tape," for insulating wiree little trouble light in man) and making emergency repairs. ways around your car, es­ Magnetic Shock-Proof S('rPwdr:.ver Closely wrapped in foil in han· pe ·1ally if you have in mind HANDY, LONG TAPERED STYLE dy carton, to keep it freeb and touring. Full nickel finish. STRONG,INSULATING,BAKELITE clean, always ready for use. hard rubber handle, extra Should be carried in the car sl heavy glass lens, 12 feet of all times. Width ~ in. extension rord. Has con­ E63~0 --2 oz. Roll Friction Tape.. .. • .. .. • .. .. • .. . . 70 venient f!Witch in handle. Apracticalscrewrlriver with long thin, m"lgn~~·l~~:~:~J!j]~ E&151-4 oz. Roll Friction Tane ...... 1 2 Length about 5 inches; di- anrl insullting black co.....,position handle. E6352-~lb. Roll Friction Tape ...... 22 •6meter of lens about 2 inohea. Comes complete with a adapted for work on ignition systems or any ·volt bulb. Ship. wt., I lb. work; or when using little scre,~;s or reaching C5C57788--Lamp with Single Contact Ping...... 98 nlaf'es. Length, 11 inchf's. Ship. wt., 12 oz. Insulating Staples 86-Lamp with D01thle Contart Plu~...... 98 H7177-Magnetic Screwdriver...... 42 }<'or attaching electric wire. ~andy Ball Bearing Creeper Shipping weight, per package, 4 Snap-tite Troub'e Light FOR QUICKER, EASIER, Cf.E4NER WORK <>•· Just lay C5892-Packace of 2~ .. , . . . . .1 0 A substantial, Well-finished ''scoot'' C5609- "\Virl':::r~,~-·~nbiy (swi~t·h) 1010-25Fur.JCoupet Spark Plug and Magneto Wires t~blelightwith onyourself it and to Roadster t)f 'fo;Hjng with starter ...... • 42 For Ford and Fordson um.ged nickf'I­ ~~iillliii~~~~~~~~~~~ where yo-a C5610·-'Virf' a-:,

Send us your order, in the regular way for a Wizard Storage Battery. When it comes, put it in your own car and use it for 60 days. Test it out thor­ oughly. Then if for any rea..son you are not satisfied or feel that the Wizard is not equal in every way to any bat­ tery on the market, regardless of name and price, send it baek, and we will refund your money and all transpor­ tation charges. INSTALLED FREE AT OUR STORES

Car Y•'ar" M·-tt_1d T~·n~~ Price Aubum, .. 19](1-21 ... t\·:'l!JU. K. R. .... 6liSF... 8.35 Jluick ... , 1917-18 .... AlL ...... t'HSF.,. 8.35 llHioh , , . ,HlW-22 ... Ali ...... •• 613SF... 9.95 Jluick .. , . .'22-2~! .. 2-f •• All Fnura ...... 6llSF... 8.35 J3uide clips for uae i n Exactly replace the hoJd .. down clipa molrlPd case and are the right size to fit Ford and Chev• chsrging b ..tterie.o. Make good on the pre.oent Ford battery. Strongly rolet battery carriers. Cannot be sent by mail. (Ship. temporary connection. Made of made and guaranteed to fit. Better wt., about 46lb.) steel, lead coated to preven~ de­ get an extra oet to oorry for an emer• X9912--Junior Battery for Ford and Chevrolet terioration from acid fumes. Fit gency ao clipo are eaoily l011t. Shipping cars•••••••••.•..•••.•..••....•....••.•...... 7.65 any battery. Ship. wt., 4 o•. weight, per oet, 4 oa. - C5642~1ip, each ...... 14 85303-Eaeh, .• 8c; Pair .....15 68 GENUINE IC.ODEL KUPROX BATTERY CHARGERS and BATTERY ELIMINATORS SAVE FROM 20% TO 35% liomcharger and Trickle Charger Kuprox Replacement Element BatterieS· Made with Kuprox, the Kuprox is an amazing, im·· amazing, improved, scientitic proved, scientific metal that recti• rectifying metal that never fies electrical current perfectly ..,&.a.~, Thick Plate Type wears out. Contain no bulbs, and makes acid jars, bulos, and no glass jars, no acid, no vi­ ~ vihr·at..orR obsolete, noisy, and ex• The imoor~ance of a reliable, silent uA" Battery cannot be brator. Contain nothing to comparison. It is abso­ over-emphasized. 1\.lany so-called Radio ''A" Batteries are wear out, break, or replace. it never wears out or i~en~e:\i~Ji-~.to Batteries and cani:tot give satisfactory serv... Will last a lifetime, with no out; can't break, has no worry, bother or expense. Just odor, never needs care or attention "\Vizard Hadio "A" Batteries are built exclusively for us by install them and forget them. or renewing. You just i.nstall it one of the l~ugest and most reliable manufacturers in the and forget it. Modernize your old world, esJ?et:!mlly to meet the needs of radio. The plates are Absolutely silent, en­ charger and enjoy the benefits and the new, 1n1proved, e::\.tra thick type, insuring longer life to tirely automatic. Charge economy of Kuprox. The change is quick and easy to make t~e bat_tery and a mo:re even flew of current over a longer evenly, at double the -full instructions furnished. tune w1th one r:ha.rging than batteries with ordhw.ry ..,fze usual rate. Enclosed in C5939-Kuprox Element to replace acid jars in Silite, p]atce. The onP-piecc molded case makes the 'Vizard .-ow;at­ steel case, beautiful ma­ Bakelite, Philco and all jar type chargers. (Illustrated.) proof, leak-proof, and acid-proof. Absolutely silent in roon finish. Furnished Doubles the charging rate. (tihip. wt., 1}i Ibs:) .. 3.65 operation. lm provedserew terminals antis trong ba.il h :tndb. complete, with cord, C5938-Kuprox Element to replace stand-rd 2-amp. Plates are pure lead c;xide: separators are genuine, reeawcd full instructions. bulbs in any bulb type charger. Develops 2 to 2% am~. Cedar. Genuine, tim•~-proved Vv'iza:rd quality thr•nl:':hout C5920A-Kodel Kuprox Homcharger and Trickle (Ship. wt., 2% Ibs.) ...... 3,65 and backed byouriron-chdgu3.ranteefor2 years. With ordi.. Charger, 6-volt, for use with 115-yolt, 60-cycle A.· ~· C5940-Kuprox Element to repi:Jce vibrators in all vi• nary cnre- a \Vizard Battery will give you perfect servi,-·c in­ Two charging rates; fast, 3 amp.; tnckle, 1 amp. (Ship. brator type chargers. Gives 3 to 5 amps. (Ship. wt. dcflllitcly. Why take cha.ncesonsomeinferior, unkuo,vnbat­ wt., 14 Ibs.) Regular list price, $18.50; our reduced 4 lbs.) ...... 3.6S te:ry when you can buy a genuine \Vizard a_t a savjn;~B of price ....•...... •...... 11.95 frnm $<-: .00 to $10.00? 1~verybatteryfullychargedand tc:-.;:;ted C5949A-Kodel Kuprox Trickle Charger, same as above before leaving our stvres. Not mailable. but with charging rate .8 to 1 amp. (toihip. wt., 6 lbs.l. Kodel Radio "B" Battery Eliminator Regulr.• list price $10.50; our reduced price .... 6.95 X9914---Wizard "A" BRttery 75 ampere. Size, 774"x Do away with the expense 7":xB%" (Ship. wt., 3:.! lbs.) •...... 7.95 and inconvenience of renew­ X99 -Wizard "A" Batr.E:ry, 100 a.mpere. Size, Radio ''A" Battery Eliminator ing 11 D" batteries and having 97,t"x7"x9%" (Ship. wt., 47 lbs.) ...... 9.25 1 them weak when you want . X9916-,Viza.:rd "A" Battery, 125a.mp. Size, 10%"x7"x93--8 '. Perfect, permanent, un• them. t-;a ves rnoney, gives ·-· (Ship. wt., Mlbs.) •...... ·. · · · ...... , ...... 1 0.25 limited "A" power from a more volume and sweeter tone light socket, always ready than batteries. Absolutely for instant use. Does away the finest ''B'' eliminator with "A" batteries, and made. Costs less to run, con.. ·Fully Charged·Guaranteed2Years saves the expense and an· noyance of rcchar!,;i.ng and tains no acids-clean, safe, renewing them. Gives more and odorless. Not atie~ted by volume, greater clarity of variations in current supply. sr~.!~~,~~~rtt !~~ s~~g~~ery Testers Radio Battery Tray Contains nothing to wear out or replace except rectifying I tone, and longer range. tube which is guarantee,! for 1,000 hours. Absolutely silent of ba.Lh:ril'N and e~lls you a.re buying Pr~yents acid leald n,,_.,~ §~§3i\l Positively silent and will in operation. Self-contained in a steel box with beautiful and their condition while in use. on floor, rugs, etc. \V1\1 not overheat. maroon finish. Full inatructi ms futnished. llundKOJHe nL·kel plated cases. • ;"PVe its cost many timf., Employs the marvelous Kuprox C588D-Kodel No. 60 "13" Eliminator, for 115-volt, 60- Ship. Wt.., CJ,\'h s oz. Inv,~r by preventmg OW' tains no acids, liquids, or bulbs of any . Requires abso- cycle, A. C. Delivers 90 volts of "ll" current. Two taps; C5713-Voltme-ttcr for tc-~;~:·;~,g "B '' ~:->"eh accident. ~r vle 1 utelv no care or attention. Install it and forget it. Costs battedes, f.,-·-::.:ts qt to ,50 volts ~65 1 1<-l:t-TJIOOf rubber ~'I~Hnpo;ohwn. 45 volts and 90 volts. For radios with 5 tubes or less. 11 less to operate than a battery. Delivers 2 amperes of 6-volt Complete with tube ready for use. (Shiro. wt., 14 lbs.) C5718-Extr:'J G:. .o::tHty V<-it.mcter, F6t32A-Battmy 'J L,y, :;uP, 9 xl:F'x}-.-~ 11 ('.Vt., I lb.) .. 59 current, ample for all 6-tube and smaller radios. Switch con­ Regular list price, $19.50. Our Reduce:! Price.12.65 for t.eKt-in~ "B" bf1t.-l.:.er··.-H, much ,. trols both "A" and "B" currents. Self contained in a steel mnre du: :1.bL- t1)a:l C;-:;.:·13 unfl C5881-Same as above but delivers 180 volts of "13" cur­ '.Vestern Sun~ Shot Battery case with beautiful maroon finish. Complete with cord and - guaranl-ecd t:cc:trate. "\ iine llrecision instrunlen~;1.58 rent. Three taps; 45 volts, 90 volts and 180 volts. For · An f~cow,nlic:11 G-vqlt ".\" bat­ plug ready to use. Full instructions furnished. C5711-An1mcter for teKtin~-r, dry eelle andsureshots .54 all radios with G tubes or less. A convenient dial permits t~ry f(,r r·1d\q, OJ' \'l.'iU enable you C5882-Kodel "A" Ell..,in~tor, for 115-volt, 60-cycle, A. C5712-~Chan:e Indicator for Radio uA~' B~t- exact adjustment of output. Comp!ete with tutes to start yom· l 1'ord c:u easily i.11 the C. Size 5" wide, 4')4" high, 1:!" long. (Ship. wt., 35 lbs.) ter-res. T:,Jis condition of' t~ha.rgc '"io.hn-t•t neces­ ready for use. (Ship. wt., 16 lbs.) Regular list price, coldest weatlwr. Consistr:~ uf four Regular list, $29.50. Our reduced pri.;e .•... 19.85 $31.50. Our Reduced Price ...... 22.85 sity of feitivc l'Onnl'(~tions, "ith le~ds for 22~-'2 and -1.) volts. (Jur reached charger ceases to work. Entirely automatic in its aetion. Needs no at ten.. reduced prices offer a real worth-while :.-;u.ving. ti ln, but an occasional addition of water. This is the thoroughly tested C5696-"B"Battery,45 volts, upright st.;ylt:', size 8"xnY8")\g·'~' (Ship. wt., 10 lbs.) .2a35 and time-tried type of "A" power unit and many people would have no 0 other. Not mailable. C5694- B" Battery, Jumbo Type, ~5 volts, uprigbt style, .fl.i:7.e SY2"x7Yz"xi:'~. Longer life and more power. Espet;ially recommended for sets with 5 or mor~ X9915-Wizard Radio "A" Power Unit, for 115-volt, 60-cycle tubes. Very economical in the long run (Ship. wt., 1ll lbs.) ...... 3.113 A. C. Delivers tl volts of "A" current. (Ship. wt., 45lbs.) .... 22.95 • ,o,C::5697.,--"C" Battery, 4}-2 volts, size 4"x1%"x3" (Ship. wt., 1% !be.).. • ...... 35 SAVE 20% 71 ... w ...n..-a ... O'Neil Cone Speakers for Tone.:Volume,Reception We have tested out practically every speaker of merit on the market and in every test we found the O'Neil to rank superior for true tone value, clearness, volume, long life, and attractiveness. \VeJl made of best rna• terials, reinforced wood back, oversize-magnets, thus insuring longer life, more power and volume. Will carry amplification up to 450 volts '\Vhy take c~tanccs or experiment with unknown speakers when you cnn get the O'Ncil nationally known speaker at our special reduced prices? Furnished complete with wire and plugs, standard fittings for all make sets. Newest design, beautifully finished in jade green and bronze with 1netal and bronze base. Average shipping weight, about 6 pounds. 30-DAY TRIAL OFFER Take this opportunity to compaFe O'Neil. speakers with any other The marvelous improvements that have been made in the manu­ INCH speaker on the market. If at the end of 30 days you are not convinced facture of radio tubes is almost unbelievable. More scientifio MODELthat it is superior to an~ speaker that you have ever used, return it to us knowledge of materials, together "ith the improved .time­ at our expense and we will cheerfully refund every cent that you have paid. saving machinery has made it possible to produce the h1g~esfi ...... ,..,.•• ,, .... C5578-0'l"\eil Cone Speaker; height, 18V.w; diameter quality radio tubes at a comparatively small cost of productmn. regular list price, $12.75...... Our uced With our enormous buying power and our direot·from-fac~ory­ C5579-Same as above, height, 16"; to-user method of distribution we are able to of;er you W1zard radio tubes at the ridiculously low price of $1.29, equal in value to tubes selling at almost double our price. Wizard radio tubes are built by a large and well-known factory Save time·and money. from the best selected materials and with the latest scientifio .Buy our con.plete out­ process of manufacture. Genui.ne bakelitE; base, e0'd drawn fit rather than try to thoriated tungsten filament. Fdament, gnd, and plates sup­ assemble your aerial. ported to prevent shory.circ:mting. Made especially strong and C5877-Extra quality durable. Uniform spemficatmns. Every tube carefully mspected Aerial Outfit: Con­ and double tested and properly labeled before IeaYing factory. tains 100 ft. 7 strand Tubes are the he>\rt of your set. Replace tubes with Wizard!._ No. 24 coated aerial You will be surprised at the great improvement in volume, range. wire; 25 feet weather- 0 0 and tone reception. When ordering tubes give all the numbers proofed insulated l\o. I I on the base of your old tubes. Where it is convenient :we suggest ·14 lead-in wire; ;,oft. €!~0)<;;' you send or bring in the tubes you want replaced. (Shlp.wt.,6oz.) of No. 18 insulated wire; 2 glass aerialinsulators; 2 nail So well made of such ma- WZX201 A--6-volt detector and amplifier. Interchangeable knohs;2 screw eyes;G insula-Led staple..'"!; 1 ground clamp; terials that it bears this guarantee 11We with UX201A, CX301A, etc .••...... ••.... 1.29 1 window lead-in strip, and 1 Storm Guard INSURED 'Will repair free of charge, to the ~xtent, WZX199-4V.-volt dry cell type, new style, with V." WZX112--6-volts:.re:Juires.135 volts of "B" battery Lightning A""estor (see next column). Wt. 6Ibs. 2.35 of $100.00, any radio set equipped with prongs, interchangeable with UX199, CX299 .... 1 .45 and 9 volts o! C : G1ves gr~ater volume and ~51-Standard Aerial Outfit; Contains 100 ft. 7- a Storm Guard Lightning; Arrestor that W2199-4Y,-volt dry cell type, old style w1tb ~w purer tone. EJ.cept~onallo_ng lite .••...... ;; ·,; 1.95 etrand No. 14 coated aerial wire; 25ft. rubber covered No. is damaged by lightning." pr·•'ngs. Interchangeable with UV199, C299 .••••• 1.45 WZX171 6-volts; reqwr~ Wo to 180 volts. of B 14lead-in wire; 2 porcelain aerial insulators; 4 nail knobs; C5878-Storm Guard Lightning WZX200A-o:.xtra Powerful Detector 6-volt 7.(- and 18 to 45 volts of C. Very economical ....•1 95 2 screw eyes; 1 window lead-in strip 16" long; 1 ground Arrestor (illustrated), complete • ' · Rectifying Tubes ampere. Replace old U v2?0 an879-Aerial Wire, 100 Need no introduction. They are internationally known and recognized as one of the bef!t !nbe~ ·~i:)~~~t.\"0:''"" not nearly so liable to breakage or danger (Ship. wt., 3 lbs.) ..•...... •48 ever produced and are used as standard equipment by leading radio manufacturers.. Tins IS _the 'i u.s an ordinary wire aerial. highest endorsement for their superior quality. If you are experiencing any difficulty m recept!O? Consists of a heavily nickel-plated copper get Hadiotron tubes. You will be amazed at the great improvement they will mak~. We sl.1p globe, 10 inches in diameter, containing a Radiotron tubes prepaid anywhere at the following prices. When ordering tubes g1ve a!l tJ:e length of scientifically arranged aerial wire. ~:f}~~!J!~~!~~~?o~~:~~Nai-lKn.obs ~.,.';ij a. numbers on the base of your old tubes. Where it is convenient we suggest you send or brmg Ill together with four insulatf.-:d copper guy porcelain and extra strong. ~,: ~ I:J the tubes you want replaced. wires and an adjustable braeket for attach­ (Ship. wt., 6 oz.), each ...... 5c - ~ C5573-UX201A, 6-volt storage battery tube. Interchangeable with CX301A and, to any roof or wall with complete C5871-Nail knobs, porcelain, notches to hold i n"tru,,tion. wires, and leather pad (Ship. wt., 8 oz.) ciJis~Jxi99;4~:~dltdcy ~"eiitube:. :B;.;.e:i .. ,; i %•ij,~~;,g;.: "in:t"e~~i.~;,ge~bie"With cx299: k~~ M C585o-Ball A~rial, with guy wires, .4 insu- Each ...... 3c 2for ...... Sc :,. C5575-UV199, 472-volt dry cell tube. Base,~'; Ys" prongs. Interchangeable with C299 .. 2.25 lators arid brackets but wrthout pole or lead-m wJJ·e C5577-UX200A. Special 6-volt detector. Interchangeable with CX300A. Replaces j (t:lhip. wt., 10 lbs.) ...... 7,95 CX300, UV200 ...... · .4.00 Special Power Tubes "Ground-Hog" Radio Ground-- with~ITR~ protective weatherproof Heavily~~~~:~~ casing. lVIore :::~~tranded fie:Jble than C5586--UX112, 6-volt power tube, requires 135 volts of "B" and 9 volts "C". More When buried in the earth the single "ire. Ship. wt., per ft., 4 oz.;perhundred ft., 22lbs. 4 0 •'Groundhog" makes a perfect C5S75-Lead-in Wire, per ft., 2c; per .'\0 ft ...... • 85 c5s'iJ7~o:JCm: ~~.;';i/~~~':"r ~~'b.;; ;e9ui~e.; i3ii~~~~ ~£ "B;, ·~n:d ii t~·4o·~~it~-~i .-.b"F M:~~e ·= ground, gi \in~ !efo;s static, In ore volume, no distortwn, very econonucal...... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · -4 • ~ 8 '"Volume, lun~·<.!r distance. Window Lead-In Strip ' C5588-UX210, 6-8 volts batt. orrect. A.C.;requires90to425voltsof"B". For great volume 9 • 0 Consists of a (;oppcr she11 with Rectifying Tubes ~ A thin strip of copper, ~o..k@.#i#,;:>-«-£&~ooop 1 chcmlca.ls th<:tt tlruw the 'va.i<:'r to thoroughly msulated to 1 C5593-UX2J 3, Full wave rectifier for use on A. C. up to 220 volts. For use in keeping yn~1r radio ground bring aerinllen,d into house. Does not interfere with closing elhrinators. Delivers very even current ...... •...... 5.00 wet. Thousn nds of en­ ·window. Has clips to hold wires. , C5594-UX216B, Half wave recti'ier for use on A. C. unto 550 vnlts. For use with"B" eliminator 7.50 everywherel e:uar­ C5874-WindowLead-in, size %"x13"(Ship.wt.,8oz.) .• 12 Duratron Radio Tubes .,.,".u"'"'"'·'on or ~lvncy Scientifically made of best material and workmanship. Standard specifications and equal to tubes Knife Switch eold elsewhere at double our price. For pun use and rating of Duratron tubes see corres")ondmg Single pull, double throw. Radiotron tube above. When ordering tubes give all the numbers on the base of your old tubes. Porcelain base. Screw binding Where it is convenient we suggest you send or briug in the tubes you want replaced. (Ship. wt., 6 oz.) posts. Hardwood handle. · DX201A-6-volt detector and amnlifier ...... • ······••···· .. . . .89 A :rod of especially treated metal which when (Ship. wt., lV. lbs.) ...... • 25 DX199-4V.-volt dry cell, new style, b~se 1 Y8"x72"prongs..••••• ••••••. •• • • • •.. •• • • • ...... • • .98 drivE'n deep into the ground makes a better con­ DV199-4)1-volt dry cell, old style, 1"xYs"······································ •..•98 nection with the nwist soil down deep and your Ground Clamp DX200A-b-volt special detector ...... •.••••••••••••.••••••••.•••...••••.. 1.45 radio ground gives far better reception, longer A strip of copper. Has clip to OX112-6-volt detector Speci" I Power Tube ...... ••.... 1.45 distance. less static, than a makeshift ground. ground wire. Adjustable for water pipes DX171--6-volt Specia I Power Tube requires 135 volts "B," 40 volts, "C" ...... 1 .45 S~"?rew near tap for attaching ground wire, point and ground rods from %" to 2". Makes a DX120-Special Power Tube for 472 volts of dry cell. Uses 135 volts of "B" battel edend makes driving easy. positive connection. and 22~ volts of '.'C" battery ...... •...... ·.... C5859-Rose Silver Strealt, 4 ft. long (Ship. C5872-Ground Clamp, complete with to .,5 DX213-Full wave up 220 yolts, A. 0 for "B" elim.jnator ••••••.. ;; ...... ·...... • 5 bolt and nut (Shin. wt.. 6 oz.). each.8c DX216B-Half wave Rectifymg Tube up to 550 volts A. C for "B ebmmator .. 3. 5 wt., 6lbs.) .... .-., •.••,. , . ·:, ...•• .••••48 72

