Chef of the quarter Vol. 69, No. 13 March 31, 2011 See A5 VMA-223 Marines hone skills for Afghanistan in California sky

CPL. BRIAN ADAM JONES vertical take-off and landing capabilities and a MCAS CHERRY POINT formidable arsenal of ground-oriented weap- Marine Attack Squadron 223 transplanted ons, Harriers are the embodiment of close-air itself over the month of March, trading its support and a testament to the mission of Ma- home at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry rine aviation. Point, N.C., for the training conditions of For March, Miramar has been home for MCAS Miramar, Calif. the Bulldogs of VMA-223 to hone their at- “We’re dubbing this thing ‘Exercise Fight- tack skills, providing what Gore described as ertown Fury,’” said Lt. Col. Thomas D. Gore, the perfect place for the squadron’s Marines commanding offi cer of VMA-223, alluding to sharpen their skills for their upcoming de- to the reputation Miramar has as a haven for ployment to Afghanistan. fi ghter platforms, cemented by movies like The sunny skies over San Diego offer sur- “Top Gun.” prising similarities to what VMA-223 Marines CPL. STEPHEN H. POSY An AV-8B Harrier from Marine Attack Squadron 223 rests on the fl ight line of Unlike fi ghter jets, the AV-8B Harriers from will face in Afghanistan. Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Calif., March 22. VMA-223 Marines traveled VMA-223 are attack aircraft, geared toward to MCAS Miramar to train for their Afghanistan deployment later this year. supporting the Marine on the ground. With See FIGHTERTOWN FURY page A9 New River conducts mass casualty drill


MCAS NEW RIVER Marine Corps Air Station New River kicked off the full scale mass casualty incident and mis- sion assurance Exercise Urgent Response 2011 March 24. The air station conducts annual mission as- surance programs with involvement and support from Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, MCAS Cherry Point, Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune and local emergency personnel to familiarize mili- tary and civilian members with the installation’s emergency management plans. Representatives from multiple sections and agencies joined to- gether to form an emergency operations center to improve inter-agency cooperation for the ex- ercise.

The purpose of New River conducting this LANCE CPL. TYLER J. BOLKEN year’s exercise was to provide the opportunity 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Commanding General Maj. Gen. Jon M. Davis, third from right, leads an official ribbon- for the air station’s fi rst-responders to conduct a cutting ceremony held aboard Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point March 25 for the unveiling of two new realistic mass casualty incident in preparation for bachelor enlisted quarters adjacent to the station mess hall. The new quarters will house more than 300 single the upcoming air show May 14-15. Marines and Sailors aboard the air station. Offi cials set up multiple scenarios to test Camp Lejeune and New River’s abilities to assess, re- spond to, and recover from a catastrophic event. For this exercise, an aircraft experienced a hard landing on the airfi eld, creating fl ying shrapnel Home sweet home that struck another aircraft causing a fi ery crash. Air station unveils new living quarters for single Marines The scenario tested incident notifi cation proce- dures, as well as emergency response. LANCE CPL. TYLER J. BOLKEN Additionally, each building features a large, contempo- The procedures evaluated included effective MCAS CHERRY POINT rary-styled lounge areas with three 55” fl at-screen TVs, a communication, command and control, victim Home is meant to be comfortable, calming and a sanctu- slate pool table, wireless internet and an eating area with a rescue, site security and crowd control, monitor- ary of sorts for one’s own space, but many Marines have conventional oven and full-sized fridge. Next door to the ing for hazardous materials, and mass casualty trouble grasping their place of duty as their home. lounge area of each building is a large laundry facility with measures. To help change that, Marine Corps Air Station Cherry high-effi ciency washers. “We could talk about it here at our desks, ev- Point unveiled two new bachelor enlisted quarters during “We wanted to get a kind of ambience and feel that could eryday, but until we start moving people and an offi cial ribbon-cutting ceremony March 25. close the gap between single Marines’ living quarters and equipment you really don’t know all the real- After 16-months in the making, the new BEQs are the base housing,” explained Skip Conklin, the station facilities world issues that actually arise when responding fi rst new quarters aboard the air station in more than 20 director. “Living quarters are a big part of morale.” to a mass casualty incident,” said John Cass, an years, and MCAS Cherry Point Commanding Offi cer Col. Conklin added that the buildings also cost less to operate exercise director with air station operations. Philip J. Zimmerman said, “The standard for the new quar- and maintain and are energy and water effi cient. Members of the aircraft rescue and fi re fi ghting ters was set with the Marines’ interest at hand.” Upon completion of the certifi cation process, the quarters team arrived at the scene fi rst, shortly after an The standard of the two four-story towers feature modern will be “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design MV-22B Osprey crashed and caught fi re. Flames appeal with design elements and color accents that give the Silver” certifi ed, which is an internationally recognized raged in and around the Osprey training fuselage quarters a homey feel – a far cry from the air station’s cur- rent barracks that some Marines dub “the bricks.” See BEQ page A9 See CASUALTY page A9 VMAT-203 under new leadership Teachers tour Cherry Point

PFC. CORY D. POLOM Sgt. Maj. Steven Collier, center, salutes as Lt. Col. John A. Rahe Jr., right, passes the Marine Attack Training Squadron 203 colors to Lt. Col. Craig C. Wirth during the VMAT-203 change of command ceremony at the squadron hangar March 24.

PFC. CORY D. POLOM The Marines of VMAT-203 were led by MCAS CHERRY POINT Rahe in a three-mile run as a fi nal good- Two AV-8B Harriers provided close-air bye to his Marines March 23. support for the MV-22B Osprey that res- Rahe relinquished command of VMAT- cued the Air Force pilot who crashed in 203 to Lt. Col. Craig C. Wirth during a Libya early last week. change of command ceremony held out- Back in Cherry Point, command of the side the squadron hangar March 24. squadron responsible for training all Har- “It is the job of 203 to produce and re- rier pilots in the Marine Corps recently fresh the world class pilots who strength- changed hands. en our Harrier community,” said Wirth. “Right now in the news you see Harri- “I expect these Marines to work hard and ers doing great things,” said Lt. Col. John continue to strive for greatness.” A. Rahe Jr., outgoing commanding offi - Wirth is now in charge of the training LANCE CPL. TYLER J. BOLKEN cer of Marine Attack Training Squadron that is the fi nal step for anyone wishing to Maj. Bryan E. Donovan, a safety offi cer with Marine Transport Squadron 1, 203. “Here in this unit we have created become a Harrier pilot. explains the mission of VMR-1 to local educators during a static display of one of these world class pilots that are kicking “This squadron produces fl eet the squadrons HH-46Es on the Cherry Point fl ight line March 23. The educators butt out there.” replacement pilots for the Harrier came to the air station as part of a leadership program put on by the Carteret This was the conversation after Rahe’s County Chamber of Commerce. “It’s great showing these guys what we do,” fi nal physical training with his squadron. See VMAT-203 page A9 Donovan said. “It opens their eyes to our overall mission.” A2 March 31, 2011 The Windsock Cherry Point recognizes ‘Month of the Military Child’


MCAS CHERRY POINT Col. Philip J. Zimmerman, commanding offi cer of Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, recently signed the procla- mation for kicking off “Month of the Military Child.” April was fi rst established as the “Month of the Military Child” by Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger in 1986 to pay tribute to military children for their commitment, their struggles, their support and their spirit because when par- ents serve in the military, their “Kids Serve Too”. There are more than 1.7 million American children and youth, under the age of eighteen, with a parent serving in the military. These children continue to make signifi cant contributions to their families, communities, and their Nation despite pro- longed and repeated absences of one or both parents. To celebrate these resilient young people, there are many events planned throughout the month, taking place aboard Cherry Point. The Marine Corps is committed to providing military chil- dren with a quality of life commensurate with their sacrifi ces by promoting excellence in schools, promoting children and youth programs and providing strong, supportive environ- ments. You can make a special effort to honor these amazing children by participating in one or all of these events. LANCE CPL. SAMANTHA H. ARRINGTON April is “Month of the Military Child.” Cherry Point will continue to recognize sacrifi ces made by military children because when Marines serve, so do their families.

LANCE CPL. MATTHEW L. CHENEY Job Title: Water Support Technician Unit: Marine Wing Support Squadron 274 Hometown: Crescent City, Calif. Date Joined: Nov. 1, 2008 The editorial content is edited, prepared and approved by the Public Affairs Office at Cherry Point. Correspondence What’s your job? should be addressed to: Commanding Officer, Public Af- I supply the water needs for Marines at forward fairs Office, (Attn: Individual concerned), PSC Box 8013, operating bases for things like drinking water, MCAS Cherry Point, N.C. 28533-0013. To provide com- showers and heavy equipment operations. ments or suggestions call 252-466-4241 or e-mail: cher- [email protected]. Windsock is a registered What’s your favorite aspect of your trademark. To address any distribution problems please contact the distribution manager at Ellis Publishing at 444- job? 1999. This Department of Defense newspaper is an au- My favorite aspect is that we’re able to thorized publication for members of the DoD. Contents directly support Marines on the ground and the of the Windsock are not necessarily the official views of importance of our job really shows. or endorsed by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, Marine Corps, Marine Corps Air What’s the most challenging part? Station Cherry Point, or the Public Affairs Office, Cherry Point, N.C. The appearance of advertising in this publica- The most challenging part of our job is learning tion, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute all the small components of the water purifying endorsement by the Department of Defense, the U.S. Ma- gear we use. rine Corps, or Ellis Publishing Co., of the products or ser- vices advertised. Everything advertised in this publication How does your job support the shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage mission of 2nd MAW and MCAS without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation Cherry Point? or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or pa- Water is essential for Marines’ well being and tron. The Windsock is published by Ellis Publishing Co., a it also plays a big role in many Marines’ jobs. private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense or the U.S. Marine Corps under exclusive written How does your job differ from contract with Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, N.C. The editorial content of this publication is the responsibility garrison to the field? of the PAO. In garrison we maintain our gear and ensure that all Marines are up to date on their job COMMANDING OFFICER responsibilities, whereas in the field we make MCAS CHERRY POINT sure Marines always have the water they COL. PHILIP J. ZIMMERMAN


LANCE CPL. TYLER J. BOLKEN The Windsock March 31, 2011 A3 Untouchables touch down: 2nd MAW support squadron lands in Afghanistan


