APP 05

Application Number: 13/00983/FUL Other

Variation of Conditions 8 (Phasing) and 41 (Cessation of Working) attached to Planning Application 09/00282/MIN to allow for the retention of mineral plant site facility to process sand and gravel from the proposed Road extraction site (as proposed under 13/00138/MIN) and associated delay in final restoration of phase 1 and part of phase 5 until 2018

AT Manor Farm Quarry, Colts Holm Road, Old

FOR Hanson Quarry Products Europe Ltd

Target: 4th July 2013

Ward: Wolverton Parish: Wolverton & Greenleys Town Council

Report Author/Case Officer: Mark Turner Contact Details: 01908 252491 [email protected]

Heads of Team: Jeremy Lee and Nicola Wheatcroft Contact Details: 01908 252316 [email protected] Contact Details: 01908 252274 [email protected]

1.0 INTRODUCTION (A brief explanation of what the application is about)

1.1 The main section of the report set out below draws together the core issues in relation to the application including policy and other key material considerations. This is supplemented by an appendix which brings together, planning history, additional matters and summaries of consultees’ responses and public representations. Full details of the application, including plans, supplementary documents, consultee responses and public representations are available on the Council’s Public Access system www.milton- All matters have been taken into account in writing this report and recommendation.

1.2 Update

The application was deferred from 3rd October 2013 Development Control Committee to allow for further discussions to take place in respect of associated Minerals application 13/00148/MIN with the Parish Councils who spoke at the meeting regarding pedestrian access around the site and heavy goods vehicles movements associated with the use. An updated report for this application forms part of the current agenda.

1.3 The Site

The application site is located to the north of Old Wolverton and is bordered to the north by the , to the east by the West Coast railway line (including the Grade II Listed Wolverton Viaduct) and to the west by the Grand Union Canal (including the Iron Trunk Aqueduct scheduled ancient monument). To the south of the application site is Old Wolverton scheduled ancient monument and Manor Farmhouse and outbuildings, which are Grade II Listed. To the north of the River Great Ouse is Cosgrove Lodge Caravan Park. The site falls within the River Great Ouse wildlife corridor and is within Flood Risk Zones 2 and 3.

1.4 Land at Manor Farm is identified within the adopted Minerals Plan as a permitted sand and gravel extraction site. The site is owned by The Parks Trust and let to the applicant to carry out sand and gravel extraction. Following the principle objective of the extraction work, the restoration works seek to allow the creation of a floodplain forest. Management of the floodplain forest would pass back to The Parks Trust.

1.5 Details of the location of the site and its relationship to surrounding properties can be seen in the plans attached to this report.

1.6 The Proposal

Planning permission is sought for Variations to the existing Mineral Extraction application (planning ref.: 09/00282/MIN) to allow for the temporary importation of sand and gravel for processing and a postponement of five years for the final restoration of former extraction Phase 1 and a small part of extraction Phase 5.

1.7 The current planning application is to be read in conjunction with ref.: 13/00148/MIN for sand and gravel extraction from land off Haversham Road, with restoration to flood plain meadow and open water.

1.8 Within the submitted information accompanying the planning application, it is noted that were the entire site (Phases 1-5) to be restored to flood plain forest, this would eliminate any water generation and storage capacity so that there would be insufficient water to run the wash plant.

1.9 It is therefore Proposed to delay the use as part of the flood plain forest scheme (a relatively small area of Phase 5) to create an isolated water body to act as a temporary water storage pond, the remaining area of the extraction could therefore be enabled to be restored. It is proposed to bund the pond area to isolate it from the surrounding water bodies. The final restoration of the site is proposed to be unvaried from that permitted as part of the approved application ref.: 02/01711/MIN.

1.10 Sand and gravel products leaving the site are proposed to utilise the existing access off Colts Holme Road, limited to 125,000 tonnes per annum. Vehicular movements between the application site and Haversham Road Mineral Site are proposed to be limited to 6 HGV arrival and departures (a total of 12 vehicular movements per hour).