Fountain Spoke Brush Genuine Simoniz Polish and Cleaner 44c Attachee right Simoniz is one of the best 79c to hose nozzle and and most up-to-date cleaners lets you get brush and polishes on the market. and water to the same spot at the It not only cleans hut puts a same time with polish on the car that stays one hand. Metal on for some time. Not like parts are br8S8, brush is extra qual­ most polishes that have to be ity bristle. Will not . put on every time the car is scratch nor injure will he: as ever with dusting off. It will remove dust, dirt at"d all the finish. Ship. cleaned(~~ bri~ht a~ spots, gi~rng a. brrght shmy fimsh equal to a hr8.lld new car. Full directions on every can. - ~2~ C8881-li'ountain Spoke Brush. . • • . . • • • . . . . . • • • • 79 G6881-Samon'e Slmonlz (Ship. wt.• 1 ~ l.bs.),44 G6680-Simon'e Cl.. aner .. (Ship. wt..,l )1 lbs.) .44 A very serviceable, washable A Proven Cleaner and Polrsher for Duco and other Lacquer Finishes. 1 Extra Quality Spoke Brush automobile polisher, made from A handy brush for all-chamois, double thickness, the 'Washing spokes of wood pieces being ilewed together with or wire wheels or any silk stitch. Gives the same serv­ inaccessible part of a ice as a one-piece chamois and is !'ar. Bristles are of ~igh-grade fiber and are securely held used in the 11ame manner. Ship. 1n place by heavy tw1sted w>re. Length about 15 in. Wt., 8OS. G6904-Spoke Brush (Shipping wt., lib.). . . • • • • . .35 G6883-Bise 13x16 in.. • , 2 9 G6884-Size 16x21 in.. . , 54 Washing Mop Chamois Cloths Screws on in place of nozzle on the end of any ~" hose. Soft knitted cotton on one side Makes washing the car a quick witn downy finish on the other. and easy job. Feels and look like, and takes the Made of soft long white cotton pla~e of chamois. Very absorbent threads, that will not ecrat"h or -not treated, can be washed. Ex· mar the finish. The water flowin!!' for dusting, washing, drying. through the mop keepa it clean ~P<>Iisi>IDtg. (Ship. Wt., 8 oz.) all the time. Dries soft. Hose G6913--Chamois Cloth, 14" 999 Auto Polish attachment is brBBB. Ship.wt.,llb. x16" ...... •28 The latest and highest development in G68f;4-W,...hin" M"n .. ,98 G6914-Chamois Cloth, 18" Auto polishes. Contains absolutely noth­ Duco No. 7 Polish x23" ..•...... •...... •42 ing harmful. No Acids-no soaps-no Long Handled Washing Mop oils-no wax. Works faster than most For All Lacaue• Finishes polishes. Cleans almost instantly­ This polish was originated by the people Similar to the above polishes with a few smart rubs. A- pleasure who originated Duco, as the most effective mop but in addition it to u~e .because of the quick results. Gives polish for Duco finished cars. Some polishes has a hollow handle, 8 These are the "velvet" or a bnlhant, hard, dry lustre at onoe which harm this new finish but Duco No. 7 only inches long. Allows user ordinary commercial· •ponges1 adds to its beauty and lasting qualities. of selected quality, very usefUl protects as well as beautifies. Equal­ to stand back farther ly eHective lor use on enamel, Duco Equally effoctive on all other lacquer finishes. from car and take less for washing and cleaning auto G7088-Duco No.7 Polish, pint size, bodiea. Shipping wt., 4 oz. and other lacq"ered fi.rdshea. chance of getting wet. G6948-Pint Can (wt., 2 lbs.) ...•••. 67 (Ship wt., 1 lb.)...... • ,85 ~he cotton mop head Our Reduced Price G6949-Quurt Can (wt.,3lhs.) .... 1 :12 G7078-Duco No. 7 Polish, 6 oz. may be instantly re­ G6898-Sponge (email) •••38 size (Ship. wt., 10 oz.)...... • • .45 moved, leavin~ a rubber scrubber for cleaning off caked G6899-Sponge (large). • .65 mud, etc. Ship. wt., 2 lbs. Regular list price, $4.00 Polishing Cloth G6862-Long Handled Auto-Mop ...... The ideal material for 1.95 cleaning or polishing Sheep Wool Sponges A very quick and effective paste FOR THE MAN WHO WANTS THE BEST automobiles. Will n o t Long Fender Brush scratch the finest surface. polish for nickel, brass, copper, alumi­ For Reaching Out of the Way Places num, etc. Removes tarnish and rain Sheep's wool sponges are more •~ Ship. wt., 8 oz. spots. Developed by the famous Du closely grained than veivet eponges . f6863-Polishing Cloth 3 yd";,• about 36" wide ,19 Pont Co. Ship. wt., 8 oz. making them softer and touli!her and G7074-Duco No. 7 Metal mu~h more serviceable. Will stand Polish, 4 oz. can...... ,42 A very handy brush for washing under the fenders, the a great deal of rongh usage without ~Western Special Soap chassis and other out-of-reach places. Handle is of wood tearing. The sise we offer is the ~. For cleaning practicallv anything For Reflector Polish see page 52 and is about 18 incheS long. Brush is made of strong fibre handiest for auto use. Bhip. wt., 6 oa. Especially adapted for Use on auto: bristles and is 7 inches long and 4 inches wide. Will wear G7002-8heep's Wool Sponge (diaJ1l. lnobiles. Leaves a beautiful finish~ well and last a long time. Ship. wt., 2)1lbs. about 6 in.)...... 88 For use on hands it leaves the skin Golden Star Nickel Polish G6905-Fender Brush with long handle...... 35 -soft. Injures nothing. Cleans and polishes nickel, makin~ it bri.~ht G7037-1-lb. can...... 27 as DP-...V. A liquid polish. Very effective. E:'l.!:lY Handy Mitten Duster Western Dust Cloths G7039-5-lb. can...... -95 to use. Does not harm surfaces. Handy sCieW Absorbs the dust, A specially treated dust cloth, top can prevents leakage or evaporation. instead of scattering. 15x27 inches, that cleans and Our Reduced Price Polishes the surface in one operation and protects Mechanics' Hand Soap G7008-Yf-nint size (wt., lib.)...... 24 without scratching. from air and moisture. Picks up ~~~~-~ Prepared expressly for use by motor­ G7009-l-pint size (wt., 1)1lbs.)...... ,42 Lessens labor and ex­ without scratching surface. For use .Ists, rn.echanH's and _others, for quickly pense of many car on automobile bodies and furniture, I removmg grease, gnme, and stains. washings. Made of also on brass, nickel and all polished . It cleans quickly, healing and soften­ White Cotton Waste . heavy yarn chemical- metal surfaces. mg the skin. Will not chap the hands. Fine quality, long thread, white ly treated. F1ts and protects either hand. When soiled G6901-Western Dust Cloth Also excellent for general use around !'an be ~ashed m cl~ar water and used again. as it retains without case (Shio. wt., 6 oz.) .22 waste for cleaning grc3-RY parts of the house. the car. Our !' any car once. Ship. wt., rim. Makee tire changing easy, )' 'illt."',;.--x:~• ~::- prevents tearing tube when re­ Clear Auto Varnish .49 moving it and adds manY months A pure colorless varnish which .48 to the life of the tube. Put up in adds depth and richness to the color • ~-pint CSDB--enough for four and produces a luxurious bright apo email rims or two larp rims, A fiDe soft hair brush for pea ranee. applymg enamels, top When only tha finish on a car has Brush-In-Can Enamel Shipping wei11ht. 1 lb. become dull-and the base color is still G6844-~·pt. Can .•••• •29 fdressing or varnish. Shipping weight, 8 o~ . , G6860-Varnish Brush, 1 inch wide .....•... • • in ~ood condition-a coat of Ckar Auto Varnish 'l"ill restore the originai bright er2~'!i~~~fto~!h!ngo!P =~ed?~\~ ~>'il G6859-Varnish Brush, 2 inches wide ...... •. -. Wo{n and chipped places in the ...,oa..,. Handy Sand Paper Assortments G6858-Varnish Brush, 3 inches wide. . . • . . • . • • • 52 n"'v luster. finish of a car. Dries quickly. Can ~ T ·a6811-1-pt. Csn,(wt., 2lbs.) .62 REFINISHING BRUSHES-EXTRA QUALITY bas a screw top with a brush attached. ~ These assortments are made of the G6B10-1-qt. Can, (wt., 3lbs.) 1. 1 0 highest quality· s.tndpaper obtainable. xExtra fine brushes, Vulcanized in rubber, for refinishing work Order a can for t-proof metal. Nicely c Add beautv and !r. Ship. wt., 2 !bs. can. Prices do not include Motometer. Ship. wt., 85288-Foi- Ford, Chevrolet, Star, Overland ..... 2.35 ~ 3Jbs. 85288E-For HJ27 Essex, , , .... , , . , . 2.65 .,.v•ar CSS7&-Speed Goddess Cap for Fords ...... , .. 2.58 85289~For Balls for Radiator Caps 1 any other.eur...... , .... . 2.95 Very attractive ornaments. Well Fasten uecween motometer and radiator c&p. Made of ~· C5676-Specd Godr ess Cap for Chevrolets .... , , 2.58 made and handsomely nickel plated. rust proof materials, beautifully finished. Prices do not SAF-T-STAT Ship. wt .• 12 oz. Include motometers. "Full Flight" Winged Cap DASH TYPE MOTOR HEAT INDICATOR 85516-Ba\1 with eagle.... .65 SPECIAL FOR FORDS AND CHEVROLETS 85517-Ball (2" diamete.r) Plain Wings (shown at right) The new accufate, theft.. without ornament...... 32 85513-Moto Wings, 9 inch tip to tip. (Wt.llb.) ...•38 A very graceful cap with proof, day-or-night Rtvt-i­ 85486-Ball with small Sioux 85514-Moto Wings, 14 inch tip to tip. (Wt.l~ lbs.).47 wings. Can be used with ator I-Ie'at Indicator. Warrior Head mounted on Mercu17 Wings (shown at left) v..ithout motometer or other Warns you when your mo­ it. (Ship. wt., 2 lbs.)...... 65 A5066-Mercury Wings, 8 in. tip to tip. (Wt. 8 oa.) •••48 • ornament. Loel~.R to the radi­ tor is becoming too- hot. 85474-Pear-shaped ornament about 2~" tall ...... 35 A5066A-Mercury Wings,5in. tip to tip, (6 oa.) .•..•38 ,~- ator and provides for locking 1\Iounts on the dr~.Rh, leaving 85476-Pear-shaped ornament, smaller than B5474. .25 Inotometer or ornament to the Hadiator cap free for cap. Made of speeial rust­ some p]f'asing insignia or Rotascope Ornaments proof metal finished in hi;;;hly ornament. Initials for Radiator Front polished nickel. Price doe-s not include nwtometer. Operated by the batte;·y, lf you are proud of your car, A novel ornament which rotates C5673-Special Wing Cap for Fords (Wt. 2lbe.)., .. 1.58 requires very little current. No workin;~ parts to get out of Jet the world know who owns it. on ball bearings like a windmill C5674-Special Wing Cap for Chcvrokt (Wt, 21bs.). 1 .58 order-no exposed glass to break-never requires attention • Put your initials on the radiator whenever car is going, or in slight or care. breeze. The interior of the four Very easy to install-you can do it yourself in thirty front. Made of a special rust­ rotating shells is enameled red, Peacock Radiator Cap Ornament proof alloy, heavily nickel-plated Similar to the famous Chevrolet pea­ minutes. Instructjons furnished. Shin. wt., 2 lbs. In which reflects attractively hl tho ordering specify m'ake, yea-r and model of car. and highly polished. The letters bi~ nickel-plated ball at top. Made cock. Designed to attach to the cap are very graceful. Quiokly and of brass, nickel-plated. by means of motometer or special screw K8214-Universal morlel. for any car equipped with easily attached to the radiator by and to set in front of motometer so that a water pump, except Dodge ...... 4.25 long, thin bolts. Interfere in no Comes equipped with radiator it doBs· not interfere. l\fade of rust­ K821&-Universal model, for Ford and other cars way with cooling and will not cap to fit Ford cars, as illustrated. proof metal..:_nicely finiShed in. either not equipped with a water pump. , , . , , . , . , . , ... 4.25 Be sure to give the initials By removing Ford radiator cap ~ickel or in colors. Ship. wt., I lb. K8212-Spedal 192().27 Dodge, with fi-volt Batt... 4 75 wt., each, 6 oz. Jl otascope can be .u8ed on radiator C5671-Peacock or1L, nickel finish.,68 K8213-Special for Dodge, with 12-v.olt Battery ... 4 ;75 cap or fender of any car. A6190-:-Any one initial. • • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • . . • • 35 C5672-Pe.Acbck orn., finished in K8211-Premier model, for all .cars with 6-volt Any 3 initials ...... •• , ••••.•••••• , , , ••• , • , , :98 C5589-Radiator Cap Rotascope (Ship. wt., lib.) .. 1.85 colors ...... ,; ...... ; ..... 85 Battery...... 7,1 5 ~~X'~ Radiator Liquid Ever-Tite Improved Honeycomb Saves Repair Bills. Repairs Solid Rubber Hose Connections and makes Leaky Radiators Leak-proof, Rust-proof, FOR FORD CARS Scale-proof. A super quality, pure ~ubber hose. Ac­ Contains no cement, powder tual tests proved that this strong, tough, Radiators for for shellac, glue, meal, or other in- solid rubber lasted three '?r !our ti!nes .urious material. It is positive­ longer than other ~ose. It IS .'!"pervwus fy not a cement to clog radiator to antifreeze solutions and boiln.Ig water. Greater Cooling Capacity pump or valves and ruin the It saves time, labor and mo'?-eY m replac· Core Guaranteed 18 Months Against cooling system. Prevents rust ing reqnires no clamps, and IS guaranteed and scale. Is only proceSB known abs'olutely for one year. Wj!J fit all mod• Breakage .From Freezing that permanently repairs cracked els Ford cars. Shippmg Weight,_ 5 oz. Our Improved Honeycomb Radiator offers man;v special advantages over the regular type Ford rad•· water jackets without welding. 85385-Small, for bottom, each ...... ••... ,.. ,1 64 When poured into the radiator, 85386--Large, for top, each ...... • ...... , 1 liotor. Chief among these is the honey-comb" core, it automatically repairs all which' has a much greater water capacity and a!so leaks-tones up the entire cooling BYBtem of car---saves oiL presents a greater cooling area, so that a car w_~th Radiator Hose this radiator will run cooler and not require refilling ManufaotuNr'e Guarantee on EYIII'y Can. FOR FORDS AND CHEVROLET$ ao often. The flexible core will stand more expan­ Ab•olutely guaranteed to penilanently repair an:r ~rdi­ A standard quality radiator sion so that we guarantee the core 18 montM D&ry leaks in radiator, water Jacket, pump and connections. :~ hose. Good live gray rubber. against damage from freezing. Our Reduced Price Made in proper sizes for all Improved Scientific Construction G6921-"X" Liquid, for Ford and other I ) models Ford and Chevrolet cars small cars (Ship. wt., 8 01.). •• • • •• • • • . • ...... • . .. .64 / listed below. Ship. wt.; each, Only the Best Material Used G6920-"X" Liquid, for larger oars (Ship. wt. llb.J ,98 -- ~-;, 401. These radiators are exee~,>tionally well mads. AD corniq in contact With water are mad.e of 85382--Bmall, for bottom ...... · • • • • • .. parts the brass. Both upper and lower tanks are of one-p1~ Western Radiator Cement 85384-Large for top all model Ford oars .....••. a: lnltantly Stops All Ordinary Leaks 85313-I owe; Hose iM"x6", Cbev. 1924-27 ....• brass construction, without eea.ms,_practically elimi• uatin!l all possibility of! eakage. The oore is ge~~u• A liquid radiator cement that will in• 85312-Upper Hos~, 1M"x8", Cbev. 1924-27 .... Ina brass, also the overflow pipe and the filler etantly stop any ordinary leak in rsdi~tor, J7746--Shellac for Radiator Hose, 2 oz. bottle .. :II 118Cik, 110 the cap couldn't possibly rust and stick faat. water jacket, pump and connections. Does not contain any injurious ingredi­ The radiator has been ecientifically oonatructede Radiator Hose for All Cars 10 u to take all atreae and strain off the ~e. ents. Will not clog radiator circulati?n The spring cradle supports under the enti"' bot­ aystem-in fact, it tones up the entire A high-grade rub­ tom are soldered and bolted to the bottom tank, cooling system, prevents ruet and. seal~. ber and fabric hose Not affected by weather or chmatlo for automobile ra­ taking eide strain off the ..,adiator and permittinc conditions. Positively guaranteed or your a resilient spring action. The epring mde framee diator connections. o~ecting upper and lower tanb are independent money back. Full directions on every can. Comes in 1, 2, or of the core and relieve it of all shock and strain, Shipping weil'tht, 1 lb 3-foot lengths only. Even the hood rod holder has been reinforced. G6929-*pint oan,each .32 Sizes shown are inside diameter. Wt., 1 lb. per ft. Improves Appearance of Car No Inches Per Ft. No. Inches Per Ft. Warner's Liquid Solder . 86520 .... 1 .. .. .21 85524 .... 2 ,33 The graceful I ines and attractive finish of these This well-known ladiator ceme~t posi­ 85521 .. .. 1~.. .. .25 85525.. .. 2M ... . radiators make them an ornament to any oar, The tively and permanently stops leaks•~ your 85522.. .. l>i.. .. 85526.. .. 2~ .. .. atrong steel&h<'llio finished with two heavy coats car's cooling system. Easy to use-simply .27 ·.!I of black enamel. Comes complete with cap, ae pourinto your radiator. Absolutely harm­ 85523 .... 1~.... .31 mutra ted. ! ess. Leaves no unsightly pat.ches or we.ak Every radiator ia carefully tested before leaving places. A good thing to keep m the radia­ Universal Hose Clamp the factory. Comes seeurel;y: packed in strong wood X8554-For 1917·23 Ford. without shell ...... 7.95 tor at all times to prevent I eaks from qe• orate. Replaces regular Ford radiator-easy to A strong, serviceable hoee X8556-For 1917-23 Ford, with black enamel shell,, 8.65 veloping. Every can guaranteed. Sh1p. IDitall. Shippin~t weight, about 45 I bs. Cannot X8569-For 1924-27 Ford, without shell ..••.•.... ,. wt., lib. Our Reduced Price clamp with holes punched at be sent by mall. In ordering be sure to l!ivJl 8-45 short intervals, so it can .be :rear of eRr. X8558-For 1924-27 Ford, with black enamel shell .. G6928-Warner's Liqu!id Solder, quickly adjusted to fit any s1za 9.15 per can ...... ·· .65 radiator bose from 1 to 3 inches. A handy article to carry in your Honeycomb Radiators tool box for use in case of emer­ Radiator Cleaning gency. Complete with bolt and Superior for Chevrolet and Dodge Cars. Compound nut. Ship. wt., 4 oz. Tubular Radiator 85380-Universal Hose Has 2H inch thick, all brasa Cuts out rust, cor~osion, and sediment. Clamp ...... So F'or F'ord Cars oore. A 11 parts which come Increases the coolmg powers of. the in contact with water radiator. Does not harm the rad1at?r are made of braes, including the in any way. Used by most of the b1g Ideal Hose Clamp $875 one-piece top and bottom tanka bus line companies. Ship. wt. 1 lb. which have no seams and: are G6930-Radiator Cleaning Comp ..•45 The only perfect concen· For those who leak-proof. Core is finished in high tric hose clamp which "ill grade gray enamel. Furnished draw exactly the same all prefer the reg­ without shell or with heavy steel Nickel Plated Radiator Shell the "ay around hose with­ u I a r tubular shell finished in two coats of Ius• FOR FORD CARS out pinching at dra\\ing style of radia t­ trous black enamel baked on. side. Will not buckle or cut Comes well packed in substantial Beautify your car hose. Shipping wt., 4 oz. aud bring it up to date or, we offer this wooden box. Shipped from near• with one of these 85389-Adj. for bose 2~" to 3", each ...... · · · · · 9o well-made, est store or from our warehouse in the nearest one of the beautiful nickel plated 8539Q-Adj. for hose l:V." to 2%" (for top hose of Ford high-grade following cities, Chicago; Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, radiator shells. Same car) each ...... · . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Be Kansas City, St. Paul. Avg. s,hip. wt. 50lbs. Not Mailable, size and shape as 853!11-AdJ.' i~;h;,;.e 'i~,; to 2" (for bottom hose of Foird . radiator at a regular shell, will fit car) each ...... ········ • · · · · · · · • · • • · · • ·'' : worth-while F'or Chevrolet right on in place of the 8538s--Adj. for hose 1" to 1 ~". each ...... · · · • • • saving. Made old one, an ornament, . of the best material by one of the largest X8922-1918--22 Pump Type, without shell .• , , , 1.~5 ·not a disguise. Plain Radiator Caps X8923-l!ll8-22 " " withshell ...... Made of 20-gauge radiator manufacturers in the country. Care­ X8924-1923-24 Suoerior, without shell ...... J3.95 cold rolled steel, fin­ Metal caps covered with fully insoected and tested and fully guaran­ X8941-1925, Model K, without shell...... , ,J:9~ Ished in double nickel black hard rubber d radia­ &be ·adjusting nuts on the Y's untq vibration in the motor lustrated), looks like illustration above but has an tor, saves gasoline and oil, Oll88es. Simple and sturdy in action. Nothing to wear out entirely new water outlet connection. (Ship. wt., prevents delay and repair or get out of .order. 