2ND MAW (FWD) CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan – The “Untouchables” of Marine Wing Support Squadron 272 accepted authority of support operations for the air combat element of Regional Command Southwest from MWSS-373 at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, March 27. Following their deployment to Afghanistan MWSS-373 will return home to Marine Corps Air Sta- tion Miramar, Calif. “I think back over the past seven months and the several things that we have ac- complished collectively as a unit and I am very impressed,” said Lt. Col. Thomas M. Fahy, the commanding offi cer for MWSS- 373. “Every single Marine and Sailor was part of that effort. They should be proud, as I am proud for what they have accom- plished.” Fahy said the accomplishments of MWSS-373 during their deployment in- cluded supplying more than 10 million gallons of fuel to coalition aircraft, lay- ing hundreds of miles of fi ber optic cable, and moving thousands of tons of earth and rock to create and maintain helicopter landing zones. “Lt. Col. Kruse, I am confi dent that LANCE CPL. SAMANTHA H. ARRINGTON we set you up for success,” said Fahy to Lt. Col. Dale R. Kruse, the commanding officer of Marine Wing Support Squadron 272, and Sgt. Maj. Robert A. Allen, the MWSS-272’s commanding offi cer, Lt. squadron’s sergeant major, salute the American flag during the MWSS-373 transfer of authority to MWSS-272 at Camp Col. Dale R. Kruse, “I am confi dent that Leatherneck, Afghanistan, March 27. The uncasing of MWSS-272’s battle colors symbolized the beginning of a commitment to you will take our success one further step supporting 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward) and its coalition partners in Afghanistan. in the mission of the MWSS in Afghani- stan.” in Afghanistan. ing across the board and I have full confi - MWSS-272 and said that they believe the The transfer of authority ceremony not “I want to congratulate 373 on a tremen- dence that you will continue to succeed.” squadron will excel during their deploy- only symbolized the end of MWSS-373’s dous deployment. You have done a fan- Sgt. Maj. Robert A. Allen, the MWSS- ment to Afghanistan. operational responsibilities in support of tastic job and set the bar very high,” said 272 sergeant major, said the Marine Corps “MWSS-272 has shown that they are Regional Command Southwest, but served Kruse. “For the Untouchables, I am very Air Station New River, N.C., based squad- going to pick up the torch and run with it as a beginning to MWSS-272’s commit- proud to be standing here with you today. ron has been training for the deployment a little further up the hill,” said Sgt. Maj. ment in support of 2nd Marine Aircraft Your professionalism and performance in for more than a year, and senior leadership Michael Mack, the sergeant major for Wing (Forward) and its coalition partners the pre-deployment training was outstand- from MWSS-373 remarked positively on MWSS-373.

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PETTY OFFICER 3RD CLASS ADAM M. BENNETT Marines from combat cargo load a CH-46E Sea Knight with humanitarian aid and disaster relief supplies on the flight deck of the forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS Essex in support of Operation Tomodachi, a United States Armed Forces disaster relief operation for Japan’s recent earthquake and tsunami. Essex, USS Harpers Ferry, USS Germantown and the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit are operating off the coast of Hachinohe in northeastern Japan in support of the operation.

am Arapahoe Charter School is hosting 2011 Single Marine Progr n an Information Session Devil Dog Ope Golf Tournament Thursday, March 31, 2011 • 7:00

Cherry Branch Clubhouse Sound of Freedom Golf Course (Club Dr.) Come out and meet staff members and teachers. Friday, April 8 We want to answer all of your questions about charter schools. Rain Date: Friday, April 29 You DO have an option for your children!! Register at the FREE!!! Sound of Freedom Golf Course Golf Clinic, hosted Arapahoe Charter School is a TUITION FREE, public school. by NUGA is open to all Check-In • 11:00am tournament players. There is NO COST to attend and there is no attendance zone in To register call 466-3044. Tournament Starts • Noon Free registration slots available for the first 50 Single Marines who which you must live. take the free golf clinic hosted by the National University Golf Academy. Player Fee: Just a short ferry ride away, your child can enjoy small class sizes, Single & Unaccompanied Marines - only $25 teacher assistants in all K-3 classes, and exploratory classes in art, All others - only $35 music, band, Spanish, computers, and PE. Light Lunch Prior to Event, plus an Awards Picnic & Prizes! We are committed to “Every Child, Every Day” Format: 4-Person Scramble and strive to help ALL students grow. Can register as team or individuals (will be placed on a team) Explore becoming part of the Bobcat Family!!! For more info call 466-3044 Please call (252) 249-2599 for more information about enrollment Sponsored by: EDOM G E O FR L F F C O O D U N R U S O E or to ask questions about our Information Night. S AUTOMOTIVE GROUP MC CS CHERRY POINT M T C N AS OI Havelock Morehead City CHERRY P FORD PONTIAC BUICK GMC HONDA DEDICATED TO THOSE WHO SERVE & SUPPORT Single Marine Program No USMC or Federal Endorsement Implied

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CPL SAMUEL A. NASSO Staff Sgt. Lederrick G. Hunter shows Cpl. Eva-Jean M. Budd a potential display for the judges during the second quarter chef of the quarter competition at the Cherry Point mess hall March 24. Budd won the competition with her meal of stuffed green peppers, German griddled potato cakes, fried cabbage and chocolate cake with peanut butter ice cream for dessert. Marines battle for chef of the quarter

CPL. SAMUEL A. NASSO long it took to cook the meal. of you for liking the food.” MCAS CHERRY POINT When there were no further questions, Budd was dis- For these competitions, the participants are chosen a The deadline approached as the two competitors scram- missed and returned to the kitchen. Moments later Hurst month prior to the competition and have to take a test on bled around the kitchen to fi nish preparing their meals for marched out and repeated the process. Marine Corps and job related subjects, pick their meal, the hopeful event of enticing the three judges’ taste buds in The judges then discussed the meals. They judged on ap- practice making smaller portions of their meal, mentally a chef of the quarter competition March 24. pearance, uniqueness, taste, overall choice of the meal and prepare themselves for making larger portions of the meal Cpl. Eva-Jean M. Budd and Lance Cpl. Brandon C. how the competitors presented themselves. and fi nally prepare themselves for the stresses of the actual Hurst, food service specialists with the mess hall, dueled Before the judges revealed the winner, invited guests day of the competition. in the wee hours of the morning all the way up until their were allowed to taste the meals. Among the guests was the “It is great for the Marines here to learn from their mis- deadline at 10 a.m., barely fi nishing their meal preparation guest of honor, Col. Philip J. Zimmerman, the commanding takes and to become better chefs,” said Gunnery Sgt. Peter before the judging. offi cer of Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point. J. Jackson, the galley captain in regards of the competition. Once the clock ticked and the big hand stroked 10 a.m. The judges relayed their verdict to Zimmerman who took “I recommend all Marines that want to compete to study, the fi rst competitor’s meal was wheeled out to the judges the microphone and announced the winner of the chef of study some more, watch Iron Chef and to practice time and moments after Budd marched out of the kitchen and the quarter. management.” reported to the three judges. “I am honored to be here having the chance to taste both Budd’s winning meal consisted of stuffed green peppers, The judges were Master Gunnery Sgt. Ivor R. Pardee, delicious meals,” Zimmerman said. “You both did a really German griddled potato cakes, fried cabbage and chocolate Capt. Wendy J. Clough and Jill Buria. The judges tasted great job and I would like to award the winner of the chef of cake with peanut butter ice cream for dessert. each aspect of the meal and then asked Budd questions the quarter. Cpl. Budd, will you please come up here?” “I thought that this meal would be a challenge because about the meal, such as: Why did you pick this meal for the After marching to Zimmerman, shaking his hand and re- not many people have eaten that combination of food,” competition? How long have you had to prepare? When did ceiving the fi rst place trophy, she responded with “Thanks Budd said after receiving the trophy. “It was a fun, long you learn how to cook? Additionally, they asked specifi c to everyone that helped me for I couldn’t have done it alone. experience and I’m looking forward to the chef of the year questions about a certain aspect of the meal such as how It was a lot of work, I’m really tired and really thanks to all competition.”

CPL SAMUEL A. NASSO A food service specialist cuts chicken breast to help Lance Cpl. Brandon C. Hurst make the deadline to finish preparing his meal during the second quarter chef of the quarter competition at the mess hall March 24.

CPL SAMUEL A. NASSO Lance Cpl. Brandon C. Hurst, left, and Cpl. Eva-Jean M. Budd, food service specialists, prepare their meals for the second quarter chef of the quarter competition at the Cherry Point mess hall March 24.

CPL SAMUEL A. NASSO Lance Cpl. Brandon C. Hurst stands at ease while answering questions asked by the three judges of the second quarter chef of the quarter competition March 24. A6 March 31, 2011 The Windsock Marines rewarded for extraordinary lift

SGT. RICARDO A. GOMEZ A CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter with Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 461 performs a tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel mission in eastern Afghanistan, March 20. The Marines involved with the mission were awarded commendatory medals for their extraordinary efforts.

LANCE CPL. SAMANTHA H. ARRINGTON Afghanistan known for enemy activity to Smith, both CH-53E helicopter pilots; and not only supporting the Marines on 2ND MAW (FWD) retrieve a downed Chinook with their CH- Gunnery Sgt. Robert R. Torres, a CH-53E the ground but our sister services and co- CAMP BASTION, Afghanistan – When 53E Super Stallion. avionics technician; and Staff Sgt. Shawn alition forces.” Cpl. Michael K. Nelson woke early on Three days later, on March 23, Brig. P. Mitchell, a CH-53E crew chief, were “We train to do this on a regular basis, the morning of March 20 to his gunnery Gen. Glenn M. Walters, the 2nd Marine each awarded the Air Medal. but the actual lifting of an aircraft is quite sergeant yelling, he wasn’t sure what to Aircraft Wing (Forward) commanding Sgt. Samuel S. Derenne and Sgt. Jer- unique, it’s something we don’t do very expect. general, and Sgt. Maj. Henry A. Prutch, emy C. Cover, both airframe mechanics, often,” said Torres a native of Fort Worth, “Gunny came and woke me up, he said, the 2nd MAW (Fwd.) sergeant major, rec- and Sgt. Jose A. Moya Jr., and Cpl. Mi- Texas. ‘We have to go,’” said Nelson, a helicopter ognized the eight HMH-461 Marines for chael K. Nelson, helicopter mechanics, “To me this medal signifi es the collec- mechanic with Marine Heavy Helicopter their accomplishment. were awarded the Navy and Marine Corps tive effort of a squadron, team work and Squadron 461. “He said we had to go re- “This mission had no room for error,” Achievement Medal. Lee, a native of mission accomplishment,” said Smith, a cover an Army CH-47.” said Walters. “With the mountainous ter- Lubbock, Texas, led the immediate plan- native of Hickory, N.C. “A lot of planning After fl ying more than 250 miles rain, extreme operating altitude, condi- ning and response for the recovery of the and preparation went into conducting a through the night, Nelson and seven of his tions and enemy threat, the crew made the downed helicopter. mission of this magnitude and all of the fellow Marines with HMH-461 arrived at absolute right decisions at the right time.” “My crew and I were in the lead air- Marines with HMH-461 were required for a remote forward operating base in eastern Maj. Isaac G. Lee and Capt. Justin G. craft,” said Lee. “It’s good to be out here this mission to be successful.”

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Registration is Required! (252) 633-4461 The Windsock March 31, 2011 A7 Spring pig pickin’

LANCE CPL. TYLER J. BOLKEN Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 2 Marines and their family members enjoy each other’s company during the annual Havelock Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Committee spring pig pickin’ barbecue at the Hancock Lodge March 22. Former Marine Corps Air Bases East Commanding General Tom Braaten, top center, now serves with the military affairs committee and said he was thrilled with the evening’s turnout.

