Newsletter No. IV

Members of the Diplomatic body and International Organizations inspected the damage caused from Eta and Iota in the Sula Valley

The ambassadors of Chile, European Union, Taiwan, Spain, Brazil, Germany and Japan carried out an aerial tour, to verify on site the damage left by the storms Eta and Iota in the Sula valley. The representatives of countries and organizations that want to USAID cooperate, observed the damage made in municipalities of Villanueva, Potrerillos, Pimienta, San Manuel and ; also the suburbs of La Planeta, Céleo Gonzales, Rivera Hernández, Chamelecón of the city of .

Secretary of foreign affairs Lisandro Rosales accompanied the diplomats, who visited different zones of the department of Cortés, where they evidenced the damage that occurred and the work that is being done for the reconstruction. In the previous bulletin it was reported about the X-ray that President Juan Orlando Hernández, exposed on the situation in the country and the need for humanitarian aid and initiation of reconstruction efforts. “It is sad that the most productive area of the country and the most important industrial zone of is affected in this way”, lamented, the Secretary. Joint Task Force-Bravo |cancilleriaHN USAID assigned USD 8.5 million dollars in humanitarian aid for

The United States Government through the USAID Humanitarian Assistance Office, since the beginning of the disasters left by storms Eta and Iota, has been working hand in hand with strategic partners to provide food, hygiene supplies, blankets, water and other relief “Helping those in need is a U.S. fundamental value and we will items, distributed in continue to assist populations ravaged by storms. On the other shelters in , San Pedro hand, It is important to highlight the commendable work that the Sula and Joint Task Force Bravo did by rescuing victims of the USAID Humanitarian who were stranded in the middle of floods. Assistance Office worked and continued working to offer assistance and to save Honduras receives humanitarian assistance lives of people affected by from United Kingdom to help the victims of severe flooding, landslides storms Eta and Iota and damage caused by Hurricanes Eta and Iota. Following the effects of the two natural phenomena, the United USAID officials said that Kingdom sent the ship Argus of the Royal Auxiliary Fleet to the United States keeps support the US military relief efforts in Honduras. Part of the determination to assistance consists of two thousand waterproof tarps, one provide assistance thousand tool boxes, one thousand kitchen equipment kits and destined to save lives of the 900 cleaning kits for those in need. The UK's contribution, people affected by the includes the support of the organizations working in the region hurricanes. through the START Fund, such as Plan International and GOAL. The Secretary of foreign affairs Lisandro Rosales expressed his gratitude to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, for humanitarian aid sent, and the help provided in the rescue efforts and care for those affected

NOVEMBER 18 2020 |cancilleriaHN solidarity network

Since the passage of the Tropical ETA storm in Honduras, many countries have joined the cause to help our people, who are greatly grateful.


Secretary of Foreign "@USAID sends Support Team for "Thanks again to the United Disaster Response after the hurricanes Kingdom Government for all the Affairs in Central America and allocates US $ support that is providing to 8.5 million of assistance additional Honduras and other countries "Thanks to the EU embassy, humanitarian for #Honduras". affected. Many British NGOs Spain, Germany, Brazil, Japan, operating in Honduras support Taiwan, Chile, OCHA for the us greatly. Thanks a lot. Great interest in knowing on site the solidarity with our people!" damage caused by Eta and Iota. With our effort and the international community it drives us to a social and economic rebuild that ensures resilience."

|cancilleriaHN NOVEMBER 18 2020