13 lbs.) ...... 3.95 bille. Ni083-Anti-Vibrators, set complete (Ship. wt., 3 Jbs.) .• 58 fi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!S·a.. Improved methods of c manwact!"e and extensive Dunn Counterbalances Counterbalanced Crank Shaft ;_ !!! -!Ill' research mto the needs of the average Ford car have enabled us to offer you, in the "Faithful", a water circulator that will give you excellent service under all ordinary conditions, at a very low price. . The "Fa.thful" has a strong shaft with two bearinga (the mam one is With a good circulator offered at sueh BRONZE) and two grease cups. The i"\Jltlller is of the m~ne type . '!nd a low price no Ford car should . be pumps all the water that the radiator Will handle under ordmaipe. ' . B537G:-:(I.fr.tallio pump packing, %"hole, (Wt.. . F"-Per Foot ...... , 1c 2 oz.) 1 ptece...... ~.... ~15 -Per Spool .. " ...... ,. .19 85368-St&-Rite Rim for Fan Pulley ...... 35 82 ~vesternAuto Supply Co. Save 20% to 50%-Satisfaction or Your Money Back 83 ADJUSTABLE MAIN BEARING CAP FOR FORDS Easler Starting, When a Ford car is a year or so old, end play develops in the crankshaft due to wear on the bearings and lets the magnets in the transmission get More Power. too far from the field coils, causing weak spark, eoor'Jights and electrical , Longer Life. , troubles, wasting gas and losing power and "pep • Our bearing replaces the center main bearmg (very easy to get at) and allows you to adjust the electrical output to the maximum current. Gives Our .. Westem" An improved your car new life, new pep, more power, greater economy, easy starting. Cord fan belt is fan belt for re­ If further wear develops just take up the bea1ing a trifle more. made to stand placing ordin• Made of purest bronze, lined with highest quality bearing metal. Very up under hard ary ,~ ee-type simple and easy to install. Will outlast the car, never giving one minute's service. As belts. When trouble. Very heavy and strong. Set screws have special locking wire. shou·n in the il- passing over Don't put up with hard starting; don't let electrical trouble ruin your car lustratio11, it 18 pulley,our Ve~ and spoil your pleasure when $1.68 will remedy it permanently. Order one for your car now. Absolutely guaranteed m ad e of five Round b e I t "Satisfaction or lHoney Back." plies of stron~; wedgesitselfin­ K8044-Adjustahle :Cearing Cap, complete with instructions (Ship. wt., lib.)...... 1.68 f a brio (same to the groove quality as is used in the beet grade tires), scientifically as shown in illustration, making the drive surer. No treated to make them oil, heat and water-proof, then put slipping, no lost motion. l\Iade from heavv tire fabric, Bronze End Thrust Take-Up together and carefully Vulcanized into a solid, endless belt. •eientifically treated ancl vulcanized into an endless stretch· In ordering, be sure to give year and model of car. less belt. Ship. wt., 1 lb. This tough bronze Ship.wt.,llb, WHY PAY MORE THAN OUR PRICE? bearing takes up Our Reduced Price Our Reduced Price the wear due to end 85338-For Ford, 1911-16 • •• . . . . • . • ...... • . . . • .24 85546-Hupmobile 4 and 6, 1917-25...... ,f;5 II'< thrust, brings the 85339-For Ford, 1917-20 ...... 24 85515-Hupmobile 6, 192G-27...... 88 P fiy wheel and ma~- 8534()-For Ford, 1921·26 ...... • ... • .24 85504-Hupmobile 8, 1925-27 ...... 1 .28 g nets back to therr 85337-For Ford,1926-27· ...... ·28 85509-Jewett, 1!1:.!2-24...... 46 a proper place and tones up the whole electric 85528-Buick, 4-cyl., 1921-24; 6-cyl., 1921-24; 85539-Jewett, 1925-26. ~...... • ...... 46 8 system. · 1925-26 :\-21; B554o-Qldsmobile ti, 19:!4-:17; Haynes, 1923-24.. -76 Willyo-Knight, 1916-19...... 46 85539-Qverland. 1916, Model &4; 1!Jlti-19, Model 85509-Dodge, 1922-26...... • , .46 75-75B, 90R and 90f ...... 46 :fr Self-Adjustin~ End Thrust Take-Up 85539-Dort, 1921-23, 4-cyl...... -46 85530-Qverland, 1916-18, Models 83B, 83BOE, The best end thrust 85538-Dort, 1923-24, 6-cyl...... 88 ~ 85, 4-cyl.; 1918-19, Model 90B and 1920-2? 4-eyl. .46 ;£ take- up that we have 85508-Durant, 1922-23. 6-eyl.; Jordan, 1!122-25 .. 1-?.8 85416-0verland, 1923-25, Model 91 and 92T; ever seen. Replaces the 85507-Durant, 1922-26, 4-cyl.; Elcar, 1925-26. • . . .88 Dixie Flyer, 1919-25 ...... ••...... 48 center main bearing cap . 85529-Essex, 1919-23 ...... • · • -62 85544-0verland 6, 1925-26, Model 93 .••...... • 58 Consists of a sturdy cast 85510-Essex, 1924-26, Willys-Knight, 1920-21 . ,!';8 85515-PontJac, 1926-27 ...... •..... , .88 metal cap, with a sliding -42 bearing, and a plunger w54s;~=;li~t~5~~~Li7 :1;,:;ge :P~Iley·;;.:,;,rtso.;2&.27' , :~H :~~;:J~b~t!;:t~~:;'!f:'i92o::i:i si~~d;r;t"o iti24-26 -38 controlled by a coiled 85500-Flint, B60, 2'3-27 ...... 1.28 B553o-8tudebaker, 1919-21, Rig 6 and Special 6 .. -48 sp1·ing. As wear takes 85509-Gray, 1922-26...... •...... · · · · · -46 BS532-..'ltudebaker, JQ?"-"fl, Big 6 and Special 6 .. . 65 place the coiled spring 85510-Hudson, 1916-26...... -58 85515-Whippet 4,1926-27 ...... 88 eauses the plunger to push the sliding bearing forward thus keeping the magnets and field coils at e~actly the KABLE-KORD right clearance for greatest power and easy startmg. The FAN BELT GUIDE workmanship and materials arc the very best. Easy to FAN BELTS FOR ALL MODEL FORDS 12c install. Will last as long as your car. I"OR FOPDS This Fan Belt Guide will absolutely prevent the belt from o17894-Self-Adjusting Take-Up Bearing. (Ship. slipping off the pulley. wt., 1 lb.)...... 2.65 Bracket attaches to the front cylinder cover by the regular stud bolt. The guide itself can be Ever-Tight Crank Shaft Pin This belt is made of highest quality, &ellwuu Lvrd tire adjusted and set at any point fabric and not the cheap hose fabric irom which many along tbe bracket. For All Ford Cars so-calied cord belts are lllade. In addition to this, it has You will appreeiat~ the Ever­ as a special feature, five endless cords, which are actually The low cost of this article m!Ckes it indispensable to every Tight because of the ease and built into the belt. This gives it the ability to "give" speed with which it is installed. under stress and then come baf:k to its normal rosition. Ford car. Include one of these guides in your next order. Fits Just slip the Ever-Tight pin It is this flexibility which makes it outwear from five to into place and drive the cot­ ten of the ordinary fabric or cord fan belts. Costs more all models. Ship. wt., 4 oz. 85241-Fan Belt Guide ...... ~ ... . ter (furnished with the pin) at first but is by far the cheapest belt in the long run. -12 from the outside down through Absolutely guaranteed to give satisfactory service or we the end of th~ pin. The cot­ "\\'ill refund your money. Ship. wt., 8 oz. ter spreads itself and prevents 85334-For 1917-20 Fords...... 42 ~'Never-Slip" Fabric Fan Belts all rattle and wear. Pin can 85335-For 1921-25 Fords...... 42 FOR FORO CARS never come loose and fiy out. 85336-For 1926-27 Fords...... 45 !;laves money, time, and trouble. Comes ready to in­ atall. Ship. wt., 4 oz. ~ Our Reduced Price Extra Quality Leather Fan Belts ·~115308-For W09-20 Fords (2%'" long)...... 1 2 FOR FORD C~P<; I'NO FC'<>DC:ON 85309-For 1921-26 Fords (3 "long)...... 12 ONLY Fan Belting of all Kinds in Bulk Made of hPavy cotton fabric, treatPd to pre,·ent slippin11 High Quality Oak Tanned Beltings. From This Belting You Can Make Any Belt You Need and to protect it from the oil and heat. It i• "oven by FLAT BELT V BELT LAMINATED V-BELT ROUND BELT 25c a special process, which prevents it from coming aparl and allows it to wear down to the last I ayer of fabric. Belts of this type are widely used as standard equipment on Equal in quality to belts which others retail at SOc or more. This is the endless type, with splice serurely stitched tractors and trucks, on which a belt is subjected to very and cemented, guaranteed not to open up. Ship. wt., 8 oz. hard wear and excessive heat and oil. Ship. wt., 8 oz. 85330-t:.uule""l ur l!Ho or older lups so tha.t all squeaks and rattles in Hood Silencers the hood are i_nstantly st:•p)Je•l. They will FOR FORD CARS :----::==:--; End the annoyance of Complete Set Anti-Rattlers for Fords. For Ford Can out-wear lacmg and val! k~cp the hood tnrmlgllOtlt their long life. Shlp. wt., rattling hoods. Made of STOPS 9 DIFFERENT RATTLES rubber. They just slip A complete set of anti-rattlers shown above and the two for '-1." round or around the regular hood shown at right. Stops rattles and vibration; saves holes, per doz ...... clips and pad the hooks bushing replacements. All used cars need them-installed A very cleverly made little spring device that fits over the ball joint of the steering gear ball-arm and clampe BE>318--But•ror>s for 11,{2" round that press down on the on new cars, the rattle never starts. Ship. wt., 2lbs. ·doz .. hood. Will last a long time · Our Reduced Price aroWld steering gear connecting rod. Effectually stops all -practicaHy no wear-out rattling at this joint and lessens the wear. Si.tip. wt., 8 021. 85253-Set of 9 Anti-rattlers ...... :...... ·• 79 !o thef? ..Easily installed; 85246-f:teering Arm Anti-rattler, each...... • 20 rust s11p 1nto place. No possible chance for rattle. Brake Handle Anti-Rattler Radius Rod Support and Anti-Rattler Ship. wt., set of 4, 12 oz. FOR ALL FORD CARS K~2~7:-Hood Silencers for Ford, each ...... 10 A specially designed steel spring which Heavy strij)S of web lacing ~...:C" of 4 ..... , ...... slips around emergency brake handle to The cone shaped nut t.o go vnder ends of hood to pre­ .38 prevent rattling. Can be used to replace that holds the front VeJ?.t It from. rubbing agains\ Door Silencers for Closed Cars regular flat spring if the latter is broken. radius rod to the axle is r•.mator and dash hood support. Pr~vente lever from slipping. Shipping always apt to come un­ Ror all care. Saves wear on Ileplace the plain rubber werght, 4 oz. screwed allowing the ra­ these parte and stops the bumpers with which the car is 85250-Brake Handle Anti-Rattler, dius rod to rattle. This noise of a rattling hood. equlpped, fitting into the same is very annoying, besidEs Shipping weight, 4 oa. each ...... 85270-% inohes wide, retainers. Th'3 vacuu1n cup grips weakens greatly tle front the door tight.1y, prevf~ntmg mo­ axle. If not caught in per yard .. 7c 6 yards ..•38 Door Anti-Rattlers 85Z71-% inches wide, ti' ;n, 'The air-cushion h01e~ eheck time the nut may fall off > ~he de· or when closing, and hold For Open Cars letting the radius rod per ya,-d .. 9c 6 yds ..• 48 Can be put on by anyone in a It firmly wlJen closed, eliminating drop to the ground and all rattling. The high-quality, non-blooming black rubber short tirue with a screw driver and cause a serious accident. two screws. Will stop the rattle Hand· Brake Handle insured long life. Ea8ily installed. Ship. wt., 2 oz. Our radius Rod Support eliminates h• t h the noise and 85320-For Dodge, prior to 1924, each...... 1 0 and last as long a,, the car. Will fit the danger. Even if the nut does fall ,.fi, the supports Anti-Rattler p~actically any car except those 85321-For BuH·k, Cadrllac, Cuandler, Chevrolet hold the radius rod firmly and secureb Very easily in­ .. This anti-rattler is a coil~d spring, · 1922-24, Cleveland, Ford pnor to 1922, Ste- Wtth all metal door frames, on tnost stalled and never reouires attention. ·on't drive over .,hich hooh around the controller shaft cars near the latch, but on some cars phens, Studebaker. Each...... 1 0 rough roads again until you have a pair m: your car. Ship. .&nd over the brake lever pawl, so that a 85322-For Ford closed cars, 1922-26. Each...... 1 0 next to the hinge. Shipping wei!'ht wt., 1 lb. · · Ou. Reduced Price \..·llOnetant pull ;s exerted downward. This about 2 os. Our Reduced Price K8206-Radlus Rod Supports, per pair...... 48 "'llePS the handle from mttling and Fender Fixer 85304-PEaoh. , ...... • 1 0 t&uses the paw! to always be engaged in FOR FORDS AND OTHER LIGHT CARS erpatr ...... 18 the controller quadrant so that when For Cars With METAL BODIES See Page ss: Door Anti-Rattler ;you pull back on the brake it engages Just the llistantly and stays, but is very easy to t.hing fm: re· For 1919-25 Ford Closed Cars 0 Fender Anti-Rattlers The doors of a Ford sedan or coupe release. br~~e~ i o~ Will fit any make of car. wear down the little rubber bumpers A5146-Anti-rattler (Ship. wt., 4 oz.) each...... • 1 0 weak iend­ These Anti-Rattlers ·and begin to rattle and thump. Here ers on l 1~ords !lre strong pressed is a· device that overcomes this trouble. or oCher d is a screwdriver. Will last in· ilg. Ship. weight; 3 lbs...... 65 614.1-Black_genulne leather rail, with nickel-plated and save buy• bolts furnished. You need two for~~~: 1r~nthi::::.fer~~ definitely. Ship. wt., 4 os. Etachmento.. Snap at end makes it eaoier to hang articles uc(Hhii;;i;,g';~J~tit;. 4o•.) one· for each rear. Shinning weight, set of 6, 8 o•. C6903-For 1919-25 Ford Cloeed or·relJ1 vethern. 28"long. tShippingwt;, lib.) .68 .to 85276-Fender Anti-ratller, eacfr, with 4 bolts••• ,,, So Cars.,,,,,,,,,,,, ••••••••••·.. .29 1 0 If your brakes grab and chatter when vou stop your car, or if your brake bands wear out quickly, it is time to install our external brakes. Think of the strain on the axles, bearings, gears and keys, UDiversal joint -and trans• mission when you stop your car suddenly. Our external brakes absorb this by acting directly on the brake drums. The savings in wear .and tear on tires, car and transmission will soon pay for the brakes. Our brakes are firm, steady, and positive in action: they fit nicely: they release without drag; they operate from the foot brake pedal. So well built of the best materials they will outlast your car. You can install these brakes yourself by following the instructions furnished with every set. No cutting, machine work, or special tools neceeeary. Don't risk accidents due to faulty brakes-order a set today. W8377-For 1909-25 Ford using reg. brake drums, (Ship.wt. 12lbs.) 4.65 W8376-For 1926-27 Ford, (Ship. wt. 18lbs.) .. • • • • ... • • • .. • • • • • • 7.65 SPECIAL 10 ln. DRUMS Ford cars whose brakes get lots of use, should have these oversize brakes. They are heavier and stronger in every part and give over double as much braking surface as regular brakes. Ship. wt., 27 lbs. W8379-Set o~rr~:.::th :Jr~~!; ?;;nw~~hi~. ;:;• ~: .. ;..:.· .· •••••-

We have handled .'reg!mted with an oil-and-heat-resisting solution, which D6102-0ne-piece, with rivets. for lining single Break" Shoes are made in 2 pieces the life of the shoes at leasL fifty per uakes it W.Par almost indef.nit~lv. It wi11 not "¥Bb" or hand, 1909-25 Fords (wt., 4 oz.) ...... 50 so that they will not break even cent.Willl&'!tindefini~ly. Ship. wt.,4os. "!ehatter" like cheaner grades of linin~r, but wears down D6104--0r,e-piece, with rivets, for lining Brake ~ rferUv smon+h ei~.nn'! von ah~~:~nlute rnnt:ro.l of the rar at oand, 1926-27 Fords (wt., 5 oz.)...... 55 under severe strain. Made of cer­ D6112-ArlJu•ters, pau...... • 14 tified cast iron. Will give ex­ cellent service and last much Steel Brake Shoes Genuine Scanrlinavia Bra e Linings Quick Detachable Transmission Bands longer than ordinary shoes. For 1909-25 Fords FOR FORD CARS Made of cold rolled steel; lined This well-known Bring your Ford up to date by installing a D6106-Brake Shoes, each set of our quick cletachable transmission bands. (Ship. wt., 2 lbs.) ...... •28 with high quality asbestos brake high grade trans· lining. Holds much better than a mission lining will They make relining the bands a quick, inex­ \:YPer pair (Ship. wt., 4 lbs.) ...... 52 plain iron shoe, lasts much lon!!er pensive job, and will s~ve you "not grab an rl and will not break into pieces like i!hatter likeeheap many dollars. Cast Iron Brake Shoes the cast iron. Can be lined again grades, but wears One ear on each band is and again with our special lining. evenly and al­ detachable (see illustration) FOR 1909·25 FORDS Ship. wt., pair, 4 lbs. ways gives you a firm grip with specia.I lc,cking rivet head D6116-Per pair...... 95 and perfect control of the which snaps ~into place, auto­ Exactly the same size and matically locking the ear to tho shape of the shoes which come in -ear. Scandinavi:t I..iningis &L" the Ford. Channel Steel Brake Shoes band. It takes only a minute an imported lining made - .. yet when attached it is as firm Made of good quality gray Cannot break, slip or warp, and lining can be replaced in ~pecia11y _for Ford trans­ few minutes when worn. Will last 10,000 to 25,000 miles on as a solid pie<'e. cast irOll. mission bauds. Made of By using the specialhack saw Ship. wt., each 2 lbs. original set of lining. 1 long staple weave especially treated to resist oil, heat Cannot buckle-worth a good many pairs of the ordinary listed below you can reline your D6120-Each ....•...•••• 20 ·and grit. Complete set of three linings, with rivets ready transmission bands in an hour Per pair ...... 39 steel shoes. (Ship. wt., 4 lbs.) to attach. Shipping wt., lib. D6108-Per nair ...... 1-.85 without removing the trans­ .t)G095-ScandinaviaLinings,l911-25Fords, per set 1 . 79 mission cover. Bands come lined with extra high quality D6o96-Scanrlinavia Linings,1926-27 Fords, per set 1 ,85 treated lining. Full instructions furnished with every set. 6 30% MORE SPEED, 50% MORE POWER Extra Thick Transmission Lining ~ati!=!faction guaranteed. (Ship. \Vt., 4 lbs.} W8286--Complete set for 1911-21) Fords ...... 1 .95 SPEEDS GIANT SLIDING-GEAR TRANSMISSION 111 uch thicker than ordi­ FOR ALL MODEL T FORD CARS AND ONE-TON TRUCKS' nary lining. Much softer How often you want more power than standard low for hard pull or a big and more f('silient so that Special Hack Saw ~ load; more speed than standard high for a rush trip or a long stretch of good positively all chatter is Use to install Quick De- 4 highway; and a special speed that is faster than standard low but not so fast eliminated. 'Viii wear much as standard high for rough roads, an extra heavy load on good pavement, or longer than ordinary banrls. - ~... ·.ltiii!!\. · }~fhl'ih~~:na;e !h~~·w~~~: Forward in traffic. Install a Giant Transmission and enjoy the same flexibility as the Woven so they w-eat to the GBl•• llliaJI~~ Comes comnlete with han­ 2 biggest cars and trucks. Gives you 2 more speeds than most high priced last thread. J\fa.le of the dle and blade. so that by a single backward or forward ::wven:ent of the lever you have best mah·rials. Full direc­ H7167-Hack Saw Complete. (Ship. wt., 8 oz.) . . control of your power and a speed for every need. tions with each set. Set .19 Reverse Giant POWER Transmission gives 4 speeds forward; extra low. inciucles 3 bands and all nec­ low, intermediate high, and standard high. Truck owners can keep essary rh'"ets (~hip. ·wt., .1 Transmission Band Linings lb.) Our Reduced Price 45C regardless of almost any road conditions; can carry almost FOR FORD CARS and and can nearly double their earning capacity, and with a saving 06087-Extra Thick Lining, 1909-25, set.. .85 Up Equally effective on passenger cars used for heavy work. No 06088-Edi,\ Thick J.inioe-, Hl2G-27. set. .95 To those who prefer lower-priced for the Giant. linings we offer two grades. ED Transmission gives 4 sPeeds forward: Standard low1 Handy Ratchet Wrench The plain untreated high, and extra high. 30 per cent more speed For Ford Tr'!n~m;~si,.n Rands like the reguiar e~u~::;!;',:~:Vh?t',: increasing speed of engine or vibration; 30 per Fordcarsisofl'eredat a and yet no sacrifice of power in low gear.. saving. , and flexibility. The treated is a much better lin­ construction. Compact and easv to install (complete .. , The hanaie.s{. WT.!.'encn 1or aQ· ing of selected quality ,specially treat­ Made of the very best materials with only 7 wearing ~ting thP nuts on Ford transwli:k:llOD, ed to withstand heat and wear. It . parts which are guaranteed for the life of the car. Smooth and quiet, easy ~everse and hr~ke bands. It is very dif- will give so much better and longer to operate, no experience necessary. Tried and proved by the acid-test of actual service and fully guaranteed, "Satis­ CUlt b adjust these nuts without a service that it is well worth the dif· factwn or Money Back." Comnlete with new drive shaft and all fittings. Write or call at our stores for further information. !P8cial wrench. The ratchet feature ference in price. Ship. wt., 1 lb. X8501-Giant SPEED Transmission, Ford Passenger cars (Ship. wt., 45 lbs.) ...... 