THE MAGAZINE FOR FORWARD THINKING PRINTING NOVEMBER 2014 REPORTS PACKAGING THE RISE AND RISE OF PUR BINDING BINDING STUCK ON YOU Perfect binders for everyone 14 BOOKS Worrlld--beattiing KBA prressss ttecchnollogy Unlock the potential of your business SSIISS aaddjjuussttmeenntt--ffrreeee nnoo ssiiddeellaayy sshheeeett iinn--ffeeeedd aauuttoomaatteedd ssyynncchhrroonniisseedd ffuunnccttiioonnss aatt maakkeerreeaaddyy FFAAPPCC ffuullllyy aauuttoommaatteedd ppllaattee cchhaannggee FFllyyiinngg JJoobbCChhaannggee PPllaatteeIIddeenntt rreeggiisstteerr pprree--sseettttiinngg && ppllaattee iiddeennttiifificcaattiioonn SSFFCC ssiimmuullttaanneeoouuss ccooaattiinngg ffoorrmmee cchhaannggee ffuullllyy aauuttoommaattiicc ssiimmuullttaanneeoouuss aanniillooxx rroolllleerr eexxcchhaannggee VVaarriiDDrryy ‘ ‘pplluugg&&ppllaayy’’ iinntteerrcchhaannggaabbllee iinn--ddeecckk aanndd sswwaann nneecckk ddrryyiinngg ssyysstteemm hhiigghh ssuubbssttrraattee flfleexxiibbiilliittyy aatt pprroodduuccttiioonn ssppeeeedd iinntteeggrraatteedd iinn--lliinnee ccoolloouurr meeaassuurriinngg aanndd ccoonnttrrooll aauuttoomaattiicc iinn--lliinnee rreeggiisstteerr meeaassuurreemeenntt ffuullll--ffoorrmaatt hhiigghh rreessoolluuttiioonn ssccaannnniinngg aanndd ccoorrrreeccttiioonn MAAXXIIMUM PPRRODUCCTTIION SSPPEEEEDSS ((774400 xx 11,,006600)) RRAAPPIIDDAA 110066 uupp ttoo 2200,,000000 sspphh ((11006600 xx 11445500 mm)) RRAAPPIIDDAA 114455 uupp ttoo 1177,,000000 sspphh ((11,,220055 xx 11,,664400 mm)) RRAAPPIIDDAA 116644 uupp ttoo 1155,,000000 sspphh The game-changers Our next-generation range of performance presses are the most advanced and most productive ever seen. Our unique innovations are designed to make a difference – with adjustment-free no sidelay sheet in-feed, the highest production speeds, the shortest makereadies (with even zero downtime at changeover), the greatest stock flexibility and most reliable quality control at full production speed – it’s little wonder that today’s adopters of KBA printing systems are among the fastest growing and the most profitable in the industry. KBA (UK) Ltd. Let KBA power-performance unlock the potential of your business. world-beating presses | experienced professionals | first class service Call us. Telephone: 01923 819922 Email: [email protected] Your success is our business. Web: www.kba-uk.com Untitled-2 1 29/08/2014 09:15 am NOVEMBER FROM THE EDITOR Publishing THE REVAMPED Newsnight featured Print Business is published by a fascinating discussion recently Print Business Media Ltd between economists and financiers 3 Zion Cottages, Ranters Lane, about the merits of zero or ultra low Goudhurst, Cranbrook, Kent TN17 1HR inflation. There were none. 01580 236456 | [email protected] www.printbusiness.co.uk They argued that the low inflation www.printbusinessmedia.co.uk that the UK is enjoying is not good Printed by Headley Brothers news, despite what mortgage holders think. It could be a signal that there Editorial is no demand in the economy because Editor Gareth Ward consumers have no incentive to buy gareth.ward@printbusinessmagazine. goods when they know the price co.uk is not going to rise in the immedi- 01580 236456 | 07866 470124 ate future. And those producing Press releases to the goods have to keep prices and [email protected] margins low in order to sell anything Commercial in an over supplied market. Business manager Debbie Ward The only expert missing from around the table was a printer. They were 01580 236456 | 07711 696190 describing the reality for most print businesses and their prognostics suggest [email protected] that as the economy is not about to change any time soon, printers are going to Admin have to brace themselves for more of the same. Inflation, which helps to oil the 01580 236456 | [email protected] wheels of commerce, is starting to affect raw materials and energy of course, but is having no effect on the prices paid by customers. There is no point Media information waiting for any lift or relief from this direction. Media Pack is online on the Media Pack page of printbusinessmedia.co.uk Instead printers must tackle the situation themselves, possibly through squeez- ing efficiency yet again and creating a margin in that way. And there is scope for News greater efficiency of printers are prepared to minimise some of the variables The Monday morning News email is a they have in the business, by restricting the number and variety of papers used, very popular collection of a handful of the week’s news. Always going beyond by only working to set formats, by working to strict schedules and penalising the press release and often exclusive. clients that do not meet these. This is of course unrealistic for most companies No third parties or selling of details. that claim a service-first ethos. But even so these companies should consider Sign up at eepurl.com/HN6Bn this type of action: just because things have always been so, does not mean they Subscription cannot change. Print Business is free to qualifying A more fruitful path to a better land, though possibly even more challeng- printers. Premium