
Jonah 3 - St ’s Study Notes


This study is based around the format of the 4 W’s - Welcome, Worship, Word and Witness. This is a really simple format that gives an easy structure to study.

These notes can either be used with a small group or with individual study, prayer and worship.


goes very much against his own desires to the ancient city of . He utters a very strange five word sermon and the people of Nineveh have a very interesting response.”1 Project.

If you are able watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOSadLyqshg - a interpretation of the story produced by Saddleback .

 How accurate is the video to the biblical text?  The story has been put within a ‘Heroes Of The Bible’ series. Is Jonah being a ‘hero’ a helpful portrayal and interpretation of Jonah for children (and adults)?  How have the course and sermons so far challenged your understanding of the story of Jonah?


Jonah 3 focuses on the theme of repentance and forgiveness from . Repentance and forgiveness are key aspects of worship.

Take some time to say sorry to God. You might want to write these things down on a piece of paper (or a number of pieces of paper). Remember: ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.’ 1 John 1: 9.

Receive God’s forgive - his grace and mercy. You might want to take your pieces of paper, crumple them up into a ball and throw into the bin. Remember: “As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” (Psalm 103:12)


Verses 1 - 4

 Look back to :1 and remind yourself of the message God gave to Jonah to preach to Nineveh. What strikes you about this?  Bible commentators note that the Hebrew wording in God’s second command to go to Nineveh is exactly the same as in His first command. What does this say about how God

1 https://bibleproject.com/podcast/amazing-jonah-part-4-thrones-ashes/ speaks to us and calls us?  Now compare this to what Jonah actually says in verse 4. What surprises you about what Jonah actually says? Does he do and say what God commanded?

Verse 5 - 10

 What do we know about Ninevah? It might be worth jotting this down and if you are able, to do some further research from the internet or Bible commentaries.  How do the Ninevites respond to Jonah? From what you have found out about Ninevah, why is it surprising?  Compare this to how well God’s people had responded to the many sent to speak to them over many centuries.  Look at the response of the King both in his actions and his words.  Is this an act of repentance?  Does the King believe that God will save them if they respond in this way? Does he show ?  How does the King’s response challenge you?

WITNESS/ RESPONSE: Thomas John Carlisle wrote a INTERCESSION: book of poetry about Jonah interceded for entitled ‘You! Jonah!’.2 Sodom but Jonah couldn’t have cared Please use these as way of less reflection and response. Read if Nineveh had harboured one through the poems and as relatively innocent inhabitant COUNSELLOR TO THE you do, ask God to speak to or even one hundred and ALMIGHTY: you and challenge you. Come twenty. Think twice before you to God in prayer. They all looked alike to him— pardon seeing he hadn’t tried to see Men repent even in ashes, THE GREAT INTRUDER: them. but repent again of their It is exasperating But God’s vision is better than repentance to be called twenty-twenty. Take a wiser bias of my advice so persistently Confine your charity when the last thing LIMITATION: to such good neighbours as we want to do God changed His mind your humble servant is get up and go because they had changed but God their hearts. elects He repented to keep on because they repented. haunting That is the way like some we word it holy ghost. sometimes. But always He is limited only by His limitless love. 2 https://books.google.co.uk/books/abou t/You_Jonah.html?id=ZOAOAQAAMAA J&redir_esc=y