
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 03/12 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 307 - Februar 2012 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, gerüchteweise bereits Angelina Jolies liebe Filmfreunde! Regiedebüt IN THE LAND OF BLOOD Wer die Disney-Filme und ganz beson- AND HONEY, das die hübsche Dame ders deren Prinzessinnen mag, der soll- gerade auf der Berlinale vorgestellt hat, te sich die Kolumne unserer Schreibe- auf silbernen und blauen Scheiben ge- rin Anna ab Seite 3 aufmerksam durch- ben. lesen. Ihr tiefgründiges Hinterfragen der Frauenfiguren in Disneys weich- Trotz der riesigen Schwemme von Neu- gespülten Animationsklassikern ist erscheinungen haben wir natürlich un- durchaus berechtigt. Für Risiken und seren eigenen Film nicht vergessen. Nebenwirkungen, die der Aufsatz bei THE GIRL WITH THE THORN TAT- Ihrem nächsten Konsum von DIE TOO (Ähnlichkeiten mit anderen Fil- SCHÖNE UND DAS BIEST und Kon- men ist natürlich rein zufällig...) befin- sorten hinterlässt, übernehmen wir na- det sich in der heissen Endphase der türlich keine Haftung! Postproduktion. Inzwischen haben wir die ersten Ergebnisse nicht nur in un- Und damit erst einmal ganz herzlich serem Heimkino evaluiert, sondern willkommen zur neuen Ausgabe unse- auch auf der großen Leinwand in ver- res Newsletters. Sozusagen in letzter schiedenen Kinos getestet. Schließlich Minute erreichten uns noch zwei aktu- soll unser Film nicht nur im kleinen elle Ankündigungen für Deutschland. Heimkino gut aussehen und gut klin- Diese werden Sie zwar erst in der näch- gen, sondern auch der Auswertung in LIST wärmstens empfehlen. Allerdings sten Ausgabe in unserer Übersicht guten Kinos standhalten. Unser sollten Sie auf wahre Gewaltorgien vor- finden, doch vorenthalten wollten wir Sounddesigner war mit der bereitet sein. Wer es dann doch lieber Ihnen diese Highlights nicht. Es han- Basswiedergabe im Premierenkino noch etwas gefühlvoller haben möchte, dem delt sich dabei um zwei Filme, die beim nicht ganz zufrieden und hat eigens empfehlen sich Ewan McGregor und vergangenen Fantasy Filmfest für Fu- dafür einen Subwoofer-Test entwickelt, Eva Green als schwer geprüftes Liebes- rore sorgten: KILL LIST und PERFECT um auszuschließen, dass es Probleme paar in PERFECT SENSE, das nach SENSE. Bemerkenswert dabei ist, dass mit der dort installierten Tonanlage und nach alle menschlichen Sinne ver- es KILL LIST wider Erwarten ohne gibt. Es bleibt also sozusagen span- liert. Sehr bewegend und symbolisch – Probleme durch die FSK geschafft hat nend bis zur letzten Minute. Der derzei- ab 18. Mai auf DVD und BD. und ab 6. April 2012 damit in der tige Terminplan sieht vor, den Film ab ungeschnittenen Fassung mit dem 11. März 2012 frei ins Internet zu stel- Auch für USA wurden zwischenzeitlich 18er-Siegel auf DVD und Blu-ray Disc len. Dann natürlich nur in der tonmäßig schon Termine für “Must Have”-Filme zur Verfügung stehen wird. Wer sich reduzierten Stereo-Version. Die volle angekündigt, die es nicht mehr in unse- gerne Horrorfilme im Stile von ANGEL 5.1-Version gibt es nur im Kino sowie re Übersicht geschafft haben: THE HEART ansieht, dem können wir KILL auf DVD und Blu-ray Disc. Mehr dazu GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO, in Bälde. David Finchers optisch atemberauben- de Neuverfilmung von Stig Larssons Stay tuned! Bestseller VERBLENDUNG, ist bereits ab 20. März verfügbar. Und Oscar-Fa- Ihr Laser Hotline Team vorit THE ARTIST gibt’s ab 24. April fürs Heimkino. Und ab 27. März soll es

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012

Love, the Disney Way

Wir verdrängen, hassen oder lieben ihn: den Valentins- tag. Egal wie wir für ihn empfinden, gleichgültig ist er te immer noch mehr, als wir es uns eingestehen möch- uns nicht. Nicht nur im Supermarkt, übervoll mit billigen ten. Viele Männer behaupten, sie möchten gerne als Rosen und riesigen Schokoladenpackungen, werden wir Erster angesprochen werden. Aber tut man es, fühlen damit konfrontiert, sondern auch im Kino. Denn es gibt sie sich entmannt. Sie wollen ein konkretes Beispiel? keinen Film, in dem es nicht um Liebe geht. Hollywood William und Kate. Kate Middleton hat in den neun Jah- stilisiert, verschönert, poliert unsere kleinen Liebesge- ren Buhlschaft mit William nicht umsonst den Spitzna- schichten zu großen Romanzen. Aber es zerstört auch, men “Waity Katy” von den Medien bekommen. Sie hat dramatisiert, sabotiert unsere Vorstellung von Liebe. einen großen, aufsehenerregenden Auftritt hingelegt, um Und nichts ist da irreführender als ein Film von Disney. an den Prinzen heranzukommen, die restlichen Jahre Filme, mit denen wir aufwachsen, die erste Prägungen bis zur Hochzeit hat sie gewartet, bis er so weit war und im Leben hervorrufen, Wünsche, Sehnsüchten nach deutlich wurde, ihm würde keine bessere mehr über den Schlössern, Magie, Prinzen, Prinzessinnen und ewiger Weg laufen. Und das Happy End? Kate lässt sich mal Liebe. Seit einiger Zeit kursiert im Internet ein Bild, das wieder alle Zeit der Welt und William schuftet. Während die Disneyprinzessinnen zeigt – Aurora, Jasmine, Belle, andere Royals hunderte von Charities abhalten, hat Kate Cinderella, Snow White und Ariel. Zu jeder steht ein ein Jahr gebraucht, um sich für fünf zu entscheiden. Ihre kleiner Text, der erklärt, was die wahre Botschaft hinter Hauptaktivität besteht darin, alle zwei Wochen stunden- dem Schicksal jeder Dame ist. Ob man es glauben will lang beim Friseur zu sitzen. Kann man das wirklich “am oder nicht: Im realen Leben schlagen sich die Lektio- Leben sein” nennen? nen, die bei Disney gelernt wurden, brutal nieder. Jasmine ist eine andere Art von Prinzessin. Sie ist ein Bei Aurora, dem Dornröschen, steht: “Hübsche Mädchen kleines Politikum. Ihr Text im oben genanten Bild lautet: müssen nicht mal am Leben sein, damit der heiße Prinz “Der politische Wert einer Frau ist auf die Heiratsfähig- sich um sie reißt”. Bezieht man das auf unsere moderne keit beschränkt”. Angela Merkel würde da sicher wider- Existenz, kann man zustimmen. Passivität wird bei sprechen - Gott sei Dank! - aber wie steht es z.B. mit Frauen immer noch geschätzt. Bloß nicht von sich aus Hillary Clinton? Oder Königin Rania von Jordanien? Bei- einen Mann ansprechen! Warten, bis man zu einem des hochintelligente, energiegeladene Frauen, die erst Drink oder einem Tanz aufgefordert wird. Warten, bis der durch die Heirat mit einem Staatsmann in eine Situation Mann den Heiratsantrag macht (besonders in den USA). gelangten, in der sie etwas machen und verändern durf- Warten, bis er “Ich liebe dich” sagt – schließlich wollen ten. Hillary Clinton wurde in den 1970ern zwei Mal zu wir ihm ja keine Angst machen! Das klingt für Sie wie einer der 100 einflussreichsten Anwälte in Amerika ge- Benimmregeln aus den 50er Jahren? Disney hat dafür wählt. Doch erst ihre Heirat mit dem Gouverneur von immerhin die Entschuldigung, dass Sleeping Beauty tat- Arkansas und späterem US-Präsidenten Bill Clinton sächlich von 1959 ist. Aber diese Prinzipien gelten heu- brachte ihr genug Rampenlicht, um tatsächlich etwas zu

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 verändern. Königin Rania war kurz im Bereich Marketing Meerprinzessin fasst es zusammen: “Es ist ok, deine tätig, bevor sie durch ihre Heirat mit König Abdullah in Familie zu verlassen, drastisch deinen Körper zu verän- eine Position gerückt wurde, von der aus sie politisch dern und dein größtes Talent aufzugeben, um an den und sozial endlich etwas bewegen konnte. Gerne halten Mann zu kommen. Sobald er dein hübsches Gesicht wir uns für weiter entwickelt als die simplistischen Züge sieht, kann ihn nur noch der Zauberspruch einer Hexe eines Disneyfilmes, aber sind wir das wirklich? von dir fernhalten”. Dem Prinzen Eric fällt auch nicht ein zu hinterfragen, woher die stumme 16-jährige kommt Bei Snow White, Belle und Cinderella geht es darum, und was sie vielleicht braucht. Zweifelsohne bietet er ihr dass nur hübsche Mädchen etwas werden können. Hilfe an, aber eigentlich geht es nur darum, endlich un- Wenn man, wie Schneewittchen, hübsch genug ist, wird ter ihren Rock zu dürfen. Kein Wunder, dass bei Stefan einen der Prinz schon verteidigen. Bei Cinderella hilft Raab dann Jugendliche zu sehen sind, deren Berufs- die Schönheit – nicht die Herzensgüte, welche dem wunsch im Leben “Star oder arbeitslos” lautet. Entweder Prinzen unbekannt ist – zum Ausbruch aus dem von allen grundlos angebetet werden oder sich unter- Sklavendasein und zum Einzug mit einem reichen Ehe- stützen lassen fürs Nichtstun. mann. Bei Belle ist die denkbar schlimmste Botschaft zu finden: “Äußerlichkeiten sind egal. Nur das, was im Wo bleibt die Liebe bei alldem? Meine Lieblings- Herzen ist, zählt. Außer man ist die Frau.” Das Biest prinzessin als Kind war immer Belle. Bei ihr hatte ich hätte Belle bestimmt nicht in den Palast gelassen, wäre den Eindruck, dass sie wenigstens Zeit hatte, ihren sie nicht so umwerfend gewesen. Sogar ein bisschen Mann richtig kennenzulernen. Sicher fand ich die ande- Stockholm-Syndrom ist hier reingemischt worden. Dass ren schön, anmutig und lieblich, aber mir fehlte immer Äußerlichkeiten nicht alles sind, versuchen uns unsere etwas Substanz in den Beziehungen, die sie mit der Mütter zwar immer wieder zu sagen, aber die Kultur um vermeintlichen Liebe ihres Lebens eingingen. Wie der uns herum argumentiert ständig dagegen. Topmodel- Valentinstag gaukeln uns Disneyfilme vor, Liebe sei ein- Shows gibt es wie Sand am Meer (das Original stammt fach. Das ist sie nicht. Liebe ist das Komplizierteste, natürlich aus den USA), die Sängerin Adele wird von das es auf der Welt gibt. Selbst wenn sie uns zufliegt, Karl Lagerfeld als “fett, aber immerhin hat sie ein hüb- müssen wir einen Weg finden, sie am Leben zu halten. sches Gesicht” bezeichnet, und Hollywood zeichnet re- Dieser Verantwortung haben sich die Disneyfilme noch gelmäßig wunderschöne Frauen mit einem Oscar aus, nie gestellt. wenn diese es wagen, sich für einen Film hässlich zu machen. Dieser ultimative Tabubruch wird als so außer- Aber die hier genannten Disneyfilme sind nicht gänzlich gewöhnlich und mutig wahrgenommen, dass die Darstel- teuflisch. Denn immerhin erzählen sie die Geschichten lerinnen mit dem Goldkerl belohnt werden müssen. von Frauen, die genau wissen, was sie wollen, die hilfs- Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman und Angelina Jolie kön- bereit, mutig, intelligent, gütig sind und über den Teller- nen ein Lied davon singen. Die Einzige, die in diesem rand ihrer vorbestimmten Existenz hinaussehen können. toxischen Klima gegen den Schönheitswahn ankämpft, Dass die Prinzen diese Attribute ihrer Lieben nicht im- ist Lady Gaga. Da sollte man dankbar sein, dass sie mer erkennen, ist nicht ihre Schuld. Man kann nur hof- allein auf Twitter fast 20 Millionen Little Monsters hat, fen, dass sie diese in den Folgejahren zu schätzen wis- wie ihre Fans genannt werden, die der neuen Königin sen werden. Und die Damen am Valentinstag so verwöh- des Pop tatsächlich glauben, wenn sie singt, dass Gott nen, wie sie es verdienen. Denn in jeder von uns steckt keine Fehler macht und alle perfekt sind, so wie sie ge- eine Prinzessin, die eine ehrliche romantische Geste boren worden sind. nicht verwehren wird. Anna Rudschies Am traurigsten ist die Geschichte der kleinen Meerjung- frau. Im Originaltext von Hans Christian Andersen endet das Leben der Nixe tragisch. Bei Disney, wo schlechte Anna freut sich über Ihr Feedback: Enden verboten sind, hätte es eigentlich besser laufen [email protected] sollen. Oder auch nicht. Der Text neben dem Bild der

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog nicht gut bestellt ist. Heimlich hat sie sich aus dem Haus geschlichen, vorbei an ihrer Betreuerin. Margaret Thatcher ist verwirrt, kann die Realität von der Illusion nicht mehr unterscheiden. Ihr Mann ist schon längst an Krebs gestorben – und doch un- terhält sie sich stets mit ihm, sieht ihn. Während sie jetzt dabei ist, endlich ihr Haus zu entrümpeln, kommen ihr die vielen Erinnerungen an ihr aufregendes Leben wieder. Wie Geister schwirren sie um sie herum und lassen ein Stück Geschichte aufleben. Phyllida Lloyds Biopic über die erste weibliche Regierungschefin Großbri- tanniens verdankt seine Power der großar- tigen schauspielerischen Leistung von , die Margaret Thatcher in zwei Zeitebenen verkörpert: als alte einsa- me Frau und als kämpferische Premiermini- sterin. Ihr zur Seite steht ebenfalls ein grandioser Darsteller: Jim Broadbent brilliert als Thatchers Ehegatte. Durch die Vermischung von Thatchers Illusionen mit der Realität gestaltet sich Lloyds Film sehr kurzweilig und packend dazu. Alle wichti- gen Stationen der Margaret Thatcher wer- den häppchenweise präsentiert – von ihren ersten Gehversuchen als Lokalspolitikerin bis hin zum Falklandkrieg, zu dem sie als Premierministerin den Befehl gab. DIE EISERNE LADY ist großes Schauspieler- kino mit Tiefgang.

Dienstag, 31. Januar 2012 Wenn das Fernsehen auf Kino macht...... kann das manchmal gehörig schiefgehen. Wie im heutigen Fall.

DAS HAUS ANUBIS – PFAD DER 7 SÜNDEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: Studio100 Media Land/Jahr: 2012 Regie: Jorkos Damen Darsteller: Daniel Wilken, Kristina Schmidt, Marc Dumitru Kinostart: 19.04.2012

Der Ausflug des Internats Anubis wird für eine Gruppe von Teenagern zu einer Reise Montag, 30. Januar 2012 Als die “eiserne Lady” ist sie in die Anna- in eine andere Zeit, als Daniel und Nina die Die Frau hinter der Politikerin len der Weltgeschichte eingegangen: “Ringe der wahren Liebe” tauschen. Denn Mit einem Biopic eröffnete eine sehr mage- Margaret Thatcher, die als Premierministe- plötzlich steht Ritter Roman hoch zu Ross re Pressewoche heute ihre Pforten. rin die Geschicke des britischen Imperiums vor ihnen und entführt Nina. Nur wenn von 1979 bis 1990 lenkte. Im kleinen Tan- Daniels Liebe zu Nina die wahre Liebe ist, DIE EISERNE LADY (1:2.35, DD 5.1) te-Emma-Laden um die Ecke kennt sie heu- wird er Nina wieder in die Gegenwart zu- OT: The Iron Lady te niemand mehr. Das verdeutlicht die Er- rückholen können. Zum Beweis muss auch Verleih: Concorde öffnungsszene des Films deutlich. Sie zeigt er das Tor in die Vergangenheit durch- Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2011 die gealterte Thatcher beim Einkauf einer schreiten und dem Pfad der sieben Sünden Regie: Phyllida Lloyd Packung Milch in einem kleinen Lebensmit- folgen. Ein großes Abenteuer beginnt... Darsteller: Meryl Streep, Jim Broadbent, telgeschäft irgendwo in . Erst als Leider beweist schon der erste Kinofilm zu Alexandra Roach sie wieder zuhause ist und sich mit ihrem der -Serie “Das Haus Anubis”, Kinostart: 01.03.2012 Mann unterhält, erfahren wir, dass es um dass das Talent der Serienmacher ganz und den Geisteszustand von Frau Thatcher gar nicht kinoreif ist. Die 82 Minuten füh-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog len sich wie mehrere Stunden an. Den Dar- Darsteller: Katherine Heigl, Jason O’Mara, dert. Die bekannteste der Verfilmungen ist stellern fehlt weitgehend das notwendige Daniel Sunjata jene von Yves Robert aus dem Jahre 1962, Talent, um überzeugend zu wirken. Dafür Kinostart: 19.04.2012 in der die Geschichte in die fünfziger Jahre kann die Truppe prima irgendwie in der verlegt wurde. Barratiers Verfilmung verla- grünen Landschaft herumstehen. Der Film Stephanie Plum ist nicht nur ihren Job los, gert die Story in das Jahr 1944 und ergänzt ist allerhöchstens für Kinder bis sechs sondern auch ihre Ehe. Beides hat nicht sie um zwei wesentliche Aspekte: die De- Jahre geeignet. funktioniert. Als jetzt auch noch das Geld portation der Juden durch französische knapp wird und ihr kleiner roter Kollaborateure und die französische Donnerstag, 02. Februar 2012 Sportflitzer gepfändet wird, nimmt sie Resistance. Wesentlich für eine politische Beeindruckend einen neuen Job in der Firma ihres Cousins Auseinandersetzung der Franzosen mit Heute sind mal wieder alle Natur- und an – einem Kautionsbüro. Ausgerechnet ihrer nicht immer ruhmreichen Vergangen- Tierfreunde auf ihre Kosten gekommen. ihre einstige Jugendliebe wird ihr erster heit, nicht aber für die ursprüngliche Ge- Auftrag. Sie soll den untergetauchten Cop schichte. Die hätte auch prima ohne den UNSER LEBEN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Joe Morelli auftreiben, der unter Anklage politischen Anspruch funktioniert. Jetzt OT: One Life steht... Wer auf Hollywood-Sternchen lastet eine schwermütige, depressive Stim- Verleih: Paramount Katherine Heigl steht, wird diesen Film mung auf der Geschichte, in der es eigent- Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2011 ganz sicher entgegen besseren Ratschlägen lich um Freunde und Feinde, das Siegen Regie: Martha Holmes, Mike Gunton sowieso konsumieren. Zugegeben: Heigl und das Verlieren sowie die erste große Kinostart: 15.03.2012 macht eine recht ordentliche Figur als Liebe und den Übergang zum Erwachsen- Gelegenheitsdetektivin und darf sich sogar sein geht. Die Rivalität zwischen den bei- Mit UNSER LEBEN kommt eine atembe- unbekleidet unter die Dusche stellen. Doch den Jugendbanden gerät viel zu ernst. Da raubende Tierdokumentation in die Kinos, das reicht einfach nicht für einen netten kann dann auch das Lächeln des kleinen in der es im Grunde genommen um das Kinoabend. Die Story ist öde, die Gags Knirpses Gibus nichts mehr ausrichten. Fressen und das Gefressen werden geht. zünden nicht. Da bleibt nichts anderes zu Kad Merad ist in der Rolle von Lebracs Alles Leben beginnt mit der Geburt. So tun, als sich irgendwie durch den Film zu Vater komplett unterfordert und kann sein widmet sich der Film in seiner ersten Phase mogeln und das Beste daraus zu machen. Potenzial ganz und gar nicht einbringen. dem Nachwuchs und insbesondere den Kleiner Tipp: heisses Date mit ins Kino Musikalisch zwar höchst beeindruckend, in Tiereltern, die dafür Sorge tragen müssen, nehmen, dann nervt der Film nicht so. ihrer Wirkung jedoch übertrieben ist der dass ihr Nachwuchs überlebt. Ob Gorillas Score von Philippe Rombi. Die perfekt in Afrika oder Seehunde in der Arktis. Ob Montag, 06. Februar 2012 komponierten CinemaScope-Bilder von Elefanten oder winzige Frösche. Sie alle Krieg im Krieg Kameramann Jean Poisson suggerieren haben Überlebensstrategien entwickelt, um Franzosenkino sollte meine recht über- stets, dass man hier zwar ganz Großes im in der wilden Natur gegen die natürlichen schaubare Pressewoche heute einläuten... Auge hatte, es aber einfach nicht funktio- Feinde zu bestehen. Mit phantastischen nieren will. Wer dem Filmplakat traut, das Bildern (teilweise in extremen Makroauf- KRIEG DER KNÖPFE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) einen Film im Stil von DER KLEINE nahmen) werden diese Strategien ein- OT: La Nouvelle Guerre Des Boutons NICK nahelegt, wird vom KRIEG DER drucksvoll präsentiert, zurückhaltend aus Verleih: DCM KNÖPFE vermutlich herb enttäuscht wer- dem Off kommentiert von Daniel Craig (in Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2011 den. der deutschen Fassung gesprochen von Regie: Christophe Barratier Dietmar Wunder). Der zweite Teil des Darsteller: Laetitia Casta, Guillaume Dienstag, 07. Februar 2012 weltumspannenden Films handelt vom Canet, Kad Merad Völkerverständigung im Kleinen tagtäglichen Überlebenskampf, dem Finden Kinostart: 29.03.2012 Wenn es draußen so richtig kalt ist, dann von Nahrung. Hier präsentieren die Filme- freut man sich doch auf ein kuschelig war- macher ein paar wirklich originelle Spezies, Die südfranzösische Provinz im Jahre mes Kino! die wahre Meister in der Futterbeschaffung 1944. Die Jungen zweier Nachbardörfer geworden sind und denen man eigentlich liefern sich aus nichtigen Gründen einen KADDISCH FÜR EINEN FREUND nur neiden kann. Untermalt ist der Doku- Kampf bis aufs Messer. Letzteres wird (1:2.35, DD 5.1) mentarfilm mit einer imposanten Musik allerdings nur dazu genutzt, dem Feind Verleih: farbfilm (Barnsteiner) aus der Feder von George Fenton. nach dem Sieg stets sämtliche Knöpfe vom Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2011 Hemd abzuschneiden. Als sich Lebrac, der Regie: Leo Khasin Freitag, 03. Februar 2012 Führer der einen Gruppe, in das neu hinzu- Darsteller: Ryszard Ronczewski, Neil Stangenware gezogene Mädchen Violette verliebt, wird Belakhdar, Neil Malik Abdullah Hollywood-Sternchen Katherine Heigl die ganze Sache hoch brisant. Denn Violette Kinostart: 15.03.2012 hatte ich es zu verdanken, dass uns die ist in Wirklichkeit eine Jüdin, die vor den heutige Pressevorführung spendiert wurde. französischen Kollaborateuren versteckt Für den 14jährigen Ali und seine Familie ist Die Dame war nämlich zu Besuch im werden soll. Um sie zu schützen, müssten die kleine Wohnung in einem Wohnsilo in Schwabenland. alle an einem Strang ziehen... Mit KRIEG Berlin-Kreuzberg eine wahrhafte Offenba- DER KNÖPFE präsentiert Regisseur rung. Lange hat es gebraucht, bis sie aus EINMAL IST KEINMAL (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Christophe Barratier bereits die vierte Ver- einem palästinensischen Flüchtlingslager OT: One For The Money filmung des Erfolgsromans von Louis über den Libanon nach Deutschland kom- Verleih: Concorde Pergaud aus dem Jahre 1912, in dem der men durften. Dass der Nachbar über ihnen Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Autor die letzten Tages einer Kindheit und ausgerechnet ein Jude ist, passt ihnen ganz Regie: Julie Anne Robinson den Beginn des Erwachsenwerdens schil- und gar nicht. Insbesondere Ali, der den

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Judenhass sozusagen mit der Muttermilch freilich noch Dutzende von Kugeln durch aufgesogen hat. Von ein paar anderen halb- die Lüfte und werden etliche Autos zu starken Migranten lässt er sich dazu über- Schrott gefahren. Actionverwöhntes Publi- reden, die Wohnung des alten Juden zu kum wird hier ganz bestimmt auf seine demolieren. Doch er wird dabei erwischt. Kosten kommen. Regisseur Daniel Als Wiedergutmachung soll er dem Alten Espinosa hat das richtige Gespür für per- helfen, die Wohnung zu sanieren. Aus der fektes Timing. Mitunter wird vielleicht anfänglichen Feindschaft wird ganz allmäh- etwas zu heftig geschnitten und zu wacke- lich Freundschaft... Dass Toleranz und lig fotografiert, was sich bei zu kurzem Völkerverständigung vor allem im Kleinen Abstand zur CinemaScope-Bildwand nega- beginnt, zeigt Leo Khasin in seiner tiv auswirken könnte. Tipp: nicht zu nah Dramödie klar und deutlich. Vor allem der an die Bildwand gehen. Spielfreude seiner vorzüglichen Hauptdar- steller ist es zu verdanken, dass sich die Donnerstag, 09. Februar 2012 Beziehung zwischen dem Teenager Ali und (Be)Sinnlich dem russisch-jüdischen Kriegsveteranen Eine französische Komödie mit Tiefgang Alexander nicht verkünstelt, sondern auf rundete meine Pressewoche bereits heute ganz natürliche Art und Weise entwickelt. ab. Die anfänglichen Kontrahenten machen es sich dabei nicht leicht. Ihr Miteinander ist DIE KUNST ZU LIEBEN (1:1.66, DD 5.1) geprägt von Aufs und Abs. Mag sein, dass OT: L’Art D’Aimer die Story sich zum Ende hin etwas zu me- Verleih: Camino (Filmagentinnen) lodramatisch zuspitzt. Aber angesichts Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2011 dieser schönen Parabel ist man gerne bereit, Regie: Emmanuel Mouret diese Überspitzung zu verzeihen. Darsteller: François Cluzet, Frédérique Bel, Julie Dépardieu werden? Seine Episoden verbindet Mouret Mittwoch, 08. Februar 2012 Kinostart: 17.05.2012 mit Ratschlägen uns Statements zur Liebe, Es wird geballert in Südafrika die wie Kapitel in Form von Schrifttafeln Dass man einen Maulwurf nicht nur heim- Zwei Freundinnen – die eine Single, die eingeblendet werden. “Keine Liebe existiert lich, still und leise entsorgen kann (so wie andere mit festem Freund – verabreden, ohne Musik” heisst es da zu Beginn, wenn in DAME, KÖNIG, AS, SPION demon- dass die Single-Dame eine Nacht mit dem von einem Komponisten auf der Suche striert), sondern auch mit lautem Getöse, Freund der anderen verbringen darf. Ein nach der wahren Liebe erzählt wird. Kurz bewies die heutige Pressevorführung. Mitvierziger versucht, die neue Nachbarin vor seinem Tode vernimmt er diese Musik. zu verführen. Bei einem älteren Paar kün- Wir werden jedoch nie erfahren, in wen er SAFE HOUSE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) digt die Frau an, ihren Trieb mit anderen sich verliebt hat. Die Liebe hat also auch OT: Safe House Männern ausleben zu wollen. Ein Buch- melancholische Züge, wenngleich die restli- Verleih: Universal händler verliebt sich in seine beste Freun- chen Episoden weitaus amüsanter, jedoch Land/Jahr: USA 2012 din, die jedoch schon vergeben ist. Das nie oberflächlich sind. Bemerkenswert am Regie: Daniel Espinosa sind die Grundkonstellationen einiger der Film ist die Besetzung, von der sich nie- Darsteller: Denzel Washington, Ryan Kurzgeschichten, die in Summe DIE mand in den Vordergrund spielt. Hier ist Reynolds, Vera Farmiga KUNST ZU LIEBEN ergeben. Eines muss alles harmonisch und wirkt dadurch au- Kinostart: 23.02.2012 man den Franzosen lassen: wenn es um die thentisch. Und Mouret führt seinen Zu- Liebe geht, sind sie Weltmeister. So wun- schauern noch etwas deutlich vor Augen: Südafrika: ein mit hochbrisanten Daten dert auch nicht, dass DIE KUNST ZU LIE- weniger ist meistens mehr wenn es um handelnder Top-Spion wird vom CIA ding- BEN aus Frankreich stammt. Emmanuel Erotik geht. So gibt es in seinem Film kei- fest gemacht und soll in einem sogenannten Mouret hat diesen vergnüglich-sinnlichen nen einzigen blanken Busen, dafür aber “Safe House”, einer zum Hochsicherheits- Episodenfilm geschrieben und auch insze- umso mehr Dessous, die nur das Allernö- trakt umgebauten Wohnung, verhört wer- niert. Und wie bereits in seinem Film tigste verhüllen und dem Film dadurch den. Doch eine Gruppe unbekannter Killer KÜSS MICH! beweist er auch dieses Mal seinen sinnlichen Charakter geben. dringt in das Gebäude ein und schaltet die wieder, dass man nicht nur Liebe machen, CIA-Truppe aus. Bis auf den Hausherrn. sondern auch darüber reden kann. Mit ei- Der kann in letzter Sekunde mit dem Spion nem phantastischen Ensemble präsentiert zusammen fliehen. Doch die Häscher haf- er uns einen ganzen Reigen von kleinen ten sich an ihre Fersen. Das Ziel: ein wei- Geschichten, in denen es um die Liebe, um teres “Safe House”... Einmal mehr geht es Eifersucht, um das Begehren geht. Dürfen in diesem Action-Thriller um einen Maul- aus Freunden Liebende werden? Wo genau wurf. Dieses Mal sitzt er in der CIA. Bis verläuft die Grenze? Darf in einer festen es zu dessen Enttarnung kommt fliegen Beziehung ohne Skrupel Fremdgegangen

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Creature Comforts - Die komplet- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045636 Animation te 2. Staffel Naruto Shippuden - Die komplet- Creature Comforts Trickfilm 108min. te Staffel 3 (3 Discs) Die Abenteuer von Camelot Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Naruto: Shippûden Camelot 07.06.2012 Dir. Hayato Date Dir. Diane Eskenazi 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045638 Zeichentrick/Fantasy 392min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1998 50min. KSM(NewKSM) 19.03.2012 WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.03.2012 Das Dschungelbuch - Gesamtbox 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045664 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045641 (4 Discs) Perfect Blue Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli Perfect Blue Angelina Ballerina: Angelina und Dir. Fumio Kurokawa Super-Paula Dir. Satoshi Kon Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1989 1196min. Making of, Interviews, Trailer Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps KSM 19.03.2012 Zeichentrick/Thriller 1997 78min. Dir. Davis Doi 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045672 Rapid Eye Movies HE 16.03.2012 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2009 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045566 Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Emily Erdbeer - Neues aus Division(Europa) 17.02.2012 Bitzibeerchenhausen, Teil 5 Perrine - Gesamtbox (4 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045602 Strawberry Shortcake Periinu Monogatari Zeichentrick 1981-2010 100min. Dir. Shigeo Koshi, Hiroshi Saito Augsburger Puppenkiste - Kleiner justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Bildergalerie, Biografien König Kalle Wirsch 09.03.2012 Trickfilm 1978-1979 1248min. Dir. Manfred Jenning 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045598 KSM(NewKSM) 19.03.2012 Featurette, Behind the Scenes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045671 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1970 111min. Feuer und Eis (Blu-ray) S.A.D. Home Entertainment(hrMedia) Fire And Ice Pocahontas 24.02.2012 Dir. Ralph Bakshi Pocahontas 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045599 Zeichentrick/Fantasy 1982 81min. Carl Binder - Dir. Kamoon Song Capelight Pictures 30.03.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1995 50min. Bob, der Baumeister - Mixi auf 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045696 WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.03.2012 zwei Rädern 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045647 Bob The Builder Herkules Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. Hercules Pocahontas / Die Legende von Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Dir. Diane Eskenazi Su-Ling (2 Discs) Division(Europa) 17.02.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1997 50min. Pocahontas / The Legend Of Su Ling 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045603 WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.03.2012 Carl Binder - Dir. Kamoon Song, Diane 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045646 Eskenazi BraveStarr - Gesamtbox (4 Discs) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1995-1998 100min. Bravestarr Herkules / Die Abenteuer von Ca- WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.03.2012 Dir. Bob Arkwright, Ed Friedman, Lou melot (2 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045677 Kachivas, Marsh Lamore, Tom Hercules / Camelot Tataranowicz, Lou Zukor Dir. Diane Eskenazi Race: Rebellen - Piloten - Krieger Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 1987-1989 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1997-1998 100min. Race 1500min. WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.03.2012 Dir. Robert Brousseau, Scott Heming KSM(NewKSM) 19.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045673 Trickfilm/ 2007 91min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045670 MIG Film 05.04.2012 Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 - Fol- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045522 Conni auf dem Bauernhof (Folge ge 1 Race: Rebellen - Piloten - Krieger 2) Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011-2012 min. Dir. Johnny Darrell (Blu-ray) Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Zeichentrick/Action 45min. Race Division(Europa) 16.03.2012 Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 23.03.2012 Dir. Robert Brousseau, Scott Heming 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045601 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045609 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2007 95min. MIG Film 05.04.2012 Conni auf dem Bauernhof (Folge Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 - Fol- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045530 2) (Blu-ray) ge 2 Ronal der Barbar Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011-2012 min. Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 Ronal Barbaren Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Dir. Johnny Darrell Dir. Kresten Vestbjerg Andersen, Thorbjorn Division(Europa) 16.03.2012 Zeichentrick/Action 45min. Christoffersen, Philip Einstein Lipski 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045622 Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 23.03.2012 Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 85min. tba BestellNr.: 20045610 Conni lernt Radfahren (Folge 1) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(MFA Video) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011-2012 min. Die Legende von Su-Ling 23.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045660 Sony Music Entertainment & New Business The Legend Of Su Ling Division(Europa) 16.03.2012 Dir. Diane Eskenazi Ronal der Barbar (Blu-ray 3D) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045600 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1998 50min. WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.03.2012 (Blu-ray) Conni lernt Radfahren (Folge 1) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045643 Ronal Barbaren (Blu-ray) Dir. Kresten Vestbjerg Andersen, Thorbjorn Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011-2012 min. Die Mumins - Box 2 (2 Discs) Christoffersen, Philip Einstein Lipski Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Dir. Hiroshi Saito Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 89min. Division(Europa) 16.03.2012 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1990-1992 270min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(MFA Video) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045621 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) 23.03.2012 09.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045681

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Ryan Gosling, , Frank Lang- Ronal der Barbar (Blu-ray) Timmy das Schäfchen - Timmy ella, Lily Rabe, Philip Baker Hall, Michael Ronal Barbaren hat Geburtstag Esper, Diane Venora, Nick Offerman, Dir. Kresten Vestbjerg Andersen, Thorbjorn Timmy Time Kristen Wiig - Dir. Andrew Jarecki Christoffersen, Philip Einstein Lipski Dir. Jackie Cockle Drama/Thriller 2010 100min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 89min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.03.2012 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(MFA Video) Sony Music Entertainment & New Business 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045666 23.03.2012 Division(Europa) 17.02.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045680 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045605 All Beauty Must Die (Blu-ray) All Good Things Rummel im Dschungel - Operati- Die Zarentochter Anastasia Ryan Gosling, Kirsten Dunst, Frank Lang- on: Südpol Anastasia ella, Lily Rabe, Philip Baker Hall, Michael The Jungle Bunch - The Movie Dir. Diane Eskenazi Esper, Diane Venora, Nick Offerman, Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011 52min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1997 50min. Kristen Wiig - Dir. Andrew Jarecki Germany(Universal) WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.03.2012 Drama/Thriller 2010 104min. 26.04.2012 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045645 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045679 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045691 Rummel im Dschungel - Operati- Alvin und die Chipmunks - Teil 1- on: Südpol (Blu-ray) Film 3 (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) The Jungle Bunch - The Movie Alvin And The Chipmunks / Alvin And The Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011 52min. Chipmunks: The Squeakquel / Alvin And Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 1 Mord für 2 (Blu-ray) The ... 26.04.2012 Sleuth Jason Lee, David Cross, Cameron 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045695 Sir , Jude Law - Dir. Kenneth Richardson, Jane Lynch, Shang Forbes, Branagh Don Tiffany, Zachary Levi, Jenny Slate, Die Schöne und das Biest Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2007 89min. Andy Buckley, Luisa D’Oliveira, Tucker Beauty And The Beast Concorde Home Entertainment 03.05.2012 Albrizzi, Sophia Aguiar, Lauren Gottlieb, Dir. Diane Eskenazi 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045658 Tera Perez, Michael P. Northey, Chad Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1993 50min. Krowchuk, Nelson Wong, Michael Karman, WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.03.2012 11-11-11 - Das Tor zur Hölle Phyllis Smith, Ian Harmon - Dir. Tim Hill, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045644 11-11-11 Betty Thomas, Mike Mitchell Timothy Gibbs, Michael Landes, Denis Trickfilm/Komödie 2007-2011 min. Die Schöne und das Biest / Die Rafter, Wendy Glenn, Lluís Soler, Brendan Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Zarentochter Anastasia (2 Discs) Price, Lolo Herrero, Montserrat Alcoverro, Germany 20.04.2012 Benjamin Cook, Salome Jimenez - Dir. Dar- 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045492 Beauty And The Beast / Anastasia ren Lynn Bousman Dir. Diane Eskenazi Horror 2011 92min. Alvin und die Chipmunks - Teil 1- Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1993-1997 100min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 23.03.2012 WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 30.03.2012 3 (Special Edition, 4 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045585 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045675 Alvin And The Chipmunks / Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel / Alvin And SimsalaGrimm 13 - Jorinde und 11-11-11 - Das Tor zur Hölle (Blu- The ... Joringel / Der Eisenhans ray) Jason Lee, David Cross, Cameron 11-11-11 Richardson, Jane Lynch, Shang Forbes, Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1999 50min. Timothy Gibbs, Michael Landes, Denis Don Tiffany, Zachary Levi, Jenny Slate, Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Rafter, Wendy Glenn, Lluís Soler, Brendan Andy Buckley, Luisa D’Oliveira, Tucker Division(Europa) 17.02.2012 Price, Lolo Herrero, Montserrat Alcoverro, Albrizzi, Sophia Aguiar, Lauren Gottlieb, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045596 Benjamin Cook, Salome Jimenez - Dir. Dar- Tera Perez, Michael P. Northey, Chad SimsalaGrimm 14 - Der Hase und ren Lynn Bousman Krowchuk, Nelson Wong, Michael Karman, Horror 2011 96min. Phyllis Smith, Ian Harmon - Dir. Tim Hill, der Igel / Des Kaisers neue Klei- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 23.03.2012 Betty Thomas, Mike Mitchell der 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045591 Trickfilm/Komödie 2007-2011 min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1999 50min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Ab morgen sind wir reich und Germany 20.04.2012 Division(Europa) 17.02.2012 ehrlich 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045454 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045597 Carroll Baker, Arthur Kennedy, Christine Kaufmann, Curd Jürgens, Werner Pochath Alvin und die Chipmunks 3: Chip- Sita Sings the Blues (OmU) - Dir. François Legrand bruch Sita Sings The Blues Komödie 1975 82min. Alvin And The Chipmunks: Chip-Wrecked Dir. Nina Paley MCP Sound & Media 02.03.2012 Jason Lee, David Cross, Jenny Slate, Andy Trailer, Bildergalerie 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045648 Buckley, Luisa D’Oliveira, Tucker Albrizzi, Zeichentrick 2008 82min. Sophia Aguiar, Lauren Gottlieb, Tera Perez, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Der Albaner Michael P. Northey, Chad Krowchuk, Nelson AG(Tonkatsu Pictures) 16.03.2012 Nik Xhelilaj, Xhejlane Terbunja, Ivan Wong, Michael Karman, Phyllis Smith, Ian 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045472 Shvedoff, Amos Zaharia, Stipe Erceg, Çun Harmon - Dir. Mike Mitchell Thomas und seine Freunde (Fol- Lajçi, Luan Jaha, André Hennicke, Bruno Featurette, Jukebox, Musikvideos Shllaku, Eva Löbau, Guljem Radoja, Yllka Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 84min. ge 27) - Der Herr des Mujo, Julian Deda, Tomek Nowicki, Vasillaq Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kuddelmuddels Godo - Dir. Johannes Naber Germany 20.04.2012 Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends Drama 2010 104min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045453 Dir. David Mitton good!movies(Zorro) 09.03.2012 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1984 60min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045582 Alvin und die Chipmunks 3: Chip- Sony Music Entertainment & New Business bruch (+ DVD, inkl. Digital Copy) Division(Europa) 17.02.2012 All Beauty Must Die (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045604 All Good Things

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Alvin And The Chipmunks: Chip-Wrecked Sebastian Armesto, Rafe Spall, Edward Panzer Jason Lee, David Cross, Jenny Slate, Andy Hogg, Jamie Campbell Bower, Derek Jacobi, Interview, Trailer Buckley, Luisa D’Oliveira, Tucker Albrizzi, Julian Bleach, Mark Rylance, Robert Emms, Drama/Komödie 1995 106min. Sophia Aguiar, Lauren Gottlieb, Tera Perez, Sebastian Reid, Tony Way - Dir. Roland AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Pierrot Michael P. Northey, Chad Krowchuk, Nelson Emmerich Le Fou) 30.03.2012 Wong, Michael Karman, Phyllis Smith, Ian Drama 2011 130min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045473 Harmon - Dir. Mike Mitchell Home Entertainment (SPHE) Jukebox, Featurettes, Making of, Musikvideos, Interview, 16.05.2012 Can-Can - Ganz Paris träumt von Entfallene Szenen, Werbeclip, Live Extras tba BestellNr.: 20045573 der Liebe Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 87min. Can-Can Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Being Human - Die komplette er- , Shirley MacLaine, Maurice Germany 20.04.2012 Chevalier, Louis Jourdan, Juliet Prowse, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045491 ste Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Being Human Marcel Dalio - Dir. Walter Lang Fantasy/Horror 2011 560min. Making of, Biografien, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Andromeda - Die komplette Serie Musikfilm/Musical 1960 min. Concorde Home Entertainment 03.05.2012 Andromeda Winkler Film 30.03.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045654 Kevin Sorbo, Lisa Ryder, Lexa Doig 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045650 Interviews,Folgenkommentare, Featurettes, Outtakes, Deleted Scenes, Originale Folgentrailer Being Human - Die komplette er- Chainsaw Slasher (k.J.) Science Fiction 2000-2005 4950min. ste Staffel (4 Discs) Pandastorm Pictures(Pandavision) Slasher Being Human 13.03.2012 Christiane Imdahl, Christian Stock, Pia de Fantasy/Horror 2011 560min. 139,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045584 Buhr, Sebastian Badenberg, Michael Eisen- Concorde Home Entertainment 03.05.2012 burger, Heiko Lange, Maja Makowski, Peter Angels & Airwaves - Love 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045634 Herff, Hannah Kobitzsch, Thomas Kercmar - Dir. Frank W. Montag Love Beyond the Front Line - Kampf Gunner Wright, Corey Richardson, Bradley Making of, Outtakes, Gagreel, Bildergalerie, Trailer Horror/Thriller 2007 79min. Horne, Nancy Stelmaszczyk, Jesse um Karelien Intergroove Media(Attraction Movies) Hotchkiss, Brid Caveney, Troy Mittleider, Framom Främsta Linjen 09.03.2012 Ambyr Childers - Dir. William Eubank Tobias Zilliacus, Ilkka Heiskanen, Christoff- Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Musik- er Westerlund, Kim Gustafsson, Martin 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045456 videos Bahne, Carl-Gustaf Wentzel, Jan-Christian Drama/Science Fiction 2011 84min. Söderholm, Sampo Sarkola - Dir. Ake Charade Splendid Film 27.04.2012 Lindman Charade 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045526 Making of, Interview Cary Grant, , George Ken- Drama/Kriegsfilm 2004 127min. nedy, Walter Matthau, - Dir. Angels & Airwaves - Love (Blu- Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) ray) 22.05.2012 Komödie/Thriller 1963 115min. Love 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045462 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Gunner Wright, Corey Richardson, Bradley Classic Selection) 07.06.2012 Horne, Nancy Stelmaszczyk, Jesse Beyond the Front Line - Kampf 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045637 Hotchkiss, Brid Caveney, Troy Mittleider, um Karelien (Blu-ray) Ambyr Childers - Dir. William Eubank Framom Främsta Linjen Charade (Blu-ray) Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Musik- Tobias Zilliacus, Ilkka Heiskanen, Christoff- Charade videos er Westerlund, Kim Gustafsson, Martin Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, George Ken- Drama/Science Fiction 2011 87min. Bahne, Carl-Gustaf Wentzel, Jan-Christian nedy, Walter Matthau, James Coburn - Dir. Splendid Film 27.04.2012 Söderholm, Sampo Sarkola - Dir. Ake Stanley Donen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045533 Lindman Komödie/Thriller 1963 120min. Making of, Interview Concorde Home Entertainment 07.06.2012 Der Angriff der leichten Brigade Drama/Kriegsfilm 2004 132min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045656 The Charge Of The Light Brigade Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Trevor Howard, , Sir 22.05.2012 Cheyenne - This Must Be the John Gielgud, Harry Andrews, David 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045495 Place Hemmings, Jill Bennett - Dir. Tony This Must Be The Place Richardson Black Emanuelle Die Todesgöttin Sean Penn, Frances McDormand, Judd Kriegsfilm 1968 125min. des Liebescamps (k.J.) Hirsch, Eve Hewson, Kerry Condon, Harry KSM(KSM Klassiker) 19.03.2012 Laura Gemser, Christian Anders, Simone Dean Stanton, Joyce van Patten, David 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045667 Brahmann, Gabriele Tinti, Sascha Tinti - Dir. Byrne, Olwen Fouere, , Anonymus Christian Anders Liron Levo, Simon Delaney, Heinz Lieven, Action/Erotik 1981 76min. Seth Adkins, Bern Cohen, Sam Keeley, Anonymous Soulfood Music Distribution(HanseSound) Johnny Ward, Peter Carey - Dir. Paolo Rhys Ifans, Vanessa Redgrave, Joely 17.02.2012 Sorrentino Richardson, David Thewlis, Xavier Samuel, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045606 Making of, Interviews Sebastian Armesto, Rafe Spall, Edward Drama/Komödie 2011 114min. Hogg, Jamie Campbell Bower, Derek Jacobi, Blutige Straße (2 Discs) EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Delphi) Julian Bleach, Mark Rylance, Robert Emms, Nessuno Deve Sapere 05.04.2012 Sebastian Reid, Tony Way - Dir. Roland Roger Fritz, Stefania Casini, Corrado Olmi, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045523 Emmerich Antonello Campodifiori, Gianni Ottaviani, Drama 2011 125min. Carlo Bagno - Dir. Mario Landi Cheyenne - This Must Be the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Kriminalfilm 1971 230min. Place (Blu-ray) 16.05.2012 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 16.04.2012 This Must Be The Place tba BestellNr.: 20045560 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045474 Sean Penn, Frances McDormand, Judd Anonymus (Blu-ray) Hirsch, Eve Hewson, Kerry Condon, Harry Broken Silence Dean Stanton, Joyce van Patten, David Anonymous Broken Silence Byrne, Olwen Fouere, Shea Whigham, Rhys Ifans, Vanessa Redgrave, Joely Martin Huber, Ameenah Kaplan, Michael Liron Levo, Simon Delaney, Heinz Lieven, Richardson, David Thewlis, Xavier Samuel, Moriarty, Colonel Kappor - Dir. Wolfgang Seth Adkins, Bern Cohen, Sam Keeley,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Johnny Ward, Peter Carey - Dir. Paolo Temnyy Mir Vegar Hoel, Stig Frode Henriksen, Charlotte Sorrentino Swetlana Iwanowa, Iwan Zhidkow, Elena Frogner, Ørjan Gamst, Jeppe Laursen, Evy Making of, Interviews Panowa, Sergei Ugryumow, Ilya Alekseyew Kasseth Røsten, Jenny Skavlan, Ane Dahl Drama/Komödie 2011 118min. II, Olga Grischowa, Natalja Woloschina, Torp, Lasse Valdal - Dir. Tommy Wirkola EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Delphi) Marija Koschewnikowa, Wladimir Nosik - Behind the Scenes, Featurettes 05.04.2012 Dir. Anton Megerdichew Horror/Komödie 2009 91min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045531 Trailer Splendid Film 27.04.2012 Action/Fantasy 2010 100min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045535 Chop (Uncut) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Sunfilm Entertainment 10.05.2012 Chop 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045543 Dead Snow (Special Edition, 2 Will Keenan, Timothy Muskatell, Max Haaga Discs) (k.J.) - Dir. Trent Haaga Dark World - Das Tal der Hexen- Død Snø Wendecover königin (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Vegar Hoel, Stig Frode Henriksen, Charlotte Horror/Komödie 2011 83min. Temnyy Mir Frogner, Ørjan Gamst, Jeppe Laursen, Evy Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.04.2012 Swetlana Iwanowa, Iwan Zhidkow, Elena Kasseth Røsten, Jenny Skavlan, Ane Dahl 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045534 Panowa, Sergei Ugryumow, Ilya Alekseyew Torp, Lasse Valdal - Dir. Tommy Wirkola Chop (Uncut) (k.J.) II, Olga Grischowa, Natalja Woloschina, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes Marija Koschewnikowa, Wladimir Nosik - Horror/Komödie 2009 87min. Chop Dir. Anton Megerdichew Splendid Film 27.04.2012 Will Keenan, Timothy Muskatell, Max Haaga Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045528 - Dir. Trent Haaga Action/Fantasy 2010 104min. Wendecover Sunfilm Entertainment 10.05.2012 Dead Survivors (Uncut) (k.J.) Horror/Komödie 2011 80min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045555 Dead Survivors Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.04.2012 Tino Dörner, Ida Marie Unger, Witalij Kühne 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045527 Dark World - Das Tal der Hexen- - Dir. David Bruckner königin (Blu-ray) Trailer Cleopatra (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Horror 2010 80min. Temnyy Mir Cleopatra Musketier Media(8-Films) 27.04.2012 Swetlana Iwanowa, Iwan Zhidkow, Elena Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Sir Rex Harrison, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045567 Richard Burton, Pamela Brown, George Panowa, Sergei Ugryumow, Ilya Alekseyew Cole, Roddy McDowall, Hume Cronyn, Mar- II, Olga Grischowa, Natalja Woloschina, - Die komplette Saga Marija Koschewnikowa, Wladimir Nosik - tin Landau, Francesca Annis - Dir. Joseph (3 Discs) L. Mankiewicz Dir. Anton Megerdichew Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Fox’ tönende Wochenschau Trailer Desu Nôto / Desu Nôto: The Last Name / Historienfilm/Monumentalfilm 1963 252min. Action/Fantasy 2010 104min. Desu Nôto: L Change The World Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sunfilm Entertainment 10.05.2012 Tatsuya Fujiwara, Ken’ichi Matsuyama, Germany 03.02.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045554 Asaka Seto, Shigeki Hosokawa, , 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045508 Shunji Fujimura, Takeshi Kaga, Yu Kashii, Darkest Hour Mayuko Fukuda - Dir. Shusuke Kaneko, Da kommt Kalle - Die komplette The Darkest Hour Hideo Nakata 5. Staffel (3 Discs) Emile Hirsch, Olivia Thirlby, Max Minghella, Making ofs Rachael Taylor, Joel Kinnaman, Dato Horror/Fantasy 2006-2008 400min. Sabine Kaack, Marek Erhardt, Max Woelky, Bakhtadze, Yuriy Kutsenko, Artur Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.04.2012 Luzie Buck, Burkhard Schmeer, Iris Mareike Smolyaninov - Dir. Chris Gorak 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045529 Steen, Julius Römer, Lisa Karlström, Rudy Science Fiction/Thriller 2011 85min. Ruggiero, Daniela Hoffmann, Mike Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Death Note / Death Note - The Hoffmann, Angelika Thomas - Dir. Bodo Germany 27.04.2012 Last Name (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Schwarz, Thomas Jahn, Rolf Wellingerhof 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045509 Desu Nôto / Desu Nôto: The Last Name Kriminalfilm 2011 515min. Tatsuya Fujiwara, Ken’ichi Matsuyama, Edel Germany(Aviator) 23.03.2012 Darkest Hour (+ DVD, inkl. Digital Asaka Seto, Shigeki Hosokawa, Erika Toda, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045617 Copy) (Blu-ray) Shunji Fujimura, Takeshi Kaga, Yu Kashii - Der Dämon - Im Bann des Goblin The Darkest Hour Dir. Shusuke Kaneko Emile Hirsch, Olivia Thirlby, Max Minghella, Making ofs, Wendecover Goblin Horror/Fantasy 2006 268min. Rachael Taylor, Joel Kinnaman, Dato Gil Bellows, Tracy Spiridakos, Camille Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.04.2012 Bakhtadze, Yuriy Kutsenko, Artur Sullivan, Donnelly Rhodes, Reilly Dolman, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045536 Andrew Wheeler, Colin Cunningham, Erin Smolyaninov - Dir. Chris Gorak Boyes - Dir. Jeffery Scott Lando Science Fiction/Thriller 2011 89min. Defcon 2012 - Die verlorene Zivili- Trailer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Horror 2010 88min. Germany 27.04.2012 sation Sunfilm Entertainment 16.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045516 Defcon 2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045544 Brian Shotwell, Shy Pilgreen, Xu Razer, Darkest Hour (Blu-ray 3D, 3 Discs) Ryken Zane, Thema Johannsen, Justin Der Dämon - Im Bann des Goblin (Blu-ray) Brusca, Albertossy Espinoza - Dir. R. Chri- (Blu-ray) stian Anderson The Darkest Hour Trailer, Bildergalerie Goblin Emile Hirsch, Olivia Thirlby, Max Minghella, Science Fiction 2010 92min. Gil Bellows, Tracy Spiridakos, Camille Rachael Taylor, Joel Kinnaman, Dato KSM 09.03.2012 Sullivan, Donnelly Rhodes, Reilly Dolman, Bakhtadze, Yuriy Kutsenko, Artur tba BestellNr.: 20045662 Andrew Wheeler, Colin Cunningham, Erin Smolyaninov - Dir. Chris Gorak Boyes - Dir. Jeffery Scott Lando Science Fiction/Thriller 2011 89min. Defcon 2012 - Die verlorene Zivili- Trailer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment sation (Blu-ray) Horror 2010 92min. Germany 27.04.2012 Defcon 2012 Sunfilm Entertainment 16.02.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045517 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045556 Brian Shotwell, Shy Pilgreen, Xu Razer, Dead Snow (Special Edition) Ryken Zane, Thema Johannsen, Justin Brusca, Albertossy Espinoza - Dir. R. Chri- Dark World - Das Tal der Hexen- (Blu-ray) (k.J.) königin stian Anderson Død Snø Trailer, Bildergalerie

