
Trivia Questions and Answers

1. Piled high with cold cuts and condiments, the Dagwood sandwich is named for a character from what comic strip? 2. Blondie. Although the Blondie comic strip was first seen in newspapers in 1930, Dagwood Bumstead's gigantic sandwich didn't appear until 1936.

3. What kind of seafood do you get when you order calamari at a restaurant? 4. Squid. Deep fried squid (or calamari) is most commonly associated with Greek, Italian, and Turkish restaurants in North America.

5. The minneola is a popular variety of a tangelo, which is a cross between a tangerine and what other fruit? 6. Grapefruit. The minneola is a cross between a Dancy tangerine and a Duncan grapefruit. Named after Minneola, Florida, the fruit appears bell-shaped because of its stem-end neck, and is also referred to as a honeybell.

7. With a title that also refers to one's livelihood, what song was a 1964 hit for ? 8. "Bread And Butter." The single was the group's first and most well known song. Selling over one million copies in the U.S., the song reached #2 on the Chart. Do you know the lyrics? ("I like bread and butter. I like toast and jam…")

9. What is the sauce that tops an Eggs Benedict? 10. Hollandaise sauce. Also served over steamed asparagus, this creamy sauce was first made in France, not in the Netherlands.

11. What minced beef dish was created in 1886 as a treatment for afflictions such as gout, bronchitis, and tuberculosis? 12. Salisbury steak. Dr. J. H. Salisbury believed that fruits and vegetables would lead to other maladies such as heart disease and mental illness. He created Salisbury steak to encourage people to eat more meat. 13. 14. Who said, "I'm President of the and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli"? 15. President George H. W. Bush. President Bush's full quote was, "I do not like broccoli. And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And I'm President of the United States and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli." With a recipe contest bearing President Bush in mind, Campbell's Soup launched Cream of Broccoli in 1990. It was the company's most successful soup in 55 years with its "Get President George Bush to Eat Broccoli" campaign.

16. What is the main ingredient in the dish huevos revueltos? 17. Eggs. Huevos revueltos in Spanish means scrambled eggs.

18. What kind of fruit salad shares its name with food and drink of the gods in Greek mythology? 19. Ambrosia. In Greek mythology, ambrosia is closely related to the nectar of the gods. Today, it describes a variation of the traditional fruit salad that often includes coconut, mandarin oranges, and pineapple mixed with yogurt and sour cream and/or whipped cream.

20. What many-seeded fruit did the prophet Muhammad advise to eat as "It purges the system of envy and hatred"? 21. Pomegranate. Muhammad said the fruit cleanses those who eat it of evil aspirations for 40 days. Do you know other foods that Muhammad advocated?(Olive oil, grapes, mushrooms, dates, figs, etc.)

22. What tart, green fruit is Maria Smith famous for discovering on her farm near Sydney, Australia? 23. Granny Smith apples. Widely used in apple pies, Granny Smith apples have been cultivated for nearly 140 years. Maria Smith found a seedling apple growing by a creek on her farm after she had thrown out some French crab apples, and the rest is apple history.

24. What gumbo ingredient is popular in the Middle East, where it's known as bamia? 25. Okra

26. What day of the year is it a Southern tradition to eat black- eyed peas for good luck? 27. New Year's Day (New Year's Eve for some). The "good luck" tradition in the South dates back to the 1730s when the first Jews from Spain arrived in Georgia. The Jews had celebrated Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) with "good luck" black-eyed peas taken from the writings in the Babylonian Talmud, and brought their tradition with them to the Southern U.S.

28. Where do most of the world's macadamia nuts come from? 29. Hawaii. Although the macadamia nut tree is native to Australia, Hawaii now grows 90% of the world's macadamia nuts.

30. According to Emily Post, corn should never be served in what way at a formal dinner? 31. On the cob

32. 33. Kimchi, which is fermented pickled vegetables, is the most common side dish in what type of cuisine? 34. Korean. There are hundreds of varieties of kimchi, and the oldest reference to the dish can be found from 2600 to 3000 years ago.

35. A Greek favorite, dolma is made with rice and ground meat wrapped in what kind of leaves? 36. Grape leaves

37. Hats in the shape of cheese are a common sight at what U.S. state's sporting events? 38. Wisconsin. In 1987, Ralph Bruno created the first "chessehead" hat out of his mother's sofa cushion and wore it to a Milwaukee Brewers game. He then launched the company Foamation, Inc., and the hat gained in popularity when the Green Bay Packers went to the Super Bowl in 1997 and 1998.

