Vaccaria pyramidata (L.) Medik. anthocyanine enriched extracts of the fruit, in symptomatic treatment Synonym  Saponaria vaccaria L. of problems related to varicose Family  Caryophyllaceae. veins, such as heavy legs. (ESCOP.) ( sp.) is used Habitat  Throughout India, as a weed. in urinary incontinence and for UTI prevention. (Sharon M. Herr.) English  Soapwort, Cow Herb. Folk  Musna, Saabuni. The main constituents of the Bil-  fruit are anthocyanosides .%. Action —used for cough, Other constituents include , hy- asthma and other respiratory droxycinnamic and hydroxybenzoic disorders; for jaundice, liver and acids, flavonol glycosides, flavan--ols, spleen diseases (increases bile flow). iridoids, terpenes, pectins and organic Mucilaginous —used in scabies. acids. (ESCOP.) Saponins of the showed haemo- In India, V. symplocifolium Alston, lytic activity. Lanostenol, stigmas- syn. V. leschenaultii Wight, known as terol, beta-sitosterol and diosgenin Kilapalam in , is abundant- have been isolated from the plant. ly found in the mountains of South In- Xanthones, vaccaxanthone and sapx- dia up to an altitude of , m V. neil- anthone, and a oligosaccharide, vac- gherrense Wight, known as Kalavu in carose, have also been isolated. Tamil Nadu and Olenangu in Karnata- ka, is commonly found in the hills of , and Tamil Nadu at Linn. altitudes of –, m. Family  Vacciniaceae.  Habitat UK, Europe and North Valeriana dubia Bunge. America. (About  species of Vaccinium are found in India.) Synonym  V. officinalis auct. non English  Bilberry, . Linn. Action  Astringent, diuretic, Family  Valerianacea. refrigerant. Habitat  Western Himalayas, Key application  Fruit—in non- Kashmir at Sonamarg at ,– specific,acute diarrhoea; topically in , m. mild inflammation of the mucous English  Common Valerian. membranes of the mouth and throat (German Commission E); Ayurvedic  Abhramaansi. 692 Valeriana hardwickii Wall.

Action  Rhizome and roots— Baalaka is a confusing synonym of sedative, hypotensive, cardiotonic; Tagara. Itshouldbeequatedwith Pavo- depressant on CNS, antispasmod- nia odorata Willd. (Malvaceae). ic; used for hysteria, neurosis, Baalaka (syns: Ambu, Baala, Barhi- nervousness, hypochondriasis. shtha, Hrivera, Jala, Kacha, Muurd- haja, Udichi, Udichya) is known as The roots and rhizomes yielded al- Sugandhabaalaa in Northern markets. kaloids—dipyridylmethylketone, ac- In South India Coleus vettiveroides tinidine, iso-valeramide and valerian- K. C. Jacob (Labiateae)ispreferred ine; sesquiterpene ketone-valeranone. as Baalaka. Delphinium brunonianum Bornyl acetate is the major constituent Royle (Ranunculaceae), with syno- of the root oil, .%, whereas it is only nyms Kutila, Nata, Vakra, is also used .% in leaf oil. Bornyl isovalerate is as Tagara. reported from the root oil.

Valeriana leschenaultii DC. var. Valeriana hardwickii Wall. brunoniana C. B. Clarke. Family  Valerianaceae. Family  Valerianaceae. Habitat  Karnakata and the Nilgiris. Habitat  The temperate Himalayas from Kashmir to at altitudes Ayurvedic  Tagara (related species). of ,–, m and in the Khasi Folk  Sugandhabaalaa, Taggar, and Jaintia hills between , and Baalaka. , m. Action  Used as a substitute for Folk  Sugandhabaalaa, Tagger, valerian. Taggar-ganthodaa. Asaarun (Ku- maon). Action  Used as V. jatamansi and V. Valeriana officinalis Linn. officinalis. Family  Valerianaceae. V Valeriana hardwickii is known as Habitat  Native to Eurasia. (V. Taggar-ganthodaa in Mumbai and officinalis auct. non Linn. is found AsaaruninKumaon.InUnanimedi- in Kashmir at Sonamarg at ,– cine, Asaarun is equated with Asarum , m) europaeum Linn. (Aristolochiaceae). It English  Valerian, Garden He- is known as Subul-e-barri, Naardin- liotrope, Common Valerian. barri and Persian Tagar; Wild Nard,  Hazel Wort and Asarabacca in En- Ayurvedic Tagara, Nata. Baalaka glish. Though sedative and brain tonic, (syn. Udichya, Jala, Barhishtha) is Asaarun should not be equated with also equated with Valeriana sp. Tagara. Folk  Sugandhabaalaa, taggar. Valeriana pyrolaefolia Decne. 693

Action  Tranquillizer, hypnotic, have a sedative effect. Since valepo- a natural relaxant to higher triates are not soluble in water, it was nerve centres. Used for nervous concluded that valerenic acid is also tension, sleeplessness, restlessness, the chemical factor responsible for the palpitation, tension, headache, sedative effect of the herb. Most com- migraine, menstrual pain, intestinal mercial extracts in Western herbal are cramps, bronchial spasm. water-soluble extracts standardized for Key application  Internally for valerenic acids. restlessness and sleeping disorders Large doses of valepotriates from the based on nervous conditions herb decreased benzodiazepines and (German Commission E). (See diazepam withdrawl symptoms in rats. Expanded Commission E, ESCOP At low doses valerian enhances binding and WHO monographs.) of flunitrazepam, but at high doses it inhibits binding of the drug. Valerenic Constituents of the root include val- acid inhibits breakdown of GABA, and trates, didrovaltrates and isovalerates. hydroxypinoresinol binds to benzodi- Other constituents include .–.% azepine receptor. (Sharon M. Herr.) monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, caf- The safety of valepotriates has been feic, gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) questioned. and chlorogenic acids, beta-sitosterol, Currently valerian is an approved methyl, -pyrrolketone, choline, tan- over-the-counter medicine in Ger- nins, gums alkaloids and . (Ex- many, Belgium, France, Switzerland panded Commission E Monographs.) and Italy. (The British Herbal Com- The volatile oil (.–%) contains pendium.) bornyl acetate and bornyl isovalerate as See Valeriana dubia Bunge, syn. V. the principal components. Other con- officinalis auct. non Linn., known as stituents include beta-caryophyllene, Common Valerian. valeranone, valerenal, valerenic acid and other sesquiterpenoids and mono- terpenes. The co-occurrence of three cyclo- Valeriana pyrolaefolia Decne. pentane-sesquiterpenoids (valerenic acid, acetoxyvalerenic acid and valere- Family  Valerianaceae. V nal) is confined to Valeriana officinalis L. and permits its distinction from V. Habitat  The temperate Himalayas edulis and V. Wallichii. (WHO.) from Kashmir to Bhutan. The important active compounds of  valerian are the valepotriates (iridoid Ayurvedic Dhyaamaka (including molecules) and valeric acid. Originally among aromatic drugs of Jatamansi it was thought that valepotriates were group.) responsible for the herbs sedative ef- Folk  Sugandhabaalaa. fect,but,lateron,anaqueousextract of the root has also been shown to Action  Used as V. jatamansi. 694 Valeriana wallichii DC.