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Science Fiction 2010 96min. Jabberwock Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2009 119min. KSM 09.03.2012 Tahmoh Penikett, Michael Worth, Kacey Senator Home Entertainment 16.03.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045686 Barnfield, Raffaello Degruttola, Ian Virgo, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045483 Steven Waddington, Hristo Mitzkov, Hugh Doc West - Nobody ist zurück Ross, Stanimir Stamatov, Violeta Easy Money - Spür die Angst (Blu- Doc West Markovska, Richard Riddell - Dir. Steven R. ray) Terence Hill, Paul Sorvino, Ornella Muti, Monroe Snabba Cash Boots Southerland, Adam Taylor, Clare Fantasy/Abenteuer 2011 89min. Joel Kinnaman, Matias Padin Varela, Carey, Alessio Di Clemente, Kisha Sierra, KSM(NewKSM) 09.03.2012 Dragomir Mrsic, Mahmut Suvakci, Danko Micah Alberti, Linus Huffman, Gianni tba BestellNr.: 20045685 Jones, Lisa Henni, Fares Fares, Miscko Biasetti, Darrian Chavez - Dir. Giulio Base, Stojanvic, Lea Stojanov, Christian Hillborg, Terence Hill Dragon Crusaders - Im Reich der Dejan Cukic - Dir. Daniel Espinosa Trailer Kreuzritter und Drachen Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2009 124min. 2009 93min. Dragon Crusaders Senator Home Entertainment 16.03.2012 Sunfilm Entertainment 16.02.2012 Dylan Jones, Cecily Fay, Feth Greenwood, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045502 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045540 Shinead Byrne, Tony Sams, Simon Lloyd Doc West - Nobody ist zurück Roberts, Charles Barrett, Christian Eiszeit - New York 2012 Howard, Iona Thonger, Gary Crosbie, 2012: Ice Age (Blu-ray) Ambrose Flemming - Dir. Mark Atkins Patrick Labyorteaux, Julie McCullough, Doc West Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Katie Wilson, Nick Afanasiev, Kyle Morris, Terence Hill, Paul Sorvino, Ornella Muti, Fantasy/Abenteuer 2011 81min. Cedric Scott, Chacko Vadaketh - Dir. Travis Boots Southerland, Adam Taylor, Clare KSM 19.03.2012 Fort Carey, Alessio Di Clemente, Kisha Sierra, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045665 Trailer Micah Alberti, Linus Huffman, Gianni Science Fiction/Action 2011 88min. Biasetti, Darrian Chavez - Dir. Giulio Base, Dragon Crusaders - Im Reich der Sunfilm Entertainment 08.03.2012 Terence Hill Kreuzritter und Drachen (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045595 Trailer Dragon Crusaders Western 2009 97min. Dylan Jones, Cecily Fay, Feth Greenwood, Eiszeit - New York 2012 (Blu-ray) Sunfilm Entertainment 16.02.2012 Shinead Byrne, Tony Sams, Simon Lloyd 2012: Ice Age 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045553 Roberts, Charles Barrett, Christian Patrick Labyorteaux, Julie McCullough, Katie Wilson, Nick Afanasiev, Kyle Morris, Dr. House - Season 7 (6 Discs) Howard, Iona Thonger, Gary Crosbie, Ambrose Flemming - Dir. Mark Atkins Cedric Scott, Chacko Vadaketh - Dir. Travis House M.D. Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Fort Hugh Laurie Fantasy/Abenteuer 2011 85min. Trailer 6 Discs: Audiokommentare, Featurettes KSM 19.03.2012 Science Fiction/Action 2011 92min. Drama 2010-2011 964min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045690 Sunfilm Entertainment 08.03.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045599 05.04.2012 (Blu-ray) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045613 Dragonheart Elite Squad - Im Sumpf der Kor- - Staffel 5, Volume 1 Dennis Quaid, David Thewlis, Pete ruption Postlethwaite, Dina Meyer, Julie Christie, Tropa De Elite 2 - O Inimigo Agora E (Fan-Edition, 3 Discs) Jason Isaacs, Brian Thompson, Lee Oakes, Outro Doctor Who Wolf Christian, Terry O’Neill - Dir. Rob Wagner Moura, Irandhir Santos, André Matt Smith, Karen Gillan Cohen Ramiro, Milhem Cortaz, Pedro Van-Held, Videotagebücher, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Audiokommentar Fantasy/Abenteuer 1996 103min. Maria Ribeiro, Tainá Müller, Seu Jorge, Science Fiction 2010 475min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) André Mattos, Fabrício Boliveira, Emílio polyband Medien GmbH 27.04.2012 12.04.2012 Orciollo Netto, Jovem Cerebral, Bruno 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045571 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045629 D’Elia, Julio Adrião, Adriano Garib, Marcelo Cavalcanti, Charles Fricks - Dir. José Doctor Who - Staffel 5, Volume 1 Die Draufgänger - Staffel 1 (2 Padilha Discs) Making of (Fan-Edition, 3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Thriller/Action 2010 110min. Dominic Boeer, Jörg Schüttauf, Tobias Doctor Who Universum Film(SquareOne) 16.03.2012 Licht, Anna von Berg, Andrea Osvárt - Dir. Matt Smith, Karen Gillan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045484 Videotagebücher, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Florian Kern, Franziska Meyer Price Audiokommentar Musikvideo Science Fiction 2010 494min. Action/Komödie 2012 450min. Elite Squad - Im Sumpf der Kor- polyband Medien GmbH 27.04.2012 Universum Film(RTL video) 23.03.2012 ruption (Blu-ray) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045579 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045486 Tropa De Elite 2 - O Inimigo Agora E Outro Dragon Chronicles - Die Duelist Wagner Moura, Irandhir Santos, André Jabberwocky-Saga Hyeongsa Ramiro, Milhem Cortaz, Pedro Van-Held, Jabberwock Ha Ji-won, Kang Dong-Won, Ahn Sung-kee, Maria Ribeiro, Tainá Müller, Seu Jorge, Tahmoh Penikett, Michael Worth, Kacey Song Yeong-chang, Yun Ju-sang, Lee Han- André Mattos, Fabrício Boliveira, Emílio Barnfield, Raffaello Degruttola, Ian Virgo, wi - Dir. Lee Myung-se Orciollo Netto, Jovem Cerebral, Bruno Steven Waddington, Hristo Mitzkov, Hugh Trailer D’Elia, Julio Adrião, Adriano Garib, Marcelo Action/Abenteuer 2005 107min. Ross, Stanimir Stamatov, Violeta Cavalcanti, Charles Fricks - Dir. José Rapid Eye Movies HE 16.03.2012 Markovska, Richard Riddell - Dir. Steven R. Padilha 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045563 Monroe Making of Trailer, Bildergalerie Thriller/Action 2010 115min. Fantasy/Abenteuer 2011 86min. Easy Money - Spür die Angst Universum Film(SquareOne) 16.03.2012 KSM(NewKSM) 09.03.2012 Snabba Cash 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045503 tba BestellNr.: 20045661 Joel Kinnaman, Matias Padin Varela, Dragomir Mrsic, Mahmut Suvakci, Danko Der Exorzismus der Emma Evans Dragon Chronicles - Die Jones, Lisa Henni, Fares Fares, Miscko La Posesión De Emma Evans Jabberwocky-Saga (Blu-ray) Stojanvic, Lea Stojanov, Christian Hillborg, Stephen Billington, Tommy Bastow, Doug Dejan Cukic - Dir. Daniel Espinosa Bradley, Sophie Vavasseur, Richard Felix,

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Jo-Anne Stockham, Brendan Price, Emma Stumph, Markus Quentin, Gerhard Garbers, zu Ende (Blu-ray) Reynolds - Dir. Manuel Carballo Eva Scheurer, Tim Williams, Mike Atkinson, Go-Ji-Jeon Making of, Trailer Madison Remp, Brian Shenko, Dorian Barth, Shin Ha-kyun, Go Su, Ryu Seung-su, Ko Horror 2010 97min. Rike Schmid, Hendrik Duryn, Mignon Remé, Chang-Seok, Lee Je-hoon, Ryoo Seung- Universum Film 30.03.2012 Fiona Coors, Thomas Unger, Maresa yong, Kim Ok-bin, Jo Jin-woong, Jeong In- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045489 Hörbiger - Dir. John Delbridge, Helmut Metz- gi, Park Yeong-Seo - Dir. Jang Hun ger Bildergalerie, Trailer Der Exorzismus der Emma Evans Drama/Lovestory 2010-2011 270min. Thriller/Kriegsfilm 2011 128min. (Blu-ray) Universum Film(ZDF Video) 23.03.2012 KSM(NewKSM) 19.03.2012 La Posesión De Emma Evans 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045488 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045688 Stephen Billington, Tommy Bastow, Doug Bradley, Sophie Vavasseur, Richard Felix, Fire Dragon Chronicles: Dragon Game Over - Spiel mit dem Teu- Jo-Anne Stockham, Brendan Price, Emma Quest (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) fel Reynolds - Dir. Manuel Carballo Dragonquest Storm Making of, Trailer Marc Singer, Brian Thompson, Jason Eric Ericsson, Eva Röse, Jonas Karlsson, Horror 2010 101min. Connery, Daniel Bonjour, Gary Miller-Youst, Lina Englund, Sasha Becker, Peter Engman, Universum Film 30.03.2012 Richard Lund, Jennifer Dorogi, Matthew Jacqueline Ramel, Christian Hollbrink, Per 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045506 Farhat - Dir. Mark Atkins Ragnar - Dir. Måns Mårlind, Bjorn Stein Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Biografien, Bilderga- Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Storyboards, Trailer Ein Fall für den Fuchs: Die kom- lerie, Trailer Thriller/Fantasy 2005 110min. plette Reihe (3 Discs) Fantasy 2009 89min. Sunfilm Entertainment 16.02.2012 Walter Sittler, Simone Thomalla, Esther KSM 09.03.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045546 Schweins, Dieter Landuris - Dir. Sigi 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045687 Rothemund Game Over - Spiel mit dem Teu- Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2004-2006 540min. Flypaper - Wer überfällt hier fel (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Aviator) 16.03.2012 wen? Storm 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045615 Flypaper Eric Ericsson, Eva Röse, Jonas Karlsson, Patrick Dempsey, Ashley Judd, Mekhi Lina Englund, Sasha Becker, Peter Engman, Die Farben des Herbstes Phifer, , Jeffrey Tambor, Jacqueline Ramel, Christian Hollbrink, Per Local Color Tim Blake Nelson, Pruitt Taylor Vince, John Ragnar - Dir. Måns Mårlind, Bjorn Stein Armin Mueller-Stahl, Ray Liotta, Trevor Ventimiglia, Adrian Martinez, Matt Ryan, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Storyboards, Trailer Morgan, Charles Durning, Samantha Mathis, Monica Acosta - Dir. Rob Minkoff Thriller/Fantasy 2005 110min. Ron Perlman, Diana Scarwid, Julie Lott - Interviews, Trailer Sunfilm Entertainment 16.02.2012 Dir. George Gallo Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2011 84min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045559 Trailer Universum Film 23.03.2012 Drama 2006 103min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045487 Gantz - Die ultimative Antwort Sunfilm Entertainment 16.02.2012 Gantz: Perfect Answer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045538 Flypaper - Wer überfällt hier Ken’ichi Matsuyama, , wen? (Blu-ray) Takayuki Yamada, Yuriko Yoshitaka, Kanata Die Farben des Herbstes (Blu-ray) Flypaper Hongô, Gô Ayano, Ayumi Ito, Tomorowo Local Color Patrick Dempsey, Ashley Judd, Mekhi Taguchi - Dir. Armin Mueller-Stahl, Ray Liotta, Trevor Phifer, Octavia Spencer, Jeffrey Tambor, Making of, Trailer Morgan, Charles Durning, Samantha Mathis, Tim Blake Nelson, Pruitt Taylor Vince, John Action/Science Fiction 2011 135min. Ron Perlman, Diana Scarwid, Julie Lott - Ventimiglia, Adrian Martinez, Matt Ryan, Sunfilm Entertainment 08.03.2012 Dir. George Gallo Monica Acosta - Dir. Rob Minkoff 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045581 Trailer Interviews, Trailer Drama 2006 107min. Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2011 87min. Gantz - Die ultimative Antwort Sunfilm Entertainment 16.02.2012 Universum Film 23.03.2012 (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045549 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045505 Gantz: Perfect Answer Fear X Ken’ichi Matsuyama, Kazunari Ninomiya, The Front Line - Der Krieg ist nie Takayuki Yamada, Yuriko Yoshitaka, Kanata Fear X zu Ende Hongô, Gô Ayano, Ayumi Ito, Tomorowo John Turturro, Deborah Unger, Stephen Go-Ji-Jeon Taguchi - Dir. Shinsuke Sato McIntyre, William Allen Young, Eugene M. Shin Ha-kyun, Go Su, Ryu Seung-su, Ko Making of, Trailer Davis, Mark Houghton, Jacqueline Ramel, Chang-Seok, Lee Je-hoon, Ryoo Seung- Action/Science Fiction 2011 140min. James Remar - Dir. Nicolas Winding Refn yong, Kim Ok-bin, Jo Jin-woong, Jeong In- Sunfilm Entertainment 08.03.2012 Thriller 2002 90min. gi, Park Yeong-Seo - Dir. Jang Hun 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045590 Sunfilm Entertainment 06.06.2012 Bildergalerie, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20045678 Thriller/Kriegsfilm 2011 123min. Das geteilte Glück KSM(NewKSM) 19.03.2012 Petra Schmidt-Schaller, Udo Wachtveitl, Fear X (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045663 Ulrike Grote, Rüdiger Klink, Andreas Fear X Warmbrunn, Ludwig Skuras, Thimo Meitner, John Turturro, Deborah Unger, Stephen The Front Line - Der Krieg ist nie Joy Alban-Zapata, Sabine Urig, Suzanne McIntyre, William Allen Young, Eugene M. zu Ende (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Landsfried, Ruth Wohlschlegel, Frank Leo Davis, Mark Houghton, Jacqueline Ramel, Go-Ji-Jeon Schröder, Sandra Nedeleff - Dir. Thomas James Remar - Dir. Nicolas Winding Refn Shin Ha-kyun, Go Su, Ryu Seung-su, Ko Freundner Thriller 2002 94min. Chang-Seok, Lee Je-hoon, Ryoo Seung- Drama 2010 90min. Sunfilm Entertainment 06.06.2012 yong, Kim Ok-bin, Jo Jin-woong, Jeong In- Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 23.03.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20045694 gi, Park Yeong-Seo - Dir. Jang Hun 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045614 Trailer Katie Fforde: Collection 2 (3 Thriller/Kriegsfilm 2011 133min. Girls Team - 9 Models und 1 Discs) KSM(NewKSM) 19.03.2012 Coach Harriets Traum / Zum Teufel mit David / 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045689 Model Ball Diagnose Liebe Tim Pilleri, Tara DeSpain, Levin O’Connor, Wanda Colombina, Ben Braun, Ulrike C. The Front Line - Der Krieg ist nie Katie Halchishick, Sabrina Renata Maahs, Tscharre, Stephan Schad, Stephanie

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Kimberly Alexander, Karen Maxwell, Jim ge der Falsche ist (Blu-ray) Thriller/Drama 2011 116min. Hazelton, Vanessa Vander-Pluym, Alice The Good Guy Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Hunter - Dir. Scott Zakarin Alexis Bledel, Scott Porter, Anna Chlumsky, 30.03.2012 Trailer Bryan Greenberg, Andrew McCarthy, Aa- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045490 Komödie 2010 80min. ron Yoo, Kate Nauta, Luca Calvani - Dir. Sunfilm Entertainment 10.05.2012 Julio DePietro Die Haut, in der ich wohne (Blu- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045541 Drama/Lovestory 2009 91min. ray) Girls Team - 9 Models und 1 Universum Film(SquareOne) 30.03.2012 La Piel Que Habito 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045500 Antonio Banderas, Elena Anaya, Marisa Coach (Blu-ray) Paredes, Jan Cornet, Roberto Álamo, Edu- Model Ball The Guard - Ein Ire sieht schwarz ard Fernández, Blanca Suárez, Susy Tim Pilleri, Tara DeSpain, Levin O’Connor, The Guard Sanchez, Barbara Lennie, Fernando Cayo, Katie Halchishick, Sabrina Renata Maahs, Brendan Gleeson, Don Cheadle, Liam Jose Luis Gomez - Dir. Pedro Almodóvar Kimberly Alexander, Karen Maxwell, Jim Cunningham, David Wilmot, Rory Keenan, Making of, B-Roll, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Teaser, Hazelton, Vanessa Vander-Pluym, Alice Mark Strong, Fionnula Flanagan, Dominique Trailer, TV-Spots Thriller/Drama 2011 121min. Hunter - Dir. Scott Zakarin McElligott, Sarah Greene, Katarina Cas, Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Trailer Declan Mannion, Laurence Kinlan, Owen Komödie 2010 83min. 30.03.2012 Sharpe, Wale Ojo, Mark O’Halloran, Gary Sunfilm Entertainment 10.05.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045507 Lydon, Darren Healy, Conor Moloney, David 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045551 Pearse, Dermot Healy, Eamonn Olwill - Dir. House of the Rising Sun Go for It! John Michael McDonagh Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, House Of The Rising Sun Go For It! Trailer Dave Bautista, Amy Smart, Danny Trejo, Aimee Garcia, Al Bandiero, Jossara Jinaro, Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 92min. Dominic Purcell, Craig Fairbrass, Brian Gina Rodriguez, Louie Alegria, Andres Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 23.03.2012 Vander Ark, Roy Oraschin, Tim Fields - Dir. Perez-Molina, Derrick Denicola, Gustavo 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045676 Brian A Miller Mellado, Rene Rosado, Safia Hannin, Peggy Making of, Interviews Goss, Daniel Yabut - Dir. Carmen Marron The Guard - Ein Ire sieht schwarz Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 84min. Audiokommentar, Trailer (Blu-ray) Sunfilm Entertainment 16.02.2012 Drama/Lovestory 2010 90min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045537 The Guard Capelight Pictures 30.03.2012 Brendan Gleeson, Don Cheadle, Liam 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045524 House of the Rising Sun (Blu-ray Cunningham, David Wilmot, Rory Keenan, 3D) (Blu-ray) Go for It! (Blu-ray) Mark Strong, Fionnula Flanagan, Dominique McElligott, Sarah Greene, Katarina Cas, House Of The Rising Sun Go For It! Declan Mannion, Laurence Kinlan, Owen Dave Bautista, Amy Smart, Danny Trejo, Aimee Garcia, Al Bandiero, Jossara Jinaro, Sharpe, Wale Ojo, Mark O’Halloran, Gary Dominic Purcell, Craig Fairbrass, Brian Gina Rodriguez, Louie Alegria, Andres Lydon, Darren Healy, Conor Moloney, David Vander Ark, Roy Oraschin, Tim Fields - Dir. Perez-Molina, Derrick Denicola, Gustavo Pearse, Dermot Healy, Eamonn Olwill - Dir. Brian A Miller Mellado, Rene Rosado, Safia Hannin, Peggy John Michael McDonagh Making of, Interviews Goss, Daniel Yabut - Dir. Carmen Marron Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 87min. Audiokommentar, Trailer Trailer Sunfilm Entertainment 16.02.2012 Drama/Lovestory 2010 94min. Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 96min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045548 Capelight Pictures 30.03.2012 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 23.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045532 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045693 House of the Rising Sun (Blu-ray) House Of The Rising Sun Jean-Luc Godard - Film Hamburger Hill (Blu-ray) Dave Bautista, Amy Smart, Danny Trejo, socialisme (OmU) Hamburger Hill Dominic Purcell, Craig Fairbrass, Brian Film Socialisme Anthony Barrile, Michael Boatman, Don Vander Ark, Roy Oraschin, Tim Fields - Dir. Catherine Tanvier, Christian Sinniger, Jean- Cheadle, Michael Dolan, Don James, Dylan Brian A Miller Marc Stehlé, Patti Smith, Robert Maloubier, McDermott - Dir. John Irvin Making of, Interviews Agatha Couture, Marie-Christine Bergier, Action/Kriegsfilm 1986 108min. Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 87min. Nadège Beausson-Diagne, Mathias Concorde Home Entertainment 03.05.2012 Sunfilm Entertainment 16.02.2012 Domahidy, Quentin Grosset, Olga 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045657 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045547 Riazanova, Maurice Sarfati, Dominique Devals, Louma Sanbar, Gulliver Hecq, Mari- Hass - La Haine (Blu-ray) Der Hund, der Herr Bozzi hieß ne Battaggia, Élisabeth Vitali, Alain Badiou, La Haine Un Angelo E Sceso A Brooklyn Lenny Kaye, Eye Haidera, Bernard Maris, Vincent Cassel, Hubert Koundé, Saïd Sir Peter Ustinov, Pablito Calvo, Aroldo Elias Sanbar - Dir. Jean-Luc Godard Taghmaoui, François Levantal, Edouard Tieri, Silvio Marco, Maurizio Arena, Jose Booklet Montoute, Karim Belkhadra, Solo Dicko, Isbert - Dir. Ladislao Vajda Drama 2010 102min. Marc Duret, Karin Viard, Vincent Lindon - Wendecover Komödie 1957 88min. absolut MEDIEN(filmedition suhrkamp) Dir. Mathieu Kassovitz 16.03.2012 Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Dokumentation, Entfalle- Winkler Film 16.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045649 ne Szenen, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045478 Drama 1995 98min. The Good Guy - Wenn der Richti- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ichi - Die blinde Schwert- ge der Falsche ist Germany(Arthaus) 15.03.2012 kämpferin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045515 The Good Guy Ichi Haruka Ayase, Takao Osawa, Shido Alexis Bledel, Scott Porter, Anna Chlumsky, Die Haut, in der ich wohne Bryan Greenberg, Andrew McCarthy, Aa- Nakamura, Yosuke Kubozuka, Kazuma La Piel Que Habito ron Yoo, Kate Nauta, Luca Calvani - Dir. Chiba, Akira Emoto, Yûko Endô, Daishirô Antonio Banderas, Elena Anaya, Marisa Julio DePietro Hano - Dir. Fumihiko Sori Paredes, Jan Cornet, Roberto Álamo, Edu- Drama/Lovestory 2009 87min. Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer ard Fernández, Blanca Suárez, Susy Action/Drama 2008 115min. Universum Film(SquareOne) 30.03.2012 Sanchez, Barbara Lennie, Fernando Cayo, Rapid Eye Movies HE 16.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045469 Jose Luis Gomez - Dir. Pedro Almodóvar 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045565 Making of, B-Roll, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Teaser, The Good Guy - Wenn der Richti- Trailer, TV-Spots

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I’m Not a F**king Princess Kein Mittel gegen Liebe Didi, Quoc Dung Nguyen, François Monnié, My Little Princess A Little Bit Of Heaven Roberto Piazza, Pierre Étaix, Jean-Pierre Isabelle Huppert, Anamaria Vartolomei, Kate Hudson, Gael García Bernal, Lucy Léaud - Dir. Aki Kaurismäki Georgetta Leahu, Denis Lavant, Jethro Punch, Peter Dinklage, Whoopi Goldberg, Komödie/Drama 2011 89min. Cave, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing, Nicolas , Treat Williams, Rosemarie AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Maury, Pascal Bongard - Dir. Eva Ionesco Dewitt, Steven Weber, Romany Malco, Alan AG(Pandora) 30.03.2012 Drama 2011 106min. Dale, Johann Urb, Jason Davis - Dir. Nicole 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045461 Warner Home Video Germany 27.04.2012 Kassell 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045561 Drama/Lovestory 2011 103min. Le Havre (Blu-ray) Senator Home Entertainment 16.03.2012 Le Havre Im Vorhof der Wahrheit 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045485 André Wilms, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Kati Matthias Habich, Maria Körber, Heinz Outinen, Blondin Miguel, Elina Salo, Evelyne Weiss, Karl-Heinz von Hassel, Gertraud Kein Mittel gegen Liebe (Blu-ray) Didi, Quoc Dung Nguyen, François Monnié, Jesserer - Dir. Fritz Umgelter A Little Bit Of Heaven Roberto Piazza, Pierre Étaix, Jean-Pierre Thriller 1974 137min. Kate Hudson, Gael García Bernal, Lucy Léaud - Dir. Aki Kaurismäki Pidax film media(Pidax film) 02.03.2012 Punch, Peter Dinklage, Whoopi Goldberg, Komödie/Drama 2011 93min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045587 Kathy Bates, Treat Williams, Rosemarie AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Dewitt, Steven Weber, Romany Malco, Alan AG(Pandora) 30.03.2012 The Infiltrator (k.J.) Dale, Johann Urb, Jason Davis - Dir. Nicole 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045494 The Infiltrator Kassell Oliver Platt, Arliss Howard, Peter Riegert, Drama/Lovestory 2011 107min. Lebenslänglich (Blu-ray) Alan King - Dir. John Mackenzie Senator Home Entertainment 16.03.2012 Life Thriller/Drama 1995 86min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045504 Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence, Ned Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Beatty, Obba Babatundé, Bernie Mac, 09.03.2012 Kreuzfahrt ins Glück - Box 5 (2 Miguel A. Núñez Jr., Clarence Williams III, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045457 Discs) Bokeem Woodbine, Michael „Bear“ Taliferro, Barry Henley, Brent Jennings, Hochzeitsreise nach Sevilla / ... Kroatien / Guy Torry, Lisa Nicole Carson, O’Neal Die Insel der Pferde - Du bist ... Australien Compton, Poppy Montgomery, Ned Vaughn, mein Leben! Eva-Maria Grein von Friedl, Marcus R. Lee Ermey, Nick Cassavetes, Anthony The Dark Horse Grüsser, Heide Keller, Jessica Boehrs, Anderson, Noah Emmerich, Rick James - Carol Roscoe, Kathryn Mesney-Hetler, Siegfried Rauch - Dir. Hans Jürgen Tögel, Dir. Ted Demme Sean G. Griffin, Eleanor Moseley, Terry Stefan Bartmann, Dieter Kehler Komödie/Drama 1999 108min. Edward Moore, Haynes Brooke, Mark Dias, Drama/Komödie 2010-2011 270min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Tallis Moore, Corina Boettger, Jeremy Universum Film(ZDF Video) 09.03.2012 12.04.2012 Weizenbaum, Pam Nolte - Dir. Cornelia Moo- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045480 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045630 re Bildergalerie, Trailer Krieg der Königreiche - Die Legende der weißen Schlan- Drama/Familie 2008 107min. Battlefield Heroes KSM 16.04.2012 ge Pyeong-Yang-Seong 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045465 The Sorcerer And The White Snake Jeong Jin-yeong, Lee Mun-shik, Ryoo Jet Li, Vivian Hsu, Charlene Choi, Huang Seung-yong, Yun Je-mun, Seon Woo-Seon, Die Insel der Pferde - Du bist Shengyi, Alfred Hsing, Raymond Lam II, Kim Min-Sang, Song Chang-gon, Soo Zhang Wen II - Dir. Ching Siu-tung mein Leben! (Blu-ray) Kwang, Jeon Gi-Gwang, Kang Ha-neul - The Dark Horse Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Dir. Lee Jun-ik Fantasy/Action 2011 94min. Carol Roscoe, Kathryn Mesney-Hetler, Trailer, Bildergalerie KSM(NewKSM) 09.03.2012 Sean G. Griffin, Eleanor Moseley, Terry Abenteuer/Action 2011 113min. tba BestellNr.: 20045631 Edward Moore, Haynes Brooke, Mark Dias, KSM 09.03.2012 Tallis Moore, Corina Boettger, Jeremy tba BestellNr.: 20045632 Die Legende der weißen Schlan- Weizenbaum, Pam Nolte - Dir. Cornelia Moo- re Krieg der Königreiche - ge (Blu-ray) Bildergalerie, Trailer Battlefield Heroes (Blu-ray) The Sorcerer And The White Snake Drama/Familie 2008 111min. Jet Li, Vivian Hsu, Charlene Choi, Huang Pyeong-Yang-Seong KSM 16.04.2012 Shengyi, Alfred Hsing, Raymond Lam II, Jeong Jin-yeong, Lee Mun-shik, Ryoo 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045497 Zhang Wen II - Dir. Ching Siu-tung Seung-yong, Yun Je-mun, Seon Woo-Seon, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Jeder hat eine besondere Missi- Kim Min-Sang, Song Chang-gon, Soo Fantasy/Action 2011 98min. Kwang, Jeon Gi-Gwang, Kang Ha-neul - on: Johnny KSM(NewKSM) 09.03.2012 Dir. Lee Jun-ik tba BestellNr.: 20045651 Johnny Trailer, Bildergalerie Jerry Phillips, Musetta Vander, Mel Fair, Lee Abenteuer/Action 2011 118min. Leonardo Da Vinci Majors, Aubyn Cole, Leticia Robles, KSM(NewKSM) 09.03.2012 La Vita Di Leonardo Da Vinci Matthew Tailford, Leslie La’Raine, Brandon tba BestellNr.: 20045652 Philippe Leroy, Ann Odessa, Renzo Rossi, Klopot - Dir. D. David Morin Glauco Onorato, Filippo Scelzo, Mario Molli Wendecover Lassies größtes Abenteuer - Dir. Renato Castellani Drama 2010 85min. The Painted Hills Historienfilm/Biographie 1971 300min. Evolution Entertainment AG(Evolution) Gary Gray, Paul Kelly, Bruce Cowling - Dir. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 16.04.2012 13.04.2012 Harold F. Kress 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045477 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045475 Abenteuer 1951 68min. Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Let Me In Buster Keaton - Silent Comedy 09.03.2012 Let Me In Classics Vol. 2 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045460 Chloë Grace Moretz, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Buster Keaton Richard Jenkins, Elias Koteas, , Komödie/Slapstick 81min. Le Havre Sasha Barrese, Dylan Kenin, Chris da music(Great Movies) 10.02.2012 Le Havre Browning, Ritchie Coster, Dylan Minnette, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045639 André Wilms, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Kati Jimmy Pinchak, Nicolai Dorian - Dir. Matt Outinen, Blondin Miguel, Elina Salo, Evelyne

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Reeves Salzgeber & Co. Medien 25.02.2012 Manchen, Hubert Mulzer, Claudio Horror/Drama 2010 114min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045468 Caramaschi, Margherita di Rauso - Dir. Universal Pictures Germany(Wild Bunch Wolfgang Murnberger Germany) 19.04.2012 London Boulevard Making of, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045612 London Boulevard Komödie/Drama 2011 101min. , Keira Knightley, David good!movies(Neue Visionen) 20.03.2012 Let Me In (Blu-ray) Thewlis, Anna Friel, Ben Chaplin, Ray 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045464 Let Me In Winstone, Eddie Marsan, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Chloë Grace Moretz, Kodi Smit-McPhee, , Lovibond, Jamie Mein bester Feind (Blu-ray) Richard Jenkins, Elias Koteas, Cara Buono, Campbell Bower, Velibor Topic, Lee Moritz Bleibtreu, Georg Friedrich, Ursula Sasha Barrese, Dylan Kenin, Chris Boardman, Alan Williams, Jonathan Cullen, Strauss, Udo Samel, Marthe Keller, Uwe Browning, Ritchie Coster, Dylan Minnette, Robert Willox, Tony Way, Tim Plester, Jake Bohm, Rainer Bock, Christoph Luser, Serge Jimmy Pinchak, Nicolai Dorian - Dir. Matt Abraham, Nick Bartlett, Matt King, Jamie Falck, Karl Fischer, Hans-Michael Rehberg, Reeves Blackley, Sarah Niles, Jonathan Coyne, Bob Merab Ninidze, Mirko Roggenbock, Klaus Horror/Drama 2010 119min. Mercer - Dir. William Monahan Manchen, Hubert Mulzer, Claudio Universal Pictures Germany(Wild Bunch Interviews, B-Roll Caramaschi, Margherita di Rauso - Dir. Germany) 19.04.2012 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2010 103min. Wolfgang Murnberger 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045624 Universal Pictures Germany(Wild Bunch Making of, Trailer Germany) 05.04.2012 Komödie/Drama 2011 105min. Die letzte Folge 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045611 good!movies(Neue Visionen) 20.03.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045496 Ralf Wolter, Hellmut Lange, Ursula von London Boulevard (Blu-ray) Manescul, Ivan Desny, Margitta Scherr, Mein liebster Alptraum Claude Vernier, Sonja Sutter - Dir. Franz M. London Boulevard Mon Pire Cauchemar Lang Colin Farrell, Keira Knightley, David Isabelle Huppert, Benoît Poelvoorde, André Kriminalfilm 1964 64min. Thewlis, Anna Friel, Ben Chaplin, Ray Dussollier, Virginie Efira, Corentin Devroey, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 02.03.2012 Winstone, Eddie Marsan, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Donatien Suner, Aurélien Recoing, Eric 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045588 Stephen Graham, Ophelia Lovibond, Jamie Campbell Bower, Velibor Topic, Lee Berger, Philippe Magnan, Bruno Podalydès, Livid - Das Blut der Ballerinas Boardman, Alan Williams, Jonathan Cullen, Samir Guesmi, Françoise Miquelis, Jean- Luc Couchard, Emilie Gavois Kahn, Valérie (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Robert Willox, Tony Way, Tim Plester, Jake Abraham, Nick Bartlett, Matt King, Jamie Moreau, Antoine Blanquefort, Hiroshi Livide Blackley, Sarah Niles, Jonathan Coyne, Bob Sugimoto - Dir. Anne Fontaine Chloé Coulloud, Félix Moati, Jérémy Mercer - Dir. William Monahan Komödie/Lovestory 2011 96min. Kapone, Catherine Jacob, Marie-Claude Interviews, B-Roll Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Pietragalla, Béatrice Dalle, Chloé Marcq, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2010 107min. Home Edition) 07.06.2012 Loïc Berthezene - Dir. Alexandre Bustillo, Universal Pictures Germany(Wild Bunch 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045635 Julien Maury Germany) 05.04.2012 Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045623 Mein liebster Alptraum (Blu-ray) Thriller/Horror 2011 95min. Mon Pire Cauchemar Sunfilm Entertainment 10.05.2012 Der Mann mit dem Fagott (Einzel- Isabelle Huppert, Benoît Poelvoorde, André 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045558 Disc) Dussollier, Virginie Efira, Corentin Devroey, Livid - Das Blut der Ballerinas Udo Jürgens, Christian Berkel, David Rott, Donatien Suner, Aurélien Recoing, Eric Berger, Philippe Magnan, Bruno Podalydès, (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Alexander Kalodikis, Ulrich Noethen, Joël Eisenblätter, Melika Foroutan, Valerie Nie- Samir Guesmi, Françoise Miquelis, Jean- Livide haus, Herbert Knaup, Gunther Gillian, Otto Luc Couchard, Emilie Gavois Kahn, Valérie Chloé Coulloud, Félix Moati, Jérémy Tausig, Henning Stoll, Jurij Rosstalnyi, Lenn Moreau, Antoine Blanquefort, Hiroshi Kapone, Catherine Jacob, Marie-Claude Kudrjawizki, Albrecht Ganskopf, Fritz Ham- Sugimoto - Dir. Anne Fontaine Pietragalla, Béatrice Dalle, Chloé Marcq, mel, Franziska Stavjanik - Dir. Miguel Alex- Komödie/Lovestory 2011 100min. Loïc Berthezene - Dir. Alexandre Bustillo, andre Concorde Home Entertainment 07.06.2012 Julien Maury 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045655 Trailer Drama/Biographie 2011 205min. Universum Film(ARD Video) 02.03.2012 Thriller/Horror 2011 95min. Melancholia Sunfilm Entertainment 10.05.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045479 Melancholia 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045557 Marriage Retreat - Erste Liebe. Kirsten Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Kiefer Livid - Das Blut der Ballerinas Zweite Chance Sutherland, Charlotte Rampling, John Hurt, Alexander Skarsgård, Stellan Skarsgård, Marriage Retreat (k.J.) Brady Corbet, Udo Kier, Jesper Christen- Jeff Fahey, David A.R. White - Dir. David Livide sen - Dir. Lars von Trier Christiaan Chloé Coulloud, Félix Moati, Jérémy Drama 2011 131min. Kapone, Catherine Jacob, Marie-Claude Wendecover Drama 2011 85min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Pietragalla, Béatrice Dalle, Chloé Marcq, Evolution Entertainment AG(Evolution) Home Edition) 03.05.2012 Loïc Berthezene - Dir. Alexandre Bustillo, 13.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045633 Julien Maury 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045476 Trailer Melancholia (Blu-ray) Thriller/Horror 2011 91min. Melancholia Sunfilm Entertainment 10.05.2012 Martial Arts Collection Kirsten Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Kiefer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045545 Duo biao / Zhang wu shuang Action 2008-2009 197min. Sutherland, Charlotte Rampling, John Hurt, Lollipop Monster KSM 19.03.2012 Alexander Skarsgård, Stellan Skarsgård, Brady Corbet, Udo Kier, Jesper Christen- Jella Haase, Sarah Horváth, Nicolette 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045674 sen - Dir. Lars von Trier Krebitz, Thomas Wodianka, Sandra Borg- Drama 2011 136min. mann, Rainer Sellien, Fritz Hammel, Janusz Mein bester Feind Concorde Home Entertainment 03.05.2012 Kocaj, Koffi Kôkô, Nikeata Thompson, Moritz Bleibtreu, Georg Friedrich, Ursula 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045653 Rafael Stachowiak, Sybille Schedwill, Luci Strauss, Udo Samel, Marthe Keller, Uwe Bohm, Rainer Bock, Christoph Luser, Serge van Org - Dir. Ziska Riemann Mogli - Der Dschungelkönig Making of, Trailer Falck, Karl Fischer, Hans-Michael Rehberg, Drama 2011 89min. Merab Ninidze, Mirko Roggenbock, Klaus Jungle Book

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Sabu, Joseph Calleia, John Qualen, Frank Paul Le Mat, Mackenzie Phillips, Charles Ninja - Im Zeichen des Drachen Puglia, Rosemary DeCamp, Patricia Martin Smith - Dir. Bill L. Norton Royal Kill O’Rourke, Ralph Byrd, John Mather, Faith Drama/Komödie 1979 115min. Alexander Wraith, Gail Kim, Eric Roberts, Brook, Johnson - Dir. Zoltán Korda Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Pat Morita, Lalaine, Jeannie Crist, Nicole Abenteuer 1942 90min. 12.04.2012 Brown - Dir. Babar Ahmed Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 09.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045628 Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Trailer, Bildergalerie 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045459 Action/Fantasy 2009 87min. Marius Müller-Westernhagen KSM 19.03.2012 Eine Möhre für Zwei 1 - Der Film-Klassiker-Edition (7 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045669 Artzbesuch Der Tote bin ich / Der Unfall / Aufforde- Martin Paas, Carsten Morar-Haffke, Andrea rung zum Tanz / Der Gehilfe / Geteilte Ninja - Im Zeichen des Drachen Bongers, Wolke Hegenbarth - Dir. Dirk Freude / Mosch / Sladek oder die schwar- (Blu-ray) Nabersberg, Jojo Wolff ze Armee Royal Kill Kinderfilm 2010 55min. Marius Müller-Westernhagen Alexander Wraith, Gail Kim, Eric Roberts, Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 16.03.2012 Drama 1968-1980 720min. Pat Morita, Lalaine, Jeannie Crist, Nicole tba BestellNr.: 20045607 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 16.04.2012 Brown - Dir. Babar Ahmed 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045470 Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Eine Möhre für Zwei 2 - Alles Action/Fantasy 2009 90min. meins! München ’72 - Das Attentat KSM 19.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045692 Martin Paas, Carsten Morar-Haffke, Andrea Bernadette Heerwagen, Felix Klare, Heino Ferch, Benjamin Sadler, Stephan Bongers, Wolke Hegenbarth - Dir. Dirk O Brother, Where Art Thou? - Nabersberg, Jojo Wolff Grossmann, Christoph Zrenner, Rainer Kinderfilm 2010 55min. Bock, Shredi Jabarin, Esther Zimmering, Eine Mississippi-Odyssee Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 16.03.2012 Pasquale Aleardi, Friedrich von Thun, Arnd (Jahr100Film) (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20045608 Schimkat, Barbara Messner - Dir. Dror O Brother, Where Art Thou? Zahavi George Clooney, John Turturro, Tim Blake Monster Brawl Drama 2012 90min. Nelson, John Goodman, , Chris Monster Brawl Universum Film(ZDF Video) 23.03.2012 Thomas King, Charles Durning, Del David Foley, Robert Maillet, Art Hindle, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045525 Pentecost, Michael Badalucco, J. R. Horne, Kevin Nash, Jason Deline, Jason David Brian Reddy, Wayne Duvall, Ed Gale, Ray Brown, John Geddes, Mark Gibson, Ari Natural City (Blu-ray) McKinnon, Daniel von Bargen, Royce D. Millen, Christopher Goddard, Kelly Couture, Natural City Applegate, Frank Collison, Quinn Gasaway, Holly Letkeman - Dir. Jesse T. Cook Yu Ji-tae, Lee Jae-un, Seo Rin, Yun Chan - Lee Weaver - Dir. Joel Coen Komödie/Horror 2011 87min. Dir. Min Byung-chun Komödie 2000 107min. Splendid Film 27.04.2012 Featurettes, Making of Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Action/Science Fiction 2003 112min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045568 12.04.2012 Splendid Film(Amazia Premium) 27.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045625 Monster Brawl (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045575 Monster Brawl Neon Flesh (Blu-ray) (k.J.) One Way Trip (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- David Foley, Robert Maillet, Art Hindle, Carne De Neón ray) (k.J.) Kevin Nash, Jason Deline, Jason David Mario Casas, Vicente Romero, Macarena Sabrina Reiter, Isabelle Barth, Matthias Brown, John Geddes, Mark Gibson, Ari Gómez, Dario Grandinetti, Dámaso Conde, Britschgi, Aaron Hitz, Tanja Raunig, Harry Millen, Christopher Goddard, Kelly Couture, Ángela Molina, Blanca Suárez (Verónica), Lampl, Simon Käser, Martin Loos, Herbert Holly Letkeman - Dir. Jesse T. Cook Juan Carlos Vellido, Luciano Cáceres (El Leiser, Melanie Winiger - Dir. Markus Welter Komödie/Horror 2011 90min. Niño), Antonio de la Torre - Dir. Paco 2D-Version Splendid Film 27.04.2012 Thriller/Horror 2011 89min. Cabezas 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045574 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.03.2012 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 106min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045592 Monster Worms - Angriff der Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.04.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045576 Monsterwürmer One Way Trip (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Mongolian Death Worm Neon Flesh (k.J.) Sabrina Reiter, Isabelle Barth, Matthias Britschgi, Aaron Hitz, Tanja Raunig, Harry Sean Patrick Flanery, Victoria Pratt, Drew Carne De Neón Lampl, Simon Käser, Martin Loos, Herbert Waters, George Kee Cheung, Cheryl Chin, Mario Casas, Vicente Romero, Macarena Leiser, Melanie Winiger - Dir. Markus Welter Nate Rubin, Jon Mack, Matthew Tompkins - Gómez, Dario Grandinetti, Dámaso Conde, Dir. Steven R. Monroe 2D-Version Ángela Molina, Blanca Suárez (Verónica), Thriller/Horror 2011 89min. Trailer Juan Carlos Vellido, Luciano Cáceres (El Horror/Action 2010 90min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.03.2012 Niño), Antonio de la Torre - Dir. Paco Sunfilm Entertainment 08.03.2012 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045593 Cabezas 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045594 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 102min. One Way Trip (k.J.) Monster Worms - Angriff der Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.04.2012 Sabrina Reiter, Isabelle Barth, Matthias 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045569 Monsterwürmer (Blu-ray) Britschgi, Aaron Hitz, Tanja Raunig, Harry Lampl, Simon Käser, Martin Loos, Herbert Mongolian Death Worm Nikola - Die Episoden 58-70 (3 Leiser, Melanie Winiger - Dir. Markus Welter Sean Patrick Flanery, Victoria Pratt, Drew DVDs) Thriller/Horror 2011 86min. Waters, George Kee Cheung, Cheryl Chin, Mariele Millowitsch, Walter Sittler, Friederi- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.03.2012 Nate Rubin, Jon Mack, Matthew Tompkins - ke Grasshoff, Eric Benz, Oliver Reinhard, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045586 Dir. Steven R. Monroe Trailer Xenia Seeberg, Kerstin Thielemann, Alex- Horror/Action 2010 93min. ander Schottky, Roland Jankowsky - Dir. Outpost - Black Sun (Blu-ray) Sunfilm Entertainment 08.03.2012 Ulli Baumann, Michael Faust (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045598 Entfallene Szenen Outpost: Black Sun Komödie 2002 299min. Catherine Steadman, Richard Coyle, Ali Spirit Media 16.03.2012 More American Graffiti (Blu-ray) Craig - Dir. Steve Barker 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045619 More American Graffiti Making of, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Candy Clark, Bo Hopkins, Ron Howard, Action/Horror 2011 101min.

