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Untitled-2 1 29/08/2014 09:15 am NOVEMBER

FROM THE EDITOR Publishing THE REVAMPED Newsnight featured Print Business is published by a fascinating discussion recently Print Business Media Ltd between economists and financiers 3 Zion Cottages, Ranters Lane, about the merits of zero or ultra low Goudhurst, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 1HR inflation. There were none. 01580 236456 | [email protected] They argued that the low inflation that the UK is enjoying is not good Printed by Headley Brothers news, despite what mortgage holders think. It could be a signal that there Editorial is no demand in the economy because Editor Gareth Ward consumers have no incentive to buy gareth.ward@printbusinessmagazine. goods when they know the price is not going to rise in the immedi- 01580 236456 | 07866 470124 ate future. And those producing Press releases to the goods have to keep prices and [email protected] margins low in order to sell anything Commercial in an over supplied market. Business manager Debbie Ward The only expert missing from around the table was a . They were 01580 236456 | 07711 696190 describing the reality for most print businesses and their prognostics suggest [email protected] that as the economy is not about to change any time soon, printers are going to Admin have to brace themselves for more of the same. Inflation, which helps to oil the 01580 236456 | [email protected] wheels of commerce, is starting to affect raw materials and energy of course, but is having no effect on the prices paid by customers. There is no point Media information waiting for any lift or relief from this direction. Media Pack is online on the Media Pack page of Instead printers must tackle the situation themselves, possibly through squeez- ing efficiency yet again and creating a margin in that way. And there is scope for News greater efficiency of printers are prepared to minimise some of the variables The Monday morning News email is a they have in the business, by restricting the number and variety of papers used, very popular collection of a handful of the week’s news. Always going beyond by only working to set formats, by working to strict schedules and penalising the press release and often exclusive. clients that do not meet these. This is of course unrealistic for most companies No third parties or selling of details. that claim a service-first ethos. But even so these companies should consider Sign up at this type of action: just because things have always been so, does not mean they Subscription cannot change. Print Business is free to qualifying A more fruitful path to a better land, though possibly even more challeng- printers. Premium subscription is ing, is through innovation. This can be innovation of service, of quality or of available for £100 pa. See the Premium product. Successful innovation breaks the shackles of price because there is page at no competitor able to match or reduce your price, at least for the short term. Events Innovation demands a new way of looking at process and products, something Print Business Media Ltd is the organiser that is very difficult to do in the day to day hurly-burly of filling presses and of Forward Thinking Printing. For meeting deadlines. But it has to be done. Innovation should also be market and more details see the Events page at customer focused, usually around identifying an unmet need or pain point. That could be a lack or response to be addressed through personalisation; the Content high cost of administration to be met through an online ordering system. Content is copyright Print Business Without the respite that inflation might bring, printers have little choice but to Media Ltd 2014. All rights reserved. become innovative in every aspect of what they do. Archive (And to show that we practise what we preach, we will next month unveil Previous issues are available for a small innovation of our own.) fee. See the Archive page at www. for details. Gareth Ward Editor Terms Apply for terms & conditions to [email protected] November 2014 3 NEWS Concept Communications and ProCo team up for full service

PROCO HAS BOUGHT into use of data to drive personalised Concept Communications, campaigns and this is increasing. giving the Sheffield full service The ability to tap into the Essex print company a southern base company’s know-how and expe- from which to service London rience is a key factor behind the clients. move Bailey explains. “We need But the move is driven just as innovation and we can’t rely on much by a meeting of minds and a few individuals for that. There a determination to strengthen is a very good forward thinking the technology platform says team, more than their size and ProCo managing director Jon position shows off. It’s a team Bailey. He says: “While our that is hungry to do stuff for independent businesses were Jon Bailey will join the board of Concept Communications. customers. successful in their own right, “And we have been looking by aligning our services and tor of Concept, says: “We have litho capacity to its customers, for a while at a way to strengthen experience we are significantly known and worked with ProCo while ProCo gains access to the our position down south.” strengthening our market offer- for some time and have admired workflow software that has been There will be work to align ing, capability and ability to what they are trying to achieve. developed to link printer and its workflows and processes, if better service our nationwide This has been a meeting of customers across the internet to only for each to act as disaster accounts.” minds and we both share a add to the web portals it already recovery and to handle overflow Bailey will join the board vision of how the market place operates. “We have some excit- work for each other. There are of Concept Communications, will develop.” ing frontend products that we no immediate plans to change where the management team The companies came into delivering to customers, taking names or branding, though this remains in place and committed contact through the Dscoop files, processing them and is not ruled out. to the business. Both are Indigo initiative which has promoted feeding them automatically to There are currently no users, with ProCo recently partnerships (Concept is the press,” says Bowes. “This common customers, though as installing the UK’s first 7800, working with a US business it is not about cost cutting. It’s Concept starts to offer ProCo’s but ProCo also offers litho print- met through the organisation). about growth and sustainability, capabilities, this is sure to ing and mailing while Concept Earlier in the summer talks though to a large degree it will change. “Both sets of staff are is digital only, operating from a turned to ProCo taking a stake be business as usual.” very excited about this as and new plant near Stansted airport. in the business. Both companies have been both sets of customers have Giles Bowes, managing direc- Concept will be able to offer pushing increasingly towards the been very positive about it.” Innovation brings rewards for Plastic Card Services REVENUE AT Plastic Card we’ve always focused on inno- year growth, but now there’s it has created a contactless Services is running 40% vation, whether that’s moving more positivity in the market, RFID product and what it above 2013 levels as its new into new geographical markets we’re really coming into our calls ePassport Shield which financial year starts, with this or sectors, R&D or simply own.” is intended to prevent data success attributed to its focus doing things more efficiently. The company has scored being swiped from contactless on innovation. “By doing this, we success- notable success in opening up cards. It has also earned it the Managing director Rob fully bucked the trend during markets in Scandinavia and in contract to print proof of age Nicholls says: “As a business, the recession, posting year on product development where cards for Cards4U. BPIF STANDS UP FOR CREDIT RATINGS FOR PRINTERS THE BPIF HAS attacked ‘very high risk’. In a letter to accurate than the previous tool “Where this data is invisible, the way that credit report Cato Syversen, the organisa- for ranking credit worthiness. anonymous or difficult to access, supplier Creditsafe has appar- tion’s CEO, BPIF membership An improvement in the trans- users then have to trust that the ently downgraded the ratings secretary Dale Wallis asks for parency of how the reports are providers of the payment perfor- of print companies, causing an explanation for the change, compiled would allow printers mance data are feeding accurate some previously judged as ‘very how the assessments are made to understand why their ranking and pertinent information into low risk’ to suddenly become and why this is felt to be more had changed. the system,” says Wallis.


SEPARATE reports published been held back by difficulties in delivering these services. Just this month highlight the need recruiting staff with IT skills, 20% are in this position says the for change and for print to but not why this is so. report. become more closely engaged The background in five years Worse printers seem reluc‑ with the mainstream adoption has been a “just astonishing” tant to adapt. According to of online trading and marketing. increase in e‑commerce activity print specifiers, just 56% are A report from Drupa is the and while printers have added told about new technologies second in a series published in web to print the report says: by their printers, meaning that the run up to the 2016 show. “Print has struggled to exploit 44% either forget or prefer It conducted research across the opportunities.” It records not to inform their customer the world with 240 detailed that 51% of printers have web base. It is a customer base that interviews to understand how to print systems, but only 14% while it recognises the attributes printers were coping with the gain more than 25% of their Canon’s latest Insight of print in terms of tactility, report looks at changing decline in commercial print orders in this way. permanence and so on, also trends in EMEA. volumes. These are down It is a missed opportunity expects to be buying less print according to 46% of partici‑ (which attending Drupa in in future. pants, with just 21% reporting 18 months’ time will surely audience split between digital The need says Canon is to go an increase. address). “The technology printers and print specifiers, in out and promote the qualities The declines in packag‑ exists to help printers to cope all 550 interviews. that print has. “Printers need ing were around 14%; 33% in with the unprecedented change The aim has been to compare to work to prevent migration,” commercial print and 42% in driven by digital media,” the how both sides think about the it says. There is some recogni‑ publishing where the impact report says. The full report future use of print and therefore tion that change is needed, 80% of the internet has been great‑ is available from the Drupa to help printers adjust to the believing this to be true, which est. The response in the last website for €249. new reality. Unfortunately while is 8% up on the pre‑recession five years has been a negligi‑ Canon’s report is the latest marketers and print specifiers 2008 survey. However, the ble investment in IT, just 23% in its series of Insight reports are using print as an element report also finds that only 48% saying that they had invested looking at changing trends in a campaign, more than two of printers have a development in this area – less than 5% a across Europe, Middle East thirds are running cross channel strategy in place and of these year. Further investment has and Africa. It also involves an campaigns, but few printers are only half review this.

European gravure still blighted by overcapacity for magazines OVERCAPACITY continues had been an average of 700,000 the highest quality and most this year and will supply De to afflict the European gravure was now 150,000, thanks to the consistent process for packaging La Rue with the press to print market as plant and machine drop off in print advertising. work, though here too average the Winston Churchill and Jane closures cannot keep pace The trend has also affected production runs are falling. Austen £5 and £10 notes when with the decline in circulations web offset presses where there The third area for gravure these are switched to print‑ of those magazines that have were only 20 publication presses according to Dr Giancarlo ing on polymer at the Bank of traditionally been printed by sold worldwide last year, when Cerutti, head of the Italian England print works in Debden. the process. at its peak, one manufacturer company which has under‑ As well as this, Cerutti has During the annual meeting alone could sell 60 presses in a gone deep restructuring and is sold 20 packaging presses and of the European Rotogravure year. the last remaining producer of commissioned the Aurora Association, held this year The bright spot for gravure publication gravure presses, is in publication gravure press at in Austria, KBA’s Christoph is packaging. There press sales security printing. The company CTP in South Africa. This Müller pointed to the decline are at record levels. Gravure has supplied a gravure press for is designed to print runs of in print runs. What in Germany continues to be perceived as stamp printing to ISL in Walsall 100,000 effectively.

KODAK IS LOOKING to and healthcare businesses, or exit from Chapter 11, Kodak has of this knowledge in areas that monetise some of its vast by taking a stake in these firms. retained a huge patent portfolio the company is not directly patent portfolio by selling Despite selling a swathe of generated over the years. It is interested in CEO Jeff Clarke licences to start up technology imaging patents as part of its now seeking to release some told a meeting in Rochester. November 2014 5 NEWS Heidelberg to continue to trim its way back into profitability

HEIDELBERG WILL need to halved, but the numbers of it will be selling Ricoh’s new berg workflows and software. shed a further 500 jobs in order employed has not. There is still cut sheet digital presses as the Within a printshop, all jobs to be profitable at the current excess capacity,” Linzbach is Linoprint CV, the five-colour whether digital or offset can market levels, CEO Gerold reported to have told employees. press, and the Linoprint CP be managed through the same Linzbach has told employ- This will mean a further 15% as the 130ppm machine. Both workflow with process steps ees according to reports in the reduction in capacity in order to will have a Heidelberg DFE, logged and stored for recall. German press. bring profitability to the manu- comprising its Prinect colour Jason Oliver, head of digital The company is in the process facturing operations. management and workflow and at Heidelberg, says: “The of moving its headquarters from The longer term future for a Rip adapted from that driving newly developed Digital Front central Heidelberg to the factory Heidelberg rests on growing its its platesetter. The new models End generates decisive added at Wiesloch as part of cost saving consumables and service busi- will be available from 2015 and value for users. Indeed, besides measures but more action will ness and expanding its digital will replace the Linoprint C751 getting better quality and be necessary because the market operations. It has shown the and Linoprint C901. It has sold productivity from digital print- for sheetfed presses remains first fruits of a partnership with around 500 units worldwide of ing systems, print shops also stagnant. The company needs Fujifilm, adding inkjet heads these machines. want to be able to control and to position itself to be profitable to a Gallus label press and is The speed and other speci- manage as many applications at equipment sales of €1 billion, working on a sheetfed press fications are the same as with as possible via a central work- and to ensure the sustainability with the Japanese company with Ricoh, but the changes at the flow. That is precisely where the of its recovery. Drupa 2016 as the launch target. front end mark a distinctly strengths of the Prinect Digital “The market has almost It has also confirmed that tighter integration with Heidel- Front End come into play.” Compact and coherent events draw in the crowds BOTH PRINT EFFICIENTLY the show but Mitamax lay flat binder, deliv- and London Calling have been also a greater ering it across Canary Wharf to hailed as successful events by confidence in Altaimage as the show finished. their organisers. Both hosted the industry Altaimage will use it for lay flat visits from students in support at large.” books printed by its Lumejet of Print IT and both reported Duplo machine. The Lumejet was an increase in visitor numbers attracted a running during London Calling, over the 2013 events. cohort of a first in the UK as there had not As well as confirming an order Print Efficiently saw an Dutch printers to London been enough space to show the for a Ryobi 920 LED, Print Effi- increase in visitors as did Calling at Canary Wharf to machine in operation at Ipex. ciently’s partners signed orders London Calling. see product launches like the Both Renz and Vpress for the new Horizon folder, iSaddle and UB 6000 perfect attended both events while with Berforts, for Screen CTP ing director of IFS, says: binder. The iSaddle had previ- Vivid, Taopix and Optimus equipment and Konica Minolta “Customers from all over the ously been shown at a German were London only exhibitors. presses. Host company Apex UK from Scotland to the south show where the first orders Shuttleworth wore the MIS hat Digital reckons to have collected coast came along, and the were taken, so sales to Doveton at Print Efficiently, launching £1 million of business, while feedback was excellent. It was Press and Vernon Press were the V5.01 of its system in Hemel partner IFS recorded more than definitely the busiest Print Effi- first for Duplo UK, not Duplo Hempstead, with KAS, Colour- £250,000 of sales. ciently so far, which we think International. byte and Cyan X among the Bryan Godwyn, joint manag- reflects both the popularity of It also sold its second others attending. Appl takes largest new generation UV press from KBA KBA WILL SUPPLY long then six print units, dryer, twin packaging machines.Komori have KBA’s HR-UV technol- standing customer Appl with coaters and further dryer. It is has sold long perfecting Komori ogy, based on tuned UV lamps a 14-unit B1 press in April, the intended for printing covers for H-UV presses in the Low Coun- rather than LED which KBA largest new generation UV press magazines and catalogues, unlike tries and Ryobi has sold a long UK is promoting with AMS. It yet sold. long sheetfed presses that KBA perfector with LED UV to a is understood to have sold a B1 The Rapida 106 has four print has sold to Amcor and Heidel- customer in Luxembourg. press with LED UV to an as yet units, dryer, perfecting unit berg to Chesapeake which are The Appl machine will unnamed customer.