Valeriana wallichii DC. from roots contains calarene, beta- bargamotene, valeranone, ar-curcu- Synonym  V. jatamansi Jones. mene, maalioxide and maalitol. Main Nardostachys jatamansi (Jones) DC. acids present are isovaleric acid and Family  Valerianaceae. (+)-beta-methyl valeric acid. Valeriana jatamansi auct. non Jones, Habitat  Temperate Himalayas from synonyms Nardostachys grandiflora Kashmir to Bhutan, above , m, DC. and N. jatamansi DC. is equat- and Khasia Hills. ed with Indian Spikenard, Musk-Root  English Indian Valerian. and Jataamaansi. Ayurvedic  Tagara, Sugandhabaalaa,  Kaalaanusaari, Kaalaanusaarikaa, Dosage Rhizome—– g powder. Nata. (Delphinum brunonianum (API, Vol. I.) Royle, Ranunculaceae, syn. Kutila, Nata, Vakra, is also used as Tagara.) Vallaris solanacea Unani  Asaarun, Tagar Reshewaalaa. Kuntze Siddha  Tagarai. Synonym  V. heynei Spreng. V. dichotoma (Roxb.) Wall. ex G. Folk  Taggar, Baalaka, Mushkbaalaa, Asaarun, Tagar-ganthodaa. Don. Family  Action  Rhizomes and roots— Apocynaceae. used as a substitute for Valeriana Habitat  Throughout India; officinalis; prescribed as a remedy cultivated in gardens. for hysteria, nervous unrest Ayurvedic  Aasphotaa, Asphuka, and emotional troubles, and as Bhadravalli, Saarivaa-utpala (white a sedative. var.). Rhizomes and roots contain cy- Folk  Haapharamaali var. Dudhi-bel clopentapyrans, acacetin--O-rutino- (Garhwal). sides, valtrate, didrovaltrate, linarin Action  —applied to old iso-valerinate, valepotriates and an iri- wounds and sores (mildly irritant). doid ester glycoside, valerosidatum. Bark—astringent. Seeds—cardiac V Cyclopentapyrans exhibit sedative, tonic. tranquilizing and bacteriocidal prop- erties. Seeds are rich in cardiac glyco- Valtrate and didrovaltrate were cy- sides; contain acoschimperoside P, totoxic to hepatoma cells in culture and mono-O-acetylvallaroside, mono-O- inhibited synthesis of DNA and protein acetylsolanoside, mono-O-acetylaco- in tumor cells. schimperoside P, vallaroside, valla- Root—spasmolytic. Essential oil— rosolanoside, solanoside and -deace- antibacterial. (Indian Valerian oils are tyl--anhydroacoschimperoside P. O- considered poor as compared to those acetylsolanoside is a potent cardioton- of V. officinalis oils.) The essential oil ic. Vanda spathulata Spreng. 695

The seed oil contains palmitic, ole- Throughout South India Alpinia ic and linoleic acids. The leaves gave galanga is used as Raasnaa. beta-sitosterol, beta-amyrin and urso- Folk  Baandaa-Raasnaa. lic acid. Vallaris glabra Kuntze (WestBengal) Action  Roots—antipyretic, anti- is also equated with Aasphotaa. inflammatory, tranquilizer, tonic to liver, laxative. Used in rheumatism, lumbago, inflammations; diseases of the nervous system; diseases of Vallisneria spiralis Linn. the abdomen, dyspepsia; bronchitis, Family  Hydrocharitaceae. chest diseases. Roots form a con- stituent of medicated oils, used  Habitat Hydrophyte; throughout externally on rheumatic swellings India. and neurological affections. Root English  Eel-Grass, Tape Grass, is also used in the treatment of Wild Celery. fractures.  Ayurvedic Shaivala, Shaivaala. Petroleum ether, chloroform and (Ceratophyllum demersum Linn. is methanol extracts of the root showed also equated with Shaivala.) anti-inflammatory activity in rats. Folk  Sevaar. Ethanolic extract of the root also showed hepatoprotective activity in Action  Plant—stomachic, refrig- albino mice. erant, demulcent. Also used in The root yielded tetracosyl feru- leucorrhoea and spermatorrhoea. late and beta-sitosterol D-glucoside. Extracts of the plant yielded poly- Petroleum ether, chloroform and me- saccharides containing D-galactose, thanol extracts of the root showed ., D-xylose, L-arabinose, L-rhamnose, . and .% anti-inflammatory ac- uronic acid, acidic xylan and an arabi- tivity at a dose of . g/kg in rats. no galactan. Heptacosane, octacosanol and traces of their higher homologues, a bitter principle, saponin, beta-sitosterol and tannins were isolated from the plant. Vanda roxburghii R. Br. V Synonym  V. tessellata G. Don. Family  Orchidaceae. Vanda spathulata Spreng.  Habitat From to Family  Orchidaceae. West Bengal, extending southwards  to Kerala. Habitat Kerala. Ayurvedic  Ayurvedic  Raasnaa (used in Svarna-pushpa Bandaa, Eastern India). Pluchea lanceolata Baandaa. is the accepted source of Raasnaa. Folk  Ponnampomaraiva (Kerala). 696 Vandellia pedunculata Benth.

Action  Flowers—dried flowers are Action  Fruits—refrigerant and powdered and given for asthma, cholagogue; used in biliary com- consumption, also for mood-swings plaints and hepatic congestion. Dry and psychosomatic bursts. fruits—narcotic; used in dysentery. The seeds contain linoleic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids. Vandellia pedunculata Benth.

