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A life-sized workshop for the most celebrated Impressionist painters, and the Valley have attracted countless artists thanks to their colours, culture, lights and lifestyle.

A veritable “land of lights”, the green landscapes, the towpaths, the Seine, the picturesque villages of or Sahurs, and of course Rouen itself, have been marked by the imprint of the artists working in this new genre.

With at their head, the greatest names in Impressionism set up their easels in Rouen and its surroundings. The movement led to the emergence in Rouen of a school of Impressionism, a veritable open air exhibition space.

The Notre-Dame Cathedral, urban and landscape views of the region were immortalised for an instant by these master artists, but will always be world renowned.

3 press contact Tel. 0033 (0)2 32 08 36 51 – 0033 (0)6 03 34 41 45 @RouenTourisme [email protected] Rouen, capital of Impressionism

The Musée des Beaux-Arts in Rouen houses the second largest collection of Impressionist art in , including an exceptional collection of Impressionist artworks from the biggest names in the movement. It is the foremost display of Impressionist in France, after the Musée d'Orsay in Paris.

It was thanks to François Depeaux, a generous donor, that the museum was able to acquire these artistic treasures at the start of the 20th Century. There are fifty-three works in total in the "François Depeaux Impressionist Gallery".

The Musée des Beaux-Arts produces annual temporary or themed exhibitions on Impressionism, or featuring Impressionist works.

4 press contact Tel. 0033 (0)2 32 08 36 51 – 0033 (0)6 03 34 41 45 @RouenTourisme [email protected] The Rouen School: Impressive Art

The true home of Impressionism, , the Seine Valley and specifically Rouen were an important stage in this 19th Century artistic movement. Famous painters such as Sisley, Gauguin, Pissarro and Monet lived there and immortalised the landscape, monuments and quarters of the city and the banks of the Seine on canvases which are now considered true masterpieces.

The "Cathedrals" series as well as "General View of Rouen" by Monet, "Ile Lacroix" by Charles Frechon and also "Pont Boïeldieu" by Pissarro are other works that are firmly ingrained in Rouen's cultural heritage.

During the post-Impressionist artistic movement in Rouen, a prestigious art school was established, now known under the name "Rouen School". Its walls welcomed renowned artists such as Lebourg, Angrand, Pinchon and Delattre. The banks of the Seine were their favourite subjects, with a changing and misty atmosphere which the painters sought to capture.

"Rouen School" is a name mainly given to young painters born in the second half of the 19th Century in Rouen or nearby. Nowadays, it includes the majority of works originating from the city, including the earthenware from the 17th and 18th Centuries.

5 press contact Tel. 0033 (0)2 32 08 36 51 – 0033 (0)6 03 34 41 45 @RouenTourisme [email protected] Information boards: comparing apples and oranges

Various information boards have been put in place by the Department of Seine-Maritime at the same locations where artists set up their easels.

For lovers of landscapes and open spaces, from Rouen to La Bouille, passing through , no less than 22 boards have been put in place to inform the public about masterpieces painted by the Impressionist masters (in French and English) in Seine-Maritime.

It is an opportunity for visitors to have fun by comparing the former and current landscapes. Seeing the paintings in their original settings offers visitors views and panoramas which are perhaps not well known to the public!

Impressionist Journey n°1: An Impressionist Moment On leaving Rouen, the journey is made on foot to Bonsecours where enthusiasts can discover a magnificent view over the city of Rouen from Sainte-Catherine Hill.

Impressionist Journey n°2: The river From La Bouille at Saint-Nicolas-du-Bliquetuit, visitors set out to discover the meandering journey of the Seine and the landscapes which inspired so many artists.

6 press contact Tel. 0033 (0)2 32 08 36 51 – 0033 (0)6 03 34 41 45 @RouenTourisme [email protected] Paint like Claude Monet

Facing Rouen Cathedral, Rouen Normandy Tourism & Congress offers the public (with a reservation) the opportunity to work like Claude Monet by immortalising the cathedral themselves in his old studio.

Budding artists can take part in this workshop to paint their own masterpiece and leave with a finished canvas. Enthusiasts can discover Claude Monet's techniques and his passion for light and its effect on Rouen Cathedral.

Adults and children are looked after by an artist who offers a 2-3 hour course.

The Cooking Journals of Claude Monet

The recently rediscovered "Cooking Journals of Claude Monet" demonstrate the importance of the way of life and love of for the Normandy region.

A fan of dinner parties - he often welcomed his friends Auguste Renoir, or Georges Clémenceau to his house in Giverny - Claude Monet left us with some recipes which have now been reinterpreted into "Impressionist menus", directly inspired by his recipes in some restaurants in Rouen and the Seine Valley.

7 press contact Tel. 0033 (0)2 32 08 36 51 – 0033 (0)6 03 34 41 45 @RouenTourisme [email protected] La Bouille: Jewel of the Seine

A holiday resort for Rouen inhabitants during the 19th Century, the village of La Bouille has become famous for its geographical location along the Seine Valley. By returning to the Seine several years later, William Turner allowed the views of the river from Paris to be rediscovered by French painters.

A strategic path to the south of Rouen, the towpaths, the reflection of sunlight on the water and the trees meant that it was a popular location for artists to come and stay. Sunsets, boats and the banks of the Seine were all featured in works by , , Claude Monet and Albert Lebourg.

La Bouille still has a ferry and a towpath on the opposite shore, and it offers a structured trip (accommodation and food).

8 press contact Tel. 0033 (0)2 32 08 36 51 – 0033 (0)6 03 34 41 45 @RouenTourisme [email protected] Trip suggestions

Follow in the footsteps of the Impressionists

Day 1

The Seine Valley is renowned for being the home of Impressionism. Accompanied by a guide, visitors explore the sites where artists painted exceptional works such as the "Cathedrals" series by Monet, "Pont Boïeldieu" by Pissarro and "La Bouille" by Sisley.

After an "impressionist" breakfast inspired by Claude Monet's "cooking journals" in a city-centre restaurant, walkers can admire the impressionist collection at the Musée des Beaux-Arts which features works from famous artists including Sisley and Pissarro.

In Claude Monet's former studio, situated on the first floor of the former Bureau des Finances, an artist will regale visitors with secrets about Monet and his fascination with the play of the light on Rouen Cathedral. Budding artists can then attempt to become "impressionists" by trying to paint the cathedral on a canvas.

Dinner and overnight stay in Rouen

Day 2

Departure in the direction of the Saint-Catherine Hill to get a good view and admire one of Claude Monet's most famous works in Rouen.

Breakfast in La Bouille facing the Seine to admire the scenery which inspired painters in the 19th Century on a cruise.

Walks along the picturesque village roads and the Sahurs towpath by taking the ferry.

9 press contact Tel. 0033 (0)2 32 08 36 51 – 0033 (0)6 03 34 41 45 @RouenTourisme [email protected] Rouen Normandy Tourism & Congress 25, place de la Cathédrale, CS 30666 76008 Rouen cedex 1 Tel. 0033 (0)2 32 08 32 40 Fax 0033 (0)2 32 08 36 56 Photos : JF Lange •