Toidati;:G0' BR :! 2.7.1M65--- POE:; DATE "I,11:6*
DOCUUENT-REttifiE- BD, 110 U.5 95. PS 007 939 - At IOdR Xoung, .V-iIlia0.-1. , i4sicand tae- Ditadvad:_i.Teaching-Lear,ping Project iith_ Headstart Teachers and)thildren. Final . ,,.t . _ . /NSTITUTION StephenF. /1-,Iptih State Univ., Racogdochel--,,-7Tez. SPONS A:G2NcY pffice_qfganEation (D10.44 Washt.ngtOn b.t. BurPaii -i:,7-- -ofAi'ted-edh.i_ - = toidAti;:g0' BR :! 2.7.1M65--- POE:; DATE "I,11:6*.. 73 .. _ _ ____,,.. _ CONTRACT W74;"4 -, ERRS PRICE, */ 41E3=1 14.59 .P1.IIS V4SITX0-t. DESCRIPTORS *Diad,Van'#9.94 Louth; *Il*rid4cd Tea. .C11: ItiruPA'tiou; Instrnctional Uaterials; rearf.'imf4- ,ICUIT4:tiOs; Manuals; ilusical Instruments; *I1047.%g Educp -4.on-t. *PresChpol Edacation;Preschool,tirogt;ams: xrTIM, EyaluAtion; 'Vocal 8usic;:Wirksbop:5 -.. -,_ IbBicak*B17.5_ Projct Read Start . This -Addy -invest lgatedthe_ effectiveness -of a music 7-or rai,desi nedlespeciallyfor disadvantaged Children: ,and bi_pertonnel already involved in the operation of tbadSt4t,-prograis. A,total-of 12 Ueadttart ceiliers in-Texas_and 746iiitiana_ were included-, 2 of which constituted the control grogp., EaCkteather participated in a 3-day vork1op and was supplied- With simple iniria,uthents, several recordings, and-.a lesson' manual fcontaining 90 lessons)! Subjective and objective evaluations of the teachers were made during the workshops. kteaSures of final_ability And atOunt and percentage of improvement yere used to determine the -progress of the 76 experimental and 33 control children IRdiVidually, the experimental children Showed comparatively fewer regressions and far more individual imprOvement than did the control grOup.- It was found that Headstart teachers, given minimal training and d4 ection, _produced subqtantial iMprOvement in tha music ability Of their-Children.
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