BULLETIN, 1922, No. II





No.1. Recent State legislation for physical education. W. S. Small, No.2. Administration of schools in the smaller cities. W. S. Deffenhaugh. No.3. Preparation of teachers of-the social studies for the secvdary schools.Edgar Dawson. to.4. Statistics of private commercial and business schools, H. R. Bonner. Ad- NAACO sheets from the Biennial survey, 1918-1920. No.5. Reorganizafon.,of home economics in secondary schools.A report of the commission on the reorganization of secondary education. No.6. State policies in "public school finance.Fletcher 11. Swift. No.7. Report on the higher educational institutions of Arkansas. No.8. Statistics of teachers' colleges and normal schools.II. R. Bonner. Ad- varce sheets from the Biennial survey, 1918-1920. No.9. Statistics of privr.te high schools and academies, 1919-20.II.It. Bois, Advance sheets from the Biennial survey, 1918,4920. No. 10. Supervision of rural schoOls.Katherine M. Cook. No. 11. Accredited secondary schools in the United States.G. F. Zook. No. 12. Dormitories in connection with public secondary schools.Edith A. Lathrop. N9. 13. Review of educational legislation, 1919 and 1920.Wm. It. Hood. No: 14. Status of sex education in tho high schools.Newell Wit &l on. No, 15. A kindergarten first-grade curriculum. No. 16. The district owned or controlled teachers' home. John C. Muerman. No. 17. Statistics of city school systerna, 1919 -20.H. R. Bonner.Advance sheets from the Biennial survey, 1918-1920. No. 18. The residence of students in institutions of higher learning.G. F. Zook. No. 19. National conference of junior colleges, 1920.G. F. Zook. No. 20. State laws relating to 9ducation, 1920-21. Wm. R. Hood. No, 21. Record of current educational publications, May 15, 1922. No. 22. Statistics Of kindorgartens, 19111 -20. H. R. Bonner.Advance sheets from the Biennial survey, 1918-1920. No. 23. High school buildings and grounk A report of the commission on the reorganization of secondary education. No: 24. The school janitnf: A study of the functions and administration of school janitor service.J. A. Garber. No. 2b. Higher education in Australia and New Zealand,Charles F. Thwing. :No. 26. Philanthropy in the history of American higher educatioq.Jesse B. Soars. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION






t4 I



PagP. Letter of transmittal...... 5 Accredited secondary schools defined. Unit defint:d. Variations in requirements of accrediting agencies...... 8 Methods of accrediting. 9 Part 1.State lists 10 Part 2. Lists of schools accredited by various associations. . 80 Commission of the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the Southern States 80 New England College Entrangp Certificate Board...... : ...... 84 North Central Avociation of Colleges and Secondary Schools.... 88 3


IEPARTMENT OF TILE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF EDUCATIkN, . WashingtOn, D. C. IR: Many students apply for admission to -higher institutionsin otheStateS and sections than those in whichthey have received their h-school preparation. Many also seek.certificates fiom exam- ining anlicensing _boards, which haveno direct means of knowing the standa i is of the schools fromwhich. the applicants cope.The demand .foris information led the Bureau ofEducation in 1913 to undertake the collection and preparation of listsof high: schools and -academies accredited-by Sate universitikapproved by State departments of education, or recognized byexamining and certifi- cating boards and by certain- other agencies,.The demand proved to be even greatv than had been anticipated.The first edition Of . the bulletin containing the listswas soon exhausted:In order to meet further demands for this information and alsoto bring the lists up to date, second and third editions of the .pamphletwere issued; in 1914 and 1916, respectIvely., The lastedition has long been exhausted.I have therelure requeste&Dr. George F.Zook, special- ist in higher education in the bureau,to revise the pamphlet again. The revision is contained in the accompanyingmanuscript, which 1 recommend for publication asa bulletin bf the Bureau of Education. - Respectfully submitted. JNO. J. TIOERT, Cumin.issioner. The SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR, c. , 5


The lists of aecredited secondary schoolswhich are preeented now for the fourth time in this bulletin are .lesigtA41 tomeet the needs of officers chanzed with the ad1iis- sim1 of new students to secondary schools,Collegee, uni%ersitiee, professional schools (especially-sho)ls of law and medicine', normalschools, et.; of State examining "and certifying boards, whichan; concerned with the status of secondary schools located at a distance: and of parents whomay want to know alert the high schools of any particular State otieection, The first ittme of the bulletin waS purdishod in1913.The introduction to the second bulletin, published in 1915, calle' at tentien . to the fact that the great annual increase in the number of secondary schools In 1911. ' 12 there were 13,265, in 191S-16. t henum- her had grown to 1-1,206: in 1917-:S.ii.reached 16,0991, together with theaudden changes in standing, generally for the better ofmany secondary schools in all parts of :the Country, make frequent revisions of thelists desinible.It was therefore the purpose of the 111n ...,u of Education to revise the bulletin everytwo years, but on ace aunt of the many other pressing matters engaging theattention of the petwotur responsible for the preparation of the 'bulletin duringand immoliately fallowing the war.'il was not pokble to carry out thispurpose, and the present revision is the first which has been male since 1916. The lists here presented showmany chariges in the way of schools added to or drop- poi from previous lists. The accrediting agencies represented, however,remain the same, except that. be'ause of the almost universal practice of the State accrediting bodies in extending, teir inspection and accrediting of secondaryet-hoots to cover private as well as blic high schools, Part Ill of the prl.eding bulletin, the a,;redited li containing s of certain private institutions, has been omitted__ Thearrange. ment bf the bet in is substantially uncnanged.The ritAtial parts of the iutrO- dilutions to t previous issues are reprinted here.


Anaccredited secondary school," as the term is usedin this bulletin, is a school win r is equipped to prepare students for colleges requiritti 15 unitsfor unconditioned ' acl fission and which has been investigatedor approved for this purpose by one of the lowing agencies: A State Meyer of education,a university or college. inspector or Committee on admissions, an officeror etimmittee of an accrediting artiociation. Except in the case of certain of theSouthern States, whose high-school coursesare based upon seven years of clementlytraining, it is understood that these 15 units repreeent secondary work above the standardeight-grade, elementary-school course- It is assumed that the curriculum ofan accredited school represents four years of 36 weeks each; that at least three teachers give their wholetime to highecbool work,' and that the school keeps bpan adeqbate library and laboratory equipment.. 1 Exceptions are certain schools in the lists of (lands, .0" Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, North Dakota, 16' and Tennessee, which do not confabs in every particularto the definition, but *reapproved by the State officials. 7 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.'


The following authoritative definition of the word"unit" has been made by the national conference committee on standards of collesant secon:lary schools, whih is composed of representatives of the National Associationof State Universities, the New. England College Entrance Certificate llo:trd, theCollege Entrance Examination Mind, the Aviation of Colleges and PreparatorySchools of the Middle States and Maryland, the A-sociation of Colleges and SecondarySchools of the Southern Stati,, the N.ew England Association of Colleges andSecondary Schools, the Association of American Colleges, the Association of Urban Universities,the carnegie riundation for tho Advancement of Teaching awl the UnitedStates Commissioner of Education:'. A unit representaa year's study in any subject ina secondary school, constituting approximately a quarter of a full year's work.

This statement is designed to afford a standard ofmeasurement for the work done in secondary hchools.It takes (11 The four-year high-rchool course as a basis andassumes that. (2) The length of the school year is from 36 to 19 weeks;that- 13) A period is from 40 to 60 minutes in lcngth;tind that (4) Th e. st udy is pursued four or five penodsa week; but under ordinary circumstances a satisfactory year's Workin any subject can not be accomplished in less than 120 sixty-ninute hours,or their equivalent. organized ou1tny other than a four-year baSi3 Schools in terms of this unit. can nevertheless estimate their work A four -year secondary-school curriculum should beregarded as representing not more than 16 units of work.


Tho number of subjects recognized by the various accreditingbodies as forming 'an acceptable pact of the college preparatory course vane greatly;for example, the subjects recognized by the College Entrance Examination Hoardas permissible in a . standard high-school course are:

Units. 1' nits. English 3 German 2-4 Mathematics IS-41 Spanish Latin 2-4 2-4 History 1-4 Greek 2-3 Scion( French 2-4 Drawing 1-2 On the other hand, there are State universities and privatelyendowed institutions, like Leland Stanford University, which permitgreat enlargement of the range of electives.The UniverSity of California, for example, accepts the following:

Units_ Units. English .2. 2-4 Physical geography 1 History . 1-4 Elementary physical science Laboratory scietict. 1 1-5 Drawing 1-2 Mathematics ,1,-4i Mechanic arts Greek 1-3 1-4 Agriculture I -3 Latin 1-4 "tome economies i-3 French 1-5 Music 1-4 German 1-5 Bookkeeping Spanish. 1 1-5 Stenography and typewriting 1-2 Physiology and hygiene 1 . . 2 It should be rioted, however, that the maximum amount of credit whicha high-school student can secure in any single subject in a year is ordinarily one unit.Fear units of credit In any. given subject would there- fore constitute the normal maximum for a high-school course. ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 9

It will therefore be apparent that. the onlyHose 'correspondence among the require- inents of the various institutions mentioned-in this pamphlet is the quantitativeone. All specify 15 units, except the Universitiesof Delaware and Maine, which admit' with 14 and 1-I!: respectively. None requiresmore than 1(1 units for admission. The re iuirements of each accreditingagency are briefly stated at the head of the list of schools which each accredits. At the head of each list' of schools accreditedby a State university are summarized the requirements for admission to the A. II:course. The schools on the accredited list generallyhave the privilege of certificating students to other courses as well. Ta outline the admission requirementsfor all these courses would consume much space and might leadto confusion.The requirements for admission to the A. B. course may in each ease be considered typical of the in- stitution's policy with respect to entrancerequirements..


Two methods are in common use hil carryingon the system of accrediting in those States where the State authority emlkraces agencies for higher education.I7ndsitabe first, the inspection of the work of the high schools is clone through an officeror com- mittee of the State university, and the list ofacceptable or accredited high schools is published in the catalogue of the university andthus made available for other institu- tions within the same State or for institutions in neighbortng States.Under the second, the inspection and rating arr., done by the Statesuperintendent of public instruction, the State hoard of education,or the State education office, acting through specially appointed officers.Examples of the former methodare furnished by the Universi- ties of California,- Nebraska, and Wisconsin; ofthe latter method, by the States of Nia' York, Ohio, and Minnesota. The requirement of the completion ofa standard four-year high-school course representing 15 units for admission to college,or as a part of the prescription for admis- sion to professional schools or to the practice of professions, has produceda group of organizations among whose activitiesare the coordination of standards of secondary education in neighboring States and the compilationof lists of accredited secondary schools,-Such sectional organizationsare now at work in the North Central States, New England, and the Southern States.These organizations are purely voluntary and have no legal control over the institutionswhich they rate. The influence which they wield, however, ,because of the fact thatthey focus representative educational opinion in their respective sections, is considerable.Occasionally also private insti- tutions, like the University of Chicago, havecarried on their own investigation and accrediting. CONTENTS OF THE BULLETIN.

PART 1: STATE 1.1sTm.

The bulletin is divided into. twoparts.The first part, as is appropriate, lists of schools accredited by State contains universities and State officers of education.Some- times both the State university and theState department of education publish of accredited schools. lists In such cases the list of the State universityis printed first, and all schools accredited by the Stat4 education department not included inthe university list are then added by way-ofsupplement.' When the State department of education or the State university putilishes lists of accredited or approvedhigh schools of different grades, only schools of the first grade are included in thebulletin, . Intik States, Florida;Louislana, Minnesota,North Dakota, Ohio, and West Virginia, the lion departments accredit or approve only public State educe. schools, but private schools having the requisitestandards and equipment are acereditedieleplisediltateuniversities, 10 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

except in the case of California, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky Nebraska, North Dakota, and Tennessee.' PART II: LISTS OF ACCREDITINO ASSOCIATIONS. as Part II contains the lists of the three principal associations which undertaketo accredit schools. The methods or standards of these associations are not identical. The list, accredited by each is preceded by a statement of the basisupon which it is compiled. 7 The sOikools are list& alphateticolly, according to thetowns in which they arei ocated.The names of-accredited private secondary schools and ac demies are printed in italics. Part I.STATE LISTS.'


Schools approved by the Department of Education of Alabama and accreditedby the University of Alabama for the year 1920-21. Units. University admission requirements Reqtured units; 15 English Mathernatics Latin 21 Electives Abbeville--Secondary Agricultural School. I tub lesletferson Comity II igh School. Albany. Itrod ton Albertville Secondary Agricultural School. /rooming Industrial Institute. Alexander City. High School. Aliceville. Bridgeport7'ronrater layer Institute. Alliance. BrundidgePike County High School. Andalusia. itutlerChotaw County High Schad. Anniston CamdenWilcox County High School. High School. Calms I till Noble Institute. Iligh School. AshlandClay County High School. Industrial Institute. Athens- - Carbon allege Academy. Carrollton. Greene University School. CastleberryConeenh County High School. Secondary Agricultural School. CentreCherokee Count y I I igh School. AtmoreEscambia County High School. CentrevilleBOA County High School. AttallaEtowah County fligh School. Chat 0m-11'1011i:1w on County high School. Auburn Lee ('utility High School. Citronelle. Bessemer. Clanl onChilton County II igh School. Bay Hinette. Clayton. Birmingham Clio- Barbour County High School. Central High School. Collins, ille. College Training School. ColumbiaHouston County High School. Loulie Compton Seminary. ColumbianaShelby County lligh School. BlountsvIlleSecondary Agricultural School. Cuba*. BoazSnead Seminary. CullmanCullman Comity High School. An accredited public high school is located In each place in the list where name of a school. name is riot followed by the 4 Schools in DU ision 11 of the University of California are accreditisi.Their coup holed accredit inv. however; is rendered somewhat uncertain by undeveloped organization, inadequate causes. resources, or tither The schools in (iron() 2 ot,tho Ueorgia list, though weak In laboratory, library, andsometime, teaching staff, are fully accredited by the Universal, of tleorgia, and are therefore included in-t he bulletin. Classes 11, C and I) schools accredited by the Kansas State Department of Education andthe Unisef,ity of Kansas are four -year schools " which on account of financial and other eonsiderationsdo nut provide courses of study covering all departments of secondary work, or in which there Is not/the permanency and efficiency in general administration." same degree of Schools accredited by the University of Kentucky in Class H are required to have onlytwo teachers., The session is eh weeks longer ,r however, than that of the Ciass,A schools. Schools in Croup It of the Nebraska list are accredited by the University of Nebraska,though they do isqt fully meet the standards of Group A schools as to preparation of teachers, 6116 library facilities. or 'laboratory Graduates of the s?hools in the second 'and third classes are admitted to the on certificate University of North Dakota The State Department of Education of Tennessee grades the' high schools of the Stateas A-I, A,13, and C. Graduates of all these schools except grade C are admitted unconditionally and are therefore included in the bulletin. to the University of TM:lessee, . ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS/. 11 DadevilleTallspoosa County High School. DaphneNormal School. University Military School. Decatur. High School. Demopolis. KnottSchool. Dothan. Academy of the Visitation. Double SpringsWinston County High School. McGill Institute. EclecticElmore County High School. MonroevilleMonroe County High School. Elba. Mont gomery Elkmont Limestone County High School. BarytesSchool. Ensley. MargaretBoothSchool. Inter`` Count y High School. F,dr's School. Eufaula. Si ney Lanier High School. Eutaw. Nforris,Rt. 2Majestic ?Ugh School. .Evergreen Secondary Agricultural School. MoultonLawrence Comity High School. FairhopeSchoolof Organic Education. MoundvilleNormal School. FayetteFayette County High School. New Market. ve Points. NewtonBantiztCollegiate Institute. floraln--Covinglon County High School. NotasulgaMacon Comity High School. Florencec ogee high School. , Odenville--St. Clair County High School. Fort DepasitLowndes County- High Schob.. OneontaBlount County IIigh.School. Fort PayneDeIC-alh County high School. Opelika. Gadsden. Opp GenevIt. Oxfo.rdCalhoun County High School. 4;eorgiatta. Ozark. Girard. Pell City.' Gordo. Phoenix;'ity. Greenville Piedmont. High School. Pike Road. Southern MilitaryAiademy. PlantersvilleDoll ai County Iligh School. Glove HillClarke County High Schohl. PrattvilleA titaugaTounty High School. GoinMarion Comity High School. Ranter. GuntersvilleMarshall County High School. Red Level. GurleyMadison County High School. Reform Plekens County High gchosi. Haley ville. Roanok Handley High School. Hamilton Secondary Agricultural School. RockfordCoosa County High School. Hart fordfleneva County High School. ItogersvilleLanderdale CoutillIbigh Sebum. IlartselleMorgan County High School. RussellvilleFranklin County High school. Headland Henry County High School. Samson. Heil inCleburne County High School. Scot tsboroJackson County High School. Highland HomoCrenshaw County High School. Selma, Huntsville Sheffield. High School. Slocomb. Wills' School. JacksonSt43sidary Agricultural School. Sulligent. Jackson% ille. SylacaugaSecondary Agricultural School. JasperWalker County High School. Talladega. lad-uyette. Talltwee. Lanes t. ThomastonMarengo County High school. 1.44.1s. Thomasville. LeighttakColbert Count y 11Igh School. ThorsbvTkorsby Institute. Lineolte4=Talladega Comity High School. Town ('reek. Linden. Troy. LinevilleN. E. Alabama Agricultural Institute. Tuscaloosa. Tuscumbia. lafverne. Tuskegee. M ad isa. Union Springs. Marbury. Uniontown. Marion VernonLamar County High School. udson Academy. NVe-lowee Randolph ( ounty High School. Perry County High School. WetumpkaSecondary AgricuiLural School. IVitifield. MilltownChambers County IBA School. YorkSumter County High School. . ARIZONA. Approved by the State board of education and accreditedby the University of Arizona for the year 1920-21. The Stale board or educalion rivar., that in order to be approveda high school nlust oiler oppor- tunitfor its graduates lo f ill ii the following mittirements for entrance to the'niversitof ona: University admission requirements Units Prescribed units: En 'lixh' Mathemat les 3 history and civics 21 Foreign languages 1 .Electirml 2 51 Benson. (Aber'. Miami. 'Bisbee. Glendale. Thabler.--GfloAcademy.' Chandler. MoreneL Tom hstone. Globe. Nogales. Tucson. Clarkadale. Holbrook. Phoenix. Clifton. Jerome. Douglas. l'resoott. Willcox. Kingman. Safford. Winslow. Duncan. Mesa: Tempe. 40 Florence. Metealf Yuma. ,Accredited by the 'University of Arizona. high schooLg. The State board of education has approved only the public 12 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

ARKANSAS. Classified by the Department of Public Instruction of Arkansas and accredited the University of Arkansas for the year 1919-20. by University admission requirements nits. Prescribed units: t5 English Mathematics 3 History Foreign language (2 units in onelanguage) 1 Elective 3


Arkadelphia. Greenwood. Nashville. Ashdown. aarrinibi,ilrigrg. Newport. Augusta. II North ifittle Rock. Batesville. I I arrison. Bentonville. Hazen. 'aragould. !lope. Booville. llot Springs. 'arkin. Brinkley. Jonesboro- 'iggott. Caniden. First Dist. Agr. High School. 'inc !Sluff. High School. 'art land. Clarendon. Junction City. 'tairie Grove. Clarksville. Lake Village, 'rescott. Conway. Leslie. t ()gem Corning. ,te Leal:vine. ins:e1k-1110- Cotton Plant. Little Rock. ;30(.0nd Iiit Agr. lligh erasett. Loitoke. School.. DeQueen. Magnolia- High School. Itermott. ..Third Dist. Agr. I I igh SchJol.,Sean:Y. Dierks. I I ieh School. Siloam Springs. Earle. Malvern. Springdale, El I )(ratio. NI .tin mot h Springs. Shunt's. England. Si at tgart. Eudora. Marianna. Texarkana. Eureka Springs, Marshall. Thom on. Crotee,nt contr. Marvell. Van It tiren. high School. Waldron. FavetteNfille. Monticello- Walnut Ridge. Fordyce. Fourth Dist. A gr. I I iglt School..Warren. Forest City. II igh School. Wilmer. Fort Smith. Morrilt on. Wynne. Gravette, Mountain lIorne-College.


Schools accredited by the University of California for1920-21. Admission requirements Units. PriTscribed units: English History Science Electives I I "All curricula must be so organized as to include twomajors'of at least 3 units each-a major consisting of' threo years of study In an academic subject, namely, Englishor mathematics or history or science or foreign language." 1)1vIst(ssr A.6 Alameda. Berkeley- Alhambra-City High School. High School. Anderson-Union High School. The Annul Head School. Anaheim - Union IiIgh School. Rontonia -El Cajon Valley Union IlIgh School. Angels Camp- Bret Barb' Union High School.' Brawley Union High School. Antloch-Riverview Union IMO School. Brentw xl--Llberty Union Illgh School. 'Arcata-Union High School. Buena -Union Itig.h School. Arroyo Orattde-Unlon High School. Calexico Union IRA School. Auburn-Placer Union High School. CampbelUnion High 'School: Azusa-Citrus Union High School. Century WashingtonUnion High School. Bakersfield-Kern County Union Iligh School. enhiritcott.. Banniniti-Union High School. Beaumont. Chino. 3 Classes B and C not fully accredited. 'Accredited for entrance to the college of agriculture. All schools are accredited for elle year only. As regards institutions in Division A, there a presumption that aagediting will be continued from year to year. Is, in general, t ACCREDITEDSECONDARY SCHOOLS.

Clamtiont. Clovis7-Union High School. Monrovia-City High School. Coalinga-Union High *School. Monterey-Union High School. College City-Pierce Joint Union High School. Morgan Hilt-Live Oak Union High School. Colton. Mountain View-Union Hlgh ;School. Co losa. Napa. Compton-Union High School. National City-National High School. Concord -Mount Diablo Union High School. Newman-Orestimba Union III4School. Corning-Union High School. Nordhoff-Union High School. Corolla. Norwalk-Excelsior Union High School. Coontado. F Oakdale -Union High School. Cos itni-Union.fligh School. Oakland- Coscent City -Del Norte Count y High School. "Academy of Our Lady of Lourdes. Crockett-John Swett Union }Ugh &hoot college 0 f the Holy :comes High School. Dinua-Union high School. Fremont High School. Dixon -Union High School. Merriman Scher!. Downey-Union High School. Oakland High School. Easton-Washington noon High School. The Horton School. El Centro-Central Union High School. Technical High School. El Monte -Union High School. University High School. Escondido. Oceanside-oceanside-Carlshad Union high School. Etna Mills.-Etna Union High School. Ontario--ChaffeY Union High School. Hump City. Orange-Union High School. 1:xeter-Uniori High School. Oroyille-Union iiih School. Fairfield --Armijo Utuon High School. Oxnard-Union High School. Pacific Beach-Sap Diego Army and .Val y Academy. Fair Oaks--San Juan Union High School. Pacific Grove. Falli.rook-Un ion 11 igit School. Fillmore- -Union High School. l'alo Alto- Fort liragg -Union high School. Chslilleja School. Fortuna --.17nion.11igh School. Afiss !biker's School. Fowler- Union High School. Union High School. Fresno. Paspdena. High School. Paso Roller. Gil Patterson-Union High School. Y. Petaluma. tileale-Union High School.- Grass Valley. Piedmont- .Miss Ransom and ..Vin Bridge's School. Gridley -Union High School. Pomona. lianPpol -Union High School. Porterville-Union High School. Hayward -Union High School. Princeton - Joint Union High School. Heal is) urg. Puente -- (-nion High School. Hemet -Union High School. Red Bluff-Union High School. Hollister -San Benito County High School. Redding-Shasta Union High School. Huntington Park-Union High Soho(. Redlands. ImperialImperial ('alley Union High School. Redondo -Union High School. Inglea-ta1-1. nion High School. Redwood City-Sequoia Union *High School. JacksotP--Joint Union High School. Reedley -Joint Union High School. Kerman-Union High School. Richmond-Union High School. King City-Union High School. Riverside- Girls' High School. King,burg-Joint Union'High School. Itosex 'Ile-Union High School. 1,a Jolla-/li.vhop's School. Sacramento. 1.31;eport -Clear Like Union High School. St. Helena-Union High School. Laticistier -Antelope 'Valley Union High School. Salinas-Union High School. Laton -Joint Union High Schol. San liernardino. La Verne-itonita Union High School. San !deg°. Letieiore--1 nion High School. San Francisco- Litwolo-Union High School. California School of Afirhanica/ Arts. 1.ireisay. ("agar& Polytechnic College. Livermore-Union High School. earls' High School. Lodi-Union High School. Hamlin School. Lompoc -Union High School. I gh School of Ammeice. Long Beach-Polytechnic High School. 'melt High School. Los A tigele,s- Miss Burke's School. onhedral High School. fission High School. cu mnock .4 cadeniu. Noire Dame High School. Franklin High School. :'olytechnic High School. Girls' (anemic School. St. Rise lion ard Military School. Star of the (SvedaTctool. Gardena Agricultural High School. San Jose- high School. College of Notre Dame. Hollywood High School. San Jose High School. immaculate heart College. Notre !aline High school. Jefferson High School. San Luis Ohispo-California Polytechnic School. Lincoln High School. San Mateo-Union High School. Manual Arts High School. San Rafael- Marlborough School. Dominican College. Polytechnic High School. High School. San Fernando High School. Hitchcock Military A.eademy. San Pedro High School. Mount Tamalpais.Military Academy. Van Nuys High School. Santa AM. Westlake School for Girls. Santa Barbara. Wilmington High School. Santa Clara. . Los Gatos- Santa Cruz. - High School. Santa Maria-Union High School. Montem ma Mountain Ranch School. Santa Monica. Santa Paula-Union High School. Madera-Union High School. Santa Rosa. Martinez-Alhambra Union High School. Marysville: Santa Ynez-Santa Vries Valley Union High School. Merced-Union High School. SIAlsalito-Tamalpais Union High School. Modesto. Sebastopol-Analy Union High School. , . Selma-Union High School. 14 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

Sonoma-Sonoma Valley Union High School. Vallejo. Sonora-Union High School.. Venice-Union Polytechnic High School. South 'Pasadena-City High School. Ventura-Union High School. Stockton- Wasco-Union High School. High School. Watsonville. St. Agnes Academy. West Alhambra-Ramona (omen: 'of the Holy Sutter-I Mon High school. Names. sinter ('reek -V mon High School. Whit ier-Union High School. Tulare. Willows-Glenn Count V High School. Tuolumne-Summerville Union High School. Winters-Joint Union High School. Turlock-Union High School. Woodland. I limb-Union high School. Yreka- Siskicnu' High School. acaville-Union High School.

v 1st(,XB.°

Atlin-Big Valley Joint Ininn High School. McArt heir- Fall River Joint 1 mon High school. .%Ipaugh. Mance,' ea. lturas-Mmloc 'Moll High sehool. Nlariwwa-Mariposa County high school. Barstow-I:Mon High School. Haskell -Union high Sl.11001. Benicia. 11e1µ1011'1110.-11110i1 High School. .Berkeley- 'Menlo Park- .4 -to led School. Sowed Wart Courted. Berke ley Preparatory School. 14'illiam Warren School. California High School for the Blind. Ntitletlettm.n -Union High School. t Miss Randolph's School. Montebello. St, Joseph's Presentation Academy. Needles. Biggs-Union High School. Nevada City. Bishop-Union High School. Oakland-nigh School Department of St. 'Maris Blythe -Palo Verde Valley Union High School. College. Boonville-Anderson Valley Union High snool. Orland-Jolla Union High School.

Boulder Creek-Union High School. Grosi-Union High School. . 0 Calistoga-Joint Union High School. Palo Alto-Mt/Mug .1 re:rimy. , Carpinteria-Union High School. 01Pasadena- Caruthers-Union High School. Holy Names Collegiate School. Cedarville-Surprise Valley Union High School. Orton School. Cowehilla-Union High school. Perris-Union Iligh School. Cloverdale-Union High School. phremlje.-El Dorado County High School. Coachella Valley-Union High Shool. point Arena-Union high Scfionl Coreoran-Union High School. _ tniiney-flan tas County high School. Court land-Union High School. Ramona-Union High School. Covelo-Round Valley Union High schod. Rio Vista-Joint Union High School. Danville-San Ramon Valley Union High School. Itipon-.1 Moil High School. Delano-Joint Union High School. Riverdale-Joint 1'1110/1 High School. Denalr. sacrantento:- Dos Palos-Joint Union High School. Kt tory School. Elk Grove-Union High School. St. Joseph's Academy. Elsinore-Union High School. san iego-Francis N. Parker School. Esparto-Union High School. San -Francisco- Ferndale-Union High School. It» morn/aft Conception High School. Gait -Joint Union High School. Potter School. Geyservillo-Union High School. l'rementation High School. Gonzales-1"nion High School. Sacred Wart College. 1 lust ine-Ull ion High School. St. Brigid's School. Half Moon Bay-Union High School. St. Pe le is A rude my. Hamilton City-Hamilton Union711igh School. r reify School. Holt ville-rnion High School. Sanger-Union High School. Hugh.son-Uniots High School. San Jacinto. Huntington Beach-Union High Shool. San Jose-College Park Academy. lone--l.suon High School. Santa Rosa- Irsul toe College. Irwin-Hilmar Colony Union High Sehool. South San Francisco. Julian-Union High School. Susanvillo-Lasseli Union High School. Lakeside-Riverview Union High School. Taft -4 onle.y High School. LeGrand-l'ilion Iligh School. Tomalo;-Joint Union High School. La Verne-A cademy of La Verne College. Tracy-West Side Union High School.

Los Angeles,- Tranquility -'pion High School. . Hollywood School for Oirls. Truckee-Meadow Lake Union high School, Loyola College Academy. Upper Lake-Union High School. Owensmouth High School. Schad. Sacred Heart High School. Victorville-Victor Valley Union High School. Saint Mary's A eadetity. Visalia. Los Banos-West Side Union High School. Woodland-linty Rosary Academy. Loyalton- Sierra Miley Joint Union High School. $ "The continued accrediting of institutions in Division B is rendered somewhat uncertain by node veloped organization, inadequate resources, or other causes." ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 15 COLORADO. Schools accreditedby the University of Colorado. February,1921. A(ImisSion requirement A Unit, Pre Sribed .. , Matheinatio, 3 Language,. History ......

.%krn ashington Conn!.,- Englew(xxl. 111:h Sc hool, LorettoLaredoIlrighlA cod, no/. el Florence. Loveland. AIkeo. Fort Coln,. Fort Morgan. Manitou. Bert howl. ountaiti. lt,11.1cr Slate M eeker It in Blain-or (im y It igh PreparatoryFowler. School. S. lool. Fruit:IUnion high School. Itre,kein idge. (;eorget own. 1Pnleist;1. Brighton. (; len w nod Springst ; Motu reseCoont y High School. ant " Union High School. County High School. irayCounty I high School. Vi ' Golden. Palisades It a: linztott. Mount Lincoln High School. tluutn Grand Junet inn Palisade High School. . 'truit% ale I ligh School. Paonia. c.i.tIc Rock Dough, county (1 rand Juncl ion High School. high School. Greeley Puchia ('enter - -Joint Consolidated High I I igh School. Cetiennial High School r School. triet. Nn. II. Industrial ArtaSchool. centraltit yCiilpin Count y (1 Central Iligh School (District nniso nllunnison County No. 20). Union High School. High School. cheyenneWells Lorato .4 corking. Cheyennet;ypsumEagle CountyHighPagosa Springs. ('runty High tchool. School. coloroloSpringsCheyenne I I igh RifleUnion High School. s:ho.4. hillyUnion high School. Rocky Ford. cripple neck. HolyokePhillips County HighSaguitcheCounty High School. Sq:hool. Salida. he Ise-ow. I loteh kiss. DelNorte - ConsolidatedHigh Silverton. Idaho Spring,. Steamboat Springs. belts.. .1 u Ins bur gSedinvick Count ySterlingI.ogan CountyHigh High School. School. Denver Lafayette. I oh, lro!Binh School. i. a .1 a r aConsolidated HighTelluride. East Side Highigh School. School. Trinidad. 1;iritial'fraining I I ig h School.La flints. Victor. North Side I I igh School. WalsenburgIluerfanocounty South Side High School. LaniarUnion High School. High School. La Porte(';oche Potuire HighWeirfona. Ve.t side High School. School, l'rt paratorn School, (OINK ol W heat ridge. Stirred Hear:. Las Animas Bent Count y High indsor. Wolcott School. Leadvil le. W r a y-1" u m a County. High Dult.ingo. Littleton. School. Longmont .

. CONN ECM 'UT. Schools approved by the Connecticut State Board of Education for theyear 1919-20. 1:(quiretnent,forapproyal: Satisfactory buildinceonipment ,ttoD . and health provisions: well-adjustedeour,e ctaff well .itialltied In re.pect of an education,rind Want y to teach; intnietion ori ute hi-.11school plane: adequate w a and it ()kep; atiart.:tion to community Amman. interests. New Dritnin. Branford. TerryvillePly ur outh High New Haven. School. Bristol. New London Thomaston. Canaan North Canaan Piratic,/ School. Thorn sonvilleEnfield Iti' it 'VocationalSchool 111 h school. lrilliarna Manorial lastillit, School. Califon Collinsville 1149. School.New Milford. Torrington. Crotrid Village Plainfield Rich I' ni on v i lie Farm ingt on High Norwallt--Senior High School. School. NorsvichFret Arad, my. odelti..terlia1111 .teaderny. Portland. VernonRockville High School. Banbury. Putnam. Wallingford Lyman Hall High 11;11110.0n-1: il I y It i School. School. North Stonington 14. lite.rrWaterbury )(1,y, School. Croshy High School. Durham. Ridgefield. Why High School. Devi. RiverSaybrook Vocational High School. School. 1110Sharon... Watertown. East. Hartford. Shelton- -high School. Wept Hartford. EssexPratt High School. Simsbury. West HavenOrange High Fairfield. SolithingtonLewis High School. School. treettwieh. SouthManchnsterManchesterWestportStaples High- School. 1;trilforti. filch School. Wethersfield. Mulford. Stafford SpringsStafford HighWillimanticWindom High Litchfield. School. Stamford. School. Meriden. Windsor. . !liddietcwn. Windsor Locks. StStonington. Naugatuck.' ratford! WinstedGlibertSchool. Suffield. Woodbury. 16 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

DELAWARE. Four -year public high schools accredited by the Delaware State Department of Education and by Delaware University, February, 1921. Units. Requirements for entrance to Delaware Colle,:e 14 Proscribed units:

. Ent :HAI .1 Mathematics.. ... 2 Foreign lam:Imre. 2 Illstoey 4 Science Electives Bridgeville. 1,eweR. Wilmington Dover. Middletown. High School. t;istrgelown. Milford. Howard High School. Ilarrington. Newark. A' comingCaesar Rodney High` Henry Clay Factor A. 1.du New Castle. I School. l'ont Digit Sehool. Seaford. Laurel. Smyrna. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.. A committee composed ,)1 representatives from the universities in the District ea Columbia and from the University of Maryland (after personal inspection of thase.schools concerning which members of the committee were not ,well informed) prepared the following Lists of public and private secondary schools in the District of Columbia whose work they regard as meeting acceptably the usual requirements for college entrance. 1. Approved four-year secondary schools.

Armstrong Manual Traihing High School (colored). Ountlon riny end NaryPreparatory School. II drm -.4 rmrSchool. Business High School. Holy Cross Academy. Central lligh School. Immaculate* Seminary. clircyChase School. Madeira School for Girls. Dunbar High School (colored). McKinley Manual Training High School. Eastern High School. Mount lemon Seminary. Nips.Eastman's School. I NationalCathedral School for Boys. Fine rson Institute. National, Cathedral School for Girls. Fairmont School. Notre Dame Academy. Friends' Select School. St. John's College. Georgetown Preparatory SchOol(Garret I. Park. Md.). Visitation A emir my (Georgetown). Gon:aga High School. NVestern high School. 2. Secondary schools of accredited quality giving, in less than the standard allotment of time, acceptable units of instruction in the usual preparatory subjects. Pre poratory Schwa. Washington Pre paratory School FLORIDA. Public high schools accredited by Florida State Board of Education and by Univer- sity of Florida, for year 1920-21. Units. University admission reiiiiremcii:, le) Prescribed units: English Matheillat ice 21 History Scietwe Latin... 2 Electives 6i Alachua. Crescent City. Gmeeville. Lynn Haven. Alva. Dale ('it y. Green Cove Springs. Madison. . Apalachicola. Daytona. High Springs. Marianna. Apopka. DeFuniak Springs. Homestead. Mayo. Arcadia. )eland. Inverness. Melbourne. Avon !'ark. Delray. Jasper. Miami. Barborville. Dunnellon. Jacksonville. Milton. Bartow. Eau Gaulle. key West. Monticello. Bonitay. Eustis. Kissimmee. Moniverde. Bowling Groen. Fellsmere. Labelle. Mulberry. Itradent own. Fernandina. Lake Butler. Mitscogeo. Brooksville. Fort Lauderdale. Lekkaty. New Smyrna. Carrabelle. Fort Meade. Lakeland. OaklandWinterGar. Center 11111. Fort Myers. Largo. High School. l'hipley. Fort Pierce. Leesburg. 0 'Clearwater. Gainesville. Lemon City. Okeecoboe. Came. Gonzales. Live Oak. Orkin ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 17 Palatka-. Redlands. Palmetto. Stuart. Webster. St. Augustine, Tallahassee. Panama City, St. Cloud. West Palm Beach. Tarpon Springs. \Vol list cut. Pensacola. St. Petersburg. Titusville Perry. Sanfonl. Winter haven. Trenton. Mat yrhil Is. Plant City. Sarasota. I' matilla. Ponta I ;onto. Srtt breeze. Vero. Quincy. Starke. atichilla. Graduates of the following private secondaryschools are admitted versity of Florida on certificate.: to the Uni- ItcFolliak Springs hillIIIT(Mit Sif Thninali Indurdrial sehoot. Magnolia Springs Florida Military .4 cadcmy

GEORGIA. Schools accredited by the Department ofEducation of Georgia and by University of Georgia for year 1929 -21.