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Splendid Film 27.04.2012 Norman Bartold, Elya Baskin, Dirk Blocker, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045577 Robert Broyles, Paul Carr, Michael C. Horror 2010 88min. Gwynne, Lewis - Dir. Jerry Sunfilm Entertainment 16.02.2012 Outpost - Black Sun (k.J.) Jameson 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045550 Outpost: Black Sun Trailer Catherine Steadman, Richard Coyle, Ali Drama 1980 108min. Siska - Limited Edition Craig - Dir. Steve Barker Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Collector’s Box 2, Folgen 57-91 (9 Making of, Behind the Scenes, Trailer 09.03.2012 Discs) Action/Horror 2011 97min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045458 Wolfgang Maria Bauer Splendid Film 27.04.2012 Kriminalfilm 2004-2008 1970min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045570 Rio für Anfänger Edel Germany(Aviator) 23.03.2012 Rio Sex Comedy 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045618 - Die Matt Dillon, Bill Pullman, Charlotte Rampling, Piraten-Quadrologie (5 Discs) Irène Jacob, Patrick Breen, Jerôme Kircher, Sister Act - Eine himmlische Kar- (Blu-ray) Herson Capri, Dan Klabin, Jean-Marc Roulot, Mary Sheila, David Jarre - Dir. riere (Blu-ray) Pirates Of The Caribbean: I-IV Jonathan Nossiter Sister Act Johnny Depp, , Orlando Trailer Whoopi Goldberg, , Kathy Bloom, Keira Knightley, Penélope Cruz - Dir. Komödie 2010 108min. Najimy, Wendy Makkena, Mary Wickes, Gore Verbinski, Rob Marshall Sunfilm Entertainment 10.05.2012 Harvey Keitel, Bill Nunn, Robert Miranda, Bonus-Disc 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045542 Richard Portnow, Rose Parenti, Jenifer Abenteuer/Fantasy 2003-2011 min. Lewis, Charlotte Crossley, Joseph Maher - Studios Home Entertainment Rio für Anfänger (Blu-ray) Dir. Emile Ardolino 02.04.2012 Rio Sex Comedy Komödie 1992 100min. 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045518 Matt Dillon, Bill Pullman, Charlotte Rampling, Walt Disney Studios Home Poseidon Inferno (Blu-ray) Irène Jacob, Patrick Breen, Jerôme Kircher, Entertainment(Touchstone) 12.04.2012 Herson Capri, Dan Klabin, Jean-Marc 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045519 The Poseidon Adventure Roulot, Mary Sheila, David Jarre - Dir. Gene Hackman, Ernest Borgnine, Red But- Jonathan Nossiter Sister Act 2 (Blu-ray) tons, Shelley Winters, Stella Stevens, Trailer Sister Act 2: Back In The Habit Roddy McDowall, Pamela Sue Martin, Carol Komödie 2010 112min. Whoopi Goldberg, Kathy Najimy, Barnard Lynley - Dir. Ronald Neame Sunfilm Entertainment 10.05.2012 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Bildergalerien, Storyboard- Hughes, Mary Wickes, James Coburn, Mi- Vergleich, Original Promo-Material 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045552 chael Jeter, Wendy Makkena, Sheryl Lee Action 1972 117min. Ralph, Robert Pastorelli, Thomas Gott- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Rita Rocks - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) schalk, Maggie Smith, Lauryn Hill, Brad Germany 30.03.2012 Rita Rocks Sullivan, Alanna Ubach, Ryan Toby, Ron 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045683 Nicole Sullivan Johnson, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Devin Ka- Musikvideo min, Christian Fitzharris, Mehran Marcos Komödie 2008 450min. Die Prinzessin und das Pony Sedghi - Dir. Bill Duke polyband Medien GmbH 27.04.2012 Princess And The Pony Komödie 1993 107min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045572 Fiona Perry, Bill Oberst Jr., Bobbi Jo Walt Disney Studios Home Lathan, Ron Hajak, Aubrey Wakeling, Alison Der Ritt zurück Entertainment(Touchstone) 12.04.2012 Lees-Taylor, Jonathan Nation, Olivia Stuck, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045521 The Ride Back Kim Little, Brian Ibsen, Bennett Gillepsie, William Conrad, Anthony Quinn, Lita Milan, Zachary Mitchell - Dir. Rachel Goldenberg Southland Tales (Blu-ray) Joe Dominguez, Louis Towers - Dir. Allen H. Outtakes, Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer Southland Tales Miner Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2011 88min. Seann William Scott, Dwayne Johnson, Western 1957 77min. KSM 16.04.2012 Sarah Michelle Gellar, , Cheri KSM(KSM Klassiker) 19.03.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045466 Oteri, Holmes Osborne, Will Sasso, Miranda 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045668 Richardson - Dir. Richard Kelly Die Prinzessin und das Pony (Blu- Secret Sunshine (OmU) Satire/Science Fiction 2006 143min. ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Milyang Princess And The Pony 12.04.2012 Song Kang-ho, Jeon Do-yeon, Jo Yeong-jin, Fiona Perry, Bill Oberst Jr., Bobbi Jo 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045627 Ko Seo-hie - Dir. Lee Chang-dong Lathan, Ron Hajak, Aubrey Wakeling, Alison Making of, Trailer Lees-Taylor, Jonathan Nation, Olivia Stuck, Drama 2007 142min. Stahlkammer Zürich - Die kom- Kim Little, Brian Ibsen, Bennett Gillepsie, Rapid Eye Movies HE 16.03.2012 plette 1. Staffel (2 Discs) Zachary Mitchell - Dir. Rachel Goldenberg 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045562 Robert Atzorn - Dir. Celino Bleiweiß Outtakes, Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer Kriminalfilm 1986 325min. Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2011 92min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 16.04.2012 KSM 16.04.2012 Sharktopus 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045471 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045498 Eric Roberts, Kerem Bursin, Sara Malakul Die Rache des Gorillas Lane, Héctor Jiménez, Liv Boughn, Julian Strange Circus (k.J.) Gonzalez Esparza, Blake Lindsey, Peter Kimyô Na Sâkasu Nabonga Nelson - Dir. Declan O’Brien Masumi Miyazaki, Issei Ishida, Rie Kuwana, Buster Crabbe, Julie London, Barton Trailer Mai Takahashi, Fujiko, Tomorowo Taguchi - MacLane, Fifi D’Orsay - Dir. Sam Newfield Horror 2010 85min. Dir. Shion Sono Abenteuer 1944 71min. Sunfilm Entertainment 16.02.2012 Making of, Trailer da music(Great Movies) 10.02.2012 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045539 Drama 2005 106min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045642 Rapid Eye Movies HE 16.03.2012 Sharktopus (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045564 Rettet die Titanic Sharktopus Raise The Titanic Eric Roberts, Kerem Bursin, Sara Malakul Submarine Jason Robards, Richard Jordan, , Héctor Jiménez, Liv Boughn, Julian Submarine Selby, Anne Archer, Sir Alec Guinness, Bo Gonzalez Esparza, Blake Lindsey, Peter Craig Roberts, Yasmin Paige, Sally Brundin, M. Emmet Walsh, J. D. Cannon, Nelson - Dir. Declan O’Brien Hawkins, Noah Taylor, Paddy Considine,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 19 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Darren Evans, Otis Lloyd, Lily McCann, 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045512 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045501 Steffan Rhodri, Osian Cai Dulais, Elinor Crawley, Gemma Chan - Dir. Richard Der Tatortreiniger Urban Explorer (k.J.) Ayoade Bjarne Mädel, Katharina Marie Schubert, Nathalie Kelley, Nick Eversman, Max Komödie/Drama 2010 94min. Anneke Kim Sarnau, Charly Hübner, Bernd Riemelt, Catherine De Léan, Brenda Koo, good!movies(Kool) 09.03.2012 Moss, Carmen-Maja Antoni, Vanessa Stern Carlo Degen, Andreas Wisniewski, Sascha 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045463 - Dir. Arne Feldhusen Marten, Klaus Stiglmeier, Adolfo Assor, Making of, Interviews, Outtakes, Web Clips Johannes Klaußner, Tim Holzapfel, Ron Sweet Home Alabama - Liebe auf Komödie 2011 150min. Holzapfel, Karen Matting, Insa Matting, Umwegen (Blu-ray) Studio Hamburg Distribution & Marketing Johannes Matting - Dir. Andy Fetscher 05.04.2012 Sweet Home Alabama Making of, Teaser, Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045513 Thriller/Horror 2011 90min. Reese Witherspoon, Josh Lucas, Patrick Universum Film 09.03.2012 Dempsey, Candice Bergen, Mary Kay Till the Clouds Roll By 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045481 Place, Fred Ward, Jean Smart, Ethan Till the Clouds Roll By Embry, Melanie Lynskey, Courtney Gains, Robert Walker, Van Heflin, Lucille Bremer, Verdammt verliebt (3 Discs) Mary Lynn Rajskub, Rhona Mitra, Nathan Dorothy Patrick, Judy Garland, Frank Laura Maire, Florian David Fitz, Silke Lee Graham, Sean Bridgers, Fleet Cooper, Sinatra, - Dir. Richard Bodenbender, Josef Heynert, Nico Kevin Sussman, Thomas Curtis, Dakota Whorf Lebourgois, Saskia Vester, Stephan Fanning, Mark Skinner, Mark Matkevich - Bildergalerie Schwartz, Tatjana Clasing, Peter Ender, Dir. Andy Tennant Musikfilm/Musical 1946 135min. Joelle Ludwig, Robert Stadlober, Marie Komödie 2002 109min. da music(Great Movies) 10.02.2012 Biermann, Annette Kreft, Christine Neubau- Walt Disney Studios Home 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045640 er, Ralph Herforth, Max von Pufendorf, Entertainment(Touchstone) 12.04.2012 Elyas M’Barek, Armin Schlagwein, Hartmut 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045520 Tornado und der Pferdeflüsterer Volle, Felix Aiwanger, Susanne Plassmann, Tornado And The Kalahari Horse Sword in the Moon (Blu-ray) Tobias Aschenbrenner - Dir. Christine Whisperer Kabisch, Brigitta Dresewski Cheongpung Myeongwol Joanie Combrink, Danny Keogh, Quentin Drama 2002 650min. Choi Min-su, Jo Jae-hyeon, Kim Bo-kyeong, Krog, Angelique Pretorius, Tommy Kyd, Carl Universum Film(ARD Video) 09.03.2012 Lee Jong-su, Yu Yeon-su, Gi Ju-bong - Dir. Stemmet, Jennifer Steyn, Lean van den 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045482 Kim Ui-Seok Bergh, Richard van der Westhuizen - Dir. Making of, Featurette, Trailer Regardt van den Bergh Verliebt in Berlin - Folgen 121- Abenteuer/Action 2003 95min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Splendid Film(Amazia Premium) 27.04.2012 Drama/Familie 2009 110min. 150 (Fan Edition, 3 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045578 KSM 16.04.2012 Detlef Behr - Dir. Hans-Henning Borgelt, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045467 Joris Hermans, Marcus Ulbricht, Peter Zim- Tatort: Batic/Leitmayr-Box, Vol. 2 mermann, Ralph Bridle, Andreas Morell, (3 Discs) Tornado und der Pferdeflüsterer Klaus Kemmler, Sabine Landgraeber, Frau Bu lacht / Im Herzen Eiszeit / Der (Blu-ray) Laurenz Schlüter, Micaela Zschiechow, Cornelia Dohrn, Markus Schmidt-Märkl, oide Depp Tornado And The Kalahari Horse Winfried Bonengel Miroslav Nemec, Udo Wachtveitl, Michael Whisperer Drama/Komödie 2005-2007 660min. Fitz, Fred Stillkrauth - Dir. Dominik Graf, Joanie Combrink, Danny Keogh, Quentin Spirit Media 02.03.2012 Hans Noever, Michael Gutmann Krog, Angelique Pretorius, Tommy Kyd, Carl 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045620 Kriminalfilm 1995-2008 min. Stemmet, Jennifer Steyn, Lean van den Walt Disney Studios Home Bergh, Richard van der Westhuizen - Dir. Virus (Blu-ray) Entertainment(ARD Video) 22.03.2012 Regardt van den Bergh 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045510 Trailer, Bildergalerie Virus Drama/Familie 2009 114min. Jamie Lee Curtis, William Baldwin, Donald Tatort: Klassiker-Box, Vol 2 (3 KSM 16.04.2012 Sutherland, Joanna Pacula, Marshall Bell, Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045499 Julio Mechoso, Cliff Curtis - Dir. John Bruno Science Fiction/Horror 1999 100min. Taxi nach Leipzig / Automord / Time-Out Concorde Home Entertainment 03.05.2012 Walter Richter, Renate Schroeter, Paul Al- Der Untergang der Titanic (Blu- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045659 bert Krumm, Karl-Heinz von Hassel, Fritz ray) Eckhardt, Laszlo I. Kish, Ernst C. Sigrist, Titanic Vom Webstuhl zur Weltmacht (3 Sabina Schneebeli - Dir. Peter Schulze- Clifton Webb, Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Rohr, Wilm ten Haaf, Bernhard Giger Wagner, Audrey Dalton, Harper Carter, Discs) Kriminalfilm 1970-2002 min. Thelma Ritter, Brian Aherne, Richard Base- Drehbericht, Dokumentation, Booklet Historienfilm/Drama 1983 360min. Walt Disney Studios Home hart, Allyn Joslyn, James Todd - Dir. Jean Studio Hamburg Distribution & Marketing Entertainment(ARD Video) 22.03.2012 Negulesco 09.03.2012 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045511 Audiokommentar, Fox tönende Wochenschau, Audio-Essay, Trailer, Bildergalerie 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045514 Tatort: Schimanski-Komplettbox, Drama 1953 98min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Eine Wahnsinnsfamilie (Blu-ray) Teil 2 (13 Discs) Germany 30.03.2012 Parenthood Tatort: Bis zum Hals im Dreck / Tatort: 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045684 Steve Martin, Tom Hulce, Rick Moranis, Blutspur / Tatort: Der Fall Schimanski Keanu Reeves, , Dianne Tatort: Der Pott / Tatort: Einzelhaft / Tatort: Urban Explorer (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Wiest, Jason Robards - Dir. Ron Howard Gebrochene Blüten Tatort: Katjas Schwei- Nathalie Kelley, Nick Eversman, Max Komödie 1989 124min. gen Tatort: Kinderlieb / Tatort: Medizin- Riemelt, Catherine De Léan, Brenda Koo, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) männer / Tatort: Moltke / Tatort: Carlo Degen, Andreas Wisniewski, Sascha 12.04.2012 Schimanskis Waffe / Tatort: Spielverder- Marten, Klaus Stiglmeier, Adolfo Assor, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045626 ber / Tatort: Unter Brüdern Johannes Klaußner, Tim Holzapfel, Ron Götz George, Eberhard Feik Holzapfel, Karen Matting, Insa Matting, Jo- Weekend (OmU) Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Trailer hannes Matting - Dir. Andy Fetscher Weekend Kriminalfilm 1987-1991 1157min. Making of, Teaser, Trailer Tom Cullen, Chris New, Jonathan Race, Walt Disney Studios Home Thriller/Horror 2011 94min. Laura Freeman, Loretto Murray, Jonathan Entertainment(ARD Video) 22.03.2012 Universum Film 09.03.2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 20 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Wright, Sarah Churm, Joe Doherty, Jeffrey Barbeau, Solène Rigot, Odile Horror 1979 73min. Jermaine Vauxhall, Kieran Hardcastle, Mark Vuillemin, Martine Demaret - Dir. Jean- Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Devenport, Julius Metson Scot, Martin Philippe Amar, Daniel Grou (als „Podz“) 09.03.2012 Arrowsmith - Dir. Andrew Haigh Drama 2010 384min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045493 Drama/Lovestory 2011 94min. Sunfilm Entertainment 08.03.2012 good!movies(GMfilms) 09.03.2012 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045580 Zombie Death Cult (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045583 Zombie Holocaust Xanadu - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) (Blu- Ian McCulloch, Sherry Buchanan, Peter Willkommen im Westerwald ray) O’Neill, Alexandra Delli Colli, Donald Lisa Martinek, Pasquale Aleardi, Johann Xanadu O’Brien, Walter Patriarca - Dir. Francesco von Bülow, Lambert Hamel, Irene Rindje, Jean-Baptiste Malartre, Julien Boisselier, Martinelli Bettina Schwarz, Anna Böttcher, Werner Nora Arnezeder, Nathalie Blanc, Swann Horror 1979 70min. Lustig, Cornelius Schwalm, Lesley Higl, Arlaud, Judith Henry, Jean-Louis Foulquier, Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Raffaelo Kramm, Michael Schreiner, Matthi- Vanessa Demouy, Phil Hollyday, Gaïa 09.03.2012 as Walter, Ulla Geiger, Jaymes E. Butler, Amaral, Mathilde Bisson, Pénélope 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045455 Araba Walton - Dir. Tomy Wigand Lévêque, Audrey Bastien, Axel Kiener, Komödie 2008 90min. Jeffrey Barbeau, Solène Rigot, Odile Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 23.03.2012 Vuillemin, Martine Demaret - Dir. Jean- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045616 Philippe Amar, Daniel Grou (als „Podz“) Special Interest Drama 2010 400min. Xanadu - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) Sunfilm Entertainment 08.03.2012 Xanadu 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20045589 Whores’ Glory - Ein Triptychon Jean-Baptiste Malartre, Julien Boisselier, (OmU) (Blu-ray) Nora Arnezeder, Nathalie Blanc, Swann Zombie Death Cult (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dir. Michael Glawogger Arlaud, Judith Henry, Jean-Louis Foulquier, Zombie Holocaust Interview Vanessa Demouy, Phil Hollyday, Gaïa Ian McCulloch, Sherry Buchanan, Peter Dokumentarfilm 2011 118min. Amaral, Mathilde Bisson, Pénélope O’Neill, Alexandra Delli Colli, Donald EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Delphi) Lévêque, Audrey Bastien, Axel Kiener, O’Brien, Walter Patriarca - Dir. Francesco 08.03.2012 Martinelli tba BestellNr.: 20045682

LASER HOTLINE Seite 21 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012

LASER HOTLINE Seite 22 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Brotherhood: Complete 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108271 Animation Collection One Action, , Fantasy, Foreign, Internatio- Kite: Uncut (Blu-ray) nal TV, Japanese, Magic, Science Fiction Sawa may seem innocent and naive, but don’t be fooled. She Black Butler: Complete First is a cold-blooded killer, and if you’re on the wrong side of the 825min. law, you may be her next target. Not content to just watch as Season (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) 24.04.2012 the imperfect justice system lets more and more criminals go (Blu-ray) loose every day, a detective decides to train the young Sawa 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108267 to be his instrument of justice. Devils And Demons, Foreign, Horror, Inter- Anime, Foreign, Japanese 1998 S 60min. national TV, Japanese, Anime, Action, Full Metal Alchemist Media Blasters 28.02.2012 Adventure 600min. Brotherhood: Complete 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108325 Funimation 03.04.2012 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108284 Collection One (Blu-ray) Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Legend Of The Legendary Black Butler: Complete Second Japanese, Magic, Science Fiction, Action Heroes: Part One - Limited Editi- 825min. Season - Limited Edition (Blu-ray on (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu- Funimation 24.04.2012 ray) + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108292 Anime, Action, War, Fantasy, Foreign, Inter- Devils And Demons, Foreign, Horror, Inter- national TV, Japanese, Magic 325min. national TV, Japanese, Anime, Action, Full Metal Alchemist Funimation 17.04.2012 Adventure min. Brotherhood: The Sacred Star Of 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108289 Funimation 03.04.2012 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108285 Milos Action, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, Internatio- Legend Of The Legendary Bubble Guppies nal TV, Japanese, Magic, Science Fiction Heroes: Part Two (Blu-ray + DVD 110min. Wanda Sykes Combo) (Blu-ray) Funimation 24.04.2012 From the first time he meets the Bubble Guppies to finding his Anime, Action, War, Fantasy, Foreign, Inter- favorite Bubble Bite snacks to a double-length fairy-tail, get 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108269 to know the Guppies’ playful pet, Bubble Puppy! national TV, Japanese, Magic 300min. Funimation 17.04.2012 Family, Nickelodeon 2011 88min. Full Metal Alchemist Nickelodeon 01.05.2012 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108290 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108541 Brotherhood: The Sacred Star Of Milos (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Lion Of Judah Dragon Age: Dawn Of The Seeker (Blu-ray) Michael Madsen, Ernest Borgnine, Roger In a land where battles are fought with swords and magic, a Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Hawkins young heroine rises to glory as Templars, mages, and dragons Religion/Spirituality, Computer Animation, clash. Cassandra, a brash and beautiful warrior, must stop a Japanese, Magic, Science Fiction, Action conspiracy that threatens the realm’s most powerful religious 110min. Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films order. Accused of treasonous crimes and hunted by friend and Funimation 24.04.2012 2011 87min. foe, Cassandra must clear her name and overcome her rage in 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108293 Warner Bros. 27.03.2012 order to save the day and take her place in legend. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108375 Anime, Based On Video Game, Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Magic, Action, How To Train Your Dragon 3D Adventure 90min. (Blu-ray 3D + DVD Combo) (Blu- Marvel Animated Features: 3- Funimation 29.05.2012 ray) Movie Collection 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108504 Tara Strong, Gwendoline Yeo, Elisa Kristen Wiig, America Ferrera, Gerard But- Gabrielli, Susan Spano, Kevin Michael ler, Jonah Hill, Jay Baruchel, T.J. Miller, Richardson, Bryce Johnson, Fred Dragon Age: Dawn Of The Seeker Craig Ferguson Tatasciore, Sam Vincent, Mark Hildreth, (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) A winner with fans and critics alike, DreamWorks Animation’s In a land where battles are fought with swords and magic, a How To Train Your Dragon delivers „thrilling action Marc Worden, Paul Nakauchi, Rick young heroine rises to glory as Templars, mages, and dragons adventure“ (Claudia Puig, USA Today) in a timeless movie Wasserman, Michael Yama, John McCook, clash. Cassandra, a brash and beautiful warrior, must stop a that’s also „funny and touching“ (Peter Travers, Rolling Rodney Saulsberry, Paul Dobson, James conspiracy that threatens the realm’s most powerful religious Stone). Toothless and Hiccup - unlikely friends and heroes - order. Accused of treasonous crimes and hunted by friend and lead dragons and Vikings to unite in the ultimate battle for Sie foe, Cassandra must clear her name and overcome her rage in survival. „DreamWorks has topped itself“ (Pete Hammond, Planet Hulk. He was a monster, impossible to control, too order to save the day and take her place in legend. Box Office Magazine) with visually stunning animation, an dangerous to ignore. So Earth’s mightiest heroes exiled him outstanding cast and a wonderful original story. Dragons is into outer space. But now The Incredible Hulk crash lands on Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Magic, Anime, sure to delight as „a great adventure for all ages!“ (Ben the distant planet Sakaar, ruled by the tyrannical Red King. Based On Video Game, Action, Adventure Lyons, E!). Sold into slavery, Hulk becomes the planet’s mightiest 90min. Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, gladiator - but his new masters get more than they bargained for when he forges a bond of brotherhood with his fellow Funimation 29.05.2012 Fantasy, Medieval Times, Adventure, fighters. Unlike Earth, the desperate people of Sakaar believe 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108527 Animated Feature Films 2010 98min. a monster is just what they need. But will the Hulk be the one DreamWorks Home Ent. 21.02.2012 to save their world... or destroy it? The Invincible . Past and present collide in this epic adventure that reveals The Dukes: The Complete Series 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108467 the origin of Iron Man. While raising the ruins of a long In this fondly remembered animated series produced by Chinese , billionaire inventor Tony Stark digs up far Hanna-Barbera Studios, Bo, Luke and Daisy Duke take their Jyu-Oh-Sei: Planet Of The King - more than he bargained for. He unleashes an age-old high-wheelin’ country cruisin’ around the world in a race prophecy that foretells the resurrection of the Mandarin, the against Boss Hogg for the family farm. No joshin’ - the Dukes The Complete Series emperor of China’s darkest and most violent dynasty. In order speed through France, , Austria, Greece, - you In the distant future, humanity has migrated into space to to confront the destructive force, Tony creates an armored name it, the General Lee made tracks there! En route, Boss settle in the balkan system, leaving behind them a dying Earth. suit infused with high-tech weaponry. To stop the evil that he Hogg pulls the nastiest tricks ever, like blinding the boys with With the loss of their native home, the race has suffered. himself has raised from the earth a fog machine, having them kidnapped and tricking them into a Safety is an illusion....their parents murdered and their easy Based On Comic Book, Family, Fantasy, jewel heist. Why, that Hogg’s as crooked as a dog’s hind leg! life at an end, young twin brothers and Rai find Action, Adventure, Animated Feature Films, But that won’t stop the Dukes from fighting a fair fight and themselves jettisoned off-world and abandoned to their fate: teaching that cheat a few tricks along the way. Y’all need to Chimera, a hostile planet where only the worst criminals are Science Fiction, Superheroes, Triple Fea- catch this 4-Disc, 20-Episode Complete Animated Series sent to die. With extreme temperatures and carnivorous ture Ltbx S 259min. Collection from the time the pedal hits the metal all the way to plants, it is a world ruled by brutality, a place where mankind Lionsgate 24.04.2012 the finish line! has been reduced to a savage state of survival. And the only Action, CBS, Chases, Comedy min. hope of escape lies in conquering the planet and its peoples, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108626 Warner Bros. MOD 07.12.2010 to rise above them all as the beast king. Boy must become man 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108392 and man must become beast. Death is the only other option. Marvel Animated Features: 3- Action, Anime, Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Science Fiction 255min. Movie Collection (Blu-ray) Full Metal Alchemist Funimation 24.04.2012 Tara Strong, Gwendoline Yeo, Elisa

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 23 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Gabrielli, Susan Spano, Kevin Michael 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108441 hem to His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection in accordance with the scriptures. Each uplifting story has been Richardson, Bryce Johnson, Fred specially adapted for children and will inspire their faith and Tatasciore, Sam Vincent, Mark Hildreth, The New Testament Bible Stories devotion. At the end of each episode is a separate four-minute Marc Worden, Paul Nakauchi, Rick For Children: Death And bonus segment that documents the Bible story with recorded Wasserman, Michael Yama, John McCook, history. Two episodes included: Family, Religion/Spirituality 2011 50min. Rodney Saulsberry, Paul Dobson, James Resurrection Allegro Entertainment 08.02.2011 Sie The Bible comes alive in this delightful animated series The New Testament Bible Stories for Children. This series 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108450 Planet Hulk. He was a monster, impossible to control, too follows the life of Jesus, from his birth in a manger in Bethle- dangerous to ignore. So Earth’s mightiest heroes exiled him hem to His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection in into outer space. But now The Incredible Hulk crash lands on accordance with the scriptures. Each uplifting story has been The New Testament Bible Stories the distant planet Sakaar, ruled by the tyrannical Red King. specially adapted for children and will inspire their faith and Sold into slavery, Hulk becomes the planet’s mightiest devotion. At the end of each episode is a separate four-minute For Children: The Miracles Of Je- gladiator - but his new masters get more than they bargained bonus segment that documents the Bible story with recorded sus for when he forges a bond of brotherhood with his fellow history. Two episodes included: „He said, ‘It is finished,’: and fighters. Unlike Earth, the desperate people of Sakaar believe He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.“ John 19:30. „He The Bible comes alive in this delightful animated series The a monster is just what they need. But will the Hulk be the one is not here; for He has risen, as He said.“ Matthew 28:6. New Testament Bible Stories for Children. This series to save their world... or destroy it? The Invincible Iron Man. follows the life of Jesus, from his birth in a manger in Bethle- Past and present collide in this epic adventure that reveals Family, Religion/Spirituality 2011 50min. hem to His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection in the origin of Iron Man. While raising the ruins of a long buried Allegro Entertainment 08.02.2011 accordance with the scriptures. Each uplifting story has been Chinese kingdom, billionaire inventor Tony Stark digs up far 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108453 specially adapted for children and will inspire their faith and more than he bargained for. He unleashes an age-old devotion. At the end of each episode is a separate four-minute prophecy that foretells the resurrection of the Mandarin, the bonus segment that documents the Bible story with recorded emperor of China’s darkest and most violent dynasty. In order The New Testament Bible Stories history. Two episodes included: to confront the destructive force, Tony creates an armored Family, Religion/Spirituality 2011 50min. suit infused with high-tech weaponry. To stop the evil that he For Children: Jesus Is Tested himself has raised from the earth The Bible comes alive in this delightful animated series The Allegro Entertainment 08.02.2011 Family, Fantasy, Based On Comic Book, New Testament Bible Stories for Children. This series 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108446 follows the life of Jesus, from his birth in a manger in Bethle- Action, Adventure, Animated Feature Films, hem to His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection in Science Fiction, Superheroes, Triple Fea- accordance with the scriptures. Each uplifting story has been The New Testament Bible Stories ture Ltbx S 259min. specially adapted for children and will inspire their faith and For Children: The Young Jesus devotion. At the end of each episode is a separate four-minute Lionsgate 24.04.2012 bonus segment that documents the Bible story with recorded The Bible comes alive in this delightful animated series The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108652 history. Two episodes included: New Testament Bible Stories for Children. This series follows the life of Jesus, from his birth in a manger in Bethle- Family, Religion/Spirituality 2011 50min. hem to His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection in Megamind 3D (Blu-ray 3D + DVD Allegro Entertainment 08.02.2011 accordance with the scriptures. Each uplifting story has been 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108445 specially adapted for children and will inspire their faith and Combo) (Blu-ray) devotion. At the end of each episode is a separate four-minute Will Ferrell, David Cross, Tina Fey, Brad bonus segment that documents the Bible story with recorded Pitt, Jonah Hill The New Testament Bible Stories history. Two episodes included: Religion/Spirituality, Family 2011 50min. Packed with high-flying action and non-stop laughs, For Children: Jesus On Trial Megamind puts a whole new hilarious twist on the superhero The Bible comes alive in this delightful animated series The Allegro Entertainment 08.02.2011 movie. Super villain Megamind’s (Will Ferrell) dreams have New Testament Bible Stories for Children. This series 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108443 come true when he conquers the city’s protector, Metro Man follows the life of Jesus, from his birth in a manger in Bethle- (Brad Pitt), gaining control of Metro City. But when a new hem to His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection in villain (Jonah Hill) is created and chaos runs rampant, the accordance with the scriptures. Each uplifting story has been Oh! Edo Rocket: Complete Series world’s biggest „mind“ and his comic sidekick Minion (David specially adapted for children and will inspire their faith and (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Cross) might actually save the day. With an all-star cast, devotion. At the end of each episode is a separate four-minute including Tina Fey, and amazing animation, Megamind „is a bonus segment that documents the Bible story with recorded Anime, Comedy, Foreign, International TV, smart, funny, and original treat.“ history. Two episodes included: Japanese, Science Fiction 650min. Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Ac- Family, Religion/Spirituality 2011 50min. Funimation 10.04.2012 tion, Animated Feature Films, Science Allegro Entertainment 08.02.2011 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108287 Fiction, Superheroes 2010 96min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108451 DreamWorks Home Ent. 21.02.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108468 Okami-San And Her Seven The New Testament Bible Stories Companions: Complete Series - Monsters Vs. Aliens 3D (Blu-ray For Children: Loaves And Fishes Limited Edition (Blu-ray + DVD The Bible comes alive in this delightful animated series The 3D + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) New Testament Bible Stories for Children. This series Combo) (Blu-ray) follows the life of Jesus, from his birth in a manger in Bethle- Hugh Laurie, Reese Witherspoon, Kiefer hem to His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection in Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, High Sutherland, Seth Rogen, Paul Rudd, Will accordance with the scriptures. Each uplifting story has been School, International TV, Japanese, Arnett, Rainn Wilson, Stephen Colbert specially adapted for children and will inspire their faith and Romance 300min. In DreamWorks Animation’s Monsters Vs. Aliens, everyone’s devotion. At the end of each episode is a separate four-minute Funimation 03.04.2012 favorite motley gang of monsters unite to save the world from bonus segment that documents the Bible story with recorded imminent destruction in „the year’s funniest comedy“ (Pete history. Two episodes included: 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108286 Hammond - Hollywood.com). Ginormica, Dr. Cockroach, Family, Religion/Spirituality 2011 50min. Missing Link, Insectosaurous and B.O.B. join forces to fight Allegro Entertainment 08.02.2011 Sekirei: Complete Series (Blu-ray back when aliens attack. With an all-star cast and amazing 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108449 animation, this „ginormous hit!“ (Pete Hammond, + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Hollywood.com) is „a monstrously good time for all“ (Bill Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Foreign, Bregoli, CBS). The New Testament Bible Stories Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Mon- Japanese, Science Fiction 300min. sters, Action, Adventure, Aliens, Science For Children: The Apostles Funimation 10.04.2012 The Bible comes alive in this delightful animated series The 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108288 Fiction 2009 94min. New Testament Bible Stories for Children. This series DreamWorks Home Ent. 21.02.2012 follows the life of Jesus, from his birth in a manger in Bethle- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108469 hem to His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection in Shrek 2 3D (Blu-ray 3D + DVD accordance with the scriptures. Each uplifting story has been specially adapted for children and will inspire their faith and Combo) (Blu-ray) The New Testament Bible Stories devotion. At the end of each episode is a separate four-minute Eddie Murphy, , Mike Myers, bonus segment that documents the Bible story with recorded For Children: A Child Is Born history. Two episodes included: Rupert Everett, Julie Andrews, Jennifer The Bible comes alive in this delightful animated series The Family, Religion/Spirituality 2011 50min. Saunders, , Antonio Banderas New Testament Bible Stories for Children. This series Everyone’s favorite larger-than-life hero returns in Shrek 2, follows the life of Jesus, from his birth in a manger in Bethle- Allegro Entertainment 08.02.2011 the #1 comedy of all time hailed by critics and audiences alike hem to His crucifixion and subsequent resurrection in 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108447 as even better than its Oscar®- winning predecessor! USA accordance with the scriptures. Each uplifting story has been Today proclaims „there are so many jokes and jests, not even specially adapted for children and will inspire their faith and a jelly-bellied ogre could consumer them all in one sitting.“ devotion. At the end of each episode is a separate four-minute The New Testament Bible Stories Happily ever after never seemed so far far away when a trip bonus segment that documents the Bible story with recorded For Children: The Last Supper to meet the in-laws turns into another hilariously twisted history. Two episodes included: adventure for Shrek and Fiona. With the help of his faithful Family, Religion/Spirituality 2011 50min. The Bible comes alive in this delightful animated series The steed Donkey, Shrek takes on a potion-brewing Fairy New Testament Bible Stories for Children. This series Godmother, the pompous Prince Charming, and the famed Allegro Entertainment 08.02.2011 follows the life of Jesus, from his birth in a manger in Bethle-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 24 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA ogre-killer, Puss In Boots, a ferocious feline foe who’s really 2010 Ltbx S 150min. Tsubasa: OVA Collection (Blu-ray) just a pussycat at heart! Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 Comedy, Fairy Tales, Family, Adventure, After visiting countless realities, Syaoran, Sakura, Fai, and 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108437 Kurogane finally learn the truth behind their shared fate. The Animated Animals 2004 93min. shadowy villain responsible for scattering Sakura’s memories DreamWorks Home Ent. 21.02.2012 is exposed, and the four friends endure twists and turmoil Thundarr The Barbarian: The unlike any they’ve ever encountered. Impossible sacrifices, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108471 both emotional and physical, must be made. When Fai is dealt Complete Series an incredible wound, Kurogane takes shocking steps to save Shrek 3D (Blu-ray 3D + DVD Com- Man’s civilization is cast in ruin when a runaway planet the wizard from death. The warrior’s efforts will connect them speeds between the Earth and the Moon, unleashing cosmic forever. In a savage urban wasteland, Sakura’s survival is far bo) (Blu-ray) destruction. Two-thousand years later, Earth is reborn from from guaranteed as she boldly takes action like never before. the ashes with a savage landscape, strange creatures and a Indeed, nobody is safe - and the quest’s noble hero is in the Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, John Lithgow, primitive sense of justice. But one man fights to spread peace greatest danger of all. Syaoran must face his fiercest foe yet: Michael Myers throughout the land: he is Thundarr The Barbarian and you himself. One Syaoran is a clone. The other is real. When a You’ve never met a hero quite like Shrek, winner of the first can own All 21 Exciting Adventures in a 4-Disc Collection brutal battle erupts between the two, it is Sakura who suffers Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. The endearing starring Thundarr and his companions Ookla the Mok and most. Prepare for the unexpected. Nothing is as it seems. ogre sparked a motion picture phenomenon and captured the sorceress Princess Ariel. Using their strength, courage and Everything you know about Tsubasa changes now. The world’s imagination with. . . the Greatest Fairy Tale Never wits plus Thundarr’s magical Sunsword, they journey from Magician’s Message The Young Man’s Right Eye The Told! Critics are calling Shrek „not just a brilliant animated village to village, liberating slaves and battling all kinds of Princess’s Dream Part 1 Part 2 feature, but a superb film on any level“ (Larry King, USA beasts, mutants, wizards, thieves and robots. The future of Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Today). Relive every moment of Shrek’s (Mike Myers) daring Earth may be shrouded in darkness, but Thundarr The quest to rescue the feisty Princess Fiona (Cameron Diaz) Barbarian bursts into action as a shining symbol of hope for Japanese, Anime, Action, Adventure 2009 with the help of his loveable loudmouthed Donkey (Eddie humanity. 150min. Murphy) and win back the deed to his beloved swamp from Apocalyptic Future, Fantasy 480min. Funimation 17.04.2012 scheming Lord Farquaad (John Lithgow). Enchantingly irreverent and „monsterously clever“ (Leah Rozen, People Warner Bros. MOD 28.09.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108291 Magazine), Shrek is an ogre-sized adventure you’ll want to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108417 see again and again! Ultimate Avengers Movie Comedy, Computer Animation, Fairy Tales, : Around The Family, Fantasy, Academy Award Winners, Collection Adventure, Animated Animals 2001 90min. World Nan McNamara, Nicole Oliver, Grey Delisle, Tom and Jerry travel the globe by land, sea, and air in this Fred Tatasciore, Tom Kane, Nolan North, DreamWorks Home Ent. 21.02.2012 collection of 22 hilarious adventures. From Broadway to outer 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108470 space, hitch a ride with your favorite cat and mouse for non- Michael Massee, Adrian Petriw, Marc Wor- stop fun and action. Whether the furry duo is running from an den, Noah Crawford, Dave Boat, Justin Shrek Forever After 3D (Blu-ray erupting volcano on a tropical island or conducting an Gross, Dempsey Pappion, Jim Ward, Andre orchestra in Hollywood, you can count on laughs the whole Ware, Michael Adamthwaite, Ken Kramer 3D + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) way. Sword fights, magic spells, and treasure maps fill these delightful escapades and will have you climbing on board for 3 Movie Set. Ultimate Avengers. A world in crisis. Age-old Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Mike Myers, more expeditions. So grab your luggage and bring the entire enemies on the verge of attack. So a mighty team is recruited, Julie Andrews, John Cleese, Antonio family along for a boisterous trip around the world and and Earth’s ultimate hero is sought to lead them - Captain beyond. America. Unfortunately, he’s been frozen in ice for over sixty Banderas, Jon Hamm years. Inspired by Marvel’s best-selling book, The Ultimates, It started with a loveable ogre...who befriended a talking Comedy, Family, Animated Animals min. this is the extraordinary story of six very independent heroes donkey...and rescued a beautiful princess in the unforgettable Warner Bros. 08.05.2012 who, like it or not, must fight as one to save the world. Little story that broke the mold for all animated films to follow. Now 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108298 did they know that their biggest threat would emerge from comes Shrek Forever After, the hilarious and fitting finale to within their very own ranks - The Incredible Hulk! Ultimate the record-breaking, Oscar-winning movie phenomenon. Avengers 2. To save humanity, the Earth’s mightiest heroes Longing for the days when he was a „real ogre,“ Shrek signs Top Cat And The Beverly Hills must reunite for a rematch of heroic proportions. Mysterious a deal with Rumpelstiltskin to get his roar back - but turns his Wakanda. It lies in the darkest heart of Africa, unknown to world upside down in the process. Donkey suddenly can’t Cats most of the world. An isolated land hidden behind closed remember his best friend; Fiona is now a tough warrior John Stephenson, Arnold Stang, Marvin borders, fiercely protected by its young king - the Black princess; and Puss in Boots is one fat cat! Together, they Panther. But when brutal alien invaders attack, that leaves have just 24 hours to reverse the contract and restore happily Kaplan the Black Panther with no option but to go against the sacred forever after to close the final chapter. How did alley cats Top Cat, Choo-Choo, Brain, Fancy-Fancy decrees of his people and ask for help from outsiders. And so and Benny the Ball end up in the swanky mansion of Gertrude he turns to... The Avengers - Captain America, Iron Man, Comedy, Computer Animation, Fairy Tales, Vandergelt? What’s Benny doing in a dog pound? And why are Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Animated Fea- Thor, Giant Man, Wasp, Black the conniving butler Snerdly and his mad wolfhound Rasputin Based On Comic Book, Family, Fantasy, ture Films 2010 93min. out to get Benny? Get the breathless answers to these and Action, Adventure, Animated Feature Films, DreamWorks Home Ent. 21.02.2012 other nutty questions in the fabulous feature-length animated caper Top Cat And The Beverly Hills Cats. What starts off as Science Fiction, Superheroes, Triple Fea- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108473 an another ordinary day in Hoagie Alley’s turns into an adventurous romp through Beverly Hills, with Top Cat and the ture Ltbx DD 5.1 222min. gang riding in limos, attending lavish costume parties and Lionsgate 24.04.2012 Shrek The Third 3D (Blu-ray 3D + saving the heir to the Vandergelt fortune! Original Top Cat 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108620 DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) series voice Arnold Stang (T.C.), Marvin Kaplan (Choo-Choo), Leo De Lyon (Spook and Brain) and John Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Mike Myers, Stephenson (Fancy-Fancy) memorably reprise their roles. Ultimate Avengers Movie Rupert Everett, Justin Timberlake, Amy TV Movies, Comedy, Animated Animals Collection (Blu-ray) Poehler, Julie Andrews, Amy Sedaris, John 1987 92min. Nan McNamara, Nicole Oliver, Grey Delisle, Cleese, Antonio Banderas, Ian McShane Warner Bros. MOD 20.09.2011 Fred Tatasciore, Tom Kane, Nolan North, Get ready for Thirds - the greatest fairy tale never told 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108563 continues with a whole new hilarious comedy of royal Michael Massee, Adrian Petriw, Marc Wor- proportions. When his frog-in-law suddenly croaks, Shrek den, Noah Crawford, Dave Boat, Justin embarks on another whirlwind adventure with Donkey and Tsubasa: OVA Collection Gross, Dempsey Pappion, Jim Ward, Andre Puss In Boots to find the rightful heir to the throne. After visiting countless realities, Syaoran, Sakura, Fai, and Everyone’s favorite cast of characters is back, along with a Kurogane finally learn the truth behind their shared fate. The Ware, Michael Adamthwaite, Ken Kramer magical misguided Merlin, an awkward Arthur, a powerful shadowy villain responsible for scattering Sakura’s memories 3 Movie Set. Ultimate Avengers. A world in crisis. Age-old posse of princesses, and a bundle of unexpected arrivals. is exposed, and the four friends endure twists and turmoil enemies on the verge of attack. So a mighty team is recruited, Only Shrek can tell a tale where everyone lives happily ever unlike any they’ve ever encountered. Impossible sacrifices, and Earth’s ultimate hero is sought to lead them - Captain laughter! both emotional and physical, must be made. When Fai is dealt America. Unfortunately, he’s been frozen in ice for over sixty Comedy, Computer Animation, Fairy Tales, an incredible wound, Kurogane takes shocking steps to save years. Inspired by Marvel’s best-selling book, The Ultimates, Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Animated the wizard from death. The warrior’s efforts will connect them this is the extraordinary story of six very independent heroes forever. In a savage urban wasteland, Sakura’s survival is far who, like it or not, must fight as one to save the world. Little Animals, Animated Feature Films 2007 from guaranteed as she boldly takes action like never before. did they know that their biggest threat would emerge from 92min. Indeed, nobody is safe - and the quest’s noble hero is in the within their very own ranks - The Incredible Hulk! Ultimate DreamWorks Home Ent. 21.02.2012 greatest danger of all. Syaoran must face his fiercest foe yet: Avengers 2. To save humanity, the Earth’s mightiest heroes himself. One Syaoran is a clone. The other is real. When a must reunite for a rematch of heroic proportions. Mysterious 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108472 brutal battle erupts between the two, it is Sakura who suffers Wakanda. It lies in the darkest heart of Africa, unknown to most. Prepare for the unexpected. Nothing is as it seems. most of the world. An isolated land hidden behind closed Squid Girl: Season One Complete Everything you know about Tsubasa changes now. borders, fiercely protected by its young king - the Black Action, Adventure, Anime, Fantasy, Panther. But when brutal alien invaders attack, that leaves Collection (Blu-ray) the Black Panther with no option but to go against the sacred Foreign, International TV, Japanese 2009 decrees of his people and ask for help from outsiders. And so Foolish land-born air breathers! Behold the terror from the he turns to... The Avengers - Captain America, Iron Man, depths, the tentacled conqueror of humanity: Squid Girl! With 150min. Funimation 17.04.2012 Thor, Giant Man, Wasp, Black your pollution and stuff you really deserve it, so prepare for Family, Fantasy, Based On Comic Book, menacing, inky doom! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108266 Anime, Comedy, International TV, Japanese Adventure, Animated Feature Films,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 25 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Science Fiction, Superheroes, Triple Fea- planned. Grace, the youngest of three sisters is the witness John Lawrence ture Ltbx DD 5.1 222min. to the exhausting mental and physical abuse of her sisters. All new HD transfer! First time ever on Blu-ray!. A Escaping the wrath of their mother seems impossible and philanthropist and amateur psychic researcher embarks on a Lionsgate 24.04.2012 proves to be deadly. The Afflicted. fateful quest for immortality. Hugo Cunningham (Robert 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108651 Horror 82min. Stephens) has a morbid hobby of taking photographs of dying Brain Damage Films 03.04.2012 people, and this leads to his discovery of a nebulous spirit of the dead—known in mythology as the Asphyx—that appears Valley Of The Dinosaurs: The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108581 (only visible on photographic plates) at the moment of death. Complete Series Hugo becomes obsessed with capturing his own Asphyx and Albatross thus ensuring that he cannot die, but of course this is an ill- Jackie Earle Haley fated ambition that puts him on a ruinous path to destruction During a rafting excursion of an uncharted river canyon, , , Sebastian and death. Professor John Butler, wife Kim, kids Katie and Greg and Koch Horror, Religion/Spirituality, Science Fiction family dog Digger get caught up in a mysterious whirlpool and 17-year-old Emelia (), who believes 1973 83min. resurface in a world of prehistoric creatures. Now everyday she is following in the footsteps of her great-grandfather Sir is an exercise in survival for the adventurous Butler family. Arthur Conan Doyle by pursuing a writing career, takes a job Kino Video 17.04.2012 They befriend a helpful cave-dwelling family and together at a B&B owned by former writer Jonathan Fischer (Sebastian 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108532 must contend with an angry brontosaurus and a dangerous Koch, Black Book) and run by his wife Joa (Julia Ormond, sabertooth tiger - and don’t forget the earthquakes and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button). Sensing emerging volcanoes! Any time the family can spare is spent building a talent in Emelia, Jonathan begins to tutor her, leading to a The Belle Starr Story boat or radio in hopes of finding their way back to the modern relationship that soon develops into a secret affair. Elsa Martinelli, Robert Woods era in this 2-Disc, 16-Episode Collection of the exciting Meanwhile, bookish daughter Beth Fischer (Felicity Jones, animated series Valley Of The Dinosaurs. Abused and dominated by men in her youth, Belle Starr now Like Crazy) finds an unlikely friend in the free-spirited Emelia out-rides, out-smokes, out-shoots, and out-gambles them as Dinosaurs, Adventure, Animated Animals and begins to reveal to her the details of the Fischer family’s she makes her way around the Old West, usually wearing 1974 344min. troubled past. Now unless she can extricate herself from her male garb. One man who’s her equal is Larry Blackie with Warner Bros. MOD 06.05.2011 relationship with Jonathan, Emelia just might destroy what whom she has an on-again, off-again relationship which is solidarity the family has left. A tender and poignant comedy, often argumentative and sometimes violent. Together they 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108680 Albatross shows how the most unusual of circumstances can become involved in a robbery which goes awry. Belle has to teach us to stand on our own two feet. rescue Larry and though he’s grateful, he now wants to go his Drama 2011 90min. own way. However, he expresses the hope that someday MPI 24.04.2012 they’ll once more cross paths and then... who knows? 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108553 Western, Foreign, girl power, Independent Film Women, Italian 1968 103min. The Amazing Adventure American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108496 1313: UFO Invasion Cary Grant, Mary Brian Monique Parent, Derek North Cary Grant stars as a wealthy-yet-unfulfilled millionaire who She is out of this world!. Adam is a graduate student in attempts to spend a year among the working classes instead Ben-Hur: 50th Anniversary Edition theoretical astronomy and working on his dissertation. He’s of relying on his family fortune in this British comedy- always been interested in what’s ‘out there’ and he finds a romance. But his loyalties are challenged when he falls in Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Martha perfect opportunity to both work and play.....in Roswell, New love with a woman from the impoverished side of town. Co- Scott, Haya Harareet, Stephen Boyd, Hugh Mexico. For Sci Fi / Horror fans, and fans of David starring Mary Brian, the film is based on best-selling novel Griffith, Sam Jaffe DeCoteau’s films. The Amazing Quest Of Ernest Bliss, which is also the title High-definition Blu-ray hits greater heights with the arrival of Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Alien used for its original UK release. the visual splendor, thundering action and towering drama of Invasions, Aliens, Fantasy 2011 Ltbx Romance, Comedy 1937 62min. this record-setting winner of 11 Academy Awards®* including American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Best Picture. Charlton Heston brings a muscular physical and 72min. moral presence to his Best Oscar®-winning role of Music Video Distribution 03.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108495 Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish nobleman in Palestine whose heroic 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108535 odyssey includes enslavement by the Romans, vengeance The Angels Wash Their Faces against his tormentors during a furious arena chariot race and fateful encounters with Jesus Christ. Best Director Oscar® About A Boy (Blu-ray) Ann Sheridan, Huntz Hall, Leo Gorcey, Billy winner William Wyler masterfully grips the reins of an Hugh Grant (Notting Hill, Bridget Jones’s Diary) is simply Halop, Bernard Punsly enduring and spellbinding spectacular. brilliant in this comedy hit the critics are hailing as Billy, Huntz, Leo and other scrappy kids of slum-ridden Beale National Film Registry, Religion/Spirituality, „Hilarious!“ (Premiere). Will Lightman (Grant) is a good- Street have gone and done it. They’ve won the Boys Week Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top looking, smooth-talking bachelor whose primary goal in life is competition and the right to hold honorary offices as mayor, avoiding any kind of responsibility. But when he invents an police chief and the like. With the help of an earnest deputy 100, Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / imaginary son in order to meet attractive single moms, Will D.A., the gang aims to use their symbolic powers to free a Period Piece 1959 222min. gets a hilarious lesson about life from a bright but hopelessly wrongly jailed pal and bring down an arson racket that’s Warner Bros. 07.02.2012 geeky 12-year-old named Marcus. Now, as Will struggles to blighting the neighborhood. The Dead End Kids return in a teach Marcus the art of being cool, Marcus teaches Will that comedy-drama that revisits the cinematic neighborhood of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108345 you’re never too old to grow up. About A Boy is the Angels With Dirty Faces, although it is not strictly a sequel. irresistible comedy smash that Richard Schickel of Time Twenty-eight-year-old Ronald Reagan portrays the idealistic Ben-Hur: 50th Anniversary Edition Magazine says is „smart, funny and winsome.“ junior D.A., joining Ann Sheridan in the third of five feature Comedy min. pairings that would conclude with their landmark Kings Row. (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 01.05.2012 Romance, Troubled Youth, Drama, Gangs Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Martha 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108567 1939 86min. Scott, Haya Harareet, Stephen Boyd, Hugh Warner Bros. MOD 17.09.2010 Griffith, Sam Jaffe The Admiral Was A Lady 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108388 High-definition Blu-ray hits greater heights with the arrival of the visual splendor, thundering action and towering drama of Wanda Hendrix, Rudy Vallee, Johnny this record-setting winner of 11 Academy Awards®* including Sands The Asphyx Best Picture. Charlton Heston brings a muscular physical and Post-World War II, four ex-servicemen are doing everything Robert Powell, David Grey, Jane Lapotaire, moral presence to his Best Actor Oscar®-winning role of they can to avoid work in this zany, fun-filled comedy. That is, Fiona Walker, Robert Stephens, Alex Scott, Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish nobleman in Palestine whose heroic until they’re called upon to keep an eye on a pretty, young ex- odyssey includes enslavement by the Romans, vengeance WAVE officer who they nickname „The Admiral“— and with John Lawrence against his tormentors during a furious arena chariot race and whom they all fall in love! Edmund O’Brien and Wanda A philanthropist and amateur psychic researcher embarks on fateful encounters with Jesus Christ. Best Director Oscar® Hendrix are adorable, while Johnny Sands and Steve Brodie a fateful quest for immortality. Hugo Cunningham (Robert winner William Wyler masterfully grips the reins of an provide endless comic relief in this unlikely gem! Stephens) has a morbid hobby of taking photographs of dying enduring and spellbinding spectacular. people, and this leads to his discovery of a nebulous spirit of Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Romance, Comedy 1950 83min. the dead—known in mythology as the Asphyx—that appears American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 (only visible on photographic plates) at the moment of death. Piece, Academy Award Winners, Action, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108494 Hugo becomes obsessed with capturing his own Asphyx and AFI Top 100, National Film Registry, Religi- thus ensuring that he cannot die, but of course this is an ill- on/Spirituality 1959 222min. fated ambition that puts him on a ruinous path to destruction Warner Bros. 07.02.2012 The Afflicted and death. The Afflicted is an intense psychological thriller based on the Religion/Spirituality, Science Fiction, Horror 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108373 true life story of Theresa Knorr, a truly disturbing and dark 1973 83min. story. Leslie Easterbrook (Police Academy, Halloween, Ben-Hur: 50th Anniversary Edition House, Devil’s Rejects) plays the lead role of ‘Maggie’, a Kino Video 17.04.2012 disturbed mother of four who delivers an unimaginable level of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108523 (Blu-ray) abuse to her children while defending her actions with her own twisted interpretations of the Bible. Kane Hodder, (Jason Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Martha Voorhees from Friday the 13th) plays the role of Hank, a The Asphyx (Blu-ray) Scott, Haya Harareet, Stephen Boyd, Hugh husband who is desperate to leave his failed marriage and Robert Powell, David Grey, Jane Lapotaire, Griffith, Sam Jaffe distant wife but finds leaving more difficult than he originally Fiona Walker, Robert Stephens, Alex Scott, High-definition Blu-ray hits greater heights with the arrival of