1.11 Hours of operation are proposed to be maintained as existing. Extraction is typically carried out in periods of campaign, and outside of the wettest winter months when souls cannot be extracted and land is prone to flooding.

1.12 Condition 8 of planning permission 09/00282/MIN currently reads:

‘The working and restoration of the site shall be carried out only in accordance with the working program and phasing plans (Plan No. 5a (M96/68a) ‘Phase 3 extraction,’ Plan No. 7a (M96/69a) ‘Phase 2 and 3 extraction,’ Plan No. 8a (M96/64a) ‘Phase 4 extraction’ Plan No. 9 (M96fc/18) ‘Phase 5 extraction,’ Plan No. 10a (M96/19a) ‘Final Soil Movement’ received February 2009), including the seasonal working included in Plan No’s. 5a (M96/68a), 7a (M96/69a) and 9 (M96fc/18).’

It is proposed that this condition be reworded to read:

‘The working and restoration of the site shall be carried out only in accordance with the working program and phasing plans (Plan No. 5a (M96/68a) ‘Phase 3 extraction,’ Plan No. 7a (M96/69a) ‘Phase 2 and 3 extraction,’ Plan No. 8a (M96/64a) ‘Phase 4 extraction’ Plan No. 9 (M96fc/18) ‘Phase 5 extraction,’ Plan No. 10a (M96/19a) ‘Final Soil Movement’ received February 2009), including the seasonal working included in Plan No’s. 5a (M96/68a), 7a (M96/69a), 9 (M96fc/18), M96/102 and M96/103 received May 2013.’

1.13 Condition 41 of planning permission 09/00282/MIN currently reads:

‘The permission shall be for a period of 8 years from the date of commencement of work on-site, which shall be notified to the Mineral Planning Authority in writing. In the event that no such notification is given within 4-weeks of such commencement, the works shall be deemed to have started on the date of this decision notice. On the expiry of the permission or on the termination of the use of the site, whichever is sooner, full restoration shall be completed in accordance with the conditions.’

It is proposed that this condition be reworded to read:

‘The permission shall be for a period of 5 years from the date of this permission in order to allow the completion of extraction from within the quarry, and the import and processing of mineral extracted from the Haversham Road mineral extraction site only. On the expiry of the permission or on the termination of the use of the site, whichever is sooner, full restoration shall be completed in accordance with the conditions.’

1.14 Details of the proposal as described above can be seen in the plans appended to this report.

2.0 RELEVANT POLICIES (The most important policy considerations relating to this application)

2.1 National Policy

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), March 2012::

Section 11: Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment; Section 12: Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment; Section 13: Facilitating the Sustainable Use of Minerals.

Technical Guidance to the National Planning Policy Framework, March 2012.

National and Regional Guidelines for Aggregates Provision in , 2005- 2020. 2.2 Local Policy

Minerals Local Plan 2001-2011 (saved policies)

MLP1: Allocations; MLP2: Area of Search; MLP7: Matters to be Resolved; MLP8: Information Required; MLP9: Restoration and Aftercare; MLP11: Mineral Development in areas of attractive landscape; MLP13: Transport.

Core Strategy

CS19: The Historic and Natural Environment CS20: Minerals

Adopted Local Plan 2001-2011 (saved policies)

S1: General Principles; S10: Open Countryside; D1: Impact of Development Proposals on Locality; D8: Temporary Buildings; HE1: Protection of Archaeological Sites; NE2: Protected Species; NE3: Biodiversity and Geological Enhancement; NE4: Conserving and Enhancing Landscape Character; T10: Traffic.

3.0 MAIN ISSUES (The issues which have the greatest bearing on the decision)

3.1 1. Principle of Extraction of Sand and Gravel; 2. Impact on Landscape and Ecology; 3. Impact on Amenity of Neighbouring Residential Occupiers; 4. Impact on Highway; 5. Acceptability of Proposed delay in Restoration Phase 1 and part of Phase

4.0 RECOMMENDATION (The decision that officers recommend to the Committee)

4.1 It is recommended that planning permission be granted subject to the conditions set out at the end of this report.

5.0 CONSIDERATIONS (An explanation of the main issues that have lead to the officer Recommendation)

5.1 Principle

The Manor Farm site is identified in the Milton Keynes Minerals Local Plan (adopted April 2006) in Plan 3 as ‘Permitted Sand and Gravel Extraction, at land at Manor Farm, Wolverton’ and similarly on the proposals map. The site is also within the ‘Sand and gravel deposits - Areas of Search policy MLP2’ designation on the Proposals Map.