6 November 2014 • Tried and tested over and over and over and over again • Excellent foldability and strength, ideal for luxury packaging • HP Indigo certified

Tel: 0870 607 9014 Email: [email protected] INNOVATIONS & INVESTMENTS Brunel upgrades finishing ahead of Speedmaster XL75 arrival

BRUNEL PRINT is spending ter, Dorset, is a south coast print for our design clients. We ber,” says Tugman. £1.7 million to upgrade its print rather than south west machine, hope to have finished training by The company saw the and finishing facilities at its he says. Epic is also targeting a the end of November and the MotionCutter last year when Bedminster factory in Bristol. largely London based customer new XL75 arrives in January to shown at the EMEA Dscoop A Speedmaster XL75-5 portfolio, whereas Brunel serves join the GTOs and replace the in Rome and then in Florida. will replace an existing press agencies in and around Bristol. older machine.” The company saw the potential in January, but this month The machine will be the Marketing the extra services immediately. The decision to the company took delivery 12th in the UK most sold since begins before then: “Despite the invest in the Scodix was just as of a Scodix digital embossing Conversion UK took on the fact that we’ve only just taken direct, coming after a visit to 1st machine and MotionCutter agency. The MotionCutter receipt of the new equipment, Byte in London. digital laser cutter. will the second in the country interest is high,” says commer- Brunel Print can trace its These follow the installa- following a launch at Ipex this cial print director John Tugman. history back more than 150 tion of an Indigo 7500 which is year and the installation at “We’ve already joined forces years in Bristol, developing already in place. Screaming Colour. with Bristol Media, the local as a calendars and stationery This will be the first Scodix The plan is to take the the members’ organisation for business. It boosted this with in the South West says Andrew value added capabilities of both creative businesses, to become acquisition of Lockwood Calen- Mackinson, who has this year machines and put them at the a preferred industry supplier dars and started Funky Pigeon become manager of the compa- heart of Brunel’s commercial and print a range of personal- as an online greetings card busi- ny’s commercial print operation. print arm, Mackinson explains. ised materials for its upcoming ness which was sold to WH The Scodix at Epic in Dorches- “It offers new ways to market Vision conference in Novem- Smith. HP Indigo 20000 goes to Ultimate Packaging

ULTIMATE PACKAGING has side short runs for promotions The Indigo 20000 uses the taken delivery of the HP Indigo and product testing. Sales one-shot technique, where the 20000, the wide web digital and marketing director Chris full image is built on the trans- press designed for printing flex- Tonge says: “Going digital has fer drum before transferring ible packaging. The Grimsby allowed us to engage with global this to the substrate. This can company has been keen to be brands on personalisation and be 12-100 micron films which among the first users of the The Indigo 20000 is for customisation projects on flex- will be laminated to ensure the press, the webfed version of the flexible packaging. ible packaging, opening up both inks are kept apart from the food Indigo 10000. existing and new markets, and inside the packaging in the same Ahead of delivery of the ible packaging. Even then it giving us a unique position in way Ultimate laminates flexo Indigo 20000 Ultimate has was looking towards the wider the UK, Europe and beyond. printed packaging. built up its experience of web model to complement its The HP Indigo 20000 means we The press is being installed in through being conventional flexo presses. can talk to brand owners about a state of the art fully food safe one of the beta sites for the The company has run digital strategic marketing campaigns print room with glass frontage to Indigo WS6600, the first Indigo jobs for retailers including rather than continually discuss- display it in action yet prevent machine aimed at printing flex- personalised packaging along- ing price and production.” contamination from visitors.

Carly Press moves to new premises and installs two Ricoh cutsheet presses

THE CARLY PRESS in ness dictated that it needed to and meeting demand for shorter Despite this it is Ricoh’s entry Wellington, Somerset, has move. Now a mezzanine floor to run print. “They are providing level machine. The Pro C901 capped a move to a 280m2 unit hold a meeting room is planned. us with the real flexibility we has been the flagship press and in the town with installation of The company has been needed to diversify and grow provides the robustness that two Ricoh cutsheet presses, a running an old Konica Minolta, our business,” says director The Carly Press has needed. Pro C901 and Pro C5100. but this had struggled with Mark Gladstone-Smith. The eight-strong company is The 30-year-old business volumes and reliability. The The Pro C5100 is the first now looking for an apprentice has retained its high street shop two Ricohs demonstrated well Ricoh press to feature enhanced and the next investment is likely retaining close ties to the town’s and have performed as expected toner transfer technology to to add to its wide format print community. But growing busi- since, matching litho quality cope with highly textured stock. and banner production capacity.

8 November 2014 WATKISS A4 ADVERT [MOHR GUILLOTINE] AW 15/10/2014 10:19 Page1

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01767 685710 INNOVATIONS & INVESTMENTS ABC replaces 10-colour SM52 with 4-colour Ryobi 920 with LED

ABC PRINT GROUP has to the touch sheet out of the completed its search for a press back of the press – the produc- with new generation UV curing, tivity gains of the configuration signing the order for a four- will be huge to a business like colour Ryobi 920 with an LED ours, and we will have no spend- to replace its ten-colour SM52. ing on coatings or spray powder, The move is therefore both nor have to set aside time for a leap in terms of format from cleaning. B3 to SRA1 as well as to the new “At ABC Print we always drying technology. For manag- aim to keep ahead of the curve ing director Mike Greene, both with regard to the technology are logical decisions: the SRA1 that we bring into the business. sheet is good for eight-up A4 Apex’s Neil Handforth and Bob Usher flank Mike Greene This new press configuration and Garrett McGibney, who in turn flank Ryobi’s Japanese pages, it suits the cut size sheets is certainly something that we contingent, with the Ryobi 920 with LED-UV. that merchants can supply; the believe will give us an edge over drying technology will provide the competition, and will allow a fully dry sheet and will save situation.” Greene had looked at in position to supply an LED us to offer something special to the company a six figure sum the Ryobi 920 at the Print Effi- equipped press. our customers. We’re convinced in energy prices. “We’re told ciently show two years ago, but The company has worked this is a positive step forward,” that ink prices are higher, but had not pursued this interest. with Apex having been a says Greene. these will come down,” he says. This year he has been looking customer for its DPX polyester The press is due to arrive at “But electricity prices are only at the potential of new genera- platemaker. Greene and produc- the Hereford print at the end of heading one way. tion curing, looking first at the tion manager Garrett McGibney the year. The ten-colour press “LED-UV minimises the Komori technology and after are also experienced with the has been sold, but the company power costs, improves the meeting Apex at Ipex, at what SRA1 format. will retain its other B3 presses, process by eliminating the need the Ryobi could offer. For the “It means that we can print the format allowing the extra for consumables and speed of company it means a break with eight A4 pages to view, and with area needed for folders, covers drying the sheets – a win-win Heidelberg, which is not yet the LED-UV added, have a dry and other products. DS Smith is first user of Inca Onset S40i DS SMITH HAS confirmed Onset using vacuum hoods after starting the run, to focus The OL inks, produced in that it is the first to be using the and repeats the process with a their attention elsewhere as the Broadstairs, are optimised for Inca Onset S40i in combina- second hood to drop the printed print job is running. printing on corrugated, having tion with Fujifilm’s OL inks for sheet on a delivery stack, was “We were also very impressed the combination of pigment and corrugated boards and the auto- key to the investment. Display to see how effectively the system carrier that allows quality work mated handling equipment. manufacturing manager at DS handles single or double sided to be produced cost effectively. The automated handling Smith, David Atchinson says: print, enabling a wide variety The low odour UV inks also system which picks up sheets “The fully automated handling of board types to be perfectly produce a gloss finish and lack from the stack and positions system will maximise produc- printed whilst being held flat on of taint needed for point of sale them on the flatbed on the tivity and allow our operators, the table.” demands.

MX Display first to buy EFI Vutek GS3250LX wide format combination printer

MX DISPLAY SOLUTIONS head, cured by an LED array. market and provide future The company is producing an in Derby is the first in the UK The press replaces a QS3200 proofing on our investment. increasing volume of close up to buy EFI’s Vutek GS3250LX that has performed reliably for Additionally, the high quality applications demanding the 7pl Pro wide format combination five years and will triple capac- of service we have received over droplets and greyscale quality printer. ity says general manager Adrian the years is another important for consultancies, architects and It can cope with both flatbed Rushton. consideration when running a construction companies that are and reelfed materials and has He says: “This printer will machine on which so much of turning to digital printing on a the 7pl droplet UltraDrop print put us at the forefront of the our production depends.” spread of materials.


TWO OF THE UK’S leading Jones. “And because we had the plates since 2010, making it magazine printers are to take four long perfectors we did not among the largest UK users of delivery of new Heidelberg have to turn any work away. We the Azura TU plate. presses in January. Buxton Press handled 19% more pages year Despite the increase in is installing its fourth XL106 on year through our perfect demand for magazine and perfector, while Stephens & binding than last year, with section work, pricing remains George is taking delivery of growth in PUR in particular. tight. Galloway attributes its third XL106, and second “We printed 11 million 16pp Buxton’s success to its strictly 18,000cph machine. sections during September, streamlined production process Both companies have speci- produced 28,500 B1 plates and and tight financial controls. This fied machines with CutStars, processed 60,500 pages through has enabled it to compete with but where the Buxton machine the Agfa Apogee system. This the existing market price levels. is new capacity, the S&G press is significantly more than we S&G is just as slick. A recent is replacing a ten-unit XL105. produced in the record month contract win underlines how. This will produce an increase last year. The technology on the It is printing for a publisher of in throughput thanks to faster presses and the latest Heidelberg rugby programmes, compris- makeready and a 18,000cph developments mean the quality Buxton’s Kirk Galloway ing 41 clubs in all. Files arrive running speed, up from is second to none. Customers says success is down to on a Wednesday, to be finished 15,000cph. have been calling to comment streamlined production. the following evening for deliv- It will run alongside the first on the quality. With all the pres- ery in time for Saturday’s game. high speed press installed in sure of the volumes of work, the and a six-station Muller Martini Thanks to Autoplate XL and March this year. product looks stunning.” Primera stitcher. A third Fuji- Inpress control, Jones says the “The timing of the invest- Buxton is also responding to film platesetter will arrive in company can compete on runs ment now seems perfect. We a rapid growth in demand, says March. of 500 on one hand and with have had a very busy Septem- managing director Kirk Gallo- S&G has a adequate finishing borderline web work thanks to ber with record sales,” says way. It has also led to investment capacity and its twin Agfa plate- the speed of the press on the managing director Andrew in two additional MBO folders setters have notched 1 million other. Ace Binding invests in collating and binding

BIRMINGHAM TRADE runs and larger jobs, directing our busiest time of the year for finisher Ace Binding has each job to the most suitable calendars.” installed a pair of Horizon colla- machinery. The new Horizon VAC-1000 tors and a Renz calendar binding The investment is necessary collating towers are gather- system in time for the end of because Ace is taking on work ing sets which previously the year peak. that might have gone to compa- company would have collated by The Renz equipment nies that have closed down this hand, or would have been passed comprises Punch 500, AP360, year. through the previous machine Mobi 500 and Autobind 500HS, Director Rob Hart says: “We twice. The IFS-supplied offering both the ability to are wire and perfect binding machines are able to handle a produce calendars and wire specialists and a number of broader range of papers, coping bound books. The Renz equipment will local businesses have closed with the expanding choice of The investment allows it benefit Ace in the busy down. We were winning more substrates that the company is to produce both very short calendar season. and more work and are entering asked to deal with.

Horizon SPF-200L Landscape Bookletmaking for Digital & Offset Print

Collate, Stitch, Fold & Three-knife trim in one pass Fully automated and fast one minute job setup | 020 8997 8053 NEW November 2014 11 INNOVATIONS & INVESTMENTS KBA inkjet strategy is based on partnership and modularity

KBA IS EMBARKING on an its paces at the Main Post in also brought announcements ambitious inkjet strategy based Germany where the paper about Manroland Web’s work on a modular design of web has printed hybrid products on combining inkjet and litho presses on the one hand and combining inkjet and offset production for newspapers. partnership with others on the sections. It has taken subscriber Manroland has added Kodak other hand. data, combining this with infor- Prosper heads to newspapers in This comes four years after mation about those taking up Germany and the UK for lottery KBA entered the inkjet contest reader travel offers, to produce style competitions, though it is through a partnership with RR a cover wrap around making understand that News Corpo- Donnelley. Just one year later, personalised offers to these ration’s commercial teams are at Drupa, this resulted in the subscribers. It also sees the examining the potential inkjet Rotajet 76. A year later the press opportunity of printing regional offers for enhancing display shown at the Hunkeler Innova- or demographically targeted advertising. tion days was a step forwards in advertising and micro zoned Manroland reckons that quality and performance, and it content. hybrid production, where is now being tested in the field. But KBA’s investment in digital printing is used for the But at WPE, the successor inkjet goes further. It has signed outer section of a newspaper event to Ifra, KBA unveiled the a partnership deal with HP edition will allow a newspaper Rotajet L, a modular concept to collaborate on a reel to reel producing 15 editions daily with taking a press from mono only The KBA Rotajet 76 press for corrugated packaging an eight page digitally produced and 895mm print width to adopts a modular upgrade print. HP has produced both section to be more competitive four colour and a 130mm print path. a flatbed inkjet press using its than either pure litho or pure width. Printers opting for one Scitex UV inkjet technology digital on editions from 150 to can increase the colours printed KBA has declined to provide for corrugated and a version of 5,000 copies per edition. and the web width while retain- further details of the technolo- its T press using thermal inkjet A newcomer to the inkjet ing reel handling equipment and gies involved saying only that for corrugated preprint. It is market also appeared last week. the rest of the press mechanism. the design allows future print this that technology that will be The BieloMatti PageMaster is Moreover, this machine offers head designs to be retrofitted enhanced through the work with a reelfed inkjet press built by a flying splicer reel change, to the press chassis to ensure it KBA. The new press will use Swiss engineering company unlike almost every other inkjet remains competitive as speeds HP’s thermal inkjet heads and Matti and German paper press which must stop between and quality improve. The press, will be sold under the HP name, handling specialist Bielomatik. reels. This is because the inkjet however, uses piezo heads but will have KBA engineering. The press uses Kodak’s Prosper heads must be positioned close arranged in double banks of KBA’s approach to inkjet S10 and Linebar inkjet heads to the web and the thickness of arrays per colour positioned as technology appears firmly based at up to 300m/min. The first a splice might damage them. the paper is held on what would around webfed printing. This is configuration, to be shown at The Timson T Press also offers be the plate or blanket cylinder in contrast to Heidelberg which an open house in Germany next this functionality, indicating that on a newspaper press. has committed to sheetfed month, will deliver stitched and like the T Press, KBA’s machine KBA clearly has newspaper printing for products targeted at trimmed products with variable is intended for high production publishers in its sights. The commercial printers. pagination and content with set ups. Rotajet 76 is being put through The show in Amsterdam jobs changing on the fly. Graphic Packaging commissions third Heidelberg GRAPHIC PACKAGING which was ordered by Benson has established a strong rapport on the XL145 were convincing International, which bought before its acquisition has arrived with the manufacturer. At Leeds reasons for going again with Benson Group earlier this year, in the North East. Both follow the new machine dwarfs a Man Heidelberg.” is commissioning the third large installation of another XL145 Roland 900 that it is next to it. Operator training takes Heidelberg it has bought this at GPI’s plant at Bremen in Dean Naylor, plant manager place at both Brentford and the year at its plant in Leeds. Germany. at Leeds, says: “We looked at factory in Wiesloch. “The reac- The 18,000sph XL145-6+LX The XL145 is the largest other options but our experience tion from all employees has been is in place and undergoing trials Heidelberg in the plant and with the existing XL105 and the 100% positive. This investment at one of the largest litho carton follows the success of an performance it has given us over gives a great morale boost to the plants in the UK. XL105. Benson Group has been the last six years, coupled with plant,” says Naylor. The eight-colour XL106 a focusing on Heidelbergs and the technological developments l Benson profile on page 24