Synonym  Lindernia cordifolia Vateria indica Linn. (Colsmann) Merrill. Synonym  V. malabarica Bl. Family  Scrophulariaceae. Family  Dipterocarpaceae.  Habitat The Himalayas up to ,– Habitat  Peninsular India, from , m and throughout India. Kanara to Trivandrum and in Folk  Gadaga-vel (). Coorg. English  White Damar, Indian Action  Used for sexually transmit- ted diseases and urethral discharges. Copal-Tree, Malabar Tallow tree, Piney -Tree. Vandellia pyxidaria Maxim, syn- Ayurvedic  Sarja, Sarjaka, Karsya, onym Vandellia erecta Benth. (The Sasyasumbara, Devdhuupa, Himalayas from Kashmir to , Marich-patraka. Chhaagakar- common in Bengal; also in central and na. Ajakarna and Shaala (related South India) is known as Vakapush- species) are also equated with V. pi. The plant is used for gonorrhoea. indica. Plant juice is given to children who Unani  Raal. pass green stool. Siddha/Tamil  Kungiliyam, Vellai Kundarakam. Action  Resin—astringent, antibac- Vangueria spinosa Hook. f. terial, antidiarrhoeal, emmena- gogue. Used for chronic bronchitis,  V Synonym Meyna laxiflora Robyns. piles, skin eruptions, ringworm, Family  Rubiaceae. scrofula, tubercular glands, ulcers,  wounds, boils; urinary discharges; Habitat West Bengal, Bihar and amenorrhoea; gonorrhoea and Orissa. syphilis. Bark—antidysenteric. Oil Ayurvedic  Pinditaka, Snigdh- and resin—antirheumatic. Resin pinditaka. enters into a number of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ointments. Siddha/Tamil  Manakkarai. Leaves—juice is applied to cure Folk  Muyana. Chiracholi, Alu burns. Orally administered to (Maharashtra). prevent vomiting. Ventilago madraspatana Gaertn. 697

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of In- Siddha/Tamil  Pappili. dia recommends the resinous exudate Folk  Pitti, Raamadhaani, Kevati internally (– g) in lipid disorders, (var.). anaemia, genitourinary diseases, di-  arrhoea and diseases due to vitiated Action Stem bark—powdered and blood; externally in gout, abscesses, mixed with sesame oil, externally skin diseases, burns, eruptions. applied to skin diseases and The bark contains polyphenols—dl- sprains. Root bark—used for atonic epi-catechin, levorotatory isomers of dyspepsia, mild fever and debility. fisetinidol, fzelechin; and bergenin. Sap—used for the treatment of Resin is a complex mixture of sev- deafness. eral triterpene hydrocarbons, ketones, The stem bark gave friedelin and alcohols and acids, along with small several anthraquinones. The root con- amounts of sesquiterpenes. On distil- tains anthraquinones, ventinones A lation, the oleoresin gave an essential and B. Major constituents of the root oil (%), consisting of phenolic con- bark are emodin, its glucoside and cor- stituents and azulenes. The essential responding analogues, ventiloquino- oil shows marked antibacterial activ- nes. The fruit, leaves and stem gave ity against Gram-positive and Gram- lupeol, beta-sitosterol and its gluco- negative micro-organism. side. The leaves and roots contain berge- nin and hope phenol. The seed al- so contain bergenin. Hope phenol showed fungicidal activity. The plant Ventilago madraspatana exhibited anti-ulcerogenic activity in Gaertn. rats. Family  Rhamnaceae. The fruit shell contains % tan- nins. Habitat  Maharashtra and South India. Dosage  Resinous exudate—– g Ayurvedic  Taamravalli, Kaivartikaa, (API, Vol. IV.) Vaamataruni. Siddha/Tamil  Pappili-chaka, Vempadam, Sural-pattai. V Ventilago denticulata Willd. Folk  Kevati. Synonym  V. calyculata Tul. Action  Root bark—carminative, V. madraspatana var. calyculata stomachic, febrifuge; used in (Tul.) King. atonic dyspepsia, debility and skin Family  Rhamnaceae. diseases. The plant is used against Habitat  Throughout India in hotter scabies. parts, usually climbing on trees. The roots contain anthraquinones, Ayurvedic  Raktavalli. ventinones A and B, physcion and 698 Vepris bilocularis (Wight & Arn.) Engl.

chrysophanol. The root bark afford- Habitat  The temperate regions of ed naphthalene derivatives and several northern hemisphere; introduced in naphthaquinones, anthraquinones— Jammu and Kashmir for cultivation. islandicin, emodin, xanthorin and its English  American Hellbore, Green -methyl ether. Hellebore. In South India, V. bombaiensis Dalz.  is found in Mukkali forest, Coimbatore Action Rhizomes and roots— District, Tamil Nadu, and V. goughii in cardiac depressant, hypotensive. Coorg, Nilgiris and Kurnool. (Contraindicated in cardiac disease. Large doses cause bradycardia.) Used in the treatment of con- vulsions, headache, neuralgia, Vepris bilocularis inflammatory affections of respira- (Wight & Arn.) Engl. tory tract; and as sedative. Formerly Synonym  Toddalia bilocularis used for high blood pressure, Wight & Arn. especially associated with toxemia of pregnancy. Family  Rutaceae. Habitat  North Kanara, forests Ceveratrum-type alkaloids, found of Malabar, Annamalai and as esters, are hypotensive and cause Travancore, up to , m. vasodilatation (probably by inhibition  of vasomotor centre and stimulation of Ayurvedic Krishna-Agaru. (In the vagus). Overdoses cause vomiting. South India V. bilocularis is used Alkaloids are teratogenic. as Krishna-Agaru and Dysoxylum labricum Bedd. ex Hiern as Shveta-Agaru.) Verbascum thapsus Linn. Siddha/Tamil  Devadaram.  Action  Wood—extract in oil is Synonym V. phlomoides L. used for rheumatic swellings and Family  Scrophulariaceae. skin diseases. Root—used for Habitat  Temperate Himalayas, biliousness. Western Ghats and the Nilgiris. V Alkaloids from stem bark included English  Cow’s Lungwort, Common kokusaginine, skimmianine, flindersi- Mullein. (Large-flowered Mullein is amine, evoxanthine, N-methylacrido- equated with V. densiflorum Bertol.) ne derivatives, maculine and vepris-  one. The leaves contain a triterpenoid, Ayurvedic Ban Tambaaku, Gidar lupeol. Tambaaku, Phullaa. Action  Herb—soothing and relaxant for irritable respiratory Veratrum viride Ait. conditions (asthma, emphysema, tracheitis), pectoral demulcent, Family  Liliaceae. antispasmodic, mild sedative. Vernonia cinerea Less. 699