Admission requirement s Knits. Prescribed unit s: Mathematics 3 History. .... Foreign language.. . 2 Elective, 21

11(11.1.1. Albany. Americus NeW11:111. I I 'eh School. ing,4111. Norman ParkItolitutr. Third Dist, Agr. school. (1\ fordErn.", Avid( my. 1 YIU,11 . Athens. Pelham. I tecatur. . At lama I louglasElevent Powder Springs Seventh. Dist, Itovs' High School. Dist..A gr. Agr. School. Fulton High School. Quitman. sirs' High School. Eastman. Rome Maw: i',dltpr. F Alert on. Da riimpm Am!, Inv. SnrthA I eau(l'rr.,bytt rhinF It tgerald. Rome High School. School. Forsyt h. Sandersville. Peacock School. Savannah -- Fort Valley. Ht utdoefinr School. Sacred Mart School. nircr.ide A raitrmy. Tovlinological 11 i011 Srho.I tine dillTenth Hist. Agr. Pape Schoq. Iliphington Seminary. SI-111101. Senior High School. Iliwllhury11011. Sparks Institute. Oraymont-Summit. Sparta. Augusta - tireensboro. Richmond Academy. ;thin). S tat est .oro-- Si. jos. ph's Arad, my. Hart well. First I tisi. 1 gr. school, Th1,114(41111 igh School. Jackson. Statesboro highigh School. Bainbridge. Lai i range. St Hinton.. Sylvester. Barnesville Lawrenceville. Gordon Institute. S a ainshoro. 1.ocust Clrove/nAtit Tennille. Sih Dist. Agr. School. Nlitenn Limier highigh School. Baxley. Madison- Thomson. Blackshear. Flg ht h Dist. Agr. School. Thomasville. Itnmswick lilynn Academy. Madison High School. ThomastonH. F. Lee Institute. Manchester Tifton Ciu-rollt own Marietta. II igh School. Fourt h Dist. Agr. School. ieorgla Serond Hist. Agr. School. , High School. Toccoa. College. Valdosta. 4 Cartersville. Millen. Cedartown., WaleskaR. inhardl Cochran. Monroe Warrenton. Fifth Dist. Agr. School. Washington. College Park High School. Georgia Military .1cadriny. 1Vaycroes. I I I gh School. Montetuma. Waynesboro. Mount Berry The /Wry SchoolWest Point. . Columbus forBor.,. High School. Mount Vernon If reacton-I'arkerWre10. Secondary Industrial School. 1 :WOW . Commerce.. Motiltrie. 94429°-22-2 18 c ACCREDITEDSECONDARY SCHOOLS.

0110UP; U.

AdtuntvIlle. Eat ontnn. Naconthee. Allan V a-4'ommetrial HighEllaville. ()rills. School. Fairborn. Perry.. A opts! a Sa m mcit fit .(older'''. Cainesville. , Reynolds: 4 ; rantville. Richland. Hostel). 4 ;ray. Roberta. Row deep. 4 ;reenvIlle. Rochelle. Bowmantli.ton Jllf rrf Arad.Ilawkinsville, Itorkmart. f my. I latelhorsi . ltu sits''. Ituford. I leptibali. ';t. Mars. It nena Vista. JeffersonMartin Institute. Sennia. Jonesboro. Shellman. Canton. Kirk w foil. Snit hville. Chickamauga. La Fayette. Social Circle. Coltunbusi.orf tiefail. Lit henia. Stone Mount ain. Cornelia. _Legally tile. Vidalia. Cuthbert. Louise tile. Vienna. Ly unit. Villa Rica. Darien. . 'McRae. W a N ero...--i'td,omet boitt4r, . Deillowstl'itdmont .4 cod,isy. Ste Hoijough. 4 Ntoixibury. DOnaidsonv Melo. I oiaffasville. Metter. \',...-4-''''IDAHO. Schools accredited by the State Department of Education and the University of Idaho for The year 1921.

niversit y admission reytiremen , ..... Prescribed louts: English. Mathemat sea Foreign lailpiap,owe, Social science,including hist . Natural science.. Electives

Aberdeen (1 eneser...... i '.., Moscow. Rockland. American Falls. t;lemis Feity7'i. Mountain dome. Roswell. Arco. C txXI in g. / Mullen. Rupert. Ashton. Umngevillts. / , Nampa. St: A nt hony. - Bellevue. Hagerman. New -Plymouth. St. Nlarie... !thick Imo Halley. Net Terre. Salmon. 'Boise. liarrison. I Irofino. Sandi want . ltonners Ferry. Idaho Falls. Parma. Shelley. Buhl. Jerome. Payette. SilIltvine. Burke. Kendrick. Plummer. Sugar ('its. Burley. Kimberly. Pocatello. , Twin Falls. Lapwai. l'ost Fails: / Walliur. Coeur d'Alene. Lewiston. Potlatch. W a r fl n e r Wat, 1 Ller. Culdesa. Si IA.1111111(41. Rat hdrom. h,'I logg high school. rIggs. Mackay. Rexburg-716AR Ara d - Weiser. Emmet t. Naiad: em y. ' Wendell ae Filer. Meridian. Rig', Fruit land. Montpelier. jtolens.

ILLINOIS. Schools accredited by the University of,Illinois, January 1, 1921.

"The following high schools, having all the prescribed units and enough others to makeup the required total of I. units, are in the list of fully accredited schools. " Not all these schools, however,are accredited for the same amount of work,nor all for the same SU bjecli. A student presenting a certificate from anyone of these schools will be given entrance credit.for all the subjects named therein for which the said school is specifically accredited. as shown in the certificateof Its accredited relation, issued by the university." Units. Admission requirements Prescriled units t 15. English . Mathematics 3 Science.. 2 For courses it. I iterature and arts in the college of liberal arts and sciences-- Foreign langilage (one) Electives. 2 7

"Group II represents those schools that have inadequate equipment in laboratory, library, andare often weak in teaching staff and in other equipment." ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

A hingslon- 'Alongdon High Se ool. ChandlerrIlle. /lidding allege Academy. Chariest on- /Almon. .Charl7Wigh`fichool. Easte 00State Normal Thigh School. .Vle xis. Chatsworth -High School ttownshipI. Ali:mum'. Cheliatise-High School (township). Alton-- , t'henos. ('bestir. highigh School. ' . t *nothat Academy. I, chlingo- II', .ri rn Military A catftmy. Acadrmy of Our 1.ady. 1it,113N% shoot e'.flill, high School. Austin high School. Ali inItu,s Too whip li 'h School. 'Howell High School Anna - hincsbora Too aqi p High Schad. t'alumet High School. A, id ocli. High School i too ti,hip,.. flicap 1Al11n School. .'itolaHigh School (low whip I. ('rant Technical II igh School. .1rota-lligh School I tow/Ann). be Paul / 'nicerinty .1 redcap. Englewood High School. At iinglon Ileighis-- III liS.vitsi1 Ito. iiiiip.. Artaineton-.1 little T nslop High School. Pawlinfr 414961p,. .1 crust rung High Sc lull f 1 4wn,Iii p). Fenger Iligh School. Arthur- II igh Schoo item nIhip'.. FMwc'rTechnicalHl gh School. A1,1ev-Iligh School it ownShip . Harrison Technical High School. Aliton. 'laniard School for Bor. .1,-it foto ion . ilyde Park High Schtlol. .V-iIfla, Joaephilim .4 say. V hll Kne irmid.l.or g .111311141. Lake View it gh School. .1,,,...lI lich s., h..( towipthip4. Lane Technical High Schad. %Wain, High School t tins itshiP) Lindblom High School. Atioi-ta. Media A rade rap. I,oyola Academy. Aiirora- , , aq High School: Latterr J. am tisitSIllinarr. McKinley /ligh School. 11"vt high School.. Marshall High School. Avon. Medd! High Si Itanalion. Miss Spaid's School. .1 I Park Ili ``h School. 'tarry. i 1. 11.41.4N la., 1 A/o n Park .V 'tarp Act:dna,. Nail Park 0.1Iegc Anti/telly. 1k:int-loon.. . I ltc.ivcrN ille--flolyarnoly4eq?rmty. ter ,ad of Procideacc Academy. Lt,11'. , ilkII igh S mot , too 11 hip,. Parr high School. tt 111,1im,r- High fisi Imo'i 0Ailp Phillips High School. 's,1:11cry. l'ulhnan Free School. Sci,,cin - High o(hooli Ow !tip . St. gers1 (Witte A cadnaY. tcni.1HighSchool ,townop .t)....- St. Francis X crier Academy. tcni, al -flip St. lyantitis .4 cademy. two! (too- i,1111, I. M. Louis Academy. tillianv-,1 I i school .II-11-hilo. five,alc,--igh school i owir-lup I. M. Mary'. High School. it -mar, ke-igh SchoolownshIpb St. Rile Oileye Academy. illoomingt- St. Ma U a 0.11cyc .4 cadent,. High-hoot. St. Thomas the A pular. Sr../ ..I'r'a Amde p. Schur. II igh school. sr nry's High S Senn High School. lilln. bland. Starrett School for Girls. bloc Nlound. Tilden Technical High School. Illo:t,. Tuley High School. pow t salamis 'atirraity n/ Chimp) High School. .Vtr, Dome con,rot. l'nitcritity School for Girls. si, l'netor ( ollty, Academy. I 'irittatton High School. It.,1.11. 1Valler high School. Ito;, High School , too tissh). F. M. C.. A .Day &knot. B urk eyhigh School t town,h1 Chicago Heights-Bloom TownshipIli School. Iticia'- High School ,township) Chillicothc-11igh School (toy,nshilu. Inn-linll Chrismati-}t igh School (lovinshitn. it:k Ciccro--,J. Sterling Morton IShip fish School.. Cairo.- high School. 1. Sr. Jo.,o ph 11 igh School. (('Ilai?. Sumner Iligh School: ifaTty- High School (toWnshiP). Cain) fulge. (' Camp Point. ngeille- high School (towuship). canton. Cr. !al Lake. - Capron -Itointe-SlclIciiryigh Schou4. Carbondale- nithern illiI 4, Normal ubtversuy Dallaiceit y. High &los Dan villa. Carlinville , Decal ur - Itlitrkhu q ('allege A tiny. High School. Carlitiv Ike II igh *itch4. I M. Teresa Academy.-, Carlyle. ( Do Kalb -lligh School (tpnahip). ('arms -11110 School I tovinship). Delavan. Caroilltini, De Pue. carterville.. Des !'!tints -Maine Township High School. Carl hap-- 1)iternon-High School (toviuship). (Witge Academy. DLlon- High Echool. High School (township) /lip School. 'at linHigh School t tov iship). 134liovativ-High School (township). crntralia Downers Grove. - II o ''hoot irownshipl. ( Dundee. High St+ Du /trim -High School(township). St.Mary' Dtirantl. Dwight -High School (township),


Irving. East Dubuque. Jacksonville- East Lynn-High School (township). II igh School. East M2illtte-l' tilted Township High School. flourl'olleft :emirmy. East St. Louis- 111,ppir .4evident,. High- School. Joreeyellie --Iligh School(township). Lincoln High School. Johnston City. St.-TiorPO 'AIAMil my. Joliet - Edwardsville. lligt(Sch.4 townhipi. Effingham. I'cos Home Hick School. Eklorado-Iligh school (township). NI. Franco; :enthrall.' Elgiti-- Kankx1.;no-- Academ High Schad. High school sr. J' re S( moiety E1lraheih riTIS:t. Elmhurst- krtiiinort h - New Trier Ttawnsitip ftigft School. Antdcre?. Kenney. York IIegh school. IM P Anee- Elmwood- High s. boo! (township). Iltgh School. El Paso-High School (township,. IVet hersfield Township High school. &midi( y--I1 igh School I 0.110111)). 'mm& . Elie. h !IL% otsd. Eureka- Knossille. Colby( Preparatory School. laesin--Union Mich II igh Schixii (ton nship). Lafivette-Iligh. school it,rwtiship). Evanston-- - 1.4 110' - High School (township). l.snns Township High School. Ilarywood . So:nreik .1demy. Fairburv-High School (township). Lake Forest - Fairfield. -teeth my. Farina, Anufe ray of Setoff!Inert Farmer y-Moore Township high School. Prey Farmington. Lanark. Fisher. La Salle-Ln Salle-Vero Township High School. Flora- Ilarter-Standf.mi Township HighSchool. Forrest-High School (township?. Lan renceville- High School 'township?. Franklin Grove. Lebanon - Freeport . High School. Fulton. !leA's two(.1ead, my. Galena. IAmid. Galesburg. Lena. Galva. Le Hoy-High School (township). Gardner-High School (township). IA." isiown. Oeneseo-itigh School (township). Lesington. Geneva. Libertyville-High School (township). Genoa-High School ( township). Lineln. Georgetown-High School (lownship). LisleSt.l`roenpior Crillrge . /sodomy. Gibson Cit y-l)rutunier Townskill High School. Litehneld. G Union. Lockport -high School (township). Girard - (10h School township,. Schooliltsw-nshipi. Glen Ellyn-High School ,:iownstops. Longview- High School , townshipJ. Godfrey- Monticalo minor". vington-high School (townshln). Golconda. Mc Henry. Golden. NieLean. Granite City. Mc Leansiscoo. Grant s ille-Hopkins Township High School. Meal -John Swaney Township High Schnnl. Grayvitlo. Marldrow - High School 'Township,. I ireenficld. Macomb- Green Valley. thigh School. Greenview. WesIern Illinois State Nornial .1eademy. Greenville. Magnolia-High School (township). I ;riggsville. Mansfield. Marengo. Gurnee-1Varren-Township High School. Marion-High School /township). Hamilton. Marissa-High School (township). Ilanilishire- -High Schol:ton nship Mama. Harrishorg-High School (township,. Marseilles. Harvard. Marshall-High School (tonship). Harver-Thornton Township High School. Mart incvtlle. Havana. Masmit oh. Hebron. Mason City. Henning. Mattoon. Henry-High SchoolltownshIp Maywood-Proviso Township High School. lierrin-High School ?Township,. Mason-High School (township). lleywottit. Hendon-High School( township). Highland. Mendota -High School (toiiship). Highland Park-Deerfield-Shields Township HighNiel amore High School (township). Sehool. Met ropolls. Hillshom. Milford -High School ( Inship). Hinckley. Minter. 11indshom-T'nion High iffehool. Minonk. .Hinsdale -thigh School (township). Moline. Homer. Momence. Hoopeston. Monmouth. Hilme-lligh School (township). Monticello. e IlutsonrWe-High fiehool (township). SIonseheart7.-Fducational Institute ingh 1111opolis Morris. ',Morrison. Industry-High &hoot (township). Morton-High School (township). ACCREDITEDSECONDARY sicHooLs. 21 Mound City- idgefann 11 lids School. RI% ccside Illv:ersidit-lirookneld Township High Lovelov High school. School. !mods-114h School ( township). Mount l'armel. Roanoke-114h School (township). Mount Cam 11 Rohm: High School town shipi. Fro lor f Aimee &knot. Robinson-114h School (10%10144). Mount Carroll Illich *boo High school (township). Mount Morris It (ancer Academy, ll ghti school. 'High School, TRswas salon/. ,Mount (Myr Rock Island -' Mount Pulaski High Sc township). A oristana College A ea Mony. %Suit Sterling. Rock island Iligh Schein!. Mount VernonHighhoolitownship). at. Joh. ph'. A owdonor. Moweiita. {Ilia MourieOakwoed T high School. Rohn MorphrdsoroIligliScHnol (township). Roscville-1111th School (leon.101, Naperville-- High School.; Rushville. AorMitcsfree tlillor I nuking. St. Aisne. Nashville. St. Chariot. Nauvoo--sf Moles Academy. St. F.Imo. Neogalbgh School ( townsl.q.). shalom. New BerlinHigh School ( township).' Sandslob, Newman High School (town.hip). Saunetidnii igliSchoolitownsidpi. Newton. SavannaHigh School (township,. !sok...WsHigh School (townslp). Say le oak. Sosscr 4 oodwitarren Tow sl if p .1ligh School. High School. Shannon. Illinois State Normal Vidvertity High School.Sheffield. ikland-111 igh School (4 whip). (lab Park--thsk Park and River Forest TownshipSheldon. High School . soh-IIHigh School (township). I Ibitingilitsh School (low midi)). Spot:nut. 4 Well spansHigh School townshipi. High School. Springfield post.* High School. High School. o'Fallol-1.11sh School (loietrkhlp). Sacred Mart Academy. (Ills et .4cadcmy,.. t 'reshot Academy. ()limy-114h School (township). Spring s alley lialltownshi p High SchooL Stanford. Schoel(lownship). Staunton. Military Arming's,. Sterling ()moo. High School tloWnship,. toion St.Mary's School. n:maHigh Schooloownsh110. - StxklandIiigh School (township). PalatineHigh school( township). Stockton. Pale.t igh School( townsidP). Stoningion. Tana -High School ( township). Paris. Streator High School t townsiti p ). Strongliurst . - Pawnor iltgh School (township). softly-an-11*n School tt% 111111, Paw Paw. Sycumorts Past 011. High School. Payson. SI. A lea a's ScAeu4, Pocatoniea. Pekin. TampicoHigh School-1 township). PelS14 lorvilleIllgh Schoolev,-oshoo. 11nuttrny if Our bay. ThebesHigh School t townslupl, Aver High School. Tiskilwa Joint Tdwnship high Bradt., polytechnic Institute. Toledo. Peoria I ligh School. Toluca. Manual Training High School. Tunica. . Spalding Institute. Tonkin-11*h School (township). Peot011e, Trenton. Petersburg. Tuscola. Pinckney's-0kt. Urbana. Piper City. Vtunialia. 4 Pit tsfleld: Venice. Piano. Vermilion Grove.4 cadenty. Veffholil. Pleasant 11111. Versailles. Pleasant School (townshln): naHigh School( township). Polo. Vii(irov . PontiacHigh School (townsh). 'ir en. High School (township). Potomac Iligh School (township ). V Princeton High School (lownshIP). W nut. Princeville. Warren. Prophet atoW11. Warsaw.' Quincy I /. Wrighburn--Iligh School (township) . Chirege Aredenty. . Washington. 'High School. j Waterloo., 81. Ma', cadinty: Waterman. Rankin High School (township). Watseka. Rantoul . Weuconda HIgh School (township). Donotoh Memorial School. WaukeganHigh School (township). High School ttownshlp).. Raymond. Waverly High School (tow ship Richmond. o. ool (t P)- WeldontNlitou T p Ii School" 22 &CREDITELI SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

WsllingtonHigh School (township). White Hall. Arenona. Winchester. West Chicago. Windsor. WestfieldHigh School (township). West Frankfort. WoodhullHigh School (township). Wood Riverhust Alton-Wood layHigh School WestvilleHigh School (township). Woodstock. Wlieaton Yates Cityiligh School (township). A =IMP y. Yorkville. High School.

Public and private high schools (in addition to those aboveaccredited by the Uni- versity of Illinois) "recognized" by the State Superintendentof Public Instruc- tion of Illinois.

Requirements for recognition: Building, rooms:library, laboratories, shops,heating, lighting, ventila- tion, water supply, toilet facilities and janitor service adeiposte for size of schooland what it undertakes to do; school year of not less than 30 weeks; daily recitations in all subjectsfor which full credit is allowed: recitation periods, 40 minutes; admission to the first year on graduation fromthe eighth grade: graduation an 16 units of real highfrhool work; full time of at least two assistants besides the principal.(or superin- tendent) given to high-school classes; no teacher to undertakemore than seven classes daily; each pupil to carrylour studies with daily recitations.

AlphaOxford Township High .1chool. Franklin. Amboy. Garrett. AnnawanTownship High School. Gillespie. Areneville. GilsouHaw Creek Township High Selikl. Arrowsmith. GlasfordTimber Township lligh School. Ashland. Good Hope. Ashmore. Greentip. Atkinson. Gridley. AuroraJennings Seminary. Hanover. Bardolph. Harlem. Betiverville IloliFamily A rade my. Hurtsburg. Blandlitsville. Herman. Bliximingi on Ilopedale. &Joseph's Academy. Hull. St. Mary'sfligh School. Huntley. Bone (hip. Ipava. BradfordTownship High School. 4, Joy. Bradley. Kaneville. BraldwoodReed-Custer Township High School. KatikakeoSt. Lawrence School. Brighton. Keit hsburg. Bid/WieldTownship High School. Kirkland. Brownstown. Laliarpe. Bunker Hill. Lebanon Mc Kendree allege Academy. BureauTownship High School. Lee Center. CaberyTownshin High School. LemontTownship high School. CarlockTownship High School. Lerna. Cerro Gordo. Livingston. Chadwick. London Mills. ChampaignSt. Mary's High School. Lostant. Chapin. Louisville. Chesterfield. Lyndon. Chicago Macon. Our Lady of Providence; Madison. St. Rita's College Academy. Mahomet. Christopher. Manchester. Cobden. ManliusTownship High School. Colleen. Manteno. Colchester. Maple Park. Columbia. MediaTownship High School. Colusa. MedoraTownship High School. Cowden. Melvin. CullomTownshlp High School. Meredosia. DanaTownship High School. MetcalfTownship high School. Danvers. Metropollsllunbar high School. DelandTownship High School. Milledgeville. Dongola. Milton. DonnelLson. Modesto. Downs. Monroe Center. DunlapTownship High School. Morrisonville. East Peoria. Mounds. Easton. Mount MorrisCollege Academy. East St. LouleSt. Teresa's Academy. Mull erry Grove. Edinburg. .Murrayville. Elburn. NauvooSt. Mary's High School. Elkhart. NenonsetTownship High School. Ellsworth New Athens. 4s. Elvastou. ew Boston. Enfield. ew Canton, Evanston ifafrwood School. ew Holland. Fairview. New Salem. Fillmore. Now Windsor. Noble. OakwoodTownshlp High School. AOCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 23

OdellSt. Paul's 110 School. Sorento. )hlo. SpringfieldSacred Heart Academy. neidaTownship High School: Stillman Valley. -hinawkaTownship High School Sugar GroveTownship'High School. 'almyra. SumnerTownship High School. 'eoriaA cad( my of Our Lady. Table Grove. 'err y. Terre HauteTownship High School. 'laid CenterTownship High &hoot. . Thawville. 'Iymouth. ThomsonYork Community High School. 'ocaliont a.s. To lona 'cat Byron. Towanda. 'rattle City. Tremont. Troy-McCrayDewey Township High School. tatnsey. Vermilion Grove Vermilion Academy. tantoulDonovan Memorial. Viola. Wapella. idgway. WatagaTownship High School. ockton: West Hammond. toodhouse. West Salem. tut land Township High School. WethersfieldTownship High School. St. Joseph. WilliamsfieldTownship High School. Sandoval.. WilliamsvilloTownshirf High School.' San Joe. Willow HillTownship High School. scottville. Wilmington. Seaton. Witt. SenecaTownship High School. WoodhullTownship High School. Shabbona. Wyanet. Sherrard. Wyoming. Shipman. Zeigler. soinonauk.


Schools "commissioned" (approved) by the State Department of PublicInstruction for the year 1920-21, and accredited by Indiana University. University admission requirements Units. Prescribed units: 16 English , Mathematics 3. Foreign language 2 History lb '2 44 1 Science. 1 Additional units selected from above subjects 2 Electives 5 Acton. Advance. BippusWarren Township, High School. Akron. 131{dseye." Alamo. Blackhawk. A Albany. Bloomfield. Albion' Bloomingdale." Alexandria. ,Bloomington. Amble." Bluffton. A inboy. Boone Grove. Moo. Boonville. Anderson. Borden." AndrewsDallas High School. Boston.' A ngol a Boswell" Flint High School, Bourbon. High School. Brazil. Scott Center High School.' Bremen. Arcadia Bringhurst. High School.' BristolWashfngton Township High School. Walnut Grove High School. Broad Ripple. Argos. Brook. Arlington' Brookston. Ashley.' Brookville. Atlanta.' - Brownsburg. Attica Brownstown! High School. Brueeville. Jackson Township High School. Bryant Auburn. High School." Aurora. Poling High Austin. Bitek.Creek. Avilla. Bunker Hill. BainbridgeMonroe Township High Schools Burlington. BargersvilleUnion Township High Behool." . Durnetts CreekBurnettsville ljligh School. Batesville. a . Burney." Battle Oround.8 Butler. Bedford CadizHarrison Tciwnship High SchOol." High School. Cambridge City. Needmore High MM. Camden. Bellmore. Campbellsburg. terne.. Cannelton. "Commission expired June 30,190. 24 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

CarlisleCarlislevand Haddon Township High Eminence.* School. Emison. Carmel. English.* Carthage.* Etna Green. Castleton. Evansville - Cayuga.* Central High School. Center PointSugar Ridge Township High School.* Centerville. Francis Joseph Reitz High School. Chalmers.* FairlandFrederick Douglass High school (colored). Charlestown, Boggstown High School.* (7harlottesville. High School. Chesterton. Fairmotint Chile. A cademy. Chrisney." Iligh School.' Churullusco." Eair Oakste Cicero." FalmouthFairview HighSAtes'e Clarksburg. Farmershurg. Clarks Hill. Farmland Clay City. Monroe 'township High School. Claypool.* Stony ('reek High School." Clayton. Ferdinand Academy of the lmmaculatt cenception. CliffordFlatrock Township High School." Fillmore.* Clinton." Fisher. Cloverdale.* Fishers. Coalmont." *Flora. Coesse.' Fontanel. Colfax. Forest. College Corner (Ohio).' Fort Branch. Columbia City Fortville. High School. 4 Fort Wayne Jefferson Center High School.* Catholic High School. Columbus. . High School.. Connersville Vocational High School. *to High School. Fountain City. Alquina High School.' Fowler Converse. Iligh School. Cortland. Pine Township High School.* CoryPerry Township High School.* Vadena High School.* Corydon. Fmneesville. Covington. Francisco. Cowan. Franklin Crawfordsville. High Schou.. Cromwell. Hopeseell Township High School. Crothersville.* Frankfort. , Crown Point. Culver. High School. Washington Township High School.* Cumberland. Frankton. Cutler.. Freeland Park.* Cynthiana. Freela lid s-il le. DaleCarter Township High School.* Fremont.' French Lick. Dana Fulton.* lielt.Township High School. Galveston. lEigh School. Garrett.* Danville Gary. Avon High School.' (las City.* Central Normal Academy. Gaston.* High School. Geneva.* New Winchester High School.* Georgetown.* Darlington GlenwoodOrange Township High School.* Bowers High School.* Ooodland. High School.' Goshen Dayton.* Academy. Decatur High Schad. High School. Gosport.* Kirkland Township High School.* GrabillLeo High School.* Liberty and ('enter. Township High School.* Grandview. Decker. . Grass Creek. Delphi. f iraysyille.* Do Motto. Greencastle Deputy. Clinton Township High School.* Desoto. High School. Dunkirk. Greenflold DyerSt. Johns Township High School.* High School. Earl Park" - Wetland High School.* East Chicago. Greensburg Eaton. High School. Economy.* Sandusky High School. Edinburg Greens Fort. . H1gh School. GreentownLiberty Township Mount Auburn High School.* " Greenwood High School. Edwardsport. ('enter Grove HI/1.1 School. Elberfleid. Clark Township High School. Elkhart. High School. Ellettsville! Griffin.* ElnortElmore Township High School. Hagerstown.* Elwood. Hamilton.* Commission expired June20, 1920. AUCRF.DITED SECONDARYSCHOOLS. 25 Hamlet., Hammond Loper! A!! Saints Academy. Lapel. Hammond High School. LaPorte. Hanna. Larwill." Hanover.' Lawrenceburg! Harlan. Leavenworth." I. Hurt ford City. Lebanon Halihstadt, High School. Ilazeitcii Perry Central High School." High School. Leesburg Mount Olympus High School. Leiter's Ford.' ..., Hehron. Letts. Helmer Salem Center High School. LewisvilleFranklin Township HighSchool. IleltorivlTle.' Liberty. ,,, Ilenryville. Liberty Center. ° 7.----*-ittlishlifiI. Ligonier. Hillsdale. Linden. 11. Hobart." Linn GroveHartford TownshipHigh School.' Holland.' LiiinsburgMuce High School." Holton." . Linton. HopeHaw Creek Township High Litton. Howe School.' Logansport School. High School. Lima High School. Metes High School." Hinison. Lbogeiot ee. Huntingburg. Loftin ville." .. Huntington jLowell." Clear Creek Center High School. I Lucerne. eoffege Academy.t, ' Lynn Lancaster Center High School! High School. l'olk Township High School." 4 Spartanburg High School.. Rock Creek Center High School.' Lynnville! Union Center High School.' Lvolis. HymeraJacksou Township High School. ; MiCordsville. Idaville. MacyGilead High School. Indianapolis Madison Arsenal Technical High Schools. High School. ken Davis High School. (R. F.D.) Colored High School. 1.2tunerich Manual Training High Manilla. Indiana Central Unirersity Academy.School. Marco. Indiana School for the Blind. Marengo.' St. /grits Academy. Marion. Markle. Shortrid o High School. Marldeville. Tudor Hall School for Girls. Marshall." , Inwood. - Martinsville. . Ireland.' Mat thews." Jamestown Maxwell. , Ratio 'rownship High School.. MaysRaleigh High School." High School." Mecca lasonville. , High School. Jasper , Wabash Township. HighSchool! College .1 rude mu. Medaryville." Jasper High School.' Medora.' Jeffersonville Mellott! Colored High School, Mentone I School. . High School. - Kends !vine. Beaver Dam Township Burket I I igh. scluxil High School. 7 KennanlGreenslxv Township HighSchool. . Ketaluthl. Meromb Union (.'hristian*.4cademy. KewannaUnion Township High Metz. Kingman. School." Michigan City. Kirklin. ._ 1 Michigantown. Kit ightstown Middlebury! Illgb.School." Middletown. North Send High School. Milan. Knox Milford. Center Township High School! Millersburg. s High School.' Milltown.' Kokomo M ilroy North Bend Township HighSchool. High School. High School. Moscow High School. Howard Township High School. Milton.' Kouts. - Mishawaka. La Crosse. Mitchell. Ladoga. Modoe Laurette High School. felferson High School. Huntsville (WestRiver Township) Monitor High School.' School High Wes Toivnship High School. .. MOnon! La Fontaine. Monroe. La Grange. Monroe City. Lagro. Monroeville.' LakeLuce Township High Monrovia.' Laketon. School. Monterey.* Lakeville.' Montezuma." LeOtto. Monticello. Montmorenci. COMMIIIIi01)expired June 30, MO.. 26 WCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

Montpelier. Petersburg. MooneyClear Springs High School. Petroleum. Moores Hill! Pierceton." Mooresville. Pimento. Morelandllue River Township High School. Pine Village. Morgantom ." Pit tsboro. Morocco.' Plainfield Morristown. Central Academy, Mount Comfort.. Plainfield High School. Mount SummitPrairie Township high school. Mount Vernon.' High School.. Mulberry Epsom Township High scloinl." High School. Pleasant Lake. Weulturbixtttufi. Pleasant Mills." Muncie PleasantvilleJetTerson Township High School:" High School, Plymouth Royerton High Selma. High School. Nappanee. West Township Iligh School' Nashville. Portland New Albany High School. High School. Gov. I. I'. tray High School. Scribner High School (colored). . New Augusta. Prairie Creek-Township High School.. Newberry. Princeton New Bethel. High Schoen. Newburgh. Lincoln High School (colored). New Carlisle. Pulaski.' Newcastle. Rauh. New Uoshen,rFayetteTowApillighSchool." Itedkey." New Harmony. Pew Haven. Remington. New Lebanon till TimnShrp High School." Rensselaer. New Lisbon. Reynolds. New Richmond New Pah tine." High School. New Par s: Whilewater High School. Newport! Ridgeville New Richmond. Franklin Township High School' New Ross.* Green Township It School.' New Salem." Jetlirson Townshipigh Schooll." Newtown! Riley. New Washington' Rising Sun. New Waverly! Roachdale.. Nineveh.' Roan u. Noblesville. Itiranoke.Rounoke and Jackson Township High North Judson. School," orth, North Manchester" Itoklield." High school! RockpOrt Chester Township High School. ItockvWe. Manchester Ara& my. Roll." t Rolling Pm' ie. North Salem.' Rome Cit North Terre HauteOtte, Crecic Township High"moneyo School.* Rosedale." North Vernon' , Itossville. North Webster.' Royal Center. Notre Dame Russellville. Preparatory School. Russiaville St. Mary'sAcademy. High School.. /1 Oakland City New Lolulon School., Academy. Rushville. High School., St. Joe. Oakiandon." St. Mary of-t lie- W eaderny. Oaktown. St. Paul.' salem OldenburgAcademy ofthe Immaculate Conception.Sao born. Onward.' San Pierr9.. Oolitic. Saratoga Ward Township High School' Orland. scipio. l f Orleans. Sircleville. Osgood, Seottsburg." Ossian." Selma. Otterbein. Seymour. Atwell! Sharpy Ole., Owensville! Sliellwvfflo Oxford. :Sheridan P - Paoli. High School! Paragon' BoXley High as. ParkerMonroe Township High School. Shipshewana. PatokaHigh School (colored)! Shoals. Pekin.' Sidney. . Pendleton. 811Ver Lake. t. Pennville. Smithville." Perrysville., Scuth Bend. Peru-4- South Milford! High School. Southport. Butler Township High Siisool., South Whitley. ICommleidon expired June 30,1920.