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CPL. MICHAEL AUGUSTO Coalition forces with Air Delivery Platoon, 2nd Marine Logistics Group (Forward), prepare containers of food and water aboard Camp Bastion, Afghanistan, March 20 for delivery in support of International Security Assistance Force operations.

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For the latest & greatest on MC CS MCCS events & programs, visit Community Services MARINE CORPS Cherry Point The Windsock March 31, 2011 A9

FIGHTERTOWN FURY from page A1 BEQ from page A1

“Our average sortie duration here is three to three and a half hours. It’s very representative of what Marine green building certifi cation system, otherwise known as fi xed-wing attack pilots fl y in theater,” said Gore. “It is also a busier air space, representative of what pilots might LEED. encounter in Afghanistan.” Brig. Gen. Robert R. Ruark, the director of facilities for Capt. Brian R. Boston, a pilot with VMA-223, described precisely how a typical sortie in Miramar refl ected the Marine Corps, visited the new digs a few days earlier and conditions in Afghanistan. approved of the upgrades. Boston said the pilots at VMA-223 had to communicate with air traffi c control to coordinate the take-off and “It feels very open and friendly,” Ruark explained. “I re- departure from the hectic airspace surrounding MCAS Miramar and San Diego. From there, they fl ew to either ally like the architecture and built -in amenities.” MCAS Yuma, Ariz., or Naval Air Facility El Centro, Calif., to utilize the bombing and target ranges at those Each room is outfi tted for a maximum of two occupants installations. Boston said he and the other pilots had the opportunity to hone their close-air support skills with and feature individual walk-in closets, kitchenettes with a forward-fi xed munitions and high-explosive ordnance. sink, fridge, freezer and microwave, and a private bathroom “We have practiced how to effectively move from a busy airspace to a tactical airspace,” Boston said. for the room’s two tenants only. Boston stated at the end of the training at Miramar, he felt better prepared for his deployment to Afghanistan. Some of the new building’s future tenants were on hand “When we fi rst showed up here I had quite a few learning points I needed to work on,” Boston said. “Now I for the morning ceremony and got to see the building for the feel like every pilot in this squadron is where they need to be. This exercise was integral in that.” fi rst time. Gore said it is not just the pilots who benefi tted from the training. “This place makes me excited to be able to show off where The maintenance tempo from fl ying more than 500 fl ight hours in one month benefi ts everyone, said Gore, I live,” said Sgt. Joyce Ramirez, warehouse clerk with Ma- especially the enlisted Marines who must ensure the jets are properly maintained, fueled and the ordnance is rine Aircraft Group 14 personnel support detachment. loaded correctly. “We wanted Marines to have a place they’d be proud to “This is a team effort,” said Sgt. Maj. Steven P. Brunner, the sergeant major of VMA-223. “Every single Ma- show their mom and dad,” Conklin explained. rine here is important. If one of us fails, we all fail.” Like Ramirez, most of the Marines in the new BEQs will Cpl. Timothy K. Flick, a fi xed-wing airframes mechanic with the squadron, said the drive among the junior be of MAG-14, and they began moving in this week. The Marines in VMA-223 was very high. squadrons of MAG-14 were chosen to live in the new BEQs “I’m really excited to be here, it’s beautiful here,” Flick said. “We’re working 12 hours on and 12 hours off because of their transient nature, said Zimmerman. with weekends free, so we’re learning a lot and then we try to keep fi t and have a good time on the weekends.” “This is the ultimate way to reward these Marines,” said Flick said he and other Marines in the squadron used their time off to visit attractions like the San Diego Zoo Sgt. Maj. Timothy King, MAG-14 sergeant major. “The only and Sea World. regret is we wish we could have this for all the Marines on “Morale is very high,” Flick said. “This detachment was a nice opportunity to bond and work hard to hone the air station.” our techniques. Our success comes from the noncommissioned offi cers and the way we’re all treated. Our com- manding offi cer and sergeant major talk to us and really take time to explain why things need to be done, so we VMAT-203 from page A1 just hammer away to execute the mission.” Brunner echoed Flick’s sentiments. “The Marines are excited and motivated to be here,” Brunner said. “They don’t want to let the command community,” said Maj. Gen. Jon. M. Davis, the commanding down, and we take good care of them.” general of 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing. “You have maintained focus on the fi ght and the mission, producing some of the best trained Harrier pilots.” CASUALTY from page A1 Rahe said he knows VMAT-203 will continue to be pro- ductive under the command of Wirth. while mock casualties lay strewn about the grounds with multiple wounds of various severities requiring treat- “Lt. Col. Wirth, you are very mission oriented,” said Rahe. ment. “Continue to push these Marines. These Marines make sure As the P-19 fi re-fi ghting trucks surrounded the blazing aircraft, ARFF worked quickly to extinguish the fl ames. all of these birds are not only training ready but ready for Though the situation was manmade and monitored for safety precautions, the training was as real as it could be. combat as well.” The fi re was hot, and the victims were screaming as ARFF personnel responded to the incident. Additionally, Wirth stressed how important the mission of VMAT-203 is members of the Provost Marshall’s Offi ce went out to assess the situation and cordon-off the accident site. to the Marine Corps. The victims were measured on a color scale of red, yellow and green to easily inform the next person of the “This unit has produced some world-class Marines,” said casualty’s medical status. Along with assessing the patients, triage was an important aspect of the training. Wirth. “We will continue to work hard at producing the best “ARFF was quick with responding to the casualties and evaluating us,” said Sgt. Jesse L. Weaver, a role fi nished product to help complete the mission of the Marine player with Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron. Corps.” Air Station Operations Offi cer Lt. Col. James A. Hessen, who coordinated the overall response from New With his fi nal words of his speech, Rahe gave a last piece River’s emergency operations center, said he was pleased with the results of the exercise and the coordinated of advice to his successor. response from all agencies involved. He stated communication in a rapidly developing crisis is the most critical “These Marines will work hard to be perfect,” said Rahe. aspect of any response and one he feels can always be improved. “These Marines are going to change the world and it just “We have a great team here at New River and outstanding relationships with our fi rst-responder counterparts takes one person to make sure they reach their potential. at nearby bases and in the civilian sector,” said Hessen. “This exercise validated much of our crisis response Take care of these Marines, and they will take care of you.” plan, and we are going to take the lessons learned and incorporate them in our procedures to further improve the way we do business in a crisis. 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702 E. Main Street Hours of Operation: Havelock, NC 28532 Mon.-Fri. (Beside Bayside) 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM 252.444.4858 Sat. 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM The Windsock March 31, 2011 A11 Support Marines, Royal Air Force celebrate partnership in Afghanistan


2ND MAW (FWD) CAMP LEATHERNECK, Af- ghanistan – As part of Operation Rawhide II, an initiative intended to interdict and disrupt enemy ac- tivity along the Afghanistan-Pak- istan border, Marine Wing Sup- port Squadron 373 was tasked with building forward arming and refueling points near the city of Bahram Cha, Afghanistan. But MWSS-373 did not face this task alone. The Miramar, Calif., based squadron found helping hands from across the Atlantic in the Royal Air Force’s Tactical Supply Wing. Tactical Supply Wing person- nel are usually the fi rst to arrive in an operational area and often the last to leave. They set up and maintain fuel support for heli- copters belonging to all branches of the British Armed Forces. In celebration of the partner- ship they formed, Marines from MWSS-373, who are deployed in support of 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward) and troops from the Royal Air Force met at the support squadron’s compound CPL. RASHAUN X. JAMES at Camp Leatherneck, Afghani- Royal Air Force Warrant Officer John Taylor, left, greets Maj. Jose Lopez moments before an exchange of gifts commemorating the stan, March 24, just days before coalition partnership between the Tactical Supply Wing and Marine Wing Support Squadron 373 at the support squadron’s compound MWSS-373’s projected depar- at Camp Leatherneck, Afghanistan, March 24. The two support units worked hand in hand during Operation Rawhide II. Taylor is the ture from Afghanistan. detachment commander for the Tactical Support Wing and Lopez is the operations officer for MWSS-373. “This has been an absolutely fantastic experience,” said Royal operation, and the two Marines “The RAF gave us every asset forces work together,” said Wald, The U.K. supply wing and Air Force Warrant Offi cer John spoke highly of the coalition they had,” said Rincon, a native a San Francisco native. “Any- U.S. support squadron exchanged Taylor, the detachment com- partnership. of Salem, Mass., who serves with thing we did they were willing to fl ags, keepsakes and handshakes mander for the Tactical Supply Wald, an MWSS-373 logistics MWSS-373 as a bulk fuels spe- do ten times over.” at Camp Leatherneck as they Wing. “Both sides brought their vehicle system operator, con- cialist. “There were times when Rincon remarked on the ef- said goodbye, marking the end best. The superb communication, voyed with a coalition U.K.-U.S. our helicopters were low on fuel fi ciency of the coalition partner- of a time spent working toward a impeccable infrastructure and force to Forward Operating Base and they would send out their re- ship. common goal. ease of the joint operation were Payne, where the troops set up a fuelers to help us. They were also “We greatly benefi tted from “Working together has been an eye-opener and a tremendous landing zone so coalition aircraft willing to give us access to their Tactical Supply Wing’s ability to a great experience for both the success. The partnership made could refuel and arm in closer supplies and gear if we needed push out quickly and dig in ahead U.K. fuelers and the U.S. FARP things work ten times better.” proximity to the ground troops it. Everything was split down the of us,” said Rincon. “In one situ- teams,” said Master Sgt. Lee Sgts. Dan Wald and Javier D. they support. Rincon was sent on middle.” ation they manned crew-served Duncan, the operations chief for Rincon both worked regularly a similar mission to Patrol Base “I would like to see more op- weapons and helped us defend an MWSS-373. with British troops during the Wolfpack. erations where U.S. and U.K. airfi eld for two weeks.” A12 March 31, 2011 The Windsock

SPRINT CUP NATIONWIDE SERIES CAMPING WORLD TRUCKS NEXT Race: Goody’s Fast Relief 500 Race: O'Reilly Auto Parts 300 Race: Kroger 250 Where: Martinsville Speedway Where: Texas Motor Speedway Where: Martinsville Speedway When: Sunday, 1 p.m. (ET) When: April 8, 8:30 p.m. (ET) When: Saturday, 2 p.m. (ET) UP... TV: FOX TV: ESPN2 TV: SPEED 2010 winner: Denny Hamlin (right) 2010 winner: Kyle Busch 2010 winner: Kevin Harvick