Key application  In catarrh of cyclopentane monoterpenoid, verbe- the respiratory tract. (German nalin; verbascoside and eukovoside. Commission E.) The stem and roots are quite rich in stachyose. Aerial parts gave lupeol, The capsule contains saponins, thap- beta-sitosterol, ursolic acid, aucubin suines A and B and hydroxythap- and artemetin. suines A and B. The plant also contains The herb is credited with weak para- varatric acid, -ethoxymethyl furfural, sympathomimetic activity. Verbenalin saikogenin, alpha-spinasterol and iri- exhibited mild purgative activity in an- doids, aucubin and catalpol. The leaves imal studies. Emetic in high doses. contain rotenone. Vervain tea decreased absorption of The flower extract showed activity non-heme iron by % in human sub- against influenza and herpes simplex jects. (Sharon M. Herr.) virus. The plant has been employed for the treatment of asthma. There is little ev- idence to indicate that the plant can Vernonia cinerea Less. offer more than mild astringent and Family  Compositae; . topical soothing effects. Habitat  Distributed throughout India. Common in waste places and road side. Verbena officinalis Linn. English  Ash coloured Fleabane, Family  Verbenaceae. Purple Fleabane. Ayurvedic  Habitat  The Himalayas, Khasi and Sahadevi, Uttamkanya- Lushai Hills, Bihar, West Bengal, ka, Dandotpalaa. and Maharashtra. Siddha/Tamil  Naichotte Poonde. English  Vervain, Pigeon’s Grass. Action  Plant—febrifuge, diaphore- tic (infusion of herb, combined with Unani  Saal-ul-hamaam, Faristari- , is used against malaria). un. Used as a specific herb for leucor- Action  Plant—nervine, antide- rhoea, dysuria, spasm of bladder, pressant, anticonvulsant; prescribed strangury and for haematological V in liver and gall bladder com- disorders, as a blood purifier and plaints (spasm of the bladder and styptic. Also used in asthma. strangury), nervous and menstru- Seeds—anthelmintic, antiflatulent, al disorders; also for bronchitis, antispasmodic; used in dysuria, asthma and febrile affections. leucoderma, psoriasis and other skin diseases. Roots—anthelmintic; Included among unapproved herbs decoction used for colic. by German Commission E. The plant contains an iridoid gly- The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of In- coside, hastatoside; loganin; methyl- dia recommends the plant in inter- 700 Vernonia javanica DC.

mittent fever, filariasis, pityriasis versi- Vernonia roxburghii Less. colour (tinea versicolor), blisters, boils, vaginal discharges and in cases of psy- Family  Compositae; Asteraceae. choneurosis. Habitat  , Uttar Aerial parts gave luteolin--mono- Pradesh, West Bengal and Bihar. beta-D-glucopyranoside. Whole plant  gave triterpene compounds—beta- Ayurvedic Sahadevi (related amyrin acetate, lupeol acetate, beta- species). amyrin and lupeol; sterols—beta-sito- Folk  Doraa-baahaa. sterol, stigmasterol and alpha-spinaste- Action  Roots—used for articular rol; phenolic resin and potassium chlo- rheumatism. ride. Dosage  Whole plant—– ml juice; – g powder for external Vernonia teres Wall. ex DC. use. (API, Vol. III.) Family  Compositae; Asteraceae. Habitat  Tropical Himalayas from Vernonia javanica DC. Kumaon to ; Bihar and Central India. Synonym  V. arborea Hook. f. non-  Buch.-Ham. Action Herb—used for dysmen- orrhoea, and for the treatment of  Family Compositae; Asteraceae. wounds and ulcers. Flower-heads— Habitat  West Bengal, Assam, ascaricidal. and Western Ghats. The leaf juice showed in vitro activi- Siddha/Tamil  Shutthi. ty against earthworms, tapeworms and Action  Bark—febrifuge. The bark roundworms. is chewed as a substitute for leaves. Veronica beccabunga Linn.

Vernonia patula Merrill. Family  Scrophulariaceae. V  Synonym  V. chinensis Less. Habitat Western Himalayas and Kashmir at ,–, m. Family  Compositae; Asteraceae. English  Brooklime. Habitat  The Aka hills of Arunachal Pradesh, as a weed. Folk  Titalokiyaa, Tezhak. Action  Leaves and roots— Action  Antiscorbutic, blood decoctionusedincoldsand purifier, alterative, diuretic. Used fevers. Young —used for for scurvy, scrofulous affections, the treatment of convulsions in swollen piles, lithiasis, skin diseases, children. burns, ulcers. Viburnum coriaceum Blume. 701

The plant gave iridoid glycosides in- oils (obtained from cultivated roots) cluding aucubin; bitters and tannins. are sesquiterpene ketones and alcohols. Aucubin has been reported to stimulate The North India Khas oil contains the uric acid secretion of the kidneys. large amounts of khusilal, other ses- quiterpenes include khusol, khusimol, khusitone, cadinene and laevojuneol. Vetiveria zizaniodes The South Indian Khas oil constituents (Linn.) Nash. are largely nootkatone, vestipiranes and substances of tricyclic zizaane Synonym  Andropogon muricatus structure. Khusilal is absent in typ- Retz. ical dextrorotatory Khas oils. A. squarrosus Hook.f.(nonL.f.). The oils from other producing coun- Family  Gramineae; Poaceae. tries are found to be dextrorotatory similar to that from South India. Habitat  A perennial grass, cultivated chiefly in , Dosage  Fibrous root—– g for Uttar Pradesh., and the West infusion. (API, Vol. III.) Coast. English  Vetiver, Khas. Viburnum coriaceum Blume. Ayurvedic  Ushira, Bahu-muulaka, Sugandhimuula, Jataamedaa, Family  Caprifoliaceae. Indragupta, Nalada, Laamajjaka, Habitat  The Himalayas from Sevya, Samagandhaka, Jalavaasa, Punjab and Bhutan at altitudes of Virana, Aadhya. ,–, m, also in the Nilgiris.  Unani Cuscus, Khas Ayurvedic  Tilvaka (related species).  Siddha Vettiver, Vilamichaver. Folk  Kaalaa Titmuliyaa, Tita, Action  Root—infusion used as Karwaa (Kumaon). refrigerant, febrifuge, diaphoretic; Action  The root and stem bark— stimulant, stomachic, antispasmod- antispasmodic, uterine sedative. ic, emmenagogue, astringent, blood purifier. Used in fevers, colic, flat- Ethanolic extract of the aerial parts ulence, vomiting, spermatorrhoea shows antiprotozoal activity against V and strangury. Root oil—used Entamoeba hystolytica. in obstinate vomiting, colic and The root and stem bark (also of flatulence. V. foetidum) possess distinct odour of the root of valerian. The extracts of The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of In- root and stem bark exhibited antispas- dia recommend the root in dysuria. modic activity and were comparable Major constituents of North Indian with those of the bark of V. opulus laevorotatory oil, (obtained from wild var. americanum and V. prunifolium. roots) are antipodal terpenoids, while Laal Titmuliyaa (Kumaon) is equat- those of South Indian dextrorotatory ed with Viburnum mullaha Buch-Ham. 702 Viburnum cotinifolium D. Don.