38.95 I.Uakes this wr~nch work verv fast. D609:?-Ret of 3withrivets-Treated,1911·25 ..•• SSe X8502-Giant POWER Transmission, Ford Passenger cars (Ship. wt., 45 lbs.) ...... , ..... 38.95 p this adinstme.nt accurate and eliminate "drag,"loss of 06093-Bet of 3 with rivets-Treaterl,l926-27 .... sse X8503-Giant SPEED Transmission, Ford One-Ton Trucks (Ship. wt., 50 lbs.) ...••...... •..•...... 39.95 et, and loose brakes. 06091-f'et of 3 with rivets-Untreated ,1911-25 .• 45o X8504-Giant POWER Trai15missiOll, Ford One.;j;'on 'I'rw:kli (Ship, wt., 00 lb~.).,.,.,.,., .,, ., ., ., ...... 39.95 l . , 54-Handy Ratehet Wrench. Shin. wt., 8os...• 1 9 D609o-8et of 3 with rivets-Untreated,l926-27 .. 48o 88 Western Auto SUPPlY Co. Genuine Ev_erbest Asbestos Brake Lining THE LINING WITH THE FAMOUS INTERLOCKING STITCH LONG-WEARING-OU RABLE Sa yes Clothes-Saves Cleaning Two S_tyles-Supplied either in Plain Regular and Style, WJth- buttons, or "ith the con- Hookless Fastener venient, positive, smooth-acting Hookless F Lee Union-Ails-"If astener. you do not find this }, or the man who worke around his car to be the moat satis­ Lee. Lnion-Alls will be found very con­ factory -and best yeruent to ~ear for the odd jobs of clean­ value-giving One­ Wg and adJusting. Save tl:eir cost time Piece Suit you have sJter time. Cut full and roomy ever worn, you can assuring comfort. Neat in getanewpairfreeor appearance. Made of especial­ your money back." ly woven Herringbone Khaki Twill fabric which has extra- A strictly hiJ>;h qualitv brake lining. Contains 90% standard size and thickness. Do not toke chanreswlth wearing surface, a close weave and more resistant to oils and fine stante long fiber asbestos yarn closely interwoven cheap inferior under-size brake !iring. Mak., your greases than ordinary fabrics. Made in two grades extra with high quality brass wire. Will not char or burn car safe. The best is the cheapest in the end. Average heavy for continuous use and in medium weight fo; those from friction heat, doeil not soften or become hard. shipping weight, 6 oz. P"f foot. Plices ,;.-.... are per who wear them occaaionally. Very serviceable. Heat-proof, water-proof and oil-proof. Made full foot. Be sure to state length, .,.-idth and thicknees iu Give chest measurement on order. It is well to remember ordering. Also give make, ;rear and model ~ car. that Lee Union-Ails are a cotton garment and liable to shrink· Number Width Thickness Reg. Price Our PriM Number Width Thickness Reg. Price Our Price age. For sjzes 41l to 50 add 10%; 20% lor sizes 50 to 5.6. (Ship, 06239 .... 1 ...... J1i ...... 20 ...... ~c 1)6243 .... 1,.; ...... 3-16 ... _.... 40...... 18 wt., per pmr, 5 lbs.) · 1)6240.,.. H( ...... 5-32 ...... 28...... D&ZU.... ~ ...... 3-16 ...... 45...... K8085-252F-Olive Drab Khaki Twill, medium wt.,. 06254.... 1~ ...... 5-32 ...... 30...... •'l 06245 .... 2}( ...... 3-16 ...... 60...... •j9• 3 sizes 34 to 44 ...... 2 95 06235 .... 1~ ...... 5-32 ...... 30...... • 06248 .... 2~ ...... 3-16 ...... 56.-..... • 6 KB08D-292F- Lee Herringbone Twill, heavy wt., " 06237 .... 1~ ...... 5-32 ...... 35...... • Dl250 .... 1~ ...... ~ ...... 40...... 19 sizes 34 to 44 ...... 3 65 06238 .... 2 ...... 5-32 ...... 40...... • 9 06247 .... 2 ...... ~ ...... 60...... ·27 The Hooklcss Fastener Lee Union-AIIs-A combination of the Genuine Hookless Fastener and Genuine "Lee 06241 .... 1}( ...... 3-16 ...... 30 ...... 4 06248 .... 2~ ...... }( ...... 65 ...... 29 . · n-Ails. Fastens _up the front with the positive, smooth acting Hookless Fastener. The most convenient slip-on 1)6242.... 1~ ...... 3-16.. .35 " .. - • 6 06249.... 2~ ...... !-{ ...... • 75...... ·34 k garment obtamable. In and out like a flash-no buttons to bother. Launders perfectly. Non-Rusting, not jam. Guaranteed. Supplied only in the Long-Wear Herringbone Twill Khaki. 1-Lee Hookless Fastener Union-All, sizes 34 to 44 .. _...... 4.95 For sizes 46 to 50 acid 10%. Carbon Remover Zowie Hand Soap Tabs Tablets For Farmers~Mechanics-Autoists Simply remove the spark plugs, put two Worko Tablets M ~ Zowie washes embedded dirt, in each cylinder, replace the ~ ""'•.:.tF: grease, stains or paint from the plugs, run the motor slowly for ;¥ifijtl. .:~.. · ?'.~-'·/··<~·,, c.reases ar:d pores of the han~s a few minutes and the carbon VA .-~~--...... hke magtc. Leaves the sk1n is gone and your car is l'FRFr:cr '"·:-;.: ~mooth and unchapped. I.itt.le ready to use. Is absolutely n.i,'r~r round tabs-one tab enough for -a''"a... a wash-containing only pure harmless to everything but ::~· soap of the highest quality, ·glycerine and carbon. Also cleans valves, ...::..~~··:... other antiseptic a.IId healing properties, com­ pistons, spark plugs and ex­ .::-.~::.~. bined with cereals and hard wood fibre. haust passage. Get a can Cleans thoroughly in a natural way--soothes and ,an!)ing weiQ>,ht, 8 oz.) .... • 19 ~- Form a more perfect head - than brass-do not !!QUeak Engine Cleaning Steel Brush · while wearing down-do not · A very handy steel, properly tempered. Hard·wood handle. cut brake drum-easier to in­ A very handy tool and sure to give good results. stall. Ship. wt., 6 os. per box. I ong-handle H7450--3-Cornered Scraper (Ship. wt.,-4 oz.) .. ,,, .25 T brush to use J7632-Ys" long, boxT of 100 .. , , ...... 29 around motor J7633-~" long, box of 100...... 33 chains, gears Set of Three Bearing Scrapers J7634-%" long, box of 100 ...... • . . .35 and other parts where a '>"'ire Split Brass Rivets ~ Has wood handle an<>X of 100 .20 .12 J7649-~~"long ,box of 100.24 ~_..__._.m,DI§iJI J764T-h"long (Fordsise),bosoftOO ...... :.- .1 HIGO Made of forged steel with ground edges and hardwood J7646-"i" long (Ford size), box of 100 _.. __ ...... 1 handles. Three sizes properly curved. · Chatter Cure for Ford Cars H7453-Set of 3 Bearing flcraper•. (Ship. wt., 1 Y,lbs ) .95 A preparation to do away with the For Cars With Rear Wheel Brakes nerve-racking chattering and !P"'bbing. Bearing Compound Do your bmkes squeak and slip when you Will save the cost of relimng your apply them? Our Brake Juice if a spec­ bands until they are entirely worn out. Saves hours of time in fitting bearings. ially prenared liouid for applymg between the Higo is a perfect lubricant that will You do not have to ·scr~pe vour bear­ brake lining and the drum, to prevent squeaking not gum, corrode or congeal; no' ings at all and you get a much more and to give a new surface to the lining and affected by heat or cold. Just add a perfect fit. Furnished with direc­ lll'eater friction. wm also stop slipping of fan pint to any good lubricating oil and tions for use. Will grind all types of and mal!beto belts. Juet sqmrt it 011; it does the chatter will be eliminated. Satlo­ soft metal bearings, Will save its, the work. Shipping WPight, 12 os. factlon guaranteed or money ref\lllded. cost ia one job. G7077-~pint can with spout.,,.,,,. G6893-H lgo, Quart can •••••••4 5 • 1 5 H7457-4 oz. can...... sa 90 Westem Auto. SupplY a,. Save "Heavy Duty'' Ford Cars Springs, 51.3~ and The great features of tJ:lia up crank ca.ae support are 1 t8 ease of installation, (requirea no bolting to frame) ita heavy, sturdy construction, and its ability to stop vibra­ tion. . Specially dqned Best Quality Regular Size ar.d Weight hooked arms simply hook into and ov~r the frame of These are beat quality. standard weight, spting9 made the car as shown in illustra­ stronger and more substantlal than the of htgh-ltJ'ade, 01! tempered, sprmg steel that is especially tion. Then the bolts at the grade. Especially suitable for severe, prepared, to meet .the reqwremen~, sta'!-d t~e loads, jerks bottom are tightened pull· or for commercial bodies and carrying and strams to whi~b an automobtle. sprmg 18 subjected. ing your crank case into po­ "Heavy-Duty" Spri-ngs will stand far W8330--,Front Spnng, 7-leaf, 1{109-25 (Ship. wt., sition. The tighter you pull and overloading than the regular. weight. the firmer it holds. Elimi· . . . finest spring material and are very W8329--1~rd~~prl;;g,' i9~'6-2'i F~~d{Wt.','i!iib:.:)·:. 1:ig nates half the vibration in your motor and umv<>rsalJomt. New Quick-On Repair Arms their extreme strength. If you are W8331-Rear Spring, 8-leaf, 1909-25 (Ship. wt. Built of heavy material throughout. Will never give way. Eliminates the difficult "ro.un•JAwH·,n springs breaking,.oget a pair of "Heavy- 3 95 Ship. wt., 61ba. Our Reduced Price task of lining up bolt holes. w8332-~.~;-~i>~i~~: · 9-i~~r: 'i9oo:2ii ·<'shi~: wi.: · W8285-Crank Caae Support, for Passenger Cars .. 1.45 and makes an eaay job of a -"'H<:avv-l)Uitv" Front, 8 leaf (Ship. wt., 20lbs.) 48lbs.) ...... ~ ...... 4.65 hard one. Can be installed ...... 1.85 W8285A-Crank Case Support, for 1 ton Tru.-kli .... 1.45 in the time of the 10 leaf, 1>ith special long Extra (Juali ty Fron r Spring repair arm-no ) ...... 5 65 H~mdy Crank Case Repair Arms pounding needed. for lO-leaf rear spring each. . . :39 • ~§§~;;;§§§§§§}•• EASY Will offset plugs RIDINGbe wel- Wben a Ford crank ca.ae arm tapered socket comed breaks, repairs are difficuit, ex· crank <·a.ae repair by ev­ pensive and time-consuming. These plygs can be eryFord A new arm haa to be riveted on. in the socket holes All this trouble is eliminated arm line up exactly with who has with the U8e of this handy the bolt holes in the frame the car. Then by slipping ~~~!~~;~~~~i~~~~~=~~~owbad nanyer repair arm. All that is needed the regular bolt• in and tightening the nuts the crank trcts motor nnd.tires fr0m the effect of rou~h roads. S~tisfact;0n j!'Uamnt•ed. (Ship, wt., 21ihs.) W8449--Ex~ra_Quality Front Spring ...... 2.95 Ring Gears and Pinions for Fords and Chevrolet Rubber Cushion Lon~ Front Spring By installing a set of 3 to 1 gears on a light Ford car you can dev~lop a Sj>~ed under o~dinary conditions, of 50 to 55 miles an hour or even more, and get more rmleage Wlt,n less gasoline and . Spring Shackle Assembly oil consumption. . . . Our 4 to 1 gears are gears for power. For ':"'e on trucks and m very htfl? These improved shackle assem- or sandy country. They reduce the speed slightly. Equally effective . WJtll blies are accurately m.tde and ~ full balloon tire.a. ~tiaded for use with com ores- ~ .ion gr~a.sa CUDS, Whir~ illsure ·a·il a]·.--~ -o- ..• - For speed in cars using full balloon tires we recommend the new 3 U to 1 p.ooait_ive lubrica.-tion, easier riding f 8 ~ JJBI) gears shown below. and muchlongerwear. C:cn be · .· · - -.. Ail extra quality spring cornbining the slow, soft action The gears we offer are the highest quality, forged gears and can be depended ised with ordinary grease cups or ~ of the Iong.spring with the shock absorbing effect of tho on for service.· Guaranteed to fit. A!emite lubricating system rubber cushions which rt')place the regular spring shackles Standard Platlo Gea~ for Che.v. 490 and Sup. Speed Gears and Power Gears, for Fords page 4l). Two assemblies are required for each (a new improvement whjeh has been adop'ted on many of J7867-Complete set, spiral-cut nng gear (34 ing. Ship. wt., lib. euch. the big cars). Eliminates broken springs, does away with teeth) and spiral-cut pinion (9 teeth) for Chev. . J7782-8et, 3)4 to 1 Speed Gears (Ship. wt., 5 lba.) 4.80 Our Reduced Price the need for shock- absorbers and rebound checks. Saves l car and adds to its riding ('omfort. ·Nothing to wear out, Supe.rior, 1921-24 (Ship. wt., Sibs.) .... · · · · .4.65 J77. 113--ir!'l Pinion gear on1y, 9 tooth for - (Shipwt., 2lba.) ...... 1.78 For compr<:'ssion fittings see page 4·1. W8328-Rubher cushion spring (1909-25 Fords) ... 5.95 Chev. (Ship. wt., 2_lbs.) ...... · · .... • - .... 1.85 For standard ratio gears see page 96 ~ Geat-s for192"·26 Chevrolet see page 91 Prices on gears and pinions for other cars gladly furnished on request. Save 20% to 60%. HBlow-On" Penetrating Spring Oil Spring Lubricator Simply uoe a brush to flow oil along the FOR POPULAR edge of each leaf. It penetrates, cuts Now, you y0urself can keep your 1 the rust, grea.se, and dirt, and works ,. GEARS CARS springs -- ::~d without creeping under SILENT its wny between the I eaves, leaving a ~' Used as Standard Equipment on most High Priced Cars the car and getting all dirty. This new good coat of the I ubricant. Also good ! The, metal to metal contact and the constant grinding of ordinary iron Lubricator contains about 1 pint of the very for body BQUeo,ks and for loosening nuts, b~.at penetrating oil. It ie. carbonated so that 1 timing gears, on.Ford, Chevrolet, older models of Dodges, and Overland, soon bolts, screws, lock~, etc., .that a;e stuck with .!1 wears them so badly that they grind and rattle_, making a very disagreeable by opening the valve a stream of oil mist rust. Es.:3y-working spnnge will make your . i about the size of a pin point squirts out. noise, and causea.them in time to crack from crystalization. car and tires l11st rr.~.uch longer. Get a ca.n ' Will throw about 20 feet. Not one drop is of spring I ubricant and see what a differ­ You can permanently stop the noise and practically 'eliminate all wear wasted. Entirely automai.ir.-can be con­ by installing our Silent Timing Gears. · · ence it_ rnakea in. the way your car rides. trollf'd exactly. One l'an \~·ill last a year. G7079-4 oz. bottle with swab...... 26 Our gears are made of best quality specially prepared timing G6867-1 pint size (Ship. wt., 2lbs.) ..•85 G7084-Pint can (Ship. wt., lY.lbs.) .39 gear material. This material has stood the teat of years­ giving perfect service in the highest priced cars. It cushions the motor shocks, absorbs the noise, and yet is so strong and durable that it will out-wear iron gears and practically never wear out itself. It is oil-proof and waterproof; it will not swell, shrink, twist, or warp Easily installed. H7561-For 'Ford cars, (replaces 3047B large timing gear). (Ship. wt., lib.). , ...... ·,· ·. · · · · · · · · · · · ... 3.20 H7562-For Chevrolet, 4-90 and Sup., 1916-24 (replaces crank shaft an~ generator gears). (Shtp. wt., 2lbs.) .. 4.35 H7560-For Chevrolet, all models, 1916-27 (replaces big cam gear). (Ship. wt., lib.).: ...... · ...... 4.35 H7559-For Chevrolet, mods. K, V and AA, 1925-27 (replaces crank shaft gear). (Shtp. ~t., llb.) ...... 1.95 H7563-For Overland 1920-27 (replaces crank shaft, cam s.haft and generator gears). (Ship, wt., SibS.) ...... 4.95 H7564--For Dodge 1915-25 (replaces cam shaft gear) .. (SJ:lip ..wt., 2 lbs.) .. · ... · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · • .. • .•.. 3.95 H7566-For Dodge 1926-27 (replaces ca'Il shaft gear w1th mlshnger.) (Shm. wt., 2 ~bs.) · .... •...... 3.95 PriGOI on Sllen~ Timing Gears for other care gladly furntshecl on request.. 82 Western.Auto SupplyCO. ------".:E:.:v.:e;.;.r.;:,yt.;;,h;.;.;.;in:,;;g:..;F';..o;.r;...;;t;,;,h~e Automobile F'or Less" '93 Automatic Extra Quality Connecting Rods GENUINE ARMSTRONG CORK GASKETS Felt Gasket Sets 1909-24 Fords 28c Take-Up Connecting Rod FOR FORD AND CHEVROLET FOR FORD CARS Made of high grade wool /.iif""""f"~"'F-""'1'!"" ___""'11 Bearing Bolts ;;;;!1~~~ Carefully made forg- ¥ felt in the correct sizes and ; inpwithfinest3.A.E. I ~-~------shapes to fit parts shown. Positively guar­ specification babbitt or!r 31JIC bearJnJ;!'s, nicely and I ~ ~ Save delay by having a full anteed to stop con- ' accurately finished . • ~ !r set of these on- hand before Guaranteed to fit. Ship. wt., ea. 31bs. 3D70 you bel!,in a repair job. ~ r:;t~h~ lir~ ~fo~~ K8017-For Ford, each (Ford Ko. 3024)...... 92 ··a,: ~ Shipping weight, set, llb. ~ motor and keep the K8014-For Cnevrolet (Ship. wt. 41hs.,) each ...... 1 .35 J7724-Full set 20 gaskets and washers ...... 28 @': bearings tight even ~· on a crankshaft that is slightly flat Connecting-Rod Bearing i!!!Jl ... or out of round. Bi171 1 ~ Die-cast bearing only. Take out e [___ ~ The tension spring Gasket Shellac Compound the old babbi!t and replace it with these - keeps the spool nut bearinl!s. Tl.ey fit readily into These new improved gasket sets hve been made u~ Western Gasket Shellac Compound turned up to the , the~ ord Rod and by a crimping specially for us to combine the superior c:ualities of ccr makes the gaskets air-tight and a leak­ right position and makes the bearing !'J operation that can he for general gasket use with the well recognized. s~perionty proof connection unaffected by gasohne, cap fit perfectly at all times thereby of felt for use in rear hub washers and transllll8Blon ccve• oil or heat. Works on all forins of gas­ eliminating knocks.. The force of the (!f done with a hammer strips. Arinstrong cork gaskets are widelY known among kets, asbestos, copper or felt. explosion is not on the spring, but on ~~="""""""""...::\..\...:~ )~It are locked as rigidly ear owners as the very best. They are made of strong the spool nut, whi~h has more strength ~ and permanently as tho pressed cork by a special patented process which renders J7746-2 os. bottle with dauber , than the re~;ular bolt and nut. Ea~y cast in. Made of highest quality babbitt wetal. Directions them pliable, leakproof and especially long lived. Every cork .•••••••••• · • • • · · · · · ·1 2 to install. No scraping and fitting of bra ring reQuired. for installing with each pair. gasket full size and guaranteed to fit. Ship. wt., set, 1 lb. J7747-4 o1 • bottle, with dauber Anyone can d'J a perfect, per·nanent bearing job K8141-Pair complete for one rod (1914-25 Fords J7737...... Set for 1909-24 Ford (contains one each 2580, cork ...... · · .22 cheaper and quicker, and when onee installed never need only)...... •35 3070, 3071, 3102B, 3279, 3379, and 3111C and two J7745-~pint can. (Ship. wt.,l lb.) .3 2 attention. Offer a real saving. Come complete with in­ 3377, all in cork. also one 3363long felt, one 3363 •------structions ready to put on. Ship, wt., 11 b. Babbitting Jig and Babbitt short felt, and two 2510B felt washers)...... • .29 1· Our Reduced Price Enables you to re-babbitt J7740-Set for 1925-27 Ford (same as J7737 except J7893-Complete set of 8 for :Ford, Durant 4, bearings in Ford connecting having3102C instead of 3102B)...... 29 New Graphite Shellac Chevrolet, 1925-26 ...... 2.55 - rods at small cost. Absolutely J7738...... Speoial Set for Ford Transmission Cover; J7893X-complete set of 12 bolts for Chand- accurate. Can be used by A scientific compound of the highest Ford ownerij as well as by repair two 3377 \COrk), one 2580 (cork), and two felt quality shellac with graphit<>. Expands ler, Durant 6, Pontiac, Studebaker Big 6 .... 3.85 strips 3363 (set not illustrated). (Ship. wt., 8 oz.) • 8 men. Full directions with each 1 with the heat of you motor, making J7883-Complete set for Dodge cars ..•..... , .4.35 jig. INDIVIDUAL CORK GAEKETS FOR FORD CARS a perfectly tight joint that cannot leak J7884-Complete set for Fordson Tractor ..... 