By RICK MINTER / The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

NOTEBOOK Newman 2nd in Cup standings

Ryan Newman’s remarkably strong start to the 2011 season continued with a fifth-place fin- ish at Auto Club Speedway that propelled him to second in the Sprint Cup standings, just nine points behind leader Carl Edwards. Newman has finished fifth three times in the first five races of 2011 and was 10th at Bristol. His worst finish, 22nd, came in the Daytona 500, where he led the most laps, but was caught up in a crash at the end. At Auto Club, Newman’s crew chief, Tony Gibson, elected to stay on the track during the final caution period, and Newman was able to maintain a top-five despite drivers behind him with fresher tires. “Tony Gibson made a great call staying out,” Newman said. “Just really proud of the U.S. Army Chevrolet and everybody at Stewart- Haas Racing giving us the opportunity. Really strong start to our season.” Newman’s teammate Tony Stewart appeared to be in position to challenge for the win at Auto Club, but faded to 13th and dropped to sixth in the standings. Busch still rules Nationwide Carl Edwards and Kevin Harvick both had cars at Auto Club Speedway that were capable of outrunning Kyle Busch’s No. 18 Toyota that has been dominating the Nationwide Series in recent years, but Busch (pictured below) won anyway. When Edwards, Harvick and the rest of the leaders took four tires on the race’s final pit stop – under the green flag – Busch’s crew chief Jason Ratcliff opted to take just two, and the time saved put Busch in a commanding lead that he never relinquished, even though he bounced off the wall on the final lap. It was the 46th victory of Busch’s Nationwide career and his 91st in a Jeff Gordon (center), signs autographs in the garage area during practice for the Auto Club 400 on Sunday. (NASCAR photo) major NASCAR circuit. “I can’t thank Jason [Ratcliff] enough,” Busch said. “He won the race today.We stole this one. It After Gordon’s long drought, a future awash with possibilities wasn’t ours.” Edwards summed it up this way: “We were eff Gordon is getting a different line of too far out there to even be thinking about Gordon didn’t rule out a second career in focused on the wrong car I guess. I thought we questioning in his media appearances right now.” another form of motorsports, such as sports car were racing [Harvick].” Jthese days. For a time, he had people ask- Gordon did appear to have been doing some racing, where the various series generally run ing him when he was going to win again. Then thinking about what might come for him after far fewer races a season than Gordon is used to (NASCAR photo) after he broke a 66-race losing skid with a win he’s done driving. Somewhat surprisingly for running. at Phoenix International Raceway in the sec- someone who has made regular appearances on “I like driving, but, even more, I like being ond race of 2011, the questions shifted to how TV talk shows like “Live With Regis and Kelly,” competitive,” he said. “If there was something I many races he’ll win before he retires. he seemed to be leaning toward a behind-the- feel like I could still be competitive at, yeah, I How that turns out will have an impact at scenes role and one that involves racing. would do it.” the top of NASCAR’s career-win list. “I love racing,” he said. “I love the business of He said he also has a passion for his foray Richard Petty leads with 200. David Pearson racing. I love the driving. I love the team aspect into the wine business and for the work he is second at 105. Most historians say Bobby of it. Racing is first and foremost for me. does with his charitable foundation, but there’s Allison is third with 85, but the official record “I’m certainly comfortable in front of a cam- one job he puts above them all. shows he’s tied for third with Darrell Waltrip, era, and I’ve had a lot of experience being in “The most important thing is being a father who has 84. Then come Cale Yarborough and front of a camera [but] I’ll be honest, most of to two kids,” he said. “My next career might be Gordon with 83 apiece. Since Gordon is the the things I think about I’d prefer to be behind seeing them pursue whatever their dreams only one of the group still racing, and still rac- the scenes, orchestrating, organizing and are. That could be racing or it could be gymnas- Buckler partners with Roush ing competitively at the relatively young age of directing.” tics or who knows.” 39, it’s pretty certain he’ll keep climbing the Kevin Buckler, owner of the No. 71 TRG chart. Motorsports entry on the Sprint Cup circuit, ‘This is what I love,” Gordon said, when confirmed last week that starting at Texas asked the career-win question. “You go for 66 Motor Speedway, he will switch from Chevrolet races and don’t win a race and you’re like, ‘Are to Ford and run cars supplied by Roush you ever going to get to 83?’ Fenway Racing and engines provided by “Now I win one race and everybody’s, ‘Oh, Roush/Yates Engines. you can get to 105 now.’ It’s a similar arrangement to the one the “That’s a big number. I’ve always said any- Daytona 500-winning Wood Brothers and driv- thing’s possible. And when things are clicking er Trevor Bayne have. and the chemistry’s there with the team, you “We are excited to be partnering with Roush can click off a lot of wins. I certainly feel like I Fenway and getting some new equipment in have it in me to be able to go out and put mul- the TRG Motorsports stable,” Buckler, a veter- tiple wins together this year.” an sports car racer, said in a team release. “It But he stopped short of saying whether he has been a long few years in figuring out our can wind up No. 2 on the list before he retires. best options to succeed in NASCAR, and we “All I can say is I’m looking to get to 84, then have a golden opportunity to really improve try to look at going to 85,” he said. “You can’t our performance with some shiny new equip- look ahead to what Pearson has done. That’s Jeff Gordon drives the No. 24 Chevrolet during qualifying for the Daytona 500 on February 13. (NASCAR photo) ment and some technical support.”

Harvick learns from 2010 loss to win in 2011 SPRINT CUP POINTS NUMERICALLY Kevin Harvick let Jimmie Johnson get the best of him last year in a late- 1. Carl Edwards SPEAKING race shootout at Auto Club Speedway. 187; Leader This time around, Harvick turned the tables and beat Johnson with a dra- 2. Ryan Newman Laps led by matic last-lap pass to win the Auto 178; behind -9 1,380 Club 400 at Auto Club Speedway. Jimmie Kyle Busch, who led the most laps, 3. Kurt Busch Johnson in the last 12 Sprint faded at the end and finished third. 177; behind -10 Harvick said his experiences of a Cup races at Martinsville year ago helped him get his 15th 4. Kyle Busch Speedway, top among drivers career Sprint Cup win and his first at 176; behind -11 his home-state track. “Last year taught me a lot about 5. Jimmie Johnson 173; behind -14 Fastest laps run patience and the things I needed to 644 in the last 12 Cup do to beat a guy that doesn’t make 6. Tony Stewart mistakes,” Harvick said. “In order to 170; behind -17 races at Martinsville, by Jeff do that, you can’t make mistakes Gordon, top among drivers yourself. 7. Paul Menard “This race one year ago is what 164; behind -23 helped us win [Sunday], by being Laps led by Mike patient, not taking yourself out of the 8. Juan Montoya 327 race, having something there at the 161; behind -26 Skinner in the last end until it was time to go.” But he said it’s an altogether differ- 9. Kevin Harvick 12 Camping World races at ent challenge to beat Johnson and his 157; behind -30 Martinsville, the most of any No. 48 team on a consistent basis. “Those guys are five-time champi- 10. Matt Kenseth driver in the truck series ons, won a ton of races,” Harvick said. 157; behind -30 “We feel as a team we can race right with ’em, but so does everybody else. 11. Kasey Kahne Points positions gained There are a lot of other guys that 157; behind -30 7 by Clint Bowyer (to think the same thing, but nobody’s beat them in five years. 12. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 17th) and Brian Vickers (to “We’ve just got to keep chipping Kevin Harvick, driver of the No. 29 Chevrolet, celebrates after winning Sunday’s Auto Club 156; behind -31 24th) at Auto Club Spdwy away at it.” 400 at Auto Club Speedway in Fontana, Calif. (NASCAR photo) Section B March 31, 2011

PFC. CORY D. POLOM Paul Kelly, one of the six crank-style wheelchair racers to complete the 12th annual Cherry Point Half Marathon, rolls by the halfway point of the 13-mile course March 26. This was the fi rst year crank-style wheelchairs were permitted in the event. Community competes in Cherry Point Half Marathon


MCAS CHERRY POINT Members of the Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point community gathered at the starting line, at 7:25 a.m. Saturday morning, to watch a group of wounded warriors jump start the 12th annual Cherry Point Half Marathon at Sunset Park. This was the fi rst time wounded warriors riding in crank-style wheelchairs competed in this event. “I love running,” laughed David Swaim, the fi rst of the crank-style wheelchair racers to start the race. “It doesn’t matter if I fi nish fi rst or 31st, I love to compete.” Swaim is a part of the Paralyzed Veterans of America Cycling team. “I’ve gone around to a lot of the wounded warrior battalions to speak with these young warriors,” said Swaim. “I tell them all that no matter what injury they have they can still get out and compete in some form or another.” Swaim crossed the fi nished line fi rst, but he was disqualifi ed for missing a turn that cut nearly a mile off the course, which allowed one of the younger racers Bull Ramsey, to take home the fi rst-place trophy, fi nishing the 13-mile race in 51 minutes, 49 seconds. “It’s nice to see the young guys out on the course and having fun,” said Swaim. “This is an outstanding course and very smooth. A great place for rookie racers to start racing.” Bernadine Crosby, the organizer of the event, was approached by Paul Kelly, another member of the crank-style wheelchair community and asked if there could be a wheelchair division within this year’s Cherry Point half marathon. “I thought it would be an excellent idea,” said Crosby. “It was nice to be able to unite everyone together. I also wanted to embrace wounded warriors and their families with honor for giving the sacrifi ces they made to keep us safe.” On the second start, the racers who were on foot shot off en masse. “It is important for Marines and Sailors to stay in shape,” said Maj. Gen. Jon A. Davis, the commanding general of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing. “Not to mention as a person who is trying to stay in shape, training for an event like this will help.” Davis has competed in seven marathons and this was his fi rst half marathon, which he fi nished with a time of 1:47.17 to place second in the 50-54 age group. “I raced in the Marine Corps Marathon seven times, and they conduct those races with the crank wheelchair racers,” said Davis. “I think all of our races here on Cherry Point should involve the wheel chair division. It is a great opportunity for younger Marines to meet these past service members who sacrifi ced parts of their bodies for their country. These are true heroes here, and I have great pride running this race with them.” Davis said when he participates in events like this he PFC. CORY D. POLOM is driven to do better and push himself. Maj. Gen. Jon A. Davis, commanding general of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, fi nishes the 12th annual Cherry “In races like this, everyone motivates each other to Point Half Marathon with a time of 1:47.17 at Sunset Park March 26. Davis has competed in seven marathons, and keep going,” said Davis, “I do this to better myself. I this was his fi rst half marathon. He took 2nd place in the 50-54 age group. “In races like this everyone motivates push others, so they push me.” each other to keep going,” said Davis, “I do this to better myself. I push others, so they push me.” B2 March 31, 2011 The Windsock Baby bowling

LANCE CPL. SCOTT L. TOMASZYCKI Sgt. Robert D. Kindall and his wife, Amie, help their daughter, Madelyn, push a bowling ball down a ramp during a bowling event hosted by the Exceptional Family Member Program at the Cherry Point Stars and Strikes Bowling Center March 20. The Exceptional Family Member Program helps families take care of their members living with special needs by helping ease the fi nancial burden or providing a support community. Cherry Point Robotics Club set to compete in fi rst competition

