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& Workers’ Liberty SolidarityFor social ownership of the banks and industry 50p/£1 • No 536 • 26 Feb 2020 • Climate and class struggle Day school, Saturday 14 March, 10:30 to 5:30, DEFEND AND Park View School, West Green Road, London N15 3QR Page 3 EXTEND FREE The future of the BBC John Cunningham argues that the left should not indifferent on whether public- MOVEMENT! service broadcasting is extinguished by the Tories Pages 8-9 The last Trotskyist? Michel Lequenne, who called himself “the last Trotskyist”, died on 13 February at the age of 98 Page 11 Butterfly silhouettes adapted from freepik Inside Labour Local and migrant, workers unite! Yes, vote RLB. But keep ≫ pressing for Labour democracy and to get ≫Join free movement bloc 21/3 Labour on the streets. ≫Get Labour on the streets See page 5 Page 6 2 Upcoming events at Agenda ctivity with and to support the UCU strikers will remain Athe top task for Workers’ Liberty How Sanders wins activists over the coming week. A new strike bulletin, writing wing, well, right-wingers. ican electorate. He is enormously communities and trade unions, by Workers’ Liberty people in Sanders But five minutes into Bloomb- popular among young voters, which at the time were still a force UCU, is being put together, and erg’s first appearance on the de- especially those under the age of to be reckoned with in American will be out soon: campaign bate stage, his candidacy began to 30. Unsurprisingly, he does well politics. We’re also continuing distribu- tank. Arrogant, ill-informed and among independents and others And he won by a landslide. His tion of the Workers’ Liberty Post- By Eric Lee totally unprepared for challenges who do not consider themselves administration not only enacted alworker bulletin (, from candidates who’ve been to be loyal members of the Demo- voting rights laws and other civil in the run-up to the new CWU or some time now I’ve been campaigning for many months, he cratic party. rights measures, but initiated both union ballot in Royal Mail, start- Farguing that Vermont Senator completely flopped. From the point The only demographic where a “war on poverty” and Medicare, ing 3 March. Bernie Sanders is the front-runner of view of the Sanders campaign, Biden and others still lead Sanders the first serious attempt by the fed- Only about two weeks now to in the race to be the Democratic that’s a pity. A contest between is the over 65s. eral government to make health our Workers’ Liberty day school candidate to face off against Don- Sanders and Bloomberg, a demo- If Sanders can pull together the care a human right, at least for on “class struggle environmental- ald Trump in November. cratic socialist versus a billionaire, same coalition of forces across the some. ism” on 14 March: A few months ago, and even a would have been almost ideal. country in November as he just did The “moderates” may be right, We have organised it to edu- few weeks ago, that was a debata- If Sanders does well in the up- in Nevada, he will win the election. and maybe Sanders is too left- cate ourselves and others and de- ble proposition. Today, it is a view coming South Carolina and Super In fact, he will do more than that. wing to win. Maybe he is a 21st bate precise demands: just calling shared by nearly everyone paying Tuesday primaries, he has a clear Some “moderate” Democrats century version of McGovern, and on governments to “take action” careful attention to the Democratic path to winning the Democratic have warned that Sanders is repris- by choosing him the Democrats is not enough. primary. nomination. But can he beat ing the role of South Dakota Sen- are setting up the country for the The Free Our Unions campaign The main competitors to Sanders Trump? ator George McGovern, who also nightmare of four more years of plans activity in London include are falling away one by one, their Trump has raised more money pulled the party to the left, back in Donald Trump. rallies in north and south London weaknesses on clear display to all. than any of the Democratic can- 1972. McGovern went down to a Or maybe Bernie Sanders, with organised by Islington and Lam- Biden, once seen as the front-run- didates. His rallies are larger than historic defeat at the hands of Rich- the coalition we just saw in Ne- beth TCs, and a possible demon- ner, has no base of enthusiastic that of most Democrats. Polls con- ard Nixon. He won only one state vada, will be more like Lyndon stration at BEIS. The campaign supporters and very little money tinue to show that he commands to