ex D. Don syn. V. stellulatum Wall ex Ayurvedic  Tilvaka. DC. Folk  Telam, Timoi (Kumaon), Tilen, Thelkaa (Garhwal). Viburnum cotinifolium D. Don. Action  Bark—astringent; contain .% on dry basis. Family  Caprifoliaceae. Habitat  The Himalayas from Kashmir to Bhutan at altitudes of ,–, m. Viburnum opulus Linn. var. americanum (Mill.) Ait. Folk  Richh, Richhabi, Khimor (Punjab), Gwiaa, Ghinwaa, Guyaa, Family  Caprifoliaceae. Ghenu (Kumaon). Habitat  Native to North America.  Action Bark—used in menorrhagia Dried bark imported into India. and metrorrhagia. English  Cranberry Bush, Cramp- bark. Viburnum foetidum Wall. Action  Used as a diuretic and as a uterine sedative in functional  Family Caprifoliaceae. uterine disorders. Habitat  Khasi hills at altitudes of –, m. The activity of the bark has been at- tributed to the presence of uterine re- Folk  Narwel (Maharashtra). laxants, acting directly on the muscle Action  Leaves—astringent, and not through sympathomimetic ac- antispasmodic. Juice used in tion.Themusclerelaxantsincludean menorrhagia and as a sedative (a essential oil, an amorphous, bitter phe- substitute for American Viburnum nolic glucoside, esculetin and scopo- bark) in uterine disorders, and in letin. post-partum haemorrhage. See The bark contains hydroquinones, Viburnum coriaceum and V. opulus. arbutin, methylarbutin and traces of hydroquinone; coumarins including V scopoletin and scopoline; tannins Viburnum nervosum mainly catechins. Hook. f. & Thoms. The polycondensed tannins pro- duced significant angioprotective ef-  Synonym V. grandiflorum Wall. ex fect in rats. DC. Family  Caprifoliaceae.  Habitat The Himalayas from Viburnum prunifolium Linn. Kashmir to Sikkim at altitudes of ,–, m. Family  Caprifoliaceae. Vicoa indica DC. 703

Habitat  Native to eastern and cen- A number of harmful principles are tral USA. (Experimental cultivation reported in the broad beans. A large in the Nilgiri hills.) amount of Dopa, mainly in free state and partly in the form of its beta- English  Black Haw. glucoside; and gluco alkaloids, vicine Ayurvedic  Tilvaka (related species). and convicine, have been isolated. Action  Uterine sedative (used Ingestion of fresh, uncooked or par- in the treatment for threatened tiallycookedbeansisnotrecommend- miscarriage, under strict medical ed. supervision. Spasmolytic. (The The seeds gave positive test for hy- British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.) drocyanic acid and also contain ar- Used after childbirth to check senic. bleeding and pain, also in dysmen- The fresh beans exhibit an oestro- orrhoea. genic activity. Phytoalexins of the im- mature seeds exhibit antifungal acti- The stem and root bark gave couma- vity. rins including scopoletin, aesculetin Malic, citric and glyceric acids are and scoplin; a biflavone, amentofla- the principal organic acids present in vone; triterpenes including oleanolic the pods (also present in the hulls). and ursolic acid and their acetates, The glyceric acid on subcutaneous in- caffeic acid derivatives; salicylic acid, jection produced a marked diuresis in salicin, arbutin (traces); tannins (%). rabbit. (A decoction of the leaves and Coumarin, scopoletin, is a uterine stems of the field bean, Faba vulgaris sedative, while salicin is an analgesic. Moench, is used as a diuretic.) An aqueous extract of the root nod- ules exhibited vasoconstricting activity on rabbits. Vicia faba Linn.

Family  Papilionaceae; Fabaceae. Habitat  Native to North Africa; Vicoa indica DC. commonly grown in North Western  India. Synonym V. auriculata Cass.  V English  Broad bean, Windsor bean. Family Compositae; Asteraceae. Unani  Baaqlaa. Habitat  Throughout the drier parts of India, ascending to an altitude of Action  Fresh beans—cooked about , m in the Himalayas. alone or with meat, are prescribed in Unani medicine for cough, Ayurvedic  Vandhyaavari. also for resolving inflammations. Siddha/Tamil  Jimikipoo, Mookuti, Externally, the bean and flowers are Poondu. used as a poultice for inflammations, warts and burns. Folk  Banjhori, Vajarangi. 704 Victoria regia Lindl.

 Action Plant—used for contracep- Vinca major (Linn.) Pich. tion. Synonym  V. pubescens Urv. Aerial parts contain the sesquiter- Family  Apocynaceae. pene lactones (vicolide A-D), the - nortriterpenoidal glucosides (vicoside Habitat  Native to Europe. Found A and B), the triterpenoid vicosigenin in the Himalayas, West Bengal and and monoterpenediol vicodiol, besides Palni Hills. several n-alkanes and n-alkanoic acid English  Green Periwinkle, Greater esters. Periwinkle. Vicolide A-D showed anti-inflam- Action  Astringent, antihaemor- matory activity against cotton pellet rhagic, hypotensive. Used to treat granuloma in rats. Vicolide D showed menorrhagia and leucorrhoea. antipyretic activity. Antifertility activity has been at- The herb contains indole alkaloids; tributed to the presence of vicolide majdine, isomajdine, majoridine, aku- B and D, while A and C have been ammine, akuammigine, carpanaubine, reported to be devoid of antifertility irvine, reserpine, serpentine, sarpagi- activity. Vicolide D was found to be ne, tetrahydroalstonine, vincamajine anti-oestrogenic in nature. and vincamajoreine; and tannins. The cytotoxic dimeric alkaloids present in Vinca rosea L., used in the treatment of certain types of cancer, Victoria regia Lindl. have not been found in Vinca major. Synonym  V. amazonica Sow. Family  Nymphaeaceae. Vinca minor Linn. Habitat  Native to South America;  growninpoolsinbotanicgardens. Family Apocynaceae. Habitat  Grown in Indian gardens English  Royal Waterlily. Water as an ornamental. Maize (seeds). English  Lesser Periwinkle. V Ayurvedic  Brihat-patra Kamal. Action  Astringent and circulatory Action  Seed—refrigerant, cooling stimulant (contain alkaloid vin- to the nervous system. Pond camine). Used for gastric catarrh, Lily root—externally, astringent, chronic dyspepsia; restlessness, antiscrofulous. An infusion is used headache, dizziness, and for the as a gargle for ulcers in the mouth prevention of premature aging of and throat. brain cells, as a geriatic support. The leaves contain the , The herb contains indole alkaloids delphinidin and . (.–.%). The major constituent Vinca rosea Linn. 705 in vincamine; others include vinic, Vinca rosea Linn. apovincamine, vincadifformin. Vincamine is hypotensive; increas- Synonym  Catharanthus roseus es blood flow and oxygen supply to (Linn.) G.Don. the brain. The vincamine content in Family  Apocynaceae. the herb is low and fluctuates greatly. Overdose of the extract brings about Habitat  Native of West Indies; a severe drop in blood pressure. commonly grown in Indian gardens. Vincamine, as a pure substance is English  Madagascar Periwinkle. available for therapeutic administra- tion. Ayurvedic  Sadaapushpaa, Sadam- pushpa, Nityakalyaani, Sadaaba- haar. Vinca pusilla Murr. Siddha  Nithiya kalyani, Sudukadu mallikai. Synonym  Catharanthus pusillus G. Don. Action  Cytotoxic. Lochnera pusilla (Murr.) K. Schum.  Over one hundred monomeric and Family Apocynaceae. bisindole alkaloids have been isolated. Habitat  West Bengal and through- The indole alkaloid, vincamine, is out greater part of India, as a weed. a vasodilator; the bisindole alkaloids vinblastineandvincristineprovedtobe Ayurvedic  Sangkhi, Sangkhaphuli (The Wealth of India). highly effective as cancer chemothera- peutic agents. Folk  Milagaipoondu (Tamil Nadu), Vinblastine and vincristine are clin- Kapavila (Kerala), Vishakane- ically used in a number of thrombo- gale (Karnataka), Neru (Andhra cytopenic disorders, such as refracto- Pradesh) Mirchaai (Bihar). ry idiopathic thrombocytopenic pur- Action  Plant—oncolytic (tumour- purea and haemolytic anaemia. resolving). A decoction of the dried Vinblastine in combination with plant boiled in oil is used in the other chemotherapeutic agents (cis- treatment of lumbago. platin and bleomycin) is used for the V treatment of metastatic testicular can- The plant contains ajmalicine, rau- cer; also against bladder cancer, breast wolscine, vindoline, pusiline and pusi- cancer, non-small cell lung cancer and linine, while leurosine, lochnerinine, Hodgkin’s lymphoma in combination venoterpine, vindorosine and vincapu- with other drugs. sine have been isolated from the leaves. Vincristine, in various combina- The root gave lochnericine. tions, is highly effective in acute leuke- Leurosine is cytotoxic. Pusiline and mia in children and lymphocytic leuke- pusilinine cause marked depression of mia; and pediatric tumours. (The Trea- the heart. tise on Indian Medicinal Plants.) 706 Viola biflora Linn.