5.2 Permission was granted for mineral extraction and the restoration of the site to a floodplain forest in 2004 under 02/01711/MIN. A further application was approved for a Variation to the Phase 2 extraction boundary permitted through 02/01711/MIN whereby the proposed area remained within the boundary of the Manor Farm site (that is within the area delineated by the red line in the existing permission). Therefore, in principle the extraction of sand and gravel on this site is acceptable alongside the siting and working of a processing plant. In the intervening period since the original consent for mineral extraction was granted, extraction has been taking place in accordance with the approved consent and the varied consent in 2009. It is noted that the majority of the site has been extracted in accordance with the approved consents and that extraction is coming to a conclusion. As a result of the timely conclusion of the Manor Farm site, the applicants are seeking to utilise the existing processing site within the Manor Farm site for the processing of minerals form land to the east of Haversham Road (ref.: 13/00148/MIN) should such an application be successful.

5.3 The proposed working and restoration of the site as outlined in the proposed varied condition seeks a maintained working and restoration program as per that which already exists alongside the proposed varied plans highlighting Phases 1 and part of Phase 5 to be extended for a period of 5 years from the date of any new permission being granted (Phase 1 being the processing and mineral storage area and part of Phase 5 being limited to the wash area). Following the period of 5 years or the cessation of processing at Haversham Road, whichever shall occur sooner, the processing plant and wash at Manor Farm will become redundant and restoration of these elements shall occur in accordance with the final restoration proposal.

5.4 Whilst it is noted that there are still outstanding minerals to be extracted from the existing application site, these are considered relatively small in volume. As part of planning application 13/00148/MIN a condition is proposed to restrict further mineral extraction beyond Phase 1 until such time that mineral extraction has been exhausted within the Manor Farm site.

5.5 As a result of the current proposal seeking an extension for a period of 5 years for the processing and washing pit of the Manor Farm site and the predicted extraction time of the Haversham Road site for 4 years and 9 months (from site testing to restoration) and the outstanding extraction at the Manor Farm site, alongside the need for processing the final stage of extraction from Haversham Road, storage and sale of extracted materials the period of 5 years is considered a reasonable time period for the continued use of the processing plant.

5.6 The applicant has noted within the supplementary information accompanying the application that, as a result of the relatively small mineral reserves within the Haversham Road site that it is only economically viable to utilise an existing processing plant within close proximity to the application site.

5.7 It is considered that maintaining the existing processing plant and washing facility (albeit subject to bunding works) would be a preferred option to installing these operations within an alternative site as these are currently in situ alongside existing access points and proposed restoration. The impact of relocating the processing plant to an alternative location to serve the Haversham Road site could have greater impact upon neighbouring amenity and ecology as a result of establishing a new platform for the siting of the works, alongside being located within closer proximity to residential properties.

5.8 Impact on the Wildlife Corridor

The Manor Farm site is within a wildlife corridor. Criterion (iii) in Policy NE1 (Nature Conservation Sites) in the Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001-2011 states that development which would be likely to harm the biodiversity of a site of local importance (a wildlife corridor in this case) will only be permitted if the importance of the development outweighs the local value of the site. The impact on biodiversity in the extraction area is established as a result of extraction having taken place in all of the phasing areas. The proposed Variations as part of the current application do not seek to cause further harm to additional areas of landscaping, rather delaying the creation of habitats as part of restoration works which in turn should provide enhanced biodiversity conditions.

5.9 Impact on the Scheduled Ancient Monuments

The impact on the SAM at the deserted medieval village at Manor Farm was discussed in the approved Officer Report for the 02/01171/MIN application and the amended proposal. It is considered that the current application will have little, if any, impact on the site.