SHUTTLEWORTH gave or most likely where an order ing development,” he says. visitors to Print Efficiently in received for instore displays The company’s opening of its Hemel Hempstead last month means a selection of different technology to allow customers a demonstration of the new format posters, window films, to request bespoke dashboard version of its MIS. point of sale leaflets and so on. views of information that they Version 5.05 contains “This can include both items require has been a success. a number of incremental that are produced in house and Demand is on the increase and improvements, but will be those that are brought in,” King this accounts for 20% of sales notable for rediscovering func- explains. “The customer need to the user base. “It’s helped us tionality that has been part of not be aware of the different realise how much latent demand the system for five or six years processes involved, all he wants Andy King: building a set there is for companies to have according to managing Andy is one price. This is a very useful of services. their own bespoke solutions King, but which is now coming feature for large format and to enhance the core package in to fore to meet increasing display printing. This will enable stock terms of seeing what they want demand for what Shutttleworth “We have one customer who management by a mobile device. and how they interface with calls ‘product led processing’. was asked to kit out a number of Warehouse staff can work from a their clients.” This allows an estimate for railway carriages including the pick list displayed for the job and It has led Shuttleworth to multiple products within the wraps, the in-carriage displays, immediately update the main set up Shuttleworth Techni- same production run, ganged altogether some 50 items that system rather than working cal as a way to capitalise on this up carton blanks, labels busi- needed to be pulled together as from a print out and updat- demand by adding a structure ness cards and so on. These can a single order.” ing the system from a terminal to technical support on offer. be quoted individually and the The upgrades have been as each order is completed. The software support engineers production order raised very tested by pilot customers and is Unnecessary activity is reduced will visit a customer to provide efficiently despite comprising being fed through the customer and accuracy improved King deeper technical advice on how the multiple jobs. base with positive feedback explains. The same function best to use the MIS and how best The same functionality says received to date, he adds. It works as the company accepts to set up disaster recovery if King can be used to produce a will be followed rapidly by deliveries. These can be logged needed. “We are trying to build single price for product kits, an enhancement to the stock immediately to the host MIS a set of products and services to where a mailing campaign will checking function which has just through entry on an iPad. help customers in all eventuali- include a number of inserts, started its beta phase. “We think that this is an excit- ties,” says King.

Moll folder gluer Roland DG RT-640 aimed at textile sector works with SRA1 ROLAND DG is expanding into General manager of Roland into a sector which is expected MOLL HAS launched a folder the textile sector with the Texart DG’s textile market develop- to show double digital growth gluer able to work with SRA1 range of machines, starting with ment department Yuko Maeda over the coming years. It has printed sheets and which offers the RT-640 dye sublimation says that a new ink the company already been able to print soft complex folded and glued prod- printer offering four- or eight- has developed is crucial. “The signage and to some extent on ucts on the 920mm-wide media. colour printing. newly developed Texart ink sportswear. The RT-640 rollfed The Premier 36 includes Fabric printing is considered delivers bold and vibrant colors, printer builds on this toehold. automated settings for the ripe for digital printing with only and deep and rich blacks. The company has also folder rollers and on the buckle a small percentage of printed Adding orange and violet inks announced its first additive unit, a stainless steel backplate textiles produced digitally. It increases the color gamut and 3D printer, the ARM-10 and to eliminate marking and static has already attracted the likes of allows for exceptional reds, a subtractive 3D machine for build up. The system is entirely Epson this year to join machines oranges, deep blues and purples, prototyping. Roland DG has a belt driven. There are options to offered by Mimaki at the smaller while light cyan and light strong tradition in 3D milling tip in and fold flaps, to glue them end and by a range of specialists magenta provide subtle grada- which the SRM-20 brings to the and deliver a completed product for high volume production. tion and a remarkably fine level desktop. that previously might have only Roland’s machine is aimed at of detail,” he says. The ARM-10 is intended for been possible through hand the entry level user with a print The launch comes a year on in process prototyping and uses work or stand alone processes. speed of 22m2/hr. It comes with from the opening of the textile a stereolithograpy process with It is suited for folders requiring the option of a Rip from textile department with a commitment UV-LED projection lasers used multiple inserts, pharmaceutical specialist ErgoSoft in addition to extend the company’s inkjet to cure lasers of resin from a and credit card applications. to the Roland VersaWorks Rip. expertise from the display sector tank of liquified resin. November 2014 13 BOOKS Lightning Source on course with inkjet

f the honour of being the UK’s popular over the next two or three years,” first digital book printer belongs to The mono book Bromley predicts. Anthony Rowe, Lightning Source is In the meantime inkjet colour will not far behind. The Milton Keynes printer is taking improve. The company also uses Indigos for Ibusiness is the British offshoot of US covers and where high quality colour illus- cautious steps company Ingram Content Group and has trations are needed, but the price of this is provided services for the towards increasing out of kilter for most publishers. “They love likes of Amazon from the early days of the the Indigo quality but not the cost. Inkjet is a internet’s leading retailer. The UK subsidi- inkjet colour in its compromise between the optimal quality for ary opened in 2001, announcing its deal with print on demand and pricing that makes the Amazon UK a year later. mono repertoire. business viable,” he adds. For almost all that time, the company has been mono only, with colour covers, initially LIGHTNING SOURCE has stumbled on a with IBM continuous feed machines, and because shorter production runs become market where the inkjet quality is proving more recently with Océ inkjet presses. viable for inkjet and electrophotographic acceptable as a result of work it has done More recently still that arrangement, now printing, but also because print in this way in making files suitable for journal print- with Canon, has expanded to include colour reduces other supply chain costs, notably ing. With a standard book cover there is no printing. A second ColorStream 3700 is now warehousing. “When we get new customers printing on the reverse, but a journal needs on order for the UK operation. on board, decisions move faster when the a Page 2. As does a catalogue. It means that managing director is looking to reduce the the same supply logistics can apply to the DESPITE THE STRIDES taken in inkjet amount of cash that is tied up in stock and marketing material as to the books them- colour quality, Lightning Source is not wants to manage inventory better. selves. Publishers have had to invest in web about to start printing the oeuvre of Jamie “This is where we find people amenable to offset printed catalogues, sometimes featur- Oliver on demand. “Colour is really impor- our business model rather than those where ing artwork for books which changes before tant and it will continue to improve,” says production departments have worked in the publication or giving launch dates for titles group marketing manager Andrew Bromley. same way for 30 years.” which then run late. This is inevitable for “We’re not yet at the level of high gloss a product creating several months ahead at books, mainly because that sector of the IT IS EASIER FOR A start up to take the best. market is still in the old world of offset. digital choice than a business that has been But with digital all the short run calcu- These are still celebrity led books which sell around for 100 years. Despite this, one of lations apply: order frequently, update the in high volumes. the biggest customers has been around even content; build customised catalogues for “Inkjet is being used very much on STM longer than that. Cambridge University one part of the list rather than the full list. and professional titles where colour is used Press can trace its roots back to the early “Some are even giving the catalogues an for illustrations, graphics and charts. And days of printing and while it no longer has a ISBN number so that it can be order through this sort of colour is being used very much Printing House, print remains crucial to its Amazon. “We have found that the sales by micro publishers who do not have that publishing ethos. teams at the publishers are very interested in inbuilt structure and process for how a book Using digital printing has enabled it the printed catalogues. The publishers have should be produced.” to keep its back list alive, and for CUP cut out the litho printed catalogues, but not The micro businesses, and indeed this includes monographs that were first everyone wants to order online and in some self published titles, have been a growth published in the 18th century. “By scanning markets online is not part of the culture.” phenomenon of the digital age, where and printing digitally we can bring those For Lightning Source the second press thanks to online sales channels authors can back to life,” he explains. None will ever be will add a further degree of flexibility. One publish their own work, whether or not it best sellers again, but for the right customer of the restrictions with digital printing is the deserves to see the light. Many opt for fully the £60 cost for a hard cover book is worth it. limited selection of papers, partly the fault digital publication on to Kindles or other In the US, says Bromley, there is a growing of the paper mills, partly due to the hassle e-readers. Partly as a consequence of this, business in creating compendiums of mate- of switching reels. It is far easier to keep book volumes are in slow decline across most rial on a single subject compiled from articles production to one type of paper. A second segments says Bromley, the exception being spread across magazines over several years. press will increase the options, allowing children’s books. These are known as book-azines and, along interruptions to production to switch reels. This is pushing more business in the with graphic novels, are deemed ideal for Digital may never match the full versatil- direction of the digital only printer, not just the inkjet presses. “We see that becoming ity of litho, but it is edging closer. …


ITALY HAS LONG BEEN a favourite destination for British book publishers. It is not the attraction of the culture, nor the food and wine, but the availability of large format sheetfed presses for printing illustrated books. A peculiarity of Italian industrial relations favoured investment in this style of press, giving printers across the north of Italy an advantage when printing colour books. Some of those printers have now succumbed to the recession, been absorbed by rivals in rounds of consolidation, while others are changing the technological plat- form. It is much like the UK except that the Italians will still print coloured books thanks where the costs are along their business quantities ordered are going down,” says to a well won reputation for quality. Rotolito model, the amount of cost that is tied up marketing director Emanuele Bandecchi. Lombarda is among these, exporting for the in stock and in remainders. There’s a lot of “Everyone wants to save on warehouse costs. last 25 years and with a sales office in the UK interest in extending the sales and very much We can say that instead of printing 5,000 to since the end of the last century. on the threshold of that situation. We think start with, why not print a few hundred and It has worked for most of the book there’s huge potential and will be looking then if it sells, order reprints. The cost per publishers and a number of magazine for partners to work with to bring the costs unit will be higher, but the overall costs will publishers on contract publications. “But down. If we can we will open the market be lower. The time and money saved is very it’s still very much based on book produc- completely. important to publishers.” tion,” says Adam Phillips, Rotolito’s man in “Large print runs will remain, but there London. However, those books may as well is a lot of interest in shifting these from Asia THE BREAKEVEN POINT between be produced digitally as by litho. to Europe.” inkjet and offset is around 2,500 copies of The Indigo will be the principal tool for a typical book, perhaps up to 5,000 on the THE COMPANY INSTALLED its first HP this. It can print on a wide range of papers, larger press. The Indigo is competitive up T300, since upgraded to a T360, in 2010 and approved by HP, with unquestionable to 1,000 copies; its average run is 300-400 this has been followed by a wide web T410. quality. The inkjet is printing on optimised copies. “There has been quite a bit of success and papers and gloss coated equivalents are ruled One area of publishing that is looking interest in colour digital in recent years, with out. “The quality we can get from the inkjet closely at the potential of colour digital the focus on STM and that has been very is getting better and better. It is very suitable printing is the educational sector where successful,” Phillips says. for certain types of products,” says Phillips. digital can be used to keep text books The first machine operates with a Muller up to date, to create editions branded to Martini Sigmaline folder, the second has the SUCCESS, HOWEVER, will depend on schools or even to print customised work first Manroland Web digital folder which selling not just unit cost to publishers but books, tailored to the abilities of individual is configured to deliver 16pp sections. The the whole concept of print on demand to the students. But it has not happened. There are commitment to HP continues with the coloured books sector which has been driven some universities in the US where professors installation of an Indigo 10000 which is by the unit cost. Phillips admits there will be will specify a selection of papers to read for being used for high quality colour books, a certain amount of trial and error involved. a course and have these bound as a book for albeit in short production runs. “It’s about us creating a solution and deliv- students, but nothing like this in Europe. ering a solution and making that solution Things may be changing. Educational “IT’S OPENING A NEW door for us,” he as easy as possible. It’s going to be about us publishers are coming in now says Phillips. continues. “We are still a litho printer and proving what we can do to help them. We “The technology is perfectly capable of are producing large colour print runs but are going to have to build trust and do what this,” he says. have digital to respond to changes in the we can to make the cost side work because “We think that the next step will be market and there is growing interest in this.” publishers have become more risk averse, magazines,” says Bandecchi. “We can print Publishers are starting to look at the more reactive. They don’t want unsold stock on offset papers and the quality is getting business model in colour books in the same locked in a warehouse.” higher and higher, runs in the magazine way that they have changed in some mono The Italy company certainly sees digital as market are coming down and with inkjet trade books which have moved to a print on a key part of its long term future alongside there are a lot of opportunities for magazine demand model. “They need to understand sheetfed and web offset. “We know that that publishers.” … November 2014 15 PERFECT BINDING Putting the PUR into PERFECT

