December 1979 CAA Newsletter

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December 1979 CAA Newsletter newsletter Volume 4, Number 4 December 1'979 announcements how we feel Resident Scholarships at CASVA As members (should) know, the CAA Board of Directors has resolved 1980-81 is the inaugural year for the Resident that we will refrain from holding future conventions in states that have Scholarship Program at the new Center for not ratified the Equal Rights Amendment until such time as the ERA is Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the Na­ finally adopted or rejected. Because of prior contractual commitments, tional Gallery of Art. Recent recipients of the it is necessary for us to hold our 1980 Annual Meeting in Louisiana, a doctoral degree (or its equivalent) as well as state that has not ratified the ERA. more experienced scholars are eligible. It is To make our feelings known, the button at right will be available expected that three to six Resident Scholars without charge at the Annual Meeting and, it is hoped, will be prom­ will he named. Applications may be made for inently worn by all who share the sentiments of the Board. The button has been paid for by the history, theory, and criticism of voluntary contributions from members of the CAA Board of Directors. any fonn of visual art of any geographical There will be a table adjacent to the Registration Desk at which contributions for the Na­ area and for any period. Resident scholar­ tional Organization of Women's ERA campaign will be collected. Volunteers are sought to ships will normally be awarded for an man (or woman!) that table. Please check the preliminary program for Registration Desk academic year, but a number of shorter-term schedule and, if you are able to work for a minimum of two hours, please contact CAA office scholarships are also available. In exceptional stating time you would be available. II cases, renewal is possible. Privileges of schol­ ars include a study, secretarial assistance, a monthly stipend, and additional allowances for research materials, travel, and housing. For applications: Executive Assistant, TIAA·CREF: score one for equality CASVA, NGA, Washington, D.C. 20565. "BE IT RESOLVED THAT the College Art Association record its disapproval of any CAA Monograph Series discriminatory policy in pensions plans; that the CAA express its disapproval to the appropriate Manuscripts for the CAA Series of Mono­ governmental agencies, the private insurance companies, .and its own member institutions; graphs in the Fine Arts and Archaeology may and that the CAA endorse actions ofthe Committee on the Status of Women and the Women's be submitted for consideration to the Editor. Caucusfor Art designed to study thts serious problem and work towards a more equitable plan Text and notes should not exceed 300 typed for the large number of our members adversely affected by the present policy. " pages, double-spaced, or be less than 150 pages. For submissions: Isabelle Hyman, 303 Unanimously adopted by CAA Board of Directors October 16, 1976 Main Bldg., New York University, Washing­ ton Square, New York, N.Y. 10003. It is with very great pleasure that we report expectancies for determining retirement that TIAA-CREF has announced that it will benefits." NEH Summer Seminars for 000 seek New York State Insurance Department The resolution quoted above was followed College Teachers approval of a merged gender, or "unisex," by a meeting with TIAA-CREF represen­ The purpose of this program is to provide op­ mortality table for use in TIAA and CREF an­ tatives attended, on behalf of the CAA, by portunities for faculty at undergraduate and nuities. The new table will take age but not then-president George Sadek, Eleanor two-year colleges to work with distinguished sex into account in determining the monthly scholars in their fields at institutions with Dodge Barton, Marilyn Stokstad, and Rose annuity benefits to be purchased by future library collections suitable for advanced WeiI. We don't for a moment believe that our premiums for existing and all newly issued an­ research. Seminars last eight weeks; each has efforts were decisive; we do, however, believe nuity contracts. This will mean that men and twelve participants; participaIltt; receive a sti­ that our efforts - along with those of col­ women of the same age wt'll receive equal pend of $2,500. For detailed information and leagues at universities, learned societies, and monthly benefitsfor equal premiums paid on application forms, write to the director of the other educational institutions across the the new basis. seminar at the address given below (same as country - helped. Remembering the less seminar location). Application deadline for The change, regrettably, will not affect than encouraging tenor of that meeting, the all seminars; April 1. payments to persons now receiving annuity prevailing feeling at present is one of not en­ Dionysos and His Followers: Changz'ng income, nor will it affect any future benefits tirely unmalicious glee! Modes of Consciousness in Western Art. June resulting from premiums paid before the And since glee is so appropriate for this adoption of the new table. 