-e ACCREDITED SECONDARYSCHOOLS. 27 Spencer. Spencerville., Wabash Star Cit y. Chippewa Township High School. Staunton ;Posey Township High School." Lincoltivi ae High School.' Stewart sville. Linlawn High School. St ilesville. Somerset High School! Wadesville. stinesville! Wakarusa. Stockwell. Waldron. Stratiglin. Walkerton .e Wallace! sulphur SpringsJetTerson Township High School.Walton! Summit ville. 1Venatah. swayos..e Warren. Swas.isers. urraw.. Switzeity! Washington. SVT,1,14W. Washington Censer. Waterloo. 1'1.01Kankakee Township High School." Waveland. Tell City! Vawake. Wa VtletOWn. Tern. Haute Webster. thirtielii High School. West Baden. Micro Township High School. (H. F. Wiley High School. D.) Westfield. Thonit own. West Lafayette. West Lebanon. fi Tippecanoe! West Middleton. West Newton. West Point, Topeka. High School, Trafalgar! Jackson Township Mali School. Tonlielton! Westport! Twelve Mile. West Terre Haute Tyner.e , High School.' Cil V- Coneannon High School:* 11 igh Si !tool. 1Vestville. Jackson Township High School. %%imn field! Wayne Township High School. Wheeler. Union Mills. Whiteland. Upland Whit est own., High School. Whiting. Taylor 1:narraityAcademy. Wilkinson! Urbana. Williams.' Valley Mills. Williamsburg. Williamsport. Valparaiso Winamac. High School. Winchester Liberi y Township High School. High School. Valparaiso University Academy. Lincoln High School. Washington Township High School' MeKinley High School! Van Buren. Windfall. eedersburg. Wingate. Versailles. Winslow." Vernon. Wolcott. Vevay. Wolcottville, Wolflake. 1'ineeuncs Woodburn M attdec Towt still) High School. Iligl Sino61. Worthington.' Frithton High School' Yorktown.e tic. Ruse Academy. Young America. Vine, ;Ines Universityhigh SchooP. ZionsvilleEagle Township High School. IOWA. Schools approved by the Iowa State Boardon Secondary Schools Relations, August, --- -1920. - ;raduates of public four-year high schools in Iowa,or four-year private socondai.y schools which are approved by the Board of Secondary School Relations, will bereceived without c.arnination, so far as subjects properly certified meet the requirements of thecourses tut the ISiversit y of lowul to which admis- sion is sought ." 'University admission requirements Units. Prescribed units 15 English History-civics, economics group Mathematics Additional work from the following,. English; foreign language; 2 tunnies grottp; mathematics; natural science, history-civics-ow Free electives .. at least 5 4 Ackley. Adair. Ainsworth. Alhla. Adel. Akron. Albion. . Afton. Albert City Alburnette. Agency. gip High tich000l. Alden. Lincoln Lee High School. Alexander. Conunt slon expired June 30, 1920. 28 ACCREDITED' SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

Algona. 'enterville. II loon. Allental haulsDon 11 ALein do Nigh A Ilert on . Chapin. School. All l'hariton. Dow City. Alta Charles Cif y Denys. Fairview High School. Colwell 'High School. Dubuue Ilighvieu high school.. Immaculate Conception School lligh School. Alton Charter oak. .4 code my of the Visitation. High School chelsea. odu minaiIllye High School. St. Mary'. Academy. Cherokee-- Immaculate conception II igh Seim. Ames. lin maculateI 'a n rt, on j YountSt.Jn.rph A naosa. A eadrmy. Academy. Anita. MountSt. Mary',Mat' St. Jaiph .4caderny. Ankeny. School. St. Fincent, Ant hon. Churdan. A plington. Cincinnati, Archer. churn.. Arise Clarinda. High School. Arlington. Clarion. Sets,!. Moist rong. Clarksville. Durant. Arno let's Park. Clearfield. Dt sort. Arthur. Clear Lake. Eagle Grove` Atlant ie. Ctleno. I figh School. Attica. 'lermmsont. Sacred !bait School. Auburn. Clinton Earl ham. Audubon. High School. t Earl, ilk. Aurelia. ituuni st. ('lore .4cadeniy. Early. - Avoca St. Mary A rade soy. Eiblyv Bagley Edgewood. Bancroft (1:,°"an.°11. Elifon. High School. Galesburg. Eldora. St. John'. Parochial School. Colfax. Barnes City. IC(olpilliettg4o.Springs. Elkader. Batavia. Eikhurte Battle Creek. -) colt,. Elliott. Baxter. j Ci mbus JUDO ion*. Ilaard. F.Ilswcrth. Beaman. Conway. Bedford. coon Rapis.d I igh School. Belle Maine. corning. Parochial School. Bellevue. Correctionville. Emerson. Helmond. Coe' with. Entinetstiorg e Benton. Corydon. Birmingham. Council 'MOTs St. .11ary's Academy. Illairsburg. High Schwa. Epworth BlairstoUn. St. Pratt c.Academy. High School. Blanchard. Crawfordsville. Seininary. Blockton. 17resco. Essex. Bloomfield. 1'n-stun. Estherville. Bode. Cumberland. Everey. . -Bnaparte. Dallas ('enter. Exira. Bondurant. Danbur . Boone. High School. Fairtiank. BoxholmGrant Township 11i01 l'arochial School. Fairfield. school. , I lanvillc. Farmington. Brudgate. Davenport Farnhumville. Brandon. II igh School. Farragut Bridgewater. binocular Cone,plion Fayette. Brighton. Academy. Ferguson. Britt. St. Ambrose Colley( .1(lidera y. Bronson. St. Katharine's Selty,/.. Brooklyn. Davis City. Buffalo Center. ! `Dayton. Fontanelle. Burlington Decatur. Forest City High School. Decorah. . Iligi School. St. Paul's School. Dedham. Waldort Coll wAkaderny. Burt. Deep River. Fort Dodg:e7- Bussey. Delhi. High Sehool. Callender. 1)elmar. Corpus Christi. Calmar. Delphos. - Sacred Heart Convent. Cambridge. Delta. Fort Madison. Can tril. 1 )enison Fredericksburg. Carlisle. !Sigh School. 15`reminit . Carpenter. Nor mat School. Oahe. Carroll I teornark. Garden Grove. High School. Des Moines- Garner. St.Angela's Institute. eat Colkge: Gamin. Carson. . Geneva. CaseadeEast Cascade H Grand View Academy. Georg,. School. Johnston lligh School. Ubrinanla. Casey. North High School. Gilbert. . Castana. St. Jonhep Academy. Gilman. Cedar. . (Hinton City. Cedar Falls. Dewitt., . Glenwood. Cedar Rapids Dexter. Gladbrook. High School. Diagonal. Glidden. Sacred Heart A Dike. Goldfield. Center Junction. Dolliver. Goodell. Center 'Point. . Donnellson. Roark). a ACCREDITED SECONDARY SVHOOLS. 29 tiritet finger. La Moine. t;ra,o1 ;unction. Milton. i;ratel Mound. Minden. High Svhool. Missouri Valley. it HI% el% Orr:reload College .4 rademy. crawl View. Lamont. NNti,imutiLlIville. e;rutiger. 1.1111,411g. Gra, V. l.a Porte City. Mondatnlii. t;recley. Monmouth. 1.arehwootl. Monona. Latimer. Monroe. 444.111-114. Laurens. villa' 'Montezuma. Lawler. Mont Well.). Lawton. ;mined. Le Claire. 1A ;rand. . r'rt*U'idtteirt 1er !Agile!). avia. High Schiwil. Le Niers \ taming Sun. Chei4m formed College and tilton. Union Townshiplligh School. Mo t A vr. S, ',unary. Iiisicra Union College. ;whew Center. mom!Hew:ant. Lenox. \Inunt I. toot, 6.0 tetiberg. Leon. Haifa. , Mount Vernon. Let is. Nioville. Hamburg. I.ea is. Hampton. Murray. Linke Springs. NIliseatine. M ystie. Linn I;niVe Harlan. Nashua. Lissy onnh. Nernaha. Lisbon. Hartford. Neola. Little Cedar.' Nevada. Hartley. le Hoek. Havelock. New Albin. Litt le Sioux Newell. Ilawarden. Livermore. Hee keep. Logan New Hampton. Hayfield. New Hartford. High School. New London. llectwetownHigh school. New Market. Hedrick. Lohrville. 110eman. New Pnwiilenee. Lone Tree. New Sharon. Lorimer. Newton, Hopkinton. Lost Nation. Lin ilia. New Virginia. High School. y. Lowden. No .A Holly Springs High School. Lucas ;,rines Hlgh . prospers. High Hubbard. Norwood High School. Hudson. Northhoro. Luther. North English. Hull. Inverne. Humboldt. Nort }ow!. lininest on. Lynnville. Norwalk. Ida ',rove. Lyons, Norway. mintietitienee. High School. Indianola. our lady of Angela Academy.Oakville- Inwood. Mredonin ' !lig)) School. Iowa City- - McGregor. I futon High School. Moltitire. iheyedaii. High School. Madrid. .4 cadr toy. odeholt. Magnolia. oelwein. }fora'' High .':ehnol Malcom. St. Palekk'. II igh.khan/. Ogden. Iowa Falls. Mallard. olds. Ireton. Malvern. Manchester. ::I ill. Irwin. 1. Jefferson. Manly. Orange City i.e''. . HigleSehool. Manning. North', ',fun Claysieof Jewell Manoon. High School. Mapleton. Academy. Lutheran College .4 eadtm (Wchard. Jordan. Maquoketa. orient. falona. Marathon. Marcus. high school Kanawa... Marengo. K ellen on. Cedar l'alley Academy. Kelley. Marion. Osceola. Marshalltown. Sian. Kellogg. Mart el le. Kellwood Park. o Irsa. Keokiik Martinsburg. Otho. ?Amon City. (Ito. High School. Massone. St. Peter's high School. Outran to. Keosauqua. °lumen. Keot a. Mechanicsville. Ottumwa- - Keswick. Mediapolls. High School. Keystone. Melbourne. St. Joaeph Academy. Kingsley. Melchor. Owasa. Kinross. Menlo. Oxford. Kirkman. Meriden. Oxford junction. Kiron. Merrill. Pacific Junction. Knoxville. Meeervey. Panora. Lacey. Parkersburg. Laeona. Milford Parnell. .Lakeeity. High School. Paton. Lake Mills. koholi TownshipH I gh Pauline. Lake Park. School. Pella. Lake View. Ntillsburg. Perry. Milo. Peterson: 30 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

Pierson. Shannon City. Tniesdale. Pitt. Sheffield. Truro. Plainfield. Shelby. Udell. Pleasant Plain. Slieldahl. Underwood. Pleasantville. Sheldon. Union. Plover. Shell Rock. Plymouth. Shellslairg. Universit y Parkfriar/a11o1i.. Pocahontas. Shenandoah. nem, .4 rude in y. Pomeroy. Sibley. t'rloua. Post vine. Sidney. Ute. Prairie City. Sip a irney. Vail. Prescott. _silver City. Valley Junction. Preston. 'Sioux ('enter. Van t'leve. Primghar. Sioux City \ Horne. Pulaski. Cathritral Same,. Van Meter. 4,Qutisnuelon. - High School. N'ati \Vert. It adcliffe. Trinity (college. Ventura. Randalia. Sioux Rapids. Victor. Randolph. Slater. V Redding. Sloan. \ noon. Hadfield. Smithland. Walker. Reilibeek. Somers. Will Lake. Rembnintit. stduth English. Walnut. Iternseti. Spencer. Wapello. Renwick. Spirit Lake. Washington. Rhodes. Spring Hill. erloo Rieeville. Springville. East High School. Richland. Stanhope. ()range Township High Hillard. Stanton. Schad. .Riverside -- Stanwood. Our Lady njVicInry High School State Center. St. Mary's School. emy. Stockport, . Sacral !kart Arad, my. Riverton. Storm Lake West High School. Rok Falls. High Shool. Watwoma. Itoltford. HayesTownship High\Valikee. Roc k it apids. School. \Vaiikon. Rock Valley. , Story City. Waverly Rockwell. St rat ford. High school. Rockwell City. Strawberry Point : Rodman. Stuart. Wartburg Teacher,' Seminary . and Academy. Roland. . Stilly. ,tvland. ROI f e sulphur Springs ProvidenceW61). High School. High School. Webster. Des Moines Township High ,Sumner. Webster City. School. . Superior. Weldon. Rossie. Sutherland. \Yell:nen. Rowan. Swaledale. NVeslev. Rowley. Swea City West fiend. Royal. , High School. Aest. Branch Rudd. Grant Township High estfield. Runnells. School, West Liberty. Russell. Tabor. West Side. Rut hven. ,, Tama. West Union. Sabula. Tennant. What. Cheer. Sac Col } Terrill. Wheat Mild. High School. Jhompson. Whiting. lontilute, Thornburg. St. A nsgar. Thornton. St. Charles! Williamsburg. Thurman. . \Viltonitinet _Salem Whittier College. Tingley. \\nfield. "$alix. ' Tipton. Winterset. Sanborn. Tit tlks. Winthrop. Schaller. Toledo. Wooil bine. Schleswig. Tracy. Woodward. Scranton. Traer. Wyoming. Sergeant Bluff. Tripoli. '!.caring. Seymour. Troy.

KANSAS. Schools accredited by the State Department of Educalion and theUniversity of Kansas, for the year 1919-20.

"By act of the State legislature all graduates of accredited high schools in Hansasare admitted to the freshman class of the university without examination or condition. Required for admission Frills. Prescribed units 15 English t 3 Mathematics 2i Foreign language (3 units in one language, or 2 units in one language and 1 unitin . another) Physical sciences 2 or 3 Biological sciences 1 History and social science 1 , Electives . I .4or a ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 81 g CLAsk-s. Ahilene. Kansasfil v- A Iola. Argentine High School. Anthony. Central Iligh School. A rkaimts City. Sumner High School (colored) Ashland. Kingman. Atchison. X Insley. tugusta. K is:wit. Ia. ter Springs. La Crosse. ;e11411411.1ine. Lamed. wile% illc. Lawrence.. what. 1Parettworth. ton tier Springs. Lindsborg. Incklin. Lyons. furling! on. Manhattan. ('aid well. Mankato. Chanute. Marion. charittlan-Diek bison Count r High School. Marysville.. cb,.rok,e--Crawford count y '11 igh School. t 'berry% ale. McPherson. i oliarion. Medicine Lodge. Minneapolis. clay Vetiter-4Iay County High School. Mt Lynne. .. \ Clyde. -- Nat omn . r- colfyille, It Neodesha. coins - Thonmq I sotint v If igh School. Newton. Colon) lats-Clionikoe County High School. Coil cop Iii. Nickerson-Heim count 0 i i gh Sehotil. Nor! oni -Count y I ligh Sclinoi. Colt otiwood Falls-Chase Count y nigh School. , therlinlkrut lir County Jligh School. oh:et0y. I thit Ile. I tow ti, , . . . I tsawat none. Effingham-Atchison Count y High Sehool. I ishorne. El Dorado. Ellis. . ( otawa. Ellsworth. Paola. Emporia. Parsons., Eureka. Peabody. FortScott. Philithurg. Fru 'Is fort Pitts!rg. Fredonia. Pratt. 1 ; aletia. linsedale. (I. i ;any,' city. 1 Russell: r;.irlitil. sahetha. si. Francis-Cheyenne County 'Ugh School t ; leant. St. John. (,iiotilatid -Sherman comity Iligli School. Salina. resat !tend. sedan. bov'aislairg- K Iowa County High School.. N+IIPCIL 11.+ISTead . I llarper. smith Center. ' , Stafford. 'lays. . i Syracuse. Hering/on. Topeka. . I liawat ha .. Valley Falls. II oiington. - . I lollop,. ' AVis heeney-Trego Como y I I igh School. 0 I lori on. We Mogi). . Iliinil,odt. %Vii.dtitigt on. lloirbiti,on. AVellingt on-Sunnier ( minty High School. 1 iidepetii . IVichita.- loll.nicce- Mom gnmery Count y I ligh School. AVIntleld. Juno inn City. Yates Center.

I LASS fi.

Ellinwood. .111ainoni -Labelle Count y Llneoln. Sehool. Erie. .Logan. Alton. Eskridge. Altoona. Florence. Lucas. Formosa:. I,yndon. Argonia. Fowler. A ,lierville. flabbier. Nfacksville. I ; Marmiette. Attica.- Nteade. Olen Elder. Moline. A xl ell. Gott. Baldwin. Moran. OreCtileal. Mouth Hope. Blue Rapids. Hart ford. Burlingame. Mulhefry. Highland. Ness Cite: Burr Oak. . Hill City. Murton. Nortonsille. Caney:, Hillsboro. Oakland. . Cawker City. 'Iowan!. Onaga. Cedar Yale. limiter. Osage City.. Clearwater. Jetmore -TI 0 rf g e m s11 Oskaloosa. Clifton. Cotuit Pawnee Hock. Coldwater. High School. Pleasanton, Jewell. Plainville. Colony. La Harpe. Connell II rove. Preston. Covert.. Lebanon. Protection. . Lewis. queliertio. 'Douglass.. Liberal, Quintet. 32 ACCREDITED SE DARY SCHOOLS.

ansom. Solomon. Troy I:e Hill. 4 , South Haven. Y Center R ssville. Spearville. W aterville ndia. . Sterling. Wet hens. S t City-Scott County HighStockto3i, Waverly. Fs boo" Tonganle !zed wick. Wellsville. Tribune-4reeley County thighWetmore Sol School. MASS I'.

Agenda . c ypsum. I ix foot . Allen. Harveyville. Otawk ie. Almena. Ifavensvill. At wood -IlawlIns- ('aunty High l'artridpe. Par nand. . l'err School, r Hoyt. PI la. Rtattie. lIngitton-Stevens Comity if igh owhat nth. ABI1Pre School. ; ." Randolph. Bentley. Rantoul. Blue Nfouad. . \ !trading.It Bronson. JnoPeonStatti on County i hiteputilic cit N.. Brookville:\ School. Riley. Burden. Ken,ington. RNO S011 11. Burns. inc ). linshton. Keit l 4 1107el. Kirwin,` Canton. La Cygne. is,....1 Centralia. Lakin. Sharon. Chase. , Langdon. CheneN i Sharon Springs. Lansing. Silver 1,ake. I .elto. Coats. 'I Sitlip,011. Lenora.A Spivey. Conway SpringS. Leon. Copelal St. John-Antrim lligh. School. I .,e.tti-WichitaCount y .. III hSt. Marys. Culver. School. Surnmerfild. Cumin! am Le Roy. Sylvan Grove. Delphos!. lotwond. Sylvia. . fiepi.on Little River .\ De'Sote Toseott. I timer. . \ DightonLane Thayer. Cowley IlighMadison. Topeka-Wiyhlturn , Bond 'High Schoo Moire. . ichool l+orranc Ale I )(mold. Dunlap. At clotith. Toronto: Elwood. Utica. Mel vont . NVakelleld. Enterpr c. fr NlerithOl. Walnut. M imolai!. 11 1 : : Ibt sot !,I Everest. Monte :mina. Fall Riv r. NI orzit/1011e. West phalli*. Morrill. White City. Fellsbu Mound Cit v. White Cloud. Ford. Mound 'Ridge. Fronton ,Whitewaier. Mullin vine. Vhitig.ti Galiwbur Norvat or. tn./Ism. Wilmot. Norwich. ft William,burg. Gtreley. Oakley. Winona. Grinnell. Oswego..

(3.11!:S it.

Abbyvilh. Item. Easton. Ada. . Berryton Edna. Aden*, Beverly. i't dmi. r e Edwardsville. Bird Clt v. 1, City. . AIxa d Brownell. .1k hart. r\ Bucyrus. nitiale. Alta Vis Iludalo. more. Americus\ Ituhler. Englewood, Andover. Bunker MIN Anthony ring Township high hon. lloshong. . School hm. nyers.,_ (1; vatilt.tin . Arcadia. Carlton-4W. Arlington.1 Carlyle. Harden Plain. Arma. Ca.s-soday. (1-arrismi. Athens. Cedar. :Itleiil!:reod.. Athol. r (*hetopa. Atlanta. Circleville. (hold:ed. Auburn. Clayton. Grenola. Bancroft. Cleburne. Gridley. "%relay. . Climax. Haddon!. Barnard. (*Well. Barnes. Hamilton. I Corning. e Ilamlin. Basehor. Courtland. Hanover. Bavaria. Cuba. Hardtner. liazine. (*unison.. lleivue. Deerfield.. Haven. Beitdena,. Delia. Ilar.elton. Benedict. Denton. Herndon. Bennington. Derby. Holcomb. Benton.. Dexter. Hope. ACCREDITED SECONDARY' SCHOOLS. 33 lumen. Narks hona. SantaFe-ITaskell County High Neal. School. NeoshoFall.. ;nwver. Neosho Rapids. StottSv ille. Net nantkn. Seralitoti. Now Ulsses-GrantCountySeverance. city-Wllson High Ilich School. Sparks. NOrNvtIV. offerlei Stark. ()key). St. 6,re. Olsburg. stilwen. 1,t111111. mida. Sublet tr. A114.1 . terbrook Tam to 4 °yeti:mil Park. Topeka.'1-1111ilandPark High Padonitt. School. Palen. Toandt. , Paradise. ,ox: ParkervIlle. Turner. PaNieo. Timm. I, s,T Togs. Piedmont. Uniontoull .aura tile. Pomona. I Ai Pori is. Vernon. Pot ter. VeTer. \hyena. Pot Vinland. NIrt 'r.when. yPrairie. Viola. octwe. Princeton. . Ramona. *Ado. Ityli 'Ink!) Valley.. Randall. Welds. Redfield. Westmorciad. 111,1re41. It etre. Wheaton. Ite,veve. Willis. NIAtonv:de. Richmond. Wilsey. A Uncnru. nt. Hot: Creek. infister. moulte:el. o 1Vindom. \1.41.1,1. Itoviolry. Woolbine. Valley: 1(u¢sells ,rings \linden. Woodston,

Private lnstitLions Accredited but not Classified.

t,Iiison-Mt. St. Srliolanica :feruleY. Nilltonvale- II. skynn Academy. ur"ra-MO School. a Na:ori th Academy. Newton-if, fool Academy.\ 1,,,,Ke t ityst. .11env caiirmy. Ow Plain .4 cadrmy. 0wa-l'airerstityAcademy. Normal Mph School. fa- Pi:saline Academy. 1.triwr -.1cadrmy. Quinlaro- lijatern Untrer.lity A I tv iland-A cadsmy. my I.; Ann-Arad( toy. St. John's Military Aradrmy.. Collsge .4codf Y. Saresd Heart Academy. a'ity -eash,die High Se Senor-a-St. Peter and Nara Accidents,. . iwrenye-Ortadtliyh School. St. Marys-lobnactilaIr(bnceppon Itch School. ,avetiwrth- Topeka- entholtIligh School. Oidiniic High School. St. Mary', Acodemy. Collige of the Si.ters of Bethany. I. tha try a( leaden'''. \ 1 \V ichitry .1:1- Sacrist them .4 .ads My. 4 111 retro! Iliah Cchool. V. Mt Canto( Arlide my. lt,11 .4 rads in le nda Unirersity Aradimy. Me !liftman Collige .4.limy.


Classified by the Department of Education Kentucky and accredited by the, University of Kentucky forhe year 1920-21. I1 Iver,ilvadmission requirements Units. Ileaml units: 15 English , . 3 Mathematics ,. EleCtl% es. 2 10 Class

AlfeCandrlarounty High School. erea .1iieliorago-l;railtsi High Schad. - Ashland. Academy Auburn -- ('runty High School. Bowling Green- iigitst a. lligh School. Itarbourville-lrobinColter. WeAtern Kentucky Normal School. itae,tvinwn-S /.Joseph'soiler*. ram pbellsburg. IkIlevuo. rampbellsvWe-.Rusull Creek Aeadtmy 94426.-22a 34 ACCREDITEM SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

-Catlettsburg. LouisvilleContinued . Central city. Sacted Heart Academy. carrotitoo. St. _Varier Academy. Lutilow Clinton. High Sctio0. ColumbiaLindsay. Training Salmi/ Madonna(e./,Onv. Corbin--St. om tau s .4 cad( my. Lyanlat keatuety itt/itaag bolitute. Corydon. Covingt en: High school. Ma, flell. La Setter .4 root( my it -Jo y I 1 igh School. Cynthiana. o 11 /*twine-- 1111,1wat High Sciaial. Nigh SINI. A'rnlwel.r a Whin l're paratury St had. female th !Aim School. Ilase.on Spring.. Mid.firhoto, Dayton., g :nab Harlington. \It.nUt cite. Elatebeihtown. Ntooni StMing. Elkton, Munn( High Sclool. Mitelseitd.-- Aura.? Schwa. John Locke School St,ag:enticht. Eminence. Nturra, . Falmouth. Vtrarei 1,.1o24, my. Flemingburg. Nl'1\ 1.4 Fort Thorinislisglal.tii.4ligh MAI S. 1%0,4. Frankfort. Academy A.of Dame 1Franklin. Frenchburg. High 1441100. Fulton. The, Ikeld Schipat Georgetown /Ugh School. tow...mon* l'Irellotot Arndt my. High School, lraysonPrii hard High School. SI.....dtp's .4 (oda My. Greenville. Paris. Itardinsburg. l'tl et tilt A code ray. Harrodsburg. l'inet Hanford. Princeton. Hazard. Initoml Henderson. aldell High School. Hickman. F:a.-4-11 Normal Schol. Hodgenville. Model High Si !tool. Rus,elly ilk Jac"1""vilif. mintees tidlegtate institute. /tido, I What Prepamt.ry Schott. Is Center. Logan Chtlege Academy. La t ;range. . Si. l'al harine.4 coda my. lanca.ter. St ..lo,eph Se . Jovith's Academy. lAweeneelang St .NarySt. Marrs Academy. City High School. St. Vincent Acatft roy. ('manly high School. Shelhyv Lebanon. I lig h School. Lexington Schrift 11111 Academy. High School. Sheplierdsville--t7railet1 HUH &tool. Hantatoo (liege. Sittneret. St. Catherine's Academy. Springfield. Sayre etellege. Stanford London Sue Bennett .1fr moral/. II igh School. Louisa. Manton allege. Cooler life- - Sturgi,. Itovs'High School. Ver.:alike Margaret (Wier. couegiatt Sclwol. W tilianutburg (It mbrrland College. Dupont Manual Training nigh School. WiliniireAabury ekollige Academy. Girls' High School. W Liebe-o'er Holy *wary Academy. Countr High School. Kentucky Home School for Girls. Kertleicky Irestryan Academy. Premonition Academy. Wing°.

Class B.9 AdairvilleCounty High School. lIcetonGnided Iligh School. Arlington. linalfordvillet ;fluted high School. AthensConty High School. Brandenburg (county Iligh School. Barbourville Raplisi tr. High School. lauffitlo. Haniatown. BurlingtonCounty High School. BardwellCounty High School. Barlow. liurkesvillo Heaver Item Weal Kentucky Seminary. llurnsido. tediard:Trimble (*minty High School. Butler. Benton. Cadiz. BelhiehemCounty High School. Calhoun. Campbellavill;'County High School. selsas H schools must meet practically the same requirements as Clam A schools, except, .1111 respect Oath* number Of teachers: for Class A schools three teachers and fur class it two touched Must devote all their time to high-school work. ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCROOLS. 95 Canevville. ow...ha-Howes Iligh. School. Morgantmvn. Clark:tort-Graded High school. )41. Olivet --County High School. Clay. Mt. Sterling-1'MM y High School. un fordville-Count y High School. t'huton- Newcastle. Fulighum)('aunly lligh-School. Men is l'rrperstary School. North Middletown. Cloverport. oltostead--('butit y High Moto!. / cotton. twensitoro-4 'quo y High Stlool Co Mathis. Itwllovtlie-4 sanity I loth stilt Corinth-41MM High School. Patiticalt-t Heath t'oo to y )ti School. Crab orchard-4 ntihst high School.. Paint Lick-County High Sul 4 *rut chtieht --Cootlit y Illth Schad. PAintst tuba (Sedalia) -- ('aunty' high School. Paris - (Little Rock) t ;rade. High Scho4 th vim. Pembroke. 11.ry Ridge-County High School. Perryville-Cannt y Highhoot Etfinotil n-Count y Illgh School. 'wont y and v Writ s.chool Ekrott-Count y High School. Prestiontoirg--l'outity Itit cs hod. Erlanger. Providence.' Euing,--Graded High School. Russell-4 iraded Hirt -hod. ItossliCave-roimiItirh Sc ho Farmington --Comay nigh $4-honl. Itich Pond-iIntd.s1 light schol, ratticoner--County )sigh School. Sad ;rotted Finchxille-Count v 11,11 Fehool. hot . Floretite-t Ill eFt School. Satyersville- ilego of Institut(. Fool,'viOe. Seim*. Ghent. Sedalia-Grerhs1 igh Sehord. t;leudale. Sharpsburt -Gn high Shoed. Science/1111-1:r led Pith School. Graysnn-ChriPfree Norreefieslinirc. Scott SVilk..-4;11eel high Si load. Greendale-County High School. Simpsonvil tlreenup-GmdedItzh School. ninny Ifigh School. I (fermi-1100110nd &flout. Slaughters-AIlet . filth schist!. Cut hrie. Smith's Goo 'omit v Iligh School. SmIthiand--C gutty High School. . SIIAM ping G nil-Graded Ifigh School. y Iligh Schol. St. Helots. iteechniont float School. Ts lotsv il Graded 11Th School. Morel Greeti-.1 cede re0. l'orapkinsv Ile. Hickman-48.1%-mi ShadelCounty II igh School. Ilitidatt a it-.Stearmiel Troy--l'ot sty liigb School. Horse Cave. Union-ti et! igh School. Host l'niort Ci -4'nuto y high School. / I ndependeltre-Grodeil High School. 1 .niontin I-Graled High School./ Jenkins-Graded High School. Upton-County high school. / Junction City. Ut ica---Count v Iligh School. / .hirksville-tounty lligh Sehool. V anceburg-eaunty high Schott!. Lc loan on. Junction. Versailles. Leitchfield, Vine Grove. - Lewisburg-County illgh School. Waco-CVelligh Selo 4. Lexingion-Picadomet aunty High School. Walton.' high School. Livermore. London-Graded High School. Witsaw.WaterValley-Count yiligh School 1.os-es-County 'Ugh School. West Li beet y-Coniti v. 11 tch-School, kleekville-Countv High Schott!. West Point--Greded Digit School., Mcliettry--Central lark High Schools \'hitesville--Count y /licit School.' Middleton?. Whit ley City-County High School. 11'illiamstown. Minerva--County High School. Wickliffe.

LOUISIANA. Public high schools approved by the Stake Department of Education andaccredited by the Louisiana State University forthe year -1920.. University admission requirements : 1'1%0* Proieribed units: 16 English Mathematics 2. History -- , ,... A foreign language . 21 Electives 2 qt. Abbeville. Alexandria. Bernice. Choudrant. Amite. Bletiville. Clarks. AnsleV. Bogahisa. clinton. Arndt*. Bordelonville. Colfax. Bossier City. Columbia. Ashland. Bourg, Athena. Converse-Oak GroveHigh Atlanta. Boyce High School. School. Baker. Breaux Bridge. Cotton port . Brusly. Cotton Bastrop. Bryeelatida). Bunk le. Coushattik- , High -School. Calhoun. Hall Summit 11 ittb . High Louisiana State UniversityCampti. School. High School. Carencro. Covington. Seventh Ward-High School('actor. Crowley.. ( Route No. 2). D fond. Belcher. Central. De'ulnyy. Chatham. De Ihider. Benton. Cheneyv ille. .86 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS1 t Denham Springs. Lake Arthur. Ponchatoula. Dodson. Lake Charles. Pride. Donaldsonville. Lake Providence. Provencal. Dovline. Lecompte. QuitmanDeech Springs High Dubach. Leesville School. Dutehtown. High School. .Raceland. Ebenezer (Crowley R. 1). Bellevue High School. Rayne. Edgard. Leekpor. . ltnyville. Elizabeth. Logansport. iteserve. Elton. Longst reel . Ringgold. Eros. Loreativillo. Roanoke. Estherwood. Luther. Robeline. Eunice. MagdaPolitild High School. Romeville. Evergreen. RosedaleShadyGroveHigh Farmorville. Mansfield. School. Florien. Mansura. Rosepine. Forest. Many. St. Francisville Forest 11111. Marion. St. Gabriel. Franklin. Marksville. St. James. Franklinton: Marthavillo. St. Joseph. Fullerton. Melville. St. Martinville Georgetown. Mer Rotten. Saline. ibsland. Merrvville. S4weveport. ilbert. Minden. Simsboro. Glenmora. MineralWallace High School. Slaughter. Goldonna. Monroe Ouachita Parish HighSlidell. Gonzales. School. Spring Hill. Grand Cane. Monroe City. Stonewall. Grayson. Mont erey. Stoney PointBaywood High Gretpa. Montgomery. School. Gueydan. Morgan City. Sulphur. Hammond. Morganza. sunny IRO. Harrisonburg. Moose. Tallulah. Haughton. Mount Hermon. Thibodaux.. Haynesville. Napoleonville. Tioga. Homer. Natchitoches. Urania. Hope Villa. New Iberia. Verde. Hornbeck. Noble. Vidalia. Houma. Oakdale. Vile Platte. Independence. Oak (I rove. Nintan. Iota. Oberlin. Jackson. 011a. Washington Jeanorette. Opelousas. Grand Prairie 'Tlich School. Jena. Patterson. Washington High School. Jennings. Pelican. Welsh. Jonesboro Pine Prairie. Westlake. High School., Pioneer. White Castle. Weston High School. Pitkin. Winnfield. Jonesville. Plain Dealing. Winnsboro. Kentwood. Zachary. Kinder. Pleasant Hill. Zwolle. Labadieville. Pollock. , Supplementary List. . "Graduates of each of the following secondary schools whohave completed a-four-year high school course, or the equivalent, with admission credits amounting I') 16 units, will be admittedto tho4reshman class of the university." AlexandriaSisters of Divine Providence. Now OrleansContinued. Baton RougeSt. Vincent's Academy. Holy C'ross College. ConventSacred Heart College and Academy. Home Institute. . CovingtonSt. Paul's College. . Newman Manual Training Schbol. DonaldsonvilleSt. Joseph's Commercial Institute. . Rugby Academy. Grand CoteauSacred Heart College and Academy. Sophie li. Wright High School. HoumaI-Orton Preparatory School. Spencer's College. MarksvilloPresentation Convent. Unotlines College and Academy. DienrooSt. Hyacinth's Academy. Warren Easton High School. MoreauvilleSt. Francis de Sales Convent. New RoadsPoydras Academy. New Orleans Shretreport Chenct Institute. St. John's College. . College and Academy of the Sacred Heart. St. Mary's Convent. Colkge of the Immaculate Conception. St. Paul's College. Ferrell's School. St. Vincent's Academy. ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 37

MAINE. on, Class. A schools approved by the Stateuperintendent of Schools for theyear 1920-21. "Graduates from Maine high schools and academics placed by the Statesuperintendent of schools In Class A may be admitted upon their school records, provided they have pursueda course of study includ- ing all the subject's required for admission to the curriculum they propose to follow anda sufficient number of elective units to make up a total of iti units." University admission requirement Units. Prescribed units: English Mathematics 3 Foreign language 2 History 4 Elective 1 4i Abbot Village. Farmington. Addison.. Fort Fairfield. Albion. Fort Kent. Alfred. FoxeroftFolcroft Academy. Andover.' Frankfort. Ashland. Franklin. AthensSomerset Academy. FreedomFreedom Academy. Auburn. Freeport. ugusta. fryeburgFryeburg Academy. langtw. Gardiner. tar HarborEden High School. Garland. lath. Gorham. letfast. Gray Institute. leigrado. Greenville. Lerwick. Guilford. sethelGould's Acade my. Hallowell. tiddeford. - I laiupden A cadcmy. tingliam. Harmony. Sterens,Acadt my. Harrington. ._ toothba Harbor. IlartiandAeademy. towdoitih:un. I lebron A cads my. radford. HinekleyGood 11'111 High School. fewer. Hollis CenterHollis High School. tridgton Houltoti igh School. High School. Academy. Ricker Classical Institute. Bridgewuter CenterBridgewater Classical Acade My. Island Faits. Brooklin. Isiethoro. Brooks. J.JackmanCentral High School. Brooksville. Joanyesboro. Brownfield. Jonesport. trownville Junction. Kennebunk, trunswick. Kennebunk port. Keats Ili11M Wesleyan Seminary. Iryant fondWoodstok Hight School. Kezar Fallsrorter High School. tucktleld. Kingfield. luxton CenterBuxton High School. Kitterv-7'raip Academy. Sucksport East MaineOnftri nes Seminary. 'ale'sAcademy. LeoLee Academy. Camden. Lewiston. Canton. Limerick Limerick Academy. Caribou. Limestone. Carmel. LimingtonDmingion Academy. LincolnMattanuwcook Academy. Casco. Lisbon. ('astine. LLsbon Falls. CharlestonHiggins Classical Institute. LitchfieldLitchfield Academy. Clmrrylicld'Cherryfield Academy. Livermore FallsEast Livermore 'Ugh School. Clinton. Lubec. Columbia Falls. Machias. CorinnaCorinna Union Academy. Madison. Cornish.. Mupleton. Cumberland CenterGreeley Institute. Danforth. Mars I1111A roostook Central Institute. Deer Isle. Mattawamkeag. Denmark. Mechanic Falls. . 1)enny-8011e. Mexico. Dexter. .Millbrld e. DIMIeld. Milllnocket. Dresden giltsBridge Academy.' Milo. Monmouth; - Monmouth Academy.' East Corinth East C'orisktli Academy. MonsonMinton Academy. East iechiss Washington Academy. Mount Desert. 1111nocket. NewcastleLincoln Academy. Easton. New Gloucester. Eastport. Newport: Ellsworth. . New Portland. Etistls. Now Sharon. Exeter. Norridgewock. Fairfield: Nor$h Ansondarn Acadernyi North-Berwick. 88 . ACCMIDITED SECONDARY SCt1OOLS,

North BridgtonRadom Academy. South ParisPAris High School. Northeast HarborMount Desert High School. South Bort lamr North Lebanon. Cape Elizabeth High School. Norway. High School.. Oakland. Southwest harbor. Old Orchard. South WindhamWindham Iligh School. Old Town, Springfield Eastern Maine Imamate. Orono Standish. High School. Steuben. Catholic High School. St onington. Oxford. Song. l'arsonsfleldPre rvm fit id Sr minary. Patten Patten .4 cad, m u. TiMants HarborSt. George High School. PemaquidBristol High School. Turner CenterLeann Institute. Pembroke.. Union. Penobscot: 1: :inv. .. Phillips. Van !lurchSacrrd Mart lligh School. Pittsfield uneelroro.: /Wain/. Central Institute. Vassalbon --Oak Oruro Seminary. Porter High School. Vinalhaven. Port Iona Wahloboro. Deering lligh School. %Vat run. High Scheid. %Vasii burn. St. Jose ph's .4 emir my. 11'aterville Westbrook Seminary. Coburn Classical Institute. Presque high School. Princeton. woMisount Muriel Academy. Rangeley. liletu 1ve,(1)rook. Rockland. NV est Lebanon. Rock port. West Paris. Rumford. West SullivanStfilIvan High School. Sabattm«Wel ter High School. WiltonWilton Academy. SacoThor Acade my. %1 inn. Sanford., Sangervilie. Winter Harbor. Scarbotb. Searlert. Winter port. Set riigoPotfcr Academy. '11'Isenta.lists°ePi.WiRcasset Academy. Sherman. WieellandItaileyville High Seined. Skowhegan. W ytoliii lockReed Plantation High School. Smyrna MillsMerrill-High School. Yarinoutliville Solon. Yarmouth High School. South BerwickBerwick Academy. North Yarmouth A cadenty. South ChInuA rsk int A code my. York VillageYork High School. MARYLAND. Schools accredited by the State Department.of Education and by theUniversity of Maryland for the year 1920-21. University admission requirements. Units. Preset-Mod units: 15 English Mat hermit les 3 Science 2 itIStory Electives 1 S Aberdeen. Baltimore - Continued. Annapolis L_ Mount 1/1-rnon (' I figh School. Notre Dame of Maryland.). The lloiladay School. Park School. U. S. Naval Academy Preparatory School. Polytechnic Institute. Wilmer arid C'har's l'reparatorySchool. St. Catherine's Normal Institute.0 BadenAgriculturat High School. Samuel Ready School. Baltimore- - University School for Boys.). A rmy and Navy l'reparatory School. Visitation Academy. BoysLatin School.). Western II igh School. Bryn Maier School.). Y. M. C. A. Institute day school.'° (Ulcer! Hall Colitge.II 'Barton. (.'hunch School for Boys. - Bel Air. City College. . BerlinBuckingham High School. Eastern High fic!'-614,, Yonne Severn School. &iphany A posionc I loonsboro. Friends School:1° Brandywine. Girls' Latin School.). Brunswick. Institute of Notre Dame. Cambridge. Jefferson School /or Boys. catonsv Loyola Clillege (Preparatory.Departlitent).). high School. Milton. Academy'. St Charles College. Monett he Saks Acadraty Othe VIsitatIon. Si. Timothy's School:a. Mount Si. Joseph'b High Schbol.11 Cocilton. 10 to accept satisfactory records; reputation of school good; this note (and the others ' were made University of Maryland.

11 Insilco' . and approved by MarylandDopartment of Education. . . is Probably safe to abeept Satisfactory rteords, though theyshould,perhaps be more closely rated than mortis from schools with footnote 10.. . is Probably accept satisfactory records; reputation of school goOd. , ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 89

Centreville. .Millington. c harlot le ilallSchool.11 Mount Airy. .Chesapeake City. Mount WashingtonMI. Saint Agnes Chestertown. (High School). Ciglege Chevy Chase School. (fear Spring. Nanticoke. New WindsorBlue RidgeCollege (Preparatory chutonsorrattsville High School. Department). Ci dont .Noitinghatn Academy. North EastCalvert Agricultural High School. Crisfield. OaklandGarrett County High School. Cumberland Oxford. A ihaa,,y County Academy. I'ocomoke CityPocomoke High School. Allegany high School. Poolesv Me. Mrx. Buckle 's School. Port Deposit La Salle Girls' High School. St. Patrick's High School. Jacob Tome Inalitule.I5 Crsuline Academy. Preston. Deltnar. Princess AnneWashington High Schodl. - -Dent nn--Caroline 114 School. Queen .tone Td- County High School. Easi on. Reisterstown Elkton Cecil County High School. Elliott Cat Franklin High School'. 1figh School. Hannah More Academy. Rock 11.11 College (Preparatory Department).16 Rldgely Emmitsburg High School. ', Iligh School. St. GertrwIrs Academy. St. Ruphemia's School. Rock Hall. Fearalsburg. Rocky ille Forest OlenNational l'ark Seminary. A cadelny.14 Frederick Montgomery High School. Acadrmil of the Visitation. Roland Park . Boys' High School Girls' High School. Crninfry School. lows) Se minary.,3 Gilman Country School. Friendsville. St. James SchoolSt. James School. Fro.? burg Beall I ligh School. St. Mary's CitySt. Mary's Female Seminary. ;:iii liersUrg. St. Michaels. t;haiertrrison School. SalisburyWicomico County High School. !lager. own Sandy SpringSherwood High School. Female I figh SchooL Sharptown. Male high School. Sinithsburg. Ili'list mad. Snow Hill. vre ;rare. SparksAgicultural High Schools ighland Montrose School. Sparrows Point. / Turlock. Stevensvilit. ,/ Watts% Stockton. Jarrettsville. Street Highland High School. IlchesterDonaldson School,it Sykesville. Kit zmiller. Taneytown! La limaMcDonough Institute." Thurmont.. Laurel. Towson. LeonardtownTennard Ifall.!f Tra.ppe J.i; ert y town Notre Dame Academy. 1-nionBridge. j.(mayoldagCentral High School. Upper Marlboro Mel tonouchSelmol.14 esternpor t. 11i lotletmen. Westminster. Millersville. Anne Arundel Academy. Williamsport.

