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Nj-Tocks-Island-Nra.Pdf TOC:K:S ISL .AN"D N ...A. TION ...A.I... R ECRE...A.TION ...A.RE...A. A Proposal I~~~~~.~~~~~i~i_i~i~~i~i~~!~~~area must come soon ~~~~(U;~.[t'~WI on-th.e dp.m ~ (ar a/ouR. for to aI/OIl' the nu:.r..e~ iJIt!f.Lilllt!rlJl::~(.ttion QHd planl1lng to IOff hchrnd tllP resen.;'rr 1j::frrJi m!lJftt.~sIi#-fn the IO::Js of this oll/slalic/lflR :W!H'tf'tmfi tat:ttit:r 8~to[!Wh8'. --:Eac7i7ifTlie biUff introduced in the COIlt;ress /0 authorize the rf!(rl!ation area states that the!lill!.!. i6' propOJM!..d...:..l.!l order 1(1 further the purpo::;es' of the 1961 Delau'ore· BlTsin ComlxlC't. They state further that the admu!.!.stratlOfL or/he Ft,!feral responsd7rhUes UH.~I! lcith tilt' p I shall be fn • ft1li ulellt"it Comrx1ci. "=T.I . , t 1(1 ecrca/UHl Rill.'! (l r(' IUO·°l'f'fcenl intUIt' -wid flu IlJNrr£:if Cimpacl as approl'ed by th-; Congrr '1 1961-' I'"m ~t"terr: nr- b) Ih'!aware HIV r B.. n l miSSion lJ('fiJrt, tht, . '01 on I Pari ~ubc mmlttee of the lIml It or nd In ular \fhllrB Sulxom nu~a States Department af thfi1 nterio T' IJ'I tt ,",unc M. %4 National Park S ervice 1965 • CONTENTS T ilE SPLEN DOR OF A 37-M1Ll:. LAKE recreation experience 1O an estimated 10 winding through the ext raordinaril y beautiful million visitors annua ll y ... and big enough Introduction to the Proposal 2 Delaware Ri ve r Valley just upstream from to preserve the natural scene for all time. the scenically fa mous Delaware Water Gap Nucleus of the area's recreational im­ The Need 4 and within a hundred miles of 30 mill ion portance will be the mU lti purpose lake created people gives the Tocks Island area national by a dam now on the drawing boards of the The Area 5 significance as a potential Recreational Area. U.S. Army Corps of Engi neers. Part of the Aboul 62 ai rl in e miles west of the heart of overall plan for the Delaware River Basin, Recreational Values 6 ew York C it y and 75 miles north ofcentrnl this dam was authorized by the Flood Con­ Philadelphia, Tocks I sland li es just within trol Act of 1962 to provide supplies of water, Natural Values 8 th e wC fitc rn edge of Megalopolis, the east fl ood control, production of hydroelectric coast's rapidl y developing regional super-city. power and recreation. The Public Works Act Historical Values 12 Today, 15 percent of our Nation's pop­ of 1964 and 1965 provided $690.000 for ulation li ves with in 100 mile s or the Tocks planning the dam and its impoundment. Conservation Values 12 Island area. By 201 0 more than 47 million Planning, development and manage­ Economic Values 13 people will li ve within 100 miles and more ment of all recreational aspects of the entire than a mill io n within 25 miles. Tocks Island project by the National Park History of the Proposal 16 National Recreation Areas are created Service was included in the Comprehensive to serve people. To serve these millions­ Plan of the Dclawi.lre River Basin Commis­ Ownership and Administration 19 now and in the fu tu re-the National Park sion, adopted March 28, 1962. To dalc, Service proposes the creation of a large however, no authorization has been made to Boundaries 19 National Recreation Area around a 37-mil e include the additional land s and facilities man-made lake. 11 wou ld be varied enough needed to develop this recreational potential: Preservation and Use Policy 20 in topograph y to provide facili ties for almo<;t thus the need for Congressional authoriza­ every type of outdoor recreatio n ... large tion to establish a Tocks I sland National Proposed Recreational cnough 10 provide a satisfactory outdoor Recreation Area, Developments 25 THE NEED By T I TURJ OF THE C EN URY, the T day withi 100 miles of 30 million amenity. But a subdivision has already begun report of the Outdoor Recreation Re ources people, the region is rapidly becoming a re­ on the ere:-t of the D elaware Water Gap and Review omml. sion tates, the p ople of sort fo r individuals families and gr ups, around Hidden Lake. And th pattern of o r metropolitan areas will have the greatest Even now there is virtually no pl ace along developments mushrooming in the region ne d for outdoor recreation, and their need, the river where a per n who does not own surrounding the proposed A rea ind icate will be the most difficult to satisfy. rban property r belon to a private fishing or that similar development will soon be made centers have the fewest facililie (p r hunting c lub can get on to the land. The in the Area, if immediate action j:- not taken. capita) and the sharpest competition for land completion of the ock Island Dam ill Only Federal ownership of a large