ooked at in a certain way, the rise nity. Just as customers were wont to specify of short run books has been inevi- Perfect binding is Heidelberg printing or Scitex page make table, spurring demand for perfect up, they will now demand PUR binding binding and now hard cover books. rising in popularity even where they do not fully understand the LFor many printers bringing perfect binding implications nor if it is necessary. as case bound books in house has followed the same trajectory as laminating: the same arguments about ease and photobooks PUR HAS BECOME the defacto standard of use and eliminating set up and transport for short run binding. At the last Drupa, costs apply, especially as runs get shorter. increase in demand Kolbus showed a complete line for book This is due partly to the long tail effect, production, both soft and hard cover based where thanks to digital printing publishers and PUR has around the KM200 with self adjustment can keep books in print long after they would changed accordingly. for thicknesses of successive books. “It has otherwise have disappeared; there is the rise taken time for the market to understand in self-publishing and the micro publisher its potential,” says UK managing director able to operate thanks to digital networks; to form the necessary bind. But this meant Robert Flather. there is the photobook and there is substan- that moisture content in paper and in the tial growth in the use of case bound books atmosphere was critical. And the pace of THIS GOES ALSO FOR the case making for promotional purposes, driven in the reaction at that time was slow. PUR bound and casing in line that was shown at Drupa. main by developments in digital printing. books had to be stored before trimming and As each step of the line is both linked and shipping, compounding the humidity issue. independently controlled, as soon as one AND WHERE THE PRESSES have led, part of the task is complete and the product the binding technology has had to follow, OVER THE LAST 20 YEARS PUR glues moved to the next station, make ready spurring development of a huge range of have taken huge strides, though there are begins for the next book. binders designed to match short run digital legacy issues to be aware of. Drying times “For us, growth in PUR has been at the printing. They range from sub £10,000 are faster, but the books should rest over- expense of sewing in recent years,” he says. largely manual machines to highly auto- night before shipping or opening; the glues “It has not taken so much out of hot melt as mated binders from Muller Martini and may have eliminated the worst of the irri- these adhesives have improved.” Kolbus capable of handling hundreds of tants, but should not be used in an enclosed small runs a day. What each has in common space; and the aggressive nature of some of MULLER MARTINI, HOWEVER, is is summed up in three letters: PUR. the components mean strict housekeeping noting that all the inquiries relate to PUR. measures are necessary to avoid corrosion A lot of trade binding customers have gone POLYURETHANE REACTIVE glue made of the valves and melting tanks, applicator over to PUR, with Cliftons, Fastline and its debut in the printing industry in the mid wheels and so on. Khromatec all operating Acora binders with 1990s, before the digital revolution really And the glues remain more expensive PUR. “A lot of people think that PUR is took hold. It promised a stronger bind than than hot melts. going to take over,” says UK sales manager standard hot melt glues, but required careful David McGinlay. “But it’s not the be all handling and understanding. NEVERTHELESS THE STRENGTH of and end all. It doesn’t offer the strength of There were products in the glues that are bind and that PUR overcomes the problems sewing and there are housekeeping issues at best irritants, hence lines needed extrac- that EVA hot melt glues have with digital that not all users understand. tion systems to duct away fumes from the print and coated papers has ensured that “PUR is a quite aggressive substance glue. The glue reacts with moisture to form PUR has become a term that has migrated and will attack all the exposed parts of a the tight bind, changing molecular structure from the industry into the wider commu- machine. Whenever we sell a machine we

16 November 2014 PERFECT BINDING COVER STORY Putting the PUR into PERFECT

ooked at in a certain way, the rise nity. Just as customers were wont to specify of short run books has been inevi- Perfect binding is Heidelberg printing or Scitex page make table, spurring demand for perfect up, they will now demand PUR binding binding and now hard cover books. rising in popularity even where they do not fully understand the LFor many printers bringing perfect binding implications nor if it is necessary. as case bound books in house has followed the same trajectory as laminating: the same arguments about ease and photobooks PUR HAS BECOME the defacto standard Muller Martini says a lot of trade of use and eliminating set up and transport for short run binding. At the last Drupa, put a service contract in place to ensure that binders have gone over to PUR and Like other suppliers that have long experi- costs apply, especially as runs get shorter. increase in demand Kolbus showed a complete line for book we are maintaining the system ourselves, think it will take over. ence in binding systems, Wohlenberg uses This is due partly to the long tail effect, production, both soft and hard cover based that we check the valves and parts we have an open tank system. “The nozzle systems where thanks to digital printing publishers and PUR has around the KM200 with self adjustment learned about in our 15 years’ experience of The nature of PUR is why Muller Martini are sold on ease of use and cleaning, but they can keep books in print long after they would changed accordingly. for thicknesses of successive books. “It has PUR. The health and safety aspect is vastly is firm about the need for service contracts. are not the be all and end all,” he argues. otherwise have disappeared; there is the rise taken time for the market to understand improved, but you just have to be careful in Nozzles, whether on top end or entry level in self-publishing and the micro publisher its potential,” says UK managing director working with it,” says McGinlay. machines, can be expensive components to “WITH THE ROLLER applicators the able to operate thanks to digital networks; to form the necessary bind. But this meant Robert Flather. replace and their loss will affect production. operator can see what glue is being applied, there is the photobook and there is substan- that moisture content in paper and in the THE COMPANY IS SELLING binders “Those customers that have declined a which is not the case with the nozzle tech- tial growth in the use of case bound books atmosphere was critical. And the pace of THIS GOES ALSO FOR the case making from the high speed Corona machines to service contract have found out to their cost nology and as PUR requires a very thin for promotional purposes, driven in the reaction at that time was slow. PUR bound and casing in line that was shown at Drupa. smaller Acora A4 running at 4,000 cycles that this is a false economy,” says McGinlay. film to work best, operators can easily be main by developments in digital printing. books had to be stored before trimming and As each step of the line is both linked and an hour. The Alegro, which was introduced The glue tank is another of the compo- nervous about the amount being applied shipping, compounding the humidity issue. independently controlled, as soon as one at Drupa 2012, has notched more than 60 nents on a PUR machine that will be and so increase the flow to the nozzle, As a AND WHERE THE PRESSES have led, part of the task is complete and the product installations worldwide since. attacked by the adhesive and will need result they lose the flexibility in the bind and the binding technology has had to follow, OVER THE LAST 20 YEARS PUR glues moved to the next station, make ready It is capable of handling both digitally replacing over time. increase the costs of binding. Each system spurring development of a huge range of have taken huge strides, though there are begins for the next book. printed and offset books and thanks to the has its benefits,” says Cartwright. binders designed to match short run digital legacy issues to be aware of. Drying times “For us, growth in PUR has been at the modular design strategy that Muller Martini WOHLENBERG IS THE SECOND One of this is about future proofing. Cart- printing. They range from sub £10,000 are faster, but the books should rest over- expense of sewing in recent years,” he says. is working with, additional modules can be binding equipment manufacturer from wright explains that adhesive companies largely manual machines to highly auto- night before shipping or opening; the glues “It has not taken so much out of hot melt as added to keep pace with market changes says Germany and like Kolbus offers system level have developed non reactive polyurethane mated binders from Muller Martini and may have eliminated the worst of the irri- these adhesives have improved.” the company. It offers that choice between machines complete with gathering sections glues, but that these are not yet commer- Kolbus capable of handling hundreds of tants, but should not be used in an enclosed PUR and hot melt. and multi clamp binding sections. cially available. Switching the open tank small runs a day. What each has in common space; and the aggressive nature of some of MULLER MARTINI, HOWEVER, is But it has also developed a standalone systems to run with this new glue will be is summed up in three letters: PUR. the components mean strict housekeeping noting that all the inquiries relate to PUR. PUR DEMANDS A MUCH THINNER four-clamp machine, the Quickbinder simple, while there may be viscosity issues measures are necessary to avoid corrosion A lot of trade binding customers have gone layer of glue than hot melt where the idea is specifically for the short runs that are sched- around the nozzle technologies. POLYURETHANE REACTIVE glue made of the valves and melting tanks, applicator over to PUR, with Cliftons, Fastline and to penetrate the fibres of the paper as much ule wrecking to load on the long machine In the meantime PUR remains the its debut in the printing industry in the mid wheels and so on. Khromatec all operating Acora binders with as possible. This is why notched binding and which are either pregathered because strongest glue generally available, with 1990s, before the digital revolution really And the glues remain more expensive PUR. “A lot of people think that PUR is adds an extra degree of strength to this of they are printed digitally or may even be developments reaching the market that have took hold. It promised a stronger bind than than hot melts. going to take over,” says UK sales manager method of binding. PUR on the other hand hand collated. reduced the notoriously long resting time. standard hot melt glues, but required careful David McGinlay. “But it’s not the be all cures to whatever it is applied to and once it “We think that the Quickbinder is the best A complete cure is now possible in 12 hours handling and understanding. NEVERTHELESS THE STRENGTH of and end all. It doesn’t offer the strength of has gone off will hold fast. in class machine, with everything automated and only needs eight hours before being There were products in the glues that are bind and that PUR overcomes the problems sewing and there are housekeeping issues Hence heavy layers of PUR glue are a and designed for a quick change between handled ready for shipping. at best irritants, hence lines needed extrac- that EVA hot melt glues have with digital that not all users understand. waste, not a benefit. The recommended layer PUR and hot melt. We can also handle This opens the way for printers to offer tion systems to duct away fumes from the print and coated papers has ensured that “PUR is a quite aggressive substance is 0.2-0.3mm thick. Consequently on long PVA, which gives the strongest bind for lay a true next day service for perfect binding glue. The glue reacts with moisture to form PUR has become a term that has migrated and will attack all the exposed parts of a runs the cost of the PUR adhesive can become flat applications,” says Roger Cartwright, Jason Seaber points out. He is the technical the tight bind, changing molecular structure from the industry into the wider commu- machine. Whenever we sell a machine we a factor in the unit cost of production. Friedheim International’s binding specialist. sales director at IFS which distributes the

16 November 2014 November 2014 17 PERFECT BINDING

the UK to the Italian made Risetec machines which like many Italian engineering compa- nies offers well conceived solutions to production issues. Managing director Steve Giddins points out that the BQ470 cannot offer true end papering and gauzing for example which the Risetec can. “Even the single clamp machine is designed for end papering,” he says. “For specialist books a hard cover bind is a must, nobody wants to pay that amount for a paperback.” A number of UK players are interested in the the capabilities of the Ristec machines, including the short run sewing capabilities of the Smythe lines that PBS also sells. “Where the format of the book is too large sewing is needed to hold books together where PUR can’t,” Giddins says. But the Risetec concept is creating the inter- est with production at 600 cycles an hour for the single-clamp machine and 1,300 for the four-clamp. market leading Horizon “We have a number of customers that are BQ470. The four-clamp very interested and we have sent piles of binder comes into almost every work to Italy to show customers how these conversation about perfect binding and run,” he says. IFS has sold more than 150 across the UK. Slightly more than 60% are configured as THE DESIGN OF THE OPEN TANK hot melt machines, but can have the option systems means that any glue left in the tank of adding a PUR tank. has to be thrown away at the end of the Seaber explains the appeal: “It’s compact, day. Experience in turning off the flow and The Mamo sold by Watkiss uses it’s fully automated and delivers value for running down the amount in the tank, like enhanced EVA glues. money. But it is the bind quality which stripping the rollers of ink on a press, will sells the machine. There is the same strong reduce this waste to minimal amounts and nipping action as on a system binder which shallow tank designs also reduce the amount results in a high quality bind. that is discarded. “At the recent Print Efficiently event, a Nozzles systems do not suffer this prospect had brought some sections for us problem, but do need to be protected at the to bind and said: ‘I’m staggered. I never end of the day, meaning that at start up any thought the quality of the binding would be protective wax or glue in the applicator has as good as this, better than the work we send to be purged before use. for trade binding. How can that be?’” The appeal is for digital print because hot melt does not take easily to either fuser oil, PART OF THE APPEAL MUST be colour printing into the gutters or coated the move from the Horizon single-clamp papers. With conventional uncoated papers binders when a company has outgrown the made from mechanical ground pulp, the productivity of the simpler machine. The preparation is designed to open the paper interface remains the same and one man fibres and allow the EVA glue to penetrate operation can produce three or four times and spread to provide the strength of bind. as many books. This does not work on coated papers And each book can be a different thick- produced from woodfree pulp nor where ness though the automatic set up, Seaber other materials come between the fibres points out. and the glue, hence the need for the PUR The BQ470 is a machine that has gone to approach to provide the strength required. trade binders as much as to litho or digital But PUR glues are significantly more printers, thanks to the quality of the bind. It expensive than EVA products, the PUR relieves the pressure on the larger machines application systems can add significantly to for shorter run work that comes in from the cost of the binding machine. the trade and with PUR can cope with the Watkiss Machinery has taken note of growth in digitally printed pages. this and its Mamo perfect binder does not Perfect Bindery Solutions is introducing use PUR. “We know that with PUR comes

18 November 2014 COVER STORY

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Hard AND soft • Binder (1,4,12 & 16 clamp) cover production • Gathering now available from • In-Line Endpapering one machine!! • Backlining