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 26 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the visual splendor, thundering action and towering drama of Blood Work (Blu-ray) Indican Pictures 14.02.2012 this record-setting winner of 11 Academy Awards®* including Best Picture. Charlton Heston brings a muscular physical and Clint Eastwood, , Paul 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108648 moral presence to his Best Actor Oscar®-winning role of Rodriguez, Tina Lifford, Wanda de Jesus, Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish nobleman in Palestine whose heroic Carnage odyssey includes enslavement by the Romans, vengeance Jeff Daniels, Dylan Walsh against his tormentors during a furious arena chariot race and FBI profiler Terry McCaleb almost always gets to the heart of , Jodie Foster, John C. Reilly, fateful encounters with Jesus Christ. Best Director Oscar® a case. This time, that heart beats inside him. He’s a cardiac patient who received a murder victim’s heart. And the donor’s Christoph Waltz winner William Wyler masterfully grips the reins of an A biting comedy of no manners.. Carnage is a razor-sharp, enduring and spellbinding spectacular. sister asks him to make good on his second chance by finding the killer. That’s just the first of many twists in a smart, gritty biting comedy centered on parental differences. After two Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period suspense thriller that’s „vintage Eastwood: swift, surprising boys duke it out on a playground, the parents of the „victim“ Piece, Academy Award Winners, Action, and very, very exciting“ (Jim Svejda, KNX/CBS Radio). Clint invite the parents of the „bully“ over to work out their issues. AFI Top 100, National Film Registry, Religi- Eastwood produces, directs and stars in this edgy acclaimed A polite discussion of childrearing soon escalates into verbal mystery based on Michael Connelly’s novel and scripted by warfare, with all four parents revealing their true colors. on/Spirituality 1959 222min. Brian Helgeland (L.A. Confidential). With a superb cast None of them will escape the carnage. Directed by Roman Warner Bros. 07.02.2012 brought to a hard boil playing characters to quicken your Polanski (The Pianist), Carnage stars Academy Award®- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108372 pulse and hold you spellbound, Blood Work works winner Kate Winslet (Best Actress, The Reader, 2008) and exceptionally well. Academy Award®-winner Christoph Waltz (Best Supporting Crime, Drama, FBI, Mystery, Serial Killers, Actor, Inglourious Basterds, 2009) as husband and wife Big Tough Guys (Collectible Tin) Nancy and Alan Cowan, opposite Academy Award®-winner Thrillers 2002 111min. Jodie Foster (Best Actress, The Silence of the Lambs, 1991; Fred MacMurray, Mickey Rooney, Humphrey Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 Best Actress, The Accused, 1988) and Academy Award®- Bogart, John Garfield 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108528 nominee John C. Reilly (Best Supporting Actor, . This collector’s tin features six classic thrillers on two Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, DVDs! Includes: D.O.A. The Chase Quicksand They Made Dysfunctional Families 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD Me A Criminal Borderline The Boob Tube 5.0 79min. Mystery, Romance, Collections, Crime, Dra- Sharon Kelly, John Alderman Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ma, 1953 FF S 517min. Racy TV Station, KSEX, has wild and uncensored 20.03.2012 Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 programming. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108480 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108482 Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Erotica 1975 82min. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 The Big Wheel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108506 Carnage (Blu-ray) Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster, John C. Reilly, Mickey Rooney, Spring Byington, Thomas Born 2 Race Christoph Waltz Mitchell A biting comedy of no manners.. Carnage is a razor-sharp, An ambitious car mechanic (Mickey Rooney) determined to Joseph Cross, Sherry Stringfield, Christina biting comedy centered on parental differences. After two follow in his father’s footsteps battles his way up the circuit Moore, Nicole Badaan, Spencer Breslin, boys duke it out on a playground, the parents of the „victim“ to become an auto racing champion. But a fatal mistake on the invite the parents of the „bully“ over to work out their issues. track threatens to change everything for the cocky young Erik King, Brando Eaton Danny Krueger, a rebellious young street racer on a collision A polite discussion of childrearing soon escalates into verbal driver, who’d set his sights on the Indianapolis 500. The warfare, with all four parents revealing their true colors. exciting story unfolds against a backdrop of adrenalin-fueled course with trouble. After an accident at an illegal street race, he is sent to a small town to live with his estranged None of them will escape the carnage. Directed by Roman racing action, and co-stars Thomas Mitchell, Hattie McDaniel Polanski (The Pianist), Carnage stars Academy Award®- and Spring Byington. father, a washed up NASCAR racer. When Danny decides to enter the NHRA High School Drags, he’s forced to seek his winner Kate Winslet (Best Actress, The Reader, 2008) and Racing, Sports, Auto Racing, Drama 1949 father’s help in taking down the local hot shot. To win it all, Academy Award®-winner Christoph Waltz (Best Supporting 92min. Danny needs to rise to the challenge in a world where old Actor, Inglourious Basterds, 2009) as husband and wife American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 rivalries run deep, outsiders are rarely welcome and racing is Nancy and Alan Cowan, opposite Academy Award®-winner a way of life. Jodie Foster (Best Actress, The Silence of the Lambs, 1991; 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108497 Best Actress, The Accused, 1988) and Academy Award®- NASCAR, Racing, Action, Auto Racing 2011 nominee John C. Reilly (Best Supporting Actor, Chicago. Ltbx DD 5.1 99min. The Bigamist Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, Anderson Merchandisers 28.02.2012 Dysfunctional Families 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD Ida Lupino, Joan Fontaine, Edmund Gwenn 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108407 A couple, having grown apart after they are unable to 5.0 79min. conceive a child of their own, decides to adopt. But things Sony Pictures Home Entertainment take a troubling turn when the adoption agency conducts a The Brain That Wouldn’t Die 20.03.2012 background check and discovers the husband leading a double life with another family in L.A. British-born Ida Lupino Virginia Leith, Leslie Daniel, Herb Evers 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108500 both acts and directs here, one of the first women in Holly- A scientist’s girlfriend is killed in a car crash. She is wood to do so (she would go on to write, too). The impressive decapitated and he keeps her head alive while he hunts for a The Castilian cast also features Academy Award winners Joan Fontaine and new body. Edmond O’Brien, as well as Edmund Gwenn. Classics, Horror 1962 82min. Cesar Romero, Broderick Crawford, Romance, Drama 1953 79min. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Frankie Avalon American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108507 Historical film about a count, Fernan Gonzalez. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108505 Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1963 The Bushwhackers 128min. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Blind Turn John Ireland, Robin Gammel, Wayne Morris, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108509 Samantha Holt (Rachel Boston) had the perfect life with a Lawrence Tierney handsome fiancée and a bright future. But an unexpected turn After the Civil War Jeff swears he will never use a gun again. on a dark lonely road puts her on a collision course with When he realizes that a local rancher is using brute force to Cheaters Bruce Miller (Jay Dee Walters), a devoted family man who claim land for the railroad where settlers are farming his Is their love strong enough to overcome any obstacle?. A descends into madness when he loses everything he ever plans change. cared about. One year later, Bruce decides to give Samantha seductive romance about husband and wife Greg & Shawnda, the punishment he believes she escaped, by kidnapping her Western 1952 67min. who - after six years of marriage - find themselves straying and hancuffing her to a wheelchair in his isloated home. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 outside their union. Shawnda discovers that she has feelings Samantha has struggled with her own demons since that 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108508 for a woman, and dives into a world of sex, lies, and fateful night...but Bruce will take her struggles to the edge confusion. Believing that she has mastered living a double when he implements a demented and torturous plan to teach life, she fails to realize that Greg has also found someone her a twisted lesson that may cost her the ultimate price. BuzzKill else. Sensing that the relationship between Greg and Shawnda isn’t going as planned, Shawnda’s sister Sammy Revenge, Thrillers, Drama, Kidnapping 2011 Reiko Aylesworth, Krysten Ritter, Mike flies to to offer some guidance. Once there, 75min. Starr, Darrell Hammond, Larry Hankin Sammy manages to bring Greg and Shawnda back together - FilmWorks 24.04.2012 but just as things start to look up, the couple discovers that Serial Killers, Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy they’ve been sleeping with the same woman! Is their love 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108344 2010 94min. strong enough to overcome any obstacle? Indican Pictures 14.02.2012 Rocky Relationships, Drama Ltbx 16x9 DD Blood Guardian 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108603 5.1 80min. Melissa Cox, Matt Robinson Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 Even your mother can’t be trusted!. Blood Guardian. BuzzKill (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108389 Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Horror 2009 Ltbx Reiko Aylesworth, Krysten Ritter, Mike 16x9 90min. Starr, Darrell Hammond, Larry Hankin Chuck: The Complete Fifth Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 Comedy, Crime, Dark Comedy, Serial Killers 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108268 Season 2010 94min. Yvonne Strahovski, Sarah Lancaster, Adam

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 27 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Baldwin, Zachary Levi, Joshua Gomez, Vik Comedy, High School, Romance 1995 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108308 Sahay 97min. Chuck is back with new missions, a new business — and no 01.05.2012 Dark Shadows: The Complete Intersect. The stakes are high as Chuck sets out to become a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108570 full-fledged spy. But without the CIA as backup, Chuck will Original Series have to rely now more than ever on John Casey, Sarah Wal- This limited edition boxed set contains every eerie episode of ker, and a new Intersect — Morgan Guillermo Grimes. Across The Creeper the original Gothic suspense series Dark Shadows (1966- this thrilling final season, Chuck will find that his wits, his 1971) plus a wealth of bonus interviews with the stars and friends, and his family are the only backup he needs. Hal Holbrook, Robin Gammel, Lawrence creative members that made the thriller a cult Action, Comedy, NBC 2011 817min. Dane favorite and an enduring television classic. Warner Bros. 08.05.2012 Five doctors on a wilderness outing are stalked by disfigured Thrillers, Vampires, Boxed Sets, Cult Film / 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108376 and crazed killers. TV, Horror, 1966 27420min. Serial Killers, Stalkers, Thrillers, MPI 10.04.2012 Wilderness, Horror 1977 90min. 999,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108306 Chuck: The Complete Fifth American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Season (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108510 Yvonne Strahovski, Sarah Lancaster, Adam The Dawn Rider Baldwin, Zachary Levi, Joshua Gomez, Vik Crows Zero (Blu-ray) John Wayne, Marion Burns, Dennis Moore, Reed Howes Sahay Shun Oguri, Takayuki Yamada, Meisa Chuck is back with new missions, a new business — and no John Wayne’s character chases the man who killed his father, Intersect. The stakes are high as Chuck sets out to become a Kuroki, Kyosuke Yabe, Kenichi Endo, Goro who is an outlaw. full-fledged spy. But without the CIA as backup, Chuck will Kishitani Revenge, Western 1935 55min. have to rely now more than ever on John Casey, Sarah Wal- Raze some hell.. At Suzuran Boys High School, the students American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 ker, and a new Intersect — Morgan Guillermo Grimes. Across form gangs and fight for control almost every day. A mob this thrilling final season, Chuck will find that his wits, his boss’s son transfers to the school and teams up with three of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108512 friends, and his family are the only backup he needs. his most powerful rivals in a shot to gain power. Roadblocks Comedy, NBC, Action 2011 817min. and tragedy wait along the way, and danger is around every Decision Warner Bros. 08.05.2012 corner. Drama, Foreign, Japanese, Action 2007 Natalie Grant, Billy Dean 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108434 A family in crisis. A journey of hope.. A family in despair Ltbx S 129min. rediscovers its faith in this uplifting drama from the producers Allegro Entertainment 27.03.2012 of WWJD: What Would Jesus Do? Natalie Grant (Four-time Cinema Verite 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108436 GMA Dove Awards Female Vocalist of the Year) stars as Tim Robbins, , Diane Lane, Ilene, who struggles to make ends meet after the tragic death Lolita Davidovich, Thomas Dekker, Patrick of her firefighter husband (country music star Billy Dean). Dancing Pirate When she begins to lose control of her heartbroken teenage Fugit, Johnny Simmons son Jackson (Michael Rosenbaum), she reaches out to her When reality became entertainment, everything changed. Rita Hayworth, Steffi Duna, Frank Morgan, estranged father Wyatt (Rusty Whitener), a farmer, to take in Decades before housewives had screaming matches with Luis Alberni the troubled boy. Wyatt is a good man but set in his ways, and each other on camera in public, the Loud family became a A naïve, young dance instructor in 19th century Boston has Jackson resists Wyatt’s attempts to instill in him the virtues television sensation of a new kind when they appeared on the set sail for California, via South America, when he’s way-laid of hard work and his Christian values. Gradually, they form a groundbreaking 1973 PBS documentary series An American by swashbuckling pirates. When he tries to dance his way to bond that will require Jackson to find an inner strength he Family. Witness the birth of reality television as Diane Lane, freedom, he’s mistaken by the locals for a buccaneer himself! never knew he had to avert yet another family tragedy. Tim Robbins and James Gandolfini star in HBO Films’ Stage star Jonathan Pride absolutely dazzles with his dance Religion/Spirituality, Troubled Youth, Drama, presentation of Cinema Verite. routines, propelled by an equally-dazzling musical score from Family, Firefighters 2011 90min. TV Movies, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Rogers & Hart. Notably, this film was one of the earliest Image Ent. 06.03.2012 HBO, Marriage Woes 2011 91min. three-strip Technicolor productions. Previously available only in black & white, this recently unearthed color version has 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108440 HBO Home Video 24.04.2012 been restored to its original vivid full-color glory for the very 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108442 first time! Musical, Pirates, High Seas, Historical / Definitely, Maybe (Blu-ray) Cinema Verite (Blu-ray) Period Piece 1936 83min. From the makers of Notting Hill and Love Actually comes the American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 charming and irresistably funny romantic comedy Definitely, Tim Robbins, James Gandolfini, Diane Lane, Maybe. When Will (Ryan Reynolds) decides to tell his 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108511 daughter (Abigail Breslin) the story of how he met her mother, Lolita Davidovich, Thomas Dekker, Patrick he discovers that a second look at the past might also give Fugit, Johnny Simmons him a second chance at the future. Co-starring Elizabeth When reality became entertainment, everything changed. Dark Shadows: Fan Favorites Banks, Rachel Weisz and Isla Fisher, it’s the heartwarming Decades before housewives had screaming matches with Nancy Barrett, Jonathan Frid, Grayson Hall story that makes you realize it’s definitely never too late to go each other on camera in public, the Loud family became a From 1966 to 1971, the spooky ABC-TV suspense series back... and maybe find a happy ending. television sensation of a new kind when they appeared on the Dark Shadows thrilled an audience of 20 million viewers with Romance, Comedy, Drama 2008 min. groundbreaking 1973 PBS documentary series An American a unique blend of Gothic romance and supernatural horror. Universal Studios 01.05.2012 Family. Witness the birth of reality television as Diane Lane, The original Dark Shadows became a pop culture phenomenon Tim Robbins and James Gandolfini star in HBO Films’ with the introduction of vulnerable vampire Barnabas Collins, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108568 presentation of Cinema Verite. a legendary role made famous by Jonathan Frid and, more Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, HBO, recently, Johnny Depp in the motion picture remake. This The Desert Trail Marriage Woes, TV Movies 2011 91min. unique collection offers 9 complete TV episodes that are John Wayne, Paul Fix, Mary Kornman, Eddy HBO Home Video 24.04.2012 among the most popular in the history of Dark Shadows, serving as an ideal introduction to new vewers as well as an Chandler 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108474 enticing overview for veteran Dark Shadows. Mistaken identity, robbery and murder are all a part of this Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- early John Wayne flick. Clueless (Blu-ray) ra 200min. Thieves, Western 1935 54min. Wallace Shawn, Dan Hedaya, Alicia MPI 10.04.2012 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Silverstone, Brittany Murphy, Stacey Dash, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108307 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108513 Paul Rudd, Donald Faison, Donald Adeosun Faison, Jeff Craig, Kenneth Turan, Justin Dark Shadows: The Best Of Desertion Walker Barnabas Freeman Coffey, Kim Rhodes, Sarah Megan Sex. Clothes. Popularity. Whatever.. Jane Austen might never White, Patricia Belcher, Brian Krause, Bart have imagined that her 1816 novel Emma could be turned into Nancy Barrett, Jonathan Frid, Grayson Hall a fresh and satirical look at ultra-rich teenagers in a Beverly From 1966 to 1971, the spooky ABC-TV suspense series Johnson, Robert Maschio Hills high school. Cher (Alicia Silverstone) and Dionne Dark Shadows thrilled an audience of 20 million viewers with When perfect just wasn’t enough.. Indie filmmaker Francine (Stacey Dash), both named after „great singers of the past a unique blend of Gothic romance and supernatural horror. Michelle directs an all-star cast in this dramatic gem that’s that now do infomercials,“ are pampered upper-class girls The original Dark Shadows became a pop culture phenomenon based on a true story. Jane thought she had it all: a high who care less about getting good grades than wearing the with the introduction of vulnerable vampire Barnabas Collins, profile job, a fashionable brownstone on the Upper East Side, right clothes and being as popular as possible. But Cher, who a legendary role made famous by Jonathan Frid and, more and a hip artist husband. Till one day cracks start to show in lives with her tough yet warm-hearted lawyer dad (Dan recently, Johnny Depp in the motion picture remake. This her „picture perfect world.“ Jane realizes that she must risk it Hedaya) and hunky, sensitive stepbrother (Paul Rudd), also unique collection offers 9 complete TV episodes that are all to find out who she really is and leave behind the life she’s has an innate urge to help those less fortunate - like the two among the most popular in the history of Dark Shadows, always known. Starring Kim Rhodes (The Suite Life of Zach introverted teachers she brings together („negotiating“ herself serving as an ideal introduction to new vewers as well as an and Cody), Brian Krause (Charmed), Robert Maschio improved grades in the process) and new friend Tai (Brittany enticing overview for veteran Dark Shadows. (), Patricia Belcher (Bones), and Bart Johnson (High Murphy), who starts out a geek and ends up a Cher prodigy. Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror, Soap Ope- School Musical). Cher also possesses her own sensitive side, and she is ra 200min. Romance, Art House, Comedy, Drama 2008 looking for the perfect boyfriend, whom she ends up finding 94min. where she least expected. MPI 10.04.2012

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Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 98min. Mystery, Thrillers, Drama, Horror 2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108536 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 98min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108515 Breaking Glass Pictures 24.04.2012 The Doberman Gang / The Daring 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108635 Dobermans (Double Feature) Emperor Jones Julie Parrish, Byron Mabe Dudley Digges, Paul Robeson, Frank H. The Fields (Blu-ray) Here’s howl the crimes go down. After a bungled bank job, a Wilson , Tara Reid clever con realizes he needs a new gang. So he teams with Eugene O’Neill’s controversial play about the rise and fall of Steven is a young boy who’s sent to live with his grandmother Baby Face Nelson, Bonnie and Clyde, Dillinger, Ma Barker Brutus Jones, an upwardly-mobile African-American whose (Academy Award winner Cloris Leachman) and grandfather in and Pretty Boy Floyd. They’re not people; they’re The life careens from railroad porter to convict to a corrupt island the country while his mother (Tara Reid) and father work Doberman Gang dogs, trained to avoid human error and pull ruler in Haiti, made for an even more daring film adaptation in through their marital troubles. Though his grandparents warn off the perfect bank heist. In the sequel The Daring 1933. Actor Paul Robeson (who also played Jones on stage) him to stay away from the corn stalks near their house, Steven Dobermans, the law can’t find those four-legged thieves, but delivers a career performance that features several musical can’t help but be drawn into the fields. At the same time, news three pals hoping to pull off a daring heist do, using sound numbers and climaxes with a 25-minute monologue delivered reports of the murderous Manson Family horrify the nation. waves to call the dogs. The dutiful Dobies are soon in as his life unravels before him. In 1999, the film was selected Then, strange things start happening: noises come from the training for another bold caper, one that will take them up a for preservation in the National Film Registry after the fields at night and the family dogs disappear. Gradually, the high-rise elevator, into offices, across rooftops, down a Library of Congress deemed it „culturally significant“ for its happenings turn more horrifying, and Steven soon finds laundry chute and into a waiting van. Do they pull it off? portrayal of black characters. himself in the midst of a real life nightmare. Sit...stay...watch! Black Heritage, Drama 1933 73min. Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thrillers 2011 Action, Comedy, Crime, Double Features American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 98min. min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108516 Breaking Glass Pictures 24.04.2012 Warner Bros. MOD 29.10.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108653 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108391 The Evil Mind Fay Wray, Mary Clare, Claude Rains Fists Of Death (Collectible Tin) Double Exposure A phony clairvoyant suddenly comes into possession of the Bruce Lee, Sonny Chiba, Dragon Lee Seymour Cassel, Sally Kirkland, Joanna power to make authentic predictions. But has he been hexed This collector’s tin features six old-school martial arts flicks Pettet, Pamela Hensley, Michael Callan, by the Evil Eye? This eerie thriller, shot in England in the on two DVD! Includes: Return Of The Street Fighter The early 1930s, features wonderful scenery from the era, and Street Fighters Last Revenge The Real Bruce Lee The Image Cleavon Little, Robert Tessier, James Stacy stars Fay Wray (King Kong) and Claude Rains (The Invisible Of Bruce Lee The Sprit Of Bruce Lee A classic portrait in terror!. A photographer for a men’s Man) as a husband and wife duo who go from music-hall magazine is disturbed by a recurring dream where he is fakery to national celebrity overnight-but with troubling Action, Chinese, Collections, Fighting, killing his models in various gruesome ways. When he consequences. Originally released in the UK as The Foreign, Martial Arts 1978 FF 16x9 S discovers that his city is being terrorized by a slasher who is Clairvoyant. 524min. stalking and murdering women on the streets, he begins to Thrillers, Drama 1935 73min. suspect that he himself may actually be the killer! Starring an Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 all star cast that includes Michael Callan (Cat Ballou, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108478 Mysterious Island), Joanna Pettet (Casino Royale, The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108517 Group, The Evil), James Stacy (Something Wicked This Way Comes), Pamela Hensley (Tv’s Buck Rogers, Matt Houston), The Front Page Cleavon Little (), Academy Award nominee The Fabulous Dorseys This hilarious Broadway favorite was remade into multiple film Seymour Cassel (Minnie And Moskowitz), Robert Tessier Janet Blair, William Lundigan, Jimmy versions but the original remains a high-water mark. The star (Star Crash) and Academy Award nominee Sally Kirkland crime reporter at a sleazy Chicago tabloid prepares to file his (Anna). See this thriller in its original scope format for the Dorsey, Tommy Dorsey, Paul Whiteman final story for the paper before moving on to more dignified first time anywhere! Music and movie fans alike cheered this Hollywood work, but his desperate editor will stop at nothing to keep him Comedy, Crime, Drama, Horror 1982 Ltbx M adaptation of the real-life tale of brothers Tommy and Jimmy on board, not even blackmail or the kidnapping of his future Dorsey, and its top-drawer musical numbers. Starring as mother-in-law! The film was nominated for several Oscars 94min. themselves (alongside many of their actual band-members), including Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Director. A 1974 Scorpion Releasing 21.02.2012 with actors filling out the remaining roles, these two icons of remake starred Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon. Big Band, Jazz and Swing recount the rise and fall of their 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108277 careers, and the long-running 12-year feud that threatened to On The Job, Comedy, Kidnapping 1931 keep them from ever performing together again. That is, until 100min. The Double Hour the death of their music teacher father, when they finally American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 reunite at the behest of a grieving mother. The life of two of Kseniya Rappoport, Gaetano Bruno, Filippo the most important swing and jazz musicians and band 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108521 Timi leaders. This is a nostalgic look at the music of an era. Nothing is what it seems.. Guido (Filippo Timi, The Ameri- Music, Biography, Biopics, Drama, Jazz The Gene Krupa Story can), a former cop, is a luckless veteran of the speed-dating 1947 88min. scene in Turin. But, much to his surprise, he meets Slovenian Sal Mineo, Yvonne Craig, Susan Kohner, immigrant Sonia (Ksenia Rappoport), a chambermaid at a high- American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Susan Oliver, Celia Lovsky, Shelly Manne, end hotel. The two hit it off, and a passionate romance 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108518 James Darren, Lawrence Dobkin, Bobby develops. After they leave the city for a romantic getaway in the country, things suddenly take a dark turn in this Troup, Buddy Lester, Red Nichols acclaimed, edge-of-your-seat thriller. Fat City This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Mystery, Romance, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Candy Clark, Susan Tyrrell, Jeff Bridges, Sal Mineo (Rebel Without a Cause) steals the screen with Italian 2009 96min. Stacy Keach, Nicholas Colasanto his acclaimed portrayal of one of the greatest jazz drummers New Video DVD 03.04.2012 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using of all time in this realistic bio-pic. Defying the wishes of his a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. parents, the young Krupa sets out for New York in search of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108594 Fat City is a powerful and gripping story about personal wins fame and fortune with his musician buddy, Eddie (James and losses in the raw, rugged world of amateur boxing. Darren, Gidget, The Guns of Navarone), and his small-town The Duke Is Tops Directed by legendary, Oscar®-winning filmmaker John sweetheart, Ethel (Susan Kohner, Imitation of Life). After Huston (1948 Best Director and Best Screenplay, The Krupa’s incredible talents are discovered, his rocketing Lena Horne, Ralph Cooper, Laurence Criner Treasure of the Sierra Madre), the film stars the incredible career leaves little time for Ethel. Now playing in the fast A popular small-town singer dubbed „The Bronze Venus“ gets talents of Stacy Keach (American History X, TV’s The New lane, the hard-hitting drummer falls for a sexy jazz singer, offered a shot at the big time in New York City, but it will Mike Hammer), Jeff Bridges (Jagged Edge, The Mirror Has Dorissa (Susan Oliver, The Disorderly Orderly), who mean leaving behind the loyal promoter who helped her make Two Faces), Candy Clark (At Close Range, American introduces him to drugs. But after serving time in jail and it this far. This remarkable film, one of the many so-called Graffiti) and Susan Tyrrell (Cry-Baby, Powder. losing true love Ethel, Krupa yearns for only one thing: a „race movies“ made in the 1930s and ’40s for the all-black Sports, Boxing, Drama 1972 100min. second chance at life and love. Special appearances by Anita theaters in existence at the time, also marks the screen debut O’Day and Red Nichols, and a superb soundtrack with Krupa of a 20 year-old Lena Horne, and co-stars Ralph Cooper, SPHE MOD 06.03.2012 on drums, highlight this compelling story of a musical genius longtime host of Amateur Night At The Apollo. In the film debut 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108315 who transformed the sound of jazz percussion. Newly re of Lena Horne, Duke is a stage show promoter in love with Music, Biopics, Classic Jazz, Classics, the a successful performer. When he realizes that promoters want her to go to big leagues and she refuses to leave, he The Fields Drama, Jazz 1959 Ltbx 16x9 M 101min. devises a deception so that she can better her career.“ Cloris Leachman, Tara Reid SPHE MOD 06.03.2012 Musical, Romance, Drama 1938 75min. Steven is a young boy who’s sent to live with his grandmother 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108314 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 (Academy Award winner Cloris Leachman) and grandfather in the country while his mother (Tara Reid) and father work 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108514 through their marital troubles. Though his grandparents warn The Getting Of Wisdom him to stay away from the corn stalks near their house, Steven , Julia Blake, Maggie The Eagle In A Cage can’t help but be drawn into the fields. At the same time, news reports of the murderous Manson Family horrify the nation. Kirkpatrick, Kim Deacon, Monica Maughan, Ralph Richardson, John Gielgud Then, strange things start happening: noises come from the Terence Donovan, Max Fairchild Napoleon now in exile in St. Helena is guarded by a solider. fields at night and the family dogs disappear. Gradually, the The suffocating repressiveness of the Victorian era is War, Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1972 happenings turn more horrifying, and Steven soon finds superbly realized by director Bruce Beresford in The Getting himself in the midst of a real life nightmare. Of Wisdom. Thirteen-year-old Laura (Susannah Fowle), an

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 29 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA incorrigible free spirit from the Australian outback, is enrolled A stubborn farmer stuck in the past rules his farm and his in a prestigious girl’s boarding school. The indoctrination family with an iron fist. But his unwillingness to move with the process is a rough one, and Laura very nearly loses her times almost causes him to lose everything in this 1940’s Tim Holt Western Classics individuality and sense of self-worth. When she does mature, dustbowl drama. As the story takes an unexpected turn, he is Collection: Volume 3 however, it is on her terms, and not the school’s. forced to relent and give in to his daughters’ wishes to Australian, Drama, Foreign, Historical / introduce new farming methods and join the local 4-H club. Tim Holt The film is an intriguing study of the country’s values during Tim Holt - „The Cowboy Star of the Movies“ as his long Period Piece 1980 98min. the time. It also features a remarkable performance by an running comic book called him - led an amazing double Holly- Kino Video 17.04.2012 adolescent Natalie Wood as the youngest daughter. wood life. „By day“ he was a stalwart A-list supporting 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108522 Drama 1949 77min. player, lending his talents to vehicles starring the like of Humphrey Bogart, John Wayne, and Jimmy Stewart. But „by American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 night“ he was a king of the B -movie Westerns, appearing in Ghost Hunters International: 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108525 over 40 Westerns in 14 years. Follow Tim from 1949 to 1952 in this rip-roaring 5 Disc, 10 Movie Collection. Storm Over Season Two - Part 1 Wyoming (1950) Rider From Tucson (1950) Border Treasure Kris Williams, Dustin Pari, Andy Andrews Hell’s (1950) Rio Grande Patrol (1950) Law Of The Badlands (1951) Witness the fearless investigators explore an ancient castle Tylan Canady, Nick Driessen Saddle Legion (1951) Gunplay (1951) Hot Lead (1951) Road in Czech Republic, an 18th Century prison in Ireland, the In this underworld, humans are the prey.. After being Agent (1952) Target (1952) Palazzo Ducale in Italy and even a castle said to be kidnapped, Kate Walker wakes to find herself trapped in a Western, Cowboy min. constructed over a portal to Hell. With these and many other small chamber. She realizes she’s not the only prisoner, as Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 unique locations, who knows the kinds of twisted discoveries nineteen others share the same fate. Hunted by demonic awaiting these paranormal enthusiasts! Wicklow’s Gaol creatures, the group must band together if they are to escape 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108548 Skeleton In The Closet Gate To Hell Witches Castle Spirits the hellish labyrinth and survive the onslaught. Of Italy Holy Ghosts Hitler’s Ghost Silver Shadow Science Fiction, Devils And Demons, Hor- Hugo Quarantine Station Port Arthur Penitentiary Tasmania Death Sentence San Lucas Prison The Legend Of Rose Hall ror, Kidnapping, Monsters 2011 DD 5.1 Chloe Grace Moretz, Ben Kingsley, Sacha Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Science Fiction 89min. Baron Cohen - Dir. Martin Scorsese 572min. MTI Home Video 17.04.2012 Welcome to a magical world of spectacular adventure! When 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108395 wily and resourceful Hugo discovers a secret left by his Image Ent. 13.03.2012 father, he unlocks a mystery and embarks on a quest that will 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108657 transform those around him and lead to a safe and loving place High Road To China he can call home. The Girl In Room 2A Tom Selleck, Bess Armstrong Mystery, Adventure, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Film About Film 2011 min. Dada Gallotti, Rosalba Neri, Karin Schubert, Take the high road to adventure with Tom Selleck and Bess Armstrong in this freewheeling action-comedy set in the Paramount Pictures 28.02.2012 Giovanna Galletti, Daniela Giordano, Brad Roaring Twenties. Selleck stars as Patrick O’Malley, a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108693 Harris, Raf Vallone, Frank Latimore, Angelo boozing, washed-up aviator who meets his match when he’s Infanti hired by a high-strung heiress to find her long lost father. They make their way eastward in O’Malley’s WWI biplane, Hugo (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Before Hostel there was The Girl In Room 2A... A terrifying surviving narrow escapes, last second rescues, and combat tale of a young girl who moves into a boarding house run by a with warlords along the way. But nothing tops the ongoing Copy) (Blu-ray) kindly older woman, only to discover that the place has a dark battle they have with each other - the one which leads and sinister past - young and pretty girls seem to disappear inevitably to romance. Chloe Grace Moretz, Ben Kingsley, Sacha from there without a trace. Where they go and what happens Action, Adventure, Comedy, Historical / Baron Cohen - Dir. Martin Scorsese to them is the dreadful secret of The Girl In Room 2A. For the Welcome to a magical world of spectacular adventure! When first time ever on DVD, fully uncut and uncensored this is a Period Piece 1983 105min. wily and resourceful Hugo discovers a secret left by his classic slice of 1970’s Italian shock cinema. Packed with Hen’s Tooth 17.04.2012 father, he unlocks a mystery and embarks on a quest that will scary scenes and demented characters, the film is both full-on 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108341 transform those around him and lead to a safe and loving place horror and an intriguing mystery. What is the secret of Room he can call home. 2A? Starring former miss Italy Daniela Giordano, this is cult Drama, Family, Fantasy, Film About Film, movie making at its most extreme. Not to be watched alone! High Road To China (Blu-ray) Thrillers, Classics, Foreign, Horror, Italian Adventure, Mystery 2011 min. Tom Selleck, Bess Armstrong Paramount Pictures 28.02.2012 90min. Take the high road to adventure with Tom Selleck and Bess Mondo Macabro 27.03.2012 Armstrong in this freewheeling action-comedy set in the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108694 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108305 Roaring Twenties. Selleck stars as Patrick O’Malley, a boozing, washed-up aviator who meets his match when he’s Hugo 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + hired by a high-strung heiress to find her long lost father. Girl On A Motorcycle They make their way eastward in O’Malley’s WWI biplane, DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) surviving narrow escapes, last second rescues, and combat Jean Leduc, Marianne Faithfull, Catherine with warlords along the way. But nothing tops the ongoing Chloe Grace Moretz, Ben Kingsley, Sacha Jourdan, Alain Delon, Marius Goring, battle they have with each other - the one which leads Baron Cohen - Dir. Martin Scorsese Jacques Marin, Roger Mutton inevitably to romance. Welcome to a magical world of spectacular adventure! When Ditching her husband, bored newlywed Rebecca (Marianne Comedy, Historical / Period Piece, Action, wily and resourceful Hugo discovers a secret left by his Faithfull) hops on her motorcycle and races through Alsace to Adventure 1983 min. father, he unlocks a mystery and embarks on a quest that will reconnect with her ex-lover Daniel (Alain Delon) in this transform those around him and lead to a safe and loving place uncensored version of the film. A string of flashbacks tells the Hen’s Tooth 17.04.2012 he can call home. Academy Award®-winningTravers, Rolling story of the events that led her to abandon marriage just after 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108371 Stone her wedding. Jack Cardiff directs this psychedelic cult Drama, Family, Fantasy, Film About Film, classic, Europe’s answer to Easy Rider. Tim Holt Western Classics Adventure, Mystery 2011 min. Romance, British, Cult Film / TV, Erotica, Paramount Pictures 28.02.2012 Foreign 1968 91min. Collection: Volume 1 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108695 Kino Video 24.04.2012 Tim Holt 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108554 Between 1938 and 1952 famed A-list supporting player Tim Holt took the reins as leading player in more than 40 rip- The Innkeepers snorting oaters, reigning as a king of the Western Bs. Get Kelly McGillis, Sara Paxton, Pat Healy The Great Rupert ready to slap leather alongside Holt as this wagon train sized After over one hundred years of service, The Yankee Pedlar Terry Moore, Jimmy Durante, Sara Haden, collection brings 10 of them to you from the early years of Inn is shutting its doors for good. The last remaining Holt’s long ride. employees - Claire (Sara Paxton) and Luke (Pat Healy)- are Queenie Smith, Tom Drake, Frank Orth Western, Collections, Cowboy min. determined to uncover proof of what many believe to be one of This delightful family favorite is the story of two struggling Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2011 New England’s most haunted hotels. As the Inn’s final days families who end up getting some unexpected charity from draw near, odd guests check in as the pair of minimum wage Rupert, their resident (animated) squirrel! After discovering a 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108545 „ghost hunters“ begin to experience strange and alarming pile of cash in the house, the police suspect Louie (Jimmy events that may ultimately cause them to be mere footnotes in Durante) of theft, but it turns out the friendly squirrel has Tim Holt Western Classics the hotel’s long unexplained history. been gradually shifting a stash of bills that their miserly Thrillers, Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Horror neighbor was hiding in his wall! The stop-motion animation of Collection: Volume 2 Rupert was so convincing at the time that its creator was 2011 101min. asked where he found a squirrel so well-trained! Get back in the saddle for more thundering movie excitement spotlighting genre stalwart Tim Holt, star of more than 40 „B“ MPI 24.04.2012 Classics, Comedy 1950 85min. Westerns made for RKO between 1938 and 1952. This 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108551 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 gunslinging 5-Disc, 10-Movie Collection showcases the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108524 middle years (1943-1950) of that memorable 14-year span. Ride ‘em, cowboy fans. The Innkeepers (Blu-ray) Western, Collections, Cowboy min. Kelly McGillis, Sara Paxton, Pat Healy The Green Promise Warner Bros. MOD 20.09.2011 After over one hundred years of service, The Yankee Pedlar Natalie Wood, Marguerite Chapman, Walter 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108546 Inn is shutting its doors for good. The last remaining Brennan employees - Claire (Sara Paxton) and Luke (Pat Healy)- are

