Feature A Limited Publication of Strategy for Environmental Development (SED) Coconut Barrier across the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh Strategy for Environmental Development (SED) Copyright © Strategy for Environmental Development Foundation, 2016, all rights reserved. Published By Strategy for Environmental Development Foundation House: 209, Kadam Ali Road, South Manda, Mugda Dhaka - 1214, Bangladesh. Phone: +880-1553-657919, +880-1954-098845 Email:
[email protected] This publication is the property of Strategy for Environmental Development Foundation and may be freely reviewed, abstracted, reproduced and translated, in part or in whole with proper citation, but not for sale or for use in conjunction with commercial purposes. Any changes to the text of this publication must be approved by Strategy for Environmental Development Foundation. Enquiries should be addressed to:
[email protected]. Prologue The barrier can be made either by bricks or by trees. But the brick barrier is not Bangladesh is located in South Asia and appropriate to the environmental issues can be located on a map using the and cost huge amount of money. So, we can geographic coordinates of 24°N, 90°E. The make a tree barrier across the coastal area country is very marshy as it is situated in a which protect us from such cyclones and low-lying coastal area and experiences a lot spates and has no impact on environment. of annual rainfall. Unfortunately, the So, it can be called “Green Barrier” which country suffers from floods, cyclones, can be made by tree plantation across the tornadoes and tidal bores on an annual coastal areas of Bangladesh. But there are basis.