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with considerations of health and safety, the The glue is supplied in a cartridge which orders for it and the smaller UB 2000 which ventilation needed because of the PUR glue, makes it easy to switch between hot melt has the same orbital glue technology, but which add to the cost. The Mamo binder is and PUR. He has taken orders, some for aims at a lower point in the market where ‘near PUR’, which we believe is a much multiple machines, and attracted a lot of there is perhaps more competition. more cost effective way of going about this interest at the recent London Calling where kind of work,” says marketing director Jo Duplo was introducing two Ultrabind PUR IT IS A POSITION WHERE Morgana is Watkiss. binders. strong with the DigiBook products, stretch- It uses an enhanced EVA glue which shows Tony Lock, commercial director of ing from the entry level DigiBook 150 to results that are close to PUR and well above Duplo International, says that the Hungar- the DigiBook 450. All share the same PUR standard hot melt in pull tests. Watkiss will ian designed Ultrabind 6000 is a machine to gluing technology. invite prospects to send their work in for compete with the BQ470, even though it is The most popular machine is the 200 testing. “Every job is slightly different so we a single-clamp only machine. This makes it version says marketing manager Paul can’t promise that every job performs the less expensive that the Horizon, but no less Williams, with a £28,000 price tag. This is same on every digital press, which is why we feature rich with powerful nipping action for a closed tank machine designed for broken encourage printers to try it,” she says. strength in the bind, 4kW milling motor and use, in that the machine will go on to stand Technical sales manager Chris Page enhancements that have been made since the by if uninterrupted during the day ready to agrees: “It is more than suitable for 90% of machine was previewed at Ipex. warm the final tank to operational within a digital print jobs, and because it costs less few minutes when needed. than £10,000 is substantially cheaper than A KEY ISSUE THAT THIS MACHINE PUR is supplied for both side papers and anything with PUR.” addresses is ensuring the correct alignment the spine, Williams pointing out that this of book block to cover, given the sometimes avoids any risk of cross contamination – WHILE THE MAMO is an entry level inconsistent image placement from digital “it’s a disaster if they mix,” he says. The machine it is still productive. The level presses. “It’s a real issue that trade binders company has collected an impressive user below this comes from Ashgate Automa- bring up,” he says. list, including photobooks specialist Harrier tion, best known for the Fastbind casing However, the most interesting develop- which has a Kolbus installation for main- equipment that is hugely popular in the ment is in the orbital PUR applicator which stream production and needed something to photobook sector. is unique. It uses a ring within a ring, both complement this. It has taken the DigiBook The Finnish manufacturer has long are open at one point, for the outside ring 300 as has Concept Communications. offered a simple adhesive binding product this is at the point of application. As the “We find that people can start looking at which after two years in development has smaller ring rotates it collects the glue from the 200 and end up with the 300 because resulted in a PUR machine, priced below a closed tank and as the gap lines up with the they need to handle longer run litho runs as £8,500 and which uses according to Ashgate outside ring, glue is presented to the book well as digital short run production,” says managing director Lewis Price “no more spine. Williams. than a teaspoon full of glue”. He adds: “It The tank remains completely sealed brings PUR to the people producing single against air ingress and waste is restricted FACING UP TO MORGANA is Terry books, either as end products or as proof to the very small amount of glue in the gap Cooper Services with a choice between copies before a longer production run. which is easily wiped away. the CB Bourg machines for heavy produc- The reaction since we introduced it has To date Duplo has beta installations in tion and the Premier range for the digital been fantastic both from new and existing the UK and Germany and is starting to take market. Dean Stayne points out that PUR, customers.” while in demand is not always the answer. “The adhesive can cost twice as much as hot Top end machines from Kolbus can melt,” he says. “So we will run trials and offer a choice of glue technologies. conduct pull tests on hot melt first. Some are nearly as good as PUR. “It could be that the demand for PUR will fade in the next year or two as the hassle of working with PUR proves too much and as new hot melt glues become available. The Premier with hot melt is at £9,000 not £40,000 and the quality and sophistication of operation is fantastic. “Even the more expensive CB Bourg 3302 machines are more popular with hot melt because it does the job now.”

IN SHORT, WHILE PUR rightly domi- nates and has the universal appeal and guaranteed performance that many non specialist binders will want, it is not the only game in town. There should be no assump- tions when buying a binder, check work, check price and check ROI.


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• PUR Binding • Case Binding • Lay Flat Binding For other services please visit our website at WWW.CLIFTONS.ORG

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he queue for passport control dure and second as a way of heading off the stretched towards to the glass DST Output’s core confused customer phoning a call centre and entrance door while reception staff tying up staff. checked identities and directed aim of its Engage The video link can be customised and Tpeople toward the luggage drop. Once inside sent on the fly to a customer instead of a 2014 event is to the vast glass roofed space a board mounted paper bill, which delivers an immediate cost high on the far wall announced the latest show its clients saving. Despite this it is intended to be an arrivals, clacking over digitally just like a alternative to print or digital statements, real arrivals or departures board at an airport what its non-print not a replacement for either channel. The might. major saving comes at the call centre which But this board was powered by an app divisions can do. no longer has the cost of fielding incoming created by one of DST Output’s staff in the calls. hours leading up to a day-long event at the This technology has been developed in East Wintergarden in Canary Wharf, which, analytics, logistics, direct mail print and France, other similar applications are in use with its vaulted glass roof has many of the transactional print. A core aim was to show in North America, and it was on the floor attributes of an airport terminal. clients that work with one aspect of the DST of the event to gauge client reactions says Output business what its other divisions DST Output business development direc- THE PASSPORT DOUBLED as the have to offer. tor Fraser Church who had put the event invitation to executives from finance and “It’s still about printing on paper in some together. marketing agencies asked along to see how aspects,” says group CEO Jeremy Walters. the company can take data and present “But it’s much more about the whole THE MOST INVOLVED PART of a messages in a spread of ways, from email integrated communication piece as far as project is understanding the purpose of to video, text message to print. For while connecting our customers to their custom- the communication, the user experience DST Output retains an arsenal of printing ers is concerned. We are happy to talk about and how client branding should be applied. presses, digital, inkjet and litho, it has ceased print and the data that goes into that, the “The technical aspect only takes a few weeks to be a printing company. fulfilment that goes into meeting regula- to put together,” says one of the developers. Engage 2014 was about successful tory approvals, while we also have a small It can be delivered inside an email, as a link communication. It was not about printing. 3D printer and a demonstration of Google to an SMS and if still not activated, a paper Had DST Output wanted to talk ink or Glass. We don’t know how much they will bill can be generated. toner on paper, there is a huge plant down influence what we print or produce for “It can be used for a welcome pack or as the river at Dagenham or it would even have clients in the future, perhaps at some point a satisfaction survey as well as for a state- been possible to fly a charter from Heathrow someone will want to see their financial ment,” says Church. The sound track is an to East Midlands close to its Nottingham statements through Google Glass.” accurate facsimile of a human voice and the factory as former owner Pat Howitt once video is fully interactive: clicking one part did. WHILE NOT THIS REMOTE from the will take the user to a website or to access The airline aspect remains and DST window envelope, the event also included more information or answer a question. “It’s counts travel companies across its customer a demonstration of an informational video about engaging the end customer,” he says. base and holiday destinations were used to product that can be used to highlight and That is the challenge across the market- theme the various areas of the Engage 2014 explain areas on a statement, personalised to ing sector. In print the Nottingham site has day. Thus delegates could visit north Africa, the recipient’s information. The application a wealth of experience in creating mailers China, the US, Brazil, Japan and so on where is twofold, first as a technical support tool that both reduce cost by being formed from they could access information about data to talk customers through a set up proce- a single sheet or web of paper and have pick

22 November 2014 PROFILE DST

up appeal. Over the years it has collected a vast library of examples that can be popu- lated with new artwork. Its managing director Vincent Gidley explains: “Green- peace wanted a mailer that was sustainable with a tip-in card, that was personalised and sent in a plain non window envelope. We ENGAGEMENT delivered a solution in a single sheet which folded over to make a postcard and person- alised on one side.”

THE COUNTER, RIGGED as a bar on the Copacabana beach, was filled with mailers for a fictitious travel company, but all based on real jobs that visitors were picking up, turning and twisting in their fingers. Across the room, in the area allocated PARTY to transactional pieces, a running video and samples showed off the quality of the company’s recently installed Kodak Prosper he queue for passport control dure and second as a way of heading off the 5000. This was completely upgraded by stretched towards to the glass DST Output’s core confused customer phoning a call centre and Kodak, having been installed in Spain and entrance door while reception staff tying up staff. before that at Howard Hunt, before arriving checked identities and directed aim of its Engage The video link can be customised and in Bristol. It is unlikely to be moved again. Tpeople toward the luggage drop. Once inside sent on the fly to a customer instead of a Again the message was that through inno- 2014 event is to the vast glass roofed space a board mounted paper bill, which delivers an immediate cost vation there are savings to be made. In one high on the far wall announced the latest show its clients saving. Despite this it is intended to be an case, COO Chris Walton explains, the client arrivals, clacking over digitally just like a alternative to print or digital statements, pays a little more on postage, but there is a Engage 2014 showed just what real arrivals or departures board at an airport what its non-print not a replacement for either channel. The much large saving on production costs. And printed paper products could achieve. DST was approached by a company selling might. major saving comes at the call centre which crucially there was no loss of response rate. take away pizzas which wanted to change But this board was powered by an app divisions can do. no longer has the cost of fielding incoming Walton provides another example: “An The typical employee is a computer the offer on customer communications created by one of DST Output’s staff in the calls. insurance company wanted to save postage, sciences graduate who has a masters in according to the weather forecast for the hours leading up to a day-long event at the This technology has been developed in but not lose speed to market and to be ahead psychology and then a PhD in statistics, in coming days, perhaps making a two for East Wintergarden in Canary Wharf, which, analytics, logistics, direct mail print and France, other similar applications are in use of its competitors. The biggest issue was short the pointiest of pointy heads. Their one deal, additional drinks or side orders. with its vaulted glass roof has many of the transactional print. A core aim was to show in North America, and it was on the floor making the pack viable is the integration task is to understand customers from data What it showed clearly was that there was attributes of an airport terminal. clients that work with one aspect of the DST of the event to gauge client reactions says with other elements. We could do it from one on products that they have bought previ- little loyalty to the brand and that custom- Output business what its other divisions DST Output business development direc- piece of paper, with the offer letter included, ously married to open source data, age, ers would only buy when in receipt of a THE PASSPORT DOUBLED as the have to offer. tor Fraser Church who had put the event which as it was placed in the envelope was demographics and so on to come up with discount offer – but also that there is a 60% invitation to executives from finance and “It’s still about printing on paper in some together. trimmed at the last moment, guaranteeing a message that will hit the mark for those increase in sales when it rains. marketing agencies asked along to see how aspects,” says group CEO Jeremy Walters. the integrity. It was a full white paper solu- looking to sell additional financial products. the company can take data and present “But it’s much more about the whole THE MOST INVOLVED PART of a tion, so there was no wastage.” All this is driven by the need to conform THE DATA WORK IS to help customers to messages in a spread of ways, from email integrated communication piece as far as project is understanding the purpose of to a strict regulatory regime, one of which is understand their clients better, which feeds to video, text message to print. For while connecting our customers to their custom- the communication, the user experience UNDER HIS MANAGEMENT, the Bristol about what can and cannot be sent directly back into product development in one direc- DST Output retains an arsenal of printing ers is concerned. We are happy to talk about and how client branding should be applied. factory has been turned around into profit to prospects. “It’s about generating a single tion and into the message that DST delivers presses, digital, inkjet and litho, it has ceased print and the data that goes into that, the “The technical aspect only takes a few weeks and become a full white paper operation. view of any client and managing data in the other, regardless of whether by print to be a printing company. fulfilment that goes into meeting regula- to put together,” says one of the developers. The addition of the Prosper (the second in governance requirements around that,” says on paper or PDF in an email. If those that Engage 2014 was about successful tory approvals, while we also have a small It can be delivered inside an email, as a link the group) delivers the print quality needed Walters. had come on the flying visit left with that communication. It was not about printing. 3D printer and a demonstration of Google to an SMS and if still not activated, a paper to complement the continuous inkjet Versa- message, it was very much job done as far Had DST Output wanted to talk ink or Glass. We don’t know how much they will bill can be generated. marks and drop on demand presses that the THERE IS THE BACKGROUND trends as Church and his colleagues are concerned. toner on paper, there is a huge plant down influence what we print or produce for “It can be used for a welcome pack or as factory has. analysis to frame the data mining and DST Output had staged the first, very the river at Dagenham or it would even have clients in the future, perhaps at some point a satisfaction survey as well as for a state- And during that time there has been an shaping work. Gathering and sorting the much smaller Engage event a year earlier, been possible to fly a charter from Heathrow someone will want to see their financial ment,” says Church. The sound track is an emphasis on R&D, developing new products data and then writing that algorithms to fillet this providing the confidence to book the to East Midlands close to its Nottingham statements through Google Glass.” accurate facsimile of a human voice and the from single sheets that can be folded into that data takes the time. Once set running, much larger space and invite 250 customers factory as former owner Pat Howitt once video is fully interactive: clicking one part envelopes and mailers and so save customers the entire personalised campaign can be put to check in. did. WHILE NOT THIS REMOTE from the will take the user to a website or to access money on production. To date he explains together in around 30 minutes. Once the Says Walters: “We want to show that print The airline aspect remains and DST window envelope, the event also included more information or answer a question. “It’s there are five customers using this. responses come in, these are fed into the data is not dead – it’s changing. And that there counts travel companies across its customer a demonstration of an informational video about engaging the end customer,” he says. All this depends on the flow and manage- sets to improve their quality. But the regula- will always be a requirement for print. We base and holiday destinations were used to product that can be used to highlight and That is the challenge across the market- ment of data, which was the starting point tions set a time limit for how long data like can bring innovation to it, whether it’s 3D theme the various areas of the Engage 2014 explain areas on a statement, personalised to ing sector. In print the Nottingham site has for the journey of exploration. The data this can be held. The proof is an uplift for printing and Google Glass. Either way we day. Thus delegates could visit north Africa, the recipient’s information. The application a wealth of experience in creating mailers mining and analysis arm is now branded as some financial services companies in sales of want to be at the forefront of our customers China, the US, Brazil, Japan and so on where is twofold, first as a technical support tool that both reduce cost by being formed from The Gig and located in Finsbury close to the no less than 10%. minds with the message that innovation is they could access information about data to talk customers through a set up proce- a single sheet or web of paper and have pick City and financial community it works with. Data can be captured for retail as well. what we do.” n

