Swampscott Commends Hero Police Officers

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Swampscott Commends Hero Police Officers TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2019 Countdown to countdown: It’s a numbers game in Lynn By Thor Jourgensen top oor of City Hall, at 9 a.m. Rowe said Mandated by the United States Consti- rollment trends and excise tax billing. ITEM STAFF she has invited 78 organizations, individ- tution and conducted every 10 years, the “We want to get the word out about why uals and groups to the meeting, includ- census counts every person in the United the census counts,” Rowe said. LYNN — City Clerk Janet Rowe calls ing Lynn area state legislators, the High- States. The current population count for During a September discussion on the the 90,329 population count for Lynn in 2010 a signi cant underestimate, high- lands Coalition, Neighbor to Neighbor, the nation is 329 million people. census held at Breed Middle School, Mas- lighting why Thursday morning’s City School Superintendent Dr. Patrick Tut- The 2020 census will be the rst to al- sachusetts Secretary of State William F. Hall public discussion on the 2020 census wiler, and the North Shore Latino Busi- low census questionnaires to be conduct- Galvin told attendees that an accurate is so important. ness Association. ed by telephone or online. Rowe acknowl- census count plays a crucial role in how “It’s very important because we aren’t “We are hoping to exchange ideas, de- edged that stakes are high for a thorough $900 billion in annual federal funding is counted,” Rowe said. ne roles and schedule events for the up- count, especially in Lynn. She estimates allocated across the country for roads, The census “complete committee” meet- coming year. Our slogan is “Lynn is all the city’s population is between 110,000 ing will be in the City Council Chamber, in, be counted,” said Rowe. and 115,000 based in part on school en- LYNN, A3 Public Swampscott stands commends Pat behind hero police McManus of cers By Steve Krause library ITEM STAFF SWAMPSCOTT — Summers can be busy for LYNN — Last month’s those who patrol the waterfront in the Swamp- decision by Lynn Public Li- scott Police Department. brary trustees to not name At the last Swampscott Select Board meeting the main branch after former earlier this month, six of cers from the force Mayor Patrick J. McManus were formally commended for their heroism in has sparked plenty of push- four rescue incidents off the water three this back, as well as a move by past summer and one in 2018. Mayor Thomas M. McGee to “The water can be unforgiving,” said Chief ll three board vacancies. Ronald Madigan. “Certainly, it involves risks Item readers weighed in and emergencies that don’t exist in other com- strongly against the trust- munities. But thanks to the bravery and profes- ees and their decision, and sionalism of our staff, we were able to prevent voiced overwhelming sup- any deaths.” port for the library board to Those commended were of cers Kevin and consider naming the library Brendan Reen, Detective Candace Doyle, Lt. after McManus, who served William Waters, Sgt. Jonathan Locke and of cer ve terms from 1992 through Michael Bowden. 2001. On June 23, Kevin Reen rescued a woman The board opened the door who had been stranded off the waters at King’s for reconsideration on nam- Beach. He answered a call and determined im- ing the building because its mediate action was required. 4-2 vote to not consider add- “He took his gun belt off, and his other equip- ing anyone’s name to the li- ment, handed them to another of cer, and en- brary did not — according tered the water in uniform, swimming approx- to city attorney James La- imately 200-250 yards to where others were manna — comply with state attempting to assist a man and a woman swim- law requiring six votes to ap- mer who were clearly trying to stay a oat,” said prove or reject any proposal Madigan. submitted for a vote by the Reen swam with the woman back to shore 11-person library board. while others at the beach assisted the man. The required votes were Diaper duty: Bill expands Both were taken by ambulance to the hospital not there due to open seats for treatment. on the board. To address that access to changing stations In August 2018, Detective Doyle, while off-du- issue, McGee has selected ty, was at Phillips Beach when she saw a raft with a small child being carried from shore by three trustees to be approved the wind. by the City Council Tuesday. By Thor Jourgensen From left, Ryan, The girl called out for help, and since it was 7 If approved, Megan White ITEM STAFF Michael, Emily and p.m. there was no lifeguard on duty. would be appointed for a their parents Maura BOSTON — When his daughter’s diaper need- “Without hesitating Detective Doyle, entered