 Viola biflora Linn. Action Expectorant, anti- inflammatory, diaphoretic, an- Family  Violaceae. tipyretic, diuretic. Used for Habitat  The temperate Himalayas catarrhal and pulmonary affec- from Kashmir to Sikkim at altitudes tions, also for diseases of liver and of ,–, m. intestines.  Unani Banafashaa (related species). Included among unapproved herbs Action  Leaves—laxative, emollient. by German Commission E, but it has Flowers—antiseptic, pectoral, been mentioned that the traditional use diaphoretic. Root—emetic. of sweet violet root as an expectorant for the respiratory tract is well docu- The herb is used as a substitute for mented. Banafashaa obtained from V. odorata. The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia The leaves are used for treating skin recognizes expectorant activity of the eruptions and the flowers for skin irri- leaf. tation. The flowers (var. maxima)area source of rutoside. The flowers also contain , violanin chlo- Viola cinerea Boiss. var. ride, which on hydrolysis yields glu- stocksii (Boiss.) W. Beck. cose, delphinidin, rhamnose and p- Synonym  V. stocksii Boiss. coumaric acid. High content of toco- pherol is also reported from flowers. Family  Violaceae. Dried flowers contain anthocyanin Habitat  Punjab, Western Rajasthan, ., total flavonoids ., rutoside ., . mucilage , and ash .%. Unani  Banafashaa (related species). The leaves contain friedelin and beta-sitosterol. Folk  Jinkobanafashaa (Gujarat). The essential oil from the entire  Action Root—emetic. Used as plant consistsofmethylsalicylate. Adi- a substitute and adulterant of ipecac. C-glycoside, violanthin, has been re- The herb is sold in the market as ported from the plant. V Banafashaa.

Viola odorata Linn. Viola patrinii Ging.  Family  Violaceae. Family Violaceae. Habitat  Native to Europe; cultivated Habitat  The Himalayas, Eastern in Kashmir. and Western Ghats. English  Sweet Violet. Unani  Banafashaa (related species). Unani  Banafashaa, Banafsaj, Action  Dried flowers—used Kakosh, Fareer. for coughs and colds. Herb— Viscum album Linn. 707

bruised and applied to ulcers; Habitat  Native to Europe; grown also prescribed in syphilis and as an ornamental. scrofula. (In Chinese medicine, English  Heartsease, Wild Pansy. recommended against cancerous growths.) Unani  Banafashaa (related species). Action  Herb—anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, expectorant, diuretic, Viola pilosa Blume. antirheumatic, alterative. Used for bronchitis, rheumatism, chronic Family  Violaceae. skin disorders and for preventing Habitat  Kashmir to Sikkim and capillary haemorrhage when under Nilgiri hills at ,–, m. corticosteroid therapy. Root— antidysenteric; used as a substitute  Unani Banafashaa (related species) for Cephaelis ipecacuanha.  Folk Thungtu (Kumaon). Key application  Externally in Action  Uses same as those of V. mild seborrheic skin diseases and odorata. A medicinal oil of Unani milk scall in children. (German medicine, Roghan-e-Banafashaa, is Commission E.) The British Herbal prepared from the plant. Flowers, as Pharmacopoeia recognizes the tea, are used for treating headache. herb as an expectorant and dermatological agent. Active principle of the herb is an alkaloid, violine. The herb contains rutin, violin and salicylic acid. The flower contains rutin, quercetin, violanthin (,-digly- Viola sylvestris Lam. (in part) coside of apigenin), violaxanthin, p- hydroxycinnamic acid and delphini- Family  Violaceae. din. A flavone C-glycoside-saponarin has also been obtained from flowers. Habitat  Kashmir at ,–, m. Flowers, in addition, contain -cis- English  Pale Wood Violet, Wood violaxanthin. Violet. The herb exhibits anticoagulant Unani  Banafashaa (related species). property and diminishes the aggre- V  gation of platelets. It can be used as Action Plant—pectoral, bechic; a preventive measure against throm- used in chest troubles. Stem, leaf bosis. and flower—applied to foul sores and wounds.

Viscum album Linn.

Viola tricolor Linn. Synonym  V. costatum Gamble. Family  Violaceae. Family  Viscaceae; Loranthaceae. 708 Viscum articulatum Burm.