PFC. CORY D. POLOM to statistics this program has had a powerful impact on With the help of volunteers, the team was able to con- MCAS CHERRY POINT participants.” struct and program their robot within their allotted time, The robotics club at the Cherry Point Community Cen- This year’s challenge is Logo Motion and a kit of parts which was six weeks. The robot had to be small enough ter is one of 500 teams that will be competing in a robotics made up of motors, batteries, a control system, a PC and to pick up, with the dexterity to place logos of different competition scheduled for April 7-8 hosted by FIRST. a mix of automation components were given out at the shapes and sizes on poles. For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Tech- opening event held in Raleigh, N.C., Jan. 8. After their six-week build, they had to ship their cre- nology, or FIRST, is a non-profi t organization founded by The team is made up of 11 members, ages 14-18, and ation to the competition site as part of the rules and the Dean Kamen to inspire young people’s interest. many Cherry Point volunteers. team could no longer continue to work on the robot after “Most importantly, the program promotes teamwork, “They all worked so hard and really pulled together at their deadline. gracious professionalism, self-confi dence, communica- the times they needed to the most,” said Molly Stuelke, “That is a big part of the competition is the deadline,” tion and leadership,” said Nicole M. Kaebisch, program the program assistant for the club. “The team used humor said Kaebisch. “These kids worked extremely hard to manager for the Teen/Tween Program at Marine Corps to help push each other through the stressful moments, make sure their ‘bot was constructed and programmed Community Services. “These are all character traits and but that’s what this whole experience is about. Not every- correctly to bring home the gold. The team split up into qualities that we emphasize and encourage in our pro- thing in life is going to be easy, but you have to be will- groups to complete this task. Some learned how to pro- grams. The program promotes skills and develops inter- ing to put in the time and effort to get through it and fi nd gram the robot while some built it.” ests related to science, engineering and math. According humor in the mistakes.”

These fi lms are playing Now playing: at local theaters

REINHILD MOLDENHAUER HUNEYCUTT Representing the high-profi le client seems like a MCB CAMP LEJEUNE PUBLIC AFFAIRS straight- forward and routine case with big money “GNOMEO & JULIET” (G) pay-off. “Gnomeo & Juliet” is an animated feature and a digital fairy tale from Pixar. However, the case swiftly develops into something The story centers on two garden gnomes who try to avoid tragedy and fi nd a happy much more complicated and brings on a deadly game ending to their star-crossed love affair when they are caught up in a feud between of survival for Haller. neighbors. Marisa Tomei (“The Wrestler”) co-stars as Maggie James McAvoy and Emily Blunt lend they voices to the two main characters, Gno- McPherson, the easy going ex-wife of Haller’s, who meo and Juliet. is also a prosecutor. Among the many other top notch actors voicing various characters are: Maggie William H. Macey (“Wild Hogs”) co-stars as Frank Smith as Lady Bluebury; Ozzy Osbourne as Fawn; Michael Caine as Lord Redbrick; Levin, Haller’s lead investigator. Patrick Stewart as Bill Shakespeare; Hulk Hogan as Terrafi rminator; and Dolly Par- Also among the respectable all star cast are Josh ton as Dolly Gnome. Lucas (“Life As We Know It”) as Ted Minton, lead Director Kelly Asbury (“Shrek 2,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “The Prince of Egypt”) prosecutor in Roulet’s case; John Leguizamo (“Gam- who also assisted with writing the screenplay, is trying too hard to combine Shake- er”) as Val Valenzuela, a bail bondsman; Bob Gunton (“Fracture”) as Cecil Dobbs; speare and garden gnomes and also bring pop culture (Elton John is singing) to the and Bryan Cranston (“ Little Miss Sunshine”) as the tough homicide detective Lank- mix. ford; Michael Pena (“Battle: Los Angeles”) as Jesus Martinez, a convict and former Enhancing this kid-friendly animated tale with 3D did nothing to contribute to the client of Haller; and Frances Fisher (“The Roommate”) as Mary Windsor, Louis so- silly feature. cialite mother. “Gnomeo & Juliet,” a family oriented romantic tale misfi res terribly. Country singer and song writer Trace Adkins makes a brief appearance as Eddie Vogel, leader of a motorcycle group and a client who helps Haller occasionally. “THE LINCOLN LAWYER” (R) Director Brad Furman (“The Take”) based this crime thriller on a sharp screenplay “The Lincoln Lawyer” is a legal mystery thriller with a twist. by John Romano (“Nights in Rodanthe”), which is based on the best- selling author Matthew McConaughey (“We Are Marshall,” “Fool’s Gold,” “Ghosts of Girl- Michael Connelly’s novel by the same name. friends Past”) stars as Michael “Mick” Haller, a street-smart and charismatic criminal Connelly is featuring Los Angeles attorney Mick Haller for the fi rst time. McCo- defense attorney in Los Angeles, who conducts business from the back of his chauf- naughey is perfect for this role and brings back memories of his demanding role in feured Lincoln town car. the 1996 courtroom drama “A Time to Kill.” Haller has spent most of his career defending petty, small-time criminals – one “The Lincoln Lawyer” is a thoroughly entertaining and stylish crime and legal might also call him an ambulance chaser – and has many friends in low places. drama that keeps you tuned in until the end. The suspenseful storyline questions guilt Until now, when he unexpectedly lands the case of his career, defending Louis and innocence, revenge and retribution. Roulet, played by Ryan Phillippe (“MacGuber,” “Stop-Loss”), a rich Beverly Hills playboy accused of rape and attempted murder. We Give You More.