MASSAChUSETTS. Schools approved by the Department of Educationof Massachusetts for the purpose of certification to thp State normal schools for the ... year 1920.'5 Itemitremen t s tor adml Ion to the Mbssachuset ts State normal Units. Prescribed units mglish schools .,... 15 .. 3 Front cloctive stillis as follows: Algebra, 1: geometry, 1; history, 1,2, or 3; historyto 17011, 1; Europa p history since 17aq, I: community civics, ior 1; Latin, 2, 3, or 4; French, 2 ,t 3; Us an . 2 or:3: Spanish, 2; physics, 1; chemistry, 1: biology, hotAny, or zoology, i or; physical geography; f or 1; physiology and hygiene, i or 1; general science, i or 1: (avil ig,oat; honsehal a ts, 1 or 2; manual training, 1: stenog- raphy, includlt g tyi w Ling, 1 or 2; bdokkAng, 1; commercial geography, i or 1; arithmetic, .1 . r....7 From any o the tome-lbw subjects, at leantsi 7 r ... 6 Abington. , Adams. A nOverPunrhard .Sdoot. Ashland. -- .4.rIllgton. . ; Amesbury. . Athol. ,.:. As19;rnhamCushhty Acs (letny.Attleboro. Amherst. ,,'... .A t.:. r-4. ' Id, .' Avon. ,,.. s ii Probably safe n ac t satisfactorOrryords teputatIon of sehoof imod. ,4 Probably oak to at. records from sch ils y/Ith,lootnotoit. satisfactory,rrds, 13. thougtr kliey should perhaps be more closely rated'than is ,.. f. itLappromod by the Maryland Department of gdusation. '' , "The Slasmt Netts Skito Department dr Education plisses upbd wily the State. T ,t my private schools which it approves a few of the private schools of piffle high are those which dre WentIn to stns not having ton and that furnish free tuitkfit to-the pupils In the towns In ivAle tinyto located.For. a list of IM, privateiehoola mIllaassie.luifetts;Spe the Ilat of the New Englaii tint:its , pp, 86-Se. ' .twfte Entrante'cec 1 I .'. . . ..,' - / t C .- 40 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

Ayer. Holbrook. Provineetown. Barre. Holden. Quincy Belmont.. Holliston. High School. Bernardston. Holyoke. WoodwardInstitute. Beverly. Hopedale. Randolph. Billerica. Hudson. Reading. Boston Huntington. Revere. Vublic Latin Sch ool. Hyannis Barnstaple High Rockland. Girls' Latin School. School. Rockport English High School. Ipswich. Salem. . Girls' High School. kipgst on. Satoh% hit. Rritghton-High School. Lait?ter. Saugus. Charlestown High school. Lawreawc. Scit sate. Dorchester High School. Lee. Sharon. East Boston high School. Lenox. Sheffield. Hyde Park High School. Leominster. Shelburne. .Roxbury High School. Lexington. sherborn. Sohth Boston High School. -Lit t let on . West Roxbury High School: Shrewsbury. Lowell. S"ersef . . Mechanic Arts High School. Ludlow. Sumer% ille. Commerce High School." Ltinenburg. Soutlityr iih. Practical Arts High School. Lynn Sant libridge. Bourne. Classical High School. South Iladlty. Braintree. English IlighSchtxd. Si ,encer. Bridgewater. Malden. Springfield Brimfield. Stanchest er. Brockton. Cent ml Ilirl Scho ol. Brookfield. MUI 1,111'1,1. l'echnical help Selitml. Marblehead. High School of Commerce. Brookline. Marlborough. Stockbridge. Cambridge Stott ehani. High and Latin School. Maynard. stought it fudge Technical School. Ilea field. Canton. St . - Medford. Still bury. Charlemont. Medway. Sutton. Chatham. Melrose. Chelmsford. swampscott. Chelsea. Merrtmar. Taunton. Met Inter,. Templeton. Chester. Middleborough. Chicopee. T ITlo try Clinton. -Milford. Tel Cohasset. Millbury. Concord. Millis. NS a i7:et4i . Milton. \Cal pole. Dalton. Monsoir A (admit ". Waltham. Danvers. Montague. Dedhatn. Nantucket. UeerfieldAcademy. Wareham. Dennis. Natick. Warren. Dover. Needham. Watertown. Duxbury. New Bedford. 11'a vland East Bridgewater. Newburyport. %Velisi cr. Easthampton. Newt on Wellesley. Easton. II igh School. West borough. Edgartown. Technical High School. West Boylston. North Adams.. Vest Bridgewater. Essex. N on hampton. Everett. North Andover. Fairhaven. North At tletionsigh. Fall River. we,t minster. Norihborough. West Newbury. Falmouth. Northbridge. Weston. Fitchburg. North Brookfield. Fox borough. Nest Springfield. Northfield. Weymouth. Framingham. Norton. Whit man. Franklin. Norwell. Gardner. %Villiarnsburg. Norwood. Williamstown. Gloucester. Oak Bluffs. Grafton. Wilmington. trange. Witichentloti. -Great Barrington. Orleans. Greenfield. Winchester. Oxford. 1Vinthrop, Groton. Palmer. Groveland. Woburn. Hadley. Peabody. Worcester Hamilton. Pembroke. Classical high S.chool. Pepperell. High School of Commerce. Harvard Bromfield .Vehool. Petersham. South High School. 'Hardwick. Pittsfield . North High School. liardwich. High *Aim!. HatfieldSmith Academy. Wrentham. Haverhill. High School of Comment. Yarmouth. . Hingham. Plymouth.

O O ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. j 41. MICHIGAN. . c Schools amedited by the University of Michigan in conjunction with theMichigan State Department of Education for the year 1920-21. 4 . units. Ilniver,it y ail tniston requirement, . Pre.vribeil writ,: . 15 Engli.h...... fry ...... 3 Foreign homage , Mathemat ics - Scieliee...... !Ac I Ives...... r ...... , 1 7 .1,blison. Constantine. Grand Rapti'sContinued. Adrian. t -wipers Catholic II. S. "r Corn mu. Mount Merry Academy. hamar. ('ra:wit! Grandville. Crystal Fails. "Grant. e Davison. Goa.. Lake. t, t. 1)earhor . Denim !mid *ads. misa. Decker\ ill,. Greenland. Ann Arbor rl aierliel I. Greenville. pith School. I:ros,e Ile. .'.f. l'hooras School. .4 an Ulli'lfif i.n .4 code ail GwinfL .mylia. Cass High Si 11061. Ilaintrattivk. .trinada. ( %Mt drat .1 corlosty. lIanenek Central Iligh*School. lligh School. A10. Central Evening High Sgh601. Suomi Colltge .4 eadentit. Itaagor. Eastern Iligh.School. Harbor Bearh. Itriva. I loly R0.1rroar A cadrmy. llarlior Springs. Barn-ton. Roo, ry .1 rad, my. hank Creek. //ralaia si boot !laniard. Bay y Liggett Selmal. !last ings. List Side Iligh School. Iliztr, School. I lighland Park. \V...1 set.. High school Northern High School. . /.',ory .1 eodemlJ. Nordst nun 1 ligh Soho'!. st. .10 n,r r .1 code my. Non' im...stiril High School. High School. NI. tiory'r School. raiiodt,ny. Hope College sf. til .4 co& toy. l'reporotory Bear 11.4.S:chant. . South...t,ro ii tb School. trvity to' Dtitott l'rt ti Bell I:re. ! homer. tray School. -. Hopkins. (link%III'. rNity School. HMO 011!labor. I lought on. Itenionia. Western high School. Howaril y. Dexter. Howe!" Dollar Bay. Berrien Springs I aiwaglac. School. !inlay V. m manta! ('college. Dryden. Dundee. Ivo. Mountain.. Bessemer. lirand. Iron River. Big Rapids East Laming. iligh School. East 111gb School. I'rrtix !umlaute. East 'Pau.. sr. A inbropr .4 rademy. Birmingham. Eaton lt:tpals. Ishpeming. Ithaca. Bloomingdale. Elk Rapids. Jackson Borne City. Elate. High School. Escanaba, St. John'. School. Britton. Evart.. St. Mazy's School, Breckenridge. Ewen.. Jonesville. Farmington. Kalamazoo Brown City. Fennville. High School. Fenton. Normal i I igli.Sehool. Burr (kik. Flint. Nazareth Academy. Flushing. Kalkaska. Calumet. Foa len-tile. limit City. Cato. Frankfort. I.' Anse. 'arsov City. Fremont. Laltigsburg .31,11.. Gagetown. Lake Clty. Ca,: city. Galesburg. Lake Linden. , . Gallen. Lake Odessa. Cedar Springs. Gaylord. Lake View. Central Lake. Illtidstone. Lansing Centreville. Gladwin. High School. ('hanijilon. Grand Iluveii 81% Mary'. School. Ch irlevoix. keley ilAILTreerlice, Charlotte. !high School. 1'11;v:stir. Gobleville. Lawtin. het /1):9fOn.. tlrand.Ledge. Leslie. CheiSea. Grand Rapids Linden. ... Chesaning. *en t httlligh School. Litchfield: Clare. South High School. Lowell. Clinton. Union-High School. . Cho. Ludington Colrin College . l'repaotOry High School. collwatet., School. . Si. Siminni School. I 7olinna. Sacrid MortA cadenw. MansielOns: Colon. Catholic 11. S. na Girls. 'Manchester. 42 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

Mainistee. -Orchard LakeSt. Mary's School.Sault Ste-. Marie Manistique, Orion. High School. Manton. . . Ortonville. -Loretta Academy. Marine City. Otsego. Saranac. Ovid. Schoolcraft. Marlette. Owosso. Scot tville. a Marc Oxford. Srbewaing. School. Palnesdale Shelby. Normal High School. Paw Paw. Shepherd. Marrellus. Penston. South Ilaven. Marshall. Pentater. South Lyon. Mason. Pigeon. Sparta. Meniphis. Perry. Spring ArborA codemy. )tendon. Petoskey. Stambaugh. Menominee. Petersburg. Standish. Mesick. Pinckney. Stanton. Midland.. Mailmen. StepheitsonTownshipIii gh Milan. Plymouth. School. Milford. Pontiac. 'Stockbridge. Millington. Port Huron. Sturgis. Monroe Portland. Tecumseh. High School. Quincy. Tekonsha. St. 'Vary'.' School. Rapid River. Three Oaks. Morenci. Reading. Three Itivrs. Montague. Reed City: Traverse ('ity Montgomery. Redford. High School. Mount Clemens Republic. St. Francis School. High School.- Richmond. Trenton. St. Mary's School. River Rouge Trout Creek. Mount Pleasant High School. Union City. High School.. Our Lady of Lourdes. Utica. Normal High School. Rochester. Vassar. Sacred Heart Academy. okford. Vermont ville. Mini/Sing. Rockland. Vicksburg. Muskegon Rogers. Vulcan. Iligh School. Borneo. Wakefield. St. Mary's School. Royal Oak. Watervitet. Nashville. St. Charles. Wayland. National Mine. St. ('lair. Wayne. Negatmee. St. Ignore. West Branch. Newaygo. St. Johns. New Baltimore. St .1(iseph. White Pigeon. Newberry. St. Louis. Whiteall. Niles. Wyandotte North Adams. Saginaw East Side High Schuss . High School. North Branch. 51. Patrick's School. Northville. St. Mary's School. Norway. Peter and Pant School. Yale. Arthur Hill School. Ypsilanti ()noway. , High School. Onsted. Sandusky. Normal High School. Ontonagon. Saugatuck. Zeeland.

MINNESOTA. Schools approved by the State Department of Education and accredited by the University of Minnesota for the year 1920-21.'7 Units.. University admission requirements IS Prescribed units: English ( if accompanied by 4 units of foreign language, 3)- 3 or 4 Mathematic 2 '` Electives 9 or to) Graduates of the following Minnesota State high schools will be admitted to the Universityf Minnesota without conditions, provided their credentials satisfy the specific requirements of the college to which entrance is desired: Ada. Bagley. Canby. A dams. Barnesville. C4nnon Falls. Adrian. Belle Plaine. Carlton. A it kin . Bemidji. Cass Lake. Ake ley. Benson. Chaska. Albert Lea. Bird Island. Chatfield. Alden. Ili wapik . Chisholm. Alexandria. Blackdnek. Clarkfield. Amboy. lir Blooming Prairie. Cleyeland. Annandale. Blue Earth. Cloquet. f' Anoka. Brainerd. .Cokato. Appleton. Breekenridge. Coleraine Argyle. Browns 'Valley. Creenay High School. Arlington. Buffalo. Olcott high School. Atwater. Buhl. ' ColleovilleSt. John's College. Aurora. Caledenia. -, Cottonwood. Austin. .Cambridge. . Crookston. '17 The State Education Department approves only publie high schools. ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 48 roe Ironton. Lam berton. . Redwood Falls. Dasse" Lanesboro. Renville. Dawson. Le Roy. Rochester. 1)eer River. Le Sueur. Delano. Roseau. LeSueur Center. Royalton. Delavan. Lindstrom -- Center City Rtish City. Detroit. Litchfield. 14. Charles. Dodge ('e ter. Litt to Falls. St. Cloud. Duluth Long Prairie. St. Francis. Clithedral High School for Boys. Ltiverne. St.JoseptiConvenfof St. Beni. Cathedral 11 igh hoot far Girls . Lyle. . dirt. ('entml High School. Mabel. St. James. Henreid HighSchool. McIntosh. St. Louis Park. VillaSande Scholastica. Eagle Bend. St. Paul Madison. .,lethel Academy. Ealt Grand Forks. Mahnomen. Elbow Lake. emtral High School. Mankato. College of St.. (VAMP... Elk River. Nlantoeville. Elmore. Humboldt High School. Mapleton. John A. Johnson high Ely. Marshall. igh School. Eytlet h. Mechanic Arts High School. Mlmse. Oak Hall c RacLus School for Excelsior. M dam. Girls). Fairfax, St-Joseph Academy. Fiuritiont. /Hake School few mop. St. l'aul Academy. liarihatilt Central High School. I I igh School. St. Mornay (tiller. East high School. Summit School. st. Mary's Itall. Minnehaha Academy. Nhattuek Military Academy. llingranta cot l'isitation e'unrent. I QI. . St.Pet er - Farmington. Nett High School. Fergus Falls Gustarut.4.1olphus Naftrop collegiate Institute. Academy. Ogle. High School. , St. Maroaret's Academy. 'Park L'egioh. High School. I...south High School. . Elandstone. Luther College.- smutty Ha/ 1. Sauk Center. Fertile. West High School. Forst lake. Sauk Rapids. inneot a. Shakopee- ont ev hleo Sherburn. Frazee. High School. Slayton. Frontenacl'illa Maria. Windom Institute. Sleepy Eye. Fulda. Montgomery. Gaylord. South St. Paul. Mont ieilo. Springfield. Gilbert. Moorhaid.,- Glencoe. Spring Grove. Gienwoorl. Concordia College. Spring Valley. tilynclon. Moorhoad High School Staples. Mom. Stephen. Graevitle Morris. Stewartville. IlighSchool. Morristown. Stillwater: St. Mary's Academy. Morton. Thief River Falls. (randMeadow. Mound. Tower. I;rand Rapids. Mountain Iron. Granite e Falls. Tracy. Mountain Lake. Two }}arbors. Niashwank- Keewatin. Tyler. Halsted. New Prague. Hancock. New Richland. ilarmony. NeW I Im. }last logs. abasha. Northfield. Wiidena. Hawley. NorthSt. Pool. Walker. Hay fleld. NorU.oieiYoung Hest or. America. Warren. Warroed. Hendersog,.... in env ills. Waseca. Herman. o kakis. Heron lake. Waterville. Twatonp a Wayzata. Hibbing. lliglt School. Hinckley. 'Welcome. Pillsbury Academy. Wells. Hopkins. Park Rapids. Houston. west Concord. Wheaton. Howard Lake. PelicanRapids. White Bear. Hutchinson. Perham. Willmar. InternationalFalls. Pine ('it v. Ivanhoe. Windom. Pine Winnebago. Jackson. Pine River. Janesville Winona Pipestone. Cblhedral High School. Jordon. Plainview. Kasota. Cotter High School. Preston. High School. Kasson. Princeton. Kenyon. , St. Claire Seminary. Proctor. SI. Marys College. Kerkhoen. Reti Lake Fails:. Winthrop. LakeRenton. Red Wing Lake City. Worthington, Academy of the Red WingZumhzota. LakeCrystal. Seminary. Lakefield. Luther Ladies' Seminary, "LakePark. Red Wing HighSchool.


MISSISSIPPI. Sehoo Is accredited by Mississippi State Department of Education and by University of Mississippi, February, 1921: Colts. University admission requirententi 15 Prescrii.1 units: English 3 Mathematic: 2* History 2 Electives 7* Aberdeen. Laurel: Ackermun. LcialidCoUsolidati.1 nigh Sc boo,. Amory. ungton. AnguillaConso:itlated Bich School. el° 1.ihert v ('aunty nigh School. . Batesville. Loninjewkikillibcha County Agr. High School. Bay Springs--4aSper County .% gr. nigh School. Belzoni. BentonYazoo Count y Act. nigh School. Linithrton. Biloxi LynianW(1 Cousolidatt.1 High School. High School. Macon. &ashore Camp Ground .90,,,! Mali -on. a Blue Mountain Ilizsissipoi llekdas .4cademy. Booneville. Magnolia. Brookhaven. Marks. Brooklyn...-Forrest Cflunty A gr. Iiigh School; NoN Om ('ountr Agr. High School. Brooksville('onsolidated II Mathiston hc ancit Academy. Hums V ist aChicktisaw County High School. NieColuti. Calhoun City. McLain -- Progress Con.olelan.1 High School. Camden Nladison County .t gr. nigh School. Meath Franklin Count v Agr. high School. Canton. Meulctdtttll ,unpott ('ninny Sgr. High School. .Centerville Wt/iintn Irina 1lA Institute. Meridian. Charleston ,Niuestiiith County Agr. . High School. Montrose. I 1111/1 If lift1 roma? School. Tallalattchtel ount y Acr. nigh School MoorheadSutillower Count y Agr. High school. ChatawaSt. Mint, i.1 thr Pinch, ClaraWayne Comity Agr. High School: Clarksdale. Natchez -- A Cleveland .High School. Consoblat el 11 igh School. nolirdral High School. Bolivar Count y Agr. High ghoul. Nettleton. Clinton(7onsol School. New AtIguiy. ColTeeville. - Newton. Coldwater. NosapaterW inst On Conn t y A gr. nigh SChool.. Colurnlila. Oulaid-Oalohusha Colin t y A gr. High School. ColumbusS. I). Leo High School. kolona. Cuomo. . e ItninchDeSoloCounty Agr. High School: Corinth. Crystal Springs. high Court land Panola County y A gr. nigh School. LA:* et te Count y A gr, High snFool. DecaturNewton County Agr. I I nib 111..1. Pascagoula. Derma Calhoun ('aunty Agr. High St tool. Pass Christian. l'erkinstott-11 arrkiin.stone A gr. High School; Drew. PhebaClay Comity A gr. 11 igh Seim>, Duck Hill. -. Philadelphia. EllisvilleJones County Agr. High School. Pontotoc. EuporaWebster County Agr. High School. Poplaiville--Pearl River Comit y A gr. lligh *hod Forest., Port, t:ilisonChatribtrlain-llont .4cude niy. French Camp--.A cadi in y. - Prentiss. Goo(' mu n flohnes County Age. 11 i gh. PurvisLamarCounty .%1.7.11ieti School. . Greenville quitrnmi--ClarkeColuity A gr. !high School: High School. .l(aymnoud hinds(wantty A gr. lligh School. Military Academy. Richton, . Greenwood. Ripley. Grenada. . Gulfport Sardis: High School. scoobakemper County A gr. High School. Golf ( oust Military Aradrrny. Senatobia Guntown. 11 igh School. HarpervilleScott Coynty Agr. High School. Tote County Agr. High School. Hattiesburg. Shelby. Harichurst. Shuqualuk. Herman V LiloConsolidated IIigh .Schnol. Slayden Marshall County AO. High School.:'. Hernando. ,_ Stark-vine. HollandaleConsolidated High School. Summit. Holly Springs. . Stunner. Houston. Stunrall. Ludianold.' TerryConsolidated ILO Sejlieol. !Ha Bena:-Consolidated High Schnell. TishomingoCoturty Agr.11Igh School. Jackson. TunietiCounty A gr.11igh School. JohnsJtank in Count y Agr. High School. Tupelo . KilmichaciMOn t gonteryCountyAgr.High Hi_gh School. School. Military Institute. Kosciusko. . Tviertown. Kosauth,A1Ciirn Count y Agr. High SchOOL Union ChurchJefferson C ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 45

Vaiden. Water Valley. Verona.' N-jekslairg Wesson-4'000Lincoln Ayr. High Se hool. West Point. . AllSaint."College. Wiggins. Iligh School. Winona. St. .4 topsitis I ',dirge. WoodvilleWilkinson County A gr. High School. Washingtart--Jr(b-rmut Yaroo elly

MISSOURI. High scholia and academies rated as first-class by the Department of Education of Missouri and accredited by the University of Missouri, June 1,1920. t :nit'enify admission rerplireinet it s I:tilts. Require 1 units-- IS English 1 . 3 Mat hematit . 1 Merl two, ...... I i Adrian. Hardin Albany. Conception Aro& toy ofConti I igh Sc had. Anderson. ft, wkinghain High School. Sppleton City. Coneonlia. Arradia 1-riuline Academy. 'order. Hayti. Armstror.g. Craig. I lercoltineum. Ash i !rove. Crane. I Fermium . Aurora. lawn. Hickman Mills: Auxviwe. learliorn High, A va. trepat titer. II iggiti.vitie. Ilarnard. )r halt. Hoiden. Bellflower. 0 ii. et,14. I MiderSrAnol ofthe Ozarks. Belton. Soto. Iii lt. Bethany. exter. lievier. Hopkins. ixon. I bolsi . Bigelow. lot. Run. I lonian,ville. Billing, (minion). I I time. Bismarck. owning.. Huntsville. Illnonifield. IberiaAcademy. Blue Springs. East Prairie. 11'41)01(1MM Bolivar. , Edgerton Ir.)1114in. Bonne Term!! Edina. Jackson. Boonville Eldon. la meson . I I igh School. Eldorado Springs. Janwport. Kt raper ;UnitarySchool. Ellington. Bosworth. Elmo. 1,1trrl.;u3City: Bowling Breen. 1:1

Peculiar. Salem. Linnet s. Peirce City. Locka Perry. .. - San rt. Louisiana. :Perryville . savannah. Macon High School. Sedalia. Macita n. St. Vincent.* High School. Settee:5. Malt d. Piedmont. Seyntot r. Malde Pineville. Shelbina. Mans chi Platte City. Shelbyville. Mapl Plat isburg. sheldttn C. flea ant 11111. sticri.lart . Mari tile-- .- Polo. gh School. P.pir Bluff. Skidmore. tarionril le Academy ofPortugeville. N;1;11t.r. itarioncilk College. Potosi. M Pritterton. Springfield . Panda. High Sehnol. yville. hydro. SI. .1 C'hittitol Academy. tjneett City. St anherre. Meadville. Itavenwoott Steel ills. Memphis. ', Ilit:h Schot.l. test artMc. I Mexico Ilrintot IIigltSchool. stockbiti. High School. taynnire. st orgy., MissoUri 31ilitary Academy. It stows. I' '11111an. Milan. ltepnblic. Sa awe sprit, Mindenmines. Rich Hill. Tortsio. Moberly. IticIllatol. That cr. Monett. Ilichlooloi. Tina. Monroe City. Montgomery City. ithirway.Roc Owl. Trenton. Morehouse. !tuck y Comfort: Triplett. Morley. Rolla.; Troy. St. (4rIes. l'Itbni. Mound ('Irv. Ste. tittle ieve. , l'ition St:tr. 'Mountain (;rove. St ..ltunes. , ilitillitt.ille. Mountain View. Sj. Jollth ll'itiNtro City., Mt. Vernon. Won't High School. , Ir1,11:1. Neosho. cejodroi /huh .sch.,,i. i 'aiihija Nevada. (*IIrut High School. ' \I.r,:tilIe .. New Franklin. St. I,Qts . i W :thin! t:r"se. New Hampton. ...4 0,, my a thr Sacred Mkt.Warn't,iturg. New Haven. NIttrylatol and Tftylor...",..,. var...,,w, New London. tides. / Wo,,Itingtm. New Sladrid. A el, soy of Ihr.,orid Icartweb!, tit v. New Point. Mt rritn;teandNett tilaW ett..ter trineti. Norhorne. .1 Nine, Wellington. Novelty. A ca rent , 0IIlo.I.iitrtflo I. %V ell,ton . Oak Grove.' Cent ltiOs school. Wellsville. Odessa. Clevt !wl !sigh Schott w,.ton, Oran. Kt nirkgiholic Po s' HighWv,iboto. Oregon. Sch .4. West l'Inins. Orrick. Lrn.ibilf. IVilliaRINVIIIP. Osceola. Loyal!hill. Willow Springs. Ott erville. Melt devHigh . iol. WitttP.or. Overland. Rose,' =gain highchar!. Wilionnt, Otark. Sl..lo. Iph', .4rods ny. 1" yaconda. Palmyra. Sant,: Naha in l;/4. Paris. 1:4)1(11l1High. Sill ill. Parma. Stimm r High.howltrot. Pattonsburg. (moil Tent tioii Iligh .' tool. MONT NA. credited by the State Boardsofducation and the U!iversity of Montana for the y ar 1920-21. 1.7 III . University ission regairements The university psc;it)es no subjects for entr tic,. but "it is sugge.tod mit I igh-school students who expect to attend c university include itheir program of studies oa i toe. "English "Science and mathetnaties " Foreign language "History and social scieum t Albert on. t lioulder--Jederson.ConIvHigh S4)1, Anaconda. Ito/A.1min coillatin Co nit y I light Si tool. Augusta. Itridger. Baker. Butte / Belgrade. BusineseColleg,. Belt. .; l'entral laatholic I ighSchool, Big Handy. High Se mr ' SirilTi il -t (bass County I I igh School. Camas Praiile. BI Cascade.

-High School. .Chinook. :I l'olytechntc IMute. Choteatt eton Cou ty'High SchI. of' ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

Columbia Falls. C'olumus. Manhattan. Conrad. Medicine Lake, Miles City--t'uster County High SchOel. Colbert son. Missoula- Cut hank. -Missoula count y I ligh School. Sacred rd Bear! .4 cademy. Dartbr. ore. I urr )Avige-Powelt County I1IR1r School. Out look. naive:head Donn! y High School. likalaka-(carter 'mint y 1110 tschool. Park City. Philipsburg-granite County High School. Eureka-lancoln County liltgh School. Plains. Fair, Jew, l lent ywood 1:1,4-er-o-- Florence-Carleton- II igh School. Poison. Forsyth. Poplar. Fort itenton--Choteau Countylltgh School. From berg. ;pr.ii,line. Red Lodge-Carbon County II igh SchOol. I 1:11:0W. Ronan. ;Icipli,e- Dawson County High School. Rosebud, ;rass Range. Roundup. Great Falls- ilyegate. II igh School. St. Ignatius. 'rst,/int sentry. Academy. Shelby. Sheridan. II arlem Spitler.,/ Ilarlowtou. Stanfiird./ lias re. Stevensville. liedgesvi Stokett 11elena - TS((i.rptrz,itw. !kph Sr 1. 3/,,nsand Thompson Falls. altyan Crillot Academy. ThreeYorks. Munt St. ries tWirce Academy. i stI'racrou'lcademy. Townsend- Ilmaduter CoMity Fligli School. Hobson. Twin Bridges Ismay. Amber. Viet or. ti Jonla. .. Virginia City. JAB!' Gap. Whitefish. NV hi trhall. kali,pell- Flathead ('auntIligh &loot. White Pine. Laurel. While Sulphur Sprig. Las Ina. School. Lewistown - Fergus County High Willow Creek./ hoot. NINV.:117:111:.-Wil'aul'mnlY hills.. Winnett. Livingston- i'ark County IMO School. Malta. Wolf Point.,- Worden. .."

NEBRASKA./ Schools accredited by "University of Nebraskafor year 1919-20. Admission requirements Points.Units. Prescribed subjects- 30or15 English Mathematics (6 to 4 points) . 4 2 i °reign language. (4 to 6 polifts). . } in ilittory 5 Science ' 2 1 Electivts 2 1 12 6 ORot? A. Adams. .Alasworth. licidgeport. Davenport. Albion. !licken Bow. Alliance. Dorchester. 'adibridge. Edgar. Arlington. Cedar Rapids. Ashland. Elmwood. Auburn. Central Ci1y - Exeter. Aurora. High School. Fairintry. Bancroft. /Arihron!kaVentral Acddemy. Fairfield. Itarard. Fairmont. Clarks. Falls City. Beatrice. t'hirkson. liellevue.-l'ioneer Franklin,- Unionlligh('oil ege A*Iew- Academy School. . I ligh *honk HighSchool. Bethany- Union tblfrge 4cademy. High School. Columbus. Fremont. ('r AaidemY. Friend. Blair- Craig. Fullerton. Geneva. . High School. `Crete.Crete. Dana 1iencia, Academy Curtis- Nebraska School of .Agrl-tiering. Bltnmtleld. cult ure. Brainard, Gibbon. David City. Bothenburg.


Grand Iland. Neligh. Shine?. GrantPerkins County1110 SpriftirviewKey:a Paha Comity School. Neuman time. 'High School. Hardy. Norfolk. Stanton. - Harvard. North Bond. Steele Illy. last logs North Platte. St nmsburg. Acc./rnta. Oak loot Superior. High School. lealitta. Sutton. Ilarehwk. Omaha Tom imeh. Hebron Brownell Hall. Tekamah. Acuff nog. Iterton I I igh School Tobias. High S'ehool. Central High School. Itokhege. Creillon Arad, my. High School.10%-: Ilutnbehil Moon( St. Alury't Sr rniuerrt Ilistryon Acode try. Kearney. Sacred Iliad .4 ea le raw. Wahno KimballKimball County 11 gh Sler, 4 licari .104,111 sehori. High School. School. Smith High Sebisol. Linke. Acrt.frmy. Lexington. . ore s Amiens,. NV AlttilU, Lincoln Ord. UV.' tie! Iligh Schod. 1.4444. tt tier. Tekeher, ode:m.111,A, sclo.d.I' iwnee Citr. P01111. hool of Aennuis,. 1.1 it 1,mout h. %%Abet. 1.rons. It itdelph. Winef. VoC It %Venni. \Vow' River. Madi.on. Bed Cloud. more. )4 &win City. St. Edward. York Mead. Schuyler. for/tory. Minden. ..seotttbluiL High School. Nebraska City. *wool, , Nehawirta. Shelton. mum. Alexandria. Farnam. MullenHooter Cenntytlitth Allietnr-.St. Agnes A'cadenty. 54 11001, f Allen. Gandy LoganCounty HighNaponee. ./ Alma. Seha d. Nebraska cyt y- St. Bernard Alvo. 4;ill tier. Amite my. Ansley. ortitip. North Loop. / Arapahoe. oat:dale. / A t IHnson !Mind Island code my. Odell. / BartlettWheeler ("minty HighGreeley. Omaha J oda' s 7ligh School. Bassett Rock CountyHigh irehbalu. Oreharty./ . School. tiro us. OrleanA. Beaver City. .5 :nide Heck. Ositrntl. 'Werner. Haider. Or ton. Belgrade. I lain pion. P61Invra. Benkleman. Ilarrison-ASionx County High pillion. Bennet. Si hool. Bertrand. liartington. fierce. BItio 11111. ilast ings maenlatt cbnerjdinnlPlainview. Bradshaw. .4 ea&y. . Polk. Brady. Haves('enter Hayes Vomit Ponca. Bctinswiet. 'Itch School. Itepubilean City. Burwell. Rising CAI y. Cairo. Ilolosesv Riverton. Callaway. Campbell. I Hooper. Carleton. Howells. St. Paul. Carroll. . Humphrey. Sargent . Cedar Bluffs. Scribner . Chatgelllieuel Cot y11 i gh ImperialChase CountyHigh.Se t.v aril School. Sehool. lfigh School. Chester. indianoht. LtdAeron Seminary Clay Center., -St.t Istketiee .1 nide tny Shelby . tioleridge. . Juniata. Sideklev. t'orumbusSt. Francis .4 rerltaty.Kearney,- Military .4 rode my. Silverereek. .Cook. South Sioux City. Cowles. Laurel. . clifrmy. Cozad. Lae:oive. Spencer. Creighton. Lewiston -Conolidlitett HighSpringfield. Creston. Setup!. Stapletoti. .Crofton. 1.1iivo4n(-alto-tiro! lligh School. Stella. Ctilliertson. Lodge Pole. Sterling. Dawson. Loup City. Stratton.!, De Wftt. Mrool. Slit !eland: Dodge. Marquette. 1. Swanton. Dunbar. Svraeuse. MIAInlow: rove. Table Itock. Elkhorn Verna. Talmage. Ehnereek. Milford. Thedtord Tmas County High Elivood. Milliga u. Ernerson, . Minoan% Tilden. Eustis. Mitchell. Trenton. Ewing. , Trumbull.- IS ANTIVIikil hut not Inthagfaly the Itighmt shuidards as to the preparation of t1teaching *tag or laboratory and library f 'ties: ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 49. I'1 vsses. Version. t noon. Waco. Wilsonville. Utica. Wakefield. Winnebago. V.ilent lite. Waterloo. Winside. Volley. Wausa. 1 oryi...40, (Todo's Academy. erdigre. western.

NEVADA. Public 1D high schools accredited by the University of Nevada, December,1920. Admission requirement. Units. Prescribed units: I ...... ?dot hentatii s 3 Foreign language ( if otteeed. at least 2 2 sciences, social .seienes, and mat units must he in one language), natural unit sin eogh of three 01 these subpkshentatics--3.units in one and 2 itt another; or 2 Free eloetives S or6 3 or 4' Bat I le-Mountain. liunkervilleClark Onunty High School, No. LovelockPershing County High School. Carson ('it yCarson High School. 2. Metropolis. II:wonLyon County High Set.00l, No. 2. Overton. ElkoElko County High Sebiol, No. 1. PanacaLincoln County High School. , Reno. EurekaEureka County High School. Sparks. Fallon Churchill County High School, _ Tonopah. ardnerville.Douglas Coullty High School. Virginia. tioldfield. Wells-,Elko County High School, No. 2. IlawthorneMineral County Ilifh School. innemueca llumbohit High School. tn. VegasClark Count y 1 igh :school, No.1. Yeringt onLyon County High School, No. 1. u There are no prWat schools InNevada.