4.a5 H7492-Babbitting Jig, each;(Ship. wt. 3~ !be.) •• • as Shipping Weight, each, 101. oil or gas. With Graph-A-Lac, gaskeY, J7&78--For Kash 4, Star, Grant, set of 8 ...... 3.15 H7493-llb. Babbitt (enough for 4 rods) ...... J307o-crank Case and Cyl., left ...•.•••.....• •... 3c may be used again and again as they J7878X--Comnlete set of 12 bolts for Cleveland, H7494--3-inch Babbitting Ladle (wt.llb.) ...... :i~ J3071-crank Case and.Cyl., right ...... · .... ic are not injured by remo\-ing. Essex, Studebaker Light 6 ...... •• 4.85 J3102B-Engine Pan, 1909-23...... c 06868-Graph-A-Lac, 1~ oz... .14 Wires for All Mechanical Uses J3102C-Engine Pan, 1924-27 .• , ...... C G6869-Graph-A-Lac, 5 oz...... 42 J3981-Fan Pulley...... 2c J5057-Generator Head c STOVE PIPE WIRE J5056-Motor Mounting.2c J3279-Magneto Post. • c BlMk enameled to prevent rust. Hu J3377-Trans.Cover2for8c J3379-Trans. Door ..... c Anchor Running Board Brace at "ousand uses. Ship. wt. 6 oz. J3381-Starter Cover ... 2c J2580-Universal Jomt.. c Form-a-Gasket Compound J7630-J4 lb. roll, 19 gauge...... 9c J3111 8-Valve Door, 1909-21...... • o boardsIf your sag orrunning 1i the LFOR l COPPER WIRE J311tc-Valve Door, 1921-27 ...... 5c Used either alone or on top of D !ladY of the car FORDS 2 oz. spool, 20 ga11g;P. copper wire for a any kind of old or new gaskets. 'rOitlll'"AcA'swll\~ .- loose, end m ~ variPty of uses. Ship. wt., 4 oz. Makes a union that is pressure- Jki*'ffit zt~m!l§!l~ tbiJ. trouble by in...~• J7621-2 oz. spool copper wire... 9c Sheet Cork tight,standsveryhighheat, and ng an Anchor Running Board Brace, If you carry STEEL MUSIC WIRE Highqualitysheetcork,l-16 in, is leak-proof to gasoline, grJase,,oil or water. Saves much yy luggage on your running boards you need one of 4 oz. roll high quality, for cutouts, dash controls, etc. tliick, for use in making gaskets. '< !!Be braces. J7623-4 oz . .roil steel music wire (Ship wt. 6 oz. l .. ,24 time and gasket mat.orial. Lets you use your gaskets over ·' 'Made of heavy angle iron with strong hook bolte that Comes in sheets, 12x36 in. and over. Fine for warped cylinder heads J7725-Cork, per sheet. (Ship. over the frame and through the brace binding the J7612-2-os:handy tn~ Form-a-Gasket...... 32 . y of the car and the running boards together. Wood Ball Shim for Universal Joint wt., 1lb.)...... 28 . cks give ample support to running boards. Easily ~lind quickly installed. Comes complete with fittings. ON FORD -CARS Cylinder Head Gaskets Ship. wt., 12 lhs. 19c Copper Gasket for Ford Car '11118381-Running Boarz.)...... • 68 initely. Satbfaction gu;tran... Bave an extra one on hand for emergencies. car. Shipping weight, per set, lib. teed. Ship. wt., 12 oz. Our Reduced Price J7734-Ford, all models...... • ...... 22 ~ngine Shim Assortments for Fords J7664-chevrolet, all models...... • .34 J7727-Full Set 11 Gaskets, for Ford car...... 34 C5671-Ball Shim, complete with instructions ..•..... 1 9 Jf734-cyl.-Head Gasket for Ford oar. Ship. wt. 12 oz .• 22 c.' .Consists of 60 connecting rod, 20 center J7665-Dodge, all models ...... • .. .. .3~ ~nd front bearing, and 20 rear bearing. a. J7666-0verland Four, 1920-23.... , ...... • 3 J7728--8et 10 small gaskets less cyl. head gasket. • 1 8 li:igh-qunEty shims, spedaJ,ly cut of proper J7667-0verlsnd 4, 1924-26...... •..•.. , • . • • . • . . .3 ll&ried thickness to obtain the correct ad-,.•-•••• J7668-Essex, 1925-26...... 5 J~tment on Ford crank-shaft and cQnneeting rod bearings. J7~-Star 4, 22-'27...... 36 J7674-Maxwell, 1916-23, and Chrysler 4-50...... 34 3 in 1 Exhaust and Intake Gasket tf7638-100 Assorted Ehims (Ship. v.-t., 12 oz.)... . .45 A vast improv.,.. ,!1639-An assortment of 100 brass connect• ment over the old ,: lng rod shi_ms in these thicknesses: .002, Combination Gasket and Gland Exhaust and Intake .003, .005 (Shm. wt., 8 oz.) ...... 48 For Ford Manifolds gasket. The 3-in-1 l A special "two-in--<>ne" washer, is e""y to hold in .J· Brass Shim Stock which takes. the place of both place while settin!! the manifolds in place and three times t For All Cars Nos. 3063 and 3064 gasket and as leak-proof, owing to the large area it covers. It takes ~ For use when it is necessary to cut gland for Ford exhaust pipe the place of three No. 3063 manifold gaskets. Only two ~c out shims for repairs. The paok­ and inlet pipe. Much easier to 3-in-1 Gaskets required for a car, instead of six of the ~ IM B~·::JI age .contains six sheets of special put in than regular ones. Ship­ old shrle. Made of pure copper sheets with asbestol .:i( _,.' --- . r :,)", sheet brass, each 8x2J~ inches. with ping weight, 1 oa, between. Ship. wt., 2 oL t_ thicknesees of .001, .002, .0035, .005, .117736-3-in-1 Gasket, eaoh, 1 Oc. Set oft••• •.,.. .18 kt.._ - .007 and .0 10 . .117729-Manifold Gasket, Each, 4e. set of 6...... • • -22 ~him Stock, assortment (bhip. wt., 8 oa.) .• , . . .29 M western AUto Supply OJ. na. World's Leading Auto $upply Stores. ., Genuine Ramco Cushion Jnaer Ring New lmpreved Oil Groove Piston amp Guaranteed to Stop 011 Pumping and Piston Slap. , Ant of theae~in your ear wiD showy<>u a marked lncraa In PCJWfll', a Bring back the original compression and renew the engines power P~Sid. ~!fable ~avt.·ng. m gasoline and oil, and comparative freedom from earhon. and acceleration; reduce vibration, oil dilution, and carbon deposit; ~ ~iiiJ:far more eC{l]lomioal and will run smoother than if you 'install save gasoline and oil: and are guaranteed to ABSOLUTELY STOP OIL PUMPING AND PISTON SLAP. Easy to install. Just clean ·,,'fhestep-<:Ui 'and oil,groove features of these rings is a standard, recognbed carbon out of piston ring grooves and slip them under the regular .....,tice in. piston ring construction. The oil-groove holds a film of oil be­ rings now on your car-"no filing, fitting or <>ther fine work. They IWeen the piston ring and the cylinder wall keeping the wall always oiled and renew and maintain the "spring" in the piston ring and hold the (pr;l:n.ing a. gas-proof seal, so that you obtain better comprellllion. This saves piston in the center of the cylinder. ·='line and gives more power, together with emooth running and Ieos carbon. Made of specially treated long grain Swedish steel that will not .... rounded upper edge of th.e ring elides up over. the oil on th. e cylinder wal.ls, crystalize or lose its "spring" even'under tremendous heat. Scientifi­ , , · g proper lubri<:atlon of'the entire piston ring. FoDowing thelatestim- cally designed so that Inner ring presses out on the ring at 6 points . ' "ement in piston ring construction the bearing surface of these rings againss with a pressure of 8 lbs.-exactly the right pressure to get high • . "cylinder walls is cut down. (in Ford sizes almost one-half) s. othat friction compression and prevent oil pumping and piston slap but not enough ';redtlced. . to cause scratched cylinder walls or frozen pistons. Parts are the \·,~ N.ew Improved OIL-GROOVE rings are made of gray cast-iron of the best least expensive in a repair job--it pays to use the best. ~t qualitJO and finest grain, and .are strong, springy and durable. They are In ordering give make, year and model of car. '" quick-seating and accurate and uniform in size. K8071-Ramco Inner Ring, each (Shipping weight, 2 oz.). , ..••• • . Althou~h o~e ring on each piston will make a grea.t improvement, for a 1 6 ~·sweet" sounding, powerful, and economical motor we recommend a full set. Pistons for Ford Cars Piston Rin~ Expanders Ship. -wt., each 4 oa. Are placed under 1(7982-Ford size, regular, 3!'{x~ ...... , .••. · These pistons are made any make of pis­ ~7988,---Ford size, 3Mx34 plus .002.'> oversize ...... •••••...• from the very highest grade ton ring .and push .~7989-'--Ford size, 3Mx)4 plus .005 oversize, ...... •• ; ..• close grained gral( iron, ac­ the . piston rings :1(7985--Fordoize, 3%x!4 plus .o:n oversize..••.....•..•.... :, . ., ..•. curately made and ground outward from the 'k798&-Ford size, 3Mx~ plus .033 oversize.....•...•.•.••..•••• ·,, . to size, "hich insures the piston, causing it . OIL GROOVE RINGS FOR ALL CARS size being right and that to make perfeot are rw:nished in .ooz~ oversize til allo'! for sligh t,1y . · each piston is exactly round. contac.t on the en­ . Furnished without rin1p eo tire cylinder wall. SSitisJ'aetol~l)a'•httle too large, 1U8t toUch up the JOints with a you can select the grade of Piston Ring Ex- ring ;you prefer. When . panders save oil renewmg pistons, always and gasoline, reduce carbon deposits and vibration, and f!et full set to insure uui~ cure platon slaps. Motors equipped wi.th them accelerate formity. Pistons come with more rapidly and throttle down lower. pins and bushings but Made of high grade material, not affected by the heat without rings. of the motor, and will retain their resiliency indefinitely. Ship. wt.,each 2J.i lbl. Ship. wt., each 2 oz.; Per doz. llb. Our Reduced Price K8075--E"Panders for any I.-inch ri~, each. . • • • • 9c K8015-Regular s1ze Piston, each ...... K8076-For any >l-inch rings, (Ford mze), each... 9c K8016-.0025 Oversize Piston, each•••••••••••• , ••• K8077-Ezpanders for any 141 inch ring, each. . . • • • 9c K8020-.005 Oversize Pistons, each ••••••.•••••••• ·I.91 Any of the above si..,. per dozen •••••• • • • · • • • • • ·-. .85 K8021-.03l Oversize Piston, each ...... "9 K8022-.033 Oversize Pistons, each •...•••..•. , •.. :9 Cylinder Lapping Compound Mitre-Cut Rings. Step•Cut P~on Rings . , Pistons For Chet!rol

You can add greatly to the appearance and the value of your car, at a small cost, by replacing old, disfigured The third gener· ator brush on Ford Square Shank Drills for Metal or Wood and battered fenders with our new ones. M&de of 20-gauge auto steel, cold drawn, and finished in high lustre S · ...... ,~ Highestq';)alitycar- baked-on black enamel. Strongly reinforced at all points of strain. Same style and design as your original fenders cars needs adjust­ u-- bon steel drills, hard• i nil: at intervals and . • S - and interchangeable with them. Our prices offer a worth-while saving. Carefully crated for shipping. Our ened and polished. Shank will fit any standard brace. prices are quoted F. 0. B. our store nearest to you. Not Mailable·. Ship. wt., 85lbe. it takes this special Will fit any model Ford. Ship. wt., Average shipping weight, 4 oz. L b X8517-For Touring and Roadster, 1917-25 and 1923 and older two-door Sedans and Coupes.. • . . . 9.81 Lenl!tn . engt . X8516-For 1924-25 Coupes ...... : ...... 11.4 No. Diam. over all Price No. D1811l. over all Price X8515-For 1924-25 Sedans...... 11.4 l'}rUI~Ger>erl~tor Brush Wrench .. : ..... ··· .... • • 10 J7900 J7901 ft 3i"3 t II .5J790S•f 2 J7904 ~~f 6~"6" ~~ SINGLE FENDERS J7902 4!." • a J7906 n 6~" • The Prices shown b"low are for Fonder, Crated, Ready to Ship, F. 0. B. Our Nearest Store 6/r" -22 J7907 ~ 7 , . X857Q-Front Fender, right, all models 1917-25...... •...... ••...... 3.45 J7903 ~ X8571-Front Fender, right, all models 1926-27 ...... •...... 4.35 X8572-Front ~ender, left, all models 1917-25 ...... 3.45 ''Easy-Out" Screw Extractor X8573-Front Fender, left, all models 1926-27...... •.. 4.35 For removing bolts, cap screws, setscrewa,eto., X8574-Rear Fender, right, all models 1915-23 and Touring and Roadster, 1915-25...... 2.90 when the head has been broku or twisted oll, X8575-Rear Fender, right, Tudor and F'ordor Sedans, 1922-25...... 3.35 Simply drill a hole in broken screw, insert "Easy­ X8576-Rear Fender, r!ght, Coupe, 1924-25 ...... ·. · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · 3.~5 Out," slip on a wrench and twist to the left ana tile X8577-Rear Fender, nght, Touring, Tudor and Fordor Sedans, 1926-27 ...... •...... 3. 5 screw eomea o\lt easily without Injury to thTead.. X8576-Rear Fender, right, Coupe and Roadster, 1926-27 ...... 3. 5 One of eaoh, RE SOLDER cotter pin quickly out of natured alcohol in the torch, remove This is the moot practical acid solder the eap, and light. The h_eat (genel'!'tes made. Just clean the ~aces to be &!:~position ev.Well'~Ji{ 1,400• ia 10 seconds) proVJd!"' suffiCient soldered, touch the hot uon to the solder, and the job is foroo to shoot· the flame direct to the done. No waste, ao ex_, dux. point desired. Practical for all solder­ H7501-1-Jb. spool, Acid Core f!older...... 84 mg jobs. Simpl!- and strongly constructed, "METAL MENDER OUTFIT"consists of • will last for years. Absolutely safe. about U -lb. of acid eore solder in a bandy box 5}i inches tall. with fulnnstructiorui about bow to solder properly _.,75t6-Automatic Blow T-orch. . Ship. wt., llb.. · 1 , 18 H7502-8hip. wt., 6 oa...... :. • .24 ROSIN-C-:>RE Pri:'IO SOLDER . ·"Giant" Gasoline Blow Torch This is the best solder for RADIO work, as well as other purposes. Made just like acid core except that instead of Has seamless, drawn-brass tsnk. acid, rosin is used as the flux. No sputtering of flux, no Pump is in tank-it can not be­ d_anger, no aeid odor, no CORROSION. This outfit con- come battered and is m,uch more 818ts of about U -lb. of rosin core solder in a handy box convenient than pump m handle. with full instructions about how to solder properly. Shi)!l. Has a patented trouble-proof wt., 6 oz. H7503-Rosin Core Solder. . . . . • . . . . .24 control needle that can ~ot ·,~ -~~~ -~· ·-- damage or enlarge the _gasoline Wire Solder inlet. Has more generatmg area ,•, ~ -- -e·- -- -.. than most torches. It develops Very fine quality wire a concentrated blue flame of solder. For aeneral use. ~~ T intense heat, even when throttled Works fine. low. Not affected by cold or ~7499-ft!b. rcll Wire Solder ••••...... •....•• 27 high wind. Can be uSed at any 7500-1- . roll Wire Solder...... 49 angle. Is absolute~ leak-proof -will last a life time. Every garage, farm, and home should Bar Solder High grade solder for gen­ "iif&iS::::Cas~lll;;~ wt., 5lbs. . eral repair purposee. Ship, .. Blow Torch, quart s1ze ...... wt. lib. H7604-*lb. Bar...... 24 Assortments of Stove Bolts A handy assortment of round head "Solderall, The Handiest Solder A very stove bolts for general use. Stove J Ever lnvent•d ·' C Steel jaws bolts have many uses and this assort- . A pure tin solder 22 main screw forged to screw. ment should be in every tool kit. comtiined with non: Contains 30 stove bolts from Mx:h D Nut in the rear takes up all wear upon the screw, which to l~x~. Ship. wt., 8 oz. :::1_;:.~:-j~~ l.:t•li•J4;p"ib prevents lost motion. Can be J7629-Per can...... ,24 for illetallt use •n·, -- . -- • easily and quickly clamped to rim­ joiDiuc Yiree, etop- rung board or work bench. Black llh!ll leaks, or repairing breaks of any metal parte. .enamel finish. Furnished with 2 Just equ..,.n a Uttle from the tube on tr.e parte to be and 2~-inch jaws. mPBded, thPD heat With a mateh, torch or aolderlnc iron ~ ..d " Jnh 18 the result. Our Reduced Price 117482-'-2-in• .Taw (Ship. wt., about.lbs.J ...... ,....,..tot 1.78 H7!liOT-8olderall fSbippjng weight, 8 011.) • • • • • • • .22 Bench Vises · Reparal Metal A strong, .A metallic compound for repairing cracks or ville witn hea"Vy ·-~~o~~-• S..A.~ ~ELLATED breaks an any kind of metal. Eliminates too, extra strong· screw. No. SiH · Price need for. braoing or welding. Especially fine have knurled steel inset X!IQ6II •••• u. .; . . 2': for cracked cylinder beads, crank cases, f'>~ holding work firmly. X91181.; •• 5-18•• ,. 2C radiators, etc., also household utensils. Simply Pipe jawa conveniently X90&2 .... 3-3.. .. • 2&: heat part to be repaired, alld rub st ck of Re­ located. Vise can be turn­ para metal in the erack or hole. Rerair will ed and set· at variOUll X9063 .... 7-16.... 3C X9064 .••. ~...... ,30 stand 6()0D" of indirect heat and 1200 lbs. pres­ 8. NiceJ,y finished. sure. No acids or sa. ta n~, any one can nches. u~e t. Abl!olutely guaranteed. Regular price l2lbs.) .. ' .. 3.45 Wood Screw Assortment $1.00. Shipping weil'ht, 8 oz. appearance to About 75 wood screws in the sbes most K8149...:...Reparal Metal, per package... not equipped commonly used. Assortment will be useful in many Ways. (Ship. wt., 1M lbs.) Cast Steel and Iron Cement J7611-Assortment of Wood Setews... .15 . No Heat Required Auto Encyclopedia A metallic iron cement that withstands !~~!!!SI New editfon, entirely rewritten heat, oils, grease and steam. When hard . and enlarged. 1238 pages, 4143 "Loosen Nut" Comoound it contracts or expands like iron. Used in illustrations. Dissolves rust instantly and loosens the ~ A practical bock for the repair­ rusty nut, bolt, coupling or bushing. Saves repairing cracks, blow holes, defective cyl­ man, auto owner or student. Teaches time and labor. Contains no acid or anything inders, jackets, radiators, etc. Ship. wt., the fundamental principles of each to injure metal. Put up in half pint cans 10 oz. and every part of an automobile. with handy spout, as illustrated. It will pay J7752-Cement, can, Ship. wt., 10 Large clear type, plain simple you to keep a can always on hand for emerg­ 0%...... 22 language. Easy to read and under­ encies. Shipping wt., llb. stand. Our Reduced Price Tells iust what you want to know Jn53-Loosen Nut Compound ... ;.. ,3.9 about Motors, Carburetion, Cool­ Solder Without Heat i ng and Lubrication, Ignition and ' is always hot and does not have to or Acid Lighting Systems, Batteries, Re­ Emery Cloth 1\il' ' forth to the heH'. Handle·made of Neu-Metal Solder pairs, Trucks and Tractors, Aero­ Good qualitli emery cloth in l:il ' not get hot wren ·n use. Easy to will instantly air-harden plane Engines. and has 69 pages standard 9":dl sheets. Furnish­ I ·I EXTRAQUALfTV tube w'th gasoline--prime as you e'en in boiling bot water. It cannot be melted. No heat ·with 23!l illustrations on the con- ed in two grades, medium fine toreh-and it is ready for use. To use or '!.eids required in us:ng-·usefu) in menrling radi,ators, 4tn1ction,. upkeep and repair of Ford cars. Publisher's and medium coarse. ·,;EMERY CLOTH off soldering iron end. Comolete ;n.. water pipes, gasoline tanks and all kinds of metal, braBB, Prioe $6.00. J 7730-Fine, I ~, per sheet • , 1 0 Absolutely safe. Shipping weight, lib. tin, etc. Also very handy and W!eful about the home. A5088-Dyke's Encyclopedia (Ship. wt., 6 lbs.) ... 4.95 Jn31-Coaree,ll~,persheet. 12 •I •IIIIF11T--com,1)1i)te with sru ammoniac and solder •• 2.28 H751G-Each, Ship. wt., 8 oz.,. •,,,,,, ••••• , •.. .22 108 SERV_ICE. QUAL.ITYt: PRICE Supe,•Quallty Steel Valves · •- Genuine Crescent Wrenchea Adjustable Aute Wrench 2 9c , FOR FORD, CHEVROLET, DODGE AND FORDSON . Theetro·-and An adjustable drop fora:sd t It Win pay you to replace worn, bent, pitted, 01" warped valvee · handieot a.d!~e wrench suitable for heavy~ ~th._ our S.~ty Steel Valves, because they do not warp, work. &lid one-piece mov- IJRld, tiecome i\ittoo and worn like common iron valves. Beeause ,/. ~· ;:n:.tt:tu!'ti! able jaw. Len11th;9 ioohea. , ,t. their accurate finish they are much easier to install than ordinary - the ei.le WJ:eDoh you · yalves; the hard steel head eeate perfectly and does not bave,to Mild-the "Crescent" will do the work for you; H1162-Adj. Auto Wrench (ship. wt., l~lbs.). •• .29 ll!llcground so often. ~~!H ::: ~~PP!D8 We!Jh~ 8oe.) ...• ,.. The eteet valve heads are large and thick and are ground ,to J7831-8!H 8'' ShiPP!D8 We!ch~ 1 8 oe.)...... • ·u• . p,riect accuracy and are electrieally welded to the stems. The ·~terns are of steel, ground (not rolled as in ordinary valves) 'to "!!!!-si: 10'' Sbi~r,:: ::~:::~~bit.:,·::.·.·.·.. : Stillson Type Wrenches exact size and so bard that even under continuous pounding and J,__,-Double-end, 6 '- 8" (ship. wt. ,21 bs.) 1· Wood Handle, Drop-Forged StHf.Jaw• Intense heat tbey will not bend. , · .17834-Double-end, 8"-10'' (ahip. wt.,31l>ol.):: :: : _,S,IlJlen wiae enough; causing the the caraa:e or shop. If your valve springe are weak, new ones engine to .. skip" and lose Ha.a forged steel out of prepared steel, so that they willimprove the running of your motor. power. Our special Ford Valve Machine cut steel adjuatiJ!S screw P3504-Valve Springs, each .... , . 