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 30 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA determined to uncover proof of what many believe to be one of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108386 New England’s most haunted hotels. As the Inn’s final days draw near, odd guests check in as the pair of minimum wage James Dean: A Legend In His „ghost hunters“ begin to experience strange and alarming Own Time Lady Of Burlesque events that may ultimately cause them to be mere footnotes in the hotel’s long unexplained history. Michael Brandon, Stephen McHattie Charles Dingle, Pinky Lee, Iris Adrian, Glo- Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Horror, Thrillers A dramatization of the story of legendary movie actor James ria Dickson, J. Edward Bromberg Dean. The film’s writer, William Bast, had roomed with Dean Set in an opera house turned burlesque theatre bitter 2011 101min. in the early ’50s when both were trying to break into films as resentment for the main character and past histories MPI 24.04.2012 actors. complicate a story that ends up with murder. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108572 Tragedies, TV Movies, Biography, Biopics, Music, Mystery, Opera, Thrillers, Drama Drama, Film About Film 1976 94min. 1943 89min. Interlude American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Oskar Werner, Barbara Ferris, Nora 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108323 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108332 Swineburne, John Cleese, Donald Sutherland, Derek Jacobi, Alan Webb Judge Priest Lassiter This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Tom Brown, Will Rogers Tom Selleck, Jane Seymour, Ed Lauter, Joe a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Will Rogers plays a post Civil War judge in a southern town Regalbuto, Lauren Hutton, Bob Hoskins, An underrated gem of romance and melodrama featuring the as well as a bit of a matchmaker along the way. always excellent Oskar Werner (Jules and Jim, Fahrenheit Warren Clarke 451) as Stefan Zelter, a temperamental and arrogant Romance, Western, Lawyers / Legal Tom Selleck stars as Nick Lassiter - a suave, debonair, man- conductor whose wife and children seem to be an afterthought Issues 1934 81min. about-town and thief. Whether he’s charming high society at in his turbulent life. When lovely young journalist Sally American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 dinner or emptying their safes in the dead of night, Lassiter Carter (Barbara Ferris, Children of the Damned) approaches excels at what he does. On the eve of WWII Lassiter finds him for an interview, she draws more out of him than he 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108330 himself in London, where local authorities are well aware of expects and they begin a tentative affair. As their relationship his history as a notorious cat burglar. When word leaks out matures, Sally becomes disenchanted as Stefan’s career and Just For Fun that a cache of uncut diamonds is to be smuggled through the family place increasing pressures on their time together. A German embassy, Lassiter is coerced by police and the FBI to bittersweet, realistic look at the effect of a love triangle on all John Wood, Richard Vernon, Jet Harris, perform one last heist on their behalf. its members, this is a mature and beautiful film with humor and Jeremy Lloyd, Reginald Beckwith, Bobby Mystery, World War II, Action, Crime, warmth. Strong supporting performances from a superb cast include , Donald Sutherland, Derek Jacobi, Vee Historical / Period Piece 100min. Nora Swinburne and John Cleese (who has a tiny role in This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Hen’s Tooth 24.04.2012 Sally’s introduction to the conductor). Newly remastered. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. When teens in England win the right to vote, the major 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108606 Romance, British, Drama, Foreign, Marriage political parties try hard to woo the new voting block to their Woes 1968 Ltbx 16x9 M 113min. side. Mark Wynter (Superman) and Cherry Roland sing the The Last Time I Saw Paris SPHE MOD 06.03.2012 theme song and play the teens determined to form their own Elizabeth Taylor, Van Johnson, Walter 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108313 party. Bobby Vee, Ketty Lester, The Spotnicks, Jet Harris, and The Crickets are among the pop artists who help throw Pidgeon, Donna Reed, Eva Gabor, Kurt the election to the youth in this rollicking ’60s musical. The Kasznar Iris adults are played by Richard Vernon (Goldfinger), Reginald Beckwith (Thunderball), John Wood (Chocolat) and Jeremy Charles returns to Paris to reminisce about the life he led in Kate Winslet, , Jim Broadbent, Lloyd (Lady Chatterly Versus Fanny Hill). Newly remastered. Paris after it was liberated. , Eleanor Bron, Juliet Musical, Politics, British, Comedy, Foreign Romance, Classics, Drama, Marriage Woes Aubrey, Nancy Carroll, , 1963 Ltbx 16x9 M 86min. 1954 115min. Kris Marshall SPHE MOD 06.03.2012 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 „Extraordinary!“ -New York Observer. Here’s the powerful 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108316 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108333 true story based on John Bayley’s novels that earned Jim Broadbent an Academy Award® for Best Supporting Actor and Academy Award® Nominations for Best Actress Judi Dench Kill Life With Father and Best Supporting Actress Kate Winslet! Judi Dench Six strangers awake to find themselves the new tenants of a Elizabeth Taylor, William Powell, Irene (Shakespeare In Love) and Kate Winslet (Titanic) bring to the mysterious old house. Terrorized by insane Tiki-men in masks Dunne, Zazu Pitts, Edmund Gwenn, Martin screen one of the most extraordinary women of the 20th and taunted by their deranged captors,it soon becomes clear century, celebrated English author Iris Murdoch. As told by that only one singular action will save them: Kill. Milner her unlikely soulmate, husband John Bayley, Iris first became A wealthy, uptight Wall Street stockbroker in the late 1800s known as a brilliant young scholar at Oxford whose Horror min. runs his household with an iron fist, much to the amusement of boundless spirit dazzled those around her. Then, during a CAV 10.04.2012 his family and staff. These legendary tales, first written by remarkable career as a novelist and philosopher, she 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108540 Clarence Day, Jr, for the New Yorker Magazine, were continued to prove herself a woman ahead of her time. Even in developed into Life With Father, the longest running non- later life, as age and illness robbed Iris of her remarkable musical play in Broadway history. This Hollywood adaptation gifts, nothing could diminish her immense influence or weaken King Of The Zombies resulted in a faithful and delightful retelling, starring William the bond with her devoted husband. Joan Woodbury, Dick Purcell Powell, James Lydon, Irene Dunn and Elizabeth Taylor. Due Romance, Biography, British, Drama, to a dispute with the Day estate, the film was withdrawn from During World War II, a small plane off the south coast of circulation after its initial run, and only resurfaced again Foreign, Mental Illness 2001 Ltbx DD 5.1 America is low on fuel and blown off course by a storm. After many years later. It is now available for all to enjoy! 91min. crash-landing on an island, the pilot and his passengers take refuge in a mansion owned by a doctor to stay at. They soon Comedy, Family, Historical / Period Piece Lionsgate 03.04.2012 become convinced that the mansion is haunted by zombies and 1947 118min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108282 ghosts and find out that is hiding something... in the American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 cellar! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108334 It’s A Joke, Son Zombies, Ghosts, Haunted Houses, Horror 1941 67min. June Lockhart, Una Merkel, Douglass American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Little Annie Rooney Dumbrille, Kenny Delmar 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108331 Mary Pickford, William Haines When an egotistical but dim-witted southern aristocrat (Kenny Tough slum girl faces a crisis when the boy she loves is Delmar) runs into financial trouble, his wife (Una Merkel) accused of shooting her father who is a policeman. Her decides to help by running for state senate. But when he Ladies Of The Church brother stalks him and finally shoots him in the street. threatens to mess things up, she resorts to having him kidnapped—for everyone’s own good! Delmar originally Vivica A. Fox, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Jean , Comedy, Drama 1925 95min. created his character, Senator Claghorn, for radio program Claude LaMarre American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 The Fred Allen Show. It also inspired the creation of Looney Behind every strong church are strong women.. The backbone 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108335 Tunes cartoon character Foghorn Leghorn! of every strong black church is rooted in the strength of its Politics, Comedy 1947 63min. congregation, which is largely composed of black women. The American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 case is no different with Pastor Jones’ church - there are Little Lord Fauntleroy many women in the young Pastor’s life. And, of course, with Dolores Costello Barrymore, Mickey 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108320 women comes drama! Pastor Jones’ former high school girlfriend (Vivica A. Fox) suddenly pops back in his life and Rooney, Guy Kibbee, Henry Stephensen, Jack And The Beanstalk joins his church. Meanwhile, his overprotective mother-in- Freddie Bartholomew law (Sheryl Lee Ralph) is spreading gossip throughout the A poor, young street-kid from Brooklyn discovers he is the Lou Costello, Bud Abbott church and the First Lady of the church, the Pastor’s wife, is heir to a royal fortune back in Britain after his father (who The classic story of a boy who trades his cow for magic not too happy about any of it! Pastor Jones must navigate had been disowned by the family for marrying an American beans - but this time with Abbott and Costello. carefully as not to alienate any of the women. woman) dies unexpectedly. But a stranger soon surfaces to Buddy Pictures, Comedy 1952 78min. Religion/Spirituality, Drama Ltbx 16x9 DD challenge the boy’s new title of Lord Fauntleroy. Featuring child stars Freddie Bartholomew and Mickey Rooney, with Sir American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 5.1 80min. C. Aubrey Smith and Dolores Costello-Barrymore, this 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108322 Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 remains the most famous film adaptation of the classic 1886

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 31 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA novel! Issues 1939 90min. Kino Video 24.04.2012 Drama, Family 1936 98min. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108552 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108343 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108336 McLintock! Mama Dracula John Wayne, Stephanie Powers, Patrick Littlerock Louise Fletcher, Maria Schneider Wayne, Chill Cillis A sleepy Los Angeles exurb and its shiftless young residents In this camp cult classic, an eastern European countess must In this legendary John Wayne film, the cattle rancher are seen through the eyes of two Japanese tourists in this regularly bath in the blood of young virgin women in order to McLintock puts his brand on the territory and every woman in intimate evocation of a small town in Southern California maintain her youthful beauty. It falls to her two effeminate it! The lovely Louise Warren plays a widow who moves with where everyone’s talking but no one really understands. sons, who operate a fashion boutique, to keep a steady stream her two children onto McLintock’s ranch to serve as cook, Romance, Art House, Drama, Family 2011 of fresh blood flowing in the direction of their vampire mother. while Maureen O’Hara plays the estranged wife. Every great Ltbx 16x9 84min. But things take a bad turn when the town’s supply of local Western staple is accounted for: Cowboys, Indians, gun girls begins to dry up. A film spiked with humor, camp, battles and fistfights. Plus, that pair of (now infamous) Kino Video 10.04.2012 elaborate costumes, and unique performances from Oscar spanking scenes! A western version of Taming Of The Shrew, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108519 winner Louise Fletcher and Oscar nominee Maria Schneider. John Wayne stars as Cattle baron George Washington Vampires, Cult Film / TV, Horror 1980 McLintock, who fights with his wife, his daughter, and 91min. political land-grabbers, finally „“taming““ them all.“ Littlerock (Blu-ray) Western, Classics, Comedy, Cowboy 1963 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 A sleepy Los Angeles exurb and its shiftless young residents 127min. are seen through the eyes of two Japanese tourists in this 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108346 intimate evocation of a small town in Southern California American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 where everyone’s talking but no one really understands. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108357 Romance, Drama, Family, Art House 2011 Man Of The Forest 84min. Verna Hillie, Randolph Scott, Harry Carey Meet Joe Black (Blu-ray) Kino Video 10.04.2012 Here’s a gem from the early days of Western star Randolph Scott’s long-running career. Scott plays a mountain lion- Brad Pitt and Academy Award®-winner Anthony Hopkins star 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108529 owning hero who fends off a crooked town boss trying to steal in Meet Joe Black, this beautifully directed tale of life and the land of a rival rancher. Key to the tale is the rancher’s death. Bill Parish (Hopkins) has it all, success, wealth and Lola pretty niece who has just arrived from out of town to help her power. Days before his 65th birthday he receives a visit from uncle. The rest of the cast features a „who’s who“ of vintage a mysterious stranger, Joe Black (Pitt), who soon reveals Susan George, , Trevor Western character actors, including Noah Beery Sr., Harry himself as Death. In exchange for extra time, Bill agrees to Carey Sr., Buster Crabbe, Barton MacLane, Guinn ‘Big Boy’ serve as Joe’s earthly guide. But will he regret his choice Howard when Joe unexpectedly falls in love with Bill’s beautiful Scott Wardman (Charles Bronson), a married middle aged Williams and Vince Barnett. Good fun for the whole family. Western, Drama 1933 62min. daughter Susan (Claire Forlani). writer of pornographic novels, meets and falls in love with a Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Science Fiction, sixteen year old school girl named Twinky (Susan George). American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Tearjerkers min. Her parents disapprove of their relationship, the age gap 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108347 plays out in differences that become apparent as it unfolds. Universal Studios 01.05.2012 Odd Couples, Romance, Drama 1969 98min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108569 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Marihuana 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108337 Luana Walters, Fay McKenzie, Arthur Meet John Doe Gardner Barbara Stanwyck, Gary Cooper, Gene Love Affair A group of small-town high school students has taken up the bad habit of smoking marijuana, leading them down a path of Lockhart, Edward Arnold, Spring Byington, Irene Dunne, Charles Boyer hedonistic activities. Their crazed lifestyle has ensnared one James Gleason, Walter Brennen A US/French collaboration of a French man and American vulnerable girl into living a life of destructive behavior. An A female newspaper reporter writes a final column, a phony woman who fall in love on ship going from Europe to New undercover reporter, disguised as a soda jerk, attempts to story of a man who plans to jump off of City Hall on Christmas York. They plan a meeting in six months atop the Empire State befriend the girl and free her from the clutches of the gang. Eve, as a protest of the mistreatment of the common people in Building. Stoners, Substance Abuse, Troubled society. When the article is a hit, the reporter must come up Tearjerkers, Drama 1939 87min. Youth, Crime, Drama, Gangs 1937 80min. with someone to impersonate the man she fabricated, so she American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 recruits a down on his luck former ballplayer to take on the American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 identity. When the newspaper publisher, with aspirations 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108338 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108348 towards a Presidential bid, plots to use the man for his political gain, the reporter and the ballplayer are forced to Love Laughs At Andy Hardy make a decision about keeping up the ruse. Reporter Ann Mark Of Cain / Thrillkill (Double Mitchell prints a fake letter from a man who threatens suicide Mickey Rooney, Lewis Stone Feature) to protest social ills. The letter startsets a social movement, When Andy (Mickey Rooney) returns home from the Army, all and she hires out-of-work actor John Willoughby to take on he can think about is getting to college for a reunion with his Wendy Crewson, August Schellenberg, the role of „John Doe“. sweetheart. As ever, a series of comical and romantic Robin Ward Romance, Comedy, Drama 1941 122min. mishaps await him, and when his true love decides to marry Nightmare of deception / High-tech intrigue, treachery... and American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 someone else, Andy’s solution is to take off for South Murder!. Mark Of Cain:. Identical twins Sean and Michael America. But he can always count on some sage advice from O’Neil were raised in a strictly religious household. The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108358 his ever-wise father, Judge Hardy (Lewis Stone). This would teenagers rebelled by playing with Black Magic. As a prank, be the last regular Andy Hardy film in the series (it is also they joked about sacrificing a young girl, but something went Melancholia sometimes titled as Uncle Andy Hardy). murderously wrong when one of the twins forgot it was a Romance, Comedy 1947 93min. game. Thrillkill. In a North American city, a very unique video Charlotte Rampling, Udo Kier, Kirsten American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 game seems to lead those who play it into a waltz with death. Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg, John Hurt, The woman who invented it has been assassinated and her 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108340 sister, who may be the only one capable of deciphering the Kiefer Sutherland, Stellan Skarsgard, Alex- game’s secret code, is now also in danger. Thrillkill - play it ander Skarsgard, Brady Corbet Mad Youth if you dare. Justine (Kirsten Dunst) and Michael (Alexander Skarsgård) Double Features, Horror, Killer Technology are celebrating their marriage at a sumptuous party in the Betty Compson home of her sister Claire (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and brother- A movie about White Slavery — prostitution involving a 1978 FF M 170min. in-law John (Kiefer Sutherland). Despite Claire’s efforts, the mother with a pension for male escorts. One starts dating her Scorpion Releasing 21.02.2012 wedding is a fiasco, with family tensions mounting and daughter. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108279 relationships fraying. Meanwhile, a planet called Melancholia Drama 1940 76min. is heading directly towards Earth, threatening the very American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 existence of humankind... Marquis De Sade’s Justine Science Fiction, Art House, Danish, Drama, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108342 Hope Jackman, Katherine Kath, Lydia Lisle, End Of The World, Foreign 135min. Koo Stark, Martin Potter, Barry McGinn, Magnolia Home Entertainment 13.03.2012 Made For Each Other Maggie Petersen, David Masterman, Ian 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108296 Carole Lombard, Lucile Watson, James McKay Stewart, Charles Coburn, Eddie Quillan Based on the Marquis de Sade’s infamous novel Justine: The Melancholia (Blu-ray) In this timeless comedy-drama, a young New York City lawyer Misfortunes of Virtue, Chris Boger’s classic film is a dark () sets his sight on becoming partner, until his tale of sexual depravity and Sadean excess. Koo Stark stars Charlotte Rampling, Udo Kier, Kirsten new wife (Carole Lombard) puts the promotion in jeopardy. In as a virtuous innocent whose chosen path of goodness is Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg, John Hurt, turn, the demands of his ruthless boss, Judge Doolittle thwarted at every turn by her cunning and amoral sister, (Charles Coburn) is threatening to unravel the couple’s once- Julliette (Lydia Lisle) whose debauched lifestyle finds her Kiefer Sutherland, Stellan Skarsgard, Alex- happy marriage. Before that can happen, a dire family only happiness. This S & M cinematic classic has been ander Skarsgard, Brady Corbet emergency will end up uniting family, firm, and the entire City restored and remastered in HD in this all new transfer. Justine (Kirsten Dunst) and Michael (Alexander Skarsgård) of New York behind them! British, Drama, Erotica, Exploitation, are celebrating their marriage at a sumptuous party in the Romance, Comedy, Drama, Lawyers / Legal home of her sister Claire (Charlotte Gainsbourg) and brother- Foreign 1977 109min. in-law John (Kiefer Sutherland). Despite Claire’s efforts, the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 32 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA wedding is a fiasco, with family tensions mounting and the unassuming Winkle heads back home content to resume relationships fraying. Meanwhile, a planet called Melancholia life where he left off. This charming war-time comedy was is heading directly towards Earth, threatening the very helmed by veteran Columbia director Alfred E. Green. Newly Murder At Midnight existence of humankind... remastered. Hale Hamilton, Alice White, Aileen Pringle Danish, Drama, End Of The World, Foreign, War, Comedy, Military 1944 FF M 80min. In this vintage „whodunit“ from the early days of talkies, a Art House, Science Fiction 2011 135min. SPHE MOD 06.03.2012 parlor game of charades takes a dark twist when someone is murdered by a gun that was meant to contain blanks. With a Magnolia Home Entertainment 13.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108317 storyline that unfolds like a game of Clue, viewers and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108326 characters alike are drawn into trying to solve the mystery Mob Boss (Collectible Tin) before the police do. Meanwhile, infidelity and a disputed inheritance further cloud the facts. Early film fans will have The Merry Wives Of Windsor: Jack Palance, , Telly Savalas, fun spotting such actors as Aileen Pringle, Robert Elliot, Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Franco Nero Leslie Fenton and Alice White in this cleverly-lit production. Shakespeare’s hilarious and brilliantly constructed farce, The This collector’s tin features six action-packed crime flicks on Murder Mysteries, Mystery 1931 69min. Merry Wives Of Windsor, delighted audiences at the Globe two DVDs! Includes: The Cop In Blue Jeans The Master American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Theatre in London. Filmed in high definition, the pace, polish, Touch Crime Boss Street Law Revolver 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108363 gorgeous Elizabethan costumes and the rollicking Thrillers, Action, Collections, Crime, Drama performances dazzled the audience. Serena Evans and Sarah 1976 FF 16x9 S 601min. Woodward make one of the funniest double acts ever seen on Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 My Dear Secretary stage. Kirk Douglas, Alan Mowbray, Irene Ryan, Comedy, Drama, Performing Arts, Plays On 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108481 Laraine Day, Florence Bates, Helen Walker, Stage, Shakespeare 139min. Mommy’s Little Monster Keenan Wynn, Rudy Vallee, Grady Sutton Kultur 24.04.2012 A secretary who is an aspiring writer is hired by a well 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108544 Anson Scoville, , Jennifer known novelist to be his secretary. She did not realize she Marlowe, Geoffrey Lewis, Matt Terzian, would be working at his apartment and have to endure all his guests and his roommate. She leaves and the only way to get The Midnight Disease Jack Gwaltney her back is to change his wild ways and marry her. Just when Jack Jones is about to give up his career as a What makes a normal person snap? Nobody is sure why Romance, Classics, Comedy 1948 94min. novelist due to his increasing writer’s block, a mysterious jar normal people suddenly go Bat $#*! Crazy, but in the second of blood appears on his doorstep. The events that unfold not edition of this series these Momma’s Boys are up to no good. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 only get his creative juices flowing, but leave a trail of blood After years of incarceration at the state mental hospital, serial 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108364 in Jack’s wake. killer Taylor is set free. While at the same time in the Big Murder Mysteries, Thrillers, Horror 92min. Apple seemingly normal Trevor snaps when he is attacked by a mugger. Now these two Momma’s Boys are locked into My Man Godfrey Brain Damage Films 03.04.2012 courses of action that neither wants, but both end in violence William Powell, Eugene Pallette, Alan 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108583 and bloodshed. Serial Killers, Thrillers, Horror, Mental Mowbray, Carole Lombard, Gail Patrick, Mischa Auer, Alice Brady, Jean Dixon, John Mr. Imperium Illness Ltbx 135min. Indican Pictures 31.01.2012 Light, Franklin Pangborn, Pat Flaherty, Ro- , Marjorie Main, Ezio Pinza 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108537 bert Hart A romance between a singer and a playboy who happens to be A bowery bum (William Powell) crosses paths with a young a prince has its ups and downs as the circumstances change. heiress and ends up in the unlikely job of butler for her Romance, Drama 1951 87min. Monty Python And The Holy Grail wealthy family in this screwball comedy from the Great De- American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 pression era. But when the daughter ends up falling in love Michael Palin, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, John with him, it’s revealed there’s more to Godfrey than meets the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108360 Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Graham Chapman eye! This delightful film was a runaway smash hit upon The Monty Python team are at it again in their second movie. release and went on to garner six Oscar nominations, Mr. Robinson Crusoe This time we follow King Arthur and his knights in their including Best Actor, Actress, Director and Screenplay. A search for the Holy Grail. This isn’t your average medieval 1957 remake starred June Allyson and David Niven. Douglas Fairbanks, William Farnum knights and horses story - for a start, due to a shortage in the Romance, AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy A wealthy American bets some friends he can survive without kingdom, all the horses have been replaced by servants modern luxuries, and live for a full year on a remote island, clopping coconuts together! 1936 93min. just like the real Robinson Crusoe. Adventure legend Douglas Slapstick, Adventure, British, Classics, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Fairbanks (in one of his only „talkie“ film roles) endeavors to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108365 make his peace both with nature and the island’s natives, all Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Foreign, Medieval while resisting the urge to re-board his awaiting yacht and Times 1974 Ltbx 91min. sail back to comfort. The gorgeous location shooting in the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment My Pure Joy South Pacific is an added bonus! 06.01.2009 On the outside Adam appears to be a normal teenager... but Action, Classics, Cult Film / TV, High Seas, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108281 between the past traumas he has sufferef and the gory films he Jungle 1932 71min. watches, the lines between real and pretend have American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 disappeared. Adam’s mind has been so rotted that he has Monty Python And The Holy Grail transformed into a deranged killer! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108361 Comedy, Drama, Horror 2011 Ltbx S (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 100min. Mr. Wise Guy Michael Palin, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, John Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 Leo Gorcey, Bobby Jordan Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Graham Chapman 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108257 This eighth entry in the East Side Kids series finds the boys The Monty Python team are at it again in their second movie. shipped off to reform school, where their leader Muggs This time we follow King Arthur and his knights in their McGinnis (Leo Gorcey) earns the nickname „Mr. Wise Guy“, search for the Holy Grail. This isn’t your average medieval Nancy Drew, Reporter while Danny, Glimpy, and the rest of the gang run up against knights and horses story - for a start, due to a shortage in the Mary Lee, Bonita Granville, Betty Amann, troublemakers with nicknames like „Chalky“ and „Rice Pud- kingdom, all the horses have been replaced by servants ding“. But when they discover the thug responsible for landing clopping coconuts together! John Litel, Frank Thomas them there in the first place is the same one who framed their British, Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Sharp, young, independent and inquisitive, Nancy Drew is a friend for murder, the wily kids bust out with a plan to bring teen reporter who endeavors to outwit the adults and clear a Foreign, Medieval Times, Adventure, Slap- young woman of murder in this delightful (and surprisingly him to justice. Billy Gilbert co-stars as the nasty bad guy. stick 1974 Ltbx DD 5.1 91min. Troubled Youth, Comedy, Drama, humorous) family film based on the legendary fictional sleuth. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment This is one of four Nancy Drew movies made by Warner Friendships, Gangs 1942 58min. 06.03.2012 Brothers in the late 1930s. Created as a female alternative to American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 the successful male Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew’s cultural 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108294 impact and positive influence on young women remains highly 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108362 significant even today. Nancy is on assignment quite by chance when she is involved in a contest at a local Mr. Wrinkle Goes to War Moon Of The Wolf newspaper. She covers the death and inquest of a woman who David Janssen, Barbara Rush, Geoffrey died of poisoning and she believes the woman accused is Ruth Warrick, Edward G. Robinson, Robert Lewis, Bradford Dillman, John Beradino innocent. Armstrong, Richard Lane, Richard Gaines, A small Louisiana town is terrorized by a rash of mysterious Murder Mysteries, Mystery, girl power Ted Donaldson killings. With a trail of ravaged bodies turning up, folks living 1939 68min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using on the bayou fear they’re being haunted by a wicked Cajun American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. werewolf known as the loup-garou. It’s up to the town’s Quitting his bank job of fifteen years to open a fix-it shop, intrepid sheriff (the late David Janssen) to get to the bottom of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108366 Wilbert Winkle (Edward G. Robinson, The Whole Town’s things in this classic example of 70s horror fare. Talking, Destroyer) begins questioning his choice after his Slasher, Werewolves, Horror 1972 74min. Nazis At The Center Of The Earth wife, Amy (Ruth Warrick, Citizen Kane), starts nagging him. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Though surprised to receive a draft notice, the middle-aged (Blu-ray) Wilbert responds. And after ending up in the South Pacific 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108359 Researchers in Antarctica are abducted by a team of masked where his wits and courage make him a most unlikely hero,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA storm troopers. They are dragged deep underground to a cinema. His real date is outraged and the beautiful woman he American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 hidden continent in the center of the earth. Here Nazi kissed; is intrigued. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108424 survivors, their bodies a horrifying patchwork of decaying Romance, Comedy, Drama 1936 94min. and regenerated flesh, are planning for the revival of the American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Third Reich. A Perfect World (Blu-ray) Horror, World War II, Zombies min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108420 Clint Eastwood, , Kevin Costner Asylum Home Entertainment 24.04.2012 Academy Award® winners Kevin Costner and Clint Eastwood 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108328 Our Daily Bread confront each other from opposite sides of the law in A Karen Morley, Tom Keene Perfect World, an acclaimed, multilayered manhunt saga ‘Neath The Arizona Skies Times are hard during the Great Depression. So a group of (directed by Eastwood) that rumbles down Texas backroads unemployed workers, led by urban couple John and Mary toward a harrowing collision with fate. Costner plays Butch John Wayne, Sheila Terry Sims, take up residence on a communal farm to try to fend for Haynes, a hardened prison escapee on the lam with a young Chris Morrell, the guardian of Indian girl Nina, is helping her themselves. In this companion piece to his silent classic, The hostage (T.J. Lowther in a remarkable film debut) who sees in track down her missing father. Until he is found, she is the Crowd (1928), writer/director King Vidor appears to question Butch the father figure he never had. Eastwood is wily Texas heir to a rich oil field and in danger from Sam Black, whose capitalist values while painting a compelling picture of the Ranger Red Garnett, leading deputies and a criminologist gang is out to steal the lands. The outlaws knock out Chris struggle and hardships faced by Americans during this (Laura Dern) in a statewide pursuit. Red knows every road and dress him in the clothes of a wanted bank robber. When troubled economic period. The film is not without its and pothole in the Panhandle. What’s more, he knows the Chris awakes, he discovers that now he must continue the entertaining moments. Nor has any of its relevance faded- elusive Haynes - because their paths have crossed before. quest while running from the law himself. particularly in light of today’s economic climate. Crime, Drama, Kidnapping, Thrillers 1993 Native Americans, Western, Drama 1935 Romance, Classics, Drama 1934 74min. 138min. 54min. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108421 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108571 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108367 Outlaw Justice (Collectible Tin) Pillow Talk (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- Night Of The Living Dead John Wayne, Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, tal Copy) (Blu-ray) Karl Hardman, Keith Wayne, Marilyn Burt Lancaster Hollywood legends Rock Hudson and Doris Day light up the Eastman, Duane Jones, Judith Ridley, Collector’s tin featuring six classic westerns on two DVDs, screen in the Academy Award®-winning romantic comedy featuring star-studded performances by John Wayne, Marlon Pillow Talk. When uptight interior decorator Jan Morrow Russell Streiner Brando, Burt Lancaster, and more! Includes: Angel & The (Day) is forced to share a telephone party line with carefree They won’t stay dead. Zombies in a farmhouse bring terror. Badman Rainbow Valley Riders Of Destiny One-Eyed Jacks playboy Brad Allen (Hudson), there is no connection between Night Of The Living Dead is a horror classic: tense, taut and Vengeance Valley them. However, when the two accidentally meet in person, terrifying from its opening scenes all the way to its shocking Music, Romance, Western, Action, sparks fly and the smitten Brad pretends to be a wealthy and disturbing conclusion, as hungry undead rise from their Texan, wooing Jan with late-night calls. Featuring timeless graves to feed on the flesh of the living. Collections, Comedy, Drama 1963 FF 16x9 songs by Doris Day and scene-stealing performances by Tony National Film Registry, Thrillers, Zombies, S 562min. Randall and Thelma Ritter, this charming comedy will sweep AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 you off your feet. TV, Horror 1968 96min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108462 National Film Registry, Romance, Classics, American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Comedy, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108368 Palooka 100 1957 min. Universal Studios 01.05.2012 Robert Armstrong, Jimmy Durante, Stuart 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108566 Night Wolf Erwin, Thelma Todd, Louise Beavers, Mary John Lynch, Simon MacCorkindale, Tom Carlisle, Lupe Velez, William Cagney Felton In this quintessential boxing tale, up-and-coming fighter Joe Planet Outlaws A deadly secret is coming home.. Sarah returns home to her Palooka (Stuart Ervin) takes up with a salty but colorful old Constance Moore, Buster Crabbe troubled family after a much-put-off visit. As a storm rages manager.(Jimmy Durante), who delivers an endless stream of In this Sci-Fi flick, made from the 12 part serial, Buck Rogers through the countryside, she and her family find themselves hilarious one-liners on the way to making the kid a champ. But and Buddy wake from cryogenic sleep and begin to „save the isolated. As night falls while they’re cut off from the outside along the way, a bawdy vixen (Lupe Velez) threatens to derail world from the grasp of a tyrannical gangster“ and travel to world, a bloodthirsty, horrifying creature comes out of the their progress. Based on the hugely-popular and long-running Saturn to find help. darkness, tearing through their home and leaving the group Joe Palooka comic strip. Also keep an eye out for James Science Fiction, Space 1953 68min. besieged. Trapped and scared, the few who survive its initial Cagney’s lookalike brother, WiIliam, who co-stars! attack will put a strategic plan together to stop the creature Classics, Comedy 1934 86min. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 that is hunting them down limb by limb, only to discover that American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108425 the creature, itself, is already among them. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108422 British, Foreign, Horror 2012 DD 5.1 85min. Pot O’ Gold Lionsgate 24.04.2012 , Charles Winninger, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108618 Paradise Canyon John Wayne, Marion Burns, Reed Howes, Horace Heidt, Mary Gordon, James Stewart Earle Hodgins, Gino Corrado This lesser-known gem is not just for Jimmy Stewart fans. Nothing Sacred Filled with great musical numbers and a thoroughly amusing John Wayne joins Doc Carter’s medicine show as a cover to storyline, Stewart plays a small-town music lover who Fredric March, Carole Lombard find some counterfeiters. reluctantly travels to the city to help his uncle run the family An over-eager newspaper reporter (Fredrich March) hot on Western, Crime 1935 53min. business. Once there, he falls for the daughter of a rival the trail of a story ends up falling in love with his subject American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 family (think: Hatfields and McCoys), unbeknownst to both (Carole Lombard). But when her story turns out false, parties. That is, until a live radio broadcast ends up getting everyone involved goes beyond simple truth-bending to save 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108423 everyone into trouble! Also starring Paulette Goddard, face! This landmark screwball comedy was the first-ever to Charles Winninger (who is hilarious as Uncle Charlie) and be shot in Technicolor (offering an amazing look at New York Paranormal Incident bandleader Horace Heidt. Trivia note: This was the first (and City in the 1930s), and features a brilliant musical score by last) feature-length production by James Roosevelt, son of Oscar Levant. This film also provided the foundation for a Some things don’t want to be found.. The infamous Odenbrook then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Jimmy’s music shop popular Broadway musical (Hazel Flagg) and the 1954 Martin Sanitarium closed after a mass suicide occurred within its closes and he goes to work for his uncle. He befriends a & Lewis film Livin’ It Up. walls. Sixty years later, college students armed with cameras family who his uncle does not like. They are musicians and Screwball, Classics, Comedy, Dark Comedy and recording equipment venture into the asylum to prove the Jimmy ends up helping them and tries to reconcile them with existence of the paranormal. Thrills turn into nightmares his uncle. 1937 73min. when, days later, five of the six friends turn up missing and American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 the lone survivor must go through the recovered footage in Musical, Romance, Comedy 1941 86min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108369 order to clear his name and find out what happened to his American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 friends. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108426 Thrillers, Drama 2011 Ltbx S 82min. The Omoo-Omoo Shark God Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 Pride Of The Bowery Trevor Bardette, Pedro de Cordoba, Ron 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108390 Randell, Richard Benedict Leo Gorcey, Bobby Jordan, Kenneth The curse of a shark god follows a group of people who have Howell violated a sacred jungle idol. Mugs goes to a camp to polish his skills at boxing but does Sharks, Drama, Jungle 1949 58min. Cary Grant, Irene Dunne, Beulah Bondi not get on with the other boys. One boy robs the safe and American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 A young couple falls in love while on a trip to , but face Mugs is blamed. His manager clears his name by capturing tragedy when an earthquake causes June (Irene Dunne) to the real thief. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108419 lose the baby she is carrying. When she and Roger (Cary Thieves, Drama 1941 60min. Grant) return to San Francisco, they consider adoption as an American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 One Rainy Afternoon antidote to their now-struggling marriage. Meanwhile, June’s favorite records seem to unfailingly chronicle her life 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108427 Ida Lupino, Francis Lederer throughout this warmly-entertaining drama. Phillippe mistakenly kisses the wrong girl in the darkened Romance, Drama 1941 117min.

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Private Buckaroo Dick Lester (Help!, A Hard Day’s Night) directs this singular British musical extravaganza. The pop culture explosion Jennifer Holt, Dick Foran, Ernest Truex, Joe Randy Rides Alone reveals a generation gap in a small English town when the E. Lewis John Wayne, Lindsley Parsons, Paul mayor (Felix Felton, Up in the Air, 1969) forces a teenage The Andrews Sisters and Harry James are the entertainers Malvern, Harry Fraser hangout to stop using its TV set and jukebox. A pair of crafty for the USO dances for the new recruits in basic training. local teens, Helen (Helen Shapiro, Play It Cool) and Craig A man is wrongly accused of some murders and is jailed by (Craig Douglas, Murder Can Be Deadly), counterattack by Musical, Romance, Army, Comedy, Military the local sheriff. Believing him innocent of the charges, a trying to put together a festival that will demonstrate the 1942 68min. young woman frees him from jail in order for the man to track merits of traditional jazz and rock ‘n’ roll. While trying to American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 down the real killers. Following some leads, the two make enlist disc jockeys for the jazz show, they hear such talents their way to the killers’ hideout hidden behind a waterfall in as Del Shannon, The Dukes of Dixieland, Gary (U.S.) Bonds, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108428 an attempt to bring them to justice. the inimitable Chubby Checker, Gene Vincent - and many Western 1934 52min. others. Newly remastered. Private Duty Nurses / Night Call American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Musical, British, Comedy, Foreign, Jazz Nurses / Young Nurses / Candy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108431 1962 Ltbx 16x9 M 78min. SPHE MOD 06.03.2012 Stripe Nurses (The Nurse Reefer Madness 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108319 Collection) Dorothy Short, Kenneth Craig Three nurses who work in the ward really have their An expose of drug culture based on the story of a young girl Road To Bali hands full dealing with nutty patients, creepy stalkers, and and marijuana use and becoming a pusher to drugs and drug black revolutionaries. Sexy comedy follows the exploits of related pop culture. An anti marijuana movie told by a school Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour three volunteer nurses. principal to parents at a PTA meeting. It highlights the way its Having to leave in a hurry to avoid various Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Exploitation use and distribution are a menace.Reefer Madness, also marriage proposals, two song-and-dance men sign on for min. known as Tell Your Children, is a 1936 exploitation film that work as divers. This takes them to an idyllic island on the was intended to be shown to parents as a morality tale in an way to Bali where they vie with each other for the favors of Shout Factory 17.04.2012 attempt to teach them about the dangers of marijuana use. It is Princess Lala. The hazardous dive produces a chest of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108256 now, however, a cult favorite! priceless jewels which arouses the less romantic interest of Stoners, Substance Abuse, Comedy, Cult some shady locals. Comedy 1953 91min. Film / TV, Documentary, Drama, Propaganda Puppet On A Chain American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 1936 65min. Barbara Parkins 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108452 The action of „Guns Of Navarone“ ... The intrigue of „Ice American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Station Zebra“ ... The suspense of „Where Eagles Dare“ ... all 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108432 add up to his biggest and best seller!. From Alistair MacLean, Roadie the writer of Guns Of Navarone, Where Eagles Dare, Ice Jimmy, a longtime roadie for the legendary Blue Oyster Cult, Station Zebra, Force 10 From Navarone, comes Puppet On A Reunion At Fairborough has been fired by the band. With nowhere else to go, he Chain! The headquarters of a drug-smuggling cartel is the Robert Mitchum, Deborah Kerr, Barry Mor- returns home to see his aging mom in Forest Hills, Queens, quarry of American narcotics agent Paul Sherman (Sven- where a wild encounter with two old high school friends Bartil Taube, Eagle Has Landed). Though the cartel’s se, Red Buttons, Shane Rimmer, Manning shows him that some things never change. activities are centered in Amsterdam, Sherman’s search for Redwood Drama 96min. the headquarters leads to an island castle owned by an This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using offbeat religious group. Sherman and his partner Maggie a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A Magnolia Home Entertainment 02.03.2012 (Barbara Parkins, Valley Of The Dolls, Kremlin Letter) run reunion of former US Air Force buddies brings together men 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108297 into serious trouble when they try to gain access to the from all walks of life, who’ve been out of touch for 40 years, forbidden site. Paul escapes captivity and chases the culprits when they return to the English village where they were by boat in one of the most exciting boat chases ever filmed, a stationed during World War II. Robert Mitchum (Out of the Roadie (Blu-ray) scene that has been compared to the car chase in Bullitt! Past; Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison) plays Carl Hostrup, whose Jimmy, a longtime roadie for the legendary Blue Oyster Cult, Thrillers, Action 1971 Ltbx M 99min. wartime achievements are eclipsed by his more recent has been fired by the band. With nowhere else to go, he Scorpion Releasing 20.03.2012 personal and business struggles. Hostrup returns on a whim, returns home to see his aging mom in Forest Hills, Queens, with former crewmate Jiggs Quealy (Red Buttons, Sayonara, where a wild encounter with two old high school friends 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108311 The Longest Day) in tow, to reconnect with his old mates and shows him that some things never change. discover what happened to the woman he loved so many years Drama 96min. Queen Of The Yukon ago. Reuniting with Sally (Deborah Kerr, An Affair to Remember, From Here to Eternity), Carl learns some Magnolia Home Entertainment 02.03.2012 Irene Rich, June Carlson, Charles Bickford surprising things about himself, his crew, and the world their 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108327 Sadie owns a riverboat used by the goldminers. They gamble heroism helped to shape. Revisiting the past leads to some and drink as they travel to and from their claims. The Yukon unanticipated emotional revelations and, more importantly, Mining Company tries to take over the riverboat so that they reminds the ex-GIs to have hope for the future. Newly Rock, Rock, Rock can cheat the miners out of their claims. remastered. Tuesday Weld, Alan Freed, Teddy Adventure, Drama 1940 72min. Romance, Drama, HBO, TV Movies 1985 FF Randazzo American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 M 113min. The school rock and roll dance is the high spot and this one 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108429 SPHE MOD 06.03.2012 has performances from some greats. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108324 Music, Drama, High School 1956 86min. Rainbow Valley American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108454 John Wayne, Lucille Browne, Lindsley Revolt Of The Zombies Parsons, Paul Malvern, Robert N. Bradbury Dorothy Stone, Dean Jagger John Martin is a government agent working under cover. Dean Jagger and Dorothy Stone star in this horror zombie Royal Wedding Leading citizen Morgan calls in gunman Galt who blows flick from director Victor Halperin in which a priest has the Keenan Wynn, Fred Astaire Martin’s cover. power to turn people into zombies. In Cambodia, more zombies A brother and sister dance act’s show closes in New York. Western 1935 47min. are controlled by a in the jungle. They get a booking in London at the same time as a royal American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Zombies, Horror 1939 65min. wedding. They cross to England on a liner and dance as it 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108430 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 rolls. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108433 Classics, Comedy 1951 93min. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Ranchero 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108455 Christina Woods, Danny Trejo Riders Of Destiny How far would you go to escape your past.... After the death John Wayne, Cecilia Parker, Forrest Taylor of his parents Jesse Torres leaves his childhood cattle ranch The water rights are controlled by Kincade and he charges Sagebrush Trail for the Bright Lights of the Big City. Reconnecting with his outrageous rates. An agent for the government wants to make John Wayne, Nancy Shubert childhood friend Tom, Jesse finds himself in a squalid water more accessible and he makes a plan with the ranchers Wrongly put into jail, John Brant escapes, goes West and neighborhood of drugs, gangs and broken dreams. Tom’s to make it happen. joins a gang of outlaws. One of the gang members is become a drug addict and is in deep to the local gangs which Western, Chases 1933 53min. responsible for the murder Brant was jailed for. strains their friendship. Struggling with his new life, Jesse finds solace in a local girl, Lil’ Bit, but as the romance American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Western 1933 53min. blossoms Jesse finds himself confronted by the neighborhood 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108448 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 mobster, Capone (Danny Trejo) who owns her. Now faced 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108456 with a drug addicted best friend, an angry mobster and his girlfriend’s freedom, Jesse must make some hard choices with Ring-A-Ding Rhythm dangerous consequences. Chubby Checker, Craig Douglas, Gary U.S. Satan’s Slave Romance, Crime, Drama, Gangs 2011 Bonds, Helen Shapiro, Gene Vincent, John Barbara Kellerman, Candace Glendenning, 98min. Leyton, Del Shannon Michael Gough, Martin Potter Indican Pictures 10.04.2012 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using A young girl (Candace Glendenning, Tower Of Evil, Flesh 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108602 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. And Blood Show) moves in with her uncle Alexander (Michael

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Gough, , Berserk, Konga) after her parents’ car Kate Reid, Elaine Stritch, Lois Nettleton, a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. mysteriously explodes. After being taken in by her cousins, This British crime drama rises above programmer fare with she soon begins suffering strange visions. But what she John Dexter, Robert Walden, Jordan Chri- excellent direction, great location photography, a gritty noir doesn’t know is that her planned role in the house is more stopher style and a femme fatale worthy of the name. Bella Francesi sinister than she could have expected. Starring horror icon Meet Jonathan. The very day he graduated Princeton he (Faith Domergue, Where Danger Lives, It Came From Beneath Michael Gough and Martin Potter (Goodbye Gemini) and became a New York taxi driver. (Then he met Jennifer.). the Sea) is the beautiful sister of gangster Rico Francesi directed by cult director Norman J. Warren (Terror, Unwilling to claw his way to the top of the corporate ladder, (Martin Benson, Goldfinger), whose sporting interests Inseminoid), Scorpion Releasing proudly presents the the college-educated Jonathan (Jordan Christopher, Angel include fixing prizefights. Bella’s influence over men extends complete uncut version for the first time anywhere in the Angel Down We Go) prefers the carefree life of a cab driver. beyond her brother’s business and into his stable of fighters world in its original scope ratio! A rebel, he vents his daily frustration by kicking pigeons in as well. Jim Bankley (Lee Patterson) is a Canadian looking Devils And Demons, Horror 1976 Ltbx M the park. The film’s rambling plot encompasses such eccentric into the death of a fellow fighter - and to make it rich - who characters as a naive motorcyclist, a gay interior decorator stumbles onto the Francesis’ schemes. Bella takes a liking to 89min. and a parent-subsidized hippie who embarks upon a bumpy the smart, attractive hunk. When Jim’s talent for electronics Scorpion Releasing 20.03.2012 romance with Jonathan, whose lack of commitment proves his makes him an ideal partner for siphoning off track bets, he 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108312 downfall. Also starring Emmy winner Elaine Stritch (30 becomes a commodity the Francesis can’t afford to lose - and Rock). Rarely seen since its theatrical release in 1971, they’ll do anything to hold on to him. Newly remastered. Scorpion Releasing proudly presents the first ever home British, Crime, Drama, Femme Fatales, Film Season In Hell: Evil Farmhouse video release of this film. Noir, Foreign 1955 Ltbx M 77min. Comedy, Drama 1970 Ltbx M 93min. Torture SPHE MOD 06.03.2012 Scorpion Releasing 21.02.2012 Two friends on the run stop where they should not.... The east 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108321 coast of the US has been besieged by apocalyptic terrorist 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108303 attacks. Friends Carl and George take flight. They seek supplies at an eerily quiet farmhouse only to meet a farmer Slaves In Bondage Stage Door Canteen named Marbas Hiram. They discover that Marbas is the Katharine Hepburn, Judith Anderson, crazed overseer to a basement full of women, some who Lona Andre, Wheeler Oakman, Donald Reed worship him as a deranged Messiah. They discover the Mary Lou manages to escape abduction by a prostitution ring. Tallulah Bankhead, Ralph Bellamy, Edgar farmhouse is actually the gateway to Hell! Evoking the trippy She tells the Chief of Detectives they were planning to take Bergen style of Jess Franco and the savage intensity of early Wes her to the Berrywood road house, a well-known den of This delightfully sentimental movie set itself apart from the Craven, Season in Hell is a surreal psychedelic homage to iniquity. Jim Murray and beautician Belle Harris are using her many other World War II films of the day, made to boost the 70’s era of horror films. beauty shop to recruit floozies for their road house circuit. American morale. It documents (via a fictional tale) the real- Psychedelic, Thrillers, Apocalyptic Future, Dona Lee, who works at the beauty salon, is falling in love life story of New York City’s Stage Door Canteen, an east Devils And Demons, Horror 2004 75min. with young reporter wanna-be Phillip, but Murray gets coast version of the equally-famed Hollywood Canteen, where jealous and makes life rough for him. Meanwhile Dona begins soldiers on their way to battle during WWII were entertained Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 to figure out the racket, but becomes threatened by Murray’s by stage and screen stars of the era. Countless celebrities 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108274 unwanted advances. make cameos in the film (everyone from Kate Hepburn and Crime, Drama 1937 min. Tallulah Bankhead to and bandleader Benny Goodman), which was directed by Frank Borzage, first-ever Seducing Charlie Barker American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 recipient of the Academy Award for Best Director. Daphne Zuniga 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108460 Musical, Romance, Comedy 1943 132min. It’s a party, Charlie, it’s a party.“. Tossing aside his best American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 friend, his wife, his career and his sanity, out-of-work actor Sleeping Beauty Charlie pursues his own self-destruction at the hands of a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108484 modern-day succubus named Clea. A fierce contemporary Emily Browning, Ewen Leslie comedy, Seducing Charlie Barker presents the distortions of Jane Campion presents Sleeping Beauty, a fascinating Stunts today’s culture as the poisonous sea we all live in, depiction of a young woman’s reckless decent into a shocking emasculating men, demeaning women and leaving us all world of erotic desires. Lucy (Emily Browning in a Fiona Lewis, Ray Sharkey, Robert Foster wondering „How is that surreal?“ breakthrough performance) is a young university student A stunt man dies on the set while doing a stunt and his brother Romance, Comedy, Drama 2010 93min. possessed by a kind of radical passivity, letting coin tosses takes his place so that he can find out the truth behind his Anderson Merchandisers 14.02.2012 decide random sexual encounters and enduring her menial brother’s death. jobs with an uncomplaining patience. After answering an ad in Mystery, Drama, Film About Film 1977 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108403 the student newspaper for a lingerie waitress, Lucy is secretly initiated into the job of a Sleeping Beauty, for which 89min. she is sedated and given in absolute submission to her American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Sesame Street: Singing With The clients. As this unnerving experience begins to bleed into her 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108485 Stars daily life, Lucy develops the courage to break the spell and discover what happens to her while she sleeps. First-time Dance and sing along with this star-studded special from director Julia Leigh creates a bold cinematic vision with her Summer Holiday Sesame Street! From Alicia Keys to the Dixie Chicks, Andrea shocking retelling of the classic myth that poses its heroine Bocelli, Adam Sandler and more, this DVD will get your child From acclaimed Romanian director Radu Muntean (Tuesday, as a rarified sex-worker confronting ideas of feminine After Christmas), Summer Holiday (aka Boogie. crisis. During moving! Includes classics such as R.E.M.’s „ Furry Happy sexuality with bravado and precision. Monsters“ plus Emmy award winning sensation „What I Am“ a blissful seaside vacation with his adorable, pregnant wife with Will.I.Am. So come on and sing along with the stars! Art House, Australian, Drama, Erotica, (4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days’ Anamaria Marinca) and Foreign 2011 102min. young son, 30-something Bogdan (Police, Adjective’s Dragos Educational, PBS, Puppets, Sesame Street Bucur) bumps into his best friends from high school. They min. MPI 10.04.2012 soon fall into wistful reminisces about their „glory days“ of Warner Bros. 01.05.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108310 drinking binges and outrageous sexual escapades. Frustrated with the constraints of family life, he decides to indulge in one 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108410 more wild night of boozing and chasing women with his old The Smallest Show On Earth pals. But soon he realizes that growing up might just be the Sex Madness , , Bill best fate of all. Romanian, Drama, Foreign, Friendships Vivian McGill Travers This sex exploitation film includes wild parties, sex out of A struggling writer and his wife inherit an old run down movie 2008 102min. wedlock, lesbianism, and more supposedly to warn teenagers theater. They decide to go there and work out how to sell it; Zeitgeist Films 14.02.2012 and young adults of the dangers of venereal diseases, however the long time staff and other things affect their plan. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108301 specifically syphilis. Comedy 1957 81min. Propaganda, Cult Film / TV, Drama 1938 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 60min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108461 Swamp Women American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 , Marie Windsor, Mike 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108457 Something To Sing About Connors An escaping convict is chased into the swamp in this tale of Mona Barrie, James Cagney, William wrongful conviction and regeneration. She Shoulda Said „No“ Frawley Prison, Slasher, Swamp, Horror 1956 Lila Leeds, Lyle Talbot, Alan Baxter, Micha- A New York bandleader is offered a contract for film in Los 67min. Angeles. They move to California where his lack of desire to el Whalen be a star is thought to be arrogance. Sick of Hollywood he American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 A chorus girl’s career is ruined and her brother is driven to takes his wife on a cruise but when they come back he is 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108486 suicide when she starts smoking marijuana. indeed a superstar. Stoners, Substance Abuse, Drama 1949 Comedy, Drama 1937 93min. Swing High, Swing Low 70min. American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Fred MacMurray, Carole Lombard, Charles American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108483 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108459 Butterworth While in Panama Maggie meets a soldier and they get Spin A Dark Web involved in a fight in a bar and she misses her boat home. She The Sidelong Glances Of A falls in love with him and he gets a job playing the trumpet. Faith Domergue, Rona Anderson, Peter When success comes his way; it destroys their relationship Pigeon Kicker Hammond, Martin Benson, Robert Arden Musical, Drama 1937 92min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using