for home delivery call 638-8133 The Windsock March 31, 2011 B3

Announcements ŹIndicates new announcement Marine and Family Programs ŹGolf Course Rate Changes NMCRS Bowling Tournament Cherry Point’s Sound of Freedom Golf Course will in- The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society bowling tour- Marine, Family Programs Office Numbers stitute minor rate increases beginning April 15. The in- nament is scheduled for April 1 at 1 p.m. with final reg- The Family Member Employment Program, creases will not affect any service member E-5 or below. istration starting at noon at the Stars and Stripes Bowling Transition Assistance Management Program, Annual membership fees at the course will see a $100 Center. Relocation Assistance Program and accredited increase, while daily greens fees will increase by only $3 The tournament format is four-man teams with a nine- financial counselors can be reached at 466-4401. per round. Cart fees will see a slight increase of $1 per pin no tap. The cost is $15 per person. • Child Development Resource and Referral – 466- 18-hole round and 50 cents for a nine-hole round while Prizes will be awarded for 1st and 2nd place finishers. 3595. 10-round punch cards will experience a $2 per round in- For more information or for early registration, contact • Exceptional Family Member Program – 466- crease. Jim Sharpe at the bowling center 466-3910 or Gunnery 7547. With this increase of less than $2 per week, annual Sgt. David Morgan at 466-6230. • Family Advocacy Program – 466-3264. membership remains a bargain. Customers will also con- • Library – 466-3552. tinue to enjoy discounted golf equipment and clothing in NMCRS Golf Tournament • LifeLong Learning – 466-4500. the pro shop as well as economical fees for buckets of The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Golf Tourna- • Military Family Life Consultant – 876-8016. practice balls at the driving range. ment is scheduled April 14 at noon with final registration • New Parent Support Program – 466-3651. For more information, call 466-3044. starting at 11 a.m., at the Sound of Freedom Golf Course. • Retired Activities – 466-5548. It is four-man scramble format, and the cost is $35 per • Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program ŹCreekside Village Community Garage Sale person. Pre-registration is encouraged. – 466-5490. The residents of Creekside Village in New Bern will There will be prizes for the first and second place teams Substance Abuse Counseling – 466-7568. hold a community garage sale Saturday from 7 a.m. to as well as closest to the pin and longest drive. • 24-Hour Victim Advocate for Confidential 1 p.m. For more information contact Gunnery Sgt. David Services relating to Sexual Assault or Domestic Creekside Village is off Old Airport Road, between the Morgan at 466-6230. Violence – 665-4713. Taberna Country Club and Creekside Park. For more information, visit http://www.creeksidevil- Devil Dog Open Golf Tournament Budget for Baby The Single Marine Program is sponsoring the Devil The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society offers Dog Open Golf Tournament at the Sound of Freedom Budget for Baby classes. ŹFestival of Fun in New Bern Golf Course April 8 at noon. Check-in begins at 11 a.m. To register call 466-2031. This year’s festival is set for April 16 at Union Point The cost of registration is $25 for single and unaccom- Park in downtown New Bern from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for panied Marines and $35 for all others. Price of registra- Breastfeeding Class a full day of fun. tion includes a light lunch prior to the event and an awards The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society offers The festival will feature games, mini-train rides, inflat- picnic with prizes afteward. free breastfeeding classes to expectant mothers. able rides, carnival food, a petting zoo, kid-friendly ven- The format for the tournament is a four person scram- The purpose of the class is to help prepare the dors, educational information, and arts and crafts ble. Interested parties can register as a team or as indi- mother to be ready and confi dent to breastfeed Back onstage by popular demand are New Bern Ballet, viduals who will then be assigned a team. Register at the once the baby arrives. New Bern Civic Theatre, Down East Dance, Margaret Sound of Freedom Golf Course. To register call 466-2031. Fletcher Dance Studio, and Kaitlyn’s Bellydancing. For more information, call 466-3027. For more information, call 639-2902. Veterans’ Assistance Seymour Johnson Air Show A representative from the Veterans Affairs Office Military Appreciation Day Commanders of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in visits Cherry Point each Thursday in building 232. Military Appreciation Day is an event organized by lo- Goldsboro, N.C., expressed appreciation to North Caro- Call 466-4401 for assistance. cal volunteers and supported by the Carteret Chamber lina for “unwavering support” with an invitation to attend of Commerce to provide a day of fishing for active-duty an extraordinary air show, Wings Over Wayne County military, guard and reservists. April 16-17. The next Military Appreciation Day will be held in The event will be free and open to the public. Gates Morehead City June 4. Registration to reserve a spot on a open at 8 a.m. and close at 6:30 p.m. daily. boat will open in early April. For more information, visit the official website at http:// OFF Limits Monthly and Weekly Events MCAS CHERRY POINT AREA 98 CENT ONLY STORE Courage to Change Al-Anon Family Group Meeting Program. (BIG DADDY) WESLEY’S GROCERY Cherry Point and Havelock Cour- There are Alcoholics Anonymous The group meetings are held every COASTAL SMOKE SHOP age to Change is a support group for family group meetings Tuesdays at 8 Wednesday at 6 p.m. EXPRESSIONS friends and families of people who p.m. for family members and friends For more information, call 728- FRIDAY’S NIGHT CLUB (AKA CLUB INSOMNIA, CLUB suffer from alcoholism. of individuals who may have alcohol 3788. CLASSICS, INFINITY LOUNGE) Meetings are held at St. Paul’s problems. H&D EXPRESS AKA CITGO Lutheran Church in Havelock, The meetings are held at Havelock Marine Corps League Meetings Tuesdays at 8 p.m. First Baptist Church. The Cherry Point Detachment of NADINE’S FOOD MART For more information, call 241- For more information, call 447- the Marine Corps League meets the SUPER EXPRESSWAY 6155 or 670-6236. 8063 or 447-2109. third Tuesday of each month at the TOBACCO OUTLET Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7315 TOBACCO SHOP AA Beginners Meeting Together For Life in Havelock, at 7 p.m. TOBACCO SHOP & GIFTS There are two weekly Alcoholics The “Together for Life” one-day For more information contact TOBACCO TOWN Anonymous meetings weekly aboard premarital seminar is held for active Owen Smith at 444-5420. TWIN RIVERS (NOT THE MALL) the air station. The meetings are held duty personnel age 26 and under, WHITE SANDS CONVENIENCE STORE Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. within 90 days of marriage. Disabled Veterans The meetings take place in Room Please call the chapel at 466-4000 Chapter 26 of the Disabled MCB CAMP LEJEUNE AREA 208 of Building 229, in the same for more information. American Veterans meets on the BELFAST QUICK MART building as the tax center, next to the third Tuesday of each month at the BELL AUTO SALVAGE II Cherry Tree House. Domestic Violence Victims Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7315 BOTTA BOOMS For more information, call 447- A support group for victims of do- in Havelock at 7 p.m. CARLAND 8063 or 447-2109. mestic violence is provided by the For information, contact Doug CENTENNIAL ENTERPRISES, INC. Carteret County Domestic Violence Matthers at 447-2761. CJ’S QUICK MART COASTAL SMOKE SHOP DASH-IN DISCOUNT TOBACCO Hotlines D’S DRIVE THRU D’S QUICK MART DOLL HOUSE 2nd MAW Command Inspector General Sexual Assault EASY MONEY CATALOG SALES 466-5038 Immediately call 665-4713, which is monitored 24/7. EXPRESS WAY The person answering the call will help you decide the FANTASIES Station Inspector next steps to take. You may remain anonymous. This HIP HOP AND HOOKAHS 466-3449 procedure is not to replace calling 911 if you are in im- ILLUSIONS mediate danger. Remember, it’s not your fault. Support JACKSONVILLE SPEEDWAY AUTO PARTS Fraud, Waste and Abuse is available. JOSHUA EXPERIENCE/CLUB ACCESS If you know of or suspect any fraud, waste or abuse KINGS DRIVE THRU Severe weather and force protection information aboard MCAS Cherry Point, call 466-2016. KWIK STOP MART Cherry Point personnel call 466-3093. This line’s automated answering service is available LAIRDS AUTO & TRUCK CENTER FRC East personnel call 464-8333. 24 hours a day. MILITARY CIRCUIT OF JACKSONVILLE DDCN personnel call 466-4083. MOE’S MART NASH MARKET ONE STOP SHOP PAR TECH PLAYHOUSE PLEASURE PALACE PRIVATE PLEASURES (AKA CARRIAGE HOUSE) RACEWAY AUTO PARTS REFLECTION PHOTO REID’S MART SMOKERS POST SOUTHERN COMFORT SPEED MART April 3, 1945 On Okinawa, Marines of III Amphibious Corps continued to make good progress STUDENT ASSISTANCE COMPANY all along their front, clearing Zampa Misaki and seizing the Katchin Peninsula, TALK OF THE TOWN II effectively cutting the island in two. In two days, III AC elements had reached TENDER TOUCH (AKA BABY DOLLS) objectives originally expected to require 11 days to take. TOBACCO ALLEY TOBACCO AND MORE April 5, 1947 Five Marine guards were killed and eight wounded when attacked by communist TOBACCO CLUB Chinese raiders near the Hsin Ho ammunition depot in northern China. This last TOBACCO FOR LESS major clash between Marines of the 1st Marine Division and Communist forces TOBACCO HOUSE CIGARETTE CENTER occurred shortly after withdrawal and redeployment plans from China were issued TOBACCO LEAF for the 1st Division and 1st Marine Aircraft Wing on April 1. TY’S R&R VERONA QUICK STOP VETERANS AFFAIRS SERVICES B6 March 31, 2011 TheWindsock TheWindsock March 31, 2011 B7 From Mean Builder Roofing A AFFORDABLE SERVICE We have TIN MAN LLC, Colored, metal to Green people who specialize in all trades roofing. 20 different colors! Li- Accounting Sales such as: roofing, remodeling, censed & insured. (252) 229-7147 painting, plumbing, flooring, TERMINIX etc.. Where quality counts. Refer- ACCOUNTING HAS AN IMMEDIATE ences. Fully insured and Warranty. TECHNICIAN II OPENING FOR AN 252-670-7981 or 252-571-3035 Sharpening CARBIDE BLADES, Garden tools, Craven County OUTSIDE SALES Builder scizors, knives. 252-626-2908 or Health Department REPRESENTATIVE Scooters AAA PROFESSIONAL REMODEL- 252-626-7942 Available In The ING We stay within budget. Mem- Position is responsible for Starting at just New Bern Area. ber of BBB. (252)633-6675 Medicaid, self pay and third Structural repairs Party billing Must have ex- We are looking for Career Carpentry WE REPAIR JOISTS, seals, gird- Minded Individuals that have a Fine Woodworking Co. Residen- ers, water/termite damage. All perience in Medical billing, High School Education or 80+ MILES home repairs! (252)756-2915 tial/Commercial improvements & excel and supervisory skills Equivalent and Some PER GALLON!! remodeling. Home Weatherization Experience in the Respective $749 A state of North Carolina Specialists! 30 years experience. Tractor Work application (PD107) is Field. Must Be Drug Free, Pass Free Estimates! (252) 224-0414, MOWING & BUSHHOGGING a Background Check and Have ATVS STARTING AT JUST $699 cell (337) 353-9079 Call (252)670-0555 required and must be sub- A Good Driving Record. mitted to the ESC. Craven We Offer: Company Car With HURRICANE POWER SPORTS Compost/Topsoil County is EEO/AA Employer Gas Card, Paid Training, 401K CERTIFIED CLASS A Compost, and Major Medical. SALES & SERVICE mulch and topsoil, $20 per ton. Please Send Resume To 6530 NC Hwy 55, New Bern, NC Will deliver. No order too large or Tree Service [email protected] too small. (252)633-5334 A-1 TREE 910-824-1504 (252) 229-7330 Tree removal and WWW.HURRICANEPOWERSPORTSNC.COM trimming, stump grinder, Concrete up to 95’ bucket truck. Drivers DISCOUNT PRICES Driveways, pa- Mastercard/Visa/Discover ACCEPTING tios sidewalks No one can beat my Earl Temple (252)636-0611 APPLICATIONS FOR: price Daugherty’s (910)389-8575 CDL CLASS A & Trades Drywall Repair Tree Service NEW WORK or repair to existing LEWIS TREE SERVICE Removals, CLASS B DRIVERS walls and ceilings. Free estimates. trimming, stump grinding. 30 with Hazmat endorsement & Call 252-633-4909 years climbing experience. Bucket warehouse responsibility. Clean truck, chipper and stump grinder. driving record and ability to Handyman Insured. For estimates call (252) perform physically demanding HEAVY EQUIPMENT PRODUCTION TEAM MEMBERS A QUICK SERVICE. Can Install or 670-1125 or email: mrrickylewis work. Salary will be based on TECHNICIAN Growing Facility in New Bern has multiple openings: Repair anything Remodeling, - THANK YOU experience. Painting, Flooring, Tile, Roofing, Call (252)634-1683 etc. 30 years experience. Quality Candidates must have • INDUSTRIAL PAINTER Work guaranteed. Member of Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm Need wet coat or spray paint experience. Better Business Bureau We ac- the following: Heavy cept credit cards. (252)633-6675 equipment diesel repair, • LAMINATION TECHNICIAN knowledge of engine, Need gel coat repair, fiberglass and/or lamination experience. Handyman transmission and final A-1 HANDYMAN SERVICE No job • AUTO BODY TECHNICIANS too small. Reasonable rates! drive repair capabilities. Need experience with sanding, buffing, painting. (252)229-7016 Medical John Deere experience • ELECTRICAL (wiring)/ Hauling preferred but not LOT CLEARING, FILL DIRT, tree Riverpoint Crest necessary. Be computer MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN removal, bush hogging, stump literate. Have Own Tools. grinding, debris sites, dump trucks . Salary based for hire and landscaping. FREE es- CNA on experience. timates! Call (252) 723-3537 Full or Part-time, Call Brittany at (800)419-7516 ext 1638 Hauling or fax resume to (919)816-1643. EOE 3-11 Call for appointment! LOT CLEARING, FILL DIRT, tree BECOME A DENTAL removal, bush hogging, stump (252)636-3111 ASSISTANT grinding, debris sites, dump trucks Call: 252-637-4730 or for hire and landscaping. FREE es- IN 10 WEEKS CLEAN YOUR ROOM timates! Call (252) 723-3537 Registering now for our next drop in to see us at: Lost Something? class that begins April 15th 2600 Old Cherry Point Find it in the Classifieds! Or if you don’t and sell your unwanted items NC X-RAY find it in the “Lost & Found” section, you CERTIFICATION INCLUDED Rd., New Bern can place your own ad there and let the COOL. CHEAP. STUFF Hauling Very flexible payment options finder... find you! The Classifieds are your TOPSOIL, SAND, rock, backhoe, Call 877-432-3555 or best connection to meet up with buyers, grading, ditching, clearing, cul- We honor years sellers, prospective employers or ENC verts, debris removal, demolition, of experience and offer employees. Call today to place your Classifi eds drainage, landscaping, Reid Avery Classified Ad. an excellent benefit (252) 638-2801 1-888-328-4802 888-328-4802 package, competitive Windsock Home Improvement EARN EXTRA wage scale, shift and MONEY! weekend differential. powered by The Sun Journal is now AA/EOE innovation ATLANTIC HOME IMPROVEMENT accepting applications Room Additions, garages, decks, for a newspaper route. vinyl siding and windows, painting You must be available to and roofing. All types of remodel- deliver the route from guided by ing. (252)571-8429 or 652-7123 integrity 2:00am-6:00am, Home Improvement Office CANNON VINYL PAINT & Remod- Monday-Sunday. eling. 25 years experience. Call You need reliable Delphi Healthcare Partners, Joel (252) 634-8078 for estimate. transportation and Inc. provides quality care to Home Improvement back up transportation. patients and is looking for everything is possible. FJ CURRAN CO. Remodeling, an energetic individual who home repairs, handyman, masonry The available route is: shares this commitment to pressure washing 252-723-5123 VANCEBORO be a part of an exciting job We believe that by applying the highest business ethics and Home Improvement This route takes opportunity. Home Maintenance & Repairs. visionary thinking – everything is within our reach, and yours. approximately Delphi is seeking Joist/Seal Repairs, room additions, 3 1/2 hours to deliver and vinyl windows, interior/exterior, Front Desk Receptionist Join Lockheed Martin, a global security company that is principally is 100 miles long. “You name it we can do it!” Refer- for an orthopedic hospitalist engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration ences, (252) 229-9542 clinic that will serve Carolina and sustainment of advanced technology, systems, products and services. Call Blake Lewis Home Improvement East Medical Center in New In anticipation of an upcoming contract, Lockheed Martin will be hiring for Painting, Carpentry, Garages, Ad- 252-635-5625 ditions.... Reasonable rates and Bern. the U.S. Navy’s Combined Tactical Training Range (CTTR) program. Ideal candidate will have at quality work! (252) 671-6606. Lockheed Martin will provide support for day-to-day operations and least 1 year front office Home Improvement sustainment of Electronic Warfare systems and communication systems experience in a medical Professional Interior Woodworks Driver at the U.S. Navy’s CTTR on the West and East Coasts of the United Inc. Interior, exterior trim work & clinic. Scheduling light remodeling. (252)635-8165 DELIVERY experience and professional States. The core capabilities of the CTTR is to provide the Warfighter with real-world flight training on the U.S. Navy’s premier range training Landscaping PERSON NEEDED demeanor required. If you RANDY’S BED MAINTENANCE & Good driving record, would like to have a direct facilities. LANDSCAPING Spring is coming. dependable, clean/neat appear- impact in providing quality Planting, mulch, sodding, pine ance, ability to lift heavy ob- Opportunities will be available in Fallon, NV; Yuma, AZ; Cherry Point, straw, and irrigation repairs. Call jects, able to work evenings & orthopedic care to patients, NC; Oceana/Virginia Beach, VA; Key West, FL and other satellite 910-743-2951 or 252-474-4491 weekends. Must have own we are interested in hearing tools and able to pass random facilities for: from you. Lawn Care drug test. Benefits available. AL’S LAWN CARE Cutting, trimm- Apply in person: To learn more about our • Site Managers – Five years management experience in planning, ing and cleanups. A great job at a Furniture Distributors company please visit budgeting, and implementation in a highly technical environment. Must low price. Call (252)447-1265 Havelock next to have 3 years experience specifically in support of O&M contracts for the Lawn Care McDonald’s Interested candidates U.S. Military SPRING CLEANUP Pressure wash- (252)444-6960 please send resume to: ing, mulch flower beds, removing • Engineers (Electronic, RF, Telecommunications, Hardware/ Delphi Healthcare small trees, landscaping, painting, Software) – Experience in CMMS/MP2; Radar, EM Wave and & home remodeling. Campbell’s Partners, Inc. Lawn Care (252)342-1984 [email protected] Antennas, Optical Systems, Communication Systems, Video Signal General Processing, System Calibration or Spectrum analysis Techniques. Lawn Service fax: 919-655-1342 LAWN CARE & Home Mainte- The Emergency Pet • Electronic Technicians – Basic to advanced electronic knowledge/ nance. Reasonable Rates. Call experience (fire control Radar, Electronic Warfare Systems) Dennis (252) 670-8548. Hospital of Craven-Carteret $$$ CASH $$$ is now accepting applications for: We pay cash for used • Unexploded Ordnance Technicians – Military EOD School Diploma Roofing EXPERIENCED or Civilian UXO Tech Certification, Experience in explosive ordnance ROOFING KING We get it right the Furniture and Appliances first time. We beat any competi- VETERINARY FREE pick up recognition, handling, retrieval, and disposal. tive price. 30 years experience. TECHNICIANS Additional positions include: Surveyors, Drafters, Warehouse Free estimates. Shingles, rubber, Applications can be CALL 252-223-2998 metal, repairs and roof coating. picked up between 6pm-9pm Workers, Quality Control Specialists. Member of BBB. Major credit at 1301-A East Main Street 2nd Go Round cards accepted. Home of the in Havelock. Consignment Shop Secret clearance required for all positions. Applicants selected will be 5-year warranty. 252-633-6877 NO PHONE CALLS! 6760 Hwy 70 Newport, NC subject to a security investigation and must meet eligibility requirements Must be clean and in good for access to classified information. USED TIRES working condition AT THE For additional information or to submit your résumé online, please visit:, click on “Job Search” and input LOWEST “CTTR” under the program search criteria. Township Six PRICE Equal Opportunity Employer. Fire Department Plus New Tires located at at affordable 109 Carolina Pines Blvd. prices will be having a yard sale on Saturday, April 2 252-626-0616 from 7AM until Noon Shaffer Tire B8 March 31, 2011 TheWindsock GMC Trades RIVER BEND MARINA 1 Marina Road BE YOUR OWN BOSS CERTIFIED, EXPERIENCED & New Bern, NC 28562 We need owner/operators for very DEPENDABLE Wet slips available for lease. profitable new Nascar Game. MARINE TECHNICIAN Monthly, semi-annual, annual. Work 1 day each month and TRUCK MONTH. Call Berit, (252) 393-7008 make big cash profits! for Yamaha and or 241-6451 Minimum investment $9,500. Suzuki outboards. Call (800)854-2382 INTRODUCING THE BEST SIERRA EVER. Coastal Marine & Sports BOSTON AT THE BEND (252)393-7008 RESTAURANT Open Wed-Sun. Call (252) 636-1658 Vending Business For Sale Inside & Outside Dining 8 year old established route. Turn key operation. Route grossed over Trades $6,000 last servicing. 15K investment required. YORKIE PUPS ACA. 7 weeks, 1st Call (800)854-2382 shots/wormed, tails docked, (3) Males, $300, (1) Female, $350. EXPERIENCED Sire/dame on site. 252 626-3574 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS and OFFROAD DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS MOBILE HOME HEAT AND COOL UNITS 24,000 BTU package sys- LEASE FOR Bulldozer, Backhoe, Ex- tem. $1499 Discount City Have- cavators, Graders, Front lock 252-447-1880 % $ * Dog Friendly Neighborhood! end loaders. Must have Easy Commute to New River! GMC 279 steady work history. New Homes Staring at 0 APR GMC $119,900. A MONTH! Must pass all screening TRUCK MONTH. Call or Text Jody at CHOICE FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS ON 2011 TRUCK MONTH. & have clean criminal (910) 265-0771 INTRODUCING THE TERRAIN INTRODUCING THE background. Must have 2 SPECIAL BUY! 3-ton, 36,000 BTU, BEST SIERRA EVER. BEST TERRAIN EVER. 13 Seer Heatpump, split or MODELS forms of identification. package system, $1,996. Discount 72 Call for an appointment City Havelock 252-447-1880 (252)636-3111 MONTHS YOUR DREAM HOME IS IN ON 2011 HOGAN’S LANDING. SIERRA 1500 Sensational quality by St. Thomas MODELS1 Custom Homes. Private neighbor- SAVINGS UP TO $8,000 hood on ICW, Water Views, Community Pier. Deep Water Boat 1. Not available with some other offers. Monthly payment Trades #1 ABSOLUTE BARGAIN Slips. Homes starting at $375k is $13.69 for every $1,000 you fi nance. Example down Brand NEW In Plastic Queen/ Call or Text Jody at payment: 13.5%. Some customers will not quality. * 39 month lease and $2,854 due at signing. MAINTENANCE PERSON Full Plush Mattress Sets $99! CHOICE (910) 265-0771 Take delivery by 5/02/11. See dealer for details. 12,000 miles/year. See dealer for details. Must be thoroughly experi- Queen/Full PillowTop Sets enced in painting, electrical, $159. WE’RE LOCAL, 8 miles carpentry, all phases of general from Main Gate. Better Quality BEST MILITARY maintenance. Must work well with others and able to work and Will Beat Any AD Price independently. Must be HVAC Guaranteed! Can Deliver/ certified or willing to obtain Layaway Available. certification. Pick up truck DISCOUNT Call Dion NOW! (910)325-7008 helpful. Credit and background ************************* check required. 2/1 BATH - HAVELOCK Central air, HEARD. UNDERSTOOD. ACKNOWLEDGED. Only qualified applicants 5PC CHERRY BEDROOM SET! fenced backyard, no pets, lease re- need apply. Brand New-Still in the Box quired. $599! (252)670-4760 Salary negotiable. Queen/Full $350! Will Beat THIS MONTH ONLY, MILITARY RETIREE’S CAN SAVE TOO! Email salary requirements, Any AD Price Guaranteed! work history & references to: Call Dion NOW! (910)325-7008 Kensingtonpark@ 3/2 HAVELOCK - IMMEDIATE OC- CUPANCY! 604 Timber Ct., Wolf the NO WORRIES Creek. Quiet culdesac, screened NO WORRIES porch, garage, shed, fireplace, AFFORDABLE BARNS! 12X16 fenced yard, new carpet/vinyl sales event $1,895; 12x20 $2,395; 16x16 throughout, 1 year lease. No pets. $2,795. Other sizes available. Built $995! (252)229-8525 on your lot. Call (252)531-0664 or If you’ve been looking for a place 800-218-BARN, Ayden As to shop that has quality things at reasonable prices JL Kirkman’s 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH Trentwoods Low %% APRAPR Antique Mall is that place! We area, 3,300sq,.ft., no inside pets, purchase whole estates and that’s $1450 per month. (252)670-1229 As for well-qualifi ed buyers a lot of stuff! We also, have 48 $50 PER MONTH! 8’x20’, 160 1.9 on select vehicles, including vendors who sell in our mall. It’s a sq.ft., We deliver to your site. 1.9 busy business! “A short trip across On-Site Storage (910) 389-3659 Buick Enclave, Chevy Impala, Chevy Malibu, the bridge to Bridgeton” 9-6 M-F, 4/2 SPACIOUS BRICK HOME, extra 10-6 Sat. 252-634-2745 large garage. 201 Dogwood, Have- Chevy Silverado, GMC Acadia, GMC Sierra, Pontiac G6 lock. Newly remodeled, no pets. $1100. 910-520-3884 after 2pm This Offer Won’t Last Only Available January 4, 2011 - May 2, 2011 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Trent Rd, Glenburnie Rd, Tyson Mgmt STOCK# YEAR/MAKE/MODEL MPG PRICE PAYMENT GARAGE SALE 114 Ridgewood 252-514-0188 Trail, Stately Pines, New Bern. DOWNTOWN NEW BERN, 2 bed- B535B 2006 Buick Lacrosse CXL 28 $12,990 60@$239/mo April 2nd 8am-2pm. Antiques, col- room, 1 bath Upstairs apartment, lectibles, Tupperware, books and 621 Hancock St. Washer/dryer, 9119 2009 Chevy Suburban 20 $27,990 75@$425/mo much more. $450, no pets, no HUD. (252) 637-6667 9139 2010 Chevy Silverado Crew 20 $21,990 75@$335/mo