'(NEW HAMPSHIRE. Four-year high schools and academies accredited by the Department ofEducation of New .Hampshire, tebruary,1921. According to the State law "a high school or academy is understood to be a school hsvink oorse of not less than four years, properly equipped at least one and leaching such subject s as are required to college, technical school, and normal school, for admission including reasonable instnivtion in the 4111tution V tilted !qat es and to the constitution ofNow itampsture.". of the Alton. Amherst. Hempstead. esinar ket 1.111,mptenAitemy. , 3n.lover Proctor A salony. Hancock. Newport. .1n1 lin . II anoer. North ('rmwa> , .111311,1. North 'Stratford HaverhillAcademy. - Stratfordford High AtkinsonA codcrny. Henniker. School. With. 11 illsboro. Northwood ('entre(1xe Acad- It rlin. I lin.dale. emy. 11,411101cm. PembrokeAcademy. cnarle-town. Hollis. l'enaeook. Ilook.ett Alan St.Mary's Clartito iut Steven. High School. Seminary. Peterboro. 'olebr,,okAvadetny. . Pittsfield. Concord Jefferson. Plymouth. High Sehodl. Keene. Portsmouth. St. Mary's Selmal. KingstonSanborn Seminary: Raymond. contoeicookilopkinton Laconia. 1, Reeds FerryMei iaw Institute. HighLancaster. Rochester. ('.noway. Lebanon. Somersworth. I terry-9nktrion Academy. Lincoln. Strafford CenterA nett*. Cate lkiver. Lisbon. Academy. East J a tir6Coriant high tleton. Sunapee. Enfield. Manchester. Tilton--Sernburry. Epping. Meredith. Walpole. I:Art er Meriden Kimball Union A cad-Warner--Simones FreeHigh High School. School. Robinson seminary. feomrct West Lebanon. Farmington. MiltonNuts High School FranconiaDow Academy.. Nashua. Wilton. Franklin. New Boston. Winchester. tioffstown. New HamptonLiterary Inca-Wood stock. ion. Gorham. ;Nenw at Woodsvillle. c iron coon. IpswichA pp/don Academy. New LondonColby Academy. 94,129°-22-4 50 ACCREDITED SBOONDARY SCHQOLS. NEW JERSEY. Schools approved by the New Jersey .Department of Public Instruction, for the year 1920-21. . . "Approved high n-hoots" must maintain curricula covering four full year/ of work approvedby the State board of education, diplomas to be granted only to pupils who shall have completed 76academic counts; the school year must rutt least 38 weeks; the recitation periods must average 40 minutes in length; the teaching force must consist of not less than three teachers; the building must be adequate, and must be provided with ample laboratory and library facilities. 4 Haddon Heights. Newton. , Asbury Park. HamburgHigh School (town-Nutley. Atlantic City. Ocean City. Atlantic Highlands. ship). *. Barnegat . ' Hammonton. Ocean GroyoHigh School (town- Bayonne. Hampton. ship). Belleville. Harrison;' Orange . Belvidere. Hasbrouck Heights. Miss Prard's School for Girls. Bernardsville BornardsHigh High Bridge. °wool .4 caderny. Schbql (township). Hightstown Dearborn- Morgan School. Blairstown High School. Orange High School. . Blair Academy. Peddie Institute. Palmyra. High School Hoboken l'ark Ridge. Blobmfield Academy. Passaic. man TheologicalSchool High School. Paterson Sacred Heart Academy. C'ollegiate Institute. High School Department). High School. II gh School. .. Hohokus. oonton _ Hopewell. St. John's Parochial School. High School,' Irvington. _ link emit y School . St. John's School. Jamesburg. Paulsboro. Bordentown Jersey City Pemberton. Bordentown Military Inthlute . Dickinson High School. 'PenningtonSeminary. High School. Lincoln High School. Penns Grm 0. Boundbrook St. A loysi us Academy. Perth Amboy. High School. St. Dominic's Academy. 'hilli psliiirg Zarephath Academy. St. Peter's I figh School. High School. Bridgeton. Kearney. St. l'hilip a ad St. Ja mem School. Burlington. Kenilworth i'psa laCollegePlainfield (Academic Department). allige of Mount St.Mary, Butler. Dipart me of. Caldwell _ Kevport. High School. Lakewood High School. . Ajount St. Dominic Academy. High School, North Plainfield 11 igh sehoot. Camden. Newman School. Pleasantville. Cape May City. Lambertville. Point Pleakant. Cape May Court House. Lawrenceville LawrencevillePort Norris. Chatham. School. Princeton Clayton. LeonardoHigh School( town- High School. CliftonHigh School (township). ship). Pr, ',oratory School. Clinton. Leonia. Rahway: Closter. Linden. Red Bank. Collingswood. Long !trench It idgeflitld l'ark. Convent High School. Itidgewissl. St. Elizabeth's College, School Star of the Sea Academy. Rockaway. . of Pedagogy. Madison. Roselle. ... St. Elizabeth's Academy. Manasquan. Roselle Park. Cranford. Matawan. Hilt herford-rEa4 Rutherford Dover. Metuchen. High School. Dumont. MillburnHigh cool (town- -Salem. East Orange. shtp). Shilohifigh School (township). Elizabeth Whine. Someraville. . .., Benedictine Academy. Montclair South Amboy High School. . High School. Pingry School. . High School. St. Mary's !lin School. St. Patricl's High School. Moorestown. South Orange High School. Vail -Deane School. Morristown Academic Englewood, High SchoOl. Scion hall (bllege, Essex FellsKingsley School for Morristown School. Department. Boys. Mount. HollyHigh School (town-South ,River. Flemington. ship). SutiTip).ammn aHigh school (town- Fort Lea Netcong. ship). High School. Newark Summit Academy. Carlton Academy. Holy AngelrAcadeMy. High School. Freehold. , Barringer High School. Glassboro. Central High School. - ' Kent I'lace School for Girls. Mi88 Craven's School. s Sussex: .1.i len Ridge. Toms RiverHigh School (town- Gloucester City. East Hide High 'Sehool.., . GrantwOod--Cliffside Park High th Side High School. . ship), College, Ace- Town of Union. .. School. ,,-, Renedkt's HackensackHigh School (Own dine Department. Trenton . : Vjncent:s Academy. High School. ship). runswick Sacred Heart Academy, Centenary Collegiale,Ins tiltde. igh School. High School. .. Rutgers Ptepatory School. TucitearyllsiyillighElflh000ll. (towty\,' liR. Peter's &hoof. !hip), jed4C431,1010. ... ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 51 Tuckertnn. Westfield. Verona. West Hoboken Westwood. VinelandHigh School (town- Wildwood. High School. Woodbine. ship). St. Michael's School. 11'ashin, on. West New York. Woodbridge. Warp .Milltaty Academy. W Woodbury. Orange,, Woodstown. W MEXICO. Public high schools accredited by the State D_ epartment of Educationand by the University of New Mexico for theyear 1920-21. Universityadmission requirements Un its. Prescribed units: 15 English Mathematics 3 Oneforeign language 2 History, inclndin g civics 2 Laboratory science , 1 Electives r 1 Alamogordo. East Las Vegas Albuquerque. Roswell High School. lligh School. Artesia. New Mexico Normal, Univer- Aztec. sity (Prep. Dept.). New Mexico Military bast'. Carlsbad. Farmington. tote. Carrizozo. Fort Sumner. Santa Fe. Clayton. Silver CityNew Mexico State Clovis. Las Cnices.. INF Normal Schocil (Prep. Div.). Deming. Portalcs. State CollegeNew Mexico Col- Des Moines. lege of Agriculture and Me- Raton. chanic Arts (Prep. Dept.). Tucumcari. NEW YORK. Schools approved by the Department of Education of New York,October, 1920. "In order to be approved, a secondary course must include at least 38 weeks a year, is Week, 45 minutes a period, with satisfactory standing." periods a Adams. Addison. Attica. Alton. Auburn. Akron.. iv A lisable Forks. Albany 1 Avoca. Academirof the Holy Names. A von. A ibany A ademy. Babylon. Albany ,A my for Girls. Bainbridge. Albany IIISchool., Baldwin. Cathedral ademy. Baldwinsville0'e Academy. .Christian Brothers Academy. Ballston Spa. Barker. . Mingle A cadenlyV Sacred Heart. Batavia. Milne High School ( Department ul New York ' Stale College for Teachers). Bath -iluverling lligh School. St. Agnes School. Buy Shore. St. Ann's Academy. Beacon. St. Joseph's Academy. Belfast. Albion. Belleville Alden. H igh School. Union Academy of Belleville. Alexander. , Belmont. Alexandria Bay. Itergerr.. AlfredUnion School, Berlin. Allegany . High School. ilinghumpton. St. Itnnnrenture's College, Academic Department. Black River. St. Alimbethi Academy. Illasde)1. Almond. Bolivar. Altamont. Boonville. A rnenia. . Brasher FalLsBrasher and Stockholm HighSchool. Amilvviller Brent wood Academy of St. Joseph. Ifigh School. Brewster. Queen of the Rosary Academy. Briarclift-on-Iltalson--Scarbosough School. Amsterdam Bridgehampton. High School. Broadaibin. St. Mary's Catholleftlitute. ,. limoton. AndesHilton Memorial High Schdol. IlionIville,- Andover. Brantwood Rail School. Angelica Wilsonian Bighlitehool, Concordia Collegiate Institute. . Brookfield. Angola. 4 Antwerp. Brooklyn Arcade. Adelphia Academy. Ardsley. Bay Ridge High School. Argyle. Berkeley Institute /or Young Ladies. Athens, Boys' High School. Brooklyn College, High School Department, 52 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

BrooklynContinued. Clymer. Bushwick High School. Cobleskill. Commercial High School. Coeymans. Eastern District High Schoola Cohocton. Erasmus Hall High School. Cohoes, Evening High School for Men. Egherts High School. Girls' High School. St. Bernard's Academy. Holy Trinity School. Cold SpringHaldane High School. Manual Training High School. Collins Center. Marquand School for Boys. Cooperstown New Utrecht High School. High School. Packer Collegiate Institute. . Knox School. Polytechnic Preparatory Country Day School. Copenhagen. St. Agnes Female Seminary. Corfu. St.Angela's Hall Academy. Corning St. Augustine's Academic School. Corning Free A caoemy. St. Francis Academy. Northside High School. St. Francis Xavier's Academy. Cornwall. St. James Academy of Brooklyn. Cornwall-en-litidson St. John's Academie of Brooklyn. High School. ,BrownvilleBrownxiiie-G len I'ark High School. New 111* Military Academy, Brushton. The Stone School. Buffalo Cortland. Academy of Sacred Heart. Coxsackie. Buffalo Seminary,- , Crotoii-on-lItidson.-Croton High School. Cantsius College, Academic Department. Central High School. . Dansville. Holy Angels Academy. Delevan. 1 . Holy Angela Collegiate Institute. Delhl--Delaware Academy and Union School. HutchinsonCentral High School. . I iepew. Institute of Sisters of St. Joseph. Deposit. Lafayette High School. Dennyter. Mary Immaculate Academy. r. Mastea Park High School. Dobbs Fern: Mount Mercy Academy. High Salool. 1. Nordin Academy of Buffalo. Misses Masters Schol Nichols Schools of Buffalo. Dolgevilic. St. Joseph's CoRsglate Institute. !lover Plains.4 Soflth Park BEM School. - 1 uiwnsvi lie. Technical High School Dryden. Caledonia. UnDundee. Cambridge. Dunkirk Camden. High School. Camillus. St. :Dory's Academy.? Canajoharie. Earlville. Canandalgue Academy: East Aurora. Canaseraga. East Itloomfield. Canastota. East ilainpton. ^ Candor. East Pembroke. s. A Canisteo. East Port. twi.Vi Canton. East Hoclie§teu Cape Vincent., East SyracRSe.:..? Cannel Edinessin. Drew Seminary for Young Women. Edwards. HighSchool. ks.Carthage 11.;:illiraidgi,-High School and Academy. Augustinian Academy. Elizativtlitown. High School. Ellen% We. West Carthage High School. Ellicott vale. Castile. Cato. ElmhurstNewtown High School. Catskill Elmira Fur Academy. Free Academy. Elmira Heights. St. Patrick's Academy. Endicott t nion-Endicott lligh School. Cattaraugus. Essex. Cazenovia Evans Mills. Cazenovfa Seminary. Fabius. Union School. Fair Haven. Center Moriches. Fairport. Central Square. Champlain. }}"aarielTocerk.away. Charlotte. Fayetteville. Chateaugay. Fillmore. Chatham. Florida -S. S. Seward Institute. Chaumont. Flushing. Chautauqua. Fonda. Chazy--4.`tintral Rural School. FordhamSt. John's College. High School, Fordham Cherry Creek. University. Cherry Valley. ForestvilleTree Academy. Chester. Fort Ann. Chestortpwn, Fort Covington. OhitWaingoYates High School. Fort Edward. Churchville. Fort Plain. Cincinnabis. Frankfort; . ClarenceParker High School. FranklinDelaware Literary Institute and Union Clayton.., School. Clayville. FranklinvilleLTen Broeck Free Academy Clifton Springs,. Freiport. Freeville. Clyde, Prowsb4vg. ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 53 FrendshIp. Lake Meld. Fulton. Lakewood. Fultonville. 'Lancaster t;ainftsville. High School e;arden CityCathedral School of St. Mary. St. Mary's High school. Gardenville. Lansingburg. Geneva Lawrence. High School. Leonardsville. , St. Francis de Sales School. Le Hoy. Georgetown. Liberty. . Gilbertsville. LimaGcnesee esteyan Seminary. Glen Cave. Limestone. Glens Falls Little Falls A cademy. High School. High School. St. Marie Academy. St. Mary's Academy. Little Valley. Gloversville. Liverpool. ;ashen. Livingston Manor. (;ouverrieur. Livonia. I ; owanda. Lockport -e Granville. high School.' ' " ;relit Neck. St. .1 oaf' ph's Academy a IndUstrial Female ;reene. School. t;reenTiort. Locust V al leyF fiends Academy. ;reenwich. Long Island Cit vpryant High School. t;reigsville. . LowvilleAcademy and Union School. iritlin Cornerst ;ritnn-Fleischmann's IIigh School. Luzerneiiimiley Luzerne High School. Groton. Lynbrook. ; Hamburg. Lymkonville. Hamilton. Lyons. Hammondsport. Lyons Falls. Helmick. Macedon. Hannibal. McGraw,Mci;rawville High School. HardwickI/anis-irk Seminary, Academic Deptirt- Machias. meat. MadalinTivoli High School. Harrison. Madrid. Harrisvillc. Alahopak. Hastings on Hudson. Malone Havcrstraw. Franklin Academy. 'rem pstead. . St. J use ph's A cad: my of Malone. Herkimer. illamaroneckItye Neck High School. Hermon. Manchester. lllcksville. Manlius Highland High School. High School. St. John's -Military School. kaymond 1$iordan School. Marathon. Highland FallsLady Cho Academy. M lucent's. Hi Istlale. Stargaretville. Hilton. Marion. Hobart. Massena. Holland Patent. Niuttittick, Holley. Mayville. HomerAcademy and l'nion School. Mechanicsville. Honeoyo. Medina, Iloneoye Falls. Meridian. Iloosick Falls MexicoAcademy and High School. e High Scluiol. Middleburg.,. . St. litary't Academy. Middleport. Hornell. Middletown. Horseheads. Middleville. -Houghton Houghton IVesleyan Methodist Seminary. Millard. lludsotz. MilibrookMenwrial Schoo Hudson Falls. Millerton. Hunter. Mineola. Huntington. Mineville. lion. Minos. Indian Like. Mohawk. Interlaken. Irvington. Monroe Islip. High School. Ithaca-- The ildckenzie.School Ca:wadi/la School. Montgomery. High School. Monticello. . Jamaica. Montour Valls Jarmstowd. LbokAcademy. Jamesville. Union School. JefTerson. Mooers. Johnson City. Moravia. Johnstown. MoriahSkiiman Collegiate Institute.' JordanFree Academy. Morris. Katonah. Morrisville.4 1 . KeesevIlle. MouneHopeSi. C'law's School. Kendall: Mount Kisco. Kenmore. MOjnt Morris. Kingston. Mount Vernon. Naples. Lackawanna. 'Newark. Lake George. Newark Valley. IAkeniontPalmer Institute, Starkey Seminary. New Berlin. 54 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SOKOOLS.

New Brighton Olean. Curts High School. Oneida. St. Peter's High School. Oneonta. Staten Island Academy. Onondaga ValleyOnondaga Free Academy. Newburgh Ontario. Free Academy. Orchard Park-. Mt. St. Maris Academy: Oriskany. Newfield. Oriskany Fulls. New Hartford. Ossining - Newport. . High School. New Rochelle Mount Pkasant Academy. High School. Oswego. Mrrlci School for Girls. High School. New Woodstock. S/,,,f'aul'sAcademy. New York Otego. Academy of Mount St. Ursula, Ovid. Alt Hallows Institute. owegoFree Arailentv. All Saints Academy. OxfordAcailem and rnion Mxi!. Barnard School for Boys. I )sster Bay. Barnard School for Girls, Painted Post. Berkeley Institute for young Ladies. Palmyrat lassioul High School. Berkeley School. Cathedral High School. Patchogue. College of Mount St. Vincent, Academic Depart- Pawling -- ment. High School. tblundria Grammar School Pooling School. _ De Witt Clinton High Bohol. Pearl River. De La Salle Institute. Peekskill Dominican Academy. Drum Hill !Ugh School. Ethical Culture School. Academy. Evander Childs High School. akside High School. Female Academy Sacred Heart. Pelham ManorPelham High School. Friends' :*minary. Penn :Yan. George Washington High School. Perr., Hamilton Institute for Boys. Phelyps and t 'las:deal School. Hamilton Institute forGirls Philadelphia. High School of Commerce: - Philmont. Holy Cross Academy n/ Manhattan. Phoenix. Horace Mann School ( Teachers t011ege). Bienoont -Tappan Zee High School. Hunter College, High School Department. Pike--Sentinary High ;4,11..1. Julia Itichmtm High School. Pine Plains Seymour Smith Academy. La Salle A cadeniy. Pittsford. Manhattan College.. Academic De partment. l'lattshurg Morris High School. I) . Your lk Academy. New York Colkgiak Institute. High School.. e Regis High School Mount Assumption Institute. Riverdale Courttry School. Pleasantville St. Ann's Academy. Helm w Sheltering Guardian Society High School. St. Callatrine's Academic Sel., of New nrk. Iligh School. Bt. Lawrence 's Arndt my of Manhattan. PocatiticaSt.Joseph's Ntrineel Institute. St. Walburga's Academy. Poland. Scudder School forGirls. Port Byron. Stnyveant high School. Port Chester. Talmudival Academy. Port Henry Theodore Roosevelt High School. Cho in plain Academy. Townsend- Harris Hall (Prep. Dept. of College High School. of City of New York). Port Jefferson. Trinity School. Port Jens. Ursuline Aced y. Port Leyden. Villa Maria. A demy. Portville. Wadleigh Mgt School. Port Washington. Washington Irving high Ft4ifsti. Potsdam. XavierHigh School, College of St: Francis Xavier. Poughkeepsie. New York Mills. Ptattsburg Franklin Academy and Pratt burg Niagara .Falls High School. De Veaur School. PulaskiAcademy and Union School. High School. Itandolph. . ,. Niagara UnivetliityNiagara("flimsily, Academic Ravetta. Department. Red Creek. Nichols. Red Hook. Norfolk. Red Wood. North ChillA. VC& shrough Seminary. Itemsen. North CohtxtonNorth Collision and AtlantaRensselaer Union High School. , high School. North Collins, . St. John's Academy. worth Creek. RhineIgeck. Northport. Richfield Springs. North Tarrytown. It lelunond 11111. North Tonawanda. Itichmondville. Northville. Ripley. Norwich: Riverhead. NorWood. Rochester Ntmda. Catholic High School. Nyack; Female Academy of SacredMort. Oakfleld. East High School. 'Ocean Side. West High School. Ogdensburg Kodak High School.

- Free Academy. . Nazareth Academy. M. MarfaAcademy. Wagner Memorial Lutheran College. Old FOrp-4011U of Webb High School.. Rockville Center-41outbSide 141gh School. ACCREDITEDSECONDARY SCHOOLS. 55 Rome Tarrytown Academy of the .Holy Names. Ifackky Schott!. Flee Academe. 3Iarymount Secondary School. St. A loysius Pollege. Washington Irving high School. Roscoe. Theresa. Ticonderop tound LakeSummer In stitute. Tonawanda.. louses Point. Troy lox bore. Emma Willard School. iuslifoid. La Salle Institute. {nshv ills. St. loseph'S A cademy. bissellKnox Memorial High School. St. l'atrick's Academy of Troy. (ye. St. Peter's Academy. socket Harbor- Socket High School. Troy High School. .Sag Harbor -Pierson, High School. Trumittisburg. St. Johnsville. TuckahoeWeverly High School of Tuckahoe. si. Regis Falk Tully. Salamanca. Tupper Lake salem%Vashingttin Academy: High School. Sandy ('trek. holyWin.q..4rademic School. Saranac Lake. Tuxedo ParkTuxedo High School. Saratoga Springs Unitdilla. II igh Schou!. Union Springs _ Si. Faith's Academy. High School. Sat igert ies. UticaOakwood Seminary. Saviiiinah. Academy. Female Academy. Sayville. Free Academy. Scarsdale. Valet ie. Schaght 'coke. Valley Falls. Schenectady - Vernon. !lig)) School. -Verona. Ewelsitir High School. Victor. St../iorph'.. A cryll my. Waddington. Sclienevtis. Walden. holiarie. (I. Borden High School. Schtlyierille. Walton. Selo. Will worth. S4.0/ \Varner. S.141,0111.. NVarelisburg. Sea (lid. Warsaw. Sta., FallsMytitierse Academy. WarwickInstitute. Sharon springs. Waterford. Shelter Island. Waterloo. Shirt Watertown Sherman. High School. Immaculate Heart Academy.. Short sville. Sidney. Watervliet Silver Creek. Academy. Silver Springs. high School. Sou lair ill,. St. Patrick's Academy. Skaneateles. Watkins. Sinithtown 13rneh. Waverly. Sothis. Wayland. SI /I VVIY. Webster. SIA I 11 Byron. Weedsport. South Dayton. Wells. South tilNis Falls. Wellsville. South :Westchester ClaRon Point Military Academy. Southampton. Wait Hampton !teach. Southold. West Winfield. s'petteer. Westflel&-Academy ad Union School. spericerort. Westport. Spring W alley. . Whitehall. spritigville--4lriffith Institute and Union School. White Plains. Starnfordt4mitiary and Union School. Whitesboro. StapletonAcademy of Our Lady of the BlessedWhitney Point. Sacra mead. Williamson. Stillwater. Williamsville. Stony Point. Willsboro. Strykerseille--Sf. .1fary4 A rade m y. Wilson. Sultorn. Windham. Syracuse-- 'Windsor. Central Hi_gb School. Woodhull. Christian Brothers Aendeiny. Wolcoltbnavenworth Institute and Wolcott High Uoodyear-Burtii me School. School. Most holy cosy High School. . Worcester. . North MO Se WyomingMiddleburyAcademyand Union St Anthony's Se School. St. John's (UMis Academy. Yonkers-.. lacy's Academy. . Technical High School. Yam.(3'llit.norSchool. Tannersville. Beton,Academy. 56 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.


Schools accredited by the State Department of Education and the Univel4ityof North Carolina, February, 1921. Unit,. University admission requirements Prescribed units English 3 History Mathematics Two of the followinglah1.7tages: t ;reek 2, Litt in 34, ;emu!' 2, Fruntli 2, Span- . 21 ish 2 4 or 74', Electives t' 41,6 or 2,' Albemarle. (lade Valley. :Steil ilkeslorn. Andrew,. Dtilditboro. .1 oak Itidgeboritstr. Asheboro. Greensboro Ix ford. , Asheville Bennett College. i I 'e3sant Carden. Asheville School. fling School. 'Noon!. Bingham School.. Greenville. Grote lark School. hamlet. High School. 'Normal and. Collegiate Insti-Harmony. Shn'r (*Hi, tr.ity,Academic lute, 11ays Mountain View School. roitmint. St. Ornerier'', Academy. Ilenderson. Reids% ille. Aulander. Hendersonville Rich S,1 ware. Ayde.n. Blue Bulge School for Boys. Roanoke Rapids. Belhaven. Passifirn Set s?. Rockingham. Biltmore. Fruitland institute., Rocky Mount Bollintelnings. - j licndersonville high School. High SetiNg. Booneppaininglachian Traininghickory. Red Oak High School (It. 3 S hoot High Rowland. BrevardNeu ttitute. { Jaunt ersville. Roxboro.. Bryson City. Jamestown. Rut herfordton Blues CreekAcademy. Jonesboro. II igh Sch.bol. Burlington. Kings MountainGraded School. it min Atc r School. Iturgaw. Kinston. St. l'aul. "Canton. Lake JunaluslcaSoricr SchoolSalishury. Carthage. /or Boy'. Sanford. Cary. Latiritiburg. Scot kind Neck. Chadbourn. Lawndale,Piedrnont HighSelma. Chapel dill. School. Charlotte. Leaksville. ti Siler City. ('herryville. Lenoir Smithfield. .China iiroveRowan Comity Davenport College. SiWricer. Farm Life School. High School. Stat Ps ille. Clayton. Lexington. Tart Clinton. l.incolnlon. Teaches s. ColumbusStearns, High School.LinwoodChurch landHighThomasville. (7oncord School (Route I I. l'olor. !dillsRound Hill !Ugh: High School. Louisburg. School. Scotia Seminary. Lumberton. Vativehoroeraennoint3: Farm Conover Mars 11 ill Collny. Life School. Cul low hes Normal School. Matt hews. Vasl---Sandhill Farm Life Schad. Dallas. Maxton. Wadesi.oro. Durham NfiddletoirgVanceCounty FarmWarrenton. High Schciol. Life School. Washington. National Training School. Monroe. Waynesville. Trinity Park School. NtontrwtNorMal School. Weldon. . East Durham. . ille. West I mrham. Edenton. Morganton Graded School. Whileyille. } City. Mount Airy. Elm City. Mount Hotly. NVilmington. F:nfleld. Mount Olive. Fartnville. MountI'lea.santCollegiate.l're Atlantic Chri$ttan College. Fayetteville. 8(itule, Motat A myna Seminary.: Iligb School. ' Forest City. New Bern. Wingate."' Franklin. Newton - .. Franklinton. (tItawba Academy. A end( my'. Fremont. Startown liight School (1!. 'F. PI igli SchOol. Gastonlo. D.).. Zebuldn--,Wallclon High School. *ACCREDITED. SECONDARY 'SCHOOLS. 57 NORTH DAKOTA. Public high schools classified by the State EducationalCommission, July, 1920. Graduates of the following public high school: are admitted to theUniversity of North Dakota on wrlificate, provided their high school work bus included the subjects they de,ite to pursue: required for entrance to the courses

University admi,sion requirements. Units. . Prescribed units 1h English 1Mathernat ic, . 3 Electives in groups: ( Ii Foreign I:toping, i if . I 2 units must be in the ,atne laiiguago; (2) science,:o' foreign (3) language soi,,t sei,:ite,,, groinp is offered, at halt Free electives.. I Ii iiianipmaties.a 5


-%net a. Enderlin. l.arimnre. Oaken. Fairmount. Leeds, Fargo. Page. niMarel,. Lidgerwood. Park River. Ee.senden Lisbon. Pembina. ineau. Glen Ellin MeVille. Grand Forks. Petersburg. I towyrjan Mandan. Rolla. Onnville Mannar' h Rugby. .:110111. Hank in,on. Mayville. St. Thomas. I farvey. Michigan. !Fallon. Series. -ooperstown. SI innewaukalL. Sentinel Butte. Hettinger.. Minot. . 11 ilisboro. Stanley. Devil, lake. Mime. Steele. Hope. Moliall. Tower City. I tickin-nit. Huffier. Mutt. Janie,1 own. Towner. New England. Valley ('it Fdeeley. Ketitnare.. New Rork ford. I ak ota. Wallin,' on. New Salem. Williston. Latigdon. Northwood.


mini:apse. I mnnvlirook. Inkster, Sharon. Drak(:. Maddock. Sheldon. bat h Wale. Ruston. Manor. Bert hn1d. \Valhbhla. Eihnore. West hope. Finley. Ray. (-Mith,: Ferry. Fla x ton. Willow cif y. t'rary. It olet te, Wim Forman. .. Sanborn. Wilton. THIRD et ASS. brinsmade. Ilannaford. ( alv in. McChisky. Sheyenne. Hannah. Medina. Souris. Tessa ell. Havana. Napoleon. 'ourtenity. Kerivt. Stark weather, Ury,tal. Niche. Surrey. Kindred. Nome. Svkeston. I larcy. Kuhn. ( unemee. Esmond. l'nderwo(xl. , Lansford. Portal. Walcott, Forest River. Linton. Reynold,. ("arrison. l.itchville. Washburn. f idby. Ryder. N.Velister, Maxims,. St. John. W yndmere. ( State Agricultural High Schools. , BeachA grieult ttral High Sch I. La Moure--Agrieultural High School. CarringtonAgricultural High 'cliodril. VelvaAgrictiltural High School. (iron:inAgricultural HighSi')mil.

County Agricultural and Training Schools. Madd)rktomity Agricidtural and Training School. Park RiverCounty Agricultural and Training Schou!. - 1 . .. The university also accepts graduates from the followinj; privateschools on certificate under. the same °on- ditions as from the public high schools: . FargCollege (Academic Department). unmet ForksLutheran.Pilde School (Academic Department). JaMestownCollege (Academic Department). 58 ACCREDITED SECONDARY S

OHIO. Public high schoolsapproved as first class by the State Department of Education of Ohio for the year 1920-21. , 13y statutory provision the State University of Ohio is required to admit graduates of high schools rated as first class by the Slate Department of Education. The university, however, strongly recommends the completion of the following units for admission to the College of Arts, Philosophy, and Science, leading to the A. B. degree: Total number of prescribed units U ruts recommended: English 3 Mathematics 2 History Chemistry or physics Biological science Foreign language . - 4 Electives 3 Ada. Berlin Heights. AgttaNew Bloomington High School. Bettie). AidTownship High :school. Akron Beverly. Central High School. ' Bid weilBidwellPorter Township lligh School. South High School. Birmingham. West High School. 11:anclicsier. Albany. Bloomciale. AlexandriaSt. Albans Township lligh School. Illoorningburg. A IgerTownithlp lligh School. Bloom %ilk BloomTownship andBloontV ille Alliance. Rural lligh School. A 1phaBeavercreek Township High School. Bluffton. Amanda. BournevilleTwin Township High School. Amelia. Bowerston. Aniesville. ilowersvilleJeflerson Township High School. Amherst. Bowling Greet. Andover. Bradford. Anna. Bratitier. s Antonia. Breksville. Antwerp. itt emen. Applecreekca East Union Township High School. Bridgeport. Ardia. Bristol villoBristol High School. Arcanum nigh School. Brow gsvillo_nowt I ;NenTownshipHigh }tankful Township High School. School. Archbold. Brunswick Ashland. I ligh St -hoot. Ashley. Hinckley. Township High School. Ashtabula Bryan. High School. Bechtel. Harbor High School. Bucyrus. Ashville. --Burton. 'Athens. Butler. AtlantaPerry Township High School. Ilytevilie. Attica. (fadig. Atwater. Baintiridge. Caledonia. Barberton CambridgeBrown High School. Central High School. Camden. Norton High School. CampbellstownJaekson Township. High School. BarlowTownship High School. CanaanvilleTownship High Schmitt Barnesville. Canal Fulton. BasilLiberty Union. High School. ('anal Winchester. Batavia. Canfield. Bath. Canton Central High School. Beach City. ('ardington. IteallsvilleSunsbury Rural IlIgh School. Carey. Beaver. Carroll. Bedford. Carrollton. Bellaire. CasstownElltabeth Township High School. Ballet rookSugarcfeek Township High School. ('astalia Margaretta Township High School. Belle Center. Cedarville Bellefontaine. Township.Iligh Sehool. Bellevue. Ross Township High School. . Celina Ballpoint Concord Towns pip high School. High School. Belmont. Center .Township High School. Battle. Washington Township High School. Benton Ridge. Centerborg. Berea. CentervilleWashington Township High School. Bergholt. Chagrin Falls. Berlin- Chardon. . ttoNeither the State Department of Education nor theOhlo State University has made up a list of accred- ited private secondary schools. The oniversity admits on certificate graduates of the sehoolsitecredital by the North Central As.soriation of Colleges and Secondary Schools, for which see pagei 94-95. $1 Accredited to June 1, BOO. ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 59 ChinfleldLyliens High School. Chauncey. Dmhier Cheshire. High School. Richfield Township High School. ChasterTownship High School. DolaWashington Township High School. Chester IlillMarion Township High School. Dorset. -'Chester land--Chester Township High School. I over. l'hillicothoGreen Township High School. Dover ('enter Dover II? School. EverLs High School. Dresden.DdYleSlOW11--Chippewa Township High School.. Jackson Township High School. Pickaway To !Ishii. I I igh School. DublinWashington Township High School. Cincinnati a Dunkirk Blanchard Township High School. East High School. I luvallMadison Township High School. Hartwell High School. East AkronSpringfield Township HighSchool. Hughes High School. East Cleveland--Shaw High School. East LibertyPerry Township High School. Walnut Hills High School. East Liverpool. Wftst Evening High School. East Palestine. NVoodward High Schoi3. Eaton Clarksburg-1444114.1d Township Iligh School. clarksviile. School. 'Avon Township High School. Ixyvlapd- Edgerton. Central High SA01. .- Edon. Clevilland !bights High School. Eldorado Monroe Township High &toil I;ast. High School. Elida. Fast Technic al High School. Elmore. Glenvilleli igh S h .3. Elyria. Lincoln High School. Longwood filch School of Commerce. EnglewoodRandolph Township Iligh School. Shaker Heights High Schol. EnonMadri/or Township High School. South High School.. Ft ins. West High School. West Technic of High Seht/ol. Central High School. Clinton. Shore High School. Ea h Township High School. Colon--Coal Township HMI School. Farmilale-1;ust avus Township ji Igh School. Cold WaterWashington Towni-hip High gunner Township High School. a School. arrnersvilloFunnersville and Jackson Township College Corner. Joint High School. CollinsTownsend Townshjp Iliith Schol. Farmington. Colubilna. Faye! te. Columbus Fchtity. East iligh School. Findlay. Grand A levt 114,ignis 1figh sihoot. High School of Commerce. Flushing. North High School. Forest._ South High School. Forgyolive Branch Jligh School. \Vito High School. Recovery. Columbus 1;rove.- Fostoria. Commercial PointScioto Township high School. Franklin.Frankiort-4'oticord-Frank fort Iligh Sibhool. Conneaut. Frazeysburg. ConoverLena-Conover High School. Freeport. Contimntar From lit. ri'ool vale. FreilericksiturgSalt'reek Township High School. Corniog. Frodiricktowii. Cortbool GaluintiaJefferson Township High School.. High School. Galena Johnston High School. High School. Coshocton, Center Village high Sctool. Orange Township High School. Covington. Galion. Crostline. Gallipolis. Creston. Garrettsville. Crooksville, Geneva. CrotonHartford Centralized High School. Cinherland. Genoa. Cuyahoga Falls (; eorge4 own. High School. Germantown. Stem Township Bich School. Gibsonburg. CustarMilton- Township High School. GillespievilleLiberty Township High School. Cygnet! Girard. Dalton Glendale. Sugarcreek Township Illgh School. raeliford-Hopewell Township High School. Darn asctis. Gloucester. DaytonDanvilleDanville-Buckeye City High School. it ComerSugarcreek Iligh Fairmont High Schohl. Goshen.Good HopeWayne Township High School. Harrison Township High School. Grafton. Jefferson Township High School. Grand RaTilds. Steele Mgt( School. Granger. Stiv'ers.Mantial Training High School. Van Buren Township High School.. GranvilleTowiiship High School. Defiance. GreenfieldEdward Lee -McClain liigh School. De Graff. Greetiford. I /el aw are Greenspring. High School. Greenville. Berlin Centralized nigh School. 1;reenwIch. Liberty-14'st t s High School. Grove City. Delphos. Groveport Madison Township High School. Delta. Grover Hill. Hamden. Dennison. Itamilton. DerbyDarby Township High School. Hannibal. 90 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

Lutorer. Lorain. liarpster. Loinlonville. Ilart ford. Harrison. 1.0veland. Haskins. owell. IlartvilleLake Ttrwnship IlIgh School. Davi land. I.11isville-;-Valley-Tovrnshlp High School. IlayesvilleIlayesvliks-VermilionJoint High Lyketts. School. Lynchburg. Lyons. Hicksville. McArthur. Highland. MeV lureDamaseus Township 'High School. JillliantsNorwich Township high School. M 'Comb. Hillsboro. MeConnelsvilleM al t a - McCondelsville High Hiram. School. NI u'udcatia. Hollatisburg. MaAsburgAunthus Township high Schdll HomerBurlington Township High 'School. Madison. Hohterville. Nlainietie Springs. , Malvern. Ilubbant. Nlanchester. High School. Manstield. Huron. Marietta. IberiaWashington Township high School. Mantua , Inland Green Township High School. Rural 11 ighSchool. Ironton. Village High Schoolti Irwin. %whin. I sraelTou-nshi p high MartelTully Township High School. Jacksot4-4` Mart Insburg--Clay Township high School. Jsson Center. Marlins Ferry. . acksonville. Martinsville. Jamestown. Marysville. JetiersOn. Mason: JetTersonville. Jeromeville. Maumee. Jewell-!-IticWiuta 114 School. 4.. Mechamcslairg. Jewel t. Molina, - Johnstown. Melmort,Eden Township high School. Junction City. Melrose. Kalida. MendonMendon Union Township Iligh School. Kenmore. Mebonora Kent Miamisburg. High School. MiddleburgZane Township /High School. Streetsboni Township High School. Kenton. . KilbourneBmwn Township High School. NIiddlctown. Killbuck. Milan. Kings Mills. Milford. Kingston Milford ('enter. High School. MillburyLake Township High School. Green Township High School. MillershorgLake Township High School. Kingsville. Milton Cent erNtilton Township I ligh School. Kinsman Mineral City. High School. Minerva. Vernon Township High School. Mingo JunctionMingo high School. KirkersvilleHarrison Township high School. Moister. LacarneErie Township High School. Monclova. LafayetteLafayette-Jackson Joint High School. Monroe bernon Township 140 School. La Grange. Monroeville. LakeI niontown High School. Mont pelier. LakesideBanbury Townsiup High School. Mormi. Lakewood. Morrow. Lancaster Mount Blanchard,. Cmwfis Institute.. Mount Corr. high School. Nfuunt ;amt. Lame. Mount Healthy. Linty. Moilfit ((rib. Lebanon. Mount Pleasant. Laishilrg. Mount Sterling- Lees CreekWayne Township High School. High School. Leetonia. Monroe Township High School. Leipsic. Mount Vernon. Lemon. Mount Victory. Leroy. NlowrystownWhiteotili Township High School. LewisburgTownship High School. Murray. LewistownWashington Township High School. Napoleon. / Lexington. Nashport--.Lickng Rural High School. Liberty ('enter. Nelsonville. Lilly ChapelFairfield Township High School. Nevada. ,. LimaTownship high School. New Albany Plain Township High School. Lisbon. Newark. Litchfield. New firemen. Lock bourneliamilton Township Ifigh School. New Carlisle. Lockland,-Creene Iligh School. Neweomerstown. t.Lodi. New Concord . Logan. a School.. London Rich 11111 Township Bigh School. High School. New foyerDover Townshipigh School. Monroe Township High Cchool. New Holland; Accredited to Juno'l, 1920. ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 61 New Lexington. New London Radnor. High School. Rawson. Ruggles Rural High School. Ravenna New Madison. Iligh School. New Mansfield. Township High School. Raymond "abort y Township High School. New Marshfield. Roily. New !datamora.sMatamortis High School. New Milford --Rootstown Township High School. ltetioManetta Towns/bp Ilia; School. New PansJefferson Township High School. Richmond 1a leTownship High School. New Philadelphia. itichwtxtd Newport. High School. New Richmond. Werhington Township High School. New St mit sville. Ridgeway. Newton Rio 4 ;ramie. New Vienna. It ipley. New Washington. Rising Sun. Ney Washington Township High School Rittman. Niles. Rock ('rook. North Baltimore. Rock font. NorthBloomfield Itlitomfield Township High Rocky Hive School. RootstownTownship High School. North FairfieldFairfield Township High School.!tweak. Northfield. RosewoodAdams Township High School. North Hampton Pike lligb School. ItotitylheetlTownship high School. North Lewisburg. Itti loljth North Lima. High School. Norwalk. Liberty Township High School Norwood. Thishsylvania. Nova -Troy Township Illgh School.. Rushville. oak Merlotti'. Rut hind. oak Hill. Sabina. St. Bernard. oak wood Brown Township High School. St. Clt.irsville. Oberlin. St. Henry. (Ohio City.. St. Marys. ftkeana---Morgan,Township High School. Branch. St. ,Paris Johnson -$t. Paris High Schoo Olmsted Falls. Salem. fins tile. (Orwell. Sandusky. °shorn. Santini. ()grander. SavannahCloarereek Joint High School. Ottawa Solo. Crawfis High School. High School. Seaman. Ortoville. Sebring.. osfonl. Sodalia. Painesville. Selma. Palestine. Senecaville. PandoraRiley Township Iligh'School. Shadysitle. a Pat a.skala. Sharon Center. Panting. Shawnee. Payne. Shelby. Peebles. ShetwOod Petniervine. Delaware Township High School. Peninsula. High School. Shiloh -(Sass Township Nigh Spool. Perry. Shreve. Perrysburg. Sidney. Petersburg. Smithfield. PickeringtonViolet-Township iligh School. Piketon. Smit reen Township High School. Pioneer. Solon: Piqua. Somerset. Plain City SomertonSomerset Township High School.I ° Soot h CharlestonMadison High School. Canaan Township High School. South Euclid Jerome Township 11 igh School. !Leh School. PlattsburgHarmony Township IlIgh School. 'Mayfield Township High School. Pleasant City. South l'ointSouth Point-Dolta High School. Pleasant Hill. South SalemBuckskin Township high School.. Pleasant v ille. South Solon - -Stokes Townshin High School. Plymouth. to Spencer.South WebsteBloom Township High School. Nand.-- Boardman Township High School. Pomeroy: Speneerville. Port. Clinton. Springfield i Portsmouth I I igh 4/(chool. High School.' German TAwnship Digit School. New Boston High School. SpringboroClearcreek Township High School, Sterling-1%111ton Township High School. Port WilliaMLiherty Towtiship High School. Steubenville. PowellUtterly Township High School. Stewart. PrairieDepotMontgomery School. Township .HighSto(itsville Cleturreek "Township I I igh Scheel. Proctorrille. strashurg.._ Prospect. $trongsrille. . Quaker City. Stnithers. uincy. Stryker. Ravine. SugarcreekSt owe -sbanesville High School. Sugar Grove. Acaodited to June 1,1980. 62 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

Sullivan--'1%nrnship High School. Waverly. Summate Id. Waynesteld-Wayne Township High School. Summit Stalks -Lima Township High School. Waynesville-Wayne Township High School. Sunbury. Wellington. Swanton. Wellston Sycamore. Sylvania. West Alesandria- 1%limadge. High School. VOW() Park. Looter Township High School. Thornville -Tbnrn Township high School. West Chester -Union Township High School. Thurston-Walnut Township IIigh School. 1Vestery die. Tiffin. West Jefferson. TippeNighcanoe (It y- West Lafayette. School. West Liberty. Bethel Township High School Wrest Milton- MiltonUnion High School. Tohoso-Hanover Township I ligh School. West Mansfield- Toledo - Bokescreek Township High School.* Scott High School. York Township High SchuoL Waite High School. West Park. Woodard Technical High School. \Vest Itichheld-Richfield Township High School. Tontogany- Washington Township High &hoot.Wont Salem- ' Toronto. Iligh School. Trenton. Congress uwnsbip 'In, School. Trotwood-Madison Township Ilrig.hSchool. Weston. West Union. 1:mg;w shunt. West Unity. W'estville- Mad River Township High School. Union City.ts Wharton. Unionville Center -Darby Township High School.Wheelershurg. Upper Whitehouse. UrbanaSandusky.- Concord Township High School. Rural High School. Salem Township High School. igh School. Township 11 igh School. Wayne Township High School. Utica Williamsburg. Valley City. -Pecrcreek Township. High School. Van Buren-Allen Township High School. Vanditlia-Butler Township 11 igh- School. 11 i gh Vanlue. Kirtland Township High Van 11teet - Wilmington- High School. High School. Ridge Township High School. Adams Town lop High School. . Union Township High School. Chester Township High School. Vaughnsville-Sugarereck Township High School. Mount Pleasant Township High School. Vermilion. Winchester. Verona. Windham. Versailles. 1Voodstield.. %'inton. Woodstock. Wadsworth. Woodville. Wakeman-Township High School. Wooster. Waldo. . Wort hingt on . Warsaw. Wyoming. Washington C. H. Xenia- Wapakoneta. Beaver Creek Township high School. Warren- Caar Creek Township High School. High School. Centsal high School. Champion Township lligh School. East Main Start high School. Lordstown High School. Yellow Springs. Waterford. Youngstown Waterville. Mayen High School. Watkins. South High Schoid. Wauseon- Zanesfield-lederson Tuwns,ip high Schixd. High *tool. Chesterfield High School. OKLAHOMA. °Schools Accredited by theState Department of Public Instruction and affiliated with the University of Oklahoma for the year 1920-21. Units.' University admission requirements 15 Prescribed units: ' English , 3 Mathematics 4 2 . , + Electives.. I . to A. Schools in the State accredited by the North Central Association of Collegesand Secondary Schools.23 Alva. tfuskoiree. Clinton. Anadarko. Chickasha- Collinsville. Ardmore. High School. Copan. Bartlesville. Oklahoma College for Women,Cordell. Blackwell. Academy. Cushing. 13ttatow. Cleveland. . Dewey. 1 ACtratitted to June la, 1930. Ps see also page 90: ACCREDITED SECONDARYSCHOOLS. 63

Drumright. Lawton. et.