22 November 2014 November 2014 23 PACKAGING Services to PACKAGING

hen the Benson Box group can be a printer like Benson which has estab- was acquired by Graphic Benson Group lished an inhouse design team at its Bardon Packaging International plant. The studio continues to flourish and is earlier this year, it would can teach its a key differentiator for the company. Wbe easy to assume this was a big American Food shopping in the UK has also reached parent company business looking to add assets in Europe. saturation point for the supermarkets, the There is some truth to this, but it is not the Graphic Packaging Big Four accounting for 75p of every £1 whole story. The UK is much more than a spent. It is going to be tough to hang on collection of production equipment; the UK International a few to this share let alone to increase it. This is company is going to change the US business. evident in the problems that Tesco has had. The simple reason is that the retail food lessons in this sector. On the one hand there has been some markets in the two regions are completely increase in the amounts spent by consum- different, and here the UK, despite the ers upgrading to better quality foods as failure of Tesco to establish a viable business despite the dominance of Walmart, own recession has eased, and searching for in the US, is more advanced. UK retailers label goods currently make little impact. ‘authenticity’ in what they eat. On the other carry the whip hand over packaging design, What this means, Yost explains, is that there has been a switch in habits towards the while in North America it is brands that hold brands tend to be very conservative and discounters, Lidl and Aldi. sway. change their packaging very slowly. Super- market product lines that do not quickly THERE IS ALSO A BIG change towards JOSEPH YOST IS SENIOR vice presi- establish themselves are eliminated just as buying smaller amounts more frequently dent for GPI Europe, based in Brussels. He quickly. rather than spending half a day a month is succinct about the appeal of the Benson If a brand is redesigning its packaging loading several trollies at an out of town Group. “One of the attractions of Benson in the US it will go through focus groups, hypermarket, leaving land for hypermar- was that it is an innovative business, We multiple iterations of the box and will spend kets undeveloped. Retailers are still coming looked at the ‘go-to’ strategy for the UK and thousands to ensure it makes the right deci- to terms with these trends. It is clear that we see that the market is very retailer driven. sion. In the UK the pressure is different. The the consumers want to shop online and in In the US and in other parts of Europe we supermarkets compete against each other smaller stores for the convenience. sell to the big brand owners. In the UK the and speed to market is the key. Products do They also want novelty, to try different market is driven by the retailers; that was not have the same longevity. Packaging for foods from far flung locations and this too something that we didn’t have a strategic a major brand may not be refreshed for a drives packaging innovation. The attrac- presence with. And we think that retail- decade or more: supermarkets on the other tive box is a key factor in what ends up in ers and smaller companies tend to be more hand are constantly tweaking packaging the shopper’s basket. In the age of digital willing to be innovative.” treatments. The shorter product life cycles media, shelf presence as it is described, is In the UK the four major supermarkets cannot justify the investment with brand more important now than it has ever been. have a wide spread of own label products design agencies. Ready meals are at the head of that trend and therefore control how these are pack- towards novelty and convenience. In the UK aged and presented. In any sector, ready IF A PRODUCT HAS a four-year life on 95% of ready meals are supermarkets’ own meal lasagne for example, there will be a supermarket shelf, it will not be able to label brands, compared to 65% in other products at three points in the market, iden- amortise a £30,000 spend on a design over sectors. And within each type of ready meal tifiable by the styles of packaging used. The that time. Instead retailers are choosing their there are three levels of quality: good, better aim is to encourage consumers to move from packaging producers to step in with design. and best. This divides 20% to the premium economy to premium brands. In the US, At one time this was the repro house. Now it styles, 20% to the value styles and 60%

24 November 2014 PACKAGING

to the core lines, explains Benson Group’s marketing director Dr Helene Roberts. Now a new phenomenon is hitting which is exploiting the power of printed packag- ing. These are what is called the venture brands, where the retailer’s name is hidden and the foods adopt a farmhouse or artisan styling. It means, says Roberts, that retail- ers are “looking for us to help build those brands” to emphasise the convenience and functionality of the packaging. However, she adds that messages about being safe and sustainable no longer carry any weight with consumers: “These are not differentiating factors.”

AND THERE ARE OTHER advantages from design being closer to production as colour management and consistency are crucial. “We are a service printer, as much Benson is standardising on Heidelberg about services we offer as we are about presses, though a single Roland 700 computing power to design the box types. manufacturing,” she explains. The site was remains at the Bardon site. “Without this we would be purely commod- the first to gain the UKAS accredited BPIF itised,” says Roberts. “Over the years we application of the ISO 12647-2 standard. single Roland 700 remains at the Bardon grew from £10 million sales to £120 million, And colour management has become crucial site. The newest press is an eight-colour but were never the most innovative. But to the operation. 6/2 perfecting XL106 for its Gateshead site, working with GPI we have a huge amount Technical manager Bob Seidner explains while Graphic Packaging International has of intellectual property we can utilise and that colours agreed in the design process taken delivery of an XL145-6 for its plant make relevant to this marketplace.” become locked as the master reference in Leeds. The technical team is excited about version of that colour. Any job will have gaining access to GPI’s bank of patents the colour coordinates included and X-Rite THE GATESHEAD MACHINE will be on coatings and materials. One is espe- hand held densitometers operated by press able to print two colours on the reverse side cially exciting for GPI. In North America minders are used to ensure that the brand of the carton, opening the way for greater it has had huge success with a microwave- colour is matched every time. creativity on sleeves and other boxes. The able carton board which is used in what are The company has standardised on low two colours might equally be used for the call Hot Pockets, the equivalent of the Pot migration UV inks from Huber Group and outside of the carton leaving the inside for Noodle in the student diet. limits the boards used where possible to four colour decoration. reduce variables in the process. It works. At Bardon manufacturing lines at the head “GPI HAS BEEN VERY good at innova- “Differences in any colour measured across office are geared towards efficient produc- tion over the last 20 plus years,” says Yost. the group will be virtually undetectable,” tion in straight line manufacturing, from “If you do not innovate what you produce he says, “although measured by different board at one end to folded and glued cartons becomes a commodity. The Hot Pockets has instruments across different sites.” It also to racking or to the packer at the other. In grown from a $5 million a year business to means that the company can respond rapidly between are two Heidelberg XL105s, and $100 million. That market has been created if required for an urgent order because 18,000cph XL106 and the Roland followed through innovation and we are looking to do colour is under control. “We have to have by Bobst platens, window patchers and both some of the same things working with retail- simple repeatable systems to do that.” Bobst and Heidelberg carton gluers. ers in the UK. There are opportunities with Across the group, the company is stand- The studio takes less space but has an Esko microwave in the UK, which is not present ardising on Heidelberg presses, though a table for creating mock ups as well as the in France.” US sends packaging students to the UK BENSON GROUP HOSTED A VISIT from 20 US packaging Benson has done. Keith Barnes, from IP3, has organised design students from Michigan State University as part the annual trip for nine years, with this the first time of a month-long study trip to the UK where they were that the group has visited Benson. He points out the immersed in different styles of packaging, different importance of the resource. “There are 6,700 vacancies parts of the supply chain, culminating in the day at the across the world for packaging technologists. There are Leicestershire factory. just the two schools in the US and nothing in the UK. The US retains degree level courses at two universities In the digital age, primary packaging is that much more for packaging design, whereas the UK will recruit general important, which is where the importance of innovation design students and immerse them in packaging as comes in.” November 2014 25 COLOUR MANAGEMENT Mellow FELLOW t might be a scene from Father Ted: a Proof than adding software to the Rip. Alan man paying very close attention to the Founder and director Dresch, founder and director of Mellow lingerie boxes in Marks & Spencer. But Colour, says that success means a complete this is not a character from a sitcom, of Mellow Colour change of culture within most companies. Ibut a random quality control check on the “Many printers think that they print well, Alan Dresch says quality of the packaging for the shop’s but will print differently to other printers,” clothing lines. success for printers he says. “We had to put a system in place A couple of years ago, he might have that ensured they printed the same way – found some variance, colours which did not means a complete and that is extremely difficult.” match or washed out half tones, but this is highly unlikely today. The colours will be change of culture. IT IS PRINTING TO the numbers, trusting as they should be regardless of where the the measurements and understanding what carton has been printed. the reports that are generated mean. In most And with the retailer sourcing its cloth- packaging – production, quality and sourc- companies, perhaps more so for those in ing suppliers from all parts of Asia, from ing at Marks & Spencer. “Consequently Asia, the structure is top down, management Turkey and from the Indian sub continent, rather than continue to make sure that the dictating how a job should be delivered. The managing the quality of the printed cartons packaging was correct, we asked ourselves Mellow Colour system changes this. It is also produced locally can be something of a was there a more scientific way to do that those running the press and prepress that challenge. work.” become responsible for quality. Magnet Harlequin proposed working HOWEVER, IT HAS BECOME rather less with Mellow Colour which had established IT MEANS THAT TRAINING is crucial, of a challenge thanks to the implementation a reputation for managing colour consist- and means too that the a quality champion of a remote monitoring system developed by ency on four-colour process printing. There inside the business needs to be appointed. Mellow Colour, which has delivered colour was no reason why working to Lab values “The best people are not necessarily from consistency and opened the way to substan- should not work for spot colour and this prepress or those running the press. We are tial savings for the company. has been what has been implemented across looking for the problem solvers, those who It began with discussions between Marks the packaging supply chain under the name want to understand the issues and are deter- & Spencer and Magnet Harlequin, the west ImpressionProof. mined to get them right,” says Dresch. London company responsible for the quality The training is company wide, involving of packaging produced on behalf of the MELLOW COLOUR has built its reputa- not just the understanding of reading the retailer close to where its clothing ranges tion on helping printers achieve the ISO control strips, the importance of ensur- are produced. The pre-existing system was 12647-2 standard for four colour printing. ing that instruments are looked after and based around sending machine proofs by At Drupa it launched the Impression Proof what the reports that the software generates courier to Magnet Harlequin for approval to concept as a means of remotely assessing mean, but also management to ensure that be given to produce the required number of print quality. the teams are given the power and that the cartons and hangers. The packaging printers were told to right people form those teams. implement the software says Hatchett. “It And that training is crucial to the success IT WAS FAR FROM FOOLPROOF. “To costs money, but we told them it is not some- of the entire system which is why Dresch match the colours on different presses, thing that benefits just Marks & Spencer, but refers to Mellow Colour as more of a train- printing on different boards in different it’s a best practice procedure that they can ing company than technology business. parts on the world remained a constant chal- sell to other clients.” Mellow Colour has had the task of imple- lenge,” says Trevor Hatchett, head of GM There is more to running Impression menting this across the supply chain, driving


home the importance of standardising the process and working to the numbers. “The software is about 20% of the process,” says Dresch. The core instrument is an X-Rite densi- tometer working to measurements in the X-RGA colourspace. It eliminates the prob- lems associated with Pantone where books Mellow can be out of date or even with different editions used between designer and printer. The PDF of the design has elements added notably a control strip which provides everything that is needed to ensure consist- ency across presses and across production sites. “Within the PDF are all the metrics they need to calibrate presses and fix a job,” Dresch continues. FELLOW THE IDEAL RESULT IS a flatlined reading showing no deviation from the t might be a scene from Father Ted: a Proof than adding software to the Rip. Alan ideal, though deviation within tolerances man paying very close attention to the Founder and director Dresch, founder and director of Mellow is more likely than perfection. The printer lingerie boxes in Marks & Spencer. But Colour, says that success means a complete aims for a score above 80%, meaning that this is not a character from a sitcom, of Mellow Colour change of culture within most companies. deviations are heading towards ∆e1. If the “The software is about 20% of the process,” says Mellow Colour’s Alan Ibut a random quality control check on the “Many printers think that they print well, reading is outside of this, the colour cham- Alan Dresch says Dresch (below). quality of the packaging for the shop’s but will print differently to other printers,” pion is expected to interpret the report that clothing lines. success for printers he says. “We had to put a system in place is generated by the software to identify A couple of years ago, he might have that ensured they printed the same way – where the press is no longer in balance and up to 100 jobs a day loaded to the Mellow- found some variance, colours which did not means a complete and that is extremely difficult.” then correct this. Cloud portal. match or washed out half tones, but this is Once the company is happy, it uploads the It has made Marks & Spencer a happy highly unlikely today. The colours will be change of culture. IT IS PRINTING TO the numbers, trusting readings to the MellowCloud portal with a company. The reduction in travel and waste as they should be regardless of where the the measurements and understanding what visual of the job that can be compared to fits in with the Plan A strategy to reduce its carton has been printed. the reports that are generated mean. In most how the original design should look. If impact on the environment. And Hatch- And with the retailer sourcing its cloth- packaging – production, quality and sourc- companies, perhaps more so for those in cleared by Magnet Harelquin, the go ahead ett adds: “Printers across the world are ing suppliers from all parts of Asia, from ing at Marks & Spencer. “Consequently Asia, the structure is top down, management for production is given. This is where the in different states of order. Some are very Turkey and from the Indian sub continent, rather than continue to make sure that the dictating how a job should be delivered. The first tranche of savings arise. There is no good, some not so good. It has been impor- managing the quality of the printed cartons packaging was correct, we asked ourselves Mellow Colour system changes this. It is need to parcel up printed sheets and send tant for us to come up with a standardised also produced locally can be something of a was there a more scientific way to do that those running the press and prepress that them to the UK via FedEx or DHL. At once process, which Impression Proof has given challenge. work.” become responsible for quality. a £100,000 courier bill has been wiped out. us. We have been able to deliver good flesh Magnet Harlequin proposed working tones and to match brand colours. It has HOWEVER, IT HAS BECOME rather less with Mellow Colour which had established IT MEANS THAT TRAINING is crucial, THE BENEFIT GOES BEYOND this. The been a big improvement and it has been of a challenge thanks to the implementation a reputation for managing colour consist- and means too that the a quality champion turnaround time for approvals had been an commented on.” of a remote monitoring system developed by ency on four-colour process printing. There inside the business needs to be appointed. eight day process. It can now be completed The next step will be to look at the other Mellow Colour, which has delivered colour was no reason why working to Lab values “The best people are not necessarily from in a day, allowing Marks & Spencer to decide 70%, the job is the basic pass. Once reach- processes, notably flexo, and to see whether consistency and opened the way to substan- should not work for spot colour and this prepress or those running the press. We are on production runs later in the process, to ing 80% companies can certify their own the same approach can be applied. “There tial savings for the company. has been what has been implemented across looking for the problem solvers, those who gain extra control over its inventory and work without waiting for Magnet Harle- are not the same variables as there are in It began with discussions between Marks the packaging supply chain under the name want to understand the issues and are deter- reduce waste in the system by ordering in quin’s endorsement. Some, says Dresch offset,” says Dresch. “But it has other & Spencer and Magnet Harlequin, the west ImpressionProof. mined to get them right,” says Dresch. smaller batches. have reached 90%. Magnet Harlequin is not challenges.” London company responsible for the quality The training is company wide, involving The culture has taken hold, says Dresch, relinquishing overall control. It can handle of packaging produced on behalf of the MELLOW COLOUR has built its reputa- not just the understanding of reading the and most printers are eager to demonstrate remote press passes on critical jobs says IMPRESSION PROOF has demonstrated retailer close to where its clothing ranges tion on helping printers achieve the ISO control strips, the importance of ensur- their progress in applying the standard. Magnet Harlequin director Jason Allen. “We that it can cope with printers running differ- are produced. The pre-existing system was 12647-2 standard for four colour printing. ing that instruments are looked after and Mellow Colour’s consultants run regular can call an image of the report to screen very ent ages and marques of press, that it can based around sending machine proofs by At Drupa it launched the Impression Proof what the reports that the software generates audits on the printers and can call by quickly and see whether the printer has hit cope with different board suppliers (though courier to Magnet Harlequin for approval to concept as a means of remotely assessing mean, but also management to ensure that without notice to check that instruments the flatline. We can do online audits at any the use of optical brightening agents can be given to produce the required number of print quality. the teams are given the power and that the and processes are in order. time; we can call and see the instruments. cause problems especially where pastel cartons and hangers. The packaging printers were told to right people form those teams. Companies are also expected to list areas “Everyone we have spoken to has been in colours are concerned), that it can deliver implement the software says Hatchett. “It And that training is crucial to the success of improvement that they are working on, agreement. They say: ‘It’s really made us savings in the supply chain. IT WAS FAR FROM FOOLPROOF. “To costs money, but we told them it is not some- of the entire system which is why Dresch but Dresch says that some have been so think about what we do – and quality has Ultimately Magnet Harlequin will not match the colours on different presses, thing that benefits just Marks & Spencer, but refers to Mellow Colour as more of a train- enthusiastic that they have run out of educa- improved for our other clients’.” need to send people to the stores to run printing on different boards in different it’s a best practice procedure that they can ing company than technology business. tion points and he has to work at coming up As the system has been rolled out, its use checks on packaging on the shelf, and to parts on the world remained a constant chal- sell to other clients.” Mellow Colour has had the task of imple- with areas where work may be needed. has grown steeply. In September more than have to explain why someone is showing lenge,” says Trevor Hatchett, head of GM There is more to running Impression menting this across the supply chain, driving This is reflected in the scores recorded. At 1,000 M&S jobs passed through the system, extra keen interest in the boxes of lingerie.

