Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1949-1950
Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1949-1950 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1950 Eastern Progress - 10 Mar 1950 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1949-50/9 EASTERN PROGRESS Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State College Volume 28 Richmond, Kentucky, Friday, March 10, 1950 ' - Numbers' Students Select "Big Three^For 1949-50 Name Choices 125 Earn 40 Points Results of the election held on For First Semester the campus Tuesday, Februapy 21, show that Eastern's favorites One hundred twenty-five stu- arc Jenny Lou Eaves, Doris Cro- dents earned forty or more qual- ley, and Paul Hicks. " ity grade points for the first se- Jenny Lou Eaves, voted Miss mester, 1949-60. They are: Eastern, is an Ashland junior, Donald Meredith Akin, Danville; A Anita Claire Allen, Bardstown; majoring in English and history. Corazon S. Baldos, Manila, Philip- She is a member of the Canter- pines; Nancy Carroll Baldwin, Hop- cury Club, secretary of the House kinsville; William Samuel Bald- Council of Burnam Hall, and was win. Hopkinsville; Dana Lee Ball, k Harlan; John William Ballard, elected this year's ROTC battal- Richmond; Luther Willis Baxter, J ion sponsor. In 1948 Jenny Jr, Lawrenceburg; James Curtis reigned as Snow Queen of the Bevins, Pikevllle; Jack Daris Bil- Christmas formal. As Miss East- lingsley, Middlesboro; Eula Lee Bingham, Burlington; Jack Ken- i ern she will represent the college neth Bradley, McRoberts; Ray at the Mountain Laurel Festival Thomas Brown, Cynthiana; Grigs- to be held at Pineville in May. by Gordon Browning. Dry Ridge, Doris Croley, a senior from In- Richard Lee Browning Cawood; sull, was elected Miss Popularity.
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