The impact on the Iron Trunk Aqueduct SAM is not considered to be significantly different to that which would be experienced through the development of the existing permission, albeit that this would be for an extended period of time.

5.10 Landscape and Visual Impact

The site is not within an Area of Attractive Landscape. Visual impact will be screened where possible by bunds and existing vegetation. Long distance views and those from higher ground cannot be screened as easily, but these will be largely unchanged from those that occur from the existing boundary as existing.

5.11 Highway Safety and Amenity

The accompanying statement submitted alongside the planning application notes that vehicular movements are proposed to be restricted to six HGVs entering and leaving the site each hour (a total of 12 vehicular movements) equating to 116 movements per day.

5.12 As a result of the relatively close location of the Haversham Road extraction site to the Manor Farm processing site and the relatively small number of vehicular movements on established roads the proposed additional traffic is not considered to result in an unacceptable highway safety.

5.13 The existing wheel washing facility at the Manor Farm site is proposed to remain in situ, therefore allowing HGVs to leave the site in a good condition. Furthermore, a condition is proposed to ensure that all lorries leaving the site are appropriately sheeted to prevent debris falling on the site to the detriment of highway safety.

5.14 Flood Risk

Almost the entire application site is situated within Flood Zone 3 at risk of fluvial flooding. Flood Zone 3 is identified as having an annual probability of flooding of 1% or greater. Minerals working for sand and gravel are classified as ‘water compatible development’ in the NPPF technical guidance.

5.15 No objection has been received from the Environment Agency in respect to flooding.

5.16 Noise, Dust and Neighbouring Amenity

MLP7 sets out indicative buffer zone widths to ameliorate nuisance to protect residential areas from the adverse effects of mineral working such as noise, vibration, dust, fumes and visual intrusion. Where this is across open land, as it would be in this case, the indicative buffer zone is 200 metres for Mineral Extraction only and 400 metres in the case of Gravel Processing as is the case here. The closest residential buildings are noted to be The Royal Train Sheds at Wolverton Park, located approximately 440 metres to the south of the application site. Residential units exist at Cosgrove Caravan Park, however these units adjoin phases that have already been worked and are in the process of being restored.

5.17 Paragraph 143 of the NPPF notes that when developing noise limits for sites, local authorities should recognise that some noisy short-term activities, which may otherwise be regarded as unacceptable are unavoidable to facilitate mineral extraction. The proposed hours for operation of the site are 0730 hours and 1730 hours Monday to Friday with sales restricted to 0700 hours and 1730 hours Monday to Friday and 0730 hours and 1330 hours Saturday and no operations on Sundays and Bank or Public Holidays.

5.18 The applicant has stated that in practice it is unlikely that there will be operations taking place everyday and it is more likely that operations will be undertaken on a campaign basis covering 6 week periods with breaks in between. There are likely to be 4 such campaigns over a 12 month period.

5.19 A mitigation scheme in respect of dust control approved as part of planning application ref.: 02/01711/MIN and renewed as part of application 09/00282/MIN is proposed to be conditioned as part of the current application.

6.0 CONDITIONS (The conditions that need to be imposed on any planning permission for this development to ensure that the development is satisfactory. To meet legal requirements all conditions must be Necessary, Relevant, Enforceable, Precise and Reasonable )

1. The minerals to be extracted from the application site and received from the adjacent Haversham Road extraction site shall be confined to sand and gravel.

Reason: To specify the mineral to be extracted and sold from the site and to avoid any doubt as to the scope of this permission.

2. The minerals to be processed and stored at the Manor Farm site in Old Wolverton shall be limited only to minerals extracted from the Manor Farm site in Old Wolverton and the adjacent Haversham Road extraction site.

Reason: To restrict mineral processing operations and to avoid any doubt as to the scope of this permission.

3. The extent of mineral extraction within the Manor Farm Site in Old Wolverton is solely limited to that approved under planning ref’s. 02/01711/MIN and 09/00282/MIN.

Reason: To restrict mineral processing operations and to avoid any doubt as to the scope of this permission.