term that will expire in 2021; and John sit in their ed changing during a family night out for dinner, the water and swam a signi cant distance out to Catherine Brans eld for a Lynn home. Maura Josh Polonsky asked the restaurant manager the girl and returned her safely to shore, Madi- term that will expire in 2022; nds it hard to nd where he could change her and didn’t like the gan said. and Rosemary Martin for a answer he got. baby-changing sta- “The actions of Of cer Reen and Detective term that will expire in 2023. “He suggested the bathroom oor, so we kind tions in public for her Doyle, in saving a life, is one of a police of cer’s McGee has also recommend- of tucked ourselves under the table and changed 2-year-old, Emily. nest line-of-duty acts,” Madigan said. “Placing ed the reappointment of her much to the dismay of a couple people dining themselves in personal danger to do so is exem- William Conway, the board’s ITEM PHOTO | OLIVIA FALCIGNO near us,” recalled Polonsky. plary.” chairman. His term would The Pine Hill resident’s story is a familiar They were awarded Departmental Life Saving expire in 2023. one to state Sen. Brendan Crighton, the father of Medals for placing themselves at personal risk. Letter-writers overwhelm- two young children, who is sponsoring two bills The other of cers received lifesaving Com- ingly support reconsideration aimed at broadening changing table availability. mendations with an accompanying Life Saving LIBRARY, A5 DIAPERS, A5 SWAMPSCOTT, A3 Brand awareness in Opinion Krause: OK Boomers, Nahant and Swampscott Couple asks for chill out. A4 Peabody By Bill Brotherton Route 1 crash sends ITEM FEATURES EDITOR help after dad four to hospital. A6 Zach Barden and Kaden Quirk LOOK! have been best buddies since they is laid off Lynn Classical rst met in kindergarten at the Hadley quarter honor roll. A8 School in Swampscott about a de- By Olivia Falcigno cade ago. Exceptional lacrosse play- ITEM STAFF Sports ers, they share a love of all sports Peabody girls and have been teammates on the With a little over a week left before basketball takes eld of play for much of their life, the holidays, a struggling couple asks down Gloucester. B1 mostly for St. Mary’s. for your help. The two high school juniors are One mother starts out her letter to St. Mary’s girls roll also teammates off the eld, hav- The Item asking for nancial assistance through Austin Prep. B1 ing started Brand Boston Apparel, after a series of unfortunate events. She a sports-themed clothing company, says, “we need assistance due to their Saugus girls grab rst this fall. father being laid off of work.” Now, down win of season. B1 They recently dropped their rst to one income, her situation gets worse. design, a Big Papi-inspired T-shirt She goes on to say that she recently called “This is Our City.” Fenwick boys ITEM PHOTO | SPENSER HASAK gave birth in August and has been on “We have a website that is up and basketball returns loads maternity leave. While she is receiving Zach Barden of Swampscott, left, and Kaden running along with a solid social of experience. B1 income from her leave, she says it is Quirk of Nahant wear the rst piece of mer- media following,” said Quirk. Their chandise from their new clothing line, Brand ITEM SANTA, A3 Boston Apparel Co. BRAND, A3 OBITUARIES ..............................A2 LOOK! .......................................A8 CLASSIFIED ........................... B6-7 HIGH 37° VOL. 142, ISSUE 8 OPINION ...................................A4 SPORTS ................................ B1-3 BUSINESS ................................B8 LOW 30° POLICE/FIRE .............................A6 COMICS/DIVERSIONS ........... B4-5 PAGE A8 $1.50 A2 THE DAILY ITEM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2019 OBITUARIES Agnes J. Raymond, 81 Agnes J. (Powers) Ray- mond, age 81, of Swamp- scott, died Wednesday, sur- rounded by her loving family, after a lengthy illness. She was the wife of the late John F. Raymond. Born in Somer- ville, she was the daughter of the late Leo J. and Jane Margaret (Canniff) Powers. She was raised in Lynn and was a graduate of Lynn Clas- sical High School. She had lived in Swampscott for the past 45 years. Agnes was a devoted and loving mother and “Nana”. She was happiest spending time with her children and PHOTO | ASSOCIATED PRESS their families during holi- Tops eld and her many niec- Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., arrives at a town hall meet- days and get-togethers. Her es and great nephews. She ing in Keokuk, Iowa, Monday. grandchildren (Jared and was the grandmother of the Jimmy) were the lights of her late Jared Raymond and sis- life and she was so proud of ter of the late Margie Iodice all their achievements.
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