26 November 2014 November 2014 27 PAPER BOOKS & TRENDS espite the dire predictions, the ing sensation where under the normal laws printed book is far from finished. As long as people of publishing, such books should not achieve And for as long as there are printed such a massive success, which spurred books, there will be a requirement read printed books demand for printed editions. But still at the Dfor paper to print them on. This, however, lowest possible cost. there will be a is changing as the style of books that are in demand evolves and as print and binding demand for paper THE UNQUESTIONED LEADER in book technology changes. papers is Stora Enso which offers an array of At one time book paper was easy to iden- to print them on different papers, presenting different quali- tify. Books were printed on papers made ties appealing to different strata within the from mechanical pulp, where the wood and the technology book sector, for example offering options on fibres had been ground together rather than continues to evolve. bulk, opacity, shade and brightness. have the lignin dissolved in a chemical bath The second placed provider is Arctic as is used for woodfree papers. Paper whose Pamo paper is the general purpose papers while its Munken uncoated THE PAPERS HAD BULK, were white but grades and G-Print coated papers are used not too bright because reading is not easy for specialist and illustrated books. on ultra bright surfaces which will reflect Stora Enso’s volumes have dipped across rather than absorb light. And the surface the board in line with the general paper of the paper was ‘natural’, perhaps a sizing market and this has resulted in the closure or some calendering to render a smoother of newsprint machines. Likewise Arctic’s surface, but without an additional coating. volumes have been affected by tumbling But essentially book papers were not in the demand from Europe and the developed same class as the woodfree papers used for world. Sales to the UK in particular fell in brochures, magazines and catalogues. 2013 relative to 2012 the company says.

THIS DID NOT MATTER WHILE HOWEVER, IF THERE IS A reduction in the main task was to present a surface for demand for the general book papers, demand reading black text. Colour sections would be for higher quality papers and papers that can printed on coated papers and inserted into be printed digitally is on the increase. For the book between sections at the binding alongside the substitution of printed books stage. And the papers were cheap, easy for digital, has come a rise in demand for to print on and helped to keep the cost of hardcover books, often by people that have book production low. This used to be key read the same title on the Kindle or other for paperback novels, chicklit, holiday tablet. Here the requirement is a for a whiter reading, airport novels and so on that could and better quality paper, though still with an be discarded once read. uncoated surface. It is this section of the book market that Things become interesting when colour has been most vulnerable to and is involved, more so still when digital print digital substitution. Retention of what is becomes involved. Most digital presses read is not crucial, and the digital version of remain too small for book production, the 50 Shades books helped create a publish- given the format of illustrated books. The

28 November 2014 PAPER

BOOKS & MANCHESTER GLASGOW LONDON Digital Academies opening in TRENDS Manchester, Glasgow and London espite the dire predictions, the ing sensation where under the normal laws printed book is far from finished. As long as people of publishing, such books should not achieve And for as long as there are printed such a massive success, which spurred books, there will be a requirement read printed books demand for printed editions. But still at the Dfor paper to print them on. This, however, lowest possible cost. there will be a is changing as the style of books that are in Endorsed By Hybrid Services, Certified by Neschen AG Onyx Certified demand evolves and as print and binding demand for paper THE UNQUESTIONED LEADER in book Mimaki Distribution UK on Seal Laminators technology changes. papers is Stora Enso which offers an array of At one time book paper was easy to iden- to print them on different papers, presenting different quali- tify. Books were printed on papers made and the technology ties appealing to different strata within the from mechanical pulp, where the wood book sector, for example offering options on Certified by leading manufacturers Mimaki, Onyx and fibres had been ground together rather than continues to evolve. bulk, opacity, shade and brightness. have the lignin dissolved in a chemical bath The second placed provider is Arctic Seal and hosted by our own team of recognised industry as is used for woodfree papers. Paper whose Pamo paper is the general purpose papers while its Munken uncoated experts - customers can come and learn about all THE PAPERS HAD BULK, were white but grades and G-Print coated papers are used not too bright because reading is not easy for specialist and illustrated books. aspects of digital printing. on ultra bright surfaces which will reflect Stora Enso’s volumes have dipped across rather than absorb light. And the surface the board in line with the general paper of the paper was ‘natural’, perhaps a sizing market and this has resulted in the closure or some calendering to render a smoother of newsprint machines. Likewise Arctic’s These courses are currently being offered surface, but without an additional coating. volumes have been affected by tumbling But essentially book papers were not in the demand from Europe and the developed FREE of charge throughout November. same class as the woodfree papers used for world. Sales to the UK in particular fell in brochures, magazines and catalogues. 2013 relative to 2012 the company says. *Free places are limited to two people per customer. Applicable to existing customers and with THIS DID NOT MATTER WHILE HOWEVER, IF THERE IS A reduction in places also awarded to anyone buying wide format media, ink and printers throughout November. the main task was to present a surface for demand for the general book papers, demand reading black text. Colour sections would be for higher quality papers and papers that can printed on coated papers and inserted into be printed digitally is on the increase. For the book between sections at the binding alongside the substitution of printed books stage. And the papers were cheap, easy for digital, has come a rise in demand for to print on and helped to keep the cost of hardcover books, often by people that have Register for a course now by emailing book production low. This used to be key read the same title on the Kindle or other for paperback novels, chicklit, holiday tablet. Here the requirement is a for a whiter [email protected] reading, airport novels and so on that could and better quality paper, though still with an be discarded once read. uncoated surface. It is this section of the book market that Things become interesting when colour has been most vulnerable to ebooks and is involved, more so still when digital print digital substitution. Retention of what is becomes involved. Most digital presses read is not crucial, and the digital version of remain too small for book production, the 50 Shades books helped create a publish- given the format of illustrated books. The Scan this QR code with your smartphone to visit our website 28 November 2014 PAPER

HP 10000 is the first to break this with a B2 This is just one example of the changed papers for specific jobs rather than accepting sheet, which can be folded into sections for role of a book. More and more casebound a generic house sheet and certain printers are binding. Pureprint, with two B2 machines volumes are being used as promotional tools, looking for opportunities to recommend the now, has been producing colour books, on the London property sector for example has best paper for that job. That is a noticeable the one hand for galleries and exhibitions taken to the highest production values and trend and we are receiving a lot of requests and on the other for personalised chil- print quality for brochures. for samples and technical questions.” dren’s books. Both exploit the power of It is driving demand for Lumejet output The demand for greater impact is one that digital printing, one to print on demand and from AltaImage and TG Print for example Arctic is well positioned to meet through its manage stock levels in a highly responsive and Premier Paper, which distributes Munken uncoated grades, chosen for their manner, the other to produce unique books, Mohawk’s Panoramic paper for lay flat tactile as well as reproduction qualities. One personalised with the child’s name. photobooks, has noted an increase in of photographer Rankin’s latest publica- Rotolito in Italy is also using its HP 10000 demand because of the impact a lay flat book tions was produced on Munken Polar rather for book printing, both sections as well as can provide. than a coated paper which is more usual for complete books. These are bound between Premier Paper marketing director David a photography title. the pages produced on its HP inkjet web Jones is also part of the trend. “I’m think- presses. ing about producing a high class give away THE DESIGNER, BRYAN Edmondson, in the form of a case bound book,” he says. said at the time: “In creating a finished MOST ATTENTION IN digital printing “We’ve found a well known author to work product that is going to make the client has focused on inkjet. And this is having an with. People do not throwaway hard cover happy, the designer has a responsibility impact on the papers that can be used. All books.” The merchant is also discussing the to choose good stock, a good printer and webfed inkjet presses are using water-based supply of reels for inkjet printing and which great repro guys. I hadn’t used Munken ink, which must either be prevented from papers are appropriate for which applica- Polar before so it was a bit of a leap of faith, soaking into the paper or dried before it can tions, including book printing, and how it but I’m really impressed with the results. do so. performs in the bindery. The uncoated but very smooth surface of This excludes the traditional book papers, Munken Polar meant we were able to achieve although better quality uncoated papers “AND WE ARE SEEING INTEREST in much softer and more natural skin tones are being used for mono printing where our Essential Velvet grade. In Europe this than is possible with coated papers, giving ink coverage on the paper is relatively low. has become one of the more recognised the photography a more intimate feel as well Where colour comes in and ink coverage publishing papers because of its look and as a beautiful finish to the book.” soars, inkjet optimised papers seem to be feel it’s almost a second generation of a More and more designers and publishers, the way ahead. traditional publishing paper. ad agencies even, are thinking in this way. It And colour is coming. This year Kodak “We’re finding that designers love it: means that while books have a great future, with a new version of Prosper, Canon colour reproduction is superb and it works so too do the papers that are being selected. with the Océ ImageStream and Ricoh with equally well on digital and litho presses. Greater care all round delivers the sorts of the VC60000 are all pushing to be able to In general people are looking for specific results that customers come back for. n produce acceptable colour inside a book. The initial market will be STM and educa- tional books rather than fine art or coffee Stora Enso offers an array of table titles, but it is coming. different papers, presenting different qualities appealing to OUTSIDE THE MAINSTREAM publish- different strata within the book ers is a whole eco system of grassroots and sector, for example offering self publishers. The latter group will be options on bulk, opacity, shade working with print providers so have little and brightness. say on the papers that are used, but the micro publishers are something else. These are companies where production values are high and where cost is not the prime consideration. There might be coming from a design background as much as a book publishing background and want to make an impact with the book. This is driving demand for better quality uncoated papers, something that Peter Sommerville, marketing direc- tor at Denmaur Independent has noticed, even if he is not sure of the application: “We don’t always know what the paper is being used. We have seen growth in book products from magazine publishers, using articles published over a period of time in a single titles.”

30 November 2014 PROFILE EN ROUTE ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS WITH HEIDELBERG ANICOLOR 52 Managing director Vince Hogg has a clear vision for En Route which marries web to print with fast makereadies.

EN ROUTE is the perfect name for a the templates for the individual stores to add company that is going places. It is just a few descriptions and images to. The name and minutes south of Junction 6 on the M25, address and brand guidelines are supplied by famously the road for those that seem to be the template and log on credentials. going nowhere fast. The template aspect is key, Hogg says. The factory is on an industrial estate “The design has to look good, so the hard reached by a concrete slab road from a leafy bit is designing the template, which is where Surrey lane. There is little complex about it: our design team is strong.” Indeed the result downstairs is the pressroom with the compa- is a clean stylish 20pp brochure that the ny’s Anicolor 52, Horizon booklet maker, shop can order in a small quantity around guillotine, Morgana Digifold, laminator a seasonal promotion and improve its own and packing table. Upstairs is the office, the marketing. An invitation to a launch evening studio area and the Heidelberg platemaking has been produced to accompany the cata- room which also houses a new Ricoh Pro logue and this will be personalised on the C5100 and Oki 9431 for printing on thicker Ricoh machine and mailed by the printer. substrates. For larger mailing jobs, a local supplier is The designers used to occupy this space, that come in, text reversed out of a large used. but cleaning down the press meant a waft solid, holding subtle flesh tones on a model of solvent coming up from the floor below. wearing a bright red dress and others that “THERE ARE 35 SHOPS in the network Now they have a larger space where there will cause tracking issues. When Hogg first and if each is spending £3,000 a year on is also a sofa, table and plans to make this saw the machine at one of autumn exhibi- print, that will add up to a nice account,” he the heart of the business. “We want to be tions that used to take place in Earls Court, adds. It has allowed the shops to break away a design business with a printer attached,” the economy was buoyant, that changed from having a single generic catalogue once says managing director Vince Hogg. sharply, but he says the press has proved a year and to tailor their marketing. The a good choice. “It’s ideal for the current challenge for the printer is to ensure that HOGG MOVED THE BUSINESS here market. We’re not competing against other the clients remember how to log on and use five years ago, buying the Anicolor at the printers with an Anicolor. There aren’t any.” the technology. It has to be simple enough to same time. That this coincided with the start One idea was to batch up business cards encourage its use. of the recession was not the best in terms on a sheet and print off sets at £40 a time. Another incentive is the removal of an of timing, but rather than acting as a drag This has worked to a certain extent, though administrative headache. Hogg explains that on the business, it has enabled En Route to “we’re not getting the £40 we had hoped when he pointed out to a housing association compete as market conditions have changed for” he shrugs. But is has led to En Route the benefits of web to print “they thought dramatically. In particular as print runs have looking for the sorts of automation that is it was brilliant”. The printer would take on dropped and the challenge has come from widely promoted as a means to remove costs stock management, sending an email from digital printers. “We are a litho printer in a and hassle from handling jobs. the system when stock of any printed item digital market,” he explains. “The Anicolor dropped below an agreed level. “It takes has allowed us to be competitive on price for COUPLED WITH DESIGN, Hogg says away a huge administrative burden from short runs and unbeatable by digital for long he is doing all the things that are recom- them, so it’s an easy sell in that respect.” runs. The press is happy printing 100,000 mended by industry experts (this magazine A4 leaflets as it is 100 copies of a 48pp A4 included). It has led to investment in a THE MOVE TO South Godstone was always catalogue.” Vpress web to print set up. “Commentators a risk, mitigated very quickly when an office are exactly right, that this needs a champion supplies company moved in across the yard. IN THIS EXAMPLE, the keyless inking within the business to make it happen. I am En Route has been able to offer station- system on the press means removing one that champion,” Hogg explains. ery products to a new batch of customers, set of plates, replacing them and pressing It is he says an easy sell, though the imple- including one that has many thousands of go to run again. Waste sheets are simply mentation is somewhat harder and more employees needing business cards. non existent working like this, though it drawn out. But it is working as expected. The price may not be what Hogg intended does run to four overs to set up the booklet A group of 35 high street jewellery shops to charge, but it is vindication of the strat- maker. The anilox inking also offers advan- has signed up and the first job has been egy. En Route has followed the map and has tages over a conventional ink train on jobs completed. But it has taken time to create a clear road ahead. n November 2014 31 SERVICE Customer Service Excellence award follows on from Chartermark CSE is not well known in the printing industry but will break through into the commercial world that does business with public service organisations.