u, e. In their recommendations, the 0111 - increa e thi recreational value and is ex­ are;. - a~ recommended in this proposal­ mission urges hiohest priority for acquisit ion pected to produce a flood of developments. can prevent the development of this resourCe of areas cia to population centers .., he It i: difficult to conceive of such a large for a few. Only Federal intervention can re- neeLl is critical - opportunitie to place thes mountai n and valley area overrun with erve the natural scenic character ~ r public ai-en in public owner hip is hding each year developments and no longer an attractive recreation use. as other lIses encroach. " THE AREA THE EXT I SIVE water-oriented recrea­ ributaries f the Delaware River have he c scenic qualit ies, the ca pacity of tional resource of the 14 SOO-acre Tock roded deep g rges through which beautiful the re::.ervoir and the , urrounding terrain to 1 land Re ervoir furnishes the timulu and waterfalls ca, cade. Dams on the email provide a variety of varied recreational ju titication for ctting aside of adjacent land :;, treams ha created several attractive activitie . the case of access to a large portion in the Delaware River Valley for public usc. ponds. of the Nation': population having a tremen­ This artiftciallake will extend 37 mile up the The 'ide of the valley are generall dous need for outd or recreational oppor­ main tem of the Delaware Ri ver and 9 Ill ore gradual on the Ne\ Jersey , ide. T he tunitie comhine to give the proposed Tock miles up Flat Brook V a ll e~, It will have an eastern ed g of the 1,800 foot Kittatinny hlan Nati nal Recreation Area national average width of a half-mile, a nd a maximum Mountains fall s. ho wever. away sharply significance. The J alional Park Service of about 1-1/2 miles. At tbe da m, the normal f rming a prominent rock scarpment. At would plan, develop and manag the e lands cI pth of the lake will be 105 feet. the D elaware Water Gap and for ' everal anu wak rs to accommodate the greatest The terrain f this area i' interesting and miles northward. this i particularly pro­ po. ibl number of recreationally beneficial aried. t many place on the Penn, ylva nia nounced. A number of unusual ponds are and meaningful use and till protect their siJe, the land rises steeply abollt 800 feet I cated on the crest of Ihese mountains. natural and recreational values for future above the future lakeshore to a rolling pl ~1teau. g neration -. RECREATIONAL VALUES FOR GEERA IO s, the Delaware Water local park facilities for their outdoor recrea­ lishment and administratio 1 of N ational Rec­ priority ne d. , and conveniently locat U to Gap has been renowned as a spectacular tion experience. Even if existing parks and reation A reas a devi d by the Recreation urban areas in an area r quiring Federal scenic attraction. Today this whole valley recreation areas increased their facilities to a Advisory Council: a spacious area developed involvement. But when the alue of this area - its mountains, watetfalls, ponds and theoretical maximum there would still be a for high carrying capacity, offe ring significant r gion to th citi zens of Megalopoli s are con­ the River - is becoming more attractive for major deficit. Program' for additional parks recreation opportunitic in answ r to high sidered, th need for protection i apparent. individual, family and group outdoor recrea­ and recreational ar as - New Jersey's "Green tion. Within a few years the extraordinarily Acres" program and Pennsylvania's " Project beautiful valley between the Water Gap and 70" - are being built around the Tocks Island. Port Jervis, New York, will be enhanced for National Recreation Area proposal. recreation by the creation of the Tocks Island A Federal reservation surrounding the reservoir. Tocks Island reservoir is proposed primarily This is true, not just because of the to supply outdoor recreation needs. The scenic qualities of the area for outdoor recre­ National Recreation Area de ignation is ation, but because it is conveniently located agreed to be the most appropriate classifica­ to so many recreation seekers. tion for this r servation, as its basic purpose It would be difficult to find another area include recreational activities normally so attractive. 0 unspoiled, so endowed by banned in National Parks such as hunting, nature, or so strategically located to take care and in~tallation s that would normally be of the recreational needs of s many millions excluded from a National Park as incom­ of Americans as this section of the Delaware patible with the mandate to preserve the Valley and it environs.
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