Draft Outline

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Draft Outline Municipal Partnerships for Violence Prevention in Central America and the Dominican Republic Quarterly Report XXXIV January to March 2018 Submission Date: May 2018 International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Cooperative Agreement Award No. RLA-A-00-09-00050-00 Prepared for the U.S. Agency for International Development Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean Office of Regional and Sustainable Development July 2008 1 Ms. Brennan Dorn Agreement Officer’s Technical Representative USAID/W/LAC/RSD/DHR USAID 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW RRB 5.09-075 Washington, DC 20523 (202) 712-5942 Subject: Cooperative Agreement Award No. LAG-A-00-98-00060-00 Municipal Partnerships for Violence Prevention in Central America and the Dominican Republic Dear Ms. Dorn, In compliance with 22 CFR 226.51 (d), Monitoring and reporting program performance, ICMA is pleased to submit the following report for the subject cooperative agreement. • Quarterly Report XXXIV – January-March 2018 If you have further questions about the technical content of these reports, please contact me directly. For administrative matters, please contact Cintya Renderos at (202) 962-3692. For contractual matters, please contact Ms. Irene Kaushansky (202) 962-3526. Sincerely, Isabelle Bully-Omictin, ICMA Regional Director, Latin America/Caribbean TABLE OF CONTENTS Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................................. 4 I. Project Description/Introduction ........................................................................................... 5 1.1 Major accomplishments/ progress towards results ........................................................... 7 a. Summary of trips in current reporting period: January – March 2018 ......................... 7 b. Accomplishments by Objective .............................................................................................. 8 1. Strategic Objective 1: Promote comprehensive municipal-based violence prevention strategies and programs with key Central American stakeholders and foster development of regional peer knowledge networks ......................................................... 8 1.2 Strategic Objective 2: Support comprehensive municipal-based violence and crime prevention programs in select municipalities .................................................................... 12 II. Implementation Challenges/ Remedial Actions Taken .................................................... 15 III. Proposed Activities and Expected Results for Next Quarter- April-june 2018....... 15 v. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE ............................................................................. 16 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABCH Municipality of Boca Chica (Dominican Republic) AGAAI Municipal Association of Indigenous Authorities and Mayors ANAM Guatemalan Municipal Association AMHON Municipal Association of Honduras AMUPA Association of Municipalities of Panama AMUPREV Municipal Partnerships for Violence Prevention in Central America and the Dominican Republic ASDE Municipality of Santo Domingo Este (Dominican Republic) ASOMUREO Association of Municipalities of the Osama Region CAMCAYCA Confederation of Associations of Central America and the Caribbean CMPC Municipal Committee for Peace and Coexistence (Spanish acronym) COMUPREV Commission for the Prevention of Violence COMUDE Municipal Development Commission (Spanish acronym) CPSVFLM Committee for the Prevention of Social Violence and Municipal Leadership Strengthening FEDOMU Federation of Municipalities of the Dominican Republic FUNADEH Foundation for the Development of Honduras GIZ German Cooperation Agency GRYD City of Los Angeles Gang Reduction and Youth Development ICMA International City/County Management Association MVPC Municipal Violence Prevention Committee PMIAJ – COMVIDA Municipal Infant, Adolescent and Youth Programs – Communications and Life POA Annual Operating Plan (Spanish acronym) PREPAZ Salvadoran Ministry of Justice and Public Security’s Office on Social Violence Prevention and Peace Culture SESEG State Security Secretariat PREVJUVE Comprehensive security and prevention of violence affecting children, adolescents and youth in SICA countries SICA Integrated Central American System SVPC Social Violence Prevention Committee UNAH National Autonomous University of Honduras UNGL National Union of Local Governments of Costa Rica UPP Police Pacification Unit USAID U.S Agency for International Development I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/INTRODUCTION ICMA has designed a program that began on October 1, 2009 which focuses on two key objectives: (1) to promote comprehensive municipal-based violence prevention strategies