Xerox University Microfilms, Annarbor. Michigan4sio6
76-24,574 CADY, Priscilla Scott, 1925- HORATIO WALPOLE AND THE MAKING OF THE TREATY OF SEVILLE, 1728-1730. The^Ohio State Univeristy, Ph.D. History, modern Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor. Michigan 4sio6 Copyri^t by Priscilla Scott Cady 1976 HORATIO WALPOLE AND THE MAKING OF THE TREATY OF SEVILLE, 1728-1730 DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Priscilla Scott Cady, B.S., M.A. The Ohio State University 1976 Reading Committee; Approved By John C, Rule R. Clayton Roberts Phillip P. Poirier Adviser Department of History ACKNOIŒDŒ'IENTS This study would not have been completed had it not been for the assistance and encouragement of many people. It was John C, Rule who suggested this investigation of Horatio Walpole's embassy in Prance and provided guidance during the writing of the dissertation. Eagnhild Hatton was supportive in regard to focusing attention on a significant period of Walpole's embassy. Graham Gibbs' suggestion regarding the Norwich Public Record Office was fruitful in bringing to li^t a collec tion of Townshend-Walpole correspondence for 1728. Clayton Roberts was generous in helping a neophyte at the British iîuseum and the London Public Record Office. Last, and far from least, my husband, Henry, and our children have always been ready with a word of encouragement whenever energy flagged. To each I extend sincere appreciation and gratitude. June 24 1 1923 •••••••••• B o m — Malden f Massachusetts 1967* •••••••••••••• B«S.I Sununa Cum Laude, The Ohio State University I Columhus, Ohio 1967-I9Ô8 •••••••••••• English TeacherI Grade 12, Worthington High School, Worthington, Ohio 1968-1970 •••••••••••• M.A,, The Ohio State University, Columhus, Ohio 1968-1973 ••••• ..........
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