4. The total amount of unprocessed mineral extraction transported to the Manor Farm site for processing shall not exceed 140,000 tonnes per calendar year and the total amount of sand and gravel leaving the site shall not exceed a level of 125,000 tonnes per calendar year.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety.

5. The development hereby permitted is restricted to the area shown edged red on Plan No.2a (M96/7a) `Planning application boundary and landholding plan' received 2 February 2009. With the exception of Phase 2, the sand and gravel extraction boundary is restricted to the area shown by a dashed orange line (limits of reserve area) on Plan No.4 (M96fc/11) `Geology and existing/proposed features' received 2 February 2009. The Phase 2 sand and gravel extraction boundary is restricted to the area shown by a dashed green line (modified limit of reserve area following reassessment of reserve) on Plan No.4a (M96/67a) `Phase 2 borehole summary plan' received 30 January 2009.

Reason: To specify the area for mineral extraction and to avoid doubt as to the scope of this planning permission.

6. From the commencement of the development to the cessation of the use hereby permitted a copy of the terms of this planning permission including all documents hereby permitted and any documents subsequently approved in accordance with this permission (or amendments approved pursuant to this permission) shall be on site during working hours and held in a location which is readily accessible to any person undertaking development.

Reason: To enable an easy reference and to encourage compliance with the requirements of this permission (so as to ensure the orderly operation and restoration of the site).

7. Except in emergencies to maintain safe quarry working (which shall be notified to the Mineral Planning Authority (MPA)as soon as practicable) or unless the MPA has agreed otherwise in writing the hours of working of the development shall be as follows:

(a) Site preparation, mineral extraction, levelling, restoration operations, processing and associated activities including maintenance and testing of plant shall be restricted to between the hours of:

0730 hours and 1730 hours Monday to Friday.

(b) Selling stock from the site shall be restricted to between the hours of:

0700 hours and 1730 hours Monday to Friday; 0730 hours and 1330 hours Saturday;

No operations, other than those excluded above shall be carried out on Sundays or Bank or Public Holidays.

Reason: To protect the amenities of local residents, users of the Linear Park and the Caravan Park.

8. The working and restoration of the site shall be carried out only in accordance with the working program and phasing plans (Plan No. 5a (M96/68a) ‘Phase 3 extraction,’ Plan No. 7a (M96/69a) ‘Phase 2 and 3 extraction,’ Plan No. 8a (M96/64a) ‘Phase 4 extraction’ Plan No. 9 (M96fc/18) ‘Phase 5 extraction,’ Plan No. 10a (M96/19a) ‘Final Soil Movement’ received February 2009), including the seasonal working included in Plan No’s. 5a (M96/68a), 7a (M96/69a), 9 (M96fc/18), M96/102 and M96/103 received May 2013.

Reason: To enable the Mineral Planning Authority to adequately control the development and to minimise its impact on the amenities of the local area including the amenities of the Cosgrove Leisure Park.

9. An annual topographical survey of the site shall be prepared and submitted to the Mineral Planning Authority (MPA) by 31 October each year, or such date as maybe agreed with the MPA. The survey shall indicate the areas where extraction has taken place, the locations and volumes of any subsoil topsoil bunds/stores; areas currently being restored; and areas restored and under management and aftercare.

Reason: To ensure the proper restoration of the site within a reasonable time in a progressive and orderly manner in the interests of local amenity.

10. The access on to Colts Holm Road shall be maintained in a good state of repair and kept clean and free of mud and other debris at all times until completion of the site restoration and aftercare.

Reason: To ensure satisfactory means of access, in the interests of highway safety and safeguarding the local environment.

11. Existing warning signs to alert users of the public highway about the site access shall be maintained throughout the course of the operation of the site for the purpose of Mineral operations and restoration.

Reason: In the interest of highway safety.

12. Existing wheel cleaning facilities shall be maintained on site with appropriate drainage and thereafter maintained to the satisfaction of the Mineral Planning Authority (MPA). The wheels of all HGVs leaving the site shall be cleansed of mud and other debris by the use of such facilities to the fullest extent reasonably practicable to prevent mud being carried onto the highway.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety.