39. What cereal and fruit mixture did Max Bircher-Benner, a Swiss doctor, invent around 1900? 40. Muesli. Bircher-Benner's belief that a diet of vegetables and fruits was the way to a healthy life contradicted others at the turn of the century. The Swiss doctor helped changed people's eating habits by introducing his diet, which consisted of cutting down on white breads and meat.

41. Pumpernickel bread is made primarily of what grain? 42. Rye. The heavy, dark rye bread is also known as Schwarzbrot or black bread. The bread is most commonly associated with Germany.

43. 44. What dish, created by Alfredo di Lelio, did silent film stars Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks popularize in the U.S. after their honeymoon in Rome? 45. Fettucine Alfredo. Di Lelio created the dish in 1914 while trying to entice his pregnant wife, who had lost her appetite, to eat. The Hollywood couple expressed their gratitude for the pasta by giving di Leilo a golden spoon and fork, along with a photograph of them eating his food. Di Leilo proudly displayed the photo on his restaurant's wall, and Pickford and Fairbanks spread the word of Fettucine Alfredo to all of their friends back home.

46. What is the French term for meat served in its own juice? 47. Au jus. Au jus in French translates to "with [its own] juice."

48. What deli food gets its name from the Yiddish word for "ring"? 49. Bagel

50. In the Southern U.S., hominy when ground is more popularly known as what breakfast food? 51. Grits. Hominy is dried maize kernels, and it is of Native American origin. Have you ever tried grits for breakfast?

52. What green spherical fruit is native to Mexico and sometimes called an "alligator pear"? 53. Avocado

54. 55. A Peach Melba combines two favorite summer fruits. Besides peaches, what is the other? 56. Raspberries. A raspberry sauce tops poached peaches, which are filled with ice cream. The dessert was named for Dame Nellie Melba, an Australian opera soprano, one of the most famous singers of the late Victorian Era. Melba Toast is also named after the singer.

57. What does an Italian recipe call for when it lists pomodoro? 58. Tomatoes. Here's an interesting side note: Apparently, U.S. President Ronald Reagan disliked tomatoes so much that he didn't eat them for 70 years. His dislike of tomatoes sprang from a childhood prank. He had been given what he thought was an apple, but when he took a bite, he realized it was a tomato.

59. To improve his singing voice, the emperor Nero ate large quantities of what onion and garlic relative? 60. Leek. Nero's nickname, Porrophagus, means "leek eater" due to his passion for leek soup which he consumed daily in large quantities. Interesting enough, Aristotle also thought that leeks somehow affected the voice. He believed that the partridge's piercing cry resulted when the bird ate leeks.

61. What condiment is also the name of the Colonel in the board game Clue? 62. Mustard

63. The 1962 hit single "Do You Love Me?" mentions two fad dances; one is the Twist. What is the other that is named for the preparation of a starchy vegetable? 64. Mashed Potato. "Mashed Potato Time," by Dee Dee Sharp was a hit in 1962. James Brown also had two Mashed Potato- related hits in the early 1960s. An altered version of the Mashed Potato dance was invented for the novelty hit "Monster Mash," also in 1962.

65. What word for an Italian dish can precede the words "straps," "squash," and "western"? 66. Spaghetti. Spaghetti straps are very thin shoulder straps on dresses and shirts, the squash is a variety of winter squash, and the spaghetti western came from the Italian westerns that emerged in the mid-1960s.

67. 68. What zesty sauce named for a Mexican state includes peppers fermented for 3 years? 69. Tabasco. Founded in Avery Island, Louisiana, in 1868, Tabasco sauce is produced by the McIlhenny Company which is in their fifth generation as a family business.

70. According to food lore, what popular snack was designed to symbolize arms folded in prayer and three holes that stand for the Trinity? 71. The pretzel

72. A favorite in Mexico, what tripe soup is often served with lime wedges, chopped chiles, and onion? 73. Menudo. The traditional Mexican dish is made with beef stomach, and is often served with family on special occasions. Have you ever tried Menudo or another kind of tripe soup?

74. What three cereal grains make up 87% of the world's grain production? 75. Maize (or corn), wheat, and rice

76. What kind of salad was named for a hotel and includes a mixture of apples, nuts, celery, and mayonnaise? 77. Waldorf salad. Oscar Tschirky, the Waldorf Hotel's maître d', famous as "Oscar of the Waldorf," also popularized Thousand Island salad dressing.