Traveler University of Arkansas

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Traveler University of Arkansas ARKANSAS~ TRAVELER UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS FHIDAY, DECE:\IBER 1:3. Hl-16 1 T :\IBER 24 .t A ~andidates for St. 'ick and the Kappa Gamma; Charles Crockett, date for St. 'ick, and at the dance tractions of the evening. Pat Bliss, changed from 9:00 until 9:30, due uses spon oring them are pic­ Chi Omega; Jack Davis, Delta Gam­ a name will be drawn from the hat. A '1i'S president, will be in charge of to the conflict with the concert of ·ed above. One of the candidates ma; '1i'orth Gibson, Town; Steele naming St. Nick, the king for the the program. the Arkansas State Symphony, and · St. Nick will be bearded and Hays, Pi Beta Phi. night. President and l\lrs. Harding, A WS urge all girls to take their >wned with an old Santa cap Sat­ Second Row: Maurice Jabar, After the coronation, St. ick of Miss Jeannette Schudc!er, Pat Bli s, dates to the concert dressed for the lay night at the A ·w backward Davis Hall; Sam King, Zeta Tau 1946 will ad the grand march. The and Sherman '1i'illiams will be in dance. :ice shortly before intermission. Alpha; Doug Sims, Hill Hall; Jim other candidates will follow imme­ the receiving line. At intermission By 9: 30 the Yarsity club will be :::andidates pictured above are, Streback, Carnall Hall; Cecil War­ diately behind. there will be a party for the chap­ in full swing, and the female stag ht to left; Top Row: Jack Bracy, nock, 4-H House. A floor show has also been sched­ erons in tl.Je Blue room. line will step into action. l Delt; Sonny Coleman, Kappa Each house has chosen a candi- uled along with other feature at- The time of the dan~e was Music Programs To Appear At UA 1RKANSAS ST ATE SYMPHONY WILL Sale of Votes FRANCES YEEND AND WALTER CASSEL IVE CONCERT TOMORROW NIGHT ForBowlQueen TO PRESENT JOINT RECITAL MONDAY .T 8 O'CLOCK IN FIELD HOUSE NIGHT FOR STU DEN.TS, FACULTY Starts Monday 'he Arkansas State Symphony Frances Yeend, sopran o, and Wal­ ter Cas el, baritone, will be pre­ 1 present a concert in the Field at its meeting Wed­ ABC decided sen ted iu a recital Monday night at se Saturday, December 14 at nesday afternoon to send the Cot­ p.m. in the Field House under the ., immediately preceding the ton Bowl Queen to the ew Year's spou orship of the Committee on V.S. Christmas formal. The or­ day game in Dallas, ABC paying om·ocations and Public Lectures. stra, under the direction of Mr. all expenses by air or pullman and Admi sion for students will be by lliam Hacker, is supported by at one of the for accommodations activity book. Arkansas Philharmonic Society, hotels in Dallas . Sym­ Miss Yeend's lyric soprano voice . , of which the Fayetteville ABC will also pay the expense of ha been heard over the radio on ,ny Society is an atfiliate. sending five cheerleaders to the the "Hour of Charm," "Serenade to ,ast week Mr. Hacker, also an game and arrange for adequate uni­ America" and other programs She irnationally known pianist, forms. has also done special work with the yed recitals in the six public "ABC will also obtain a real Ra­ , ·e\\ York Philharmonic Orchestra. ools of Fayetteville. These edu­ zorback or a pig of some similar Her performance as Micaela in the ional concerts were arranged by family," Bob Wilson, ABC presi­ Columbia Concert Opera company's 3. Virgil Baker, chairman of the dent, stated. production of "Carmen" brought ac­ ldren's division of the Fayette­ All the Cotton Bowl activities for claim by both public and press. e Society. Arkansas will be paid for by the 'he program for Saturday's con­ During last winter's musical sea­ sale of votes for the Cotton Bowl son 1\fiss Yeend appeared with t is as follows: Queen, Wilson said. The queen will 'bird Symphony erge Koussevitzky and the Boston be presented at the half of the Symphony Orchestra. At the Berk­ (Eroica) Beethoven elabo­ game, and she will ride an shire Festival this summer she •relude to Die l'tleisten- Deb'ate Squad Enters rate float, he added. singer Wagner sang with the same conductor in Contest Starts Monday )verture to Meet In Conway l,i performance of Beethoven's Yotes for the queen will go on Prometheus Beethoven • 'ill.!.! Symphony and gave an out­ The Univer~ity debate squad left sale Monday, Wilson said, and Bob l"octure from A 1idsummer s nding performance in the leading McFarlin is in charge of the proj­ ight's Dream Mendelssohn early this morning on their fir t role of the new opera, "Peter ect. Balloting will continue from 'ales from Vienna trip of the year. They will r pre­ Grimes." Prior to her current tour, Monday at 8 a.m. until Wednesday Woods Strauss sent the University in the Mid­ Mis Yeend appeared with