Annual Report
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection 2018–2019 Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection Annual Report 2018–2019 © 2019 Dumbarton Oaks Trustees for Harvard University, Washington, DC ISSN 0197-9159 Cover: Stained glass window created for the exhibit Juggling the Middle Ages by Jeffrey Miller, Sarah Navasse, and Jérémy Bourdois for Atelier Miller, Chartrettes, France, 2018. Photograph by Jérémy Bourdois, 2018. Frontispiece: A quiet afternoon in the Orangery Contents From the Director 7 Director’s Office 11 Academic Programs 19 Plant Humanities Initiative 37 Fellowship Reports 43 Byzantine Studies 67 Garden and Landscape Studies 79 Pre-Columbian Studies 91 Library 99 Publications and Digital Humanities 105 Museum 115 Garden 121 Music at Dumbarton Oaks 125 Facilities, Finance, Human Resources, and Information Technology 129 Administration and Staff 137 From the Director Over the next three years, two paramount goals will inform Dumbar ton Oaks and provide rallying points. First, access. Never has it mat tered as much as presently. We have been entrusted resources to maintain, develop, and study, and we carry an obligation to make them approachable. Researchers flock from near and far, often funded by fellowships. Other audiences include visitors and school groups drawn to our garden and museum. Second, teamwork. Through intelligent and intensified collaboration, our upward trajectory will continue. To assist more individuals demands heightened efficiency. We can accomplish more by taking combined action, both within individual departments and across them. Dumbarton Oaks boasts many specializations, with historic garden, art museum, special collections, research library, and photographic and documentary archives, and with Byzantine, PreColumbian, and Garden and Land scape Studies.
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