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American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Running and Rio Bravo, but it’s carefree, swingin’-bachelor characters like Ray that many fans will always associate with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108487 Dino. The Tested Musical, Romance, Comedy 1957 114min. , Aunjanue Ellis Take Shelter (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 A life shattering tragedy sends three people on vastly diffe- rent paths to a similar goal of redemption and understanding. , , Shea 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108377 One year ago, plain clothes cop, Julian Varone gunned down Whigham, , Katy Mixon an unarmed teen. Darraylynn Warren, the teen’s mother, has Stunning! Already being called an American Masterpiece.“ - The Tenderfoot spiraled into a pit of despair, while his brother, Dre, flirts John Lopez, VANITY FAIR. When Curtis (Michael Shannon) with gang life. As Julian prepares to get back to work, the begins having nightmares of an encroaching, apocalyptic Ginger Rogers, Vivien Oakland, Joe E. three realize they cannot find closure without the other. Along storm, he refrains from telling his wife, Samantha (Jessica Brown, Lew Cody, Robert Greig with those themes the film explores loss, revenge, and Chastain). To protect her and their six-year-old deaf daughter With large confidence and an even larger hat, cattleman injustice. And the complex relationship between a mother and Hannah, Curtis stars focusing his anxiety and money into the Calvin Jones (rubber-faced comic Joe E.Brown) rolls along son who are dealing with the death of a family member. Being obsessive building of a storm shelter. While Hannah’s the lighted cow path of Broadway. He has $20,000 to invest in a 16 year old male and having to deal with his thirty- healthcare and special needs education has resulted in a show, intending to skedaddle back to Texas with his profits. something mother is already difficult, they just don’t seem to financial struggle, Curtis’ seemingly inexplicable behavior Faster than you can say flopperoo, the producers of the show speak the same language. But because of the death in their concerns Samantha and provokes intolerance among co- Calvin bankrolls button it up and keep the dough. Now add family a constant push-pull struggle ensues. He feels the need workers, friends and neighbors. However, the resulting strain mobsters eager to extort some cash and romance with a perky to grow up and become a man, while her needs are a bit more on his marriage and tension within the community doesn’t secretary (Ginger Rogers), and it’s clear Calvin’s got some complex - she wants him to step up as the head of the house- compare to Curtis’ private fear of what his disturbing dreams wrangling to do before he’s back in those wide-open spaces. hold and yet is still very protective of him. The fact that she is may truly signify. George S. Kaufman’s fish-out-of-water stage farce The Butter still grieving makes it nearly impossible for this relationship Drama, End Of The World, Marriage Woes, and Egg Man (Richard Carle shares an on-screen story to fully blossom. After a m Mental Illness, Art House, Thrillers 2011 credit) hits town as The Tenderfoot. Yeeee-haw, Manhattan! Drama 2010 106min. 121min. Comedy, Cowboy 1932 70min. Virgil Films And Entertainment 24.04.2012 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Warner Bros. MOD 16.07.2010 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108381 14.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108378 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108692 Texas Carnival Term Of Trial Howard Keel, Ann Miller, Paula Raymond, Tales From The Golden Age Laurence Olivier, Simone Signoret, Sarah Esther Williams, Red Skelton Conceived and scripted by Palme d’Or winner Cristian Miles, Terence Stamp, Hugh Griffith Esther Williams dazzles the eye and Red Skelton tickles the Mungiu (4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days), Tales From The Graham Weir is a middle-aged schoolmaster. Shirley Taylor is funny bone in Texas Carnival, a rootin’ tootin’ musical „done Golden Age is a funny, poignant and surreal portrait of 1980’s his adoring 16-year-old pupil. She offers herself, he gently in such a grand, breezy manner that even Texans are apt to Romania. Shot with tremendous style and spirit, the film rejects her and she retaliates with a charge of indecent give it a hearty backslap of approval“ (Los Angeles brilliantly re-captures the mood of an era where undertones of assault. Acting legend Laurence Olivier and film-debuting Examiner). The two play a down-and-out carnival sideshow fear, corruption and imprisonment where never far away and Sarah Miles portray teacher and student in Term Of Trial, team mistaken for a pair of multimillionaires at a swank Texas where the humor of ordinary citizens played a vital role in Peter (Becket) Glenville’s provocative film notable in its time resort hotel - a perfect plot for Miss Williams to display both facing up to the idiotic logic of the dictatorship. To warm and for its frank sexual theme...and notable in ours for Olivier’s her fine sense of comedy and gorgeous, bathing-suit-clad often hilarious effect, Mungiu employs Romania’s top young authoritative portrait of an unauthoritative man, one too good - figure. Skelton is hilarious as a pseudo oil tycoon who can’t directors to combine several urban legends to portray a time or too fearful - to misuse another human being. Simone roll a cigarette, walk in spurs or hold his liquor. His during which food was more important than money, freedom Signoret, like Olivier an Academy Award® winner, plays performance, a masterpiece of accurate exaggeration, is a more important than love and survival more important than Weir’s restless wife, whose disdain for her husband leads to wonderful reminder of why he ranks among the screen’s principles. a stunning denouement. Three lives. One fateful lie. greatest clowns. Romanian, Anthologies, Drama, Foreign Odd Couples, Teachers, Drama, Love Gone Musical, Romance 1951 77min. 2011 141min. Bad 1962 130min. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 Zeitgeist Films 14.02.2012 Warner Bros. MOD 30.10.2009 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108383 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108300 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108380 Texas Terror The Temptress The Terminal Man John Wayne, Lucile Browne, George Greta Garbo, Lionel Barrymore, Antonio George Segal, Donald Moffat, Richard Hayes, Leroy Mason The sheriff quits to become a prospector after he thinks he Moreno, Marc McDermott Dysart, Joan Hackett, Michael C. Gwynne killed his friend. He meets the dead man’s sister and beings to Robleda and Elena meet at a Parisian costume ball. The Mind Control. Advances of modern science have removed it help her on her ranch and then she finds out who he is and masks soon come off and hours later the smitten couple from the realm of the mystical into the all-too-probable. What what he has done. watches the sun rise over the City of Light. Later that day, happens when science loses control is the subject of The Robledo visits a friend and business colleague, the Marquis Terminal Man, based on a novel by Michael Crichton Western 1935 51min. de Torre Bianca, and is stunned to meet the Marquise...Elena. (Jurassic Park, The Andromeda Strain) and written for the American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 Greta Garbo won acclaim as the predatory femme in her U.S. screen and directed by Mike Hodges (Get Carter, Croupier). 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108493 debut The Torrent, so the studio turned to a similar role (and Computer scientist Harry Benson (George Segal) has experi- same source novelist) for her next film. A suitor’s suicide, mental brain surgery to end his potentially dangerous rival swains cracking bullwhips, a catastrophic dam collapse seizures. Electrodes are attached to 40 terminals of his brain That Certain Woman - all are part of the storm swirling around Elena as the story to counteract his violent impulses. But there’s no escaping his leaps from Paris to South America and back again. Garbo did own mind. The experiment has backfired and the seizures Henry Fonda, Bette Davis, Ian Hunter, Anita not welcome the role’s typecasting. But see the powerful return...with a terminal vengeance. Hooking into this Louise, Donald Crisp finale and understand how she could take a part and make it visionary tale will unnerve you. But the truth behind its Married to a gangster at 15...widowed by the St. Valentine’s heartendingly real. hallucinatory horrors will fascinate and stimulate you. Day Massacre...remarried to a playboy... forsaken...left to Romance, Silent Film, Drama 1926 117min. Science Fiction, Thrillers, Killer Technology raise her baby alone: Mary Donnell (Bette Davis) leads the kind of three-hanky life just made for a prestige ’30s Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 1974 107min. melodrama. Besides showcasing one of her most subtle and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108283 Warner Bros. MOD 08.09.2009 moving portrayals, That Certain Woman marks important firsts 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108382 for Davis. It was her first film with Henry Fonda, her co-star in the following year’s celebrated Jezebel. And it was the first Ten Nights In A Barroom time she worked with Edmund Goulding, who would guide her William Farnum, Tom Santschi Terror At Black Falls in Dark Victory, The Old Maid and The Great Lie. „He was A plot revolving around alcohol, drunkenness and temperance. one of Hollywood’s greatest directors,“ Davis said in the Gary Gray, Peter Mamakos bestselling biography Mother Goddam by Whitney Stine. Substance Abuse, Drama 1931 70min. A very violent western where a Mexican gunslinger is injured „Goulding made me special in this film. I looked really like a American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 trying to save his son and put into prison only to be released ‘movie star.’“ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108488 with revenge on his mind. Romance, Drama, girl power 1937 93min. Revenge, Western 1962 70min. Warner Bros. MOD 28.09.2010 American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108385 Ten Thousand Bedrooms 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108489 Dean Martin, Anna Maria Alberghetti, Eva Bartok, Walter Slezak, Dewey Martin Test Tube Babies That Forsythe Woman Ah Rome, land of amore, pasta and a whole lotta bedrooms - if Beautiful, breathtaking Irene Forsyte: Men adore her. Women you’re Ray Hunter (Dean Martin), a hotel baron who stops in William Thomason envy her. Love defines her. Errol Flynn and Greer Garson to buy a luxury hotel and stays to stage-manage the romantic A happily married couple has been trying unsuccessfully to head this lush costume drama - based on the first book of John lives of four comely Italian sisters. Lavishly filmed on have a baby. When the Doctor tells them that the husband is Galsworthy’s The Forsyte Saga - about a woman who cannot location, Ten Thousand Bedrooms marks Martin’s first film sterile and he makes a shocking recommendation . . . cut her free spirit to fit the cloth of Victorian society. after he parted company with his longtime show-biz partner especially given the date of this movie. Originally slated for one of the romantic leads in the film, Jerry Lewis. And it’s an ideal match of star and vehicle, Cult Film / TV, Drama 1948 68min. Flynn opted instead to play against type. He fought for the showcasing the star’s mellow pipes and relaxed style of part of Soames Forsyte, Galsworthy’s stuffy, imperious „man wooing. Martin would go on to establish himself as a fine American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 of property.“ As Soames, Flynn „revealed an unsuspected and dramatic actor in such films as The Young Lions, Some Came 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108490 admirable talent for characterization,“ recalled an impressed

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Garson, who played Irene. „If he had lived longer...he carried them to fame in the Ziegfeld Follies footlights and on formidable cast - including Roddy McDowall, Sally Kellerman probably would have emerged as the serious actor he longed early-radio airwaves, headline this spirited 1930 musical that (her second movie) and Herbert Marshall (his final movie) - to be.“* See Flynn in one of his favorite roles, a milestone in combines World Series heroics with the quest for romance under the taut direction of Jack Smight (Harper, No Way To his celebrated film legacy. (The Broadway Melody’s Bessie Love plays the female lead). Treat A Lady). Romance, Drama, Historical / Period Piece The film’s baseball-vaudeville scenario stepped up to the Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues plate again in 1949 with Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly and Esther 1949 109min. Williams in Take Me Out to the Ball Game. Batter - and 1965 5min. Warner Bros. MOD 16.11.2010 curtain - up, musicals fans! Warner Bros. MOD 16.04.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108387 Musical, Romance, Sports, Baseball, Drama 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108405 1930 95min. Their Own Desire Warner Bros. MOD 22.01.2010 Third Finger, Left Hand Norma Shearer, Belle Bennett, Lewis 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108400 Lee Bowman, Melvyn Douglas, Myrna Loy, Stone, Robert Montgomery Bonita Granville, Raymond Walburn Their Own Desire, scripted by woman’s-picture screenwriter They Met In Bombay Third finger, left hand. That’s where unmarried fashion- extraordinaire Frances Marion (Dinner At Eight, Camille. , Peter Lorre, Rosalind Russell, magazine editor Margot Sherwood Merrick (Myrna Loy) Romance, Drama 1929 64min. parks a wedding ring, hoping to deter male colleagues who Jessie Ralph, Reginald Owen have more than business on their minds. Then a smitten artist Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 Gerald Meldrick (Clark Gable) and Anya Von Duren (Rosa- (Melvyn Douglas) learns Margot’s secret and begins a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108394 lind Russell) have a lot in common. They’re both jewel charade of his own by passing himself off as her beloved thieves. And they’re both after the same rock, the fabulous hubby. Loy and Douglas, expert romantic farceurs who Star of Asia. So they team up - in crime, in love, and in comic sparkled in some of Hollywood’s best romantic comedies Then Came Bronson adventure that has them jumping on a tramp steamer to elude (including Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House) are Michael Parks, Bonnie Bedelia, Martin cops, swindling a Hong Kong merchant prince to nab some splendidly sophisticated and delightfully goofy in their first cash and battling advancing Japanese troops to strike a blow film together. „I adored him,“ Loy said of the man who became Sheen, Akim Tamiroff, Sheree North, Gary in World War II. Buoyed by a top cast, Gable and Russell her longtime friend off screen. Their camaraderie rings some Merrill, Bert Freed handle quips, kisses and danger with equal aplomb. The two funny on-screen wedding bells. A Harley Roadster, a bedroll, a lonely stretch of highway: Jim stars had worked together before, but after losing Gable to Romance, Comedy 1940 96min. Bronson (Michael Parks) is traveling where the road and the Jean Harlow in China Seas and being mere window dressing day take him, trying to make sense of things after the suicide as he romanced Joan Crawford in Forsaking All Others, Roz Warner Bros. MOD 03.06.2011 of his close friend. He doesn’t go far along a magnificent finally got her man. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108406 stretch of California’s coastal Big Sur before he meets Temple Romance, Thieves, Adventure, Drama 1941 Brooks (Bonnie Bedelia), a runway bride just as adrift as Jim is. Together, they’ll ride that Harley all the way to New 92min. This Modern Age Orleans. Together, they might find what they’re looking for. Warner Bros. MOD 26.02.2010 Monroe Owsley, Joan Crawford, Neil The pilot film for the same-titled 26-episode TV series, Then 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108401 Came Bronson - seen here in an international version that has Hamilton, Hobart Bosworth footage not seen in U.S. telecasts - came along in the free- Young Valentine Winters (Joan Crawford) leaves America to wheeling era of Easy Rider. Hop on. They Only Kill Their Masters join her ooh-la-la mama in Paris...and Life begins. Soon Valentine is caught up in a whirl of hot music and cold TV Movies, Drama, Road Trips 1969 98min. Hal Holbrook, Harry Guardino, Katharine champagne, of the right clothes and the wrong men, of all Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 Ross, June Allyson, James Garner pleasure and no happiness. Then she meets an upstanding 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108396 Murphy’s been charged with a savage murder, condemned to Harvard man. The future looks bright, until his strait-laced die, then given a reprieve when the autopsy of the victim parents visit Paris. They discover not only Valentine’s wild reveals startling new evidence. Murphy is a Doberman ways, but a shocking secret about her mother ? and These Glamour Girls Pinscher. James Garner portrays affable lawman Abel Marsh, Valentine’s world comes crashing down. Gloriously gowned Lana Turner, Jane Bryan, Richard Carlson, who takes possession of the dog and of the case that’s by Adrian, the normally brunette Crawford peroxided up for disrupted the tiny California coast town of Eden Landing. the role of Valentine and scored a hit with female fans eager Lew Ayres, Tom Brown Marsh will interview suspects. Suffer a knock or two to the to share her glamorous path from good girl to party girl to a Jane Thomas (Lana Turner) has everything: beauty, youth, noggin. See the corpse count grow. And realize that good ol’ woman forged by the fires of love. brains. Everything except breeding or what passes for Murphy may be the biggest clue to the whole deadly shebang. Drama 1931 68min. breeding among the snooty mean girls she meets at a college But Murphy himself won’t talk, so sit...stay...watch as Garner Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 house party. Radiant 18-year-old Turner was on the cusp of and an aces cast of Katharine Ross, Hal Holbrook, Peter fame when she made this smart, perceptive comedy-drama Lawford and more add to the who’s who of a clever whodunit. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108408 about a dime-a-dancer invited to a swank soiree by a drunken college boy (who regrets his socially humiliating impulse once Murder Mysteries, Drama 1972 97min. he sobers up). Jane can turn tail for home...or turn the tables Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 This Side Of The Law on the arrogant upper crust. The stellar supporting cast 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108402 Viveca Lindfors, Janis Paige, Kent Smith, includes Lew Ayres as her chagrined date, and Anita Louise, Jane Bryan, Marsha Hunt and Ann Rutherford among the debs Robert Douglas, John Alvin and hangers-on whose lives may not be as magical as Jane They Won’t Forget The Taylor family has long awaited this moment. The final bequest of Malcolm Taylor, a millionaire missing nearly seven imagines. Allyn Joslyn, Gloria Dickson, Claude Rains, College Life, Comedy, Drama 1939 79min. years and about to be declared dead, will go into effect and Otto Kruger, Edward Norris his heirs will own his Sans Souci estate. But - just like that - Warner Bros. MOD 20.08.2010 A pretty schoolgirl is murdered. An ambitious prosecutor dreams of wealth and power slip from everyone’s grasp. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108397 wants publicity. And an outsider - a Northern teacher in a There, standing inside Sans Souci and very alive, is Malcolm. sleepy Southern town - makes a handy defendant, someone Kent Smith (Cat People) portrays a hard-luck vagrant and the locals will happily convict, innocent or guilty. Based on Malcolm look-alike manipulated by a shady attorney (Robert They Came To Rob Las Vegas the infamous Leo Frank case, They Won’t Forget is an explo- Douglas) into posing as the millionaire. Will anyone see Jack Palance, Gary Lockwood, Elke Som- sive, acclaimed indictment of bigotry that’s rich in deceptive through the ruse - the wife (Viveca Lindfors) who detested motives, sudden violence and courtroom suspense. The talent Malcolm, the brother (John Alvin), the secret lover (Janis mer, Jean Servais, Lee J. Cobb is as powerful as the story: Mervyn LeRoy (I Am A Fugitive Paige)? Mystery and murder darken the film noir doorstep in Casino dealer Tony Vincenzo knows how to figure the odds, From A Chain Gang) produced and directed with steady hand This Side Of The Law. and he figures the job he’s planned is close to a sure thing. and crackling pacing, Robert Rossen (The Hustler) co-wrote Mystery, Drama, Film Noir 1950 74min. He knows about the route and the security measures taken to the unflinching script, Claude Rains (Casablanca) etches a Warner Bros. MOD 22.10.2010 protect an armored car hauling cash from Las Vegas to Los portrait of the ruthless prosecutor with poison and guile, and Angeles. He knows no one will find the car after he’s in her first credited role, Lana Turner makes the schoolgirl 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108411 detoured it off the road and into a specially constructed beguiling prey for an unhinged mind. subterranean desert vault. And yet he doesn’t know enough. Gary Lockwood, Elke Sommer, Lee J. Cobb, Jack Palance and Mystery, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Legal This Woman Is Dangerous classic caper star Jean Servais (Rififi) are the marquee Issues 1937 95min. Joan Crawford, Mari Aldon, Dennis Morgan, lights in this tale of a heist as improbable in execution as it is Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 fun to watch. Grab „a thriller equivalent to Leone’s Westerns, David Brian, Richard Webb reworking old formulas and paying tribute to them at the same 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108404 This woman is tough. This woman is smart. This woman is time“ (Adrian Turner, Time Out Film Guide). Joan Crawford. This Woman Is Dangerous. Who else but Crawford could portray a criminal mastermind and a glamour Spanish, Thieves, Caper, Crime, Drama, The Third Day gal? In this gritty melodrama, the silver-screen legend stars Foreign 1968 124min. Roddy McDowall, George Peppard, as Beth Austin, the brains behind a skilled robbery crew. Warner Bros. MOD 29.10.2010 She’s also the inamorata of callous killer and fellow gang Elizabeth Ashley, , member Matt (David Brian) - until a medical emergency sends 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108399 Burton Wohl, Jack Smight Beth to a hospital and into the arms of a handsome, When a car rams through a guardrail and plunges into the compassionate doctor (Dennis Morgan). Can Beth leave the They Learned About Women river below, all the elements of a tantalizing movie thriller past behind? Not if Matt - armed and crazed with jealousy - bubble to the surface: a drowned cocktail waitress, a can help it. He wants Beth back. And he wants the doctor J.C. Nugent, Bessie Love, Mary Doran, disoriented driver with no memory of the accident - and a dead. Benny Rubin ferocious D.A. who’ll stop at nothing to prove him guilty. Add Drama 1952 100min. In the summer, they belt the ol’ horsehide. In the winter, they to that a touch of blackmail, some creepy red herrings and an Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 belt out songs. They’re Jerry Burke and Jack Glennon, stars acid-tongued lawyer and you get an intricate crime drama on the baseball field and the vaudeville circuit. Real-life loaded with twists, turns and a startling conclusion to leave 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108412 vaudevillians Gus Van and Joe Schenck, whose act you breathless. Fresh off their scintillating teamwork on The Carpetbaggers, George Peppard and Elizabeth Ashley head a

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Thoroughbreds Don’t Cry and group disharmony. Newly remastered. Benedict Cumberbatch and Ciarán Hinds, it’s the powerful Slapstick, Biography, Comedy, Drama, TV and deeply resonant spy tale that Ebert Presents at the Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney, C. Aubrey Movies 2000 Ltbx 16x9 S 88min. Movies hails as „hands down the best new thriller this year.“ Smith Mystery, Thrillers, Drama 127min. SPHE MOD 06.03.2012 The horse-racing tale Thoroughbreds Don’t Cry marks the Universal Studios 20.03.2012 first of eight screen pairings (plus two variety-act films) of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108318 Hollywood legends Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108379 Rooney plays a swell-headed top jockey pressured by his disreputable pop to throw a race so that the ol’ man can cash A Thunder Of Drums Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (Blu- in at the window. Garland is a singing cutie who knows her Luana Patten, Charles Bronson, Richard way around the paddock because she lives at a boarding ray + Digital Copy + UltraViolet) house for jockeys run by her aunt (a delightful Sophie Boone, George Hamilton, Richard Chamber- Tucker). plays the aristocratic English lad lain (Blu-ray) who owns a prized racehorse and wants Rooney to take the Native Americans, Western 1961 97min. Gary Oldman leads a stunning all-star cast in this masterful reins in the big race. Young dreams saddle up and ride with adaptation of John le Carré’s bestselling novel that redefined this sweet saga from a more innocent time. Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 the spy thriller. At the height of the Cold War, a precarious Music, Sports, Comedy, Drama, Horses 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108418 operation goes deadly wrong, and the head of British Intelligence wonders if a double agent is leaking vital secrets. 1937 80min. Brought out of retirement to expose the potential mole, master Warner Bros. MOD 29.04.2011 Tide Of Empire spy George Smiley (Oldman) is the only one who can be 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108413 Joan Crawford, Tom Keene, Fred Kohler, trusted to expose one of their own.Or can he? As the emotio- nal and physical tolls mount on the high-ranking suspects, George Fawcett, Allan Dwan Smiley will be forced into the ultimate international spy game Thousands Cheer In the 1840s, California is a land of missions and ranchos, of where everyone’s motives are in question. Filled with Spanish grandees and winsome señoritas. Then comes the stunning performances by Academy Award® winner Colin Gene Kelly, Kathryn Grayson, Mary Astor, Gold Rush ? and with it comes the tide of empire as Firth, Tom Hardy, John Hurt, , Mark Strong, John Boles, Ben Blue prospectors flood in, ignorant of the culture they destroy with Benedict Cumberbatch and Ciarán Hinds, it’s the powerful The story concerns aerialist-turned-G.I. Gene Kelly (mopping their avarice. This history is the backdrop for a fast-paced and deeply resonant spy tale that Ebert Presents at the up the dance floor with a mop for a partner) romancing story of handsome gold seeker Dermot D’Arcy, who wins a Movies hails as „hands down the best new thriller this year.“ colonel’s daughter Kathryn Grayson. But the real story is the rancho in a horse race — then tries to win the proud daughter Drama, Mystery, Thrillers 127min. most spectacular camp show in military history, featuring skits of the former owner. She resists, so Dermot gallantly returns and songs with Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney, Red Skelton, the deed and rides to the gold fields. But the two will meet Universal Studios 20.03.2012 Lucille Ball, Lena Horne, Eleanor Powell, José Iturbi and just again. A silent with synchronized sound, Tide of Empire is 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108435 about everybody else in Hollywood. Start cheering!! sagebrush heaven for Western fans, featuring gunplay, Romance, Comedy, Drama 1943 125min. necktie parties, saloons, wisecracking sidekicks and the excitement of an untamed land. The Toast Of New York Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1929 Cary Grant, Frances Farmer, Edward Ar- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108414 72min. nold, Donald Meek, Jack Oakie Warner Bros. MOD 26.02.2010 Edward Arnold (Command Decision) stars as a 19th century The Threat 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108491 con artist who rises from medicine shows to Wall Street. Oscar-winner Cary Grant (North By Northwest) co-stars Virginia Grey, Julie Bishop, Charles along with Frances Farmer (Son Of Fury). McGraw, Frank Conroy Tiger Shark Comedy, Drama, Historical / Period Piece Killer Red Kluger (Charles McGraw) busts out of Folsom Prison and makes for a bleak desert hideout. But first he Leila Bennett, Zita Johann, Edward G. 1937 109min. makes a violent detour to Los Angeles to kidnap the three Robinson, Richard Arlen, J. Carroll Naish Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 people he blames for his ticket to the gas chamber: a cop Have you heard? Mike Mascarenhas (Edward G. Robinson), 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108549 (Michael O’Shea), the DA (Frank Conroy) and ex-girlfriend the blustery, socially awkward San Diego trawler captain (Virginia Grey) he believes betrayed him. Before Red gets out with a hook for a left hand, is getting married. One problem: of the country, he’s going to get even, one sweating, sadistic Mike’s bride (Zita Johann) has eyes for Mike’s crewman and Today We Live murder at a time. In this gripping, relentlessly paced B-movie, friend (Richard Arlen). Tiger Shark’s storyline of red-blooded film noir great McGraw - who breathed menace even when he workingmen in love with the same woman would surface again Robert Young, Joan Crawford, Gary played a cop or a detective - dominates the screen with a in Warner’s Slim and Manpower. And before those three titles Cooper, Franchot Tone, Roscoe Karns presence so ice-cold cruel not even the pitiless Mojave sun there was They Knew What They Wanted, the Pulitzer Prize- Wartime romance is always potent material for film, with the could melt it. Jittery with fear and suspense, The Threat is the winning Sidney Howard play that reportedly provided a seed specter of sudden death making now intense and desperate. kind of little-known gem every film fan rejoices in discovering. of inspiration for director . Yet even more Today We Live is such a film. Set during World War I, it tells Crime, Drama, Film Noir 1949 66min. powerful than the durable tale of a love triangle are Tiger the story of a lovely English aristocrat whose heart belongs Shark’s scenes of commercial fishing: the strikes, the reeling to a dashing American flyer...and to her childhood sweetheart, Warner Bros. MOD 06.09.2011 in, the dangers...the circling of voracious sharks. who cannot face war’s terror without her love. Few films have 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108415 Romance, Sharks, Drama, High Seas 1932 so impressive a pedigree: the only screen pairing of movie icons Gary Cooper and Joan Crawford, direction by Howard 77min. Hawks (The Dawn Patrol, Air Force) and story and dialogue Three Comrades Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 by 1949 Nobel Prize-winner William Faulkner. Highlighted by Robert Young, Margaret Sullavan, Robert 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108492 thrilling combat sequences, Today We Live is a haunting reminder of the sacrifices of body, mind and spirit made in time Taylor, Guy Kibbee, Franchot Tone of war. World War I is over, let the living begin. So three German The Time That Remains soldiers open a repair ship and get on with their lives. Erich Romance, War, Drama 1933 113min. (Robert Taylor) finds unexpected love with frail Patricia Covering the years from 1948 to the present day, writer/ Warner Bros. MOD 17.07.2009 (Margaret Sullavan), Gottfried (Robert Young) falls in with a director Elia Suleiman’s The Time That Remains is a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108550 verboten anti-nationalist group, Otto (Franchot Tone) humorous, heartbreaking film that explores life among the approaches each day with worldly cynicism. And through all Israeli Arab community, shot largely in homes and places in that’s to come, the men know they will remain Three which Suleiman’s family once lived. Inspired by his father’s The Todd Killings Comrades. This lyrical adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque’s diaries, letters his mother sent to family members who had fled novel is one of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s rare screenwriting the Israeli occupation, and the director’s own recollections, Barbara Bel Geddes, Sherry Miles, Belinda credits. Melodrama virtuoso Frank Borzage (Seventh the film recounts the saga of the filmmaker’s family in subtly Montgomery, Holly Near, Edward Asner, Heaven) directs. And as Patricia, Sullavan remains the film’s hilarious vignettes. An intimate and semi-biographical portrait Richard Thomas, Robert F. Lyons luminous soul, its cherished fourth comrade. of Palestinians living as a minority in their own homeland, The Time That Remains is an elegantly stylized chronicle of life’s Everyone likes Skipper (Robert F. Lyons). Guys like the way War, World War I, Drama 1938 98min. often touching absurdities. he fixes them up with girls. Girls like the attention he lavishes Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 on them. And no one would ever think of telling the cops Palestinian, Drama, Foreign 2009 109min. where Skipper’s buried his victims. The Todd Killings is the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108416 MPI 24.04.2012 harrowing, fact-based drama of a small-town murderer and the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108555 alienated kids who protect him. Lyons’ excellence is matched The Three Stooges by a supporting cast that includes award-winning veterans Edward Asner, Barbara Bel Geddes and Gloria Grahame. And John Kassir, Rachael Blake, Anna Lise Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy just a year shy of beginning The Waltons, Richard Thomas Phillips, Michael Chiklis, Joel Edgerton, Gary Oldman leads a stunning all-star cast in this masterful shines as the tormented friend who finally points the finger at Evan Handler adaptation of John le Carré’s bestselling novel that redefined Skipper. Looking into the eye of a killer is a fearful thing. the spy thriller. At the height of the Cold War, a precarious Even more so when he’s the most popular youth in town. The This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Todd Killings will shock you. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In operation goes deadly wrong, and the head of British 1959, a TV executive tries to persuade Moe Howard (Paul Intelligence wonders if a double agent is leaking vital secrets. Serial Killers, Crime, Drama 1971 93min. Ben-Victor, TV’s In Plain Sight) to reunite with his former Brought out of retirement to expose the potential mole, master Warner Bros. MOD 12.10.2010 onscreen partners to publicize the television premiere of a spy George Smiley (Oldman) is the only one who can be 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108557 package of Three Stooges classic comedy shorts. Howard trusted to expose one of their own.Or can he? As the emotio- flashes back on his long and remarkable career with Shemp nal and physical tolls mount on the high-ranking suspects, (John Kassir, TV’s Tales from the Crypt), Larry (Evan Smiley will be forced into the ultimate international spy game Tom Thumb Handler, TV’s Sex and the City) and „Curly“ (Michael where everyone’s motives are in question. Filled with Chiklis, TV’s The Shield). Success proves to be a bumpy stunning performances by Academy Award® winner Colin Peter Sellers, Russ Tamblyn, Alan Young road fraught with bad deals, poor health, rocky relationships Firth, Tom Hardy, John Hurt, Toby Jones, Mark Strong, Taken in by a kindly couple, a six-inch-tall boy takes on a

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Terry-Thomas (It’s A Mad Mad Mad Mad World) Maverick would make him a household name just a year later. received a British Academy Award nomination for his Top Secret Affair Aerial Action, Air Force, Drama, Military hilarious performance as a bungling villain. Great Oscar- 1956 115min. winning special effects that combine live actors, animation Kirk Douglas, Susan Hayward, Jim Backus, Warner Bros. MOD 24.06.2011 and puppets. Directed by legendary Oscar-honoree George John Cromwell, Paul Stewart Pal (Puppetoons shorts). Featuring songs by Oscar and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108622 Emmy-nominee Peggy Lee. Film critic Leonard Maltin writes Film greats Kirk Douglas (Spartacus) and Susan Hayward „Excellent children’s picture...“ and awards it 3-1/2 stars! (Valley Of The Dolls) star in this comedy about a fiery news publisher who knows all about the past of a military diplomat. The Trail Of ‘98 Musical, Family, Fantasy 1958 98min. But instead of discrediting him, she ends up falling in love. Warner Bros. MOD 11.11.2011 Co-starring Jim Backus (Gilligan’s Island). Tully Marshall, Dolores Del Rio, Harry 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108559 Army, Comedy, Military 1957 100min. Carey, Ralph Forbes, Karl Dane Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 The story of gold and greed and the men and women who became caught up in it, often tragically, during the great Tom, Dick & Harry 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108601 Alaskan gold rush. Burgess Meredith, Ginger Rogers, George Romance, Western, Action, Adventure, Murphy, Alan Marshal Torchy Blane Collection Drama 1928 90min. One bride, three grooms. Romantic daydreamer Janie (Ginger Glenda Farrell Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 Rogers) has gotten herself engaged to three eligible guys. Glenda Farrell was a signtaure Warner Bros. 1930s star and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108623 Tom (George Murphy) offers reliability. (Nice, but where’s the she shone brightest as tough-talking reporter Torchy Blane, moon-June-swoon?) Dick (Alan Marshal) has money. (Handy, who always broke the case and got the story - if not her man, but can a bankroll keep you warm at night?) Harry (Burgess a police detective always a crimesolving step behind her. The Trail Street Meredith) will take her fishing. (Fun, but couldn’t a girl get 9-movie, 5-disc Complete Torchy Blane Movie Collection tired of trout?) How Janie solves her romantic dilemma features Farrell in seven breezy capers and Lola Lane and Anne Jeffreys, Randolph Scott, Robert provides the zany plot. Jane Wyman as the nosy newswoman in the other two. All are Ryan, Norman Houston, gene lewis, Nat Romance, Comedy 1941 87min. Extra! Extra! fun. Fly Away Baby Blondes At Work Torchy Holt, Ray Enright Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 Gets Her Man Torchy Runs For Mayor Torchy Plays With Billy Burns (George „Gabby“ Hayes) is prone to tall tales. He 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108558 Dynamite. can tell you about the sprawling ranch of Brandyhead Jones. Collections, Comedy min. Or about grasshoppers so big and tough they pick their teeth Warner Bros. MOD 21.05.2010 with barbed wire. But one thing Billy can never overstate is Tomorrow Is Another Day his friendship with Bat Masterson - and how he’s sure Bat 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108604 will honor his request to come to Liberal, Kansas, and stop Ruth Roman, Lurene Tuttle, Steve Cochran, the festering range war between wheat farmers and cattlemen. Morris Ankrum, Ray Teal Torrent Western 1947 84min. Bill Clark (Steve Cochran) is a brooding, fresh-from-the-pen ex-con who has spent his entire adult life behind bars. Upon Ricardo Cortez, Greta Garbo, Lucien Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 discharge, he is a newborn in a fast, unforgiving world. When Littlefield, Edward Connelly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108624 a reporter posts a front-page story on his release he has no Three and a half minutes into Torrent, the camera discovers recourse but to leave town. He heads to New York for a fresh an actress, new to Hollywood, her hands clasped in prayer - The Traveling Executioner start, but finds more complications in the form of Catherine and an international screen legend is born. After appearing in (Ruth Roman), a steely dancehall dame. Their blossoming only two films in her native Sweden, Greta Garbo starred in Marianna Hill, Stacy Keach, Bud Cort, romance is almost nipped in the bud when Catherine’s cop ex- this tempestuous tale of the star-crossed romance between a boyfriend is shot and killed during an altercation with the Graham Jarvis, James Sloyan Spanish nobleman (charismatic Ricardo Cortez) and a In 38 seconds he’ll send you on your way to the Fields of pair. They take it on the lam with their reputations and past peasant girl (Garbo) who, even after finding fame as an opera deeds not far behind. From out of the film noir shadows comes Ambrosia, sizzling; like a piece of Bacon. Stacy Keach star, can never forget the aristocrat she loves. In its review, electrifies in this starling black comedy about an itinerant Tomorrow Is Another Day, a frank and forceful tale of fugitive Variety spoke for audiences enthralled by the lanky newcomer lovers in an unforgiving world. electrocutioner. It’s 1918, and Jonas Candide travels the with the expressive, astonishingly beautiful face: „Greta South with a portable electric chair. Offering up his services Mystery, Drama, Film Noir 1951 90min. Garbo, making her American debut as a screen star, might just to various authorities at a price of $100 a jolt, the ex-Carney Warner Bros. MOD 01.10.2010 as well be hailed here as the find of the year.“ Or any year. tends to his charges with his own brand of tender loving care. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108560 Music, Opera, Romance, Silent Film, Drama Dispensing his own philosophy and consolation, he assures 1926 87min. the prisoners that the Fields of Ambrosia await them on the Warner Bros. MOD 25.02.2011 other side of their ordeal. And then he throws the switch. Too Hot To Handle Jonas’ life of lethal loquacity becomes undone after he is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108619 contracted to bring his ministrations to a pair of siblings and Clark Gable, Walter Pidgeon, Myrna Loy, he finds himself drawn to one of them. Bud Cort also excels in Walter Connolly this too rarely seen dark jewel of a film, playing Jonas’ Ace newsreel cameramen Chris Hunter (Clark Gable) and Bill Tortilla Flat bumbling assistant. Dennis (Walter Pidgeon) cover the globe, cracking wise and Akim Tamiroff, John Qualen, Hedy Lamarr, Western, Comedy, Drama 1970 95min. trying to scoop each other on the biggest stories in the hottest hot spots. But they’re rivals in more than work. They both Spencer Tracy, John Garfield, Frank Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 love a fearless aviatrix (Myrna Loy) who may be Too Hot To Morgan, Sheldon Leonard, Donald Meek 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108625 Handle. Five months after ticket sales for their Test Pilot Pilon, Danny, the Pirate - paisanos all - live a free-spirited zoomed into blue yonder, Hollywood King and Queen life near seaside Monterey. Then Danny becomes a man of (chosen in a nationwide poll) Gable and Loy reigned in this property, the heir to two modest houses and a watch from his Travels With My Aunt half-screwball, half-adventure classic. The charisma is grandfather. Too bad that inheritance isn’t something Maggie Smith, Cindy Williams, Robert irresistible. The story races from China to New York to South worthwhile, like wine or money. But a gorgeous, newly American jungles. And the only thing faster than the action is arrived cannery worker named Sweets thinks a man of Stephens, Alec McCowen that breathless, snappy, smart ’30s dialogue. Fasten your property may himself be worthwhile...and marriageable. Adventure, Comedy, Drama 1972 109min. seatbelt! Spencer Tracy, John Garfield, Hedy Lamarr, Frank Morgan - Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2011 Romance, Adventure, Comedy, Drama 1938 stars all - bring Hollywood gloss to this affectionate adaptation of John Steinbeck’s breakthrough novel (and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108627 107min. Morgan was a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nominee* for his Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 charming work). „Victor Fleming has directed with deep Treasure Island 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108561 understanding. All of the actors - yes, all of them - have delineated robust characters“ (Bosley Crowther, The New Rik Battaglia, Angel del Pozo, Maria Rohm, York Times). Jean Lefebvre, Orson Welles, Lionel Stan- Too Much, Too Soon Romance, Comedy, Drama 1942 105min. der, Walter Slezak, Paul Muller Dorothy Malone, Neva Patterson, Errol Warner Bros. MOD 02.08.2011 Pay heed, good mates. Let nary a mother’s son speak of the Flynn, Ray Danton, Efrem Zimbalist Jr. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108621 treasure map bestowed upon cabin boy Jim Hawkins. Be as When Errol Flynn was a young movie idol, he became a crony silent as the grave. To the plank if ye as much as breathe a of aging star John Barrymore, whose rich talent was ravaged word to that peg legged seadog known as Long John Silver. by an excess of booze and life. Years later, Flynn leaped at Toward The Unknown The ideal match of larger-than-life role and a legendary actor, the chance to portray his old friend in this riveting and Paul Fix, L.Q. Jones, Virginia Leith, James this lavish 1972 version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s cautionary 1958 film based on the biography by Barrymore’s adventure classic stars Orson Welles as Silver, swaggering daughter Diana - and gave a triumphant performance that Garner, William Holden, Lloyd Nolan, Murray and conniving in grand skull-’n’-bones tradition. The end promised more dramatic greatness to come, if only Flynn Hamilton, Charles McGraw always justifies the means for boisterous Silver, so he’ll be hadn’t died at just 50 the next year. Dorothy Malone co-stars William Holden goes where no man’s gone before in director both friend and fie to wide-eyed Jim (Kim Burfield) before this as Diana, who yearns for her famous father’s love. Barrymore Mervyn LeRoy’s high-flying aviation adventure. Tortured into tale ends. But also know this, me hardies: young Jim has tries, but is incapable of caring for or about himself, let alone making a false confession while a POW in Korea, Major clever ways of his own. his daughter...and Diana spirals into a vortex of failure and Lincoln Bond (Holden) returns to active service as a test pilot Pirates, Swashbucklers, Adventure, High humiliation, too many drinks and too many men, all of it Too at Edwards Air Force Base. Determined to clear his name, Seas, Historical / Period Piece 1972 96min. Much, Too Soon. Bond battles a hard-nosed base commander (Lloyd Nolan), Warner Bros. MOD 01.11.2010 Substance Abuse, Biography, Biopics, Dra- prejudiced officers and his own insecurities in hopes of landing the most coveted - and dangerous - test project of all: 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108628