Soli Strong City. Tuttle. Sand Springs. Stroud. Tyrone. Sasakwa. Sulphur Valliant. Seminole Supply; Verden. Sentinel. Totals. Vian. Shamrock. Taloga. VinitaSacred Heart Institute. Sharon. Tecumseh. Wagoner. Shattuck. Temple. Wakita Shawnee Texhoma. iligh School. Catholic University of Okla- Texola. Consolidated School No. 1. homa. Thomas. Wainwright. Oklahoma Baptist roitersity.Tishomingo Walters. Snyder. High School. Wanet te. Spiro, Murray School of Agriculture.Wapanuca, Stuart. TonkawaUniversity Prepara- WarnerConnor Agricultural Stigler. tory School. School. Stillwater. Tulsa Washington. Stillwell. nry Kendall Academy. Vatongo. Stonewall. Conway Brown Academy. Woukotals. Stratford. Tupelo. OREGON. Standardized -hi the State Board of Education and accreditedby the University of Oregon for the year 1920--21. , Units. IT diversit y admission requireme i it, 15 Prescribed units: English Mathematics .: History , I Science (one) . 1 Foreign language (one) 2 Electives A irlie. Culver. Hugo. Moro Albany. mins. I tint ington. Hosier. Alice]. Dayton, Inc bier. Mount tun View. Alpine. Porer.a. Independence. Mount A nvel A cademy. Alsea. Drain.. lone. Mount Vernon. Amity. Du fur. Irrigon. MYTt le Creek. Antelope. Dundee. Jacksonville, yrt le Point. Applegate. Echo. Jefferson.. Arlington. John Day.- New berg Ashland. Elk Ins. Jose ph. II telt School.. Astoria Elkton. Junction City. Poe i ticA code my. High School. Elmira. Kent. Newport. St. Mary's A Mein y.Enterprise. Kerby. North Bend. Athena. Estacacla. Kings Valley. North Ponder. Aumsville.. Eugene Klamath Falls. N yssa. Aurora. }lighfrhool. Knappri. Oakland. Baker Satiny-ClaraHighLa Grande. Ontario. II igh School. School. Lakeside. Oregon Cit y. St. Francis Academy.Falls City. Lakeview, Park dale. Ballston. Flora. reel anon. Porkro:ie. Bandon. Florence. 1.(;X iiiton : Pendlo on Banks. Forest G rove. long Creek. High school. Bay City. Fort Klamath. 1 ,00k ing Glass. Sl.Jccuphoflcadrmy. a Beaverton. Fossil. Lorain.. Perrydale. Bend. Freewater,F e r 11 daleLost in e. Plidoniath- Bethel. High School. NIcMinnville Academy of Philo- ! Boardman. Gardiner. Linfietd College A cod- IIIoh Col lige. / Bonanza. Gaston. High School. Brookings. Glendale. High School. Phoenix. \ Brownsville. Glide. Madras. PRot Rock. Buena Vista. 4101(1 Bench. Mapleton. Pleasant 11111. Burns. Gold Hill. Ntarcolti. Portland Butte Falls. Grants Pass. NlarshfleldCoos River Co/u mbiaTmnirersily. Camas Valley. Grass Valley. high School. high School. Canby. Gresham. Iititt pin. Hill M ildary A cad- Canyon City. Haines M tsl ford. f My. Canyonville, igh School. Merlin. Immoculata A code- Carlton. Muddy Creek HighMerrill. la y. Central Point. School. H et onus. . RI, Helere's- Clatskanie. Halfway. Mill Cit y. M rg's A cadgmy. Cloverdale. Halsey. Milton-Frccwater Y. if: C. .14.Pre- Coburg. Hardman. UoluinbtaJunior Col- parutory School. Colton. Harrisburg. lege. POwe'rti. Condon. .. Helix. . High School. Prairie City. Coquille. Hoppner. Milwaukle. Corbett. Hermiston. Molalla. Rainier. CorveRis. ,Hillsboro. Monmouth. Redmond. Cottage Grove Hood River Monroe Richland. Cove. High School. &MountainHighRickman. Crabtree. Odell Graded High. School. Riddle. Creswell. School (Route 3). High School. Rogue RIVer, Hubbard. Monument, Roseburg. ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 65 St. Helens. Silotz. . Walterville. Salem Silver Lake. Mies. Warrenton. High School. SilVert on. Tillamook. Vasco. Sacred Heart A cad -Springfield Toledo. Feat Linn. emy. High School. Tualatin. eston. Sandy. Thurston HighTurner. N ilbur: Scappoose. School. Umapine. WillaMiaa. Scio. Stanfield. Union. W ood a*. Smits Mills. Slayton. Vale. Seaside. Yamhill Sumpter. Vernonia. Yoncalla. Shaniko. Sutherlin. Wald pert. Shedd. Sweet Home. Waiker. Sheridan. Talent. Wallowa. r. PENNSYLVANIA. First-grade secondary schools approved by theDepartment. of Public Instruction of Pennsylvania for the year 1920.

lt,sparements for approval: Four years of nine months each: at tealthree teachers; recitation periC4 10 minutes in length; doable period In laboratory work:a minimum of twenty 10-mintite recitations of prepared work; adequate equipment for teaching science studies;a reference library covering all the sub- jeos otTertI. -English required in each year; at least one unit of science: two units elf two units of foreign language. mathematics; one unit of history; AbingtonTownship High School. .111 jinn. Bloomsburg: Allentliw Illosshurg. igh School. Bovertown. Preparatory Schou/. Briddock Altoona High School. Ifigh School. St. Thomas High School. Mount Carmel h igh School. Bradford AlverionEast Huntingdou T ship High High School. sehool: St. Agnes High School. Ambler.. St. Bernard High School. Ambridge. Bridgeville. A novilleTownship High School. Bristol. .% Brockwavville. .krilinore Lower Merion Township High School. Brook% ilk. Ariel Bryn A ilyn Lak Township Voational High School. Academy of the Are it, Church. Boys' A end( my of the ie Church. Ashland. Bryn Mawr -- Ashley. v Aspinwall. Bald Oa Pre paratory School. Athens. Shi Preparatory :Woo!. Austin. Burget t st own. Avalon. Burnham. A vondale. Butler. Bangor. California. Barnesboro. Cambridge Springs Beat y High School. J'incuit Colligt. High School. Polish National Alliance High School. St. ;Vat ars A emit soy. Camp hill. Beat er. CamplownWyalusing Township High School. Canonstuirg.. Beaver Falls. Canton. Bedford. Carbolidale BecrhwoodsWashingt on Township VocationAl Liigh School. High School. St. Rost High School. e .4 rade n,1. Carlisle. High School. Carnegie. Belles illeUnIon Township nigh School. Cutrollt ow ii. Bellevue. Cat asutiqua: Bellwood. CatawIssa. Ben A Von. CecilTownship High School. Dentin. Centerville. ..Berwiek. Chambersbure High School. ?* 'BerwynEast town-TredyffrIn Township High Penn Hall Preparatory School. School. Chester. Bessemer. Clark's Summit. 'Beth& . Charleroi. Bethlehem Clairtest. High School. Clarion. Moravian Seminary. Claysville. rotary School. , h Bethlehem Ulgh School. Clearfield - BigleIlle. High School. Big Run. St. Francis High School. .CoalportBeccaria Township High Sch Birkboro. Coatesville. BluitiVix.stloital nigh School. Cochranton. 66 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

Cochranville. Halifax. Collegeville. Hamburg. Columbia. Hanover. (7ottematighEast Conemattgh High School. Barbour Creek. Conneaut vile. Harrisburg Connellsville. A cadcmy. Conshohocken. Central High School.. Coraopolis. sdkr Prt ',oratory School. CorsicaVocational High School. Susquehanna Township lligh School. Cody. To.htlical high School. Coitilersport. Hartford 'Township Vocational High School. Crofton. Hai horn. Cr tISS011 IlaverfortlPri malory eigh School. Hawley. .1fou of Aloysitth Academy. Ilazletop Curwensville. Hazel Township high Sellout. Dale. SI. Gahri,1 /bah School. Dallastown. Hollidaysburg. Damascus. Homestead. Danville. Hour :slat.q. Darby Hooey Briook. if igh School. Hughesville. UpperDarby Township High School. Illinitrielst own. Dargton. Huntingdon. "i) Dayto Huntingdon ValleyLower Nlorthiel Tow I/erry. High School. Devon I on Manor Preparatory School. Indiana. 1)onora. IrwinNorwin-Union Born High School. . Downingtown. -Jamestown. Doylestown. 1.1111111.1 le. Du Bois Jenkintown. High School. Jersey Shore. St. Catherine's Hig School. nthurg. Dunmore. Johnstown. Duquesne. .1 uuiaJrt. Duryea. Kane. Thishore-7-St. Basil's High SCh 1. Kellet t villt K ingsley Township High School. East (Ireenville. Kennett Square. East Mauch Chunk. Kingston Easton ' Horraneeton I high school. Catholic High School. Forty Fort High H Setiool. High School. Wilson Tavriship High Scipio!. Kittanning. East Stroudsburg. Knoxville. Edgewotxl. . Kutztown: Edwardsville. Lacey ville. Elders RidgeJoint Vocational high Scinio!. LmpeterVoational High School. Eldred. qtastster Elizabeth. Boys' thigh School. blown. . ranhlinand Marvin; 11 Araduny. Elkins Park--Cheltenham High School. Is' High School. Ellwood City. Sac Mort A null my. Emlenton. Shippl'rrparalorySchool. Emporium. Langhorne. EnolaPennsboro E. Township High School. Lansdale. Ephrata.. Lansdowne. Erie Lanford. High School. Larksville. St. John Xanty Preparatory School. Latrobe. Evansburg. Lebanon. Everett. Leechtiiirg. Factoryville Leesport-0[110ounce Toss Ship High School. Iligh School. Lehighton. Keystone .4cademy. Township4ligh School. Farrell. Lemoyne. Ford City. Lewisburg. Formt City. IAwist own. Frackville. Ligonier. Franklin LibraryBethel Township High Sell High School Lititz- - Sugar (' Township High School High School. FredoniaVocational High School. Lindin Ball Seminary. Freedom. Littlestown. Freeland LlanerchHaverford Tow11,11ip High School. High School. Lock Haven. Foster Township High School. LorettoSt. Franc!' High School. Mining and Mechanical Institute.. LudlowHamilton Township High School. Freeport. Luzerne. Galeton. Lykens. George SchoolGeorge Scllool. bfeCiellandtownGerman Township High School1 Gettysburg McDonald. Academy. McKeesport. High School. Mc Kees Rocks. Girard. . Mahony City Girardville. High School. Glampart. Township High School. Greencastle. Manhcim. Greensburg. Mansfield. Greenville. Marienville,lenks Township High School. GroveCity, Mars. . ACCREDITED SECONDARYSCHOOLS. 67 Martinshurg-Morrison Cove Vocational -High school. Philadelphia-Continued. Mauch Chunk. rankford High School. meadville. .Friends' Central High Sch Vtechanicsburg. Friends' Select High School. media. Geimantown Academy. , Nlereer. Germinlown Friends' Iligh School. Mir erhurg- Germantown High School. ea?, my. nigh School for Girls. Kensington High Si boot. tenor- Matz,- ;If jurimordiar_..4 eadt my, La Salle High School. vttiopiien. Mount St. Jose ph Institute. Meverdale. Northeast Manual High School-. M 0.110 (i-n. Roman Catholic High Si hoot (Chestnut Hill). St. Joseph's High School. South Philadelphia High School (Boys). South Philadelphia high School ft :As). Vest Philadelphia Vieth School (Boys). Mill City- Palls Township Vocational High SeloKA. West Philadelphia High School, (Mils). William Penn High sch,-)01. illtairo- East Bethlehem Township High Sehool. Millville. William Penn Charter High School. stinoii. Philipsburg. if wrsville. Phoenix ville. motint on. Pittsburgh- Nloicea. Allegheny High School. Moncs,en. Cathedral high School. Monongahela. Duquesne t'nircrsity High School. Monier e. Fifth Avenue High School. Holy Rosary High School... Monioursville. Knoxville Union High Schail (Mount Oliver). Morrisville. Peabody High School. Mount ('urmel. Riverside High School. Mount Jewett. Sacred Mart High School. Mount Thy. St. Mary's a / the Mount High School. Mount Pleasant. Schenley High School. Nfount Colon. Shady Side .4 Calit Monty. South High School. South Hills High School. Myer -tow . Westinghouse High School. Pittston - Narhert4i. HighSchool. * Natrona-Harrison Township High School. West Pittston High School. Nazarcl h- Plains. iligh School. I'leasantv ilie. Nazareth Academy. Plymouth. Newopek. l'ort Allegany: Nesiinellotring-- Mauch Chunk TownshipIligh Port Royal:. scam!. Pottstown-ill/I Pre !rotatory School. N.. Bethlehem. Pottsville. New illoomtlehl- ('arson -Long Institute. Prosperity-Morris Township High School. New Brighton. Punxsutawney. New Cat le.. Quakertown. New Cumberland. Reading- Neo fort I reen-DreberJointVocatio highigh School. nal Boys 'nigh School. New Kensington. h School. New Milford. Schuylkill Seminary. Newport. Red Lion. - Reedsville-Brown Township High School. New Salem -Redst lillf.Township High School. Reinerton-Porter Township Newton square I Vocationalnigh Newtown. School. New Wilmington. Ite.ndvo- Nieliotym. HIgh School. Norristown. St. Joseph's high School. North Braddock. Revnoldsville. Ridgway. . North East. RidleyPark.. North Girard-Girard Township High School. Sort liampt oa. Roaring :Spring. Nom humberland. Robesonia. North 1Vales. Rochester. tiakmoni. Royersford. Russell-Pine Grovb Township High School. °Font?. Shool..--ezgoot: Preparatory School. t 011 City.. St. Marys- old Forge. . High School. . ()ley -.Tow nship High School. St. Benedict's Academy. Glyphant. St. Mary's High School. orwigshurg. Saltsburg-Iiikiminetas Springs Academy. (11ford. -Sandy Lake. , Paltherton. Sayre. Palmyra. Schuylkill nareft. Parkesburg. Scott dale- Parnassus.- . I-Ugh-School. Parsons. Mount Pleisaht Township High School. Scranton- . Patton. Central High School. Teti Argyl. Margwood Seminary. Pamishrirg-Perkiomen I'reparatory Mona. .. erkasle, St. Cecilia Academy. St. John the Evangelist. High School, !CM nil High School., Si. Patrick's High SC110(41. St.. Thom,* High &hoof.. stnut 11111 Academy (Chestnut 11111). Teginslcal 1110 00hool. B8 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

Selinsgrove. Vandergrift. Sellersville. VillanovaPreparatory School. Sewickley. WanamioNewport Township High School. Shamokin. Warren. Sharon. Washington Sharpsburg. High School. 61tarpsvllle. Seminary. Sheffield. Waterford. Shenandoah. W ayne Shickshinny. Radnor High School. Shinglehotise St. Luke's High School. Shippensburg Waynesboro. Slat Ington. Wayneshurg. Smet hport. Wellsboro Somerset. 1Vest Chester Souderton. Iligli Sct-moi. South Brownsville. St Avis a High school. Spring City. Westfield Springfield Wept Mid ilesev Spring Mills. West, Newton. State College. Wc,f, Sunbury. Steelton. White Haven. Stonebom. Wiconisco. Stroiablairg. W ilke, Ian, S1tnintit Hill. Hanover Township llich Sunbury. High School. Susquehanna St. Ann's A mitten 0. High School. St. Mary'., High Setfml. Laura Hill Academy. Wilk insburg Swart hm ore W igianisport High School. Dicki room Seminary. l'reparatory School. High School. SwisttVale. St. Jo.,c ph School. Tamaqua. South Williamsport I I igh School. Tarentinn. Williamstow Tidioute. indlier. Tionesta. W Tow High Tit usville Womlsdorf. High School. NVoodlawn. St. Joseph Academy. Wrightsville. St. Titus High School. yalusing. Towanda. Wyomissing. Troy. Wyoming. Tunkhnnnoek. YeagertownI krry Town ship Iiinh School. Turtle Creek. Tyrone. rnstutirt. Union City. High School. Uniontown North York High School. City High School. Youngsville. North Union TownshHigh School. Zoienople.

RHODE ISLAND. Schools approved by the Rhode Island State Department of Education, February, 1921

In order to be approved, high schools must run at leat4 38 weeks in each year; must employ three or nose teachers (one teacher for ever; 30 pupils enrolled), who shall be required to i fist met not more ha n five limits in each school day; every teacher employed must hold certificate of qualifications granted by or under the authority of the State Board of Education; there must bo maintained one or more courses of four years (following an elementary course of eight years) offering a minimum of 15 units of study; adequate library andlaboratory facilities roust be maintained. Apponaug Warwick High School. ProvidenceCont inued. Barrington. Cranston High School (at Elmwood Station Block IslandNew Shoreham High School. English High School. Bristol. Hope Street High School. Central Falls. La Salle Academy. East Greenwich Academy. Moses Brown School. East Providence. St. Mary's Academy. Newport St. Xavier's Academy. High School. Technical High School. St. elfary's Academy. River PointWest Warwick High School. PaidoagBurrillville High School. Valley FallsCumberland High School. Pawtucket. Warren. Peace DaleSouth Kingstown High School. Westerly. Prodence WickfordNorth Kingstown High School. cadeicairm of Sacred Mart. Woonsocket. AClsetheaigh School. 4ICCREDITED SEFONDARY SCHOOLS.

SOUTH CAROLINA. Schools accredited by the -State Department of Education andby the University of South Carolina for the year 1920 21. University admission requirements Units. Prescribed subjects: nu; English . Mathematics 3 History . .-/ 3 . ... -...... Science ...... 3 Elect Ives 1 5 hbeville. I terunark. York n. Dillon. . II.itrson. Newberry. Itaml erg Estill. New Brookland. High School. Florence. North A twist a. Ou !I'd( Fitting School. 1/kidney. Orangeburg.: timulfort. Georgetown. Hock UM. Bennettsville. Green vine. Rome. iti,hopville. . ntuilv St. Matthews. Camden. I lIgh School. Saluda. Charle.ton y Military Inetilalt. Simpsonville. II igh School. Hartsville, Spartanburg lemminger High School. Hemingway. High Sch(ol. Ponce Military Academy. Hones Path. Cho." er. llosloc School for flogs. Johnston. Woiford Fining School. Kingstree. Summerville. Lake City. I.ancaster. Union Wagoner. II t411 School. Laurens. Wint,boro. /(,./i1 it .trhool. Mel'ol I. W (Kohut!. Manning.

SOUTH DAKOTA. Schools accredited by the South Dakota Department of Public Insiructionand by the University of South Dakota for the year 1920-21. y qris,ion requiremon Units. Pre,ribunits: Mat lima! it 3 Group elect ivcs, from cit her the socials inres or I hr nai oral scicixe. 2 Free elect ores

.1 iwnieen. De Smet Huron. tI,cocr. IOW14. ittswich. Eagle Mille. Irene. .trh000n. Edgemont. rmour. Iroquois. a Kimball. Tries, In.. T113oint. Lake Andes. Elkton. lake Poet:ton. con. Kmery. Langford. toile Fourche. Eureka. torcsford. Fairfax. I wminon. tig stone. FarmerEdgerton Ifigh School. Leteller. 1111111. Faulk ton. McIntosh. Fedora. Madison. tridgc water. Flandreau. Marion. tritton. Forest burg. Menet to. prooktings. Fort Pierre. Menno. tnu e. Freeman. Bryant. Fulton4. Miller. iturke. GardenVity. Mitchell ( 'an ton. lligh School. Gary. bokont. Wealegan}Academy. ( art huge. Mobridge. ea.t lew(xxl. Goa des. 'Mont ruse. entlle. Gettysburg-. Mt. Vernon. loimberlain. Gregory. Newell. Clark. (4roton. ddham. Clear Lake, Harrisburg. ()tilde.. Colman. Haettord. Parker. colonic. Heels. Parkston. Colton. ilightnote. l'reshard. Philip. (lister. Hot Springs. Pierre. Howard. Plankinton. I killas. Hudson. Platte. I teudwo(sl. Humboldt. Ramona. !tell Rapids, Hurley. Rapid City. Fifteen-unit requirement I o take efTeei. bginning with the seehni&stie yesr 1921-23. 70 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

Ravinia. Timber Lake. Waubay. Redfield. Tripp._ Webster. Roe Heights. Tyndall. Wesshigton. Reliance. Vehlen. Wessington Sprfags. Salem. VcrmillioA White. Scot land. High School. White Lake. . Sioux Falls University High School. W hi tewootl. - AU Saints' High ScAaal. Viborg. Willow Lakes: Atigtoda nor Colltge,lligh Sch.!Volga. Wilmot. Department. Wagner. Winner. Cathedral Nigh Schwt. Wakonda.. - Wolsey. Washington High School. Watertown Woonsocket. Sisseton. High School. Yankton atooteer. Immaculate ConeeptinnHigh High School. urgis. School. I Wire. Academy. TENNESSEE. Schools approved by the State Department of Education ,.td- accredited by the University of Tennessee for the year 1920'-'2-1-." Tlie State Department of Education of Tennessee nodes the high SC110.1,of 1 he A I, A, It. and C.Gradual es oral( oft he schools so graded are admitted to the L'iliversitof Teitnesseenn certifical Since, however, graduates of the C grade schools are admitted on trial, the 51 hook in this grade hovel"( been included in thefollowi nglist, asitisthepurpo setoi ncludeinthebulletinoinlysuchsch ohs itsini ere their graduates to meet fhlly Die entranir requirements nf universities:mil en!leee,. Universityadmission requirement, Units. yreserilosi units: 15 English ...... Mathematics..... 7 ...... Foreignlaieguave...... Electives --num.': A -1

Chattanooga ColumbiaMaury Countv.Central High school. High School. CovingtonBy:IN-Hall High Selesil. Central Lligli School. M i irfreesboroCent rul 11 Jilt Sehool.* Clarkesville, NashvilleHome-Fore Scheel. ClevelandCentral High Sctex)1. Wheat.


BentonPolk County High Selihnl. Lawreneeburg. . BolivarCentral High School. Lenoir Cit y. Bristol. LesingtonHenderson County High sthw, Brownsville, ilaywon.1 Couch,- High School. LynnvilleR. B. hales' High School. BvingtonKarns High stclood. Martin. Collierville. Maryville. CookevillePutnam County High School. MemphisCentral High School.' Ducktown. DyershurgDyer County High School. Morristown. Fountain CityCentral High School. (Winds. GallatinCentral High School. . ParisE. W. Grove Thigh School. HartsvilleTrousdale County High School. Port land. HendersonChester County High School. Sale Creek. Humboldt. Soddy. Jackson. 1111. SpartaWhite County High School. Jasper Mar on County thigh School. Sweet water. Johnson City. TrentonPeal-m*1y High School. Kingsport. Tyner. Kingston. Union City. Knoxville WinchesterCentral High School. . High School. Young kligh School. , GRADE It.

Athens -- :McMinn County High School. Corry ton Gibbs High Schoot. Bluff City. Daisy. s Camden. Dandridge.Matiry High School. Capieville. DaytonCentral High School,. CarthageSmith County High School: DielsonCounty High.Sehool, CentervilleHickman County High School. Elizabethton... Charleston. ErwinUnkolCountY High School. ConcordFarragut High School. Fayett6villoLincoln County High School. Copperhill. . Greenville. to "'.1.elents may he admitted to'the college,rdllberal arts without foreign language, provided they offer hi tinits,31 which not more than 3 areltt vOcatfonal subjects, and that they be conditioned in two full year:, of cones* work to foreign language." kCCREDITED SFICOYDARY SCHQOLS. 71

Harriman. Pulaski. Hi son . RipleyLauderdale filth School. Lu k s born. 1 .lellico. Rogersville.. La Follette. SomervilleFayette Comity High S4hool. South Fulton. . IA1311011. SpencerVan Buren High School. LyncliburgMohre Cotuu igh School. Spring City. Mr I A.Inoresv tile. Springfield. NicNtinntile. Tiptonville. M3.11:onvilleMonroe Cot int y high School. Trimble. Maury Cit y --Crockett County High Si hoot. Troy. Mount I'lea,ant --Howard High Schoell. Washington College. Naliville---Central High school. Watertown. Nc,, port -Cocke Count y Iligh School. Whitehaven. Whiter ille.

Private secondary schools accredited by theUniversity of Tennessee..

Bell Buckle IF, 1.4 Sitn.! . Memphis Cunha v Farr? sow &hoof. Cliatt:mos:3 Christian Profiler* ('liege Academy. yii,r School. St. .Vary'' S. hoot, parat,,ry Schnol. Unit fixity Sri....!. .11ce 'rale t Nashville florid 1.ipseornh DuIleanPreparatwry hoot. Montgomery Pell .liatlemy. .th.lifary .4 adt,my. 'rarer Ally School. Ward- Belmont School. 1Pr'ailkli--ti Petersburg MorganSchool. Bartle Grown(' Academy. Pulaski-- S, hoot. Martin rotor. 1 :1113110 11.1lial Schnot t;ipiatlivIll--.Trarn trip tiela.1 31,,,y &boa. Ihrroga - Savannah- Josh/ult. _it,markt/ .4 roderou. Se% ieryille--Murphy College. onlwrEtio licie111,.1,,t,o,n .11 alters o. Sewanee Cori!, Ilrig4t. Military Academy. Military .4, ode my. Spencer-Iturrit College Srhotil. 1.1v inv:t r 1, .1 rodents' Sprinetiel Lc ;ci -httrgPO, I -.11'it,b hoOl. Peoples mat i whir Sohn I. .11, 7', /e tre Spring ilil! --BraOm ru god Hugh, Military A rad- rtin Schaaf. f0/ /a/. w3 ter 11 shlar a In tl it isle. rrin Training Si hoot. raid and ('lark S. hoot 11.:1 -bingt on College-11',,AinsibotCollege. TEXAS. Schools accredited by the State Departmentof Education and by tho.University of , Texas for the year 1920-21. ma, ersit v admission nviiiiremeni. Units. Prescrilicd units: .15 Eni:b.h 3 . Mathematics 1. History(orhistory and ci% it's)' 3 Foreign larigougoib ...... 2 ERN I ivcs. 2 5 .11 a kite. h.', Isr.:111ron Corpus Blinn Mrmoria/Co/hit. ('orsilunts. High Schri, Crockett. AI, in. Itrownsville. 1m:trillo. Crosbyton. lirownwood. Cuero. .% vim?. Bryti It, Ialtuirt. austinr- .4 llen .4 rottenly. 1 igh Sehool. High School. SI. .1/.0y*, Arad,ray. Caldwell. Wynn High School. Whitt, School. Forest Avenue High School. Ntird. Calvert. Floekaday School. Itahinger. Cameron. Morgan School. Canadian. ()ilk lt:trtlett. Canyon. Cliftrentral High School. ba,trop. UniversityTraining Bay City. Carthago. School. , Ceti ter. . lituutnonid Chi!dm& Southil (Shin Hilary School. High School. Cisco. The Torrid School. . South Park High School. De Loop. Item ilk, Clarendon. lie) Rio. Dtmison. Cleburne. Coleman. Kenton. Baylor Collegeradenly. Colorado. Rogue. High School. Donna. Big Spring. Columbus. Dublin. Bishop. Comanche. Eagle Ltilce. Commerce. Eagle Pass. Bonham. Conroe. Brady. F.astlait. Cooled ire. Edna, Cooper. El Campo. "T hi :4 requitement is prescribed, but a student may beadmitted without it and.make itup later." J 72 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

Electra. Laredo. San Ant (silo Elgin. Leonard. AcademyoftheInearnott El Paso. Livingston. Word. . Ennis. Llano. Araderey of tine July of Ito ' Farmers Ails. Lockhart. Loki. Ferris. Longs tew. Braketiridge I &h scht..1. FIttgesville. Lubbock. Slain As emit. High Floydads. Lufkin. Saint 1.ouorl'oglive Acndr 1. Forney. Saint Mnry'sCollege .toult...q. Fort Stockton. Mc Allen. San AntonioAcocking. Fort Worth McGregor. . SariAuirustine. High School. McKinney. . San Benito. Diamondlull!(North oxt Marble Falls. SanMarcia- NVorth) High School. Marfa. 4rod, tot,. Masonic Iloilo. High Sehts4. Marlin. /11):.11 Scheid. Franklin. Marshall. Sumba. Fro lerick stair!! . Marl. lininesv tile. Memphis. Sherman. GalvestonBall Ifiglt Ss'honl. MI.n1.41eS. 'linen. Garland. Nurse rmitlnille. NI land. Snyder. tleorgel own . Midland. 'sir Lake. Giddings. Midlothian andopl. (Ulmer. Milford. l odd t Swaps. Mineral Wells. sir;m n. Gonzales.- Mineola. Sulphur Springs. Graham. Mission. Sweetitater. Granger. Mount ('alto. Taylor. Greenville. Mount Pleasant. Teague. Grmsbeek. Nacogdoches. Temple. roveton Navasota. Terrell. . Hamilton. New Braunfels. arkana. Handley. Novena. City. I larrisl)urg. Orange. Timvson. Ozona. Trinity. !learnt.. Palestlab Hempstead. . Paris. Tyler. Pearsall. Uvalde. Henrietta. Van 11,tylie. I feref.rd. Prtrolia. Vernon. 1'011,4)r°. Pharr Pharr-SanJuanHighViutotia. School. Waetl-- !limey Grove. Pittsburg. Academy of the .,:ger,,1 Mg.!. 11,Ision Plainview. High eeharl. Cent nil High School. Plano. 1CaN1111,1011... Houston Height: .11in,Polytechnic.' 11nit lit.rford School. - Port (mbar. Odkof Training St . Agog.. Academy. Quanta'. HighSelool. Hubbard. Reagan. West.. 'litnttsville. Richmond. Wharton. Italy. It ix.kdiale. W hit esboro.. I lava. lingers. Whit ewright Jacksboro. Rosebud. Wichita Falls. Jacksonville. Itoseribertz Wells Ponii. Jasper.' Winnsboro. .11'irerSOn. Round Rock Trinity C.11ene olfe City. Kailfrnan. . .4 caderny. Yoakum. Kerens. Rogue y. Yorktown. Lagrange. Sabina'. -Lampasas. San .1iivelo. . t/ Schools'accredited by the State Board of 'Education and the for / - the year1920-21. 4 .. . Unites. 17 niverAt y wind...Ann repliretnent e. it Prescribed units: English :i Mathematics,. .... 2

Science...... 1 Electives ...... 9. A mericati Fork. K amas. Beaver Murdock .4cademy. KaysYillebasis 'mint y ig,1 School. Bingham. Lehi. Brigham Boxelder County High Sttool. 1pgan Castle HaleEmery Stake .4c.ndemy. Brigham Young College. (kelvins. ' High School. Ephraim Snots Normal College. Manti. Eureka. Milford. FillmoreMillard t'onitt y nigh Niiool. Moab. Grantsville. Morgan. Gunnison. Moroni. Heber Wasatch County High School,. Mount Pleasant Hinckley Military A cadeniy. High School. Iltintingtqn. Wasatch Academy. Hyrum. Murray. ACCREDITEDSECONDARY SCHOOLS. 73

Nephl. Roosevelt Duchesne Could y High School. ogden Rt . OeorgeDirit Normal Colley High School. Salina. .sacred lirarl Academy. Infos Normal Colltge. East High School. l'onguitchliartield Comit y High School. Ora:lite-High School. Pork City. LatterDaySaints Cnirer.ity. St. Afary's A cad? my. ott. West High Seho.d. Pleasant trove. 14'txt ft sfrf Mt gr. PriceCarlton Count y High School.- SandyJordan High School. l'ro. () Spanish Fork. Brigham Young nib eraity. Sprint:vine. High School. Tone!, Ilirhll lit. ernal /*iota Slat, Ayoub ray. RichinondCathe County High School.


Schools approved by the State Board of Education and accredited bythe University , of Vermont, 1921. Units. l'iliversity admission requiremants . Proseriboil units. 15 English. Mat hernat its Ilistory ...... Ii one elassital or foreign language Elective units 61 Kiker, fieldisrayho nr ..1, ad, my. morri..)111, !Lu Newbury. GoddardSu urinary. New Ilavenliar Man .1cadtrloy. High SuhiaI. Newport. It rom, North Bettningto:. It, I! -4w, Falk. Nort h 1:raft cr,sli,bary h,touhgbak. Northfield. het. North Troy'. lir tdford. Weans. Pill AO, d. ley Troy 7 "hp'', ore .4 ()ninny. Itornr,gtoti- Proctor. 1:0,1, Randolph. high Rihford. Mt. Si . Mary Academy. Richmond. '31)(,!. ttiwthesler. Rutland. Ft. Albans. St. Jolinsintry.1rodrmy. ).0,) Ille. Saxton. River I,thouoos Academy. South Ithulton. .1tosloirg Falk. Springfield. ....ex Junction. Stowe. ::111fAx. S wantim .orhaven. II igh School. rank:hit. St. .4 rtn'sA cadem y. fdeen,born, Thet fordAcademy. I lat,lw ick Tonsliend. Highgate (*enter. Vergennes. Hine hung. Wait sfield. Ilvde Park. Wallingford. I

)1Itpeller High Soool. Seminary.


VIRGINIA. Schools accredited by the State Board of Education and the University of Virginia for the year 1819-20.2; Coo,' University sdinissi.oi requirements...... i'. l'iftwribed unit.: English ...... Mathematics.. ... 21., History...... i Latin tor I ire.1: ...... 14,(toorr21?.1) Electives ......