3c Stem Adjusters, with a supply One pieoe poliahed hard-wood handle. are no heavier of thin steel discs; .will remedy • S than an ordinary this trouble. They just slip J1874-6 inch, (Ship. wt., 1lb.) ...... ; .48 CllP· t~ and durable. Has solid brass oorners, good side · · Regular Grade Valve JTB75-8 inch, (Ship. wt., 2 lba.)...... •••• .•. . . • .sa c~tches, renwne Yale I ock, and I esther-covered handles over the top of the push rod­ Jrsre-w inch, stee core. Has light-weighteteel compartment tray very easy to install. For All Model Chevrolets Full set consists of 8 adjuster diF.VI'dhededbY. hamall partitions, as shown in illustration: . This is a high grade, well finished 1'!'8h m bat three coats of baked-on enamel. Shippinll T' caps, with a supply of steel Magnetic Shock-Proof Screwdr:ver we•g t. 11 1 . Ow Reduced Price e of standard size for Chevrolet. discs to take up wear as needed. HANDY, LONG TAPERED STYLE - ' good strong, close grained cast Ship. wt., 4 oz. W8394-Complete kit, sizel6x9:dlinchea ...... •. 4-65 head firmly fixed to the stem. STRONG,INSULATING,IlAKELITE W8395-Completeiqt, ~ze 18x10xl:linehea .•..•.• 4.95 l HT412-Valve Adjus~ 1 eet of 8, complete...... 14 W8390-Complete kit,s1se 22xllx13in,hes •..•••• 5.45 ,JltWi is standard size. When valves get . ~d or warped it pays to renew them. .(Sl.lip. wt., each 4 oz.) .I A practical screwdriver with long thin shank especially ),S8510--Standard Valve for Genuine "WiUi81b8" Tappet Wrenches adapted for work on ignition systems or any electrical Leader Gear Puller t CJwvrolet...... • 1 8 EXTRA THIN work; or when using little screws or reaching difficUlt A substantial well-made gear Valve tappet wrenches of places. The black composition handle is molded around puller, deeigned for use with Oversize Valve Reamer Outfit - , ~ the highe•t quality, made of the shank completely insulating it, and making it shock­ timing ceara. magneto gears. FOR FORD CARS drop-forged steel, finely proof. The magnetis'11 in the shank is strong enongh to generator and starter work , There is considerable wear between the finished. Thin enough to hold small screws that are difficult to handle with the lingers, and aimilar llaht work. Has ,and the valve guides, causina: loss of reach the tappets easily, but or have to be put in hard-to-reach places. Screwdriver is two 3 in. anna. adjustable in compression and pOWer. 3 ~ 1J sufficiently strong to meet excellentl_y made of the best materials and is finished width eo as to take diameters To overcome this trouble, oversize valves .,..,.. ~ ~ all requirements. beautifully'. Shank is 6~ • long, blade is '-11' wide; handle up_ to 6 in. Screw 8 in. long. installed. This means a larl'l bill at a Sbippi~~g weight, 4 lba. 1 is 1" thick, ·is .flut" A big bargain. Strong steel frame to - .001, .008, .010, .032; the size is A high grade saw. Convenient wood handle that fits the hand nicely. Nickel-r.tated frame, adjustable ~t blades from 8" t? 12': inches ~ong. c:U. beset to saw ' Matle of high quality brass. Leavee for 8" to 12" blades; W el ·made , and substantial !Jl any- one of .4. !llrecticms. Tension on blade is ad­ a jackknife. Ship. wt. 4 oa. Comes completewith one 8" blade. Shipping weight; JUSted by turmng the.po_lish~ wPOden handle, Well ...... ·.- ...... 18 1M lhs. , ma,de, durable, and mc!>IY firushed. Comes with one ~~~ade. ~hip. wt., lib. H7341-Pistol Grip Hack Saw•.•.•...... • :.. .84 Hack aw ..... , ...... 39 Swedish Steel Thickness Gauge Star Hack Saw Blades are probably the best known Made of highest quality Genuine Star Hack Saw Blade and most satisfactory blades· on t\le market They are long grain Swedish Steel. made of highest quality steel and are much less liable Has 9 leaves , via., .0015, . to break th!'n the ordinary cheap blade. Furnished .002, .003, .004, .006 ••008, 24 teeth to mch. Average shipping weight about 8 .010. ..(Jl2, .015, from which os. per dozen. · ' an endlesa variety of binationa can be C?ur Reduced Pri-Each Price, per Dos. Our Reduced Pri-Each Price, per Doa. Leavee are 3 inches Hf344-8o.·!ncb ...... 5c ...... 56 H7346-10-inch...... 7c 67 and have sizes etched into H7345-9-mch ...... : . . 6c ...... 60 HT347-12-inch .. Be .. ·· ...... • 5 fillely finished. Folds up like H7353-Extra fu.rii,Hack S~w Blade, 10incheslong,24 teeth to inch, ea~h·::.:::.'.'j~·:. •. ::Perdo:i;·.:: ::.~.:l7: J1879-8teel Thiekness Gauge (Ship. wt., 8 oz.) ..•• ·•72 Leader Valve Lifter 18c An easy-working valve Genuine Little Sioux Genuine '~~IQUX" Valve Tools spring lifter which auto- • Can be adjusted in an ~ "> matioally Instant by using only one :2 II ii • : :·. Valve Grinder FOR fORD AND CHEVROLET CARS loeb open hand. The ratchet holds !!I!!!!!•Ill-·· Designed for Rapid Work when han­ it in whatever position it is left and leaves both your hands free to remove valve pin. dles are FOR ALL CAR$ Produce perfect aquee11ed _ Made of strong material. (Shipping weight, 1 lb.) fitting valves and together ,eo . - HT400-Valve Lifter, each...... • .18 valve oeats in oan. Anyone oan jp'ind valve be ground, if de&ll'ed. without_ removin~ lifter. 11 :yo~ car. Thelie Separatin~rhsndleinstantlneleaees apriq. Ship. wt., _llb. valves with a Sioux" Valve Grinder, just .as toola ·wiUJine vP · HT4o4-Automatio Valve Lifter...... ~.... • 58 a worn valve or easily and efficiently aa valve -t better an expert. 6 Lancaster Valve Lifter ·With the 118iouxu 'Elltra QuaiiQ' at Moclerat• Prtoe Valve Grinder you can grinding.~an ~':, =~;. ,. ·. ~ Anu:traquality eliminate expense by grinding the valves When your • yourself during your valves are. badly Qi f4i$ffii . -·:··(··~-~!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!It : '·;.;:11 r:-~~~~ spare time. pitteditisnearly - ,. '' J:'tOSoea not inter­ imP e valve seaUnd the re-faeer trimll the ..Jve to euctll J787G-Lanoaeter Valve Lifter...... 39 ing of the the rigbl 1.11gle. Wbea JOUI' ..lvee are worn you ean Of valves, yet it course ge~ new onee, bat new valves will not lit Woi'IJ valve Valve Refacer and Reseater ~ will last a oeats :until the-~~~ ate reiUlled out I!Dloolb. You ·mould .... lifetime. always us~ these tool• on :vour valves and valve seats before FOR FORD AND CHEVROLET CARS ~ AND EASY TO OPERATE beginning tc grind valvee. Theae toola are well made and , han die in one direction gives the valve wi,ll do· the work as well u. a ee~ COI!ting five times their the and back motion, which is absolutely pnce. Every man who grmds h1s own valvee needs tbis necessary to perfect valve grinding. At the same time outfit. Mad.e of tbe very ben tI!lance and perfect stroke. Made of the best mater­ valve lifter jala and workmanship. Will last a lifetime. ¥ost •& owners neglect made. It has six Comes complete with extension rod and four grind­ the1r valves, because they Valve Refacer and Reseater jaws and will . fng bit.,, can be used on practically any car. do not realill9 how import- FOR ALL CARS s!'ryiee all L-head motors. Jaws remain parallel when ~acked in substantial box. Shipping weicht, 4 lba. . ant it is to keep them in liftmg. One squeeze-the spring goes up to the right perfect shape, and how height and stays there leaving both hands free to work. ;HT424--Bioux Valve Grinder ....•...... ••.. 2.65 eaay -itis to do this witb Ship. wt., Ibs. . H1 423-Ext..a Set of 4 bits only, as illustrate({ w'th a . the Sioux Valve Grinder (Ship. wt., 8 oz) ...... ,25 the ~r tools • JT873-K D Universal Lifter•..•••••••••••....•. 1.95 This outfit consists of the grinder, refaeer and reoeater shown above, a Valve Grinding Sprlng valve· release sp~ arid You can do· a better job, quicker and easier, a book of instruotione. if you have one of our valve grinding springs This book is very complete to put under the valve while you grind~ En­ with many illustrations ables you to watch .your work constantly and showing every operation in keeps compound in right place. :Special con.· detail, making it easy for a beginner to do a perfect job. Engmeers evtlJer places. Our HT435-Universal Valve Refacer...•...... ••.. 1.28 price i nclu.des - 4ll'inder, 1ong HT435X-Complete set of both the above tools 2.68 shank, short shank ~nd 4 _bit~ Water-Mixed Valve Compound that mak6' th~ t'peedy C~itldet• Western This is the logical valve grtnding fitFord,Chevrolet,Star, Dodge, l7c e<>mpound. Much quicker and cleaner "Nifty" Valve Grinder Buick, and most other cars. Valve Grinding than e<>mpounds mixed with grease, Shipping weight, 2 pounds. Compound besides doing a better job. It is im· Has a revolving head which will H7430-"Speedy" Valve Grinder ...... 1.29 possible to score a valve with this com• not blister the hand. Reversible bit Put up in a special tin box pound because the small particles of which fits Ford and Chevrolet Bit Brace Valve Grinder with openins on each aide and abrasive break down under grinding • Valves. Built low so that all valves Blade is adJust­ and leave a fine smooth finish. Handy are easy to get at. Well made of able to fit any oontaine two gradee-ooarse j!ood .material. Will last a life time. c----. and fine. Shipping wt., 4oz. rustproof. can contains complete in­ ·- . . ~ valve. · Hll6 ew!vel structions. Shipping -weight, lib. · . h ad ilo brace can set at an ansJe. Shank H7441-Valve Compound,2 os. H7460--Water-Mixed Valve . K8035-Nifty Valve . fi te ally standard br&Oe. Ship. wt., 8 o•• . Can ... ~.; ...... ·... 17 Compound, 2 o• ...... 19 d5c' · Grinder, eacll •••••• , • • • .25 H7389-'Bit Braoo Valve Grinder.. • • • • • . • . . • • • . .18 110 Genuine Kraeuter Slip Joint Pliers Combination Pliers 16c1 Made of good A good grinder is really a ne­ quality steel, accur­ eesaity in every garage or home. ately fitted and Our grinder is ab•oiutely highest F'or the Man Who wellmade. Length qualitj1 throughout and should, not be Wants the Best 6inches. Shipping confused with .cheap, i!U'flicient grind­ weight, 8 oa. ~ el'lleometinlee offered. Heig}:lt, 8 inches, strong clamr. ; easy operating, best Our Reduced Price emery whee , 4 inches. Finished in H7260-Black finish pliers .•.. .,.., . • • • . • ...... \ , high-grade dark colored enamel. 1 6 In replacing worn )Ju~ l:ings, a rearr:er should always be Here is one of the most popular Kraeuter pliers. Forged H7261-Nickel finish pliers .. ~·, ••••...... ,. tiiEaT-Handy Tool Ormcter. (Ship. Wt., 4lbs.) .. 1 .55 from ~ carbon steel and accurately machined, Nickel­ :25 used to insure' a smobth accurate fit. .Our ream erR are the Rf693-Replacement whee ifor tool grinder, 4 inch illa­ spiral fluted type so built that 'tle reamer cannot chatter plated and has knurled handles. Wire cutter on handle i~~~eter; 1 inch thick with 1 inch bole. (Ship. wt. l lb.) • 72 side. Jaws so coliBtructed that that will adjust themselves and jump il! the bll8hing and cause uneven, ragged work. to any taper. Will pip pipes 3i to 1 )1: inch in diameter. Diagonal­ Ball Pe~ Hammers The spiral flutes cut 'easily aud emoothjy with a shearing The harder you grip_ the deeper they bite. This is really inotion; · Made of the·Jiighest grade tool steel, accurately a 7-inoh Dlisr that will do the work of any ordinary 10-incb Cut Pliers machined and especially b llat treated to Insure a perfect plier and do it better. cutting edge. EaCh ·reamer fully ·gllaranteed. · Aver. ship. H7289-Genuine Kraeuter Pliers. . (Ship. wt. lib.) .98 High quality di­ wt., lib. .· agonal-cuttinK pli­ H7~73'-For Bpindle Bushing8 No. 2713-2714, H" · · ers. diameter...... ; ...... , . . .95 "Thin Nose" Slip-Joint Pliers Cut very close andean be used in confined places. Edges GOod q1J8lity, drop fQrged steel, nicely finished, H7374-For Piston Pin Bl18h!nge No. 3022~, fi'' · perfectly fitted and meet accurately at all points Ver.r withsood strong handle. ·· diameter...... • • ...... 98 fine for working with insulated wire. Ship. wt., t'lb." H7320-!!'o~. Hamme,...... , ...... · .84 H'q75-For Gam Shaft Bushinge No. 3042-3-4, it" ·. . H7321-12 oa. Hammer • ~...... • .89 · d1ameter ...... 1.55 H7291-5 inch, black finish pliers (not illustrated) . , • 78 , . H7322-16 oz Hammer;·...... ;... .42 H7~6-:-Valve)!tem (0\ oversize) No. 3052B, f." H7283-6,V. in. black finish (illustrated) . . . . . • . . . . . _ H7339-24 oz. Hammer...... •••••.... · .49 diameter ...... , ...... 1 ·os .85 For Valve Reamer Guide, See Page 107.. • H7~77-Push Rod (1. .~!. he "J:ianu.y.of a 10 J:iamoz. .. mer"l·steel Hand.. y.Hamm. · . er · oversize) No.. 3058B, ;.'' · Thin-nose pliers are very convenient for getting into Extra Quality Combination Pliers· :Ball Pein Hammer with a d•ameter ...... 1.25 close places, yet strong enough for general all-around use. hollow steel handle hold- : ' H7378-Trans-Triple gear flailged bushing No. 3314~.H"diarneter ...... ·...... 1 18 We offer two popular grades. · ~ 3 different aiae sere" H7310 is made of highest grade tool steel, with jaws drivers which ICl'ew eom•. · . .. . , P.st materials and well made. Will laet a lifetin_>. e. This reamer aligns and smooths all three crank shaft wire cutter; knurled handles. An exceptional value. ·' tb 7 }11 inches. A handy tool for your tool box. Shtp. at one oper,ation and can then be allifted to ream Ship. wt., 1 lb. chanics. Drop for!fed from 60 carbon steel, thoroU&h!Y · beari~ tempered, with outtlDit ed~tes hand ground. ShippiniJ: wt.,' • • 3 lbs. . oonneotinc rod beannp. It leaves a finished perfect fit­ H7310-7-Inch Curved-Nose P!iei"S (as illustrated) •74 1 lb. . 'H7305--Ha.ndy Hammer. complete .•••••••••••••••••98' tiJIIt, IJ:)au.. moctb beariJIIt, which will wear 'well. Made H7311~,V.-Inch Thin-Nose Pliers, not curved, of fineot quality tool steel. This Is a •Piral fluted rearn­ (not shown) . .. • .. • ...... 34 H7275-7-inch nickeled combination pliers ...... 68 Files-Best Quality Guaranteed er and Is far superior to th- with ltralght 11 utell H7276-Special5 in. nickel piiera, fine for close work• . 38 which are ~mstl'!'ft off~d. Shipping weight, 10 lbs. Extra •ality 10-inch Pliers H7379-Mam Beanng Reamer ..... ·i('} ...... 12.90 Long "Needle-Nose" Pliers Tapered Reamer Lon1 nose, tapered High quality files for general usearoundcarand garage. to a small point, to lla.t files Ulleful in fitting piston rings, ete. Av. Ship. wt., 8os. A tool designed to ~ handle delicate and - c M7331-6" flat file ...... make all larger hwolille out of t!!!!!' .· 77 $> "hard-to·reach"work. = I' H7332-IO''flat fila ...... ; ...... a SIDa one. enter .__,..---___,_ =-- Excellent for fine -. H7333-6" round file., ...... ,., ...... a 3-16-inch hole and electrical work, aleo . H7334-IO" round file .. .. will enlarge it up to % i ncb. Will easily cut H in. carburetors and other · H7335-6" three cornered steel. Made of best tool iiteeL Ship. W t. 8 oz. An extra heavy combination plier with great strength parts where you have to handle email springs, screws Of H7299-Tapered Reamer, each ••••..••.•...•.•.. 1.1 2 and leverage. Drop.forged steel, with knurled handles that parts. Has side-cutting feature and comes in handy ~~~ won't slip, Made with wire-cutter and screwdriver. A a score of uses. Nicely finished, with polished h~d lmd Bushing Removers very handy tool for the mechanic and the car owner. knurled h.an4Jes. ,Made of fine quality sr;~:"dg-tempereiJ For removing spindle body and Shipping weight, 2lba. Our Reduced Price steel. Shippmg wmght, 8 oa. 0::.;.- Reduced Price spindle arm bushings and piston 22 H7284-10-inch Extra Quality Plien...... • . . . . .95 H7350-6" needle nose pliers ••••• , • • • • • • • . • . . • • 7~ bushings. Handle of spindle body C bushing remover is inserted and tool is pnlled through until ""PandE"re slip "Perfect Handle" Screw Drivers Our reltular ~ood "Leader" Screw Drivel'S over inside end of bushing, Tapping handle screw dr~v~;, 0 with hammer removes bushing. Ship. are i!Ood C:."dl'llity c::;:s;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~ ' weight 8 o•. ~·~·~' ~! • matenat Average ::::: ~tli~vihK wt., 10 oz. H7384-Spindle Body Bushing Remo...,r ...... •22 This is the moat durable screw driver on the mP·'.:et H7306-Regular 2" blade, emallaise ...... ,. H1386-Spindle Arm Bushing Made of high grade steel, the blade and hand!~ all ;; on~ H7307-Reltular 4" blade.medium aiae •••...... Remover ..... piec~, with piecea .of hard W!Jod inlaid. o~ :;~. 'Wt., 8 os.)...... • . . • • • • 2 for tamp sockets and all electncat wotk.' .Ship. wt.,-8.011. · . . Long Pin Punch, ~"point, 9''long...... • H'7288--%-lnch diameter, II inches long...... 24 H7226-7-in. Blade ship, wt., 10 oz.)...... • 8 H7304--l-in·l Screw Driver •••.•.•• ,...... -45 112 Western.Auto Supply Co. Connecting Rod Wrench Genuine "Williams" Wrenches Reaches One of the best knoWn wrenches; made of high qui.Utir conneoti.nll" steel, tempered and nicely finished, with sises stamped 0111 rod ·bear­ each wrench. Ship. wt., each 8 os. inc bysim­ Plf takinc bottom plate off crank caee. Spectalourved handle prevents wrench from turnint; in banda. Thia is the first Wrench made to fit the fourth connection. One ofthehandieetFordwrencbee mad~_ Makes an excellent rim wrench for Ford car. Made of best £fade Steel. Abolutely &UM- anteed. Slfipping weieht1 lib. . 16 DEGREI HT106-Connecting R.oa Wrench ...... 28 Our Ope~ Ratchet Connecting Rod Wrench No. · Mille(i H7212 ~·~ H7213H7214 .~· 4 H7216 1 .t H7216 M.t A ratchet connecting rod wrench that H7211 u .t wiU pot at 'the ba. ck be&r. in.·'It hi a jiffy. 16 DEGREI: LIGHT CAP SCREW WRENCH Aleo fits oJ1i'!der head wits, rim In& Our Oi>m!inllll William• Len&th Prioo nuts, ete. ~eat qilality. -Fully KU&r­ No. · Milled· · Number inches Ea;eb anteed. Shipping weight, l!>i lbs. J7798-RakhetConn. Rod Wrench ...... H7207 t\.t·)( · . '123 ' ., H7208'' '~·A" '1211 ,. I H7209 . t\ •· r• .. '1211-B '8' , - I Flexible Joint Wrench H7217 Ya.t ,fa '12'1 II With Universal Joint H721s r.& ~ m 6 • H7219 ~·..... '131 7~ I . Connecting Rod Clamp Screw Wrench ,, There are many nut. and bolts on the Ford car which cannot be reached without special wrenches. The tools - offer are specially shaped to reaoh with speed and ease practically every bolt and nut on the ctrd car, without danger of sllpplnl!, off to damage bolts or InJure ftnaen. Made of strong, heavy steel Socket size %-inch hex. Length over li\11, lth -kets accurately broached. ll::qually -ntlal for overhauling or Just tightening up, Every Ford l3U inches. Especially fine for Ford connect­ and repair man should have thle eet which Includes the five wrencha listed bel-. ; ng rod hoi ta, also 6 ta cylinder head cap screw, water inlet connecting cap screw. Solid steel. , TRIPLE SOCKET WRENCH, DOUBLE SOCKET OFFSET WRENCH, J7802-Flexible Wrench (Ship. wt., H~ lbs.) .. Socket abe ~ in. and ~in. hex. The double end Boeket mea 9-16 in. and l)i in., !w:dle llln. Ueed : kethssbeeadeaigBedpartionlarilyforclearanoesround on brake lhoe support, oonnooting rod clamp, crank cylinder head bolts and other places. Ueed on cylinder teerin 12 .Corner Connecting Rod head, brake and rewne eupport, cylinder inlet and out· shaft (main) bearing, fan bracket IPindle, 1 g gear This wrench has 12 Double End t connections, differential caae, drive shaft roller bear- poet, •Herin& poet brseket, spindle connecting rod, and corners in place uf 6, ng, front spring tie bolts, rear axle houein&, crank - front rsdi1111 rod. Pita main besrin& bolt hesda. and is particularly gJ";;;;;;,;:::::::;:... Socket Wrench adapted for use on tht the or of cold rolled steel, sockets especially hardened and Stamped from a special H7393-Handy Handle Wheel Puller •..•39 guaranteed unbreakable. Sockets and handles nickel­ ~rade of steel, and hardened to stand rongh usage. Packed flrt. 4 lbs.), each ...... sa plated. m paper~ Shipping weight, 1 "'2 lbs. H7585-Handy Socllace free of charse~ any Special shape to easily reach flywheel cap screws. that you break. Set comes in a strong steel box finished in green enamel. Ship. wt., 6 lbs. Ratchet: For tightening or lOOJlening tranemission banda. Makes this tedious job easy. H7~AII·Purpose Socket Wrench Set...... ; ...... • • • • .. • • • 2.95 HJ682-Ford Owners Wrench Set (Wt. 4Ji Jbs.) . • 1.05 118