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friend offers a third side to this love triangle. Co-starring Bogart, Nigel Bruce Treme: The Complete Second Danny Masterson (TV’s That ’70s Show, Dracula 2000), Matrimony means different things to different people. For Golden Globe-nominee Wendie Malick (TV’s Just Shoot Me, temperamental artist Geoffrey Carroll, it means he’s in his Season The Emperor’s New Groove), Kathy Griffin (TV’s Suddenly element. And out of his mind. In their only screen pairing, two Susan, Muppets From Space), Lee Majors (TV’s The Six of film’s all-time greats star in a psychological thriller rife Kim Dickens, Khandi Alexander, Rob Brown Million Dollar Man, Big Fat Liar) and Anthony Michael Hall with pelting rain and pealing bells, blackmail and murder, 14 months have passed since Hurricane Katrina, but residents (Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club). calculated dread and an unnerving finale. Humphrey Bogart of the Crescent City are finding it harder than ever to rebuild Romance, Sexy Comedies, Comedy, portrays Geoffrey, who’s making a habit of poisoning one wife their lives, much less hold on to their unique cultural identity. Friendships, High School 1997 87min. and marrying another when the former no longer inspires his Some have become expatriates in distant cities. The canvases. Barbara Stanwyck plays his current wife Sally, insurance checks that never arrived for homeowners were Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2010 who puts two and two together and comes up with six ? as in followed by the bureaucratic nightmare that was the Road 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108631 six feet under, the place she’ll be if she continues to accept Home program, and a land-grab is underway as developers the glass of milk Geoffrey regularly offers as a nightcap. and disaster capitalists press their advantage. Crime and Alexis Smith also stars as a predatory neighbor who becomes drug use are up, and corruption and graft are endemic, with Tugboat Annie the object of Geoffrey’s thirst for feminine variety. Drink up, civic institutions unable to counter any of it. And yet the Robert Young, Marie Dressler, Wallace thriller fans! culture of New Orleans somehow endures. Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Mental Drama, HBO 2011 600min. Beery, Willard Robertson Illness 1947 99min. HBO Home Video 01.04.2012 All hands on deck! Anyone wondering why Marie Dressler was such an extraordinary box-office draw need only to step Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2011 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108444 aboard the tug Narcissus and sail away with Tugboat Annie for a knockabout comedy-drama. Dressler stars as savvy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108638 skipper Annie, steering through Pacific Northwest waters and Treme: The Complete Second through troubles with her hard-working, adoring son Alec The Two Mrs. Grenvilles Season (Blu-ray) (Robert Young) and her hapless, boozing husband Terry (Wallace Beery, Dressler’s costar in Min and Bill). There are Claudette Colbert, Elizabeth Ashley, Kim Dickens, Khandi Alexander, Rob Brown plenty of laughs, but also lots of familial strife, until life- Stephen Collins, John Rubinstein 14 months have passed since Hurricane Katrina, but residents threatening danger at sea brings out the best in Terry...and Society grande dame Alice Grenville is appalled when her son of the Crescent City are finding it harder than ever to rebuild puts everyone’s priorities in order. marries Ann, an El Morocco showgirl. She snubs her their lives, much less hold on to their unique cultural identity. Comedy, Drama 1933 86min. unsuitable daughter-in-law...until the young woman unloads a Some have become expatriates in distant cities. The Warner Bros. MOD 07.05.2009 shotgun at what she claims is a prowler, but turns out to be insurance checks that never arrived for homeowners were her husband. Then Alice and her elite friends come to the followed by the bureaucratic nightmare that was the Road 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108633 rescue, protecting Ann from a murder charge rather than Home program, and a land-grab is underway as developers subject their moneyed circle to the unpleasantness of police and disaster capitalists press their advantage. Crime and Twenty Plus Two and publicity. Ann-Margret and Claudette Colbert (winning a drug use are up, and corruption and graft are endemic, with Golden Globe for her last role) portray the two Mrs. civic institutions unable to counter any of it. And yet the David Janssen, Jeanne Crain, Dina Merrill, Grenvilles in this trenchant two-time Emmy-winning culture of New Orleans somehow endures. Agnes Moorehead, Brad Dexter miniseries based on Dominick Dunne’s bestseller and set in a Drama, HBO 2011 min. Julia Joliet handles fan mail for movie stars. Now someone chic world of wealth, malice and murder. HBO Home Video 01.04.2012 has a message for her, delivered at point-blank range. David Drama 1987 178min. 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108475 Janssen (TV’s The Fugitive) brings his laconic cool to Warner Bros. MOD 20.11.2009 Twenty Plus Two as Tom Alder, a Los Angeles private eye who ties Joliet’s murder to the 12-year-old case of a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108639 Tribute To A Bad Man schoolgirl heiress who went out for an ice-cream soda and never came back. As Alder pieces together the crime puzzle Two On A Guillotine Irene Papas, James Cagney, Vic Morrow, against a backdrop of hot jazz and hip Kennedy-era style, he Stephen McNally, Don Dubbins edges closer to the truth...including the surprising truth about Cesar Romero, Dean Jones, Virginia Gregg, Jeremy Rodock (James Cagney) makes his living by raising his own past. Memorable screen talents Jeanne Crain, Dina , Parley Baer horses in the Rocky Mountain valley that bears his name. Merrill, Agnes Moorehead, Robert Strauss and William Twenty years ago, a little accident with a guillotine trick left Anyone foolish enough to steal those horses makes his own Demarest play a shadowy gallery of ladies and dames, magician Duke Duquesne’s wife and on-stage assistant dyin.’ „Let one buzzard live, and he’ll pick your bones clean,“ eccentrics and losers involved in the investigation. without a head...and their baby daughter Cassie without a explains Jeremy, who - with courtrooms some 200 miles away Mystery, Detectives 1961 102min. mother. Now The Great Duquesne may have another trick up - dispenses justice his way: with a noose. But that’s not the Warner Bros. MOD 11.03.2011 his sleeve. He dies, leaving Cassie a sizeable inheritance if way of Jeremy’s companion Jo (Irene Papas), a former honky- she’ll spend seven nights in his spooky mansion. With a tonk queen. She wants him to change, and there’s a greener 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108634 fearless young reporter at her side, Cassie braves terrors valley somewhere for her if he won’t. He will. Swayed by Jo that could be the work of evil spirits. Or are they illusions and a recently arrived tenderfoot from the East, Rodock will Two Girls And A Sailor dreamed up by Cassie’s dear, demented dad? Connie Stevens, finally realize that justice requires mercy. There’s a lot of Dean Jones (in his pre-The Love Bug days) and Cesar good in this bad man. Van Johnson, June Allyson, Gloria Romero star in a creepy horrorfest that offers fans scares, Western, Horses 1956 95min. DeHaven, Tom Drake screams, a return of that guillotine and Max (Gone With The Warner Bros. MOD 04.12.2009 Emmy-nominee Van Johnson (Too Young to Kiss, Thrill Of A Wind) Steiner’s penultimate score. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108629 Romance), Golden Globe-winner June Allyson (Too Young To Mystery, Horror, Magic 1965 107min. Kiss, Little Women) and Gloria Dehaven (The Yellow Cab Warner Bros. MOD 22.06.2010 Man, So This Is Paris) take part in a romance where one 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108640 Trog sister falls in love with a World War II sailor, but the sailor Joan Crawford, Kim Braden, David Griffin, finds himself in love with the other sister instead. Musical, Navy, Romance, War, World War II, Michael Gough, Bernard Kay Two Seconds The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas. Bigfoot of the Comedy 1944 125min. J. Carrol Naish, Vivienne Osborne, Edward Pacific Northwest. Few claim to have seen these links to our Warner Bros. MOD 04.06.2009 G. Robinson, Guy Kibbee, Preston Foster primitive past. But when a wild half-man/half-ape emerges 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108636 It’s been said that your whole life unfolds before your eyes from his countryside cave, TV cameras are there to observe during your last, fleeting moments of existence. Not so for the event - and the terror! People call him Trog, short for a convicted murderer John Allen. After he’s strapped into the prehistoric cave dweller called a troglodyte. To an Two Girls On Broadway electric chair and the switch is thrown that sends the fatal anthropologist (Joan Crawford in her final film), he’s the , Kent Taylor, Lana Turner, current through his body, he - and the movie audience - sees scientific discovery of the age. To others, he’s walking death. the chain of events that turned Allen from amiable high-rise A grocer is impaled on a meat hook, a car is tossed aside like Wallace Ford, George Murphy, Richard construction worker to brutal killer. Edward G. Robinson a twig, a child is kidnapped - all after local resident Sam Lane reteams with Mervyn LeRoy, the director of his star-making Murdock (Michael Gough) prods the brute into a blind A remake of 1929’s The Broadway Melody, Two Girls On Little Caesar, to portray Allen, a man descended into rampage. In true horror tradition, the world’s Murdocks leave Broadway follows the heart-tugging adventures of a dancer psychotic rage. Vivienne Osborne portrays the manipulative no doubt who the real savages are ? and who is the part-man, who loses both her shot at the big time and her stage-partner dime-a-dance dame who plays on John’s good nature...and part-monster, all Trog! fiancé to her talented kid sister. The story may have been a lives long enough to see it turn deadly. Science Fiction, Horror, Monsters 1970 bit familiar, but the actress playing the kid sister was not. Crime, Drama 1932 67min. 93min. Lana Turner was film land’s newest sensation, the movie magazines’ hot seller, the Blonde Bonfire breathlessly Warner Bros. MOD 01.01.2010 Warner Bros. MOD 20.09.2011 advertised as „Hollywood’s glamour-plus girl.“ With old pros 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108641 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108630 Joan Blondell and George Murphy playing the other sides of the show-biz triangle and production numbers set to catchy tunes, Two Girls On Broadway proved to be a fine vehicle for Two Sisters From Boston Trojan War Turner, showcasing the new star’s graceful dancing and Peter Lawford, Kathryn Grayson, June Jennifer Love Hewitt, Marley Shelton, unmistakable screen charisma. Allyson, Jimmy Durante Danny Masterson, Eric Balfour, Will Friedle, Musical, Romance 1940 73min. With those gams and that voice, High „C“ Susie packs ‘em in Jason Marsden Warner Bros. MOD 20.08.2010 at a Bowery honkytonk located several blocks and a world Jennifer Love Hewitt (The Tuxedo, I Know What You Did Last 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108637 away from where her Beantown family thinks she’s singing: Summer) and Will Friedle (TV’s , TV’s Boy the grand opera house. Then her prim and disapproving sister Meets World) headline this comedy about a high school comes to town...and promptly falls in love with singing, dan- student’s desperate quest for a condom so he can consummate The Two Mrs. Carrolls cing and a handsome young man-about-town. Kathryn Grayson a long hoped for encounter. His wisecracking female best Barbara Stanwyck, Alexis Smith, Humphrey and June Allyson are Two Sisters from Boston in a sprightly

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 41 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA musical set in glamorous, gas-lit New York and featuring 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108530 ballet school, is heartbroken when prima ballerina La Darina young Peter Lawford for a touch of romance. Two class acts arrives to rival her idol. So Meg devises a plan. One little tug representing high art (Wagnerian tenor Lauritz Melchior as on a light switch while La Darina dances Swan Lake will ruin an opera star) and low comedy (beloved funnyman Jimmy Under Eighteen the performance. But Meg pulls the wrong switch - the one Durante in a movie-stealing performance as the peripatetic that opens a stage trapdoor - and sends the prima ballerina honky-tonk proprietor) lend polish and pizzazz to the fun. Anita Page, Marian Marsh, Regis Toomey, into a career-ending plunge to the floor below. Margaret Musical, Comedy 1946 112min. Warren William, Norman Foster O’Brien and Cyd Charisse play two generations of dancers in Working girl Margie Evans has decided there are two kinds this lavish Technicolor® film that combines a tragic story of Warner Bros. MOD 03.09.2010 of opportunities for a slum kid during the Depression. Those guilt and broken dreams with the opulence of ballet (among the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108642 you make. And those you take. Determined to help her family elegant visuals: the mirrored floor that emulates the swans’ out of its financial bind, she is ready to do both after she watery domain). It’s a must-see for fans of dance films. Two Tickets To Broadway shows up at the penthouse pool bash of a wealthy playboy. Ballet, Dancing, Drama 1947 101min. „Why not take off your clothes and stay awhile?“ the roué Warner Bros. MOD 13.05.2011 Janet Leigh, Ann Miller, Gloria DeHaven, asks her. Marian Marsh, a screen sensation as the lovely obsession of John Barrymore’s mesmerizingly sinister 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108664 Tony Martin, Eddie Bracken maestro in Svengali, reteams with that film’s director Archie Two tickets to Broadway will take you to...TV! One of the first Mayo to portray Margie in an earnest pre-Code melodrama. films centered on the new medium is also a spirited throwback Talented Warren William, who like Marsh would see his The Unholy 3 to ’30s musicals all about a determined young miss (in this career peak during the 1930s, portrays the pool-party Lila Lee, Lon Chaney, John Miljan, Elliott case, Janet Leigh) with stars in her eyes and not much in her ladykiller. wallet who heads to New York in search of fame. Tony Martin, Nugent Gloria De Haven, Eddie Bracken and Ann Miller round out the Romance, Drama 1931 79min. In his last film - and only Talkie - Lon Chaney recreates one cast of young talents hoping to make it big on the small Warner Bros. MOD 26.02.2010 of his famed Silent roles: the scheming ventriloquist Prof. screen. Busby Berkeley directs the splashy musical numbers; 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108646 Echo. Disguised as Grandma O’Grady, Echo heads a robbery Rodgers and Hart, Jule Styne, Sammy Cahn and more Golden ring that includes a feeble-minded strongman and a cigar- Age composers provide the songs, songs, songs, and chomping little person, the latter masquerading as Grandma’s vaudeville stars Joe Smith and Charles Dale deliver classic Under The Rainbow grandbaby. Known as the Man of a Thousand Faces, Chaney comedy as bickering deli owners. Robert Donner, Carrie Fisher, Eve Arden, here displays a different kind of virtuosity as well, creating Musical 1951 106min. five different voices to portray Echo, Grandma, a parrot, a girl Chevy Chase, Joseph Maher and Echo’s dummy. A big hit directed by Jack Conway, The Warner Bros. MOD 06.09.2011 It was the largest gathering of little people ever, drawn from Unholy 3 promised to launch Chaney as a major Sound Era 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108643 all over to appear in the movie of a classic children’s story. star. He was slated to play the title role in Tod Browning’s They weren’t in Kansas anymore. They were in Hollywood, Dracula, but it was not to be. Chaney died only weeks after home of wide-open lifestyles and nonstop parties. This The Unholy 3 premiered. Two Weeks In Another Town colorful screwball comedy uses the premise of 150 little Thieves, Crime, Drama 1930 74min. Kirk Douglas, Cyd Charisse, Daliah Lavi, people playing The Wizard Of Oz’s Munchkins housed in one Culver City hotel - and indulging in some high-energy Warner Bros. MOD 26.10.2010 Edward G. Robinson, George Hamilton partying - to spin zany screen mayhem with touches of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108666 In 1952, star Kirk Douglas, director Vincente Minnelli, romance (between G-man Chevy Chase and casting maven producer John Houseman and screenwriter Charles Schnee Carrie Fisher) and cockeyed espionage (involving German teamed for what many consider the greatest drama ever made agent Billy Barty and Japanese spy Mako). Co-stars Eve The Unholy Three about Hollywood: The Bad And The Beautiful. Ten years later, Arden, Adam Arkin, Joseph Maher and Pat McCormick deliver Victor McLaglen, Mae Busch, Lon Chaney, they took another powerful insider’s look at the movie tall orders of laughter, while smashing into small-fry business, this time adapting a book by Irwin Shaw. Douglas shenanigans at every turn. There’s no place like...Under The Matt Moore portrays has-been screen idol Jack Andrus. Just out of a Rainbow. Lon Chaney - the Man of a Thousand Faces - used his sanitarium, Jack grabs at a small role in a movie shot in Rome makeup skills, astonishing physicality and profound empathy by a director (Edward G. Robinson) whose career is also on Romance, Comedy, Historical / Period Piece to create Quasimodo, the Phantom of the Opera and more of the skids. When the director falls ill, Jack takes over, 1981 98min. the Silent Era’s greatest horror roles. In this hypnotic mix of realizing this is his last shot at personal and professional Warner Bros. MOD 18.12.2009 creepiness and crime, he plays a ventriloquist who dons a redemption. Trenchant, confrontational, intensified by granny disguise to team with a strongman and a little person Minnelli’s genius for color, Two Weeks In Another Town 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108647 in a bizarre robbery scheme that ends in murder. The film captures the passion of creative people facing the abyss. marks an even more fateful alliance than that of the Unholy Drama, Film About Film 1962 107min. The Underworld Story Three: the collaboration between Chaney and director Tod Browning, who would helm seven more Chaney movies before Warner Bros. MOD 04.03.2011 Dan Duryea, Herbert Marshall, Gale Storm, making Sound Era horror history with Dracula and Freaks. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108644 Romance, Silent Film, Thieves, Crime, Dra- Crime reporter Mike Reese (Dan Duryea) has a nose for ma 1925 86min. Two-Faced Woman news...and an eager hand under the table in return for spinning the truth in favor of moneyed perps. But after he tries Warner Bros. MOD 26.10.2010 Melvyn Douglas, Greta Garbo, Constance to cash in on a story involving a maid accused of a society 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108668 Bennett, Roland Young, Robert Sterling murder, Reese ultimately finds the courage to reveal the truth Larry Blake (Melvyn Douglas) is growing a bit blasé about and make amends for his tainted past. One of this noirish Union Depot his outdoorsy bride Karin (Greta Garbo). So Karin film’s lines of dialogue refers to ancestral witch burnings. masquerades as her temptress twin, suggestively purring „I’m Intentionally or not, the line underscores the imminent Joan Blondell, Alan Hale, Guy Kibbee, david partial to the indoor life“ in a bid to pique her husband’s blacklisting of The Underworld Story’s costar Howard da landau romantic attention - and the sophisticated fun begins! Viewers Silva plus the director and the screenwriter. The intriguing story is by Craig Rice, the famed female mystery writer of the Finders keepers. Amid the comings and goings at Union willing to suspend their disbelief (who could weary of Gar- Depot, on-the-grift Chic and his pal Scrap Iron retrieve a bo?) are in for a double dose of the divine in the great star’s 1940s and ’50s who was the cover-story subject of Time’s January 28, 1946 issue. dropped baggage-claim ticket. They redeem it for a violin case final film, a romantic comedy that reunites her with her - and open it to find a fortune in cash. Now Chic can put on Ninotchka leading man Douglas and Camille director George Crime, Drama, Film Noir 1950 90min. airs and impress the doll-faced, down-on-her-luck chorus girl Cukor. Exquisitely gowned, Garbo is obviously having a ball Warner Bros. MOD 22.10.2010 he meets at the station. And maybe she can travel to her next as the faux femme fatale, especially in a sexy south-of-the- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108659 show on his dime (and flee a deviant stalker, to boot). border dance sequence that’s a lot more Latin Bombshell than Meanwhile, detectives can close in on the pair for passing Swedish Sphinx. around a lot of counterfeit dough. With top Talkie Era stars Romance, Comedy 1941 90min. The Unfaithful (Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Joan Blondell) and come-hither pre- Warner Bros. MOD 25.02.2010 Code élan and innuendo, Union Depot is the place for „great Eve Arden, Ann Sheridan, Zachary Scott, fun, brimming with early-1930s flavor“ (Leonard Maltin’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108645 Lew Ayres, Jerome Cowan, Steven Geray Classic Movie Guide). The wages of sin are deceit, heartbreak and possibly murder Romance, Transportation, Comedy, Drama U.S. Marshals (Blu-ray) in The Unfaithful, a thriller about a wife who has an affair while her GI husband is off fighting in the Pacific. Then, after 1932 67min. , Irene Jacob, Tom Wood, the war and happily reunited with her husband, she stabs the Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes, Robert castoff lover in what may or may not be a case of self- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108669 defense. Ann Sheridan gives one of her finest performances - Downey Jr., Joe Pantoliano variously calculating, terrified and remorseful - as a woman We are initiating a hard-target search for a fugitive in an desperate to keep her past a secret and her marriage whole. The Unsinkable Molly Brown ever-widening perimeter. We will navigate swamps, prowl As her attorney, Lew Ayres turns the film’s courtroom scenes Manhattan streets, search every house and doghouse. And into riveting drama. Is the wife a good woman who made a , Jack Kruschen, Ed since Marshal Sam Gerard leads the hunt, we will experience single mistake? Or is she a cold-hearted seductress capable Begley, Harve Presnell, Hermione Baddeley suspense, action and daring twists every step of the way. of murder? The Unfaithful lets you decide. The Music Man. Returning to his Oscar-winning role from The Fugitive, Tommy Lee Jones joins Wesley Snipes and Robert Downey Jr. in Drama, Film Noir 1947 109min. Musical, Romance, Titanic, Biography, delivering adrenaline-rush excitement. The chase is Warner Bros. MOD 21.08.2009 Biopics, Comedy, Disasters, High Seas highlighted by an out-of-control 727, a death match in a ship’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108661 1964 128min. cargo hold, a 12-stroy plunge onto a moving train and more heart-pounding sequences. Sign up with the U.S. Marshals! Warner Bros. MOD 02.08.2011 Chases, Action, Thrillers, TV Remakes The Unfinished Dance 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108670 1998 131min. Cyd Charisse, Karin Booth, Esther Dale, Warner Bros. 05.06.2012 Danny Thomas The Unsuspected Young Meg Merlin, who hero-worships a dancer at her elite

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 42 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Hurd Hatfield, Audrey Totter, Constance Dysfunctional Families 1992 115min. casino owner to keep crime out of his hotels. He is helped by his smart and sexy assistant and his enthusiastic, yet inept, Bennett, Joan Caulfield, Claude Rains Warner Bros. MOD 06.05.2011 legman. Tune in again, dear listeners. Same time, same spot on your 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108677 radio dial for another cunning tale of murder. But something Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery 1980 isn’t the same about suave Victor Grandison, the host of the 587min. popular weekly program. He’s secretly trying his own hand at Vagabond Lady Paramount Pictures 08.05.2012 murder. And he’ll kill again if people don’t get wise to him. Claude Rains (Casablanca) plays the smooth, scheming radio Robert Young, Evelyn Venable, Reginald 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108542 star in a swanky film noir that includes Joan Caulfield (Mon- Denny, Frank Craven, Berton Churchill sieur Beaucaire) and noir icon Audrey Totter (The Set-Up). Dignity Always. That’s the motto of the ritzy department store The Venetian Affair Casablanca’s directs, layering the mystery (haberdashery on the 3rd floor, stuffed shirts in the with one enthralling visual flourish after another. An example: boardroom) owned by the Spear family - and that’s the Boris Karloff, Robert Vaughn, Elke Sommer, In a room inside the Peekskill Hotel, the portion of the comportment corporate scion John Spear (Reginald Denny) Felicia Farr, Edward Asner, Luciana flashing sign seen through a window says KILL...KILL. expects of his intended bride Josephine (Evelyn Venable), Paluzzi, Roger C. Carmel, Karlheinz Bohm Thrillers, Drama, Film Noir 1947 103min. who toils in the store’s accounting department. But dignity goes overboard when John’s fun-loving brother Tony (Robert A U.S. diplomat turns suicide bomber at a nuclear Warner Bros. MOD 18.09.2009 Young) arrives from a South Seas adventure and roils the disarmament summit. Why would a respected official go 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108672 familial and romantic waters. Frank Butler, scripter of several rogue? It’s up to ex-CIA operative Bill Fenner to uncover the Laurel-and-Hardy romps and four Hope-and-Crosby Road mystery. Robert Vaughn’s smooth, often playful Napoleon Solo movies, pens this „frothy, bubbling and sparkling farce“ of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. was one of the superspy era’s Untamed Youth (Frank S. Nugent, The New York Times). Comedy Always! best-known agents, but playfulness takes a backseat to intrigue when Vaughn takes on the role of Fenner for the Lori Nelson, Mamie Van Doren, John Romance, Comedy, Drama 1935 71min. earnest non-UNCLE maneuverings of The Venetian Affair. Russell, Don Burnett, Glenn Dixon Warner Bros. MOD 20.08.2010 Elke Sommer, Felicia Farr, Edward Asner and Boris Karloff What can anyone do about hitchhiking, skinny-dipping, rock- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108678 are among the players in this trenchcoated tale of Cold War ’n’-rolling vagabonds? One suggestion: haul sisters Penny espionage and paranoia based on a book by veteran thriller and Jane and other examples of untamed youth before a judge author Helen MacInnes and flavorfully shot amid the in the rural South and sentence them to pay for their The Valley Of Decision waterways and piazzas of Venice. infractions by picking cotton on a labor farm. Another Thrillers, Action 1967 min. suggestion: enjoy the movie! This tale of kids gone to (cotton) Gregory Peck, Donald Crisp, Lionel seed is rightly on the side of the kids and resides in movie Barrymore, Greer Garson, Preston Foster Warner Bros. MOD 07.10.2011 lore as a „side-splitting camp masterpiece“ (Leonard Maltin’s Steel separates 1873 Pittsburgh into rich and poor, master 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108682 Classic Movie Guide). Mamie Van Doren - „built like a and worker, powerful and powerless. On one side is Paul platinum powerhouse“ the film’s publicity raved - and Lori Scott, the progressive son of a steel mill owner. On the other Nelson portray the sisters. And Eddie Cochran, best known is Mary Rafferty, daughter of an embittered laborer who was Verboten for that eternal song of teen ennui Summertime Blues, plays crippled in a mill accident. When Mary takes a post as James Best, Tom Pittman, Paul Dubov one of the farm inmates. housemaid at the Scott mansion, she and Paul fall desperately World War II is over. A new war begins. Inside occupied Troubled Youth, Drama 1957 80min. in love. But a bloody strike may tear the city ? and the lovers Germany, neo-Nazi insurgents wage a campaign of terror Warner Bros. MOD 15.01.2010 ? apart. Surging with passion and strife, featuring a aimed at undermining the American Military Government. commanding cast that includes Greer Garson, Lionel Among those experiencing the waves of violence is an ex-G.I. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108673 Barrymore and Gregory Peck (the relative newcomer created (James Best) married to a Fräulein (Susan Cummings) he met a sensation as the romantic, intense Paul), The Valley Of when U.S. forces fought their way into the town of Rothbach. Until They Sail Decision is a prime example of prestige filmmaking during „I felt like a chef making a hardy soup - blending together Hollywood’s Golden Age. postwar Germany, Beethoven, Wagner, unrepentant Nazis and Jean Simmons, Piper Laurie, Joan Fontaine, On The Job, Romance, Drama, Historical / the Nuremberg war trials,“ filmmaker and combat vet Samuel Paul Newman, Charles Drake Period Piece 1945 119min. Fuller (The Big Red One) recalled about Verboten! Fuller The men of New Zealand march off to war, leaving behind Warner Bros. MOD 02.04.2010 seasons his soup with soul-searing documentary footage from cities and villages filled with women and loneliness. In time, his own war-era archives. It’s an assertive and thought- new men come ashore: U.S. Marines facing uncertain futures 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108679 provoking celluloid dish. in Pacific battles yet to come. And new loves - tender or Thrillers, War, World War II, Drama 1959 tragic, transitory or lasting - begin to flower. A constellation Lee Van Cleef: Gunfighter 93min. of actresses shines in a bittersweet James A. Michener story Warner Bros. MOD 22.06.2010 of sisters (Jean Simmons, Joan Fontaine, Piper Laurie and (Collectible Tin) Sandra Dee) embracing love in a time of war, but it’s the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108683 sensitive romance between a war widow (Simmons) and a Lee Van Cleef jaded captain (Paul Newman, establishing his credentials as Collector’s tin featuring six wild westerns on two DVDs, a screen heartthrob) that forms the tale’s poignant heart. featuring iconic international mega-star Lee Van Cleef! The Verdict Under the sensitive direction of Robert Wise (who directed Includes: God’s Gun The Grand Duel Bad Man’s River Peter Lorre, Sydney Greenstreet, Rosalind Newman the year before in his breakthrough Somebody Up Captain Apache Kid Vengeance There Likes Me), the memories of a lifetime are formed Until Mystery, Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Ivan, George Coulouris They Sail. Forced to retire because his techniques are deemed „old- Action, Collections, Comedy, Crime 1977 FF fashioned,“ a Scotland Yard detective and his artist friend Romance, War, World War II, Drama 1957 16x9 S 581min. conspire to dupe a young arrogant detective by committing the 94min. Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 perfect murder. Starring Casablanca co-stars Sydney Warner Bros. MOD 05.07.2011 Greenstreet and Peter Lorre and Oscar- nominee George 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108458 Coulouris (Watch On The Rhine). From the director of Dirty 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108674 Harry. The Vanishing Virginian Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Thrillers, Kathryn Grayson, Spring Byington, Frank Detectives, Drama, Film Noir 1946 86min. Andy Devine, John Qualen, Mary Astor, Morgan Warner Bros. MOD 18.09.2009 Ginger Rogers, Sidney Toler, Warren Women lawyers? Women drivers? Women voters? The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108684 William, Dickie Moore, J. Carroll Naish Yancey family of Lynchburg, Virginia, grapples with strange Warren William. Ginger Rogers. Mary Astor. Sidney Toler. new ideas in this endearing film based on Rebecca Yancey Vigil In The Night Andy Devine. J. Carroll Naish. John Qualen. No fan of Williams’ memoir of growing up in the early 1900s. Much more Golden Era films would want to miss this luminous cast, even than the suffragette movement upsets the Yanceys’ well- Carole Lombard, Anne Shirley, Brian if all the stars did was sort socks. Instead, they light up a ordered lives, from young romance to a sensational murder trial to that amazing contraption the automobile. Frank Morgan Aherne, Robert Coote dynamic pre-Code programmer loaded with ’30s moxie. Nurse Anne Lee arrives at understaffed, underfunded Railroad tycoon Alex Stream (William) gets the blues when (The Wizard Of Oz) stars as the Yancey paterfamilias, Lynchburg’s principled D.A.; Spring Byington (Little Women) Hepperton General Hospital with an eagerness to serve. his society-page wife (Astor) forgets their anniversary. Dealing with an epidemic, a multicasualty bus accident and Impulsively, he celebrates instead with vivacious burlesque is his gentle wife, much mystified by modern goings-on, and Kathryn Grayson, with her exquisite face and even more other emergencies, she’ll find opportunities to do so again and dancer Lily Linda (Rogers). The two soon establish a sweet, again. She’ll also find something else: redemption for a fatal sympathetic relationship. But it turns deadly serious when a exquisite soprano, plays a Yancey daughter in this tender valentine to a bygone era. past error for which she, although innocent, accepted the would-be blackmailer tries to plug Alex, Lily takes the bullet blame. Famed comedienne Carole Lombard took on an and Alex finds himself accused of murder! „It is a lively Comedy, Drama, girl power, Historical / atypically serious role in this drama set in England, situation in which to embroil a spectator,“ Andre D. Sennwald Period Piece 1942 97min. sensitively directed by (at a time when he wrote in The New York Times, „and the breath comes Warner Bros. MOD 09.08.2011 was also known for lighter fare) and based on a novel by pleasantly fast while it is being resolved.“ Scottish physican and writer A. J. Cronin (). Drama, Marriage Woes 1934 73min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108681 Lives are challenged, changed, saved and redeemed during Warner Bros. MOD 05.04.2011 the Vigil In The Night. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108675 $: The Third Season - Drama 1940 96min. Volume 1 Warner Bros. MOD 02.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108685 Used People Phyllis Davis, , Bart Braverman, Shirley MacLaine, Jessica Tandy, Kathy Robert Ulrich Bates, Marcello Mastroianni, Bob Dishy In this popular series, handsome, fun loving, private eye, Dan Violence Tanna, drives around Las Vegas in his vintage Thunderbird Nancy Coleman, Sheldon Leonard, Peter Romance, Senior Interest, Comedy, Drama, solving private cases but is also on retainer to a wealthy

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Whitney, Emory Parnell his apartment while his live in girlfriend, Desirae Baxter 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108477 How would World War II veterans adjust to life on the post- (Reagan Gomez), is at work. Tired of his philandering ways, war home front? Hollywood looked at various aspects of that Desirae and her girlfriends devise a plan that will give Tyree question in major films like The Best Years Of Our Lives, a taste of his own medicine. This all-star cast also stars Young Adult (Blu-ray) Pride Of The Marines and Till The End Of Time. And it would comedians Tony Rock (All Of Us), (Shaq’s Charlize Theron, Patton Oswalt, Patrick look at it through the prism of B-movies like Violence, a trim, Comedy All-Stars), and film and television stars BeBe Drake noir-edged thriller wrapped around a then-topical story of a (Martin) and Tico Wells (Five Heartbeats). Wilson racketeering organization that recruits angry war veterans Playaz, Plays On Stage, African Americans, Academy Award® winner Charlize Theron stars as Mavis into its violent agenda. Jack Bernhard of the previous year’s Drama 2011 78min. Gary, a 37-year-old former prom queen, and current writer of applauded film noir Decoy directs. And future megahit TV young adult novels, who returns home to relive her glory days producer Sheldon Leonard brings his snarling, tough-guy Image Ent. 06.03.2012 and win back her now-married high school sweetheart. When demeanor to the role of the racket’s chief muscle. When he 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108439 she finds her homecoming more challenging than expected, says „We got ways of makin’ people talk,“ it’s best you should Mavis forms an unusual bond with a former classmate and listen. both must face the harsh realities of growing up in this Whispers brilliant and bittersweet story critics are hailing as a „one-of- Crime, Drama 1947 72min. a kind comedy“ (Lisa Schwarzbaum, Entertainment Weekly) Warner Bros. MOD 21.09.2010 Chris Sarandon, Victoria Tennant and „quirky, funny, heartfelt“ (Manny DeLa Rose, NBC TV). Fear shouts. Terror whispers.. From the horrifying best seller 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108686 by master horror writer Dean R. Koontz (Hideaway, Intensity, Comedy, Drama 2011 93min. Watchers), comes Whispers! Hilary Thomas (Victoria Paramount Pictures 13.03.2012 The Walking Dead (Collectible Tennant, L.A. Story, All Of Me) is a beautiful young writer 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108501 who is stalked by a madman. The demented killer, Bruno Tin) Clavel (Jean LeClerc, All My Children), brutally attacks Hilary one night and she thinks she kills him, but he later Zombie Hunters: City Of The Dead Vincent Price, Anita Ekberg, Erica Blanc, reappears alive and well. She enlists the aid and protection of Duane Jones a cop (Chris Sarandon, Fright Night, Child’s Play, The (Season One, Vol. 1) This collector’s tin features six midnight movies on two Sentinel) who believes her story, and as his love for her Long before The Walking Dead hit the national airwaves, DVDs! Includes: Grave Of The Vampire The Devil’s grows, he helps her discover the terrifying dark secret that Zombie Hunters: City of the Dead took survival horror to new Nightmare Zombie Hell House Night Of The Living Dead The drives Bruno Clavel to kill. television limits! This independently-produced, underground Last Man On Earth Mystery, Thrillers, Horror 1989 FF M 90min. cable horror hit features a rag-tag group of survivors stuck in Vampires, Zombies, Collections, Horror a zombie-ravaged New York City who must fight every step Scorpion Releasing 21.02.2012 against not only hoards of the undead also the living in their 1981 FF 16x9 S 557min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108304 hunt for weapons, food, shelter and escape. Season One, Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 Volume 1 features the first four uncut episodes of this gore- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108479 soaked action series, plus extras including production notes Who Stole The Electric Car? and a still gallery. As seen on The Monster Channel. In 1995, before Al Gore and Leo DiCaprio showed us that it Thrillers, Zombies, Apocalyptic Future, The Way was hip to conserve energy, the world’s first electric car was introduced. This comedy is about self-centered, egotistical, Horror 2007 120min. Martin Sheen, Tcheky Karyo, Deborah Kara Guy, who has taken his environmentally friendly girlfriend, Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 Unger , Angela Molina, Emilio Estevez, Chelsea, for granted. Chelsea is leaving him and in an attempt 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108260 James Nesbitt, Yorick Van Wageningen, to win her back, Guy concocts a scheme. He flies to Detroit to Matt Clark, Spencer Garrett, Carlos Leal have his picture taken with the Electric Car (the ZEV-1) and, in the heat of a moment, steals the car and takes the salesman Zombie Hunters: City Of The Dead You don’t choose a life, you live one.. The Way. ever- hostage. A whirlwind road trip begins from Motor City back to changing and complicated world. Martin Sheen plays Tom, Southern California. Time is ticking and the police are in hot (Season One, Vol. 2) who comes to St. Jean Pied de Port, France to collect the pursuit. Can they keep up the juice without using a single Before The Walking Dead hit the national airwaves, Zombie remains of his adult son , killed in the Pyrenees in a storm drop of gasoline? Get ready for the adventure of your life at Hunters: City of the Dead took survival horror to new while walking the Camino de Santiago,. Rather than return 99 miles per gallon! television limits! This independently-produced, underground home, Tom decides to embark on the historical pilgrimage to Comedy 89min. cable horror hit features a rag-tag group of survivors stuck in honor his son’s desire to finish the journey. What Tom doesn’t a zombie-ravaged New York City who must fight every step plan on is the profound impact the journey will have on him. Celebrity Video Distribution 21.02.2012 against not only hoards of the undead also the living in their From the unexpected and, oftentimes, amusing experiences 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108259 hunt for weapons, food, shelter and escape. Season One, along The Way, Tom begins to learn what it means to be a Volume 2 features the next four uncut episodes of this gore- citizen of the world again. Through his unresolved soaked action series, including a double episode. Plus extras relationship with his son, he discovers the difference between Yakuza Hunters: Duel In Hell including deleted scenes. As seen on The Monster Channel. „the life we live and the life we choose.“ Asami returns, exhausted, after three years of intense training Thrillers, Zombies, Horror, Horror Series Religion/Spirituality, Adventure, Comedy, to become a yakuza hunter. She decides to visit her old 2007 160min. Drama, Family 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 master, but finds his place in ruins - the local yakuza have Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 121min. turned it into a gambling house and laid claim to the entire area with the help of a cold-blooded killer named Akira! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108263 Anderson Merchandisers 21.02.2012 Action, Adventure, Foreign, Japanese 2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108539 Ltbx S 73min. Allegro Entertainment 27.03.2012 The Way (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108393 Martin Sheen, Tcheky Karyo, Deborah Kara Music Unger , Angela Molina, Emilio Estevez, Yakuza Hunters: Final Death Ride James Nesbitt, Yorick Van Wageningen, Battle Airplay: The Rise And Fall Of Matt Clark, Spencer Garrett, Carlos Leal Rock Radio You don’t choose a life, you live one.. The Way. ever- Yoshihiro Nishimura changing and complicated world. Martin Sheen plays Tom, A ’70s-style „pink film“ featuring a host of B-movie cult Jann Wenner, Grace Slick, Paul McCartney, who comes to St. Jean Pied de Port, France to collect the favorites including Yoshihiro Nishimura from The Machine , John Lennon, , remains of his adult son , killed in the Pyrenees in a storm Girl and Tsuyoshi Kazuno from Robo Geisha. Furious with Wolfman Jack, Dick Clark, Tom Donahue, while walking the Camino de Santiago,. Rather than return Junko, who massacred her old friends called the „Yakuza home, Tom decides to embark on the historical pilgrimage to Hunters,“ Asami enters into a final battle with four old friends. Alan Freed, Graham Nash, David Crosby, honor his son’s desire to finish the journey. What Tom doesn’t Action, Adventure, Foreign, Japanese 2010 Bob Weir plan on is the profound impact the journey will have on him. Ltbx S 93min. As Aired On Public Television. Maybe video didn’t kill the From the unexpected and, oftentimes, amusing experiences radio star after all. Airplay: The Rise And Fall Of Rock Radio along The Way, Tom begins to learn what it means to be a Allegro Entertainment 14.02.2012 documents the history of rock and roll radio — from the citizen of the world again. Through his unresolved 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108258 introduction of The Devil’s Music by 1950s AM deejays to the relationship with his son, he discovers the difference between FM pioneers who brought sex-drugs-and-rock to the „the life we live and the life we choose.“ airwaves in the 60s. Then witness the silencing of rock radio Comedy, Drama, Family, Adventure, Religi- Young Adult by government and big-business interests and, finally, see its Charlize Theron, Patton Oswalt, Patrick promise of rebirth via satellite. Hear from radio stars, and on/Spirituality 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 watch historic film footage in this award-winning documentary 121min. Wilson previously seen on public television. Featured deejays Anderson Merchandisers 21.02.2012 Academy Award® winner Charlize Theron stars as Mavis include Jerry The Geator Blavat, Dick Biondi, Raechel Gary, a 37-year-old former prom queen, and current writer of Donahue, Cousin Brucie Morrow, Martha Jean The Queen 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108565 young adult novels, who returns home to relive her glory days Steinberg, Dan Ingram, Meg Griffin and more. Plus, Lance and win back her now-married high school sweetheart. When Freed talks about his father Alan Freed s own rise and fall in What Goes Around Comes Around she finds her homecoming more challenging than expected, radio. Musicians include David Crosby, Grace Slick, Little Mavis forms an unusual bond with a former classmate and , Bob Weir, Ray Manzarek (The Doors) and Bebe Drake, Wesley Jonathan, Jimmy Wal- both must face the harsh realities of growing up in this others. Plus, see vintage footage and hear recordings of radio brilliant and bittersweet story critics are hailing as a „one-of- and rock greats like Dick Clark, Tom Donahue, , ker, Lavell Crawford, Tony Rock, Tico Wells a kind comedy“ (Lisa Schwarzbaum, Entertainment Weekly) Get ready for a hilarious „battle of the sexes“ tale in the Wolfman Jack, Murray the K, Elvis and many, many more! and „quirky, funny, heartfelt“ (Manny DeLa Rose, NBC TV). Documentary, Music, PBS 90min. classic comedy, David E. Talbert’s What Goes Around Comes Comedy, Drama 2011 93min. Around. Celebrated ladies’ man, Tyree Jackson (Wesley Topics Entertainment 03.04.2012 Jonathan), thinks his only job is to sneak women in and out of Paramount Pictures 13.03.2012

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108632 the 9:30 Club in Washington DC, June 2011. Experience the fans, businesswoman, singer, dancer, the biggest star in the fans’ joy as they witness a classic performance and meet their world of music. Join her and experience an intimate backstage heroes face to face in an exclusive interview with the band. look at her „Blonde Ambition“ tour. From her hotel room to her The B52s: With The Wild Crowd! - Under the awesome direction of Dave Markey (The Year dressing room, from her stage show to her boudoir, here is Punk Broke), In the Hands of the Fans brings the fans closer —outrageous, hilarious, uninhibited. Live In , GA to the band and the music closer to you. Includes bonus , Dancing, Documentary, Music, Concerts, Music, New Wave, Punk min. footage of Henry Rollins speaking candidly to Markey about the the band, and interviewing them on stage before the show. Pop Music 1991 Ltbx 16x9 DTS 120min. Eagle Rock 20.03.2012 Freak Scene No Bones They Always Come Yeah We Know Lionsgate 03.04.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108502 Let It Ride Pond Song Budge The Post Don’t Sludgefast 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108650 Raisans The B52s: With The Wild Crowd! - Concerts, Indie Rock, Music, Alternative 2011 62min. Mahler: Symphony No. 9 (Blu-ray) Live In Athens, GA (Blu-ray) Music Video Distribution 21.02.2012 Choral Music, Classical Music, Concerts, Concerts, Music, New Wave, Punk min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108564 Music, Orchestral 84min. Eagle Rock 20.03.2012 Naxos 27.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108526 Die Dollarprinzessin 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108690 Music, Opera, Performing Arts 87min. Barenboim Plays Bach Goldberg Naxos 27.03.2012 Sir Neville Marriner: (Handel - Variations 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108608 Beethoven - Mendelssohn - Classical Music, Music 100min. Britten) Naxos 27.03.2012 Falstaff & La Forza Del Destino Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 86min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108658 Classical Music, Music, Opera 310min. Naxos 27.03.2012 Dynamic 27.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108663 Beethoven: Fidelio 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108656 Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 124min. Play Stevie Ray Vaughan Naxos 27.03.2012 A Guitar And A Journey Of Two Learn to play the Stevie Ray Vaughan way with Max 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108607 Milligan.. A new series of entertaining instructional programs Concerts, Guitar 75min. illustrating both scale and chord voicings made recognizable Naxos 27.03.2012 by the world’s greatest guitarists, this release concentrates Joe Bonamassa: Beacon Theatre 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108660 on the great Stevie Ray Vaughan. Max Milligan, Guitar Institute (London) Instructor and Senior Examiner for Registry - Live From New York of Guitar Tutors (London College of Music) will show how to Concerts, Hard Rock, Music min. Ian Hunter: Live At Rockpalast incorporate the different techniques into your own style so Fontana DVD 27.03.2012 you too will be able to play like SRV! Featuring Mick Ronson Blues, Guitar, Instructional, Music 2012 FF 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108654 Ian Hunter, Mick Ronson and friends live in 1980 on German TV!. Amazing performances by Ian Hunter and his long-time S 60min. ‘compadre’ Mick Ronson fill out this awesome DVD. Killer Artsmagic DVD 20.03.2012 Joe Bonamassa: Beacon Theatre versions of „Once Bitten Twice Shy“, „All The Young Dudes,“ 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108351 - Live From New York (Blu-ray) „Slaughter on 10th Ave“ and more. Recorded in 1980 and broadcast on Germany’s famous Rockpalast TV program. Concerts, Hard Rock, Music min. Concerts, Glam Rock, Hard Rock, Interna- Public Image Limited: Live At Fontana DVD 27.03.2012 tional TV, Music 1980 74min. Rockpalast 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108687 Music Video Distribution 21.02.2012 PIL live on German TV on Halloween 1983!. After the end of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108280 the Sex Pistols Johnny Rotten (or John Lydon) had built a Le Coq D’Or (Blu-ray) new career with his band Public Image Limited. The early , „First Issue“, „Metal Box“ and „Flowers Of Romance“ Comedy, Music, Opera, Performing Arts Insane Clown Posse: ICP’s New are now seen as classics of post punk and the highlights of 108min. Years Ninja Party these albums are in this unique Rockpalast . The Naxos 27.03.2012 experimental mix of dub, punk, noise and dance still sounds Concerts, Music min. fresh. Included is a rare performance of the Sex Pistols’ 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108649 „Anarchy in the UK“ as well as a backstage interview and Fontana DVD 20.03.2012 rehearsal footage. Public Image I Annalisa Religion Memories 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108503 Flowers Of Romance Solitaire Chant Anarchy In The U.K. Chick Corea & Gary Burton Jazz Low Life Under The House Bad Life Public Image II Jazz, Music 94min. Legacy: William Steinberg Concerts, Experimental Rock, International Naxos 27.03.2012 TV, Music, Punk, Punk Rock 1983 58min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108615 (Haydn - Beethoven) Music Video Distribution 21.02.2012 Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 86min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108278 Dinosaur Jr. - Bug Live At 9:30 Naxos 27.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108667 Club: In The Hands Of The Fans Giacomo Puccini: Madama Six fans are selected to film Dinosaur Jr. performing their Madonna: Truth Or Dare Butterfly (Blu-ray) classic „Bug.“. Through an online contest, six fans are Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing selected to film Dinosaur Jr. performing „Bug“ in its entirety at Donna De Lory, Niki Harris, Kevin Alexan- Arts min. the 9:30 Club in Washington DC, June 2011. Experience the der Stea, Carlton Wilborn, Jay Roewe, Tim fans’ joy as they witness a classic performance and meet their Naxos 27.03.2012 heroes face to face in an exclusive interview with the band. Clawson, Alek Keshishian, Madonna Under the awesome direction of Dave Markey (The Year See the truth.. Madonna: Like you’ve never seen her before. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108689 Punk Broke), In the Hands of the Fans brings the fans closer This movie reveals her as she really is, on stage and off—den to the band and the music closer to you. Includes bonus mother to her family of dancers, sex goddess to her millions of Sacred Music: God’s Composer footage of Henry Rollins speaking candidly to Markey about fans, businesswoman, singer, dancer, the biggest star in the the the band, and interviewing them on stage before the show. world of music. Join her and experience an intimate backstage Music by Tomas Luis de Victoria.. Broadcast on the BBC in Freak Scene No Bones They Always Come Yeah We Know look at her „Blonde Ambition“ tour. From her hotel room to her December 2011, this celebratory episode of the acclaimed Let It Ride Pond Song Budge The Post Don’t Sludgefast dressing room, from her stage show to her boudoir, here is Sacred Music series marks the 400th anniversary of the death Raisans Madonna—outrageous, hilarious, uninhibited. of one of the greatest choral composers of the Renaissance. Interwoven with Victoria’s music, the documentary follows Alternative, Concerts, Indie Rock, Music Concerts, Dancing, Documentary, Music, as he takes us through the life and times 2011 62min. Pop Music 1991 Ltbx 16x9 S 120min. of the composer. Bonus features include six free audio tracks, Music Video Distribution 21.02.2012 Lionsgate 03.04.2012 exclusive interviews, and artist biographies. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108533 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108616 BBC, British, Classical Music, Documentary, International TV, Music 2011 Ltbx 16x9 S Dinosaur Jr. - Bug Live At 9:30 Madonna: Truth Or Dare (Blu-ray) 60min. Allegro Entertainment 13.03.2012 Donna De Lory, Niki Harris, Kevin Alexan- Club: In The Hands Of The Fans 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108384 (Blu-ray) der Stea, Carlton Wilborn, Jay Roewe, Tim Clawson, Alek Keshishian, Madonna Six fans are selected to film Dinosaur Jr. performing their Michael Schenker Group: Rock- classic „Bug.“. Through an online contest, six fans are See the truth.. Madonna: Like you’ve never seen her before. selected to film Dinosaur Jr. performing „Bug“ in its entirety at This movie reveals her as she really is, on stage and off—den palast mother to her family of dancers, sex goddess to her millions of