AbingdonU illian, king 'Usti School. .. Culpeper. Aeconiac. Curnberhuid. Danville Alexandria Se11001 l'it v High School. atitary Institut,. Epircupoi h igh School. 1)& ton. George Slason High i4chool. Denition. Altavista. Amelia. Amherst. Craper. Appal:ulna I o ivcr.%g.ricultural llightSchool. A ppiinnitto .N gricultural filch School. Eagle Rock. A tlee-1Vahingtoti-Iletir v High School. East Stone Gap. Back Hay--Creed, itith School East vide. F:botty.0 Beaver PainMotitpelier !Ugh School. Edinloirg. Bedford I lk Creek. High Seltoitl. I11:ton. ifork1ofph-Mgcon .4 aidey. Eniwria. Berryville. EwingLee CountyInto trial High School. Big Stone Gap. Fanny ilk. Blacksburg. Fincal illackst one d. Iligh School. Fore,t .44c Lorul.n .4eml, sty. Maittory .4 fildtmy. Fort* I wham uctoal Wow" .4ash troy. Bowling Green I Ae Maur) !Ugh School. Fork .11a/ tify.4cadi vsp, Boyce. Franklin. Fralakton-Nassaa ;14hA Se11.4.1. Iloykins. Fredcrl Bridgewater, . ItristolVirginia Ilith School. lligh School, , Broadway:- Buchanan. Ru Wu' ph. Maruto .4 cad(y. Gate City Shoemaker High School. Buena Vista. Gladyssneea high School. iturkeville. tilotiee.ter. 11.Bot etourt High School. (7allao, tiotalonsville, (lope i'liarlas. tiraham. Capeville. (1;111,11 hay. Carson. ;reen eine. t'artersvilleHanillton School.- I;rectiwootl. High School.. ('harlotte ('ourtitou.e l'harlotte High School. irtinaly.

Charlottesville. Hampton. . Chase City. liarri,on burg. Chathatn Herndon. Climax High SCI)001. Illkorytlreat Bridge Iligh.School." HighSCI1M) llighland Springs. Training Sc oo 11111,Yille. Cheriton. Chester Agric ittiral High Sbool. Moniker. (7hincoteague.: HopvikeU. l'hristiansbur 2* 114,11,1811. Clitucliland. Ianhoe... Jarrett.2* Clarksville. '1:entiridge. Clifton ForgaR. E. Lee High School. Litton StatiOn.211 King, tirove.* ( lintwood. . Kinsale. ( oeburri. / Lawrenceville. Columbia. Lebanon. Court land./ Leesburg. Covington: Lexington. ('rewe. . i Linooin. t'rozet. Louisa. to Theniversity of Virginia accredits all fouryear public high schooLs which are fully accredited by the State d of education. The private schoelsinthe above listwineattredited by the university (for the year 19120)after I itspeetion by a representative of the university. For other private scbools accredited by the State oard of education, see below. 0 se ;otlditioned. . ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 75

Luray. Richmond I.y101I ItIT con, imied. High Schutt!. McGuire's l'iiiiersilySchoot. Virginia Episcopal School. St. Chrisfopher's School. \Iiidi oil. %WinsHigh School. Rnanokeleltersau High School. Itticky Mount. %latiassasAgricultutalt lira! High School. mirion. ItoselandsFleel wood !licit School. Martinsville. Itoniol Mill -- Meadows. High School. Unison Bloomfield Iiigb school. Net ialleysville. Rural Itetreat. McKeinicy.. sislem. Meldlehrook. Saltville. Nti,WietovonAgrictiltural High School. SandrigesBellevue Iliktt School. Millburn. Seottstitirg. Minor ManualTraining Seh.e.d. .toot taville. Shenandoah. Moocrey. Smithfield. South Boston. Jisckson. South Hill. Narrows. Sparta. New Cagle. Staun t on Newniarkel. Iligh School. Nisi port NewsWalter Reed .high School. Military ,tcndenty... Nfir(olk Stevens Cdr. 'Booker T. Washington High :...chool :is-doted). Stevensville. Latayil le High school. Stony Creek." Alatiry high school. Strasburg. south Norfolk 114411 school. Norton. Stuart. SuffolkJefferson nigh School. iceana. Tazewell. triancoek.s" Temiieranceville. Iiliwy. Toano. tire Itank.trrotila High school. Trout vine. I'anlit t. Iturbeville--Agricult n it High1;4111.1. I ;tiaras. WttilapredgUe. Warm Springs. Park.sley..^ Warrialton. rearistorg. %averly. Pen,11,on IlIgh sihool. IN A,: burg. Warneshorii FisIsharne Mil.ta t y .iiude my. Piesunt View. itigh School. '1%.41,111911111 1Ve:t Point.' Devi) Creek ugh school. 1Veyers nigh Selo.). !lomat Herman nigh School (olored). 11'hite Stone.," Whit mull. . Pulaski. Wicomico Churclf.** Ptingoteague. Williamsburg. Radford. Winchi.ster Ited 11111.81 lligh School. lisssiviuos Shenandoah Palley .4cluterny. Remington. Windsor. R,011.11td:,. WouLibrry Ith 11111,01(1 Woodlawit. A ad, ing, Wciodsiock .1rmAnang High School (oolored). ., /lig!' School. Massdnutli II.4cad, my. Joloi.SlaKdiall nigh Sabath. ytlieville.

Other private secondary schools accredittlitiby the Virginia State Board of Education..

While all of th#se schools do-not conicortn in all particularsto the standard requirements tot public scitolds, they bare eutlieicnt teaching have and physic-ill equipthe.nito their lull gumluatea P.ants of college admission creditstandard value." , u till Jackson (bliege ,Preparatory FortDefianceAugusla Military Academy! hipart me ut Fortress MonroeOld Pond tkempirt (tinge. College liar Girls (l'repardury De part- me 011. tirtuidyPreabi(erie.ischoul. MarionCtillege (Preparatory Departntent). Ilridgewtiter t'ullege( l'reparulory Departtnent ). PenningtonGap Lo Baptist lint thole. linstol Petersburg--St.Joseph's School. Sullins College (Preparatory Department). Richmond Virginia lideremontCollege(Prep armory he part- nt ). Chamberlarie School. .Cbllegiale School: Chase Thyne Institute (colored). Itarlshurn Meniiiroa college (eulgeod). ChatbarnEpiscopalInstitute. 1J:decideif Virginia Union ( nit cradle (minted). coda nay. Roanoke Virginia College (Prep. DeP(.). I/Linville-- Staunton - AileenCollege (Preparatory Department). Mary kamdolpIh- Macon Institute. Baldwin Seminary (Prep. Dol.). Dayton Stuart Hall. FerminShrnandodi Collegiateinalitute. Winchester- Port LoodounSeminary. Training School. Woodberry l'oreatAatdertiy. Conditioned. ACCREMTED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

WASHINGTON. Schools accredited by the State Board of Higher Education and by the University of Washington for the year 1920-21. Units. Universily oilInion requirement's Prescribes" units: IS English Mathematics 3 Foreign language tome). 2 ...... 1 Electives S A Willem. Kalama. Scut t leCont limed . Almira. Kelso. Forret Ridge flatten/. A mettle^. Kennewick. Franklin High School. Arlington. Kent. Holy Angela Academy. Asotin. Ket t le Falls. jloly Names Academy. Auburn. Kirklandl'nittn High Schol. Lincoln High School. 'tattle Orotmd. KittitasUttion Iiigh School. Quein Anne II igh School. Bellingham I...IcySt. Martin's 11111eg,i lirgh -Nicho/as School. Fairhaven lligh Sohrxrl. School Department). Seattlei'acific College Arad. Musician High Shool. La Conner. (my. Bicklet (in. l,a W Seal Ik High School. black Diamond. Latah. 1'.11.C. A. Preparatory Blaine. l.eavenwort h. School. Bothell. Leistm. Soho Woolley. liremertoni'nitm lhgh ShisI.Lind. Ilrewsiee. I.yndeet. Seniiim. 'Buckley. Milbton, S11014.11., Burlington. Malden. Snohomish. ItUrton l'nlon High School. Marysville. 140111h Rend. Camas.' Mead. Spangle. Cashmere. Medical Lake. Spokane ` Castle Rork. MeridianUnion 'heti fa...lost. 114y Names Academy. Centralia. Monte. I AnVi, mid Clark High Seltoriy Chehalis. Montosann. North Central 11 tali Seluallt7 Phelan. It. ()rbut' Avenue high Cheney, Mount Vernon I' Mori High. SpokaneCothgt(Peri/aro. Chewelah. School. tory Depaltenrn1.1 Clarkston. Napa r magus. (le Elutu. stanwood. Colfax. Nookmdk. shoe:1,4in. Colille"'Dion Iligli School North Item'. St. John. Coulee City. 4 lakemtiale. Sultant7nion high School. Coupes tole. ottkv die. Creston. 4 hiewt. Sumner. Ihivenport. tkametan Sonnysliie. Day ton. lympla. Tatiana Deer Path:. A tankWright SeVainarg. Denting. t )rug tole. Lincoln High School Doty. Stadium High Shool. Dryad. Iiinothk. Duvall. Tek, Felony We. l'arklontlosPacific 1.uthe ran AcadlToledo. Edison. (my. 'OMUnion Iligh School: Edmonds. Paseo. Tonasket. F.dwall. Pe E11. Toppenih. Ellensburg. l'omeroy. # Touchet. Elmit. In Angeles. V infer. Endicott. Port Townsend. V anutatver. Eniunclaw. Prescott. . V ashou. Ephrata. Prosser. Vera. Everett. Pullman. 1Vaitsburg. Fairfield. Puyallup. Walla Walla Fall City 2 Itaymond. High Farmington. Iteardni. St. Paul's Academy. Ferndale., Redmond. Walla Walla Osilegr Arad( my Foster. Renton. Wapato. Friday Harbor. Republic. Washougal. Garfield. ltieldand. If oldendale. Wash t uena. Ridgefield: Waterville. . Grandview. If tv tile. Wenatchee. (tranger. Rochester. White Salmon. Granite Falls. Rockford.; Harmony. Rolling Bay iforon School. %Vasa? en3ek. arrington. !basalts. Winlok. Hardline. Itolyn. Winslow. flillyard. I( oy. Woodland. Hoquiam. Seattle Y Uweco. Ballard High School. Yakima. Issaquah.. .Broadway High School. Zillah. 7.7 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 77 WEST VIRGINIA. First-class schools approved by the Departmentof Free Schools of West Virginia and accredited by West VirginiaUniversity for the year 1920-21. y admIssiqo requirement, Units. Prweribeti units: 15 A wood sublort 4 A third suloject 1 A fourth siihject 2 Free eltrtive4 2 4 .1Ant,I Alder-on Logan lhahr HY l',,Mobitc. Mita ate. lat,t t'reek. lb! pfiq Arad, my. laimherport . Hirt School. 10 Maimington. Itarlicarr,villeMorrix liarrry eullrgr, Pry. Drill: Marlingion. Beckley. Mart It. lingion. Nlit,ontowti. lieliwood. Maiewan.'s rkclev Spring:. Matrttka. lt. rwifol, Moldlebourn, Ill ick,Nille. Bluefield 1lonigimery- orpo tan Trqdt. High ,whool. Munonguh Thobuttl High ,;%hisol. Wurcd Miiorefield." Bramwell. MonStntown. Bridgeport. itriq or. Mount hope. Bock Minton Newburg. High Si hi New Cumberland. 1144(par; ( '511. Newell. . Prcparatry ft, pa rt Intut New \Iartinsville. Nail hfork. Aro. oak Hall. %micron. Oak Park. t Bart .Inn Parker,burg High s hool. High School. i'.1,,re.1 High rcalored !high School. 'harks Town Parsolis. Bich Schnell Paw Paw. St. l$,11. Penn,boro. PhilipplBroo,fd,t(VII( g( ,l'rrparatury 1),part. enrol. High Selorol. Piedmont. tutored Pine Grove. 'lay. Point Pleasant, Princeton. weli, 1)4v is. It avenswtxxl. E3,1 Bank. Itader.x' ltichwood. Da.tisanrfg/iirial 411(0.,Prs parutory Depart Itipley.0 High Soh8ol. mcrit. !tic swills. Itotnney. Iligh Itaneeverie, Ea-t Side High S.-hikil.10 ltowleshuirg.0 ,fp st. l'armingtO St. Mary,. Follansbee. Salem 1 :try Colfrg, ' High Schogl. limn on. 1 Sherrard. 1 4,111ralik. Shiunston. sistorsville. Smithfield. 11.irlier,Terry spencer. nigh School. summerville, .Storor roller for Signs rotdh. stolen. Terra Alta. 11111,1u1ro. Thomas. Tunnelton. Bunt Wigton a Wadestown. h School. Warwood. triad High Schools' Webster springs. ..laeger Weirton. Welch. .lit titto West Virginia.Collegiate Pre. Dept. (colored). Institute, Jane! w. West Key r-- Weston. - School. West Union. eysar Preparatory Branch. Wheeling King .00d. High School. ;1 iturgict Colored High School. cabytcrial . Military School. Mount De Chantal Aqui(oil. thsburg.Seinivary. White Sulphur Spriugs. Litt i 100..+0. Williamson. WWhaph town. tiOltallyauereditod.. 78 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

WISCONSIN. Schools accredited by the University of Wisconsin for the year 1920-21.

Units. Admission requirements Prescribed units: English (it 2 units of one forcign language aretdered, 2 units of English mail he a, cepted ) Mathematics Two units must be presented from one of the following:one foreign language, or science, or history. Abbotsford. Cuba City. Iron Ili% er. Albany. Cumberland. ; Janesville. Algoma. f rien. I Jefferson, Alma. I hirlington. hada.% Alma Center. I )eerfield. Juneau. Almond. De Forrest. Kaukauna. Altoona VelafieldSt.Johns MilitaryKendall. High School. Academy. Kenosha. St. Mary', Academy. Mayan. Kewaskum. Amery. De Pere. Kewaunee. Amherst. Kiel. Antigo. Durand Kilhourn. Appleton. Eagle River. IA Crosse Arcadia. East Troy. High Scl(.aol. Arena. Eau Claire. St, Br., en/. Argyle. Edgar. Ladysmith Ashland , Edgerton. )1 igh School. High School.. Elkhorn. .1fary'N high School., Northland .4 cademy. Ellsworth. La rage. Athens. E.Imwood. Lake 1;etieva Augusta. Elroy. flith School. Baldw,in. EndeavorA caderny. Northoy sr, ea Military and A'a- Bangor. Evansville ral Academy. Bamboo. il High School. Lake Mills. Barron. Seminary. Lancaster. Hayfield. Fairchild. Latina. Beaver Dam - Fall River. Linden. High School. Eennimore. tle Chute. Wayland Academy. Fifleld. Livingston. Belleville. Florence. Lodi. Belmont. Fond du Lac-e Lone Rock. Beloit. High Savo!. Loyal. 'Benton. Orafttnt Hall. .Nfadison Berlin. St. Mary's S prin ,t rinky II igh School. Birchwood. Fort Atkinson. Wisconsin High School. Black Earth. Fountain city. Sacred Head .4 catletny. Black River Falls. Fox Lake. Manawa. Blair. Frederic. Manitowoc. Etlanchardville. Marinette. Bloomer. (tale College' Academy. ariott.. Bloomington. High School. Stsirkesan. Blue River. (fbnott Junction. Marshall. Iloseobel. ;Weft. Marshfield. Boyd. ftletibeulah. Mattoon. Brandon. Glenwood City. Mauston. Brillion. ;ooilmati Mayvipe. Brodhead. t ;ration. Mazomat tie. Brooklyn. ;rand Rapids. Medford. Bruce.. Grantor'. Mellen. Burlington, Grantsburg. Menasha. 1116 Butternut., Green Bay Nilltronelt Palls. Cadott. East High School. Me motile. Cambria. . 44Yest High School.; carnbridge. Merrill. . Si. Joseph's Academy: Merrillan. Campbellsport. Green hake. Middleton. Camp Iottglas. freenwood. - Cashion, ti Ilammond. Mlltbn. Cassville. Hancock. Milton Junction. Cedarburg. JiartfOrd.. 'faukce-w. Cedar Grove-- WiscohaintilentoHartland. lay View High School. rial Academy.. Hayward. East Division High School. Chetek. Hazel Green., -North Division. High School. Chilton. Highland. 'South Division High School. wa Hillsboro. Washington High St. hool. Sehool. Ilixton. West Division High pchool. c Me7x0r141. "Hollandale. holy Angela Academy. clear Lake.-- 1' Hrintien=Unton r ittgb- tinivtreity School. Clinton. 'School. Boy's Technical Behan!. Clintonville. HotleOn. Downer Senanary. . . Cobb. . Hortonville. Our Lady of Mercy Acajemy. Colby., Hudson. St. John s Cathedral School. . Colfax: Humbird. Notre Dame Academy: Columbus. Hurley. Mineral Pdinet Cornell Independerke. Minoan's. Crandon. Iola. Mondovi. 9 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 79 Monroe. Prairie du Chien Superior Motftello. . High School. Mont fort. High School. Cantpims College. NeWn.Dewey High School Mont 'cello. St. Mary's Academy. Mosinee. Thorp. Mountain. Prairie du Sac. Tigerton. Mount Horeb. I'rentioe. Tomah. Mukwonago. Prescott. Tomahawk. Nluscoda, Princeton. Trempealeau. Necedah. Racine 6 Tripoli. Neenah. High School. Turtle Lake. Nei lisville. Sf. Claherines Academy, Two Rivers. Nekoosa. Randolph.. l'nion Grove. Neshkoro. Redgranite. Unity. New slants. Reedsburg. Verona. New Ilolstein. Reedsville. Viola. New Lisbon. Viroqua. New London. Rewey. Waheno. New Richmond. Rhinelander. Waldo, Niagara. Rib Lake. Walworth. North Crandon. Rim Lake. Washburn. N'orth Fond du Lac. Richland ('enter. Waterford. Waterloo. Norwalk. Rio. . aldield. Itipon. Watertown. oconomowoe. River Falls. Waukesha. eonto. Roberts. Waunakee. ()emit° Falls. llosendale. Waupaca. 4 imro. St. Croix Falls. Waupun. ilialaska St.FrancisPio RenoCollege Wausau. High School. (High School). Watisaukee. CountyAgriculturalHighSank City. Wautoma. School. Seneca. Wauwatosa ()Mario. High School. Sextonville. Milwaukee CountySchool* hregoll. Seymour. ofAgriculture and Do- oseeola. Sharon. mastic Economy,* Oshkosh Shawano. West Allis. lligh School. Sheboygan. West Bend. SF. festers' Iligh School. Sheboygan Falls. Westboro. , I rwen. Shell Lake. Westhy. Shlocton. West De Pere. Palitiyea. Shullshurg. Pardeeville. Westfield. i 'ark Falls. .Sinsinawa St. Clare Academy. West Salem. Soldiers Grove. Weyauwega. Patch Grove. South Milwaukee. Pepin. iiparta. Whitehall. Peslitigo. Whitewaterv, Spooner. "!. Powatikee. High School. Phillips. Spring Green. . Commercial High School. Spring Vfilley. Wild Rose. Plainfield. Stanley. Platteville. Williams Bay. Stevens Point. Wilmot. Plymouth. Stoughton. Wort age. Stratford. Port WasIlinat on. Winneconne. Poynette. SturgeonItay. Wittenberg. Sun j'rairie. Wonewec.

WYOMING. Schools accredited by theUniversity of Wyonting.lor the year .1920.21.

Admission requirements Units. Prescribed units: i 15 English Languages other than English 3 History r 2 MathemaUcs ,. 2. Science I .2 Electives 1 5 Afton. Gillette*. Boggs. Pine Minis. liasir. Glenrock. l'owell. . Big Horn. Green River: Rawlins.. Big Piney. Greybull. Riverton. Buffalo. Hanna. Rock Springs. Burns. tvennnorer. Sheridan. 'Casper, Land*. sundance. Cheyenne. Lararnie Sunrise: Cody. .High School. Th. University School. Nk. Torrfti Cowley. Lovell. Duglas.o Whea Worland. Evanston. .Neinnada.. Part II. LISTS OF SCHOOLS ACCREDITED BY VARIOUS ASSOCIATIONS.

COMMISSION OF THE ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF THE SOUTHERN STATES. The Minimum standard for accrediting shall be: (a) No school shall be accredited which does not require for gradual ion the comple. tio of a four-year high-school course of study embracing 13 units as defined by this aSsoiation.A unitrepresents a year's study in any subject in a seoalary school, constituting approximately a quarter of a full year's work.More than 20 periods per 'tveek should be discouraged. (b) The minimum scholastic attainment of three-fourths of all secondary sehoot teachers of academie subjects in any accredited school on the southern list. shall he equivalent to graduation from a college belonging to the Association of Oillet.tes. Secondary Schools of the Southern States, or a college approved fey the commission. Teachers ghould have had professional training or one year's experience. (e) The number of daily periotls of class instruction given by any te4ther should not exceed live periods per day;, and the commionion will Scrutinize with extreme are any school in which instructors teach as minty as six daily periods.. . (d) The laboratory and library facilities shall be adequate for tile needs of i nst met ion in the courses taught.The library should have 500 volumes exclusive of duplblittti and Government publications. (e) The location and construction of the buildings,the lighting, heating, and venti- lation of the rooms, the nature of the lavatories, corridors, water supply, school furni- ture, apparatus, and methods of cleaning shill- be such as to insure hygienic csysljtions for botirepupilm and teachers. (f Tire efficiency of instrtction, the acquired habits of thought. and speech, the generanotellectual and moral. tone of a school are paramount fakors; and, therefore, ,only schools which rank well in these particulars, as evidenced by rigid, thorough-going, systematic inspection, 'shall be considered eligible forh° list. . (0 The commission will decline to consider any school whose teaching force sista of fewer than four teachers of academicsubjeetsgiving their full time to high- school instruction:When local Conditions warrant the introduction of the so-called vocational subjects, such as agriculture, manual training, household arts, and com- mercial subjects, the commission will hold that-a sufficient number of teachers and proper equipment must be added to provide adequately for such instruction. * . * * * .1) * schools whose, iecords excessive number of pupils per teacher, as based on the average number belonging,:even though they may technically meet all other requirements, *ill be rejected.The asSociation recognizes maximum'. Schools accredited for the year 1921. . . (Where no name of a school follows the name of a town, a high school is -to be understood.)

ALABAMA. . Albany. Andalusia. Florence-4"ot* High School. Berne,choo 'Athens College Academy. GadsdenDisime High School. SidneyLa er High &boa Bessemer. 0 a. / . Birmingham 'escarp.;talkerCountyHigh SheMefie . / , Central High School. School, ld; 'Ensley High School. BresJefferson CountyHigh High School. !fey. Decatuo! . hgehcsci.oi. Tuscaloosa. . :Union Springs. Dothan'. 80 SCHOOLS.

ARKANSAS. ,Arkadelphia. Fort Smith. Bates% Nashville. Helena. Paragould. Hope. Pine iirek a SpringsCrecent College Hot Springs. ( I 'p: Dept..) Prescott. Jonesboro. !topers. Crost t . lake Village. I hrrtort V. Litt le Rock. Stuttgart. E;itle. Texarkana. I .onoke. Vail Buren. For; tyce. Nfarianna. Forrest I. it!:. Monticello.

FLORIDA. .1rcarlia-1)e Soto County High School. Live akSuwanee Comity High Soho.,, moor /in Miami. ItraderitownNiariatee County II iphSchool. 4 learwater. New Smyrna. ()calls. 4. I/3 lona. rlando. I te..Funnik springs,- l'almtr Corrge. 1.3tal. Palat kaPnt narn Comity high School. Curt Laielerdale.. Palmet to. Pensacola. . Fort M Plant City. Fort M ver wynne high school. Fort Pi.orceSt. -Lucie County Digit QuincyI iadsden I itunty high School. r;:litii% file. St. Petersburg. ; Sarasota. e SpringsFlorida .11116nry rodemy. ,Seabreeze. k 1 ni%all High School. 1:1,inimeoOseeola CountyHigh School. Tallahassee - -!.eon 'rand y High St hool. Lakeland. TampaHillsborough ((runty High School. Largo. Tarpon Springs. Lee .burg. West Palm Beach.

GEORGIA. I A A 'ham.. A tnertcus. reensborn. Athens. Atlanta-- JoAson. Boys' High School. ;range. Fulton High school. Locust /roveIwo/1W titres' High School. MaconLunier HighScholl. Mari.t callyr. Madison.. roo114*. N11141,,, 31Iiiiary College. To.. finical High Si hool. !boor! %.1.11011-- 1174.1-fon Parker InAtitule. it ordri trutort .Si ininary. rip. A up itji Newnan. ich mond .4 endpray. Norman Park Norn7trn brtitutr. Ttibiliali HighSchool. x fordEmory .4 endplay. Bainbridge. (1101811. Barnc v tile-- Gortilni froditott. Rome Itrunsv; ik Giyors Academy. Darlington A eadomy. 'arter,v lligh School. (Ambit% rt. "4' annuli college TurkGeorgia 3101ary Academy. 10.'1,4k-tine Colltge. colmnlims. Senior High School. 'ommerce. Statesboro. cordele. ThomastonI:, E. Lee Meijie. Thonlasville.. Balton. Tifton. BOB Toccoa. E:14 ton. Valdosta. zgerald arren tot ...... \'AVetO&S...... Fhrt V alley. ' 4 WitillIt4b431V. IRO nit triad. .1rooklay. i oder.

-KENTUCKY. A Adam!. liellet ne. Mount Sterling. Lexington. Howling I green Ogden College. Nazareth ---Academy. Cat let tsburg. Newport. 'arrolitral. Boys' High Schtx1. twensloro tibia' High School. l'adticah. Covington. Kenluckr Ihnne School for ,Cvntttlana. . Paris. initathtown. Magi. RichmondKentucky State Nor- Elkton- - odlow. mal School. Tignining School /0r flap. Lfigoaeti--lrOlucky*Military Fort Thomas. . : Shelbyville. rtiillk fort. (kiorgelown. lifiddam;1411e. Sturgis. Henderson. Mayfield. 94429°-22--.r.- 82 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.


Alexandria. Monroe -- Shreveport. Baton Itinige High selvw,I. . High School. . Nierryviile. i inaeliii a Par:AMON:it $01601- I11. t/IlIncr- Stato University Dejnonst,q.New Orleans-- l Welsh. tion School. Ixadore Ne w in is isMan ua' / Ry!.... flogaio 7rainimiNitogit e Dc Iii. \f IIII11,. Houma. h Witrrlsti E:01/11 Boys' Highliammol..1. ScopeloAa.l...... % 111111% .: t MISSISSIPPI. 4 a ' Canton.' Cr...aim...oil. Nleromb. Chariest mi. Gultport... .4 . (:)4111V41.. Clarksilalo. ., highSchool. .ate cr. . I). 1...e High.1Gulf CoosrMilitary .1 rade my. School. Port Gibson-- chanderiaiti-t:un Hat 1,ke.sburg. .4cmirmy. Corinth. Jarkson--Central Hal; sch.O. Cupeto. Greenville. Laurel. \ Yazoo City. NORTH CAROLINA. . . Asheville . t;reilisrioro. . Reidsville. Gime1'10: Schioq. I lreviville. ' Normal arid 'Ciiileg iatc it.mnoke Lapids. . Insti-Ilendersoitville . Rockingham. tute. BlueRidge Schoolfar bay., Sept land Neck. Gorriee's Academy. Fas.iftrn School. Sheltw. Burlington. High Schciol. Smithfield. Wanton. ..* HigkPoint. Tar ta wo. Cliapel Rill. Kin.on. West intriatni. Charlotte. Lake Junaltiska.Snrhr rhitth,ar.11 !Imingion. Durham School forPay. City High School. WO.-or. Latirintairg. Win,...!,,zalen.- 1 trinity.l'ark school. Lenoir. , Coy Hid. N-rtool. Marion. .catem .1 cadcmy. ElizabethCity. Mars HillHays UM Coll,ye. Gastonia. Oak Ridge /711:tutz. Goldsboro. Q Raleigh. .. SOUTH CAROLINA. Darlington. St24atthews. lennettsville. Florence. Summerville. . Charleston Greenwood. Surnt Itnys' :and' Citis' Hi. a Akley Orangeburg. Boys' High School. ! Spartanburg School. Nnter. Military Academy.. :((meta( School. Chemer. High St Boat. Columbia. ItnfforetFilling Szhnol.

Athens(Tnicerity of i'llattanonga ( Prep. Del .). Liiingst on Academy. Menton. LynnvilleRobert Jones High School. Ilyingtort Karnes High School. Knoxville Cit y High School. Crarkesillie. . Martin.1fc Perrin School. .Chattaisoogn ,Maryville*grille College. RItyforSchool. Memphis, City High School. Central High School. Central High School. UniversitySchool. l'reparatory School. SI'Murton. fhllie School. Ntortreest.dro Cleveland. Nashv Hie Columbia Duncan School. ColombiaMilitary Academy. high School. i'vnaratory;Schaal. irna4 ofg Mph School. ie : ConeordFarragot High School.'' ,1 ornery Pell .4caile my. CovingtonByers Hall High Sehool. Peal 'mow/rationSchwa'. Dyersburg. trnireel %laid. -Fonntahrtity.i Ward-Be mont Seminary. (lollatle. , Puts1;rove INgh School. .oreenTuoculumroilegPre s. Dept.). Jacknton. fraternity (Pre tpt.). jrvirtinCullegetPrep.,Dept. Jaapor. Maury School. ..- Johnson City: Revranoe.- Military Academy.. *lb% ltpring Drauhhnsandthigh's, Schdo. leOW /*tit e'ig. /Os Sehoot. Swectslaterrealittare Military itlatittite. Cumberland Unirertity: TullabovoFItzgpald and Clarke School. . . . ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 83 TEXAS. s "'Abilene. Hubbard. .%1% in. et .1 tttanllu. Longview. ilt Lufkin. 11 McAllen. I: :flinger. Met lregor. - McKinney. lig It Sch4.4. - . South l'ark high School7 Marshall.', Mexha. lin. M itteola. Mineral Wells. itrentiam. Mount 4'41m. Nacogdoches. hum no Nava.sota. I tr...inA Uert Acad;my. Orange. 1.4 otr're Orona. Palestine. \ , 1."1110). Pittsburg. I,Christi. l'ort Arthpr. ,aro. Qiumith. San Angelo. Street High Stliool. San Anrtinio-- 1ti . venue High schoill. Academy of Incarnate Hurd. ).1k Cliff High School. ItrackenrLdge High School. Trrrtll School. Main 1trentie Hight t+etiool. I 41.1.c,n. Our Lady of Lake Academy. San Antonin Academy. I Lake. San Benito. I San Mittens- Bo pt Of A tiering. High School. sisguln. et, tent ril High School., Zweetwater. North Side High School. Taglor. 4: one Temple. Texarkana. .,',111 file. Tyler. I 'iityle. 1111itA.tll.- Ti ViPtriria. Iligh School. Waco. I Pill s,1(iwi'l. Wichita Falls. Lou'on Ileights.


hfarion. High School. II igh.,4lio.01. N New,. iti.1 fordRandolph. Vivon Academy. Norfolk-Maury Mph School. lone Mill:eery Academy. Petersburg.' rttoJ. Port smotlt 11 'Woodrow Wilson Thigh School. !tor k% ille- Haytokah A grienit ural High School. Hichtnon ch. irlout,ville. ' Marshall High School. Training School. McOuire'.. Unirertit School. Chrortopher's School, . 1 'lie-Jefferson Ili Setax)I. ii.111_. Sal m. le ?lath School. South Roston.. Military Inituta, Staunton- Imad,,11.h. Iferne Institute. High School. Hlooria --tiroenvill. Count v nigh School. 'ot II tclituice-AuguRta .Military Academy. Military Academy. Fork 'Mom Academy. -- SuffolkJefferson II igh,Sehool. front lioyalRandolph- Macon Academy. Wayneglifili- 's..tibourne Military Academy. ;t Winchast4- High School. Val legj cademr. ington. Woodhe I west. I/ telihurg. Woodstoe Mananullni Academy. , Wytheville. Agricultural 11 igh School. 1 WESTVIRGINIA. 1.1atostogriLCoal ALoIrki. high School. IlitrWootr-l., mien High Sthool. 111,1e6e1,1- Deaver High School. Fairview-Pow Paw.JHAtrict Higti School. Itrantwell-Itoelll)littrict Iligh School.: Farmjngton-Lincoln District 11101'04pol. f mIttat, ; rant I)istrict IIigt Shool. Hillsboro-1211e Lesols Distrfet High Retinal. Cla-Clay CountY High Sehtwil.$ Hinton. eit.irlftstdtt. Huntington. il,t is. , Keyser. I: Ilailk-,Ctibin Creek I Isfrict 11AnAu'ratl'istillACTglirTgfifireiHI 0 school. -- tr ManningtonVianningtes Pilitict-Sigh Bebop!, 84 a ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. MarlitonEdra§ District'. High School. Sisters-N.111e. Martin Sncer. abL:r1tock Dist riet highSchool. SupemmorsvilleNicholas CountyHighSchool. Mislillehourno,Tyler Count y highigh School. Sutton. Mounilsville. St. MarysWashington District filch School. - Now Cumberland. Thomas Fairfax 1 tistrjet IIigh School. New MartinsvilleMagnolia Ili h School. WarwoodRichland High school. Oak 11111 Favet teviltelbstriet High S.chool. AVelchBrowies.Cmok.District High Schtol. Oak Park, WheelingTriadelphia District High Wellsburg. School. WeirtonButler District High School.

Parkersburg. . Weston. Parsons!flack ft irk Districtrict igh School West MilfordUnion District High School. rennsboroCluy Dist rict High School. West Union. Piedmont Wheeling. Prineeton East River District High Schoo. Roneevertet ireenbrier District I [ugh School. Triadelphia I )istrict (Ugh SOB.' f c ak Park Salem. Shinnston --Clay District high School. WilliamstownWilliams District High School. - NEW ENGLAND-COLLEGE-ENTRANCE.CERTIFICATE BOARD.