and programs with key Central American stakeholders and foster development of regional peer knowledge networks; and (2) to provide training and technical assistance to local governments and community groups, in coordination with national police efforts and other municipal-based programs. ICMA has worked with key institutions in the region to promote the first objective and engage in outreach. We developed a Toolkit for municipalities to use to promote the creation of municipal-led mechanisms to provide leadership in bringing together key stakeholders to design and implement crime and violence prevention programs. We have facilitated the participation of experts in national, regional and international conferences and conducted workshops for municipal associations and municipal stakeholders. We have developed a website (www.amuprev.org) which showcases daily examples of municipalities throughout Latin America, which are taking the initiative to develop programs that are building the foundation for crime prevention in their communities. Furthermore, we have documented via video the experiences of 10 municipalities in Central America which have demonstrated a commitment to crime prevention through the leadership of their elected officials, the dedication of their police forces and the collaboration of representatives from all sectors of civil society, as well as national government agencies. We have shared these videos through our website and at events and workshops throughout the Region. To accomplish Objective 2, ICMA has implemented the Toolkit in nineteen (19) municipalities to create and/or strengthen municipal violence prevention committees/commissions (MVPCs) and engaged in a series of municipal partnerships with cities in the US to share the model of community-oriented policing and governance with the following municipalities in Central America: Colón, San Miguelito, and Panama City, Panama; Nahuizalco, Sonsonate, Suchitoto, San José Guayabal and San Bartolomé Perulapía, El Salvador; Mixco, Palencia, Santa Catarina Pinula, Cobán, San Juan Chamelco and Tactic, Guatemala; Villanueva, San Manuel and Pimienta, Honduras and Boca Chica and Santo Domingo Este, Dominican Republic. Through these partnerships, police officers, municipal staff, community and private sector representatives from US cities have provided information, training and technical assistance to their counterparts to bring about a greater awareness of the need to prioritize and act upon violence and crime prevention programs in a coordinated and comprehensive fashion. The lessons-learned and knowledge gained from the municipal partnerships have been shared with the broader network through the AMUPREV website. ICMA has also provided support to municipal associations in each of the countries where we have had direct municipal interventions (the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Panama) as well as Costa Rica in order to promote the sharing of information and replication of the methodology. In September 2012, USAID issued a six-month extension to ICMA through March 29, 2013. Subsequently, USAID issued a no-cost extension to ICMA through April 30, 2013 and another cost extension through September 30, 2013. ICMA applied the tools and methodologies tested throughout the first Phase of this Cooperative Agreement to new municipalities in Guatemala and El Salvador; provided continuing support to the Municipal Crime and Violence Prevention Committees of Mixco, Palencia and Santa Catarina Pinula, Guatemala and Nahuizalco and Sonsonate, El Salvador; continued to share information and practices with its established network of violence prevention and other interested practitioners in the Region; developed a sustainability plan to maintain the network after project end; and facilitated the sharing of the Youth Services Eligibility Tool developed by the City of Los Angeles Gang Reduction and Youth Development (GRYD) Office with stakeholders in Guatemala and Honduras. As part of the sustainability plan, ICMA facilitated the creation of the Municipal Association Network for Violence Prevention in Central America and the Dominican Republic (the “Red”). In October 2013, USAID issued a two-year cost extension to ICMA to continue our work with supporting the creation and strengthening of Municipal Crime and Violence Prevention Committees in three new municipalities each in Guatemala (Cobán, San Juan Chamelco and Tactic) and El Salvador (Suchitoto, San José Guayabal and San Bartolomé Perulapía). During this period, ICMA documented and shared the experience in Brazil of the Unidades de Policía Pacificadora (UPPs) as a model for potential adaptation to and application in Central America. ICMA coordinated with USAID/Brazil and the Secretaria de Estado de Seguranca (SESEG) of Río de Janeiro to develop a Toolkit
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