Nixon’s 49. It was a catastrophe Johnson, and will defeat not only is also producing a candidates’ left in his coffers. Warren, another the support of at least 40% of for the Democrats. Trump, but the Republican party in pledge for GLA candidates. early leader in the race, seems a voters, sometimes more. He can But there’s another compari- Congress. Watch this space. spent force despite her very effec- also count on the fact that incum- son to be made to an earlier elec- With majorities in the Senate Between 11 and 21 February we tive recent debate performance in bent presidents running when the tion and it took place a mere eight and House of Representatives, and ran a tour of public meetings to Las Vegas. country is not in the throes of an years before McGovern’s defeat. with many Democrats supporting discuss our new book Solidarnosc: Buttigieg, who polls showed has economic crisis are rarely defeated. In the 1964 elections, the Repub- Sanders’ progressive agenda, this the workers’ movement and the re- near-zero support among Black In other words, it will be a mas- licans ran the most extreme right- could be the beginning of a new, □ birth of Poland in 1980-1. The book and Latino voters, proved in Ne- sive challenge to whoever wins the wing candidate they could find, radical era in American politics. cover price is £5: buy online for vada that once he leaves behind Democratic nomination to defeat Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater. £6.50 at the largely white, rural states, his Trump. But Bernie Sanders can The Democrats had Lyndon John- • Eric Lee is the convenor of “Lon- Dates for your diary (details of run for the presidency has slowed do it for the same reason why he son, the former Texas Senator who don for Bernie”, writing here in a all these at to a crawl. won Iowa, New Hampshire and had been John F. Kennedy’s Vice personal capacity. For all Eric’s events): Former New York City mayor Nevada. President until Kennedy was as- columns on Sanders, and other 27 February: Protest at Israeli Michael Bloomberg was the great His victory in Nevada shows sassinated. Sanders coverage, see embassy hope for the Democratic party’s what he needs to do to defeat Johnson was not a particularly Bernie Sanders’ speech after his 28 February: Workers’ Liberty “moderates” – a term the media Trump. He did exceptionally well appealing candidate, and was very victory in Nevada: page 13. London Forum on Solidarnosc. uses because no one wants to call among Latino voters, who com- much a Washington insider. But 3 March: Fighting Tories book those who oppose the party’s left prise a very large part of the Amer- he had the strong support of Black launch and fundraiser for FOU 3 March: Protest against visit by Italy’s far-right leader Matteo Salvini 5 March: Uyghur solidarity Huge votes in Tower Hamlets protest at the Chinese Embassy UVW challenges 8 March: International Wom- en’s Day. We’ll be producing an By Katy Dollar bour. On the day of the court case, issue of Women’s Fightback in outsourcing in court Tower Hamlets Council withdrew, time for IWD: see workersliberty. mongst core council employ- presumably under political pres- org/wfb23. By Ollie Moore workers. ees in Tower Hamlets, the sure both locally and nationally. 14 March: dayschool on class UVW organiser Petros Elia said: Apublic services union Unison has It is unclear why the Labour au- struggle environmentalism utsourced security work- “An internal report from the uni- won a yes vote of 89.6% for indus- thority has decided to pick such a 21 March: UN anti-racism day ers in the United Voices of versity found that in-housing them trial action, on a turnout of 52.5%. high profile fight with the unions. march, and free movement bloc Othe World union (UVW) at St. would not only provide a better Amongst UNISON community Central government’s extension of on the march George’s University in Tooting, service but would also lead to cost school staff, there was a yes vote of last year’s local government settle- 18-21 June: Workers’ Liberty south London, are continuing savings. The decision of public 98% on a turnout of 51.6%. These ments means that there are no im- summer school, Ideas for Free- their campaign for equality. institutions such as St George’s are overwhelming votes which mediate budget pressures. None of dom UVW members and supporters to outsource workers who are mi- beat not only the 50% threshold the unions predicted such a serious 22-26 July: Workers’ Liberty recently occupied the lobby of the grant and BAME is done for the imposed by the most recent Tory attack.