16-August 8. Sheila J. McNally, Dept. Art holiday season; we are also happy to report History, 108 Jones Hall, Univ. Minnesota, "This decision results from the weight of that we have been unofficially informed by Minneapolis, Minn. 55455 opinion from recent judicial, legislative and Albert H. Wohler's, the company that regulatory developments, and from concerns Stained Glass in the Medieval Abbey and handles the CAA Group Disability Insurance, Cathedral. June 16-August 8. Meredith Par­ of our own participating institutions," stated that our policy is being revised to include TIAA-CREF chairman Tom Edwards. sons, Dept. Fine Arts, 441 Hall of Languages, benefits for pregnancy. CAA heroine of this Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, N.Y. 13210. "What's happening is that today's social particular battle has been Ann Sutherland pressures are taking precedence over using Harris, whose unremitting effOlts have at last Continued on p. 2, col. 1 the known differences in male and female life been rewarded. II lannouncements annual business meeting agenda Art Literature and Perception: Michel­ Studies Center in France Attention: Michigan Artists CAA members will have the opportunity to Wanda Corn, Mills College; David Driskell, And now for the good news: it is proposed angelo and Picasso. June g .. August 1. Leo The Camargo Foundation offers, at no cost, a The Detroit Institute of the Arts has issued vote for Officers, for six new Directors, and University of Maryland; Ilene H. Forsyth, that institutional dues be increased from Steinberg, c/o Summer Session Office, 102 dozen furnished apartments and a small another appeal for all artists in the state to call for the 1980 Nominating Committee and to University of Michigan; Lee Anne Miller, $50.00 to $60.00, nowhere near 12% com­ Low Memorial Library, Columbia Univ., reference library for artists and scholars who or write the museum in order to be listed in consider proposed changes in the by-laws at Wayne State University; and Gabriel P. pounded annually for six years. For in­ New York, N.Y. 10027. wish to pursue projects in French culture for the forthcoming computerized Michigan Ar­ the annual members business meeting, which Weisberg, Cleveland Museum of Art. dividuals, particularly poorer individuals, the Art since Mid-Century. June 16· August 8. one or two semesters in the city of Cassis, a tists' Registry. To date, only 5,000 of the will be held on Thursday, January 31, at Those nominated to serve on the 1980 news is even better. It is proposed that student Sam Hunter, Dept. Art and Archaeology, half-hour away by car from Marseilles or from estimated 20,000 to 30,000 artists in the state 12:15 P.M. at the Hyatt Regency New Nominating Committee (which selects those and low-income dues remain unchanged, but McCormick Hall, Princeton Univ., Prince­ Aix-en-Provence. Advanced graduate stU­ have responded. Those listed will receive Orleans. directors who will be elected in 1981) are: that two new categories be introduced above ton, N.]. 08540. dents are also eligible. A few modest stipends notification of programs, competitions, and George Sadek, Cooper Union, Chair; Benny the current "top" of $40.00 for members with Music and Ceremony at Notre Dame of are available. Selection of fellows is based other activities in their field. As the punch Elections Andrews, New York City; Martha Leeb annual income above $16,000: members with Paris, 1150-1550. June 16-August 8. Craig solely on an evaluation of the project pro­ line of an old joke has it: can it hurt? Call, or Hadzi, Mt. Holyoke College; Irving Lavin, annual income of $20,001 to $25,000 would Wright, Dept. Music, c/o NEH Summer posed and on the applicant's professional send briefbio, to DIA, 5200 Woodward Ave., The Board of Directors proposes the follow­ Institute for Advanced Study; Virginia pay $45.00 and members with annual income Seminars, Box 2145, Yale Station, New qualifications. For application fonn: Mrs. Detroit, Mich. 48202. ing for election as Officers for 1980: Presi­ Rembert, University of Arkansas at Little above $25,000 would pay $50.00 Haven, Conn. 06520. Jane M. Viggiani, Main Street, East Had­ dent: Joshua C. Taylor, National Collection Rock; and Gabriel P. Weisberg, Cleveland It is also proposed that the Board of Direc­ English Literature and Art, 1660-1760. dam, Conn. 06423. of Fine Arts; Vice- President: Lucy Freeman Museum of Art. tors be given power to increase dues within the June 16-August 8. Robert E. Moore, Dept. New Art Reference Book Series Sandler, New York University; Secretary: Procedures for placing additional candi­ limits oj'the increase in the cost-of-living.
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