subscription is ing, is through innovation. This can be innovation of service, of quality or of available for £100 pa. See the Premium product. Successful innovation breaks the shackles of price because there is page at printbusinessmedia.co.uk no competitor able to match or reduce your price, at least for the short term. Events Innovation demands a new way of looking at process and products, something Print Business Media Ltd is the organiser that is very difficult to do in the day to day hurly-burly of filling presses and of Forward Thinking Printing. For meeting deadlines. But it has to be done. Innovation should also be market and more details see the Events page at customer focused, usually around identifying an unmet need or pain point. printbusinessmedia.co.uk That could be a lack or response to be addressed through personalisation; the Content high cost of administration to be met through an online ordering system. Content is copyright Print Business Without the respite that inflation might bring, printers have little choice but to Media Ltd 2014. All rights reserved. become innovative in every aspect of what they do. Archive (And to show that we practise what we preach, we will next month unveil Previous issues are available for a small innovation of our own.) fee. See the Archive page at www. printbusinessmedia.co.uk for details. Gareth Ward Editor Terms Apply for terms & conditions to [email protected] www.printbusiness.co.uk November 2014 3 NEWS Concept Communications and ProCo team up for full service PROCO HAS BOUGHT into use of data to drive personalised Concept Communications, campaigns and this is increasing. giving the Sheffield full service The ability to tap into the Essex print company a southern base company’s know-how and expe- from which to service London rience is a key factor behind the clients. move Bailey explains. “We need But the move is driven just as innovation and we can’t rely on much by a meeting of minds and a few individuals for that. There a determination to strengthen is a very good forward thinking the technology platform says team, more than their size and ProCo managing director Jon position shows off. It’s a team Bailey. He says: “While our that is hungry to do stuff for independent businesses were Jon Bailey will join the board of Concept Communications. customers. successful in their own right, “And we have been looking by aligning our services and tor of Concept, says: “We have litho capacity to its customers, for a while at a way to strengthen experience we are significantly known and worked with ProCo while ProCo gains access to the our position down south.” strengthening our market offer- for some time and have admired workflow software that has been There will be work to align ing, capability and ability to what they are trying to achieve. developed to link printer and its workflows and processes, if better service our nationwide This has been a meeting of customers across the internet to only for each to act as disaster accounts.” minds and we both share a add to the web portals it already recovery and to handle overflow Bailey will join the board vision of how the market place operates. “We have some excit- work for each other. There are of Concept Communications, will develop.” ing frontend products that we no immediate plans to change where the management team The companies came into delivering to customers, taking names or branding, though this remains in place and committed contact through the Dscoop files, processing them and is not ruled out. to the business. Both are Indigo initiative which has promoted feeding them automatically to There are currently no users, with ProCo recently partnerships (Concept is the press,” says Bowes. “This common customers, though as installing the UK’s first 7800, working with a US business it is not about cost cutting. It’s Concept starts to offer ProCo’s but ProCo also offers litho print- met through the organisation). about growth and sustainability, capabilities, this is sure to ing and mailing while Concept Earlier in the summer talks though to a large degree it will change. “Both sets of staff are is digital only, operating from a turned to ProCo taking a stake be business as usual.” very excited about this as and new plant near Stansted airport. in the business. Both companies have been both sets of customers have Giles Bowes, managing direc- Concept will be able to offer pushing increasingly towards the been very positive about it.” Innovation brings rewards for Plastic Card Services REVENUE AT Plastic Card we’ve always focused on inno- year growth, but now there’s it has created a contactless Services is running 40% vation, whether that’s moving more positivity in the market, RFID product and what it above 2013 levels as its new into new geographical markets we’re really coming into our calls ePassport Shield which financial year starts, with this or sectors, R&D or simply own.” is intended to prevent data success attributed to its focus doing things more efficiently.
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