Members of the boank Amherst. C011ege, Bates College, Boston r niverity, Boa loin BPI111 University, Copiy College. %Lasachusetts Agricultural Collcge, Middlebury (1411ege, TuftsCollege, Wes- leyan Culver-at y.t Williams College. A schiosl to he approval by Ihe.boarclmtist (I)G vt.1 satisfactory eviilener is to ettnicultim,statT of teachers, and equipment; (?) Be able to prepare for college according to some one of the.rerogitind plans PT nterittga college rep- resented otithe board. school wnen first approved is Naml on a trial list.If the :word made by its ian 'lanes in titer:011'q m reimaented on the loaril is satisfactory, it Is then placed on the approved list. Schools "approyed by the Board for the Year 1921. /CONNECTICUT. Ansonia. Portland. 14citigeltOrt- Ptithain. lirkstol. Seymour. Central VillagePlainfield IIicli School. Shelton. .Worgait Scipio!. Sinsbory.I -ColchesterBacon .lcciderny. SouthingtonLewis flight Sehool, Sootlfanticsier. Danbury..4k. 4South Norwalk Norwalk SeniOr High School. DanielsonItillingly I f igh School. Stosofor.1 Deep River. I I igh School. Derby. Kiiiq School ,t ,East Itartford. St nningt on. Glastonbury.. Suffieldschool. Greenwich Thomaston. Brunswick School. Thom teony ille-- Enfield Po blie High School. High School. monition. t Rosemary Hall Schnol. ernon -lt;te ktifo,lligh School. Ottilfor(1.1 r . - 1Vallingford I fart Liinan hall 11 igN School. M eriden. ' 7'he ('late s(104 Middle) IVesineer School. AVashingtoo-ic. Middletown. The Gunnery School. Naligatt Wykeharikk are. ;Ne* Britain. W aloe New Haven. Gros gh School. Now London 81..1 rd's School.- B takrley ScItool. West Hartford. .tfernoriry institute. West !Liven. Now Milford. od ham high School. Newtown, Windsor North StoningfOn--Whffler School. - !fish School. Norwalklid OtideSchool. Loomis 4 Norwich Stn .Aeadeiny. instcel--Gilberi School: ANNE ' flowdohlbarn. AuburnFA,wintLittle Iligh School.. Brewer. AuguittaiCany HighSchool. Bridgton. Bangor. Brunswick. 1 liar itarbot. Buckilekl. . liath--Mome High School. Bucicspart East 'Maine0ntf;retuT Seminary. Belfast. ' Calais Academy. 4: bathe! G.MagriAcademy. Camden. Caribou. illtiehillBloehlli(leargeStevensAcademy. CharlestimIfiggIarClasskal Boothbay Harbor. CkerryileklfA carol. " I (n the trial Bat tor141.

a * II .J SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 85 Cornish. Norway. Colaberl.mi 1 CenterGreeley Institute.' oaidand. teer isle. oexter. ild Town. LivermoreA.0, crmore Falls High Slkool. Pitt, ield.Vaine Central Institute. 4; Machit, Wephington .4 rademy. Port and- E vtiort. 1tvring High School. Ell,w high School. F.Orwidlaiwrence Highigh School. Eirtiongtort Wayn fide School. i Le School. Westbrook Se m inary. IIietf School. Presque Isle. Fri Fairlield. Princeton.' F,,,rott .trade- my. Richmond. recta-rt. Rockland. -Rockport. ti . Fr.'urg--2401-demY- RumfordStephens High Sultool. r;orArn. . Saco Thornton Academy. 6 I ,r.,.Ptaneii fatinite. Sunlord' SkowheganSko..liegan High School and 'Bloom- ;ifilfc,rd. field Academy. 11.,11,,well. . . South BerwickIr, re. tek Arad, my. South ParisPare, high :4lioni. 11,101:lev 1141School. South Portland. ItwIniti Stoningtort. I I izt. School. Strong. I:tailtta.vrical Institute. .,,rt. Thomaston. gent, 11 ill .\fain Wesleyan Seminary. Topsham. KingtichlStanky. High School. Titruer-Leatitt Institute. Imot,tuu. 1'astilboroOak Orate Seminary. 4 VInalhaven.. Lisbon Falls. rrcn. Eoloc. aterville Calnan Classical Institute. M.1,11,0n. School. M Fall -.1 W' ebsterSabattu-s High Schaal. Stab,. W' ,rook.. IniimoidtifAcculetny1 W tonAcademy. V e Lincoln Academy. Windarn CenterWindarn High School.' \Pwei...o.s.-bet. Winthrop. ui 1 Itri.ig(onBridyPto Aradtmy. YarnioutlivilleYarmouth High School. Ninth Par,uutieldParsamirldSr 1-(nary) York. MASSACHUSETTS. A Horton. Adams. carnbridge A trsltry. igh and Latin School. Mudge Technical School.' A talicr.t.- Canton. .5 lidover Carver.' A bh,,sAeadIrny. Chelmsford.. Phillip:,Arad, my. Chelsea. hitichard high School. Chicopee. A rlingt ott Clinton. tiCaccord. A 1,1,urnhonutCushing(whiny. Athol. I ninvers .1111,loan. Holton High School. A utairridale--- Lusa/ Se en enary., St. John's Preparatory School.' Deans:IL . I Ltidwin . Templeton High iichOol,' 1 tectileld--Actidemy antitickinson I ilghFAio?1. I tam,- 11, !toyer. Woods High School. Dux IturyPotidi r I'oitil Schoed.- 10-1,1i,rtia, 0.1 1:am Bridgewater. It. tryout. Easthampton lligh Scliool. . H by Pr/ paraira y School. illstearSeneinary.- East N orthfleidNorthbe litSe en inary. Itilubton High School. . Tie Fast WeylaouthWeymouthHigh S hod. . Eserett. Porchester High School. Fairhaven. East Ito -ton High School. Fall itiver 13. M. C. I wrier High School, Friuli-sit Iligh School. . FalmouthLawrence High School.. Iligh School. Fitchburg. o' Gitls' Latin School. Foxboro. M itsGuild's and Miss EvatesSchool, Ilonlopgron School. Frarninghaill Mechanics Arts High School. Franklin Dean Academy. Public Lathefichool. Gardner. GeorgetownPerky Pete Schaal. AO. Rovtittry High School. Gloucester. :Count Batton High School? Grafton. iVest. Itoxbury High School ' . Theinans School.' .; Great Barrlogtob--Searles 11101 8clyl. ItratiforilAcademy. 71 Greenfield.. Bridgewater. GrotonButler High gcluiol.8 Brockton. Grovelank Brookline. Hadleyopkinslt-Smith Academy liatheidt A cademy.t On thi trial Ilst tat 19f1. . 86 ACCREDITED.SECONDARY SCHOOLS. t __ Haverhill. Pittsfield- Hingham. . Miss Ilall's Schad:. Holbrook.' IIIgh School. 'Holden. Plymouth.. Holliston. Provincetown. Holyoke. Quincy-- Hopedale.. Ilui High -Schtol. H y Woodward Institute. ms-liarnstahlo High School! Reading -Public High School. Hyde Park. Itevere. Kingseon. Itockland. Lancaster;'), Saletn-i'llissical and I I igh School. Lawrence. S:uidwich. IA`e t Saugus. High School. Sell unto. Academy; Sharon. 14icester-Acaderny. s heilield-Rtrkshire School. Lenox.I Shelburne Fails- .%rms .traderny. lAnmInster. Somerset-Bloom held Academy.. LeNitigton. Somerville. t let on. 'tout h Thayer A code rov. . Southbridge. High School. South Ilyflelil--Dum me, .4 ceolcm Rotors hall School. Sonth Hadley Falls -- 5.911 ii Hadley !Ugh School Lynn Spencerz-lbiyid Nigh School High School. Springfield- English High American International Nfalden, Central High School. Manchester -Story Iliglr Slioor The MacLugee School for Girls: Maic.fiejd. Tochirical School. Marblehead. Stoneham., Marion- Tabor Academy. Stoughton-Kimball High Sheel. Marlborough. Stow -HaleHigh School. Marshfield. Sudbury. Maynard.% Swampscott. o . Moiltield) Taunton. Medford. Topstleld.1 Melru e. Turners Falls. Met linen. ("pion. Middleboro. t bridge. Milford. waketleld. 1,* Milton-Academy. NVallham. Monson- Acadevi y. Ware. Mount Hermon -tfoym' School. ° Wareham Natiek- Warren. High Shonl. 4 Watertown. . Widaul !Lill School for Girls. 1Vayland. Needham. /*- Webster. New BedfOrd. NVellasley- Newburyport-High and Putnam Schools. Dana flail School. NewtonMount Ida School hr Gals. High School. Newton vi I le-- Wait boro. Newton High-School. West lirldgewater-Howard High School. Technical High School. Westfield. North Adams-Drury Iligh.,5chool. %Vest on. North Easton-Oliver Ames I I igh School. Worst Springfield. Nwth =plea( Nort Ifi;,;11 School. Miss Capen'sSchool' Girls. Whitman-- Public High School. High School. Wilbraham,-.4cmlemy The Mary A. nor atom School for Girl,. 11'illiamsburg. Bt. Michael's Highricl Williamstown. inchendori-Murdock School. North Andover-Johnson lligh Si Mod. Winchester. North llrookfleld. , tVinthrop. Norton. Woburn. Norwood. Worcester- ()range. Academy. Oxford. ('Itissical High School. Palmer. High School. of ( 'onimerce. Peabody. 'Werth High School. Pepperell. South I11gh School. n the trial lint for 1921.


5' . ACCRXDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 87. NEW HAMPSHIRE. tishsver- Praetor Academy., Lebanog. Ism lin. t latettott. - St evens High School. Littleton. t 'onc. - Manchester. I Ugh Schad. Meriden- Kimball.rnion A end,em y. St. Mary', School for Girls. Milford. II,Try -Pinkerton A cadrmy. Milt on-Nute High School. Nashua. tar New Hampton-Li/teary Institution. IMillipss Pieter Anolinty, New London- f b/by Academy. 1:,,tonson Sr in Ivory. Newport- Richards !Ugh School. Pit tstield. rrtnklin. % Plymouth? Port smotith. 11:11,14no Rochester. Ii,lh Somersworth. Alton- Seminnry. onSailoorn SeMillaTy. 11' itIjcoie. I.[di; hitelitI(1., Lancaster... 11'4,1fehor4,- Brewster Free .4cadenty. RHODE ISLAND. %silstrnCr:infs.:in High Schnol. Pros- olenee-ront inned. It imnistoti. Hope S reel High School. ssri I oh Mernomil High Schol. Mus Wheeler's School. fall-. Lincoln School.' s:rsenwich-Aendem;. Moses Itrown School. I Technical High School, Ncwport1{,,gers High School. Wakefield -South Kingstown High Schodl. Plans- kit. Westerly. i 'Jo Mence,- West Warwick - Warwick High School. (14.tii1111 I ligla ;4t.110.1. Wickford- North Kingstown High tiehool. 11*h Sufism)! W oonsock et

VERMONT. I t Brigham Academy. tt Montpelier 1S.u-re 8- High School, ti,1 Ian! Se min.:qt. Seminary. Spaulding I I igh School. MOTTisvillq-Poople';Academy. Parton - %rasichly Newport . 1S, IIays North Bennington. r 10,11,mo:son. North raftsbury- Craftsbury.Academy. Northfield. North Troy. Isr4vs.1,11. Orleans.. is it t leboro. Peacjiam-Atod my. Pittsford. 1;orhocton Potfitn y- troy Conference Academy. . I is school. Proctor. Mosed Si. It a ry's A cademy. Randolph. s ler. Vichford. ille. Richmond.' .iradt Rut land. F1,1111+. St. Albans. -,,s -..1,SeX Juni 'ion I ligh School. gt.Johnslairy-,4taderny. I or ti ffiii0U4Fiir A ca4( my. Sout h Royalton. I !Liven. Springfield. i Lint, ick 1csisiciny. StoWe . 11y dc - 'rmtrisheittl--Leland and Gray Seminary. 1.sunoille Control Academy. Vergennes. Wallingford.' Jeri hn, Waterbury . son. West Rut land _Aver Academy. White River Juliet ion-llartiord High School. odon ('enter- Lyndon bonnet. Wilmington.' tt.ificbester-Bnrr and harthn Seminary., 'Winooski. e. Woodstock. Onthetrial list for 1921. 88 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.


Thefollowing constitute t he,standards for accrediting secondary schools far theyear ltr21-22:

Standant I. The location and' construction of the buildings, the lighting. heating, andventilation of the rooms, t lie nature of the lavatories, corridors, closet:, water supply, schoolfurniture, apparatus and methods of cleaning shall be such as i nsure hygienic condi t ions fur both 1,111,11, and teacher,.

All schools whose buildings are luexcusably inadequate and lacking in modern equipment 31 y exj,eit to have North Central Association accrediting privileges withheld from them. "'" Standard 2. Th0,14poratory and library facilities shall toe adequate to the,neel,csf instruCtion in the subjects taught.


Standard t. tin school shall be sled-tied which doe, not require 1.1 units for grsibial ion . Al unit coupe of study in a secondary school i. defined as ; course (sowing:fel it-adenii, year that shall ineludein the az:i.e.:ate not less than t lie egoivalent of one litiodrel and!Went y riot minute hour, of ,-1,-- rams work, two hairs iff shop or labor-an d'y work being equivalentto one holir of prepared clas,room w,,rk. Store than:AI periods per week of ac subjects, or 2.1perilds, including vocational iiteist of choral (nosic and physical training, should be discouraged except in thecases of pupils having more than average ability. H.The school yeursball consist of a minimum of 3o weeks. Staiatri 4. The oil emy of i nstri 'lion, the acquired habit; of thought and study,the general intel- lectual and moral tone of a school are paramount factors, and therefore onlyschools which rank well tic these particulars, as evidenced by rigid, thorough-going, sytnlintlirie inspection,shall be considered eligible for the list. Standard 5.No school shall hereafter be a,,ledited whoSe salary scholiflci, not sufficient to coniman,1 and retain teachers whose qualifications are such as required by thisasses iatIon The interpretation this renuirement stull het oat ter of , jovial re-pun sibility for the s11113` C0111111111

C. 1.10.1'ARATI.N or TEAcni RS. StatFlard (I. All teacher, teaching one or more academie subjert, mu-t satisfy the f011owiiig reiiiiirements: A.Theminimum attainment of teachers of any academic subject shall be equivalentto graduati.,t1 from a college belonging to the Mrt hj.,'entral Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools requiring tIre completion of a four-year course of study or semester hours in advance of a ,tandard four-year high school course. Such requirements shall not bo construed as ret roue( iVe. . ILThe minimum professional training of leathers of any academic subject shallbyat least II semester hours in education. This shoal include special study of the subject matter and pedagogy of the subject to be taught. Such requireatents shall not be construed as retroactive.I For the succeeding year the board will interpret courses in education as the same courses are interpretedby the colleges or universities offering them.) The association advises that the following types of courses should be offeredas meeting 'the spirit o f t his staiejird: Educational psyehology, prin,:ples of secondary education, theoryof teaching, special methods in subjects taught, observation and practice teachi ig, history of edic ation andMilt tit lona! sociology. In the case of supervisors (and for the pre writ transit peg iod the uS o. ion will, in applying this standard, take into consideration theravedoftheirt eachi ng and administrative experience.

I. TILE T1 :.11'111\6 !MAP.

S14,141114 7. A. 'The number of daily periods of classroom I nstructim given byany teacher shall not exceed five. The commission will reject all schools having more than sit recitationperiods per day for any teacher. R. h minimum length of a recitation period shall be IIIminute;,exclusive ofnilthe time used in the eltangig of classes or t eachers. For terpreting this standard in Connection with Igboratory work in science, andin eonnection with study room supervision, a double period may be counted as the equivalent ofone classroom exercise for teachers of academic subjeets, provided that.nn eombination of such workamounting to more than 3.S periods a week be required of any teacher: . For schools having some definite plan of supervised study,not more than five clauses should be . assigned to any teacher. The association advises that the maximum be four. .., Standard 8. NO schools whose records show an excessive number of pupilsper teacher based on as rage attendance shall be accredited. The association recommends 25 fora maximum. in general, no teachers Of aCademic subjects should be assigned more than MO student hours ofclassroom Instruction per day organjied in not to exceed six classesper day. .

, ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS 89 R.PROGRAJOirattunes. Swriaard 9. The asso.slatl on remnmonds that ovary accredited schoolotter u of work I n mathematics, ences, languages (including English), natural sciences, the-fineart,at d phOdcal training. further rooniniuends the Introduction of vocational It JeOs such as agricultre menu al t raining, house. hol.i economies, and onfnmerria I subjects into schools wherelocal condition tile. render skull introduction The 3,,,riat ion will hOld that a sufficient number of voltfled teachrs must be provided to care 0,1witely for all instruct ion offered.Not less than the equivalent of the t e3, her, may be given to academic subjects. full 'teaching time of three Schools Accredited for the Year 1921- ARIZONA.

,/, Bisbee. r loll. . Clifton. (.4(4. Mesa. Tmist . .t Miami. Oonglas. Nogales. atchor (711a .4 cede my. Phontt. trout. (cud Prescott. itt.,1.w

COLORADO. ,, Ntimosa. r,4itha. collet). Aspen. ireele I wader-040,0e Preparatory School. High School. Itrightuit., State High Schogbof Indlistria: Arts. GlinIlisonA'otint") fEgli School. Itro11. -,.,';..,..._ Idaho Springs. cC mon City. : LA Junta. tic It,,,k_vol. County High School. Load ville. c, 4,511.1. Spriiii:,. . Cri pple Creek. . Longmont . Dlta. Loveland. jim% et Monte W ista. . Montrosv i.F.i...t Side High School. Manual 'Cr.iining High School. l'annta. North Pueblo-- sacral Ile,: r; Pre ixtrouy School. l'entennhHigh School. South Side ligh School. Cents egit School. West Side I ich School. F d. I i ilfang0. italida. EltI Ill. I Sioatnitoktprings. StetlingWan County High School. Fort Collins. / 1 Telluride. l'iirt Morgan. i Trinidad. FrottaUnion High School. t'ictor. i dem, ood Sprinksciarlield (Vint y High Scliool. Weldona.

ILLINOIS. %Iron Thontiore Rdosevelt High School. Continued. Iliporn Mt /Ml iro Academy. Cram. Technical High School. %mphTim-h.:10p High Loglett ood l I c,1 school. .%iititirnTown9iip High School. Fttulkner Salon' tot Giro. .% mom Fenger High School. East High School. Technita I High School. Jennings Seminary. Francis W. l'urker Sthied. West High School. Harrison Technical High School. tat oda. Harvard Schnollor Boys. teardstown. Hyde ParkHigh School. tlevilleToriahip honl.. IevuoodLoring Institute. telcidere. Lake View High School. lenient --TownshlII" School. Lane Technkal High School,. tentonTowes Latin School. tioominton. p Kit School. Lindblom High Mutt' Clue Island. Loyola 'A codemy. Luther hatitute. tridgepurt t4,nahlp High School I afro. McKinley 'ties School. Canton. Marshall liigh School. ('art lc =e Academi. Medill High School. o p High Schbol. Morgan Park High School, ref,iliaTowliahlp High School. Morgan I'm*. Military Accident!. mPnign. .NaM Park College A oulemy. itifleeton Parker Hi h School. Phillips litrairlichool. Eastern Illinois State Normal HJjh School. St. Cyril Co e Academy. Iligh School. St.lredloa Academy. Chicago . . A cndemy dfOur Lady. St. Rita College Preparalory SAM. Austin mg School, St. Stesolelase Asg. Howell ItigSchool. St. Xavier A codesig. Caltirnet II School. Merritt School for OW Central 'Day rreparatocySckeol. Sebum High School. Sean School. " ,. SCHOOLS. ChicagaContintied.' MarionTownship High School. .. Tilden TeChnical High School. MarshallTowns,hip High School. Tuley High School: Mat loon. Waller High School. MaywoodProviso Township High School. Valtrridry High School. MendotaTownship High School. t'alrersil4tsScion1 for Girls. ' M it rordTownshipiligh SehooL.;, Chicago He Moom Township High School. Alinonk. Chrtsmanwnship Iligh School. Moline. CiceroJ. Sterling Morton Township 111O School. Monsitopth. ... Clinton. Monticello. CollinsvilleTownship High S'chool. SlouseheartEihicariona/,1n.litole lligh School. Crystal Lake. Morris. . Danville. Morrison. . Decatur. Mount Carmel, Pe KalbTowitship High School. Mount :CarrollFrancis Sinner &haul. Dee PlainesMai (IC Township Iligh School. Mount Pulaski Towii,hip High school, Dixon. Mount VernonToot:Ail p High Xi hoot. Downers' G rove. IlutatoOakwood Too iiship Bich school 1)tindee. . MurphyshoroTOwnship High school. OttomanTownship !huh School. Naperville v`liw ight Tate:1143i p High School. East Moline. Lligh School. East St. *wools. NormalNorther-afro C4Ilige .4 codimy. Edwardsville. High School. . Elgin Illinois stole Normal l'itiver,ily !light :,..11001 A carter. OaklandTownship 'lie) School. High School. Oak Park--Oak Park and River ForeS1 Too tislin. ElmhurstAcademy. High Sc-boo). Elmwood. OlneyTownship High. School. El VasoTownship High School. tittargaTownShin I I igli School. EurekaTownship High School. OttwaTowtiship High School. EvanstonTownship High School. l'alestineTownshlp II heti School. FairburyTownship High School. PanaTowitship High School. Farmer CityMoore Township High School. Paris. FloraUarverStautool Township High School. Pau-aweTownship High school. Freeport. . Paxton. Fultoh. - Pek.n. Galena. l'eoria- Galesburg.- Beadle' 1 l itsta uleN,I ea& my. Galva. High school. '- Gene:co--Township High Schiol, Manual Training High School. Geneva. Pinknoyville. GeorgetownTownship High School. I. Polo. Gibson CityDruinraer Township II igh School. PontiacTownship Iligh School. Godfrey Munticalo Seminar,. PrineetonTowliship High School HarrisburgTownship High School. Harvard.. iptincvSettior High school Itiver;idoItiverside-li 4 Township . High HerveyThornton Towns thip Iligh School. School. 'S HerrinTon Itship High School, RohinsonTow rishi all s,tionl, ParkDeafieltiShicids Township HighMalaita Senool. Rock Island HIdale--Township High School. A rig no renege .4eadenly. "Hoopeston. 1 i School. Jacksonville-- 'i la de Chantal. High School. ush v We. Road L'olkye .4 rade my. St. Charles. JeraeyvilleJerscy Township High SchataL.- SavannaTownship high School. Joliet shel by v ille: Townshi p High School; sidellTowtiship High School. 81. Franca Academy. spanaTownship High gchool. i 'Kankakee. . springlield. KenilworthNew Trier Township High School. liewanee. Spring ValleyIlan Township high School. SterlingTownship high School. . Knoxville. Strew or--ITtownslitit High School. La GrangeLyons Township High School. SullivanTownship High School. . Lake Forel- Sycamore. . 4a:dotty. Taylurvillo--Townsidp High School. Ferry flail. . Tins ola. . , La SalleLa Sallo-Peru Townsl It School. l'rhatia. lAwrenrevilloTownshIp High ha_ Venice( Le RoyEmpire Township High School. W ashi I igloo. , 4.vington. Watseka. Libertyville. WattkegtutTowinship high School. , Waverly Towitship High School. . Lincoln, WeilingtonToausbip High School. LockportTownship /I School. West C'hIcago. --- . LongviewTownsWp H4b School. Wheaton lAtingtonTownship High School: Mct'intib (allegeAcademy.y. -. Wheaton High School.' .. lligh School. Wood RiverEast Alton-Wood River Ilighlidiool. Western Illinois State Normal Academy. Woadstock.

INDIANA. Alexandria. Bloomington. Anderson'. .141uff ton. Attica. Bran'. Bedford. Bremen. ACCREDITEDSECONDARY SCHOOLS. 91

Clinton. Madison. Jo,rpti's .4cademy. Martinsville. Columbia Cil y. Michigan City. t'olumbus. - Mishawaka. t'onnersvIlle. Monticello. Crawfordsville. Mount Vernon. t 'silver. Military Academy. Muncie. that sir. New Albany. Newton Fast hleago. Elkhart. Notre DamePreparahwy Selma. Etu nod. milord oak Grove Township High School. vansvilleCentral school. Pendleton. Fort Wayne. Plynusit h. .Frankfort. trIfI Minoetoti.!t _ Franklin. Rensselaer. merson High School. Richmond. 'troche' 111th School. Rushville. I ;ashen. st. Mar he-Woods peitrney. Groetteatte, SalemWit.shington Township Rigschool. I :reetifkgil Seymour. Hammond. II irt ford City. South blend. Sullivan. I 'Int 'moon, Terre !hilt e Garrott! High school Tr.nning nigh School. Normal Training High School short ridge High School. Wiley High school. 'reciting/1d High School.. Union City. Ted., hall Scar:. Valparaiso. , V 1110e1ines. K.olont Wabash. I vel2;0" Warsaw. Washington. West Lafayette. Ligonier. Whiting. Logansport. Winchester.


Albia. I) Mont sied Missouri Algona, North HI..School. Monticello. Alta. Nest. High School. Newton. Ames. . Dubuque Mount Pleasant. A namosa. High School.. Muscatine. udtibon. Mount St.JcieepA A cadent. New Hampton. Ito dfori. Eagle G rove. i Ottawa. Retie Mine. Eldora, Osage. Rouge. Elkader. Oskaloosa Iturlington. Ernmetsburg. t'arrolt. H igh Bch Fairfield. Penn Ott Academy. cedar Falls-- Forest City. Ottumwa. High School. Fort -1) Post Ole. Iowa State Teachers CollegeFort M Rod Oak. High School. Rock Rapids. Cedar Rapids, Hampton. Sheldon. (liter% ille. Harlan. Shenandoah. ( buries City. Indepefidenoe.. Sibley. Cherokee. Indianola. Sioux City. Clarinda. Iowa City. Spemet. I 'orlon. Iowa Fails, 'tear Lake. Spirit Lake. (inton. Storm ,Lake. Colfax. Lamont Oreeriand Cakfle Acrid-Stuart. . TAMS. Corning: L;111iirs. 'orydon.- Logan. Ms. ennui:11'131u*. tun. 'rest.% Manchester. Washington. 'reston. . .Marshalltown. Waterloo Haventiort. Maqiioket a. East High SchSul Ikvorah. Marion. West High SehOul Marengo.. Webster City. Oda Moines Mapleton. West Liberty. East High School Mason eity.'


Abilene. Caldwell. Alma. Chanute. Arkansas City. ChapmanDickinson County High School. As stand: Cherryvale. Atchison. Clay CenterClay County High School. Augusta. ColbyThomas Coinityaigh School. it uelilin, Concordia. BurlingtOn... Dodge City. 92 ACCREDITED SECONDARY aSCHOOT.S. 4 EftInghamAtchison County High School. El Dorado. Marlon. Ellswpilih. Marysville. EmpdlIT. McPherson High School. High School. Normal Rig trSchool. McPherson College Academy. Eureka. Minneapolis?, Fort Scott. Neodesha. Garden City. 0Newton. tlarnett. High Sella)]. Giritrd. Bethel Collage Academy. lioodlandSherman County II igh School. NickersonReno County IINOchool. Great Bend. Olathe. Hays. Ottawa - Hiatt atha. High School. Hoisington. University Academy. Holton. , Paola.. Horton. Parsons. Humboldt. Peabody. Hutchinson. Phillipsburg. IndependenceMontgomery County II igh School. I'ittsburg. Pratt. Junction ('it y. Rosedale. Kansas Cit v Sabetha. Argentine Iligh School. Salina. Central High School. Seneca: Stimner High School (colored). Smith Center. Kingman. Stafford. Kinaley. Topeka Kiowa. High School. Lawrence Bethany College X eadem a. High School. WakeeneyTrego Count I igh School. Dread Training School. Wamego. Leavenworth. Washington. Lindsborg: Wellington. Manhattan. Wichita. Mankato. Winfield

MICHIGAN. Adrian.. East Lansing. Albion. Menominee. Mikan. Escanaba. Midland. Alma.) Monroe Frpmblit High School. ' $ _ Alpena. Gladstone. St. Mary's School. Ann Arbor. Grand Hiren. Mount Clemens. Battle Creek. ( ;rand Ledge. Mount Pleasant. Bay City ' Grand Rapids Munising. . High Settool. CalvinHigh School. Muskegon. Wester wing!' School. Central high School. Negamie0 Belding. South High School. Newberry. Benton Harbor. Union High School. "Bessemer. Greenville. Norway. Big Rapids Hamtmmack. Onaway. .High School. Hancock. Ontonagon. Ferris Institute. Hastings! Ottego. Birmingham. Highland Park Boyne City. Owosso. Hillsdale. Painesdale. Cadillac. PaW Paw. t Calumet. Holly. Petoskey. Charlotte. Boughton. Plymouth. Cheboygan. Howell. Pontiac. Coldwater. Hudson. 'Croswell. Port Huron: _,Portiand. Crystal Falls. Iron Mountain. River Rouge. Detroit-- Royal Oak. Cass High School. Ironwood. Saginaw Central High School. Ishpeming. Arthur Jill! Nilson& Eastern High School. Jackeen. EastSide high School. Liggett High School. Kalamazoo Sault Ste. Marie. Nordstnun High School. High School. South Haven. Nortilea4ern High School. Normal High School. St. Johns. Northern High School. Lake Linden. St. Joseph. Northwestern High School. Lansing. Stambaugh. Southeastern High School. Ludington. Sturgis. Unive of Detroit Prepara-Manistee. Tecumseh. torySchoolrsity. Manist lout). Three Rivers: University School. Marshall. Traverse City. Western High Scho01. Marquette Wake W. Dollar Bay. High School. Wyanie. Dowagiac. Normal, High School. Ypsilanti. East Jordan. Mason. Zeeland. . ACCREDITER SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 93 a MINNESOTA, j b - Albert Loa; 'Hastings. Alexandria. Hector. Red,Wing. Anoka. Hibbing. Redwood. Falls. Austin. Iropkins.. Rochester. ItemidjI. Hutchison. St. Cloud. Itiwabik. Jacksop. St. Peal Blue Earth. Bathe/ Anorkmy. Lake City. Dtrham lirainerd. Litchfield. `NBuhl. Little Falls. Central High School. Luerne. Humboldt High School. Chisholm. Johnson High School. noiolet. :Mankato. - Mechanic Arts High School. Marshall. A Coleraine. ni it School. I tulutli Mirineapolls St. Peter. Central High School Augsburg Seminary. Sank Centre! Central High School. *- Sleepy Eye. tienfeld High School. East High School. Erist I ;ran ',irks. SouthSt.Paul., North II uth School. Spring:Valley. E veleth. South High School. staples. Fairmont. West High School. - Stillw ater. Earibault Universit y High School. Thief River Falls. iligh School. Northrop Colkgiate Two Harbors Ott Mary', Hall. Montevideo. Virginia. NI oorhead, Wadena. Shattuck .111iitary Academy. Morris. Wasoea, Fergus Falls. New Ulm. i'alberL Nort Wichita tleneoty Willmar. .. 0Watonita. t;lenwood. Park Rapids. Windom. Grand Rapids. , -Winona. Pipestone. 1 Worthington. MISSOURI. Bethany. Bonny illekemper MilitaryKUINIS City Continual. Rolla. .4 Wong. country Day SNitionl. Savannah. Butter Lincoln High School. St. CharlesLinden/rood C'ollege Carrolton. Manual Training High School. Academy, Cart hUle. Northeast High School. St. Joseph Charleston. llockhurst College Academy. Benton High School.. Sunset hill School. Central HI h School. Chillicothe.. Westport High School. Clayton Kennet t. Lafayette High School. High School. St. Louis chaminade College Academy. Kirkwood. Centro I High School. Coluinbii IRIxmon. Cleveland High School. High School.. Loyola !fall. Lexington McKinley High School. Christian (Wiese Academy. Central College Academy. Stepht7111 College Academy. Soldan. High School. Excelsior Springs. Wentworth Military Academ SI. LoteisAcademy, Ferguson. Maplewood. Sunintr High School. Marshall. The Principia. Fulton Maryville. Itigh School. l'eatman High School. Mexico Shelbina. svmdical College Academy. Hardin Colley(' Academy. William Woods Academy. Sikeston. oNt i 1 Ian 1 i School. "Springfield. Hannibal. Missouri Arititary Academy. I ligginsville. Mobhrly. Tnnton. Independence. Nevada-:- University City. Jefferson City" Vandalia. High School.a Webb City. Joplin. alley College Academy. Kansas City Paris. Webster droves. Central High School. Wellston. ParkvilloPark College Academy.West Plains.1 MONTANA. Anaconda. Big TimberSweet Gniss County Ilighbeehool. Great hills. . Jttllings. Hamilton. Bill le. Helena 2 Mount St. Charles Academy. liozeman-41allatin County High School. KallspellFlatisid County High School. Boulder-4efferson County High School. LowistownF*t us County lligh School. Chinook. Libliy. 1:holismTeton County High School. LivingstonPark County II igh School. Voltimbits. Miles City--Custer County High School. Deer lodgePowell,County High School. 'AlLvtoulaMissoula County High SchNI. Infirm Ileavethotul County High School. PhilipsbutgGrant County High School. Fort lienton--Chotitcau County High School. LodgeCarbon County klIgh School. Forsyth. Roundup. 1 TownsendBroaSwater County High School. %Wier. .illen,live.Dawson County High School. 'Whitefish. 2 Helena High School voluntarily withdrewIron:tile association logone b ng strength o the Northwest Association. year in order to toot the aecrodit- 94 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

NEBRASKA: Adams. Albion. Hal km usreolei. Allianee. A radey. 'hp-nee (it v. Ashland. High School. I'tllttsmouth. Auburn I lavelock Randolph. Hebron Ravenna. Aurora. :1ra4rm Beatrice. y. Red cloud. Ilivh School. Schuyler. lloblrege. Bloomfield. Humboldt. Bridgeport. See aril. Broken Bow. Kearney. Shelton Cambridge. Lexington: Sidney. Central City. Lincoln St.inton. Chadron. .1 I igh School. St roinslairg. Columbus. Teachers college High S, lioltl.Superior. Lyons. Tecumseh! Crete. Mccook. CurtisNebraska Agricultural Tekamah. School. 1:1.1i snit . University Place-- David Ci. NI intim . I igh School. Exeter. Nebraska City. /V( bra..kaIC( Shy., .4 rad/ :by. Neligh. AValypo Fairbury. Nelson. Fairmont. Norfolk. " High School. Falls City. North Bend. Lathe r Academy. rarikl InA cademy. North Platte. remortt. akIltal. Wayne. S. TFriend. NA' est Pint. Fullerton. Oinalat York feneva. I lenson High School. A radry. /erhig. . Central High Sthool. high School. dot henburg. .1emiry. tlrand South High School.

NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque. 1 Las Vegas-- Alamogordootero County Hich Rowell ('Writi led . School. IligFt School. New Mexico Military bi,n- Artesia. Normal University High Oar.' School. Santa Fe. Ca pitattLincoin High School. Farmington. Santa Rasa. Carlsbad. Fort Sumner. Clayf on. las 'nice& Silver CityNew Mexico Normil Clovis. I 'ortales. Preparatory School. Gallup McKinley County HighRaton SocorroCounty High School!. School. ColfaxCountyhighSpringer. DemingLuna School. State CollegeAgricultural Col- County HighRoswell lege Preparatory School. School. High School. Tueumeari.r NORTH DAKOTA.

Agricultural CollegeModel High Fargo. Mohan. 14c.hool. Grafton. A neta. New Rockford. 1 Grand Pocks. New Salem. Beach. Ifankinson. Itiomarck. }lett ingei. Oakes. Bottineau. Park River. Hillsboro. 'Pembina. Bowman. Rope. Cando. Petersburg. Carrington. Jamotown. Rugby. Cas.selton. Kenmore. Sentinel Butte. lakota. Stanley. Cavalier. La Moure. f'ooperstown. Steele. Larimore: Towner. Crosby. Lidgerwockl. Devils Lake. Lisbon. University Model High School. Dickenson. Valley City. Mandan. Velva. Edgeley. Mayville. F:llendale. 4 Wahpeton. Williston. Enderlin. Michigan.. Fairmount. Minot.

OHIO. .7 Akron- - Central High School. A thim North High School. Central.11igh School. South High School. John Hancock High School. West High School. Barberton. Alliance. Barnesville. Amherst. Bellelontaino. Ashland. Bellevue, Ashtabula. Berea. Bluffton. . Ashtabula Harbor. Bowlingteen. ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS. 95.

Bridgeport. Lisbon. Bryan. Lock land. lIncyrus. Logan. Cambridge. London. Canal \V inchester. ].Drain. CantonMcKinley Ifigh School. Mansfield. Celina. Marietta. Chillicothe Marion. Cincinnati - Martins Ferry. 4cadnny Sacred Heart. Marysville. East Side high School. WiLsilitlgt on High School. Franklin.ltigh School. Mechanicsburg.I Hartwell High School. Medina. Hughes Itigh School. Miamisburg, St. Xavier Academy. Middkown. University School. Mingo Junction. Walnut hills High School. Minster. Woodward High School. Mount Sterling. IrcievIlle. Mount Vernon. Cleveland Napoleon. -4 cathrdral Latin School. Newark. ,Central High School. . New Bremen. East high School: New Concord. East Technical High School. New Lexington. ; High School. New Philadelphia. Lin High School. Loy chool. North Baltimore. St. Ignatius Academy. Norwalk. Shut h High School. Norwood. liniurrsity School. Oak Harbor. West High School. Oberlin. West Technical 1figh School. V" Preparatory School. °rffle. Cleveland Heights. oxford:. Meat' tley School. Columbiana. Columbus PandoraRiley Township Iligh School. Academy of Capital University. Perrysburg. . East I Ugh School. North High School. Plain City.. South High School. Pomeroy. 11',st High School. Port Clinton. Conneaut. Portsmouth. :Coshocton. Ravenna. Covington. St. Clairsville. St. Marys. 'ilyahoga Falls. Salem. Not-HieBuckeye City high School. 1 tayt on Sandusky. Shaker lteights. Steele. Shelby. Silvers Manual Training High School. University of Dayton Preparatory School. ShepiirdSt. Mary of the Springs. Deftanee. Sidney. Del ;rat!. Springfield. Itclaware. Steubenville. Delphos. TiffinColumbian High Scbool lIennison. Tippecanoe City. Dover: Toledo East ClevelandShaw High School. St, Johns Academy. East Liverpool. Scott lligh School. Eaton. Smead HighSchool. Elyria. Waite high School. Findlay. Woodward Technical High School. ' ostorla. Toronto. , Fremont. Troy. Uhrichsville. ;fti1011. Upper Sandusky. Deneva. Urbana t;ibsonburg. Ifigh School.1 Rrard. lThiversily School. Van Wert. Grandview heights. Wadsworth! q;ranv,illeDoane Academy. Wapakoneta. 1;reenfleidMcCiain Itigh School. Warren. Ifamilton. Washington C. 11. lillishoro. Wauseon. Huron. Wellsville. Ironton, West Jefferson. .Jackson. Willard. Jefferson. Willoughby. Wilmington. Kent Wooster. . High School. Normal High School. Wyoming. 1.akewood. Xenia., Lancaster. Youngstown Leroy. Rayen nigh School. Lima. South High School. Central High Scholl. Zanesville. South High School. 96 ACCREDITED SECONDARY SCHOOLS.

OKLAHOMA. Altus. Drumright. McAlester. Alva. El Reno. Muskogee. Anadarko. Enid , Newkirk. Ardmore. High School. Norman. Bart lesville. Phillips 0 nit t rxity .4cade my. Nowata. Blackwell. Fairfax. Oklahoma City. Bristow. Frederick. kmulgee. Chickasha Glenpool. l'uuls High School. Guthrie. Pawhuska. Oklahoma Coll eg eforGuymon. Ponca City. W'omen. Academy. Ilenryetta. Pryor. Claremore. Holdenville. Ramona. Cleveland. Hugo. Sapulpa. Clinton.. 1 Jenks. Sayre. Collinsville. Kingfisher. Copan. Shawnee. Lawton. Tulsa Ttibteal-narrsity .4 code my. Cushing. Madill. Vinita. Dewey. Mangum. W oodward. Duncap Miami. SOUTH DAKOTA.

Aberdeen. Gregory. , Redfield. Armour. Hot Springs. Sioux Falls Belle Fourche. Huron. Brookings. nigh School. Lead. 411 Swots(11.1. Canistota. Madison. Tyndall. Canton. Milbank. Vermilion Centerville. Miller. ('lark. High School. University High school. Deadwood. High School. Watertown. Elk Point. Dakota Wexler] 5. .4 rodent!, . Webster. Flandreau. Pierre. Yankton. Groton. Rapid City. WISCONSIN... A 'Ingo. Ladysmith. Plymouth.. Appleton. Lake Geneva Portage.' Ashland. High School. Port 1Vashingtoir. Baraboo. Northwe.qtern Military A code- Beaver Dam m. Prairie du Chien Hiph School. High School. Lake Mills. Cam plon College .4 cademy.' Wayland Academy. Lancaster. Racine. Beloit. Lodi. eedsbilrg. Berlin. Madison . - It hinelander. Burlington. High School. Rice Lake. Chilton. Wisconsin High School. It ichland Center. Chippewa Falls. Manitowoc. ft i pon Columbus. Manuel te.. River Falls. DelafleldSt. John's 31i/11w' !Marshfield. Aro& my. Sheleiygam. Medford. Sinsinea (gorge", .l odnny. Dclavan. Menasha. . Dodgeville. South Milwaukee. Menomonie. Sparta. Durand. Milwaukee Stanley. Eau Claire. Bay View High School. Stevens Point. Edgerton. EastDivisiOn high School. Stoughton. Elkhorn. Milwaukee-Downer Semi-Sturgeon Bay. Ellsworth. nary. Superior Elroy. Ntitth DivisiOn High School. Central HighSchool. Evansville. .South Division High School. Nelson Dee cy High School. Florence. Washington High School. Tomah. Fond tin Lac. WestDivision High School. Tomahawk. Green Bay West High School. Mineral Point. 1Virmina. Hartford. Mondovi. Washburn. Hudson. Monroe. Watertow Hurley. Neenah. Waukesha. Janesville. Now London. Waupnn. Jefferson. Oconomowoc. Wausau. Kaukauna. Ocorfto. Wauwatosa. Kenosha. Oshkosh. Wpst Allis. Kewatinoe. Pafk Falls. Whitewator. Ls Crosse. Platteville. Wisconsin Rapids. WYOMING. BuffaloJohnson County HighEvanston. Powell. School. . Greybull. Rawlins. Casper .Natrona 'County pigh Kemmerer. Rock Springs. School. Lander. Sheridan. Cheyenne. Laramie Wheatland. Dou s-Converse County High High School. , University High School.