13. Prior to the commencement of sales from the site, adequate signs shall be erected and maintained at the site complex exit, advising drivers that no HGVs shall travel through Haversham via Wolverton Road or New Bradwell via Newport Road, other than for local deliveries.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety and amenities of the area.

14. Heavy Goods Vehicle movements into and out of the site associated with the development shall not exceed 12 per day (in total) and no loaded lorries shall leave the site unsheeted.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety and safeguarding the local environment.

15. Public rights of way shall be safeguarded and maintained from quarry operations on the site by suitable boundary fencing to the satisfaction of the Mineral Planning Authority. Appropriate signs shall be erected warning members of the public of the presence of the Mineral workings and deep water.

Reason: To safeguard the interests of users of the public highway.

16. The location, dimensions and extent of all screening bunds and soil storage areas shall be laid out in accordance with those shown on the following plans and cross sections:

Plan No.5a (M96/68a) `Phase 3 extraction' received 2 February 2009; Plan No.7a (M96/69a) `Phase 2 and 3 extraction' received 2 February 2009; Plan No.8a (M96/64a) `Phase 4 extraction' received 2 February 2009; Plan No.9 (M96fc/18) `Phase 5 extraction' received 2 February 2009; Plan No.10 (M96/19a) `Final Soil movement' received 2 February 2009; Plan No. M96/103 ‘Silting Discharge and Abstraction based on Oct 2012 Topographical Survey. Electronically registered 17 May 2013.

All bunds will stand off any public footpath by at least 3 metres from the toe of the bund and will be demarcated with appropriate fencing.

Soil storage plans shall be periodically revised after each phase of soil stripping storage or placement and submitted to the Mineral Planning Authority in order to show the actual locations and contents of all soil stores on site, following each stripping and placement operation.

Reason: To safeguard the visual amenities of the area and to minimise the impact upon occupiers of the caravan park and walkers of noise and dust. To ensure that all soil bunds are located in accordance with the planning application plans and to ensure that following actual soil stripping and placement operations on site, the content of these various bunds is recorded for future reference.

17. Except as may otherwise agreed in writing by the Mineral Planning Authority, topsoil, subsoil, overburden and the storing of minerals shall be placed at the locations indicated on the submitted plans.

(a) Topsoil storage shall be confined to bunds not exceeding 3 metres in height.

(b) Subsoil and overburden shall be confined to bunds not exceeding 5 metres in height.

(c) Mineral stockpiles shall not exceed 6 metres in height.

Reason: To safeguard the visual amenities of the vicinity and enable satisfactory restoration.

18. All stockpiles or stores of minerals, mineral waste, overburden, topsoil or subsoil shall be removed by the last date referred to in Condition 31 of this permission and the land restored in accordance with the conditions of this permission.

Reason: To safeguard the visual amenities of the vicinity and enable satisfactory restoration to a floodplain forest.

19. The mitigation measures for the control of dust contained within Section 13 (13.9) of the submitted environmental assessment as part of planning application ref.: 09/00282/MIN shall be implemented in accordance with and be complied with at all times.

Reason: To protect the amenities of the locality from the effects of any dust arising from the development.

20. Seven working days notice shall be given in writing to the Mineral Planning Authority of any soil stripping, and bund construction activities including submitting details of the location(s) and duration of such activities.

Reason: To protect the amenities of the local area.

21. Seven working days notice shall be given in writing to the Mineral Planning Authority of any soil stripping, and bund construction activities including submitting details of the location(s) and duration of such activities.

Reason: To protect the amenities of the local area.

22. With the exception of limits under other conditions of this consent the LAeq (60 mins) specific noise levels associated with the development shall not at the nearest noise sensitive properties exceed an increase in 10 dB(A) above the background noise levels agreed by the Mineral Planning Authority. In any circumstance the operational specific noise level shall not exceed 55 dB.

Should the agreed maximum specific noise levels be exceeded the operator shall immediately implement remedial measures to rectify the situation and the Mineral Planning Authority shall be notified in writing of the remedial measures undertaken within TWO DAYS.