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Classic era MSG live on German TV from 1981! Filmed on Giuseppe Verdi: Macbeth Documentary, Photography/Art 50min. January, 24th 1981 at the Markthalle in Hamburg, this concert presents the first MSG almost in its entirely (and Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Naxos 27.03.2012 almost in the same running order) including the two greatest Arts, Shakespeare 170min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108612 songs Michael Schenker has created with UFO: „Doctor Doctor“ and „Rock Bottom“. Naxos 27.03.2012 Concerts, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Music 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108671 1000 Masterworks: Surrealism 2011 60min. Documentary, Photography/Art min. Music Video Distribution 21.02.2012 Giuseppe Verdi: Macbeth (Blu- Naxos 27.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108355 ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108610 Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Strawberry Fields: Live Arts, Shakespeare 170min. 150 Years Of German Railways A one hour potted version of the development of 150 years of Strawberry Fields Naxos 27.03.2012 railways in Germany.. 1985 was a year of great celebration in First live DVD by the band led by Wojtek Szadkowski, the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108691 what was then West Germany. A gigantic exhibition was highly acclaimed musician from Satellite and Collage.. Wojtek staged in Nurnberg, the city where railways first began some Szadkowski, one of the most brilliant artists on the progressi- 150 years before. A series of parades was held, in which ve rock scene returns with a DVD release of his outstanding Wagner: Tannhauser upwards of 70 locomotives and trains from all eras passed and surprising project Strawberry Fields! On the 20th of April Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing before huge crowds. On the lines which radiate from 2011, at Wyspiañski Theatre in Katowice, Poland, Strawberry Nurnberg, a flotilla of special trains undertook tours Fields presented the band’s very own, unique, subtly simple, Arts 201min. throughout the year. They were hauled by veteran steam, magic and, at times, trip-hop-like brand of prog music, Naxos 27.03.2012 diesel and electric locomotives which gave the modern crowned with lead singer Robin’s mesmerizing, sensual 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108655 generation a chance to see what their railway heritage was voice. The release also features an interview with Wojtek all about and the older generations a chance to indulge a year Szadkowski, an interview with Robin, photo gallery and other of pure nostalgia. This program records all aspects of the extras! Open Your Eyes Close Fool Maybe River’s Gone Dry Wagner: Tannhauser (Blu-ray) Jubilee, the many locomotives and their trains which took part Problem Beautiful Flow Your Story Don’t Walk Away In in the exhibition, the parades and, most importantly, the many Silence (Satellite cover) Living In The M Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing special runs around Bavaria. Trip Hop/Big Beat, Concerts, Music, Pro- Arts 201min. Transportation, Documentary 2012 FF S gressive Rock 2011 100min. Naxos 27.03.2012 60min. Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108688 Artsmagic DVD 20.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108352 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108349 Xerxes Yuri Temirkanov At The BBC Music, Opera, Performing Arts 186min. 420 Triple Feature Proms Naxos 27.03.2012 Sonny Bono 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108605 420 is an internationally recognized holiday and daily excuse Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Orche- for stoners, pot heads and even the recreational marijuana stral 72min. user to light up, toke up and blaze a blunt on their way to the Naxos 27.03.2012 euphoric high-way of mental freedom. Or is it an evil path to mental anguish, despair, desperation, crime and even death? 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108665 The 420 Triple Feature takes on a trip down memory lane with Special Interest some of the best, most idiotic, hilarious and downright absurd Klaus Tennstedt - Buckner „educational“ films on the subject of marijuana use. Features Sonny Bono! Symphony No. 7 !Women Art Revolution Comedy, Documentary, Educational 1968 S An entertaining and revelatory „secret history“ of Feminist Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 66min. Art, !Women Art Revolution uses conversations, archival 70min. Naxos 27.03.2012 material and works by visionary artists, historians, curators Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108662 and critics to deftly illuminate the most significant art 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108354 movement of the late 20th century. Artist and filmmaker Lynn Hershman Leeson (Teknolust, Conceiving Ada) spent four Michael Tilson Thomas: The decades documenting the mavericks of this very At Work & Portrait underexplored movement. Opera, Performing Arts 104min. Thomashefskys Documentary, girl power 2011 83min. Naxos 27.03.2012 The Thomashefskys. Founding members of the Yiddish Zeitgeist Films 20.03.2012 Theatre in America, the Thomashefskys owned theatres, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108617 published their own magazine, wrote columns in the popular 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108547 Yiddish newspapers, sponsored and encouraged generations of young artists, brought countless Yiddish artists to America, 1000 Masterworks: Cubism And The Battle Of Big Hole tirelessly raised funds for progressive social causes and, On August 9, 1877, a detachment of the U.S. 7th Infantry through it all, were adventurous trendsetters. This story, Futurism attacked a sleeping camp of Nez Perce Indians in the remote reclaimed by Thomashefsky Project, presents a musical sound mountains of southwestern Montana. The attack was well that few have heard, assimilating Eastern European klezmer Documentary, Photography/Art 50min. planned and brutal in its sudden intensity, with women and and cantorial modes with American tones and rhythms. Over Naxos 27.03.2012 children taking the brunt of the assault. However, by day’s time, as the Jewish American music theater writers became 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108609 end, the 144-strong infantry was under siege, pinned down by absorbed in their new surroundings, they greatly influenced a small group of warriors in a clump of trees. They were the American Songbook. All of this and more are captured in desperate for rescue and terrified that they would share the this stunning performance.. 1000 Masterworks: Italian Renais- fate of their comrades who, just one year earlier, had Classical Music, Documentary, Jewish perished with General Custer at the Battle of the Little Big Heritage, Music 82min. sance Horn. In this revealing program, forensic archaeologists, Documentary, Photography/Art 50min. geologists, and cultural historians bring their knowledge and Docurama 24.04.2012 technical skills together to uncover exactly what happened on 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108599 Naxos 27.03.2012 that tragic day, and how the cunning of so few was able to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108613 conquer the force of so many. Featuring archival footage, high-tech computer graphics, and never-before-seen evidence Urgh! A Music War from the site of the conflict, History presents the powerful It’s live and loud. It’s urgent and proud. It’s more than two- 1000 Masterworks: Realism In The story of The Battle Of Big Hole. dozen young, energetic bands caught in the act and making 19th Century Documentary, History Channel, Military, the music and moments matter in hot, crowded, amped venues scattered across L.A., London, New York City and elsewhere. Documentary, Photography/Art 50min. Native American 47min. It’s big hair, little hair, guys, girlz - with music styles ranging Naxos 27.03.2012 A&E 13.03.2012 from minimalist electronica to reggae to theatrical camp to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108589 mosh-worthy mayhem. It’s catchy, it’s topical, it’s angry, it’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108614 playful, it’s live. And it lives on in a rocking, throbbing, sights-and-sounds showcase featuring The Police, Devo, The 1000 Masterworks: Renaissance The BBC High Definition Natural Go-Gos, Oingo Boingo, X, The Cramps, Surf Punks, Joan Jett, Pere Ubu and more. Turn it on, turn it up, this means war: North Of The Alps History Collection (Blu-ray) Urgh! A Music War. Documentary, Photography/Art 50min. Experience the best the Earth has to offer in stunningly clear Techno, Documentary, Music, Punk, Reggae high definition. Witness rare action, impossible locations and Naxos 27.03.2012 1981 96min. intimate moments with our planet’s best-loved creatures with 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108611 the critically acclaimed, Emmy-winning Planet Earth Special Warner Bros. MOD 18.09.2009 Edition, now packed with over seven hours of extras; travel 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108676 the length and breadth of China and discover the fabulous 1000 Masterworks: Socialism diversity of its natural wonders in Wild China; visit the home of the most astonishing creatures found anywhere on Earth Realism Of The GDR with Galápagos; and discover a kaleidoscope of color and

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 46 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA energy as you explore the river that shaped the wildlife, Artsmagic DVD 21.02.2012 Transportation, Documentary, Indian 2012 culture and beliefs of India in Ganges. It’s your world as you’ve never seen it before in dazzling Blu-ray high 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108275 FF S 90min. definition! Artsmagic DVD 21.02.2012 BBC, Boxed Sets, British, Documentary, The Castle Tower 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108276 Foreign, International TV 1350min. It was the ultimate defensive structure in the Middle Ages. BBC Home Video 27.03.2012 Today, it’s a vivid reminder of a harsh, violent, and unstable Mike Donavanik’s Extreme Burn: 199,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108438 time in history. A lightning rod for bloody conflict, and a dreaded prison, the Castle Tower was a rock-hard stronghold Total Body Interval Training in a lawless world. In this extraordinary program, join Mike Donavanik The BBC Natural History contractor Nick Mystrom as he travels to northern Idaho to erect a two-story medieval castle tower using the same Transform your body in 6 weeks!. Celebrity trainer Mike Collection methods employed by thirteenth-century masons. In the Middle Donavanik, CSCS, CPT, brings you the best of his sculpting, Ages, great castles were built for barons, lords, and kings by cardio and ab work to create one of the most dynamic The BBC Natural History Collection now includes the 6-Disc workouts available. It’s the same program he uses with his Planet Earth. This is the ultimate Natural History DVD thousands of craftsmen and laborers, with some projects lasting over four years. However, Nick, master builder Roger celebrity and private clients, and now he’s bringing it to you! collection, featuring the truly remarkable Planet Earth Special Extreme Burn is a 6-week program, consisting of three Edition, now with over 7 hours of extras, plus an additional DeClements, and their team have just under three weeks to turn stone, wood, and a bit of steel into a 25-foot tower. Will workouts, designed to dramatically transform your body. Each three landmark series. In all, the collection features over 33 workout is jam-packed with dynamic compound strength moves hours of programming on 18 discs, introducing thousands of Nick be able to relax and gaze upon the stars from atop the tower before reveal day? Will the Idaho weather cooperate? and intense bursts of cardio that will fire up your metabolism, species of plants and animals and including hours of special burn fat, build lean muscle and deliver maximum results! features that take you behind the scenes. Each critically And what will the new owners think of Nick and Roger’s acclaimed series is narrated by renowned naturalist David creation? From the difficulty of working at a remote site to the Fitness, Health, Instructional 2011 83min. Attenborough and reveals elements of the Earth and its unique challenge of erecting a massive tower without the use of Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 creatures through stunning imagery and insightful commentary. modern-day scaffolding, Castle Tower highlights 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108534 Journey with the BBC and explore our vast and diverse Documentary, History Channel, Medieval world. Times, Reality 47min. BBC, Boxed Sets, British, Documentary, A&E 13.03.2012 Duel: Hamilton Vs. Burr With Ri- Foreign, International TV 2022min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108574 chard Dreyfuss BBC Home Video 27.03.2012 Richard Dreyfuss, Gore Vidal 265,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108374 China: In The Shadow Of Mr. On July 11, 1804, the U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr shot and mortally wounded the former Secretary of the Treasury, Billy The Exterminator: Season 4 Kong Alexander Hamilton, in one of the most notorious duels in This new five-part series takes a look at the history and history. Did Hamilton really fire his shot in the air? Did Burr America’s favorite exterminators are back for more culture of China, from the time of Mr Kong, (known as Kong really intend to kill his longtime rival? Why did these two unexpected on-the-job adventures as they travel across the Fu to the Chinese and as Confucius to the outside world) to statesmen end up targeting each other on a bluff overlooking country in the fourth season of A&E’s hit real-life series, Billy the present day. Filmed entirely on location in China, this the Hudson River? Long a touchstone of American history, the The Exterminator. The all-new season sees Billy hit the road informative and entertaining series presents the astonishing duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr has taken for the first time, in search of challenges that are bigger, story of China, its people and its culture over the past two on mythic proportions. This revealing special strips the facts better and badder than ever. Whether he’s going after giant thousand years. 1. The Middle Kingdom: The Democratic from the fiction surrounding their fateful encounter. Hosted by pythons in the Florida Everglades, wrestling 10-foot gators in Viewpoint, Geography, The Dynasties, Confucius, China Academy Award-winning actor Richard Dreyfuss, Duel: Texas, chasing a herd of razor-toothed javelina in Arizona, or Today. 2. Matters of the Mind: Superstition, Confucian Hamilton Vs. Burr features a lively round-table discussion in fighting off an aerial attack by 30-pound geese in North Commentators, Taoism, Buddhism, Tibet, Sung Education. 3. which Dreyfuss, novelist Gore Vidal, biographer Ron Carolina, Billy comes to the rescue with humor, compassion... Heart and Soul: Bronzes, Ceramics, the Character Script, Chernow, journalist Richard Brookhiser, historian Joanne and a whole lot of attitude. Billy runs Vexcon, one of Poetry, Literature. 4. From Harmony to Discord: Music, Freeman, and other Burr-Hamilton experts debate the many Louisiana’s busiest pest removal companies, with the help of Gardens, Painting, Science, The Descent into Chaos. 5. The facets of the deadly exchange. Was Aaron Burr the villain his brother Ricky, whom he describes as „just as crazy as Rough Road to Freedom: Japan, The End of the Empire, he’s been portrayed as for the past 200 years? Do either of me,“ his father Bill Sr., and his sassy mom Donnie, who runs Communism, Overseas Chinese, the current Dilemma. these two men deserve their reputations? Explore the the office. Ancient China, Documentary 253min. answers to these and many other questions in this rousing Bugs, Reality 2011 256min. invest Kultur 24.04.2012 A&E 24.04.2012 Americana, Documentary, History Channel 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108543 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108597 70min. A&E 13.03.2012 The Breakout From Normandy Colored Frames 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108575 A look back at the last fifty years in African American art, July 1944 - for six long weeks since D-Day, Allied forces Colored Frames is an unflinching exploration of influences, have been caught in a murderous battle trying to break out of inspirations and experiences of black artists. Beginning at the Engine Counts the invasion beachhead. Crammed into a 70-mile wide height of Civil Rights Era and leading up to the present, it is This 1 hour program presents five different electric and cauldron, nowhere more than twenty miles deep, the Allies naked and truthful look at often ignored artists and their hybrid car developers presenting their ideas and also gives a need a breakthrough - and fast. In the East, the British and progeny set against the backdrop of the modern global justification for why electric cars and hybrid cars are better. Canadian armies have suffered over 26,000 casualties. In the struggle for freedom and quality. It also looks at the environmental issues involved and at the West, the U.S. forces lose over 10,000 troops in a mere 12 Documentary 56min. strengths and weaknesses of the internal combustion engine. days. In a final throw of the dice, the Allied commanders come It was produced for public television initially and is revealing up with an audacious plan. If successful, they will split the Microcinema DVD 23.02.2007 and insightful. German forces and sweep into France. In this fast-paced 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108353 program, ® provides a never-before-seen Documentary, Environmental, Science 1998 perspective on this historic conflict. Both British and German 57min. aerial reconnaissance photographs taken at the time have now Cycling Shorts: Short Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 been layered over a three-dimensional contour map to create a CGI model of the battle. For over 60 years, these Documentaries About Bicycles 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108272 photographs have remained lost or forgotten - until now. Eighteen short documentaries about all aspects of bicycling.. Featuring cutting-edge technology, archive footage, dramatic What is bicycle culture? It’s what you make of it. Anything Farmageddon re-enactments, and extraordinary interviews with the men who can happen: Activists educate the policymakers. Bureaucrats were there, The Breakout From Normandy provides a unique create whimsical public art. Strangers help each other move Americans’ right to access fresh, healthy foods of their choice War, World War II, Documentary, History house by bike. Corporations turn their drive-thrus into bike is under attack. Farmageddon tells the story of small, family thrus. Joe Biel’s short movies explore all these phenomena farms that were providing safe, healthy foods to their Channel, Military 47min. and more as he follows the emergence of modern bike culture communities until they were forced to stop, sometimes through A&E 13.03.2012 over the last ten years of riding the streets of U.S. cities and violent action, by agents of misguided government meeting the characters who are making the magic happen. bureaucracies. Filmmaker Kristin Canty’s quest to find 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108573 healthy food for her four children turned into an educational Cycling, Documentary, Short Film journey to discover why access to these foods was being British Rail Journeys: Volume Collections 2011 150min. threatened. What she found were policies that favor Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 agribusiness and factory farms over small family-operated Three 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108265 farms selling fresh foods to their communities. This film Travel the length and breadth of Great Britain on its wonderful highlights the urgency of food freedom, encouraging farmers rail lines with the British Rail Journeys. Volume Three and consumers alike to take action to preserve individuals’ contains: An unforgettable journey through the Snowdonia The Diamonds Of India rights to access food of their choice and farmers’ rights to National Park as the train climbs through green forests, lakes produce these foods safely and free from unreasonably Ride the Indian rails from Puna to Patna, Dhaulpur to burdensome regulations. & waterfalls. Picturesque towns and villages, fens and Darjeeling & Baroda to Bangalore.. Roger Griffiths set out in broads, and miles of magnificent coastline... a delightful 1979 to capture for prosperity as many as possible of the Documentary, Health 86min. introduction to rural England. As the Downs head to the sea older classes of locomotives then in service on Indian Passion River 17.04.2012 there are craggy headlands and beautiful beaches. There’s Railways. Displaying the state-owned, private and industrial 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108295 always plenty to see here. From the cathedral city of Exeter locomotives, this program shows the diversity of historical to the rugged cliffs of Land’s End, we take one of Great locomotives still in use of some 38 classes, from 37 different Britain’s most outstanding scenic journeys. builders. From Puna to Patna, Dhaulpur to Darjeeling and Fat Head Transportation, Boxed Sets, British, Baroda to Bangalore, we join Roger on this colorful sub Tom Naughton Documentary 1999 FF S 240min. continental steam journey, from plains to mountains with steam under those wonderful British semaphore signals. Tom Naughton is a health writer, comedian, and popular

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 47 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA blogger. Through humor and logic, Tom reveals why much of 90min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108464 what we’ve been taught about diet and nutrition is flat-out wrong. If you or someone you care about is suffering from Artsmagic DVD 20.03.2012 obesity, diabetes, or heart disease, this film may quite literally 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108350 Girls Gone Wild: Sexiest Shower save a life. Discover the history of the low-fat movement, what our Paleolithic ancestors ate, the science behind why Scenes we get fat, and how to regain your health. Forgotten Sub Of WWII Ever wonder what beautiful college girls look like wet and Documentary, Health, Science 104min. June 20, 1941. The U.S. submarine O-9 noses below the naked? Now is your chance! Go behind closed doors in this surface off the coast of New Hampshire, carrying a crew of intimate look at what these girls do when the clothes come off Passion River 24.04.2012 33, and is never seen again. Years of inquiries have failed to and the steam begins to rise. They will rub, lather and touch 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108299 find answers to what caused this terrible tragedy...until now. every inch of their sexy naked bodies just for you. And keep In this exciting program, join Deep Sea Detectives Richie in mind, they aren’t always alone. Watch as a simple shower Kohler and John Chatterton, as they head out to sea with the turns into a sexual explosion of boobs, butts and sensuous First Flight Around The World National Undersea Research Center to take the first-ever make-out sessions that would make even a grown man sweat. Three years before Charles Lindbergh’s celebrated flight video survey of the O-9 wreck in an attempt to solve this There are plenty of sexy brunettes, perky blondes and true across the Atlantic, three bi-planes landed at Sand Point long-forgotten mystery. First, travel to the U.S. Naval Subma- redheads ready to show you what they do best. Its horny girls Field in Seattle after an epic 175 days in the air. The six men rine School in Groton, Connecticut, where the team learns not only touching themselves, but each other in this action who emerged from the cockpits had become the first pilots to about some of the potential emergencies and worst-case packed grope-fest that you have to see to believe. Even the ever circumnavigate the Earth. During the post-WWI-era of scenarios submariners face while submerged. Next, shower head isn’t off limits! All of this soapy fun in the countries around the globe vying for superiority in the skies, investigate evidence of structural deficiencies on the O-9 shower with college girls and their amazing bodies like this group of courageous American aviators caused an inter- before it was returned to service for the war, which could you’ve ever experienced. It’s Girls Gone Wild: Sexiest national sensation and flew into history. In First Flight Around point to an explanation for the tragedy. Finally, experience the Shower Scenes. The World, retrace their ambitious route with Robert thrill of an up-close look at wreck, which provides crucial Girls Gone Wild min. Ragozzino, the only pilot to ever match their epic feat, and clues as to what might have gone wrong. Featuring cutting- learn how the brave pilots battled snow, ice, typhoons, and edge technology, compelling archive material, and fascinating GGW Brands, LLC. 03.04.2012 sandstorms along uninhabited, uncharted routes with no expert interviews, History proudly presents the ill-fated st 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108465 airports or even landing strips in sight. Featuring dramatic War, World War II, Documentary, High reenactments, state-of-the-art computer graphics, and exten- sive archive material, History presents a celebratory account Seas, History Channel, Military, Navy Griefwalker of the little-known historic flight that made an indelible mark 47min. Stephen Jenkinson, a Harvard educated theologian, is one of on aviation history. A&E 13.03.2012 Canada’s leading palliative care educators. Also considered Aerial Action, Documentary, History a philosopher, woodsman, boatsman, and bard, Jenkinson 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108577 travels throughout Canada providing grief counseling. He Channel 47min. rejects the notion of acceptance, deeming it too neutral a A&E 13.03.2012 Freemasonry And The Knights disposition. He insists the one true answer is an embrace of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108576 death. In order to love life, we need to love death. Filmmaker Templar: Legacy Of Secrecy and friend Tim Wilson presents Jenkinson with an unclouded Over three hours of startling insider knowledge on eye. Appearing onscreen together, their relationship is The Flaw Freemasonry and the Knights Templar.. For thousands of complex and occasionally combative. Reverent and respectful Today, a question haunts America: what exactly caused the years there have been secret gatherings of men claiming to but clearly obsessed with death, Jenkinson is an enigmatic world’s greatest economy to crash and burn? And why is it so hold a sacred truth. They survived religious and state figure who can easily shift from talkative to terse. Captured slow to recover? From award-winning documentarian David persecution and still exist today. Unravel the myths, mystery with a cinematic eye, this lyrical, haunting documentary Sington (In The Shadow Of The Moon), The Flaw tells the and history of the Freemasons. Join us as we unlock the exhibits an unparalleled understanding of mortality. story of the credit bubble that caused the financial crash sacred past of the Freemasons in alchemy, the occult, stone Documentary, Religion/Spirituality 2008 through interviews with some of the world’s leading masonry and modern society. Over three hours of startling 70min. economists, including housing expert Robert Shiller, Nobel insider knowledge on Freemasonry And The Knights Templar. Kino Video 03.04.2012 laureate Joseph Stiglitz, and economic historian Louis Hyman, Documentary 2011 200min. as well as Wall Street insiders and victims of the crash. More 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108498 topical than ever, the film presents an original and compelling Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 account of the toxic combination of forces that nearly 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108273 destroyed the world economy, demonstrating how excessive History Of The World In Two income inequality leads to economic instability. At a time when Hours economic theory and public policy is being re-examined, this Getting Out Alive: From Siberia film reminds us that, without addressing the root causes of the To Suburbia 13.7 billion years in the making. This landmark television crisis, the system may collapse again... and next time it may special cuts 13.7 billion years of history down to size. In just not be possible for governments to rescue it. From the platinum in your hard drive to the nickel in your two hours, you will get the whole story of where you came stainless steel pan to the palladium in your car’s catalytic from and how you got here. Find out why your original Documentary 2011 82min. converter, some of life’s most ordinary things come from the ancestor is an exploding star, how your handheld device Docurama 17.04.2012 world’s most extraordinary places. In this eye-opening pro- hides a Stone Age secret, and why your fast-paced modern 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108598 gram, History uncovers the dangerous journey of metals from lifestyle grew from seeds planted more than 10,000 year ago. remote parts of Russia to the West-a journey few people From the formation of the earth and the emergence of life, to know anything about. Follow an American film crew as it the advance of man and the growth of civilization, the CGI- Ava Fleming’s Mystic Moves: gains special access to the formerly closed city of Norilsk, driven special History Of The World In Two Hours is a rapid- Russia, a desolate place full of secrets, where the average fire view of history-an epic story that reveals surprising Bellydance Technique & life expectancy is just 52. There, get a firsthand look at the connections to our daily lives. Combinations extreme industry, machines, and workers that bring the world Documentary, History Channel, Science a supply of precious metals that feature in items we often take Ava Fleming for granted. Finally, witness the grueling voyage of these 88min. Ava Fleming’s dynamic technique, focus on isolations, and metals through the unforgiving icy arctic waters aboard the A&E 13.03.2012 musical interpretation have captivated audiences around the world’s only fleet of nuclear icebreakers. Getting Out Alive: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108579 world. Renowned for her precise, sultry, and sensual From Siberia To Suburbia. movements, Ava now shares these secrets with you so you Documentary, On The Job 47min. can add more depth and dimension to your next performance. A&E 13.03.2012 IMAX: The Nature Collection Let Ava teach you how to make bellydance technique mystical Things get wet (in a mini-sub deep dive). Things get wild and fluid, then create combinations and mini-choreographies 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108578 (500,000 penguins). Things get hairy (with romping gorilla to enhance your dance! babies). Things get scary (with a lifelike T-Rex). See a world Bellydance, Fitness, Instructional Dance FF Girls Gone Wild: Hottest Makeout of wonders - captured by top wildlife filmmakers in 6 programs S 124min. of discovery and adventure! Allegro Entertainment 14.02.2012 Moments 2 Wilderness, Dinosaurs, Documentary, High If you are looking for hot steamy girl-on-girl action, this is Seas, IMAX min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108262 definitely the place. All it takes is one kiss to get these sexy young girls in the mood... for each other! Watch as horny Warner Bros. 03.04.2012 The Flying Scotsman: The Night college girls get down and get wild with one another from 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108409 locations all over the country. Once they get going, there’s no Mail telling what they’ll do to each other. You’ll meet two hotties The Interrupters For well over 100 years steam locomotives battled the grades who literally stop traffic on the famous Las Vegas strip as t west over ’s western cities of Bathurst, Orange and hey get down in the middle of rush hour. There’s a redhead Art House, Crime, Documentary, Gangs, Dubbo. The Through West Mail, probably best known of all with the most perfect breasts, you’ll wish you could reach out PBS 2011 min. night mail trains, left Sydney nightly for its 289 mile run to and touch them. None of these girls can keep their hands off Dubbo, and was steam hauled until 1967 when all steam each other as the action gets more and more heated with PBS Home Video 14.02.2012 operations out west ceased forever. On the Queen’s birthday every wet kiss. The more they kiss, the more they touch, the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108466 weekend of June 1989 this spectacular long gone steam event farther they go. One thing you can’t call these girls in shy. was recreated but this time with an added attraction never Even the first timers are aggressive and ready to get busy. seen in the train’s 100 years of regular running. The They all love nothing more than to pleasure each other and The Interrupters (Blu-ray) recreation of the Night Mail was hauled from Sydney to Dubbo themselves. All of this and even more hot bodied girls taking a Crime, Documentary, Gangs, PBS, Art by world famous 4472 Flying Scotsman and Australia’s famous smooch to a whole new level like you’ve never seen before. C38 Class Pacific 3801 and triple heading for part of the It’s Girls Gone Wild: Hottest Makeout Moments 2. House 2011 min. journey with S Class Suburban Tank 3112. Girls Gone Wild min. PBS Home Video 14.02.2012 Transportation, Documentary 2012 FF S GGW Brands, LLC. 03.04.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108476

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 48 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

The most politically-incorrect audience-participation reality highest level, Motown Mafia is a must have piece of Detroit show in history!. The long-lost videos from the mysterious and history. Into The Abyss legendary Uncle Tad Baker’s Loon Show have now come to Crime, Documentary 2011 90min. Werner Herzog light! Yes, the infamous politically-incorrect reality show Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 In his fascinating exploration of a triple homicide case in you’ve only heard about now comes to your screen! It is the Conroe, Texas, master filmmaker Werner Herzog (Cave of most extreme reality show in history! The Loon Show is the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108356 Forgotten Dreams, Grizzly Man) probes the human psyche to essence of free-speech and free expression, and there has explore why people kill-and why a state kills. Through never been anything like it before or since. John Mulaney: New In Town intimate conversations with those involved, including 28-year- TV Movies, Reality, Comedy 2011 152min. old death row inmate Michael Perry (scheduled to die within Music Video Distribution 20.03.2012 John Mulaney eight days of appearing on-screen), Herzog achieves what he Congratulations, you’re a few easy steps from being the lucky describes as „a gaze into the abyss of the human soul.“ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108270 owner of this stand-up special! You’re purchase comes with Herzog’s inquiries also extend to the families of the victims the thoughts and feelings of comedian John Mulaney: a and perpetrators as well as a state executioner and pastor The Lost Atlantis pleasant, nearly 30 year old, man who enjoys making fun of who’ve been with death row prisoners as they’ve taken their himself and others. In New In Town, John Mulaney tackles final breaths. As he’s so often done before, Herzog’s Twenty-five hundred years ago, Plato told of an advanced such red-hot topics as quicksand, Motown singers, and an investigation unveils layers of humanity, making an civilization full of natural resources, palaces of gold, exotic elderly man he once met in a bathroom. Through his stories enlightening trip out of ominous territory. animals, and even a form of electricity. But, could the fabled you will watch Mulaney age from a nervous, dishonest child Atlantis really have existed-and if so, where? According to to a still nervous, dishonest adult. It’s an hour. And John Crime, Documentary, Prison 2011 107min. legend, Atlantis disappeared into the ocean in a cataclysmic MPI 10.04.2012 Mulaney hopes you enjoy it. event of nuclear proportions. For 10,000 years, explorers Comedy, Comedy Central 2011 min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108309 have been trying to find the lost continent, buried beneath the ravages of time, sand, and water. Alluring clues-a sculpted ADA 31.01.2012 head, what appears to be a column, and a road-have been 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108302 Into The Abyss (Blu-ray) discovered over the years, and have provided enough Werner Herzog motivation to keep the interest in Atlantis going. In this fascinating program, follow five different expeditions in five My Perestroika In his fascinating exploration of a triple homicide case in areas of the world, as they hunt for this lost Utopian Conroe, Texas, master filmmaker Werner Herzog (Cave of continent. Deriving clues from Plato’s writings, each group of Documentary 2010 87min. Forgotten Dreams, Grizzly Man) probes the human psyche to explorers believes it has been the one to correctly decipher Docurama 15.05.2012 explore why people kill-and why a state kills. Through them. In the process of their work, a bigger mystery arises- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108600 intimate conversations with those involved, including 28-year- one that suggests the possibility that Atlantis may have left old death row inmate Michael Perry (scheduled to die within behind survivors. Was Atlantis an actual civilization lost to eight days of appearing on-screen), Herzog achieves what he the waves thousands of years ago, or a m Navy SEALs describes as „a gaze into the abyss of the human soul.“ Herzog’s inquiries also extend to the families of the victims Documentary, High Seas, History Channel Inside the Secret World of America’s Elite Warriors. Navy and perpetrators as well as a state executioner and pastor 47min. SEALs. who’ve been with death row prisoners as they’ve taken their A&E 13.03.2012 War, Discovery Channel, Documentary, final breaths. As he’s so often done before, Herzog’s Military, Navy, Special Forces 200min. investigation unveils layers of humanity, making an 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108584 enlightening trip out of ominous territory. Topics Entertainment 06.03.2012 Crime, Documentary, Prison 2011 107min. Megaquake 10.0 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108398 MPI 10.04.2012 Since the continents split more than 250 million years ago, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108329 massive earthquakes have been ravaging the Earth and Nobody’s Perfect wreaking unimaginable devastation on its inhabitants. The In the late 1950s and early 60s, more than 10,000 children largest earthquake ever recorded occurred off the coast of were born with deformities due to the use of Thalidomide, a It’s Good To Be President Chile in 1960 and measured 9.5 on the Richter scale. drug used in sedatives. Filmmaker Niko von Glasow was one They say in America anyone can be President. The President However, new research now reveals how even larger of the victims, and in Nobody’s Perfect he tracks down 11 commands one of the most powerful military forces in the quakes, registering close to 10.0, just might be possible. others who suffered the disastrous side-effects. Niko is world, lives in a mansion, travels in style, and is served and Through interviews with renowned earthquake experts and recruiting them to pose nude for a book of photographs, to protected by a million-dollar entourage...but would you want cutting-edge scientific experiments, this feature-length give the ever- present gawkers a good, long look. He the job? It’s Good To Be President. Mr. President, can you special offers compelling evidence to suggest that billions of especially wants the executives at Grünenthal, the order a pizza? Mr. President, can you drive a car? Mr. people could be in immediate danger from the next „big one“ pharmaceutical company that produced the drug, to see the President, can your children have a sleepover? Find out the and explains how a real 10.0 earthquake might actually result of their crimes. He ends up stalking his way into their surprising answers to these and many other questions in this happen on U.S. soil-in a place you might not expect. Is the offices like a German Michael Moore, confronting them with one-of-a-kind History special. world prepared to handle the threat of an earthquake with images of their misdeeds. The children of Thalidomide are the Americana, Documentary, History Channel, such overwhelming power? Explore the answer to this and heart of the film, though, as they battle their body-image many other crucial questions in Megaquake 10.0. issues with courage and dark humor, while pursuing their Presidents 94min. Disasters, Documentary, History Channel diverse and successful careers. They are painters, champion A&E 13.03.2012 94min. horse-riders, actors, and astrophysicists, an inspiring group 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108580 who overcame incredible odds to become extraordinary A&E 13.03.2012 people. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108585 Dark Comedy, Documentary 2008 83min. Jobsite: Concrete Countdown Kino Video 03.04.2012 Racing against the clock, a crew of 350 construction workers More Extreme Marksmen struggle to put up the 59th floor of a Manhattan skyscraper in 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108499 under 90 minutes. The key to finishing on time lies within the They are the most extreme marksmen in the world. They fire unstable properties of concrete. From the second water is rifles, draw pistols, and shoot arrows. Now, More Extreme North Star: Mark di Suvero added to the concrete mix in the truck, it’s already starting to Marksmen In this high-powered program, History puts the harden. If it doesn’t make it from the concrete plant to the job skills of some of the world’s most renowned professional Directed by Francois de Menil, written by art historian site, reach the 59th floor, get poured and smoothed out in less shooters to the test. Whether it’s getting them up on a horse, Barbara Rose, and with an original musical score by Philip than 90 minutes, it’s useless and a day’s work and $1.2 or giving them shoulder-mounted weapons, or placing them in Class, this newly redigitized film first released in 1977, is an million is lost. Can the crew get the concrete into the city and a complex obstacle course, watch as these sharpshooters are illuminating portrait of Mark Di Suvero. One of the most up 700 feet in the air to get the job done before their 90-minute pushed to the limit of their abilities. As the participants important sculptors of the Twentieth Century, the artist is deadline dries up? In Jobsite: Concrete Countdown, get a prepare for each challenge, explore the history behind the renowned for his formal orchestration of steel and found firsthand look at the grueling and highly complex task of test and then return to the range to find out if they’ve industrial material. The film consists of biographical pouring concrete on a large scale, and learn how money, jobs, succeeded or failed at the task at hand. From an archery interviews and discussion with the artist about his and lives are all on the line if something goes wrong. Traffic expert who can hit a target while holding the bow with his feet relationship to the tumultuous political movements in the jams, broken machinery, simple human error-to most people, to shooters who attempt to hit a fly off a whiskey bottle to United States, interlaced with shots of the instillation and the odds of completing the task would seem impossible. But, some of the most dangerous axe and knife throwing stunts construction of his sculptural work. Drawing from candid for these workers, it’s just another day on the job site. ever seen, this feature-length special is a mesmerizing and footage of di Suvero from the 1970s in New York and France, Documentary, History Channel, On The Job, jaw-dropping exhibition of extreme marksmanship. de Menil pieces together quiet and reflective segments of the Documentary, History Channel 94min. artist at work, climbing, rigging, constructing and drawing, as Reality 47min. A&E 13.03.2012 well as more contemplative and intimate shots of the sculptor A&E 13.03.2012 talking with his family and openly sharing his artistic 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108586 philosophy and political beliefs. In the film, we move from the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108582 artist’s home on a barge in the port city of Chalon-sur-Sane, where he loved for many years in the 1970s in protest Knuckle Motown Mafia: Story Of Eddie Documentary 2011 56min. Twelve Years. Three Clans. One War.. Knuckle. Jackson & Courtney Brown Microcinema DVD 01.02.2012 Biography, Boxing, British, Documentary, From 1969 to 1975, Eddie Jackson and Courtney Brown ran 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108339 one of the largest heroin rings in the United States. Motown Drama, Fighting, Foreign 2011 Ltbx 16x9 Mafia is the story of 2 families and how they rose from 97min. Detroit’s neighborhoods to the top of the city’s narcotics Nuremberg Trials Anderson Merchandisers 07.02.2012 pyramid. Eddie Jackson ruled his empire with strategy more A documentary look at the leaders of the Nazi party who were than violence, despite having to ply his trade in America’ put on trial at Nuremberg for war crimes. Actual footage. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108538 murder capital - Detroit. Motown Mafia is not just the story of the families, but the story of Detroit itself. From the nightlife of War, World War II, Documentary, Lawyers / Loon Show: The Movie Paradise Valley to the intricacies of the heroin trade at its Legal Issues 1947 58min.

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American Pop Classics 07.02.2012 separate volumes that will help you lose weight, increase (Blu-ray) energy and longevity, and firm up your body. Each DVD 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108370 showcases a different, invigorating workout, containing 60 Charlotte Rampling, Lynn Redgrave, minutes of high energy, flowing, standing postures followed by Ludivine Sagnier, Woody Allen, Alan Bates, Pilates / Yoga For Any Body 30 minutes of abdominal training, balance poses and deep cool down stretches. Perform each volume by itself or use the Dirk Bogarde, Anthony Higgins, Paul Auster, Two fitness favorites from the Pilates for AnyBODY line. Lead three exhilarating routines, performed in rotation, to continue Fabrice Luchini, Frederick Seidel by Theresa Borgen, these films aim to improve posture, to challenge your body and mind with a variety of A biographical study of legendary actress Charlotte Rampling strength and flexibility through the movements of Pilates and strengthening and body sculpting positions, ensuring that your (Babylon A.D., Swimming Pool), told through her own Yoga. workout regime results don’t plateau. You will be focusing on conversations with artist friends and collaborators, including Yoga, Fitness, Health, Pilates min. your core muscle groups, like the abdominals, to stabilize and Peter Lindbergh, Paul Auster, and Juergen Teller. Intercut Echo Bridge Home Entertainment balance yourself for the entire session, so your abs will get with footage from some of Rampling’s most famous films, this one of the best workouts ever! Mark urges all fitness levels „self-portrait through others“ is a revealing look at one of our 02.02.2012 to enjoy each DVD, and to make genuine, long-lasting most iconic screen stars. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108463 improvements in re-shaping the body and improving mental Documentary, Film About Film, Foreign, focus at German, Biography 2011 Ltbx 16x9 94min. Yoga, Fitness, Health 135min. Pranamaya Insight Yoga: Earth - Kino Video 10.04.2012 BayView Entertainment 17.04.2012 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108531 Balancing Yin Energy With Sarah 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108590 Powers Insight yoga recognizes that our health and vitality depends Progressive Power Yoga: Vol. 2 Sex In The Ancient World: Egypt on a free flow of energy in both our lower body, the earthly For centuries, the sex lives of the Ancient Egyptians have ‘yin’ region, and our upper body, the heavenly ‘yang’ region. Mark Blanchard been hidden away from history. Even today, some sexual The practices on this DVD cultivate a balance of these two Hollywood’s hottest yoga trainer to the stars, Mark images from Ancient Egypt are still censored by the vital forces by enhancing the Earthly grounding aspects of our Blanchard, leads a dynamic and powerful workout guaranteed authorities and concealed deep in the vaults of museum nature, using a combination of yoga movement, held postures to change your body and your perception of yoga. This collections. In this candid and evocative program, take a and skillfully guided meditations. The emphasis in the Insight upbeat, make-you-sweat DVD series is divided into three fascinating journey back in time to discover the true story Yoga Earth DVD is on enhancing the vitality in the Hara while separate volumes that will help you lose weight, increase behind sex in Ancient Egypt. Join the experts as they reveal encouraging strength and stability in our legs and abdomen- energy and longevity, and firm up your body. Each DVD the meaning of sexually explicit graffiti, thousands of years the ‘earth’ areas of the body. Practice Overview: A short showcases a different, invigorating workout, containing 60 old, found on the walls of an ancient limestone tomb near the presentation on the principles of Insight Yoga with further minutes of high energy, flowing, standing postures followed by Valley of the Kings. Next, witness the dramatic and high-tech details about each practice on this DVD. Practice 1: 30 minutes of abdominal training, balance poses and deep cool computer re-creation of what is possibly the world’s oldest Grounding Down: A series of standing and balancing poses down stretches. Perform each volume by itself or use the form of erotica-the Turin Erotic Papyrus. Long shrouded in that encourage lower-body groundedness, followed by fluid three exhilarating routines, performed in rotation, to continue mystery, explore the many questions surrounding this movements to decongest stagnancy in the back and shoulders to challenge your body and mind with a variety of controversial artifact: Does it portray the sex lives of the to help maintain a healthy spine. Practice 2: Spiraling Chi: strengthening and body sculpting positions, ensuring that your Gods and provide a coded message to the afterlife? Is it part Seated twists and core strengtheners that increase workout regime results don’t plateau. You will be focusing on of an elaborate and mystical ritual of conception? Or is it circulation along the spine and abdomen. Shamata Meditation: your core muscle groups, like the abdominals, to stabilize and simply a relic of sexually explicit material from the ancient A breath-focused meditation to develop a relaxe balance yourself for the entire session, so your abs will get world? Featuring breathtaking imagery and contributions from Yoga, Fitness, Health 135min. one of the best workouts ever! Mark urges all fitness levels leading experts, History presents a thrilling look at wh to enjoy each DVD, and to make genuine, long-lasting Ancient Egypt, Documentary, History BayView Entertainment 27.04.2012 improvements in re-shaping the body and improving mental 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108595 focus at Channel 47min. Yoga, Fitness, Health 135min. A&E 13.03.2012 Pranamaya Insight Yoga: Heaven BayView Entertainment 17.04.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108587 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108591 - Balancing Yang Energy With The Siege Of Masada Sarah Powers Progressive Power Yoga: Vol. 3 A mountain fortress built by King Herod, Masada rises from Insight yoga recognizes that our health and vitality depends the Judean desert of Israel near the Dead Sea. An ancient on a free flow of energy in both our lower body, the earthly Mark Blanchard stronghold located in an incredibly dramatic location, it also ‘yin’ region, and our upper body, the heavenly ‘yang’ region. Hollywood’s hottest yoga trainer to the stars, Mark is the site where an epic tale of defiance and The practices on this DVD cultivate a balance of these two Blanchard, leads a dynamic and powerful workout guaranteed unfolded more than 2,000 years ago. In The Siege Of Masada, vital forces by enhancing the Heavenly energy with our body to change your body and your perception of yoga. This History reveals the remarkable story of a band of Jewish using a combination of yoga movement, held postures and upbeat, make-you-sweat DVD series is divided into three freedom fighters who defied the might of the Roman legions at skillfully guided meditations. The emphasis in the Insight Yoga separate volumes that will help you lose weight, increase Masada for three years. How did they hold out against such Heaven DVD is on enhancing the vibrant Yang energy within energy and longevity, and firm up your body. Each DVD odds, and how did the Romans conduct a siege in such a our body. Sarah Powers interweaves the insights and showcases a different, invigorating workout, containing 60 hostile environment? The Romans eventually beat down the practices of Yoga and Buddhism into an integral practice to minutes of high energy, flowing, standing postures followed by Jews’ fierce resistance and battered their way into the enliven the body, heart and mind. Her yoga style blends both a 30 minutes of abdominal training, balance poses and deep cool fortress. But in a famous act of defiance, all of the Jews chose Yin style of long held poses combined with a flowing Yang down stretches. Perform each volume by itself or use the death over slavery. Overnight, nearly 1,000 men, women, and practice influenced by Viniyoga, Ashtanga, and alignment three exhilarating routines, performed in rotation, to continue children committed suicide rather than submit to their Roman based teachings. Suitable for beginner to intermediate-level to challenge your body and mind with a variety of conquerors...or did they? Could there more to the story of practitioners. The DVD also includes bonus audio MP3s of all strengthening and body sculpting positions, ensuring that your Masada? If so, what really happened, and why have the facts practices. Equipment needed: yoga mat. DVD highlights workout regime results don’t plateau. You will be focusing on lay dormant for so long? Using the latest scientific tools and include: Practice Overview: A short presentation on the your core muscle groups, like the abdominals, to stabilize and re-examining the archaeological evidence, The Siege Of principles of Insight Yoga with further details about each balance yourself for the entire session, so your abs will get Masada follows a group of experts as they piece togeth practice on this DVD. Practice 1: Strengthening the one of the best workouts ever! Mark urges all fitness levels Ancient Greece / Rome, Documentary, Yoga, Fitness, Health 136min. to enjoy each DVD, and to make genuine, long-lasting improvements in re-shaping the body and improving mental History Channel 47min. BayView Entertainment 24.04.2012 focus at A&E 13.03.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108596 Yoga, Fitness, Health 135min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108592 BayView Entertainment 17.04.2012 Primitive London / London In The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108593 Stalingrad Raw (Double Feature) On August 23, 1942, 330,000 men from the German 6th Army Primitive London. Primitive London. London In The Raw. Charlotte Rampling: The Look smashed through Soviet defenses outside Stalingrad. It Director Arnold L. Miller sensibly honed in on sleazy bars, seemed nothing could stop the city from falling in just a few strip clubs, beatniks and cocktail lounges and stayed there, Charlotte Rampling, Lynn Redgrave, days. But two months later, the two sides were still locked in rarely venturing outside of the London’s SOHO mean side- Ludivine Sagnier, Woody Allen, Alan Bates, a deadly battle of attrition in a wasteland of pulverized rubble. streets. He nevertheless manages to capture a side of London Dirk Bogarde, Anthony Higgins, Paul Auster, While the Russians should have been no match for the life rarely seen and now lost. From strippers to gamblers, to disciplined, well-armed Germans, they eventually came out bizarre women in tights working out in an even weirder gym, Fabrice Luchini, Frederick Seidel the victors. Now, using cutting-edge computer technology, London In The Raw has it all and is an often startling glimpse A biographical study of legendary actress Charlotte Rampling unearthed archival film, and eyewitness testimony, The Lost into life and attitudes of ‘swinging London’ of the 1960s. (Babylon A.D., Swimming Pool), told through her own Evidence® offers a comprehensive analysis of the incredible conversations with artist friends and collaborators, including face-off that stunned the world. In this remarkable British, Documentary, Double Features, Peter Lindbergh, Paul Auster, and Juergen Teller. Intercut presentation, experience the massive devastation of the Battle Erotica, Exploitation, Foreign 1965 162min. with footage from some of Rampling’s most famous films, this of Stalingrad from thousands of feet in the air and from down Kino Video 24.04.2012 „self-portrait through others“ is a revealing look at one of our in the gutters of the city-turned-battleground. Gain an 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108556 most iconic screen stars. omniscient view of the unfolding events through Biography, Documentary, Film About Film, groundbreaking computer reconstructions, and feel the terror Foreign, German 2011 Ltbx 16x9 94min. and drama through detailed reenactments. History proudly Progressive Power Yoga: Vol. 1 presents this unique and revealing portrait of an epic battle Kino Video 10.04.2012 that turned the tide of WWII. Mark Blanchard 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108520 War, World War II, Documentary, History Hollywood’s hottest yoga trainer to the stars, Mark Blanchard, leads a dynamic and powerful workout guaranteed Channel 47min. to change your body and your perception of yoga. This Charlotte Rampling: The Look A&E 13.03.2012 upbeat, make-you-sweat DVD series is divided into three

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 51 Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Februar 2012 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108588 The Woman With The Five Elephants Virginia’s Elegant Bellydance Winner of multiple festival awards, The Woman With The Choreography Five Elephants unravels the mystery behind the life and work of the world’s greatest translator of Russian literature. A Telefonische In Elegant Bellydance Choreography, Virginia teaches you a poetic, precise and revelatory investigation into language, classical Egyptian choreography to „Saher Al Sharq Etneen“ meaning and the tides of history. Svetlana Geier is one of Bestellannahme: by the famed Al-Ahram Orchestra. Virginia starts with a literature’s foremost translators, known primarily for her Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr stretch and warm-up, followed by technique and combinations German translations of Dostoevsky’s five great novels - Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr with follow-along for each section so you can use them referred to as the five elephants. But her great success has independently, or put them together for a full choreography. As come with its share of pain. Born in Ukraine in 1923, she Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr a bonus, Virginia performs the choreography in costume so witnessed first-hand the impact of Stalin’s purges. As a young Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr you can see what it will look like onstage. Renowned for her girl, she watched Nazi forces occupy her country - and dynamic and soulful presentations, Virginia has enchanted execute 30,000 Jews. By the end of the War, she and her audiences and students around the globe as a premier mother were in a German labor camp for Eastern European Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- performer and master instructor in the most prominent prisoners. It was her unique gift for languages that ultimately und Feiertags (Baden- theatres, festivals, films, events, and a multitude of television saved her. But it forced her to make a choice that altered the Württemberg) bleibt unser shows in over 30 countries on six continents! course of her life. Interweaving the story of Geier’s life with Bellydance, Dancing, Instructional, her literary work, the film traces the secret of this Verkauf geschlossen. Instructional Dance FF S 60min. inexhaustibly hard-working woman and her craft. Allegro Entertainment 14.02.2012 War, World War II, Documentary, German, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108264 Holocaust 2009 Ltbx S 94min. Cinema Guild 21.02.2012 John Wayne: An American Icon 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108120 John Wayne An American Icon. His Westerns were some of the most Zen Sun Yoga defining stories of the American film, presenting a nostalgic Namaste! Welcome to Zen Sun Yoga, a Sun Salutations yoga tribute to the early years of the enormous, untamed American practice in the Zen Hatha style. includes frontier, with barely a recognizable borderline between modification for those with weak lower backs or general back civilization and the wilderness. His stories were fictional, but issues, and of course that makes it perfect for beginners. This they reflect the world as it was. John Wayne - tough, fair, energizing and relaxing yoga practice will wake up your inspiring and larger-than-life. An American Icon is an spine and revitalize your back! Susan Ni Rahilly is a unforgettable journey of a true legendary icon. Includes: published author and Hatha Yoga teacher. Now 22 years into Silent Movie: The Drop Kick Comedy: His Private Secretary her own practice, Susan’s teaching is inspired by Zen and Classic Western: Three Musketeers her ongoing research into our innate abilities for deep Western, Biography, Documentary 434min. listening and intuitive practice. As an author writing on women’s self-help issues, Susan’s first published book, Don’t Gaiam Americas 03.04.2012 Howl for the Moon, made the national 6:00 news in Ireland. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40107810 Her second book, Daddy’s Girl’s Guilty As Hell, was a BBC Newsletter 03/12 (Nr. 307) Breakfast TV Book of the Week. ISSN 1610-2606 Yoga, Fitness, Health Ltbx 16x9 S 114min. Credits Allegro Entertainment 14.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40108261 Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assistenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Anna Rudschies © (2012) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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