Community Fair Opens, Aids Foreign Students
.VSG is nick — nee page 2; PLAYBOY An interview with the Dean on "The letter to CAMPUS, under "Letters;" KXOIIUH" of Allegheny professors to KAIJ's "Identity Crinis," on page .1; foreign territories. More of Paul Bristo Allegheny's gopher-diggers, on sports in CAMPUS midterm special, and of page. John Jones. Film Festival plans, also . Vol. XC, No. 24 The Allegheny College Campus Allegheny College Meadville, Pa. Friday, April 28, 1967 Dean McKean To Leave For OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR FRATERNITIES New Post As Girls' Headmaster Fraternity officers for 1967-68 Allegheny lost her ten-year Dean of Students last week to have been elected. The following an exclusive Episcopalian-affiliated Michigan academy for girls, slates were released to the Campus: Kingswood School, Cranbrook, Bloomfield Hills. Dean John R. Alpha Chi Rho: Kevin Cox, '69, O. McKean will serve as headmaster there, according to Samuel president; Tom Boland, '68, vice- E. MacArthur, chairman of the school's board of directors. president; Mike Ritchie, '69, treas- Dr. McKean succeeds Marion E. Goodale, fourth head- urer. Delta Tau Delta: Norm Le- mistress of the six-year board- vine, '68, president; Rick Ziegler, Dr. Harold Taylor strikes a ing and day school for girls, degree in home economics from '68, vice-president; Dick Caird, '68, stylish pose as he advises his who leaves Cranbrook this July Farmington State College in Maine, treasurer. and taught her subject in Houlton, Ford Chapel audience last Satur- 31 after 17 year as headmis- Phi Delta Theta: George Taaffe, Me. Mrs. McKean also served as a day NOT to pose! (Full coverage tress.
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