204.02 260 261 262 1990 County Block
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39.236958N 1990 COUNTY BLOCK MAP (RECREATED): HAMILTON County 39.236958N 84.780737W 84.720108W 602* Simonso n Rd D ry F ork rC a r r i s LEGEND o n Cavalcade Dr v a l c a d e D r A v 605A* e SYMBOL NAME STYLE 604A* 605B* INTERNATIONAL Gallant Fox Dr AIR 604B Trust Land C naa nero Dr TJSA / TDSA / ANVSA n L e e L y m o T t C n e e r G r e t n i W n L r e d n a m m o C t s o P B ckla Gold Dr STATE (or statistically equivalent entity) Ct green Winter COUNTY (or statistically equivalent entity) D u s t C o m m a n d e r D r 1 t C r e d n o P MINOR CIVIL DIV. / CCD Northern Dancer Dr Place within Subject Entity 1 W e s t R d 220B* Incorporated Place / CDP d v l B Citation Cir 221C* y s b r Blvd Derby t Place outside of Subject Entity Rd ple rim St t C ion lar d C ou Pr r R Citation Cir D 1 d W h i r l a w a y D r 611 e Incorporated Place / CDP l a 222 g l l 613 Corporate Offset Boundary r D e l a g l l i 612 H 614* Carry Back Ct 2 Hill Gale Trl Census Tract / BNA n L t e e l F t n u o C Tim Tam Ct 3 BLOCK ABBREVIATION REFERENCE: AIR = American Indian Reservation; Trust Land = Off−Reservation Trust Land; TJSA = Tribal Jurisdiction 240* Statistical Area; TDSA = Tribal Designated Statistical Area; ANVSA = Alaska Native Village Statistical Area; ANRC = Alaska Native Regional Corporation; CCD = Census Civil Division; CDP = Census Designated Place; BNA = Block Numbering Area k r F FEATURES 609B HARRISON TWP 33852 y FEATURES FEATURES Pipe/Power Line k r F y r D 610A* Ridge/Physical Feature 609A Jeep Trail/Walkway/Ferry Property/Fence Line River / Lake Railroad Nonvisible Boundary Harrison Ave Glacier L theu Lnr Military Inset Out Area Where international, state, and/or county boundaries coincide, the map shows d R k r o F y r D the boundary symbol for only the highest−ranking of these boundaries. 1 A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that the place is also a false MCD; the false MCD name is not shown. 2 In 1990, the crews−of−vessels population of ships at sea was allocated to census tracts with a '.99' suffix. An anchor symbol appeared on the 1990 260 maps locating a crews−of−vessel tract. These maps show a very small area symbolized as a census tract with the census tract number shown near the area. 3 A ' * ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated elsewhere in the block. 606A 601* 607 I − 7 4 d R n a g r o M 75 2 I− 261 WHITEWATER TWP 84938 606B Brookridge D r o o k r i d g e D r r D l l i H Baldy Cypress Ct w 102* o b n i Mou n iat C n er ts rD r l D il H w o inb a R K o n ga Ln Butternut Ct B cgi no e tC n f L r we r te S Bo lex ed C r t 103 Island Dr 104 105 Plane ert e Ct 610B* Bigtree Ct r y D lle Va dow ea M Acacia Ct Resin C t H no ey D we Ct S in g letre e D r 609C SR 2 1 8 262 D r y F r k 101* 202 201* E M mai i R vi re R d M i a m i 708C* R i v n L e s i r n u O ec an L n S e r R Grandview 31268 d S h o r e L n O c e a n L n 204.02 104* 105 C o n r a i l R R e v A h c n e r MIAMI TWP 49364 F e v A g n i W e v A l l e w s o C e v A r e h s i w S ve A r e m ll o V e v A l l a h s r a M e v A r e g n i r ie G ve A n lle u M e crest Av i m a Mi K i l b y R d e v A n o s t a M 709D* B u ff a lo R id g e R d 109* 106* N ro ht oC mm on rD Key to Adjacent Sheets k Fr y r D Sheet Location within Entity C il el y R d 11 12 13 Great C en t re oC mm no Miami River rD 21 22 23 m o n m 204* 203* D r B ffu ola R di g e dR o f f a C l o 31 32 33 R h i d t 108* g u e R d r D on m om C h t ou S 107* 204* R SHEET 22 OF 57 PARENT SHEETS 1 otD Ry d y 2 e l 8 l O dl C eill y dR TOTAL SHEETS: 64 (Index 1; Parent 57; Inset 6) d d R y le il C 608* R 39.190163N 39.190163N 84.780737W N 84.720108W ENTITY TYPE: County W E .3 .2 .1 0 .3 mi NAME: Hamilton County (061) S ST: Ohio (39) .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 .6 km All legal boundaries and names are as of January 1, 1990 as tabulated for the Public Law 94−171 and Summary Tape File products. The boundaries also reflect the feature network and coordinates as of the Census 2000 geographic base. Since The plotted map scale is 1:7000 1990 the Census Bureau updated the base from the North American Datum of 1927 (NAD27) to the datum as of 1983 (NAD83) and made numerous updates to the base features from those depicted in 1990. The boundaries shown on this map are for the Census Bureau's statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for 1990 COUNTY BLOCK MAP (RECREATED) statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights or ownership or entitlement. Source: U.S. Census Bureau's TIGER database (Census 2000) Projection: State−based Alber's Equal Area (90RBLK) 19339061022000000000 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. Census Bureau.