Habitat  Temperate Himalayas from cancer patients. Polypeptides (visco- Kashmir to between , toxins) inhibit tumours and stimulate and , m (a semiparasitic plant). immune resistance. English  European Mistletoe. (For uses of lectin from Mistletoe in  cancer, see Eur J cancer, ,Jan,(), Ayurvedic Bandaaka, Suvarna- –; Eur J Cancer ,  (), – bandaaka. Vrikshaadani (substi- .) (For application in hepatitis, see tute). Fitoterapia, , .) Unani  Kishmish Kaabuli. Action  Vasodilator, cardiac de- pressant, tranquiliser, stimulates Viscum articulatum Burm. the vagus nerve which slows the pulse, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, Family  Viscaceae, Loranthaceae. immune enhancer, antineoplas- Habitat  Most parts of India; tic. Used for hypertension and a superparasite in Western India tachycardia, as a nervine tonic. on Loranthus sp. which itself is The extract of leafy twigs is anti- parasitic on Eugenia sp. inflammatory exerting an action upon Ayurvedic  Bandaak (related capillary permeability and oedema. It species); Jivantikaa, Kaamavriksha, stimulates granulation and the neofor- Nilavalli. (The Wealth of India.) mation of connective tissue. Folk  Panapuuduu (Maharashtra), Key application  For treating Bodobaando (Gujarat). degenerative inflammation of Action  Plant—febrifuge, aphro- the joints by stimulating cuti- disiac. Paste is applied to bone visceral reflexes following local fractures. inflammation brought about by intradermal injections; as palliative The plant gave oleanolic acid, ceryl therapy for malignant tumour oleanolate and meso-inositol. through non-specific stimulation. (German Commission E.) V Mistletoe contains glycoproteins; Viscum monoicum Roxb. ex DC. flavonoids, usually quercetin-derived Family  Viscaceae; Laoranthaceae. (dependent on host tree to some ex- tent); polypeptides; phenylcarboxylic Habitat  Sikkim, a parasite of acids; polysaccharides (including vis- Strychnos nux-vomica tree. cid acid); alkaloids; lignans. Ayurvedic  Katukavalli, Pashu- Cardiotonic activity is due to the lig- mohanikaa. nans. The polysaccharides stimulate  the immune response. Antineoplas- Siddha/Tamil Pulluri, Pullurivi. tic activity is claimed to be responsi- Folk  Kuchleikaa-malang, Kuchle- ble for prolongation of survival time in kaa-baandaa. Vitex agnus-castus Linn. 709

Action  Properties more or less stimulates production of proges- similar to Strychnos nux-vomica. terone by reducing oestrogen; Used as a substitute for strychnine used as a substitution therapy in and brucine. primary and secondary corpus luteum deficiency. Used for pre- (The plant is also parasitic on Albizia menstrual syndrome, for regulating amara, A. odoratissima, Pongamia pin- hormones in amenorrhoea and for nata and Ziziplus oenoplia.) bleeding between periods; also as a galactagogue and to assist bust development. Viscum orientale Willd. The herb is also used in the treat- Family  Viscaceae; Loranthaceae. ment of prematureoldageduetosexual Habitat  Bihar, West Bengal and excess, nervous debility and impotence Kerala. (The plant parasitizing (as a homoeopathic drug). Vitex agnus Strychnos nux-vomica tree are used extract is found to lower prolactin lev- in Indian medicine.) els in men (the decrease in prolactin levels results in improved sexual per-  Folk Baandaa. formance. Males with hyperprolacti- Action  Used as a substitute for naemia frequently face impotence). nux-vomica. Poultice of leaves is used for neuralgia; ashes of the plant Key application  In irregularities for the treatment of skin diseases. of menstrual cycle, premenstrual complaints, mastodynia. (German Commission E.)Asahormonal Vitex agnus-castus Linn. modulator. (The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia.) Family  Verbenaceae. The methanolic extract of the flow- Habitat  Mediterranean region; ering stems of Vitex agnus-castus yield- South-West Asian countries, up to ed iridoids, angnucastoside-A, B and . (Seeds are imported from C, in addition to aucubin, agnuside, .)  mussaenosidic acid and  -O-p-hy- V English  Monk’s Pepper-tree, Hemp droxybenzoylmussaenosidic acid, and tree. phenylbutenone glucoside, myzoden- Ayurvedic  Renukaa (seed). drone. Renukaa and Harenukaa are Dopaminergic compounds, present synonyms in Indian medicine. in the herb, are clinically important  compounds which improve premen- Unani Sambhaalu. strual mastodynia and other symptoms Action  Dried ripe fruit—acts of premenstrual syndrome. on the anterior pituitary gland, The herb may counteract birth con- reducing FSH and increasing LSH; trol pills. (Sharon M. Herr.) 710 Vitex leucoxylon Linn. f.

Vitex leucoxylon Linn. f. medicine). Also given as a rejuve- nating tonic for retarding old age Family  Verbenaceae. and for retaining and promoting Habitat  Throughout Deccan virility. (in Ayurvedic medicine). Peninsula. Leaf—anti-inflammatory, analgesic;  removesfoetiddischargesand Ayurvedic Paaraavata-padi, worms from ulcers. Flowers—as- Kaakajanghaa. (Kaakajanghaa is tringent, febrifuge, antidiarrhoeic; also equated with Leea aequata prescribed in liver complaint. Oil— Linn.) applied to sinus, scrofulous sores. Action  Roots—febrifuge, astrin- gent. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of In- dia recommends the leaf (also the root) Ethanolic extract and cold aqueous in excessive vaginal discharges, oede- infusion of the leaf were found to sup- ma, skin diseases, pruritus, helmin- press acetic acid-induced writhing in thiasis, rheumatism, and puerperal mice and carrageenan-induced hind fever. paw oedema in rats. The flavonoids A water extract of the leaves, when exhibited anti-inflammatory activity. administered to rats, exhibited anti- inflammatory, analgesic, antihistami- nic and membrane stabilizing and an- Vitex negundo Linn. tioxidant activities. (J. Ethnopharmo- col, , (), –.) Methano- Family  Verbenaceae. lic extract of leaves showed remarkable Habitat  Throughout India in the antihistaminic activity. warmer zones; ascending to  m The leaves contain iridoid glyco- in the North-western Himalaya. sides, isomeric flavanones and flavo- noids, besides casticin and the gluco- English  Five-leaved Chaste tree. sides, luteolin--glucoside and alpha- Ayurvedic  Nirgundi, Shephaa- D-glucoside of a tetrahydroxy mono- likaa, Sindhuka, Sindhuvaara, methoxy flavone. Suvahaa, Sugandhikaa. Nila, Nila- Dried powder of roots contains hen- V nirgundi, Shveta nirgundi (var.). triacontane, beta-sitosterol and its ae- White-flowered var. is known tat and stigmasterol. Alcoholic ex- as Sinduvaara, blue-flowered as tract of the root showed –% anti- Nirgundi or Shephaali, implantation activity with no anti- Unani  Sambhaalu, Fanjankisht. ovulatory effect in rats.  Flavone vitexicarpin (), isolated Siddha/Tamil Nochi, Nalla Nochi, from the leaves, exhibited broad cyto- Vellai Nochchi, Nirkundi. toxicity in human cancer cell line panel. Action  Seeds—prescribed in Two pentacyclic triterpenoids, betulin- spermatorrhoea, and for pro- ic acid and ursolic acid, along with an moting spermiogenesis (in Unani aliphatic alcohol, n-hentriacontanol, Vitis vinifera Linn. 711 beta-sitosterol and p-hydroxybenzoic Ayurvedic  Sinduvaara, Nirgundi acid have been isolated from leaves. (white var.). The seeds contain p-hydroxybenz- Siddha/Tamil  Karu Nochi, Siru oic acid, -oxyisophthalic acid, glu- Nochi. cose and the triterpene, vitextriter- pene. Several anti-inflammatory triter- Folk  Paani-Sambhaalu. penoids and flavonoids have also been Action  Leaves—febrifuge, an- isolated from the seeds. The flavanone,   tibacterial, anthelmintic, cytotoxic. ,, trihydroxy-, , -trimethoxy- Extract of the leaves showed flavone exhibited anti-androgenic ac- inhibitory action against Mycobac- tivity in adult mice and dogs. terium tuberculosis. Leaves used as Dosage  Leaf—– ml juice (API, poultice in rheumatism, inflam- Vol. III); root—– ml juice (API, mations and sprains. Root and Vol. IV.) flowers—febrifuge. Root—expecto- rant. Fruit—used in amenorrhoea.