THERE IS A NEW STANDARD coming website stands above any other ink manufac- to join those covering process control, colour turer. We can look at all our emissions, the quality, environmental management and products we’ve been buying and Huber will data security. This is the Customer Service provide advice and suggest trials on certain Excellence award. products that could save us money.” It is a development of the Chartermark developed for public service bodies and has IT WAS THROUGH TAKING this to the the full endorsement of HM Government. next step that Huber created a programme it To date it is little known in the printing their feedback to improve levels of service. calls Customer First. Says sales director Paul industry, and most of the organisations that The assessment process requires docu- English: “It is essential that we absolutely have it are linked to councils, the education mentation to provide evidence across 57 understand our customers and what they sector, NHS and so on. But CSE is going to elements that make up the standard. After need from us. We need to align our prod- breakthrough into the commercial world. registration the first step is a preassessment ucts and services ensuring we are in tune visit to identify what will need to be in place with what is important to them, be a reliable THE MOST OBVIOUS POINTS where for the full assessment visit. partner who can trusted and who are there to CSE will impact print is with those compa- advise and support when needed. nies doing business with public service CONSULTANTS CAN BE ENGAGED “We believe by opening multi channelled organisations that already hold CSE. Like to help add polish where suggestions indi- communication platforms and enabling ISO 14001, the customer service standard cate improvements will be needed, using more direct contact between customers could quickly begin appearing on tender workshops and seminars for example. The and our key personnel the response and forms. Printers with CSE will be at an full assessment is expected to take place six communication will be improved and more advantage. months after the first visit with evidence to effective.” Improved communication means To date Print Image Network, Stockport, show how the company is driving forwards. better response times and more precise is the only printer listed on the CSE website, Documentary evidence is reviewed, the understanding of what each customer but others will be undertaking the work process is observed and discussions take requires. For Huber Group, the process needed before the audit. As with other ISO place with the stakeholders involved, includ- took around a year, putting all the service certifications, there are a number of organi- ing customers as well as staff. policies down on paper, identifying where sations able to carry out these audits and Assuming the certificate is awarded, training was necessary to provide staff with award certificates, namely SGS, G4S Assess- annual visits take place, but focus on 19 of the requisite skills. ment Services, Centre for Assessment and the claims so that over a three-year period EMQC. The latter was responsible for the each will be measured for performance “CSE IS ABOUT CONTINUAL improve- audit and certification of Huber Group UK, improvement. ments,” says Sue Thorpe from G4S the only industry supplier to have achieved For Huber Group UK, the award of CSE Assessment Services. “About two months the CSE. comes as the next stage on a journey to before each of the return visits, the handful become ever more professional. UK manag- of people involved will meet to pull together AS WITH OTHER STANDARDS CSE ing director David Ward explains: “Back the evidence that will be looked at on the is focused on continual improvement and in 1995 we embarked upon a project to get annual visit. We will want to see that the concentrates on outcomes. There are five formal certification for the standards we had appropriate procedures are in place because planks to the achieving customer satisfac- already set ourselves in quality, followed in this is what we are looking at. tion, identified in research by Ipsos/Mori. the new millennium by health & safety, envi- “If we were involved in a pre audit visit These are: delivery, timeliness, profession- ronmental issues and most latterly Investors we are not allowed to say anything about alism, information and staff attitude. These in People in 2012. These standards have a specific piece of evidence, but can make may be given different names by the differ- become necessary to a business in an ever suggestions that a company might need to ent assessment bodies, but are essentially moving market where having these official look at one area or another.” based on the same core tenets. stamps of excellence, especially supply- The end of the process is a statement While many organisations might rightly ing the larger printers in the UK, is now an which identifies the areas of strength that claim to be offering these already, the CSE expectation.” the company has in each of the five crite- adds the stamp of objective authority to the The company’s service has been appre- ria areas and provision of the certificate claims. ciated even before this endorsement. Gary that declares that Huber Group in this It is also a certificate focused on external Knight, operations director at Anton, in an instance has achieved Customer Service factors, ie what customers think and using unsolicited comments, says: “The iCheck Excellence. n

32 November 2014 PAPER NEWS

l According to EUWID, prices for Premier Paper pledges woodfree coated sheets in the UK are edging upwards. Its contacts told the price watch publication that prices for to Woodland Trust sheets paid in September and October are rising in patches. It PREMIER PAPER IS LAUNCHING that use it, making has not been possible to an office paper where money from every a clear state- increase reel prices. ream sold will be donated to the Woodland ment about their Trust. The UK charity already benefits from environmental l IGGESUND is taking the merchant’s popular Carbon Capture credentials. We steps to improve scheme, with printers able to choose to offset already supply reliability of supply the carbon produced in making the papers certificates to for its carton boards they buy, by planting open access woodland show much through rethinking its in the UK. much carbon support systems. This has Now Premier has extended its support for has been offset been rolled out in recent the charity to the cut sheet A3 and A4 office through the months, a process that papers. Carbon Capture will continue for a further These are made at Stora Enso’s Nymölla scheme.” year. The board producer mill in southern Sweden which is an inte- Premier has is also strengthening grated mill producing from FSC timber into been a strong technical support so that TCF bleached pulp and where heat from supporter customers get the most out the mill’s biomass fired generator is piped of the work of using Invercote and Incada to 3,000 local buildings. “There are lots the charity materials. of office papers around, with very little to does in replanting woodland, in differentiate between them” says Premier making this open for recreation and educa- l A team of nine from ARJO WIGGINS marketing director Dave Jones. “This is tion projects. It is looking at replanting in GRAPHIC has helped local volunteers unique in the market because its use contrib- upland areas to help prevent water run off clear and restore Chineham Woods near utes to planting native species of tree in the which contributes to flooding problems the paper supplier’s UK headquarters UK thanks to allocating 5p per ream sold down stream says Jones. in Basingstoke. The aim was to make directly to the Woodland Trust. The next venture later this month is for the copse more amenable to bird and “I’m a great believer that if you put a Premier Paper and 150 customers to help wildflower species on a site which has commercial value on something, then it plant 3,000 young trees at Heartwood Forest been woodland for at least 400 years. will happen. The Woodland Trust paper near St Albans, described as the largest new is a marketing opportunity for the printers native forest in England. Middleton orders Pasaban 1850 MIDDLETON PAPER IS PREPARING for the arrival of a new Pasaban 1850 sheeter which will arrive at the Walsall merchant in March. This will be the third new sheeter for the company in the last decade and will offer l PEFC has endorsed Indonesian a greater range of product options than Forestry Certification scheme, paving the have been possible before. Thus it will the way for APP and APRIL papers to enable the company to cover sheet sizes from achieve PEFC status. Aida Greenbury, APP 300x310mm to 1,850x2,200mm across a managing director of sustainability, says: range from 40-600gsm. “Sustainability certifications such as It will enable Middleton and its Vision house is being adapted to cope with the new PEFC act as a benchmark that customers Paper & Board merchanting arm to expand sheet sizes and additional capacity with extra can trust.” into the packaging and large format sector racking to cope with a greater depth of stock which will drive future growth according holding. The company plans to increase its l TULLIS RUSSELL has made its bright to managing director Jason Middleton.He delivery fleet to cope with this growth. white shade standard across the Trucard says: “This investment clearly puts us ahead The company is also upgrading its exist- matt coated range. This covers papers of our competitors in UK paper and board ing Pasaban 1650 sheeter to the latest and board that can be used in corporate conversion and ensures that we can provide specifications to coincide with the delivery. communications, packaging and point of our customers with the best and most effi- Currently the company has sales of £40 sale materials. The substrate is capable cient service possible.” million and a throughput of 80,000 tonnes of handling the majority of post press Ahead of the sheeter’s arrival, the ware- a year. finishing processes says its maker. November 2014 33 PEOPLE IN PRINT Amy Chambers takes over as MD of Label Apeel from Stuart Kellock

AMY CHAMBERS has taken over as style that we describe daily as the iron fist managing director of Label Apeel, freeing in a velvet glove.” owner and former managing director Stuart The business has grown to sales of £4 Kellock for a business development role. million since Kellock bought out his father Chambers joined the Leicester company and he will be looking at ways to develop in 2010 after periods as packaging “the Label Apeel empire”. He adds: “With technologist for Boots, packaging manager Label Apeel in Amy’s safe hands, it leaves at RF Brookes and sales manager at me with more time to focus on looking Labelsco, and has been Label Apeel’s at other areas of investment and ways commercial director. to expand the brand further, while also Now is the right time for her to step up dabbling in marketing and social media. In says Kellock. “Amy is becoming known as a other words, more time to play.” strong formidable character across the print Chambers says: “I want to give particular and label industry. time and focus to helping get more women “She has an in-depth knowledge of and young professionals into the print and devising excellent labelling solutions and a manufacturing industry.”

l MARK FRANCIS has joined KBA UK as The business development role will put Tyler multi-faceted industrial sector,” says Taylor. sales manager for Wales, Midlands and the alongside customer helping to expand their “I’m looking forward to helping Inca identify north west, after 25 years with Heidelberg. efficiencies using the Coreprint software. “I new applications not only for our existing He joins as KBA am passionate about the role web to print models, but also developing new ‘added completes its will play in helping businesses to grow value’ solutions for new markets.” best year since revenues and margin. I believe this is best the start of the achieved by offering exceptional customer l CHRISTINE WEST has been appointed recession and service,” he says. head of customer services at OKI Solutions with indications after four years that 2015 could l BRIAN JUDGE is leading a retail at IT specialist be stronger and commercial team at Jupiter Visual Cura Technical, still. Sales Communications, which was a targets have a new division third party been broken says managing director Andrew of Callprint. maintenance Pang, adding that this is down to the quality Judge, former provider to OKI. of people in sales, service and customer sales director The appointment support roles “Mark’s appointment is part of C3 and comes as of the process,” he says. Francis is hoping most recently OKI develops to strike as more printers become aware of at McKenzie into a more the power of the Rapida press series. “For Clark, becomes sophisticated too long, we’ve seen in the recession that business director. end to end buying new capital equipment has been Mark Haines, Alex service provider. She says: “In line with approached in a negative frame of mind,” Davenport and Scott Grant complete the new this, I am focused on driving efficiencies in he says. “But the power of the Rapida turns team. The intention is to operate Jupiter as internal processes while delivering services that on its head.” a standalone part of the Callprint business, that meet the many and varied needs of our focusing on management of events, retail, customers.” l KEVIN TYLER has joined Vpress in property and sports sectors. a business development role. Tyler was l ALEXANDER HERMANN has become previously UK l DR JIM TAYLOR has joined Inca Digital vice president, document solutions Europe head of sales to help head a business development for Sharp Electronics. The move comes as at RedTie, team, alongside Johnny Omani. Taylor was Sharp looks to expand its presence in the so is already previously business development manager production printing sector with new mono steeped in web at Xennia’s ink consultancy group. “This is a and colour digital presses that lead in terms to print and great time to be joining Inca because there of energy consumption. Hermann has worked understanding are so many exciting opportunities opening for Sharp since 2004, heading document the issues that up for the company’s innovative inkjet solutions in Central Europe and turning it customers face. technology, especially in the wider and into one of the most profitable in Europe.

34 November 2014 Richmond Capital Partners are industry Businesses for sale specialists, with businesses waiting to be bought or sold. V/203 Midlands C/882 North England Specialist packaging Printed packaging (folding cartons) Turnover: c.£2.0 million Turnover: £800,000 · Superb facilities Our strength is based on intimate Bespoke products · Unique business and plant · Niche markets industry knowledge and a philosophy NEW SOLD of confidentiality, discretion B/307 Yorkshire I/615 Isle of Wight and cost-effectiveness. B3 litho/digital SRA3 commercial printing & bespoke Ideal for someone with print packaging · Turnover: £200,000 sales background · Some capital needed Range of niche market products Our services include: Work for yourself and create wealth! Quality business – good opportunity Mergers and acquisitions NEW E/742 South England E/166 Central London Joint ventures/strategic alliances Sign printer/manufacturer/installer B3 litho/digital printer · Turnover: £700,000 Turnover: £3.0 million · Full service provider High end commercial stationery Disposals Growing business – Impressive clients Excellent opportunity Niche markets Business planning & raising finance NEW NEW C/187 South East Due diligence support T/581 Midlands Print mgt, design & FM business POS printer · B1/B2 litho · Large format Turnover: £9.0 million · Highly profitable Strategic advice Turnover: £4.0 million · Finishing & Award winning · Rapid growth business fulfilment services · Impressive business Contracted blue chip clients · No debt Business Improvement Programmes Excellent opportunity Excellent reputation Valuation NEW G/408 Wales (North) MBO/MBI advice R/104 South East England Litho/digital printing, design & copy shop Self adhesive labels · Turnover: £2.0 million Turnover: £200,000 Research and targeting Well established, profitable business Very well established, excellent clients Food compliant Range of services · Sensible price Ideal bolt-on or lifestyle business NEW Thinking of selling? If you’d like sound

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