The Ledger and Times, April 28, 1961
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Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 4-28-1961 The Ledger and Times, April 28, 1961 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, April 28, 1961" (1961). The Ledger & Times. 4999. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1 ' • ' :•••,'"€/r 221.0 Orr Selected Aa A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper AN • ,p - The Paper Largest ort ltd • Circulation In it " 71e——a+ -41411 ko 41141*.*,. 11111111E1 N./813LEfi 'The City That More 'Art‘kkVe 9A._• - lWiII Largest People Buy A \ •at, Circulation In 14.440-V1---" 'The County IN OUR 82nd YEAR ' United Press International Murray, Ky., Friday Afternoon, April 28, MURRAY POPULATION 10.100 • 1961 Vol. LXXXII No. 100 Civil Defense "Operation ti)----- Feed !Hazel Honor Underway Grain InPrngram County College High 1 Alert" Is Triggered Today 'Roll Is Given Sign-up for the 1961 Feed Grain Vi Program recently passed by Con- FHA Members gress is now under way in Callo- FRANKFORT, Ky. elP1) — Thee Armory in Frankfort. All state way County, Herman B. Fulton. annual defense "operation Mx civil agencies except Selective Service or W ee s Chairman of the County ASC Of- To Attend Meet agr-will be triggered-Weak> 1TM—operate from there. Selective fice announced this week. t6egylt at 4 p.m. (EST) when the Service will set up its headguar- \ The first farmers to cooperate nation's radio stations flash the ters at Eastern State College in in the program are: A. A. Doherty, Murray High Future Homemaker Conelrad warning. Richmond. The honor roll for Hazel Ele- Route 1. Murray. Kentucky: A. L. members and their_ adviser will Simultaneously, t h e Kentucky Simulated fallout conditions mentary School was released today. Mills, Route 4, Murray. Kentucky; attend the Kentucky Lake District State Police Radio System will have been arranged for 80 corn- Those who made the honor roll L. L. Spiceland. New Concord. Ken- meeting of FHA at Heath High By JOHN D. PARRY and their cided with the arrest of five gen- broadcast a nuclear warning to all munities scattered across the state. grade are as follows: tucky; Dewey Turnbow. Route 6, School, Saturday, April 29. United Press International population First grade. David erals and other officers. All were cities of 5,000 or more. They will be reported to the Con. Hall. Freda Murray, Kentucky; Nix Harris, "Future Homemakers-May Strong- ALGIERS a;PI; — A major purge Brandon, Debbie sent to Paris. presumably to face The Department of Highways trol Center through t h e radio Miller, David Murray. Kentucky; W. H. Burkeen, er Districts" will be the theme of resulting from the Algiers rebel- Freeman. Matt Potts, the charges of aiding the army up- radio network will alert every facilities of the Division of Fores- Sharon Davis. Route 1. Almo. Kentucky: L. G. meeting. College High chapter lion signalled the death today of Tarea Roach. Ronnie rising. county judge and the department's try and the Kentucky Rural Elec- Guthrie. Shel- Curd. Rule 2. Hazel Kentucky; members will have the responsi- several crack French fighting units, ia Harrell, Becky Government sources said the teletype system will be turned tric Cooperative Corporation. Ken- Scull, Wayne Preston Southard, Route 2, Mur- bility of helping to rate the scrap- including the Foreign Legion's Watkins. chief magistrate of Algeria, Jean otlee to the civil defense agencies tucky's ham radio operators will Carol Raspberry. ray, Kentucky. books. for the meeting. First Paratroop Regiment that won Second Cot. had been suspended in con- for command use, have two radio networks in oper- grade, Cathey Mirridox. High intetest in the program is District officers for the coming glory at Dien Bien - Phu. Marlene nection with the insurrection. The Col. Leon Reed, acting deputy ation — one a Morse Code net- Gooch, Jan Orr. Jane reported from throughout the year will be elected. Greta Brooks The units were ordered dis- Hughes Deborah sources said a high prosecution of- director of civil defense in Ken- work and the other a voice net- MURDER RECEJS—Mrs. Nellie Erwin, Jill Craig, State. Mr. Fulton. states. All pro- is a candidate for the office of solved as punishment for their Lassiter, Danny ficial in Algiers also had been tucky, said that all departmel ltst of work. 39, a comfort Herndon Kevin Cooper Bil- ducers of corn and grain sorghum President or Vice-President and support of the four-day insurrec- Ii ly suspended. and that the Oran judi- 1 state government will partic te A 200-man emergency hospital e r