Andre at 5 p.m. Kostelanetz who was directing the unerican Salute Gould South Debate Tournament held this andidates for Cotton Bowl Queen ymphony Orchestra in St. Panl l.dmission is $1.50 for adult , 50 year at Conway, Ark. The three are: CHI OMEGA, Kakii Garvin; and Minneapolis. tts for children, or by student ac­ teams making the trip, William PI BETA PHI, Carolyn Van ess; Vi alter Cassel's steady progress ity ticket. Veterans' wives who DELTA GAMMA, Tommy Arbogast; toward the goal of grand opera has without activity tickets will be Vestal and Marcus Halbrook, Pen­ KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA, Sarah led him from trumpet playing to a nitted for half price. dleton Woods and John McClellan, and J oe Murrey and Raymond Jennings; DELTA DELTA DE LTA, contract with the Metropolitan. His -----•----- J ane Higginbotham; ZE TA TAU singing lead him to radio and he IV ANTED: Share-expense ride t o Thornton, w ill meet teams from Ar­ ALPHA, Caroln Schoen; CARNALL appeared on several national shows. llas or Houston December 31; kansas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and Continued on page 5 Continued on page 5 lne 764-W. other southern states. UW tYERSH f Uf AftUISAS ll8RARY 2 The ARKANSAS TRAVELER• Friday, December 13, 1946 University Lodge To Sports Quiz Meet At Masonic Hall U IVER ITV OF ARKANSAS By 808 CALDWELL University Lodge, F .&A.M., met Offlclal student newspaper pub­ lished by students of the University If you answer seven or more Friday night, December 6, to confer of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Office questions you may have your choice one Entered Apprentice degree. Rooms 211 and 212, Student Union. of the following prizes : Mumble Hereafter, the lodge wil meet every Telephone 658. peg rule book, chinning bar , ankle Friday night at 7: 30 at the Masonic Accepted !or mail1ng at a special wrap, medicine ball, and duck hall. rate of postage provided for in Sec­ blind. Bring your winning score to All members of University lodge tion 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1927, Auth• the tap room any time between now are urged to attend as often as Is orized Nov. 3, 1919. Entered as second-class matter and prohibition and ask for "Rack." possible, and any University stu- February 13, 1943, at the Post Office 1. We all know who fini shed on dent who is a Master Mason will be at Fayetteville, Arkansas, under the top in the Southwest conference but welcomed. Act of March 3, 1879. do you know who finished in the Frequency or Issue During the First cellar? ber one team of the nation. Semester-Twice Weekly. 2. The brother of a famous Holly• BART CONDITT . Editor wood starlet recently won the ten• ·sroumI ·01 JAMES FOREMAN . Bus. Mgr. nis championship of Argentina. This ·saprq&o:::, ·s 'S.I8lU8:) ·g Pendleton Woods, Jess staunch supporter of the good­ Covington . Managing Editors neighbor•policy is ... ·---··-··· ·ua.r. 'l Sally Steward . Circulation Mgr. 3. In this corner, weighing 130 ·.&:lXJ'S ·9 Carol Schoen . Society Editor 'V'IOil pu-e -e1~.1oao ·g Bud Lemke, Ellet Lawrence, pounds, wearing purple trunks, and John Martin . Sports from Hartford, Conn., the f!yWeight ·1-e1sn:w U'elS ·t Jo Clair Thomas . Feature Editor champion of the worlp, Willie .... - ..... ·dad '8 -~rnqua:in-e..!l qos: ·g Montez Pierce . Asst. Bus. Mgr. 4. Ted Williams was voted the Bill Russell . Asst. Circulation Mgr. ·.1oyt-es: ·1 Bill Keenan, ·. Advertising Asst. most valuable in the American -----•---~-- Rosemary Coop, Shirley Brunk- League for the past season. In the FOR SALE : Tuxedos. One size horst, Ann Craigo, Dorothy National League this honor went 40 and one size 35. Phone 1970•W Williams, J ohn Sanders .... Advertising Assts. to. -·-···------· and ask for Phil. Harold Keller and 5. There are only two major foo t· Mort Stern ____Cartoonists ball teams in the nation that are undefeated and untied. They are ■• Reporters: Ruth Thomas, Stewart •• Mcswain, Irene Johnson, Pat ......... and .. ____ DANCING AT THE Campbell, Sue Pattillo, Ward Ros­ 6. Babe Ruth bolds two records COUNTRY CLUB en, Blanche Crouse, Sue Trimble, that seem safe for some time to Every Fri. and Sat. Night Jess Covington, Sy Syna, Mary Word got around that someone emptied a bittle of Calverts in the reser­ come. He was paid an all•time high . Jeanette Slmpso~. Mary Ellen voir. Special student rates for Golf See, Martha Moore, Mary Kay of $80,000 for one yea1~s service and he polled ________ home runs, a Course. Beautiful 18 hole course Claxton, Betty Jo Clark, Ann • I Meisenheimer, Bill Shelton, Hal Tom Millard Discusses record that has been threatened but Lockman, Cone Magie, Bob Lin­ The Editor never topped.
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