Saves gasoline, saves oil, makes your·Chevrolet even more powerful, SIDOOther running, cooler; freer from carbon, and more economicaL Valve Tappet Silencers We absolutely guarantee that an Economy Vapori- on ~our Visible Gasoline Gaup FOR ~LL CHf\fROUml I:XCEPT C90 Chevrolet will ln.,...... your gasoiii1P mileage from 26% to 50%; Eliminates all guessing as to how much· gas will comgletely vaporize even the cheapeet gasoline, giving more you ha.ve, how &nuch you need, and whether al)eed and power, better pick-up, smoother running, and cuttinc you get a.ctuallywhat you pay for~ Replaces dOwn carbon; will make the engine run cooler; will prevent oil regular hiler eap. Made of the best materials, dilution and cut down your oil. bill; will eliminate fouled spark nicely finished, with etched dial, and gla.ss · plugs, and make your car etert easier. enclosed face. Enclosed float mechanism in­ We don't want you to take our word for this, but we want you to sures &ecura.cy. Heavy cork gasket prevents prove to yourself on your own car the tremendous value of thia leakage of gas a.round cap. Nothi! to get wonderfUl Vaporizer. Order one today; install it (you can.do it in out of order. Willla.st U.definitely. Ul not 45 minutes); test it out 30 days. If then you are not satisfied in fit ~dster or utility coupe. (S ·p. wt~ ltiJileJiceJN every·way return it and we will reftind every cent you paid. · lJ.S lbs.). . . Complete Set qi7cte9-For Blroerior Model, eaeh • • . . • 78 1· D6035-:-Economy Vapori- Che¥rolet (Ship. wt., 22 lbs.) ... 9.85 G~For 1925 MOdel K,all models, each ...... •78 fere with the pro- s2· so·· Replacement .Brake Bands Connecting Rod G6981--8pecial Gauge for 1926 Model.V • 78 per elea.rance of · · · Standard weight, the push rods, which is vital to the proper performance.: of · Often the bands as well your motor. . Any silencers that interfere with this as the lining, are worn out dr ·p forged, replace­ ment connecting rod, clearance will causA trouble. or bent out of shape, or Set OOilSis.ts of R fibre discs. countersunk to lit the valve the knuckles ot' complete ·with bol!s, are loose bearing and 6 shims, stems snugly, and 8 fibre eylinders, which fit over the push badly worn, or the bandS tods and are countersunk to hold the ball on the adjusting lost their spring. ready to put into · · your car. Bearing is serew. The fibre ia apeeiaJ. analysiS and will last indefi­ our brake bandS nitely. You can install a set yourself in a few minutes­ you can have ·entirely babbitt and is bored with oil holes. Fits models AA. directions furnished. Ship; wt., llb. new bandS and lining at J7n~Set of Tappet Silencers (16pieces)., ••..•. 2.50 less cost than you are usually asked for the lining alone. Not only Front Fender Brace do you save money but Replacement Pistons FOR CHEVROLET SUPERIOR NtD ,.K,. you can put them on in FOR ALL MODEL CHEVROLETS Hold8 fenders an hour, and .,a.e brakes tha.t a.re as strong as when the Highest quality, standard weight, care­ in exactly the ca.r wa.s new. Ship. wt., ea.oh, 2 lbs. fully made of gray iron under an im­ right position. proved process that insures exact round­ Stops rattle K7977-,!:~1 ~o~.~·: .'.~2~~~: :~.0. ~~~. ~~~:: ~~~ ·~:Jg ness, and nicely finished. Pistonpm is fitted and VJbration and K7978-Band comp., 1924 Sup., ea.ch 1.aO; aet of 2~,45 in them so that by using our pistons you will prevent many. K7979--Band comp., Model K, each .25; set of 2 ·.as can do your own work without buying broken light bulbs. K798D-Band com ., Model V, each ; set of 2 .98 reamers and without technical knowledge. Attach"" to lamp B e ining it Hoes unche Furnished without rings so you may select the riaJ you bra.ckets-nu h01f::'.s tu easy to install. Made of Best quality woven brake lin­ wish (see bnttom of page). Ship. weight, a lbs. high-grade steel tubing, yet light in weight. ing, cut to the proper length for K8025-Piston .ooa oversize ...... 1 , 1 Pedal Pads and Accelerator Pedal Finished in baked on black relining Chevrolet bands. Com­ K8026-Piston .005 oversize...... 1 , 1 Pedal padS are rubbPl" W837D-Chev. Fender Brace (Ship. wt., 2lbs.).... .95· plete with rivets for installing. K8027-Piston .010 oversize ...... 1,1 pads held in metal frames, Makes job much easier ana which clamp over clutch, Valve Cover for Chevrolet Motor quicker-no lining to cut or holes Valves and brake pedals; 'Easy on Keeps dust and grit out to punch. An addi tiona! worth­ Regular size valves. Two qualities to choose · the feet and shoes-prevent of valve mechanism, thus while feature is the fact that holes have been made to give from. Shipping weight, each, 4 oz. feet from slipping off pedals. reducing wear, and also clearance to the rivet heads that hold the brackets to the P2004-Regul"r Grade Valve, good close Foot-ehaped accelerator greatly lessens the noise metal !;>and, letting brakes be properly adjusted without pedal with rubber pad pro­ made by the valves in having to "wea.r down the high spots." '~i~f'i_"~s·t· ~~~. ~~~~·. ~~~~~.~. s.t~~·. ~~: 1 :~~ ~es greater comfortl for the foot a.nd makes feeding operation. Is lined on Shin. wt., pair, a lbs. smoother. Old accelerator rod is replaced by one wi:ich top with heavy felt pad, K814S-Super Quality Steel Valve, special V. inch thick, which will keep D6132--8et of 2, all models, Superior, Chevrolet .• analysis steel head, electrically welded to hooks on pedal-making it a single unit with no lost motwn. D6133-Set of 2, all model K, Chevrolet ...... •• 1:~1 05953-Driving set (2 pedal pads, 1 accelerator 2lbs. D6134-f0:et of 2, all Model V, Chev. and Pontiao .. stem. Stem is ground to exact size, will X8862-Valve Cover. Complete...... 65 1.48 outwear several cheaper valves, ea.ch. . . . ,29 , pedal with accelerator rod.) (Ship: wt., 2 lbs.) . . • 75 Set of 8 ...... 2.08 J)5952-8et of 2 pedal padS only. (Sh1p. wt.,llb.).. ,45 Universal Joints '06014--Accelerator Pedal only (no extra rod) can be Wrenches for Chevrolet Cars Accurately machined, replace­ Starter Clutch Spring and ! used on practically any car. (Ship. wt., 1 lb.).. . . ,as Will take care of prac- ment universal joints, standa.rd Generator Brush. tically every bolt and nut H. 147 quality and size. Joint with 6 Hub Caps For ChevrQ,let on the car. Strong power- u 7 splines is for Chev. 490 and Sup.; Standard si~e. extra quality, ful sockets broached to H joint with 10 splines is for Chev. replacement parts. Substantial, nickel-plated hub caps for Chev• insure a.ccuracy and with 7148 Models K, V, and AA. Ship. P2001-Starter Clutch Spring, ;olet 490 and Superior. Ship. wt., 4 o•. weight, 4lbs. A5166-For Chevrolet Superior .K. and V., each . . ·1 8 countersunk mouths. '~!l=~~~~~~~IIJ Chev. all models (Wt.; 8 oz).,a2 Fully guaranteed. .t H7151 !,86167-For Chevrolet 490, each...... ·1 8 Ship. wt., each, llb. [Jj}]_ Joint, 6 spline...... : ...... 4.a5 85511-Generator Brush, Models ·A5149-Hub cap with fitting for use with Alemite gun. nH7149 Joint, 10 spline ...... 4.aS Sup., K, V and .\A ...... , 1 4 H7147-Double­ Chev. Sup~or and Mode!K.,each ...... •42 end "L" V.'l'ench %• and liM" fo; motor support arm, steering gear PISTON RINGS clamp and tie rod...... • . .42 FOR ALL MODEL CHEVROLET CARS H7149-Double end "L" wrench ~"and ~" for clutoh You will have no difficulty in installing a new set of rings in your yoke, cylinder head bolts, manlfold nuts, etc.45 Chevrolet car. New rings add power, speed and rapid pick-up; make H7148-Triplesoctet wrench, y.•, % • and Ji •, for oil ;vour car run much smoother; and save gasoline and oil. Furnished psn bolto, transmission cover. ete...... as 1n oversizes to allow for wear on the cylinder wall. For full description H7151-Box-end wrench only, H" for 1924-27 cal'S ... ,55 of these rings see pages 90 and 91. Ship. wt., each, 4 oz. H7148-Completeset ofthe 4 wrenches shown above.1 .48 K8267-Step Cut ring, 31~ x ;<., .0025 oversize ....•..•.•• • • ":12 Leather-Te:x Clutch Facing K8278-Step Cut ring, au,{, X ;<., .005 oversize. . . . • . . • . . . . . 2 1 FOR CHEVROLET 490 K8279--Step Cut ring, a ';{6 x ;<., .010 oversize...... • . . • . • . X8730-Qil.Groove ring, 31~ x ;<., .0025 oversize...... • I fa.cingiswornIf your old reptace cluteb it ~~~~-~~ X8739-0..,Groove ring, a• ';{0 x ;<., .005 oversize. • • • • . . • • . . .·.J X8740-0il Groove ring, x ;{,, .010 oversize ...... •..•• with this resilient, long 3''>10 life facing of Leather· K8167 F-Ventllated ring, 31~ x %., .0025 oversize ...... • STEP· OIL­ VENT· Tex. Fits Chevrnlet, K81!i7H-Ventilated ring, a•'>10 x ;{,, .0'15 oversize...... 1 Oakland, OldSmobile 6 CUT GROOVE I LA TED K8167 J-Ventllated ring, a•~ x ~. .010 oversize.. , ...... 1 85346--Clut

For 'those who desire an extra quality flashlight. . It can instantly be Black fibre case. Protected switch. Standard adjusted to throw narrow or broad beam. Range 300 ft. :Re. size cells. The flare head is 2)1 iq. in diameter. fl.,~ tor and lens best quality, highly polished. Short-proof Many people prefer this light because of the elfeo­ swttch. Well built and nickel plated. Length 9 inches. tivespread of light. Comes complete ·1rith batteriel C5773-3 Cell, with batteries& bulb (Wt., 1)4lb.) 1.89 and bulb. 1 C5778-2 Cell (6~ Inch), complete (Wt., 12 oz.) ...... • C5782-3Cell(9inch), (Wt., 1 Disappearing Luggage Carrier Handy Electric Lantern Flashl"ght Supplies A reliable, portable battery csn~h::l:rc!irB..~~u(~ J I lamp 1rith both bail and IPHHSITIOM (ICY grip handlee. Very desirable to used in 6 ~-inch lights, three In use there being no danger of fire, 9-inch lights), priee per cell...... 12 C5779-Lens, f~ tlashlight with aswithanoillantern. Uaearecular 12 else dry cella. Hae German ail· c:t'~~x:r':"~~il ·c~t..:t6· i~ ·~a " ver reflector, special deeicued I number of cells) ..• ···········.. ,1.1 bulb and combination switch. C5772-Bulb,focusingflashlight (state number of <;ells). 't Strong eteelcue, beautiful black enamel finieb. Si ae 9zll~ll21. Electric Lantern CSTT0-2 eell Lantern, without battery (wt. 3lbe.) 1·11 Combines the benefits of an electric lant­ C5771-Estra Bulb for 2 Cell Type...... • erp and a focusing flashlight. As a lantern C5788-Eztralene for lantern...... • it throws a strong, widely difiused light. For Drv Cell BatteriPB see N11

Here Is a great Auto Tent value. On account of our enor­ mous buying power and a fortunate contract, we are able to offer you this exceptional tent at a very low price. I Size, 7 feet by 7 feet, made of a strong, durable, close!J' woven, light-weight tent. material. dyed khaki and thorou11:hly water• proafed, bat.h top and walls. Weighs enly 17 lbs., complete with ropes and &takes. Light and compact. and when folded, measures only 17~"' :dO'':dO''. C'>rners and ridge rein• fot ced rmd s11· seams double se-wn. Size ef flap, 7 feet by 67i feet. Complete with ropes and pins. -- This tent requires no poles wlten used with ear as shown in illustra­ tion. If you want to use tent with• out car, li!lht, jointed tent poles can be furnished at a very 8Inlill coat, as shown below Khaki Aut<> Tent; size, 7 feet by 7 feet (Ship .. wt., 18 lbs.) ...... •...•.•....•• • .• • • • • • • 8.95

fAMPCOMFOKfUp or down in S minutes UMBRELlA. • """"==-~~ Room for 4 persons a • Completei1J Waler-Proot 1 Space for tw<> beds, plenty of • standing room, good ventilation, freedom from insects and rodents, complete prl• vacy and full m-otection from storm. It raises and lowers much like and umbrella. Just peg dowr. the corners, insert the pole, and raise the ''umbrella. ribs." Up or down in five minutes. One person - can handle it easi'y. Made of special, tightly woven khaki tent rna terial which Js strong and durable but not bulky. Makes a eompaet bundle for carrying. Double seam, non-rani stitch. Eftry part is thoroughly - water-proofed. The floor is sewed to the walls all the way round and I! as a 5-ineh riser at the door. The door is 32• wi<'e and 5 ft. 8 in. Hgb. It is provi<'ed with a flap 6 ft. long and 4~ ft. wide for use either as a door or a.wring, and a sewed-in , ~~i~~r~ mar.. uisette em'een with tie stra'>S. ' Folding Camp. Grate It has a 15'" x 15'" srreened window in the rear; No moro upeet coffee pots ~ with storm curtain wrJch is opened or closed from or skillets ; no more burned the inside. Tent is 6 ft. 4 in. high and 4V. ft. · fingers. DurablY made of steel. square, at the eaves. Center reight, 8 ft. Eaves Easy to set up;.·folds up whea not and tops are double strength. Comes complete with in use. · Can be carried under tile seat or in ltineh bsske&. extra strong jointed center guy ropes, but without awning poles. Ship. wt., 40 )be. Ship. wt. 3 Jbs. . ;JtliS$6-Camp co ...fort Umbrella Tent. slxe 7 ft. X 9 ft...... '...... 18.95 A517o-Grate. l!ize 13 ~:.21 ~ in.• 68 Jointed Wooden Tent Poles 1· Steel Tent Stakes . - Made of stamped steeli Q £_ Gasol'ne S!p_ hon eeooped in the. middle ao ()~' For drawing gasol~ne-frolli . e · · · J £ the gas tank to use m camp Jointed 3 foot sootions, easily carried. Select grain wood, they hold firmly. ~ook OD stove or to transfer from one 'With strong meta I flanl!'l at joint. Ship. wt., 2 1bs. .top. Sharpened pomt. car to the other or for any other. purpose. Drop end of XSS28-l!onf1d Tent wle. comvJetp, (:d pieeee) ...... 48 K81GO-Tent Stakes. each (Shin. wt.. 1 lb.) ..... • • .1 0 hose in the tank, hold finger over end of the end of pump plunger which is hollow, give 3 or 4-strokes of .the plunger. The gasoline will then flow in a steady stream. ·- Camp Comfort "Sa~-Not" Cot Caaap Comfort "Standard" Cots, S~rong and Substantial, Vet Light In Weight A5199-Siphon (Ship. wt., 12 oz.) •. : ...... :.48 Tow Lines When You Need One, You Need It Badly Favorite Tow Rope - • Made of high grade Manila fiber, with full length steel wires inter­ woven, making it amply strong for ·all ordinary towing Has a hook at each end. - 1<8109-Rope (Wt., 1~ lbs.) ...... ·· .. · ...... · · .•78 I The patented latch takes up all sag and stretch that Steel Coli Tow Line singht develop and assures you always having a tightly A strong steel seJJ-eou:mo: ·.etretched, comfortable cot. It is much easier to set up Top is 10-oz. special duck with 4-ply reinforced corners. about 16 ft. long. :and take down than the ordinary cot. There are. no l-"Sag-Not" Cot ISbip, wt, 17lbe.l ...... 3,75 W83GO-CA1Dp ComlonStaudllrd t8hip.wt., 171~) 2.78 122 western AUto Alweather No Draft Shields Combined Starter and Fuel Saver . F•~ F"m. star. Overland, ChM'rol.et . A t!IP1f~~J Bakelite l!~~ket mtli .im eleetrlcal beating lit1it over· whtea' ga8 ' leaving . ·carburetor ~·;e to ~e. w)iere it is oonveri!id Jn Ia! IL hot. dry, gsa· .f.hat explodes at. ·the. !ir~t I!R!U"k. AutomatiuQ:r · operated ·by',cvrrent from · the. ~ator. while the · car 18 running.' . When sta.rt:ing it is operated liy . . . a dash awitcli. Makes yO\lr ear start eaveB 20%. to 00% in gasoline, keet e dOWII ca(bon. -prevent o,tl dilution,,e,:v"f3 battery.. ·Will.flavo 1ts eoet every month 1t is used. Guaran•eed lor the life of your car. ·Comes nom­ p}e.te with ~ switeh, '!~iring ai>d iiiStruction. w t:, 10 oi, K8J22...... ,For Ford, Star, Overland and ChevroM Cara3.35 Kel~ as above,~ without dash swif.llh •.. 1.95 '"No-Frost'' Clea:r Vision SW,eld :You.knoW• how frost gathere on the inside of your wiqdshield and windowsmooldweather, When you push &nd huw snow and sleet thesvdtch, the wires freeze on the outside so .n the VapQri.er be­ even your windsbi~ld ~me hut. · 'fhe ga.s wiper wnJ fiOt keep it \8 heat&d, and will off. !llo-F"rost Abso~ explode easily when lute!y Prevents This. it reaches the firing chamber. Absolute­ with ~y no danger and· 'positively guaro.n­ ~ to make )'our .ear stan. easier at ·all times. Comes a"•iteh, etructions. anyone a few minutes. itself in a slwrt time. Save$ essoline and battery and prevents dilution of oil. Chase Auto Robes Ship. wt.• 8 oz. The~e is a world of comfort in a robe More than a 06234-Complete with wire and switch (6-volt) !or Ford, and robes a.rc so inexpensive now that curtain, more Chevrolet. Over!a.nd aPl•i 81ar c;,.,.,...... 1 .l5 e,·ery car should ha.ve one. Our robes than a awning: w:e very soft and closely ·woven a.nd combines ~he Work and Driving Gloves colors a.re 'fast so that they advantages of Good quality, durable used for camping, mcni<'8, both. Consate l!;lri•ies, fleece lined, and the home like an lndjau. blank&t as of a strong Fab­ 'with knitted wrist bands. well as a robe ior motor .use Made rikoid curtain of ;'dr.workor for driving. o' mixed wool and with pleas- ple&aing design ing strip desigri. 4 lbs. mounted on a 11:8033-Good quality, special· roller like a window regular knH all­ X8905-Robe, shade, with the free end sewed cotton glove (ship. bound edges, around a stout steel rod which vi.t., 4. oa.) per pair .• 12 X8907-Robe, size about pivots on a pawnted locking !1(8034-Extra quality, bound edges, with fringe .•••• 6 hinge so that the awning os.n be in~ le~tl>er p .. ll11 o.nd.finger glove. Very thick, dur­ X8802-Robe, size 54 x76•, purest virttin wool. Soft and instantly adillllted to and set at any able, close woven coLton back with strip design. downy, finish&d with nurable long na.p. :!l~utifulplaid desired. The roller is held in a Jlletal frame which Lined throughout (even the fmgcre) with fleece, dcsi&n woven right into robe. SP"cial "ce.q't-run" edges a neat eave over the window and protects the awn­ ·making n warm comfortable, long wearing glove. and ends. Fringed on both ends. You. are usually asked not in use. So designed that it does not interfere ·.AJi exceptional buy at our reduced price. (Ship. trom 112.00 to 115.00 for robea like this...... 7.65 anyway with opening OT closing of "indows. Comea wt., 8 oz.} per pair•. 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0 ••• 0. 0 ••39 :X8904-,-Robe, size abou\ 572•6% feet. bound edges1.68 completely assembled and with instructions, so that any. one can install-a pair in ten mmutr!O gauntlet...... 2.35 A5018--Ventilator Gasket fol' all cars, each, (Ship. X891& (No. 285)-Men's black gauntlet glove; leather wt., 1 or..) ...... 26 ts elightly heavier than X8900, has leather eufi and . is heavily Deree-lined ...... 4.95 Suction Grip Glare Shields ·X8917 (No. 285-IF)-One linger mitten, same quality X8918 (No_ FB7M)-Biaek Dogskin glove (no gauntlet) Starting Crank Holder · as X8916 ...... • . • . . • . . 4.95 auper-seamaewn,atJoapwriat,line