sister, Mrs. Laurel Forres, and Robert Waters. are eligible to take part. To co- Linda Shelton is a candidate for tion that was crushed by President Pflumm, Third ciary was being investigated. in the nationwide exercise. will be set up in the National durteg recess in grade. Ruth Ann Barrow, operate a farmer agrees to divert the office of Song Leader. Can- Charles de Gaulle and forces that her trial Cynthia All officers of the Foreign Le- The State Control Center will Guard Armory at Paducah. Doc- with her lover, Gor- Cooper, Rehna Owen, Sha- at leas! 20 percent of his feed didates for state offices will be remained' loyal to him. don Watson, ron Underwood, gions First Regiment which made be set up in the National Guard tors, nurses and key hospital per- in the April David Hill, Jan- grain base to a soil conserving use, selected to represent this districe Announcement of action against 1959 murder ice an historical stand at Dien Bien sonnel in western Kentucky have of her husband. Brandon. Vicky Collins. Reggie In retorn he receives a payment at the state meeting. Mary Ann the legendary legionnaires Three coin- Phu, were ordered been invited to observe and par- men are serving sec- Coles, Melanie Lassiter. Glenda for each acre diverted and is elig.i- Crawford is a candidate to place them- for Sec- selves ticipate in this operation. An en- ond degree murder sentences Lee, Linda Lee, Ann Mathis. Jo- tie for price support on his normal retary. under arrest. presumably to for shooting face military trial. 11 oiff ering Will tire disaster program, complete him to death, annie Outland, Karen Paschall, production of corn and grain sor- A special feature of the meeting and the state claims and Government spokesman Jacques with plastic dummies, w ill be that Nancy Myers. ghum. lie also qualifies for price will he each chapter giving a re- Dr. Lowry Mrs. Lassiter and Is Coup de Frejac said the 14th simulated. Watson, Fourth grade. Cathey Johnston. support on his oats, barley. and mart on the two State FHA pro- and the victim's business 18th paratroop battalions would Various school systems will con- part- Cindy Knott. Sheila Erwin. Bren- rye that he produces. jects, "Clean-up-Don't Litter-tin" he Go To Aid Of ner, hired them to disbanded, and that duct disaster drills such as eve- do it. da Bennett. Timmy Scruggs. Ger- and the "State FHA Scholarship individual ac- Speaker At tion would be t dten against cuation 'of buildings and entire ald Linn, Michael Lovins, Sheila F d " The MCII chaoter h cer- Spacecraft Is ear- tain officers of areas. Raspberry. Peggy Firieres. Jane ned out the following activities ; ttfe Legion's First Africans Shoemaker, Jennifer Calvary Regiment Kentucky's Fish and Wildlife Potts, Cyn- Subjected To to promote the "Clean-up-Don't. thia Outland. Rotary Ile stressed that the leeion's Resources Department will parti- Litter-up" campaign, sold litter Club. Fifth grade. Brutal Test, Success frst. second and fourth infantry On Sunday, April 30th. Metho- cipate by harvesting fish from the Postponement Stan Key. Rickey bags had locker inspections, and Hill, Ella Reed Potts. Carolyn Mad- check regiments refused to rally to the dists across the nation are to make state's water reservoirs before sheets. Dr. C. S. Lowry was the speaker dox. Jeannie Pat Miller. Larry WASHINGTON (UN) — A Mer- S20 00 insurgent leaders. a special offering for Africa, ac- they are contaminated by fallout was contributed to the yesterday at the Murray Rotary Chrisman. Johnny Underwood, Pam- cury spacecraft was blasted akin Scholarship Dissolution of the regiment was milting to a statement made by and are ruined for food purposes. Seen On Fund. These funds Club. Dr. Lowry spoke on the Two ela Roach. today in a brutal and apparently annourfeed in a joint communintie Rev. Paul T. Lyles. district supe- The fish will be seined from were raised by a -Little Miss Cuban situation. Sixth grade, Lacresia Adams. Kay successful final test of its safety FHA" by Algerian Affairs Minister Minis- erintendent. and Rev. Dave Hill- overlow lagoons near Paducah and contest.. He blamed United States Adams. Carol Barrow. Larry Wil- devices before an astrenaut is policy ter Pierre Messmer in Paris. iard. district missionary secretary. a large farm pond near Owensboro Shirley ('snitcher will he an ap- for the developments not Trial Motions son. Jerry Lee. David Lassiter, rocketed on a suborbital space only in The news, which was not en- The offering is to be taken in and then will be filtered, iced and Plicant for one of 18 scholarships Cuba, but aLso in Glenda Key, Glenda flight next week.