If the levels continue to exceed the agreed maximum specific noise level and subsequent written notice is given by the Mineral Planning Authority then all operations on site shall cease within TWO DAYS of such a written notice. No operations shall re-commence on site until a programme of remedial action has been agreed in writing by the Mineral Planning Authority.

Reasons: To ensure that operations on site are carried out so as to minimise the noise disturbance to local residents and to pre-determined levels of noise above which an unreasonable degree of disturbance is being caused.

23. For temporary operations, the free field noise level at noise sensitive properties shall not exceed 70dB LAeq, 1 hour. Temporary operation shall not exceed a total of eight weeks in any continuous 12 month period for work affecting any noise sensitive property. Temporary operations shall include site preparation, bund formation and removal, site stripping and restoration and other temporary activities agreed in writing beforehand with the Mineral Planning Authority.

Reason: To protect the amenities of local residents.

24. All vehicles, plant and machinery operated within the site shall be fitted with and use effective silencers.

Reason: To minimise the adverse impact of noise generated by the operations on the local community.

25. All fixed and mobile buildings, machinery and foundations shall be removed at such time or times as they are no longer required either for the purpose for which they were installed or for the rehabilitation of the site.

Reason: To ensure that the Mineral Planning Authority retains control of the location, erection, appearance and removal of fixed plant, machinery, buildings and foundations in the interests of amenity.

26. All buildings, plant, fixed machinery and other fixed structures (except mobile plant) shall be finished and maintained in materials and colour, or colours as existing unless otherwise approved in writing by the Mineral Planning Authority (MPA).

Reason: To ensure that the Mineral Planning Authority (MPA) retains control of the location, erection, appearance and removal of fixed plant, machinery, buildings and foundations in the interests of amenity.

27. All mobile plant on site shall be fitted with and shall utilise a low noise warning system which complies with the Health and Safety Executive's requirements relating to when all mobile plant is reversing.

Reason: In the interest of health and safety and to protect the amenities of local residents from noise disturbance.

28. Before the commencement of each phase of restoration, a landscaping and restoration working scheme shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Mineral Planning Authority. The scheme shall be in accordance with principles contained in the submitted application and should include details of:

(a) the positions, species and sizes of all existing trees, shrubs and hedgerows to be retained, and the proposals for their protection throughout the operations;

(b) the positions, species, density and initial sizes of all new trees and shrubs. and details of grassland planting;

(c) any hard landscaping proposed; the programme of implementation of the scheme;

(d) details of the depth and profile of water features where appropriate

Following approval this scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the agreed scheme.

Any planting which within 5 years of planting die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Mineral Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the local area.

29. In the event of a cessation of winning and working of minerals prior to the achievement of the completion of the approved scheme which in the opinion of the Mineral Planning Authority constitutes a permanent cessation within the terms of paragraph 3 of Schedule 9 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, a revised scheme, to include details of reclamation and aftercare, shall be submitted in writing for approval to the Mineral Planning Authority, within 3 months of the cessation of winning and working. The approved revised scheme shall be fully implemented within 1 year of the written approval unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Mineral Planning Authority.

Reason: To enable the Mineral Planning Authority to adequately control the development and to ensure that the land is restored to a condition capable of beneficial use.

30. The permission shall be for a period of 5 years from the date of this permission in order to allow the completion of extraction from within the quarry, and the import and processing of mineral extracted from the Haversham Road mineral extraction site only. On the expiry of the permission or on the termination of the use of the site, whichever is sooner, full restoration shall be completed in accordance with the conditions.

