The Rules of Christian Decorum and Civility
The Rules of Christian Decorum and Civility Cover of the first edition, 1703, The Rules of Christian Decorum and Civility, divided into two parts, for use in the Christian Schools, [printed] at Troyes and sold at Reims at the shop of François Godard, bookseller, rue des Tapissiers. The Rules of Christian Decorum and Civility John Baptist de La Salle Translated by Richard Arnandez, FSC Edited by Gregory Wright, FSC 1990, reprinted 2007 Lasallian Publications Lasallian Publications Sponsored by the Regional Conference of Christian Brothers of the United States of America and of Toronto, Canada Editorial Board Joseph Schmidt, FSC Francis Huether, FSC Executive Director Managing Editor Daniel Burke, FSC Donald Mouton, FSC Paul Grass, FSC William Quinn, FSC Ronald Isetti, FSC Luke Salm, FSC Augustine Loes, FSC Gregory Wright, FSC William Mann, FSC Translated from the 1703 edition of Les Règles de la Bienséance et de la Civilité chrétienne, à l’usage des Écoles chrétiennes (Cahiers lasalliens 19, Rome: Maison Saint Jean-Baptiste de La Salle, 1964) The Rules of Christian Decorum and Civility is volume 2 of Lasallian Sources: The Complete Works of John Baptist de La Salle Copyright © 1990 by Christian Brothers Conference All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress catalog card number: 90-61706 ISBN 0–944808–04–2 (cloth) ISBN 0–944808–05–0 (paper) Cover: Banquet given by Grimod de la Reynière at his mansion on the Champs- Elysées, Paris. From XVII-XVIII Siècle, by Paul Lecroix. Courtesy of the Newberry Library, Chicago. This volume is dedicated to Frère Albert-Valentin, editor of Édition Critique des “Règles de la Bienséance et de la Civilité chrétienne,” published in Paris, 1956.
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