DOWNTOWN WATERFRONT LOT We Buy Used 9137 2010 Chevy Impala LT 20 $13,990 72@$218/mo REDUCED $100K Lot #7 River Sta- Cars & Trucks tion. $249,000. Only Waterfront 9129A 2008 Dodge Grand Caravan 29 $13,990 72@$218/mo GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE! Lots in Historic District. Coldwell Sinas Treasures Alliance Thurs/Fri, Banker Willis-Smith. Call Stewart BOONE’S G1373A 2008 GMC Acadia SLE 24 $23,990 72@$374/mo 10-5, Sat 10-3. (252) 670-6023 at (252)514-5198 TRUCK CENTER 9145 2010 GMC Canyon Crew Cab 20 $17,990 72@$279/mo 29 HUGE SPRING YARD SALE Some- 9176 2010 Nissan Altima SE $16,990 72@$265/mo thing for everybody. Furniture, 252-447-5630 toys, bikes, clothes, washer/dryer, LOT 36 CAROLINA Colours, In- G1391A 2009 Toyota Camry LE 29 $14,490 72@$234/mo games. Saturday 4/2/11 7-10am. digo Lakes. 4819 Delft Dr. .47 ac- 317 Hwy 70W 108 Riverwood Lane, New Bern res, $75,000. (252) 671-6145 Havelock, NC 28532 G126C 2007 Jeep Liberty 4x4 21 $11,990 60@$270/mo 9129 2009 Chrysler PT Cruiser 30 $12,990 60@$239/mo DO IT YOURSELF B503E 2008 Chrysler Sebring Conv 29 $15,990 66@$270/mo B491A 2005 Chevrolet Tahoe LT 4x4 19 $16,990 66@$287/mo Ready to put your ad in the 9124 2010 Jeep Grand Cherokee 22 $18,990 72@$296/mo classifi eds online? B519A 2008 Buick Enclave CXL 24 $26,990 72@$419/mo Do it yourself! 9106 2010 Cadillac DTS 28 $27,990 72@$436/mo 9160 2010 Cadillac CTS 29 $28,990 72@$452/mo Post your ad online instantly! 9620 2008 Ford Escape XLT 27 $17,990 72@$280/mo - upload unlimited images 9611 2011 Chevy Malibu LT 29 $18,990 72@$296/mo - edit your ad anytime from the 9610 2010 Chevy HHR LT 30 $13,990 72@$219/mo ‘my account’ area G1291A 2010 GMC 1500 XT CAB 21 $23,990 72@$374/mo - upgrade your ad to make it stand out Payments plus tax, tag & $399 Admin./Doc. Fee. 3.9% APR on approved credit, 0 down payment. - your ad will get displayed throughout our network Log on today anytime 24/7 4813 Arendell Street • Morehead City 252.726.5103 Shop: TheWindsock March 31, 2011 B11

