J OURNAL OF T HE L EPIDOPTERISTS’ S OCIETY Volume 63 2009 Number 2 Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 63(2), 2009, 61–82 THE RIODINID BUTTERFLIES OF VIETNAM (LEPIDOPTERA) CURTIS J. CALLAGHAN Calle 93 5-45 Apt.302, Bogotá, Colombia; email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT. A review of the 29 riodinid taxa found in Vietnam is presented, including notes on taxonomy, diagnosis, behavior, habitat and range. The following nomenclatural changes are made: Dodona eugenes maculosa is returned to its original designation, Dodona maculosa Leech,1890 reinst. stat.; Dodona deodata longicaudata is returned to species status as Dodona longicaudata Niceville, 1881 reinst. stat., and Dodona deodata lecerfi is raised to species status as Dodona lecerfi Fruhstorfer, 1914, n.stat. Abis- ara echerias notha Bennett 1960 is synonomized with A. e. paionea Fruhstorfer, 1914, n. syn.; Abisara geza latifasciata Inuoé & Kawazoé, 1965, is raised to species status as A. latifasciata n. stat; Abisara savitri attenuata (Tytler, 1915), is returned to species sta- tus as Abisara attenuata reinst. stat., Taxila dora hainana Riley & Godfrey, 1925, is raised to species status as Taxila hainana n. stat.; Stiboges nymphidia elodinia Fruhstorfer 1914, is raised to species status as Stiboges elodinia n. stat.. The genitalia and facies of complex taxa are illustrated as explanations for the nomenclatural changes. Data on the biogeography of each taxon in Vietnam are presented, and compared with distributions in Indo-China. Additional key words: : Indo-Malayan Realm, Indochina, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, biogeography, biology, habitats, behavior, genitalia The riodinid butterflies of Vietnam are poorly known. of which 3, or 10% are endemic.