Reason: To ensure that the restoration of the land is achieved within a reasonable timescale and to enable the Mineral Planning Authority to review the situation in light of altered circumstances and to comply with the requirements of Schedule 5, Part 1 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

31. a) The outline strategy for aftercare as submitted with the planning application ref.: 02/01711/MIN dated 5 November 2002 requiring such steps as may be necessary to bring each phase of the land reclaimed to the required standard for use for floodplain forest and in the case of the plant site, agriculture, shall be implemented in accordance with that scheme or such amended scheme as may be agreed with the Mineral Planning Authority. b) The aftercare scheme shall run for a period of 5 years for each phase following the completion of the restoration works in that phase. c) In April of each year, unless otherwise agreed with the Mineral Planning Authority an annual aftercare meeting will be convened between the developer and the Mineral Planning Authority to review the restoration and aftercare works undertaken and to agree the restoration and aftercare works to be undertaken during the following 12 month period. d) No later than November 30th of each year during the five year aftercare period a detailed programme for aftercare of the restored land shall be submitted to the Mineral Planning Authority.

Reason: To comply with the requirements of Schedule 5 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990. To ensure that the reclaimed land is correctly husbanded and to bring the land to the standard required for agricultural and amenity use and to ensure that the aftercare provisions are revised to take account of any problems identified at the annual aftercare meeting.

32. The mitigation measures for the control of dust contained within Section 13 (13.9) of the submitted environmental assessment approved as part of Planning application ref. 02/01711/MIN shall be implemented in accordance with and be complied with at all times.

Reason: To protect the amenities of the locality from the effects of any dust arising from the development.

Appendix to 13/00983/FUL

A1.0 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY (A brief outline of previous planning decisions affecting the site – this may not include every planning application relating to this site, only those that have a bearing on this particular case)

A1.1 Permission was granted in 2004 (02/01711/MIN) for mineral extraction on the site and implementation commenced in July 2007. A further planning application was submitted and subsequently approved in July 2009, ref.: 09/00282/MIN, for the Variation of Phase 2 Extraction Boundary and Conditions 4, 6, 8, 17 and 40 of Planning Permission 02/01711/MIN (Development of a Floodplain Forest through mineral extraction including the creation of a processing plant, stocking area and silt lagoon during the mineral extraction phase of the operation.

A1.2 The current planning application is to be read in conjunction with planning application ref.: 13/00148/MIN for sand and gravel extraction from land off Haversham Road, New Bradwell with restoration to flood plain meadow and open water. Extracted materials from the Haversham Road site are proposed to be transported to the Manor Farm site for processing and sale.

A2.0 ADDITIONAL MATTERS (Matters which were also considered in producing the Recommendation)

A2.1 Wolverton and Greenleys Town Council has requested that should planning permission be granted for the proposed development, that residents of the Town Council receive free access to the Hanson Centre. There is no policy basis that would allow for this.

A3.0 CONSULTATIONS AND REPRESENTATIONS (Who has been consulted on the application and the responses received. The following are a brief description of the comments made. The full comments can be read via the Council’s web site)

Comments Officer Response

A3.1 The Council’s Highways Development Management and Conservation and Noted. Archaeology have no comment to make.

A3.2 The Environment Agency has no comment to make. Noted.

A3.3 English Heritage

The application(s) should be determined in accordance with national and local policy Noted. guidance, and on the basis of your specialist conservation advice.

A3.4 Natural England

Natural England does not consider that this application poses any likely or significant risk Noted. to those features of the natural environment for which [NE] would otherwise provide a more detailed consultation response and so does not wish to make specific comment on the details of this consultation.

A3.5 Network Rail

Strongly recommend that the applicant submit the plans to the Network Rail Asset Noted. Protection Engineer for review – the proposal appears not to affect Network Rail land from a desktop study, however, the excavation and drainage works if reviewed in detail may tell a different story.

A3.6 Wolverton and Greenleys Town Council

Object to the planning application as there will be an increase of lorries going in and from the site.

A3.7 If however the application is granted the Council seek direct benefit from the contractors Noted. Para A2.1. that when the proposed Hanson Centre is built the residents of Wolverton and Greenleys Parish have free entry to this amenity.

A3.8 Local Residents

The occupiers of the following properties were notified of the application:

Hill Hire Plc, Colts Holm Road, Old Wolverton; G K Switchgear Ltd., Colts Holm Road, Old Wolverton; 55 Colts Holm Road, Old Wolverton; 1-7 Manor Farm Court, Old Wolverton Road, Old Wolverton.

A3.9 No public representations have been received. Noted.