220 Apartments for Rent 220 Apartments for Rent CLEAN FURNISHED NO SMOKING near Tryon Palace. for single. $100 HISTORIC DISTRICT 417 Metcalf. week & up 252-249-2200 ALL THE BEST DEALS Apartments, SKYSAIL LUXURY WATERFRONT 4000 SQ FT OFFICE space. Neuse RESTURANT FULLY EQUIPPED. 3/2, 1880 sq.ft., sunroom, great Townhouses, Duplexes, Mobile condominium in downtown New Blvd. $1600 Includes water/sewer. $1800, 1935 N William Goldsboro. storage! $1050. (252) 514-2063 home lots or mini storages. Sec- Bern. Completely furnished, 1 bed- (252) 637-4829 or 636-3628 Just needs food! 919 344-4048 tion 8 accepted. (252) 637-5600 room, 1 bath, patio view of Neuse Management Services River & downtown. $1150/month. Available 4/10/11! (443)624-3357 HAVELOCK NC Great location, HISTORIC DOWNTOWN 613 Han- move in, everything furnished, no FOR RENT cock St. 2/2 $1,000 & 859 Pasteur deposits, extended stay less than 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath Duplex St. 3/2 $800 (252)670-6216 $24 day, next to Food Lion. Host- KETNER HEIGHTS ess House Motel 252-447-3689 KENSINGTON PARK 1000 SQ FT, 2 working bays with Washer/Dryer hookup. HISTORIC SPACIOUS 3/2, front APARTMENTS I & II overhead doors, work benches, OFFICE SPACE for rent. 1400 Sq Water/Yard Maintenance compressed air, water, power. ft, downtown New Bern, Ample porch, back deck, new appliances, Accepting applications included. No Pets. energy efficient, fenced yard, great 220 Apartments for Rent $500 + deposit. (252)637-7166 or off-street parking. (252) 633-2470 $650 a mo. • 252-240-0330 for 1 & 2 bedroom units. (480) 235-3806, 8-5, ask for Bob. storage. $995 252-635-7052 Wall-to-wall carpet, central 1 BEDROOM Furnished Apart- heat/air, stove, refrigerator, ments Waterfront setting, weekly, laundry facilities on premises, TYLER PLACE monthly 910-578-5777 24 hr maintenance on call. In- HOMES & APARTMENTS come restrictions apply. Some LUXURY New Bern and Havelock 2,400 SQ. FT. RETAIL OR OFFICE rental assistance available SPACE for lease. Riverwood Plaza, From $595/month. Please call (252) 633-1519 APARTMENTS 252-635-6800 MLK Blvd., 17S. $1570/month. Mon. & Wed. 8am-4:30pm (252)636-7681 or (252)672-7639 • High efficiency heat pumps or Fri. 8am-11am. • Water, sewer, trash pickup included • Large, open floor plans 1,650SQ.FT. 2 BEDROOM Deck, Call or come by today for more information fenced yard. $750/month. No pets. Email for Application: [email protected] STRICTLY RENTALS : 2 bed rent- (252)670-9297 AFFORDABLE als $550-$750 3/4 bed houses 3400-A TRENT ROAD Chelsea ASK FOR SPECIALS $750 & up. Call (252)447-0222 Square, 900sq.ft. building, Ideal office or shop. $875. Chuck Tyson No $Money...No Problem...Move in Today w/approved credit* (252) 670-5230 Call for Details $545 2 Bedrooms $ UNIQUE LIVING EXPERIENCE FOR 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH Furnished, NEWPORT, NC Quiet, clean, 1 585 3 Bedrooms bedroom apartments. Completely Office Hours: Monday-Wednesday 9-5 & Thursday 9-2 NATURE LOVERS, 2 bedroom, in waterfront. Beautiful view, nice 447-5160 seculed area between New Bern & neighborhood, washer and dryer, furnished including housekeeping. Located off Lake Road in Havelock covered parking. Walk to rec cen- No deposits. No waiting. Pay by 3400-C TRENT ROAD 450sq.ft. of- *Limited time only. Some restrictions apply Kinston. No smoking, deposit, ref- We now accept credit cards erences, criminal/credit check. ter, boat ramp and marina. $950 the day, week or month. Hostess fice or beauty/nail salon. $400/mo. $600 + utilities. (252)633-6228 per month. Call (252) 675-0518 House 252-223-6020 Tyson Mmgt 252-514-0188

DON’T CALL US! Ready to put your ad in the classifi eds online? Do it yourself! Post your ad online instantly at encClassifi - upload unlimited images - edit your ad anytime from the ‘my account’ area - upgrade your ad to make it stand out - your ad will get displayed throughout our network Log on today....anytime....24/7 Seriously, if you need help, advice or want to place a print ad you can call us. We’d be happy to help! 888-328-4802 B12 March 31, 2011 TheWindsock

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1976 XLH. HARLEY-DAVIDSON V-ROD. Show 1000cc, runs excellent, custom quality! Custom fenders, hard NEED IF YOU HAVE worked hard and pay FOR RENT Clean well kept newer 2 wheels, new battery, front brake, bags, all polished chrome, your bills you deserve the best! & 3 bedroom Mobile Homes in big tank, custom seat, $3850. Springer front, Screaming Eagle Come see us at Down East Realty quiet country setting in Havelock. (252)637-7166 /(480)235-3806 Kit, Billet wheels, High bars, amaz- & Custom Homes in Kinston Close to base! $500 and up! ing paint! One of a kind Bike! A HARLEY DAVIDSON 2004 V-ROD. (252)527-2750 (252)447-3625 $12,750. (252)637-7166 Custom fenders/paint, high bars, /(480)235-3806 FORD 2007 FUSION SEL V6, Gun stainless bladed lines, Screaming Metal black, black leather interior, Eagle exhaust, great ride! $9750. spoiler, 63K miles, one owner, DOCTOR? (252)637-7166 /(480)235-3806 22/30mpg, front and side airbags, 6-disc CD/MP3, satellite ready, USED 14X80 3 bedroom, 2 bath cruise, all power, great condition, trade coming in! Call Down East KAWASAKI 2006 NOMAD 1600cc, all maintenance performed by Ford Check out Realty & Custom Homes (252) 11K, warranty until 11/5/0211, dealer, $11,900. (252)259-3930 or 527-2750 garage kept, mint condition, serv- CAR INSURANCE (252)259-7132 leave message if iced and ready to roll. $8400. BEST PRICES IN TOWN! no answer. GRADY & GRADY (252)636-5356 3330 Neuse Blvd. New Bern (252)638-5433 Non-Owner Insurance FORD 1995 F-250 225,000 miles, BEST RATES FOR DWI 7.3 diesel. Longbed. 2 wheel drive. 6 MONTH 2/1 UNFURNISHED with wash- Motorcycle Insurance $4,000 (252)560-7739 er/dryer, stove, refrigerator. $450. No pets. (252) 637-4829 Real Life. CUSTOMER Real Savings. APPRECIATION Every Week. MOBILE HOMES for rent in New- port area. Starting at $325. Please SALE call for availability. 252-223-6002 YOU COME IN YOU MAKE YOUR SELECTION YOU MAKE YOUR OFFER 2007 CHRYSLER PT CRUISER 2002 DODGE RAM 1500 4 Cyl, AC, Alum Whls, Crew AM/FM/Cass/ CD, Cruise, Cab Full Power, 34K Miles! Loaded! 1 Owner. MUST SEE! EXTRA CLEAN! 2003 LANDROVER DISCOVERY 2005 DODGE CARAVAN 4x4, V8, AC, SXT, V6, AC, Alloy Whls, AM/ AM/FM/CD, FM/Cass/CD, Auto, Cruise, Auto, Cruise, Full Power, Full Power, Luggage Luggage Rack, Leather, Rack, Tilt, 72K Miles! 66K Miles, Loaded! 1 Owner! EXTRA CLEAN! MUST SEE! 2003 DODGE DAKOTA 1989 CHEVY SILVERADO V6, AC, Alum Whls, AM/FM/ CD, Cruise, Extended Auto, Ext Cab, Cab PS, PB, Tilt, 20” Rims & Extra Tires, Toolbox, Low Miles! Clean! Extra Clean! MUST SEE! 4X4

Sales Dept. Hours: 9 am - 7 pm 901 East Main St. Havelock, NC 252-652-7494 RealFOLLOW Life. US Real Savings. ONLINEEvery AT Week.

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