Clamps around exhaust pipe just back of the pack nut. Fresh air is forced in at the funnel. is heated by the exhatist pipe l;eat chamber, and entere the car through a 4J.il 6x5~ 6 Replaces regular exhaust manifold. Provides a iollt register on the floo• board. Heats up instantly, keeps car passage for the exhaust gases. producing quick, intense heat._ snug and warm and insures perfect ventilation even m the Clean, fresh air is driven by the fan into the b.eater, over th~; coldest weather. No fumes. Heat is regulated by adjust­ heated manifold where' it is warmed then dft'ectly intc the' ing shutter in register. Surplus heat is forced out under car. car through the register in the floor board, Heats up alni~ Will not cause engine to become overheated-not necessary instantly-keeps car warm and insures perfect ventilatit. Easy to install-done in 30 on floor board. Does not interfere with removing floor minutes. Requires no cutting or drilling (except floor board) boards. (Ship. wt., 8 Ibs.) and does not interfere with any part of car. Substantial and W8471-hot Wave for all model Ford cars, either well made'-will outlast your car. Ship. wt.. 14 lbs. with regular carburetor or with Holley vaporizer. 1 .85 X8467-Hot Wave Heater, for all model Chevrolets 3.98 We will have Heatera for the New Ford--call or write for prices. · Flush Floor Board Type for Any Car Fits flush on floor Hot Wave Cast Iron Heater board. Valve on thl> FOR ALL MODEL FORD CARS AND TRUCKS exhaust pipe divertl! 8.85 almost all heat through the scien..: tifically arranged baffle pia tea. The gases are then let ofJ under the car·. Fully tested. Made of special cast metal Has dash control or Dash Controlled Radiator Shutters ca!' be shut off at the register. ':Viii keep a'!y size car warm. Prevents radiator from freez.. FOR FORD AND CHEVROLET CARS Wlil outlast your car. Valve·w11l fit any s1ze exhaust p1pe; ing while driving against the Enable you to adjust e~actly the amount size, 14x& ~ inches. wind; retains the engine heat of ·cold air going' to your motor. Prevent X8898-Flush Type, for any car \Ship. wt., 10 lb~.) 8.95 during stops, making starting the radiator freezing while driving; make easier, sa" ing J!asoline and pre­ it warm up 'quickly; permit easier sta1 t Rail Type Heater for Floor Board- venting oil dilution. Will pay for ing;. save gas, battery and radiator re­ For installing itself in a short time. pairs; yet will not cause it to get too hot. on the floot' board Made of black..;,nameled wa~er· Control!ed from the dash. ~ade o.f shee~ or dash. Extends proof fibre, in metal frame. Fas· steel, w1th baked enamel fhiish; will out­ above floor board tens securely between the radia­ last the car. 4 inches. Makes a tor shell and the front of the Very easy to install-instructions warm foot rest. radiator, closing the front tightly fmnished. · . FiniShed in black ..and keeping out the cold fnezing wind. The upper panel slides up and X8937-1924-27 Ford Cars.· (Ship. wt.,l\ I be.) .... 2.95 enamel. He.ats up X893SA-chevrM;,;iei' XA(sb'i;mi:sib:.: noise, fumes. Coatrol is built right into the heater. Size getting to the motor. So well made >i:11 6 6 that with proper care they will last 16 x4 , Valve is so made that it fits perfectly. on any size exhaust pipe. Ship. wt., 13 lbs. · · several seasons.. Easy to install. Ship.. 188° Proof Den~tured .Akohol -K889&-Ford Special complete with valve, control, wt., 4lbs. To Prevent Radiators F'rom· __ Jlnd 3 feet flexible tubing...... 5.85 X8980-Fibre Shutter for Fords, The ideal preventative of ~~~5~;~~ X8897-Floor Heater, for any other car, complete . 1923·26, Complete...... 95 radiators. Enjoy the use R car throughout the winter with valve, control and 6 feet flexible tubing .... 8.35 X8981 Shutt~r for all other X8909--Dash type for all cars, complete with valve, danger to the radiat?r control and 6ft. of flexible tubing. Very narrow to motor; Easy to use and m to fit on dash or any narrow place, size l4 6x2~".5.85 no w~y injurious; it w~ll p:event a radiator from freezmg m the Made of long grained coldest climate. lined with felt. They are Ourdenati~rd alcohclisabsolutely CENVINB "OOPBB I'OBCED DBAI'T BEATER I'OB ALL "ABS by hooks to the inside 188° proof. None can be made We have tested practically every car heater and do ~t engine hood, closing the slots and better or purer. Don't be rrisled hesitate to recpmmend the Cooper Forced Draft Heater 11s preventing circulation of cold air vague eta tcments into buying . the very best heater for bigger cars that money will btiy. around the engine. Hidden from an inferior grade that has little non-freezmg value. Cannot mechanic:~ Automotive engineers, and aut.o owners every.. view-do not mar the appearance 3 where, join in praise of it. Ten points of superiority make it of car. Held firmly in beo~n!c~~u~t ~f fluctuation in the market price of alcohol, stand head and shoulders above all other heaters. position by strong we .cannot .ouote prices for the season b';'t you will always 1. Instant heat; heat pours out the minuteengineatarts. springs. find our prices 20% to 30% below the pnces asked by most · 2. Ample heat; from 131 to 197 sq. in. heating surface. Keep the motor warm dealers. Call, write, or nhone us before buying. Uses all the heat. Will heat any car even in coldest weather. for hours, permitting 3. Pure, Fresh Heat; only pure air enters heater, only easy starting.. (Ship. Freeze-Meter pure heat comes out. Keeps air in car fresh. wt., per pair, 6 lbs.) 4. Eas).f to I nstall'{b!amps around emaust pipe, no cutting, fitting, welding, -.21:_-8ize 12"x13~nF()r 1917·25 Ford, pair.. 1.15 5. Fits Perfectly; no rattles, no looseness, no "wear out," no welding.. ICI223--Size 14"x 19" For 1926-27 Ford, Chevrolet, e .~:::: : .. l§O No Fumes; fre~~h air right from fan. Exhaust pipe not cut--can't leak. lewett, Star, Overland 4, pair ...... '· . . . . 1 .48 No Danger; flame confined. Fire or gas explosion impossible. Size l4"x24" For- Whippet, Ajax, Essex, For testing the mixture of aleoh.ol and water l_n the ~ool· 8. Will Not Overheat Motor; does not cause exhaust to "back up." No oilge, Studebaker~,vair ... '•...... 1 .68 lng s:Ystem. t:)imply draw enough hquid from your rad1ator _ need to remove duriug summer. Size l4"x2H For Buick, Wi!lys- to lift'the float;· The float will show the temperature at 9. Sturd).f, Substantial Construction; Cooper qual· 10. Price; our price offers you a worth·while saving; . bt;Durlint, Olds., Hup., Overland 6;pair ·1 •• 95 which the solution wiD freeze. · · · ity-will outlast car. No delicate parts. Give make, model, and ).fear of car. Ship. wt,. 11 lbs. ize 14"x30" ForOak.,Stude.,.Chryel.,pr, 1 9 5 B6St9-F.ach, complete IShip.,n., 8 oz.)...... · .49 B661.8-E~ra1'1<)a~ fyf l''teeoe-Mete•. , .•• , • • • • .24 WB463-C.ooper Foreed Draft Heaterfor.. all cars .. " ...... : ...... e- 96 .-' of the five si""" will fit your oar. 126 INDEX .ARTH:LJJ p .AG.Iil .llinCLJJ PAGB .·. ..utTiCLE ·, PAGJ!I 1 ABi"ICLE PAGJol Dniln Vocko & Valves .. 46, 4S Jd•ps & Guidert •• ~ ...... 130- 1 FoRDAlfD CHEVROLET OWNERSid ~~~a~'"1Ju~m. :--!:::::::ff Drills .••••••• , ••.• , • ,, .• 103 ~laster U.ot.or •••• ••, ••• ,. ,60 ~f~ ~~ ttOA'E'Xt::::: ~:: :~~ Air Clean.~ ...•• ·~, ••••••• 4a Driv& Shafts •••••••••...•• 90 Mastic Outfit ••••••••••••• 16 Al-emito. RepJ::~ce Parte for .• 45 Driving Sets •••••••.•. 24, ll1 )(ats. b'loor ... 00 ..... 25, 111 ~~=~ #arA~e .::::::: :~~; }~]~ .Ainmeters •• , , .•••••.•• 59. 6~ lJriving J..igil.ts •••..•.•... 53 Me-aarts.37, 58. 101 ~i:.I'i\tbh~i'rS'::::::::: :i~8 Snow Wind Axles .. oooooooooooo ... oo .. 96 Enclost:rtJs ..•..••.••••••• 1:26 Nuts & Cap Screws •••• , •• I04 Babbitt & Bahbitting Jigs .. 93 End Play Bearings .•...••. 83 Oil Cans & Holder& ...... 48 ~~~ ~~~s tOi:. iidJ.{~·t~~: :: : ~~ Baek Cul\hions. •••••••.•••• 30 End \Vrcnchos .... lOA. 112. 114 Oil Cups ...... 46 &to'o Bolts •.•••••...•••. 104 Backup Light. ••• , •..•• , •.. 50 :Wxhaust l'ipe R-epairs ..•.. 58 Oil Gauges .. 00 .... 00 ..... 48 Batteries. oo64, &;, 6~. 69, 118 E.'ll:h. Deflectors Io.t:' Ford ..• 5& Oil Saver for Ford ...... , ~ ~~~~·'s~~~i'1 Pa'ri8:::: :~gg Batte;ry· Bo.xes . , ••.•.•••••• 67 ExhaiJst Horns .... ~., .. 34, 35 Oiling System for Ford .... 43 Ba.tt.e.ry C:11Jles & Parts .••• 6:7 Exhaust I'1Po Clamp ••• , •.. 58 Oils ...... 46, 47, 91. 104 ~~~~ •• ~fl.;;.5~: ·5; ·~~· ~r Battery Char;;ers •.•.••••. 6S Extension, H.adio o ••••••••• '11 Overalls •••••••••••••••• , • 89 Battery !~liminators ..•...• 68 Fan Belt Guide ...... 00 .. 82 Padlocks ...... 22 ~~1•ta!g;d~uLen;:::::: :·~~g Battery •resters &..!!,Ulet::t 67. 69 Fan Belts & Belting ••.. 82. 83 Paint. Remov~ •••• , ...... • 15 Bearing Adjustcr1.1 •••.. sa~ 93 Fan Pulleys .••.•• , ••• 81,-100 Paints & Outllts 00 .. oo 74; 75 i:g ~ R.:rus~~;::::::: :i~~ Rearing Compound •.....•• 89 I?ans & l'arts •...... 100 Faints & Varnish Brullbea ••75 BMring Scl'av&rs & Bluo . . 89 F€1t Gaskets & Washers.44, 92 Parking Lamps ...... 54. ~=g~tF~l;~~~rs: ·ch.ev: :: :i ~¥ Bearings .•.•... &3. 93, 96, 97 1 4 6 68 Beds, Auto & Camp .. ., ... 121 ~!~~!~ ~~~~~s .'.'.".".'.'.'.".9.3.' :~~~ ~~~~r~g··c;~;.n~··.·.·. • :.U: ~ f:~fs ta~r~ocfoo .: :::::: :i~I Belting & Cooolinge, ••. 82, 83 Fender Fixers ••••.•••• 84, 85 Pedal Pads oo ...... 25. 117 Thickness Gauges •••••••. 101 Blowout Pat.~hes ••••••• 14, 1.5 Fonder Guards .••• , , ••..•. 38 Pet Coek Wl'ench •• , • , ; ••• 48 Blow Torches ..•....•...• 105 Fenders & Parts ••••• 101, 102 Pint~~, Seat Cover •• , •••••• 26- ~;:lw~t:·~~ .: ::::: :~~ Books and lhPs... 59, 104, 120· Files & Handles ...... w. 111 Pipe' Wrenches ...... 1~8 ~Jmr• ~ Rvering Material. .... 28 Jt.~la-shlights & Parts ••••••• U.& Ttr: Bow R~:st~ ..... , .....•.••. 30 Floats. Stewart Vacuum ..• .45 Pliers ...... 00 ...... 110 ~:t:slt.,~;~~~ 18: 'i~·~~ Braces, Rrm,ling Board •••. 93 Floor Board.c:; & Mats ... 25. 111 I"olishes ...... ,52, '13 Tire ~overs & Fla:ps •••••. ,16 l!'oot Rena 0 ...... 0 24, llf Polishing Cloth ...... 72. 79 TJre Gut Flller ...... 16 ~~~: ~~1~:~~~· ·. ·. ·. ·. ·.sr: ·sa· iH Fuel savers ...... 43, 123 Power Units, Radlo ..... , •• 88 TITire lroauges , ••• , ••• , •••• ,13 Brako Shoe Afljustcr' ....." •. 86 Funnels & -Measures .•••... 18 Priming Cups ...... 43 Tl re Locna .. • ...... zo Fuses . oo• ...... 118 Primers • , •.••.• , ..•• ~ ••• 123 ~~~~~; ·:.·.·::.·.·.·.·.·:.i486bl16 Gasket Cement ...... 92 Pump Hose & Tublng ...... l7 ~~: Re::lr&J~::ru: ~::::: :i~ 55. G:l, 12. 75, 89, 1 pad'\...... 28, 29 A Better Enclosure at Any Price! Cable,L.i_ghting&lgnitio•n62. 67 Gasoline Reserve Can •..•. 119 1 Camp D1shes ! , ••• , •• , , , .120 Gasolino S'avcrs •.••••••••• 43 Radiator Compounds •• , •••. 78 Top pate es •••• •••••••••• 80 We have examined and tested practically every Snug and Perfect Weatherproof Fitting and: Gamp Equipment .•• 118 to 121 Gas Tanl< Caps .•• , ••••• , •. 42 Radiator Covers • ~ ••••••• ~125 Toop sfottlctors ...... "" .28 Ca~b.on Removen ....••... 89 Oauges. Oil ...... 48 Radiator Ht.>se .•.•••••••.•• 78- Tog w~E~ ...... so enhclosure that hasdever been offeredfor.Fordand EaFv Installation. We believe it is the' very C4\pfmretor Adjustets ...... 42 Gear Pullers •••..•.. 106. 115 Radiator Ornaments ..•.... 16 0 evro1 et cars an we do not hesitate to say b t. 1 d f h d Gear Shift Ex. & Ballo 00.36 Radiator ·Shell for Ford •••.. '18 TQPs & ~~·~•·:::::::isJg that our Improved nreath t"te E., . cs · cnc osure ever rna e or t ese cars, regar •. 2:~~£:t~l:s.. ~~~~ •~.~r~~:2~;\f~ Gears .... 2~. 49, 90, 96, 98. 99 Radiator Shutters ••••..•. 125 Tourin" Eo.ulpment .liS to 121 vv er 1 nc 1osure IS not I f . . · Ce.Uuloid ••..••••. , •....• .. 31 Goncrator Brush "'rcnch .. 106 Radio Supplies ...... 68 to 70 ~w l\ f~oaker .. , . , •• , •. , .• 71 Horns & Horn Buttons. 34, 35 6 9 Hose Clamps .•••.••... 17. 78 t:~~~ ~~~t\vi:3&b~!ia • .'. ~U Valve !nsluea (COres) •••••• 13 FIT•SPIUG I'ULL'"VISION FOUND IN OTHER ENCLOSURES Rules, Steel ...... 111 Valvo Luters ...... ,lOR WINDOWS ~~~:;n~~ lj{~~ ·wreru;~!. H~ Hose. Radiator .••.•.•...•. 78 EXTRA THICK opper Tu9"lng •.....•••.• ,43 n:ub Cap ":rrench .•.•.. 20, 111 Running Board Brar-es ...•. 93 Vahe Reamer Guide, .107, 111 CLOSID CAR COMFORT Every available inch is used for window~ gi dng over 30% Hub Caps 00 ...... oo20. 117 Running Board Linoleum .• ,31 Valvo .r:er. and Res ... 108. 109 morr vision than rnost. other cnrlosurP8. Y\'.. indm\ E are made Hydrometers •..•...... 67, 69 Sand Paper ...... 00 ... 74 Valve ~.... tem Packing ••••.. 107 lgnitilln System for Ford ..• 60 Screw Drivera ••• 62, 106, 110 Valve Stem Patch Ei frorn Pyralin, extra thiek and durable nnd as dear as glasa. otter PinR & E:..:tractors .• 104 Valve Tools, Tire • o_~ntcrhal:mu2'~ . , • , •...•.. 81 Ignition \Vil'l'l ...... 62 Screw Extractors •••••••.• 1 (}3 ::::::::17 Handle,s for f•pE:nin(_~ the doors are speeht l ('onstruC'tion su t.hat over. Autmw,JJil& ••• , •.• 12() Initialg ..... , , •.•••..•... 76 Serews 00 00 .. 00 .... 00 .... 1 04, ~:!,:.iz~ine ... 98. 101, 116 rank CasCI Arn!s •••... 90. 98 Inner Tubes .... 00 00 ... IG, 11 Seat Covers & Mat&rials. 26, 27 v rnl h 00 .. 00 00 .... 43. 116 doors open from the outside. Center v,-iudow~ c~n hoth sid~~s rank Case Hn1n •• , ..•..• 4& Insulators ..•••••••.••..... 71 Seat Mats ...... 27 1 Shellae ... 00 ...... 92 v:se~: M~e~a~~~~·::.·:. .~·J~ may be instantly opened for signalling or vcrttilntiou. ank Pin.'l for Ford •••.... 83 Iron Cement •.•.•...... • ,105 · ank Shaft~; ....•.... ,. 81, 98 Jacks ••. oooooooo ...... 00 .. 19 Shimmy Stmmers ..••••... 49 ~!'btll~tor Gasket •••••... 122 .lugs ...... •...... •••.. 119 Shims & Shim Stock ..• 2G. 93 vl ra ~\.Killer ...... 81, 90 ses lse Jaws ...... 104 ::~~{ '~~~~);.~1i~g·:::::::: i~~ Key and Key .. oo .. 59 Shock Absorbers ...... 39 V1 EASY TO INSTALL up Greaf:O ..... , • , , ••• 45 46 Kick Plates ...... 36 ~ovel oo0000 ...... 119 •• •• • • • •• ·32 Fasteners ••• , .•. .". 31 Kuls-.A-Ford , ••...•....• .48 Side Curtains ...... 125 vi!~~~. 'i:r'e~dia;nP· 52 ~l'tain Side Lamps ...... 54 Voltmeter • ••• •• ·' • Anyone can insts.Jl a s~t in an hour. Ouly & small screw.. ~rlalr. Lights ...... 36, 31 lamiJ Bulbs ...... 00 00 00 .. SI ~~nlzera" & ·c.;m~;,;::::: :~l SHIPPED ANYWHERE 3 Lamps, Parts .••.. 50 to 55, 118 Side Wings •• 00 ...... 40 driver needed. Every part is marked exactly where it goes and · ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. Lanterns ...... ••...•• 118 Simoniz •••••••••••••••••. 73 w h~~·. Folt 00 00 .....44, 92 ~~rh1~~s ri~Cs'sings ?·. ~i Snubbers , •••••••••••••... 39 complete iDBtruetiow• are furnished ·with every f!et. C.O.D. WITHOUT ushlons ...... 21, 30, 82 I~aurel Head, Ford .•••... 102 :::::;::::: sllions for Coach Lega •.•• 83 Lead-Ins ...... oo 00 ... 00.71 Soaps ..... 00 ...... 73. 89 w~:t.,~g¢otlg~ :~~ DEPOSIT Lences ...... 50, 52, 53. 118 Socket Wrenches •••• 112 to 115 \Vater C1rrulator and Belts. 80 Send Us Your Order Today ut8~i~: ~~?fi~~o~ ::: :a·a, ·:¥ Itice-nse Brackets ...... 23. 50 !;lockets. Electric ...... 54, 55 ~~atheJ:trlps ...... 41 SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES Under He-ad Gaskets .••.. 92 Light Plugs and &ockotR.54, 55 Solder & Solderall ...... 105 1 i Lining Dye ...... oo ... 74 Spare Tire Carriers .••••••• 20 Wh=:ls ~u:":rt8'."."."."."."."ii, ~~ der Lapping Comp .. oo94. X8620-For Ford Touring Car, all modPls '23-24-25 (Ship. wt., 25lbs.) ...... 11.95 Linoleum for Run. Boards .. B1 Spark Plug IntensUlers •••• 58 ~~~ties ...... 34. X8621-For Ford Roadsters, all modelo 1923-24-25 (Ship. wt., 12 lbs.) .. ,...... • . 6.95 ~.~r:'o'!k~~-::::::::: ~g} Lock Washen .00 ...... 104 Spark Plug Wires ...... 62 0 Locka .. oo ...... 22, 23 Spark Plug Wrenches ...... 58 WI~~ sll~cei-8·:::::::::~8 X8627-For Ford Touring Car, 1926-27 (Phip. wt., 25lbs.) ...... oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo11.95 Loosen Nut Comp •••••.•. 104 Spark Plugs, Cor... 56, 57, 58 Windshield Cloaners •• , ••• 41 X8628-For Ford Roadsters, 1926-27 (Ship. wt., 12 lbs.)...... • • • • . • . • • • • • e:'".~~~- ~~- ~-~~::: :i~~ L.()ud Speakers .•••••.•.••. 71 Speakers, Radio •...•••••• 71 W!ndshteld Glass ••••••.. .40 6.95 Cheek fltraps •••••••• 33 W!ndshlold Rubber .. .,4() 41 X8629-For Chevrolet Touring, '23-24-25-26 (Ship. wt., 28lbs.) ••..• , •••••• , •.• , .13.95 Handles •.••••..•••• ,85 JAJ:ggage: Carrier •...... 119 Speedometers. & Parte ..•••• 2a Lunch Sot ... 00 ...... 120 Suoke Bru•hes ...... 72 ;;ndshlold Wings •.•... .'. 40 X863o--For Chevrolet Roadster, 1923-24-25-26 (S~tip. wt., 14lbs.), •••••• , •• , . • • • • 8.25 l::I:'it. & ·i>ail8:::::: ::~ Machine Screws .....•.... 104 SIJ<)ke Shim• ...... 19 7 X8631-For Chevrolet Tounng, 1927 (Ship. wt.. 28 lbs.). , • oo oo oo ...... 13.95 33 60 ilpon"es ...... 7 2 WI~:. "j,iri.iti~;.· ::~~.. .~ ·.B: ~~ ·• •• ·. . :. SIJ<)tligbts ...... 53 \\.. renches ... 21, 58, 1113 to ll7 t;;;::.=...;:.;:;.-.;;;;;:.;.;;,.;..:;a X8632-For Chevrolet Roadster, 1927 (l'bip, wt,, 14 !bs.) ...... oo ...... 00.. 8.25 rl~~~rcep~t.ecl'Or' ~~ ~~~?.,% ~~~'\rorii.".".".".". • .'.~~ Wren~hes lIn Cock Wronch"" , .••. 48 Manifold Gaskets •.••.. 92, 98 Springs .•.• 39, 39. 42, 91, 1 0" for Chevr•)lot .. • 117 128 TIRE_PRICES J REDUCED. Please turn to pages 2 to 12 of this catalog tory-to-car~wn!'r method of di'3tribution en­ where you will find our Western Giant and ables liS to offer you these high-gr-ade, guaran­ W t>ar~Well Cords, Balloons and Western Giant teed tires at pric·es that will save you from $5 .Heavy ~Duty Truck Tires, fully illustr:~.ted to $25 on every tire, depending on the size. and described and priced at our new reduced Hundreds of tbous:mds of these tires now in prices. daih· u;;e. We ship tires everywhere C. 0. D. without Save SS to Sas on Every Tire deposit. Our tire prices arc now the lowest we have ever been able to offer. For in.Stance, we are Visit Our RetaU Stores now offering a 30x371! st.andard size cord tire All tires sold in our st{)res will be mountc ~ Zone 1 Zone z Zone 3 Zone 4 2lone Our ~ere? Not more than Over 50 milea Over I SO miles Over 300 mile• Over600mil -not more -not more -not more What Will Your SO milea tba-;is~ :ill: than 300 miles than 600 milea than I 000 mil Packace Weich? from Our Store~~om Our Store from Dux Store from Our Store from Dux Stor For weighta up to 1 pound, tha 7c . poatage ia, ...... 7c Sc 9c .. 10c For each addl- tlonal pound or fraction of a 1c lc 2c 4c 6c pound, add ...... Example • If you hve m the 2nd zone and order merchandise we1ghing· • 10 • pound$, the parcel post char~e is 7c for the first pound and le for each of the nine additional pounds (9c), makmg a total of 16c. • Be sure to send plenty of money to cover postage if you want goods sent by Parcel Post. If you send too much we will return all that is not needed.

OUR TERMS th~ rrst. We 'Will acc~pt po~tsge etsn.PI' for amounts umjer Cn•h with order or C. 0. D. We do not require any $1.00. If you send curren~y or stamps be sure to ..astern Auto Supply Co register letter. deposit ou C. 0. D. orders. We will allow examination c INCORPORATED if reuuceted ·on C. 0. D. expreee or frei&:ht shipments, but Where shipment is to go by Paroet P"'lt, always inolude the postal rules will not permit l'arcel Po-t C. 0. D. euflicie~t.t poetage. See Parcel Poet rate table above. If World's Leadin9 Auto Accessory ~tores" pack&gee to be opened or examined. you send too much. bslonce will be returned to you. OUR REf"ERENC~ RETURNED GOODS KANSAS CITY, MO. ST. LOUIS, MO. CINCINNATI, OHIO ST. PAUL, MINN. AND EXCHANGES Ifyou wiah to know more about our responsibility, write Exeeutlve Offices, 1422-24 Grand B11 Washington Ave. 9211 RACE ST. Downtown Store & Offices any bnnk in any city whC're we have a store, or consult Be aure to write us fully reprding any nnsatisfactor7 Downtown Stores 6 Dun or Bradstreet Commerrial Agency. Any local bank in gooda before returning to us, as we ean often furnish aozno 1422-24 Grand Ave. DALLAS, TEX. HOUSTON, TEX. Uptown ~~o~, ttss\v. 8th st. your town that has the oorrunercial agency service caD miseiu& or necessary part. S. W. Comer 14th and Grand 2100 COMMERCE ST. 1122 MAIN ST. tell you our standing. Returned gooda ohould be securely packed to pre,·ent North Side Store PHILADELPHIA, PA. TOPEKA, KANS. any breakage. and insure prompt and eafe arrival. Mail ATLANTA, GA. Mall Order & Office, N. Broad 8211 KANSAS AVE. REMITTANCES S. W. Comer 6th and Main 2701 us a letter at the same time of shipment, giving full par­ South Side Store 187 PEACHTREE ST. Downtown Retail Store,117N.Broad SAN ANTONIO, TEX. Send your r"emittanre by personal check, by money order tieulal!l, and don't fail to put your name and P 0. addrCIII 3129 Troost Ave. or anv other convenientforrn. l_f you live on a rural route on pack:a&e. When returning gooda by Parcel I ·O&t. be BIRMINGHAM, ALA. FT. WORTH, TEX. LITTrtB~