Aerial parts gave friedelin, beta- Vitex peduncularis sitosterol and its beta-D-glucoside, and Wall. ex Schauer. a long chain hydrocarbon. The leaves gave the flavonoids—artemetin, lute- Family  Verbenaceae. olin, orientin, casticin; and iridoid gly- Habitat  Assam, West Bengal, Bihar cosides, aucubin and agnuside. The and South India. fruitscontainanalkaloid,vitricin. Ayurvedic  Kaakajanghaa. (Leea Vitrosin A and vitexicarpin, isolated aequata Linn. is also equated with from the plant, blocked spontaneous Kaakajanghaa.) contraction of isolated guinea-pig tra-  chea induced by histamine. (Planta Folk Chirai-godaa, Chirai-gorwaa, Med, , Nov., /). Naagpheni. The leaves are reported to improve Action  Leaves and bark—used in memory and favour hair growth. Leaf malarial and black water fevers. extract showed significant antitumour Leaves—antibacterial. activity in the murine tumour system. The leaves and root bark gave pachy- V podol, ursolic acid, vitexin and pedun- cularcin. Vitis vinifera Linn.

Family  Vitaceae. Vitex trifolia Linn. Habitat  A woody, shrubby vine, cultivated in Punjab, Rajasthan,  Family Verbenaceae. Delhi, Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra, Habitat  Throughout India in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and tropical and subtropical regions. Tamil Nadu for edible fruits. 712 Vocanga foetida (Blume) Rolfe.

English  Wine Grape, European night vision, oedema due to injury and Grape. (Chinese: P’u-t’ao.) post surgery oedema. extract decreased Ayurvedic  Draakshaa, Go-stani, hepatotoxicity of acetaminophen in Mrdvikaa. Dehydrated fruit— mice. Grape polyphenols, extracted Daakh, Munnakaa, Kishmish. from skin and seeds decreased hepatic Unani  Angoor. Dehydrated injury from alcohol, but had no effect fruit—Daakh, Maweez, Zabeeb, on ethanol-induced lipid changes in Munaqqaa, Kishmish. rats. (Sharon M. Herr.)

Siddha  Draksha. Dosage  Dried mature fruits—–  g. (API, Vol. III.) Action  Dried fruits, seedless— nourishing and invigorating. Used in prescriptions for cough, respiratory tract catarrh, subacute Vocanga foetida (Blume) Rolfe. cases of enlarged liver and spleen; and in alcohol-based tonics Synonym  Orchipeda foetida Blume. (Aasavs). Family  Apocynaceae.  The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of In- Habitat Indonesia; cultivated in dia recommends dried mature fruits Indian gardens. (– g) in anaemia, jaundice, dyspep- Action  Latex—used for treating sia, constipation, haemorrhagic dis- fistula, pustules and tumours. eases, gout, cough, dyspnoea, and al- coholism. The bark contains a bitter alkaloid Grape vine contains flavonoids, tan- (yield .%). nins, tartrates, inositol, carotenes, cho- A related species, V. grandifolia line and sugars. The fruit contains tar- (Miq.) Rolfe has been introduced into taric and malic acids, sugars, pectin, the Indian Botanic Garden, Kolkata. tannin, flavone glycosides, vitamins A, All parts of the plant contain alkaloids B, B, C and minerals; anthocyanins which vary seasonally. The trunk bark in red leaves and red grapes. Antho- contains as high as .% of alkaloids V cyanins reduce capillary permeabili- on dry basis in November. The leaves ty. Red leaves are astringent and anti- contain a mixture of alkaloids (yield up inflammatory; an infusion is used for to .% on dry weight basis) contain- diarrhoea, heavy menstrual bleeding ing vobtusine, vobtusine lactone and and uterine haemorrhage; also in the deoxyvobtusine. treatment of varicose veins and haem- orrhoids. Oligomeric proanthocyanidin ex- Volutarella ramosa Roxb. tract of the seed is used in atheroscle- rosis due to its free radical scavenging Synonym  V. divaricata Benth & ability, also in venous insufficiency, Hook. f., in part. Volutarella ramosa Roxb. 713

Tricholepis procumbens Wight. procumbenidine and glucose on hy- divaricata Kuntge. drolysis. Fructose, surcose, lactose Family  Compositae. and maltose are also present in the  plant. Habitat All over India, except West Shukaayi of Unani medicine is also Bengal and eastwards. known as Al-shukaayaa, Al-shaukat- Unani  Baadaavard, Al-baavard, ul-arabia and Arabian Thorn. The fruit Shukaayi. and root are used in Unani medicine Folk  Bhu-dandi, Sukaayi (Maha- in chronic fevers and diseases of liver rashtra). and intestines. Baadaavard has also been equated Action  Plant—deobstruent, with Tricholepis procumbens Wight and aperient, febrifugal, styptic. Used Carduus bendictus. Tricholepis sp. are for disorders of the liver. The known as Brahmadandi in Ayurve- mucilage is used in coughs. dic medicine. Carduus nutans Linn. is The plant yielded a glucoside pro- known as Gul-Baadaavard in Kashmir cumbenin A which yields an aglycone andisusedasfebrifuge.